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in tro duc t io n 1

1 Why Venture into Vermicomposting? 7

Vermicomposting, Vermicast, and Compost • Vermiculture
Versus Vermicomposting • A Bit of Vermicomposting History
• Who Is Vermicomposting Today? • Markets for Earthworms •
Markets for Vermicast • Earthworm-Related Commerce

2 How Vermicast Benefits Soils and Plants 27

What Is Vermicast? • Vermicast Versus Compost • Characteristics of
Vermicast • Vermicast Effects on Soils • Vermicast Effects on Plant
Growth • Arthropod Pest Control • Plant Pathogen (Disease) Control
• Plant Parasitic Nematode Control

3 Key Things to Know About Earthworms 41

Anatomy and Physiology Basics • Amazing Earthworm Facts
• Ecological Groups and Species • Earthworm Reproduction •
Earthworm Needs for Vermicomposting

4 Planning for Success 53

Check State and Local Regulations • Prepare a Business Plan •
Develop a Marketing Plan • Education as a Component of Marketing •
Create a Promotional Plan • What to Avoid: Why Operations Fail

5 Designing Your Vermicomposting Setup 75

Parameters for Choosing a System • Space Requirements • Types of
Vermi-Systems • Covering the Bed • Accessing the Worm Bed
6 Vermicomposting Basics 93
Bedding Options and Preparation • Adding Earthworms to Your
Vermi-System • Utility Needs • Safety

7 Earthworm Feeds and Feeding Methods 109

Feedstock Options • Developing a Feedstock Recipe • Processing
Feedstocks • Testing New Feedstocks • Worm Feed Characteristics •
Pre-Composting Feedstocks • Feeding Schedule • Applying Feedstocks
to the Bed

8 Monitoring Your Worm Bed Environment 133

The Daily Inspection • Moisture Control • Temperature Control •
Lighting • Earthworm Predators or Annoyances • Troubleshooting
Worm Bed Conditions • Recording Observations

9 Harvesting and Post-Harvest Practices 151

Manual Earthworm Removal • Vermicast Harvesting • Packaging and
Shipping Earthworms • Vermicast: Quality, Stability, and Maturity of
Product • Product Labeling • Tea or Aqueous Extracts

10 Vermicomposting Operations Around the World 175

r e s our c e s 2 21
n otes 226
bib l iogr a phy 2 27
in de x 236

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