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Table 1: Baseline study population characteristics by self-reported daily caffeine intake

None Low High

0 mg/d ≤200 mg/d >200 mg/d
(n = 190) (n = 260) (n = 175)
 2 test
% % % p-value
Age, years <0.001
-- 14-19 52 38 15
-- 20-24 16 20 11
-- 25-29 17 20 26
-- 30-34 8 12 26
-- 35-40 7 9 21
Race/Ethnicity 0.34
-- White/Caucasian 71 77 79
-- Black/African American 9 9 9
-- Asian/Pacific Islander 7 4 5
-- Native American 1 1 2
-- Aleutian/Eskimo 1 -- --
-- Hispanic 2 1 --
-- Other/Unspecified 11 8 5
Education ≥ high school 75 75 91 <0.001
Smoking <0.001
-- Never smoked 83 62 42
-- Former smoker 9 12 19
-- Current smoker 7 26 38
Dietary calcium intakea, mg/d 0.007
-- <800 49 58 67
-- 800-999 15 15 13
-- 1,000-1,199 9 11 5
-- 1,200 27 16 14
Family history of fracture 27 27 24 0.74
Current oral contraceptive useb 17 20 16 0.50
Current DMPA useb 0.13
-- Non-User 64 54 57
-- Initiator (1 injection) 12 10 10
-- Prevalent User (2 injections) 24 35 33
Ever pregnant 31 46 65 <0.001

Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) p-value
Caffeine, mg/d 0 (0) 91.2 (48.3) 400.4 (214.2)
Age, years 22.3 (6.3) 23.7 (6.6) 28.3e (6.5) <0.001
Years since menarche 9.8 (6.4) 11.2 (6.6) 15.9e (6.5) <0.001
BMIc, kg/m2 24.7 (5.4) 25.5 (5.8) 26.0 (5.8) 0.08
Physical activity scored 79.8 (46.4) 71.2 (44.9) 86.9 (63.0) 0.007
Dietary calcium intakea, mg/d 946.7 (603.2) 816.3e (534.3) 757.4 (426.6) <0.001
Alcohol intake, g/d 1.7 (5.2) 2.7 (5.7) 5.9 (11.7) <0.001

Hip BMC, g 30.5 (5.4) 30.1 (5.5) 30.2 (4.9) 0.65

Spine BMC, g 59.2 (10.4) 58.9 (11.1) 59.1 (10.3) 0.95
Whole Body BMC, g 2253.3 (353.2) 2241.8 (360.6) 2240.0 (329.4) 0.92

Hip BMD, g/cm2 0.960 (0.127) 0.939 (0.125) 0.932f (0.120) 0.08
Spine BMD, g/cm2 1.016 (0.124) 1.011 (0.120) 1.028 (0.123) 0.37
Whole Body BMD, g/cm2 1.092 (0.093) 1.084 (0.090) 1.081 (0.086) 0.53

Abbreviations: DMPA = depot medroxyprogesterone acetate; BMI = body mass index; BMC =

bone mineral content; BMD = bone mineral density

Dietary calcium intake was derived from an annual Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ).

Hormonal contraception use was reported on semi-annual health questionnaires.
Height and weight were measured in the clinic at each visit, and the data collected were used to

compute BMI.
A weight-bearing physical activity score was derived from self-reported participation in 17

specific activities and up to four write-in activities, each assigned a value representing the

degree to which the activity was weight-bearing: 0=none/low, 1=medium, or 2=high. The

physical activity score was computed by summing the weight-bearing value, multiplied by the

frequency of the activity for all reported activities.

Significantly different compared to referent group (0 mg/d), p<0.05.
Significantly lower compared to referent group (0 mg/d), p=0.036.

Table 2: Mean baseline BMC and BMD by self-reported daily caffeine intake among DMPA users and DMPA non-users

DMPA users (n = 263)

None Low High
0 mg/d ≤200 mg/d >200 mg/d
(n = 69) (n = 119) (n = 75)
Test for trend
BMC, g mean (95% CI) mean (95% CI) mean (95% CI) p-value
-- Hip 29.7 (28.5-31.0) 29.4 (28.5-30.3) 28.4 (27.2-29.6) 0.16
-- Spine 59.9 (57.2-62.7) 57.2 (55.3-59.1) 54.5 (51.9-57.1)b 0.009
-- Whole Body 2262.3 (2177.0-2347.6) 2214.5 (2181.7-2301.2) 2144.7 (2064.3-2225.1) 0.06

Test for trend

BMD, g/cm2 mean (95% CI) mean (95% CI) mean (95% CI) p-value
-- Hip 0.946 (0.918-0.974) 0.919 (0.889-0.939) 0.918 (0.891-0.945) 0.21
-- Spine 1.019 (0.989-1.049) 0.994 (0.973-1.015) 0.984 (0.956-1.012) 0.12
-- Whole Body 1.090 (1.066-1.112) 1.080 (1.064-1.096) 1.068 (1.047-1.090) 0.20

DMPA non-users (n = 363)

None Low High
0 mg/d ≤200 mg/d >200 mg/d
(n = 122) (n = 141) (n = 100)
Test for trend
BMC, g mean (95% CI) mean (95% CI) mean (95% CI) p-value
-- Hip 31.0 (30.0-32.0) 30.5 (29.6-31.4) 31.2 (30.1-32.3) 0.89
-- Spine 59.6 (57.6-61.6) 60.1 (58.3-62.0) 60.6 (58.3-63.0) 0.54
-- Whole Body 2274.8 (2216.6-2333.0) 2237.4 (2185.8-2289.0) 2257.7 (2190.5-2325.0) 0.66

Test for trend

BMD, g/cm2 mean (95% CI) mean (95% CI) mean (95% CI) p-value
-- Hip 0.956 (0.934-0.978) 0.949 (0.930-0.969) 0.955 (0.930-0.980) 0.94
-- Spine 1.026 (1.004-1.048) 1.021 (1.001-1.040) 1.036 (1.011-1.061) 0.63
-- Whole Body 1.092 (1.076-1.108) 1.084 (1.070-1.098) 1.088 (1.070-1.107) 0.74

Abbreviations: DMPA = depot medroxyprogesterone acetate; BMC = bone mineral content;

BMD = bone mineral density

Adjusted for age (continuous), race/ethnicity (indicator variables for: White/Caucasian,

Black/African-American, and Other), body mass index (BMI) (continuous), physical activity

(continuous), dietary calcium intake (continuous), alcohol (continuous), smoking (binary, current

Y/N), family history of fracture at any point prior to or during follow-up (binary, Y/N), prior

pregnancy (binary, Y/N).

Significantly lower compared to referent group (0 mg/d), p=0.009.

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