Chemically Reduced Excess Sludge Production in The Activated Sludge Process

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Chemosphere 50 (2003) 1–7

Chemically reduced excess sludge production

in the activated sludge process
Yu Liu *

Environmental Engineering Research Centre, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Nanyang Technological University,
50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798, Singapore
Received 6 February 2002; received in revised form 4 September 2002; accepted 4 September 2002


Excess sludge production from wastewater biological treatment process is highly, and the disposal of excess sludge
will be forbidden in a near future, thus increased attention has been turned to look into potential technology for sludge
reduction. Recently, some novel sludge reduction techniques have been developed based on chemical oxidation and
metabolic uncoupling. This paper attempts to review those chemical-assisted sludge reduction processes, including
sludge alkaline–thermal treatment, activated sludge-ozonation process, chlorination-combined activated sludge process,
sludge reduction by metabolic uncouplers and high dissolved oxygen activated sludge process. In these combined ac-
tivated sludge processes, excess sludge production can be reduced up to 100% without significant effect on process
efficiency and stability. This paper would be useful when one is looking for appropriate environmentally and eco-
nomically acceptable solutions for reducing or minimizing excess sludge production from wastewater biological
treatment process.
Ó 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Activated sludge process; Excess sludge; Sludge reduction; Alkaline–thermal treatment; Chlorination; Ozonation;
Metabolic uncoupler; Dissolved oxygen


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2. Sludge reduction by sludge alkaline–thermal treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
3. Sludge reduction by ozonation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
4. Sludge reduction by chlorination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
5. Sludge reduction by metabolic uncouplers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
6. Effect of dissolved oxygen on sludge production. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
7. Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

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0045-6535/03/$ - see front matter Ó 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
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2 Y. Liu / Chemosphere 50 (2003) 1–7

1. Introduction bioreactor (MBR) or in extended aeration process, and

use of protozoa and metazoa for decreasing sludge
Activated sludge system has been employed to treat a production in aerobic wastewater treatment (Lee and
wide variety of wastewater, and over 90% of the mu- Welander, 1996; Rensink and Rulkens, 1997; Rocher
nicipal wastewater treatment plants use it as the core et al., 1999; Ghyooy and Verstraete, 2000). In addition,
part of the treatment process. The basic function of a the use of other terminal electron acceptors, e.g. nitrate
wastewater biological treatment process is to convert also reduces the sludge yield (Copp and Dold, 1998;
organics to carbon dioxide, water and bacterial cells. Koch et al., 2001). Sludge production is greatly reduced
The cells can then be separated from the purified water in the MBR operated at a sludge age between 50 and 100
and disposed of in a concentrated form called excess days (Manem and Sanderson, 1996; Visvanathan et al.,
sludge. Assuming that activated sludge has a growth 2000). However, sludge reduction through manipulation
yield efficiency of 0.5 mg dry weight per mg biological of the ecosystem seems difficult in full-scale aerobic
oxygen demand (BOD), 1 kg BOD removed will gener- wastewater treatment process. Recently, the feasibility
ate 0.5 kg dry excess sludge. It must be realized that the of chemical manipulation in sludge reduction has been
excess sludge generated from the biological treatment investigated intensively. Current results show great po-
process is a secondary solid waste that must be disposed tential of the chemical technology in reducing excess
of in a safe and cost-effective way. The ultimate disposal sludge production. Therefore, this paper reviews chemi-
of excess sludge has been and continues to be one of the cal-assisted techniques that can be applied for reducing
most expensive problems faced by wastewater utilities, sludge production from industrial scale activated sludge
e.g. the treatment of the excess sludge may account for processes.
25% up to 65% of the total plant operation cost (Zhao
and Kugel, 1997). So far, sludge production and dis-
posal are entering a period of dramatic change, driven 2. Sludge reduction by sludge alkaline–thermal treatment
mainly by stringent environmental legislation. The re-
quirements of new European Union laws on municipal Sludge reduction can be achieved by cryptic growth
wastewater treatment are creating a doubling in sludge of microorganisms, i.e. microbial growth on its lysates.
production by the end of 2005, while at the same time For this purpose, some cell breakage techniques have
placing additional restrictions on sludge disposal (Ro- been developed, such as sludge treatment by thermal,
cher et al., 2001; Spinosa, 2001). Sludge disposal to all alkaline, acid and their combination (Rocher et al.,
the established outlets could become increasingly diffi- 1999, 2001). It was found that in thermal–chemical hy-
cult or, in the case of sea disposal, will become illegal by drolysis, sodium hydroxide was the most efficient for
this year. Environmental pressures on sludge recycling inducing cell lysis (Rocher et al., 1999). Further research
to land may lead to restrictions on applications in terms showed that the biodegradation of the soluble fraction
of nitrogen content and more stringent limits for metals of the lysates by fresh sludge reached 75% and 90% after
in soils (EPA, 1999). 48 and 350 h of incubation respectively, and a reduction
At least four technical approaches have been seri- of 37% of the excess sludge was obtained without al-
ously considered with respect to excess sludge handling. tering the purification yield of the process (Rocher et al.,
One is to convert the excess sludge to value-added 2001).
construction materials or activated carbon (Pan and Cryptic growth can also be amplified at an increased
Tseng, 2001; Tay et al., 2001). Second way is to recover sludge age through microbial endogenous respiration,
useful resources from sludge, e.g. production of fuel by- i.e. a longer sludge age would result in a lower sludge
products through sludge melting or sludge pyrolysis and production. In MBR biomass retention and separation
extraction of useful chemicals from sludge and so on is achieved through a membrane module rather than a
(EPA, 1999; Sachdeva et al., 2000; Stolarek and Led- conventional gravity settlement as used in activated
akowicz, 2001). Third way is to innovatively manage sludge processes, thus hydraulic and biosolids retention
existing outlets of sludge disposal (Hansen et al., 2000; times are completely separated, thus the sludge age can
Englande and Reimers, 2001), while the last approach is be as long as desired. Sludge production in MBR is re-
to reduce sludge production from the wastewater treat- duced by 28–68%, depending on the sludge age used
ment process rather than the post-treatment or disposal (Visvanathan et al., 2000). As compared to the MBR-
of the sludge generated. Among these four approaches, assisted sludge reduction process, sludge alkaline–ther-
the development of innovative technology for reducing mal treatment system has a number of operational
excess sludge production is essential. Current technolo- drawbacks. A 20 min alkaline sludge treatment at 60 °C
gies for sludge reduction can be roughly classified into and pH 10 had been recommended to break up sludge
two major categories: microbiological and physico- (Rocher et al., 2001). Even for such gentle conditions,
chemical methods. Microbiological methods mainly in- sodium hydroxide and energy input are required to
clude enhanced hydrolysis of biomass in membrane maintain and adjust system pH and temperature. Sludge
Y. Liu / Chemosphere 50 (2003) 1–7 3

hydrolysis by chemical means produces high BOD/N nation-activated sludge process should be high due to
waste, and one can easily calculate the amount of energy required for ozone production. However, eco-
chemical oxygen demand (COD) and ammonia pro- nomical estimate suggests that the operation costs of the
duced from each gram of dry biomass with an empirical whole process was lower than that of conventional ac-
formula of C5 H7 NO2 . It should be pointed out that tivated sludge process if the costs of sludge dewatering
complicated process operation/control and reactor cor- and disposal were taken into account (Yasui et al.,
rosion limit the application of this chemical-assisted 1996). Ozonation-combined activated sludge process
sludge reduction technique in full-scale wastewater treat- would be a useful technology for reducing excess sludge
ment plants. production and further improving sludge settleability,
but there are still some problems associated with this
technique. Ozone is not a selective oxidant, it can react
3. Sludge reduction by ozonation with other reducing materials, and this may lower the
oxidation efficiency of activated sludge, while refractory
Ozone is a strong chemical oxidant and has been organic carbon can be released into the effluent after
commonly used in water disinfection process. Ozona- ozonation. Sometimes, the toxicity of those released
tion-assisted sludge reduction process is based on the refractory organic carbon might pose problem to efflu-
idea that part of activated sludge is mineralized to car- ent receptor. It was also found that the initial rate of
bon dioxide and water, while part of sludge is solubilized ozone consumption by sludge was extremely high and
to biodegradable organics that can be biologically trea- reached 30 mg O3 g1 volatile suspended solids (VSS)
ted. Many research works have been conducted with min1 (Deleris et al., 2000). On the other hand, it can be
respect to the ozonation-assisted sludge reduction pro- easily understood that the effectiveness of ozonation is
cess (Yasui and Shibata, 1994; Sakai et al., 1997; Ka- strongly dependent upon the physical structure of acti-
miya and Hirotsuji, 1998; Egemen et al., 1999; Deleris vated sludge and system operation conditions. These
et al., 2000; Dignac et al., 2000). A combined activated make the optimization of ozone dosage and dosing
sludge process and intermittent ozonation system had mode much more difficult.
been successfully developed (Yasui and Shibata, 1994;
Sakai et al., 1997; Kamiya and Hirotsuji, 1998). In this
combined system, excess sludge withdrawn from a con- 4. Sludge reduction by chlorination
tinuous activated sludge system was subject to ozona-
tion, and then returned to the aeration tank. Results As an alternative solution of sludge reduction, re-
showed that the excess sludge production was reduced cently a chlorination-combined activated sludge process
by 50% at an ozone dose of 10 mg g1 mixed liquor had been developed for minimizing excess sludge pro-
suspended solids (MLSS) d1 in aeration tank, when the duction (Saby et al., 2002). This chlorination-combined
ozone dose was kept as high as 20 mg g1 MLSS d1 , no activated sludge process is similar to the ozonation-
excess sludge was produced (Kamiya and Hirotsuji, activated sludge process, i.e. excess sludge was subject to
1998). In the study of Egemen et al. (1999), a similar a chlorine dose of 133 mg g1 MLSS d1 , and the
technical approach was used. Ozone is a strong cell lysis chlorinated liquor was then returned to the aeration
agent. When sludge is kept contact with ozone in the tank. Compared to the control process without chlori-
ozonation unit, most activated sludge microorganisms nation, the sludge production could be reduced by 65%
would be killed and oxidized to organic substances. in the chlorination-activated sludge system, which is
There is evidence that more than 50% of the carbon comparable with the cutting percentage of sludge pro-
obtained after ozonation is readily biodegradable (Del- duction in the ozonation-activated sludge process. In
eris et al., 2000). This is reason why those organic sub- the ozonation-activated sludge process, the improved
stances produced from the sludge ozonation can then be sludge settleability and less influence on the effluent
degraded in the subsequent biological treatment. quality was observed (Kamiya and Hirotsuji, 1998), how-
Results from a 10-month full-scale ozonation-acti- ever, the chlorination treatment resulted in a poor sludge
vated sludge system loaded with 550 kg BOD d1 settleability and significant increase of soluble COD in
showed that no excess sludge was produced, and the the effluent (Saby et al., 2002). It is expected that these
accumulation of inorganic solids in the aeration tank potential problems can be minimized by using mem-
is negligible, while effluent total organic carbon was brane separation units instead of the conventional sed-
slightly higher than under the conventional activated imentation tanks.
sludge process (Yasui et al., 1996). It had been reported From the point of view of operation cost, the chlo-
that the sludge settleability in term of sludge volumetric rination-activated sludge process would have advanta-
index was highly improved as compared to control test ges over the ozonation-activated sludge system as
without ozonation (Kamiya and Hirotsuji, 1998). Ap- described earlier. Since chlorine is a weak oxidant as
parently, both operation and capital costs of the ozo- compared to ozone, the dosage of chlorine used in the
4 Y. Liu / Chemosphere 50 (2003) 1–7

chlorination-activated sludge process is about 7–13 growth yield was reduced as high as 78% at a TCS
times higher than that of ozone applied in the ozona- concentration of 0.8 mg l1 as compared to control
tion-activated sludge process. It is well known that culture free of TCS, with no significant effect on sub-
ozone has much higher oxidation power than chlorine, strate removal efficiency (Chen et al., 2002). These
releases limited by-products, and is non-reactive with results suggest that TCS is a stronger metabolic un-
ammonia (Wojtenko and Stinson, 2001). However, in coupler than pNP. Strand et al. (1999) tested the ca-
the chlorination-activated sludge process, the formation pability of 12 metabolic uncouplers in reducing excess
of undesirable chlorinated by-products would occur. sludge production in biological wastewater treatment,
Previous research showed that when raw water was re- and found that the most effective uncoupler among the
acted with chlorine, the yield of trihalomethanes tested chemicals was TCP and 50% of sludge reduction
(THMs) was increased as a function of the input amount was achieved with TCP addition of 5 mg l1 . However,
of chlorine (Park, 2001), while long-term chlorine de- based on a series of orthogonal testes, Xie (2002)
mand and the formation of THMs could follow a sec- concluded that aminophenol is a much stronger met-
ond-order kinetics (Gallard and von Gunten, 2002). abolic uncoupler than chlorophenol and nitrophenol.
Although the chlorination-activated sludge process At an aminophenol concentration of 20 mg l1 , no ex-
is cost-effective over the ozonation-activated sludge cess sludge was produced, but the COD removal effi-
system, chlorination-generated potential harmful by- ciency also reduces by 56% as compared to the control
products would pose serious challenge to full-scale ap- test free of metabolic uncoupler (Xie, 2002). In fact, a
plication of this technique. number of factors can influence the efficiency of meta-
bolic uncoupler in reducing excess sludge production,
such as culture medium, pH, the affinity of microbes to
5. Sludge reduction by metabolic uncouplers different types of metabolic uncouplers and physio-
logical state and viability of microorganisms.
For most of aerobic bacteria, adenosine-50 -triphos- The dissipation of energy via uncoupling biochemical
phate (ATP) is generated by oxidative phosphorylation, processes can promote sludge reduction, and effective-
in which process electrons are transported through the ness of metabolic uncouplers in reducing excess sludge
electron transport system from a source of electrons at production has been proven. Industrial application of
elevated energy levels (substrate) to a final electron ac- metabolic uncouplers in two full-scale activated sludge
ceptor (oxygen). The chemiosmotic theory shows that plants in Phoenix and Arizona had been reported by
the oxidative phosphorylation is driven by proton gra- Okey and Stensel (1993). However, it should be realized
dient built up across cell membrane (Mitchell and that most metabolic uncouplers are xenobiotic and po-
Moyle, 1965). However, the tight coupling of respiration tentially harmful to environment. Among the metabolic
and phosphorylation can be disturbed by molecules uncouplers currently used for reducing excess sludge
known as metabolic uncouplers. In the presence of production, TCS is more gentle and environmentally
metabolic uncouplers, the energy generated from the sound. In fact, TCS has been often used as a component
oxidation of organic substrate would be lost as heat in formulation of soaps, rinses, shampoos and so on
rather being captured in ATP. As a result, the growth (Budavari, 1989).
efficiency is much lowered in uncoupler-containing mi- Other technical problems associated with the appli-
crobial culture. cation of metabolic uncouplers are unexpected dissolved
Metabolic uncouplers include a diverse group of oxygen consumption as well as the effect of microbial
molecules structurally, but they are all lipophilic weak acclimation to metabolic uncouplers. A rough estimate
acids (Zubay, 1998). So far, many of them have been based on the results by Zubay (1998) shows that the
used to reduce excess sludge production from the dissolved oxygen consumption rate can increase by a
activated sludge processes, such as nitrophenol, chlor- factor 50 after addition of a metabolic uncoupler to a
ophenol, 3; 30 ,40 ,5-tetrachlorosalicylanilide (TCS), 2,4, suspension of mitochondria. Similarity was also ob-
5-trichlorophenol (TCP), carbonylcyanide-p-trifluorome- served in activated sludge systems (Mayhew and Ste-
thoxyphenylhydrazone, cresol, aminophenol and so on phenson, 1998; Strand et al., 1999), e.g. the specific
(Okey and Stensel, 1993; Low and Chase, 1998; oxygen utilization rates were increased from 8 g O2 g1
Mayhew and Stephenson, 1998; Chen et al., 1999, VSS d1 without TCP addition to approximately 20 g O2
2002; Strand et al., 1999; Liu, 2000a,b; Low et al., g1 VSS d1 when TCP presented. The combined pure
2000; Xie, 2002). In a laboratory scale continuous ac- oxygen aeration and metabolic uncouplers process
tivated sludge reactor, Low et al. (2000) reported that would be an ideal solution for uncoupler-induced oxy-
biomass production was reduced by 49% when para- gen overconsumption. Meanwhile, increased biomass
nitrophenol (pNP) was added to the culture, while at concentration was found to reduce the effectiveness of
a pNP concentration of 120 mg l1 , no excess sludge metabolic uncouplers (Liu, 2000b; Xie, 2002). Initially
was produced (Low and Chase, 1998). The observed non-acclimated activated sludge cannot degrade external
Y. Liu / Chemosphere 50 (2003) 1–7 5

metabolic uncouplers, however in order to maintain a aerobic volume inside the flocs. As a result, the hy-
lower sludge yield, metabolic uncouplers need to be drolysed biomass in the floc matrix could be aerobi-
continuously dosed to aeration tank and microbial cally degraded and sludge quantity is thus reduced.
acclimation to the uncouplers would occur. As Strand Further study is still required to deeply look into the
et al. (1999) noted, long-term microbial acclimation mechanisms of high dissolved oxygen-induced sludge
could eventually negate the effects of uncoupler addition. reduction.
In the absence of dissolved oxygen, it was observed
that a significant fraction of the mixed heterotrophic
6. Effect of dissolved oxygen on sludge production population in activated sludge could use nitrate as the
terminal electron acceptor instead of dissolved oxygen
Low sludge yield has been commonly observed in (Copp and Dold, 1998). This mechanism is known as
pure oxygen aeration activated sludge process. This anoxic respiration or denitrification. Copp and Dold
implies that high dissolved oxygen concentration could (1998) reported that the growth yield of activated sludge
promote sludge reduction. Compared to conventional under anoxic conditions was lowered by 38% as com-
air aeration activated sludge process, the growth yield pared to that under aerobic conditions. In fact, there is
can be lowered by up to 54% in purified oxygenation strong evidence that less sludge production can be ex-
activated sludge system (McWhirter, 1978), while Boon pected when anoxic denitrification occurs in a biological
and Burgess (1974) found that for the similar sludge age, system (Copp and Dold, 1998; Hao et al., 2001; Koch
the observed sludge yield in the pure oxygen system was et al., 2001; Peng et al., 2001). Therefore, it appears that
only 60% of that in the air system. In a fixed-film system the electron acceptor has a significant effect on the
oxygenated by hydrogen peroxide, Roques et al. (1984) sludge production.
reported that the observed growth yield was reduced to
about 0.37 mg MLSS mg1 total oxygen demand when
dissolved oxygen concentration was increased to 10 7. Summary
mg l1 . Recently a more detail study on the effect of
dissolved oxygen on excess sludge production was con- Compared to microbiological methods (e.g. the
ducted by Abbassi et al. (2000). Their results showed manipulation of maintenance, endogenous respiration,
that the excess sludge production decreased from 0.28 to lysis, decay and predation), the chemical-combined
0.2 mg MLSS mg1 BOD as the reactor dissolved oxy- activated sludge processes would be more efficient for
gen was increased from 1.8 to 6.0 mg l1 in a laboratory- excess sludge reduction. In addition, the chemical-
scale conventional activated sludge reactor. These assisted sludge reduction processes have advantages of
support a basic idea that high dissolved oxygen could easy control, stable performance, and high operation
promote sludge reduction. Additional benefits of high flexibility. The relatively high operation cost of these
dissolved oxygen biological process include repression of systems currently limits their application in industrial
filamentous growth, ability to maintain a higher biomass practice. However, it is expected that the increased op-
concentration in the aeration tank; better sludge settling eration and capital costs due to chemical addition can be
and thickening; higher oxygen transfer efficiency and compensated from saving the cost of excess sludge post-
more stable operation (Benefield and Randall, 1980). It treatment. In this sense, the chemical-enhanced sludge
can be anticipated that with the development of more reduction techniques would be attractive and have great
cost-effective pure oxygen generation and membrane industrial potentials, but have to be optimized eco-
aeration techniques, high oxygen process would have nomically in future.
great industrials potential in reducing excess sludge
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