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PIPING DESIGN GUIDES LPB veh PUMP PIPING " REV. O |MARCH, 1985 5 of 34 ea PUM hob NaHS XTeccentaic REDUCER FLAT ON BOTTOM SUCTION FROM ABOVE ° SUCTION FROM BELOW REDUCERS IN PUMP SUCTION LINES BASKET OR CONICAL STRAINER. © ye ALTERNATES ume I} 4 punie a vornues & cane SUPPORT SUPPORT eum srunsion | TRUNNION FLANGE ALTERNATE 1 3 : ‘acrernate 2° ¥ | BATHTUB UNIT ne STRAINER (Ih : 4 4 BLIND FLANGE ~ TEMPORARY STRAINERS IN PUMP SUCTION LINES TEMPORARY STRAINERS IN PUMP SUCTION LINES ECCENTRIC. peouceR By FLAT ON GOP BATHTUB UNT STRAINER, s2-F631. | Fig, ds Incormust method poss ity nf aie oration st hgh pale Pum | 7B pretered soute-sratent , 4 shouldbe sontintous ite pawn. Recommended init gaint spprosinatly 1500. Fig. 349. Correct route of pipework to wot struction Incornest metiind upsatd op ia 32% tale sepia ra dech ae om wad daha piper Wed the fame it eo an wg bp ar oi 30 tiv suction pipework, i is important to avoid high points whiet may lead to the formation of air pockets Instead the designer should route the suction pipe with a continuous tise to the pump inlet, as elenuted by tte! Tines in Fig. 3.19, Similarly in discharge pipework (se ig. 3.20) upiwaid loops should be avoided whenerer posible 1 avoid entrapping air in the system. OF the (Wo. it is more important to avoid high points in suction pipework, beiuussuir in discharge pipes cin be removed! very easily by'the use of air relief vaises The installation of an elbow virwally direetly’at the pump suction :port should be avoided in vny esent because more figuid will enter one side of the impeller than the other, thereby reducing pump effi. 3.21, If an elbow is required in order to 1. change in direction. a length of straight pipe of theee to five pipe diameters should be used between the ethow ‘und the inlet port of the pump. Further. also as illasteoted, in Fig. 3.21, the long-radius elbows should be used=(at & minimum one-and-a-half times diameter.) inate shor radius elbows Incorrect i Use long-radus elbows Stexight pipe to be = wuninum (minimum onc-agdstalt ff ahs fo tse nes the times diameter) Ssction pe ulamesse Pag B2F Sin paper

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