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1. Explain any story of a movie.

2. Introduce yourself.
3. How your friends will introduce you?
4. Do you want to relocate?
5. Tell me about your hobbies.
6. Which state are you from? What is the capital of the state?
7. Who is the governor and CM of your state?
8. What is a solar eclipse?
9. Who is the HRD minister, Finance minister /external affairs minister / defense minister ?
10. What do you know about the company?
11. Why do you wish to join Capgemini?
12. Tell us something about your family.
13. Any concern for the relocation.
14. Why have you came LPU from so far ?
15. What are the best things in LPU ?
16. Why you choose LPU ?
17. What are two things that you want to change in LPU ?
18. Do you prefer hard work or smart work ?
19. Can you put a false experience in your CV.
20. Teamwork or individual work ?
21. Disadvantages of working in team work .
22. Define yourself as a third person ?
23. Are you ready for working in shifts?
24. Are you ready to sign a bond for 2 year's bond?
25. Do you want to ask any questions?
26. Are you ready to relocate ?
27. Be true what you are and what you write in the CV.
28. Tell me the latest news.
29. Tell me 5 products of Microsoft.
30. Tell me the any 5 search engines.
31. What’s your father income?
32. How many siblings do you have?
33. Explain your achievements in B.Tech life?
34. Tell one negative thing about LPU.
35. Why should we hire you?
36. Explain your project.
37. How was your interview in previous placement drives?

Centre for Professional Enhancement Page 1

38. What is your short term goal?
39. Where do you vision yourself in next few years?
40. Agree to company criteria’s?

Centre for Professional Enhancement Page 2

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