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Business Law

Project Topic

You are a group of 4 or 5 students and you are seeking to implement a project in Lebanon consisting of
the following: buying used clothes, shoes and accessories and selling them in the Lebanese market at a
reduced cost.

In this respect, you are contemplating the establishment of a Lebanese joint stock company.

1. What will be the tradename of the company?

2. What will each of you contribute in the company? Please specify the type of contribution.
3. What will the total capital of the company be?
4. What will the percentage of each shareholder in the company be and what is the number of shares
5. How will the company be managed? Please provide details regarding the composition of the
board of directors and its election.
6. Where will the company be registered and how? Please elaborate on the registration process and
the main document that will be required as well as the agenda of the constituent general assembly

Please form a group of 4 or 5 students and prepare a power point presentation including the
answers to the above questions. Present your ideas and the company in sufficient details and clear

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