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Source Journal of Neurological Disorders and Therapies


Neural Tissue Engineering: Combating Alzheimer’s disease

Luke C. Gordon1,2*

Received Date: 01-05-2018,

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common neurodegenerative disorder, with prevalence accumulating
alarmingly. An effective disease modifying therapy remains elusive, as current clinical treatments
Accepted Date: 22-05-2018
only deliver minimal, symptomatic relief whilst cellular death continues unperturbed. Pathologically,
Published Date: 04-06-2018
Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by extracellular amyloidal proteins and intracellular
Editor: R M Damian Holsinger neurofibrillary tangles. However, the intricacies of the neuropathological mechanisms are not explicitly defined. The collective absence of understanding regarding disease progression is the
probable reason for the lack of preventative measures or effective treatments. Tissue engineering
solutions show promise in the mitigation of Alzheimer’s disease utilizing a myriad of experimental
techniques that are not centric around the pathophysiology of the disease, but rather the regeneration
of neuronal tissue to improve functionality. As disease mechanisms are still unconfirmed with
oppositional theories still dominating literature, tissue engineering solutions are hugely diverse in
regard to their targets of treatment, modality of delivery and time of intervention. This review will
aim to investigate the current landscape of putative tissue engineering solutions, evaluate the efficacy
of present symptomatic treatments, and propose challenges obstructing future applications specific
to clinical translation in Alzheimer’s disease.
Keywords: Alzheimer’s disease, tissue engineering, neurodegeneration, stem cells, scaffol
Anatomy and Pathophysiology of Alzheimer’s
disease Aβ is a peptide of 40 or 42 amino acids resultant from
systematic cleavage of amyloid precursor protein (APP)
The central nervous system (CNS) comprises of the by β- and γ-secretases. Monomeric amyloid present
brain and spinal cord, which are actively protected by during brain development is considered as
the blood-brain barrier (BBB) from a multitude of neuroprotective due to its quantifiable presence in brain
biomolecules [1]. Neural tissue consists of and cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) samples of healthy
predominantly two cell types: neural and glial cells, each populations, and the alleged supportive role it has in
with their own complex generative processes [2]. neuronal development [6]. Rather, it is hypothesized that
Neurons are the fundamental unit in the brain’s electrical an oligomeric derivate of amyloid is the neurotoxic
circuitry, capable of transmitting sensory and motor form6. Aβ accumulates predominantly in the
signals responsible for the detection of external stimuli hippocampus and entorhinal cortex [7] to form
and generation of movement in muscular entities oligomers and dense core plaques that are collectively
respectively. Neuronal cell bodies and glia are synaptotoxic to neuronal transmissions [8]. These
susceptible to a myriad of neurodegenerative conditions depositions of Aβ constituents are hypothesized to halter
capable of unsettling brain architecture and eliciting action potentials in regions primarily responsible for
subsequent abnormal functionality [3]. memory consolidation [8,9], development [9], learning
[8,9], and deterrence of synaptic plasticity [9,10]. Thus,
Aβ accumulation can be accredited with provoking
The most common neurodegenerative condition is symptomatic hallmarks including short-term memory
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) [4]. Clinically, AD symptoms loss, difficulty with language, disorientation, mood
arise from the loss of cholinergic neurons resulting in swings, loss of motivation, inability to manage self-care
progressive cognitive deterioration [2]. Histologically, and societal withdrawal which are analogous with these
AD is characterized by the deposition of amyloid beta brain centres [9]. These symptoms can accelerate with
(Aβ) plaques and tau-immunoreactive neurofibrillary progression of the disease leaving patients completely
tangles (NFT), which concurrently shape diagnostic dependent [9].
criterion for the continuum that differentiates ‘normal’
aging from AD dementia [5].
Despite amyloid deposition being a well-established
indicator and contributor of AD within literature (i.e.
Department of Physiology F13, University of Sydney, “The amyloid cascade hypothesis” [11]), NFT
Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia aggregation has been shown to more tightly dictate the
Biomedical Engineering J13, School of Aerospace, degree of dementia impairment in comparison to Aβ
Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering, The University of [12-14]. NFTs are comprised of hyper-phosphorylated
Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia, E-mail:

© 2018 Gordon LC.

This open access article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 3.0 license. S J Neurol Disord & Ther, 2018, 1-4 | 1
© 2018 Gordon LC et al. licensee Source Journals. This is an open access article is properly cited and
distributed under the terms and conditions of creative commons attribution license which permits unrestricted use,
distribution and reproduction in any medium.

forms of the microtubule-associated tau protein. Tau resultant from cardiac arrest has even been demonstrated as
protein is abundant in CNS neurons as it is primarily a novel biomarker to predict neurological outcome in
required to modulate stability of axonal microtubules patients [36], the accuracy of which outperforms clinical
and thus is considered functionally innate. Deregulation information currently collected (age, time to return of
of modulatory protein kinases and phosphatases leads to spontaneous circulation and bystander cardiopulmonary
hyperphosphorylation of tau which aggressively resuscitation) and serum neuron-specific enolase [37], a
aggregate to form intermediate bodies of paired helical novel biomarker currently recommended in multiple
filaments (PHFs) approximately 10nm in diameter [5]. treatment guidelines.
PHFs will further pair to construct an intracellular
helical tridimensional conformation. The resultant
aggregate will displace the nucleus towards the The correlation between CVD and AD-related biomolecule
periphery of the soma distending the neuron and elevations advocates that cardiac dysfunction may play a
eventuating in cellular apoptosis [15]. Once the cell has larger role in AD pathogenesis that previous postulated. For
perished the extraneuronal “ghost” tangle or NFT is this reason, treatments which improve the vascular faction of
formed [5]. NFTs are originally reported in the the neurovascular unit (NVU; the intimate anatomical
entorhinal territory of the brain in the case of AD, and relationship in the brain between neurons, astrocytes,
as the disease progresses will undergo a non-random myocytes, pericytes, extracellular matrix components and
degenerative pathway throughout the cerebral cortex endothelial cells of the BBB) may improve neurological
and brainstem [16]. outcome in AD patients.

To support these two biomolecules as possibly Despite the knowledge regarding potential biomolecules and
independent or additive contributors of AD, transgenic microvascular dysfunction that may potentiate AD, the
mutations in both APP and tau have been found to overall aetiology remains unknown. Despite current
generate dementing illness in animal models [17-19]. emergent treatments primarily aimed at minimising these
The debate presently continues on the primary biomolecular depositions, it should be noted there remains a
biomolecule ensuing AD [20] meaning that great lack of knowledge regarding the roles of these factors within
scepticism should be used when evaluating treatments the pathological processes of AD.
that are based on these pathophysiological profiles.
Current Treatments for Alzheimer’s disease
In addition to these primary biomolecules, microvascular
dysfunction has also been linked to neurodegeneration and
AD. Comorbidity of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and AD Protracted life expectancy in recent decades has yielded a
has been highlighted suggesting an association between significant escalation in the prevalence of AD, the most
these two complex age-associated diseases [21,22]. The link common age-related neurodegenerative disease. The
between these two disease states is suggested to be due to population is aging alarmingly with figures demonstrating
shared risk factors including hypertension [23–25], diabetes that the worldwide fraction of individuals >60 years is
mellitus [26–28], Apolipoprotein E genotype [29,30] and projected to rise from 11.7% in 2013 to 21.1% by 2050,
high cholesterol [31]. placing an onus on researchers to address age-corelated
dementing illness, such as AD [38]. AD is an affliction
affecting approximately 47 million people worldwide with
While these risk factors are primarily responsible for cardiac an estimated global cost of US$818 billion. Current
malady, it has been suggested that the resultant CVD from projections estimate this number of sufferers will be in
these factors can lead to impaired Aβ and NFT clearance in excess of 131 million individuals by 2050 [39]. By the end
the brain due to reduced cerebral blood flow [32,33]. While of 2018 the financial burden will be in excess 1 trillion [39].
a clear causation relationship between CVD and AD is Due to this significantly increasing prevalence rate and
absent, evidence is mounting to suggest CVD may play a associated cost, a viable intervention to mitigate this terminal
dominant role in the generation or propagation of dementia and debilitating disease is critically required. To date, no
and AD. Increased Aβ deposits have been found in the brains clinical treatment exists that has had the ability to
of coronary artery disease subjects (75%) while subjects not reproducibility halter AD pathology.
suffering from CVD-related disease rarely demonstrated
AD-like Aβ deposits (12%) [34]. Hypoxic events due to
cardiac arrest have additionally been shown to generate time- The functional consequences of AD are further exacerbated
dependent elevations in serum Aβ42, with most patients by the brain’s ineptitude to regenerate neuronal tissue
seeing a 7-fold increase following a 10-hour (h) period as following chronic neurodegenerative conditions [40]. This is
compared to 1h post-cardiac arrest. The magnitude of dissimilar to other bodily systems which are able to self-heal
elevation was further shown to correlate with clinical following injury [40]. Thus, a treatment for AD must include
outcome [32]. The effects of hypoxia from cardiac arrest is the capability of stimulating remedial healing. Furthermore,
not confined to Aβ, elevations in tau have also been reported complex inflammatory responses to AD routinely include
24h following cardiac arrest [35]. The serum tau elevation glial scarring, microglial infiltration, astrocyte proliferation
and mobilization of inflammatory cytokines. These

© 2018 Gordon LC.

This open access article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 3.0 license. S J Neurol Disord & Ther, 2018, 1-4 | 2
© 2018 Gordon LC et al. licensee Source Journals. This is an open access article is properly cited and
distributed under the terms and conditions of creative commons attribution license which permits unrestricted use,
distribution and reproduction in any medium.

collectively affect injury endpoints of the disease and vary defined by a mini-mental state examination score (MMSE)
patient-to-patient [41,42]. of 5 to 17), due to only minute effect sizes within clinical
trials [46]. As behavioral deficits are normally recognized at
later stages of disease progression [47,48], it is hypothesized
This attenuated neuronal regeneration in conjunction with that for the majority of severe AD cases, CI interventions are
glial scarring and an improper inflammatory response limits unable to mitigate already established neurodegeneration.
the ability of CNS neurons to repopulate during AD and Patients using CI interventions have also been reported to
results in cyclical damage. Current interventions are unable experience significant adverse events compared to placebo
to halter this degenerative process leading to admission of in clinical trialling including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,
AD patients into palliative care with negligible hope of anorexia, headache and abdominal pain occasionally
recovery. This further exacerbates the emotional and resulting in trial withdrawal. Furthermore, patient outcomes
financial toll placed upon patients and family [38]. Current are highly variable and predictions of drug success are
interventions include Cholinesterase Inhibitors (CI), N- impossible prior to treatment, with sub-groups deemed
methyl-D-aspartate antagonists (NMDA-I), combination commonly as ‘non-responders’ [46]. With significant
therapies, antidepressants and anti-psychotics. These variability, null treatment sub-groups, small effect sizes and
methods remain symptomatic for the treatment of AD as they significant adverse events, CI intervention efficacy remains
merely attempt to neutralize neurotransmitter disturbances in question as a viable treatment for AD and efforts are
resultant from the disease, whilst the underlying biochemical continuing to offer a superior alternative.
mechanisms ensue [43].

N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Antagonists
Cholinesterase Inhibitors

A non-competitive, moderate–affinity NMDA receptor

Three CIs are currently marketed (donepezil, rivastigmine, antagonist, memantine is suggested to improve neuronal
galantamine) which combat the loss of acetylcholine (ACh) survival through reduced excitotoxicity. Excessive
neurons of the basal forebrain. This disease hallmark occurs glutamatergic activation, partly through activation of NMDA
relatively early in the progression of AD and results in a receptors, results in neurotoxicity, occasioning cell death
deficiency of enzymatic function expediting memory loss [43,49]. Memantine exerts its therapeutic effects by blocking
and deterioration of cognitive faculties [44]. glutamatergic NMDA receptors, which results in
normalization of the glutamate system that in turn
ameliorates cognitive and memory deficits [49]. Memantine
Ordinarily ACh is released from presynaptic neuronal
has comparatively high tolerability and low adverse event
terminals, into the synaptic cleft and binds to post-synaptic
profiles due to its low affinity and rapid off-rate kinetics.
muscarinic and nicotinic receptors. However,
This aids in the preservation of the physiological function of
Acetylcholinesterases (AChE) present on the post-synaptic
the receptor [49,50]. Unlike other NMDA antagonists, the
neuron are responsible for modulation of ACh levels and
relatively fast off-rate kinetics of memantine prevents its
actively terminate signal transduction of ACh via hydrolysis.
accumulation in the neuronal channel as well as interference
A choline molecule resultant from this process is then
with normal synaptic transmission, which is essential when
recycled into the pre-synaptic neuron and ACh is regenerated
moderating glutamatergic pathways [51].
via combination with acetyl-CoA due to the efforts of
choline acetyltransferase [45].
Memantine is an increasingly effective antagonist during
conditions of high glutamate concentrations or over-
The majority of CIs will bind irreversibly to AChE,
activation of NMDA receptors, whilst relatively inactive in
immobilizing and preventing its binding to post-synaptic
normal neurological conditions [52]. In AD, blocking of
receptors [45]. Some clinically marketed irreversible CIs
NMDA receptors with memantine also mitigates Aβ-induced
(including Trichlorfon) are also available, but this class of
degeneration of cholinergic neurons in the nucleus basalis of
pharmaceutical is associated with increased toxicity risk
Meynert and hippocampal regions in rat [53-55].
[45]. CIs reduce cholinesterase activity responsible for the
Furthermore, Memantine exhibits an ability to minimize
lysing of choline-esters including the fundamental
levels of secreted APP and Aβ in multiple models of
neurotransmitter, ACh. CIs through this mechanism increase
transgenic AD mice [56,57]. Via these two additive
endogenous cholinergic transmission across the synaptic
mechanisms, memantine is suggested to elicit
cleft and optimize neuronal action potentials improving
neuroprotection in AD. Clinical trials have established that
memory retention, cognitive function and activities of daily
memantine can significantly moderate clinical deterioration
living45. Regrettably, CIs don’t halter the relentless
in AD, however like CIs, only provoke small effect sizes on
cholinergic neuronal damage but rather delay cognitive
cognition, mood and behaviour [58-61] without affecting
decline by enhancing efficiency of neurotransmission across
synapses of surviving ACh neurons [45]. As a result, CI
treatments have been shown to have tapering effects as AD
pathophysiology ensues [45,46]. Moreover, CI treatment has
been shown to be ineffective in patients with severe AD (as

This journal is © The Source Journal of Neurological Disorders and Therapies 2018 S J Neurol Disord & Ther, 2017, 1-4 | 3
© 2018 Gordon LC et al. licensee Source Journals. This is an open access article is properly cited and
distributed under the terms and conditions of creative commons attribution license which permits unrestricted use,
distribution and reproduction in any medium.

Combined Therapy of NMDA-I and CI using MMSE) were insignificant at 24 weeks and even 52
weeks of treatment failed to establish a dose-dependent
result [70]. Results of this double blind, placebo-controlled
Clinical trial evidence has demonstrated significant benefit trial are indicative of amyloid not being the centric pathology
in cognition and language for moderate to severe AD patients of AD and this is well established in literature [71,72].
following combined treatment of NMDA-I (memantine) and Despite this, phase III trials of aducanumab are underway in
CI (donepezil) compared to memantine alone [43,62-64]. order to determine efficacy of amyloid-modulatory
However, this effect is not reproducible in mild to moderate amelioration of AD.
groups of AD, thus benefit is only existent in the latter stages
of AD and effect sizes are minimal.
In summary, all of the aforementioned current treatments are
merely symptomatic and offer only weak beneficial effects
Alleviation of Psychological and Behavioural Symptoms for cognition or the behavioural and psychological
Commonly Associated with Alzheimer’s Disease symptoms of AD. Early disease modifying interventions are
necessary to ease AD pathogenesis and improve long-term
outcomes for patients. As delay in treatment is associated
Compounding significant memory and cognitive deficits are
with a non reversible pathogenic advancement [69], these
the debilitating non-cognitive neuropsychiatric symptoms of
disease modification treatments need to coincide with
AD. These include (with their respective prevalence in AD
prompt diagnosis and exhibit the capability of slowing or
patients) apathy (72%), psychosis (38%), anxiety and
halting pathophysiology, neither of which are achieved with
depression (59%), dysphoria (40%), aberrant motor function
present-day medications or protocols.
(38%), aggression and belligerence (64%) and hallucinations
(10%) [65]. Whilst anti-dementia drugs such as CIs and
NMDA-Is have been shown to mitigate some behavioural Tissue Engineering Strategies for Alzheimer’s Disease
symptoms [46,66,67], they have tapering efficacy in severe
cases. The adoption of clinically accepted antipsychotics and
antidepressants are then employed as a final effort to rescue Tissue engineering is an emergent technology to aid in the
quality of life during the late stages of disease. fight against AD. Tissue engineering for AD aims to
Antidepressants trialled for AD include serotonin and regenerate neural tissue mitigating further degeneration
noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), selective rather than merely abetting symptoms. Tissue engineering
serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and tricyclic agents. encompasses a multidisciplinary field, which culminates
SSRIs have been demonstrated as the most effective engineering and medical sciences in the development of
antidepressant to treat comorbid depression in AD patients biological substitutes to reinstate, conserve or improve tissue
[65] and have demonstrated efficacy in decreasing functionality impacted by disease or injury [49]. The human
depressive episodes, behavioural disturbances and brain is arguably the most elaborate organ in regards to
improving activities of daily life. However cognitive decline composition, circuitry and the myriad of largely
has remained unaltered by these treatments [65,68]. undetermined functions. This makes the brain a difficult
Antipsychotic use in dementia is contentious, as this class of target for tissue engineering endeavors. This review will
medication is associated with higher risk of mortality, analyze current tissue engineering methodologies including
pneumonia, cerebrovascular morbidity and accelerated stem cells, scaffolds and growth factors. This review will
cognitive decline as compared to anti-dementia treatments also evaluate pertinent attempts to create neuronal tissue
[65]. models with tissue engineering strategies including brain
microplatforms and ex vivo organotypic cultures. The
culmination of these will be employed in coming years to
Disease Modifying Treatments: Interference of Amyloid improve clinical outcomes for patients with AD. Whilst
β Deposition microvascular dysfunction has been suggested to
demonstrate a role in AD pathophysiology, this review will
not encompass vascular tissue engineering but rather focus
Amyloid-modifying approaches are currently occupying the
on techniques of synthesising and supporting neuronal tissue
majority of clinical trial endeavours for AD. Early trial
results with amyloid depletion drugs are disappointing, with
the majority of patients gaining little to no functional
recovery even when administration precedes symptoms or Stem Cells
within the early stages of the disease. Clinical trials have
even reported damaging effects. AN1792, the first Aβ
vaccination attempt, resulted in 6% of phase 2 clinical trial Cell-based therapies for AD aim to replace or promote
patients exhibiting evidence of meningoencephalitis, a lethal survival of damaged neuronal cells. This is facilitated by the
inflammation of the bran and meninges [69]. Conversely, a transplantation of multiple stem cell modalities including
more recent attempt using aducanumab, a monoclonal mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) [73,74], neural stem
antibody for a conformational epitope found on Aβ, has cells [75], embryonic stem cells (ESCs) [76,77] and induced
elicited significant reduction in amyloid deposition, however pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) [77]. These cells enable the
measures of functional and cognitive recovery (as measured regeneration of damaged host tissue via direct cell

© 2018 Gordon LC.

This open access article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 3.0 license. S J Neurol Disord & Ther, 2018, 1-4 | 4
© 2018 Gordon LC et al. licensee Source Journals. This is an open access article is properly cited and
distributed under the terms and conditions of creative commons attribution license which permits unrestricted use,
distribution and reproduction in any medium.

replacement or indirect secretion factors stimulating [72]. Unfortunately, these cells are rare in the adult brain,
neuroprotection or neurogenesis [78,79]. Stem cells are require intrusive surgical procedures for harvest and
capable of self-renewal and differentiation into dedicated proliferate only to a limited capacity in current culturing
progenitor cells decided by the environment where they mediums [96,97]. They are located in the lateral walls of the
preside. For AD, stem cells need to differentiate and mature ventricles and the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus [98,99].
into neural stem cells, specifically cholinergic neurons of the NSC treatments for AD have several requirements to ensure
nucleus basalis [80] or hippocampal region [81]. In addition success following transplantation. For example, transplanted
to the replacement of injured neurons, stem cells can stem cells must survive in the adult brain once injected,
stimulate neural precursors, promote structural migrate from a focal injection site to populate the targeted
neuroplasticity, inhibit proinflammatory cytokines, suppress regions, differentiate with high fidelity to produce the
neuronal apoptosis, and generate various growth factors required sub-type of neuron and form suitable synaptic
[72,82]. Presently, stem cell research remains in its infancy interfaces [100]. For AD, as opposed to other
for AD. Identification of the ideal stem cell type and the most neurodegenerative conditions like Parkinson’s disease,
appropriate route of administration for this lesioned tissue is widespread throughout multiple regions
neurodegenerative disease are required before tissue making treatment with NSCs extremely complex. In order to
engineering can offer a ‘cure’. combat this, the hippocampal, entorhinal cortex and basal
forebrain can be targeted, as they are the most profoundly
affected. Blurton-Jones and colleagues found that bilateral
Neural tissue engineering methodology is being trialled transplantation of NSC into the hippocampus of aged 3xTg-
extensively in CNS disorders including stroke [83,84], AD mice (which exhibit both amyloid and tau pathology)
traumatic brain injury (TBI) [85-87], Huntington’s disease was able to rescue learning and memory compared to non-
(HD) [88-90], Parkinson’s disease (PD) [91-94] and treated transgenic animals [101]. The proposed mechanism
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) [94,95]. was a robust enhancement in hippocampal synaptic density
facilitated by brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF).
BDNF is implicated in the differentiation of new neurons and
For most methodologies, the neural stem cell (NSC) is
synapses, vital for learning, memory and higher-order
pivotal to the success of these techniques. NSCs are
thinking [85], and is secreted by NSCs [101]. Thus, Blurton-
multipotent, immature, uncommitted cells that exist
Jones and colleagues suggested that NSC-derived BDNF via
predominantly in the brain during developmental stages and
implantation was able to intensify endogenous synaptic
less prolifically in the adult nervous system [72]. NSCs will
connectivity and has potential to improve memory and
differentiate into neurons, astrocytes and oligodentrocytes,
which collectively support the complex circuitry of the CNS

Table 1 - Advantages and limitations of stem cells subtypes for applications in Alzheimer's disease

This journal is © The Source Journal of Neurological Disorders and Therapies 2018 S J Neurol Disord & Ther, 2017, 1-4 | 5
© 2018 Gordon LC et al. licensee Source Journals. This is an open access article is properly cited and
distributed under the terms and conditions of creative commons attribution license which permits unrestricted use,
distribution and reproduction in any medium.

with AD remain unclear (see Table 1 for summary). Despite

NSCs have also been demonstrated to be neuroprotective for this, stem cell injections do have strengthening evidence of
cortical neurons in transgenic P301S mice [102,103], a mouse efficacy signifying its potential in future treatments for AD.
model of AD that displays overt tau pathology and neuronal Animal models continue to make up the majority of evidence
loss [104]. The putative mechanism of action is via to ratify tissue engineering therapies, leaving multiple concerns
neurotrophic up-regulation of glial cell-derived neurotrophic regarding ethics and safety in humans. Until improvements in
factor (GDNF) and activity-dependent neuroprotective protein cell survival and long-term results are observed, extrapolation
(ADNP) in conjunction with NSC differentiation to astrocytes cannot be conducted in humans.
[104]. It is thus suggested that NSC-derived neurotrophic
factors mitigate neurodegeneration in murine models of AD. Scaffolds
Trials of human NSCs and identification of a clinical grade
NSC source are required before clinical trials can proceed Stem cell transplantation demonstrates efficacy for AD animal
[100]. MSCs are multipotent stromal stem cells derived models, however poor cell survival remains a significant
predominantly from bone marrow, adipose tissue and challenge as host immunity cells attempt to eradicate injected
umbilical cord blood [105]. Literature dictates that MSCs have cells [119,120]. Autologous cells, such as iPSCs, whilst they
been able to differentiate into neural cells whilst also reducing do recruit an immune response, are comparably minimal to
Aβ aggregates in vitro and in vivo and could possess allogenic and xenogeneic sources [119]. A sizeable
therapeutic benefit for AD [105,106]. Aβ aggregate clearance immunological barrier remains in the path of clinical trials for
is attributed to MSC-induced microglial cell activation stem cell transplantation, as functional rescue of
[107,108]. Immunologically, microglia are suggested to neurodegenerative conditions will not arise if the majority of
regulate growth factors, which can stimulate neurogenesis and injected cells cannot survive to regenerate. Literature routinely
cytokines that modulate neuroinflammation [88]. This reports <1% cell survival for conventional stem cell
synergistic approach of neurogenesis and neuroprotection transplantations [118,119]. Engraftment is a requirement of
could be beneficial for patients with AD and has been lone stem cell injections to ensure proliferation; otherwise the
demonstrated to increase hippocampal neurogenesis in APP prognosis of cell survival will be dire. An additional challenge
transgenic mice following intracerebral injection [109]. includes spatial organization of injected cells as the cells
become frequently dissociated. To combat these tribulations,
ESCs boast pluripotency, the ability to self-renew indefinitely employment of micro-scaffolding can generate cells in three-
and an aptitude to differentiate into virtually all cell types of dimensional configurations which will provide guidance for
the CNS [110]. Due to their high proliferative abilities, these tissue regeneration, structural support, engraftment and
cells are being used in experiments as inexhaustible sources of ultimately cell survival.
neurons to test candidate drugs in neurodegenerative diseases
[110]. Nistor and colleagues found that human neuronal Recent advancements by Carlson and colleagues demonstrated
progenitor cells could be generated in large quantities and high successful grafting of injected scaffold-supported
purity from ESCs [111]. This progenitor population was shown reprogrammed neuronal networks into hippocampal brain
to elicit neuron-specific markers and could differentiate into slices and mice brain striatum in vivo using an iPSC cell source
various neuronal subtypes including cholinergic and [121]. The scaffold utilized an electrospun 100μm synthetic
dopaminergic cells [111]. However, translation of ESCs for poly (desaminotyrosyl tyrosine ethyl ester carbonate) (pDTEc)
clinical therapies must be conducted with extreme caution; the polymer fibre, which was injected with seeded IPSCs capable
persistence of non-differentiated cells from this cell source can of differentiation into human induced neuronal (iN) cells.
be tumorigenic due to genetic instability or malignant Differentiation of IPSCs into iN cells was completed using
transformation when cultured [112,113]. ectopic expression factors (Brn2, Ascl1, and Myt1l) and single
transcription factors (Ascl1, NeuroD1 or Ngn2) [122-125].
Recently developed iPSC technology involves the Literature describes pDTEc as the leading candidate polymer
reprogramming of adult somatic cells to gain self-renewal and from all tyrosine-derived polycarbonates [126], is supportive
pluripotency capabilities similar to ESCs [114-116]. As iPSCs of pluripotent stem cell cultures when microscaled and is
can be derived autologously and are able to proliferate biocompatible. Results of micro-scaffolding injections were
indefinitely, somatic cells from a patient can be a sufficient cell promising. Neurite outgrowth was shown to improve 3.5-fold
source for transplantation therapy. Furthermore, this in hippocampal brain slices and cell survival had a 38-fold
autologous source can prevent immunological rejection issues improvement during transplantation into mice striatal tissue in
and quashes the ethical issues raised from ESC use [117,118]. vivo using the scaffolds. This was comparative to isolated cells
In recent years, research has utilised iPSCs derived from AD alone [121].
patients to model the neurodegenerative disease and produce
patient-specific pathogenic species, potentially removing the Scaffold fibre diameter was an important consideration as
need for animal and human testing [117]. diameter changes induced profound effects upon cellular
proliferation. Thick scaffolds of 3.23 μm permitted greater
Despite the considerable interest and research using stem cell scaffold permeability to cellular infiltration, whilst the thinner
technology to mitigate AD, knowledge of the ideal stem cell fibre scaffolds (1.25 μm) were comparatively impermeable.
source capable of targeting the multifocal lesions associated This was attributed to the decreased void space between the

© 2018 Gordon LC.

This open access article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 3.0 license. S J Neurol Disord & Ther, 2018, 1-4 | 6
© 2018 Gordon LC et al. licensee Source Journals. This is an open access article is properly cited and
distributed under the terms and conditions of creative commons attribution license which permits unrestricted use,
distribution and reproduction in any medium.

thicker 3.23 μm scaffold fibres [121]. To improve induction of Current clinical trials are being conducted to evaluate nasal
neuronal cells, the addition of doxycycline to the cellular application of insulin. This delivery method has insulin enter
scaffold stimulated the loss of undifferentiated morphology, the brain directly and induces minimal effects on peripheral
the development of early, bipolar neuronal cells and generated glucose levels, which can lead to insulin desensitization [136].
robust expression of βIII-tubulin and microtubule-associated A randomized, double blinded and placebo-controlled phase II
protein 2 (MAP2). These proteins are almost exclusively trial of 104 patients demonstrated that nasal applications for 4
neuronal cytoskeletal proteins [121,127] demonstrating that months of 20IU and 40IU of insulin improved memory, general
the iPSCs had indeed differentiated into iNs. cognition and the ability to conduct day-to-day tasks, which
were also correlated with important biomarkers of AD
It has been recently found that teratoma formation is a including Aβ42 level and tau/Aβ42 ratios [146]. This is
significant risk associated with injections of isolated reinforced in various other clinical trials using intranasal
pluripotent stem cells [121]. This risk is theoretically reduced delivered anti-diabetic drugs [147,149] and is currently
with the use of scaffolding materials. Colonies of dissociated recruiting for phase III clinical trials [150].
iNs with intercellular distances of <6.4μm reportedly succumb
to motility-induced aggregation, inability to differentiate, BDNF is responsible for the longevity and functionality of the
asymmetrical colonies, subsequent improper proliferation of entorhinal cortical and hippocampal neurons [151,152]. It has
cells [128] and subsequent increased risk of teratoma formation been demonstrated that declining BDNF occurs in early stages
[121]. Micro-scaffolding suggestively reduces teratoma- of AD, via signalling through the TrkB receptor [153]. BDNF
formation propensity via establishing a third substrate itself has incompetent pharmacokinetics for systemic
dimension, constraining migration paths of cells and dictates a administration as it has a brief half-life in the plasma and poor
minimal intercellular distance resultant from the scaffold’s BBB penetrance [153].
large surface area. This combination can improve the
assortment of cells and thus reduce teratoma formation. Various methods are employed to modulate BDNF levels
including transplantation of NSCs, lentivirus gene transfer
The completed scaffold with these configurations, increased [154], attachment of BDNF to a monoclonal antibody capable
excitability and exhibited robust ability to fire action potentials of BBB transportation [155] or nasal administration of a BDNF
throughout the micro-scaffold construct, demonstrated by mimetic [156]. As mentioned above, Blurton-Jones, et al.
patch-clamp electrophysiology, when seeded with iN cells ex exhibited the beneficial effects of NSC implantation, which is
vivo compared to injected cells alone [121]. When injected in resultant from increased BDNF levels. Furthermore, Nagahara
vivo, cell survival was estimated at 7.58% utilizing the injected and colleagues, successfully evaluated neuroprotection from
scaffold-seeded iN cells compared to 0.11% when injected increased BDNF in various animal models [154]. Amyloid-
with dissociated iN cells alone. This demonstrated efficacy had transgenic mice upon BDNF gene delivery were able to reverse
no overt change in inflammatory response and also synaptic loss, partially stabilize abnormal gene expression and
demonstrated some ingrowth of endogenous tissues into the restore learning and memory. It should also be noted that these
scaffolds. This experimentation depicts the beneficial outcomes were all independent of amyloid plaque load. For
implications of scaffolding in neuronal tissue. However, this is aged rats, BDNF infusions mitigated cognitive decline and
novel data with minimal evidence at present. Scaffolding has entorhinal neuronal death, which occurred in control-aged rats.
not reached trial stages but demonstrates exciting potential for Finally, in an aged primate model with bilateral radiofrequency
the treatment of AD with stem cell sources, as currently lesions, BDNF-lentiviral vectors ameliorated age-related
dissociated stem cell methodology cannot generate the cognitive decline and neuronal atrophy, which was
required confluence of cells. demonstrated in sham-control experiments [154]. These
models demonstrated neuroprotective effects on fundamental
Growth Factors circuitry involved in AD, indicating success of therapeutic
BDNF delivery.
Various growth factors are being tested in an attempt to
ameliorate AD pathogenesis. Neurogenesis in adults is dictated Studies have recently demonstrated the pivotal role that NGF
by several physiological and pathological factors resulting plays in aging and the occurrence of age-related abnormalities
from the proliferation of NSCs. Up-regulatory factors of such as AD. NGF has demonstrated regenerative and
neurogenesis include estrogen [129,130], antidepressants neuroprotective effects on cholinergic neurons of the basal
[131,132] and growth factors, most notably are BDNF [133], forebrain in various animal models [157-159], highlighting the
insulin growth factor I (IGF-1) [134-136], incretins [136] and protein as a candidate dementia treatment. Uncertainty remains
nerve growth factor (NGF) [137]. on the role NGF could play in mitigating the pathogenesis of
AD. NGF levels in the serum, CSF, hippocampal and parietal
Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) has been identified as a risk cortices remain similar in AD and normal-aged patients [160].
factor for AD, suggesting that insulin-signalling impairment Conversely, NGF levels in the plasma and dentate gyrus have
could be an initiator or accelerator to this disease [136-138] and been reported as abnormally high for AD patients [161].
this is reinforced in various epidemiology studies [139-170]. Contrasting evidence is also found in preclinical studies, with
Insulin receptors are expressed on neurons which dictate intracerebroventricular administration of Aβ in mice models
dendritic sprouting, neuronal stem cell activation, cell growth, being inductive of reduced NGF protein expression, which is
repair and neuroprotection via oxidative stress [143-146]. suggested to elicit cognitive impairment [162]. Despite the

This journal is © The Source Journal of Neurological Disorders and Therapies 2018 S J Neurol Disord & Ther, 2017, 1-4 | 7
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distributed under the terms and conditions of creative commons attribution license which permits unrestricted use,
distribution and reproduction in any medium.

convoluted data on NGF’s complex role in AD, Ferreira, et al. neurotoxic but also demonstrates the ability for in vitro
conducted an interesting phase I clinical trial in 2015 [159]. Six neurodegenerative disease modelling using tissue-engineering
patients were implanted with encapsulated NGF in the basal methodologies. These techniques mitigate the numerous costly
forebrain for 12 months. Results were encouraging with lower and time-consuming attributes of animal testing which still
levels of Aβ in CSF, however there was evidence of brain remains the benchmark for neurodegenerative studies.
atrophy accompanied by increased NFT and tau levels. A
second phase I clinical trial by Tuszynski and colleagues Ex vivo culturing Models of Alzheimer’s Disease: Past to
investigated 10 patients with early stage AD using both ex vivo the Present
and in vivo NGF gene therapy techniques [163]. NGF resultant
trophic responses were demonstrated including axonal While the majority of evidence described in this review has
sprouting toward local sources of NGF and cholinergic cell been related to in vivo stem cell transplantations due to the
hypertrophy. As trophic responses, like those aforementioned, importance of various physiological processes affecting cell
have been shown to ameliorate cognitive deficits in a range of survival, ex vivo models have also been utilised for the
animal models of neurodegeneration [164-166], phase II purposes of investigating stem cell tissue engineering
clinical trials of NGF gene therapy in AD is underway to strategies. The first reports of cell cultures capable of observing
translate these findings to humans [167]. neuronal cells were in 1907. Harrison published an account
wherein frog ectoderm nerve cells were removed and placed in
Brain Microplatforms a drop of lymph for observation [182]. During this time,
Harrison observed neuronal cell aggregation and the branching
AD pathophysiology is highly complex, with multiple of filaments. It was concluded that this development was an
hypotheses of its synthesis. Testing to better understand AD is example of self-differentiation. He also observed nerve fibres
conducted in animal-based and in vitro models but there are which were capable of growing outwards at approximately 15-
significant limitations. Animal testing exhibits high costs, low- 60μm/h [183]. Upon termination of the filaments, an amoeboid
throughput, intensive labour regimes, and experimental end was created which was observed to extend further fibres.
variations. Conversely, in vitro models currently present These were postulated to be surveying the media around the
simplified systems, which often lead to bias or false results nerve cell.
[168]. Brain microplatforms aim to be biomimetic of the 3D
structure, abundant vasculature, BBB and cerebrospinal fluid In 1911, Shorey took this concept further, creating a culture
(CSF) to better emulate the natural tissue in vitro. These medium that was successful in culturing neuroblasts taken
heterogeneously cellular 3D environments aim to improve the from a Necturus, a genus of salamander. Utilising a medium
current 2D monolayer in vitro cultures by using concave containing water, peptone, NaCl, beef extract and gelatin,
microwells, which can produce large quantities of microscopic Shorey was able to produce nerve fibres from late stage
spherical tissue of unique type, shape and size. Developments neuroblasts taken from the medullary canal [184]. The
recently in microfluidics and microelectromechanical systems constituents of the tissue culture media were found to be
have established an ability to emulate in vivo conditions using important, claiming that the beef extract (a metabolic product
in vitro methodology, which previously could not be replicated of muscle) was required for axonal growth. The complexities
[169]. of culturing nerve cells from undifferentiated stem cells and
neuroblasts continued to be explored further.
Specifically for AD, techniques to imitate the disease using
microplatforms include propagation of Aβ or tau through During this period of the early twentieth century, various
neuronal networks and axonal transfer [170-174], Aβ or tau conditions were deemed necessary to ensure successful
resultant toxicity [175-178] and glial cell function [179,180]. culturing of nerve tissues. The first was rigorous asepsis, as the
These models are additionally viable for drug testing and culture medium routinely contained plasma and embryotic
disease modelling to accelerate understanding of this material, it was an exceptional environment for the
debilitating condition. Park, et al. were able to produce a 3D colonization of bacteria [183]. Another feature previously
culture-based microfluidic chip with neurospheroids and a overlooked, was the mechanical features of the culture. In
constant flow of interstitial fluid [181]. Neurospheroid cells recent years, mechanical features such as the elasticity of
were generated by neural progenitor cells, which were isolated culturing matrices, have been fully appreciated as capable of
from rat embryonic cerebral cortical regions. The cells were altering stem cell lineages [185]. In the 1930s, the mechanical
then suspended and micropipetted into concave wells and features and ultrastructures of the media were likewise found
cultured for 10 days to generate multiple almost identical to be important; for example various authors demonstrated that
neurospheroids. By replicating the pathophysiology of AD free floating tissues prompted the cessation of growth and
with the addition of Aβ to the culturing substrate, the authors subsequent degeneration of cell populations [183,186,187]. In
were able to use various immunofluorescent stains to illustrate 1934, Weiss further investigated the effects of mechanical
the interaction of Aβ with the neural tissues architecture. It was forces on the orientation of nerve processes specifically. Prior
demonstrated that thioflavin S immunoflourescence (specific to this knowledge, electrical currents were suggested to be the
marker for Aβ) was increased, showing successful adherence main orientating factor for nerve processes [188], a finding that
of Aβ to the neurospheres and β-III tubulin expression was has been quoted extensively within literature [189–191].
reduced indicative of a decline of neuronal density within the Simply, by applying a small electrical field (eg 125 mW/mm)
neurospheres. This supports the hypothesis that Aβ is to cultured neurons the speed and orientation of nerve fibres

© 2018 Gordon LC.

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© 2018 Gordon LC et al. licensee Source Journals. This is an open access article is properly cited and
distributed under the terms and conditions of creative commons attribution license which permits unrestricted use,
distribution and reproduction in any medium.

would be modulated. Many conflicting reports have been cholinergic neuronal population from a single source to model
published since with findings disputing [192–194] and AD for tissue engineering practices is far too simplified to be
advocating [189,190,195,196] an electrically induced accurately compared to in vivo models. Despite this,
orientation effect for nerve fibre sprouting. organotypic cultures of the late twentieth century have made
milestones in the mission to close the gap between in vivo and
The mechanical and electrical hypotheses explained above ex vivo models of the brain.
demonstrate the complexities of deriving accurate ex vivo
models of neurological environments. In the early 1940s, Organotypic cultures, which are defined as explanted tissues
Roger Sperry added further perplexing evidence for the that continue to develop in an ex vivo environment, have been
required conditions of neuron populations in vitro. He found developed in order to study the neurodegeneration of
that neurons in culture had sensitivities to chemical gradients cholinergic neurons as in AD. In 1983, Keller, et al. reported
which could ensue regenerative processes. Sperry’s work built the presence of cholinergic neurons and nerve fibres in
upon various reports from other groups that lower vertebrates organotypic cultures derived from the septum and
demonstrated an ability to recover vision after a transection of hippocampus of rat brains [205] which had previously been
the optic nerve [197–199]. Sperry conducted a variety of required to be studied in situ [206,207]. Gähwiler, et al. further
experiments on the retinotectal system of the newt and frog to characterized this model in 1990, demonstrating the first
investigate how the transection of this system could be neuronal culture supported with NGF. He established that NGF
reversed. In a newt, he demonstrated that if the eye was rotated was capable of enhancing the number of AChE-positive
180° and transected the newt, once the optical nerve had neurons and the activities of AChE and choline
regenerated, would behave as though the visual world had been acetyltransferase, enzymes that are responsible for the
respectively revolved [200]. For example, if food was breakdown and synthesis of ACh respectively. NGF is an
presented above the newt, it twisted its head to look down. example of a revolutionary step for neuronal in vitro
Similarly in frogs, Sperry demonstrated that uncrossing the experimentation [208] and has demonstrated reproducibly, the
optic nerves by transecting them and allowing for ipsilateral ability to neuroprotect cholinergic neurons in organotypic
regeneration would manifest left-right visual reversal [201]. brain slice cultures. For example, Humpel and colleagues have
The influences of mechanical guidance upon nerve fibre demonstrated an ability to increase the number of neurons per
regeneration were rejected as Sperry postulated that the nerves cultured brain slice by 10-fold by adding 10ng/ml of NGF to a
would have taken systematic paths through the fibre, which culture of cholinergic neurons of the nucleus basalis of
would have preserved a linear hierarchy between the transected Meynert [209,210].
fibres, however this was not the case. Using silver stained
sections of the optical nerve, he found that the fibres, once At present, many groups have utilized ex vivo organotypic slice
regenerated, were highly disordered describing the scene as a models to study many aspects of AD. Such cultures have been
bird’s nest. As the fibres did not act according to a mechanical used to study AD-related cytochemical changes [211,212],
cue for the regenerative process, he proposed that the optical apoptotic cell death following Aβ-induced neurotoxicity [213]
fibres according to their origins in the retina, followed and tau phosphorylation [214]. Whilst ex vivo models such as
chemical cues when re-establishing retinotectal connections. those described are useful, they remain primarily a tool to
Following the theories of embryology, Sperry hypothesized investigate mechanistic pathways, which must still be further
that throughout neuronal differentiation, retinal ganglion cells ratified in in vivo animal models. A difficult question that still
and tectal cells acquired two categories of cytochemical labels. remains is whether slices derived from postnatal donors,
The first label denotes the neuron type as either retinal ganglion cultured for a matter of months can be used to represent mature
or tectal, whilst the second denotes a positional label denoting adult situations such as those attributable to AD patients? With
the topographical position of the retinal ganglion cell within culturing protocols becoming more advanced with time, the
the retina. In this postulation, known as the chemoaffinity gap is closing between neuronal in vivo and ex vivo models but
theory, he suggested that along the length of the optical appropriate testing prior to clinical trials cannot rely entirely
pathway existed cytochemical gradients which dictated the on ex vivo models. Despite this, ex vivo organotypic slice
suitable brachial connections in the optic tract [202]. models have some advantages over in vivo models at the
present, most notably they have higher throughput and the
With evidence for more than a century that neurons exhibit ability to co-culture various cell types in the brain [210].
sensitivity to chemical, mechanical and electrical
environmental factors, to date there is no ex vivo neuronal As demonstrated by the historical development of neuronal
models for tissue engineering purposes which are capable of cultures, difficulties of neuron survival and the unknown
refabricating analogous in vivo settings. To add a further influences affecting brain cells have clouded the potential of
dimension of complexity, within each of the brain regions simulating accurate in vivo environments. Despite this, as more
specifically affected in AD, the impacted cholinergic neurons is learnt about the intricacies of the physiological environment
are intrinsically different when harvested from different of AD, ex vivo models and the tissue engineering techniques
affected regions (e.g. septal-diagonal band region, nucleus used to create them will exponentially advance. This will
basalis magnocellularis region, striatum, the pontomesechalic hopefully lead to appropriate ex vivo neuronal cultures to
tegmentum region of the brainstem and the spinal cord) of the accelerate research of tissue engineering strategies in the fight
brain in terms of volume, fibre outgrowth, innervation patterns against AD and other neurodegenerative conditions.
and morphology [203,204]. For this reason, creating a

This journal is © The Source Journal of Neurological Disorders and Therapies 2018 S J Neurol Disord & Ther, 2017, 1-4 | 9
© 2018 Gordon LC et al. licensee Source Journals. This is an open access article is properly cited and
distributed under the terms and conditions of creative commons attribution license which permits unrestricted use,
distribution and reproduction in any medium.

Challenges Facing Tissue Engineering Solutions for immunosuppressants. High doses are normally required to
Alzheimer’s Disease elicit increased engraftment and can lead to toxicity as
demonstrated in both human [224,225] and animal models
Each of the mentioned tissue engineering applications [226,227]. Additionally studies show that immunosuppressive
designed for the treatment of AD pose unique challenges. As drugs can further augment various cell populations, their
this is a new therapeutic paradigm, tissue engineering proliferative profiles and ultimately their cell survival [228-
outcomes are difficult to predict especially when translating 231]. Comprehensive analysis of immunological reactions in
animal results to human clinical trials. Predictability is further response to transplantation of candidate cell sources needs to
impaired in AD-specific tissue engineering solutions as they be conducted when profiling and estimating engraftment of
act upon mechanisms which are poorly understood. Common cells. If required, the interaction of stem cell populations with
complications to all tissue engineering methodologies include co-administered immunosuppressants should be additionally
mitigation of immune responses, ethical considerations studied.
surrounding animal and human testing, regulatory obstacles,
cost of development and commercialization. This review An additional complication is fibrotic scar formation. This
highlights below the challenges at the pinnacle of each tissue intermediate stage of the regeneration can lead to a haltering in
engineering strategy and evaluates potential solutions for their the regenerative tissue if cells are exposed to imperfect micro-
future. environments [232]. In the AD brain, glial scars are supposed
to escalate Aβ genesis [233], which further progresses the
Stem Cells: Ensuring Cellular Survival disease state. It is for this reason that competent stem cell
infiltration is required so scarred tissue can be replaced
Stem cell transplantation demonstrates great promise through subsequent to neurodegenerative insult234. Upon replacement,
two mechanisms. First, transplantation can delay the onset of the functional and electrical characteristics should mimic that
symptoms and directly regenerate tissue. Second, stem cell of innate tissue.
grafts can facilitate trophic support for the survival and
propagation of endogenous cells whilst positively modulating In summary, the most pertinent problem with dissociated stem
inflammatory responses [215]. cell solutions in AD is the profound death of injected cells,
leading to minimal levels of cell rescue. While methods do
Post-transplantation cellular death remains a significant barrier exist to alleviate this, including the use of
to stem cell transplantation as animal models routinely immunosuppressants, they can lead to serious consequences
demonstrated poor cell survival rates of <1% for dissociated including toxicity. Improvement of cell survival has been
cells [216,217]. Disruptions of local immune signaling from shown in scaffolding techniques utilized in neural tissue
transplantations reduce cellular survival but can additionally engineering, which could hold validity in future AD tissue
exacerbate disease progression via aggravation of engineering solutions.
inflammatory responses [218,219]. For dissociated stem cell
transplants, anti-inflammatory drugs may provide respite Seeded Scaffolds: Minimizing Tissue Damage
[220], however this can be dampening to important
inflammatory responses. For example, acute inflammation has Seeded scaffolds for neural engineering include the challenges
been shown to elicit hormesis (i.e. tissue is protected in the listed above including; cell survival, engraftment and
short-term by neuroprotective effects) [221] while chronic immunological responses but the introduction of polymeric
inflammation is explicitly damaging. Differentiating this structures elicits new issues. These include the
threshold between acute and chronic responses is difficult. biodegradability, biocompatibility, electro-activity and cell-
Stem cells, namely MSCs, have been shown to be material interactions of the scaffold and ensuring mode of
unpredictable immunomodulators of a range of inflammatory implantation does not damage neural tissue.
cytokines. In a model of TBI in mice, transplanted MSCs were
shown to down-regulate pro-inflammatory cytokines Biodegradability is vital as prolonged exposure to scaffolding
interleukin-6 (IL-6) and anti-inflammatory IL-10 mRNA post- constructs can lead to chronic inflammatory reactions [235].
injection and increase IL-6 mRNA [222]. These non- Materials, like pDTEc have tunable hydrophobicity and
synchronous responses to stem cell transplantation are degradation profiles, which is optimal as they can be tailored
commonly reported [222]. These complex immunological to the treatment regime. By allowing degradation of the
reactions to stem cell transplantation are not fully understood scaffold, regenerated cells can produce their own extracellular
and have greatly varied implications for patients. To mitigate matrix [236].
these problems of unpredictability, withdrawal from allogenic
sources should be considered. Adoption of autologous cellular Biocompatibility is fundamental to the success of the
sources, such as iPSCs, will improve immunological disarray treatment. The scaffold and collapsed constituents should
and improve host response predictability [223]. generate negligible immune reactions to allow healing, post-
treatment. Cells both seeded and innate should ultimately
Engraftment is highly dependent on host-immunity responses migrate through the scaffold and proliferate before laying
to injections, as without cellular attachment, cell survival is down new matrix [236]. Structurally for the brain, soft
improbable. Strategies to increase engraftment and cell scaffolds have been suggested to be mimetic of innate brain
survival predominately involve the use of

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This open access article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 3.0 license. S J Neurol Disord & Ther, 2018, 1-4 | 10
© 2018 Gordon LC et al. licensee Source Journals. This is an open access article is properly cited and
distributed under the terms and conditions of creative commons attribution license which permits unrestricted use,
distribution and reproduction in any medium.

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