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1. Who is a member?

2. Where are these words located in the bible?

a. Then I will give you a shepherd after your own heart, who will head you with
knowledge and understandings.
b. For I know the plans I have for you, declare the lord, plans to prosper u and not
harm you, plans to give hope and a future.
3. What is god’s fast role in life of a Christian?
a. To heal you
b. To give you a pastor
c. To prosper you
d. To teach you himself

4. Of the four options choose one that is not a role for the pastor in your life.
a. To seek and know the will of God for the sheep.
b. To feed the sheep according to God’s knowledge
c. To look after the sheep, preparing it for the end
d. To head the sheep

5. There are three key roles of a Christian or a member in the church.

 To obey and believe God’s will, who is the person God has trusted your life with (sent
 Imitate him as of Christ
I. State the third role?
6. Jesus answered, “the work of God is this; to believe the one he has sent.” These words
are located in:
a. Philipians 4:9
b. Mathew 4:23
c. John 6:29
d. Deut 12:4-6
7. Who is the owner of the tithe?
8. Where do we put our tithe?
9. ………………………………………. Is important before you put your tithe in the basket.

10. Bring the all tithe in to the store house, that there may be food in the my house , where
are these words located in the bible?
a. Malachi 3:6
b. Malachi 3:8
c. Malachi 3:9
d. Malachi 3:10

11. When we tithe,

a. We receive the pastors covering
b. We shall be abundantly blessed
c. Rebuke the devourer
d. Nations will call us blessed

12. Choose only one we do not get when we tithe. TRUE or FALSE
God does not demand an offering………………………………………. .

13. Every member has to be cautious about the …………………………………………………… of the

14. State the name of your church
15. Vision of your church
16. Mission of your church
17. Passion of your church

18. Mention all the legal items you know


 Every member must attend class to be let know about the blessing of God.
 If ministry is to be done under God’s will there must be teaching about
 Joining any ministry, before touching anything in church you must go through
deliverance first.

There are seven bible of how to relate to your pastor.

a. State only four of them
b. A pastor is a feeder, which is a beautiful illustration of a ……………………………………
who goes before his ……………………………………… to prepare the way for them.
c. A pastor is a …………………………………. Given to us by Jesus Christ.

19. What is the bible?


20. How many parts does your bible have?

21. Mention them.
22. How many books does each part contain?


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