Georeferenciranje Google Earth

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Georeferencing in Google Earth

1. Start Google Earth if it is not already running

2. Zoom into your study area by typing the regional location name. In this example “Netherlands”
3. Click on the Add Image Overlay button
4. Change file name: from “Untitled Image Overlay” to your file name (like historical map 1) then
click “Browse”; (if the pop out window is too small, drag the lower right corner to make it larger)
5. Browse to the your original JPG image (northernfront.jpg) then click open
6. Define the overlay image locations by clicking “Location”
7. Enter the ArcGIS full spatial extent information into Google Earth in the follow order, click OK
North = Top East = Right
South = Bottom West = Left

From ArcGIS
8. Export a KMZ file by right clicking “Historical Map 1”, then click “Save Place As”
9. Click “Save” to save the file as a KMZ file

Created by Steven Xu, February 2010

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