Business Questions Class 11

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Business Studies class 11

Students are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the
margin indicate full marks

Full Marks:100

Pass Marks: 32

Short answer questions (Attempt any 8 questions)

1. Point out any 8 types of Partners. 8

2. Point out the considerations before starting a new business. Explain any 6 of them. 2+6
3. What is Sole Trading Concern? Explain the procedure of registration of Sole trading concern in
Nepal. 2+6
4. What is Partnership Deed? Explain any 6 content of Partnership deed. 2+6
5. Define Joint Stock Company? Explain any 6 advantage of Joint Stock Company. 2+6
6. What is Cooperative Organization? Explain any 6 characteristics of cooperative organization. 2+6
7. What is Multinational Company? Explain any 6 features of Multinational Company. 2+ 6
8. Define Public Enterprise and state its types based on organizational pattern and operation. 2+6
9. Explain the provision of winding of Joint stock company in Nepal? 8
10. Explain any 8 importance of Cooperative organization? 8

Long answer questions (Attempt any 2 questions)

11. What is Social responsibility of business? Discuss the social responsibility of business towards
consumers, employees, government and community. 2+16
12. Discuss in detail the internal environment and external environment of the business (Task
environment and General Environment)? 6+6+6
13. What is meeting? Explain in detail the different types of shareholders meeting (Preliminary General
Meeting and Annual General Meeting and Special General Meeting)? 3+5+5+5

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