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Amnesty International is a global movement of more than 7 million

people who campaign for a world where human rights are enjoyed by
all. Our vision is for every person to enjoy all the rights enshrined in
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international
human rights standards. We are independent of any government,
political ideology, economic interest or religion and are funded mainly
by our membership and public donations.

First published in 2018 by Except where otherwise noted, This report documents Amnesty
Amnesty International Ltd content in this document is International’s work and concerns
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Original language: English

ii Amnesty International Report 2017/18

 REPORT 2017/18 
iv Amnesty International Report 2017/18
Abbreviations vii Cuba 140
Preface ix Cyprus 142
Foreword 12 Czech Republic 143
Spotlight 15 Democratic Republic of the
Africa Regional Overview 18 Congo 144
Americas Regional Overview 27 Denmark 147
Asia-Pacific Regional Overview 36 Dominican Republic 148
Europe and Central Asia Regional Ecuador 150
Overview 46 Egypt 151
Middle East and North Africa El Salvador 156
Regional Overview 55 Equatorial Guinea 158
Afghanistan 66 Eritrea 159
Albania 69 Estonia 161
Algeria 71 Ethiopia 162
Angola 73 Fiji 164
Argentina 76 Finland 165
Armenia 78 France 166
Australia 79 Gabon 168
Austria 80 Gambia 169
Azerbaijan 82 Georgia 171
Bahrain 84 Germany 173
Bangladesh 87 Ghana 176
Belarus 89 Greece 177
Belgium 91 Guatemala 180
Benin 92 Guinea 182
Bolivia 94 Haiti 183
Bosnia and Herzegovina 95 Honduras 185
Botswana 96 Hungary 187
Brazil 98 India 189
Brunei Darussalam 102 Indonesia 193
Bulgaria 103 Iran 197
Burkina Faso 105 Iraq 202
Burundi 107 Ireland 205
Cambodia 110 Israel and the Occupied
Cameroon 112 Palestinian Territories 207
Canada 115 Italy 211
Central African Republic 118 Jamaica 214
Chad 121 Japan 216
Chile 123 Jordan 217
China 125 Kazakhstan 220
Colombia 130 Kenya 222
Congo (Republic of the) 135 Korea (Democratic People’s
Côte d’Ivoire 136 Republic of) 225
Croatia 138 Korea (Republic of) 227

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 v

Kuwait 229 Sierra Leone 325
Kyrgyzstan 231 Singapore 327
Laos 233 Slovakia 328
Latvia 234 Slovenia 329
Lebanon 234 Somalia 331
Lesotho 237 South Africa 332
Liberia 239 South Sudan 335
Libya 240 Spain 339
Lithuania 244 Sri Lanka 342
Macedonia 244 Sudan 344
Madagascar 246 Swaziland 346
Malawi 248 Sweden 347
Malaysia 249 Switzerland 348
Maldives 250 Syria 349
Mali 252 Taiwan 353
Malta 254 Tajikistan 354
Mauritania 254 Tanzania 357
Mexico 256 Thailand 358
Moldova 261 Timor-Leste 361
Mongolia 262 Togo 362
Montenegro 263 Tunisia 364
Morocco/Western Sahara 265 Turkey 367
Mozambique 268 Turkmenistan 372
Myanmar 269 Uganda 373
Namibia 273 Ukraine 376
Nauru 274 United Arab Emirates 379
Nepal 275 United Kingdom 381
Netherlands 277 United States of America 384
New Zealand 278 Uruguay 389
Nicaragua 279 Uzbekistan 390
Niger 280 Venezuela 393
Nigeria 282 Viet Nam 397
Norway 286 Yemen 400
Oman 287 Zambia 403
Pakistan 288 Zimbabwe 405
Palestine (State of) 292
Papua New Guinea 295
Paraguay 296
Peru 297
Philippines 299
Poland 301
Portugal 303
Puerto Rico 305
Qatar 306
Romania 308
Russian Federation 310
Rwanda 315
Saudi Arabia 317
Senegal 321
Serbia 322

vi Amnesty International Report 2017/18

ASEAN International Covenant on Civil and Political
Association of Southeast Asian Nations Rights

African Union International Covenant on Economic, Social
and Cultural Rights
UN Convention on the Elimination of All ICRC
Forms of Discrimination against Women International Committee of the Red Cross

CEDAW Committee ILO

UN Committee on the Elimination of International Labour Organization
Discrimination against Women
International Convention against Enforced
CERD Disappearance
International Convention on the Elimination of International Convention for the Protection of
All Forms of Racial Discrimination All Persons from Enforced Disappearance

CERD Committee LGBTI

UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and
Discrimination intersex

US Central Intelligence Agency North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Economic Community of West African States non-governmental organization

European Union Organization of American States

European Committee for the Prevention of OSCE

Torture Organization for Security and Co-operation in
European Committee for the Prevention of Europe
Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment
or Punishment UK
United Kingdom
European Convention on Human Rights
(European) Convention for the Protection of UN
Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms United Nations

ICC UN Convention against Torture

International Criminal Court Convention against Torture and Other Cruel,
Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 vii

UN Refugee Convention
Convention relating to the Status of Refugees

UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of

UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and
protection of the right to freedom of opinion
and expression

UN Special Rapporteur on racism

Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of
racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and
related intolerance

UN Special Rapporteur on torture

Special Rapporteur on torture and other
cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or

UN Special Rapporteur on violence against

Special rapporteur on violence against
women, its causes and consequences

UNHCR, the UN refugee agency

Office of the United Nations High
Commissioner for Refugees

United Nations Children’s Fund

UN Universal Periodic Review

United States of America

World Health Organization

viii Amnesty International Report 2017/18

The Amnesty International Report 2017/18 shines a light on the state of the
world’s human rights during 2017.
The foreword, five regional overviews and a survey of 159 countries and
territories from all regions document the struggle of many people to claim
their rights, and the failures of governments to respect, protect and fulfil
human rights.
Yet there are also glimpses of hard-won progress, demonstrating that the
defence of human rights does yield positive developments. This report pays
tribute to the human rights defenders who continue to fight for change,
sometimes risking their own lives in the process.
In a year when austerity measures and natural disasters pushed many into
deeper poverty and insecurity, this year’s report also shines a spotlight on
economic, social and cultural rights.
While every attempt is made to ensure accuracy, information may be subject
to change without notice.

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 ix

 REPORT 2017/18 
“As we enter the year in which the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights turns 70, it is abundantly clear that none of us
can take our human rights for granted.”
Throughout 2017, millions across the world experienced the bitter fruits of a rising politics of
demonization. Its ultimate consequences were laid bare in the horrific military campaign of
ethnic cleansing against the Rohingya people in Myanmar. This caused an exodus of some
655,000 people into neighbouring Bangladesh in a matter of weeks, the fastest-growing
refugee crisis of 2017. At the end of the year, their prospects for the future remained very
unclear, and the enduring failure of world leaders to provide real solutions for refugees left little
reason for optimism.
This episode will stand in history as yet another testament to the world’s catastrophic failure
to address conditions that provide fertile ground for mass atrocity crimes. The warning signs in
Myanmar had long been visible: massive discrimination and segregation had become
normalized within a regime that amounted to apartheid, and for long years the Rohingya
people were routinely demonized and stripped of the basic conditions needed to live in dignity.
The transformation of discrimination and demonization into mass violence is tragically familiar,
and its ruinous consequences cannot be easily undone.
The appalling injustices meted out to the Rohingya may have been especially visible in 2017,
but the trend of leaders and politicians demonizing whole groups of people based on their
identity reverberated across the globe. The past year showed us once again what happens
when the politics of demonization become mainstream, with grim consequences for human
As we enter 2018, the year in which the Universal Declaration of Human Rights turns 70, it is
abundantly clear that none of us can take any of our human rights for granted. We certainly
cannot take for granted that we will be free to gather together in protest or to criticize our
governments. Neither can we take for granted that social security will be available when we are
old or incapacitated; that our babies can grow up in cities with clean, breathable air; or that as
young people we will leave school to find jobs that enable us to buy a home.
The battle for human rights is never decisively won in any place or at any point in time. The
frontiers shift continually, so there can never be room for complacency. In the history of human
rights, this has perhaps never been clearer. Yet, faced with unprecedented challenges across
the world, people have shown repeatedly that their thirst for justice, dignity and equality will
not be extinguished; they continue to find new and bold ways of expressing this, while often
paying a heavy price. In 2017, this global battle of values reached a new level of intensity.
Assaults on the basic values underpinning human rights – which recognize the dignity and
equality of all people – have assumed vast proportions. Conflicts, fuelled by the international
arms trade, continue to exact a cataclysmic toll on civilians, often by design. Whether in the
humanitarian catastrophe of Yemen, exacerbated by Saudi Arabia’s blockade, or government
and international forces’ indiscriminate killing of civilians used as human shields by the armed
group calling itself Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, or crimes under international law driving a

12 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

huge outflow of refugees from South Sudan – at times, parties to the world’s numerous
conflicts have abdicated even the pretence of respect for their obligations to protect civilians.
Leaders of wealthy countries have continued to approach the global refugee crisis with a
blend of evasion and outright callousness, regarding refugees not as human beings with rights
but as problems to be deflected. The efforts of US President Donald Trump to ban entry to all
citizens of several Muslim-majority countries based on their nationality was a transparently
hateful move. Most European leaders have been unwilling to grapple with the big challenge of
regulating migration safely and legally, and have decided that practically nothing is off limits in
their efforts to keep refugees away from the continent’s shores. The inevitable consequences
of this approach were evident in the shocking abuses suffered by refugees in Libya, with the
full knowledge of European leaders.
Across parts of Europe and Africa, the spectre of hatred and fear loomed throughout a
succession of significant elections. In Austria, France, Germany and the Netherlands, some
candidates sought to transpose social and economic anxieties into fear and blame, especially
against migrants, refugees and religious minorities. In Kenya, presidential elections in August
and October were marred by intimidation and violence, including on the basis of ethnic
However, 2017 also demonstrated the enduring willingness of people to stand up for their
rights and for the values they want to see in the world. New and severe threats gave fresh
oxygen to the spirit of protest. In Poland, serious threats to the independence of the judiciary
brought large numbers of people onto the streets. In Zimbabwe, tens of thousands marched
with determination in November, consummating their decades-long struggle against
strongman politics and demanding a genuine election in 2018 – one in which the people’s will
is freely expressed. In India, rising Islamophobia and a wave of lynchings of Muslims and
Dalits provoked outrage and protest as people said: “Not in my name”. A vast International
Women’s Day march, centred on the USA but with many offshoots around the world, became
one of the largest protest events in history. And globally, the #MeToo phenomenon drew
enormous attention to the appalling extent of sexual abuse and harassment.
But the cost of speaking out against injustice continues to grow. In Turkey, the ruthless and
arbitrary assault on civil society in the wake of the failed coup in 2016 continued at a furious
pace, sweeping up the Chair and Director of Amnesty International Turkey among thousands
of others. China unleashed unprecedented crackdowns on individuals and organizations
perceived to be critical of the government, in the name of “national security”. Following large,
widespread protests in Russia, hundreds of peaceful protesters, bystanders and journalists
were arrested; many faced ill-treatment, arbitrary detention and heavy fines following unfair
trials. Across much of Africa, the intolerance of public protest was alarmingly apparent, from
arbitrary bans in Angola and Chad, to heavy-handed crackdowns in the Democratic Republic
of the Congo, Sierra Leone, Togo and Uganda. In Venezuela, hundreds of people were
arbitrarily detained and many more suffered the consequences of excessive and abusive force
used by security forces in response to widespread public protests against rising inflation and
shortages of food and medical supplies. In Egypt, authorities severely curbed the freedom to
criticize the government by closing down or freezing the assets of NGOs, enacting draconian
legislation that provided for five years’ imprisonment for publishing research without
government permission, and sentencing journalists and hundreds of political opponents to
prison terms. As the year drew to a close, a wave of anti-establishment demonstrations began
in Iran, the like of which had not been seen since 2009. Reports emerged that security forces
killed and injured unarmed protesters by using firearms and other excessive force. Hundreds
were arrested and detained in jails notorious for torture and other ill-treatment.
2018 will mark 20 years since the UN adopted by consensus the Declaration on Human
Rights Defenders, which provides for their protection and support and encourages everyone to

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 13

stand up for human rights. Yet two decades later, those who take up the mantle of defending
human rights often face the gravest of consequences. In 2017, the tragic death of Nobel
Laureate Liu Xiaobo in China was emblematic of the contempt in which too many governments
hold human rights defenders. He died in custody from liver cancer on 13 July, after the
Chinese authorities refused to allow him to receive medical treatment abroad.
Meanwhile, narratives of national security and counter-terrorism have continued to provide
justification to governments seeking to reconfigure the balance between state powers and
individual freedoms. States have a clear responsibility to protect people from acts of violence
that are designed to terrorize; yet, increasingly, they have done so at the expense of rights
rather than to protect rights. Europe has continued to slip towards a near-permanent state of
securitization. France, for example, ended its state of emergency in November, but only after
adopting a new anti-terror law, which embedded in ordinary law many of the provisions of the
emergency regime.
However, despite the gravity of these assaults on human rights, an understanding of the
global struggle for the values of human dignity and equality demands that we resist any simple
equation of repressive government versus principled people-power. Today’s public spaces are
contested between often-polarized extremes. While both Poland and the USA saw significant
rallies calling for human rights protections not to be undermined, a large-scale nationalist
march with xenophobic slogans in Warsaw and a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville
called for policies that are profoundly antithetical to human rights. Abusive policies and
practices that deny human rights to certain groups enjoyed popular support in many countries.
Today, many of our most important public spaces exist online, where the tools for addressing
emerging challenges have at times proved wholly inadequate to the task. The avalanche of
online abuse, particularly against women, and the incitement of hatred against minorities,
drew weak and inconsistent responses from social media companies and scant action from
governments. The impact of “fake news” as a tool for manipulating public opinion was widely
discussed throughout 2017. Technological capabilities to blur the distinction between reality
and fiction are only likely to grow in future, raising significant questions about people’s access
to information. These concerns are compounded by the extreme concentration of control in
only a handful of companies over the information people view online, and by the huge power
asymmetry between individuals and the companies and governments who control vast
amounts of data. The capabilities deriving from this to shape public attitudes are immense,
including virtually unchecked potential for incitement to hatred and violence.
As we approach the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in
December 2018, the challenge ahead is clear. This is a moment to reclaim the essential idea
of the equality and dignity of all people, to cherish those values, and demand that they
become a foundation for policy-making and practice. The artificial boundaries erected by a
politics of demonization lead us only towards conflict and brutality, a nightmarish vision of
humanity governed by naked self-interest and blinded to the plight of others. Too many leaders
in the world have allowed the exponents of vilification to set the agenda, and failed to articulate
an alternative vision.
It is time for this to change. We must refuse to accept narratives of demonization and build
instead a culture of solidarity. We must hone our capacity for generosity towards others. We
must assert the right of all people to participate in building the societies to which they belong.
And we must seek constructive answers – rooted in human rights – to the frustrations, anger
and alienation that provide a ready context for toxic political narratives of blame.
The coming year provides a vital opportunity for a renewed commitment to the transformative
idea of human rights, as we ask what kind of societies we want to live in. We must not
squander it.

14 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

“I feel alone, like I’ve been left in the dark without anywhere
to get help… I’m scared about what that will mean for my
– Sarah

When the UK government cut legal aid support in 2012, Sarah was left without the support
she needed to fight a complex legal case regarding access to her children. She is one of
countless millions affected worldwide by government austerity policies. Yet the sheer scale
of austerity and the statistics surrounding it can blind us to the day-to-day toll it is having
on the lives of individual people and families.
Since the financial crisis of 2008, austerity has become a familiar term and experience for
millions of people. This phenomenon – in which a government seeks to reduce a deficit in
public finances, typically to reduce public debt – usually involves cuts to government
spending, sometimes coupled with tax rises which often hit the poorest hardest by raising
prices of basic necessities such as food.
Austerity is a human rights issue. It affects people’s access to education, health, housing,
social security and other economic and social rights. It also leads to abuses of civil and
political rights, as governments respond to protests and other dissent in draconian ways or cut
services that affect access to justice, such as legal aid. All too often, governments dismiss
these rights and make decisions that put the greatest burden on those living in poverty while
threatening the welfare of society as a whole. Austerity is a global issue. In 2017, widespread
austerity measures were applied in countries from every region, particularly restricting people’s
economic and social rights.
In Europe, people took to the streets to protest against the detrimental effects of austerity
measures in Greece, Serbia, Spain and the UK. In the case of the latter, research in England
linked roughly 120,000 deaths to cuts to health and social care.
Amnesty International is researching the impact of austerity policies on the protection and
realization of socio-economic rights in selected countries. The next piece of research, to be
published in the first half of 2018, focuses on the impact of austerity measures on the right to
health in Spain. A nurse working in the Spanish public health system told Amnesty
International: “We have all suffered because of the cuts: nurses, doctors, patients, families,
In Sub-Saharan Africa, subsidies for the poor and social welfare have all been cut at a time
when consumption taxes such as Value Added Tax (VAT) have been increased, often hitting
hardest those living in poverty. Countries including Botswana, Burundi, Mauritius,
Mozambique, Namibia and Togo continued to be “advised” by the International Monetary
Fund (IMF) to keep on implementing austerity measures – despite the IMF’s own admission in
2012 that such an approach is not always warranted and can undermine the economic growth
needed to pay for services. In North Africa, Algeria’s response to the fall in oil prices saw its
government implement deep spending cuts in its 2017 budget, combined with a rise in VAT
from 2% to 19%. IMF lending policies also prompted the Egyptian government to raise the
prices of essential goods and services.

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 15

In Brazil, the unprecedented decision to impose a 20-year fiscal spending cap at the end of
2016 drew strong criticism from both inside and outside the country. In condemning the
measure, the UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights stated: “Logic
dictates that it is virtually inevitable that the progressive realization of economic and social
rights [will] become impossible.”
Economies in the Asia-Pacific and Middle East regions were similarly hamstrung by austerity
measures. During 2017, Indonesia, Mongolia and Sri Lanka witnessed cuts to public
spending. Even the budgets of resource-rich Qatar and Saudi Arabia shrank in moves to
reduce state deficits, prioritizing economic efficiency over social protection.
In the absence of appropriate social safety nets, such measures risk violating governments’
human rights obligations as well as commitments under the global 2030 Agenda for
Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
Looking ahead, even in the short term some commentators are forecasting an “austerity
apocalypse”. Regions such as Southeast Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa are predicted to be
particularly badly affected. One report forecasts that during the next three years more than
two-thirds of all countries will be impacted by austerity, affecting more than 6 billion people
and wiping 7% off global Gross Domestic Product. The human cost is estimated to include
millions being put out of work, including 2.4 million people in low-income countries, with few
prospects of alternative employment.
How should governments respond and what do they have to do to fulfil their human rights
obligations? These obligations do not prohibit austerity per se, but do require that other options
also be considered by governments making economic and fiscal decisions. Above all, human
rights underline the importance of governmental accountability when making such decisions.
Rights holders should be asking key questions of their governments when confronted by
austerity: What levels of scrutiny were employed? How participatory and transparent was the
process? What potential impacts, particularly on the most socially and economically
marginalized, were considered and what mitigation measures were put in place?
Human rights standards require that measures are put in place to ensure that nobody is
allowed to fall below the minimum safety net needed to guarantee a dignified life.
Unfortunately, this is routinely being ignored in even the largest economies as we see ever-
increasing numbers of homeless people and the growth of food banks; charities and
communities are responding to welfare cuts by stepping in to prevent people going hungry.
There is no question that many national budgets are under strain. But are governments
making the maximum use of all the potential resources at their disposal, as they are required
to do under human rights law? The November 2017 release of the so-called “Paradise Papers”
revealed the vast extent of tax evasion and aggressive tax avoidance around the world,
demonstrating the systematic failure of governments to close loopholes and monitor and
address abuses. It has been estimated that Brazil alone is losing up to USD80 billion a year as
a result of tax evasion (which calls into question the need for a 20-year spending cap), while
African countries could collectively claw back at least the same amount annually. In addition to
the well-known tax havens, a 2017 study showed that countries including Ireland, the
Netherlands, Singapore, Switzerland and the UK are facilitating tax evasion by people in other
countries. Globally it is estimated that the annual figure could be as high as USD10 trillion.
Extraordinary times require the consideration of radical alternatives. A number of ideas have
been gaining traction during 2017. They include the introduction of a universal basic income –
already being piloted in some countries – which would guarantee everyone enough money to
live on, regardless of circumstances. Another proposal would involve the state paying for all
key basic services rather than leaving it to the market. Of course such ideas have their critics:
Where will the money come from? Will it simply encourage people to live off the state, even if
they are in a position to work? Nevertheless, proponents point to the potential longer-term

16 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

social and economic cost savings for societies, as well as the need to recognize that nobody
should be left behind even in the most straitened of times. Governments should seriously
consider these ideas as possible ways to meet their human rights obligations.
As austerity continues to bite worldwide, individuals and communities are fighting back and
defending human rights. Their voices and the alternative vision they articulate need to be

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 17

Africa’s human rights landscape was shaped by violent crackdowns against peaceful
protesters and concerted attacks on political opponents, human rights defenders and civil
society organizations. Meanwhile, relentless violence against civilians in long-standing
conflicts was compounded by the stagnation of political efforts to resolve these crises. The
cycle of impunity for human rights violations and abuses committed in conflicts – including
crimes under international law – continued.
Intolerance of peaceful dissent and an entrenched disregard for the right to freedom of
peaceful assembly were increasingly the norm. From Lomé to Freetown, Khartoum to Kampala
and Kinshasa to Luanda, there were mass arrests of peaceful protesters, as well as beatings,
excessive use of force and, in some cases, killings.
Political deadlock and failures by regional and international bodies to address long-standing
conflicts and their underlying causes were also in danger of becoming normalized, and leading
to more violations, with impunity.
These trends occurred within a context of slow and intermittent success in reducing poverty,
and limited progress in human development. According to the Africa Sustainable Development
Report, the rate of decline in extreme poverty was slow; women and young people bore the
brunt of poverty.
However, there were signs of hope and progress that rarely made global headlines: the
courage of ordinary people and human rights defenders who stood up for justice, equality and
dignity in the face of repression.
Significant reforms emerged in a few countries. Gambia rescinded its decision to withdraw
from the International Criminal Court (ICC), freed political prisoners and promised to abolish
the death penalty. Burkina Faso’s draft Constitution included provisions to strengthen human
rights protection.
Notable too were landmark judicial decisions on human rights. Kenya’s High Court decision
to block the government’s planned closure of Dadaab, the world’s largest refugee camp,
prevented the forcible return of more than a quarter of a million refugees to Somalia, where
they were at risk of serious abuses. In Nigeria, two judgments declared threats of forced
evictions without the service of statutory notices to be illegal, and found that forced evictions
and the threat of such evictions amounted to cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment.
Angola’s Constitutional Court declared legislation designed to stifle the work of civil society
organizations to be unconstitutional.

In over 20 countries, people were denied their right to peaceful protest, including through
unlawful bans, use of excessive force, harassment and arbitrary arrests. The right to freedom
of assembly was the exception rather than the rule.
In Angola, Chad, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Ethiopia, Sudan, Togo and
elsewhere, legal, administrative and other measures were used to impose unlawful restrictions
and bans on peaceful protests.
In Angola, authorities frequently prevented peaceful demonstrations, even though no prior
authorization was required in law. In Chad, at least six peaceful assemblies were banned, and

18 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

many organizers and participants were arrested. In DRC, peaceful protests, particularly those
related to the political crisis sparked by delayed elections, were banned and repressed. Civil
society organizations, political opposition and Darfuri students in Sudan were prevented from
holding events.
Use of excessive force and other abuses to disperse peaceful protests resulted in deaths,
injuries and unlawful arrests in many countries. In Angola, the few demonstrations that
proceeded were met with arbitrary arrests, detention and ill-treatment by police and security
forces. Cameroon’s security forces violently repressed demonstrations in Anglophone regions.
Kenyan police used excessive force against opposition protesters following the general election
– including with live ammunition and tear gas, leaving dozens dead, at least 33 of whom were
shot by police, including two children.
In Togo, at least 10 people, including three children and two members of the armed forces,
were killed during a crackdown by security forces, who frequently beat and fired tear gas and
live ammunition at protesters. Sierra Leone’s security forces opened fire on students
demonstrating against a lecturers’ strike in the city of Bo, killing one and injuring others.
Uganda’s government used raids, arrests, intimidation and harassment to stop peaceful
gatherings and silence opposition to an amendment to remove the presidential age limit from
the Constitution.


Widespread repression of dissent also manifested itself through attacks on human rights
defenders, civil society organizations, journalists and bloggers.
In Cameroon, civil society activists, journalists, trade unionists and teachers were arbitrarily
arrested, and some faced military court trials. The government banned the activities of political
parties and civil society organizations. Many remained in detention on spurious charges
relating to national security.
Chad’s authorities arrested and prosecuted human rights defenders, activists and journalists
to silence criticism of the government, including in response to rising anger at the economic
In Equatorial Guinea, police detained activists, highlighting the authorities’ willingness to
abuse laws to intimidate and silence dissent.
In Eritrea, thousands of prisoners of conscience and political prisoners were detained without
charge or access to lawyers or family members, many having been held for over 10 years.
In Ethiopia, arbitrary detentions continued under the state of emergency declaration, until it
was lifted in June. The government ordered the release of 10,000 of the 26,000 detained in
2016 under the declaration. Meanwhile, hundreds were detained under the draconian Anti-
Terrorism Proclamation, often used to target government critics.
In Mauritania, Mohamed Mkhaïtir, a blogger accused of apostasy, had his death sentence
commuted but remained in detention even after he had served his sentence. Meanwhile two
anti-slavery activists remained in jail.
The authorities in Madagascar intimidated and harassed journalists and human rights
defenders in an attempt to silence them. Those daring to speak out against illegal trafficking
and exploitation of natural resources were increasingly targeted through the use of criminal
Sudan’s government persisted in stifling dissent, with opposition political party members,
trade union activists, human rights defenders and students increasingly targeted by the
security forces; they faced arbitrary arrests and detention on trumped-up charges, and routine
torture and other ill-treatment.

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 19

In Zambia, the Public Order Act was used to repress the rights to freedom of expression,
association and peaceful assembly, particularly against critical civil society activists and
opposition political party leaders. Police used excessive force against peaceful protesters while
ignoring violence by ruling party loyalists against civil society activists.
In Zimbabwe, Pastor Evan Mawarire – founder of the #Thisflag movement – suffered political
persecution and harassment, until he was acquitted following the change in government in
Ugandan academic Stella Nyanzi was detained for over one month for Facebook posts
criticizing the President and his wife, who was the Minister for Education.
Some governments moved to introduce new laws to restrict the activities of human rights
defenders, journalists and opponents.
Angola’s Parliament adopted five bills containing provisions restricting freedom of expression,
establishing a media regulatory body with broad oversight powers.
Legislation adopted in Côte d’Ivoire contained provisions curtailing the right to freedom of
expression – including in relation to defamation, offending the President and disseminating
false news.
A draft bill in Nigeria and draft amendments to Malawi’s NGO law introduced excessive,
intrusive and arbitrary controls on the activities of NGOs, including human rights groups.
In at least 30 countries – more than half the countries monitored – media freedom was
curtailed and journalists faced criminalization.
Misuse of the justice system to silence dissent was common in Angola where the government
used defamation laws, especially against journalists and academics.
In Uganda, journalist Gertrude Uwitware was arrested for supporting Stella Nyanzi.
In Botswana, journalists faced continued harassment and intimidation for their investigative
journalism; three journalists were detained and threatened with death by security agents in
plain clothes after they investigated the construction of President Ian Khama’s holiday home.
Cameroon and Togo blocked the internet to prevent journalists from doing their jobs and
closed media outlets.
Activists including journalists and bloggers were detained in Ethiopia and many were
convicted under the Anti-Terrorism Proclamation which provided vague definitions of terrorist
A military court in Cameroon sentenced Radio France Internationale journalist Ahmed Abba
to 10 years’ imprisonment after an unfair trial, for exercising his right to freedom of expression.
He was released in December following a decision by an appellate tribunal which reduced his
sentence to 24 months.


Fear, intimidation and violence marred Kenya’s presidential elections. Police used excessive
force against opposition protesters following the elections leaving dozens dead, including at
least 33 shot by the police. Senior ruling party officials repeatedly threatened the
independence of the judiciary after the Supreme Court annulled the election results. The
NGOs Coordination Board threatened human rights and governance organizations with closure
and other punitive measures after they criticized the electoral process.
In Rwanda’s August presidential election, incumbent Paul Kagame won a landslide victory,
following constitutional changes that allowed him to contest a third term; the election took
place in a climate of fear created by two decades of attacks on political opposition,
independent media and human rights defenders. Potential presidential candidates were also
targeted, including by smear campaigns.

20 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

The run-up to Angola’s elections in August was marked by human rights abuses – journalists
and human rights defenders were repeatedly intimidated for exposing corruption and human
rights violations. Protesters faced arrest and excessive use of force by police.
Political repression was rife in Burundi, with unlawful killings, arbitrary arrests, and enforced
disappearances across the country.


Although the nature and intensity of Africa’s conflicts varied, they were generally characterized
by gross human rights violations and violations of international humanitarian law – including
acts constituting crimes under international law.
Amid the paralysis of regional efforts to resolve the political deadlock, intense suffering and
loss of life continued in South Sudan’s four-year armed conflict, which forced millions from
their homes. In the Upper Nile region, tens of thousands of civilians were forcibly displaced as
government forces burned, shelled and systematically looted homes; sexual violence
continued unabated. A cessation of hostilities agreement was signed in December following
the forum launched by the intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) to revitalize
the previous peace agreement. However, soon after, renewed fighting broke out in different
parts of the country.
In Sudan, the security and humanitarian situation in Darfur, Blue Nile and South Kordofan
states remained dire, with widespread violations of international humanitarian and human
rights law.
There was renewed conflict in the Central African Republic (CAR), which led to large-scale
human rights violations and abuses and crimes under international law. Outside the
government-controlled capital, armed groups carried out a range of abuses, and reports of
sexual exploitation and abuses by UN peacekeeping troops continued.
In DRC, unprecedented violence in the Kasaï region left thousands dead and as of 25
September 1 million were internally displaced; over 35,000 people fled to neighbouring
Angola. Congolese army soldiers used excessive force, killing scores of suspected members
and sympathizers of the armed insurgent group Kamuena Nsapu, which, in turn, recruited
children and carried out attacks on civilians and government forces. The government proxy-
militia group Bana Mura was responsible for dozens of ethnic-based attacks including killings,
rapes and destruction of civilian property.
In response to threats by the armed group Boko Haram and its ongoing commission of war
crimes, security forces in Cameroon and Nigeria continued to commit gross human rights
violations and crimes under international law. These included extrajudicial executions,
enforced disappearances, arbitrary arrests, incommunicado detentions, torture and other ill-
treatment, which, in some cases, led to deaths in custody. People accused of supporting Boko
Haram were sentenced to death in Cameroon following unfair trials in military courts, although
none were executed during the year. In Nigeria, the military arbitrarily arrested and detained
incommunicado thousands of women, men and children in harsh conditions. In Niger – where
the government declared a state of emergency in the western areas bordering Mali and
renewed the state of emergency in the Diffa region – more than 700 suspected Boko Haram
members went on trial.


Armed groups including al-Shabaab and Boko Haram perpetrated abuses and attacks against
civilians in countries including Cameroon, CAR, DRC, Mali, Niger, Nigeria and Somalia. In
some cases, the attacks constituted serious abuses of international humanitarian and human
rights law.

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 21

In the Lake Chad basin region, Boko Haram committed war crimes on a large scale. Boko
Haram attacks targeted civilians, caused deaths and led to an increase in displacement of
civilians. Resurgent attacks in Cameroon and Nigeria left hundreds of civilians dead. While 82
of the abducted schoolgirls from Chibok, northeast Nigeria, were released in May, thousands
of abducted women, girls and young men were unaccounted for and faced horrific abuses,
including rape. Across northeast Nigeria, 1.7 million people were displaced, bringing many to
the brink of starvation.
In Mali, attacks by armed groups on civilians and peacekeepers spread from the north to the
centre, and a state of emergency was extended in October for another year.
In October, al-Shabaab carried out the deadliest attack against civilians in recent times in
Somalia’s capital, Mogadishu; it left over 512 people dead.


Torture and other ill-treatment was reported in several countries including Burkina Faso,
Cameroon, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Mauritania, Nigeria and Sudan.
Cameroon’s security forces perpetrated torture against people suspected – often without
evidence – of supporting Boko Haram; these violations amounted to war crimes and the
crimes were carried out with impunity.
In Ethiopia, detainees accused of terrorism repeatedly complained to the courts that police
tortured and ill-treated them during interrogations. Although, in some cases, judges ordered
the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission to investigate the allegations, the investigations failed
to adhere to international human rights standards.
On the positive side, the Anti-Torture Bill – intended to prohibit and criminalize the use of
torture – was signed into law in Nigeria in December.


Protracted conflicts, along with recurring humanitarian crises and persistent human rights
violations, forced millions to flee their homes in search of protection. Refugees and migrants
faced widespread abuses and violations. Millions of refugees hosted by African countries were
inadequately supported by the international community.
The ongoing conflict and drought in Somalia left half the country’s population in need of
humanitarian assistance, according to UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency. Over a million people
were internally displaced by conflict and drought during the year – adding to 1.1 million
internally displaced people living in deplorable conditions in unsafe informal settlements.
In Kenya, over 285,000 refugees and asylum-seekers from Somalia remained in urgent need
of protection. In February, a High Court ruling blocked the Kenyan government’s unilateral
decision to shut Dadaab refugee camp, which – in violation of international law – had put more
than 260,000 Somali refugees at risk of forcible return. Although Dadaab remained open, the
Kenyan government continued to refuse to register new arrivals from Somalia. Over 74,000
refugees were repatriated from Dadaab to Somalia between December 2014 and November
2017 under the voluntary repatriation framework. The repatriations took place despite ongoing
concerns about the “voluntary” nature of returns and despite concerns that the conditions to
ensure returns in safety and dignity were not yet in place in Somalia, due to ongoing conflict
and severe drought.
Hundreds of thousands of people from CAR sought refuge from conflict in neighbouring
countries or were internally displaced, living in makeshift camps.
Military operations and the conflict with Boko Haram in the Lake Chad basin region forced
millions from their homes. In Nigeria, at least 1.7 million were internally displaced in the

22 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

northeastern states of Borno, Yobe and Adamawa. UNHCR said that 5.2 million people in the
northeast were in urgent need of food assistance and 450,000 children under five were in
urgent need of nutrition. In Chad, over 408,000 refugees from CAR, DRC, Nigeria and Sudan
lived in dire conditions in refugee camps.
Botswana denied refugees freedom of movement, the right to work and local integration;
asylum-seekers faced lengthy refugee status determination procedures and detention.
Thousands continued to flee Eritrea, where the human rights situation and the imposition of
indefinite military national service created major difficulties for many. They faced serious
abuses in transit and in some destination countries, and many were subjected to arbitrary
detention, abduction, sexual abuse and ill-treatment on their way to Europe. In August, Sudan
forcibly returned more than 100 refugees to Eritrea, where they were at risk of serious human
rights violations, in violation of international law.
In South Sudan, around 340,000 fled an escalation of the fighting in the Equatoria region,
which led to atrocities and starvation between January and October. Mainly government – but
also opposition – forces in the southern region committed crimes under international law and
other serious violations and abuses, including war crimes, against civilians. More than 3.9
million people − approximately one third of the population − had been displaced since the
beginning of the conflict in December 2013.
Other states did little to help neighbouring countries hosting more than 2 million refugees
from South Sudan. Uganda hosted over 1 million refugees, mostly children, and encountered
difficulties in implementing its progressive and widely respected refugee policy, due to chronic
underfunding by the international community. Consequently, the Ugandan government,
UNHCR and NGOs struggled to meet refugees’ basic needs.

Failure to ensure justice, redress and the holding of suspected perpetrators to account
remained a key driver of human rights violations and abuses in a wide range of contexts and
In CAR, some progress was made towards operationalizing the Special Criminal Court, which
was established to try individuals suspected of serious human rights violations and crimes
under international law committed during the country’s 14-year conflict. The Court’s Special
Prosecutor took office in May, but the Court was not yet operational and impunity remained the
In South Sudan, three transitional justice bodies provided for in the 2015 peace agreement
had still not been established. In July, a joint roadmap for the establishment of the Hybrid
Court for South Sudan was agreed between the African Union (AU) Commission and the
government; discussions continued on the instruments for the establishment of the Court, but
nothing was formally adopted.
In Nigeria – amid concerns about independence and impartiality – a Special Board of Inquiry,
established by the army to investigate allegations of gross human rights violations, cleared
senior military officers of crimes under international law. Its report was not made public. In
August, the acting President set up a presidential investigation panel to probe allegations of
human rights violations carried out by the military; the panel held public hearings between
September and November but there was no outcome by the end of the year. Meanwhile, the
Nigerian authorities held mass secret trials for Boko Haram suspects; 50 defendants were
sentenced to various terms of imprisonment in a trial that took place over four days.
In DRC, the killing of two UN experts and the disappearance of their Congolese interpreter
and three of their drivers, in Kasaï Central Province in March, illustrated the urgent need to
end violence in the region. The Congolese authorities’ investigation was not transparent or

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 23

credible. In June, the UN Human Rights Council decided to dispatch a team of international
experts to DRC to help in investigations. In July, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
appointed a team of three experts whose findings were expected in June 2018.
In Ethiopia, the police and army continued to enjoy impunity for violations committed in 2015
and 2016. The government rejected calls for independent and impartial investigations into
violations committed in the context of protests in various regional states.
The Extraordinary African Chambers in Senegal upheld the conviction and sentence of life
imprisonment of former Chadian President Hissène Habré for war crimes, crimes against
humanity and torture.


Burundi became the first State Party to withdraw from the Rome Statute of the ICC in October.
Despite this, in November, the Pre-Trial Chamber made public its decision to authorize the ICC
Prosecutor to open an investigation regarding crimes within the jurisdiction of the Court
allegedly committed in Burundi – or by nationals of Burundi outside the country – between
April 2015 and October 2017.
However, developments in Africa suggested a tempering of the rhetoric calling for withdrawal
from the ICC. The AU adopted a decision in January, which despite its misleading title,
outlined plans for engagement with the ICC and other stakeholders. More encouragingly,
member states – including Senegal, Nigeria, Cape Verde, Malawi, Tanzania, Tunisia, Zambia
and Liberia – expressly stated their support for the ICC and rejected any notion of mass
Gambia’s new government revoked its withdrawal from the Rome Statute, while Botswana’s
Parliament passed a bill incorporating the Rome Statute into domestic law.
In March, the South African government announced it would revoke its 2016 notice of
intention to withdraw from the Rome Statue after the North Gauteng High Court decision held
that withdrawal from the ICC without consulting Parliament was unconstitutional and invalid.
However, a draft bill to repeal the Rome Statue Domestication Act was introduced to
Parliament in early December 2017, signalling the government’s intention to pursue its
decision to leave the ICC.
Meanwhile, the ICC’s Pre-Trial Chamber ruled that South Africa should have executed the
arrest warrant against Sudanese President Omar Al-Bashir during his 2015 visit to the country.
The ruling confirmed that President Al-Bashir did not have immunity from arrest and that any
states party to the Rome Statute were obliged to arrest him if he entered their territory, and
hand him over to the Court.
In its December preliminary report, the Office of the Prosecutor of the ICC announced that it
was continuing its analysis of the potential eight crimes it had previously identified as having
been allegedly committed in Nigeria, as well as gathering evidence on new crimes, but was yet
to reach a decision on whether to open an investigation.


Discrimination, marginalization and abuse of women and girls – often arising from cultural
traditions and institutionalized by unjust laws – continued in a number of countries. Women
and girls were subjected to rape and other sexual violence, including in the context of conflicts
and in countries with large numbers of refugee and internally displaced populations.
Pregnant girls continued to be excluded from school in countries including Sierra Leone and
Equatorial Guinea. In June, Tanzania’s President announced a ban on pregnant girls returning
to public-funded schools – fuelling stigma and discrimination against girls and victims of
sexual violence.

24 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

Gender-based violence against women and girls was prevalent in several countries including
Liberia, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa and Swaziland.
In countries including Burkina Faso, lack of medical equipment, medication and staffing in
hospitals left pregnant women and infants at serious risk of birth complications, infection and
death. Female genital mutilation rates decreased; however, despite being outlawed, the
practice remained widespread.
Unsafe abortions contributed to one of Africa’s highest rates of maternal death and injury in
Liberia, where affordable and accessible abortion services were largely unavailable to rape
Despite its progressive abortion laws, women and girls faced substantial barriers to legal
abortion services in South Africa and faced serious risks to health, and even death, from
unsafe abortions. The government failed to address the refusal of health care professionals to
provide abortions.
In Angola, the government proposed an amendment to the Penal Code, which would
decriminalize abortion in certain limited cases, but Parliament rejected the proposal. After a
public outcry, the parliamentary vote on the legislation was postponed indefinitely.


Superstitions about the magical powers of people with albinism fuelled a surge of attacks
against them; in Malawi and Mozambique, they were abducted and killed for their body parts.
In Mozambique, a seven-year-old boy was murdered when unidentified men abducted him
from his home. Despite public outcry, the government took little action.


LGBTI people faced discrimination, prosecution, harassment and violence, including in
Senegal, Ghana, Malawi and Nigeria. In Ghana, the parliamentary Speaker called for a
constitutional amendment to make homosexuality illegal and punishable by law. In Liberia, a
man arrested in 2016 and charged with “voluntary sodomy” under the Penal Code, remained
in detention awaiting trial. In Nigeria, arrest, public shaming, extortion of and discrimination
against individuals based on their sexual orientation were reported.
In a landmark decision in Botswana, a High Court ordered the government to change the
gender marker in the identity document of a transgender woman, ruling that its refusal to do
so was unreasonable and in violation of her rights.


Amid increasing urbanization, unemployment, poverty and inequality, many countries failed to
ensure accessible, affordable and habitable housing.
A landslide at a vast rubbish dump on the outskirts of Ethiopia’s capital caused 115 deaths.
Most of the victims lived next to the site and supported themselves by recycling rubbish.
At least 10 people, including two children, were also killed in a landslide at a rubbish dump
in Guinea.
In Lagos state in Nigeria, authorities forcibly evicted at least 5,000 people from the Otodo-
Gbame and Ilubirin waterfront neighbourhoods, while security services fired tear gas and live
bullets to clear the area. The forced evictions were in violation of a High Court order restraining
authorities from carrying out demolitions in these communities.
On the other hand, a High Court ruling in Nigeria declared the planned demolition of Mpape
settlement in Abuja illegal, thereby offering relief to hundreds of thousands of residents. The
Court ruled that the authorities were obliged to refrain from forced evictions and should
develop policies to implement the right to adequate housing.

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 25

In DRC, children and adults risked their lives and health working in cobalt mines for a dollar a
day. In South Africa, Lonmin Plc, a UK-based platinum mining giant, allowed its workforce to
live in squalor in Marikana, in spite of making legally binding commitments to build 5,500 new
houses over 10 years before. No one was held to account for the killing in 2012 of 34 people
protesting against poor conditions at the mine.
At the same time, there were growing signs of public pressure, action and demands for
corporate accountability in various countries.
In June, a landmark civil case was launched against Shell in the Netherlands – accusing it of
complicity in the unlawful arrest, detention and execution of the Ogoni nine, hanged by
Nigeria’s military government in 1995. International organizations called for Shell to be
investigated for its part in these serious human rights violations committed by the Nigerian
security forces in Ogoniland in the 1990s.
Some governments took positive steps. The DRC government committed to end child labour
in the mining sector by 2025, in what could be a significant step towards eradicating the use
of children as young as seven in dangerous mining work. Ghana ratified the UN Minamata
Convention on Mercury, which aims to protect workers from toxic liquid metal by reducing
mercury use in artisanal and small-scale gold mining and to protect children from exposure.

While 2017 saw protracted and, in some cases, deepening challenges to the state of human
rights in Africa, it also offered hope and opportunities for change. A key source of hope lay in
the countless people across the region who stood up for human rights, justice and dignity –
often risking their lives and freedoms.
Africa’s regional bodies remained key to the realization of positive change; they too are
presented with many opportunities. During the year, the AU endorsed an ambitious plan to
realize its commitment to “silence the guns” by 2020. It embarked on a major institutional
reform agenda, which includes mobilizing significant resources for its operations and for peace
and security interventions. This holistic approach and the AU’s ambition to address the root
causes of conflict offer real opportunities to mobilize an effective regional response for better
protection of civilians, respect for human rights and tackling the entrenched culture of
The year also marked the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the African Commission
on Human and Peoples’ Rights, which – despite many challenges – made significant
contributions towards the promotion and protection of human rights, including by formulating
an impressive list of instruments and standards. In 2017 alone, the Commission adopted at
least 13 such instruments; these gave specific content to the broad provisions of the African
Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights and the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and
Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa.
The Commission should build on these successes and work towards refining and
strengthening its processes and mechanisms; it needs to develop a single set of consolidated
state reporting guidelines and to apply consistently the Commission’s procedure for following
up the implementation of its decisions and recommendations to states.

26 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

Discrimination and inequality continued to be the norm across the continent. High levels of
violence continued to ravage the region, with waves of killings, enforced disappearances
and arbitrary detentions. Human rights defenders experienced increasing levels of violence.
Impunity remained pervasive. Politics of demonization and division increased. Indigenous
Peoples faced discrimination and continued to be denied their economic, social and
cultural rights, including their rights to land and to free, prior and informed consent on
projects affecting them. Governments made little headway in protecting the rights of
women and girls, and of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people.
Huge numbers of people across the Americas region faced a deepening human rights crisis,
fuelled by the downgrading of human rights in law, policy and practice, together with
increasing use of the politics of demonization and division. Such regression risked becoming
endemic in many countries. It exacerbated a lack of trust in the authorities – manifested in low
levels of participation in elections and referendums – and in institutions such as national
justice systems.
Rather than using human rights as a way to secure a more just and sustainable future, many
governments fell back on tactics of repression – misusing their security forces and justice
systems to silence dissent and criticism; allowing widespread torture and other ill-treatment to
go unpunished; and presiding over rampant inequality, poverty and discrimination sustained
by corruption and failures in accountability and justice.
Major regression in human rights was also driven by a series of executive orders issued by
US President Donald Trump, including what became known as the “Muslim ban” and plans to
build a wall along the US border with Mexico.
Extreme and persistent violence was commonplace in countries including Brazil, El Salvador,
Honduras, Mexico and Venezuela. Violence across the region was frequently driven by the
proliferation of illicit small arms and the growth of organized crime. Violence against LGBTI
people, women and girls, and Indigenous Peoples was widespread.
According to a UN report, Latin America and the Caribbean remained the most violent region
in the world for women, despite strict laws aimed at addressing the crisis. The region had the
world’s highest rate of non-intimate partner violence against women, and the second highest
rate of intimate partner violence.
Mexico witnessed a wave of killings of journalists and human rights defenders. Venezuela
faced its worst human rights crisis in modern history. Killings of Indigenous people and Afro-
descendant leaders in Colombia exposed shortcomings in the implementation of the country’s
peace process.
Land rights activists were targeted with violence and other abuses in many countries. The
region continued to suffer from an alarming rise in the number of threats and attacks against
human rights defenders, community leaders and journalists, including through misuse of the
justice system.
Huge numbers of people fled their homes to escape repression, violence, discrimination and
poverty. Many suffered further abuses while in transit or upon reaching other countries in the
The pardon granted to Peru’s former president Alberto Fujimori, who in 2009 was sentenced
for crimes against humanity, sent a worrying signal about Peru’s willingness to confront
impunity and respect the rights of victims.

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 27

States’ failure to uphold human rights increased the space for non-state actors to commit
crimes under international law and other abuses. These included organized criminal entities,
which in some cases controlled entire territories, often with the complicity or acquiescence of
security forces. National and transnational corporations sought to take control of the land and
territory of groups including Indigenous Peoples and – in countries like Peru and Nicaragua –
peasant farmers.
Failures to uphold economic, social and cultural rights caused widespread suffering. A
reversal of political rhetoric by the USA under President Trump reduced the chances of the US
Congress passing legislation to lift the economic embargo on Cuba – and so perpetuated the
embargo’s adverse impacts on Cubans. Paraguay’s authorities failed to ensure the right to
adequate housing following forced evictions. There were thousands of new cases of cholera in
Tens of thousands of people were displaced from their homes and struggled with badly
damaged infrastructure in countries in the Caribbean, including in the Dominican Republic
and Puerto Rico, following two major hurricanes, among other natural disasters. In Mexico, two
devastating earthquakes that cost hundreds of lives compromised people’s rights to adequate
housing and education.
At the Organization of American States (OAS) General Assembly, held in Cancún, Mexico, in
June, there was a clear lack of political leadership to address some of the region’s most
pressing human rights issues. A group of countries tried to condemn the crisis in Venezuela,
without acknowledging their own failures to respect and protect human rights. After the
previous year’s financial crisis, the OAS took a step forward by doubling the budget allocation
for the Inter-American human rights system – although the funding was to be allocated under
certain conditions, which could limit the ability of the Inter-American Commission on Human
Rights and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights to hold states accountable for human
rights violations.
In the USA, President Trump wasted little time in putting his anti-rights rhetoric of
discrimination and xenophobia into action, threatening a major rollback on justice and
freedoms – including by signing a series of repressive executive orders that threatened the
human rights of millions, at home and abroad.
This included abusive USA-Mexico border enforcement practices such as the increased
detention of asylum-seekers and their families; extreme restrictions on women’s and girls’
access to sexual and reproductive health services in the USA and elsewhere; repeal of
protections for LGBTI workers and transgender students; and permission for the Dakota
Access Pipeline to be completed – threatening the water source of the Standing Rock Sioux
Tribe and other Indigenous Peoples, as well as violating their right to free, prior and informed
Yet growing disenfranchisement did not equate to disengagement. Emerging social
discontent inspired people to take to the streets, stand up for their rights and demand an end
to repression, marginalization and injustice. Examples included the massive demonstrations in
support of activist Santiago Maldonado, who was found dead after going missing in the context
of a demonstration marred by police violence in a Mapuche community in Argentina, and the
massive social movement of “Ni Una Menos” (“not one less woman”) – denouncing femicide
and violence against women and girls – in various countries in the region.
Massive grassroots and political opposition in the USA resisted some of the policies and
decisions by the Trump administration that undermined human rights, including attempts to
ban people from several Muslim-majority countries from entering the USA and to reduce the
number of refugees eligible for admission; threats to increase the number of detainees at the
US detention centre in Guantánamo Bay; and an attempt to take away health care coverage
from millions in the USA.

28 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

Venezuela faced one of the worst human rights crises in its recent history, fuelled by an
escalation of government-sponsored violence. There were growing protests due to rising
inflation and a humanitarian crisis caused by shortages of food and medical supplies. Rather
than address the food and health crisis, the authorities instituted a premeditated policy of
violent repression of any form of dissent. The security forces used abusive and excessive force
against protesters, including by throwing tear gas and firing rubber bullets, leading to more
than 120 deaths. Thousands of people were arbitrarily detained and there were many reports
of torture and other ill-treatment. The judicial system was used to silence dissent, including
through the use of military courts to prosecute civilians, and to target and harass human rights


Mexico’s human rights crisis continued, exacerbated by increases in violence and homicides,
including a record number of killings of journalists. Arbitrary arrests and detentions remained
widespread – often leading to further human rights violations, most of which were not properly
investigated. More than 34,000 people remained subject to enforced disappearance, and
extrajudicial executions were rife. Torture and other ill-treatment continued to be widespread
and were committed with impunity by the security forces, with people routinely forced to sign
false “confessions”. However, the Senate’s approval of a new law on enforced disappearances
– following a national public outcry over the case of 43 forcibly disappeared students whose
fate and whereabouts remained undisclosed – was a potential step forward, although its
eventual implementation will require serious political commitment to ensure justice, truth and
reparations. Congress also finally passed a new general law on torture. More concerning was
the enactment of a law on interior security that would enable the prolonged presence of the
armed forces in regular policing functions, a strategy that has been linked to an increase in
human rights violations.

Authorities in Brazil ignored a deepening human rights crisis of their own making. In the city of
Rio de Janeiro, a spike in violence saw a surge in unlawful killings by the police, with soaring
rates of killings and other human rights violations elsewhere in the country. Little was done to
reduce the number of homicides, to control the use of force by the police or to guarantee
Indigenous Peoples’ rights. The chaotic, overcrowded and dangerous state of Brazil’s prisons
resulted in more than 120 deaths of inmates during riots reported in January.
Despite the homicide rate falling in Honduras, there were serious concerns about high levels
of violence and insecurity; prevalent impunity undermined public trust in the authorities and
the justice system. Massive protests took place throughout the country – denouncing the lack
of transparency around the presidential election held in November – and were violently
repressed by security forces, leading to at least 31 people being killed, dozens arbitrarily
detained and others injured.
Dozens of unlawful killings by the security forces were reported in the Dominican Republic,
which endured a persistently high homicide rate. Jamaica’s police continued to commit
unlawful killings – some potentially amounting to extrajudicial executions – with impunity.

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 29

Protests were met with unnecessary and excessive use of force by the authorities in countries
including Colombia, Paraguay and Puerto Rico.
In Paraguay, protests erupted after a secret attempt by senators to amend the Constitution to
allow presidential re-elections was exposed. The Congress building was set on fire by some
protesters, and opposition activist Rodrigo Quintana was killed by police. Dozens of people
were injured, more than 200 were detained, and local organizations reported torture and other
ill-treatment by security forces.
In Nicaragua, police officers prevented rural communities and Indigenous Peoples from
participating in peaceful demonstrations against the construction of the Grand Interoceanic
In Argentina, more than 30 people were arbitrarily detained by police in the capital, Buenos
Aires, for taking part in a demonstration following the death of activist Santiago Maldonado. In
December, excessive force was used against protesters in Buenos Aires taking part in massive
demonstrations against governmental reforms.


Impunity remained pervasive and a key driver of human rights violations and abuses in many
Ongoing impunity and corruption in Guatemala eroded public trust in the authorities and
hampered access to justice. There were large protests in August and September and the
country faced a political crisis when members of the government resigned in response to
President Jimmy Morales’ attempt to expel the head of the International Commission against
Impunity in Guatemala, an independent body established by the government and the UN in
2006 to strengthen the rule of law post-conflict.
Impunity for past and present human rights violations remained a concern in Chile. The
closure by the authorities of an investigation into the alleged abduction and torture reported by
Mapuche leader Víctor Queipul Hueiquil sent a chilling message to human rights defenders
across the country, while it appeared that no comprehensive and impartial investigation was
carried out. Indigenous leader Machi Francisca Linconao and 10 other Mapuche people were
acquitted of terrorism charges, due to a lack of evidence to implicate them in the deaths of two
people in January 2013. However, in December the Court of Appeals declared the judgment
null. A new trial was due to start in 2018.


Efforts to address unresolved human rights violations often remained slow and sluggish,
hampered by a lack of political will.
In Peru, President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski granted a medical pardon and grace to former
president Alberto Fujimori, who had been sentenced in 2009 to 25 years’ imprisonment for his
responsibility for crimes against humanity committed by his subordinates, and was still facing
other charges for his alleged responsibility for other human rights violations that could
constitute crimes against humanity. Thousands took to the streets to protest against the
In Uruguay, human rights defenders investigating human rights violations that took place
during the military regime (1973-1985) reported receiving death threats, the sources of which
were not investigated. In November the Supreme Court found that crimes committed during

30 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

the regime did not amount to crimes against humanity and were, therefore, subject to statutes
of limitations.
Yet there was some progress. In Argentina, 29 people were sentenced to life imprisonment
for crimes against humanity committed during the 1976-1983 military regime, and a federal
court issued a historic decision under which four former members of the judiciary were
sentenced to life in prison for contributing to the commission of crimes against humanity
during those years.
In Bolivia a Truth Commission was established to investigate serious human rights violations
committed under military governments from 1964 to 1982.
There was progress in prosecuting some crimes against humanity committed during
Guatemala’s internal armed conflict (1960-1996), with five former members of the military
sent to trial on charges of crimes against humanity, rape and enforced disappearance. After
several failed attempts since 2015, the trials of former military head of state José Efraín Ríos
Montt and former intelligence chief José Rodríguez Sánchez finally resumed in October.


Amid a global refugee crisis in which more than 21 million people have been forced to flee
their homes due to war and persecution, the USA took extreme steps to deny protection to
people in need. In the first few weeks of his administration, President Trump issued executive
orders to suspend the country’s refugee resettlement programme for 120 days, impose an
indefinite ban on the resettlement of refugees from Syria, and reduce the annual refugee
admission cap to 50,000.
President Trump also signed an executive order vowing to build a wall along the USA-Mexico
border. His order, which pledged to put in place 5,000 additional border patrol agents, carried
the risk that more migrants – including many in need of international protection – would be
unlawfully pushed back at the border or deported to places where their lives are at risk. The
injustice of President Trump’s actions was emphasized by Central America’s ongoing refugee
crisis, and by the appalling situation in Venezuela, which led to an increase in the number of
Venezuelans seeking asylum abroad. As conditions for refugees and migrants in the USA
deteriorated, there was a significant increase in numbers of asylum-seekers irregularly
crossing the border from the USA into Canada.

According to UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, more than 57,000 people from Honduras,
Guatemala and El Salvador sought asylum in other countries. Many were forced back home,
where a lack of an effective system to protect them meant they faced the same dangers and
conditions from which they had fled. Thousands of families and unaccompanied children from
those countries migrated to the USA through Mexico and were apprehended at the US border.
Mexico received a record number of asylum applications, mostly from nationals of El
Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala and Venezuela, but repeatedly failed to provide protection to
those who needed it – instead pushing people back to highly dangerous and even life-
threatening situations.
Argentina’s reception system for asylum-seekers remained slow and insufficient, and there
was no integration plan in place to help asylum-seekers and refugees access basic rights such
as education, work and health care.
Cubans continued to leave the country in large numbers, pushed by low wages and undue
restrictions on freedom of expression.

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 31

The Dominican Republic’s statelessness crisis continued to affect tens of thousands of people
of Haitian descent who were born in the country but were left stateless after being retroactively
and arbitrarily deprived of their Dominican nationality in 2013. Those affected were denied a
range of human rights and were prevented from accessing higher education, formal
employment or adequate health care.
In Haiti, almost 38,000 people remained internally displaced because of the 2010
earthquake. There was a reported increase in deportation cases at the Dominican-Haitian


Indigenous Peoples’ rights continued to be violated in countries including Argentina, Bolivia,
Canada, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Honduras, Nicaragua and Peru.


Indigenous Peoples continued to be criminalized and discriminated against in Argentina,
where the authorities used legal proceedings to harass them; there were reports of police
attacks, including beatings and intimidation. Rafael Nahuel of the Mapuche community was
killed in November during an eviction conducted by security forces.
In Colombia, a wave of killings of Indigenous people from communities historically affected by
the armed conflict highlighted shortcomings in the implementation of the peace agreement.
The killing of Gerson Acosta – leader of the Kite Kiwe Indigenous council in Timbío, Cauca,
who was shot repeatedly while leaving a community meeting – was a tragic example of the
ineffectiveness of the authorities’ measures to safeguard the lives and safety of community
leaders and other Indigenous people.
The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights documented the different forms of
discrimination faced by Indigenous women in the Americas and highlighted how their political,
social and economic marginalization contributed to permanent structural discrimination,
leaving them at increased risk of violence.

In Peru, new laws weakened the protection of Indigenous Peoples’ rights related to land and
territory and undermined their right to free, prior and informed consent. The government
neglected the right to health of hundreds of Indigenous Peoples whose only water sources
were contaminated with toxic metals, and who lacked access to adequate health care.
In Ecuador, the right to free, prior and informed consent of Indigenous Peoples continued to
be violated, including after intrusions of the state into their territories for future oil extraction.
Indigenous Peoples in Paraguay also continued to be denied their rights to land and to free,
prior and informed consent on projects affecting them. Despite rulings from the Inter-American
Court of Human Rights, the government failed to provide the Yakye Axa community access to
their lands, or to resolve a case regarding the ownership of land expropriated from the
Sawhoyamaxa community.
Guatemala’s Supreme Court recognized the lack of prior consultation with the Xinca
Indigenous People of Santa Rosa and Jalapa, who were negatively affected by mining
In Brazil, conflicts over land, and invasion by illegal loggers and mine workers into Indigenous
Peoples’ territory, resulted in violent attacks against Indigenous communities.

32 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

The extreme risks and dangers of defending human rights were apparent in numerous
countries in the region, with human rights defenders facing threats, harassment and attacks
including in Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua and Paraguay.


In Mexico, human rights defenders were threatened, attacked and killed, with digital attacks
and surveillance especially common. During the year, at least 12 journalists were killed – the
largest number recorded since 2000 – many in public places in daylight, with the authorities
making no notable progress in investigating and prosecuting those responsible. Victims
included prize-winning journalist Javier Valdez, who was killed in May near the office of the
newspaper Ríodoce, which he founded. It became apparent that a network of people was
using the internet to harass and threaten journalists throughout Mexico. Evidence also
emerged of surveillance against journalists and human rights defenders, using software that
the government was known to have purchased.


Honduras remained one of the region’s most dangerous countries for human rights defenders
– especially those working to protect land, territory and the environment. They were targeted
by both state and non-state actors, subjected to smear campaigns to discredit their work, and
regularly faced intimidation, threats and attacks. Most attacks registered against human rights
defenders went unpunished. There was little progress in the investigation into the March 2016
killing of Indigenous environmental defender Berta Cáceres. Since her murder, several other
Honduran environmental and human rights activists have been harassed and threatened.


There was an increase in the number of attacks against human rights defenders in Colombia,
especially community leaders, defenders of land, territory and the environment, and those
campaigning in favour of the peace agreement. According to the Office of the UN High
Commissioner for Human Rights, almost 100 human rights defenders were killed during the
year. Many death threats against activists were attributed to paramilitary groups, but in most
cases the authorities failed to identify who was responsible for the killings that resulted from
the threats.


In Cuba, large numbers of human rights defenders and political activists continued to be
harassed, intimidated, dismissed from state employment and arbitrarily detained to silence
criticism. Online and offline censorship undermined advances in education. Prisoners of
conscience included the leader of the pro-democracy Christian Liberation Movement, Eduardo
Cardet Concepción, who was jailed for three years for publicly criticizing former president Fidel
Human rights defenders in Guatemala, especially those working on land, territorial and
environmental issues, faced ongoing threats and attacks, and were subjected to smear
campaigns. The justice system was also frequently misused to target, harass and silence
human rights defenders.
A ruling by Peru’s Supreme Court confirming the acquittal of human rights defender Máxima
Acuña Atalaya after five years of unfounded criminal proceedings for land seizure was a
landmark decision for environmental defenders.

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 33

Women and girls across the region continued to be subjected to a wide range of violations and
abuses, including gender-based violence and discrimination and violations of sexual and
reproductive rights.


Violence against women and girls remained prevalent. Impunity for crimes such as rape,
killings and threats was widespread and entrenched, often underpinned by weak political will,
limited resources to investigate and bring perpetrators to justice, and an unchallenged
patriarchal culture.
Ongoing gender-based violence in the Dominican Republic resulted in an increase in the
number of killings of women and girls. Gender-based violence against women and girls was
also a major concern in Mexico and worsened in Nicaragua.
In Jamaica, women’s movements and survivors of gender-based and sexual violence took to
the streets to protest against impunity for such crimes.
There was an increase in the number of killings of women in leadership roles in Colombia,
and no clear progress in ensuring access to justice for women survivors of sexual violence.
However, women’s organizations ensured that the Peace Agreement established that people
suspected of having committed crimes of sexual violence would be required to appear before
transitional justice tribunals.
In Cuba, The Ladies in White – a group of female relatives of prisoners detained on politically
motivated grounds – remained a key target of repression by the authorities.
Canada’s federal government released a strategy to combat gender-based violence, and
committed to placing women’s rights, gender equality and sexual and reproductive rights at
the core of its foreign policy. A law to combat violence against women entered into force in
Paraguay in December, although it remained unclear how it would be funded.


In January, two days after massive worldwide demonstrations for equality and against
discrimination, US President Trump put at risk the lives and health of millions of women and
girls around the world by reinstating the so-called “global gag rule”. This blocked US financial
assistance to any hospitals or organizations that provide abortion information about, or access
to, safe and legal abortion care, or that advocate the decriminalization of abortion or the
expansion of abortion services.
In Latin America alone – where experts estimate that 760,000 women are treated annually
from complications of unsafe abortion – President Trump’s stance put many more lives at risk.

A ruling by Chile’s Constitutional Tribunal to support the decriminalization of abortion in certain
cases left just seven countries worldwide persisting with a total ban on abortion, even when the
life or health of the woman or girl is at risk. Six of those countries were in the Americas region:
the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua and Suriname.
In El Salvador, 19-year-old Evelyn Beatriz Hernández Cruz was jailed for 30 years on charges
of aggravated homicide, after suffering obstetric complications resulting in a miscarriage. In
December, a court confirmed the 30-year sentence of Teodora, a woman who suffered a
stillbirth in 2007.

34 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

The Dominican Republic’s Senate voted against a proposal that would have decriminalized
abortion in certain circumstances. In Honduras, Congress also maintained the ban on abortion
in all circumstances in the new Criminal Code.
In Argentina, women and girls faced obstacles in accessing legal abortion when the
pregnancy posed a risk to their health or resulted from rape; full decriminalization of abortion
was pending in Parliament. In Uruguay, sexual and reproductive health services were difficult
to access in rural areas, and objectors to providing abortion continued to obstruct access to
legal abortions.
In October, the Ministry of Education and Science of Paraguay issued a resolution banning
the inclusion in educational materials of basic information about human rights, sexual and
reproductive health education and diversity, among other subjects.
In Bolivia – where unsafe abortions were one of the main causes of maternal mortality – the
Criminal Code was amended to significantly expand access to legal abortion.


LGBTI people faced persistent discrimination, harassment and violence in the region,
including in Haiti, Honduras and Jamaica.
In Bolivia the Constitutional Court invalidated part of a law which granted civil marriage rights
to transgender people who had changed their gender on their identity documents. The
country’s Ombudsman proposed an amendment to the Criminal Code to make hate crimes
against LGBTI people a criminal offence.
In the Dominican Republic the body of a transgender woman, Jessica Rubi Mori, was found
dismembered in wasteland. By the end of the year, no one had been brought to justice for her
In Uruguay there remained no comprehensive anti-discrimination policy protecting LGBTI
people from violence in schools and public spaces, or ensuring their access to health services.

Despite the opportunities presented by the Peace Agreement in Colombia, legislation remained
unimplemented on most of its points, and there were serious concerns around impunity for
crimes committed during the conflict.
Ongoing human rights violations and abuses also demonstrated that the internal conflict
between the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and the security forces was far
from over, and in some areas it appeared to intensify. Civilian populations continued to be the
main victims of the conflict – especially Indigenous Peoples, Afro-descendant and peasant
farmer communities, and human rights defenders.
A spike in the number of human rights activists killed at the beginning of the year highlighted
the dangers faced by those exposing ongoing abuses in Colombia.

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 35

The human rights landscape of the Asia-Pacific region was mostly characterized by
government failures. However, these frequently contrasted with an inspiring and growing
movement of human rights defenders and activists.
Many countries saw a shrinking space for civil society. Human rights defenders, lawyers,
journalists and others found themselves the target of state repression – from an
unprecedented crackdown on freedom of expression in China to sweeping intolerance of
dissent in Cambodia and Thailand and enforced disappearances in Bangladesh and
Impunity was widespread – breeding and sustaining violations including unlawful killings
and torture, denying justice and reparation to millions, and fuelling crimes against
humanity or war crimes in countries such as Myanmar and Afghanistan.
The global refugee crisis worsened. Hundreds of thousands in the region were forced to
flee their homes and faced uncertain, often violent, futures. Their numbers were swelled by
the Myanmar military’s crimes against humanity in northern Rakhine State where the army
burned entire Rohingya villages, killed adults and children, and raped women and girls.
The mass violations forced more than 655,000 Rohingya to escape persecution by fleeing
to Bangladesh. Those who remained continued to live under a systematically discriminatory
system amounting to apartheid which severely restricted virtually every aspect of their lives
and segregated them from the rest of society.
ASEAN, chaired by the Philippines during 2017, marked its 50th anniversary. ASEAN
governments and institutions remained silent over the massive violations in the Philippines,
Myanmar and elsewhere in the region.
Against this backdrop, growing calls to respect and protect human rights in Asia-Pacific,
increasingly by young people, delivered some progress and hope. There were advances in
policing in the Republic of Korea (South Korea), and positive court rulings on corporate
accountability in South Korea; on marriage equality in Australia and Taiwan; and on the
right to privacy in India.

The authorities in Japan, Mongolia and South Korea all failed to adequately protect human
rights defenders. Human rights defenders were specifically targeted and persecuted in China.
A notable shrinking of space for civil society was especially apparent in China, and was of
increasing concern in Hong Kong and Japan.
Human rights protection was diluted in Japan where parliament adopted an overly broad law
targeting “terrorism” and other serious crimes, despite harsh criticism from civil society and
academics. This law gave the authorities broad surveillance powers that could be misused to
curtail human rights.
Following a change of government in South Korea, the national police accepted
recommendations for a change in the overall approach of policing in order to allow the full and
free exercise of the right to freedom of peaceful assembly. Also in South Korea, while hundreds
of conscientious objectors were imprisoned, an increasing number of lower courts handed
down decisions recognizing the right to conscientious objection, and court rulings
acknowledged the responsibility of multinational corporations for work-related death or illness
of employees.

36 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

The consecration of President Xi Jinping as China’s most powerful leader for many years took
place against the backdrop of a stifling of freedom of expression and information. Authorities
increasingly used “national security” as justification for restriction of human rights and
detention of activists; the tactic escalated significantly in the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous
Region (XUAR) where, under the leadership of new regional Communist Party Secretary Chen
Quanguo, authorities put new emphasis on “social stability” and increased technological
surveillance, armed street patrols and security checkpoints and implemented an array of
intrusive policies violating human rights. Authorities set up detention facilities within the XUAR,
variously called “counter extremism centres”, “political study centres” or “education and
transformation centres”, in which people were arbitrarily detained for unspecified periods and
forced to study Chinese laws and policies.
Citizens of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea) continued to face a
series of grave human rights violations, some of which amounted to crimes against humanity.
The rights to freedom of expression and movement were severely restricted, and up to
120,000 people continued to be arbitrarily detained in political prison camps, where they were
subjected to forced labour, torture and other ill-treatment.


The Chinese authorities continued their unprecedented crackdown on dissent with a ruthless
campaign of arbitrary arrests, detention, imprisonment and torture and other ill-treatment of
human rights lawyers and activists. The authorities persisted in the use of “residential
surveillance in a designated location”, a form of secret incommunicado detention that allowed
the police to hold individuals for up to six months outside the formal detention system, without
access to legal counsel of their choice, their families or others, and placed suspects at risk of
torture and other ill-treatment. This form of detention was used to curb the activities of human
rights defenders, including lawyers, activists and religious practitioners.
The government also continued to imprison those trying to commemorate peacefully the
Tiananmen Square crackdown of 3-4 June 1989 in the capital, Beijing, in which hundreds, if
not thousands, of protesters were killed or injured after the People’s Liberation Army opened
fire on unarmed civilians. Nobel Peace Prize laureate Liu Xiabo died in custody in July.
In Hong Kong, the repeated use of vague charges against prominent pro-democracy
movement figures appeared to be an orchestrated and retaliatory campaign by the authorities
to punish and intimidate those advocating democracy or challenging the authorities.


In Japan, while asylum applications continued to increase, the government reported in
February that it had approved 28 out of 10,901 claims in 2016, which was a 44% increase in
claims from the previous year. Meanwhile, to address the country’s labour shortage, Japan
began to accept the first of 10,000 Vietnamese nationals to be admitted over three years under
a labour migration programme harshly criticized by human rights advocates for facilitating a
wide range of abuses.
In South Korea, deaths of migrant workers raised concerns about safety in the workplace.
North Korean authorities continued to dispatch workers to other countries, including China
and Russia, although some countries stopped renewing or issuing additional work visas to
North Koreans in order to comply with the new UN sanctions on North Korea’s economic
activities abroad in response to the country’s missile tests.

In China, religious repression remained particularly severe in the XUAR and in Tibetan-
populated areas.

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 37

Discrimination against LGBTI people remained prevalent in public life in South Korea. Gay
men faced violence, bullying and verbal abuse during compulsory military service. A serving
soldier was convicted of same-sex sexual activity.
Although pervasive discrimination based on real or perceived sexual orientation and gender
identity continued in Japan, there was some progress in local municipalities. For the first time
in the city of Osaka, the authorities approved a same-sex couple as foster parents, and two
other municipalities took positive steps towards recognizing same-sex partnerships.
A landmark ruling by its highest court saw Taiwan close to becoming the first Asian country to
legalize same-sex marriage, in a major step forward for LGBTI rights. The judges ruled the
country’s marriage law unconstitutional as it discriminated against same-sex couples, and gave
lawmakers two years to amend or enact relevant laws. A bill on same-sex marriage was being
considered by Taiwan’s legislature.

China remained the world’s leading executioner, although capital punishment statistics
continued to be classified as state secrets.
Taiwan’s Supreme Court rejected the Prosecutor General’s extraordinary appeal for the retrial
of the longest-serving death row inmate in Taiwan’s modern history; Chiou Ho-shun, on death
row since 1989, claimed that he was tortured and forced to “confess” during police
In July, Mongolia became the 105th country worldwide to abolish the death penalty for all
crimes, yet in November the President proposed its reintroduction to the Ministry of Justice in
response to two violent rape and murder cases.

Across South Asia, governments invoked law and order, national security and religion as they
engaged in attacks against religious minorities, criminalization of freedom of expression,
enforced disappearances, prolific use of the death penalty, and assaults on refugee rights.
Impunity was widespread.
Freedom of expression was under attack across South Asia. Using vague concepts such as
“the national interest” as an excuse to silence people, governments targeted journalists,
human rights defenders and others for peacefully expressing their beliefs.
A new trend involved criminalizing online freedom of expression. In Pakistan, five bloggers
critical of the government were subjected to enforced disappearance. Other bloggers were
arrested for comments criticizing the military or allegedly expressing remarks deemed “anti-
Islamic”. Criticism of the Bangladesh government or the family of the Prime Minister also
triggered criminal cases. The government proposed a new Digital Security Act, which would
place even greater restrictions on the right to freedom of expression and impose heavier
penalties. In Afghanistan, where internet penetration is among the lowest in the Asia-Pacific
region, a new Cyber Crime Law was passed criminalizing freedom of expression.
Failures to uphold economic, cultural and social rights had major impacts. As a result of
Pakistan failing to bring its laws into line with international standards, the population suffered
widespread discrimination, curtailed workers’ rights, and meagre social security. India ratified
two ILO core conventions on child labour, but activists remained critical of amendments to the
country’s child labour laws that allowed children to work in family enterprises. Two years after a
massive earthquake shook Nepal, the government was still failing thousands of marginalized
earthquake survivors who languished in flimsy temporary shelters.
In October, Pakistan was elected to the UN Human Rights Council, pledging commitment to
human rights. Yet it failed to address directly Pakistan’s serious human rights issues, including

38 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

enforced disappearances; the death penalty; blasphemy laws; the use of military courts to try
civilians; women’s rights; and threats to the work of human rights defenders.
Killings, abductions and other abuses were committed by armed groups in Afghanistan,
Bangladesh, India and Pakistan, among others. Civilian casualties, particularly of religious
minorities, continued to be high in Afghanistan. In Pakistan, armed groups targeted Shi’a
Muslims, including by bombing a Shi’a mosque in Quetta, killing at least 18 people.
Violations around Nepal’s historic local elections included arbitrary arrests and detention, and
the security forces opening fire on protesters at an election rally.
In the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir, security forces killed eight people following
protests during a by-election for a parliamentary seat; one voter was beaten by army
personnel, strapped to the front of an army jeep and driven around for over five hours,
seemingly as a warning to other protesters. The security forces also persisted in their use of
inherently inaccurate pellet-firing shotguns during protests – blinding and otherwise injuring
several people.


In India, the authorities were openly critical of human rights defenders, contributing to a
climate of hostility and violence against them. Repressive laws were used to stifle freedom of
expression, and journalists and press freedom came under increasing attack.
Human rights defenders in Afghanistan faced constant threats to their life and security from
armed groups and state actors, and journalists faced violence and censorship.
Pakistan authorities failed to protect journalists, bloggers, and civil society and activists
who faced constant harassment, intimidation, threats, smear campaigns and attacks from
non-state actors. Instead, the authorities increased restrictions on the work of scores of NGOs,
and subjected many activists to attacks, including torture and enforced disappearances.
In Bangladesh, the government intensified its crackdown on public debate and criticism.
Media workers were harassed and prosecuted under draconian laws. The government failed to
hold accountable armed groups that carried out a high-profile spate of killings of secular
bloggers. Activists regularly received death threats, forcing some to leave the country.
In Maldives, restrictions on public debate intensified. The authorities harassed journalists,
activists and media outlets. The government was apparently behind a relentless assault on the
rule of law that compromised the judiciary’s independence.

Impunity was widespread and entrenched across South Asia. However, in Nepal, a district
court sentenced three army officers to life imprisonment for the murder in 2004 of Maina
Sunuwar, a 15-year-old girl; she died after being tortured in army custody during the decade-
long armed conflict between Maoists and government forces that ended in 2006. The
convictions were an important development in the justice system’s ability to deal with grave
conflict-era abuses, and offered the first sign of justice for victims.
In India, the Supreme Court directed the Central Bureau of Investigation to investigate more
than 80 alleged extrajudicial executions by police and security force personnel in the state of
Manipur between 1979 and 2012, ruling that cases should not go uninvestigated merely
because of the passage of time.

Enforced disappearances continued in Pakistan; the victims were at considerable risk of
torture and other ill-treatment, and even death. No perpetrators were known to have been
brought to justice for the hundreds or thousands of cases reported across the country in
recent years.

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 39

Despite the Sri Lankan government’s 2015 pledge to deliver truth, justice and reparation to
victims of the armed conflict in the country, and to deliver reforms to prevent violations,
progress was slow. Impunity for enforced disappearances remained. The government stalled
on its commitment to repeal the draconian Prevention of Terrorism Act that enabled
incommunicado and secret detention. However, the parliament passed an amended Office on
Missing Persons Act, intended to assist families of the disappeared seek missing relatives.
Enforced disappearances were committed in Bangladesh; the victims often belonged to
opposition political parties.


In different parts of South Asia, refugees and migrants were denied their rights.
Bangladesh had opened its borders to more than 655,000 members of the Rohingya
community fleeing a campaign of ethnic cleansing in Myanmar. However, if the Rohingya
refugees were forced to return to Myanmar, they would be at the mercy of the same military
that drove them out and would continue to face the entrenched system of discrimination and
segregation amounting to apartheid that made them so vulnerable in the first place.
The number of internally displaced people in Afghanistan rose to more than 2 million, while
about 2.6 million Afghan refugees lived outside the country.

Across South Asia, dissenting voices and members of religious minorities were increasingly
vulnerable to attacks from mobs. In India, several cases of lynching of Muslims were reported,
sparking outrage against the wave of rising Islamophobia under the Hindu nationalist
government. Demonstrations against attacks on Muslims were held in several cities, but the
government did little to show that it disapproved of the violence. Indigenous Adivasi
communities in India continued to be displaced by industrial projects.
In Bangladesh, attacks against religious minorities were met with near-indifference by the
government. Those who sought help from the authorities after they received threats were often
turned away.
Sri Lanka saw a rise in Buddhist nationalist sentiment, including attacks against Christians
and Muslims. The Maldives government used religion to cloak its repressive practices,
including attacks against members of the opposition and plans to reintroduce the death
Marginalized communities in Pakistan faced discrimination in law, policy and practice
because of their gender, religion, nationality, sexual orientation or gender identity. Pakistan's
blasphemy laws, which carry a mandatory death penalty for “blasphemy against the Prophet
Muhammad”, remained incompatible with a range of rights. The frequently misused laws were
disproportionately applied to religious minorities and others targeted with accusations that
were often false and violated international human rights law. A man was sentenced to death for
allegedly posting content on Facebook deemed “blasphemous” – the harshest sentence
handed down to date in Pakistan for a cyber crime-related offence.

Although India’s Supreme Court banned the practice of triple talaq (Islamic instant divorce),
other court rulings undermined women’s autonomy. The Supreme Court weakened a law
enacted to protect women from violence in marriage. Several rape survivors, including girls,
approached the courts for permission to terminate pregnancies over 20 weeks, as required
under Indian law; although courts approved some abortions, they refused others. The central
government instructed states to set up permanent medical boards to decide such cases

40 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

In Pakistan, the rape of a teenage girl ordered by a so-called village council in “revenge” for a
rape allegedly committed by her brother was one in a long series of horrific cases. Although
people from the council were arrested for ordering the rape, the authorities failed to end
impunity for sexual violence and abolish so-called village councils that prescribed crimes of
sexual violence as revenge. Pakistan also continued to criminalize same-sex consensual
Violence against women and girls persisted in Afghanistan, where an increase was reported
in the number of women publicly punished in the name of Shari’a law by armed groups.

Against the backdrop of a worsening political crisis, the authorities in Maldives announced that
executions would resume after more than 60 years. None had been carried out by the end of
the year.
Pakistan had executed hundreds of people since it lifted an informal moratorium on
executions in 2014, often with serious additional concerns that those executed were denied
the right to a fair trial. In violation of international law, courts imposed the death penalty on
people with mental disabilities, individuals aged below 18 when the crime was committed, and
those whose convictions were based on “confessions” extracted through torture or other ill-

The situation in Afghanistan continued to deteriorate, with the number of civilian
casualties remaining high, a growing internal displacement crisis, and the Taliban controlling
more territory than at any point since 2001. Since 2014, tens of thousands of Afghan refugees
have been returned against their will from Pakistan, Iran and EU countries.
The Afghanistan government and the international community showed too little concern for
the plight of civilians. When crowds protested against violence and insecurity following one of
the deadliest attacks – a bombing in Kabul on 31 May that claimed the lives of more than 150
people and injured hundreds – the security forces opened fire on the crowds, killing several
In a welcome development, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court requested that
a preliminary investigation be opened into crimes alleged to have been committed by all
parties to the ongoing armed conflict in Afghanistan. The decision was an important step
towards ensuring accountability for crimes under international law committed since 2003, and
providing truth, justice and reparation for the victims.


Many of those taking action to demand respect for human rights and accountability for
violations were demonized and criminalized, leading to shrinking civic space. Police and
security forces persecuted human rights defenders. Extrajudicial killings, torture and other ill-
treatment, and enforced disappearances persisted with impunity.
The Myanmar security forces’ campaign of violence against the Rohingya people in northern
Rakhine State, which amounted to crimes against humanity, created a human rights and
humanitarian crisis in the country and in neighbouring Bangladesh.
Lawlessness and violence increased further in the Philippines. The President’s contempt for
human rights in the “war on drugs” was characterized by mass killings, mostly of people from
poor and marginalized groups, including children. The scope of the killings and rampant
impunity led to growing calls for an investigation at the international level. The extension of
martial law in the island of Mindanao in December led to concerns that military rule could be

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 41

used to justify further human rights abuses. The government attempted to reintroduce the
death penalty.
In Indonesia, police killings of suspected drug dealers rose sharply.
Australia continued to pay lip service to human rights while subjecting asylum-seekers and
refugees to cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment.
Governments in Southeast Asia and the Pacific failed to uphold economic, social and cultural
rights. Villagers in Laos were forced to relocate due to development projects; the right to
adequate housing in Cambodia was undermined by land grabbing; and housing conditions for
foreign workers in Singapore were criticized as poor by NGOs.
National elections were held in Papua New Guinea, amid allegations of corruption and heavy-
handed actions by the authorities, including violence and arbitrary arrests.


Human rights defenders, peaceful political activists and religious followers were subjected to
violations including arbitrary detention; they faced vaguely worded charges; and they were
tried in trials that did not meet internationally defined standards of fairness. Prisoners of
conscience were tortured and otherwise ill-treated.
In Cambodia, the government’s relentless crackdown on civil society and political activists
intensified ahead of a general election scheduled for 2018. Human rights defenders were
monitored, arrested and imprisoned; media outlets were shut; harassment of civil society
through misuse of the criminal justice system escalated; and an amendment to existing
legislation provided the authorities with additional powers over political parties. The judiciary
was used as a political tool to silence dissent, and in a blatant act of political repression the
Supreme Court ruled to dissolve the main opposition party ahead of the election.
Thailand’s military government continued its systematic suppression of dissent, preventing
people from speaking or assembling peacefully, and criminalizing and targeting civil society.
Dozens of human rights defenders, pro-democracy activists and others faced investigation and
prosecution under draconian laws and decrees, many facing lengthy, unfair proceedings
before military courts.
An ongoing crackdown on civil and political rights by Malaysia’s government included
harassment, detention and prosecution of critics through the use of restrictive laws; an
increase in open-ended, arbitrary travel bans that violated human rights defenders’ freedom of
movement; and the arrest and investigation of Indigenous rights activists and journalists for
peacefully demonstrating against abuses.
Fiji’s government used restrictive legislation to stifle the media and curtail freedom of
expression and peaceful assembly. Charges against staff members of the Fiji Times were
changed to sedition, in a politically motivated move designed to silence one of the country’s
few remaining independent media outlets.
Amendments to Singapore’s Public Order Act gave the authorities greater powers to restrict
or ban public assemblies, and human rights defenders were investigated by police for taking
part in peaceful protests. Charges were brought against lawyers and academics who criticized
the judiciary, and restrictions placed on media freedom.
In Laos, the rights to freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly remained
severely curtailed and criminal code provisions were used to imprison peaceful activists.
A crackdown on dissent in Viet Nam intensified, forcing numerous activists to flee the
Erosion of the space for a free press increased in Myanmar, where journalists and other
media workers faced intimidation and at times arrest, detention and prosecution in connection
with their work.

42 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

Impunity for deaths in custody and unnecessary or excessive use of force and firearms
persisted in Malaysia. There were several deaths in custody, including that of S. Balamurugan
who was reportedly beaten by police during interrogation.
In Indonesia’s Papua province there was a lack of accountability for unnecessary or excessive
use of force during mass protests or other security operations. Fiji’s government failed to
ensure accountability for torture and other ill-treatment of detainees by the security forces.
In Timor-Leste, victims of serious human rights violations committed during the Indonesian
occupation (1975-1999) continued to demand justice and reparations.


The security forces launched a targeted campaign of ethnic cleansing, including unlawful
killings, rape and burning of villages – amounting to crimes against humanity – against the
Rohingya people in northern Rakhine State. The atrocities – an unlawful and disproportionate
response to attacks on security posts by an armed Rohingya group in August – created the
worst refugee crisis in decades in Southeast Asia. Severe restrictions imposed by Myanmar on
aid groups working in Rakhine State worsened the suffering.
More than 655,000 Rohingya people fled to Bangladesh. By the end of the year, nearly 1
million Rohingya refugees were scattered across Bangladesh's Cox’s Bazar District, including
those who had fled earlier waves of violence. Those who remained in Myanmar continued to
live under a regime amounting to apartheid in which their rights, including to equality before
the law and freedom of movement, as well as access to health, education and work, were
severely restricted.
The Myanmar security forces were primarily responsible for the violence against the
Rohingya. However, the civilian administration led by Aung San Suu Kyi failed to speak out or
intervene. Instead it maligned humanitarian workers, accusing them of aiding “terrorists” while
denying the violations.
Despite mounting evidence of atrocities in Myanmar, the international community, including
the UN Security Council, failed to take effective action or send a clear message that there
would be accountability for the military’s crimes against humanity.


Australia maintained its hardline policies of confining hundreds of people seeking asylum in
offshore processing centres in Papua New Guinea and Nauru, and turning back those
attempting to reach Australia by boat – failing in its international obligation to protect them.
Refugees and asylum-seekers remained trapped on Nauru, forcibly sent there by the
Australian government – most more than four years previously – despite widespread reports of
physical, psychological and sexual abuse. Several hundred people living in the offshore
processing facility, including dozens of children, faced humiliation, abuse, neglect and poor
physical and mental health care. More than 800 others living in the community faced serious
security risks as well as inadequate access to health care, education and employment
The Australian government withdrew services from its facility on Manus Island in Papua New
Guinea at the end of October in order to force refugees to move closer to town where refugees
and asylum-seekers had well-founded fears for their safety. Refugees were forcibly moved to
new but unfinished facilities in November. They continued to face challenges with inadequate
health care, violence in the community and no clear plans for their future.
Fiji forcibly returned people to countries where they might be at risk of serious violations.
Cambodia rejected 29 applications for refugee status by Montagnard asylum-seekers, forcibly
returning them to Viet Nam where they faced possible persecution.

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 43

Australia’s justice system continued to fail Indigenous people, especially children – with high
rates of incarceration and reports of abuse and deaths in custody. Ill-treatment of Indigenous
children in the Northern Territory, including tear gassing, choking, restraints and solitary
confinement, was exposed by leaked footage.
LGBTI people suffered discrimination in Malaysia, Papua New Guinea and Singapore.
Reports of hate speech against members of Australia’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender,
intersex and questioning (LGBTIQ) community increased, despite newly introduced penalties.
In Indonesia’s Aceh province two men were publicly caned 83 times each for consensual
same-sex sexual activity.
Numerous women defending human rights faced harassment, threats, imprisonment and
Papua New Guinea remained one of the world’s most dangerous countries to be a woman,
with increased reports of violence against women or girls, sometimes following sorcery
There were convictions under Indonesia’s blasphemy laws of people belonging to minority
religious communities who had been peacefully practising their beliefs.
The Australian Parliament passed legislation to create marriage equality in December. The
postal survey process chosen by the government failed to acknowledge that marriage equality
is a human right and generated divisive and damaging public debate.

At least four executions took place in Malaysia. In Singapore execution by hanging continued
to be carried out for murder and drug trafficking; among those executed was Malaysian
national Prabagaran Srivijayan whose execution was carried out despite an appeal pending in

Although receiving less international attention than the situation in Rakhine State, there were
similar patterns of violations by Myanmar’s military in northern Myanmar. War crimes and
human rights violations were committed against civilians in Kachin and northern Shan States,
including extrajudicial executions, enforced disappearances, torture, indiscriminate shelling,
forced labour, and restrictions on humanitarian access. Ethnic armed groups committed
abuses including abductions and forced recruitment. Both the army and armed groups used
landmine-like weapons that harmed civilians.
In the Philippines, a five-month battle in Marawi between the military and an alliance of
militants aligned with the armed group calling itself Islamic State (IS), caused the
displacement of hundreds of thousands of civilians, dozens of civilian deaths, and widespread
destruction of homes and infrastructure. The militants targeted Christian civilians for
extrajudicial killings and mass hostage-taking, and the armed forces detained and ill-treated
fleeing civilians.

Communities living close to the giant Letpadaung copper mine in Myanmar continued to call
for a halt to its operations. Thousands of families living near the mine were at risk of being
forcibly evicted from their homes or farmland, and the authorities used repressive laws to
harass activists and villagers.
In Indonesia there was labour exploitation on plantations owned by suppliers and subsidiaries
of Wilmar International, the world’s largest palm oil trader. Abuses included women being
forced to work long hours under threat of having their already meagre pay cut, children as

44 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

young as eight doing hazardous physical work, and workers injured by toxic chemicals. Wilmar
International’s subsequent campaign to cover up the abuses, including by intimidating staff
into denying the allegations, was aided by the Indonesian government’s failure to investigate
claims against the company.

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 45

The space for civil society continued to shrink across Europe and Central Asia region. In
Eastern Europe and in Central Asia, a discourse hostile to human rights remained
prevalent. Human rights defenders, activists, the media and political opposition were
frequently targeted by authorities. Across the region, the rights to freedom of association
and peaceful assembly and the right to freedom of opinion and expression came under
attack. Public protests were met with a range of restrictive measures and excessive use of
force by police. Governments continued to implement a range of counter-terrorism
measures disproportionately restricting people’s rights in the name of security. Millions of
people faced an erosion of their economic, social and cultural rights, which led to
diminished social protection, increased inequality and systemic discrimination. States
repeatedly failed to meet their protection responsibilities towards refugees and migrants.
Women and girls continued to experience systemic human rights violations and abuses,
including torture and other ill-treatment, and faced widespread gender-based violence.
Discrimination and stigmatization of minorities remained common with groups facing
harassment and violence. Some prisoners of conscience were released.
In 2017, for the first time in Amnesty International’s almost 60 years of existence, both the
chair and director of an Amnesty International section became prisoners of conscience
themselves. In June, Taner Kılıç, Chair of Amnesty International Turkey, was arrested. In July,
10 other human rights defenders, known as the “Istanbul 10”, including Idil Eser, Director of
Amnesty International Turkey, were detained while attending a routine workshop in Istanbul.
The Istanbul 10 and Taner Kılıç were later put on trial for terrorism-related offences, their
arrests falling into a broader pattern of repression against civil society following the failed coup
attempt of July 2016. By the end of the year, the Istanbul 10 had been released pending trial,
but Taner Kılıç remained in detention. Although the prosecutor failed to provide any
incriminating evidence against them, they remained at serious risk, facing an ongoing trial on
absurd charges carrying up to 15 years’ imprisonment.
The crackdown on dissenting voices in Turkey was part of a broader trend of shrinking space
for civil society across Europe and Central Asia. Human rights defenders faced huge
challenges, and the rights to freedom of association and assembly in particular came under
In the east, a discourse hostile to human rights remained prevalent, frequently leading to the
repression of human rights defenders, political opposition, protest movements, anti-corruption
campaigners and sexual minorities. This hostile discourse also inched westward and found its
first legislative expression in Hungary with the adoption of a law effectively stigmatizing NGOs
that received foreign funding.
Violent attacks caused deaths and injuries, including in Barcelona, Brussels, London,
Manchester, Paris, Stockholm, St Petersburg and multiple locations across Turkey. In
response, governments continued to implement a range of counter-terrorism measures
disproportionately restricting people’s rights in the name of security.
Millions of people faced an erosion of their economic, social and cultural rights. This led to
diminished social protection, exacerbated inequality and systemic discrimination in many
countries. Those most affected by higher levels of poverty included women, children, young or

46 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

low-paid workers, people with disabilities, migrants and asylum-seekers, ethnic minorities, and
retired and single people.
Across the region, governments repeatedly failed to meet their responsibilities towards
refugees and migrants. The number of irregular arrivals of refugees and migrants in the EU
dropped significantly in the second half of the year, largely as a result of co-operation
agreements with Libyan authorities that turned a blind eye and even contributed to the abuses
faced by those trapped in the country. Those who did make it to the EU faced an increased
risk of forcible return to countries such as Afghanistan, where their life or liberty were at risk.
At the UN Security Council, Russia used its veto for the ninth time to shield the Syrian
government from the consequences of war crimes and crimes against humanity. Russia’s
routine use of its veto had become the equivalent of acquiescence in war crimes, allowing all
parties in Syria’s conflict to act with impunity, with civilians paying the ultimate price.

Across Eastern Europe and across Central Asia, civil society faced a range of harassment and
restrictions. Dozens of individuals were jailed for their peaceful activism and became prisoners
of conscience in Belarus and Russia, amid ongoing legislative restrictions on media, NGOs
and public assemblies.
The deterioration of the respect for freedom of opinion and expression in Tajikistan became
further entrenched with the authorities imposing sweeping restrictions to silence critical voices.
The police and security services intimidated and harassed journalists. Human rights lawyers
endured arbitrary arrests, politically motivated prosecutions, harsh prison sentences and
In Kazakhstan, journalists and activists faced politically motivated prosecutions and attacks.
Having all but strangled independent media already, the authorities used increasingly
elaborate and aggressive methods to stamp out dissenting voices on the internet and social
media. A targeted cyber campaign was being waged against critical voices in Azerbaijan.
The Uzbekistani government used unlawful surveillance on its citizens at home and abroad –
reinforcing a hostile environment for journalists and activists, and fostering a climate of fear for
Uzbekistani nationals in Europe. Human rights defenders and journalists continued to be
summoned for questioning at police stations, placed under house arrest and beaten by the
In Crimea, the de facto authorities continued to suppress dissenting opinion. Leaders of the
Crimean Tatar community who spoke out against the Russian occupation and illegal
annexation of the peninsula faced exile or prison.
Turkey continued to detain tens of thousands of perceived government critics in the
aftermath of the 2016 coup attempt. Criticism of the government largely disappeared from
mainstream media. More than 100 journalists languished in jail – more than in any other
country – many for months on end, on spurious charges.
The primary positive developments in Eastern Europe and in Central Asia involved releases of
prisoners of conscience and other long-term prisoners, notably in Uzbekistan. In Azerbaijan,
some prisoners of conscience were released; however, new ones took their places in the never-
ending policy of repression. In Russia, prisoner of conscience Ildar Dadin – the first and so far
only person imprisoned under a recent law criminalizing repeated violation of Russia’s
draconian restrictions on public assembly – was released and cleared of conviction following a
Constitutional Court ruling.

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 47

Across Europe and Central Asia, restrictive laws were passed. Drawing inspiration from similar
legislation adopted in Russia in 2012, Hungary adopted a law on the transparency of
organizations funded from abroad, which forced NGOs receiving more than EUR24,000 direct
or indirect funding from abroad to re-register as a “civic organization funded from abroad” and
to put this label on every publication. The move was accompanied by highly stigmatizing
government rhetoric. Similar legislation was tabled in Ukraine and in Moldova, but was
withdrawn in Moldova due to objections from civil society and international organizations.
In November, there were protests throughout Poland when MPs voted on two legislative
amendments threatening the independence of the judiciary and placing the right to a fair trial
and other rights at risk. President Andrzej Duda vetoed the amendments in July, but
subsequently redrafted and submitted them to Parliament in September.


In Eastern Europe and in Central Asia, the authorities clamped down on peaceful protesters. In
Russia, during mass anti-corruption protests across the country in March, police used
excessive force and arrested hundreds of overwhelmingly peaceful demonstrators in the
capital, Moscow, and well over a thousand across the country, including opposition leader
Aleksei Navalny. Hundreds of people were again detained and ill-treated during anti-corruption
protests across the country in June, and on 7 October, President Vladimir Putin’s birthday.
In Kazakhstan, organizing or participating in a peaceful demonstration without the authorities’
prior authorization remained an offence. Police in Kyrgyzstan disrupted a peaceful
demonstration in the capital, Bishkek, organized to protest against deterioration of freedom of
expression, and arrested several participants. The Belarusian authorities violently suppressed
mass demonstrations against a tax on the unemployed.
A discriminatory amendment to a law in Poland led to bans of certain demonstrations and
favoured pro-government assemblies. People participating in demonstrations against the
government policies were prosecuted, harassed by law enforcement officials and political
opponents, and prevented from exercising their right to freedom of peaceful assembly.
In several countries of Western Europe, public protests were met with a range of restrictive
measures and abuses. In Germany, France, Poland and Spain, governments’ response to
public assemblies against restrictive policies or human rights abuses included sealing off
public spaces, excessive use of force by police, containment of peaceful protesters or
“kettling”, surveillance, and threats of administrative and criminal sanctions. France’s
government continued to resort to emergency measures to ban public assemblies and to
restrict freedom of movement to prevent individuals from participating in demonstrations.
In October, Spanish security forces that were ordered to prevent the holding of the Catalan
independence referendum used unnecessary and disproportionate force against
demonstrators, injuring hundreds of them. This included evidence of police beating peaceful


In Western Europe, a raft of disproportionate and discriminatory counter-terrorism laws
continued to be rushed through. The adoption of the EU Directive on Combating Terrorism in
March looked set to lead to a proliferation of such measures in 2018, as states were to
transpose the Directive into domestic law.

48 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

Broad definitions of terrorism in the law, and the misapplication of counter-terrorism laws to a
wide group of people – human rights defenders, environmental activists, refugees, migrants,
and journalists – continued, notably in Turkey but also throughout Western Europe. Vague laws
punishing “glorification” or “apology” of terrorism were used to prosecute activists and civil
society groups for opinions expressed on the internet and social media, including in France,
Spain and the UK.
France’s state of emergency ended in November, having lasted almost two years. In October,
France adopted a new counter-terrorism law embedding in ordinary law many of the measures
permitted under the emergency regime.
Instead of investigating and prosecuting suspected perpetrators of violent attacks, many
states implemented administrative control measures limiting everyone’s rights and often
applied these based on vague grounds, often connected to religious belief or associations.
Detention without charge or trial was proposed in several countries, including France, the
Netherlands and Switzerland, and introduced in Bavaria, Germany.
Many EU member states also attempted to draw links between the refugee crisis and
terrorism-related threats. Although a Hungarian court’s conviction on spurious terrorism
charges of “Ahmed H”, a Syrian resident in Cyprus, was annulled, Ahmed H remained in
detention while his new trial unfolded. The trial was ongoing at the end of the year. He had
been convicted of an “act of terror” for throwing stones and speaking to a crowd through a
megaphone during clashes with border police.
A number of states in Europe and in Central Asia intensified their focus on online activity as a
perceived potential driver for terrorism-related or “extremist” activity. The UK proposed
criminalizing repeated viewing of “terrorism-related” content online with a maximum 15-year
prison sentence. Similar measures already existed, and were deemed unconstitutional, in
In Eastern Europe and in Central Asia, government responses to the real and perceived
threats posed by terrorism and extremism followed an all-too-familiar pattern. Extraditions and
renditions of suspects to destinations where they were at risk of torture and other ill-treatment
were frequent and swift, individuals being forcibly returned, in contravention of international
law. In Russia’s North Caucasus, enforced disappearances, unlawful detention, torture and
other ill-treatment of detainees, and extrajudicial executions were reported in the context of
security operations. In Russia-occupied Crimea, the de facto authorities pursued all forms of
dissent and continued to arbitrarily target the Crimean Tatar community under anti-extremism
and counter-terrorism legislation.


During 2017, 171,332 refugees and migrants arrived in Europe by sea, compared to 362,753
in 2016. The decrease was mainly due to EU states’ co-operation with Libya and Turkey. At
least 3,119 people died attempting to cross the Mediterranean Sea to Europe. EU states
intensified their efforts to prevent irregular entry and increased returns, including through
policies that exposed migrants and those in need of protection to ill-treatment, torture and
other abuses in countries of transit and origin.
By using aid, trade and other leverage, European governments encouraged and supported
transit countries – even those where widespread and systematic violations against refugees
and migrants were documented – to implement stricter border control measures, without
adequate human rights guarantees. This trapped thousands of refugees and migrants in
countries where they lacked adequate protection and where they were exposed to serious
human rights violations.

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 49

NGOs, which performed more rescues in the central Mediterranean in the first half of 2017
than any others, were discredited and attacked by public commentators and politicians, and
faced restrictions on their activities by a new code of conduct imposed by the Italian
Russia continued to return asylum-seekers and refugees to countries where they were at risk
of torture and other ill-treatment, as did other countries in Europe and Central Asia.


With most refugees and migrants crossing the sea into Europe embarking from Libya, the EU
and European governments, with Italy at the forefront, sought to close down this route by co-
operating with the Libyan coastguard and other actors in the country. They entered into a
string of co-operation agreements with Libyan authorities responsible for grave human rights
violations, in particular the Libyan Coast Guard and Libya’s General Directorate for Combating
Illegal Migration (DCIM).
Italy and other governments failed to include key human rights guarantees in these
agreements and turned a blind eye to the abuses, including torture and extortion, against
refugees and migrants by the very institutions they were co-operating with. The actions of
European countries were leading to increasing numbers of people being stopped or
intercepted. In so doing, European governments, and Italy in particular, were breaching their
own international obligations and becoming complicit in the violations committed by the Libyan
authorities they were sponsoring and co-operating with.


The March 2016 EU-Turkey migration deal remained in place and continued to restrict access
to territory and asylum in the EU. The deal aimed at returning asylum-seekers to Turkey, on
the pretence of it being a “safe country” of transit. European leaders maintained the fiction
that Turkey provided protection equivalent to that of the EU, even though Turkey had become
even more unsafe for refugees since the 2016 coup attempt. The removal of procedural
safeguards under Turkey’s state of emergency put refugees there at heightened risk of
refoulement, the forcible return to countries where they were at risk of facing serious human
rights violations.
Throughout 2017, the deal left thousands exposed to overcrowded, squalid and unsafe
conditions on Greek islands that were transformed into de facto holding pens and condemned
them to extended asylum procedures. Some suffered violent hate crimes. Compared to 2016,
arrivals on the Greek islands dropped sharply, mainly due to the deal,but a relative increase in
arrivals during the summer stretched the islands’ already insufficient reception capacity once
again. In December, around 13,000 asylum-seekers remained in limbo, stranded on the
Reception conditions both on the islands and in mainland Greece, meanwhile, continued to
be inadequate, with many still forced to sleep in tents unfit for winter and women and girls
particularly vulnerable in unsafe camp facilities.
In September, Greece’s highest administrative court paved the way for forcible returns of
Syrian asylum-seekers under the EU-Turkey migration deal by endorsing decisions by the
Greek asylum authorities that deemed Turkey safe for two Syrian nationals.

Solidarity with frontline countries receiving the majority of arrivals continued to be in short
supply. European countries failed to relocate their committed numbers of asylum-seekers from
Greece and Italy under the emergency relocation scheme adopted in September 2015. As of
November, European states had fulfilled just 32% of their legal commitment. At the end of

50 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

2017, 21,703 asylum-seekers out of 66,400 had been relocated from Greece, and 11,464 out
of around 35,000 from Italy.
Among the worst offenders were Poland and Hungary, both having refused to accept a single
asylum-seeker from Italy and Greece by the year’s end.
The European Court of Justice rejected Slovakia’s and Hungary’s complaint against the
mandatory refugee relocation scheme. The European Commission also opened infringement
proceedings against Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic for failing to comply with their
relocation obligations.


Hungary reached a new low by passing legislation allowing pushbacks of all people found in
an irregular situation in the country and by introducing the automatic detention of asylum-
seekers, in blatant breach of EU law. The authorities locked up in containers asylum-seekers
arriving at its borders. Hungary’s systematic flouting of the rights of refugees, asylum-seekers
and migrants also included severely restricting access by limiting admission to two operational
border “transit zones” in which only 10 new asylum applications could be submitted each
working day. This left thousands of people in substandard camps in Serbia, at risk of
homelessness and forcible return further south to Macedonia and Bulgaria.
Abuses and pushbacks continued at the EU external borders, from Bulgaria, Greece, Spain,
and Poland. Poland’s government proposed legislation to legalize pushbacks, a regular
practice at a crossing between Poland and Belarus. In a landmark ruling, the European Court
of Human Rights condemned Spain for breaching the prohibition of collective expulsions and
for violating the right to an effective remedy in the case of two migrants who were summarily
returned from the Spanish enclave of Melilla to Morocco.
Slovenia adopted legislative amendments under which it could deny entry to people arriving
at its borders and automatically expel migrants and refugees who entered irregularly, without
assessing their asylum claims.

EU member states also continued to put pressure on other governments to accept
readmissions – in some cases without including adequate guarantees against refoulement.
At a time when civilian casualties in Afghanistan were at some of their highest levels on
record, European governments forced increasing numbers of Afghan asylum-seekers back to
the dangers from which they fled in Afghanistan. Forced returns to Afghanistan were made
from countries including Austria, the Netherlands and Norway.


The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia delivered its final judgment on 29
November 2017, bringing to a close its largely successful 23-year effort to hold perpetrators of
war crimes to account. Also in November, it sentenced Bosnian Serb war leader Ratko Mladić
to life imprisonment for crimes under international law, including genocide, war crimes, and
crimes against humanity.
At the national level, with the exception of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in which some modest
progress was made, impunity remained the norm, with courts continuing to have limited
capacity and resources, and facing undue political pressure. Prosecutors across the region
lacked the support of the executive and their work was compromised by a climate of
nationalist rhetoric and lack of political commitment to sustained regional co-operation.

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 51

By the end of the year, the authorities had made no progress in establishing the fate of over
11,500 people disappeared during the armed conflicts in the Balkans. Victims of enforced
disappearance and their families continued to be denied access to justice, truth and
reparation. Nominal improvements in the laws regulating reparation for victims of wartime
sexual violence continued to be made in several countries.

Governments across Eastern Europe and across Central Asia continued to prop up repression
and discrimination by promoting and increasingly invoking the rhetoric of a discriminatory
interpretation of so-called “traditional values”. The “traditional values” referred to were
selective xenophobic, misogynistic and homophobic interpretations of cultural values. In
Tajikistan, this discourse and its application was used to punish LGBTI communities for
“amoral” behaviours and enforce “norms” for dress code, language and religion primarily
against women and religious minorities, including through new legislation. In Kazakhstan and
Russia, there was an increasing number of criminal prosecutions and other harassment of
religious minorities, on arbitrary grounds, under “anti-extremism” legislation. The said
interpretation assertion of “traditional values” reached a terrifying dimension with the secret
torture and killing of gay men in Chechnya by authorities.

Following sexual harassment allegations against US Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein and
others in the show business industry, millions of women worldwide used the online hashtag
#MeToo to break the silence about their experiences as survivors of sexual violence. This
became a rallying cry for challenging victim blaming and holding offenders to account. The
year also saw the women’s and feminist movements mobilizing thousands – including during
January’s Women’s Marches across Europe, and Black Monday protests in Poland that
successfully pushed the government not to further restrict access to safe and legal abortion.
Yet, throughout Europe and Central Asia, women and girls continued to experience systemic
human rights violations and abuses, including torture and other ill-treatment, denial of the
right to health and bodily autonomy, inequality of opportunity, and widespread gender-based
Access to abortion remained criminalized in most circumstances in Ireland and Northern
Ireland and severely restricted in practice. In Poland, there were systemic barriers in accessing
safe and legal abortion. Abortion remained criminalized in all circumstances in Malta.
The EU and Moldova signed the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating
violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention). It was ratified by
Cyprus, Estonia, Georgia, Germany, Norway and Switzerland – bringing to 28 the number of
states to have done so. Ukraine signed it in 2011 but failed to ratify the Convention.
Despite increasingly strong legislative protections, gender-based violence against women
remained pervasive, including in Albania, Croatia and Romania. In Russia, under the cover of
the so-called “traditional values” narrative, and encountering little public criticism, the
Parliament adopted legislation decriminalizing some forms of domestic violence
which President Putin signed into law. In Norway and Sweden, gender-based violence,
including sexual violence, remained a serious problem with inadequate state response.

52 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

Discrimination and stigmatization of minorities remained pervasive across Europe and Central
Asia with several groups facing harassment, violence, and obstacles to meaningful
participation in society.
Discrimination against Roma remained widespread in Slovakia. The European Commission
continued an infringement procedure against Slovakia and Hungary for systematic
discrimination and segregation of Roma children in schools. Segregated camps, discrimination
in access to social housing and forced evictions remained a daily reality for thousands of the
170,000 Roma estimated to be living across Italy, around 40,000 of them in camps in squalid
conditions. The European Commission still failed to take effective action towards ending
discrimination against Roma.
Muslims faced discrimination, particularly when looking for work, at work, and when
accessing public or private services such as education and health care.
In Austria, a new law banned any kind of full-face covering in public spaces,
disproportionately restricting the rights to freedom of expression and of religion or belief.
Tajikistan’s authorities forced thousands of women to remove their Islamic headscarves
(hijabs) in public places to comply with the law on traditions.


LGBTI people faced growing abuse and discrimination across the east, including violence,
arbitrary arrests and detention. In Azerbaijan, over 100 LGBTI people were arbitrarily arrested
on one day in the capital Baku. In Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, consensual sex among men
remained a crime punishable by prison. Georgia’s new Constitution restricted the definition of
marriage to exclude same-sex couples. Lithuania’s Parliament adopted legislation
discriminating against LGBTI people. In Russia, the “gay propaganda law” continued to be
used, despite being ruled discriminatory by the European Court of Human Rights.
Reports emerged in April that the Chechen authorities were secretly and arbitrarily detaining,
torturing and killing gay men. In response to the international outcry, the authorities claimed
that gay men did not exist in Chechnya, while the federal authorities failed to carry out an
effective investigation.
There were also positive developments and examples of human courage and solidarity. The
Russian LGBT Network organized a hotline and facilitated the evacuation to safety of LGBTI
people from Chechnya and elsewhere in the North Caucasus. The biggest-ever Pride rally in
Ukraine was held. Malta’s parliament approved same-sex marriage legislation and extended
full marriage rights to same-sex couples. Germany granted marriage rights to all, regardless of
their gender or sexual orientation, and equal rights to adoption for married people.


Transgender people in Europe and Central Asia faced hurdles seeking legal recognition of their
gender identity. Children and adults with variations in sex characteristics continued to face
human rights violations, perpetrated in the course of non-emergency, invasive and irreversible
medical interventions which often had harmful consequences on physical and psychological
health, especially for children. In 18 European countries, transgender people were required to
undergo sterilization, and in 35 countries they had to receive a mental health diagnosis in
order to change their gender.

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 53

There was progress in Belgium and Greece; they were the latest European countries to
abolish sterilization and mental health diagnosis requirements, although legal gender
recognition reforms in both countries still fell short of establishing a quick, transparent and
accessible administrative procedure.

54 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

Journalists and human rights defenders were targeted in government crackdowns, and
online expression was heavily controlled in several countries. Civil society activists
managed to halt further tightening of restrictions on free expression in some places.
Freedom of religion and belief came under attack from armed groups and governments
alike. The struggle of women’s rights movements successfully led to the amendment of
laws that had entrenched discrimination and violence against women in some countries.
However, systematic discrimination remained in law and practice across the region and
women were still inadequately protected against gender-based violence. Authorities
arrested and prosecuted people for their real or perceived sexual orientation in some
countries, and consensual same-sex sexual relations were still criminalized in many, in a
handful of cases punishable by death. There were severe restrictions on trade unions in
some countries, and migrant workers continued to face exploitation and abuse. However,
reforms in a couple of countries gave migrant workers greater employment protections.
Armed conflicts took a heavy toll on beleaguered civilians and were characterized by
serious violations, including the use of banned weapons, unlawful sieges, and direct
attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure. Death sentences were imposed in a number
of countries across the region, and hundreds of executions were carried out. Impunity
persisted for historical and recent crimes; however, some progress was made towards
securing truth and justice for victims.


Governments across the Middle East and North Africa repressed civil society both offline and
online in an attempt to prevent or punish reporting on human rights violations or other
criticism directed at them or their allies, often on the pretext that they were combating threats
to national security or corruption. They also used excessive force in an attempt to quell protest
movements that had taken to the streets.


In some countries, increased clampdowns accompanied a global trend that saw political
strongmen attempting to establish their credentials in the eyes of the international community.
In President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi’s Egypt, the authorities continued to curb the work of human
rights defenders in an unprecedented manner, shutting down or freezing the assets of NGOs;
they enacted a draconian new law that gave them broad powers to dissolve NGOs and
provided for five years’ imprisonment for publishing research without government permission.
The Egyptian authorities also sentenced at least 15 journalists to prison terms on charges
related solely to their writing, including publication of what the authorities deemed “false
information”; they blocked more than 400 websites, including those of independent
newspapers and human rights organizations. Meanwhile, security forces arrested hundreds of
individuals based on their membership or perceived membership of the Muslim Brotherhood.
To punish political dissidents, the authorities used prolonged pre-trial detention, often for

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 55

periods of more than two years, placed those imprisoned in indefinite and prolonged solitary
confinement, and subjected many of those released to probation periods in which they were
forced to spend up to 12 hours per day in a police station, amounting to arbitrary deprivation
of liberty.
Saudi Arabia witnessed the promotion of Mohammed bin Salman to the role of Crown Prince
in June as part of a broader re-engineering of the political landscape. In the months that
followed, the authorities intensified their crackdown on freedom of expression, detaining more
than 20 prominent religious figures, writers, journalists, academics and activists in one week in
September. They also put human rights defenders on trial on charges related to their peaceful
activism before the Specialized Criminal Court, a tribunal set up to try terrorism-related cases.
At the end of the year, despite the image the palace wished to portray of a more tolerant
country, the majority of Saudi Arabia’s human rights defenders were either in prison or facing
grossly unfair trials.


Elsewhere, human rights advocacy and journalistic reporting, as well as criticism of official
institutions, led to prosecution and imprisonment and, in some cases, smear campaigns
orchestrated by the government or its supporters.
In Iran, the authorities jailed scores of peaceful critics including women’s rights activists,
minority rights and environmental activists, trade unionists, lawyers, and those seeking truth,
justice and reparation for the mass executions of the 1980s.
In Bahrain, the government arbitrarily detained human rights defenders and government
critics and subjected others to travel bans or the stripping of their nationality, dissolved the
independent al-Wasat newspaper and the opposition political group Waad, maintained a ban
on demonstrations in the capital, Manama, and used unnecessary and excessive force to
disperse protests elsewhere.
In Morocco and Western Sahara, the authorities prosecuted and imprisoned a number of
journalists, bloggers and activists who criticized officials or reported on human rights violations,
corruption or popular protests, such as those that took place in the northern Rif region, where
security forces conducted mass arrests of largely peaceful protesters, including children, and
sometimes used excessive or unnecessary force.
The Kuwaiti authorities imprisoned several government critics and online activists under legal
provisions that criminalized comments deemed offensive to the Emir or damaging to relations
with neighbouring states.
In the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, a number of journalists and online activists were subjected to
arbitrary arrest, death threats and smear campaigns, a pattern that escalated in the run-up to
an independence referendum in September called by the region’s president.
In Yemen, the Huthi armed group arbitrarily arrested and detained critics, journalists and
human rights defenders in the capital, Sana’a, and other areas they controlled.
Meanwhile, the Israeli authorities banned entry into Israel or the Occupied Palestinian
Territories to individuals supporting or working for organizations that had issued or promoted a
statement which the authorities deemed to be a call to boycott Israel or Israeli entities,
including settlements, targeted both Palestinian and Israeli human rights NGOs through
harassment and campaigns to undermine their work, and deployed forces that used rubber-
coated metal bullets and live ammunition against Palestinian protesters in the West Bank and
Gaza Strip, killing at least 20 and injuring thousands.

Governments other than Egypt also made efforts to increase their control of expression on the
internet. The State of Palestine adopted the Electronic Crimes Law in July, permitting the

56 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

arbitrary detention of journalists, whistle-blowers and others who criticize the authorities online.
The law allowed for prison sentences and up to 25 years’ hard labour for anyone deemed to
have disturbed “public order”, “national unity” or “social peace”. Several Palestinian
journalists and human rights defenders were charged under the law.
Jordan continued to block access to certain websites, including online forums. Oman
blocked the online publication of Mowaten newspaper, and the effect of trials against Azamn
newspaper and some of its journalists continued to reverberate following its publication in
2016 of allegations of corruption in the government and the judiciary. In Iran, judicial officials
attempted to block the popular messaging application Telegram, but failed because of
opposition from the government; other popular social media websites including Facebook,
Twitter and YouTube were still blocked.


The political crisis in the Gulf triggered in June, when Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates
(UAE), Bahrain and Egypt severed relations with Qatar and accused it of financing and
harbouring terrorists and interfering in the domestic affairs of its neighbours, had an impact
beyond the paralysis of the Gulf Cooperation Council. Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and the UAE
announced that they would treat criticism of the measures taken against Qatar, or sympathy
with Qatar or its people, as a criminal offence, punishable by a prison term.


Civil society did, however, make significant efforts to stem the tide of measures attempting to
restrict freedom of expression. In Tunisia, activists put the brakes on a new bill that could
bolster impunity for security forces by criminalizing criticism of police conduct and granting
officers immunity from prosecution for unnecessary use of lethal force. In Palestine, the
authorities agreed to amend the Electronic Crimes Law following huge pressure from civil


Armed groups targeted religious minorities in several countries. The armed group calling itself
Islamic State (IS) and other armed groups killed and injured scores of civilians across Iraq and
Syria in suicide bombings and other deadly attacks that targeted Shi’a religious shrines and
other public spaces in predominantly Shi’a neighbourhoods. The UN reported in January that
nearly 2,000 Yazidi women and children remained in IS captivity in Iraq and Syria. They were
enslaved and subjected to rape, beatings and other torture. In Egypt, IS claimed responsibility
for the bombing of two churches which left at least 44 dead in April, and unidentified militants
launched a bomb and gun attack at a mosque in North Sinai during Friday prayers in
November, killing more than 300 Sufi Muslim worshippers – the deadliest attack by an armed
group in Egypt since 2011.
In Yemen, the Huthis and their allies subjected members of the Baha’i community to
arbitrary arrest and detention.

In Algeria, the authorities were engaged in a new clampdown against the Ahmadi religious
movement; during the year more than 280 Ahmadis were prosecuted because of their
religious beliefs and practices.

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 57

Elsewhere, government restrictions followed a familiar pattern. In Saudi Arabia, the
authorities discriminated against members of the Shi’a Muslim minority because of their faith,
limiting their right to religious expression and their access to justice, and arbitrarily restricting
their right to work and access to state services. Shi’a activists continued to face arrest,
imprisonment and – in some cases – the death penalty following unfair trials.
In Iran, freedom of religion and belief was systematically violated, in law and practice.
Widespread and systematic attacks continued to be carried out against the Baha’i religious
minority. These included arbitrary arrests, lengthy imprisonment, torture and other ill-
treatment, forcible closure of Baha’i-owned businesses, confiscation of Baha’i properties, bans
on employment in the public sector and denial of access to universities. Other religious
minorities not recognized under the Constitution, such as Yaresan (Ahl-e Haq), also faced
systematic discrimination, including in education and employment, and were persecuted for
practising their faith. The right to change or renounce religious beliefs continued to be violated.
A number of Christian converts received prison sentences ranging from 10 to 15 years.

Long-term struggles by women’s rights movements resulted in some positive developments
during the year.
Laws were amended in Jordan, Lebanon and Tunisia to stop rapists escaping prosecution (or
benefiting from reduced penalties) if they married their victim. However, legislation in many
other countries retained such a loophole. Jordan also struck out a provision that allowed
reduced sentences for men found guilty of killing a female relative in a “fit of rage caused by
an unlawful or dangerous act on the part of the victim”, but kept one that granted leniency for
“honour” killings of female relatives found in an “adulterous situation”. Tunisia’s parliament
adopted the Law on Eliminating Violence against Women, which brought in several guarantees
for the protection of women and girls from gender-based violence, and its president repealed a
decree prohibiting marriage between a Tunisian woman and a non-Muslim man.
In Qatar, a draft law was approved to provide permanent residency rights for the children of
Qatari women married to non-Qataris, but discrimination persisted, with women unable to pass
on their nationality and citizenship to their children.
In Saudi Arabia, a royal order was issued in September allowing women to drive from
mid-2018, although there were questions about how it would be implemented in practice. In
April, another royal order had instructed all government agencies that women should not be
denied access to government services if they did not have a male guardian’s consent, unless
existing regulations required it. However, the order appeared to keep in place regulations that
explicitly require a guardian’s approval, such as for women to travel abroad, obtain a passport,
or marry.
Despite the positive developments, entrenched discrimination against women in law and in
practice, notably in matters of marriage and divorce, inheritance and child custody, remained
in these and many other countries in the region. Women were inadequately protected against
sexual and other gender-based violence, as well as forced and early marriage.


While sexual orientation and gender identity issues were increasingly on the agendas of
mainstream human rights movements in the region, governments continued to heavily limit the
enjoyment of the rights of LGBTI people in law and practice.

58 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

In Egypt, in the worst crackdown in over a decade, the authorities rounded up and
prosecuted people for their perceived sexual orientation after a rainbow flag was displayed at a
concert in Cairo in September performed by Lebanese band Mashrou’ Leila, who had been
banned from playing in Jordan earlier in the year. Security forces arrested at least 76 people
and subjected at least five to anal examinations, a practice which amounts to torture. Courts
sentenced at least 48 people to prison terms of between three months and six years on
charges that included “habitual debauchery”. In October, parliamentarians proposed a deeply
discriminatory law explicitly criminalizing same-sex sexual relations and any public promotion
of LGBTI gatherings, symbols or flags.
Countries including Morocco and Tunisia continued to arrest people and sentence them to
terms of imprisonment under laws criminalizing consensual same-sex sexual relations. In
Tunisia, while the police subjected men accused of such relations to forced anal examinations,
the government accepted a recommendation under the UN Universal Periodic Review process
in September to end their use. Elsewhere, in countries including Iran and Saudi Arabia, some
consensual same-sex sexual conduct remained punishable by death.

Some governments heavily curtailed trade union rights.
In Egypt, the authorities subjected dozens of workers and trade unionists to arrest, military
trial, dismissal and a range of disciplinary measures solely for exercising their rights to strike
and to form independent trade unions. In December, parliament passed a law tripling the
number of members (from 50 to 150) that independent trade unions need to obtain legal
In Algeria, the authorities continued to deny registration to the independent, cross-sector
General Autonomous Confederation for Algerian Workers – it first filed its application in 2013 –
and banned the National Autonomous Electricity and Gas Trade Union by withdrawing its


Across the Gulf and in other countries such as Jordan and Lebanon, migrant workers,
including those in the domestic, construction and other sectors, continued to face exploitation
and abuse. However, there were some positive developments. In Qatar, the government
passed two new laws in August. One established a labour dispute mechanism, which could
address some of the barriers to migrant workers accessing justice. The other provided legal
protections for domestic workers’ labour rights for the first time, including paid holidays and a
limit to working hours. However, the law was open to abuse of a provision allowing domestic
workers to work beyond the legal limit if they “agreed”. In October, the Qatari government
announced new reform plans, including a minimum wage and a fund to pay unpaid workers,
and the International Labour Organization published details of a package it had agreed with
Qatar to reform the kafala sponsorship system, which prevents migrant workers from changing
jobs or leaving the country without their employers’ permission.
In the UAE, a law came into effect in September limiting working hours and providing paid
leave and the right to retain personal documents.

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 59

The year marked the 50th anniversary of Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian Territories and
the 10th anniversary of its illegal blockade of the Gaza Strip. Israeli authorities intensified the
expansion of settlements and related infrastructure across the West Bank, including East
Jerusalem, and carried out a large number of demolitions of Palestinian property, forcibly
evicting more than 660 people. Many of these demolitions were in Bedouin and herding
communities that the Israeli authorities planned to forcibly transfer.
Israel’s air, land and sea blockade of the Gaza Strip continued the long-standing restrictions
on the movement of people and goods, collectively punishing Gaza’s entire population of
approximately 2 million inhabitants. Combined with Egypt’s almost total closure of the Rafah
border crossing, and the West Bank authorities’ punitive measures, Israel’s blockade triggered
a humanitarian crisis with power cuts, reducing access to electricity to a few hours per day,
affecting the supply of clean water and sanitation and reducing access to health services.
Elsewhere in the region, Palestinian refugees, including many long-term residents, remained
subject to discriminatory laws. In Lebanon, they continued to be excluded from many types of
work, owning or inheriting property and from accessing public education and health services.


Civil society raised a number of cases before the Lebanese judiciary related to violations of the
rights to health and clean water, including cases related to the sale of expired drugs in public
hospitals and to waste mismanagement.
In Tunisia, water shortages became acute. The government admitted it did not have a
national strategy for water distribution, thereby making it impossible to ensure equitable
access. Marginalized regions were disproportionately affected by water cuts, leading to local
protests throughout the year.


Serious human rights violations accompanied counter-terrorism measures in several countries.
In Egypt, where more than 100 members of the security forces were killed in attacks by
armed groups, mostly in North Sinai, the National Security Agency continued to forcibly
disappear and extrajudicially execute individuals suspected of political violence. The Ministry
of the Interior claimed that more than 100 individuals were shot dead in exchanges of fire with
security forces throughout the year. However, in many of these cases the people killed were
already in state custody after having been forcibly disappeared. Torture and other ill-treatment
remained routine in official places of detention and was systematic in detention centres run by
the National Security Agency. Hundreds were sentenced, including to death, after grossly
unfair mass trials.
In Iraq, suspects prosecuted on terrorism-related charges were routinely denied the rights to
adequate time and facilities to prepare a defence, to not incriminate themselves or confess
guilt, and to question prosecution witnesses. Courts continued to admit into evidence
“confessions” that were extracted under torture. Many of those convicted after these unfair
and hasty trials were sentenced to death. Iraqi and Kurdish government forces and militias
also carried out extrajudicial executions of men and boys suspected of being affiliated with IS.
Complaints of torture in custody against defendants accused of national security-related
offences were reported in countries including Bahrain, Israel and Kuwait. In general, the
allegations were not investigated. Saudi Arabia introduced a new counter-terrorism law that

60 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

allowed for the death penalty for some crimes. In Tunisia, the government continued to restrict
freedom of movement through arbitrary and indefinite orders that confined hundreds to their
governorate of residence, justifying this as a measure to prevent Tunisians from travelling to
join armed groups.

Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia remained among the world’s most prolific users of the death
penalty, carrying out hundreds of executions between them, many after unfair trials. In Iran,
Amnesty International was able to confirm the execution of four individuals who were under 18
at the time the crime was committed, but several executions of other juvenile offenders were
postponed at the last minute because of public campaigning. The Iranian authorities
continued to describe peaceful campaigning against the death penalty as “un-Islamic”, and
harassed and imprisoned anti-death penalty activists. In Saudi Arabia, courts continued to
impose death sentences for drugs offences and for conduct that under international standards
should not be criminalized, such as “sorcery” and “adultery”. In Iraq, the death penalty
continued to be used as a tool of retribution in response to public outrage after attacks claimed
by IS.
Bahrain and Kuwait both resumed executions in January, the first since 2010 and 2013
respectively; the death sentences had been imposed for murder. Egypt, Jordan, Libya and the
Hamas de facto administration in the Gaza Strip also carried out executions. Except for Israel
and Oman, all other countries in the region continued a long-standing practice of imposing
death sentences but not implementing them.

Fuelled by the international arms trade, conflict in the region continued to blight the lives of
millions of individuals, particularly in Yemen, Libya, Syria and Iraq. In each conflict, multiple
parties committed war crimes and other serious violations of international law, including
indiscriminate attacks that killed and injured civilians, direct attacks against civilians or civilian
infrastructure. In Syria and Yemen, government and allied forces used internationally banned
weapons such as cluster munitions and, in the case of Syria, chemical weapons.

The situation in Yemen, the poorest country in the Middle East and North Africa even before
the outbreak of conflict in March 2015, became the world’s worst humanitarian crisis,
according to the UN, with three quarters of its population of 28 million in need of help. The
country faced the biggest cholera epidemic in modern times, exacerbated by a lack of fuel for
water-pumping stations, and was on the verge of the world’s most severe famine for decades.
The conflict has shattered the water, education and health systems. The Saudi Arabia-led
coalition supporting the internationally recognized Yemeni government held up shipments of
food, fuel and medicine. In November it cut off Yemen’s northern ports completely for more
than two weeks. The coalition’s air strikes hit funeral gatherings, schools, markets, residential
areas and civilian boats. Huthi rebel forces, allied with forces loyal to former president Ali
Abdullah Saleh until splits between them led to his killing in December, indiscriminately
shelled civilian residential areas in Ta’iz city and fired artillery indiscriminately across the
border into Saudi Arabia, killing and injuring civilians.

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 61

In both Syria and Iraq, a US-led international coalition refocused its attention on combating IS,
which was responsible for gross abuses. Hundreds of civilians were killed as a result. In Mosul,
Iraq’s second city, IS forcibly displaced thousands of civilians into zones of active hostilities in
an attempt to shield their own fighters, and deliberately killed civilians fleeing the fighting and
hung their bodies in public areas as a warning to others. In the battle to drive IS out of west
Mosul, Iraqi and coalition forces launched a series of disproportionate or otherwise
indiscriminate attacks to devastating effect; hundreds of civilians were killed. Iraqi forces
consistently used explosive weapons which affected a large area, such as improvised rocket-
assisted munitions, which cannot be precisely targeted at military objectives or used lawfully in
densely populated civilian areas.
In Syria, IS lost control of Raqqa governorate following a military campaign by the Syrian
Democratic Forces, consisting of Syrian-Kurdish and Arab armed groups, and the US-led
coalition. IS prevented residents from fleeing and used civilians as human shields, as well as
carrying out direct attacks on civilians and indiscriminate attacks, killing and injuring civilians.
The coalition’s air strikes also caused hundreds of civilian casualties. Syrian government
forces, supported by Iranian and Hezbollah fighters on the ground and Russian air power,
captured other areas previously held by IS and other armed groups. In doing so, they killed
and injured civilians in indiscriminate attacks and direct attacks on civilians and civilian
objects, including homes, hospitals and medical facilities.


The Syrian government continued to maintain lengthy sieges of predominantly civilian areas,
depriving some 400,000 people of access to medical care, other basic goods and services and
humanitarian assistance, while subjecting them to repeated air strikes, artillery shelling and
other attacks. Armed opposition groups were also responsible for besieging thousands of
civilians and carrying out indiscriminate rocket and mortar attacks on government-controlled
neighbourhoods, killing and injuring civilians. Thousands of civilians experienced the harsh
impact of forced displacement following “reconciliation” agreements in the second half of
2016 and early 2017. They were only some of the 6.5 million people displaced within Syria
between 2011 and 2017. More than half a million people fled Syria during the year, taking the
total number of Syrian refugees to more than 5 million.


Government forces responded to the referendum on independence for the Kurdistan Region of
Iraq by launching an operation that quickly retook the disputed city of Kirkuk, as well as most
of the territory captured by Kurdish Peshmerga forces in the fight against IS. In October, tens
of thousands of civilians were forced to flee their homes after fierce clashes erupted between
Iraqi government forces, supported by affiliated militias, and Peshmerga forces in the multi-
ethnic city of Tuz Khurmatu; at least 11 civilians were killed in indiscriminate attacks.

Three rival governments and hundreds of militias and armed groups continued to compete for
power and control over territory, lucrative trade routes and strategic military locations in Libya.
Militias and armed groups carried out indiscriminate attacks in heavily populated areas leading
to deaths of civilians; executed captured fighters from rival groups; and abducted and
unlawfully detained hundreds of people, including political and human rights activists,
because of their origin, opinions, perceived political affiliations or perceived wealth. Up to
20,000 refugees and migrants were held arbitrarily and indefinitely in overcrowded, unsanitary
detention centres and exposed to torture, forced labour, extortion and unlawful killings at the

62 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

hands of the authorities and militias who ran the centres. The assistance provided by EU
member states, particularly Italy, to the Libyan Coast Guard and migrant detention centres
made them complicit in the abuses.

Impunity for grave violations of the past remained a live concern.
Victims of crimes committed in recent and ongoing conflicts generally faced entrenched
impunity at a national level. In Iraq, the authorities announced investigations in response to
some allegations of serious violations committed by Iraqi forces and pro-government militias –
such as torture, extrajudicial execution and enforced disappearance. However, they
consistently failed to make any findings public. In Libya, the judicial system was hamstrung by
its own dysfunctionality, with magistrates often failing to pursue accountability for abuses
because of fears of reprisal. In Syria, the judicial system lacked independence, and failed to
investigate and prosecute crimes by state forces. In Yemen, the National Commission to
Investigate Alleged Violations of Human Rights, established by the government, failed to
conduct investigations consistent with international standards into alleged violations committed
by all parties to the conflict in Yemen.

The region’s only ongoing national transitional justice mechanism, Tunisia’s Truth and Dignity
Commission – mandated to address human rights violations committed between July 1955
and December 2013 – held 11 public sessions during which victims and perpetrators testified
on a range of violations including election fraud, enforced disappearance and torture.
However, there was no progress on an agreement to refer cases to specialized judicial
chambers, and security agencies continued to fail to provide the Commission with the
information it requested for its investigations.
At the international level, some significant initiatives continued but moved slowly. The Office
of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court continued its preliminary examination of
alleged crimes under international law committed in the Occupied Palestinian Territories since
13 June 2014, including during the 2014 Gaza-Israel conflict. In Libya, it broadened its
investigations from political and military leaders to consider the wider systematic mistreatment
of migrants.
Other initiatives had positive aspects, but were tarnished or undermined. The UN Security
Council passed a resolution in September that was aimed at ensuring accountability for war
crimes and human rights abuses committed by IS in Iraq, but crucially failed to include any
provisions to ensure accountability for crimes committed by Iraqi forces, militias and the US-
led coalition. The Joint Investigative Mechanism of the UN and the Organisation for the
Prohibition of Chemical Weapons made progress on determining accountability for chemical
weapons use in Syria, but an extension of its mandate was vetoed by Russia at the Security
Two developments raised particular hope in the longer term for truth and justice for victims of
violations in two seemingly intractable ongoing conflicts. The International Impartial and
Independent Mechanism to assist in the investigation and prosecution of the most serious
crimes under international law committed in Syria since March 2011 took shape during the
year after its formal establishment in December 2016 by the UN General Assembly. And the
UN Human Rights Council passed a resolution in September to establish a panel of experts to
investigate abuses by all parties in Yemen. Both developments followed concerted advocacy by
human rights organizations.

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 63

 REPORT 2017/18 
By the end of June, UNAMA had
AFGHANISTAN documented 12 incidents of cross-border
shelling from Pakistan into Afghanistan, in
Islamic Republic of Afghanistan which at least 10 civilians were killed and 24
Head of state and government: Muhammad Ashraf injured. This was a substantial increase on
Ghani the same period in 2016.
The government made amendments to the
The civilian population suffered widespread Penal Code. Some provisions of the Rome
human rights abuses as a result of the Statute of the ICC were incorporated into law
continuing conflict. Conflict-related and some offences which previously carried
violence led to deaths, injuries and the death penalty became punishable by life
displacement. Civilian casualties continued imprisonment.
to be high; the majority were killed or
injured by armed insurgent groups, but a ARMED CONFLICT
significant minority by pro-government The non-international armed conflict between
forces. The number of people internally “anti-government elements” and pro-
displaced by conflict rose to more than 2 government forces continued. The Taliban
million; about 2.6 million Afghan refugees and the armed group Islamic State (IS) were
lived outside the country. Gender-based among the “anti-government elements” but
violence against women and girls persisted more than 20 armed groups operated inside
by state and non-state actors. An increase the country. The Taliban and other armed
in public punishments of women by armed opposition groups were responsible for the
groups applying Shari’a law was reported. majority of civilian casualties (64%) in the
Human rights defenders received threats first nine months of the year, according to
from both state and non-state actors; UNAMA.
journalists faced violence and censorship. By the end of September, UNAMA had
Death sentences continued to be imposed; documented 8,019 civilian casualties (2,640
five people were executed in November. killed and 5,379 injured), a small overall
Members of the Hazara minority group and decrease compared to the same period in
Shi’a continued to face harassment and 2016, although there was a 13% increase in
increased attacks, mainly by armed the number of women killed or injured. About
insurgent groups. 20% of the casualties were attributed to pro-
government forces, including Afghan national
BACKGROUND security forces, the Afghan Local Police, pro-
In March, the UN Security Council renewed government armed groups and international
the mandate of the UN Assistance Mission in military forces.
Afghanistan (UNAMA) for another year, While acknowledging that Afghan
under the leadership of Tadamichi government forces made some efforts to
Yamamoto. mitigate civilian casualties, especially during
Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, leader of the ground engagement, UNAMA also noted that
country’s second largest insurgent group, the number of civilians killed or injured in
Hezb-i-Islami, joined the Afghan government. aerial attacks increased by some 50% over
On 4 May, after two years of negotiations, the 2016; about two-thirds of these were women
draft peace agreement signed in September and children.
2016 between the government and ABUSES BY PRO-GOVERNMENT FORCES
Gulbuddin Hekmatyar was finalized, granting In January, according to UNAMA, Afghan
him amnesty for past offences, including war National Border Police in Paktika province
crimes, and permitting the release of certain sexually abused a 13-year-old boy, then shot
Hezb-i-Islami prisoners. him; the boy died from his injuries. Those
suspected of criminal responsibility were

66 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

prosecuted by the Afghan National Police, On 25 August, a Shi’a mosque in Kabul was
convicted of murder and sentenced to six attacked by IS, killing at least 28 people and
years‘ imprisonment. injuring dozens more. On 20 October, similar
According to UNAMA, more than a dozen attacks were carried out against two more
civilians were shot at checkpoints. In one Shi’a mosques – one in western Kabul and
such incident on 16 March, Afghan Local the other in Ghor province – leaving more
Police at a checkpoint in Jawzjan province than 60 people dead and dozens injured.
shot and injured a man and his mother after
mistaking them for insurgents. In April, VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND GIRLS
Afghan National Police shot a 65-year-old The Ministry of Women’s Affairs of
man returning from feeding his cows; he later Afghanistan (MoWA) reported an increase in
died in hospital. In May, an Afghan National cases of gender-based violence against
Army soldier shot dead a 13-year-old boy as women, especially in areas under Taliban
he collected grass close to a checkpoint in control.
Badghis province. In the first half of the year, the Afghanistan
In June, according to UNAMA, three young Independent Human Rights Commission
children in Saydebad district were killed in reported thousands of cases of violence
their home by a mortar round fired by the against women and girls across the country,
Afghan National Army. The same month, pro- including beatings, killings and acid attacks.
government forces on patrol shot dead a Against the backdrop of impunity for such
father and his two young sons (aged five and crimes and a failure to investigate, cases of
12) outside the brick factory where they violence against women remained grossly
worked; there was no known military activity under-reported due to traditional practices,
in the area at the time. UNAMA requested stigmatization and fear of the consequences
updates on any investigation or follow-up for the victims.
action on these cases, but by July had Armed groups perpetrated gender-based
received no information from the Ministry of violence, torture and other ill-treatment and
the Interior. other human rights abuses, imposing
During the first six months of the year, corporal punishments on women for having
according to UNAMA, 95 civilians, half of sex outside of marriage or engaging in sex
them children, were killed in air strikes. work. In one instance, according to UNAMA,
ABUSES BY ARMED GROUPS men severely beat a woman in her home in
In January, in Badakhshan province, five Darah-i-Suf Payin district, Samangan
armed men dragged a pregnant woman from province, after accusing her of having sex
her home and shot her dead in front of her outside of marriage and engaging in sex
husband and six children; witnesses said her work.
attackers accused her of being a government UNAMA also noted that armed groups tried
supporter. On 8 March, armed men entered to restrict girls’ access to education. In
an Afghan National Army military hospital in February, threats forced the closure of girls’
central Kabul and killed at least 49 people, schools in several villages in Farah province,
including patients. In August, armed groups temporarily denying education to more than
attacked the village of Mirza Olang, in Sar-e- 3,500 girls. When the schools reopened 10
Pul province, killing at least 36 people, days later, the vast majority of the girls were
including civilians. initially afraid to return.
Suicide attacks by armed groups in civilian The head of the women’s affairs department
areas caused at least 382 deaths and 1,202 in Badakhshan reported that in March the
injuries. In one such attack in December, at Taliban stoned a woman to death and
least 41 people, including children, were whipped a man on charges of having sex
killed in a suicide bomb attack on a Shi’a outside of marriage in Wardoj district,
cultural organization in Kabul. northeastern Badakhshan province.

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 67

In August, a woman named Azadeh was more than 150 people. No investigations
shot dead by Taliban members in Jawzjan appeared to have been conducted into the
province. According to the governor’s police shootings. Relatives of the victims
spokesman, the woman had fled some subsequently staged a sit-in for several weeks
months earlier to a safe house in Sheberghan in Kabul, which the police broke up by force.
city due to domestic violence. She returned One person was killed and at least five others
after local mediation, but was then dragged were reported to have been arbitrarily
from her house and shot by Taliban detained in a private house and questioned
members. by plain-clothes officers before being
released the next day. In July, the
REFUGEES AND INTERNALLY government proposed amendments to the
DISPLACED PEOPLE laws on associations, strikes and
Some 2.6 million Afghan refugees were living demonstrations, which would limit the rights
in more than 70 countries around the world to freedom of association and expression by
during 2017. Around 95% were hosted in introducing new restrictions on the
just two countries, Iran and Pakistan, where organization of demonstrations and strikes.
they faced discrimination, racial attacks, lack The proposed amendments would also give
of basic amenities and the risk of mass police enhanced authority to stop or prevent
deportation. demonstrations or strikes, further
Between 2002 and 2017, more than 5.8 undermining the right to peaceful assembly.
million Afghans were returned home, many of Women human rights defenders continued
them involuntarily by other governments. to face threats and intimidation by both state
The UN Office for the Coordination of and non-state actors across Afghanistan.
Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said that some Most cases were not reported to police
437,907 people were displaced by the because of lack of trust in the security
conflict in 2017 alone, bringing the total agencies, which consistently failed to
number of internally displaced people (IDPs) investigate and address these threats. Some
to more than 2 million. Despite the promises who did report threats were not given support
made by successive Afghan governments, or protection.
IDPs continued to lack adequate housing,
food, water, health care and opportunities to FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION
pursue education and employment. Most A string of violent attacks and intimidation
were forced to make long daily trips to fetch against journalists, including killings, further
water and struggled to obtain one daily meal. underlined the steady erosion of freedom of
Most IDPs lacked access to basic health care expression.
facilities. Private health care was Media freedom watchdog Nai reported more
unaffordable for most IDPs, and mobile than 150 attacks against journalists, media
clinics, operated by NGOs or the government, workers and media offices during the year.
were only available sporadically. These included killings, beatings, detention,
IDPs also faced repeated threats of forced arson, attacks, threats and other forms of
eviction from both government and private violence by both state and non-state actors.
actors. In March, a reporter working for Ariana TV
in Sar-e-Pul province was beaten by police
HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS after trying to report on excessive use of force
Human rights defenders faced constant against civilians. Officers seized the reporter’s
threats to their life and security. In June, at camera and other equipment; he sought
least four people were killed when police refuge in the governor’s office.
opened fire on demonstrators protesting In August, a prominent reporter from Zabul
deteriorating security conditions in Kabul province received death threats from Taliban
following a 31 May truck bombing that killed members, followed by attempts on his life.

68 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

Security officials made little effort to protect DEATH PENALTY
him after he reported the incidents, and he In a revision to the Penal Code, life
left the province for his safety. imprisonment replaced the death penalty for
In November, IS fighters attacked some offences.
Shamshad TV’s station in Kabul; one staff Five executions were carried out in
member was killed and others wounded. November at Pul-e-Charki prison in Kabul.
Nai reported that in 2016 it had submitted The Ministry of the Interior said that the five
to the authorities at least 240 cases of had been convicted in 2016 of murder and
violence against media workers, including kidnapping, and that they had been executed
reporters and journalists. One year later the despite their sentences being under review
government had taken no action in response by three appeal courts.
and no one had been brought to justice.


Afghans across the country remained at risk
of torture and other ill-treatment, with little Republic of Albania
progress towards curbing impunity. The UN Head of state: Ilir Meta (replaced Bujar Nishani in July)
Committee against Torture found Head of government: Edi Rama
“widespread acceptance and legitimation of
torture in Afghan society”. Impunity persisted for past killings and
Many of those suspected of criminal enforced disappearances. Measures
responsibility continued to hold official protecting women from domestic violence
executive positions, including in government. were inadequately implemented. Women
The Committee also found that detainees and children were trafficked for forced
held by the National Directorate of Security, prostitution and labour. Albania’s path to
the Afghan National Police and the Afghan EU membership was hindered by slow
Local Police were subject to “beatings, progress in combating corruption and
electric shocks, suspensions, threats, sexual organized crime.
abuse, and other forms of mental and
physical abuse”. UNAMA and OHCHR BACKGROUND
investigators who had interviewed 469 A political crisis preceded elections in June.
detainees said that 39% of them gave The opposition Democratic Party, which
credible accounts of torture and other ill- organized street protests in February,
treatment during their arrest and boycotted the election process until May,
interrogation. when an EU and US-supported agreement
In March the government enacted an Anti- promised them representation in government
Torture Law, which criminalized torture but and state agencies. The ruling Socialist Party
did not provide for restitution or was returned with an increased majority.
compensation to victims. International observers reported incidents of
Armed groups including the Taliban voter intimidation and alleged vote-buying.
continued to commit crimes under Under a new mechanism established in
international law, including killings, torture January, by August 183 people, including
and other abuses as punishment for author Ismail Kadare, applied to access
perceived crimes or offences. The executions secret police files held on them during the
and severe punishments imposed by the Communist period. In September, the
parallel justice system amounted to criminal International Commission on Missing Persons
acts under the law, and in some agreed to assist with the identification of
circumstances could amount to war crimes. bodies recovered from mass graves from the
same period.

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 69

Measures to ensure judicial independence TRANSGENDER AND INTERSEX PEOPLE
were partially implemented. In June, two In February two NGOs filed a complaint with
judicial associations appealed to the the European Court of Human Rights,
Constitutional Court against a vetting law, requesting an amendment to the Family
which sought to ensure judges’ and Code which prohibits cohabitation rights for
prosecutors’ independence from organized same-sex couples. An August survey found
crime. widespread discrimination in employment in
both the public and private sectors.
In a case brought before the European Court MIGRANTS’ RIGHTS
of Human Rights, in April the government In May, a UK court found that hundreds of
agreed to reopen proceedings in the case of lesbian and gay people, trafficking victims
four protesters killed during January 2011 and domestic violence survivors may have
demonstrations. A total payment of just over been wrongly deported to Albania since 2011
EUR100,000 as a form of compensation was because UK courts had relied on incorrect
divided between relatives of two of the guidance. Some 4,421 Albanian asylum-
victims. seekers voluntarily returned from EU
countries; 2,500 rejected asylum-seekers
ENFORCED DISAPPEARANCES were deported from Germany.
No measures were taken to locate the body Unaccompanied minors and families with
of Remzi Hoxha, a Macedonian Albanian who children were sometimes detained in the
was forcibly disappeared by National Irregular Foreigners Centre at Karreç, a
Intelligence Service officials in 1995. No closed centre for irregular migrants due for
progress was reported towards the deportation.
exhumation of the remains of around 6,000
people who had disappeared between 1945 ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL
and 1991. RIGHTS
In September, 20 children’s NGOs protested
FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION − against the abolition of the Labour and Social
JOURNALISTS Welfare Ministry, which threatened to put
Physical attacks against investigative social services at risk.
journalists were perpetrated by organized The Ministry of Urban Development
criminals, or owners of private companies. In reconstructed 300 Roma and Egyptian
March, journalist Elvi Fundo was beaten in houses, and improved sanitation. However,
the capital, Tirana, by assailants believed to most Roma lacked clean water and many
be associated with organized crime. In June, were at risk of forced evictions.
TV channel owner Erven Hyseni was shot
dead in Vlora, along with a government VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND GIRLS
official. Reports of domestic violence increased; 420
In July, journalists claimed that defamation immediate protection orders had been issued
proceedings brought against two media by 1 June. In August, Judge Fildeze Hafizi
outlets by High Court Judge Gjin Gjoni and was shot and killed in her car by her former
his wife, businesswoman Elona Caushi, husband. She had been granted a protection
aimed to intimidate investigative journalists order in 2015 after he had beaten her. He
and encourage self-censorship. was convicted and imprisoned in April 2016,
but released in early 2017 under a general

70 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

The authorities continued to arrest and
People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria prosecute peaceful activists, including those
Head of state: Abdelaziz BouteflikaHead of protesting about unemployment and public
government: Ahmed Ouyahia (replaced Abdelmadjid services. Those protesting in solidarity with
Tebboune in August, who replaced Abdelmalek Sellal in detained activists, as well as journalists and
May) bloggers covering protests on social media,
were also detained.
The authorities continued to arbitrarily In January, police arrested renowned
detain peaceful demonstrators, human blogger Merzoug Touati in Bejaia, Kabylia
rights defenders, activists and journalists. region, following anti-austerity protests in
Associations continued to face undue Kabylia. The authorities kept him in detention
restrictions, and legislation that restricted while investigating him for interviewing an
the right to form trade unions remained in Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman
place. Members of the Ahmadi Muslim on his blog, and for posts about the protests.
religious minority group were unjustly In June, police arrested journalist Said
prosecuted. Impunity for past abuses Chitour on suspicion of espionage and selling
prevailed. Migrants faced mass expulsions. classified documents to foreign diplomats. In
Courts handed down death sentences; no November his case was transferred to the
executions were carried out. Penal Court.
The authorities maintained a protest ban in
BACKGROUND Algiers under a decree from 2001.
In January, new austerity measures
announced by the government triggered FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION
protests and strikes, particularly in the The authorities kept many associations,
northern Kabylia and Chaouia regions. In including Amnesty International Algeria and
February, a presidential decree established other human rights groups, in legal limbo by
Algeria’s new national human rights failing to respond to registration applications
institution, the National Human Rights under the highly restrictive Associations Law.
Council, replacing the National Consultative Local authorities denied authorization to the
Commission for the Promotion and Protection Algerian League for the Defence of Human
of Human Rights. In May, Algeria was Rights (LADDH) to hold a human rights
examined under the UN UPR process for the meeting in October and a public event
third time.1 Also in May, legislative elections celebrating the Universal Declaration of
characterized by low participation brought Human Rights in December. The government
limited change to party representation in had yet to produce a new draft law respecting
parliament and Abdelmadjid Tebboune briefly freedom of association, as required by the
became Prime Minister after a government constitutional amendments of 2016.
reshuffle, before Ahmed Ouyahia replaced
Low-level sporadic clashes took place Human rights defender Hassan Bouras was
between security forces and armed released in January after a court reduced his
opposition groups in several areas. In August, one-year prison term to a six-month
a suicide bomber killed himself and two suspended sentence. Police had arrested
policemen in an attack on a police station in him for posting a video on the YouTube
Tiaret, west of the capital Algiers, which was channel of the El Bayadh branch of LADDH
later claimed by both the armed group alleging corruption among high-ranking
Islamic State (IS) and al-Qa’ida in the Islamic officials in the city of El Bayadh.
Maghreb (AQIM).

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 71

In March, a court in Ghardaia referred practices during the year.3 From April
human rights lawyer Salah Dabouz of LADDH onwards, courts released 16 Ahmadis after
to trial in relation to comments he made on reducing or suspending their sentences,
television about unrest in Ghardaia and for while dozens of others remained under
allegedly carrying a computer and camera investigation or on trial and five remained in
during a visit to detained activists. The court detention. In August, authorities rearrested
had kept him under judicial supervision from Mohamed Fali, head of the Ahmadi
July 2016 until March 2017, forcing him to community in Algeria, in Ain Safra, Naama
travel more than 600km twice a week to province, before trying him before the Ain
report to the court in Ghardaia from his home Tedles Court of First Instance for collecting
in Algiers. donations without a licence, “denigrating
In April, the investigative judge at a court in Islamic dogma”, and “membership of an
Medea transferred a case against human unauthorized association”. By the end of the
rights lawyer Noureddine Ahmine of the year, he faced six cases pending before
Network of Lawyers for the Defence of different courts arising from the peaceful
Human Rights (RADDH) to a court in practice of his faith.
Ghardaia for trial on charges of “insulting a
public institution” and “falsely” reporting an IMPUNITY
offence. The charges related to a complaint The authorities took no steps to open
of torture that he had filed, apparently on investigations and counter the impunity for
behalf of someone else, in 2014. grave human rights abuses and possible
crimes against humanity, including unlawful
UNFAIR TRIALS killings, enforced disappearances, rape and
In May, a court in Medea unfairly convicted other forms of torture committed by security
the founder of the Movement for the forces and armed groups in the 1990s during
Autonomy of the Mzab (MAM), Kamaleddine Algeria’s internal conflict, which left an
Fekhar, and 21 of his 41 co-defendants of estimated 200,000 people killed or forcibly
murder, terrorism and other serious offences, disappeared.
for their alleged role in communal violence in In January, the Swiss judiciary shelved a
Ghardaia province between 2013 and 2015 war crimes investigation against retired
which left an estimated 25 people dead.2 Algerian Minister of Defence Khaled Nezzar
They were sentenced to prison terms of for events between 1992 and 1994 in
between three and five years, partially Algeria, citing inadmissibility due to the
suspended. All were then released between absence of armed conflict in Algeria at the
May and July 2017 after having served their time.
sentence. Among the 41 defendants, 37 had In February, the UN Human Rights
been in pre-trial detention, many since 2015. Committee found that the Algerian authorities
In July, the Spanish authorities detained had violated the right to remedy, the right to
MAM activists Salah Abbouna and Khodir life, and the prohibition against torture with
Sekkouti after Algerian authorities filed an regard to Mohamed Belamrania, who was
extradition request against them, citing their forcibly disappeared and extrajudicially
criticism of Algerian authorities on Facebook. executed in 1995. Days after the UN finding
In October the Spanish authorities released was published, police detained his son, Rafik
both activists on bail awaiting the National Belamrania, and charged him with
High Court’s decision on extradition. “advocating terrorism on Facebook”. He had
filed his father’s case before the UN body
FREEDOM OF RELIGION AND BELIEF and documented other cases of enforced
More than 280 members of the minority disappearance, arbitrary detention and
Ahmadi religious movement were prosecuted extrajudicial executions by Algeria’s security
in relation to their religious beliefs and forces against suspected supporters of the

72 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

Islamic Salvation Front (FIS) party during the DEATH PENALTY
1990s. In November he was sentenced to Courts continued to impose death sentences.
five years’ imprisonment and fined 100,000 No executions have been carried out since
Algerian dinars (around USD870). 1993.

REFUGEES’ AND MIGRANTS’ RIGHTS 1. Human Rights Council adopts Universal Periodic Review outcome on
From April to June, a group of 25 Syrian Algeria (MDE 28/7152/2017)
refugees, including 10 children, were 2. Algeria: Ensure fair trial for minority rights activists (News story, 29
stranded in the buffer zone of Morocco’s May)
desert border area with Algeria.4 In June, the 3. Algeria: Wave of arrests and prosecutions of hundreds of Ahmadis
Algerian authorities announced they would (News story, 19 June)
permit them to enter Algeria and would allow 4. Morocco: Syrian refugees trapped in desert on Moroccan border with
UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, to provide Algeria in dire need of assistance (News story, 7 June)
them with assistance. However, the Algerian 5. Algeria: Mass racial profiling used to deport more than 2,000 sub-
authorities later refused to let them in Saharan migrants (News story, 23 October)
through an unofficial crossing point. The
refugees remained stranded in the desert
until Morocco granted them protection.
Between August and December the
authorities arbitrary arrested and forcibly Republic of Angola
expelled more than 6,500 sub-Saharan Head of state and government: João Manuel Gonçalves
African migrants to neighbouring Niger and Lourenço (replaced José Eduardo dos Santos in
Mali on the basis of racial profiling.5 September)
In February, a court in Annaba convicted 27
people, including Algerians, for irregular exit Agri-business mega projects displaced
from Algeria after they attempted to leave the communities from their land. Although the
country by boat. They were fined 20,000 restrictive NGO law was repealed, the space
Algerian dinars (about USD180) each. for individuals to exercise their civil and
political rights continued to shrink.
WORKERS’ RIGHTS Peaceful protesters were met with violent
The Labour Code continued to unduly restrict repression; government critics faced
the right to form trade unions by limiting criminal defamation suits. Attempts by
trade union federations and confederations to Parliament to criminalize abortion in all
single occupational sectors; allowing only circumstances were defeated.
Algerian-born people or those who had held
Algerian nationality for a minimum of 10 BACKGROUND
years to create trade union organizations; and Historic elections were held on 23 August.
imposing restrictions on foreign funding for João Lourenço of the ruling People’s
trade unions. Authorities continued to deny Movement for the Liberation of Angola
registration to the independent, cross-sector (MPLA) became President. According to the
General Autonomous Confederation for Electoral Commission, the MPLA obtained
Algerian Workers, since it first filed its 61% of the vote, down from 81% in 2012.
application in 2013. Opposition parties – National Union for the
In May, the Ministry of Labour banned the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA),
National Autonomous Electricity and Gas Broad Convergence for the Salvation of
Trade Union by withdrawing its recognition. A Angola-Electoral Coalition (CASA-CE), and
government official publicly denied the ban National Front for the Liberation of Angola
during an International Labour Conference (FNLA) − contended that the election results
session in June. were illegitimate, but took their seats in

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 73

The continuing economic crisis precipitated and hindrance of the free flow of ideas and
popular discontent with the MPLA. Because opinions.
of the economic crisis, the government The majority of the regulatory body’s
adopted a development model for agri- members were nominated by MPLA, the
business mega projects, large-scale land party with the most seats in the National
acquisition, and dispossession of rural Assembly, which caused concerns as to the
communities, which put community body’s independence and impartiality.
livelihoods at risk. On 20 June, Rafael Marques de Morais,
Political intolerance was increasingly investigative journalist and editor of the online
normalized due, in part, to government publication Maka Angola, and Mariano Brás
indifference to sectarian violence in Monte Lourenço, journalist and editor for O Crime
Belo in Benguela province. Following the newspaper, were charged with “defamation
signing in 2002 of the peace agreement of a public authority” and causing “outrage to
between the government and UNITA, the a sovereign body” in relation to an article they
area became an enclave of political conflict published questioning the acquisition of
with increasing polarization of and violence public land by the General Public Prosecutor.
between MPLA and UNITA supporters.
Monte Belo residents continued to suffer FREEDOM OF ASSEMBLY
persecution, violence, death threats, The authorities frequently refused to allow
intimidation and looting on grounds of peaceful demonstrations to take place, even
suspected allegiance to one or other of the though prior authorization was not required in
political parties. Despite public objections law. When demonstrations did take place,
from civil society, the government allowed a police often arbitrarily arrested, detained and
culture of impunity and violent political ill-treated peaceful protesters. However, no
intolerance to develop. investigations were initiated into the police
FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION On 24 February, police violently repressed
To silence critics, particularly journalists and two peaceful protests by the Angolan
academics, the authorities used defamation Revolutionary Movement taking place
laws among others, restricting freedom of simultaneously in Luanda, the capital, and
expression and access to information. The Benguela. The protesters demanded the
misuse of the justice system and other state resignation of Bornito de Sousa, Minister of
institutions in order to silence critics Territorial Administration, who was in charge
remained commonplace. The “Press Law of electoral registration for the August
Pack” of five bills was passed by Parliament election and was also the MPLA’s vice-
in January; it included Press Law, Journalist’s presidential candidate; these roles were seen
Statute, Radio Broadcasting Law, Television as amounting to a conflict of interests and to
Law and Social Communications Regulatory a violation of the electoral law. After
Body Law. handcuffing and forcing the protesters to lie
The laws contained provisions that down, the police beat them with batons.
restricted freedom of expression, particularly On 24 June, security forces violently
press freedoms, through a series of dispersed a peaceful demonstration
prohibitive regulations on social organized by the Lunda-Tchokwe
communication and by establishing a Protectorate Movement, which campaigned
communications regulatory body with for autonomy for the eastern and
oversight competencies, including the power southeastern regions in Lunda Norte
to determine whether or not a given province. Security forces used live
communication met good journalistic ammunition against demonstrators, killing a
practices; this amounted to prior censorship bystander, and injuring 13 protesters. They
arrested 70 people; on 28 June, they were

74 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

sentenced each to 45 days’ imprisonment SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS
and a fine of 22,000 kwanzas (USD135). In March, the government proposed an
Those who paid the fines had their sentences amendment to legislation under the Penal
suspended and were released immediately Code which would de-criminalize abortion in
while the others served their full prison terms. cases where a woman’s pregnancy was the
The protesters were calling for, among other result of rape, or when the pregnant woman’s
things, an end to persecution and arbitrary health was at risk. Parliament rejected the
imprisonment of their members, and for the proposal. The final parliamentary vote on the
release of political prisoners in Kakanda legislation was scheduled for later the same
Prison in Lunda Norte. month, but was postponed indefinitely
following a public outcry against Parliament’s
FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION rejection of the government’s proposal to
Repression of the right to freedom of liberalize the abortion laws.
association persisted. The space in which
human rights defenders, political activists, LAND DISPUTES
journalists, broadcasters and civil society Ongoing land acquisition for business, mainly
organizations could exercise their civil and in southern Cunene and Huíla provinces,
political rights was increasingly restricted. On continued to devastate local communities
11 July, however, the Constitutional Court who relied on the land for their livelihoods.
struck down the NGO law which had In April and May, the government of Huíla
been passed by presidential decree No. presented its Transhumance Project, which
74/15 in 2015. The law had restricted the included plans to appropriate a water
legal framework within which NGOs could fountain used by the community of Capela de
operate, and empowered the Public Santo António in the Kahila area of Gambos
Prosecutor’s Office to suspend national and municipality. Capela de Santo António is
international NGO activities on suspicion of home to 600 families who depended on the
money laundering, or illegal or harmful acts fountain for drinking water, and for their
against “Angola’s sovereignty and integrity”. livestock and irrigation. The community was
The decree imposed burdens on civil society not consulted over the plans and the
organizations, including excessive authorities did not conduct an environmental
requirements and unwieldly procedures for impact assessment. The government of Huíla
NGO registration; excessive control over NGO remained determined to evict the community
activities; funding restrictions and sanctions. in violation of the Constitution and laws
including the Land Law and the
UNFAIR TRIALS Environmental Law.
On 25 September, six people, five of whom In June, it came to light that the Angolan
had been held in prolonged pre-trial government had authorized the Agro-
detention for one year, were brought to trial Industrial Horizonte 2020 mega project to
before Luanda Provincial Court on charges of appropriate 76,000 hectares of fertile land
“organizing terrorism”. However, the trial was without the free, prior and informed consent
adjourned the same day when the Public of the affected communities. The land is in
Prosecutor failed to appear in court alleging the west of Ombadja municipality and the
health reasons. The Court granted the south of Curoca municipality, both in Cunene
substitute prosecutor’s plea to be allowed province. It is home to 39 communities of
more time so that he could familiarize himself 2,129 families with 10,675 children who live
with the case. Five of the accused remained by the Cunene River. They have historically
in detention while a sixth, the wife of one of relied on agriculture and livestock for their
the detained, remained under house arrest at livelihoods. By the end of the year, vegetation
the end of the year. on 15,000 hectares had been destroyed,
including trees used for food and firewood,

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 75

grass for cattle grazing, and burial sites; 19 INDIGENOUS PEOPLES’ RIGHTS
families had been expelled from the land and The majority of Indigenous communities still
forced into vagrancy with diminishing access lacked legal recognition of their land rights,
to food and water. despite the Constitution recognizing their
right to ancestral lands and natural
ARGENTINA In January, local police and members of the
Argentine National Gendarmerie (GNA) – a
Argentine Republic militarized federal police – closed off all
Head of state and government: Mauricio Macri access points to the Indigenous land
inhabited by the Mapuche community Pu Lof
Women and girls faced obstacles in en Resistencia in Chubut province. The
accessing legal abortions. Indigenous community reported attacks by the police,
Peoples continued to be criminalized and including beatings and intimidation of
discriminated against. Migrants’ rights children.1 At least 10 community members
suffered significant setbacks. and their supporters were arrested. In August
the GNA conducted an illegal raid in the
BACKGROUND same community, during which Santiago
Argentina’s human rights situation was Maldonado – a non-Indigenous supporter of
reviewed under the UN UPR process and by the Mapuche community – disappeared. In
the UN Committee against Torture. The UN October his body was found in a river in the
Working Group on Arbitrary Detention territory. The judicial investigation into his
(WGAD), the UN Independent Expert on death was ongoing at the end of the year.
sexual orientation and gender identity and The Neuquén provincial government, oil
the Rapporteur on Argentina for the Inter- unions and industry created an investment
American Commission on Human Rights plan for the Vaca Muerta oilfield, located
visited Argentina during the year. partly on the land of the Lof Campo Maripe
In November, Congress approved the Indigenous community, without the
national law on gender parity. community’s participation.
Authorities used legal proceedings to
SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS intimidate Indigenous Peoples, including
Women and girls continued to encounter accusations of sedition, resisting authority,
barriers to accessing legal abortion when the theft, attempted assaults and killings. Agustín
pregnancy posed a risk to their health, or Santillán, an Indigenous leader of the Wichí
when it resulted from rape. Full people in Formosa province, spent 190 days
decriminalization of abortion was pending in in pre-trial detention from April to October
parliament. with more than 28 criminal proceedings
against him.
According to civil society information, at least REFUGEES’ AND MIGRANTS’ RIGHTS
254 femicides occurred between January Bypassing parliamentary debate, the
and November. The National Women's government modified the 2004 Migration Act,
Institute and the National Plan of Action for limiting entry and residency rights and
the Prevention, Assistance and Eradication of potentially hastening deportations.
Violence against Women for 2017-2019 The Asylum Act had not yet been fully
appeared to lack the necessary resources to implemented, 11 years after its adoption, and
be fully implemented. the National Committee for Refugees had no
specific budget. The reception system for
asylum-seekers remained slow and
insufficient and there was no integration plan

76 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

in place to help asylum-seekers and refugees police; some said they were forced to
access basic rights such as education, work, undress completely.
health care and language training.   In April, teachers were violently repressed
Despite Argentina’s commitment in 2016 to while demonstrating for fair wages.
receive 3,000 Syrian refugees, no Participants reported that police used tear
resettlement programme had been created. gas and beat them while the military stood
Fewer than 400 Syrian refugees had by. At least four teachers were arrested.
benefited from a private sponsorship and In September, 31 people were violently
humanitarian visa scheme. detained and held at several police stations in
the capital, Buenos Aires, for more than 48
IMPUNITY hours for participating in a mass
Trials before ordinary civilian courts demonstration following the disappearance of
continued to be held for crimes against Santiago Maldonado. Those detained
humanity during the 1976-1983 military reported that they were beaten and some
regime. Between 2006 and May 2017, 182 women were forced to undress.
rulings were issued, bringing the total In December, many protesters took to the
number of convictions to 756 and acquittals streets in Buenos Aires to express their
to 74. disagreement with a legislative reform
In July, the Federal Court of Mendoza proposed by the government. The police
issued a historic decision under which four used excessive force and there were reports
former members of the judiciary were of arbitrary detentions during the
sentenced to life in prison and barred from demonstrations.3
holding public office for contributing to the The call by WGAD to national authorities to
commission of crimes against humanity immediately release social leader and activist
during the military regime. Milagro Sala was not implemented. In
The Supreme Court ruled in the case of Luis August, the Inter-American Commission on
Muiña – who was found guilty of crimes Human Rights requested that Argentina offer
against humanity – that one day served in Milagro Sala house arrest or other alternatives
pre-trial detention must be considered as to prison. This request was only partially
two, if the person has been detained without implemented since its conditions did not
sentence for more than two years. Congress comply with domestic and international
then passed a law clarifying that the so-called standards.
“2x1 formula” may not be applied to crimes
against humanity, genocide or war crimes.2
1. Argentina: Violent repression of Mapuche Peoples (AMR
Public hearings continued in the case of the 13/5477/2017)
cover-up of the investigation into the 1994 2. Argentina: Amnistía Internacional repudia la aplicación del 2x1 a
attack on the Jewish Mutual Association of delitos de lesa humanidad y estará presente en Plaza de Mayo (News
Argentina building. A government decree story, 9 May)
issued in April 2017 transferred classified 3. Argentina: Autoridades deben garantizar protesta pacífica e
documents from the Prosecution Unit to the investigar violaciones a derechos humanos tras represión frente al
Congreso de la Nación (News story, 15 December)
Ministry of Justice, compromising the
independence of the investigation and
restricting complainants’ access to evidence.


Indiscriminate detentions took place during
an International Women’s Day demonstration
on 8 March. Many women reported that they
were mistreated, detained and humiliated by

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 77

ARMENIA Members of the opposition group that
occupied a police station in the run-up to the
Republic of Armenia 2016 protests stood trial on charges of a
Head of state: Serzh Sargsyan range of violent crimes, including hostage-
Head of government: Karen Karapetyan taking and killing of police officers. Several
defendants reported being beaten in
Lack of accountability continued for the use detention, while their defence lawyers
of unnecessary and excessive force by reported that they themselves were subjected
police during protests in the capital, to pressure and harassment to obstruct their
Yerevan, in 2016. The trials of opposition work.
members accused of hostage-taking and Arayik Papikyan, Mushegh Shushanyan,
other violent crimes violated the right to a Nina Karapetyants and other defence lawyers
fair trial. A human rights defender faced in the case complained that the detention
criminal charges. The parliamentary and facility’s administration prevented them from
Yerevan city council elections were visiting the accused men and holding
accompanied by incidents of violence. confidential meetings with them, and
unlawfully confiscated and destroyed some of
BACKGROUND the case-related materials they were carrying.
On 2 April, the ruling Republican Party won a Several lawyers also reported being subjected
parliamentary majority, in the first elections to lengthy and intrusive security searches
since the 2015 constitutional referendum when arriving at court. Lawyers who refused
approved the transition from a presidential to to undergo searches were denied entry to the
a parliamentary republic. Monitors from the courtrooms and subjected to disciplinary
OSCE reported that the elections were proceedings by the Bar Association.
“tainted by credible information about vote- The lawyers also reported that, on 28 June,
buying, and pressure on civil servants and five defendants were forcibly removed from
employees of private companies” to vote for the courtroom, taken to the basement and
the ruling party. beaten by several police officers while the
In November, Armenia and the EU signed a court was in session. The defendants showed
Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership signs of ill-treatment, including bruises and
Agreement, a looser form of co-operation scratches on their faces and legs,
than the Association Agreement which documented by prison medical staff. The
Armenia rejected in 2013 in favour of joining police claimed these injuries were self-
the Russian-led customs union. inflicted when the defendants deliberately hit
their heads and feet against walls and fences
IMPUNITY in protest. At the end of the year,
There was limited accountability for the investigations were ongoing into the
unnecessary and excessive use of force by allegations of the beatings and the
police against largely peaceful anti- harassment of the lawyers.
government protesters in Yerevan in July
2016, when hundreds of individuals were HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS
injured and arbitrarily arrested. Dozens of In January, court hearings commenced in the
protesters faced criminal charges for case against Marina Poghosyan, a human
allegedly violating public order and other rights defender and director of the NGO
offences. The criminal investigation into Veles, known for exposing government
allegations of abuse of power by police corruption and providing legal aid to victims
officers did not lead to any criminal charges. of human rights violations. She had been
charged with extortion in 2015 after she
alleged that former government officials were

78 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

running a money laundering scheme. Local
human rights defenders linked the trial to her
work exposing corruption. On 30 April,
Marina Poghosyan reported that a fake Australia
Facebook profile had been created under her Head of state: Queen Elizabeth II, represented by Peter
name and used to send sexually explicit Cosgrove
photos and videos to her contacts to smear Head of government: Malcolm Turnbull
her reputation.
The justice system continued to fail
FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION Indigenous people, particularly children,
The parliamentary and Yerevan city council with high rates of incarceration, reports of
elections, in April and May respectively, and abuse and deaths in custody. Australia
the preceding electoral campaigns were maintained hardline policies by confining
accompanied by isolated incidents of people seeking asylum in offshore
violence against journalists and others processing centres in Papua New Guinea
attempting to expose violations of the and Nauru, and turning back those
electoral process. attempting to reach Australia by boat. In
On 2 April, two journalists were attacked in October, Australia was elected to the UN
Yerevan’s Kond neighbourhood while Human Rights Council, attracting calls for
investigating allegations of vote-buying at the improvement of its human rights record,
local Republican Party’s campaign office. including cutting all ties to the Myanmar
Supporters of the Party took away one military.
reporter’s video equipment as she was
filming people leaving the campaign office. INDIGENOUS PEOPLES’ RIGHTS
An investigation into the incident was ongoing Indigenous children were 25 times more
at the end of the year. likely to be imprisoned than non-Indigenous
ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL Leaked footage exposed abuses of children
RIGHTS in prison in the Northern Territory, including
The CERD Committee raised concerns over tear gassing, restraints, choking and solitary
the absence of data on the enjoyment of confinement. In response, a Royal
economic, social and cultural rights by Commission into the Protection and
minority groups, refugees and asylum- Detention of Children in the Northern
seekers. It also raised concern over the lack Territory was established and reported on 17
of information available on small minority November.
ethnic groups – such as the Lom (also known An independent review of youth detention
as Bosha) and the Molokans – and requested centres in Queensland released in April
that the authorities collect data on economic found abuses including solitary confinement,
and social indicators disaggregated by use of dogs to intimidate, missing CCTV
ethnicity, nationality and country of origin. footage, and children at risk of self-harm
being sedated and hogtied. Further alleged
abuses emerged in Victoria, New South
Wales, the Australian Capital Territory and
Western Australia.
Indigenous adults were 15 times more likely
to be jailed than non-Indigenous adults. At
least eight Indigenous people died in police
The government did not adopt a national
plan to ensure Australia meets its obligations

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 79

in protecting the rights of Indigenous Lankan nationals in March; five Chinese
children. However, on 15 December, it nationals who landed in northern Australia in
ratified the Optional Protocol to the August; and a boat containing 29 Sri Lankan
Convention against Torture (OPCAT), which nationals in December.
mandates that youth detention centres and Australia continued its policy of mandatory
police lockups are subject to independent indefinite detention of people arriving by
oversight and monitoring. plane without a visa. As of 30 November,
there were 1,301 people in immigration
REFUGEES AND ASYLUM-SEEKERS detention onshore (including on Christmas
On 9 April, the government announced that Island). Of these, 19.8% had been detained
the Australian-run facility on Manus Island, for over 730 days.
Papua New Guinea (PNG), would be closed Australia’s resettlement and humanitarian
by 31 October following the PNG Supreme intake was 16,250 for its financial year
Court ruling in 2016 that the centre was beginning in June. This decreased from
“illegal” and “unconstitutional”. On 14 April, almost 22,000 for the previous financial year,
PNG Defence Force personnel fired into the with an additional intake of Syrian and Iraqi
centre injuring nine people. refugees ending.
The men in detention were forcibly moved
into “transit” centres on Manus Island on 24 RIGHTS OF LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL,
November. By the end of the year there was TRANSGENDER AND INTERSEX PEOPLE
no clear plan for the settlement of refugees in Following an overwhelming vote in favour of
a safe country. same-sex marriage, Parliament passed
As of December there were approximately legislation to create marriage equality in
800 adult males in detention on Manus December. The postal survey process chosen
Island (see Papua New Guinea entry). by the government failed to acknowledge that
The Australian government was forced to marriage equality is a human right and
pay a settlement in June to nearly 2,000 generated divisive and damaging public
refugees and asylum-seekers held on Manus debate.
Island, for illegally detaining them in horrific
conditions between 2012 and 2016.
As of 30 November, there were 339 people
living in the offshore processing facility on
Nauru, including 36 children. They were Republic of Austria
subjected to humiliation, neglect, abuse and Head of state: Alexander Van der Bellen (replaced
poor physical and mental health care. At Heinz Fischer in January)
least 820 additional refugees lived in the Head of government: Sebastian Kurz (replaced
community on Nauru; these people faced Christian Kern in December)
serious security risks and inadequate access
to health care, education and employment. The number of asylum-seekers continued to
Approximately 435 people transferred to fall. Authorities continued to deport
Australia for medical treatment remained at rejected asylum-seekers to Afghanistan
risk of return to either Nauru or Manus despite the security situation in the country.
Island. Amendments to the law on public
Australia continued its “turnback” policy. In assemblies increased the potential for
May the government reported that since restrictions on the right to peaceful
2013, 30 boats had been returned either to assembly.
Indonesia or to their country of departure.
During 2017 people were directly returned to
their country of nationality on three known
occasions: from a boat containing 25 Sri

80 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

REFUGEES’ AND MIGRANTS’ RIGHTS – far-reaching amendments to the law,
FORCIBLE RETURN including fines and other administrative
Between January and August, 17,095 people measures against organizers not complying
requested asylum; the number fell by nearly with the law, and a cap on the number of
half compared to 32,114 people for the same public assemblies taking place in shopping
period in 2016. streets. There were no steps to further amend
In October, Parliament amended the asylum the law at the end of the year.
law to automatically add a return order to any
decision concerning the revocation of asylum COUNTER-TERROR AND SECURITY
or subsidiary protection status, for example In July, the government tabled an
upon conviction for a criminal offence, amendment to the Criminal Procedure Code
increasing the risk of refoulement – forcible that would introduce several new far-reaching
return of an individual to a country where surveillance methods. The amendment gave
they would risk serious human rights rise to concern regarding the right to privacy.
violations. The methods included software to access
The authorities continued to deport rejected data from smartphones and techniques to
asylum-seekers and undocumented migrants intercept mobile phone traffic. The authorities
to Afghanistan despite the deterioration of the would be able to use many of those
security situation in the country. In the first techniques without seeking prior judicial
half of the year, 67 people were forcibly authorization.
returned there.
In September, the Minister of the Interior DISCRIMINATION
announced the non-renewal of the In October, a new law entered into force
Humanitarian Admission Programme banning any kind of full-face covering in
pointing to the large number of asylum cases public spaces. Despite its purpose of
that were still pending. Since 2013, 1,900 “promoting active participation in society”,
vulnerable refugees had been successfully the law disproportionately restricted the rights
resettled through the Programme. to freedom of expression and of religion or
During the year, asylum-seekers brought six belief.
individual complaints before the UN Human In June, the Austrian National Council
Rights Committee alleging that their return rejected a motion that would open a
under the Dublin III Regulation (an EU law discussion on equal marriage irrespective of
that establishes the criteria and mechanisms sexual orientation and gender identity. Same-
for determining the EU member state sex couples could enter a civil partnership
responsible for examining an asylum but were not allowed to marry. In December,
application) to Bulgaria and Italy would the Constitutional Court repealed
violate their human rights. In March the discriminatory passages of the Marriage Act
authorities deported a Syrian family to and the Registered Partnership Act. The
Bulgaria and in June a Somalian woman to repeal was to take effect from 1 January
Italy, despite the Human Rights Committee 2019, thus enabling same-sex couples to
requesting Austria to refrain from doing so. marry and heterosexual couples to enter
registered partnerships.
In June, Parliament amended the law on
public assemblies, which gave the authorities
new vaguely formulated grounds to prohibit
public assemblies, including where an
assembly is “against a foreign policy
interest”. Shortly after, the Minister of the
Interior suggested the introduction of further

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 81

Mammadov to immediately release him; he
AZERBAIJAN had been arbitrarily detained since 2013.
The EU and Azerbaijan proceeded with
Republic of Azerbaijan negotiations over a new strategic partnership
Head of state: Ilham Aliyev agreement to deepen their economic
Head of government: Artur Rasizade relationship. In October, the European Bank
for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
Authorities intensified the crackdown on the approved a USD500 million loan for the
right to freedom of expression, particularly construction of a government-owned gas
following revelations of large-scale political pipeline. This was despite Azerbaijan’s
corruption. Independent news outlets were suspension from the EBRD-endorsed
blocked and their owners arrested. Critics of international oil and gas transparency
the government continued to face politically initiative in March 2017, due to its repression
motivated prosecution and imprisonment of civil society.
following unfair trials. LGBTI individuals
were arbitrarily arrested and ill-treated. FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION
Suspicious deaths in custody were still not Leading human rights organizations
effectively investigated. remained unable to resume their work. The
authorities continued using restrictive
BACKGROUND regulations and arbitrary prosecution to close
In July, renewed hostilities in the breakaway down the few remaining critical organizations.
region of Nagorno-Karabakh resulted in the On 2 May, Aziz Orujev, head of the
death of at least two ethnic Azerbaijani independent online TV channel Kanal 13,
civilians, including a minor, following shelling was arrested by a police officer who claimed
by the Armenian-backed forces. he looked like a wanted fugitive and
Azerbaijan received international attention remanded him to 30 days of administrative
following a report by the Organized Crime detention for purportedly disobeying police
and Corruption Reporting Project, published orders. On the day of his release, Aziz Orujev
in September, which accused members of was remanded on fabricated charges of
Azerbaijan’s political elite of operating a large illegal entrepreneurship and abuse of office,
international money laundering scheme. Part and ordered to pre-trial detention. On 15
of the money was allegedly used to pay December Baku Court on Grave Crimes
European politicians to help whitewash sentenced him to six years’ imprisonment.
Azerbaijan’s human rights reputation, among In August, the prosecution opened an
other things. On 11 October, the investigation into Azerbaijan’s only remaining
Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of independent news agency, Turan, and
Europe (PACE) adopted two critical arrested its director, Mehman Aliyev, on
resolutions on Azerbaijan following allegations fabricated charges of illegal
that some members of the PACE had entrepreneurship. Following international
benefited from the money laundering pressure, Mehman Aliyev was transferred to
scheme. house arrest on 11 September. On 2
On 5 December, the Committee of Ministers November, the prosecution dropped the
of the Council of Europe triggered charges against him and closed the
infringement proceedings against Azerbaijan investigation against Turan.
under Article 46.4 of the European
Convention on Human Rights. This followed FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION
its repeated failure to implement the decision All mainstream media remained under
of the European Court of Human Rights effective government control, with
(ECtHR) in the case of opposition leader Ilgar independent media outlets facing undue
restrictions and media workers facing

82 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

harassment. Access to opposition newspaper across the border by security services, who
websites was blocked. accused him of a range of offences including
Radio Azadliq (Radio Free Europe/Radio smuggling. He remained in detention and his
Liberty Azerbaijani service), Meydan TV, and trial was ongoing at the end of the year.
Azerbaycan SAATI, remained blocked Russian-Israeli-Ukrainian blogger Aleksandr
following a claim by the prosecutor’s office Lapshin, who published critical posts on the
that they posed a threat to national security. situation in Azerbaijan’s breakaway Nagorno-
On 12 May, a court in the capital, Baku, Karabakh region, was arrested in Belarus,
ruled in favour of keeping the websites and extradited to Azerbaijan in February. In
blocked. July, a court in Baku sentenced him to three
PROSECUTION OF CRITICS years in prison for entering the breakaway
The authorities continued to arbitrarily arrest region illegally. He was released on 11
and detain independent journalists and September after a presidential pardon.
bloggers. According to Azerbaijani human
rights defenders more than 150 people RIGHTS OF LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL,
remained in prison on politically motivated TRANSGENDER AND INTERSEX PEOPLE
charges, and the number of such cases On 22 September, more than 100 LGBTI
continued to grow. individuals were rounded up by the police in
On 9 January, police officers detained and public spaces and detained. Some were
held blogger Mehman Huseynov overnight in released, but at least 48 were sentenced to
incommunicado detention. He reported that administrative detention, ranging from 10 to
he was beaten by the police and subjected to 20 days. They were accused of “resisting
electric shocks while in custody. On 3 March, police’s legitimate orders”, and found guilty
a court in Baku sentenced him to two years on the basis of police officers’ allegations,
in prison for “defaming” police officers. without any further evidence. The summary
On 12 January, Afgan Sadygov, a journalist hearings fell short of international trial
and blogger from Jalilabad District, was standards. The detainees said they had been
sentenced to two and a half years in prison. beaten by the police and subjected to other
He was prosecuted under hooliganism ill-treatment while in custody. All were
charges, after writing about government released on 2 October.
corruption and refusing to remove his articles
from the internet. UNFAIR TRIALS
On 14 June, Fikret Faramazoglu, editor of Unfair trials were commonplace, particularly
the independent news website Journalistic in politically motivated proceedings, during
Research Centre, was sentenced to seven which suspects were typically detained and
years in prison and banned from his charged without access to a lawyer of their
profession for a further two years. He had choice. Police continued using torture and
been detained on 30 June 2016 for allegedly other ill-treatment to extract forced
extorting money from a restaurant owner, confessions which were later used by judges
charges that he denied. as incriminating evidence. Allegations of
FORCIBLE RETURNS torture and other ill-treatment were not
The authorities intensified their clampdown effectively investigated.
on critics who had fled the country, and On 25 January, the Baku Serious Crimes
unlawfully transferred many of them back to Court sentenced 18 men associated with the
Azerbaijan and harassed their families. Shi’ite Muslim Unity Movement (MUM) in
Investigative journalist Afgan Mukhtarli was Nardaran to lengthy prison terms. Their trial
abducted in Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia, on did not meet international standards of
29 May, and reappeared in the custody of fairness and was marred by numerous torture
Azerbaijani border police the following day. allegations. During the trial, the defendants
He said he had been abducted and trafficked complained of having been tortured into

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 83

signing confessions. Witnesses called by the
prosecution also said that they had been
threatened by police into incriminating MUM
defendants. The forced testimonies were Kingdom of Bahrain
admitted by court and used by the Head of state: King Hamad bin Issa al-Khalifa
prosecution throughout the trial. Head of government: Shaikh Khalifa bin Salman al-
Elgiz Garhaman, a NIDA Youth movement Khalifa
activist, was sentenced to five and a half
years in prison on fabricated drug-related The government launched a large-scale
charges following an unfair trial. He was campaign to clamp down on all forms of
denied access to lawyers of his choice, and dissent by repressing the rights to freedom
kept incommunicado for a week following his of expression and association of human
detention. During the trial, he told the judge rights defenders and government critics.
the police had beaten, threatened and This campaign was marked by travel bans;
humiliated him into signing a confession. The the arrest, interrogation and arbitrary
judge refused to order an investigation into detention of human rights defenders; the
his allegations, dismissing them as dissolution of the opposition group Waad
groundless. and the closure of the newspaper al-Wasat;
On 1 December, the amendments to the as well as the continued imprisonment of
Code of Civil and Administrative Procedure opposition leaders. Scores of people were
excluded lawyers without Bar Association sentenced to long prison terms after unfair
(Collegium of Lawyers) membership from trials. Authorities stripped at least 150
court proceedings. people of their Bahraini nationality,
rendering the majority stateless. Mass
DEATHS IN CUSTODY protests were met with excessive force,
The authorities repeatedly failed to promptly resulting in the deaths of five men and one
and effectively investigate reported deaths in child and the injury of hundreds.
custody. Executions resumed after a hiatus of nearly
On 4 May, the ECtHR ruled that the seven years.
Azerbaijani government violated the right to
life of Mahir Mustafayev for its failure to BACKGROUND
protect his life while in custody and to Bahrain joined Saudi Arabia, the UAE and
conduct an effective investigation into the Egypt in severing ties with Qatar. Bahrain
circumstances of his death. Mahir remained part of the Saudi Arabia-led
Mustafayev died from his burns caused by a coalition engaged in armed conflict in Yemen
fire in his cell in December 2006. (see Yemen entry).
On 28 April, activist and blogger Mehman In January, Decree 1 of 2017 authorized the
Qalandarov was found hanged in his prison National Security Agency (NSA) to conduct
cell in Kurdakhani. Police arrested him on arrests and interrogations in cases linked to
drug-related charges for his Facebook posts “terrorist crimes”, reversing a Bahrain
in support of two other activists who had Independent Commission of Inquiry
been arrested for spraying political graffiti. recommendation. In April, the King reversed
According to local human rights defenders, another such recommendation by ratifying a
Mehman Qalandarov had been tortured and constitutional amendment that re-enabled
was buried in secret to conceal the evidence. military courts to try civilians. In December,
The prison administration announced his six men were sentenced to death in the first
death on 29 April, and an investigation was trial of civilians by a military court, which
ongoing at the end of the year. had begun in October. In June, Bahrain’s
lower house approved a decree ending
retirement rights and benefits of those who

84 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

had their citizenship revoked, or who lost or Morocco. In May, journalist Nazeeha Saeed
were granted foreign citizenship without was convicted for working without renewing
permission. her press licence, issued by the Information
In March, the US administration approved Affairs Authority, and fined 1,000BD
the sale to Bahrain of new F-16 fighter jets (USD2,650). The court of appeal upheld the
and upgrades for older jets, which under the fine in July.
previous US administration had been
conditional on the improvement of human FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION
rights in Bahrain. The authorities maintained undue restrictions
International NGOs, including Amnesty on freedom of association. Leaders of al-
International, and journalists critical of Wefaq and other opposition parties remained
Bahrain, were denied access to Bahrain in detention and political activists and
throughout the year. members of opposition parties were
harassed. Several political activists and
FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION members of opposition parties reported that
Freedom of expression remained severely they were threatened, tortured or otherwise
restricted throughout the year. The authorities ill-treated by NSA agents in May.
arrested, detained, interrogated and In February, the dissolution of al-Wefaq was
prosecuted human rights defenders, political upheld by the Court of Cassation. In March,
activists and Shi’a clerics who expressed the Minister of Justice filed a lawsuit against
criticism of government policies, or criticism the secular opposition group Waad for
of Saudi Arabia or the Saudi-led coalition in violating the Law on Political Associations. In
Yemen. The government announced that it May, the High Administrative Court ordered
would be illegal to express sympathy with the dissolution of Waad and the liquidation of
Qatar following the severance of ties in June, its assets. In October the Appeal Court
and arrested and detained one lawyer on that upheld the verdict.
basis. Human rights defenders and Opposition leaders and prisoners of
opposition leaders arbitrarily detained in conscience Sheikh Ali Salman and Fadhel
previous years for their peaceful opposition Abbas Mahdi Mohamed remained arbitrarily
remained held as prisoners of conscience. detained. In April, Sheikh Ali Salman’s prison
In May, human rights defender Ebtisam al- sentence was reduced to four years; in
Saegh was arrested and interrogated in NSA November he was charged with spying for
custody, during which she said she was Qatar in 2011, which he denied, and at the
tortured, including by being sexually end of the year his trial was ongoing. In
assaulted. She was arrested again in July and March, former Secretary General of Waad,
remanded in custody for a further six months Ebrahim Sharif, was charged over a series of
pending completion of the investigation. She posts on Twitter, including an Amnesty
was released in October without knowing the International graphic and a tweet criticizing
legal status of the case against her. In July, the lack of democracy in Bahrain.
human rights defender Nabeel Rajab was
sentenced to two years in prison for FREEDOM OF ASSEMBLY
“spreading false information and rumours Protests remained banned in the capital,
with the aim of discrediting the state”. The Manama, and the authorities used
sentence was upheld on appeal in unnecessary and excessive force to disperse
November. protests. Peaceful protesters continued to be
The media continued to be restricted and arrested and detained on charges of “illegal
journalists were targeted. The only gathering”. In January, mostly peaceful mass
independent newspaper in Bahrain, al- protests took place in 20 villages following the
Wasat, was temporarily suspended and then execution of three men. In Duraz, security
shut down after it reported on protests in forces used live ammunition and semi-

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 85

automatic rifles, injuring hundreds, including DEPRIVATION OF NATIONALITY
Mustapha Hamdan, who later died of his Authorities obtained court orders to strip at
wounds. In February, hundreds of protesters least 150 people of their Bahraini nationality.
again took to the streets in several villages The majority were effectively rendered
when the authorities refused to allow the stateless as they had no other nationality. No
funeral of three men who were killed by forced expulsions took place.
coastguard forces after escaping from Jaw
prison a month earlier. TORTURE AND OTHER ILL-TREATMENT
The authorities continued to restrict access There continued to be reports of torture and
to Duraz village until May, where a peaceful other ill-treatment in custody, in particular of
daily sit-in continued outside the home of those interrogated about terrorism-related
Sheikh Isa Qassem, the spiritual leader of al- offences. In May alone, eight human rights
Wefaq. On 23 May, security forces entered defenders and political activists in NSA
Duraz with hundreds of armoured vehicles, custody were reportedly tortured or otherwise
beating protesters, firing tear gas from ill-treated. Unfair trials continued and courts
armoured vehicles or helicopters and firing relied on allegedly coerced “confessions” to
birdshot. Four men and a 17-year-old child convict defendants on terrorism-related
were killed. charges.
In February, human rights defender Nader Reports of ill-treatment in Dry Dock prison
Abdulemam was arrested to serve a six- and Jaw prison continued, including the use
month sentence for participating in an “illegal of prolonged solitary confinement and lack of
gathering” and having called on people on adequate medical care. After the escape of
Twitter to join a protest in Manama in January 10 prisoners from Jaw prison in January, new
2013. He was held as a prisoner of arbitrary regulations were introduced,
conscience until his release in June. including that prisoners must remain locked
In May, the Court of Appeal reduced Dr in their cells for most of the day. Prisoners’
Taha Derazi’s six-month prison sentence to legs and ankles were shackled whenever they
three months for taking part in an “illegal left their cells, including to go to the medical
gathering” in Duraz in July 2016. He was clinic. Eleven opposition activists who
held as a prisoner of conscience until his remained in prison, including Abdulhadi al-
release in August. Khawaja, refused to attend medical
appointments to protest the mandatory prison
FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT uniform, shackles and full body strip search
The authorities maintained administrative required to attend the appointment. In
travel bans that prevented scores of human March, the prison administration also
rights defenders and other critics from reduced the length of family visits from one
travelling abroad, including to attend hour to 30 minutes and separated prisoners
meetings of the UN Human Rights Council. from visitors by a glass barrier.
In April, days ahead of the UN UPR of Student Ali Mohamed Hakeem al-Arab
Bahrain, 32 activists were summoned by the reported that he was tortured throughout 26
Public Prosecution. The majority were days of interrogation in February and March,
charged with “illegal gathering” and banned including by having his toenails pulled out,
from travelling. Most bans were lifted in July, being subjected to electric shocks and
after the UPR had been conducted. Similar beatings, and being forced to sign a
tactics were used in September ahead of the “confession”. In May, Ebtisam al-Saegh and
UN Human Rights Council session in which seven other peaceful critics reported that
the outcome of the UPR on Bahrain was they were tortured and otherwise ill-treated in
adopted. NSA custody. (See above, Freedom of

86 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

A climate of impunity persisted. The Attacks against journalists continued, with a
authorities continued to fail to hold senior number of physical assaults on journalists
officials accountable for torture and other reported, including the killing of Abdul Hakim
human rights violations committed during Shimul.
and since the 2011 protests. No investigation The government continued to use
or prosecution was known to have taken repressive laws to unduly restrict the right to
place into the deaths of six people, including freedom of expression, and to target and
one child, killed by security forces in Duraz harass journalists and human rights
between January and May 2017. defenders. Key punitive provisions of the
Information and Communications Technology
WORKERS’ RIGHTS – MIGRANT (ICT) Act remained intact, despite repeated
WORKERS  calls by human rights mechanisms to repeal
Migrant workers continued to face its abusive clauses. The government
exploitation. In March and June, migrant reiterated its intention to introduce the Digital
workers participated in marches to peacefully Security Act, which would restrict further the
protest against unpaid salaries. right to freedom of expression online.
Investigations into killings during 2015 and
DEATH PENALTY 2016, which were claimed by the armed
Bahrain resumed executions after a hiatus of group Ansar al-Islam and targeted secular
nearly seven years, executing three Bahrainis activists, were still ongoing. The group was
in January. The courts continued to hand banned in March 2017 but ongoing delays in
down death sentences for offences including criminal prosecutions continued to have a
murder and terrorism-related charges. chilling impact on civil society.


LGBTI activists continued to be routinely
People’s Republic of Bangladesh harassed and subject to arbitrary detention
Head of state: Abdul Hamid by state and non-state actors. The killings of
Head of government: Sheikh Hasina activists in 2016 by Ansar al-Islam intensified
existing fears of the LGBTI community; many
Bangladesh received more than 655,000 activists remained in hiding. In May, 28 men
Rohingya refugees who were forced out of believed to have been targeted for their
Myanmar’s Rakhine State. Members of the perceived sexual orientation were arrested in
opposition Jamaat-e-Islami were arbitrarily Keraniganj, a neighbourhood of the capital,
arrested. Human rights defenders were Dhaka, and charged with violating the
harassed and intimidated. The rights to Narcotics Control Act 1990. The arrests were
freedom of peaceful assembly and made at a regular gathering known to be
association remained restricted. Enforced frequented by gay men.
disappearances persisted. The strategy to No one was brought to justice for the 2016
combat violence by armed groups continued killing of LGBTI activists Xulhaz Mannan,
to be marked by human rights violations. Mahbub Rabbi Tanoy, Avijit Roy and Niladry
LGBTI people continued to be harassed and Niloy, although at least one arrest was made
arrested. Security forces in the Chittagong in 2017.
Hill Tracts failed to protect Indigenous
people from violence. On a positive note, a FREEDOM OF ASSEMBLY
decade of steady economic growth helped The right to freedom of peaceful
to reduce extreme poverty. assembly continued to be severely restricted.
Political opponents were denied the right to

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 87

organize campaign meetings and political that indicated executive interference following
rallies.The activities of NGOs continued to be the 16th Amendment decision. 
restricted through the Foreign Donation
(Voluntary Activities) Regulation Act.  REFUGEES AND ASYLUM-SEEKERS
An acute humanitarian crisis began in August
ENFORCED DISAPPEARANCES when more than 655,000 of Myanmar’s
Enforced disappearances were routinely mainly Muslim Rohingya fled to the district of
carried out by security forces, mainly Cox’s Bazar after fleeing violence inflicted by
targeting supporters of the opposition. Some the Myanmar military in northern Rakhine
of the disappeared were subsequently found State. The Myanmar military’s campaign of
dead. In a statement to the authorities in ethnic cleansing amounted to crimes against
February, the UN Working Group on Enforced humanity under international law (see
or Involuntary Disappearances said that the Myanmar entry). Cox’s Bazar already hosted
number of enforced disappearances had approximately 400,000 Rohingya refugees
risen considerably in recent years. Reports who had fled earlier episodes of violence and
suggested that more than 80 people were persecution at the hands of the Myanmar
forcibly disappeared during the year. military.
In March, Hummam Quader Chowdhury, Bangladesh continued to refuse to formally
son of an executed leader of the opposition recognize Rohingya as refugees. Reports of
Bangladesh Nationalist Party, was released severe malnutrition were rife; children
after six months’ incommunicado detention. comprised 61% of the new arrivals and were
Concerns increased for the safety of Mir particularly affected.
Ahmad Bin Quasem and Abdullahil Amaan Rohingya women and girls were at
Azmi, also sons of executed opposition heightened risk of sexual and gender-based
leaders; they disappeared in August 2016 violence and human trafficking, both by the
and their whereabouts remained unknown at local population and other refugees. Risk
the end of 2017. In April, Swedish Radio factors included inadequate protection or
published an interview – recorded camp management mechanisms, poor living
undercover – in which a senior member of conditions, lack of a civil administration and
the Rapid Action Battalion described how the police presence, as well as lack of access to
unit carried out enforced disappearances and the formal justice system and other services.
extrajudicial executions. In October, Newly arrived Rohingya lived in squalid
academic Mubashar Hasan was conditions and were not permitted to leave
allegedly abducted by members of military the camp.
intelligence; he returned home after 44 days. In November, the governments of
Bangladesh and Myanmar signed a
JUSTICE SYSTEM repatriation agreement to facilitate the return
Concerns increased about the growing of newly arrived Rohingya to Myanmar. The
interference by the government in the conditions of the agreement could violate
judiciary. In July, the Chief Justice presided international standards on voluntary
over a ruling overturning a controversial repatriation and the international legal
constitutional amendment (16th principle of non-refoulement, paving the way
Amendment) which allowed parliament to for forcible return of hundreds of thousands
impeach judges if charges against them of of Rohingya to Myanmar where they were at
misconduct or incapability were upheld. The serious risk of human rights violations.
Prime Minister criticized the Chief Justice
after the ruling. Subsequently in November, TORTURE AND OTHER ILL-TREATMENT
Chief Justice Sinha resigned from his post Torture and other ill-treatment in custody
and left the country under circumstances remained widespread and complaints were
rarely investigated. The 2013 Torture and

88 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

Custodial Death (Prevention) Act continued
to be inadequately enforced due to a lack of
political will and awareness among law
enforcement agencies. Republic of Belarus
Head of state: Alyaksandr Lukashenka
DEATH PENALTY Head of government: Andrey Kabyakou
Scores of people were sentenced to death
and executions took place. Between February and April, the authorities
In April, two people were sentenced to violently cracked down on peaceful
death after being convicted of crimes against protests. The government continued to
humanity by the International Crimes refuse to accept the mandate of the UN
Tribunal, a Bangladeshi court established to Special Rapporteur on human rights in
investigate the events of the 1971 Belarus. Several individuals seeking
independence war. The Tribunal also international protection were returned to
concluded the hearing of arguments in the countries where they were at risk of torture
trial of six alleged war criminals in Gaibandha and other ill-treatment. Heavy legislative
for mass killings, abductions, looting and restrictions on media, NGOs, political
arson during the 1971 war. The trial parties and public assemblies remained in
remained ongoing. Serious concerns place. One person was executed and four
regarding the fairness of the trial were raised were sentenced to death.
about the Tribunal proceedings, such as
denial of adequate time for defence lawyers BACKGROUND
to prepare their cases and arbitrary limitation After several years with no large protests,
of the number of witnesses. mass demonstrations took place in February
and March against a tax on the unemployed,
CHITTAGONG HILL TRACTS introduced by a Presidential Decree in 2015.
In June, at least one person was killed and The authorities clamped down on the
hundreds of homes were burned during a protests. In March, they accused 35 men of
mob attack on Indigenous people in the town plotting mass disturbances supported with
of Langadu, Rangamati Hill District. Police foreign funding, and hinted that these were
and soldiers reportedly failed to protect linked to the demonstrations. The arrests
Indigenous villagers. Those made homeless were widely televised; by July, all men had
had not been rehoused by the end of the been released.
year. A video posted on social media The rapprochement between Belarus and
appeared to show soldiers using excessive its western neighbours continued. In July, the
force against students peacefully protesting OSCE Parliamentary Assembly was held in
against the violence and the 1996 Minsk, the capital.
disappearance of Indigenous rights activist
Kalpana Chakma. Mithun Chakma, an DEATH PENALTY
Indigenous rights campaigner, denounced a In April, Siarhei Vostrykau, who had been on
“situation of suffocation” in which he was death row since May 2016, was executed.
forced to attend court up to eight times a Homel Regional Court received confirmation
month to answer criminal charges relating to of his execution on 29 April. The last letter
11 separate cases, some of which were his mother received from him was dated 13
under the ICT Act and concerned articles he April.
had posted on social media about human Five men remained on death row. They
rights violations, thus preventing him from included Aliaksei Mikhalenya, whose
carrying out his work as a human rights sentence on 17 March was upheld by the
defender. Supreme Court on 30 June; Ihar Hershankou
and Siamion Berazhnoy, both sentenced on

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 89

21 July and whose appeals were rejected by or detained for five to 25 days. All but one
the Supreme Court on 20 December, and arrested individual were found guilty in
Viktar Liotau who was sentenced on 22 summary trials; courts uniformly accepted
September. Kiryl Kazachok, who was police reports as evidence against them
sentenced on 28 December 2016, chose not without any questioning.
to appeal.
PRISONERS OF CONSCIENCE Heavy restrictions on NGOs remained in
Dozens of protesters were sentenced for their place. Under Article 193.1 of the Criminal
peaceful activism. On 7 April, Zavodski Code, the founding, or participation in, the
District Court in Minsk changed Dzmitry activities of an unregistered organization
Paliyenka’s conditional sentence from 2016 remained a crime punishable by up to two
to two years’ imprisonment after he received years’ imprisonment.
two administrative penalties. His first On 25 March, masked police officers raided
administrative penalty on 10 March 2017 – a the office of human rights group Vyasna and
seven-day detention for “minor hooliganism” arrested all 57 people present. Among them
and “disobedience to lawful police demands” were local and international human rights
– was imposed after he vocally criticized the defenders and journalists who were attending
verdict at a trial he was observing. His training on how to monitor demonstrations.
second administrative penalty on 20 March They were held for three hours at the local
2017 – a 15-day detention for “organizing or police station and released without charge or
participating in unsanctioned mass events” – explanation. One detainee was hospitalized
was imposed for his peaceful protest on 25 for head injuries sustained during the arrest.
February against the construction of a
building in central Minsk. Dzmitry Paliyenka FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION
received the two-year suspended sentence Official accreditation remained compulsory
for purportedly assaulting a police officer for anyone working for a foreign media outlet
during a peaceful cyclists’ protest in Minsk in and continued to be routinely and arbitrarily
April 2016. denied. More than 100 print, radio and TV
journalists and bloggers were arrested for not
FREEDOM OF ASSEMBLY having obtained accreditation, some
In February and March, thousands of people repeatedly, leading to fines. In at least eight
attended a series of peaceful rallies across cases, journalists reporting from protests
the country to protest against the tax on the were arrested as participants and sentenced
unemployed. Some of the organizers and to administrative detention of between five
participants reported harassment by the and 15 days.
police, including brief detentions and police Journalist Larysa Schyryakova, from the city
summons for questioning. On 25 March, Homel in southeastern Belarus, was arrested
police prevented peaceful protesters from and fined repeatedly for reporting on
assembling in central Minsk and arrested protests. She reported that police warned her
hundreds; some arrests were made using that she could be found “socially
excessive force. Some protesters were irresponsible” if she committed further
severely beaten by law enforcement officials administrative offences and that her 11-year-
during arrest and in police custody. old son might be placed in a children’s home.
Between February and April, over 900
people were arrested in connection with the LEGAL, CONSTITUTIONAL OR
protests, including political activists who were INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENTS
prevented from attending the protests and The tax on the unemployed remained in
journalists. At least 177 were found guilty of place; failure to comply continued to incur
purported administrative offences and fined administrative fines and compulsory

90 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

community service. In March, after the
protests against the tax, the President
mandated the government to suspend the tax
collection until 2018; in August, he promised Kingdom of Belgium
to waive the tax for “people with many Head of state: King Philippe
children, the sick and invalids”. Respective Head of government: Charles Michel
changes were introduced in October.
Prison conditions remained poor; hundreds
REFUGEES AND ASYLUM-SEEKERS of offenders with mental health problems or
Belarus lacked a functioning asylum system mental disabilities continued to be detained
and repeatedly handed over individuals in inadequate prison wards. Several laws on
seeking international protection to authorities professional secrecy introduced
of countries where they were at real risk of requirements for social workers to share
torture or other ill-treatment. private information regarding potential
FORCIBLE RETURN suspects of terrorism-related offences.
Ethnic Chechen Imran Salamov, who claimed Parliament introduced a number of
to have been repeatedly tortured in restrictions to asylum and migration laws. A
Chechnya, was forcibly returned to Russia on new law on legal gender recognition
5 September. He was in the process of improved the rights of transgender people.
appealing against his rejected asylum
application. On 11 September, the Chechen COUNTER-TERROR AND SECURITY
authorities confirmed that he was in police In July, Parliament adopted a new law
custody in Grozny, capital of Chechnya. Since establishing a special status and
that date, he had had no contact with his compensation system for victims of terrorism-
lawyer or family and his whereabouts related offences. However, the law failed to
remained undisclosed at the end of the year. ensure swift and full compensation. Victims
Following his forcible return, the Belarusian could access state compensation only after a
authorities opened an investigation which burdensome and lengthy process.
concluded that there had been a violation of In May, Parliament passed a law requiring
Belarusian law and that Imran Salamov had employees of welfare institutions to report to
been prematurely expelled from Belarus. prosecutors, or provide upon their request,
Disciplinary action was taken against a information on people who could be involved
number of officials linked to his case and was in the perpetration of terrorism-related
ongoing at the end of the year. offences. In June a new law passed that
Russian-Ukrainian-Israeli blogger Aleksandr allowed the sharing of confidential
Lapshin was detained in Belarus in information previously protected by
December 2016 on request from Azerbaijan, professional secrecy obligations to prevent
and extradited to Azerbaijan in February the commission of terrorism-related offences.
where he was detained arbitrarily and In October, Parliament amended the
prosecuted in connection with his blog posts Constitution to increase the maximum
criticizing the Azerbaijani authorities. duration of pre-charge detention from 24 to
Aleksandr Lapshin was sentenced to three 48 hours. The provision applies to suspects
years’ imprisonment and released under a of any crime, although the initial proposed
presidential pardon on 11 September (see scope was restricted to suspects of terrorism-
Azerbaijan entry). related offences.
Authorities failed to effectively monitor the
human rights impact of measures against
terrorism and radicalization.

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 91

DETENTION in the context of this operation. In December,
Prisons continued to be overcrowded, testimonies surfaced of returnees who stated
facilities dilapidated and there was that upon return they had been detained by
insufficient access to basic services. Several Sudanese government agents, interrogated
hundred offenders with mental health and subjected to ill-treatment or torture. The
problems or mental disabilities remained in government announced an investigation into
detention in regular prisons with insufficient the allegations.
health care and treatment.
In May, the European Court of Human DISCRIMINATION
Rights (ECtHR) found that the conditions of On 14 March, the Court of Justice of the EU
detention of two detainees in two different failed to uphold Muslim women’s right to
prisons amounted to inhuman or degrading non-discrimination by ruling that a private
treatment. Belgian employer had not breached EU anti-
In July, the European Committee for the discrimination law in dismissing a woman for
Prevention of Torture raised concerns wearing a headscarf.
regarding the consequences of the repeated
strikes by prison officials in recent years RIGHTS OF LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL,
which worsened the poor detention TRANSGENDER AND INTERSEX PEOPLE
conditions. On 24 May, Parliament adopted a law
In September, the ECtHR ruled that allowing transgender people to seek legal
Belgium had violated the right to life of gender recognition without imposing on them
Michael Tekin, an offender with a mental any psychiatric assessment or sterilization
health problem who died in custody in a requirements.
regular section of Jamioulx prison on 8
August 2009. The Court found that the ARMS TRADE
restraining technique used by three prison The Walloon regional government continued
officers was unnecessary and to license weapon transfers to parties of the
disproportionate. Saudi-Arabia-led coalition in Yemen. In June,
the Flemish regional Parliament improved the
REFUGEES AND ASYLUM-SEEKERS compliance of its legislation with the Arms
The authorities resumed the transfers of Trade Treaty by, among other things,
asylum-seekers to Greece under the Dublin amending the legal definition of transit.
III Regulation – EU law that determines the However, it failed to address the control of
EU member state responsible for examining the end-use of parts and components that
an application for asylum. could be used to produce arms.
In November, laws were adopted widening
the scope for detention of asylum-seekers
and curtailing the right to appeal negative
asylum decisions.
In September, the government invited a Republic of Benin
delegation of Sudanese government officials Head of state and government: Patrice Athanase
to identify dozens of undocumented Guillaume Talon
Sudanese nationals with the intention of
returning them to Sudan. Several judicial The authorities continued to restrict the
proceedings were started challenging forcible rights to freedom of expression and
returns on the basis of the principle of non- peaceful assembly. Fourteen prisoners
refoulement – the forcible return of remained on death row although the death
individuals to countries where they risk penalty had been abolished. Civil society
serious human rights violations. Ten groups’ access to prisons was restricted.
Sudanese nationals were reportedly returned

92 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

Benin joined the AU campaign to end child as many detainees as its intended capacity,
marriage. and Kandi Civil Prison held twice as many.
Around 4,500 of the country’s 7,179
BACKGROUND detainees awaited trial.
In April, the National Assembly rejected a In April, the Ministry of Justice issued an
presidential bill which aimed to amend the order restricting the access of NGOs,
Constitution. It contained provisions which religious and civil society groups to detention
limited the President’s tenure to one six-year centres. Authorization for group visits was
non-renewable term and provided immunity issued for periods of three months.
from police custody or pre-trial detention for Authorization could not be renewed without
the President and members of the groups presenting a report of their activities
government. for sign-off by the prison director who could
In November, Benin’s human rights record make observations for the Minister of
was examined under the UN UPR process. Justice’s attention, or even refuse to sign the
The government accepted 191 report.
recommendations and made note of seven
others including calls to strengthen efforts to DEATH PENALTY
prevent the use of arbitrary detention, The government failed to adopt laws to
extrajudicial executions and the excessive remove the death penalty from legislation
use of force by security forces; and to ensure despite its abolition by the Constitutional
that all national legislation complied with Court in 2016. However, it accepted a
international standards on the rights to recommendation made under the UN UPR
freedom of expression and media freedom, process to commute all death sentences and
and to take steps to prevent the arbitrary expedite the adoption of provisions under the
suspension of media outlets. new Criminal Code to abolish the death
penalty. Fourteen prisoners remained on
FREEDOMS OF EXPRESSION AND death row at the end of the year. Their
ASSEMBLY detention conditions improved slightly during
In January, Radio Soleil FM, E-Tele and Eden the year when restrictions on outdoor
TV reopened. They were three of the seven activities were relaxed.1
media outlets which the High Authority of
Audiovisual Communication (HAAC) closed CHILDREN’S RIGHTS
in November 2016. Four other outlets which In June, Benin became the 20th country to
broadcast from abroad – Sikka TV, la join the AU Campaign to End Child Marriage.
Chrétienne TV, Unafrica TV and La Béninoise The campaign’s objectives included
– remained closed. In May, the Court of First educating communities about the negative
Instance in Cotonou fined HAAC President effects of child marriage. Despite legislation
50 million CFA francs (around USD89,648) prohibiting marriage before the age of 18,
for closing Sikka TV. 32% of girls continued to marry under 18
On 17 February police used tear gas to years, and 9% married before the age of 15.
disperse hundreds of University of Abomey- In November, the government accepted a
Calavi students. They had gathered at a hotel recommendation under the UN UPR process
in Abomey-Calavi, a suburb of Cotonou, for a to fast-track the implementation of legislation
general assembly and press conference, and which would address harmful practices
to peacefully protest against the October against children, including in relation to
2016 ban on all student union activities. forced early and child marriages.

DETENTION 1. Living in limbo: Benin’s last death row prisoners (ACT 50/4980/2017)
Prisons remained overcrowded; Abomey Civil
Prison in the de Zou district held three times

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 93

BOLIVIA In August, the President promulgated Law
969, allowing the construction of a road that
 will cut across the Isiboro Sécure National
Plurinational State of Bolivia Park and Indigenous Territory (TIPNIS), one
Head of state and government: President Evo Morales of the country’s main water reserves and
Ayma home to approximately 14,000 people,
mainly from Indigenous communities. This
A Truth Commission was created to Law repealed legislation under which the
investigate serious human rights violations TIPNIS was a protected area, raising
committed under military governments concerns about possible development of
(1964-1982). Progress was made in other infrastructure and extractive projects in
protecting the rights of transgender people. the area.
Concerns remained regarding threats
against and harassment of human rights RIGHTS OF LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL,
organizations, and Indigenous Peoples’ TRANSGENDER AND INTERSEX PEOPLE
rights. In June, the Supreme Electoral Tribunal
granted civil marriage rights to people who
BACKGROUND had legally changed their gender.
In November, the Constitutional Court ruled Nevertheless, same-sex marriage remained
to lift the limits on candidates standing in officially unrecognized. In the same month,
presidential re-elections thereby allowing the Ombudsman proposed an amendment to
President Morales to stand for a fourth the Criminal Code to make hate crimes
consecutive term in 2019. against LGBTI people a criminal offence. In
The country office of the UN High the past decade, the authorities had failed to
Commissioner for Human Rights closed hold perpetrators accountable for the killings
down on 31 December after the government of LGBTI people.
decided not to renew its mandate.
IMPUNITY Unsafe abortions continued to be one of the
In August, a Truth Commission was main causes of maternal mortality.
established to investigate serious human
rights violations committed under the military HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS
governments between 1964 and1982. It is On 6 February, leaders of the Federation of
due to submit a report in two years. The Bolivian Mineworkers took over the
armed forces created a working group Permanent Human Rights Assembly for
composed of military officers to provide several hours in the capital, La Paz, and
support for the Commission, including by demanded the removal of its president.
granting access to their archives. Meanwhile, human rights organizations and
Indigenous leaders held a press conference
PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES at the Assembly, where they announced that
In August, the Plurinational Legislative the Inter-American Commission on Human
Assembly passed a law to facilitate the Rights had asked the government to provide
inclusion in the labour market of people with information on their request for precautionary
disabilities and the provision of financial measures. The organizations had submitted
assistance for people with severe disabilities. the request on behalf of Indigenous Peoples
For years, disability rights activists have in voluntary isolation whose survival they
called for a monthly disability allowance alleged would be at risk due to proposed oil
which has yet to be granted. extraction in their territories.

94 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

In March, the Bolivian Documentation and after the Council of Ministers removed a
Information Centre (CEDIB), an NGO based portion of its funding for the second
at the Universidad Mayor de San Simón, a consecutive year.
public university in Cochabamba, reported Police failures to thoroughly investigate acts
that the Dean of the university had harassed of violence and discrimination against LGBTI
them and threatened them with eviction. people continued. No indictments were
Despite the CEDIB director’s request that issued against those suspected of criminal
safety guarantees be provided to his staff and responsibility for the 2014 attack on the
archives, he received no response from the organizers of the Merlinka Queer Film
authorities. In November, CEDIB reported Festival, or the 2016 incident in Sarajevo, the
that its bank accounts were frozen as a result capital, in which a group of young men
of a judicial administrative procedure which harassed and physically threatened visitors of
had been filed by the Dean. a café and cinema popular with the LGBTI
community. In May, a planned public
gathering to mark the International Day
BOSNIA AND against Homophobia and Transphobia could
not take place as Sarajevo Canton Ministry of

HERZEGOVINA Traffic failed to provide the necessary permits

in time, although it received a formal
application in advance.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
People with disabilities, in particular women
Head of state: Rotating presidency – Bakir Izetbegović,
and children, continued to face systemic
Dragan Čović, Mladen Ivanić
Head of government: Denis Zvizdić social exclusion, including severely limited
access to health services and mainstream
Minorities continued to face widespread education. According to legislation, people
discrimination. Threats and attacks against with disabilities whose impairment was not a
journalists and media freedom persisted. consequence of war were treated differently
Access to justice and reparations for civilian and received lower allowances and social
victims of war remained limited. benefits than war veterans and civilian
victims of war.
DISCRIMINATION The 2009 judgment of the European Court
Social exclusion and discrimination – in of Human Rights in Sejdić-Finci v. Bosnia
particular of Roma; lesbian, gay, bisexual, and Herzegovina which found the power-
transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people; sharing arrangements set out in the
and of people with disabilities – remained Constitution to be discriminatory, remained
widespread, despite the adoption of a unimplemented. Under the arrangements,
progressive Law on Prevention of citizens who would not declare themselves as
Discrimination in 2016. belonging to one of the three main
Efforts continued to reduce the number of constituent peoples of the country (Bosniaks,
Roma without identity documents and to Croats and Serbs) were still excluded from
increase the number of Roma children running for legislative and executive office.
enrolled in primary schools. However, Roma
continued to face systemic barriers to FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION
education, housing, health services and The pattern of threats, political pressure and
employment. In July, the Council of Ministers attacks against journalists continued. In July
adopted a new three-year Action Plan for and August, Dragan Bursać, a journalist with
Roma Integration specifically aimed at Al Jazeera Balkans, received a series of
improving employment opportunities and death threats after publishing a piece in
easing access to housing and health services. which he condemned public gatherings in
The Plan’s implementation was hampered Banja Luka city in support of a charged war

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 95

criminal. Local journalist associations year. The Law would guarantee a specific set
documented nearly 40 cases of direct of rights and entitlement for victims of war on
pressure, verbal threats and physical attacks the whole territory of Bosnia and
against journalists by the end of the year. Herzegovina.
Criminal courts continued the recent
CRIMES UNDER INTERNATIONAL LAW practice of granting financial compensation to
In November, the International Criminal victims of wartime rape, bringing the number
Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) of final judgments awarding financial
issued the first-instance verdict in the case of reparation for war crimes in criminal
former Bosnian Serb leader, General Ratko proceedings to four. However, the
Mladić. The ICTY found him guilty of compensations had not been paid by the end
genocide, war crimes, and crimes against of the year. The convicted perpetrators
humanity committed during the 1992-1995 lacked funds and there was no alternative
conflict and sentenced him to life mechanism to compensate survivors of
imprisonment. criminal acts in cases where convicted
Also in November, the ICTY confirmed perpetrators were not able to pay damages.
earlier sentences against six former Bosnian Most victims continued to be required to
Croat political and military leaders. This was pursue compensation claims in separate civil
the final verdict passed by the tribunal prior proceedings, where they had to reveal their
to permanently shutting down in December, identity and incur additional costs. The 2016
after 23 years of operation. Constitutional Court ruling that the statute of
The domestic prosecution of war crimes limitations applied to reparation claims
remained slow, with a backlog of several directed against the perpetrators and not the
hundred cases pending before various courts state – even in war crimes cases – resulted in
at the end of the year. Despite recent widespread dismissal of claims in 2017,
progress, the prosecutions continued to further limiting victims’ ability to claim
suffer from lack of capacity and resources, compensation and leaving them liable for
ineffective case-management and persistent high court fees.
political obstruction. A revision of the 2008 Although over 75% of missing persons from
National War Crimes Strategy to address key the war had been exhumed and identified,
institutional deficiencies and to establish new there were still 8,000 people missing in
deadlines for the completion of cases was connection with the conflict. The process of
under way at the end of the year. exhumations continued to encounter
Some progress was made in harmonizing significant challenges, including reduced
entity laws regulating the rights of civilian funding and limited expertise. The Law on
victims of war, including victims of wartime Missing Persons remained unimplemented,
sexual violence. However, public aid for with the Fund for Families of the Missing still
victims of wartime sexual violence remained awaiting dedicated resources.
fragmented and dependent on residency;
victims residing in Republika Srpska (RS)
were excluded from the system of social
benefits for civilian victims of war. The Draft
Law on Protection of Victims of Wartime Republic of Botswana
Torture in RS, intended to recognize victims’ Head of state and government: Seretse Khama Ian
rights, was adopted by the government in Khama
December, but it included provisions which
could potentially discriminate against non- The right to freedom of expression
Serb victims. There was no progress in the continued to be restricted. Asylum-seekers
adoption of the Law on Protection of Victims whose asylum claims were rejected
of Torture at the state level by the end of the continued to face detention. A landmark

96 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

ruling in the Lobatse High Court upheld the determination procedures and asylum-
rights of transgender people. Two men were seekers – with both pending and denied
sentenced to death. applications – continued to be detained in
the Francistown Centre for Illegal Immigrants.
FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION The duration of detention averaged between
Journalists continued to be intimidated and six months and five years, far beyond the
harassed by the authorities. On 8 March, detention period stipulated in the Refugee
three journalists from the INK Centre for Act.
Investigative Journalism were briefly detained On 13 April, the High Court ordered the
and threatened by plain-clothes security release of two Somali asylum-seekers from
agents in the village of Mosu. The journalists the Francistown Centre for Illegal Immigrants.
had tried to access the area where the new They had been detained in the Centre since
home of President Khama was allegedly being denied refugee status in October 2015,
being constructed amid allegations of having arrived separately in Botswana in
corruption. The security agents told them that June 2014. On 15 April, following their
the building site was a “restricted area” and release, they were taken into custody at the
that they would be shot on sight if they tried Tlokweng police station after attempting to
to return. enter the Dukwe Refugee Camp, Botswana’s
On 19 April, the Court of Appeal upheld an only refugee camp. On 25 April, President
earlier decision by the High Court and turned Khama declared them to be prohibited
down the application of a teacher who had immigrants; they were subsequently detained
challenged his dismissal from employment at the first offenders prison in Gaborone, the
on the grounds that it violated his capital, and have allegedly since been
constitutional right to freedom of expression. deported.
The teacher was dismissed after he On 23 November, the Court of Appeal set
published an opinion piece in a newspaper in aside the High Court ruling that the detention
May 2011 on the country’s political situation, of 165 asylum-seekers and their relatives was
following a national strike by public sector illegal. As a result, the asylum-seekers sought
employees. In February 2012, a disciplinary refuge in Zimbabwe, Namibia and South
hearing had found the teacher guilty of Africa. Members of the group had arrived in
contravening section 34(a) of the Public Botswana between January 2014 and
Service Act. October 2016 and, after their asylum
Outsa Mokone, editor of the Sunday applications were denied, they had remained
Standard, continued to face a criminal in detention in the Francistown Centre for
sedition charge following his arrest in 2014 Illegal Immigrants. The Attorney General
after publishing articles alleging President made an appeal on 4 August.
Khama’s involvement in a road accident. In
December 2016, he was released on bail and RIGHTS OF LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL,
asked to appear at the magistrate’s court TRANSGENDER AND INTERSEX PEOPLE
every two months and to seek permission In a landmark decision on 29 September, the
before leaving the country. His legal case Lobatse High Court ruled that the
challenging the constitutionality of the government’s refusal to change the gender
sedition law was still pending at the end of marker in the identity document of a
the year. transgender man was unreasonable and in
violation of his rights, including the right to
REFUGEES AND ASYLUM-SEEKERS dignity, freedom of expression and freedom
Botswana’s restrictive encampment policy from discrimination, and ordered the
continued, denying refugees freedom of government to change the gender marker.
movement, work and local integration. On 12 December, the Gaborone High Court
Asylum-seekers faced lengthy refugee status ruled in favour of Tshepo Ricki Kgositau, a

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 97

transgender woman who successfully retrogressive measures, proposals were
challenged the government’s refusal to introduced to reduce the age at which
change her gender from male to female in children can be tried as adults to below 18;
her identity document as unconstitutional. change or revoke the Disarmament Bill,
Tshepo Ricki Kgositau had unsuccessfully facilitating licensing and purchasing of
applied to the Civil and National Registration firearms; restrict the right to peaceful
Office in Gaborone to change her gender assembly and to criminalize social protests;
identity. The Office advised her to seek a impose a full ban on abortion, violating the
court order after denying her application. sexual and reproductive rights of women and
girls; change the land demarcation process
INTERNATIONAL JUSTICE and requirements for free, prior and informed
On 17 July, Parliament passed a bill which consent of Indigenous Peoples and Afro-
incorporated the Rome Statute of the descendant communities; and reduce the
International Criminal Court into domestic protection of labour rights and access to
law, including the offences of genocide, social security.
crimes against humanity and war crimes. Law 13.491/2017, signed by President
This followed Botswana’s ratification of the Temer on 13 October, provided that human
Rome Statute in 2000. rights violations, including murder or
attempted murder, committed by military
DEATH PENALTY personnel against civilians would be tried by
Tshiamo Kgalalelo and Mmika Mpe were military courts.1 The Law violated the right to
sentenced to death on 13 December; they a fair trial, as military courts in Brazil did not
were convicted of murder and other charges, guarantee judicial independence.
including theft and abduction, in the Lobatse Despite these setbacks, in May a new
High Court in May. migration law (Law 13.445/2017) came into
effect, representing improvements to
migrants’ rights.
Federative Republic of Brazil Brazil’s human rights record was examined
Head of state and government: Michel Temer for the third time under the UN
UPR process.2 Brazil received 246
A number of proposals which threatened recommendations, including on Indigenous
human rights and represented huge Peoples’ rights to land; killings by the police;
setbacks to existing law and policy made torture and degrading conditions in prisons;
their way through the legislative process. and protection of human rights defenders.
Violence and killings increased, mostly Brazil accepted all but four
affecting young black males. Conflicts over recommendations; however, there remained
land and natural resources resulted in concerns about their implementation in the
dozens of killings. Human rights defenders context of the retrogressive laws and policies
were not effectively protected. Police adopted during the year.
responded to most protests with In May the Inter-American Court of Human
unnecessary and excessive force. Rights issued a ruling against Brazil for its
failure to grant justice for the killing by police
LEGAL, CONSTITUTIONAL OR of 26 people in Favela Nova Brasília, in
INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENTS Complexo do Alemão, city of Rio de Janeiro,
Up to 200 different proposals for in October 1994 and May 1995.
constitutional amendments, new laws and
changes to existing legislation threatened a
range of human rights. Among other

98 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

POLICE AND SECURITY FORCES methodologies; however, official numbers
The deployment of the armed forces for indicated that such killings increased across
policing and law and order increased. Brazil. Official figures showed that on-duty
The authorities failed to adopt measures to police officers killed 494 people in São Paulo
reduce the homicide rate, which remained state between January and September and,
high for young black males. The number of between January and November, 1,035 in
homicides increased in major cities, Rio de Janeiro state and 148 in Ceará state.
especially in the northeast. National data On 13 February, four people were killed and
compiled and published during the year by others injured by military police during a
the Brazilian Public Security Forum revealed police intervention in the favela of Chapadão,
that 61,619 people were killed during 2016, Rio de Janeiro city.
of which 4,657 were women. Public security In February, a 21-day strike by the military
policies continued to rely on highly militarized police in Espírito Santo state resulted in
police interventions, motivated mainly by the chaos. Armed forces and national security
so-called “war on drugs”. forces were called in to police the state.
In January the Ministry of Justice On 12 July, a homeless man was killed by a
announced a Public Security National Plan military police officer in the neighbourhood of
which was to focus on reducing homicides, Pinheiros, city of São Paulo.
tackling drug trafficking and conducting a In August, at least seven people were killed
review of the prison system. A detailed and by the police during police interventions that
comprehensive plan was never presented or continued for several days in the favela
implemented and the public security Jacarezinho, Rio de Janeiro city. Residents
situation deteriorated during the year. reported that police officers were violent and
Instances of “multiple homicides” (single committed a number of abuses, such as
events with more than three victims) and assaults, unlawful raids on homes, and
“chacinas” (multiple killings characteristic of unlawful killings. The police interventions
executions) increased in several cities; the may have been in retaliation for a police
authorities often failed to properly investigate. officer being killed in the area.
On 5 January, eight men were killed by a On 3 September, 10 men were killed by civil
group of armed men in Porto Seguro, Bahia police officers during a police intervention
state. On 3 June, six men were killed inside a attempting to prevent an armed robbery in
house by armed hooded men in Porto das the neighbourhood of Morumbi, São Paulo
Dunas in Fortaleza, Ceará state. On 6 June, city.
four men and a woman were killed and nine Early in the year, military police from the
other people were injured by a group of 10 Pacification Police Unit raided several houses
hooded gunmen in a bar in Belem, Pará in the favela Complexo do Alemão, Rio de
state. On 22 September, six young men aged Janeiro city. These unlawful actions by police
between 16 and 23 were killed in Grande continued even after a court ruled that the
Natal, Rio Grande do Norte state. In Bom police should leave the area. Those
Jardim neighbourhood in Fortaleza, Ceará denouncing the police violations were
state, five people were killed and three others threatened and intimidated. After months of
injured on 20 February, and four young mobilization, the Public Prosecutor’s Office
males aged between 14 and 20 were killed brought charges against two police officers
inside a house on 8 October. In most cases, who were in command of the operation and
the perpetrators were unidentified. responsible for the area.
Police interventions in favelas and On 11 November, seven men were killed
marginalized areas often resulted in intensive during a joint security operation of the Civil
shoot-outs and deaths. Data about people Police and the Army in São Gonçalo, Rio de
killed by the police remained inaccurate as Janeiro state. Civilian authorities said they
states kept poor records using different had no competence to investigate the killings

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 99

after a new law expanded the jurisdiction of FREEDOM OF ASSEMBLY
military courts to try crimes committed by On 31 March, thousands of people protested
military personnel. The military denied using in major cities against proposed reforms to
firearms, and did not announce whether it labour laws and social security policies. On
had opened an investigation into the killings. 28 April, social movements, students and
trade unions called for a “general strike” and
DETENTION tens of thousands of people protested
The prison system remained overcrowded throughout the country after the labour
and prisoners suffered inhuman and reforms were approved. In many areas,
degrading conditions. The prison population including Rio de Janeiro city, the police used
reached 727,000 people, 55% of whom were unnecessary and excessive force against
aged between 18 and 29 and 64% of whom peaceful protesters.
were Afro-descendant, according to the On 24 May at least 49 people were injured,
Ministry of Justice. A significant proportion – including eight military police officers and
40% nationally – of those imprisoned were in one man who was shot with a firearm, after
pre-trial detention, where detainees often police used excessive force against protesters
waited several months to face trial. in the capital, Brasilia. Tens of thousands of
In January, riots took place in prisons in people protested against President Temer in
several states resulting in at least 123 deaths: a demonstration that ended in clashes with
64 in Amazonas state; 31 in Roraima; 26 in the police and damage to public buildings.
Rio Grande do Norte; and two in Paraíba.3 The federal government called in the military
In May, 32 people escaped from Pedrinhas to police the area in the following days.
prison in Maranhão state; two escapees were
killed by prison guards. HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS
As a result of extreme overcrowding in Human rights defenders, especially those in
prisons in Rio Grande do Sul state, some rural areas, continued to be threatened,
people detained by police were held for more attacked and killed. The states of Pará and
than 48 hours in unsuitable areas in police Maranhão were among those where
stations and cars, while waiting for space in defenders were at the highest risk. According
the prison system. to the civil society coalition Brazilian
In October, a man died after being detained Committee for Human Rights Defenders, 62
for a day and a night in an outdoor cage-like defenders were killed between January and
cell in a police station in Barra do Corda, September, an increase from the previous
Maranhão state. The cell had no protection year. Most were killed in conflicts over land
from the sun or extremely high temperatures, and natural resources. Budget cuts and lack
leaving detainees at risk of dehydration and of political will to prioritize the protection of
other dangerous consequences of exposure. human rights defenders resulted in the
In Rio de Janeiro state, inhumane prison dismantling of the National Programme of
conditions were further degraded by the Protection, leaving hundreds exposed to a
financial crisis, putting at risk the supply of higher risk of attacks.
food, water and medicines for more than
50,800 prisoners. Tuberculosis and skin LAND DISPUTES
diseases reached epidemic levels inside the On 20 April at least nine men were killed and
state’s prisons. others injured in Colniza, Mato Grosso state,
The 25th anniversary of the Carandiru after gunmen attacked rural workers in the
massacre, in which 111 people were killed by settlement of Taquaruçu do Norte. The
the police in Carandiru prison, São Paulo, decade-long trend of frequent, violent attacks
was on 2 October. Those responsible for the by gunmen hired by large-scale farmers and
massacre had yet to be held accountable. illegal loggers in the area continued.

100 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

On 24 May, 10 rural workers who were society organizations and governmental
camping in the margins of Santa Lucia farm technical bodies working for Indigenous
in Pau D’Arco, Pará state, were shot dead Peoples’ rights. Budget cuts to FUNAI
during a joint operation between military and impacted negatively on its work for the
civil police officers. On 7 July, one of the protection of Indigenous Peoples’ rights.
leaders of the group of rural workers, Indigenous people from Vale do Javari,
Rosenildo Pereira de Almeida, was shot Amazonas state, reported that members of
dead. Survivors of the massacre continued to isolated Indigenous groups in the area were
fear for their lives following the killings. killed during the year. The killings were not
In September a group of armed mine investigated. Demarcated Indigenous land in
workers threatened smallholders in the rural Vale do Javari was subjected to invasions by
settlement of Montanha e Mangabal, in the miners.
Tapajós river region, municipality of Itaituba,
INDIGENOUS PEOPLES’ RIGHTS According to Bahia Gay Group, 277 LGBTI
Conflicts over land and invasion by illegal people were killed in Brazil between 1
loggers and mine workers into Indigenous January and 20 September, the highest
Peoples’ territory continued, resulting in number since the group began compiling
several episodes of violence against data in 1980.
Indigenous people. The government and On 15 February, transgender woman
courts undermined the institutional Dandara dos Santos was beaten to death in
framework and national policies, introducing Bom Jardim neighbourhood in Fortaleza city.
further delays in the already slow land According to investigators, at least 12 people
demarcation process, aggravating conflicts were involved in her killing. Two men were
over land in Indigenous territories. Data arrested in connection with her killing during
published by the Indigenous Missionary the year.
Council during the year revealed that at least In September, a Federal District judge
118 Indigenous people were killed in 2016. authorized psychologists to use unethical and
In January, the Ministry of Justice issued a harmful so-called “conversion therapies” in
decree changing the land demarcation an attempt to alter individuals’ sexual
process, making it even slower and more orientation. The decision flouted a resolution
vulnerable to pressure from landlords. of the Federal Psychology Council confirming
In April, at least 22 Indigenous Gamela that psychologists cannot take any action that
people were attacked by gunmen in Viana, would “pathologize homosexuality”. The
Maranhão state; some were shot at, others judge’s decision contributed to increasing
beaten, and two had their hands cut off. stigma and violence against LGBTI people.
The Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry A number of proposals at city, state and
into the National Indigenous Foundation national level sought to prohibit gender and
(FUNAI) and the National Institute for sexual orientation-related issues from being
Colonization and Agrarian Reform, two included in educational materials.
independent institutions set up by the
government to protect Indigenous Peoples’ FREEDOM OF RELIGION AND BELIEF
rights and promote access to land, presented Throughout the year, religious centres
its final report, which was approved by the (terreiros) of the Afro-descendant religions
House of Representatives in May. The report Umbanda and Candomblé in Rio de Janeiro
was a clear attack on Indigenous Peoples’ state suffered several attacks by private
rights and had a direct intent to criminalize individuals, criminal gangs and members of
(including by requesting criminal indictment other religions. In August and September, at
of dozens of people) Indigenous leaders, civil least eight centres were attacked and

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 101

destroyed, most of them in Rio de Janeiro
city and surrounding municipalities in the
Baixada Fluminense region.
Juvenile detention facilities remained
Brunei Darussalam
overcrowded and detainees suffered Head of state and government: Sultan Hassanal
inhuman and degrading conditions. Bolkiah
In Ceará state, torture by state officials was
recurrent inside juvenile detention facilities. Lack of transparency made independent
During the year, there were at least 20 riots monitoring of the human rights situation
and 37 escapes from units in Ceará. Out of difficult. Phased amendments to the
200 formal reports of torture of adolescents Shari’a Penal Code, if implemented, would
inside juvenile detention units in Ceará provide for the death penalty and corporal
between 2016 and September 2017, only punishment, such as caning and stoning
two reports resulted in a formal inquiry by the which amount to torture and other ill-
state for further investigation. Reports of the treatment, for a range of offences. The
chaotic state of the juvenile justice system in amendments would further restrict the
Ceará resulted in a formal visit by Brazil’s rights to freedom of thought, conscience
National Human Rights Council in and religion and discriminate against
September. women.
Early in the year, Espirito Santo state held
1,198 juvenile detainees in a system with BACKGROUND
capacity for only 754, a rate of overcrowding Several amendments to the Shari’a Penal
of more than 39%. Of the state’s 13 detention Code remained pending and were subject to
facilities, only four were operating within their phased implementation. Brunei completed
intended capacity. phase one of the amendments which dealt
On 3 June, seven boys aged between 15 with crimes punishable by prison sentences
and 17 were killed by other teenage and fines. If implemented, phase two will
detainees during a riot in a juvenile detention cover crimes punishable by amputation;
facility in Lagoa Seca, Paraíba state. while phase three will deal with crimes
On 13 November, four young boys were carrying the penalty of stoning to death.
killed by hooded men who entered a juvenile
justice system facility where the boys were FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION
detained. On 27 July, government employee Shahiran
Sheriffudin bin Shahrani Muhammad was
removed from his post and charged under
1. Brazil: Law leading to military impunity sanctioned (AMR
19/7340/2017) Section 4(1)(c) of the Sedition Act for posting
2. Brazil: Police killings, impunity and attacks on defenders: Amnesty
comments on Facebook deemed “offensive”
International submission for the UN Universal Periodic Review – 27th to the Ministry of Religious Affairs. Journalists
session of the UPR working group, May 2017 (AMR 19/5467/2016) and online activists continued to self-censor
3. Brazil: Over 90 men killed in Brazilian prison riots (AMR for fear of prosecution.
Shari’a Penal Code amendments included
provisions which, if implemented, would
further discriminate against women,
including by criminalizing pregnancy outside
marriage and forcing unmarried Muslim
women to live in their guardian’s home.

102 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

Although abolitionist in practice, death by
hanging was maintained as punishment for
several offences including murder, terrorism Republic of Bulgaria
and drug-related crimes. Penal Code Head of state: Rumen Radev (replaced Rosen
amendments, if implemented during phase Plevneliev in January)
three, would impose death by stoning as Head of government: Boyko Borisov
punishment for offences including “adultery”,
“sodomy” and rape. Stoning to death or 100 Summary detentions, pushbacks and
lashes, depending on the offender’s marital abuses at the border continued. The
status, would be imposed on Muslims and necessary services were not provided to
non-Muslims who commit “adultery” with a migrants and refugees, including to
Muslim. unaccompanied children. A climate of
xenophobia and intolerance sharply
RIGHT TO EDUCATION intensified. Roma continued to be at risk of
Stateless children and children who were not pervasive discrimination.
citizens of Brunei faced barriers to basic
rights, including education. While primary REFUGEES’ AND MIGRANTS’ RIGHTS
education was free and accessible to citizens, The number of refugees and migrants
stateless and non-citizen children had to entering Bulgaria declined, but reports of
apply for permission to enrol and were often frequent pushbacks, excessive use of force
required to pay monthly fees. and theft by border police continued.
Irregular border crossing remained
RIGHTS OF LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, criminalized resulting in administrative
TRANSGENDER AND INTERSEX PEOPLE detention of migrants and refugees, including
Consensual same-sex sexual relations unaccompanied children, who arrived in
remained a criminal offence with “intercourse greater numbers. Human rights organizations
against the order of nature” punishable by up documented numerous allegations of ill-
to 10 years’ imprisonment under Article 377 treatment of refugees and asylum-seekers
of the Penal Code. Amendments to the Penal and substandard conditions in detention
Code would, if implemented, allow a facilities.
mandatory punishment of death by stoning In February, local authorities in the town of
for consensual same-sex activity (see above). Elin Pelin refused to receive a Syrian family
that had been granted humanitarian status in
COUNTER-TERROR AND SECURITY Bulgaria. The Mayor publicly warned that
Suspects were detained without trial under “Muslims from Syria [were] not welcome”
the Internal Security Act. In February, four and refused to register the family or issue
Indonesian nationals were detained under them with identity documents. Other
the law for alleged links with the armed group municipalities expressed a similar
Islamic State (IS) and subsequently deported. unwillingness to accommodate refugees.
In July, the government adopted the
Regulation on Integration of Refugees;
however, this fell short of providing an
effective mechanism for integration.
According to UNHCR, the UN refugee
agency, the Regulation failed to address the
persistent problem of unco-operative
municipalities or to propose measures to
create more favourable conditions for
integration in local communities. It also failed

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 103

to address the gaps in refugees’ access to Directorate in all proceedings involving
social housing, family benefits for children or unaccompanied children who had not
language training, which limited their applied for international protection. The
enjoyment of social and economic rights. amendments, however, proposed repealing
The government issued an order restricting the requirement for an individual assessment
freedom of movement for registered asylum- of the best interests of the child before
seekers. Adopted in September, it imposed placing children in short-term immigration
territorial limits for asylum-seekers in refugee detention. Human rights organizations
centres, prohibiting them from moving out of warned that the proposals would legitimize
prescribed areas. the practice of “attaching” unaccompanied
Although Bulgaria committed to accept children to often unrelated adults travelling in
1,302 asylum-seekers from Greece and Italy the same group in order to avoid the
under the EU emergency relocation scheme, prohibition of detention of children.
it had only resettled 50 people from Greece
by the end of the year. It did not receive any DISCRIMINATION
Syrian refugees from Turkey under the EU- Hate speech and hate crimes continued,
Turkey “one-for-one” resettlement deal directed at minority groups, including Turks
although it had originally committed to accept and Roma; refugees, asylum-seekers and
100 people under the scheme. migrants remained vulnerable to violence and
harassment. Discriminatory or xenophobic
CHILDREN’S RIGHTS statements were made during the campaign
Reception conditions for unaccompanied for parliamentary elections held in March, by
refugee and migrant children remained candidates and political parties as well as by
inadequate. Children were routinely denied the coalition of far-right parties, the Patriotic
adequate access to legal representation, Front, which gained enough seats to enter
translation, health services and psychosocial the government.
support. Basic education was not available in Marginalization and widespread
the centres and most children were not discrimination against Roma persisted. They
enrolled in local schools. Limited social and faced systemic obstacles in all aspects of life,
educational activities were available several including education, health care, housing
days a week and organized exclusively by and employment. Roma children were
NGOs and humanitarian organizations. enrolled in special schools and denied
The authorities lacked developed systems access to mainstream education. High
for early identification, assessment and numbers of Roma lacked health insurance
referral mechanisms for unaccompanied and faced persistent barriers to adequate
children. Children often did not have access health care and services. The authorities
to qualified legal guardians and legal continued the practice of forced evictions
representation. In February, mayors and without the provision of adequate alternative
residents of several towns refused to housing, leaving many families homeless.
accommodate two unaccompanied refugee Human rights organizations documented
children in facilities in their communities. The numerous cases involving ill-treatment and
boys were moved several times and finally physical abuse of Roma by police. Roma
separated, causing the younger boy to remained over-represented in places of
abscond. detention. In July, mass anti-Roma
In September, the National Assembly demonstrations organized by the Patriotic
adopted, in the first reading, amendments to Front took place in the towns of Asenovgrad
the Law on Foreigners. They included an and Byala, following a violent incident
obligation to provide legal representation for between a sports youth team and several
all unaccompanied children and to increase Roma.
the authority of the Social Assistance

104 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

People with disabilities, particularly LEGAL, CONSTITUTIONAL OR
children, continued to face discrimination INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENTS
and systemic social exclusion, including In December, a draft Constitution was
limited access to education, health services submitted to the President for approval,
and employment. Those with intellectual following which it will either be approved by
disabilities and psychosocial problems were referendum or adopted by Parliament. It
deprived of their legal capacity and the right included provisions to strengthen human
to independent living and were frequently rights protection, including economic, social
placed under guardianship or social care and cultural rights, gender equality,
institutions without their consent. protection for women and girls from violence,
Despite numerous threats and simultaneous abolition of the death penalty, and to increase
counter-demonstrations organized by far-right the independence of the judiciary.
groups, Sofia Gay Pride took place in June In June, the National Assembly adopted a
under heavy police presence. law to protect human rights defenders.
In July, legislation was adopted which would
FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION give the High Court of Justice jurisdiction to
JOURNALISTS AND MEDIA try members of the government for crimes
A pattern of threats, political pressure and committed in the course of, or in connection
attacks against journalists continued; a with, their duties. In the same month, the
significant portion of the media remained government adopted a law allowing the
under the tight control of political parties and military prosecutor to initiate public
local oligarchs. In October, Deputy Prime prosecutions against civilians in proceedings
Minister Valeriy Simeonov and MP Anton which would operate independently of the
Todorov publicly threatened TV journalist High Council of Magistrates which, among
Victor Nikolaev that he would be fired unless other things, was responsible for overseeing
he stopped investigating the government’s the independence of the judiciary.
purchase of a fighter aircraft. The incident
was widely condemned by civil society, but TORTURE AND OTHER ILL-TREATMENT
no action was taken against the public There were complaints at the main prison of
officials. Ouagadougou, the capital: detainees at
Bulgaria remained the lowest ranking EU MACO prison (Maison d’Arrêt et de
member state on the World Press Freedom Correction de Ouagadougou) complained of
Index. The NGO Reporters without Borders torture and other ill-treatment, mainly during
ranked Bulgaria 109th out of 180 countries arrest or in police custody, often in order to
in terms of press freedom. extract “confessions”. Several prisoners said
they were held in custody for over two weeks
without charge. Four prisoners said that
BURKINA FASO courts took no action when they reported that
they had been tortured.
Head of state: Roch Marc Christian Kaboré Several soldiers who were tried in April for
Head of government: Paul Kaba Thiéba conspiracy to raid an arms depot in Yimdi in
January complained in a military court in
The draft Constitution included provisions Ouagadougou that they were tortured during
which, if implemented, would strengthen detention in custody either at the
human rights protection. There were reports gendarmerie or at MACO prison.
of torture and other ill-treatment and prison
conditions remained poor. Rates of DETENTION
maternal mortality as well as early and Many prisons remained overcrowded: 1,900
forced marriage remained high. Armed detainees were held in MACO prison which
groups committed human rights abuses. has a capacity for 600. Conditions remained

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 105

poor, with inadequate food and medical infection and death. There were at least 100
provisions. In June, however, Ministry of maternal deaths in the first half of the year at
Justice representatives said that they were one of the two main public hospitals in
developing a strategic plan to improve prison Ouagadougou. In one hospital, overworked
conditions. midwives carried out up to 25 caesarean
sections a day, while shortages forced women
IMPUNITY patients to sleep on the floor, sometimes
The trial of former President Blaise Compaoré without bedding.
and 32 former ministers before the High No progress was made towards
Court of Justice was repeatedly delayed; in implementing the government’s pledge in
June it was temporarily suspended by the 2016 to increase the legal marriage age of
Constitutional Council. Blaise Compaoré was girls and women. Over 50% of girls between
charged with acts of wilful assault, complicity 15 and 17 were married in the Sahel region
in assault, assassination and complicity in in the north of the country. Rates of female
assassination in relation to the October 2014 genital mutilation continued to lessen
uprising. An international arrest warrant for although it remained widespread despite
him and his former Chief of Security, being outlawed.
Hyacinthe Kafando, remained in place.
In May, an international arrest warrant was ABUSES BY ARMED GROUPS
issued against Blaise Compaoré’s brother, The self-defence militia called “Kogleweogo”,
François Compaoré, in relation to the murder mainly comprising farmers and cattle
of investigative journalist Norbert Zongo in breeders, continued to commit human rights
December 1998. François Compaoré was abuses including beatings and abductions,
placed under court supervision in France, despite the Justice Minister’s pledge in
where he was living, pending a decision on December 2016 to regulate the militia’s
his extradition to Burkina Faso. activities.
Fourteen people awaited trial in connection Justice Ministry officials said that
with the murder of former President Thomas Kogleweogo members beat a man to death in
Sankara, three of whom remained in the town of Tapoa in January over an alleged
detention. chicken theft. In May, six people died,
The findings of an investigation into the including four Kogleweogo members, in
attempted coup in September 2015 were clashes between locals and Kogleweogo in
referred to the Indictments Division for a Goundi. In the same month, the regional
decision in October. At least 106 people − governor banned “self-defence groups” in
including 40 civilians, one of whom was a Boulkiemdé and Sanguié.
foreign national – were charged, including There were reports that trials were
with threatening state security, crimes against postponed when Kogleweogo held
humanity and murder during the coup demonstrations in order to protect their
attempt. More than 20 of them remained in members from prosecution in Fada
detention at the end of the year while N’Gourma and Koupela.
another, General Djibril Bassolé, remained Armed groups carried out attacks close to
under house arrest having been transferred the Mali and Niger border, killing dozens of
from detention in October. In December the civilians. They also attacked police and
UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention military personnel. Repeated attacks in the
called for his release. Sahel region led to public officials temporarily
vacating the region.
WOMEN’S AND GIRLS’ RIGHTS In late January, armed men went to several
Lack of medical equipment, medication and schools in the north and threatened teachers
staffing in hospitals left women and newborn to make them adopt Islamic teaching.
babies at serious risk of birth complications,

106 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

Consequently, hundreds of schools closed, assistance to the EAC’s political dialogue
including in Soum, Oudalan and Loroum. efforts.
Ansaroul Islam claimed responsibility for The government declared a malaria
attacking police stations in Baraoulé and epidemic in March. Between January and
Tongomaël on 27 and 28 February. mid-November, 6.89 million cases and 3,017
On 3 March, an armed group killed a school deaths were recorded.
principal and another local person in
Kourfayel, a village in Soum. UNLAWFUL KILLINGS
In August, at least 19 people were killed Unlawful killings continued. Bodies were
and more than 22 injured in an attack regularly discovered in the streets of the
against a restaurant in Ouagadougou. No capital, Bujumbura, and throughout the
group claimed responsibility. country. Several Burundians who were living
On two occasions in September and as refugees in neighbouring countries said
November, armed groups carried out attacks that they left Burundi after their relatives were
in Soum, killing at least nine people. killed, primarily by the Imbonerakure – the
increasingly militarized youth wing of the
ruling National Council for the Defence of
BURUNDI Democracy-Forces for the Defence of
Democracy. Others witnessed the killings of
Republic of Burundi their family members by the Imbonerakure as
Head of state and government: President Pierre they tried to flee the country.
Restrictions on the rights to freedom of Reports of enforced disappearances
expression and assembly continued. The continued, and cases from 2015 and 2016
security forces, among others, carried out remained unresolved. The UN Commission of
unlawful killings, enforced disappearances, Inquiry on Burundi highlighted several cases
torture and other-ill-treatment, arbitrary where there were reasonable grounds to
arrests and detention. believe or to fear that people had been
forcibly disappeared. Pacifique Birikumana,
BACKGROUND driver for the Ngozi diocese, was believed to
In October, the Council of Ministers approved have been forcibly disappeared on 8 April
revisions of the Constitution. The proposed after he returned from driving a group of
constitutional amendments would allow soldiers to Gitega province. The Commission
President Nkurunziza to stand for at least two received information that he may have been
more seven-year terms, and reduce the size arrested by the National Intelligence Services
of the majority required to pass legislation in (SNR); his whereabouts remained unknown.
Parliament. In December, the President of Former senator and businessman Oscar
the National Independent Electoral Ntasano went missing with two of his
Commission announced that a referendum employees on 20 April after meeting a man
on the constitutional amendments was said to work for the SNR. Witnesses told the
planned for May 2018. Commission that Oscar Ntasano received
Efforts by the East African Community threats from state officials in connection with
(EAC) to find a mediated solution to the a contract he was negotiating with the UN to
political crisis sparked by the President’s rent office space. One state official was said
decision in 2015 to stand for a third term to have threatened him with death if he
continued to stall. Michel Kafando, former refused to split the proceeds.
President of Burkina Faso, was appointed as
UN Secretary-General Special Envoy to
Burundi in May. His role included providing

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 107

TORTURE AND OTHER ILL-TREATMENT them were arrested and six student leaders
Reports of torture and other ill-treatment by, were charged with rebellion.
among others, the SNR, police and the army, On 4 April, Joseph Nsabiyabandi, editor-in-
of detainees suspected of opposing the chief of Radio Isanganiro, was summoned for
government continued. Torture methods questioning by the SNR, and accused of
included beating men with cables, iron collaborating with two radio stations set up by
reinforcing bars (rebar) and batons, as well Burundian journalists in exile.
as hanging heavy weights from genitals. On 9 June, the Mayor of Bujumbura refused
Imbonerakure members were frequently to allow Amizero y’Abarundi, the
accused of beating detainees during arrest. parliamentary opposition coalition, composed
Impunity for such violations continued. of representatives from the National
Burundi had not yet established a National Liberation Forces and Union for National
Preventive Mechanism against torture as set Progress, to hold a press conference on the
out in the Optional Protocol to the UN grounds that the coalition did not have “legal
Convention against Torture. personality”.


The Commission of Inquiry interviewed 49 In January, the Bujumbura Court of Appeal
survivors of sexual violence that took place overturned a decision by the Bar
between 2015 and 2017. Most of the cases Association’s president not to disbar four
involved rape of women and girls by police, lawyers following a request to do so by a
often while arresting a male family member. prosecutor in 2016. Three of the lawyers
The Commission also documented sexual were, therefore, disbarred while another was
violence against men in detention. It suspended for one year. The prosecutor had
concluded that sexual violence appeared to called for them to be struck off after they
be used as a way to assert dominance over contributed to a report to the UN Committee
people linked to opposition parties or against Torture.
movements. Germain Rukuki was arrested on 13 July;
he was president of the community
ARBITRARY ARRESTS AND DETENTIONS organization Njabutsa Tujane, an employee of
Arbitrary arrests and detentions continued, the Burundian Catholic Lawyers Association
including during police searches in the so- and a former member of ACAT-Burundi
called opposition neighbourhoods of (Action by Christians for the Abolition of
Bujumbura. People were often arrested Torture, ACAT). The SNR held and
without warrants and only later informed of interrogated him without a lawyer present,
the accusations against them. Police and before transferring him to prison in Ngozi city
Imbonerakure sometimes used excessive on 26 July. On 1 August, he was charged
force during arrests and attempted arrests. with “undermining state security” and
Former detainees said that they or their “rebellion”, for collaborating with ACAT-
family had to pay vast sums of money to Burundi, which was banned in October
members of the SNR, police or Imbonerakure 2016. The Public Prosecutor presented as
in exchange for their release. evidence against him an email exchange
from a period when ACAT-Burundi was legally
FREEDOMS OF EXPRESSION AND registered in Burundi. Germain Rukuki was
ASSEMBLY denied bail and remained in detention at the
Restrictions on freedom of expression and end of the year.
peaceful assembly continued at all levels. Nestor Nibitanga, former member of the
University students in Bujumbura went on deregistered Association for the Protection of
strike in March to protest against a new Human Rights and Detained Persons
student loan and grant system; several of (APRODH), was arrested in Gitega on 21

108 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

November. He was charged with INTERNALLY DISPLACED PEOPLE
undermining state security and rebellion. The International Organization for Migration
This appeared to be in retaliation for his said that 187,626 people were internally
human rights activities. Following a hearing displaced as of November; 19% were
on 28 December, the Mukaza court in displaced in 2017. Two thirds of the total
session at Rumonge decided to keep Nestor were displaced by natural disasters and one
Nibitanga in provisional detention. He third as a result of the socio-political
remained in detention at the Murembwe situation.
central prison in Rumonge at the end of the
Couples cohabiting without being married
REFUGEES AND ASYLUM-SEEKERS risked prosecution under a 2016 law which
People trying to flee the country reported banned “free unions” or cohabitation and
abuses including rape, killings, beatings and carried a prison sentence of one to three
extortion by members of the Imbonerakure. months, and a fine of up to 200,000 francs
Many tried to leave by informal routes, as (USD114). In May, following President
they did not have official travel documents; Nkurunziza’s call for a nationwide
they were afraid of being accused of joining “moralization” campaign, the Interior ministry
the rebellion, being refused permission to spokesperson gave cohabiting couples until
leave or being arrested at the border for 31 December to “regularize” their situation.
trying to leave.
The number of Burundian refugees in ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL
relation to the current crisis reached over RIGHTS
418,000 in September but fell to 391,111 by In October, the Minister of Justice presented
the end of 2017. Most of them were hosted proposed amendments to the Penal Code
by Tanzania, Rwanda, Democratic Republic which were unanimously adopted by the
of the Congo (see Democratic Republic of the National Assembly and the Senate. The
Congo entry) and Uganda. In an operation amendments would criminalize begging and
led by the Tanzanian government and “vagrancy”. Able-bodied people found guilty
supported by UNHCR, the UN refugee of begging would face a prison sentence of
agency, organized returns began in between two weeks and two months, and/or a
September with 8,836 refugees assisted to fine of up to 10,000 francs (USD6). The
return to Burundi by 20 November. Many same sentence was proposed for “vagrancy”.
refugees cited harsh conditions in their Burundian refugees living outside the
countries of asylum as their main reason for country claimed that increased local taxation
return. In August, the World Food was affecting their livelihoods. The extent to
Programme warned that without urgent which fees were formally imposed or were
funding from donors, insufficient food rations simply acts of extortion was not always clear
to refugees in Tanzania would be further especially where they were collected by
reduced. The UNHCR-led Burundi Regional members of the Imbonerakure.
Refugee Response received only 20% of the
funding required for 2017. INTERNATIONAL SCRUTINY
In January, Tanzania stopped automatically On 4 September, the Commission of Inquiry
recognizing Burundian asylum-seekers as report concluded that there were reasonable
refugees. Uganda followed suit in June. On grounds to believe that crimes against
20 July 2017, President Nkurunziza visited humanity had been committed since April
Tanzania in an attempt to convince 2015. On 28 September, the UN Human
Burundian refugees that it was safe to return. Rights Council adopted a resolution
mandating a team of three experts “to collect
and preserve information […] in cooperation

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 109

with the Government of Burundi”, and “to Sam Rainsy stood down as leader of the
make recommendations for technical opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party
assistance and capacity building”. On 29 (CNRP) to avoid party dissolution because of
September, the Council also renewed the his 2016 conviction on criminal charges. The
Commission of Inquiry’s mandate for another lead-up to the June 2017 commune elections
year. Discussions between the UN and the was marked by threatening rhetoric from the
government on the reopening of the UN Prime Minister and other senior government
Office of the High Commissioner for Human and military officials. The ruling Cambodian
Rights in Burundi had not reached a People’s Party (CPP) won control of 70% of
conclusion by the end of the year. communes. In September, the UN Human
Burundi’s withdrawal from the ICC came Rights Council extended the mandate of the
into effect on 27 October. Two days earlier, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human
the Pre-Trial Chamber authorized an rights in Cambodia for a further two years. On
investigation into the situation in Burundi, a 16 November, the CNRP was dissolved amid
decision made public in November. allegations of being part of a purported US-
The AU Peace and Security Council did not funded “colour revolution” to topple the
meet to discuss Burundi in 2017, despite the current regime.
continued presence of AU human rights
observers and military experts in the country FREEDOMS OF EXPRESSION AND
at the Council’s request. ASSOCIATION
Harassment of the political opposition and
civil society through misuse of the criminal
CAMBODIA justice system escalated in an apparent
attempt to hamper activities ahead of the
Kingdom of Cambodia 2018 general election.1 Amendments to the
Head of state: King Norodom Sihamoni Law on Political Parties in February and July
Head of government: Hun Sen gave the Ministry of Interior and courts new
powers over political parties and barred
The crackdown on human rights defenders, individuals convicted of a criminal offence
media, civil society and the political from holding leadership positions.
opposition intensified ahead of elections In March, Sam Rainsy was convicted of
scheduled for July 2018. The authorities’ “defamation and incitement to commit a
misuse of the justice system continued. felony” for claiming on social media that the
New criminal charges were brought against July 2016 murder of political commentator
serving and former leaders of the main Kem Ley was an act of “state-sponsored
opposition party. The authorities increased terrorism”. Political commentator Kim Sok
pressure on civil society including by was convicted on the same charges in
conducting surveillance of human rights August for allegedly linking the government to
workers and restricting or shutting down the murder in a radio interview. Following the
organizations monitoring elections. Media commune elections, the Ministry of Interior
freedom and diversity were dramatically ordered a local election monitoring coalition
reduced. Human rights defenders continued to cease its activities.
to be monitored, threatened, arrested and In August, the US-based National
imprisoned. Montagnard asylum-seekers Democratic Institute was expelled from
faced forcible return to Viet Nam. Cambodia for alleged regulatory violations.
Also in August, more than 30 FM radio
BACKGROUND frequencies were silenced. Radio stations
The prospect of a close general election in were alleged to have violated their contracts
2018 led to an unstable political environment with the government by “overselling” air time
and threats to human rights. In February, to broadcasting programmes from the US-

110 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

based Radio Free Asia (RFA) and Voice of December, the Supreme Court upheld a six-
America, as well as Cambodian radio month prison sentence against Tep Vanny
programme Voice of Democracy. In and two other community members
September, the long-running English stemming from a protest in 2011. Human
language newspaper The Cambodia Daily rights defenders Am Sam Ath and Chan
shut down after the authorities gave its Puthisak were investigated in February for
publishers 30 days to pay a USD6.3 million allegedly instigating violence at an October
tax bill, a move widely viewed as arbitrary. 2016 demonstration in Phnom Penh. They
The same month, RFA ceased operations in were beaten by para-police during the
Cambodia, citing the restrictive media demonstration; however, their formal
environment. In November, two former RFA complaint of assault appeared to have been
reporters were arrested on trumped-up ignored.
charges of “espionage” and faced up to 15 In June, five serving and former staff
years in jail. members of the Cambodian Human Rights
On 3 September, new CNRP leader Kem and Development Association (ADHOC) were
Sokha was arrested at his home in the released on bail after being held for more
capital, Phnom Penh, and later charged with than a year in pre-trial detention on charges
“conspiracy with a foreign power” in relation of bribing a witness. Three of the five − Ny
to a 2013 speech in which he discussed Sokha, Nay Vanda and Yi Soksan − were
international advice he had received arbitrarily denied access to medical care for
regarding democratic change. CPP two months prior to their release. The
lawmakers later voted to strip him of the charges remained pending at the end of the
parliamentary immunity he had been granted year.
under the Constitution. In September, two activists from the
The Ministry of Interior ordered local land environmental organization Mother Nature
rights organization Equitable Cambodia (EC) were arrested while filming sand-dredging
to suspend its activities for 30 days for boats off the coast of Koh Kong in an attempt
alleged regulatory violations. Although the to highlight alleged illegal smuggling. They
suspension lapsed on 15 November, EC was were charged with incitement to commit a
not allowed to resume activities. At least three felony and making an unauthorized
individuals were arrested throughout the year recording.
for posting comments on Facebook that were
regarded by authorities as insulting to the UNLAWFUL KILLINGS
Prime Minister. On 26 November, the On 23 March Oeuth Ang was sentenced to
Cambodian Centre for Human Rights was life imprisonment after being convicted by
threatened by the Prime Minister with the Phnom Penh Municipal Court of the
closure; it was allowed to remain open after 2016 murder of prominent political
investigation by the Ministry of Interior and an commentator Kem Ley. The trial lasted only
announcement by the Prime Minister on 2 half a day. The authorities did not respond to
December. calls for an independent, impartial and
effective investigation into the killing of Kem
Human rights defenders were harassed and
prosecuted for their peaceful human rights WOMEN’S RIGHTS
work. In February, Tep Vanny, a prominent Cambodia failed to submit its report, due in
land rights activist from the Boeung Kak Lake October, on implementation of the
community, was convicted of “intentional recommendations of the 2013 UN CEDAW
violence with aggravating circumstances” in Committee, or to follow up with requested
relation to a 2013 protest, and sentenced to information regarding sexual and gender-
two years and six months’ imprisonment. In based violence – in particular redress and

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 111

protection for victims. Women continued to different charges. They faced charges of
be under-represented in politics. Although crimes against humanity, genocide and grave
the number of women commune chiefs breaches of the Geneva Conventions.
elected during the 2017 commune elections
increased, the total number of women
1. Cambodia: Courts of injustice − suppressing activism through the
councillors decreased. criminal justice system (ASA 23/6059/2017)


Land grabbing, land concessions granted to
private stakeholders for agri-industrial use,
Republic of Cameroon
and major development projects continued to Head of state: Paul Biya
impact the right to adequate housing for Head of government: Philémon Yang
communities around the country. A report
released in January by the Land The armed group Boko Haram continued to
Management Ministry showed an increase in commit serious human rights abuses and
land dispute complaints received in 2016 violations of international humanitarian law
compared to the previous year. Work on the in the Far North region, including looting
Lower Sesan II hydropower dam in the and destroying properties and killing and
northeast province of Stung Treng abducting civilians. In response, the
progressed; Indigenous people who refused authorities and security forces committed
to leave their ancestral lands faced forcible human rights violations and crimes under
relocation. Those who accepted relocation international law, including arbitrary arrests,
were moved to substandard and flooding- incommunicado detentions, torture and
affected resettlement sites. deaths in custody. As a result of the
conflict, around 240,000 people in the Far
REFUGEES AND ASYLUM-SEEKERS North region had fled their homes between
The government rejected 29 applications for 2014 and the end of 2017. Freedoms of
refugee status by Montagnard asylum- expression, association and peaceful
seekers from Viet Nam, who faced possible assembly continued to be restricted
refoulement. UNHCR, the UN refugee throughout the country. Security forces
agency, stated that they had legitimate violently repressed demonstrations in
grounds. They remained in Cambodia at the Anglophone regions in January and
end of the year. September. Civil society activists,
journalists, trade unionists and teachers
INTERNATIONAL JUSTICE were arrested and some faced trial before
In February, the Co-Investigating Judges military courts.
issued a joint closing order dismissing the
case against Im Chaem in Case 004/1 at the ABUSES BY ARMED GROUPS
Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of The armed group Boko Haram committed
Cambodia (ECCC). She was found not to fall crimes under international law and human
within the ECCC’s personal jurisdiction of rights abuses, including suicide bombings in
being a senior leader or one of the most civilian areas, summary executions,
responsible officials during the Khmer Rouge abductions, recruitment of child soldiers, and
regime. looting and destruction of public and private
In June, closing statements were made in a property. During the year, the group carried
second trial of Nuon Chea and Khieu out at least 150 attacks, including 48 suicide
Samphan in Case 002. The case against bombings, killing at least 250 civilians. The
them had been severed by the Trial Chamber crimes were part of a widespread and
of the ECCC in 2011, resulting in two trials on systematic attack on the civilian population

112 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

across the Lake Chad basin. Boko Haram authorities to clarify whether investigations
deliberately targeted civilians in attacks on were being carried out.
markets, mosques, commercial areas and
other public places. On 12 July a female FREEDOMS OF EXPRESSION,
suicide bomber detonated explosives in a ASSOCIATION AND ASSEMBLY
crowded video-game shop in the town of Human rights defenders, including civil
Waza, killing at least 16 civilians and injuring society activists, journalists, trade unionists,
more than 30. On 5 August, a suicide lawyers and teachers continued to be
bomber in the village of Ouro Kessoum, near intimidated, harassed and threatened.
Amchide, killed eight children and injured On 17 January, following protests in the
four more. English-speaking regions of the country, the
Minister of Territorial Administration banned
TORTURE AND OTHER ILL-TREATMENT the activities of the political party Southern
Security forces continued to arbitrarily arrest Cameroons National Council (SCNC) and the
individuals accused of supporting Boko Cameroon Anglophone Civil Society
Haram, often with little or no evidence and Consortium (CACSC).2 The same day, the
sometimes using unnecessary or excessive president of the CACSC, barrister Nkongho
force. Those arrested were frequently Felix Agbor-Balla, and its Secretary General,
detained in inhumane, life-threatening Dr Fontem Aforteka’a Neba, were arrested
conditions. At least 101 people were detained after signing a statement calling for non-
incommunicado between March 2013 and violent protests. Held incommunicado at the
March 2017 in a series of military bases run State Defence Secretariat, they were charged
by the Rapid Intervention Battalion (BIR) and under the 2014 anti-terrorism law, without
facilities run by the intelligence agency. They any basis. They were transferred to the
were subjected to torture and other ill- Prison Principale in the capital, Yaoundé,
treatment.1 These routine and systematic before eventually being released following a
practices continued throughout 2017, presidential decision on 30 August, along
although at least 20 people were reported to with 53 other Anglophone protesters who had
have been transferred from the BIR military been arrested between late October 2016
base in Salak to the central prison in Maroua and February 2017.
in late August. Between January and April, and in early
It was highly likely that senior military October, telephone and internet services
officers based in Salak were aware of the were cut in the English-speaking regions,
torture, but they did nothing to prevent it. US with no official explanation.
military personnel also had a regular On 24 May, authorities shut down an
presence at the BIR’s base at Salak and an Amnesty International press conference
investigation was launched into their possible scheduled to take place in Yaoundé. Amnesty
knowledge of human rights violations at the International staff had planned to present
base; its outcomes were not published during more than 310,000 letters and petitions
the year. asking President Biya to release three
No investigations were known to have been students imprisoned for 10 years for sharing
conducted by the Cameroonian authorities a joke by text message about Boko Haram.
into the allegations of incommunicado No written administrative justification was
detention, torture and other ill-treatment, nor provided for the prohibition of the press
efforts made to prevent such occurrences or conference.
to prosecute and punish the perpetrators. More than 20 protesters were shot by
In December the UN Committee against security forces in the Anglophone regions
Torture expressed deep concern about the between 1 and 2 October, and more than
use of torture and incommunicado detention, 500 arrested. Others wounded in the protests
and criticized the failure by Cameroonian were forced to flee hospitals where they

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 113

sought life-saving treatment out of fear of having already served this sentence. Their
arrest. In addition, dozens of members of the trial was marred by irregularities. During their
security forces, including soldiers and initial period of detention, the two men had
gendarmes, were killed in attacks perpetrated been held incommunicado for more than 40
by Anglophone insurgents in the South and days in an illegal facility run by the General
North West regions during the year. Directorate of External Relations and
subjected to torture.
Unfair trials continued before military courts, DETENTION
which were often marred by irregularities. Prison conditions remained poor, marked by
On 10 April, Radio France Internationale chronic overcrowding, inadequate food,
correspondent Ahmed Abba was sentenced limited medical care, and deplorable hygiene
to 10 years’ imprisonment, convicted by the and sanitation. Maroua prison housed around
Yaoundé Military Court of “complicity with 1,500 detainees, more than four times its
and non-denunciation of terrorist acts”. The intended capacity. The population of the
trial was marred by irregularities, including central prison in Yaoundé was approximately
documents not being disclosed to defence 4,400, despite a maximum capacity of 1,500.
lawyers. Ahmed Abba had been arrested in The main factors contributing to
Maroua in July 2015 and was tortured while overcrowding included the mass arrests since
held incommunicado for three months at a 2014 of people accused of supporting Boko
facility run by the General Directorate of Haram, the large number of detainees held
External Research. On 21 December the without charge, and the ineffective judicial
Appeal Court of the Yaoundé Military Court system. The government finalized the
ordered his initial sentence to be reduced to construction of at least 10 new cells for the
24 months, which he had already served. prison in Maroua.
The Court upheld the charge of “non-
denunciation of terrorism”. REFUGEES AND ASYLUM-SEEKERS
The appeal of Fomusoh Ivo Feh, who was At least 250,000 refugees from the Central
arrested in December 2014 for forwarding a African Republic lived in harsh conditions in
sarcastic text message about Boko Haram crowded camps or with host families along
and sentenced to 10 years in prison, had not border areas of southeastern Cameroon.
begun at the end of the year. Scheduled to Some 60,000 refugees from Nigeria lived in
begin in December 2016, his hearings had the UN-run Minawao camp in the Far North
been adjourned at least seven times. region; around 30,000 others struggled to
On 30 October, journalists Rodrigue Tongué, cope outside the camp, facing food
Felix Ebole Bola and Baba Wamé were insecurity, lack of access to basic services,
acquitted by the Yaoundé Military Court, harassment by the security forces and the
having been initially charged in October 2014 risk of refoulement as they were perceived to
with “non-denunciation of information and be supporters of Boko Haram.
sources”. Facing trial alongside the On 2 March, Cameroon, Nigeria and
journalists were opposition party leader UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, signed a
Aboubakary Siddiki, and Abdoulaye “Tripartite Agreement for the Voluntary
Harissou, a well-known notary detained since Repatriation of Nigerian Refugees Living in
August 2014. The Yaoundé Military Court Cameroon”. However, between January and
sentenced Aboubakary Siddiki to 25 years’ September, Cameroon forcibly returned at
imprisonment on charges including hostility least 4,400 Nigerians. These forced returns
against the homeland, revolution, and were part of a larger deportation operation
contempt of the President. Abdoulaye carried out by Cameroon. Human Rights
Harissou was sentenced to three years’ Watch estimated that, since 2015,
imprisonment, and subsequently released Cameroonian authorities and security forces

114 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

had summarily deported more than 100,000 DEATH PENALTY
Nigerians living in areas located along the People accused of supporting Boko Haram
Cameroon-Nigeria border, often with continued to be sentenced to death following
unnecessary and excessive use of force. unfair trials in military courts; none were
Some of those forcibly returned, including executed during the year. The cases were all
children, weakened by living for months or prosecuted under the deeply flawed 2014
years with limited or no access to food and anti-terrorism law.
health care, died during the deportations.
In December, UNHCR reported having
1. Cameroon’s secret torture chambers: Human rights violations and
registered more than 5,000 Cameroonians, war crimes in the fight against Boko Haram (AFR 17/6536/2017)
mainly women and children, who had fled 2. Cameroon: Arrests and civil society bans risk inflaming tensions in
the Anglophone areas of Cameroon to English-speaking regions (Press release, 20 January)


The conflict with Boko Haram led to the Canada
internal displacement of around 240,000 Head of state: Queen Elizabeth II, represented by Julie
people in the Far North region and Payette (replaced David Johnston in October)
exacerbated the hardships experienced by Head of government: Justin Trudeau
communities, limiting their access to basic
social services, and disrupting trade, farming Discrimination against Indigenous Peoples
and pastoralism. In December, almost 3.3 continued, in particular the failure to
million people, of whom 61% were in the Far protect their rights to lands and resources.
North region, were in need of humanitarian Urgent measures were required to ensure
assistance, including food and medical care. the safety of Indigenous women and girls
Humanitarian access continued to be while a national inquiry was under way.
restricted by the ongoing conflict. There was a substantial increase in
numbers of asylum-seekers crossing the
RIGHT TO EDUCATION border from the USA irregularly.
Dozens of schools were closed in the English-
speaking regions between November 2016 INDIGENOUS PEOPLES’ RIGHTS
and September 2017, following strikes and Government commitments to respect and
boycotts called for by trade unions and protect the rights of Indigenous Peoples were
members of civil society. Extreme elements contradicted by the failure to address
within Anglophone pro-secession groups violations of treaty-protected Indigenous
carried out attacks on education facilities that hunting and fishing rights by the planned
“breached the boycott”. flooding of the Peace River Valley in the
Between January and September 2017, province of British Columbia for the Site C
more than 30 schools were burned and dam.
severely damaged. In the Far North region, The Canadian Human Rights Tribunal
139 primary schools in the departments of issued three non-compliance orders against
Logone and Chari, Mayo Sava and Mayo the federal government for discrimination in
Tsanaga remained closed because of services for First Nations children and
insecurity and at least eight were occupied by families.
security forces, affecting almost 40,000 The Public Inquiry Commission on Relations
children. between Indigenous Peoples and Certain
Public Services in Québec held hearings
throughout the year.

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 115

In June the province of Ontario agreed to number of relatives of missing and murdered
fund the clean-up of a river system women and girls expressed frustration about
contaminated with mercury. In November the the Inquiry’s slow progress and poor
federal government agreed to provide communication, and several staff and one of
specialized medical care for mercury five Commissioners resigned. Community
poisoning as long sought by members of the hearings commenced in June and an interim
Grassy Narrows First Nation. report was issued in November.
In July the Supreme Court of Canada, in a In October, Quebec passed the Act to Foster
case brought by the Inuit hamlet of Clyde Adherence to State Religious Neutrality
River, ruled that the government has an requiring everyone, including Muslim women
obligation to intervene when regulatory wearing a niqab, to uncover their faces to use
agencies fail to protect Indigenous rights. or provide government services, including on
In August the UN CERD Committee public transit and in libraries. A court ruling
expressed concern about Indigenous land in December suspended application of the
rights violations and Canada’s failure to Act until a constitutional challenge is heard.
respect the right of free, prior and informed
consent. The Committee asked Canada to RIGHTS OF LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL,
report back within one year on measures to TRANSGENDER AND INTERSEX PEOPLE
address the impacts of the Site C dam. In In June, Parliament passed legislation adding
December the provincial government in gender identity and expression as prohibited
British Columbia announced that grounds for discrimination in Canada’s
construction of the Site C dam would Human Rights Act and Criminal Code.
continue, despite the objections of affected
In November the government announced In January, six worshippers were killed and
support for a bill to develop a legislative 19 others injured when a gunman opened
framework for implementing the UN fire in a mosque in Quebec City.
Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous In March, parliament adopted a motion
Peoples. calling for a committee study to develop a
In November, the Supreme Court rejected a new approach for addressing Islamophobia
potentially groundbreaking legal challenge by and religious discrimination.
the Ktunaxa Nation in British Columbia which In March, Canadian citizens Abdullah
sought to apply constitutional protection of Almalki, Ahmad Abou-Elmaati and Muayyed
religious freedom to the preservation of Nureddin received compensation and an
Indigenous Peoples’ sacred sites. apology for the role of Canadian officials in
their unlawful arrest, imprisonment and
WOMEN’S RIGHTS torture in Syria and Egypt between 2001 and
In June, the federal government launched a 2004.
Feminist International Assistance Policy and In June, national security legal reforms were
committed to placing women’s rights, gender proposed, including improved review and
equality and sexual and reproductive rights at oversight of national security agencies.
the core of its foreign policy. In November the Continuing concerns included insufficient
government released its second National information-sharing safeguards, inadequate
Action Plan on women, peace and security. appeal provisions for people named on “no-
In June, the federal government released a fly lists”, and expanded mass surveillance
strategy to combat gender-based violence, and data-mining powers.
but without a national action plan. In June, legislation was passed reversing
The National Inquiry into Missing and 2014 Citizenship Act reforms which had
Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls allowed dual nationals convicted of terrorism
proceeded throughout the year. A growing

116 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

and other offences to be stripped of regardless of immigration status. New
Canadian citizenship. guidelines released in November required
In July, Canadian citizen Omar Khadr that minors only be held in immigration
received compensation and an apology for detention in “extremely limited
the role of Canadian officials in violations circumstances”.
against him at the US detention facility at Annual government refugee resettlement
Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, for 10 years from targets declined to pre-2016 levels of 7,500,
2002. following an increase to 25,000 in 2016 as
In September, revised guidelines part of the government’s Syrian refugee
strengthened safeguards against complicity resettlement programme.
in torture in intelligence sharing with other
governments, but failed to absolutely prohibit CORPORATE ACCOUNTABILITY
the use of information obtained through The British Columbia Conservation Officer
torture by other governments. Service concluded its investigation into the
2014 Mount Polley Mining Corporation
JUSTICE SYSTEM (MPMC) tailings pond collapse, without
In June, federal legislation was tabled bringing charges. A federal level investigation
proposing to establish a 20-day limit on for violations of the Fisheries Act was
solitary confinement, to be reduced to 15 ongoing. In April, against the wishes of
days once the law has been in force for 18 Indigenous and other communities, British
months. The draft law did not prohibit Columbia authorities approved MPMC’s plan
holding people suffering from mental illness to discharge mine waste water that does not
in solitary confinement. A court ruling in meet provincial drinking water guidelines into
December declared existing solitary Quesnel Lake. In June the UN Working
confinement provisions to be unconstitutional Group on Business and Human Rights
because of inadequate safeguards and supported British Columbia Auditor General’s
provided the government with one year to recommendation to establish a compliance
adopt new standards. and enforcement unit independent of the
In October the Journalistic Source Ministry of Energy and Mines. In August, a
Protection Act was passed, establishing a private prosecution was filed against MPMC.
“shield law” to protect journalists and their Also in August, the CERD Committee called
sources. on Canada to report within one year on action
to address the 2014 disaster.
REFUGEES’ AND MIGRANTS’ RIGHTS In January the British Columbia Court of
More than 18,000 asylum-seekers irregularly Appeal ruled that a lawsuit against Tahoe
crossed from the USA into Canada during the Resources regarding the shooting of
year, as conditions for refugees and migrants protesters outside its mine in Guatemala
in the USA deteriorated. Asylum-seekers could be heard in Canada. In November the
crossed irregularly to avoid the ban on Court upheld a lower court ruling that a
making claims at official border posts, lawsuit against Nevsun Resources for
pursuant to the 2004 Canada-US Safe Third complicity in forced labour at its mine in
Country Agreement. A legal challenge to the Eritrea could proceed.
Agreement was launched jointly by civil In December, the government announced
society groups and individual asylum-seekers plans to establish, in early 2018, a human
in July. rights Ombudsperson for Canadian
In August, the CERD Committee pressed extractives companies operating abroad.
Canada to set a maximum time frame for Negotiations to revise the North American
immigration detention, end the immigration Free Trade Agreement between Canada,
detention of minors and provide access to Mexico and the USA, including Canadian
essential health care for all people in Canada,

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 117

proposals on gender equality and Indigenous BACKGROUND
Peoples, were under way. There was a resurgence of violence mainly in
Talks regarding a potential free trade deal and around the Ouaka, Basse-Kotto and
with China continued, amid concerns over Haute-Kotto prefectures (districts). Ex-Seleka
possible implications for human rights and Anti-balaka armed groups controlled
protection in China. much of the country.
The mandate of the UN Multidimensional
LEGAL, CONSTITUTIONAL OR Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central
In June the government tabled legislation to until 15 November 2018. Its forces were
accede to the UN Arms Trade Treaty, but strengthened following criticism of its
without it applying to arms transfers to the capacity to protect civilians and respond to
USA, the primary market for Canadian arms attacks. In June, the UN agreed to reduce
sales. the MINUSCA budget by USD18.8 million,
In October the Justice for Victims of Corrupt and the budgets of 14 peacekeeping
Foreign Officials Act was passed, missions.
strengthening redress and sanctions in US and Ugandan troops, deployed under
designated cases of serious human rights the African Union-led Regional Task Force to
violations. eliminate the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA),
In December, federal, provincial and withdrew from the country between April and
territorial ministers responsible for human May.
rights met for the first time since 1988 and In May, the national assembly presented a
committed to establish a “senior level peace roadmap, which included a national
mechanism” to more effectively co-ordinate committee of victims and excluded amnesties
implementation of Canada’s international for war crimes, to the government.
human rights obligations. In June, the government and 13 of the 14
armed groups signed a peace agreement
which included an immediate ceasefire,
CENTRAL AFRICAN political representation for armed groups and
the creation of a Truth and Reconciliation

REPUBLIC Commission. It also incorporated the

potential for pardons.
In July, the AU produced the Roadmap for
Central African Republic
Peace and Reconciliation in the Central
Head of state: Faustin-Archange Touadéra
African Republic, which launched a joint
Head of government: Simplice Sarandji
The government had minimal control
outside the capital, Bangui. Armed groups ABUSES BY ARMED GROUPS AND
continued to fight for territorial control, and CRIMES UNDER INTERNATIONAL LAW
targeted civilians, humanitarian workers and Armed groups were responsible for killings,
peacekeepers. Widespread impunity further torture and other ill-treatment, sexual
fuelled instability and conflict. Increasing assaults, abductions, arrests, extortion and
numbers sought refuge in neighbouring looting, recruitment and exploitation of
countries or were internally displaced, in children and attacks on humanitarian
dire conditions. At least 2.4 million people workers and premises; they also prevented
depended on humanitarian assistance and access to humanitarian assistance.
1.4 million remained food insecure. The International NGO Safety Organisation
reported that over 390 security incidents
targeted relief agencies and at least 15 local
humanitarian workers were killed.

118 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

Between 20 and 21 March, at least 20 civilian deaths and over 24,000 people
people, including civilians, were killed in displaced.
clashes between ex-Seleka and Anti-balaka In August, clashes between Anti-balaka and
in the towns of Bakouma and Nzako, UPC in the town of Gambo, near Bangassou,
Mbomou prefecture. resulted in at least 36 civilian deaths
In April, 11 civilians were killed in fighting including six national Red Cross workers.
between Anti-balaka and the Union for Peace In September, clashes between rival FPRC
in the Central African Republic (UPC) in factions left 10 people dead in Bria.
loose alliance with herders along the Hundreds of Muslims returned home in the
Bangassou-Rafai road. southwest but continued to be persecuted;
On 2 May, Return, Reclamation and fear of attacks forced them to restrict their
Rehabilitation (3R) killed 12 people in Niem- movements and, in some cases, hide their
Yelewa and occupied the town for 12 days. religion.
Between 7 and 25 May, UPC’s attacks killed In the southeast, international NGOs
hundreds of civilians and displaced reported 113 attacks by the LRA and at least
thousands in the southeast including in the 12 civilian casualties and 362 kidnappings.
towns of Alindao, Nzangba and Mobaye. At On 10 October, at least 25 people were
least 130 civilians died in Alindao; women killed in a mosque when Anti-balaka attacked
were systematically raped. Kembe town, in the Basse-Kotto province. On
Between 12 and 13 May, Anti-balaka 18 October, clashes between Anti-balaka and
attacked the predominantly Muslim UPC fighters in Pombolo, in Mbomou
neighbourhood of Tokoyo in Bangassou, province, led to at least 26 deaths.
Mbomou prefecture, and the MINUSCA In November, four people were killed when
base. The UN estimated that at least 72 unidentified assailants threw a grenade at a
people were killed, 76 injured and 4,400 concert in Bangui.
displaced, while the national Red Cross
estimated at least 115 deaths. VIOLATIONS BY PEACEKEEPING FORCES
From 16 to 18 May, at least 17 civilians Reports of sexual exploitation and abuses
were killed in clashes between ex-Seleka and (“SEA”) by UN peacekeeping troops
Anti-balaka in the town of Bria, and some continued. In January, the UN Secretary-
15,000 displaced. General announced a new task force to
On 6 June, at least 18 civilians were killed prevent and respond to SEA. However, the
when Popular Front for the Rebirth of Central UN registered 21 SEA cases, including
African Republic (FPRC) elements attacked against six children, involving peacekeepers.
Anti-balaka positions in Nzako. In June, the Republic of the Congo withdrew
From 20 to 23 June, over 80 civilians died nearly 650 troops in light of sexual abuse and
during fights between Anti-balaka and FPRC misconduct allegations.
in Bria. On 30 September, at least one Mauritanian
Between 27 and 30 June, at least 22 people peacekeeper allegedly drugged and raped a
were killed when Anti-balaka attacked woman in the town of Bambari. MINUSCA
Muslim neighbourhoods in Zemio town, and rapidly deployed investigators and committed
the local population retaliated. to pursuing the issue.
On 1 July, at least 10 people were killed in Several SEA complaints involving French
fighting between the Central African Patriotic forces, deployed under Operation Sangaris,
Movement (MPC) and Anti-balaka in Kaga- were dismissed following investigations. In
Bandoro, Nana-Gribizi province. March, the Paris Prosecutor requested the
Between 29 July and 1 August, clashes dismissal of a rape case which allegedly
between ex-Seleka and Anti-balaka in the occurred between 2013 and 2014 at an
town of Batangafo resulted in at least 14 internally displaced people’s settlement in
M’Poko in Bangui. At least 14 Operation

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 119

Sangaris soldiers and five soldiers of the Abdoulaye Hissène, a leading FPRC member,
African-led International Support Mission to and Maxime Mokom, an Anti-balaka leader.
the Central African Republic (MISCA), AU In June, Chad announced that it had frozen
troops, and peacekeepers, were allegedly Abdoulaye Hissène’s assets and banned him
involved. The Prosecutor’s decision was that from crossing the Chadian borders.
the victims’ testimonies did not sufficiently
establish the facts. INTERNATIONAL JUSTICE
Progress was made in operationalizing the
REFUGEES AND INTERNALLY Special Criminal Court (SCC) which will try
DISPLACED PEOPLE individuals suspected of serious human
The number of people seeking refuge in rights violations and crimes under
neighbouring countries increased due to an international law committed since 2003. The
escalation of violence in April and May. By SCC Special Prosecutor took office in May
the end of the year, at least 538,000 people after which five national magistrates and two
had fled the country for neighbouring international magistrates were nominated,
countries Chad, Cameroon, DRC and and a committee to select judicial police
Republic of the Congo; while 601,000 were officers was created.
internally displaced, living in poor conditions The ICC investigations on the “Central
in makeshift camps with inadequate access African Republic II situation” continued but
to food, water, health care and sanitation. no arrest warrants were issued. In March, the
ICC increased Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo’s
IMPUNITY 18-year prison sentence to 19 years after he
Many suspected perpetrators of human rights and his legal team were convicted of
abuses and violations, including armed attempting to bribe witnesses in 2016.
groups and security forces, were not
investigated or tried. Impunity was NATURAL RESOURCES
exacerbated by the collapse of the national On 20 July, the General Court of the
justice system and its slow reconstruction. European Union upheld the asset freeze
On 26 February, MINUSCA arrested six against the Belgium-based diamond
FPRC and MPC members. Central African companies BADICA and KARDIAM, which
authorities detained them from 1 March and had procured diamonds from the Central
opened investigations. Suspects had not African Republic despite a ban.
been brought to trial by the end of the year.
Between November and December, eight RIGHT TO AN ADEQUATE STANDARD OF
Anti-balaka members were sentenced in four LIVING
cases, in a court in the western town of The UN reported that nearly half the
Bouar, to up to 20 years’ imprisonment for population (2.4 million) needed humanitarian
crimes including criminal association, assistance, and 1.4 million were food
unlawful possession of homemade arms, insecure.
murder and theft. Others were sentenced in The health system collapsed due to the
their absence. conflict and the population depended almost
The Central African authorities failed to entirely on humanitarian organizations for
implement an asset freeze which was basic services. Escalating violence led
extended by the UN Security Council on 27 humanitarian organizations to temporarily
January until 31 January 2018 along with an withdraw staff from cities and villages.
arms embargo and travel ban. Several listed The UN said that about a third of the
individuals continued to collect their state population had access to safe drinking water
salaries. and adequate sanitation facilities.
Between April and December, the US
imposed financial sanctions including against

120 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

On 30 May a woman was abducted by Boko
CHAD Haram about 4km from Kaiga Kindjiria.
Similar attacks were reported in May and
Republic of Chad June in other areas including Bodou-Doloum
Head of state: Idriss Déby Itno in the Baga Sola sub-prefecture, which
Head of government: Albert Pahimi Padacké resulted in the killing of three people and the
abduction of three others.
The armed group Boko Haram continued to
commit abuses around Lake Chad. Chadian FREEDOM OF ASSEMBLY
authorities repeatedly banned peaceful During the year, the authorities banned at
assemblies and arrested and prosecuted least six peaceful assemblies, and those
human rights defenders, activists and organizing and participating in protests were
journalists, some of whom became arrested.
prisoners of conscience. The right to On 6 and 15 April respectively, Nadjo Kaina
freedom of association was violated with and Bertrand Solloh, leaders of the citizen
unlawful restrictions on the right to organize movement IYINA (“We are tired”), were
freely, including the criminalization of arrested by ANS agents for calling on citizens
certain citizens’ associations. More than to wear red on the anniversary of the 2016
408,000 refugees continued to live in dire presidential election as a protest against
conditions in camps including in Baga Sola. corruption and impunity. They were detained
by the ANS without access to their families or
BACKGROUND lawyers, before being handed over to the
Revisions to the Criminal Code were judicial police. They were charged with
promulgated by President Déby, repealing attempted conspiracy and organizing an
the death penalty except for “terrorism”, and unauthorized gathering and given a six-
increasing the minimum age for marriage to month suspended sentence. The two men
18 years. reported being tortured while in detention,
New powers, including the power to arrest, including by being suffocated with plastic
were provided to the National Security bags containing chili.
Agency (ANS). On 12 April, Dingamnayal Nely Versinis,
A severe economic crisis, following a sharp president of the organization Collectif
drop in the price of petrol in recent years, led Tchadien Contre la Vie Chère, was arrested
to austerity measures, public discontent and by ANS agents at the city hall in the capital,
strikes in sectors including health, education N’Djamena. He had called on traders at the
and justice. N’Djamena Millet Market to strike in protest
at an increase in market fees. He was
ABUSES BY ARMED GROUPS detained without access to his family or
The armed group Boko Haram continued to lawyer and charged with fraud and using a
kill, abduct and injure civilians, and to false identity, before being released on 27
destroy property. April by the Public Prosecutor on the grounds
On 5 May, Boko Haram members killed at that he had committed no offence.
least four civilians and burned 50 houses in
Kaiga Kindjiria. On the night of 25 May, a FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION
Boko Haram attack on Kirnatchoulma village, Certain social movements and civil society
in the west of Kaiga Kinjiria, resulted in at platforms were banned and the right to strike
least three people being killed and three was restricted in contravention of
wounded. On 26 and 27 May, Boko Haram international law.
carried out several attacks on the villages of The citizens’ movement IYINA remained
Konguia, Wangui and Kagrerom, in the area banned and, on 6 January, the Minister of
of Tchoukoutalia. Territorial Administration banned the activities

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 121

of the National Movement of Citizen conflict between herders and farmers in
Awakening (MECI), a movement bringing Doba. He was released the following day and
together civil society organizations, trade the prefect who ordered his arrest was
unions and political parties, describing it as removed from office.
“unnatural” and “without any legal basis”. On
27 May the police interrupted and banned PRISONERS OF CONSCIENCE
MECI’s General Assembly. The authorities continued to arrest and detain
The rights of trade unions were violated in journalists for doing their work and activists
response to the strike action they initiated and human rights defenders for exercising
from September 2016 to January 2017. They their freedoms of expression and opinion.
remained subject to a decree introduced in Online activist Tadjadine Mahamat Babouri
2016 limiting the right to strike, and their (also known as Mahadine), who was arrested
requests to protest were rejected. on 30 September 2016, remained in
In January the authorities interfered in the detention. He was arrested by ANS agents
internal affairs of the trade union after posting several videos on Facebook
representing researchers and university criticizing the government’s alleged
teachers, SYNECS, to force the removal of its mismanagement of public funds. He was
president and end its strike. The same later charged with undermining the
month, visas were denied to representatives constitutional order, threatening territorial
of the General Confederation of Labour, an integrity and national security, and
international partner of Chadian trade unions. collaborating with an insurrectional
movement. He reported that, while detained
FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION by the ANS, he was deprived of food and
Journalists critical of the government water for three days, electrocuted and
received threats and were subject to beaten.
surveillance, while defamation and contempt On 5 May, Maoundoe Decladore,
laws continued to be used in an attempt to spokesperson of the organization Ça doit
silence them. changer (“It must change”), was arrested at
Between 22 and 24 February, Eric night by four armed men in plain clothes in
Kokinagué, the Director of Publication of the Moundou. He was detained for 25 days
newspaper Tribune Info, received more than without any access to his family or lawyer, in
a dozen anonymous, threatening calls from what he believes was an ANS facility. He was
different numbers after he published an transferred to the judicial police on 30 May
article heavily critical of President Déby. On and charged with public disorder. Maoundoe
25 February, the columnist who wrote the Decladore was released on bail due to his
article, Daniel Ngadjadoum, was abducted by deteriorating health and was awaiting trial at
armed men, detained for up to 24 hours in the end of the year.
what he believes was an ANS facility, and On 20 June, Sylver Beindé Bassandé, a
forced to write a letter of apology to the journalist and director of community radio Al
President. Nada FM in Moundou, was sentenced to two
In June, Déli Sainzoumi Nestor, editor of the years in prison and fined XAF100,000
bi-monthly newspaper Eclairages, was (USD180) by the High Court of Moundou for
charged with defamation after Daoussa Déby complicity in contempt of court and
Itno, former minister and brother of President undermining judicial authority. He had been
Déby, filed a complaint about an article charged after airing a radio interview with a
alleging his involvement in fraud in the sugar municipal councillor, who had criticized
industry. judges after having been convicted with two
On 4 September, radio journalist Mbairaba other councillors in a separate proceeding.
Jean Paul was arrested and accused of Sylver Beindé Bassandé lodged an appeal
defamation after he reported on a communal and was released on bail on 19 July. On 26

122 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

September, the Court of Appeal overruled the against Mapuche Indigenous Peoples. The
decision by the High Court of Moundou, Anti-Terrorism Law was used against
sentencing Sylver Beindé Bassandé to Mapuche people, despite violating
complicity in defamation and fined him international standards on due process
XAF100,000 (USD180). He appealed to the guarantees. A law decriminalizing abortion
Supreme Court. in three specific circumstances entered into
force; abortion continued to be otherwise
More than 408,000 refugees from the Central BACKGROUND
African Republic, the Democratic Republic of Presidential and congressional elections were
the Congo, Nigeria and Sudan continued to held between November and December, and
live in poor conditions in refugee camps. Sebastián Piñera Echenique was elected
Insecurity caused by Boko Haram attacks President. The President-elect and new
and military operations resulted in the members of Congress were due to begin their
displacement of more than 174,000 people mandates in March 2018.
including at least 25,000 in 2017 alone.
In June, nearly 5,000 people fled a wave of REFUGEES’ AND MIGRANTS’ RIGHTS
Boko Haram attacks on villages around Kaiga Congress considered a bill proposed by the
Kindjiria and Tchoukoutalia, creating two new executive for a new immigration law.
sites for internally displaced people: Kengua The first 14 Syrian families (66 people)
(Kiskra canton, Fouli department) and Kane arrived in October under a resettlement
Ngouboua (Diameron). Since July, around programme announced in 2014.
6,700 people arrived in Baga Sola from Niger
after the withdrawal of Chadian troops from POLICE AND SECURITY FORCES
the country and in fear of attacks from Boko There were continuing reports of excessive
Haram. use of force by the police.
In June, police used tear gas in close
RIGHT TO FOOD proximity to a school in the Temucuicui
The Chadian military continued to impose Mapuche community where young children
restrictions on the movement of people and were attending class. The action was deemed
goods along the shores of Lake Chad, “proportionate” by the Supreme Court.
hampering the livelihoods of communities In November, a judge in Collipulli, Malleco
and heightening the risk of food insecurity. Province, opened an investigation against a
According to the UN, severe acute police officer for shooting 17-year-old
malnutrition increased from 2.1% to 3.4% in Brandon Hernández in December 2016; he
the region during the year. Countrywide, the received more than 100 pellet wounds in his
UN estimated that 2.8 million people were back. The hearing was rescheduled three
food insecure, including more than 380,000 times because the accused police officer did
people at crisis or emergency level. not appear in court.
The Supreme Court reopened the case of
Alex Lemún, who was shot and killed by a
CHILE police officer in Ercilla, Malleco Province in
2002. A military court had closed the case in
Republic of Chile 2004 without finding anyone responsible.
Head of state and government: Michelle Bachelet Jeria
Impunity for past and present human rights Victims of human rights violations during
violations remained a concern. Police Chile’s military regime continued to demand
continued to use excessive force, especially truth, justice and reparation. Although courts

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 123

had heard hundreds of cases, most of those acquittal were declared null and void. The
convicted did not serve prison sentences, trial was due to be repeated in 2018.
and many victims continued to lack access to The government and Attorney General’s
institutional mechanisms to demand Office also brought “terrorism” charges
reparation. against four Mapuche men for a fire that
Congress discussed a bill to make destroyed a church in the city of Padre las
information gathered by former truth Casas in June 2016. No one was hurt in the
commissions available to prosecutors and fire. The men were arrested, detained and
parties to relevant judicial proceedings. indicted on the day of the incident and
In May the government filed a bill before continued to be held in pre-trial detention at
Congress to establish a National Mechanism the end of 2017. After the four accused held
for the Prevention of Torture. a prolonged hunger strike, the government
filed a request for reclassification of the
INDIGENOUS PEOPLES’ RIGHTS crime. However, the prosecution decided to
In June the government announced the Plan continue pursuing terrorism charges.
for the Recognition and Development of In September the government implemented
Araucanía to promote Indigenous Peoples’ “Operation Hurricane”, arresting and
participation, economic development and charging eight people with conspiracy to
protection of victims of violence. commit terrorist acts in connection with
President Bachelet extended a formal burning and planning to burn dozens of
apology to the Mapuche People for “errors cargo vehicles. No one was hurt in these
and horrors” perpetrated by the state against incidents. The eight accused were held in
them. A bill was under discussion to create a pre-trial detention until October when the
Ministry of Indigenous Issues. Supreme Court declared their detention
As part of the process of developing a new unlawful and ordered their release, since the
Constitution, scheduled to be completed in judge had not sufficiently justified the need
2018, a consultation was conducted with for pre-trial detention. Investigation of the
Indigenous Peoples’ representatives. The alleged crimes was ongoing.
process was criticized by some
representatives for excluding some key issues HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS
brought forth by Indigenous Peoples. In April, Rodrigo Mundaca and other leaders
The Attorney General’s Office and the of the Movement for the Defence of Water,
government continued to misuse the Anti- Land and the Environment (MODATIMA) in
Terrorism Law to prosecute Mapuche people the province of Petorca received death
in violation of due process guarantees. In threats. An investigation was ongoing into the
2014, similar applications of the Anti- harassment and intimidation that
Terrorism Law against Mapuche activists MODATIMA’s leaders had been subjected to
were found by the Inter-American Court of for a number of years.
Human Rights − in Norín Catrimán et al v. In May the Temuco Public Prosecutor’s
Chile − to be in violation of the American Office announced the closure of the
Convention on Human Rights. investigation into the abduction and torture of
In October, 11 Mapuche people, including Víctor Queipul Hueiquil, a Mapuche lonko
Machi Francisca Linconao, who had been (traditional community authority) in the
charged with “terrorism” for a fire that killed Autonomous Community of Temucuicui in
landowners Werner Luchsinger and Vivian June 2016. He had been threatened with
Mackay in January 2013, were acquitted. death if he continued his work as a leader
The 11 defendants had been held in pre-trial and supporter of the Mapuche People. The
detention or under house arrest for 18 Public Prosecutor said that the investigation
months. Upon appeal by the Attorney could not proceed because Víctor Queipul
General’s Office in December, the trial and did not collaborate with the investigation. In

124 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

May, the National Human Rights Institute
filed a new lawsuit relating to the torture of
Víctor Queipul; the investigation for the
second case was ongoing. People’s Republic of China
Head of state: Xi Jinping
SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS Head of government: Li Keqiang
In September a law entered into force
decriminalizing abortion in three The government continued to draft and
circumstances: when the pregnancy poses a enact new laws under the guise of “national
risk to the life of the pregnant woman or girl; security” that presented serious threats to
when the foetus is not viable; or when human rights. Nobel Peace Prize laureate
pregnancy is a result of rape. It also Liu Xiaobo died in custody. Activists and
established the right to conscientious human rights defenders were detained,
objection for medical professionals and prosecuted and sentenced on the basis of
institutions who choose not to perform vague and overbroad charges such as
abortions even in those circumstances. “subverting state power” and “picking
Guidelines for the implementation of the law quarrels and provoking trouble”. Police
were approved in December. Abortion detained human rights defenders outside
continued to be criminalized in all other formal detention facilities, sometimes
circumstances. incommunicado, for long periods, which
posed additional risk of torture and other ill-
RIGHTS OF LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, treatment to the detainees. Controls on the
TRANSGENDER AND INTERSEX PEOPLE internet were strengthened. Repression of
In August a criminal case filed against a religious activities outside state-sanctioned
judge for allowing the change of name and churches increased. Repression conducted
gender markers for a transgender girl was under “anti-separatism” or “counter-
closed with all charges dropped. terrorism” campaigns remained particularly
In June the Senate approved the Gender severe in the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous
Identity Bill, which established the right of Region and Tibetan-populated areas.
people over the age of 18 to have their Freedom of expression in Hong Kong came
gender identity legally recognized by under attack as the government used vague
changing their name and gender markers on and overbroad charges to prosecute pro-
official documents through an administrative democracy activists.
process, without requiring gender
reassignment surgery or medical certification. LEGAL, CONSTITUTIONAL OR
The bill was pending before Congress at the INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENTS
end of the year. Sweeping national security-related laws and
In August the government filed a bill in the regulations continued to be drafted and
Senate establishing marriage and adoption enacted, giving greater powers to the
rights for same-sex couples in equality with authorities to silence dissent, censor
different-sex couples. information and harass and prosecute
human rights defenders.
On 1 January the foreign NGO management
law, whose provisions impeded independent
operations of registered NGOs, came into
effect. Foreign NGOs that had not yet
registered and continued to operate in China
could face a freeze on bank accounts,
sealing of venues, confiscation of assets,
suspension of activities and detention of staff.

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 125

In June, the National Intelligence Law was In November, writer and government critic
adopted and entered into force. These laws Yang Tongyan, who had spent nearly half his
were part of a national security legal life in detention, died shortly after his release
architecture introduced in 2014 − which also on medical parole.
included the Anti-espionage Law, Criminal Among the nearly 250 targeted individuals
Law Amendment (9), National Security Law, who were questioned or detained by state
Anti-terrorism Law and Cyber Security Law − security agents following the unprecedented
and presented serious threats to the government crackdown on human rights
protection of human rights. The National lawyers and other activists that started in July
Intelligence Law used similarly vague and 2015, nine were convicted of “subverting
overbroad concepts of national security, and state power”, “inciting subversion of state
granted effectively unchecked powers to power” or “picking quarrels and provoking
national intelligence institutions with unclear trouble”. Three people were given suspended
roles and responsibilities. All lacked sentences and one “exempted from criminal
safeguards to protect against arbitrary punishment” while remaining under
detention and to protect the right to privacy, surveillance and five remained imprisoned. In
freedom of expression and other human April, Beijing lawyer Li Heping, detained
rights.1 since the beginning of the crackdown, was
The draft Supervision Law, which opened given a three-year suspended prison
for consultation in November, would, if sentence for “subverting state power”. He
enacted as is, legalize a new form of arbitrary claimed that he was tortured during pre-trial
detention, named liuzhi, and create an detention, including being force-fed
extrajudicial system with far-reaching powers medicine. Yin Xu’an was sentenced in May to
with significant potential to infringe human three and a half years’ imprisonment. Wang
rights.2 Fang was sentenced in July to three years’
The authorities continued to use “residential imprisonment. Beijing lawyer Jiang Tianyong,
surveillance in a designated location”, a form who went missing in November 2016 and
of secret incommunicado detention that “confessed” at a trial in August to fabricating
allowed the police to hold individuals for up the torture account of lawyer Xie Yang by
to six months outside the formal detention Chinese police and attending overseas
system, without access to legal counsel of workshops to discuss changing China’s
their choice, their families or others, and political system, was sentenced in November
placed suspects at risk of torture and other to two years’ imprisonment for “inciting
ill-treatment. This form of detention was used subversion of state power”. Hu Shigen and
to curb the activities of human rights Zhou Shifeng, convicted in 2016, remained
defenders, including lawyers, activists and imprisoned. Beijing human rights lawyer
religious practitioners. Wang Quanzhang, held in incommunicado
detention since the beginning of the
HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS crackdown, was still awaiting trial at the end
On 13 July, Nobel Peace Prize laureate Liu of the year, charged with “subverting state
Xiaobo died in custody from liver cancer. The power”. In January, an interview transcript
authorities had refused a request from Liu with Xie Yang was published in which he said
Xiaobo and his family that he travel abroad to he faced torture and other ill-treatment
receive medical treatment.3 At the end of the during detention. Xie Yang was released on
year, his wife Liu Xia remained under bail without a verdict in May after his trial. On
surveillance and illegal “house arrest” which 26 December, the court announced his
had continued since Liu Xiaobo was awarded conviction on the charge of “inciting
the Nobel Peace Prize in 2010. At least 10 subversion of state power” but ruled that he
activists were detained for holding memorials was “exempt from criminal punishment”. He
for him. remained under surveillance.

126 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

In July, Beijing lawyer Wang Yu, whose Lawyer Li Yuhan was detained in October
detention on 9 July 2015 marked the and claimed she was tortured and ill-treated
beginning of the crackdown, wrote in an during detention.
article published online that she was ill-
treated during detention. She was released WORKERS’ RIGHTS
on bail in mid-2016 but remained under In May, labour activists Hua Haifeng, Li Zhao
close surveillance. Lawyers Li Shuyun, Ren and Su Heng were detained in Jiangxi
Quanniu and Li Chunfu, and activist Gou province while investigating work conditions
Hongguo, reported that they were drugged at Huajian shoe factories. The activists were
during detention.4 released on bail in June but remained under
In addition to the 250 targeted individuals, close surveillance.
activist Wu Gan, who worked in a law firm In July, a Guangzhou court sentenced
later targeted by the authorities in the labour activist Liu Shaoming to four and a
crackdown, was tried in August in a closed half years’ imprisonment for publishing his
hearing for “subverting state power” after reflections about joining the pro-democracy
nearly 27 months’ pre-trial detention. On 26 movement and becoming a member of
December, he was sentenced to eight years’ China’s first independent trade union in
imprisonment. 1989, and experiences during the 1989
In March, Guangdong activist Su Changlan Tiananmen crackdown.
was sentenced to three years’ imprisonment
for “inciting subversion of state power” for FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION – INTERNET
her online criticism of the Chinese Thousands of websites and social media
Communist Party and the Chinese socialist services remained blocked, including
system. She was detained in 2014 after Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. On 1 June,
expressing support for Hong Kong’s 2014 the Cybersecurity Law came into effect,
pro-democracy Umbrella Movement. She making it obligatory for internet companies
was released in October after serving the full operating in China to censor users’ content.
sentence but with health concerns In August, the Cyberspace Administration of
aggravated by poor conditions in detention. China and the Guangdong Provincial
On 19 March, Lee Ming-Cheh, manager of a Cyberspace Administration launched an
Taiwan NGO, was detained by state security investigation into internet service providers
officers when he entered mainland China Tencent’s WeChat, Sina Weibo and Baidu’s
from Macao. In September, he was tried in Tieba because their platforms contained user
Hunan Province for “subverting state power” accounts which “spread information that
and sentenced to five years’ imprisonment in endangers national security, public security
November.5 and social order, including violence and
At least 11 activists were detained in June terror, false information and rumours and
for commemorating the 1989 Tiananmen pornography”. In September, China’s
crackdown; most were accused of “picking dominant messaging service WeChat
quarrels and provoking trouble”. Li Xiaoling introduced new terms of service to collect a
and Shi Tingfu remained in detention, and wide range of personal information, and
Ding Yajun was sentenced to three years’ made data on its over 900 million users
imprisonment in September. available to the government.
In August, lawyer Gao Zhisheng went Huang Qi, co-founder of, a
missing from an isolated village in Shaanxi website that reports on and documents
province, where he had lived under tight protests in China, was accused of “leaking
surveillance since his release from prison in state secrets”. He was allowed to meet his
2014. The family later learned he was in lawyer only eight months after he was
authorities’ custody but his location and detained and claimed that he was ill-treated
condition remained unknown. in detention. At the end of 2017, 10

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 127

journalists of were in prison: DEATH PENALTY
Wang Jing, Zhang Jixin, Li Min, Sun Enwei, Li In March, the President of the Supreme
Chunhua, Wei Wenyuan, Xiao Jianfang, Li People’s Court announced that over the last
Zhaoxiu, Chen Mingyan and Wang Shurong. 10 years, since the Court regained the
Liu Feiyue, founder of human rights website authority to review and approve all death
Civil Rights and Livelihood Watch, was sentences, capital punishment “had been
detained in late 2016 and charged with strictly controlled and applied prudently” and
“inciting subversion of state power”. His only applied “to an extremely small number
lawyer said that the charge was mostly of criminals for extremely severe offences”.
related to opinions he had expressed publicly However, the government continued to
and posted on the website. conceal the true extent of the use of the
In August, Lu Yuyu, who documented death penalty, despite more than four
protests in China on Twitter and in a blog, decades of requests from UN bodies and the
was convicted of “picking quarrels and international community for more
provoking trouble” and sentenced to four information, and despite the Chinese
years’ imprisonment. authorities’ own pledges to bring about
In September, Zhen Jianghua, executive greater openness in the criminal justice
director of online platform Human Rights system.7
Campaign in China, was criminally detained
on suspicion of “inciting subversion of state TIBET AUTONOMOUS REGION AND
power” and later placed under residential TIBETAN-POPULATED AREAS IN OTHER
surveillance at a designated location. Police PROVINCES
confiscated numerous documents related to ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL RIGHTS
his website which contained reports from In June, in his report of a 2016 visit to China,
grassroots rights activists. the UN Special Rapporteur on extreme
poverty and human rights stated that while
FREEDOM OF RELIGION AND BELIEF achievements towards alleviating poverty
In June, the State Council passed the revised were generally “impressive”, the situation of
Regulations on Religious Affairs, to come into Tibetans and Uighurs was deeply
effect on 1 February 2018. It codified far- problematic, and “that most ethnic minorities
reaching state control over every aspect of in China are exposed to serious human rights
religious practice, and extended power to challenges, including significantly higher
authorities at all levels of the government to poverty rates, ethnic discrimination and
monitor, control and potentially punish forced relocation”.
religious practice. The revised law, which Tashi Wangchuk, a Tibetan education
emphasized national security with a goal of advocate, remained in detention awaiting trial
curbing “infiltration and extremism”, could at the end of the year, without access to his
be used to further suppress the right to family. He was taken away in early 2016 for
freedom of religion and belief, especially for giving an interview to the New York Times in
Tibetan Buddhists, Uighur Muslims and which he expressed fears about the gradual
unrecognized churches.6 extinction of the Tibetan language and
Falun Gong practitioners continued to be culture.
subjected to persecution, arbitrary detention, FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION
unfair trials and torture and other ill- Ethnic Tibetans continued to face
treatment. Chen Huixia remained detained discrimination and restrictions on their rights
since 2016 for suspicion of “using an evil cult to freedom of religion and belief, of opinion
to undermine law enforcement”. In May, her and expression, of peaceful assembly and of
trial was adjourned after her lawyer requested association.
the court exclude evidence extracted through At least six people set themselves on fire in
torture. Tibetan-populated areas during the year

128 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

in protest against repressive policies, bringing Islamic in origin, and required all children
the known number of self-immolations since under 16 with these names to change them.
February 2009 to 152. On 18 March, Pema In May, there were media reports that the
Gyaltsen set himself on fire in Ganzi (Tibetan: Chinese authorities in the XUAR had initiated
Kardze) Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in a policy to compel all Uighurs studying
Sichuan Province. Tibetan sources said that abroad to return to China. Six Uighurs who
he was believed to be alive when he was had studied in Turkey but had returned to
taken away by the police. His relatives were the XUAR were given prison sentences
detained and beaten when they approached ranging from 5 to 12 years on undefined
the authorities asking for his whereabouts. charges. In April, Chinese authorities
Tibetan NGOs abroad said that Lobsang detained relatives of several students in Egypt
Kunchok, a Tibetan monk detained after to coerce them to return home by May.
surviving a self-immolation attempt in 2011, Reports were received that some who
was released from prison in March.8 On 26 returned were tortured and imprisoned. In
December, Tibetan filmmaker Dhondup July, the Egyptian authorities began a
Wangchen was reunited with his family in the massive round-up of hundreds of Chinese
USA, almost 10 years after he was first nationals in Egypt, mainly Uighurs. Of these,
detained in China for making an independent at least 22 Uighurs were forcibly returned to
documentary about the views of ordinary China.
Tibetans ahead of the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Buzainafu Abudourexiti, a Uighur woman
who returned to China in 2015 after studying
XINJIANG UIGHUR AUTONOMOUS for two years in Egypt, was detained in March
REGION and sentenced in June to seven years’
Under the leadership of new regional imprisonment after a secret trial.9
Communist Party Secretary Chen Quanguo, In August, international media reported that
the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region education authorities had issued an order in
(XUAR) authorities put new emphasis on June in the largely Uighur-populated Hotan
“social stability” and increased security. Prefecture to ban the use of the Uighur
Media reports indicated that numerous language in schools, including for “collective
detention facilities were set up within the activities, public activities and management
XUAR, variously called “counter extremism work of the education system”. Media reports
centres”, “political study centres”, or stated that families across the region were
“education and transformation centres”, in required to hand copies of the Qur’an and
which people were arbitrarily detained for any other religious items to the authorities or
unspecified periods and forced to study risk punishment.
Chinese laws and policies.
extremification Regulation” that prohibits a REGION
wide range of behaviours labelled A series of actions taken throughout the year
“extremist”, such as spreading “extremist by the Hong Kong authorities increased
thought”, denigrating or refusing to watch concerns about whether freedom of
public radio and TV programmes, wearing expression and freedom of peaceful
burkas, having an “abnormal” beard, assembly were at risk.
resisting national policies, and publishing, In March, the founders of the Occupy
downloading, storing or reading articles, Central campaign – Benny Tai, Chan Kin-
publications or audio-visual materials man and Rev Chu Yiu-Ming – were charged
containing “extremist content”. with “public nuisance”-related offences,
In April, the government published a list of carrying a maximum penalty of seven years’
prohibited names, most of which were imprisonment, for their involvement in the
Umbrella Movement.

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 129

In July, the High Court disqualified four MACAO SPECIAL ADMINISTRATIVE
elected pro-democracy legislators − Nathan REGION
Law, Leung Kwok-hung, Lau Siu-lai and Yiu In August, the Macao government stopped
Chung-yim − for failing to meet the four Hong Kong journalists from entering
requirements specified in the National Macao to report on the destruction and
People’s Congress Standing Committee’s clean-up work of Typhoon Hato, which media
interpretation of the Hong Kong Basic Law reported caused 10 deaths. In December,
when they took their oaths of office in Macao’s legislature voted to suspend pro-
October 2016. democracy lawmaker Sulu Sou and to
In August, the Court of Appeal sentenced remove his legislative immunity. He was
Joshua Wong, Alex Chow and Nathan Law to elected in September and charged in
six, seven and eight months’ imprisonment November for taking part in a May 2016
respectively for their part in a student-led peaceful protest against Macao’s Chief
demonstration in September 2014 which Executive.
triggered the Umbrella Movement. Joshua
Wong and Alex Chow had been found guilty
1. China: Submission on the draft “National Intelligence Law” (ASA
in 2016 of “taking part in an unlawful 17/6412/2017)
assembly” and Nathan Law of “inciting 2. China: Submission on the draft “Supervision Law” (ASA
others to take part in an unlawful assembly”. 17/7553/2017)
A magistrates’ court originally ordered 3. Liu Xiaobo: A giant of human rights who leaves a lasting legacy for
community service or suspended sentences China and the world (Press release, 13 July)
but prosecutors successfully appealed, 4. Further information: China − lawyer on bail remains under tight
seeking harsher penalties.10 Joshua Wong surveillance: Xie Yang (ASA 17/6307/2017)
and Nathan Law were released on bail in 5. China: Taiwanese activist sentenced to five years in jail (Press
October and Alex Chow in November release)
pending their appeals. 6. Why China must scrap new laws that tighten the authorities’ grip on
The District Court sentenced seven police religious practice (News story, 31 August)

officers to two years’ imprisonment in 7. China’s deadly secrets (ASA 17/5849/2017)

February for assaulting protester Ken Tsang 8. China: Disclose the whereabouts of two Tibetans who attempted self-
during the Umbrella Movement protests. immolation (ASA 17/6098/2017)

After the sentencing, China’s state 9. China: Uighur woman incommunicado after secret trial – Buzainafu
mouthpieces initiated an orchestrated Abudourexiti (ASA 17/7168/2017)

campaign attacking Hong Kong’s judiciary. 10. Hong Kong: Freedom of expression under attack as scores of peaceful
protesters face “chilling” prosecutions (News story, 26 September)
Appeals were pending at year end.
In April, the Court of First Instance ruled that COLOMBIA
the government’s refusal to extend work
benefits to the same-sex husband of a civil Republic of Colombia
servant was discrimination based on sexual Head of state and government: Juan Manuel Santos
orientation. Calderón
In September, the Court of Appeal ruled that
the Immigration Department’s refusal to grant The civilian population, especially
a dependant visa to the same-sex civil Indigenous Peoples, Afro-descendant and
partner of a foreign professional on a work peasant farmer communities, and human
visa was discriminatory. The government rights defenders, continued to be the main
appealed against the decisions in both cases. victims of the ongoing armed conflict.
Although official figures indicated that
there was a decrease in the number of
civilians killed in military actions involving

130 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

the Revolutionary Armed Forces of UN Monitoring and Verification Mission in
Colombia (FARC) and the Colombian Colombia established by UN Security Council
security forces from the start of the resolution 2261 (2016). The process to verify
negotiations to signing of the Peace FARC disarmament, which was due to be
Agreement in 2016, the armed conflict completed in 180 days, began on 1 March.
persisted in 2017 and in some parts of the On 27 June, the process of surrendering of
country it seemed to have intensified. weapons by individuals ended, and on 15
Concerns remained about impunity for August the process of removing arms and
crimes committed during the armed munitions from the 26 FARC camps was
conflict. Security forces used excessive completed. In accordance with the Peace
force, sometimes causing civilian deaths. Agreement, the UN Security Council adopted
Violence against women, particularly sexual resolution 2377 (2017) approving a second
violence, persisted. verification mission on the political, economic
and social reintegration of FARC members,
INTERNAL ARMED CONFLICT which commenced on 26 September.
PEACE PROCESS Despite the stipulations in the “Ethnic
On 11 October, the Constitutional Court gave Chapter” of the Peace Agreement, there were
backing to the Peace Agreement signed by complaints about the lack of guarantees for
the Colombian government and the FARC the effective participation of Indigenous
guerrilla group on 24 November 2016. Peoples and Afro-descendant communities in
However, at the end of 2017 legislation had the implementation of the Agreement. On 21
yet to be implemented for most of the points September, members of the Permanent
in the Peace Agreement. Bureau for Co-ordination with Indigenous
During separate negotiations in Quito, Peoples and Organizations declared
Ecuador, between the National Liberation themselves to be in a state of emergency and
Army (ELN) guerrilla group and the permanent assembly to demand that the
Colombian government, the parties declared provisions of the Peace Agreement be fully
on 4 September that a bilateral ceasefire complied with.
would take effect from 1 October until early CIVILIAN VICTIMS OF THE ARMED CONFLICT
2018. The ceasefire was declared in principle The Unit for the Victims’ Assistance and
for a period of four months, after which the Reparation, created in 2011 by Law 1148,
Colombian government and the ELN would recorded a total 8,532,636 victims for the
begin to discuss a possible peace agreement. five-decade duration of the armed conflict.
However, from October there were various This included 363,374 victims of threats,
reports of ELN attacks against civilians in 22,915 victims of sexual offences, 167,809
contradiction of the ceasefire agreement. victims of enforced disappearance,
ELN acknowledged one such attack: the 7,265,072 victims of forced displacement
killing of Aulio Isaramá Forastero, an and 11,140 victims of anti-personnel mines.
Indigenous leader from Chocó, by ELN Crimes against 31,047 victims of the armed
members on 24 October. Civil society conflict were recorded for the first time
organizations in the Department of Chocó between January and October 2017.
issued a call for a “Humanitarian Agreement In the departments of Chocó, Cauca,
Now”, directed at the national government Antioquia and Norte de Santander, among
and the ELN guerrillas, in order to implement others, crimes under international law and
concrete humanitarian actions to stop ethnic human rights violations persisted, including
communities in Chocó continuing to be put at targeted killings of members of Afro-
risk by confrontations in their territories. descendant communities and Indigenous
Between 28 January and 18 February, Peoples, collective forced displacements, the
6,803 FARC guerrillas moved into 26 forced confinement of communities within
demobilization zones with the support of the their territories (limiting their freedom of

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 131

movement and access to essential services Dios, in the Cacarica River Basin, department
and food), the forced recruitment of children, of Chocó, searching for several people said to
sexual violence, and the use of anti- be on a “death list”.2 On 6 March, a
personnel mines. paramilitary incursion was reported in the
Despite the signing of the Peace town of Peña Azul, municipality of Alto
Agreement, the armed conflict intensified in Baudó, Chocó, which resulted in the large-
some areas of Colombia as a result of armed scale displacement of families and the forced
confrontations between ELN guerrillas, confinement of many people within their
paramilitary groups and state forces seeking communities near Peña Azul.3 On 18 April,
to fill the power vacuum left by the residents of Puerto Lleras in the Jiguamiandó
demobilized FARC guerrillas. On 27 collective territory, Chocó, reported that they
November, 13 people were killed as a result had received threats and that there had been
of a confrontation between FARC dissidents a paramilitary incursion into the
and ELN members in Magüí Payán Nariño Humanitarian Zone of Pueblo Nuevo that put
department. There were complaints about all the inhabitants at risk.4
the weak state presence in areas that were Indigenous Peoples and Afro-Colombian
historically controlled by the FARC, which communities continued to be at risk from
facilitated incursions and control by other anti-personnel mines on their territory; the
illegal armed groups, putting Afro- laying of such mines is a grave violation of
descendant and peasant farmer communities international humanitarian law. On 11 July,
and Indigenous Peoples at risk. Sebastián Carpio Maheche, from the
Paramilitary structures continued to operate Wounaan Indigenous community of Juuin
in various parts of the country, despite their Duur in the Embera Wounaan Katio de
supposed demobilization under the terms of Quiparadó Reserve in the municipality of
Law 975, passed in 2005. There were reports Riosucio, Chocó, was injured by an exploding
of paramilitary attacks and threats against anti-personnel mine.5
leaders of the Peace Community of San José Clashes between ELN guerrillas, the security
de Apartadó in the department of Antioquia.1 forces and paramilitary groups put
On 29 December, armed men attempted to Indigenous Peoples and Afro-Colombian
kill Germán Graciano Posso, the legal communities at serious risk.6 According to the
representative of the community. Other National Indigenous Organization of
community members disarmed them, but Colombia, between 1 November 2016 and
were injured in the process. The Peace 31 July 2017, 3,490 Indigenous people were
Community had sought to distance itself from victims of mass forced displacements, 827
the armed conflict by formally refusing to were subjected to forced confinement, 115
allow state security forces, guerrilla groups or received threats and 30 were killed, including
paramilitary groups to enter their territory. community leaders.
Despite their efforts to remain neutral, people The ELN abducted two Dutch journalists on
living in San José de Apartadó continued to 19 June in the area of El Tarra, Norte de
be victims of attacks, torture, sexual abuse Santander. Both were released on 24 June.
and forced displacement at the hands of all According to the Office of the
parties to the conflict. Ombudsperson, hostage-taking by ELN
There were reports of paramilitary guerrillas continued.
incursions in the department of Chocó, in REPARATION FOR VICTIMS
northwestern Colombia, particularly affecting Point 5 of the Peace Agreement created the
Afro-descendant communities and “Truth, Justice, Reparation and Non-
Indigenous Peoples. On 8 February, a group repetition System”, which included the
of paramilitaries belonging to the Gaitanista Special Jurisdiction for Peace and judicial
Self-Defence Forces entered the mechanisms such as a unit for investigating
Humanitarian Zone of Nueva Esperanza en and dismantling the criminal organizations

132 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

that succeeded paramilitarism. Point 5 also with the FARC. Police, army and navy officers
defined the position regarding reparations for were present in the area. Protesters reported
the victims of the armed conflict. In this that tear gas was used against peaceful
context, victims of the armed conflict demonstrators. The Ombudsperson reported
demanded guarantees of access to justice, as that approximately 205 children as well as 10
well as guarantees of the right to truth and pregnant women and 19 elderly people
reparation and, especially, of non-repetition suffered health complications as a result. In
of abuses such as forced displacement and total, health problems as a result of exposure
sexual violence, for Indigenous, Afro- to tear gas were reported by 313 people, and
descendant and peasant farmer communities 16 people sustained gunshot injuries or
at risk. These demands had yet to be met, trauma from blunt objects. The “Civic Strike”
and the long-term viability of the Peace ended on 7 June.
Agreement was threatened due to the One Indigenous man, Felipe Castro Basto,
perpetrators of crimes under international was reported to have died in the municipality
law, including war crimes, crimes against of Corinto, in the North of Cauca, when
humanity and human rights abuses not being ESMAD opened fire on a demonstration by
brought to justice. 200 Indigenous people.
In April Legislative Act No.1 of 2017 was The Association of Community Councils
adopted, to ensure Congress would pass Mira, Nulpe and Mataje (Asominuma)
legislation implementing Point 5 of the Peace reported that, on 5 October, security forces
Agreement. One of its provisions provided for killed nine peasant farmers by
the separate – and privileged – treatment of indiscriminately firing at a peaceful
state agents before the law, to the detriment demonstration in Tumaco (Nariño).
of the rights of victims of crimes by the state
in the context of the armed conflict. The law HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS
also provided for the possibility that the state Human rights defenders continued to be the
would not pursue criminal prosecutions in victims of threats and targeted killings. The
certain cases – although how this would be Office of the UN High Commissioner for
implemented was not clear – potentially Human Rights reported that at least 105
breaching the obligation of the state to human rights defenders were killed in
investigate, prosecute and punish grave Colombia during the year. There was
violations of human rights, undermining the continuing concern over the increase in the
rights of victims to truth and full reparation. number of attacks against defenders,
On 27 November, Congress approved the especially community leaders; defenders of
Special Jurisdiction for Peace. land, territory and the environment; and
those campaigning in favour of the signing of
POLICE AND SECURITY FORCES the Final Agreement with the FARC. There
There were allegations of deliberate killings continued to be an alarming rate of attacks
by state forces and allegations of excessive against defenders of the rights of Indigenous
use of force by the Mobile Anti-Riot Squad and Afro-descendant people, peasant
(ESMAD) during protests in Chocó, Valle del farmers and women, calling into question the
Cauca, Cauca and Catatumbo. implementation of the Peace Agreement.
Inhabitants of Buenaventura on the Pacific According to the organization Somos
coast reported police repression of peaceful Defensores, the number of killings of
demonstrations which were part of the “Civic defenders increased by 31% in the first half
Strike” declared on 16 May to demand that of the year compared to the same period in
the Colombian government guarantee 2016. The killings of women exercising any
economic, social and cultural rights and the kind of leadership role increased compared
right of the city’s inhabitants to participate in to 2016, with seven such killings occurring in
the implementation of the Peace Agreement the first six months of 2017. 

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 133

There were reports of killings of Afro- by women’s organizations of serious cases of
descendant leaders. On 8 June, Afro- sexual violence perpetrated during the year.
descendant human rights defender Bernardo According to the organization Sisma Mujer,
Cuero Bravo of the National Association of between 1 January 2016 and 31 July 2017,
Displaced Afro-Colombians in Malambo, the Ombudsperson issued 51 statements
Atlántico, was killed. He had been threatened warning of the risk of sexual violence,
and attacked many times on account of his including six reports and notes associated
work for the community and as a defender of with women defenders/leaders, in which he
those who had been forcibly displaced. highlighted the extraordinary risks faced by
Despite his repeated requests, he had not women leaders and human rights defenders.
been granted any protection measures by the Due to weak protection mechanisms, there
National Protection Unit. was a heightened risk of gender-based
In November and December, two land violence, particularly domestic violence
claimant leaders from collective Afro- against women, in the context of the
descendant territories were killed by transition towards peace. Official figures
paramilitaries from the Gaitanistas Self- recognized that following the demobilization
Defence Forces of Colombia. There were of the United Self-Defence Forces of
reports of at least 25 other leaders being Colombia (AUC) in 2005 there was a 28%
threatened by paramilitaries in these areas increase in cases of sexual violence in the
during the year. communities where ex-combatants from the
Many death threats against human rights AUC were reintegrated. However, the
defenders and other activists were attributed government had yet to implement
to paramilitary groups, but in most cases of mechanisms for prevention and for ensuring
killings it was difficult to identify which groups care, assistance, protection and access to
were responsible. However, the nature of the justice for women survivors of sexual
work carried out by the victims, many of violence, notably in communities where
whom were community leaders or land and FARC guerillas were to be reintegrated during
environmental rights activists, suggested that the year. There were also weaknesses in
several of them may have been killed mechanisms to ensure that survivors of
because of their human rights work. sexual violence are heard and can participate
Moreover, it appeared that denouncing equally in all bodies responsible for
abuses was perceived as a threat by regional implementing the Peace Agreement.
and local economic and political interests, as
well as by various armed groups, including
1. Colombia: Paramilitary build-up in peace community (AMR
paramilitaries.7 23/5614/2017); Colombia: Spike in attacks against peace community
shows conflict still alive (News story, 21 March)
VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND GIRLS 2. Colombia: Paramilitary incursion in humanitarian zone (AMR
The efforts of women’s organizations ensured 23/5685/2017)
that the Peace Agreement established that 3. Colombia: Over 300 displaced due to paramilitary incursion (AMR
people suspected of committing crimes of 23/5826/2017)

sexual violence would be required to appear 4. Colombia: Further information: Continued paramilitary presence in
Chocó (AMR 23/6082/2017)
before transitional justice tribunals. In
addition, the Agreement confirmed that such 5. Colombia: Wounaan Indigenous community in danger (AMR
crimes would not be subject to amnesties or
pardons, although human rights groups had 6. Colombia: Recent collective displacements and violence indicate the
lack of non-repetition guarantees for Chocó’s Indigenous Peoples and
serious reservations as to whether this Afro-Colombian communities (AMR 23/6946/2017)
provision would be genuinely implemented.
7. The human rights situation in Colombia – Amnesty International’s
Official statistics showed no progress in written statement to the 34th Session of the UN Human Rights
access to justice for women survivors of Council (27 February-24 March 2017) (AMR 23/5573/2017)
sexual violence, despite repeated allegations

134 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

Conditions, and the United Forces for
CONGO (REPUBLIC Freedom and Democracy. The organizations
had intended, during the demonstration, to
OF THE) give the Prime Minister a letter raising
concerns about the human rights situation.
The right to freedom of expression was
Republic of the Congo
Head of state: Denis Sassou Nguesso restricted. On 11 January, Ghys Fortuné
Head of government: Clément Mouamba Dombé Bemba, editor of the Talassa
newspaper, was summoned by the judicial
Dozens of political opponents remained in police in connection with charges of
detention; some were prisoners of “complicity in undermining state security”.
conscience. There were no investigations This followed his publishing a statement by
into allegations of torture and other ill- Reverend Ntumi, leader of the “Ninjas”, an
treatment by security forces and prison armed group operating in the Pool
guards. Armed conflict between security department.
forces and armed groups continued in Pool; PRISONERS OF CONSCIENCE
around 81,000 internally displaced people In November Paulin Makaya completed a
(IDPs) from the area continued to live in two-year prison sentence for participating in
appalling conditions; and the rate of acute an unauthorized protest. However, he
malnutrition reached alarming levels. remained in prison at the end of the year as a
result of additional charges brought against
BACKGROUND him on 6 January 2017 which included
The government conducted military “undermining national security, complicity in
operations, including air strikes, in the a plan to escape from detention, and
southeastern department of Pool. complicity in the unlawful possession of arms
Government restrictions and the continuing and munitions of war”. The charges related
armed conflict limited access to the area. to a shooting in Brazzaville central prison in
The Congolese Labour Party won 90 of the December 2016 in which, according to
151 National Assembly seats in legislative witnesses, he played no part.
elections in July while elections in Pool had POLITICAL PRISONERS
been postponed indefinitely due to the Little progress was made in judicial
conflict. On 23 December, the government proceedings involving opposition leaders and
and armed groups led by Frédéric Bintsamou members detained since 2015 for opposing
(also known as Reverend Ntumi) signed up changes to the Constitution, or the
to a ceasefire in Pool. presidential election results.
On 31 March, the Republic of the Congo The opposition Initiative for Democracy in
ratified the International Convention on the the Republic of Congo – Republican Front for
Protection of the Rights of All Migrant the Respect of Constitutional Order and
Workers and Members of Their Families. Democratic Change (FROCAD-IDC) – said
that over 100 political prisoners remained in
FREEDOMS OF ASSEMBLY AND detention in Brazzaville central prison at the
EXPRESSION end of the year. Local human rights
The authorities used restrictive legislation, organizations compiled a list of names of 90
relating to public gatherings and assemblies, political prisoners held during the year. They
to curtail the right to freedom of assembly. On included opposition leaders Okouya Rigobert
23 March, the Prefect of Brazzaville, the of the Convention for Action, Democracy and
capital, rejected a request to hold a peaceful Development (CADD); Jean-Marie Michel
demonstration from the Congolese Mokoko, a presidential candidate and retired
Observatory of Human Rights, the army general; and Jean Ngouabi, a member
Association for Human Rights and Prison of the latter’s campaign team. In January,

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 135

André Okombi Salissa, former member of the grounds, in public buildings, or in
National Assembly and president of CADD, overcrowded makeshift sites.
was arrested and detained at the General
Directorate of Territorial Surveillance after REFUGEES AND ASYLUM-SEEKERS
spending almost a year in hiding. The refugee status of around 10,000
Also in January, Noël Mienanzambi Boyi, Rwandan refugees expired on 31 December,
president of the Association for the Culture of under the Cessation Clause for Rwandan
Peace and Non-Violence and a broadcaster refugees, on the grounds that Rwanda was a
for a community radio station, was arrested in safe country. Some of the refugees may be
Kinkala, the main town in Pool. The permitted to choose between voluntary
authorities claimed that he was transporting repatriation and residency in their host
medicine and food to Reverend Ntumi, and countries, or otherwise retain their refugee
charged him with “complicity in undermining status if they fulfill certain criteria.
state security”. Local NGOs said that he was
arrested after he agreed to organize RIGHT TO FOOD
mediation between the authorities and According to the UN, 138,000 people in Pool
Reverend Ntumi on the government’s required humanitarian assistance, and over
request. They also alleged that he was 50% of families were food insecure.
tortured in various detention centres before Global Acute Malnutrition − the
being transferred to Brazzaville central prison measurement of the nutritional status of
in June where he remained at the end of the those in long-term refugee situations –
year. affected between 17.3 and 20.4% of IDP
children aged under five who fled from Pool.
Several cases of torture and other ill-
treatment by security services were reported.
No investigations or judicial proceedings into
these allegations were conducted by the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire
authorities. Head of state: Alassane Dramane Ouattara
On 24 January, Modeste Boukadia, Head of government: Amadou Gon Coulibaly (replaced
president of the opposition Congolese Circle Daniel Kablan Duncan in January)
of Democrats and Republicans, was admitted
to Clinique Guénin in Pointe Noire city as a Around 200 detainees, loyal to former
result of injuries he sustained when prison President Laurent Gbagbo, awaited trial in
guards beat him at Pointe Noire prison in connection with post-electoral violence in
November 2016. The beating resulted in two 2010 and 2011. Killings in the context of
fractured bones, and caused him to have mutinies and clashes between demobilized
high blood pressure and a heart condition. soldiers and security forces were
uninvestigated. The rights to freedom of
INTERNALLY DISPLACED PEOPLE expression, association and peaceful
Following fighting between government forces assembly were restricted; some protests
and the Ninjas armed group, around a third were prohibited. Simone Gbagbo, wife of
of residents in Pool fled their homes. An former President Gbagbo, was acquitted of
estimated 81,000 people were IDPs; 59,000 crimes against humanity and war crimes.
of them were registered displaced in 2017. The ICC tried Laurent Gbagbo and Charles
IDPs were in dire need of shelter, food, water, Blé Goudé.
basic health services and adequate
sanitation. They were forced to live with BACKGROUND
families in host communities, on church The UN Operation in Côte d’Ivoire (UNOCI)
concluded its mission in June, 13 years after

136 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

its establishment by the UN Security Council. One student said the police arrested her with
The UN Independent Expert praised Côte her friends in her room, and beat her. Some
d’Ivoire’s gradual progress towards national of those arrested had thrown stones at the
reconciliation and stability which, he warned, police, but others were peaceful. All were
was fragile given the unrest in January. charged with disruption of public order and
The government launched an investigation, provisionally released after 20 days.
supported by UN investigators, into the
discovery of an arms cache in a house owned IMPUNITY
by a close aide of the President of the People suspected of supporting former
National Assembly. President Gbagbo were tried for human rights
In July, there were several attacks by armed violations committed during and after the
groups. Three soldiers were killed when 2010 election. In contrast, none of President
armed men attacked a military camp in Ouattara’s supporters were arrested or tried
Korhogo in the north. in connection with human rights violations.
In May Simone Gbagbo was acquitted of
FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION crimes against humanity and war crimes by
Legislation which contained provisions that the Assize Court of Abidjan. Victims of
curtailed the right to freedom of expression, human rights violations were denied their
including in relation to defamation, offending legal right to participate in the hearing. New
the President and disseminating false news, lawyers, appointed by the head of the bar
was adopted. after her lawyers withdrew in 2016, also
In February, six journalists were detained for pulled out in March saying the Court was
two days in the city of Abidjan, accused of irregularly constituted because a judge was
divulging false information on army mutinies. appointed after the trial had begun.
They were not charged but continued to be Around 200 supporters of Laurent Gbagbo,
summoned by authorities for questioning. arrested since 2011 for crimes allegedly
In August, two Le Quotidien journalists were committed during the post-electoral violence,
arrested over an article they wrote about the were still detained awaiting trial. Two of them
National Assembly President’s finances. − Assi Jean Kouatchi and Bonfils Todé – died
in custody in 2017.
FREEDOMS OF ASSOCIATION AND Some detainees were provisionally released
ASSEMBLY and awaited trial. They included Antoinette
In February, the police used tear gas and Meho, a member of civil society organization
rubber bullets to repress a peaceful protest Solidarité Wé, released in May. She was
by cocoa planters and National Agricultural charged with undermining state security. In
Union members in Abidjan. December Hubert Oulaye, a former minister
In July, demobilized soldiers held peaceful who was provisionally released in June, and
protests in Bouaké city calling on the Maurice Djire, were sentenced to 20 years in
government to deliver on promises made prison for the murder of, and complicity in
after protests in May (see below). Amadou the murder of, UN soldiers in 2012. Despite
Ouattara, Mégbè Diomandé and Lassina defence lawyers’ requests, the court did not
Doumbia, members of “Cellule 39” (an provide testimonies from two prosecution
association of demobilized soldiers), were witnesses during their trial.
arrested and charged with public disorder In July, Adou Assoa, another former
and organizing an unauthorized protest. minister was sentenced to four years’
At least 40 students were arrested in imprisonment for public disorder but cleared
September after FESCI (Fédération of charges of undermining state security.
estudiantine et scolaire de Côte d’Ivoire) David Samba, opposition activist and
organized protests across the country against president of the NGO Coalition des Indignés
police violence and increased university fees. de Côte d’Ivoire, completed his six-month

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 137

sentence for public disorder in March 2016. where 540,000 litres of toxic waste were
Prior to completing that sentence, he was dumped in Abidjan in 2006. The waste had
charged with a new offence of undermining been produced by the company Trafigura.
state security in relation to an attempted The authorities had still not assessed the
uprising in Dabou in 2015 and was held long-term health risks to individuals of
pending trial at the end of the year. exposure to the chemicals in the waste or
MUTINIES monitored victims’ health. Compensation
At least 10 people were killed and dozens claims against the company continued
wounded in mutinies and clashes between although many had not received payments.
the security forces and demobilized soldiers.
Four people were killed between 12 and 14
May during a mutiny in Bouaké which spread
to other cities. It was led by soldiers who had
been integrated into the army in 2011 and Republic of Croatia
were demanding the payment of bonuses. On Head of state: Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović
13 May a group of mutineers went to the Head of government: Andrej Plenković
office of “Cellule 39” and shot at them, in
response to “Cellule 39” condemning the Discrimination against ethnic and sexual
munity. Issoufou Diawara was killed after he minorities persisted. Refugees and migrants
was shot in the back, and several were entering irregularly were returned without
wounded. The violence ended when the access to an effective asylum process.
government agreed to meet the mutineers’ Croatia accepted less than a 10th of the
payment demands. refugees and asylum-seekers it had
On 22 May, four demobilized soldiers were committed to relocate and resettle under
killed in clashes with police when they held EU schemes. Access to abortion remained
protests calling for an agreement equivalent restricted.
to the one obtained by the mutineers. They
said they were unarmed when police fired on CRIMES UNDER INTERNATIONAL LAW
them. (The demobilized soldiers were former Of the over 6,000 people who went missing
members of armed groups who fought on the during the 1991-1995 war, the fate and
side of President Ouattara during the whereabouts of more than 1,500 remained
2010-2011 election violence.) unclarified. The International Commission on
There was no indication that suspected Missing Persons reported that Croatia failed
perpetrators, including security forces, would to make significant steps towards fulfilling the
be brought to justice for human rights rights to truth, justice and reparation for
violations by the end of the year. victims, including by failing to account for
over 900 unidentified mortal remains in its
The ICC trial of Laurent Gbagbo and Charles
Blé Goudé for crimes against humanity, DISCRIMINATION
including murder and rape during the post- Discrimination against ethnic and sexual
electoral violence, continued. In July, the ICC minorities remained widespread.
Appeals Chamber ordered the Trial Chamber Civil society organizations criticized new
to review its ruling to deny Laurent Gbagbo’s government proposals for a national strategy
provisional release. and action plan to fight discrimination that
were presented in March. The policies
CORPORATE ACCOUNTABILITY subsequently adopted by the government in
The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) December failed to reflect and adequately
delayed until 2018 the publication of its address human rights violations faced by
assessment of lasting pollution at the 18 sites Serbs, Roma and sexual minorities.

138 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

In February, the European Court of Human Unaccompanied minors represented a
Rights found in Škorjanec v. Croatia that the quarter of all asylum-seekers in the country.
authorities had failed to guarantee the By the end of the year, fewer than 200
applicant’s right to be free from torture and asylum-seekers had been granted
other inhuman or degrading treatment by international protection.
failing to adequately investigate and Croatia committed to accept 1,600 refugees
prosecute the racist motives of the assailants and asylum-seekers under the EU
who violently attacked and beat the applicant resettlement and relocation schemes by the
and her partner, who is Roma, in 2013. end of the year; by mid-November, fewer
than 100 people had been relocated, and
REFUGEES AND ASYLUM-SEEKERS none had been resettled.
Croatia continued to return to Serbia refugees In June, amendments introduced to the Law
and migrants who entered the country on Foreigners forbade the provision of
irregularly, without granting them access to assistance in accessing basic needs, such as
an effective asylum process. These push- housing, health, sanitation or food, to foreign
backs by police, sometimes from deep inside nationals irregularly residing in Croatia,
Croatian territory, routinely involved coercion, except in cases of medical and humanitarian
intimidation, confiscation or destruction of emergencies or life-threatening situations.
private valuables and the disproportionate
use of force by the police. VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND GIRLS
In July, the Court of Justice of the European The criminal justice system continued to fail
Union ruled that Croatia had acted against many victims of domestic abuse by routinely
the rules of the Dublin Regulation (which treating abuse as a minor offence.
defines which EU member state has the In June, the European Court of Human
obligation to evaluate the asylum claims) by Rights found in Ž.B. v. Croatia that the
allowing transit for refugees and migrants authorities violated the right to respect for
through the country in 2015 without private and family life of a victim of multiple
examining applications for international instances of domestic violence. The
protection. authorities had failed to criminally prosecute
The NGO Centre for Peace Studies the alleged perpetrator and establish the
documented that between January and April, facts, suggesting that the victim should have
at least 30 asylum applications – including acted by herself as a subsidiary prosecutor
those from families with children – had been and pursued private prosecution.
dismissed on the grounds of “security Croatia had yet to ratify the Council of
concerns” during a routine security check Europe Convention on preventing and
carried out by the Security and Intelligence combating violence against women and
Agency as part of the asylum process. The domestic violence.
notes of these applications were marked as
“classified” and could not be seen and thus RIGHT TO HEALTH
could not be rebutted or challenged on In April, the UN Special Rapporteur on the
appeal by those seeking asylum or their legal right of everyone to the enjoyment of the
representatives. Cases with classified notes highest attainable standard of physical and
led to an automatic rejection by the Ministry mental health noted with concern the
of Interior. Subsequently, the failed asylum- renewed and pending revision of the 1978
seekers were at risk of expulsion from the Act on Health Care Measures for Exercising
country and at heightened risk of refoulement the Right to a Free Decision on Giving Birth,
– a measure forcing an individual to return to which could potentially restrict access to
a country where they would risk serious abortion. Individual doctors, and in some
human rights violations. cases health care institutions, continued to
refuse abortions on grounds of conscience,

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 139

forcing women to undergo clandestine and economic embargo on Cuba, which
unsafe abortions. In March, the Constitutional continued to undermine economic, social
Court ruled against a challenge seeking the and cultural rights.
1978 Act to be declared unconstitutional and At least 12 lawyers from the human rights
called on the national assembly to refrain organization Cubalex received asylum in the
from adopting any laws which would USA after being harassed, intimidated and
effectively ban abortions. In pharmacies, threatened with imprisonment for their
women and girls continued to be assessed peaceful human rights work.
against a questionnaire for which they had to Cuba had not ratified the ICCPR or the
reveal personal information about their sexual ICESCR, both of which it signed in February
behaviour and reproductive health as a 2008, nor the Rome Statute of the ICC.
condition of accessing emergency In December the government announced
contraceptives that were available without that President Raúl Castro would step down
prescription, in violation of their right to in April 2018.
Roma children and women continued to be ARBITRARY ARRESTS AND DETENTIONS
disadvantaged in accessing health care, and Human rights and political activists continued
one fifth of this group lacked access to it to be harassed, intimidated and arbitrarily
altogether. detained in high numbers. The Cuban
Commission for Human Rights and National
Reconciliation, a Cuban NGO not officially
CUBA recognized by the state, recorded 5,155
arbitrary detentions in 2017, compared to
Republic of Cuba 9,940 in 2016.
Head of state and government: Raúl Castro Ruz The Ladies in White, a group of female
relatives of prisoners detained on politically
Arbitrary detentions, discriminatory motivated grounds, remained one of the
dismissals from state jobs, and harassment primary targets of repression by the
in self-employment continued to be used to authorities. During detention, the women
silence criticism. Advances in education were often beaten by law enforcement
were undermined by ongoing online and officials and state security agents dressed as
offline censorship. Cuba remained mostly civilians.
closed to independent human rights In January, Danilo Maldonado Machado,
monitors. known as El Sexto, was released from a
maximum security prison. He had been
BACKGROUND arrested in November 2016, hours after the
Lifting of travel restrictions on Cubans in announcement of Fidel Castro’s death, for
2013, removal of limits on receiving having written Se fue (“He’s gone”) on a wall
remittances, and the draw of visa-free in the capital, Havana.1
countries continued to be important push In August, Yulier Perez, a graffiti artist
factors for emigration. Cubans continued to known for painting dilapidated walls in
leave in large numbers, despite the country’s Havana, was arbitrarily detained after months
changing international diplomacy, pushed by of intimidation and harassment from the
exceptionally low salaries and a tight web of authorities for freely expressing himself
control on freedom of expression. through his art.2
In June, the administration of US President
Donald Trump made an almost complete PRISONERS OF CONSCIENCE
reversal of the USA’s political rhetoric towards The leader of the pro-democracy Christian
Cuba. This reduced the chance of US Liberation Movement, Dr Eduardo Cardet
Congress passing legislation to lift the Concepción, remained in prison having been

140 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

handed a three-year sentence in March for lawyers limited effective recourse through the
publicly criticizing Fidel Castro.3 courts.
A family of four human rights defenders
were detained in Holguín, southeast Cuba, RIGHT TO EDUCATION
for allegedly leaving their house during the Undue restrictions in access to information
period of state mourning for Fidel Castro in and freedom of expression online followed
2016. The three siblings were given one-year decades of offline censorship, undermining
prison sentences for “defamation of Cuba’s advances in education.
institutions, organizations and heroes and Between May and mid-June, the Open
martyrs of the Republic of Cuba” and “public Observatory of Network Interference
disorder”.4 Their mother was sentenced to conducted testing on a sample of websites in
house arrest. On 2 April, after a prolonged Cuba and found 41 sites blocked by the
hunger strike, the three siblings were freed authorities. All the blocked sites expressed
under conditional release, but they continued criticism of the Cuban government, reported
to be intimidated by the authorities. on human rights issues, or discussed
Jorge Cervantes, a member of the political techniques to bypass censorship.
opposition group Patriotic Union of Cuba While the government continued to expand
(UNPACU), was detained for approximately access to the internet, it prioritized access to
three months between May and August. the highly censored, government-curated
Weeks before, UNPACU had published on its national intranet. Access to the global
YouTube channel a video called “Horrors in internet remained prohibitively expensive for
jail” in which Jorge Cervantes interviewed a most Cubans.7
man who had allegedly been ill-treated in a
Cuban prison, and a series of videos which INTERNATIONAL SCRUTINY
alleged corruption by public officials.5 In April, the UN Special Rapporteur on
The authorities continued to present trafficking in persons conducted a visit to
trumped-up charges for common crimes as a Cuba, and in July the country received the
way to harass and detain political opponents, UN independent expert on human rights and
meaning there were likely many more international solidarity.
prisoners of conscience than documented. Most independent human rights
organizations continued to be denied access
WORKERS’ RIGHTS to the country and to its prisons. Cuba
The state continued to use its control – as the remained the only country in the Americas
biggest employer in the country, and as a region to deny access to Amnesty
regulator of the private sector – as a way to International.
stifle even the most subtle criticism of the
government.6 Politically motivated and
1. Cuban graffiti artist released (AMR 25/5545/2017)
discriminatory dismissals continued to be
2. Urban artist at risk in Cuba (AMR 25/7000/2017)
used against those who criticized the
3. Cuba: Activist sentenced to three years in jail after criticizing Fidel
government’s economic or political model.
Castro (News story, 21 March)
Workers pushed out of employment in the
4. Cuba: Prisoners of conscience on hunger strike (AMR 25/6001/2017)
public sector for freely expressing themselves
were often further harassed after entering the 5. Cuba: Opposition activist in maximum security prison (AMR
emerging but highly regulated self-
6. Cuba: “Your mind is in prison” – Cuba’s web of control over free
employment sector.
expression and its chilling effect on everyday life (AMR
The de facto prohibition on independent 25/7299/2017)
trade unions limited workers’ ability to 7. Cuba’s internet paradox: How controlled and censored internet risks
independently organize and appeal against Cuba’s achievements in education (News story, 29 August)
discriminatory dismissals. The executive’s
strong influence over the judiciary and

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 141

In September, the NGO Future Worlds
CYPRUS Center warned of the need for a contingency
reception plan, especially in case of an
Republic of Cyprus increase in refugees arriving by boat.
Head of state and government: Nicos Anastasiades According to the UN Migration Agency, 851
people arrived by boat on Cyprus between
UN-backed peace talks for the reunification January and November 2017 in comparison
of the island collapsed in early July. to 345 in the previous year.
Reception conditions for asylum-seekers
remained a cause of concern. ENFORCED DISAPPEARANCES
Between January and the end of December,
BACKGROUND the Committee of Missing Persons in Cyprus
After intense negotiations, high-level peace exhumed the remains of 46 people, bringing
talks for the reunification of Cyprus failed to the total number of exhumations since 2006
reach an agreement in early July. The Greek- to 1,217. Between 2007 and 31 December
Cypriot and Turkish-Cypriot leaders could not 2017, the remains of 855 missing individuals
agree on security, including the withdrawal of (645 Greek Cypriots and 210 Turkish
Turkish troops, and property issues. Cypriots) were identified.


In February, the Supreme Court rejected an DISABILITIES
application challenging the detention and In May, the UN Committee on the Rights of
extradition of Seif el-Din Mostafa, an Egyptian Persons with Disabilities expressed concerns
national accused of hijacking an EgyptAir about the insufficient access to health care
plane in March 2016. Despite concerns he by people with disabilities, the high level of
would be at real risk of torture or other ill- unemployment among them and the
treatment if returned to Egypt, the Supreme insufficient measures to promote their access
Court decided not to accept additional to employment in an open labour market.
evidence regarding the risk of torture. The
Court held that the applicant could be TORTURE AND OTHER ILL-TREATMENT
extradited regardless of his not having had a In April, the European Court of Human Rights
final decision in his asylum claim. In found that the Cypriot Ombudsperson and
November, the Supreme Court also rejected the national police complaints mechanism
an appeal lodged against its previous had failed to investigate effectively the alleged
decision. However, on the same day the ill-treatment of a Kenyan national during his
European Court of Human Rights halted Seif deportation in March 2007 (Thuo v. Cyprus).
el-Din Mostafa’s extradition to Egypt. The Court also held that the applicant’s
In May, the CERD Committee expressed detention conditions in Nicosia Central Prison
concerns about the limited employment amounted to degrading treatment.
options for asylum-seekers living on the At the end of August, a 60-year-old Turkish
island, the insufficient amount of social national claimed to have been ill-treated by a
assistance they received and the limited police officer outside and inside a police
reception facilities. The Committee also station near a designated crossing point of
raised concern about the insufficient access the UN Buffer Zone. The incident was being
to services for those asylum-seekers staying investigated by the national police complaints
at the Kofinou Reception and mechanism at the end of the year.
Accommodation Center for Applicants for
International Protection, the only official
centre hosting asylum-seekers on the island.

142 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

affect new tenants or those who move to or
CZECH REPUBLIC within these zones. NGOs raised concerns
that the new regulation would
Czech Republic disproportionately affect Roma and poor
Head of state: Miloš Zeman people.
Head of government: Andrej Babiš (replaced Bohuslav
The Czech Republic accepted only 12
The government refused to participate in asylum-seekers out of the 2,691 it had been
the EU mandatory refugee relocation assigned under the 2015 EU Emergency
quotas. Despite reforms, Roma pupils Relocation Scheme – which aimed to relocate
continued to be segregated in schools. An refugees from EU member states such as
amendment allowing municipalities to Greece and Italy – by the end of the year. In
declare zones of “socially pathological June, the European Commission started
behaviour” with restricted access to housing infringement procedures against the Czech
benefits entered into force. Republic, as well as Poland and Hungary, for
refusing to participate in the scheme. In July,
DISCRIMINATION – ROMA the government stated it would not accept
RIGHT TO EDUCATION any further asylum-seekers. In December,
One year after the reform of the primary the European Commission decided to step up
education system that aimed to facilitate the the action against all three countries and
inclusion of pupils from disadvantaged referred them to the Court of Justice of the
backgrounds into mainstream schools, Roma European Union over their refusal to accept
children continued to face discrimination in the asylum-seekers under the scheme.
access to education. In July, the government There were 974 applications made for
published data which showed that over 24% international protection by the end of the
of Roma pupils continued to be educated in year. Thirteen people were successful in their
ethnically segregated schools. applications; 79 applications were rejected.
In March, a district court ordered a primary Sixteen asylum-seekers from Afghanistan
school in the city of Ostrava to apologize to were refused an extension to their temporary
two Roma pupils. The school had refused to protection. The government continued to
register the pupils in 2014, claiming that it base such asylum decisions on its arbitrary
had reached full capacity. Legal guardians of designation of certain areas in Afghanistan as
the pupils complained that the director “safe”, despite evidence to the contrary and
justified his decision by claiming that non- with violence continuing to escalate in
Roma parents could start removing their Afghanistan during the year.
children from the school as there were
already nine Roma pupils registered in that RACISM AND XENOPHOBIA
grade. The court held that a fear of “white High-level government officials, including the
flight” could not justify the treatment of pupils President, made xenophobic statements
on the basis their ethnicity. about refugees and migrants. During the pre-
RIGHT TO HOUSING election campaign, the Minister of Interior
In July, an amendment to the law on welfare presented as a success the restrictive policies
benefits entered into force and dozens of that led refugees to avoid the Czech
municipalities announced that they would Republic.
restrict access to housing allowances. The In February, the police discontinued their
amendment allows municipalities to declare investigation into the 2016 death of a Roma
zones of “socially pathological behaviour” man at a pizzeria in Žatec, determining that
where residents would be barred from no crime had been committed. The man died
claiming some housing allowances. This will after he was restrained by municipal police

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 143

officers and some customers as a result of
his allegedly aggressive behaviour. The
victim’s family had filed a complaint against
the police in January, alleging that the
investigation was not thorough; their lawyer
criticized the police for failing to secure the
scene and evidence. CONGO
In May, the Council of Europe
Commissioner for Human Rights urged the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Czech authorities to remove a pig farm from Head of state: Joseph Kabila
Head of government: Bruno Tshibala Nzenze (replaced
the site of a former Nazi concentration camp,
Samy Badibanga Ntita in April)
where most of the victims were Roma, in the
village of Lety u Písku. While appreciating the The human rights situation further
government’s efforts to buy the land, the deteriorated. Violence in the Kasaï region
Commissioner was concerned over the length left thousands dead, at least 1 million
of the process, and the government’s internally displaced, and caused more than
repeated failure to remove the pig farm and 35,000 people to flee for neighbouring
create a memorial as a measure of reparation Angola. In the east, armed groups and
for the Roma who suffered and died there government forces continued to target
during the Second World War. In November, civilians and engage in illegal exploitation
the government signed a contract to buy off of natural resources with impunity. Police,
the land from the owner of the pig farm and intelligence services and courts continued
made a commitment to build a memorial on to crack down on the rights to freedom of
the site. expression, association and peaceful
assembly. Human rights defenders and
SECURITY AND HUMAN RIGHTS journalists were harassed, intimidated,
The Czech Republic continued to export arbitrarily arrested, expelled or killed.
arms to countries where there was a
substantial risk that such arms could be used BACKGROUND
to commit or facilitate serious human rights President Kabila remained in post although
violations, including the unlawful use of force his second constitutional term ended on 19
against protesters or opposition groups. In December 2016. A political agreement was
May, during an arms fair in the city of Brno, signed in December 2016 by the ruling
the President stated that the Czech arms coalition, the opposition and some civil
industry needed to “export globally”, denying society organizations. It provided that
that the country had responsibility to prevent President Kabila would remain in power, and
the re-export of its equipment to countries a government of national unity would be
which are “not safe”. appointed, led by a Prime Minister
designated by the Rassemblement, the main
opposition, with the task of organizing the
elections by December 2017. The agreement
established the National Council for the
Implementation of the Accord and the
Electoral Process (CNSA) to monitor
progress, led by Rassemblement leader
Etienne Tshisekedi. The agreement included
a commitment by President Kabila to adhere
to the constitutional two-term limit and not
undertake a revision or change of the
Constitution. Implementation of the

144 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

agreement stalled over the appointment and Congolese and foreign journalists were
distribution of political posts to the intimidated, harassed and arbitrarily arrested
transitional institutions. In February Etienne and detained while carrying out their work. In
Tshisekedi died. In April, President Kabila many cases, their equipment was confiscated
unilaterally appointed Bruno Tshibala as or they had to erase recorded data. The
Prime Minister; the Rassemblement refused Minister of Communication issued a decree
to recognize the appointment. In July, Joseph in July introducing new rules requiring
Olenghankoy was also unilaterally appointed foreign correspondents to obtain
as chairman of the CNSA. The main authorization from the Minister to travel
opposition leaders, the Catholic Church and outside the capital, Kinshasa.
the international community denounced In August, the day before a two-day protest,
these appointments as violating the organized by the opposition, calling on
agreement. people across the country to stay at home to
Voter registration in the run-up to the encourage the publication of an electoral
elections was significantly delayed. In July, calendar, the Post and Telecommunications
the president of the Independent National Regulatory Authority ordered
Electoral Commission announced that telecommunication companies to strictly limit
elections could not be held in December all social media activity and communication.
2017, on grounds including the security
situation in the Kasaï region. FREEDOM OF ASSEMBLY
Violence that erupted in 2016 over the Authorities continued to ban and repress
killing of Chief Kamuena Nsapu spread to five public dissent and peaceful assemblies
provinces, triggering an unprecedented organized by civil society organizations and
humanitarian crisis. In the east, several the opposition, especially protests concerning
armed groups stepped up their attacks to the political crisis and elections. Opposition
expel President Kabila. Both the Democratic peaceful protesters were intimidated,
Republic of the Congo (DRC) security forces harassed and arrested by security forces;
and the UN Organization Stabilization government supporters’ demonstrations took
Mission in the DRC (MONUSCO) were unable place without interference from the
to tackle the insecurity and neutralize more authorities.
than 40 local or foreign armed groups that On 31 July, more than 100 people,
remained active. including 11 Congolese and foreign
The annual inflation rate increased by journalists, were arrested during country-wide
around 50% in 2017, contributing to demonstrations organized by the Struggle for
deepening levels of poverty. Strikes were held Change (LUCHA), to demand the publication
demanding salary increases for teachers, of the electoral calendar. A journalist was
university professors, doctors, nurses and charged in connection with the protest and
civil servants. A cholera epidemic affected at remained in detention in Lubumbashi; four
least 24,000 people; over 500 died between demonstrators received prison sentences.
January and September. The others were released without charge the
same or following day.
Press freedom and the right to information EXCESSIVE USE OF FORCE
were restricted. The granting of visas and Protests other than those organized by
accreditations to foreign correspondents was government supporters were often met with
drastically limited. At least one journalist, a excessive and sometimes lethal force.
Belgian national, was expelled in September; On 15 September, in Kamanyola, the army
a French national and a US national were and police fired at a crowd of Burundian
unable to renew accreditation in June and refugees protesting the detention and
August respectively. On at least 15 occasions, deportation of four refugees by DRC

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 145

intelligence services; 39 protesters were people; 62 were children, 30 of them aged
killed, including at least eight women and five under 8.
children, and at least 100 were injured. No VIOLATIONS BY SECURITY FORCES
legal action was known to have been taken The Congolese police and army carried out
against the perpetrators by the end of the hundreds of extrajudicial killings, rapes,
year. arbitrary arrests and acts of extortion.
Between February and April, internet videos
HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS showed soldiers executing alleged Kamuena
Human rights defenders and youth activists Nsapu followers, including young children.
were targeted by security forces and armed The victims were armed with sticks or
groups for their work; they included Alex defective rifles, or were simply wearing red
Tsongo Sikuliwako and Alphonse Kaliyamba, headbands. The government initially
killed in North Kivu. dismissed the accusations, saying they were
In May, the Senate passed a bill purporting “fabricated” to discredit the army. However,
to strengthen protection for human rights in February it acknowledged that “excesses”
defenders. However, the bill contained a had taken place and pledged to prosecute
restrictive definition of what constituted a those suspected of serious human rights
human rights defender. It strengthened the violations and abuses in the region, including
state’s control over human rights its security forces.
organizations, and threatened to curtail their LACK OF ACCOUNTABILITY
activities. It could result in the non- On 6 July, seven army soldiers were given
recognition of human rights organizations. sentences of between one year and life
imprisonment in connection with extrajudicial
CONFLICT IN THE KASAÏ REGION executions in Mwanza-Lomba, a village in
Violence in the region, which erupted in Kasaï Oriental province. The sentences
2016, spread to five provinces and left followed a trial in which the victims were not
thousands dead, and by 25 September, 1 identified and nor were their relatives given
million were internally displaced; there was the opportunity to testify before the court or
widespread destruction of social seek reparations.
infrastructure and villages. Militias emerged, On 12 March, Swedish national Zaida
which increasingly attacked people on the Catalan and US national Michael Sharp, both
basis of their ethnicity, namely those members of the UN Security Council DRC
perceived to support the Kamuena Nsapu Sanctions Committee’s Group of Experts,
uprising. were executed during an investigative
Followers of Kamuena Nsapu were mission in the Kasaï Central province. Their
suspected of human rights abuses in the bodies were found 16 days later, near
region, including recruitment of child Bunkonde village. Zaida Catalan had been
soldiers, rapes, killings, destruction of over beheaded. Three of their drivers and an
300 schools and of markets, churches, police interpreter who accompanied them
stations and government buildings. disappeared and had not been found by the
The Bana Mura militia was formed around end of the year. In April, the authorities
March by individuals from the Tshokwe, showed diplomats and journalists in Kinshasa
Pende and Tetela ethnic groups with the a video of the execution of the two experts;
support of local traditional leaders and the origins of the video remained unknown.
security officials. It launched attacks against The video, which claimed that Kamuena
the Luba and Lulua communities whom it Nsapu “terrorists” were the perpetrators, was
accused of supporting the Kamuena Nsapu shared on the internet and admitted as
uprising. Between March and June, there evidence in the ongoing military court trial of
were reports that in Kamonia territory, the the people accused of the killings. The trial
Bana Mura and the army killed around 251 began on 5 June in the city of Kananga.

146 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

In June, the UN Human Rights Council Bundu dia Congore, resulted in the escape of
established an independent international over 4,000 prisoners. On 11 June, 930
inquiry, which was opposed by the prisoners escaped from the Kangbayi central
government, to investigate serious human prison in Beni city, including dozens
rights violations in the Kasaï province. In July, convicted a few months earlier for killing
the UN High Commissioner for Human civilians in the Beni area. Hundreds of other
Rights announced the appointment of an detainees escaped from prisons and police
international team of experts, which in detention centres in Bandundu-ville,
September began investigating the incidents Kasangulu, Kalemie, Matete (Kinshasa),
and is expected to issue its findings in Walikale, Dungu, Bukavu, Kabinda, Uvira,
June 2018. Bunia, Mwenga and Pweto.
Prisons were overcrowded, and conditions
CONFLICT IN EASTERN DRC remained dire, with inadequate food and
Chronic instability and conflict continued to drinking water, and poor health care. Dozens
contribute to grave human rights violations of prisoners died of starvation and disease.
and abuses. In the Beni region, civilians were
targeted and killed. On 7 October, 22 people CORPORATE ACCOUNTABILITY
were killed on the Mbau-Kamango road by In August, the Ministry of Mines validated a
unidentified armed men. National Strategy to Combat Child Labour in
Kidnappings increased in North Kivu; at Mining. National and international civil
least 100 cases were recorded in Goma city. society groups were given the opportunity to
In North Kivu, South Kivu and Ituri, dozens of provide feedback. The government
armed groups and security forces continued announced that it would “progressively”
to commit murder, rape, extortion, and to implement many of their recommendations
engage in illegal exploitation of natural and eradicate child labour by 2025.
resources. The conflict between the Hutu
and Nande in North Kivu resulted in deaths,
displacement and destruction, especially in
the Rutshuru and Lubero areas.
In the Tanganyika and Haut-Katanga Kingdom of Denmark
provinces, communal violence between the Head of state: Queen Margrethe II
Twa and the Luba continued. In Tanganyika Head of government: Lars Løkke Rasmussen
the number of internally displaced people
(IDPs) reached 500,000. Between January The government annulled an agreement
and September, over 5,700 Congolese fled to with UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, to
Zambia to escape the conflict. accept refugees for resettlement. The
Despite the security situation, the authorities classification of transgender identities as a
continued to close IDP camps around the “mental disorder” was ended.
town of Kalemie, forcing displaced people to
return to their villages or to live in even worse REFUGEES AND ASYLUM-SEEKERS
conditions. Denmark failed to accept any refugees for
resettlement. The government annulled its
DETENTION standing agreement with UNHCR to receive
There was an unprecedented number of 500 refugees annually for resettlement. From
prison breakouts across the country; January 2018, the government, not
thousands escaped, and dozens died. On 17 Parliament, will decide each year if Denmark
May, an attack was carried out on Makala is to accept refugees for resettlement.
Penitentiary and Rehabilitation Centre, Individuals granted subsidiary temporary
Kinshasa’s main prison. The attack, which protection status had to wait three years
the authorities blamed on the political group before being eligible to apply for family

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 147

reunification. In May, the High Court of RIGHTS OF LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL,
Eastern Denmark ruled that the TRANSGENDER AND INTERSEX PEOPLE
postponement of family reunification of a In January, Parliament’s landmark 2016
Syrian refugee with his wife was not in resolution to end the pathologization of
violation of the right to family life under the transgender identities was implemented.
European Convention on Human Rights. In However, existing procedural rules on access
November, the Supreme Court confirmed this to hormone treatment and gender-affirming
ruling. surgery continued to unreasonably prolong
In January, the Supreme Court ruled that the gender recognition process for
the compulsory overnight stay and twice daily transgender people.
reporting regime at a centre for individuals on No national guidelines from the Danish
“tolerated stay” (those excluded from Health Authority outlined how doctors should
protection but who could not be deported), treat children with variations of sex
constituted a disproportionate measure characteristics and the approach was not
amounting to custody when extended beyond human rights-based. This allowed non-
a period of four years. The government emergency invasive and irreversible medical
implemented the ruling, but also decided that procedures to be carried out on children,
any person leaving the centre to live with typically under the age of 10, in violation of
their family would lose their right to health the UN Convention on the Rights of the
care and financial assistance for food. Child. These procedures can be carried out
In March, the Parliamentary Ombudsman despite the lack of medical research to
concluded that government policy to separate support the need for surgical intervention,
asylum-seeking couples when one partner and despite documentation of the risk of
was under the age of 18 was a violation of the lifelong harmful effects.1 In October the UN
Danish Act on Public Administration and Committee on the Rights of the Child raised
possibly a violation of the right to family life. concerns regarding surgical interventions on
The policy did not provide for a process to intersex children.
determine whether the separation was in the
interest of the younger spouse and did not
1. Europe: First, do no harm − ensuring the rights of children with
consider their opinion. variations of sex characteristics in Denmark and Germany (EUR
In April, a proposal by the opposition to
introduce a consent-based definition of rape,
in line with the Council of Europe Convention
on Preventing and Combating Violence
against Women and Domestic Violence
(Istanbul Convention) ratified by Denmark in
Dominican Republic
2014, was rejected in Parliament. In
Head of state and government: Danilo Medina Sánchez
November, the Council of Europe's Group of
Experts on Action against Violence against Limited progress was made in solving the
Women and Domestic Violence (GREVIO) statelessness crisis. Abortion remained
encouraged the Danish authorities to change criminalized in all circumstances. Excessive
the current sexual violence legislation and use of force by the police and gender-based
base it on the notion of freely given consent violence continued.
as required by the Istanbul Convention.
The Dominican Republic suffered from a
series of natural disasters that hit the
Caribbean during the year, including two

148 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

major hurricanes in September. This, along The naturalization plan established by Law
with previous flooding earlier in the year, left 169-14 for people in “Group B” (those whose
tens of thousands of people temporarily birth was never registered in the Dominican
displaced and badly damaged infrastructure. Civil Registry) had made little or no progress
Like many small, developing island states, during the year. Of the 8,755 individuals who
the Dominican Republic remained very were able to register under the new plan
vulnerable to climate change, which (16% of the estimated 53,000 people in
scientists linked to the increasingly extreme Group B, according to the government), it
weather. On 21 September, the Dominican was believed that as few as 6,545 had had
Republic ratified the UN Paris Agreement on their files approved by the authorities by the
climate change. end of the year. The law required a two-year
Allegations that several Dominican officials waiting period after the approval of the
were bribed by the Brazilian construction registration for them to be able to formally
company Odebrecht triggered massive request their naturalization as Dominicans.
country-wide demonstrations against By the end of the year no one was known to
corruption under the Green March have been naturalized under the new plan.
movement. In September, the Inter-American Most of the individuals affected remained
Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) held stateless in the absence of another
a public hearing on the issue of “human nationality.
rights and reports of impunity and corruption During the year, the authorities failed to
in the Dominican Republic”. discuss, design or implement new solutions
In May, the UN Special Rapporteur on the to guarantee the right to nationality for the
sale and sexual exploitation of children visited tens of thousands of Dominican-born people
the country. She urged the government to put who could not benefit from Law 169-14, in
child protection at the core of any tourism particular the remaining 84% of those in
strategy. Group B, and all those who were left out of
the scope of the 2014 legislation.
DISCRIMINATION – STATELESS Responding to this situation, in April the
PERSONS IACHR incorporated the Dominican Republic
The Dominican Republic continued to fail to in Chapter IV.B of its annual report that
uphold its international human rights included countries in need of special human
obligations with respect to the large number rights attention.
of stateless people born in the country who By the end of the year, no public official had
were retroactively and arbitrarily deprived of been held accountable for discriminatory
their Dominican nationality in practices in granting registration and identity
September 2013.1 documents, including for the 2013 mass
Law 169-14, adopted in May 2014 to arbitrary deprivation of nationality. Affected
address the statelessness crisis, continued to people continued to be denied a range of
be poorly implemented. According to official human rights and were prevented from
statistics, only 13,500 people of the so-called accessing higher education, formal
“Group A” created by the law (out of an employment or adequate health care, among
official estimate of 61,000 individuals) were other things.
able to access some sort of Dominican
identity document proving their Dominican POLICE AND SECURITY FORCES
nationality. In the meantime, many had their The Office of the Prosecutor General reported
original birth certificates nullified and their 110 killings by security forces between
new ones transferred to a separate civil January and October. The circumstances
registry without the necessary measures in around many of the killings suggested that
place to avoid further discrimination. they may have been unlawful. The homicide

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 149

rate remained high, at nearly 16 per 100,000 of killings of women and girls, compared with
inhabitants during the first half of the year. the same period in 2016.
The media reported allegations of the
repeated use of unnecessary and excessive RIGHTS OF LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL,
force by the police during social protests. TRANSGENDER AND INTERSEX PEOPLE
The Dominican Republic continued to lack
REFUGEES’ AND MIGRANTS’ RIGHTS legislation to combat hate crimes. In June,
The authorities remained unable to process the body of a transgender woman, Rubi Mori,
most of the cases of irregular migrants that was found dismembered in wasteland.4 By
they received during the National the end of the year, no one had been brought
Regularization Plan for Foreigners with to justice for her killing.
Irregular Migration Status that operated
between 2014 and 2015. As a result, in July
1. Dominican Republic: What does it take to solve a statelessness
the authorities renewed for a further year the crisis? (News story, 23 May)
temporary “regularization carnets” issued to 2. Dominican Republic: Vote against decriminalization of abortion, a
registered individuals, allowing them to stay betrayal to women (Press release, 1 June)
in the country. 3. República Dominicana: Amnistía Internacional y Oxfam llaman a
Cámara de Diputados a garantizar derechos de las mujeres (AMR
SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS 27/6605/2017); Dominican Republic: Further information - Congress
rejects regressive abortion reform (AMR 27/6724/2017); Dominican
The Dominican Republic remained one of the Republic: Further information: Abortion vote pending after President’s
few countries worldwide that criminalized veto (AMR 27/5478/2017)
abortion without exception. 4. Dominican Republic: Horrifying killing of transgender woman
In May the Senate voted against a proposal, highlights need for protection against discrimination (News story, 6
supported by President Medina, to June)

decriminalize abortion.2 On 11 July the

Senate’s vote was rejected by the Chamber of
Deputies, providing the possibility of future
reforms that would protect the rights of
women and girls.3 Republic of Ecuador
In August, a petition was presented to the Head of state and government: Lenín Boltaire Moreno
IACHR seeking justice and reparation for the Garcés (replaced Rafael Vicente Correa Delgado
death in 2012 of 16-year-old Rosaura in May)
Almonte Hernández, publicly known as
“Esperancita”. Because of the country’s Indigenous leaders, human rights defenders
restrictive legislation on abortion, Rosaura and staff of NGOs faced persecution and
Almonte Hernández, who was seven weeks harassment amid continuing restrictions on
pregnant, was denied life-saving treatment the rights to freedom of expression and
for leukaemia for several days and died association. The right to free, prior and
shortly after. informed consent of Indigenous Peoples
An investigation published in August by continued to be restricted. The Bill to
the NGO Women’s Link Worldwide found that Prevent and Eliminate Violence against
one woman died every two days in the Women was pending revision by the
Dominican Republic during the first half of National Assembly.
2017 from pregnancy-related causes due to
the lack of access to quality maternal health BACKGROUND
services. On 24 May, Lenín Moreno Garcés became
President. Shortly afterwards he called for a
VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND GIRLS referendum and a popular consultation, to be
According to official statistics, the first half of held in February 2018, for Ecuadorians to
the year saw a 21% increase in the number decide on matters including the amendment

150 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

of the Constitution to eliminate indefinite re- were pending revision by the National
election of authorities, the banning of mining Assembly at the end of the year.
in protected areas, and reducing the area of
oil exploitation in the Yasuní National Park. INDIGENOUS PEOPLES’ RIGHTS
In July, Indigenous and human rights
INTERNATIONAL SCRUTINY organizations denounced before the IACHR
In May, Ecuador’s human rights record was intrusions of the state into the territory of the
examined under the UN UPR process. Sápara People for future oil extraction. They
Ecuador accepted recommendations to adopt also denounced government bids for oil
a national action plan on business and extraction in the territory of the Kichwa
human rights, create an effective consultation People of Sarayaku without obtaining their
mechanism for Indigenous Peoples, align free, prior and informed consent, despite the
national laws on freedoms of expression and Inter-American Court of Human Rights ruling
assembly with international standards, that the Kichwa People must be consulted.
ensure the protection of journalists and In April, Shuar Indigenous leader Agustín
human rights defenders, and guarantee Wachapá was released on parole after four
protection from discrimination based on months in pre-trial detention on charges of
sexual orientation and gender identity. inciting violence in Morona Santiago in 2016.
Ecuador pledged to lead on creating an The Shuar People continued to face a
international legally binding instrument on dispute over the development of two copper
transnational corporations and human rights. mines in their territory.
Ecuador received a total of 182
recommendations of which it accepted 159, HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS
noted 19, and left four for further review. NGOs denounced before the IACHR the lack
In July, the Inter-American Commission on of an adequate protection system or
Human Rights (IACHR) held hearings on specialized institution responsible for
violence and harassment against human investigating attacks against and
rights defenders, and on extractive industries criminalization of human rights defenders.
and the right to cultural identity of Indigenous They also denounced the frequent misuse of
Peoples in Ecuador. The IACHR expressed the charge of attacking or resisting authority
concern over the absence of state to prosecute human rights defenders.
representatives at both hearings.
ASSOCIATION Disappearances noted in March that no
In January, the Ministry for the Environment criminal responsibility had been established
rejected a complaint filed by the Ministry of for 17 cases of enforced disappearances
the Interior aimed at shutting down the NGO from 1984 to 2008 identified by the Truth
Ecological Action Corporation, based on a Commission, and that the whereabouts of 12
lack of evidence linking the NGO to violence of those victims remained undisclosed.
that occurred in 2016 in Morona Santiago


In November the National Assembly Arab Republic of Egypt
approved a Bill to Prevent and Eliminate Head of state: Abdel Fattah al-Sisi
Violence against Women. In December, Head of government: Sherif Ismail
President Moreno partially vetoed the Bill and
proposed a series of modifications, which Egypt’s human rights crisis continued
unabated. The authorities used torture and

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 151

other ill-treatment and enforced Willayet Sinai, affiliated to the armed group
disappearance against hundreds of people, Islamic State (IS), claimed responsibility for
and dozens were extrajudicially executed most of the attacks across the country, with
with impunity. The crackdown on civil smaller attacks claimed by other armed
society escalated with NGO staff being groups, such as Hasm, Liwaa al-Thawra and
subjected to additional interrogations, travel Ansar al-Islam. In April, IS claimed
bans and asset freezes. Arbitrary arrests and responsibility for the bombing of two
detentions followed by grossly unfair trials churches in Tanta and Alexandria which left
of government critics, peaceful protesters, at least 44 dead. In October, at least 16
journalists and human rights defenders officials from the Ministry of the Interior were
were routine. Mass unfair trials continued killed in an ambush in the western desert, a
before civilian and military courts, with rare attack on the mainland. In a significant
dozens sentenced to death. Women shift in targeting by armed groups, a
continued to be subjected to sexual and November attack on a mosque in North Sinai
gender-based violence and were during Friday prayers killed at least 300
discriminated against in law and practice. people.
The authorities brought criminal charges for
defamation of religion and “habitual HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS
debauchery” on the basis of people’s real or The authorities continued to curb the work of
perceived sexual orientation. human rights defenders in an unprecedented
manner as part of their relentless efforts to
BACKGROUND silence all critical voices. In February the
In June, President al-Sisi ceded sovereignty authorities shut down the El-Nadeem Center,
over two uninhabited Red Sea islands to an NGO offering support to survivors of
Saudi Arabia, leading to widespread public torture and violence. The criminal
criticism. In July, EU-Egypt Association investigations into so-called “Case 173”
council meetings resumed for the first time against human rights defenders and NGOs
since 2011 and the priorities of the were ongoing; investigative judges
Association were finalized. summoned at least 28 additional human
In February a member of parliament rights defenders and NGO staff for
proposed a constitutional amendment to interrogation during the year, bringing the
extend the presidential term from four to six total to 66 people summoned or investigated
years. In April, President al-Sisi passed a new in the case since 2013. They were
set of legislative amendments weakening fair questioned in relation to charges that
trial guarantees and facilitating arbitrary included “receiving foreign funding to harm
arrests, indefinite pre-trial detention, Egyptian national security” under Article 78
enforced disappearances and the passing of of the Penal Code, which carries a sentence
more sentences. The amendments also of up to 25 years’ imprisonment. The
allowed criminal courts to list people and investigative judges also ordered three
entities on “terrorism lists” based solely on additional travel bans, bringing to 25 the
police information. Also in April, President al- number of human rights defenders banned
Sisi approved the Judicial Bodies Law 13 of from travelling outside Egypt. In January a
2017, granting him the authority to appoint court ordered the freezing of the assets of the
the heads of judicial bodies, including the NGOs Nazra for Feminist Studies and the
Court of Cassation and the State Council, two Arab Organization for Penal Reform and their
courts that had hitherto been regarded as the directors.
most independent judicial bodies in holding In May, President al-Sisi signed a draconian
the executive to account.1 new law giving the authorities broad powers
At least 111 security agents were killed, to deny NGOs registration, dissolve NGOs
mostly in North Sinai. The armed group and dismiss their boards of administration.

152 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

The law also provided for five years’ ARBITRARY ARRESTS AND DETENTIONS
imprisonment for publishing research without Security forces continued to arrest hundreds
government permission.2 The government of people based on their membership or
had not issued the executive regulations to perceived membership of the Muslim
enable it to start implementing the law by the Brotherhood, rounding them up from their
end of the year. homes or places of work or, in one case, from
a holiday resort.
FREEDOMS OF EXPRESSION AND The authorities used prolonged pre-trial
ASSEMBLY detention, often for periods of more than two
Between January and May, courts sentenced years, as means to punish dissidents. In
at least 15 journalists to prison terms ranging October a judge renewed the pre-trial
from three months to five years on charges detention of human rights defender Hisham
related solely to their writing, including Gaafar, despite him having been detained for
defamation and the publication of what the more than the two-year limit under Egyptian
authorities deemed “false information”. On law. Photojournalist Mahmoud Abu Zeid,
25 September a court sentenced former known as Shawkan, had already spent two
presidential candidate and prominent human years in pre-trial detention when his trial
rights lawyer Khaled Ali to three months’ started in August 2015. Throughout 2017 he
imprisonment on charges of “violating public remained in detention alongside 738 co-
decency” in relation to a photograph showing defendants as their trial continued.
him celebrating a court ruling ordering a halt Upon release, political activists were often
to the handover of two islands to Saudi required to serve probation periods of up to
Arabia.3 From May onwards, the authorities 12 hours a day in a local police station,
blocked at least 434 websites, including amounting to arbitrary deprivation of liberty.
those of independent newspapers such as
Mada Masr and human rights organizations EXTRAJUDICIAL EXECUTIONS AND
such as the Arab Network for Human Rights ENFORCED DISAPPEARANCES
Information. In March the Minister of Justice Forces of the Ministry of the Interior
referred two judges, Hisham Raouf and continued to subject to enforced
Assem Abdelgabar, to a disciplinary hearing disappearance and extrajudicially execute
for participating in a workshop organized by people suspected of engaging in political
an Egyptian human rights group to draft a law violence. According to the Egyptian
against torture. Commission for Rights and Freedoms,
Security forces arrested at least 240 political security forces subjected at least 165 people
activists and protesters between April and to enforced disappearance between January
September on charges relating to online and August for periods ranging from seven to
posts the authorities considered “insulting” to 30 days.
the President or for participating in The Ministry of the Interior claimed that
unauthorized protests. In April, a criminal more than 120 people were shot dead in an
court sentenced lawyer and activist exchange of fire with security forces during
Mohamed Ramadan to 10 years’ the year. However, in many of these cases the
imprisonment in his absence under the people killed were already in state custody
draconian Counter-terrorism Law.4 In after having been subjected to enforced
December, an Alexandrian court sentenced disappearance. In May the Ministry
human rights lawyer Mahinour El-Masry to announced the death of schoolteacher
two years’ imprisonment for her peaceful Mohamed Abdelsatar “in an exchange of fire
participation in a protest. with the police”. However, his colleagues had
witnessed his arrest a month earlier from his
workplace. In April, a leaked video showed
military forces in North Sinai extrajudicially

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 153

executing six unarmed men and a 17-year- heavily on reports of the National Security
old boy. Agency and unsound evidence, including
confessions obtained under torture, in their
DETENTION sentencing. Civilians continued to face unfair
Torture and other ill-treatment remained trials before military courts; at least 384
routine in official places of detention and was civilians were referred to military trials during
systematic in detention centres run by the the year.
National Security Agency. In July, a Coptic
man was arrested and detained in Manshyet DEATH PENALTY
Nasir police station in the capital, Cairo, in Ordinary and military courts continued to
relation to a minor offence; 15 hours later, he hand down death sentences following grossly
was dead. Family members stated that they unfair mass trials. In June the Court of
saw bruises on the upper part of his body, Cassation upheld the death sentences of
and the official autopsy report stated that his seven men in two different cases after grossly
death was the result of a “suspected criminal unfair trials. At least six of the men had been
act”. subjected to enforced disappearance and
Prison authorities, including in Tora tortured to force them to “confess” and the
Maximum Security Prison and Wadi el- court relied heavily on these coerced
Natrun Prison, punished prisoners detained confessions in its verdict and sentencing.
for politically motivated reasons by placing Also in June, the Military High Court upheld
them in indefinite and prolonged solitary death sentences against four men following
confinement. In February the Ministry of the grossly unfair trials in which the court relied
Interior amended the prison regulations to on “confessions” obtained under torture
allow solitary confinement to be increased up during 93 days of incommunicado
to six months; a practice that can amount to detention.5 On 26 December the authorities
torture or other ill-treatment. Political activist executed 15 men who had been convicted by
Ahmed Douma spent his third year in solitary a military court of killing nine military
confinement in Tora Prison, confined to his personnel in North Sinai in 2013.
cell for at least 22 hours a day. Muslim
Brotherhood spokesman Gehad el-Hadad WOMEN’S RIGHTS
remained indefinitely detained in solitary Women and girls continued to face
confinement in Al Aqrab maximum security inadequate protection from sexual and
prison since his arrest on 17 September gender-based violence, as well as gender
2013. discrimination in law and practice. The
Other forms of ill-treatment and medical absence of measures to ensure privacy and
negligence in prisons continued; dozens of protection of women reporting sexual and
prisoners died, often due to prison authorities gender-based violence continued to be a key
refusing to transfer them to hospital for factor preventing many women and girls from
medical treatment. In September, former reporting such offences. Many who did report
Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed Mahdi offences faced harassment and retaliation
Akef died in prison from pancreatic cancer. from the perpetrators or their families. In
some cases, state officials and members of
UNFAIR TRIALS parliament blamed victims of sexual violence
Hundreds were sentenced, some to death, and attributed the incidents to their
after grossly unfair mass trials. In September “revealing clothing”. In March a young
a Cairo criminal court sentenced 442 people student was attacked and sexually assaulted
in the case of the August 2013 al-Fateh by a mob in Zagazig city, al-Sharkia
mosque protests to prison terms of between governorate. Instead of arresting the
five and 25 years after a grossly unfair trial of perpetrators and bringing them to justice, the
494 defendants. Courts continued to rely Security Directorate in al-Sharkia governorate

154 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

issued a statement mentioning that by people to prison terms of between three
“wearing a short dress” the victim had months and six years on charges that
“caused the mob attack”. included “habitual debauchery”. The other
Women continued to face discrimination in people arrested remained in detention facing
the judiciary. A number of women who questioning by prosecutors.
attempted to apply to the State Council for In late October, a group of parliamentarians
appointment as judges were not given the proposed a deeply discriminatory law
papers needed to process their requests. One explicitly criminalizing same-sex sexual
woman filed a suit against the State Council relations and any public promotion of LGBTI
on grounds of discrimination. gatherings, symbols or flags. The proposed
law carried penalties of up to five years’
REFUGEES’ AND MIGRANTS’ RIGHTS imprisonment, or 15 years’ imprisonment for
Asylum-seekers and refugees continued to a person convicted of multiple charges.
face arrest, detention and deportation for
entering or exiting the country irregularly. FREEDOM OF RELIGION AND BELIEF
Between January and April, immigration The authorities continued to violate the right
officials deported at least 50 asylum-seekers to freedom of religion by discriminating
from Eritrea, Ethiopia and Sudan, including against Christians. In August, security forces
young children, to their countries of origin prevented dozens of Coptic Christians from
without giving them access to legal praying in a house in Alforn village in Minya
representation or to UNHCR, the UN refugee governorate, citing reasons of security. There
agency. The forced return of Eritrean asylum- was continued impunity for sectarian attacks
seekers, as well as Ethiopian and Sudanese on Christian communities, and the authorities
nationals with a well-founded fear of continued to rely on customary reconciliation
persecution, constituted refoulement. In July and settlements agreed by local authorities
the authorities rounded up Chinese students, and religious leaders. Amid this impunity,
mostly of the Uighur ethnic minority, arresting violence by non-state actors against
at least 200 and deporting at least 21 men Christians increased significantly. Armed
and one woman to China, in violation of groups in North Sinai killed seven Coptic
Egypt’s non-refoulement obligations. Christians between 30 January and 23
February, prompting an unprecedented
RIGHTS OF LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, internal displacement of at least 150 Coptic
TRANSGENDER AND INTERSEX PEOPLE families living in North Sinai.6 The authorities
In the worst crackdown in over a decade, the failed to offer them the necessary protection
authorities across Egypt rounded up and or appropriate compensation. In December,
prosecuted people on the grounds of their IS claimed responsibility for the shooting of
perceived sexual orientation after a rainbow 10 people in an attack on a church in
flag was displayed at a concert in Cairo on 22 Helwan in southern Cairo.
September. These prosecutions provoked a In November, an attack on a mosque in
public outcry. Security forces arrested at least North Sinai during Friday prayers killed at
76 people and carried out at least five anal least 300 worshippers. No group claimed
examinations, a practice which amounts to responsibility for the attack.
torture. Those arrested included a man and a
woman who were detained for three months WORKERS’ RIGHTS
for carrying the rainbow flag at the concert, The authorities subjected dozens of workers
as well as people who made online and trade unionists to arrest, military trial,
expressions of support for the raising of the dismissal and a range of disciplinary
flag. Many of those arrested were entrapped measures, solely for exercising their right to
by security forces through online dating strike and form independent trade unions. In
applications. Courts sentenced at least 48 June a Cairo Misdemeanours Appeal Court

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 155

sentenced 32 workers from the privately 4. Egypt: 10-year prison term for insulting President an outrageous
assault on freedom of expression (Press release, 13 April)
owned Tora Cement Company to two months’
imprisonment after they were convicted of 5. Egypt: Seven men facing imminent execution after being tortured in
custody (Press release, 16 June); Egypt: Four men facing imminent
participating in an unauthorized protest and executions after grossly unfair military trial (MDE 12/6590/2017)
“assaulting security forces”, despite the
6. Egypt: Government must protect Coptic Christians targeted in string
peaceful nature of their 55-day sit-in to of deadly attacks in North Sinai (Press release, 1 March)
protest at their dismissal. In December, the 7. Egypt: On Labour Day – relentless assault on labour rights (MDE
Military Court in Alexandria resumed the trial 12/6154/2017)
of 25 workers from the military-run 8. Egypt: Release 24 Nubian activists detained after protest calling for
Alexandria Shipyard Company. The trial respect of their cultural rights (Press release, 12 September)
started in May 2016 on charges that included
“inciting the workers to strike”. The
government and the official Egypt Trade
Union Federation sought to deprive
independent unions of the de facto Republic of El Salvador
recognition they had obtained in 2011 Head of state and government: Salvador Sánchez
through a declaration issued by the then Cerén
Minster of Manpower. The authorities
continued to deny their legal recognition and El Salvador’s high rate of gender-based
hinder their ability to function freely through a violence continued to make it one of the
range of measures.7 On 5 December most dangerous countries to be a woman. A
parliament passed a new trade union law, total ban on abortion persisted, and women
replacing Law 35 of 1976, creating excessive were convicted of aggravated homicide after
requirements for unions to have at least 150 suffering miscarriages or other obstetric
members to obtain legal recognition or face emergencies. To combat violence, the
automatic dissolution. government implemented a series of
security measures, which did not comply
INDIGENOUS PEOPLES’ RIGHTS with human rights standards. Measures
Despite an explicit constitutional provision were taken to address impunity for
recognizing the Nubian Indigenous people’s historical abuses; however, the executive
right to return to their traditional lands, the and legislative branches of government
government continued to deny displaced admitted being in contempt of a 2016
Nubians the right to access their traditional Supreme Court judgment that declared the
lands, posing a threat to the preservation of 1993 Amnesty Law unconstitutional.
their cultural, historical and linguistic identity.
On 3 September, Nubian activists held a BACKGROUND
protest calling on the authorities to repeal a El Salvador continued to have one of the
2014 presidential decree that classified 16 world’s highest murder rates, although the
villages on traditional Nubian lands as number of homicides fell from 5,280 in 2016
military zones and prohibited residents from to 3,605 in 2017. The figure for 2017
living there. The police arrested 25 activists included 429 femicides.
and detained them for three months.8
Abortion continued to be prohibited in all
1. New legislation threatens judicial independence in Egypt (Press
release, 27 April) circumstances, and carried criminal penalties
2. Egypt: NGO law threatens to annihilate human rights groups (Press
for women and health care providers. Women
release, 30 May) from poor backgrounds were
3. Egypt: Former presidential candidate given jail term in bid to stop disproportionately affected.
him running in 2018 election (Press release, 25 September) In March, the Inter-American Commission
on Human Rights (IACHR) admitted a

156 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

petition in the case of Manuela, a woman threats, and being the victim of extortion by
convicted of homicide after having a criminal gangs. Between January and
miscarriage, and who died from cancer in September, the Association for
prison while serving her sentence. Communicating and Training Trans Women in
On 5 July, Evelyn Beatriz Hernández Cruz El Salvador (COMCAVIS TRANS) reported 28
was sentenced to 30 years’ imprisonment serious attacks, most of them murders,
after being convicted on charges of perpetrated against LGBTI people.1
aggravated homicide after suffering obstetric
complications resulting in a miscarriage. On EXTRAJUDICIAL EXECUTIONS
13 December, a court denied the release of In September the Human Rights Institute of
Teodora del Carmen Vásquez; she had José Simeón Cañas Central American
suffered a stillbirth in 2007 and was later University and the NGO Passionist Social
sentenced to 30 years for aggravated Service reported before the IACHR that the
homicide. armed forces and National Civilian Police
In August a parliamentarian for the were responsible for carrying out extrajudicial
opposition Nationalist Republican Alliance executions.
presented a new proposal to decriminalize
abortion in two circumstances: when a POLICE AND SECURITY FORCES
woman’s life is at risk or when the pregnancy In November the UN High Commissioner for
is a consequence of rape of a minor. The Human Rights urged El Salvador to end the
proposal remained pending in Parliament. extraordinary security measures adopted
This followed previous, unsuccessful since 2016 to combat gang violence and
attempts at partial decriminalization of organized crime, which failed to comply with
abortion in 2016. international human rights standards. The
In August, Congress approved a law measures included prolonged and isolated
banning child marriage, without exceptions. detention under inhuman conditions, and
In November, the IACHR admitted a petition prolonged suspension of family visits to
on the case of “Beatriz”, a woman who in prisoners.
2013 was denied an abortion despite her life
being put at risk by the pregnancy, and the INTERNALLY DISPLACED PEOPLE
foetus being diagnosed with fatal impairment, On 6 and 13 October, for the first time, the
which would not have allowed its survival Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court
after birth. of Justice issued two injunctions (amparo) to
protect internally displaced people. The
HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS injunctions included protective measures for
In June the home of human rights defender a family that had been forcibly internally
Sonia Sánchez Pérez was illegally searched displaced due to rape, threats, beatings and
by National Civilian Police officers. In 2015 harassment by a gang. The decision was
the Office of the Human Rights Ombudsman welcomed by the IACHR and the UN Special
had granted her precautionary measures for Rapporteur on the human rights of internally
her environmental protection work. displaced persons.


TRANSGENDER AND INTERSEX PEOPLE Measures were adopted nationally and
In October, Karla Avelar, a human rights internationally to redress crimes under
defender and founder of the first association international law and punish perpetrators of
of trans people in El Salvador, announced human rights violations committed during El
that she would claim asylum in Europe Salvador’s armed conflict from 1980 to 1992.
because of a lack of protection by the In May, a court ordered the reopening of the
authorities, despite several security incidents, case of Monseñor Óscar Arnulfo Romero y

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 157

Galdámez, Archbishop of San Salvador, who corruption and money laundering while he
was murdered in 1980 by a death squad was Minister of Agriculture and Forestry.
while celebrating mass. In November’s legislative and municipal
Following a judgment by the Supreme Court elections, the ruling Democratic Party of
in 2016 in which the 1993 Amnesty Law was Equatorial Guinea won 99 of 100 seats in the
ruled to be unconstitutional, the Court held a Chamber of Deputies, all elected seats in the
hearing in July to determine what steps the Senate, and all but one seat in the municipal
government had taken to comply with the elections. Opposition parties denounced
ruling. In that hearing, both the executive and electoral irregularities and intimidation.
legislative branches of government admitted Internet access was severely disrupted for at
to being in contempt of the ruling. least five days.
In September the government created a
commission to search for people who were HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS
subjected to enforced disappearance during The authorities continued to harass,
the armed conflict. intimidate and arbitrarily detain human rights
In November, the Supreme Court of the defenders.
USA cleared the way for Colonel Inocente On 17 April, Enrique Asumu and Alfredo
Orlando Montano Morales to be tried in Spain Okenve, leaders of the Centre for
on charges that he conspired in the killing of Development Studies and Initiatives, were
six Jesuit priests, their housekeeper and her detained in the capital, Malabo, after they
daughter in El Salvador in 1989. objected to the authorities’ decision to
prevent Enrique Asumu from boarding a
plane to Bata city the previous day. Enrique
1. Americas: “No safe place” – Salvadorans, Guatemalans and
Hondurans seeking asylum in Mexico based on their sexual Asumu was released eight days later on
orientation and/or gender identity (AMR 01/7258/2017) health grounds after paying a fine of CFA
francs 2 million (USD3,500). Alfredo Okenve
was released on 4 May after paying the same
EQUATORIAL fine. The Ministry of Interior had suspended
the Centre’s activities in 2016.
GUINEA On 16 September, state security agents
arrested and detained Ramón Esono Ebalé, a
cartoonist and critic of the government, and
Republic of Equatorial Guinea
two Spanish nationals as they left a
Head of state and government: Teodoro Obiang
Nguema Mbasogo restaurant in Malabo. They were handcuffed,
their mobile phones confiscated, and taken
Harassment, intimidation and arbitrary to the Office against Terrorism and
detention of human rights defenders Dangerous Activities where Ramón Esono
continued. The rights to freedom of Ebalé was questioned about his cartoons.
association and assembly were curtailed; The Spanish nationals were released the
people attending peaceful gatherings were same day. Ramón Esono Ebalé was
arbitrarily detained and beaten. Pregnant transferred three days later to the Black
girls were barred from attending school. Beach prison in Malabo. National TV
reported that he was accused of heading an
BACKGROUND organization involved in money laundering
On 27 October, Vice-President Teodoro and counterfeiting money. On 27 November
Nguema Obiang Mangue, the President’s he was charged with counterfeiting money
son, was given a three-year suspended and remained in detention at the end of the
prison sentence, and a suspended EUR30 year.
million fine by a court in Paris, France, for

158 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

ASSOCIATION Death sentences continued to be handed
On 8 March, police arrested 47 women, four down. On 16 September Raimundo Nfube
children and at least 12 men at an Onva and Fausto Luis Nve Adugu were
International Women’s Day training session in sentenced to death for a ritual killing
Mbini city, southwest of Bata, in the office of committed in 2016.
the opposition Convergence for Social
Democracy party. The police threatened to
arrest Epifania Avomo, the party’s executive
women’s officer, but when other women
protested they were all arrested and taken to State of Eritrea
Mbini police station. Some of them were Head of state and government: Isaias Afwerki
beaten at the police station, after which they
were all released the same day. Thousands continued to flee Eritrea while
In May, taxi drivers’ organizations called for the authorities severely restricted the right
a three-day strike in Malabo to protest at the to leave the country. Indefinite mandatory
high prices of permits and papers. Security national service continued to be imposed.
forces arbitrarily arrested at least 17 people Restrictions on the rights to freedom of
and beat some of those believed to be expression and of religion remained.
participating in the strike, leaving several of Arbitrary detention without charge or trial
them in need of medical assistance. They continued to be the norm for thousands of
were released without charge about one week prisoners of conscience. Thousands were
later. denied the right to an adequate standard of
On 27 May, security forces arbitrarily living.
arrested rapper Benjamín Ndong, also known
as “Jamin Dogg”, in Malabo, for releasing two BACKGROUND
weeks ealier a song supporting the striking Skirmishes broke out between the Eritrean
taxi drivers and denouncing government and Ethiopian military periodically. Military
intimidation. He was released the same day hostilities with Djibouti escalated over
without charge. ownership of the disputed territory of Ras
In June, the NGO Human Rights Watch Thousands of Eritreans continued to flee the
issued a report highlighting the lack of country. They faced serious human rights
investment in health and education despite abuses while in transit and in destination
the increase, over two decades, of the per countries. Sudan remained a key transit for
capita GDP which arose mainly from oil Eritrean refugees. In one case in August,
revenues. The government continued to Sudanese courts deported 104 refugees to
focus spending on large infrastructure Eritrea where they were at risk of serious
projects, from which some government human rights violations. In a context where
officials profited, at the expense of health and little is known about the fate of those
education sectors. deported across the border with Sudan, there
Pregnant girls continued to be banned from were reports that 30 of them were deported
school following a 2016 order issued by the from Kassala city, eastern Sudan, after being
Ministry of Education as a means to reduce charged with illegal entry. Eritreans also
adolescent pregnancies. risked arbitrary detention, abduction, sexual
abuse and ill-treatment on their way to

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 159

Attempts to address the causes of migration calls from the international community on the
from Eritrea continued at an international government to limit conscription to 18
level. Following the High Level Dialogues on months. Significant numbers of conscripts
migration under the EU-Horn of Africa remained in open-ended conscription, some
Migration Route Initiative (Khartoum for as long as 20 years. Despite a minimum
Process), which involves the EU and African legal conscription age of 18, children
states and aims to address migration flows, continued to be subjected to military training
the European Commission apportioned over under the requirement that they undergo
EUR13 million for Eritrea in order to support grade 12 of secondary school at Sawa
employment opportunities and skills National Service training camp, where they
development in the country as a means of faced harsh living conditions, military-style
reducing migration. The EU channelled discipline and weapons training. Women, in
EUR100 million to Sudan through the particular, faced harsh treatment in the camp
European Union Emergency Trust Fund for including sexual enslavement, torture and
Africa for use in addressing the root causes other sexual abuse.
of migration and displacement in the region. Men of up to 67 years of age were
conscripted into the “People’s Army”, where
FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT they were given a weapon and assigned
The imposition of indefinite military national duties under threat of punitive repercussions,
service, along with the general human rights such as detention, fines or hard labour.
situation, created severe difficulties for many
Eritreans. The right of people to leave the ARBITRARY ARRESTS AND DETENTIONS
country was severely restricted. The Arbitrary detention and enforced
authorities continued to prohibit those aged disappearances continued, for which security
between five and 50 from travelling abroad, forces were not held accountable. Thousands
and anyone attempting to leave was subject of prisoners of conscience and political
to arbitrary detention. People seeking to leave prisoners, including former politicians,
to avoid indefinite national service and other journalists and practitioners of unauthorized
human rights violations, or for family reunion religions, continued to be detained without
with relatives abroad, had to travel by foot charge or trial and lacked access to lawyers
and use unofficial border crossings in order or family members. Many had been detained
to take flights from other countries. If caught for well over a decade.
by the military, they were detained without
charge until they paid exorbitant fines. The FREEDOM OF RELIGION AND BELIEF
amount payable depended on factors such Bans on religious faiths, other than Islam,
as the commanding officer making the arrest Orthodox Christianity, Protestant Lutheranism
and the time of the year. People caught and Catholicism, remained in place. Many
during national holidays to commemorate Evangelical Christians practised their religion
independence were subject to higher fines. in secret to avoid imprisonment.
The amount was greater for those attempting Patriarch Antonios, head of the Eritrean
to cross the border with Ethiopia. A “shoot-to- Orthodox Church, was reported to have been
kill” policy remained in place for anyone seen attending mass in the capital, Asmara,
evading capture and attempting to cross the in July. He had last been seen in public 10
border into Ethiopia. Children close to years earlier just before he was sentenced to
conscription age caught trying to leave were house arrest for objecting to government
sent to Sawa National Service training camp. interference in church affairs.


The mandatory national service continued to
be extended indefinitely despite repeated

160 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

RIGHT TO AN ADEQUATE STANDARD OF In accordance with the November 2016
LIVING  decision of the Tallinn Appeal Court, which
UNICEF said that malnutrition rates had ruled against the blanket application of the
increased over the past few years in four out “safe third country” concept for applications
of six regions of Eritrea, and cited research from asylum-seekers entering from the
which projected that 22,700 children Russian Federation, the merits of eight
under five would be affected by severe acute individual asylum requests were assessed.
malnutrition during the year. It also noted These cases were pending at the end of the
national data indicating that half of all year.
children had stunted growth. In her June In May, the government presented a draft
report, the UN Special Rapporteur on the amendment to the Asylum Act. The draft
situation of human rights in Eritrea cited extended the exceptions under which
UNICEF’s report. She further highlighted refoulement – the forcible return of people to
accounts from Eritreans living countries where they are at real risk of
abroad describing their relatives at home as persecution – was allowed in situations where
“struggling to meet their basic needs”. Many refugees have been sentenced to
of them could not afford “adequate and imprisonment for certain types of crimes.
sufficient basic supplies” and were dealing UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, raised
with “acute water shortages, especially in concerns that the proposed amendment was
Asmara”. Reports suggested that more and not compliant with the UN Refugee
more people were leaving “drought-affected Convention. In particular, it recommended
regions in search of better living conditions.” that the government clarify the term “danger
She noted that the government’s draconian to the community of Estonia”, which was
regulations that limited cash withdrawals included among the grounds for removal of a
from individuals’ bank accounts prevented refugee from the country.
people from buying adequate food and other A number of refugees faced legal
basic items. uncertainty and difficulty in accessing
services as a consequence of the March
2016 Supreme Court decision which held
ESTONIA that asylum-seekers who received a negative
decision on their application immediately lose
Republic of Estonia their status. The NGO Estonian Human
Head of state: Kersti Kaljulaid Rights Centre raised concern over access to
Head of government: Jüri Ratas legal aid for asylum-seekers held in detention
centres. This lack of access particularly
A draft amendment to the Asylum Act affected asylum-seekers who entered the
would increase the risk of refoulement for country via its border with Russia.
refugees sentenced to imprisonment for The lack of thorough investigations into
certain types of crimes. The Supreme Court racially motivated crimes against refugees
ruled that the Family Law does not prohibit and migrants persisted.
recognition of same-sex marriages
registered in other countries. DISCRIMINATION – ETHNIC MINORITIES
80,000 people resident in Estonia remained
REFUGEES AND ASYLUM-SEEKERS stateless – almost 7% of the population, most
By the end of the year, Estonia had of them Russian speakers. Roma continued
relocated 141 asylum-seekers from Italy and to suffer discrimination across a range of
Greece under the EU Emergency Relocation social and economic rights.
Scheme; however, of these, 71 people had
left the country by the end of the year.

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 161

RIGHTS OF LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, credible investigation into the cause and
In June, the Supreme Court held that
although the Family Law does not provide for TORTURE AND OTHER ILL-TREATMENT
marriage of same-sex couples, it does not Reports of torture and other ill-treatment of
preclude recognition of same-sex marriages people accused of terrorism persisted.
registered in other countries. The decision Detainees repeatedly complained to the
involved an Estonian-US lesbian couple courts that police tortured and ill-treated
initially forced to leave Estonia after the them during interrogations. Although, in
authorities had refused to provide one of the some cases, judges ordered the Ethiopian
partners with a residence permit. Human Rights Commission (EHRC) to
investigate the allegations, the investigations
did not adhere to international human rights
ETHIOPIA standards. Angaw Tegeny and Agbaw Seteny
were tried under the 2009 Anti-Terrorism
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Proclamation (ATP) along with 35 others, in
Head of state: Mulatu Teshome Wirtu connection with a fire at Qilinto prison on the
Head of government: Hailemariam Desalegn outskirts of the capital, Addis Ababa. The two
men complained that the police suspended a
The government lifted the state of water bottle from their scrotums and flogged
emergency in June. In August protests them on the soles of their feet. However, an
resumed in Oromia against income tax EHRC report to the Federal High Court did
increases and calling for the release of not refer to their torture complaints.
Beqele Gerba, Merera Gudina and other
political prisoners. In February, 10,000 ARBITRARY ARRESTS AND DETENTIONS
people who had been arbitrarily detained Arbitrary detention continued under the state
were released. Reports of torture and other of emergency declaration which was lifted in
ill-treatment, unfair trials and violations of June. On 2 February, the government
the rights to freedom of expression and of ordered the release of 10,000 of the 26,000
association continued. people arbitrarily detained and arrested,
under the declaration, in 2016.
BACKGROUND Hundreds of people were detained under
The authorities failed to implement the the ATP, which includes overly broad and
reforms they had promised to address vague definitions of terrorist acts punishable
grievances raised during protests in 2015 by up to 20 years’ imprisonment. Detainees
and 2016 in Amhara and Oromia. The were held in excess of four months, the
demonstrators had been protesting against maximum period allowed under the law for
the forced eviction of farmers from their lands pre-trial detention. Seven Oromo artists, for
in Oromia in the past 20 years; arbitrary example, were detained for more than six
arrests and detention of opposition political months when the prosecutor finally charged
party leaders; and severe restrictions on the them on 29 June.
rights to freedom of expression and of
association. Instead, the government UNFAIR TRIALS
declared a state of emergency in October Hundreds of political activists, dissenters and
2016 after mobs torched farms and peaceful protesters faced unfair trials on
businesses in Oromia and Amhara following a charges brought under the ATP law. The trials
stampede during the Oromo Thanksgiving were marked by prolonged pre-trial
Ceremony (Irrecha) in which at least 55 detention, undue delays and persistent
people were killed. The Ethiopian authorities complaints of torture and other ill-treatment.
have yet to conduct an independent and

162 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

Prominent leaders of opposition political provided rehabilitation for victims and their
parties such as Merera Gudina, Chairman of families by the end of the year.
the Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC), and
Beqele Gerba, Deputy Chairman of the OFC, EXTRAJUDICIAL EXECUTIONS
were tried on charges under the ATP for their The Ethiopian Somali Liyu Police (Liyu
alleged role in organizing the November 2015 Police), a special force in Somali Regional
Oromia protest. Beqele Gerba’s trial was State in eastern Ethiopia, and local Ethiopian
repeatedly adjourned. Finally the court militia, extrajudicially executed hundreds of
dismissed the terrorism charges against him. Oromos living in the Somali Region. Among
However, it ruled that his trial should proceed those killed were infants as young as six
on charges of provocation and preparation for months. The Liyu Police also evicted at least
outrages against the Constitution or the 50,000 Oromos living in the Somali Region
Constitutional Order as per the Criminal between September and October. It attacked
Code. the neighbouring Oromia Regional Districts
and displaced thousands of residents in
FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION February, March, August, September and
The Federal High Court convicted journalists, October.
bloggers and other activists on terrorism
charges and handed down prison sentences. ABDUCTION OF CHILDREN
Yonatan Tesfaye was convicted of The authorities failed to adequately protect
encouraging terrorism in his Facebook posts people in Gambella Regional State from
and sentenced to six-and-a-half years in repeated attacks by armed members of the
prison. Getachew Shiferaw was sentenced to Murle ethnic group based in neighbouring
18 months in prison for sending emails to South Sudan. The Murle gunmen crossed the
leaders of a banned opposition political party border to Ethiopia on 12 March and
based abroad. The court convicted him on abducted 22 children from the Anuwa
charges including expressing appreciation community. The authorities were not known
of someone who, in 2012, publicly to have taken steps to ensure the return of
denounced the late Prime Minister Meles the abducted children to their families.
ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND The police and army continued to enjoy
CULTURAL RIGHTS impunity for human rights violations
On 11 March, 115 people were killed as a committed in 2015 and 2016. During the
result of a landslide at the Koshe rubbish year, the government rejected calls for
dump, the largest dump in Ethiopia, located independent and impartial investigations into
on the outskirts of Addis Ababa, in an area human rights violations committed in the
inhabited by hundreds of people. Most of the context of protests in various regional states.
victims lived next to the site and supported In the few cases where the EHRC conducted
themselves by recycling rubbish. The investigations and found that human rights
authorities had been aware that the landfill violations had taken place, the government
was full to capacity, and the residents had no did not investigate or bring to justice
option but to live and work there because the suspected perpetrators.
government failed to protect their right to
adequate housing and decent work. More
than 80 million birr (around USD3 million)
was fundraised for rehabilitation of the
victims. Although the municipal government
managed the fund, the authorities had not

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 163

posting anti-government graffiti in public
FIJI places in 2011.
On 26 June, Jope Koroisavou, a youth
Republic of Fiji leader from the opposition Social Democratic
Head of state: Jioji Konousi Konrote Liberal Party, was arrested and detained for
Head of government: Josaia Voreqe Bainimarama 48 hours after he carried placards in the
capital, Suva, calling for justice in torture
The government failed to ensure cases.
accountability for the torture and other ill-
treatment of detainees by security forces. In TORTURE AND OTHER ILL-TREATMENT
two incidents, individuals were forcibly Police and military officers charged in 2015
returned without due process to countries in connection with the torture of Iowane
where they may be at risk of serious human Benedito had not been brought to trial by the
rights violations. The increasing use of end of the year.
sedition charges, and the arrest of a lone
peaceful protester on the International Day DEATHS IN CUSTODY
in Support of Victims of Torture highlighted Vikrant Nand, aged 18, died in police
the continuing restrictions on the rights to custody in February. The police promptly
freedom of expression and peaceful announced an investigation into his death but
assembly. by the end of the year it remained unclear
what steps had been taken since the autopsy.
In June, the UN Special Rapporteur on REFUGEES AND ASYLUM-SEEKERS
racism published a report from his December On two occasions, people were forcibly
2016 mission to Fiji. The government had not returned to countries where they may be at
implemented several of the report’s risk of serious human rights violations. In
recommendations by the end of the year, January, Iranian refugee Loghman Sawari
including calls to combat hate speech while fled Papua New Guinea for Fiji to seek
protecting the right to freedom of expression, asylum. On his way to meet Fiji’s Director of
to facilitate meaningful dialogue to address Immigration, police intercepted his vehicle,
past injustices and current inequalities and to arrested him and separated him from his
strengthen the Human Rights and Anti- lawyer. He said the police officers punched
Discrimination Commission to ensure it and attacked him with pepper spray. He was
complies with the Paris Principles. returned to Papua New Guinea without due
process (see Papua New Guinea entry).
FREEDOMS OF EXPRESSION AND In August, 77 Chinese nationals
PEACEFUL ASSEMBLY were returned to China in co-operation with
The authorities used restrictive legislation to the Chinese authorities. The Fijian authorities
stifle the media and curtail the rights to claimed that they had committed “computer
freedom of expression and peaceful crimes” and breached the terms of their
assembly, including by imposing sedition visas, charges which they were not given the
charges. In March, three senior staff at the opportunity to contest. They were
Fiji Times and the author of a letter to its not permitted to seek legal advice or appeal
editor were charged with sedition, which their forcible return.
carries a maximum prison sentence of seven
years. In May, opposition MP Mosese
Bulitavu and Fiji United Freedom Party
leader Jagarth Karunaratne went on trial on
sedition charges for their alleged role in

164 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

Legislation on legal gender recognition
Republic of Finland continued to violate the rights of transgender
Head of state: Sauli Niinistö people. They could obtain legal gender
Head of government: Juha Sipilä recognition only if they agreed to sterilization,
were diagnosed with a mental disorder, and
Changes to the asylum procedure continued were aged over 18. Despite an April decision
to affect asylum-seekers negatively. Support by the European Court of Human Rights
services for women who experienced condemning sterilization, the government did
domestic violence remained inadequate. not consider amending the law.
Legislation on legal gender recognition
continued to violate the rights of VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND GIRLS
transgender people. Draft legislative NGOs and state institutions working to
changes limiting the right to privacy were combat violence against women and girls
proposed. remained systematically under-resourced.
Neither adequate and accessible walk-in
REFUGEES AND ASYLUM-SEEKERS services nor long-term support services for
Many changes in the law introduced in 2016, survivors of violence were in place. Existing
including restrictions of the right to free legal legislation did not sufficiently protect
representation and reduced time frames for institutionalized or hospitalized individuals
appeals, continued to affect refugees’ and from sexual violence.
asylum-seekers’ rights. The likelihood of In May, the first Sexual Assault Support
asylum-seekers being forcibly returned to Centre was opened at the Women’s Hospital
countries where they might be at risk of in the capital, Helsinki. Finland still lacked a
human rights violations (refoulement) was nationwide, accessible service network for
increased. The government had not victims of all forms of sexual violence, which
evaluated the combined impact of these could also provide long-term support.
changes by the end of the year. In January, an Administrative Committee on
Family reunification remained difficult for Coordination on violence against women, as
most refugees due to both legislative and required by the Istanbul Convention, started
practical obstacles, including high income its work to enhance the implementation of
requirements. the Convention and facilitate work to prevent
Despite international NGOs raising concern, violence against women. However, neither
Finland continued to forcibly return asylum- women’s nor victims’ support organizations
seekers whose applications were rejected to were represented in the Committee and it
Afghanistan. was also inadequately resourced.
Contrary to international standards, the
authorities continued to detain RIGHT TO PRIVACY
unaccompanied children, and families with In April, draft civilian and military intelligence
children, based on their immigration status. legislation was published. It enabled the
There was no time limit on detaining families acquisition of information on threats to
with children. In February, “directed national security by giving military and civilian
residence” was introduced as a new form of intelligence agencies permission to conduct
deprivation of liberty for asylum-seekers and communications surveillance without any
migrants. It meant that asylum-seekers had requirement for a link to a specific criminal
to report to a reception centre up to four offence.
times a day.

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 165

CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTORS The law required prefects to seek a judicial
Conscientious objectors to military service authorization only in respect of searches.
continued to be punished for refusing to The UN Special Rapporteur on the
undertake alternative civilian service, which promotion and protection of human rights
remained punitive and discriminatory in and fundamental freedoms while countering
length. The duration of alternative civilian terrorism had in September expressed
service was 347 days, more than double the concern that the bill included a vague
shortest military service period of 165 days. definition of what constituted a threat to
national security and had the effect of
transposing emergency measures into
FRANCE ordinary law.


Head of state: Emmanuel Macron (replaced François Prefects continued to resort to emergency
Hollande in May) measures to restrict the right to freedom of
Head of government: Édouard Philippe (replaced peaceful assembly. In particular, they
Bernard Cazeneuve in May) adopted dozens of measures restricting the
freedom of movement of individuals to
The state of emergency, introduced in prevent them from attending public
2015, was eventually lifted. A new law assemblies. Authorities imposed these
increased the government’s powers to measures on vague grounds and against
impose counter-terrorism measures on individuals with no apparent connection with
vague grounds and without full judicial any terrorism-related offence. Prefects
scrutiny. Authorities continued to return imposed 17 measures to prevent individuals
Afghan nationals to Afghanistan in violation from participating in the public assemblies
of the principle of non-refoulement. A new calling for police accountability after a young
vigilance law imposing obligations on large man reported he had been raped by a police
companies entered into force. officer on 2 February. The Paris Prefect of
Police imposed 10 measures to prevent
COUNTER-TERROR AND SECURITY protesters from attending the public
In July, Parliament approved the assembly scheduled for International
government’s proposal to extend the state of Workers’ Day on 1 May.
emergency until 1 November and then to end On 5 January, a police officer was indicted
it. It had been in force since the attacks for firing a sting-ball grenade that blinded
carried out in the capital, Paris, on 13 protester Laurent Théron in one eye. The trial
November 2015. of the police officer was ongoing at the end of
In October, Parliament adopted a the year. The investigation into the alleged
governmental bill to introduce new counter- excessive use of force by police against
terrorism measures into ordinary law. The law dozens of protesters who had attended the
increased the powers of the Minister of the public assemblies organized in 2016 against
Interior and the prefects to impose the reform of labour laws was still ongoing at
administrative measures on individuals, in the end of the year.
cases where there was not sufficient In March, a new law on the use of force and
evidence to open a criminal investigation. weapons by law enforcement officials entered
The measures included restrictions on into force. The law permitted the use of some
freedom of movement, house searches, weapons, including kinetic impact projectiles,
closure of places of worship, and the in instances that did not fully comply with
establishment of security zones where law international standards.
enforcement officials were permitted to In June, the Constitutional Court ruled that
exercise enhanced stop-and-search powers. the emergency measure that had allowed

166 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

prefects to restrict freedom of movement was Municipal authorities refused to fully comply
unconstitutional. However, in July Parliament with the ruling and only allowed the
included the same measure in the law that distribution of one meal a day. In June, the
extended the state of emergency. Prefects Public Defender of Rights (Ombudsperson)
imposed 37 such measures between 16 July expressed concerns about the human rights
and 30 October. violations experienced by migrants and
asylum-seekers in Calais and called on
REFUGEES’ AND MIGRANTS’ RIGHTS authorities to ensure the respect of their
Between January and July, the prefectural social and economic rights, in particular
authorities of Alpes-Maritimes department access to water and to adequate housing,
stopped 28,000 refugees and migrants who and to provide them with effective
had crossed the border from Italy. The opportunities to seek asylum in France.
authorities sent 95% of them back to Italy, Authorities continued to prosecute and
including unaccompanied minors, without convict individuals who supported migrants
providing them with the right to seek asylum and refugees in entering or staying in France
in France. irregularly, for example by providing food or
Between January and August, authorities shelter. In August, an appeal court convicted
placed more than 1,600 Afghan nationals in Cédric Herrou, a farmer living close to the
detention centres in view of returning them to French-Italian border, and sentenced him to
other European countries under the Dublin III a suspended sentence of four months’
Regulation – a mechanism for allocating imprisonment for helping migrants and
responsibility for the examination of asylum refugees to cross the border into France and
claims among EU member states − or to for sheltering them.
Afghanistan. In the same period, according to
civil society organizations, authorities DISCRIMINATION
returned about 300 Afghan nationals to other In January, a law extending the moratorium
EU countries and expelled at least 10 of them on evictions of informal settlements during
to Afghanistan. Authorities returned 640 winter entered into force. Authorities
individuals to Afghanistan in 2016. All returns continued to forcibly evict people from
to Afghanistan constituted a violation of the informal settlements, many of them Roma
principle of non-refoulement − the principle migrants. Civil society organizations reported
according to which states are obliged not to that authorities had evicted 2,689 individuals
return any person to a country where they in the first half of the year.
would risk human rights violations − given On 14 March, the Court of Justice of the EU
the volatile security and human rights failed to uphold Muslim women’s rights to
situation in Afghanistan. non-discrimination by ruling that a private
In the aftermath of the eviction of the French employer had not breached EU anti-
informal settlement near Calais, known as discrimination law in dismissing a woman for
“The Jungle”, in November 2016, authorities wearing a headscarf.
put in place punitive measures against the
hundreds of migrants and refugees who had CORPORATE ACCOUNTABILITY
subsequently returned to Calais. They In March, a law imposing a “duty of
enhanced police stop-and-search operations, vigilance” on large companies entered into
which raised concerns over ethnic profiling. force. The law required companies to
In March, municipal authorities prohibited establish and implement a “vigilance plan” to
humanitarian organizations from distributing prevent serious human rights abuses and
meals to migrants and asylum-seekers in the environmental damage resulting directly or
town. At the end of March, a court ruled that indirectly from their own activities and those
the decision constituted an inhumane and of subsidiaries and other business partners.
degrading treatment and suspended it. Victims of human rights abuses resulting

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 167

from a company’s failure to comply with the FREEDOMS OF EXPRESSION,
law could seek compensation before a ASSOCIATION AND ASSEMBLY
French court. In January, the new Communications Code
came into force. The Code was criticized by
ARMS TRADE journalists for its vague and overly broad
The government continued to license weapon provisions, including prohibitions on
transfers to governments that were likely to Gabonese nationals working for local media
use them to commit serious violations of outlets outside the country, and
international human rights law and provisions banning the use of pseudonyms,
humanitarian law. The government continued holding printers and distributors jointly
to license weapon transfers to members of responsible for any infractions, and an
the Saudi Arabia-led coalition in Yemen and obligation for media to “contribute to the
to Egypt. country’s image and national cohesion”.
In May, the Senate recommended the use On 17 March, the authorities suspended the
of armed remotely piloted vehicles (drones) activities of CONASYSED, the main teachers’
for the armed forces to improve their union, citing “disturbance of public order”
effectiveness in military operations. The caused by strikes that began in October
Minister of Defence confirmed concrete plans 2016. The Minister of Education also ordered
to use armed drones from 2019, but the the suspension of the payment of salaries to
authorities were yet to articulate and over 800 teachers in order to end the strike.
implement clear policies on their use and In June 2017 the National Council of
transfer. Communication banned Les Echos du Nord,
a newspaper considered to be close to the
political opposition, for statements deemed
GABON defamatory against President Bongo and
Prime Minister Issoze-Ngondet. The outlet
Gabonese Republic reopened in August.
Head of state: Ali Bongo Ondimba
Head of government: Emmanuel Issoze-Ngondet ARBITRARY ARRESTS AND DETENTIONS
On 14 April, Alain Djally, an assistant to
The new Communications Code was opposition leader Jean Ping, was arrested
criticized by journalists for its vague and without a warrant in the capital, Libreville. He
overly broad provisions, and a newspaper was blindfolded and ill-treated by men in
was suspended. Prominent opposition plain clothes, but allowed to see his lawyer
supporters were arbitrarily arrested. The the day after his arrest. After that he was
activities of the teachers’ unions were denied access. He was detained at the
severely restricted. Representatives of the Direction Générale de la Recherche, a facility
ICC conducted a two-day visit. run by the Gabonese intelligence services,
before being transferred to the central prison
BACKGROUND in Libreville, where he was kept in solitary
Presidential candidate Jean Ping continued confinement for the entire period of his
to contest the results of the August 2016 detention. He was charged with
presidential elections, and in September impersonating an active service member and
2017 he was temporarily denied the right to illegal possession of firearms, for retaining his
leave the country. Legislative elections were old military ID card and possessing a blank-
postponed until April 2018. In November, the firing gun. His lawyer claimed such a weapon
report submitted by Gabon and parallel did not require a permit, and that the charges
reports submitted by civil society were politically motivated. He was
organizations were examined under the UN provisionally released on 23 June.
UPR process.

168 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

On 15 June, Marcel Libama, an adviser for reforming the security forces. Steps were
CONASYSED and the union confederation taken to begin a transitional justice process.
Dynamique Unitaire, was arrested in
Tchibanga city after discussing the case of a BACKGROUND
detained colleague, Cyprien Moungouli, Following mediation by regional leaders and
during a Radio Massanga show. He was held the threat of a military intervention by
for three days at a police station, and on 20 ECOWAS,1 former President Yahya Jammeh
June transferred to the local prison. He was accepted the results of the December 2016
charged with insulting a magistrate, presidential elections and departed Gambia
obstruction of justice and defamation. On 17 on 21 January for Equatorial Guinea.2
June, Juldas Biviga, a journalist from Radio ECOWAS had a coalition force stationed in
Massanga, was also arrested for refusing to Gambia scheduled to withdraw in mid-2018.
delete recordings of archived interviews, Adama Barrow was inaugurated in Senegal’s
among other things. On 13 July, both Marcel capital, Dakar, on 19 January during the
Libama and Juldas Biviga were severely impasse.
beaten by their prison guards. Suffering
injuries to his ankles, ribs and ears, Juldas LEGAL, CONSTITUTIONAL OR
Biviga was transferred to hospital. They both INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENTS
received sentences of 184 days in prison and On 10 February, the government cancelled
a EUR450 fine. the planned withdrawal from the Rome
On 27 August, security forces arrested Statute of the ICC which had been introduced
Hervé Mombo Kinga, an activist and under President Jammeh’s rule.3
prominent supporter of Jean Ping. He had On 21 September, Gambia signed the
publicly projected videos next to his internet Second Optional Protocol to the ICCPR, in an
café, and was charged with “instigating apparent step towards abolishing the death
violence” and “insulting the Head of State”, penalty.
and spent one and a half months in solitary Plans were initiated to begin a constitutional
confinement. He remained in detention at the reform process and to reform other
end of the year. repressive laws implemented under the
previous President.
IMPUNITY Bills on the Constitutional Review
The ICC continued its preliminary Commission and Human Rights Commission
examination into whether alleged crimes were passed by the National Assembly on 13
committed after May 2016, including in the December.
context of the 2016 presidential elections,
could amount to crimes under the Rome POLITICAL PRISONERS
Statute, and whether the criteria for opening Between December 2016 and January 2017,
an investigation were met. In June, dozens of political prisoners and prisoners of
representatives of the ICC conducted a two- conscience were released, including
day visit. prisoners of conscience Amadou Sanneh and
Ousainou Darboe. On 30 January, President
Barrow pardoned Ousainou Darboe and
GAMBIA dozens of others arrested for taking part in a
peaceful protest in April 2016.
Republic of the Gambia
Head of state and government: Adama DETENTION
Barrow (replaced Yahya Jammeh in January) Prison conditions did not meet international
standards due to inadequate sanitation, food
The new government committed to and access to medical care. In February, 174
reforming several repressive laws and prisoners were released to commemorate

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 169

independence celebrations and a further 84 against electricity and water shortages, but
were released in March in order to reduce permission was denied on 11 November. The
prison overcrowding. Legal aid provision was protest was dispersed on 12 November by
limited, especially outside of the capital, riot police.
Banjul. New judges were appointed, in order
to address the need for a more independent POLICE AND SECURITY FORCES
judiciary. In February the National Intelligence Agency
(NIA), which practised torture and arbitrary
FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION detention under the previous government,
The government committed to reforming was renamed the State Intelligence Services
several repressive media laws. A number of and its powers of detention ended through a
journalists returned to the country, having government policy decision. However, the
fled into exile due to harassment or threat of changes were not supported by new
imprisonment under the previous legislation. During the following months, the
government. heads of the police, prison, intelligence
On 19 February, a woman was arrested and agency and military were replaced. However,
detained for breach of the peace after she there had not been systemic reform of these
allegedly insulted President Barrow. She was institutions, or any vetting of people who had
granted bail on 2 March, and the case was committed serious human rights abuses. Civil
dismissed by the Brikama Magistrates Court society groups expressed concern that the
on 3 April. government had not taken steps to preserve
In November, at a symposium marking the documentary and physical evidence of
International Day to End Impunity for Crimes abuses by the security forces, particularly the
against Journalists, the government NIA.
announced that it would comply with In July, 12 soldiers were arrested on
judgments by the ECOWAS Community Court allegations connected to “mutinous and
of Justice on state involvement in human seditious” posts on social media in support of
rights violations against three journalists – former President Jammeh. They were held
Deyda Hydara, Chief Ebrima Manneh and without charge in military detention until
Musa Saidykhan. This would include being brought to court on 17 November, in
negotiating compensation payments with violation of detention time limits set in the
victims’ families. Constitution. On 27 November, 10 were
charged with treason and mutiny and two
FREEDOM OF ASSEMBLY with negligent interference of lawful custody.
Restrictive laws on freedom of peaceful
assembly had not yet been amended. On 23 TRANSITIONAL JUSTICE
November, Gambia’s Supreme Court ruled Ten soldiers were arrested and detained in
that Section 5 of the Public Order Act 1961, January, accused of involvement in enforced
requiring police permission for peaceful disappearances and killings, but were not
assembly, did not violate the Constitution. charged and remained in detention at the
On 2 June, one person died and at least six end of the year.
were injured when the ECOWAS coalition In February, criminal proceedings began
force fired live ammunition to disperse against nine NIA officers, including the
demonstrators near Yahya Jammeh’s former former director, accused of murdering
residence in the village of Kanilai. The opposition activist Solo Sandeng in April
government committed to holding an 2016.
investigation, but no information had been In October, victims of human rights abuses,
made public by the end of the year. civil society organizations and international
The Occupy Westfield movement was human rights groups formed a coalition to
initially authorized to peacefully protest campaign for Yahya Jammeh and others who

170 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

committed serious human rights abuses Abortion remained a criminal offence,
during his rule to be brought to justice. except in cases where the pregnant woman’s
Ousmane Sonko, Minister of Interior from life was at risk.
2006 until he fled the country in September
2016, faced investigation in Switzerland for
1. Gambia: Adama Barrow must not forget his big promises (News story,
crimes against humanity committed during 19 January); Gambia: State of Emergency no licence for repression
President Jammeh’s rule. (News story, 18 January)
On 13 December, the Truth, Reconciliation 2. Gambia: Response to the departure of Yahya Jammeh (News story, 22
and Reparation Commission (TRRC) bill to January)
examine events during President Jammeh’s 3. Gambia: Progress in first 100 days of Barrow government requires
rule, was passed by the National Assembly, major reform to break with brutal past (News story, 27 April)

following consultation on the bill with national

and international actors.
On 10 August, a Commission of Inquiry was
set up to investigate Yahya Jammeh’s alleged
mismanagement of public finances and Georgia
abuse of office. The government also froze Head of state: Giorgi Margvelashvili
assets believed to belong to him. Head of government: Giorgi Kvirikashvili
A Panel on Missing Persons, a specialized
police unit investigating enforced Continued impunity for human rights
disappearances during President Jammeh’s abuses committed by law enforcement
rule, was created in February. In March, the officials emphasized the need for an
bodies of four people, possible victims of independent investigation mechanism. A
enforced disappearance, were exhumed, legal dispute over a pro-opposition TV
including that of Solo Sandeng. It is expected channel caused concern about judicial
to submit the list of missing people to be independence and media freedom. The
investigated by the TRRC. fencing of the de facto border between the
breakaway regions of Abkhazia and South
RIGHTS OF LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, Ossetia continued to have a negative impact
TRANSGENDER AND INTERSEX PEOPLE on local residents’ economic and social
Same-sex relations remained criminalized. A rights.
law approved in October 2014, for example,
imposed sentences of up to life imprisonment BACKGROUND
for “aggravated homosexuality” offences. The Parliament – under the majority ruling
LGBTI people continued to suffer party Georgian Dream – adopted a new
discrimination and threats from non-state Constitution in October. It deferred until
actors. 2024 the introduction of a fully proportional
electoral system, which the opposition had
SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS long been seeking, and ensured that from
In November, the government and 2024 mandates won by political parties that
development partners launched the fail to reach the election threshold are
Comprehensive Sexuality Education assigned to the winning party. Under the new
programme to be delivered in schools. rules, electoral blocs will no longer be allowed
Despite laws criminalizing female genital from 2020, and the president will no longer
mutilation (FGM), it remained widespread. be elected by direct popular vote after 2018.
The government and development partners In December, Parliament started the
developed a communication strategy to process of changing the Constitution again to
further educate communities about the accommodate some of the opposition’s
harms of FGM. demands which were excluded from the new

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 171

Far-right movements organized xenophobic evidence. The prosecution appealed against
and homophobic marches in the capital the Court’s decision.
The national currency, Lari, continued to LACK OF ACCOUNTABILITY
devalue, adversely affecting living standards. On 29 May, Azerbaijani investigative
In February, Georgian nationals were journalist Afghan Mukhtarli – who was exiled
granted visa-free travel to the Schengen Area in Georgia – vanished from Tbilisi, and
after the government implemented several reappeared the following day in Azerbaijan in
key institutional and legislative reforms official custody, falsely accused of illegal
demanded as a precondition by the EU. border crossing and money smuggling. He
told his lawyer that he had been abducted by
Georgian-speaking men, some wearing
IMPUNITY Georgian criminal police uniforms, and
Impunity for human rights abuses committed trafficked across the border. The authorities
by law enforcement officers persisted, while denied the involvement of Georgian forces,
the government continued to promise, but and started an investigation into Afghan
failed to deliver, an independent investigation Mukhtarli’s allegations. The investigation was
mechanism. In June, instead of an not known to have produced substantial
independent investigation mechanism, the results; he remained in detention in
government proposed a new department Azerbaijan at the end of the year.
within the Prosecutor’s Office with a mandate
to investigate alleged abuses by law JUSTICE SYSTEM
enforcement officers. The litigation over the ownership of Rustavi 2
In June, two members of the rap group Birja Broadcasting Company, a pro-opposition TV
Mafia were arrested for alleged drug channel, continued. On 2 March, the
possession, and demonstrations erupted in Supreme Court ruled to transfer the
their support. The arrested musicians said ownership of Rustavi 2 TV to its former co-
police had planted drugs on them in revenge owners – known to be government supporters
for a YouTube video satirizing a police officer, – upholding previous rulings by the court of
and cited earlier threats from police first instance and the Court of Appeals. Local
demanding that they remove the video. The NGOs raised concerns about possible
protests resulted in their release on bail government interference in the judicial
pending trial. An investigation was launched process and called the trial unfair. In March,
into the musicians’ allegations of police the European Court of Human Rights
abuse and was ongoing at the end of the requested that enforcement of the Supreme
year. Court’s decision be suspended until it had
In June, the first instance court in Kutaisi considered the case.
acquitted the police officer charged with
“exceeding official capacity”. The alleged FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT
victim, Demur Sturua, a 22-year-old resident Russian forces and de facto authorities in the
of Dapnari, western Georgia, committed breakaway regions of Abkhazia and South
suicide on 8 August 2016. The prosecution’s Ossetia continued to restrict movement
evidence included Demur Sturua’s note across the de facto border, briefly detaining
blaming the police officer for his suicide, a and fining dozens of people for “illegal”
postmortem examination confirming signs of border crossing. The increased fencing along
ill-treatment, video footage showing the the administrative boundary lines continued
officer picking up Demur Sturua with his car to adversely affect the rights of local
on the day of the suicide, and phone call residents, including the rights to work, food
logs. NGOs criticized the court’s decision, and an adequate standard of living, owing to
calling it unsubstantiated in light of the

172 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

the loss of access to their orchards, pasture
and farm land. GERMANY
RIGHTS OF LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, Federal Republic of Germany
TRANSGENDER AND INTERSEX PEOPLE Head of state: Frank-Walter Steinmeier (replaced
The new Constitution restricted the definition Joachim Gauck in March)
of marriage from “a voluntary union based on Head of government: Angela Merkel
equality between the spouses” to “a union
between a man and a woman”. Same-sex Parliament passed a law granting same-sex
couples were not legally recognized. couples the right to marry. The authorities
On 25 August, police arrested two LGBTI continued to deport to Afghanistan asylum-
activists after a violent incident at a nightclub seekers whose applications had failed
in Batumi, the second largest city. The despite the worsening security situation in
activists questioned why they, the targets of the country. The federal Parliament
violence, were arrested and charged with extended police powers to conduct
“disorderly conduct” and not their assailants, surveillance measures and to impose
and complained of beating and verbal abuse administrative measures on individuals
by police. An investigation was opened into identified as “potential attackers”.
their complaint and was ongoing at the end
In March, September and November, 22
REFUGEES AND ASYLUM-SEEKERS Syrian nationals residing in Germany
On 24 May, Mustafa Çabuk – a Turkish submitted four criminal complaints to the
national resident in Georgia since 2002 – was office of the Federal Prosecutor General
detained under an extradition request from against 27 Syrian officials working for the
Turkey which claimed that he was military police and different intelligence
“supporting terrorism” and had links with the services for their alleged involvement in
Fethullah Gülen movement. Mustafa Çabuk torture as a war crime and a crime against
was at real risk of torture and other ill- humanity. The alleged crimes were
treatment if returned to Turkey. His committed in Saydnaya and other military
application for refugee status in Georgia was prisons and in prisons of the Air Force
rejected. Appeals were made against the Intelligence in Damascus and other places in
decision; Mustafa Çabuk continued to be Syria. In May, the Federal Prosecutor General
held in pre-extradition detention at the end of carried out hearings with Syrian witnesses.
the year. Investigations were ongoing at the end of the
Throughout the year, more than a dozen COUNTER-TERROR AND SECURITY
cases of fatal occupational accidents In April, the federal Parliament passed an
were reported, particularly among miners and amendment that expanded the control
construction workers. The need for stricter powers of the Federal Criminal Police to
regulations and their effective monitoring by impose administrative measures for
an independent labour standards regulatory “potential attackers”, such as electronic
authority remained. ankle tagging, assigned residency and
telecommunication surveillance. These
“potential attackers” were vaguely defined as
“individuals who could be involved in
committing a terrorism-related offence in the

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 173

In May, the federal Parliament passed a law Despite the worsening security situation in
that facilitated the detention of people Afghanistan, authorities continued to forcibly
representing a “significant security threat” to return Afghan nationals whose asylum claims
society, pending their deportation. The law had been rejected, in violation of the
also granted the Federal Office for Migration principle of non-refoulement. By the end of
and Refugees the power to seize the the year, 121 Afghan nationals had been
electronic devices of asylum-seekers who do forcibly returned.
not possess identity documents. In March, the Federal Council rejected a
In July, the state of Bavaria increased the draft law from the government that sought to
period of administrative police detention classify Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia as
without charge for “potential attackers” from “safe” countries of origin and to establish a
14 days to up to three months. fast-track procedure to determine the refugee
status of applicants from those countries.
RIGHT TO PRIVACY Germany had relocated around 9,100
In June, the federal Parliament passed a law asylum-seekers who had arrived via Italy and
granting police authorities the power to use Greece by the end of December. Germany
new surveillance techniques, including by also resettled almost 280 refugees from Egypt
installing surveillance software on computers and Lebanon, and around 2,700 Syrian
and phones. refugees from Turkey as part of the EU-
Also in June, a Higher Administrative Court Turkey deal.
ruled in an urgent procedure that the
indiscriminate retention of data prescribed by DISCRIMINATION – HATE CRIMES
a law that was due to enter into full force in In June, the second Committee of Inquiry –
July, was not in compliance with EU law. The established by Parliament in 2015 to address
law was not enforced pending the final ruling. the authorities’ failure to investigate the racist
Also in June, a parliamentary committee of crimes perpetrated by the far-right group
inquiry – established in 2013 following Nationalist Social Underground (NSU)
Edward Snowden’s revelations regarding the between 2000 and 2007 – concluded that
USA’s surveillance of its allies, including the authorities had to establish clear rules for
Germany – concluded that the Federal infiltrating “far-right extremist” movements,
Intelligence Service had resorted to an overly provide long-term funding to civil society
broad interpretation of surveillance laws and initiatives against racism and assist victims of
had implemented surveillance measures, racist crimes. The authorities continued to fail
such as mass surveillance of foreign-to- to launch an official investigation into the
foreign communications, without sufficient potential role of institutional racism behind
legal basis and oversight. Germany’s failure to investigate the crimes
committed by the NSU.
REFUGEES AND ASYLUM-SEEKERS In the first nine months, the Interior Ministry
There were 222,683 asylum applications reported 1,212 criminal offences against
made, a drop by 70.1% compared to 2016, refugees and asylum-seekers, and 210
and the decisions on 68,245 claims were offences against asylum-seekers’
pending. accommodations. Federal and state
The right to family reunification for authorities continued to fail to implement a
beneficiaries of subsidiary protection comprehensive assessment strategy to
remained suspended throughout the year. identify the risks of attacks against asylum
This had a particularly negative impact on shelters, in order to provide adequate police
Syrian refugees who were increasingly protection if necessary.
granted subsidiary protection instead of full In June, following a comprehensive
refugee status, providing them with fewer consultation with civil society organizations,
rights. the federal government adopted a National

174 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

Action Plan against racism and other forms of The federal government continued to
discrimination, including homophobia and license the export of arms and other related
transphobia. military equipment to countries, such as
India and Turkey, where there was a risk that
TORTURE AND OTHER ILL-TREATMENT such arms could be used to commit or
Authorities at both the federal and the state facilitate serious human rights violations.
levels continued to fail to establish any
independent complaints mechanism to CORPORATE ACCOUNTABILITY
investigate ill-treatment by police. In March, Parliament passed a law
Civil society organizations continued to implementing the 2014 EU Directive on non-
report discriminatory identity checks by financial reporting, which required certain
police on members of ethnic and religious large companies to report on the human
minorities. rights impacts of their global operations.
In November, the central investigation unit However, the law was more limited than the
in Hamburg was investigating complaints Directive, requiring companies to report only
filed against 109 police officers for the on risks that were “very likely to cause severe
alleged unlawful use of force during protests negative consequences” on human rights
against the G20 summit in Hamburg in July. and only to the extent necessary for an
In eight federal states, police officers understanding of their business operations.
remained under no legal obligation to wear There continued to be a lack of a binding
identification badges. In October, the newly mechanism requiring business enterprises to
elected Parliament in North-Rhine exercise due diligence to ensure that they
Westphalia repealed the recently introduced respect human rights throughout their
requirement for law enforcement officials in operations and supply chain. Access to the
the federal state to wear identification justice system for victims of human rights
badges. abuses by or involving business enterprises
In October, prosecutorial authorities closed remained burdensome.
the new investigations opened in May into the
death in custody of Oury Jalloh, a Sierra RIGHTS OF LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL,
Leonean national who died in a fire in a cell TRANSGENDER AND INTERSEX PEOPLE
of a police station in Dessau in 2005. In In July, the federal Parliament passed a law
November, media reports revealed that granting same-sex couples the right to marry
months before the investigations were closed, and to access adoption.
fire experts meeting in February had Children and adults with variations of sex
unanimously excluded the possibility of Oury characteristics continued to suffer human
Jalloh setting fire to himself. In December, rights violations. Invasive and irreversible
the Minister of Justice of Saxony-Anhalt medical procedures carried out on children
newly assigned the investigations to the with variations of sex characteristics
Prosecutor General of Naumburg. continued and had lifelong harmful effects.
Guidelines drawn up by intersex activists and
ARMS TRADE medical professionals for treatment of
The selective post-shipment control system to individuals with variations of sex
improve the monitoring of German small characteristics had not been widely
arms exports to ensure compliance with end- implemented.
use certificates entered its pilot phase. In In November, the Federal Constitutional
May, a first control mission on the Court ruled that individuals should be allowed
whereabouts of exported sniper rifles in India to choose a legal gender other than male and
was conducted in agreement with the Indian female by the end of 2018.

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 175

arrests. No official report concerning the
GHANA death had been released by the end of the
Republic of Ghana
Head of state and government: Nana Addo Dankwa CHILDREN’S RIGHTS
Akufo-Addo (replaced John Dramani Mahama in In May the Minister for Gender, Children and
January) Social Protection launched a strategy for
2017-2026 to address the issue of child
Concerns were raised around unfair trials marriage. Some regions were
and poor prison conditions for people on disproportionately affected by child marriage;
death row, as well as the shackling of 34% of girls in northern Ghana were married
people with psychosocial disabilities. LGBTI before the age of 18. The strategy included
people continued to face discrimination, accelerating access to quality education and
violence and police harassment. sexual and reproductive health information
and services, as well as enforcing the existing
BACKGROUND legal and policy frameworks in relation to
Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo of the New child marriage.
Patriotic Party was inaugurated as President
in January, following presidential and DEATH PENALTY
parliamentary elections in December 2016. Scores of people on death row, including six
officially considered to have mental and
LEGAL, CONSTITUTIONAL OR intellectual disabilities, faced poor prison
INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENTS conditions. Inmates experienced
In July, Ghana signed the AU Convention on overcrowding and lack of access to health
Cyber Security and Personal Data Protection, care and educational and recreational
and the Protocol to the African Charter on facilities.
Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Many death row inmates reported that they
Older Persons in Africa. had not received adequate legal
representation at their trials. Fewer than one
WORKERS’ RIGHTS in four death row inmates interviewed by
On 23 March, Ghana ratified the UN Amnesty International had been able to
Minamata Convention on Mercury, which appeal against their conviction or sentence.
aims to protect workers from toxic liquid Few inmates interviewed were aware of how
metal by reducing mercury use in artisanal to appeal or access legal aid, while most were
and small-scale gold mining and protecting unable to pay for private lawyers. The Ghana
children from exposure. About 1 million Prison Service reported that only 12 death
people were working in Ghana’s gold mines, row inmates had filed appeals since 2006 –
and nearby communities were often directly half of which were successful.1 Proposals
exposed to mercury. In April, the government made by the Constitutional Review
began a campaign to end illegal small-scale Implementation Committee to abolish the
gold mining (known as “galamsey”), the death penalty continued to be stalled as a
negative impacts of which include increased result of delays in the constitutional review
crime, lost revenues and environmental process.
damage as well as encouraging hazardous
child labour. The government launched a JUSTICE SYSTEM
five-year project to provide illegal miners with Access to justice remained limited, especially
alternative livelihoods in the legal mining for people from low income or marginalized
sector. More than 300 people were arrested backgrounds. The Ghana Legal Aid Scheme
on suspicion of illegal gold mining; one suffered from funding shortages; just 23
person was shot dead by police during the lawyers offering legal aid were available to the

176 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

country’s population of more than 28 million
1. Locked up and forgotten: The need to abolish the death penalty in
Ghana (ACT 50/6268/2017)

Shackling of people with psychosocial
disabilities remained common, particularly in GREECE
private “prayer camps” across the country.
The practice involved restraining a person Hellenic Republic
Head of state: Prokopis Pavlopoulos
using chains or ropes and locking them in a
Head of government: Alexis Tsipras
confined space such as a room, shed or
cage. In June the Mental Health Thousands of asylum-seekers and migrants
Authority of Ghana released 16 people, remained trapped on the Greek islands in
including two girls, held in shackles at appalling conditions. The European Court of
Nyakumasi Prayer Camp, a “spiritual healing Human Rights found that Greece failed to
centre” in the Central Region. Those freed, prevent human trafficking in the case of 42
some of whom had mental health conditions, migrant workers from Bangladesh. New
were taken to nearby Ankaful Psychiatric legislation reforming legal recognition of
Hospital. A coalition of civil society gender identity was adopted.
organizations called on the government to
adopt and enforce a ban on shackling and to BACKGROUND
invest in appropriate community-based Unemployment rates dropped but remained
services to support people with mental health high, particularly for the 15-24 age group. In
conditions. They also called on the July, the unemployment rate was 20.5% and
government to fully implement the Mental youth unemployment was at 39.5%. Also in
Health Act 2012, which, among other things, July, Greece returned to the international
required the establishment of regional mental bond market after a three-year hiatus.
health committees responsible for monitoring According to the 2017 Gender Equality
mental health facilities across the country. Index, Greece ranked last among EU states
Funding for mental health services remained in terms of overall gender equality. In
lacking. November, the Ministry of Justice presented
a bill on the ratification of the Council of
RIGHTS OF LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, Europe Convention on Preventing and
TRANSGENDER AND INTERSEX PEOPLE Combating Violence against Women and
Consensual same-sex sexual relations Domestic Violence.
between men remained a criminal offence.
LGBTI people continued to face REFUGEES’ AND MIGRANTS’ RIGHTS
discrimination, violence and police Nearly 47,000 asylum-seekers remained
harassment as well as extortion attempts by trapped in Greece due to the closure of the
members of the public. In February the Balkans migration route and the
Speaker of Parliament stated in the media implementation of the EU-Turkey deal in
that the Constitution should be amended to March 2016. By the end of the year, 29,716
make homosexuality completely illegal and people had arrived by sea from Turkey in
punishable by law. In July he also stated in comparison with 173,450 in 2016. However,
the media that Ghana would not Greece continued to be one of the main entry
decriminalize homosexuality as this could points for refugees and migrants into Europe.
lead to bestiality and incest becoming THE EU-TURKEY MIGRATION DEAL
legalized. The expectation that everyone arriving
irregularly on the Greek islands, including
asylum-seekers, would be returned to Turkey
under the EU-Turkey deal of March 2016

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 177

continued to condemn many to extended In June, the three refugee camps in the
asylum procedures while being stranded in Elliniko area in the capital Athens – which
appalling reception conditions on the islands. housed around 1,000 refugees and migrants,
In September, the Greek Council of State, including many children – were evacuated.
the highest administrative court in the The majority of refugees and migrants were
country, rejected the final appeals of two transferred to alternative camps. The
Syrian refugees, against previous decisions conditions in the Elliniko camps, which
declaring their asylum claims inadmissible on occupied two former Olympic sites and the
the basis that Turkey was a safe third country. arrivals terminal of an unused airport, had
This decision could result in the first forcible been appalling and unsafe. NGOs had raised
returns of Syrian asylum-seekers under the serious concern regarding security in Elliniko,
EU-Turkey deal. especially for women and girls. Many women
By the end of the year, 684 individuals were reported verbal harassment and being at risk
returned to Turkey from the Greek islands of sexual and gender-based violence.
(1,485 in total since the EU-Turkey deal In January, three men died within one week
became effective). Out of those, five were in Moria camp on the island of Lesvos. Their
Syrian nationals in detention who did not deaths were suspected to be linked to carbon
challenge their return after their claims were monoxide poisoning from makeshift heaters
found inadmissible at second instance. used to heat their tents. By the end of the
In October, NGOs, including Amnesty year, the investigation into the deaths had not
International, documented instances in which been concluded.
Syrian asylum-seekers were automatically Following these deaths, the Greek
detained upon arrival as the authorities authorities transferred thousands of
expected them to be shortly returned to vulnerable asylum-seekers from the islands
Turkey, under the EU-Turkey deal. to the mainland. However, in August, rising
Greek authorities discriminated against numbers of people arrived on the islands and
asylum-seekers of certain nationalities. Due reception facilities returned to being
to the EU-Turkey deal, many of those with overcrowded. The authorities had not been
nationalities of countries prejudged to be able to provide reception conditions on the
producing “economic migrants” rather than islands that met minimum standards under
“refugees” were automatically detained and EU law by the end of the year.
expected to be returned to Turkey. The use of urban accommodation for
EU RELOCATION SCHEME asylum-seekers, largely flats, increased. By
The EU relocation scheme continued to be the end of the year, there were around
one of very few formal options available, for 18,000 asylum-seekers and refugees staying
those eligible, to safely leave Greece and in flats and other urban accommodation
move elsewhere in Europe. However, asylum- rather than in camps. The majority of those
seekers who arrived in Greece since the EU- living in the urban accommodation were in
Turkey deal came into effect, were arbitrarily mainland Greece; there were fewer than
excluded from the scheme. A total of 21,703 1,000 asylum-seekers living in flats on the
asylum-seekers had been relocated from islands.
Greece to other European countries, out of UNACCOMPANIED CHILDREN
the 66,400 that were foreseen to be relocated In September, the Council of Europe
under the scheme. Committee for the Prevention of Torture
RECEPTION CONDITIONS criticized the continued and routine detention
Security continued to be a main concern in of unaccompanied migrant and refugee
many of the remaining refugee camps, in children. As of 15 December, there were
particular in overcrowded “hotspots” on the 2,256 unaccompanied children waiting to be
islands. placed in shelters, including 74 detained in
police stations.

178 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

In March, in Chowdury and Others v. Greece, Numerous hate-motivated attacks were
in a landmark judgment, the European Court reported during the year. Between August
of Human Rights found that 42 migrant 2016 and the end of 2017, over 50 attacks
workers from Bangladesh had been reportedly took place in the town of
subjected to forced labour and human Aspropyrgos where groups of young locals
trafficking while working at a strawberry farm attacked migrant workers from Pakistan. In
in the village of Manolada. The Court also June, representatives of national NGOs filed a
found that Greece had failed to prevent complaint and authorities launched a
human trafficking and to conduct an effective criminal investigation. In October, police
investigation into the offences committed. arrested three young men suspected of being
linked to one of the violent attacks.
CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTORS Sixty-nine individuals linked to the far-right
Conscientious objectors continued to be party Golden Dawn, including the party’s
arrested, repeatedly prosecuted, tried in leader and MPs, were put on trial in 2015 for
military courts and fined. In June, a 53-year- the murder of anti-fascist singer Pavlos
old conscientious objector who was Fyssas in 2013 and for participation in a
prosecuted for having refused to enlist in criminal organization. In October, the Athens
1990, was tried in a military court, but was Court of Appeal completed hearing evidence
acquitted. from all prosecution witnesses called to testify
According to the 2016 submissions of the in the trial.
Greek National Commission for Human
Rights and the European Bureau for RIGHTS OF LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL,
Conscientious Objection, the duration of TRANSGENDER AND INTERSEX PEOPLE
alternative civilian service for certain Refugees and migrants stranded on the
categories of conscientious objectors was still Aegean islands were also subjected to hate-
not conforming with the European Social motivated crimes. Some of the victims were
Charter. In July, the European Committee of transgender women and gay men.
Social Rights asked Greece to provide further In October, amid transphobic reactions
information. inside and outside Parliament, the
government passed a new law reforming legal
TORTURE AND OTHER ILL-TREATMENT recognition of gender identity. Law
Allegations of ill-treatment and excessive use 4491/2017 expressly stated that transgender
of force by law enforcement officials people could change their identity
persisted. The majority of victims of the documents without the requirements of
reported incidents were refugees and medical interventions, tests and psychiatric
migrants trapped on the Aegean islands as a assessments. However, the new legislation
result of the EU-Turkey deal. also contained several flaws, including a
There were allegations that police used single status requirement and the validation
excessive force against asylum-seekers of gender recognition by a local court. While
during an operation to arrest protesters who the procedure was open to individuals above
were clashing with the police in the Moria the age of 15, blanket age restrictions
camp, on Lesvos, on 18 July. Police also remained and 15- to 16-year-old children
allegedly ill-treated some of those arrested seeking legal gender recognition faced the
and detained in the island’s main police additional barrier of a psycho-medical
station following the clashes. In July, a local assessment.
prosecutor ordered a criminal investigation
into the allegations. The investigation was FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION
ongoing at the end of the year. In October, Parliament adopted a legislative
amendment seeking to implement three

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 179

European Court of Human Rights judgments. military, including the former head of the
The judgments were regarding the violation of High Command of the Guatemalan Army,
the right to freedom of association in relation were sent to trial charged with crimes against
to the authorities’ refusal to register humanity and rape against Emma Guadalupe
associations of Greece’s national minorities in Molina Theissen, and the enforced
2007, 2008 and 2015. The new provision disappearance of her younger brother, Marco
amended the Code of Civil Procedure to allow Antonio Molina Theissen.
the possibility of reopening proceedings in Criminal proceedings remained stalled
these cases. However, the NGO Greek against former members of the military on
Helsinki Monitor expressed concern over the charges related to multiple cases of enforced
limitations placed by the law in relation to the disappearances and unlawful killings carried
reopening of such proceedings, including on out in a military base, now known as
grounds of national security and public order. Creompaz, in the northern Alta Verapaz
region. Appeals filed against decisions
affecting the victims’ rights were pending and
GUATEMALA several officers remained at large. In both
cases, victims and human rights defenders
Republic of Guatemala were intimidated and harassed inside or
Head of state and government: Jimmy Morales Cabrera outside the court and online. After several
failed attempts since 2015, the trials of
Thousands continued to flee the country to former military head of state José Efraín Ríos
escape high levels of inequality and Montt and former intelligence chief
violence. Human rights defenders, in Rodríguez Sánchez resumed in October.
particular those working on land, territorial
and environmental issues, were at great risk IMPUNITY
and faced smear campaigns. Impunity and Judges and prosecutors continued to face
corruption persisted, undermining public intimidation and pressure. Efforts to fight
trust in local authorities and hindering impunity were at great risk of setbacks due to
access to justice. Recent progress to increased resistance from certain political
consolidate the criminal justice system and actors. A constitutional reform introduced in
the rule of law was challenged. High-profile Congress in November 2016, aimed at
cases of past crimes under international law consolidating efforts towards justice and
remained stalled. accountability and strengthening the
independence of the judiciary, had not been
LEGAL, CONSTITUTIONAL OR approved at the end of the year. Mass
INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENTS protests took place in August and September
In August, Augusto Jordan Rodas took up and the country faced a political crisis when
office as Ombudsperson for Human Rights. several members of the government resigned
In November, the last criminal provisions in September, in reaction to President
referring to the death penalty were declared Morales’ attempt to expel the head of the
unconstitutional. International Commission against Impunity in
Guatemala (an independent body established
TRANSITIONAL JUSTICE by the UN and the Guatemalan government
Despite progress in the prosecution of some in 2006 to strengthen the rule of law post-
crimes against humanity committed during conflict).
the internal armed conflict (1960-1996),
efforts towards truth, justice and reparations HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS
remained halted, and the vast majority of Human rights defenders faced continuous
cases continued to suffer setbacks and threats, stigmatization, intimidation and
undue delays. Five former members of the attacks.

180 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

The Guatemalan NGO Unit for the 400 people, including children and elderly
Protection of Human Rights Defenders in people, who were stranded at the northern
Guatemala said that defenders working on border with Mexico from early June in poor
rights related to land, territory and the sanitary conditions. They had abandoned
environment faced the highest number of their community situated in Laguna Larga
attacks. In January, Sebastián Alonso Juan hours before a massive eviction was carried
was killed during a peaceful protest against out. By the end of the year the authorities
the construction of hydroelectric projects in had not facilitated their return.
the Ixquisis region of San Mateo Ixtatán.
In addition, human rights defenders were REFUGEES’ AND MIGRANTS’ RIGHTS
constantly subjected to smear campaigns to Thousands of Guatemalans migrated to the
stigmatize and discredit them and their work USA through Mexico in an effort to escape
in an attempt to force them to stop their the high levels of inequality and violence
legitimate activities. From the end of June, affecting marginalized groups. UNHCR, the
members of the Centre for Environmental, UN refugee agency, said that between
Social and Legal Action were targeted with January and October 18,764 Guatemalans
smear campaigns after they challenged the sought asylum in other countries.
licence of Minera San Rafael mining Unaccompanied children from Guatemala
company in San Rafael Las Flores. The comprised the biggest group of arrivals
justice system was regularly misused to target apprehended at the US border. Although
and harass human rights defenders in an large numbers of people continued to be
attempt to break up movements and forcibly returned to Guatemala, there was no
organizations, and silence human rights comprehensive mechanism or protocol in
defenders. place to address the needs of returnees who
A General Instruction by the Public were sent back to the same conditions and
Prosecutor’s Office containing guidelines to danger that they had fled.
effectively investigate attacks against human
rights defenders was under review pending CHILDREN’S RIGHTS
its approval for several months. Despite some In March, 41 girls died in a fire in the Virgen
progress, the process to create, in de la Asunción government-run shelter in
consultation with civil society, a San José Pinula municipality while locked
comprehensive public policy for the inside a classroom. The deaths revealed the
protection of human rights defenders had not lack of sufficient and adequate measures to
concluded by the end of the year. protect children’s rights in Guatemala. A
number of public officials were charged, but
LAND DISPUTES delays in the investigation were reported.
In September the Supreme Court recognized High levels of child pregnancy remained a
the lack of prior consultation with the Xinca particular concern. The Observatory on
Indigenous People of Santa Rosa and Jalapa, Sexual and Reproductive Health registered
who had been negatively affected by the 69,445 births by girls and young women
activities of the mine of San Rafael Las aged from 10 to 19 between January and
Flores. The Court ordered the Ministry of September.
Energy and Mines to carry out a consultation,
but it also allowed the company to continue
mining operations. As a result, an appeal was
filed before the Constitutional Court, which
remained pending.
In September the Inter-American
Commission on Human Rights ordered
Guatemala to protect the rights of around

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 181

neighbourhood, and taken to a gendarmerie
GUINEA detention centre. He was charged with
“participating in an unlawful assembly” and
Republic of Guinea was detained without trial at the Maison
Head of state: Alpha Condé centrale, Conakry’s main prison, until his
Head of government: Mamady Youla release on bail on 21 December.

The security forces continued to use FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION

excessive force against demonstrators. Journalists, human rights defenders and
Journalists, human rights defenders and others expressing dissent were beaten and
others expressing dissent were arbitrarily arbitrarily detained. At least 20 people were
arrested. Impunity was widespread. The arrested solely for exercising their right to
right to adequate housing was not fulfilled. freedom of expression and 20 others were
subjected to police violence.
BACKGROUND In February, Radio Lynx FM reporter
The postponement of local elections until Mariam Kouyaté was arrested by security
February 2018, along with speculation about agents as she investigated health services at
whether President Condé would run for a the Ignace Deen Hospital in Conakry. She
third term, led to social and political tensions. was questioned at a police station after
refusing to hand over her press badge and
FREEDOM OF ASSEMBLY recording equipment, and released the same
At least 18 people were killed and dozens day without charge. In May, Gangan TV
were injured during demonstrations. In journalist Aboubacar Camara was beaten by
February, seven people were killed in the gendarmes as he filmed a land dispute in a
capital, Conakry, during protests connected Conakry suburb where he believed the
to a strike over the authorities’ decision to security forces were using excessive force.
review teachers’ terms and conditions, and to The officers forced him into their car, took
school closures. The security forces him to the gendarmerie and released him
dispersed the demonstrators with tear gas, later the same day after deleting his
batons and live ammunition. recordings.
On 20 February, the police arrested seven In June, the High Authority of
human rights defenders of the Voice of the Communication suspended Espace FM radio
People movement who had organized a sit-in presenter Mohamed Mara for one month on
in Conakry calling for schools to reopen. They grounds that he had used “insulting”
faced charges of “disturbing public order”, language during a radio debate on polygamy.
later amended to “participating in an In November, the Authority ordered that the
unlawful assembly”, and were released the radio station be taken off air for one week
same evening. Three days after his release, after the station discussed under-resourcing
national television journalist Hassan Sylla − in the army which the authorities claimed
one of the seven − was suspended from his could undermine national security and
job for six months for gross misconduct; no morale among the armed forces. In July,
explanation was given. National Television suspended Alia Camara,
Security forces used live ammunition during one of their journalists, for criticizing the low
violent protests against poor living standards pass rate in baccalaureate examinations.
in the Boké region in April, May and On 27 June, gendarmes arrested
September. At least four people died from guiné journalist Amadou Sadio
gunshot wounds. Diallo in Lélouma for “disturbing public
On 22 August, former soldier and trade order” after he published what the authorities
unionist Jean Dougou Guilavogui was described as “false news” about a possible
arrested by gendarmes in Matoto, a Conakry

182 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

cholera outbreak. He was released the none of the suspected perpetrators had
following day. been brought to trial by the end of the year.
On 30 October, four Gangan TV journalists In September, a group of victims filed a
were arrested by gendarmes in Matam, a lawsuit against Sékouba Konaté, who served
neighbourhood of Conakry, and charged with as Minister of Defence in 2009, as well as
publishing false information and offending transitional President between 2009
the head of state by spreading rumours of and 2010.1
President Condé’s death. Three of them were There was no progress in the judicial
released hours later and one was released proceedings against security force members
the following day. At least 18 journalists who for the human rights violations committed
gathered in solidarity with the arrested during demonstrations in Conakry between
journalists at the Matam gendarmerie were 2011 and 2017, in Zogota in 2012 and
beaten and had their equipment broken by during the occupation by the security forces
security forces. of the village of Womey in 2014.


In June, the National Assembly adopted a In August, at least 10 people, including two
new Military Code of Justice, which if children, were killed in a landslide at a
promulgated would effectively abolish the rubbish dump site at Dar-Es-Salam, a
death penalty. The Code also contained neighbourhood of Conakry. In September, the
provisions that could undermine the rights to government spokesperson acknowledged a
fair trial and justice, including by allowing the failure in the sanitation services. The National
trials of civilians before military courts. Director of Humanitarian Actions at the
Ministry of Territorial Administration said that
IMPUNITY the remaining inhabitants should be evicted
In February, an Anti-Crime Brigade captain in immediately.
Kipé, a neighbourhood of Conakry, was
arrested and charged with torturing a man in
1. Guinea: 8 years later, justice for massacre needed (Press release, 27
police custody in March 2016. At least 10 September)
other gendarmerie and police officers were
suspended over the incident, but were not
brought to justice.
There was progress in the trial proceedings
relating to the killing of over 150 peaceful
Republic of Haiti
demonstrators and the rape of at least 100 Head of state: Jovenel Moïse (replaced Jocelerme
women in the Conakry Stadium in 2009. In Privert in February)
March, Aboubacar Sidiki Diakité was Head of government: Jack Guy Lafontant (replaced
extradited to Guinea from Senegal after being Enex Jean-Charles in March)
at large for several years, and faced charges
in connection with the Stadium event. He Violence against women and girls,
was the former aide to Moussa Dadis Camara particularly sexual violence, continued.
(leader of the military junta in 2009). Several Legislators sought to approve openly
people charged in connection with the discriminatory laws against LGBTI people.
killings and rapes retained influential
positions, including Mathurin Bangoura, BACKGROUND
Moussa Tiégboro Camara and Claude Pivi In February, Jovenel Moïse assumed the
who were senior officials in the military junta presidency after being elected in November
at the time. In November, the investigating 2016 following an electoral crisis; a new
judges announced that the judicial Prime Minister was appointed.
investigation had been completed; however,

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 183

In March, prompted by the Haitian nationals was due to expire in January 2018
government, the mandate of the UN with a delayed effective date of 18 months
Independent Expert on the situation of which, according to the Department, would
human rights in Haiti ended. “allow for an orderly transition before the
In October, UN Security Council resolution designation terminates on 22 July, 2019”.
2350 ended the mandate of the UN TPS is granted to nationals from particular
Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) countries on the grounds that they cannot
after 13 years. Peacekeepers left following return safely to their country due to
years of controversy over their alleged conditions there.
responsibility for the cholera outbreak of
2010, and numerous reports of sexual RIGHT TO HEALTH – CHOLERA
violence. It was replaced by the UN Mission EPIDEMIC
for Justice Support in Haiti (MINUJUSTH), Between January and June, there were 7,623
mandated to strengthen the rule of law. new cases of suspected cholera and 70
The authorities took steps to re-establish the related deaths, a decrease of more than 60%
army which had been dissolved in 1995. It in comparison with the same period in 2016.
was unclear what vetting processes would be Since the 2010 outbreak, more than 800,000
established to recruit soldiers following the people had been infected and nearly 10,000
widespread allegations of human rights had died, according to the authorities.
violations committed by previous forces. The UN’s “new approach to cholera in
Haiti”, presented in 2016, was severely
INTERNALLY DISPLACED PEOPLE underfunded. There were no consultations
The International Organization for Migration with cholera survivors, as planned. Individual
reported that by June, 37,867 people were assistance was consequently suspended.
internally displaced because of the 2010 Victims’ advocates objected to this on
earthquake; most of them lived in makeshift the grounds that it was inconsistent with the
camps. right to remedy.
According to the government, almost 70%
DISCRIMINATION − STATELESS of the Haitian population did not have access
PERSONS to health services.
In March, Parliament voted to accede to the
1954 and 1961 UN Conventions on VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND GIRLS
Statelessness, following recommendations Sexual violence and violence against women
made during Haiti’s examination under the and girls was prevalent although under-
UN UPR process in 2016.1 Haiti had not reported.
signed or ratified the Conventions by the end In April, the government tabled
of 2017. comprehensive reforms of the Criminal Code
in Parliament. It contained new provisions to
REFUGEES’ AND MIGRANTS’ RIGHTS tackle sexual violence, including criminalizing
In July, the UN Office for the Coordination of rape in marriage. In July, the NGO Doctors
Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) reported an Without Borders found that 77% of survivors
increase in deportation cases at the of sexual and gender-based violence who
Dominican-Haitian border. were treated in its specialized clinic in the
Despite a request in October from the capital, Port-au-Prince, between May 2015
Haitian government for a further extension, and March 2017, were under the age of 25;
the US Department of Homeland Security 53% were under 18.
announced, in November, its decision to
terminate the temporary protected status
(TPS) for nearly 60,000 Haitians at risk of
deportation from the USA. TPS for Haitian

184 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

1. Following political crisis Haiti must urgently advance human rights
The Senate supported bills which
2. Haiti: Human rights defenders’ lives in danger (AMR 36/6045/2017)
discriminated against LGBTI people; they
3. Haiti: Women’s rights defender threatened with death: Sanièce Petit
were pending approval by the Chamber of
Phat (AMR 36/7598/2017)
Deputies at the end of the year. In July, the
Senate voted for certificates to be issued
which would vouch for an individual’s “good
moral” standing and from which anyone HONDURAS
deemed to be “homosexual” would be
excluded. In August, it approved a law Republic of Honduras
making same-sex marriage and public Head of state and government: Juan Orlando
Hernández Alvarado
support or advocacy for “homosexuality”
The level of insecurity and violence
HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS remained high. Widespread impunity
Human rights defenders David Boniface and continued to undermine public trust in the
Juders Ysemé reported fearing for their lives authorities and the justice system. Protests
following the sudden death in March of their in the aftermath of the presidential election
colleague Nissage Martyr. He died a day after were brutally repressed by security forces.
the three men filed a lawsuit in the USA Honduras remained one of the most
against Jean Morose Viliena − former Mayor dangerous countries in the Americas region
of Les Irois, their hometown in Haiti − for for human rights defenders, especially for
grave human rights violations. Jean Morose those working to protect land, territory and
Viliena had fled to the USA from Haiti in the environment. The government
2009. The men said that they had announced the creation of a Ministry for
been subjected to repeated death threats and Human Rights and Justice, to become
to violent attacks by or on behalf of the operational in 2018.
former Mayor since 2007. However, the
authorities did not implement adequate EXCESSIVE USE OF FORCE
protection measures, although the Inter- Mass protests, which began on 29 November
American Commission on Human Rights around the country to denounce the lack of
granted them precautionary measures to transparency around the presidential
ensure their safety in 2015.2 election, were brutally repressed by security
Sanièce Petit Phat reported that she forces. Hundreds of people were arrested or
had received death threats because of her detained and a 10-day curfew was
work in defence of the rights of women and implemented in December. Security forces
girls.3 used excessive force against protesters,
including with lethal weapons. At least 31
RIGHT TO EDUCATION people were killed, and multiple cases of
In June, the UN Economic and Social people being injured by firearms or brutally
Council Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Haiti beaten by security forces were also reported,
criticized inefficiency in the education sector. as well as cases that could amount to torture
It noted that most schools were privately and other cruel, inhuman and degrading
managed, “making education an expensive, treatment.
profit-based system” too expensive for many
Haitian families. Illiteracy among over-15s HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS
was over 50%. Human rights defenders, particularly
environmental and land activists, continued
to be at risk of human rights abuses. They

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 185

were subjected to smear campaigns by both INDIGENOUS PEOPLES’ RIGHTS
state and non-state actors to discredit their Several Indigenous Peoples continued to
work, and were regularly targeted with claim that their rights to consultation and to
intimidation, threats, and attacks. In June, free, prior and informed consent were
three members of the Civic Council of violated in the context of projects to explore
Popular and Indigenous Organizations of and exploit natural resources in their
Honduras (COPINH) were attacked by armed territories. Killings, aggressions and cases of
assailants while they were in a car, returning misuse of the justice system against those
from a meeting. Local NGOs said that the defending Indigenous Peoples were reported.
justice system continued to be misused to The Draft Framework Law on Free, Prior
harass and discourage human rights and Informed Consultation of Indigenous
defenders. Unnecessary and excessive use of Peoples faced criticism, including of the
force by security forces during peaceful insufficient participation of Indigenous and
protests was also reported. Garifuna (Afro-descendant) communities in
The vast majority of attacks registered the process.
against human rights defenders remained Reparation measures ordered in 2015 by
unpunished, as a result of multiple obstacles the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in
hindering investigations and trials. There was two cases where Honduras had violated the
little progress in the investigation into the collective land rights of the Garifuna
killing in March 2016 of Berta Cáceres, the communities had yet to be implemented.
Indigenous environmental defender and co-
founder of COPINH. The public hearings of LAND DISPUTES
eight suspects detained in relation to the Conflicts persisted due to the lack of secure
case were postponed on multiple occasions. land tenure. High levels of violence were
Independent experts revealed a lack of due reported in the Aguán Valley where long-
diligence in the investigations, including a standing land disputes remained unresolved.
lack of prosecution of other individuals According to the Unified Campesino
potentially involved in the crime. There was Movement of the Aguán, precautionary
no information about any progress made by measures granted by the Inter-American
the Public Prosecutor in identifying those Commission on Human Rights to protect the
responsible for planning her killing. life and integrity of leaders in the Aguán
Although some progress was made to Valley were not adequately implemented.
protect human rights defenders through the
National Mechanism to Protect Human GENDER-RELATED VIOLENCE
Rights Defenders, Journalists, Social Women, girls and LGBTI people continued to
Commentators and Justice Officials, efforts to face high levels of gender-related violence.
ensure their comprehensive protection Between January and October, 236 violent
remained insufficient. deaths of women were registered by the
New provisions of the Criminal Code on Centre for Women’s Rights. According to the
terrorism and related criminal offences Lesbian Cattrachas Network, killings of LGBTI
approved by Congress in February and people also increased, with a total of 35
September were defined in an overly broad people killed. Impunity remained high in
and vague manner, contrary to the principle these cases, as authorities lacked sufficient
of legality. The provisions could lead to the capacity and resources to investigate,
arbitrary and inadequate application of the prosecute and punish those responsible.
Code against peaceful protesters and human
rights defenders, which could further SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS
criminalize their work and obstruct social The failure to protect women’s and girls’
movements. rights and guarantee access to safe and legal
abortion in any circumstances continued.

186 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

Despite recommendations from international REFUGEES AND ASYLUM-SEEKERS
human rights bodies and mechanisms, in Hungary continued to severely restrict access
April Congress decided to maintain the to the country for refugees and asylum-
prohibition of abortion in all circumstances in seekers, limiting admission to its two
the new Criminal Code. operational border “transit zones” in which
only 10 new asylum applications could be
REFUGEES AND ASYLUM-SEEKERS submitted per working day. Consequently,
Widespread violence across Honduras between 6,000 and 8,000 people were left in
remained a key factor of forced migration inadequate conditions in Serbia, in
from the country. According to UNHCR, the substandard camps and at risk of
UN refugee agency, between January and homelessness and of refoulement further
October, 14,735 Hondurans sought asylum south to Macedonia and Bulgaria.
worldwide, mostly in Mexico and the USA. In March, the European Court of Human
However, large numbers of Hondurans also Rights ruled in Ilias and Ahmed v. Hungary
continued to be forcibly returned from these that the confinement of asylum-seekers in
countries to the same life-threatening “transit zones”, essentially heavily guarded
situations which initially pushed them to container camps at Hungary’s external land
escape. To date, there was no comprehensive borders, amounted to arbitrary deprivation of
mechanism or protocol to detect and address liberty. The Court also found that, due to the
in a systematic manner the protection needs poor conditions in which asylum-seekers
of deportees. were held for weeks and the lack of judicial
remedies available against this form of
detention, Hungary had failed to provide
HUNGARY adequate protection against a real risk of
inhuman and degrading treatment.
Hungary The same month, a package of
Head of state: János Áder amendments to five laws on migration and
Head of government: Viktor Orbán asylum was passed in the National Assembly,
enabling the automatic detention, without
The systematic crackdown on the rights of judicial review, of all asylum-seekers in
refugees and migrants continued. Foreign- border “transit zones”, including
funded universities and NGOs faced unaccompanied minors of 14-18 years of
restrictions under new legislation. age. These amendments also allowed for the
detention of asylum-seekers for the whole
BACKGROUND duration of their asylum processes, including
The government faced domestic protests and any appeals, and for the summary expulsion
increased international scrutiny for its of all irregular migrants found on Hungarian
continued rollback on human rights and non- territory to the external side of Hungary’s
compliance with EU law. The European extensive border fences.
Commission launched and moved forward Consequently, most asylum-seekers in
with four formal infringement proceedings Hungary either absconded from the
following the introduction of legislation procedure or were detained in the border
deemed incompatible with EU freedoms, and “transit zones” indefinitely. By the end of the
in May the European Parliament adopted a year, almost 500 asylum-seekers were
comprehensive resolution expressing alarm unlawfully detained at the border. The
at the situation of human rights in the Hungarian authorities denied or provided
country. More than a quarter of the extremely limited access to human rights
population remained at risk of poverty and monitors and NGOs providing legal aid.
social exclusion and 16% were severely These draconian measures were originally
materially deprived. supposed to apply during a “crisis situation

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 187

caused by mass immigration”. However, a Commission took legal action against
“crisis situation” had been continuously Hungary by launching infringement
invoked since September 2015 and was proceedings. In the Commission’s
extended in August until March 2018, assessment, the law was not compatible with
despite the lack of a factual or legal basis for fundamental EU freedoms, including the
its prolongation. freedom to provide services, the freedom of
Hungary further enhanced its border fences establishment, and academic freedom. In
and police presence at its southern borders. October, the National Assembly voted to
More than 20,000 people were summarily extend the deadlines by which the new
and sometimes violently returned to Serbia or requirements had to be met by one calendar
otherwise prevented from entering Hungary year. By the end of the year the government
without access to fair and efficient asylum had failed to strike an agreement with the
processes and an examination of their State of New York that would allow for the
protection needs. In March, the newspaper continued operations of the CEU.
Magyar Nemzet revealed that, contrary to the In June, the National Assembly passed a
government’s statements refuting allegations law effectively stigmatizing NGOs that
of abuse, more than 40 investigations had received foreign funding. Under the law on
been launched into instances of excessive the transparency of organizations funded
use of force by police at the border over a from abroad, NGOs receiving more than
period of 18 months; most of the EUR24,000 direct or indirect funding from
investigations were closed without further abroad had to re-register as a “civic
action. organization funded from abroad” and to put
In September, Hungary lost a case at the this label on every publication. Additionally,
Court of Justice of the European Union, the law required NGOs to reveal the identity
which ruled that it could not absolve itself of of their funders and supporters above a
participation in the EU Emergency Relocation threshold of around EUR1,650. The law was
Scheme for the relocation of asylum-seekers adopted amid a government-sponsored
from Greece and Italy to other EU member communication campaign discrediting NGOs
states. Hungary continued to refuse to and accusing several of undermining national
relocate any of its minimum quota of 1,294 sovereignty and security. By only covering
asylum-seekers, or to participate in other certain types of civil society organizations, the
regional solidarity mechanisms. By the end of law directly discriminated against these
the year, it had not resettled or relocated organizations and imposed limitations on
anyone. their right to association, including the right
to seek, receive and utilize resources. In mid-
FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION July, the European Commission notified
In April, the adoption in an emergency Hungary of another infringement procedure,
procedure of amendments to the National based on an assessment that this law
Higher Education Law prompted widespread imposed measures at odds with the right to
protests and criticism from academic experts freedom of association and unjustified and
and the general public. The law, widely disproportionate restrictions on the free
interpreted as targeting the operations of a movement of capital, and raised concerns in
particular educational institution, the Central relation to the obligation of protecting private
European University (CEU), introduced new life and personal data.
requirements for foreign universities In August, a coalition of more than 20 NGOs
operating in Hungary under an extremely submitted a complaint to the Constitutional
tight deadline – including the requirement of Court requesting that the law be annulled.
a bilateral state-level agreement – putting at
risk the continued functioning of those
institutions. The same month, the European

188 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

COUNTER-TERROR AND SECURITY cow protection groups. Press freedom and
In June, an appeals court in the southern free speech in universities came under
town of Szeged annulled the conviction of attack. India failed to respect its human
Ahmed H, a Syrian man sentenced to 10 rights commitments made before the UN
years’ imprisonment for allegedly committing Human Rights Council. The Supreme Court
“acts of terror” while participating in a riot by and High Courts delivered several
refugees and migrants at the Serbia-Hungary progressive judgments, but some rulings
border in September 2015. On appeal, the undermined human rights. Impunity for
court found that available evidence had not human rights abuses persisted.
been properly assessed and ordered a retrial.
In August, the Prosecutor General appealed ABUSES BY ARMED GROUPS
against this decision to the Curia (the highest In January, three road construction workers
court in Hungary). In November, the Curia were killed in an attack on a military camp by
ruled that the appeals court should have suspected members of the Jamaat-ud-Dawa
delivered a binding judgment instead of armed group in Akhnoor, in the state of
ordering a retrial; this, however, did not affect Jammu and Kashmir (J&K). The United
ongoing proceedings. Ahmed H’s case was Liberation Front of Asom (Independent)
pending before a newly appointed court of claimed responsibility for detonating seven
first instance at the end of the year. bombs across Assam state on 26 January; no
casualties were reported. In July, suspected
VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND GIRLS members of the Lashkar-e-Taiba armed
By October, allegations of abuse committed group attacked a bus carrying Hindu pilgrims
by men holding positions of power sparked a in Botengoo, J&K, killing eight people and
national debate on the recognition and injuring 17.
prosecution of rape and other forms of sexual Suspected armed group members in J&K
violence. Hungary had yet to ratify the threatened and attacked political workers and
Council of Europe Convention on preventing ransacked the homes of state police
and combating violence against women and personnel. Armed groups in northeastern
domestic violence, and prosecutions of these states were suspected of carrying out
crimes remained limited. abductions and unlawful killings. The
Communist Party of India (Maoist) armed
group was suspected of killing suspected
INDIA police “informants” in several states.


Head of state: Ram Nath Kovind (replaced Pranab VIOLENCE
Mukherjee in July) Official statistics released in November stated
Head of government: Narendra Modi that more than 40,000 crimes against
Scheduled Castes were reported in 2016.
Religious minority groups, particularly Several incidents were reported of members
Muslims, faced increasing demonization by of dominant castes attacking Dalits for
hardline Hindu groups, pro-government accessing public and social spaces or for
media and some state officials. Adivasi perceived caste transgressions.
communities continued to be displaced by In May, two Dalit men were killed, several
industrial projects, and hate crimes against injured, and dozens of Dalit homes burned
Dalits remained widespread. Authorities by dominant caste men in Saharanpur, Uttar
were openly critical of human rights Pradesh, following a clash between members
defenders and organizations, contributing to of the communities. In August, S. Anitha, a
a climate of hostility against them. Mob 17-year-old Dalit girl who had campaigned
violence intensified, including by vigilante against the introduction of a uniform national

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 189

exam for admission to medical colleges, Rajasthan police cleared six men suspected
committed suicide, sparking protests in Tamil of killing Pehlu Khan, a dairy farmer who had
Nadu. Protesters said the exam would named the suspects before he died. Some
disadvantage students from marginalized BJP officials made statements which
backgrounds. appeared to justify the attacks. In September,
Activists said that at least 90 Dalits the Supreme Court said that state
employed as manual scavengers died during governments were obligated to compensate
the year while cleaning sewers, despite the victims of cow vigilante violence.
practice being prohibited. Many of those A special investigation team set up in 2015
killed were illegally employed by government to reinvestigate closed cases related to the
agencies. In August, the Delhi state 1984 Sikh massacre closed 241 cases and
government said that people who employed filed charges in 12 others. In August, the
manual scavengers would be prosecuted for Supreme Court set up a panel comprising
manslaughter. In November, the UN Special two former judges to examine the decisions
Rapporteur on safe drinking water and to close the cases.
sanitation expressed concern that the In March, mobs carried out with impunity a
government’s emphasis on building new string of racist attacks against black African
toilets as part of its Clean India Mission could students in Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh. In
prolong manual scavenging. June, three people were killed in Darjeeling,
West Bengal, in violent clashes between
CHILDREN’S RIGHTS police and protesters demanding a separate
In November, statistics were published state of Gorkhaland.
stating that over 106,000 cases of violence
against children were reported in 2016. In FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION
June, India ratified two key ILO conventions Journalists and press freedom came under
on child labour. Activists remained critical of increasing attack. In September, journalist
amendments to child labour laws which Gauri Lankesh, an outspoken critic of Hindu
allowed children to work in family enterprises. nationalism and the caste system, was shot
According to national survey data released dead outside her home in Bengaluru by
in March, nearly 36% of children aged below unidentified gunmen. The same month,
five were underweight, and more than 38% journalist Shantanu Bhowmick was beaten to
were short for their age. In September, 70 death near Agartala while covering violent
children died at a hospital in Gorakhpur, political clashes. In September,
Uttar Pradesh, allegedly because of photojournalist Kamran Yousuf was arrested
disruption to the oxygen supply. The share of in J&K for allegedly instigating people to
public spending on health remained low at throw stones at security forces, under a law
1.2% of GDP. Spending on government which does not meet international human
programmes to provide nutrition and pre- rights standards. In November, journalist
school education to children under six Sudip Datta Bhowmik was shot dead,
remained inadequate.  allegedly by a paramilitary force member, at a
paramilitary camp near Agartala. In
COMMUNAL AND ETHNIC VIOLENCE December, a French film-maker conducting
Dozens of hate crimes against Muslims took research for a documentary on the Kashmir
place across the country. At least 10 Muslim conflict was detained for three days in J&K,
men were lynched and many injured by allegedly for violating visa regulations.
vigilante cow protection groups, many of Journalists continued to face criminal
which seemed to operate with the support of defamation cases filed by politicians and
members of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party companies. In June, the Karnataka
(BJP). Some arrests were made, but no legislature sentenced two journalists to one
convictions were reported. In September, year’s imprisonment each for allegedly writing

190 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

defamatory articles about members of the pamphlets and videos, and used the
state assembly. provisions of the Unlawful Activities
Repressive laws were used to stifle freedom Prevention Act, a law which does not meet
of expression. In June, 20 people were international human rights standards.
arrested for sedition in Madhya Pradesh and The same month, Jailal Rathia, an Adivasi
Rajasthan, following complaints that they had activist, died in Raigarh, Chhattisgarh, after
cheered the Pakistan cricket team’s victory allegedly being poisoned by members of a
over India. In July, 31 Dalit activists were land mafia he was campaigning against. In
arrested and detained for a day in Lucknow April, Varsha Dongre, an official at Raipur
for organizing a press conference about Central Jail in Chhattisgarh, was transferred
caste-based violence. State governments after she posted on Facebook that she had
banned books, and the central film seen police torturing Adivasi girls.
certification board denied the theatrical In May, four men were arrested in Chennai
release of certain films, on vague and overly and held in administrative detention for more
broad grounds. In November, five state than three months for attempting to stage a
governments banned the release of memorial for Tamils killed in the civil war in
Padmaavat, a Hindi period film, on the Sri Lanka. The same month, the Odisha state
grounds that it would “hurt community police arrested Kuni Sikaka, an Adivasi
sentiments”. activist opposing bauxite mining in the
Freedom of expression in universities Niyamgiri hills, and released her only after
remained under threat. The student body of presenting her to journalists as a surrendered
the Hindu nationalist organization Rashtriya Maoist.
Swayamsevak Sangh used threats and In August, activist Medha Patkar and three
violence to block events and talks at some others protesting against inadequate
universities. In June, eight Lucknow rehabilitation for families affected by the
University students were arrested and Sardar Sarovar dam project (see below) were
detained for 20 days for protesting against arrested on fabricated charges and detained
the Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister. In for more than two weeks.
September, Uttar Pradesh police personnel
baton-charged students, mostly women, INDIGENOUS PEOPLES’ RIGHTS
protesting against sexual assault at Banaras In November, statistics were published
Hindu University. stating that over 6,500 crimes were
In August, India’s Supreme Court ruled in a committed against Scheduled Tribes in 2016.
landmark judgment that the right to privacy Indigenous Adivasi communities continued to
was part of the constitutional right to life and face displacement by industrial projects. The
personal liberty. government acquired land for coal mining
under a special law without seeking the free,
HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS prior and informed consent of Adivasis. In
In January, the Home Ministry said that it had July, an Environment Ministry panel said that
refused to renew the foreign funding licence coal mines seeking to increase production
of the NGO known as People’s Watch capacity by up to 40% did not have to
because it had allegedly portrayed India’s consult affected communities.
human rights record in a “negative light” In September, activists protested against the
internationally. inauguration of the Sardar Sarovar dam in
In March, GN Saibaba, an activist and Gujarat, saying that some 40,000 displaced
academic, was convicted with four others families, including many Adivasi families, had
and sentenced to life imprisonment by a not received adequate reparation. In June,
Maharashtra court for being a member of 98 Adivasis in Raigarh, Chhattisgarh, tried to
and supporting a banned Maoist group. The file criminal cases under the Scheduled
conviction was based primarily on letters, Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 191

Atrocities) Act, alleging that they had been POLICE AND SECURITY FORCES
forced into selling their land to agents of In January, four Adivasi women in Dhar,
private companies, following intimidation and Madhya Pradesh, said they had been gang-
coercion. The police accepted the complaints raped by police personnel. In March, Adivasi
but refused to register criminal cases. villagers in Sukma, Chhattisgarh, accused
security force personnel of gang-raping a 14-
JAMMU AND KASHMIR year-old Adivasi girl. In September, two
In April, eight people were killed by security paramilitary personnel were arrested on
forces, some of them by the use of excessive suspicion of killing a woman and raping and
force, following protests during a by-election throwing acid on her friend in Mizoram in
for a parliamentary seat. One voter, Farooq July.
Ahmad Dar, was beaten by army personnel, In April, a senior officer of the paramilitary
strapped to the front of an army jeep and Central Reserve Police Force alleged in
driven around for over five hours, seemingly writing to his commanding authorities that
as a warning to protesters. In May, the officer multiple security agencies had killed two
suspected of being responsible received an suspected armed group members in an
army commendation for his work in counter- extrajudicial execution in Assam. The officer
insurgency operations. In July, the J&K State was transferred. In July, the Supreme Court
Human Rights Commission directed the state directed the Central Bureau of Investigation
government to pay Farooq Dar 100,000 INR to investigate more than 80 alleged
(around USD1,500) as compensation. In extrajudicial executions by police and
November, the state government refused to security force personnel in Manipur between
pay. 1979 and 2012. The court ruled that cases
Impunity for human rights abuses persisted. should not go uninvestigated merely because
In June, a military court set up under the of the passage of time.
paramilitary Border Security Force acquitted In June, the Madhya Pradesh police shot
two soldiers of killing 16-year-old Zahid dead five farmers who were among protesters
Farooq Sheikh in 2010. The force had in Mandsaur demanding better prices for
successfully prevented the case from being crops. In August, at least 38 people were
prosecuted in a civilian court. In July, the killed, some of them by the use of excessive
Supreme Court refused to reopen 215 cases force, when they were fired on by police
in which over 700 members of the Kashmiri during protests in Haryana following the
Pandit community were killed in J&K in conviction for rape of a self-styled “godman”,
1989, citing the passage of time. The same or guru.
month, an appellate military court suspended
the life sentences of five army personnel REFUGEES’ AND MIGRANTS’ RIGHTS
convicted by a court-martial of the An estimated 40,000 Rohingya people in
extrajudicial executions of three men in India were at risk of mass expulsion. They
Machil in 2010. In November, the State included more than 16,000 who were
Human Rights Commission repeated a recognized as refugees by UNHCR, the UN
directive issued to the state government in refugee agency. In August, the Home
2011 to investigate over 2,000 unmarked Ministry wrote to state governments asking
graves. them to identify “illegal immigrants”,
Security forces continued to use inherently including Rohingya. In September, the
inaccurate pellet-firing shotguns during Ministry said that all Rohingya in India were
protests, blinding and injuring several people. “illegal immigrants”, and claimed to have
Authorities frequently shut down internet evidence that some Rohingya had ties to
services, citing public order concerns. terrorist organizations. In October, in
response to a petition filed by two Rohingya

192 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

refugees, the Supreme Court temporarily court rulings undermined women’s
deferred expulsions. autonomy. In August, the Supreme Court
In September, the Home Ministry said that it weakened a law enacted to protect women
would grant citizenship to about 100,000 from violence in their marriages, by requiring
Chakma and Hajong refugees who had fled that complaints be initially assessed by civil
to India from Bangladesh in the 1960s. society “family welfare committees”. In
October, the Supreme Court suggested that it
TORTURE AND OTHER ILL-TREATMENT would review its judgment. The same month,
Between January and August, 894 deaths in it ruled that sexual intercourse by a man with
judicial custody and 74 deaths in police his wife, if she was under 18, would amount
custody were recorded. In February, Uma to rape.
Bharti, a central government minister, said Several rape survivors, including girls,
she had ordered rape suspects to be tortured approached courts for permission to
when she was Chief Minister of Madhya terminate pregnancies over 20 weeks, as
Pradesh. In August, Manjula Shetye, a required under Indian law. Courts approved
woman prisoner at the Byculla jail in some abortions, but refused others. In
Mumbai, died after being allegedly beaten August, the central government instructed
and sexually assaulted by officials for states to set up permanent medical boards to
complaining about food in the prison. A team decide such cases promptly.
of parliamentarians that visited Byculla jail
reported that prisoners were routinely beaten.
In November, a committee set up by the
Delhi High Court said that 18 prisoners in
Tihar jail in New Delhi had been beaten after Republic of Indonesia
they had objected to their pillow covers being Head of state and government: Joko Widodo
In September, during India’s UN UPR Indonesia failed to address past human
process before the UN Human Rights rights violations. The rights to freedom of
Council, the government accepted for the expression, of peaceful assembly and of
third time recommendations to ratify the UN association continued to be arbitrarily
Convention against Torture, which it signed in restricted. Blasphemy provisions were used
1997. India’s Law Commission released a to imprison those who peacefully exercised
report in October recommending that the their rights to freedom of religion and
government ratify the Convention and enact a belief. At least 30 prisoners of conscience
law criminalizing torture. remained in detention for peacefully
exercising their rights to freedom of
WOMEN’S RIGHTS expression or of religion and belief. The
In November, statistics were published security forces carried out unlawful killings
showing that over 338,000 crimes against and used excessive force during protests
women were registered in 2016, including and security operations. Two men were
over 110,000 cases of violence by husbands caned in public in Aceh after being
and relatives. Responding to petitions in convicted by a local Shari’a court of same-
courts seeking to criminalize marital rape, the sex consensual sexual relations.
central government stated that doing so
would “destabilize the institution of BACKGROUND
marriage”. Indonesia’s human rights record was
In July, the Supreme Court banned the examined in May under the UN UPR
practice of triple talaq (Islamic instant process. Although Indonesia accepted 167
divorce), declaring that it was arbitrary and out of 225 recommendations, it rejected,
unconstitutional. However, in other cases, among other things, calls to investigate past

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 193

human rights violations and to repeal In August Novel Baswedan, an investigator
blasphemy provisions in laws and for the Corruption Eradication Commission,
regulations. These included several was reported to the police by the
provisions of the Criminal Code and Law No. Commission’s director of investigation under
1/PNPS/1965, which imposed restrictions on Article 27(3) of the Electronic Information
freedoms of expression and of religion and and Transactions (ITE) Law, which concerns
belief.1 online defamation. The defamation report
related to an email he had sent in his
IMPUNITY capacity as representative of the
Despite commitments made by the Commission’s workers’ union, criticizing the
President, Indonesia failed to address past director’s leadership. Novel Baswedan
human rights violations. In February, the suffered an acid attack in Jakarta on 11 April
Administrative Court in the capital, Jakarta, that severely damaged his corneas. At the
overturned a decision by the Public time of the attack he was leading an ongoing
Information Commission ordering the investigation into misappropriation by high-
government to publish a report on the 2004 ranking government officials of funds for an
murder of human rights defender Munir Said electronic ID cards project.
Thalib, which reportedly implicated senior On 10 July President Widodo signed
intelligence officers. The Court made the Government Regulation in Lieu of Law
decision on the grounds that the current (Perppu) No. 2/2017, amending the 2013
government had not received the report from Law on Mass Organizations to remove judicial
the previous government. In August, the safeguards over the process of banning
Supreme Court upheld the Administrative NGOs and other organizations. The new
Court’s decision. legislation, enacted by Parliament in October,
During the UPR, Indonesia promised that would impose restrictions on the rights to
the Attorney General would finalize a criminal freedom of association, expression, religion
investigation into alleged gross human rights and belief, which were even more extensive
violations in Wasior in 2001 and Wamena in than those currently set out in the Law on
2003, both in Papua region, and forward the Mass Organizations. The Law already stifled
case to the Human Rights Court established the work of human rights defenders and
under Law No. 26/2000. However, this had reflected discriminatory attitudes towards
not happened by the end of the year. certain groups.2
Security forces and vigilante groups broke
FREEDOMS OF ASSEMBLY, ASSOCIATION up closed-door discussions and public events
AND EXPRESSION relating to serious human rights violations
The authorities continued to prosecute those committed in 1965. On 1 August, the local
participating in peaceful political activities, police and military from East Jakarta
particularly in areas with a history of pro- disrupted a workshop in Jakarta concerning
independence movements such as Papua. the findings of the International Peoples
Prisoner of conscience Oktovianus Warnares Tribunal 1965, a civil society initiative to raise
remained in detention because he refused to international awareness about the mass
sign a document declaring his allegiance to human rights violations that occurred that
the state of Indonesia, despite having served year.
two thirds of his prison sentence and being On 16 September the police banned a
eligible for release on parole. He had been closed-door seminar at the office of the
convicted of “rebellion” (makar) in 2013 after Indonesian and Jakarta Legal Aid Institute
taking part in activities peacefully marking featuring a discussion by survivors of the
the 50th anniversary of the handover of 1965 violations. On the night of 17
Papua to the Indonesian government by the September, a crowd of around 1,000
UN Temporary Executive Authority. claiming to be “anti-communists”

194 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

surrounded the office, trapping scores of teachings. The Mayor also said that it was
artists and activists attending an event necessary to protect the Ahmadiyya
concerning the recent crackdown on the community in Depok from violent attacks by
rights to freedom of expression and peaceful other groups in the area.
assembly. Early the following morning, the
crowd threw rocks at the office and destroyed POLICE AND SECURITY FORCES
the fence surrounding the building. Human rights groups reported unlawful
Hundreds of police officers used tear gas to killings and other serious human rights
disperse the crowd.3 violations by security forces, primarily in the
context of excessive use of force during mass
FREEDOM OF RELIGION AND BELIEF protests or during security operations. No
Blasphemy provisions in Articles 156 and perpetrators were known to have been held
156(a) of the Criminal Code and Article 28(2) to account, particularly for numerous
of the ITE Law were used to imprison those incidents in Papua.
who peacefully exercised their rights to EXCESSIVE USE OF FORCE
freedom of religion and belief. At least 11 Between September 2016 and January
people were convicted under blasphemy 2017, joint police and military forces carried
laws. Individuals belonging to minority out security operations in Dogiyai, Papua
religions or faiths or holding minority beliefs province, during the run-up to the 2017 local
were often targeted for prosecution. On 9 elections. On 10 January police officers
May, Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja arbitrarily arrested Otis Pekei when he
Purnama, an ethnic Chinese Christian known refused to hand over a knife at a police
as Ahok, was sentenced to two years’ checkpoint, and detained him at the
imprisonment for “insulting Islam” in a video Moanemani sub-district police station. Later
posted on the internet. Ahok was the first that day, police delivered Otis Pekei’s body to
high-ranking government official to be the home of his family; the family accused
convicted of blasphemy.4 the police of torturing him during detention.
On 7 March, Ahmad Mushaddeq, Mahful No investigation was known to have been
Muis Tumanurung and Andry Cahya, leaders conducted.
of the disbanded Fajar Nusantara religious On 1 August in Deiyai, Papua province,
movement known as Gafatar, were convicted police officers arbitrarily opened fire into a
of blasphemy by the East Jakarta District crowd of protesters without warning,
Court. The conviction was upheld by the wounding at least 10 people, including
Jakarta High Court on 3 July. children. Nine police officers were subjected
At the end of the year, at least 30 prisoners to disciplinary action; no criminal
of conscience remained in detention for proceedings were known to have been
peacefully exercising their right to freedom of opened.
expression or of religion and belief. UNLAWFUL KILLINGS
On 4 June, the local government in Depok, The number of killings by police of suspected
West Java, sealed a mosque belonging to the drug dealers increased sharply, from 18 in
Ahmadiyya religious minority, considered by 2016 to at least 98 in 2017. Some of the
many Islamic groups to be “deviant and officers involved in the incidents were
outside of Islam”. Authorities prevented the seconded to the National Narcotics Agency.
Ahmadis from using the mosque during Police claimed that all the killings were in
Ramadan. The Depok Mayor argued that the self-defence or because suspects tried to flee
legal basis for the closure of the mosque was the scene. No independent investigations
a ministerial decree and a provincial were known to have been conducted into
regulation, both forbidding Ahmadiyya these killings. The number of deaths
community members from promoting their escalated after several high-ranking
activities and spreading their religious Indonesian officials, including the President,

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 195

advocated during the year for tougher next day the police released 126 men, but
measures to address drug-related crime, charged 10 of them with providing
including calling for the application of “pornography service” under Law No.
unrestrained lethal force against suspected 44/2008 on Pornography. On 6 October, 51
traffickers. people, including seven foreign nationals,
were arrested in a Central Jakarta sauna.
DEATHS IN CUSTODY Most of the customers were released the
Deaths in custody and torture by police following day; five employees remained in
personnel were reported by human rights detention at the end of the year. The police
organizations. charged six people with providing
On 27 August Rifzal Riandi Siregar was pornography and prostitution services.6
arrested in Batang Toru precinct in North With the exception of Aceh, consensual
Sumatra province after he was involved in a same-sex relations were not treated as crimes
fight with a police officer. When his relatives under the Indonesian Criminal Code.
visited him at the Batang Toru police station,
he told them that he had been badly beaten ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL
at the station by four police officers, including RIGHTS – RIGHT TO WATER
the one with whom he had had the On 10 October, the Supreme Court ordered
altercation. On 3 September, Rifzal Riandi the government to terminate a water
Siregar was found dead in the police station. privatization scheme in Jakarta. The Court
At the request of his family, the police approved an appeal filed by the Coalition of
transferred his body to a police hospital in Jakarta Residents Opposing Water
Medan, where an autopsy was conducted. Privatization that the private provider had
The police promised to give the autopsy “failed to protect the right to water” of the
report to the family within a week. They had residents. The Court ordered the government
not received it by the end of the year. to immediately revoke its contracts with two
private water utilities.
PUNISHMENT 1. Indonesia: Human Rights Council must ensure strong
At least 317 people were caned in Aceh recommendations at human rights review (ASA 21/6156/2017)
during the year for offences such as adultery, 2. Indonesia: Amendments to the mass organizations law expand
gambling and drinking alcohol, as well as threats to freedom of association (ASA 21/6722/2017)
same-sex consensual sexual relations. 3. Indonesia: Offices of human rights defenders attacked (ASA
In May, two men were each caned 83 times 21/7113/2017)
in public after being convicted by the Banda 4. Indonesia: Blasphemy conviction demonstrates intolerance - Basuki
Aceh Shari’a Court of consensual same-sex Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) (ASA 21/6213/2017)
sexual relations (liwath) under the Aceh 5. Indonesia: Revoke conviction and caning sentence for gay men in
Islamic Criminal Code. Although Shari’a by- Aceh (ASA 21/6279/2017)
laws have been in force in Aceh since the 6. Indonesia: Arrest of 51 people fuels hostile environment for LGBTI
enactment of the province’s Special people (ASA 21/7289/2017)

Autonomy Law in 2001, and are enforced by

Islamic courts, this was the first time that gay
men had been caned under Shari’a law in
the province.5


On 25 May, 141 men were arrested in North
Jakarta by local police after attending what
police described as a “gay sex party”. The

196 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

Switzerland also started bilateral human
IRAN rights dialogues with Iran.
At the end of December, thousands of
Islamic Republic of Iran Iranians took to the streets to protest against
Head of state: Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei (Supreme poverty, corruption and political repression, in
Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran) the first anti-establishment demonstrations
Head of government: Hassan Rouhani (President) on such a scale since 2009.

The authorities heavily suppressed the FREEDOMS OF EXPRESSION,

rights to freedom of expression, association ASSOCIATION AND ASSEMBLY
and peaceful assembly, as well as freedom The authorities continued to crack down
of religion and belief, and imprisoned heavily on the rights to freedom of
scores of individuals who voiced dissent. expression, association and peaceful
Trials were systematically unfair. Torture assembly, jailing scores of peaceful critics on
and other ill-treatment was widespread and spurious national security charges. Among
committed with impunity. Floggings, those targeted were peaceful political
amputations and other cruel punishments dissidents, journalists, online media workers,
were carried out. The authorities endorsed students, filmmakers, musicians and writers,
pervasive discrimination and violence based as well as human rights defenders including
on gender, political opinion, religious belief, women’s rights activists, minority rights and
ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation and environmental activists, trade unionists, anti-
gender identity. Hundreds of people were death penalty campaigners, lawyers, and
executed, some in public, and thousands those seeking truth, justice and reparation for
remained on death row. They included the mass executions and enforced
people who were under the age of 18 at the disappearances of the 1980s.
time of the crime. Many prisoners of conscience undertook
hunger strikes to protest against their unjust
BACKGROUND imprisonment.
In March the UN Human Rights Council The authorities arrested hundreds of
renewed the mandate of the UN Special protesters following anti-establishment
Rapporteur on the situation of human rights demonstrations that began across the
in Iran; the Iranian authorities continued to country at the end of December. Reports
deny her and other UN experts entry to the emerged that security forces killed and
country. injured unarmed protesters by using firearms
In May, President Rouhani was elected to a and other excessive force. On 31 December
second term in office, following an electoral the Minister of Information and
process that discriminated against hundreds Communications Technology blocked access
of candidates by disqualifying them on the to Instagram and the popular messaging
basis of gender, religious belief and political application Telegram, used by activists to
opinion. The appointment of individuals promote and support the protests.
allegedly involved in grave human rights Earlier in the year, judicial officials had
violations to ministerial posts attracted public exerted persistent pressure on the Ministry of
criticism. Information and Communications Technology
The EU and Iran worked towards renewing to request that Telegram relocate its servers
a bilateral human rights dialogue while to Iran and close tens of thousands of
several human rights defenders served prison Telegram channels, which according to the
sentences imposed for communicating with judiciary “threatened national security” or
EU and UN officials. Several governments “insulted religious values”. Telegram said it
including those of Australia, Sweden and rejected both requests.

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 197

Other popular social media sites including TORTURE AND OTHER ILL-TREATMENT
Facebook, Twitter and YouTube remained Torture and other ill-treatment remained
blocked. common, especially during interrogations.
Journalists and online media workers faced Detainees held by the Ministry of Intelligence
a renewed wave of harsh interrogations and and the Revolutionary Guards were routinely
arbitrary arrests and detentions before the subjected to prolonged solitary confinement
presidential election in May. Those using amounting to torture.
Telegram were particularly targeted for harsh Failure to investigate allegations of torture
prison sentences, some exceeding a decade. and exclude “confessions” obtained under
Freedom of musical expression remained torture as evidence against suspects
curtailed. Women were banned from singing remained systematic.
in public and the authorities continued to The authorities continued to deprive
forcibly cancel many concerts. In August, prisoners detained for political reasons of
several hundred artists called on President adequate medical care. In many cases, this
Rouhani to end such restrictions. was done as a deliberate punishment or to
The authorities continued their violent raids extract “confessions”, and amounted to
on private mixed-gender parties, arresting torture.
hundreds of young people and sentencing Prisoners endured cruel and inhuman
many to flogging. conditions of detention, including
Censorship of all forms of media and overcrowding, limited hot water, inadequate
jamming of foreign satellite television food, insufficient beds, poor ventilation and
channels continued. The judicial authorities insect infestations.
intensified their harassment of journalists More than a dozen political prisoners at
working with the Persian BBC service, Karaj’s Raja’i Shahr prison waged a
freezing the assets of 152 former or current prolonged hunger strike between July and
BBC journalists and banning them from September in protest at their dire detention
conducting financial transactions. conditions. Some faced denial of medical
The Association of Journalists remained care, solitary confinement and fresh criminal
suspended. charges in reprisal.
Scores of students continued to be barred CRUEL, INHUMAN OR DEGRADING PUNISHMENT
from higher education in reprisal for their Judicial authorities continued to impose and
peaceful activism, despite President carry out, at times in public, cruel and
Rouhani’s election promise to lift the ban. inhuman punishments amounting to torture.
Bans on independent trade unions Scores of individuals, including children,
persisted and several trade unionists were faced up to 100 lashes for theft and assault
unjustly imprisoned. Security forces as well as for acts that, under international
continued to violently suppress peaceful law, must not be criminalized − including
protests by workers, including on extra-marital relationships, attending mixed
International Workers’ Day. gender parties, eating in public during
Dozens of environmental activists were Ramadan or attending peaceful protests.
summoned for interrogation, detained and In January, journalist Hossein Movahedi was
prosecuted for participating in peaceful lashed 40 times in Najaf Abad, Esfahan
protests against air pollution, disappearing province, after a court found him guilty of
lakes, river diversion projects and dumping inaccurately reporting the number of
practices. motorcycles confiscated by police in the city.
Opposition leaders Mehdi Karroubi and Mir In August, a criminal court in Markazi
Hossein Mousavi and the latter’s wife, Zahra province sentenced trade unionist Shapour
Rahnavard, remained under house arrest Ehsanirad to 30 lashes and six months’
without charge or trial since 2011. imprisonment for participating in a protest
against unjust work conditions.

198 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

In February, the Supreme Court upheld a the Judiciary, even though no official list had
blinding sentence issued by a criminal court been made public.
in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad province Trials, particularly those before
against a woman in retribution for blinding Revolutionary Courts, remained closed and
another woman. extremely brief, sometimes lasting just a few
Dozens of amputation sentences were minutes.
imposed and subsequently upheld by the Foreign nationals and Iranians with dual
Supreme Court. In April, judicial authorities in nationality continued to face arbitrary arrest
Shiraz, Fars province, amputated the hand of and detention, grossly unfair trials and
Hamid Moinee and executed him 10 days lengthy imprisonment. The authorities
later. He had been convicted of murder and claimed that they were countering foreign-
robbery. At least four other amputation orchestrated “infiltration projects”. In reality,
sentences were carried out for robbery. such individuals were often charged with
The authorities also carried out degrading vague national security offences in
punishments. In April, three men accused of connection with the peaceful exercise of their
kidnapping and other crimes were paraded rights to freedom of expression and
around Dehloran, Ilam province, with their association.
hands tied and watering cans used for
lavatory washing hung around their necks. FREEDOM OF RELIGION AND BELIEF
Eight men were similarly humiliated in Freedom of religion and belief was
Pakdasht, Tehran province, in July. systematically violated, in law and practice.
In May, a woman arrested for having an The authorities continued to impose codes of
intimate extramarital relationship was public conduct rooted in a strict
sentenced by a criminal court in the capital, interpretation of Shi’a Islam on individuals of
Tehran, to two years of washing corpses and all faiths. Non-Shi’a Muslims were not
74 lashes. The man was sentenced to 99 allowed to stand as presidential candidates or
lashes. hold key political offices.
Widespread and systematic attacks
UNFAIR TRIALS continued to be carried out against the Baha’i
Trials, including those resulting in death minority. These included arbitrary arrests,
sentences, were systematically unfair. There lengthy imprisonment, torture and other ill-
were no independent mechanisms for treatment, forcible closure of Baha’i-owned
ensuring accountability within the judiciary. businesses, confiscation of Baha’i properties,
Serious concerns remained that judges, bans on employment in the public sector and
particularly those presiding over denial of access to universities. The
Revolutionary Courts, were appointed on the authorities regularly incited hatred and
basis of their political opinions and affiliation violence, vilifying Baha’is as “heretical” and
with intelligence bodies, and lacked legal “filthy”. There were renewed concerns that
qualifications. hate crimes could be committed with
Fair trial provisions of the 2015 Code of impunity after two men who had admitted to
Criminal Procedure, including those killing Farang Amiri because of his Baha’i
guaranteeing access to a lawyer from the faith were released on bail in June.
time of arrest and during investigations, were Other religious minorities not recognized
routinely flouted. The authorities continued to under the Constitution, such as Yaresan (Ahl-
invoke Article 48 of the Code of Criminal e Haq), also faced systematic discrimination,
Procedure to prevent those detained for including in education and employment, and
political reasons from accessing lawyers of were persecuted for practising their faith.
their own choosing. Lawyers were told they The right to change or renounce religious
were not on the list approved by the Head of beliefs continued to be violated. Christian
converts received harsh prison sentences,

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 199

which ranged from 10 to 15 years in several Members of minorities who spoke out
cases. Raids on house churches continued. against violations of their rights faced
Gonabadi dervishes faced imprisonment arbitrary arrest, torture and other ill-
and attacks on their places of worship. A treatment, grossly unfair trials, imprisonment
number were arbitrarily dismissed from and the death penalty. Intelligence and
employment or denied enrolment in security bodies frequently accused minority
universities. rights activists of supporting “separatist
Those who professed atheism remained at currents” threatening Iran’s territorial
risk of arbitrary arrest and detention, torture integrity.
and other ill-treatment and the death penalty Iran’s border guards continued to unlawfully
for “apostasy”. shoot and kill, with full impunity, scores of
Sunni Muslims continued to report unarmed Kurdish men known as Kulbars
discrimination, including restrictions on who work as cross-border porters between
holding separate prayers for Eid al- Iraqi and Iranian Kurdistan. In September,
Fitr celebrations and exclusion from high- security forces violently suppressed protests
ranking positions. in Baneh and Sanandaj over the fatal
In a departure from Iranian law, the Court of shootings of two Kulbars, and detained more
Administrative Justice suspended the than a dozen people.
membership of Sepanta Niknam, a There was a heavy police presence across
Zoroastrian man, from Yazd’s City Council in Kurdistan province in September when
October, based on an opinion from the head members of Iran’s Kurdish minority held
of Iran’s Guardian Council who said it was rallies in support of the independence
against Shari’a law to allow the governance of referendum in the Kurdish region of northern
non-Muslims over Muslims. Iraq. More than a dozen people were
At least two people were sentenced to death reportedly arrested.
for the peaceful exercise of their rights to In June, security forces were deployed in
freedom of religion and belief (see below). Ahvaz in advance of the Eid al-Fitr holiday to
prevent gatherings planned in solidarity with
DISCRIMINATION – ETHNIC MINORITIES families of Ahwazi Arabs imprisoned or
Ethnic minorities, including Ahwazi Arabs, executed for political reasons. More than a
Azerbaijani Turks, Baluchis, Kurds and dozen people were arbitrarily detained and
Turkmen, remained subject to entrenched many more were summoned for
discrimination, curtailing their access to interrogation. Ahwazi Arab human rights
education, employment, adequate housing defender Mohammad Ali Amouri remained
and political office. on death row.
Continued economic neglect of minority-
populated regions further entrenched poverty DISCRIMINATION – WOMEN AND GIRLS
and marginalization. In Sistan-Baluchistan Women remained subject to entrenched
province, residents of many villages reported discrimination in law and practice, including
a lack of access to water, electricity, schools in access to divorce, employment, equal
and health facilities. The impoverished inheritance and political office, and in family
province retained high rates of illiteracy and criminal law.
among girls and of infant mortality. Acts of violence against women and girls,
The Persian language remained the sole including domestic violence and early and
medium of instruction during primary and forced marriage, were widespread and
secondary education, contributing to higher committed with impunity. The authorities
drop-out rates in minority-populated areas. failed to criminalize gender-based violence; a
There was ongoing criticism of the absence draft bill remained pending since 2012. The
of measures ensuring minority self- legal age of marriage for girls remained at 13,
government. and fathers and grandfathers could obtain

200 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

permission from courts for their daughters to with disabilities and non-consensual medical
be married at an even younger age. treatments against people perceived to have
All 137 women who registered as a disability, including on the grounds of
presidential candidates were disqualified by gender identity and sexual orientation. In
the Guardian Council. President Rouhani December, parliament passed a proposed
included no woman ministers in his cabinet, law on the Protection of the Rights of People
despite civil society demands. with Disabilities which, if implemented fully,
Compulsory veiling (hijab) allowed police would enhance accessibility and access to
and paramilitary forces to harass and detain education, housing, health care and
women for showing strands of hair under employment.
their headscarves or for wearing heavy make- In August the Ministry of Education adopted
up or tight clothing. State-sanctioned smear discriminatory criteria for disqualifying
campaigns were conducted against women candidates for teaching positions. This
who campaigned against the compulsory included illnesses, crossed eyes, facial
hijab. moles, short height and heavy weight.
Iran’s Civil Code continued to deny Iranian Following public outrage, the Ministry
women married to non-Iranian men the right promised revisions but said that people living
to pass their nationality on to their children, a with HIV would still be barred as they lacked
right enjoyed by Iranian men married to “moral qualifications”.
foreign spouses.
Authorities defied ongoing public pressure DEATH PENALTY
to open football stadiums to women The authorities continued to execute
spectators. hundreds of people after unfair trials. Some
Women experienced reduced access to executions were conducted in public.
affordable modern contraception as the The authorities continued to describe
authorities failed to restore the budget for peaceful campaigning against the death
state family planning programmes cut in penalty as “un-Islamic”, and harassed and
2012. Parliament passed a law in October imprisoned anti-death penalty activists.
imposing severe restrictions on imparting The majority of executions were for non-
information about contraception. lethal drug-related offences. A new law
The authorities continued to monitor and adopted in October increased the quantities
restrict foreign travel of women’s rights of drugs required for imposing the death
activists. Alieh Motalebzadeh was sentenced penalty but retained mandatory death
to three years’ imprisonment in August for sentences for a wide range of drug-related
attending a workshop in Georgia on offences. While the new law provided for
“Women’s empowerment and elections”. retroactive applicability, it remained unclear
how the authorities intended to implement it
DISCRIMINATION – PERSONS WITH to commute the death sentences of those
HIV It was possible to confirm the execution of
The UN Committee on the Rights of Persons four individuals who were under 18 at the
with Disabilities reviewed Iran’s human rights time of the crime and the cases of 92 other
record in March. The Committee condemned juvenile offenders who remained on death
state discrimination and violence against row. The real numbers were likely to be much
people with physical and intellectual higher. Several executions were scheduled
disabilities; poor implementation of and postponed at the last minute because of
accessibility standards; and denial of public campaigning. Retrials of juvenile
reasonable accommodation at the workplace. offenders pursuant to Article 91 of the 2013
The Committee also expressed alarm at Islamic Penal Code continued to result in
reports of forced institutionalization of people renewed death sentences following arbitrary

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 201

assessments of their “maturity” at the time of government authorities arbitrarily detained,
the crime. forcibly disappeared and tortured civilians
The death penalty was maintained for suspected of being affiliated with IS. Courts
vaguely worded offences such as “insulting subjected IS suspects and other individuals
the Prophet”, “enmity against God” and suspected of terrorism-related offences to
“spreading corruption on earth”. unfair trials and sentenced them to death
In August, spiritual teacher and prisoner of on the basis of “confessions” extracted
conscience Mohammad Ali Taheri was under torture. Executions continued at an
sentenced to death for the second time for alarming rate.
“spreading corruption on earth” through
establishing the spiritual group Erfan-e BACKGROUND
Halgheh; in October the Supreme Court By December, the Iraqi government, Kurdish
quashed the death sentence. He remained in forces, paramilitary militias and US-led
solitary confinement. coalition forces had recaptured the territory
Prisoner of conscience Marjan Davari was and population centres held by IS, including
sentenced to death in March for “spreading east Mosul in January, west Mosul in July, Tel
corruption on earth” in connection with her Afar in August and Hawija in October. By
membership of the religious group Eckankar November, more than 987,648 people in
and for translating their materials. The Nineveh governorate had been internally
Supreme Court subsequently quashed the displaced as a result of the military operation
death sentence and sent the case back to the to recapture Mosul and surrounding areas.
Revolutionary Court in Tehran for retrial.  More than 3 million people remained
The Islamic Penal Code continued to internally displaced across Iraq.
provide for stoning as a method of execution. On 25 September the Kurdish Regional
Some consensual same-sex sexual conduct Government (KRG) held a referendum on
remained punishable by death. independence in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq
(KR-I) as well as in the “disputed areas” of
Iraq, including areas in the governorates of
IRAQ Nineveh, Kirkuk, Salah al-Din and Diyala.
Preliminary results showed that
Republic of Iraq approximately 93% of votes were cast in
Head of state: Fuad Masum favour of independence. The government of
Head of government: Haider al-Abadi Iraq declared the referendum illegal and
unconstitutional. Following the referendum,
Iraqi and Kurdish forces, paramilitary Iraqi government forces and pro-government
militias, coalition forces and the armed forces including the Popular Mobilization
group Islamic State (IS) committed Units (PMU) retook control of Kirkuk
violations of international humanitarian law, governorate as well as areas of Nineveh,
war crimes and gross human rights abuses Salah al-Din and Diyala governorates.
in the armed conflict. IS fighters forcibly
displaced thousands of civilians into active ABUSES BY ARMED GROUPS
conflict, used them as human shields on a IS committed gross human rights abuses and
mass scale, deliberately killed civilians serious violations of international
fleeing the fighting, and recruited and humanitarian law, some of which amounted
deployed child soldiers. Iraqi and Kurdish to war crimes. It forcibly displaced thousands
forces and paramilitary militias of civilians into zones of active hostilities in an
extrajudicially executed captured fighters attempt to shield their own fighters. IS
and civilians fleeing the conflict and deliberately killed civilians who were trying to
destroyed homes and other civilian property. flee the fighting and hanged their bodies in
Iraqi and Kurdish forces as well as public areas as a warning to others who were

202 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

contemplating escape. It carried out In west Mosul, Iraqi forces consistently used
execution-style killings which targeted explosive weapons with wide-area effects,
opponents, and recruited and deployed child such as improvised rocket-assisted munitions
soldiers. In Mosul, IS regularly denied (IRAMs), which cannot be precisely targeted
medical care to civilians, and its fighters at military objectives or used lawfully in
occupied several medical buildings and populated civilian areas. In east Mosul,
hospitals to avoid being targeted by Iraqi and hundreds of civilians were killed in air strikes
coalition forces. launched by the coalition and Iraqi forces on
IS killed and injured civilians across Iraq in their homes or places where they sought
suicide bombings and other deadly attacks refuge as they followed Iraqi government
that deliberately targeted civilians in markets, instructions not to leave during the battle.
Shi’a religious shrines and other public Iraqi and Kurdish government forces and
spaces. On 2 January, bombings by IS in the paramilitary militias carried out extrajudicial
predominantly Shi’a neighbourhood of Sadr executions of men and boys suspected of
City in the capital, Baghdad, killed at least 35 being affiliated with IS. In the final weeks of
people and injured more than 60. Suicide the Mosul battle between May and July,
attacks on 30 May outside an ice-cream consistent reports emerged that Iraqi forces,
parlour and a government building in including the Emergency Response Division,
Baghdad killed at least 27 people and Federal Police and the Iraqi Security Forces,
wounded at least 50. An IS attack on a had detained, tortured and extrajudicially
restaurant frequented by Shi’a pilgrims in executed men and boys who were fleeing the
Nasiriya on 14 September killed at least 84 fighting.
people and injured 93.
The UN reported in October that as many ARBITRARY ARRESTS AND DETENTIONS
as 1,563 Yazidi women and children Thousands of men and boys considered to
remained in IS captivity in Iraq and Syria. be of fighting age (roughly 15 to 65) fleeing
They were subjected to rape and other territories controlled by IS were subjected to
torture, assault and enslavement. Those who security screenings by Iraqi security forces,
managed to escape or were freed after their Kurdish forces and paramilitary militias at
relatives paid ransoms did not receive temporary reception sites or in makeshift
adequate remedies, including the necessary detention facilities. Men suspected of
care and support required to help rebuild affiliation with IS were held for days or
their lives. The UN stated in August that at months, often in harsh conditions, or
least 74 mass graves had been discovered in transferred onward. Iraqi forces, Kurdish
areas previously controlled by IS in Iraq. forces and paramilitary militias, including the
PMU, arrested thousands more alleged
ARMED CONFLICT – VIOLATIONS BY “terrorism” suspects without judicial warrant
GOVERNMENT FORCES, COALITION from their homes, checkpoints and camps for
FORCES AND MILITIAS internally displaced people (IDPs).
Government forces, paramilitary militias and TORTURE AND ENFORCED DISAPPEARANCES
coalition forces committed repeated violations Men and boys suspected of being members
of international humanitarian law, some of of IS were subjected to enforced
which may amount to war crimes. In west disappearance – cut off from their families
Mosul, Iraqi and coalition forces launched a and the outside world – in facilities controlled
series of disproportionate or otherwise by the Iraqi Ministries of the Interior and
indiscriminate attacks. In one such attack, on Defence, the KRG and in secret detention
17 March in Mosul al-Jadida neighbourhood, centres. Detainees were interrogated by
at least 105 civilians were killed by a US air security officers without lawyers present and
strike targeting two IS snipers. were routinely tortured. Common forms of
torture included beatings on the head and

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 203

body with metal rods and cables, suspension and from their tents. Families were separated
in stress positions by the arms or legs, for days or months due to screening
electric shocks, and threats of rape of female procedures carried out at temporary
relatives. Detainees faced limited access to reception centres. Women heads of
medical care, which led to deaths in custody households who sheltered in IDP camps –
and amputations. They also endured harsh particularly those whose male relatives were
conditions, including severe overcrowding, suspected of affiliation with IS – reported
poor ventilation and lack of access to being subjected to rape and other sexual
showers or toilets. abuse and exploitation and systematic
discrimination, including having inadequate
UNFAIR TRIALS and unequal access to food, water and other
The criminal justice system in Iraq remained basic supplies.
deeply flawed. Defendants, in particular FORCED DISPLACEMENT AND DESTRUCTION OF
“terrorism” suspects, were routinely denied PROPERTY
the rights to adequate time and facilities to In the context of the armed conflict involving
prepare a defence, to not incriminate oneself IS, Iraqi government forces and paramilitary
or confess guilt, and to question prosecution militias forcibly displaced civilians and
witnesses. Courts continued to admit destroyed their homes on a mass scale. For
“confessions” that were extracted under example, early in the year Sunni tribal militias
torture as evidence. Many of those convicted within the PMU known as the Hashad al-
after these unfair and hasty trials were Ashari, alongside Iraqi government forces,
sentenced to death. forcibly displaced at least 125 families from
Between July and August, the Iraqi Salah al-Din governorate perceived to be
authorities issued arrest warrants for at least affiliated with IS, following a decree issued by
15 lawyers who were defending suspected IS local authorities authorizing their
members, accusing the lawyers of being displacement. The families were then held
affiliated with IS. These arrests caused against their will in an IDP camp functioning
concern among other lawyers that they could as a detention centre near Tikrit.
be arrested simply for defending IS suspects.
INTERNALLY DISPLACED PEOPLE Factions of the PMU, which had committed
More than 3 million people remained war crimes and other serious violations
internally displaced across Iraq. The across central and northern Iraq since 2014,
displaced sheltered in host communities, IDP benefited from transfers of arms from a range
camps, informal settlements and buildings of countries, including the USA, Russia and
under construction. By November, more than Iran. The transferred weapons included
987,648 people in Nineveh governorate had armoured vehicles and artillery as well as a
been displaced as a result of the Mosul wide range of small arms. Poor management
military operation. Humanitarian agencies of weapons stocks and a thriving in-country
reported significant shortfalls in international and cross-border illicit trade led to the arming
funding. of militia groups, further undermining
Civilians in IDP camps experienced security.
shortages of food, water, medicine and other
basic needs. Freedom of movement in IDP FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION –
camps was severely limited, and camp KURDISTAN REGION OF IRAQ
residents reported that civilians, including Journalists and online activists in the KR-I
children, were recruited from camps by were subject to arbitrary arrest, beatings,
paramilitary militias – sometimes forcibly – surveillance, death threats, and smear
and that family members had been forcibly campaigns intended to damage their
disappeared from public areas in the camps reputations or the reputations of their family

204 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

members. This trend of interference in the for grave violations of international law,
freedom of expression of journalists and including war crimes, during the conflict.
online activists appeared to escalate in the
run-up to the independence referendum in DEATH PENALTY
the KR-I; Amnesty International documented Iraq remained one of the world’s most prolific
12 cases of arbitrary arrests, beatings and users of the death penalty. Scores of people
intimidation of journalists and online activists were sentenced to death by courts after
between June and September. unfair trials and executed by hanging. The
On 14 March, security forces, including death penalty continued to be used as a tool
anti-riot police belonging to the KR-I and of retribution in response to public outrage
Syrian fighters under the command of the after attacks claimed by IS. In January,
KRG (“Rojava Peshmerga”), used tear gas dozens of men were hanged for their alleged
canisters and fired live ammunition to role in the killing of 1,700 Shi’a cadets at
disperse Yazidi protesters. The protesters Speicher military camp near Tikrit in 2014.
were calling for the Rojava Peshmerga forces The men, whose “confessions” were
to leave the area, following clashes between extracted under credible allegations of
members of the Rojava Peshmerga and torture, were convicted following deeply
Sinjar Resistance Unit earlier that month. flawed and hasty trials. These mass
Protesters and witnesses reported that Nazeh executions followed a similar mass execution
Nayef Qawal, a Yazidi woman, was killed in August 2016, also in relation to the
during the violent dispersal of protesters. Speicher massacre. On 25 September,
dozens of men were executed on “terrorism”
IMPUNITY charges. This mass execution took place 11
In response to allegations of serious violations days after an IS suicide attack in Nasiriya on
of international humanitarian law and war 14 September that killed at least 84 people.
crimes committed by Iraqi forces and pro-
government militias – such as torture,
extrajudicial execution and enforced
disappearance – the Iraqi authorities
established committees to evaluate the Ireland
available evidence and launch investigations. Head of state: Michael D. Higgins
Such committees consistently failed to Head of government: Leo Varadkar (replaced Enda
release any findings publicly or to Kenny in June)
communicate their findings to international or
national NGOs. More than a year since 643 Historical abuses against women and girls
men and boys from Saqlawiya in the Anbar were not adequately addressed. Access to
governorate were abducted and forcibly and information about abortion remained
disappeared by PMU militias, a committee severely restricted and criminalized.
established by the Office of the Prime Concerns remained about “direct provision”
Minister on 5 June 2016 had failed to accommodation provided to asylum-seekers.
publicly release any findings.
On 21 September the UN Security Council WOMEN’S RIGHTS
passed a unanimous resolution aimed at In March, the CEDAW Committee published
ensuring accountability for war crimes and its concluding observations on Ireland’s sixth
human rights abuses committed by IS. and seventh reports. It expressed concern at
However, the resolution crucially failed to Ireland’s abortion laws, measures to combat
include any provisions to ensure violence against women, including funding
accountability for crimes committed by Iraqi cuts to non-governmental support services,
forces, paramilitary militias such as the PMU, and the impact of austerity measures on the
the US-led coalition and others responsible funding for women’s NGOs.

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 205

The Committee criticized the state’s failure abortion services. The government
to establish an independent, thorough and committed to holding a referendum on the
effective investigation into all alleged human Eighth Amendment in early 2018.
rights abuses against women and girls in the
“Magdalene Laundries”, children’s REFUGEES AND ASYLUM-SEEKERS
institutions and mother and baby homes Concerns remained about poor living
which operated with state funding and conditions in “direct provision”
oversight between the 1930s and 1996. This accommodation centres for asylum-seekers,
concern was echoed by the UN Committee in particular limited living space and privacy,
against Torture in its concluding observations lack of recreational facilities especially for
on Ireland’s second periodic report, children, and little personal spending money.
published in August. In November, the In May, the Supreme Court ruled that the
Ombudsman published a report criticizing state’s prohibition on employment during the
the exclusion of some women from the asylum procedure, irrespective of its
Magdalene Laundries redress scheme. duration, was unconstitutional; it gave the
The CEDAW Committee also noted legislature six months to address its decision.
numerous recommendations by other UN The Ombudsman and Ombudsman for
human rights mechanisms on the unresolved Children were given statutory powers to
issue of historical abuses of women and girls, consider complaints from “direct provision”
including in respect of symphysiotomies residents.
performed on women without their consent. In September, the government announced
its commitment to developing a community
SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS sponsorship programme for resettling
In June, the UN Human Rights Committee refugees.
found in Whelan v. Ireland that Ireland’s
abortion law violated the applicant’s rights to RIGHT TO HOUSING
be free from cruel, inhuman and degrading A growing number of people were
treatment, as well as her rights to privacy and experiencing homelessness, many as a result
non-discrimination in forcing her to travel of reduced availability of affordable rental
abroad for an abortion. In its August properties. The number of homeless families
concluding observations, the UN Committee increased by 31% between October 2016
against Torture stated that Ireland’s abortion and October 2017, with many children living
law causes women and girls “severe physical in unsuitable hostel-type accommodation. In
and mental anguish and distress”. October, the European Committee of Social
In June, the Citizens’ Assembly, established Rights published a decision finding Ireland in
by the government to make violation of the Revised European Social
recommendations on possible constitutional Charter. The decision related to conditions in
reform, recommended the removal of the some local authority housing.
Eighth Amendment to Ireland’s Constitution,
which placed the right to life of the foetus on SEX WORKERS
a par with that of the pregnant woman. It In February, the Criminal Law (Sexual
recommended that access to abortion be Offences) Act 2017 was enacted which,
provided without restriction in early among other provisions, criminalized the
pregnancy, and in a broad range of purchase of sex. While the Act removed
circumstances thereafter. Its criminal penalties from sex workers for
recommendations were considered and soliciting and loitering, several aspects of sex
supported by a specially convened work remained criminalized, despite
parliamentary committee, which also international evidence that this can place sex
recommended decriminalizing women and workers at high risk of stigmatization,
medical professionals accessing or providing

206 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

isolation, violence and other human rights humanitarian crisis. The Israeli authorities
abuses. intensified expansion of settlements and
The Council of Europe Group of Experts on related infrastructure across the West Bank,
Action against Trafficking in Human Beings including East Jerusalem, and severely
noted reports of possible negative impacts of restricted the freedom of movement of
the criminalization of the purchase of sex on Palestinians. Israeli forces unlawfully killed
victims of trafficking. It urged Ireland to Palestinian civilians, including children,
analyse such impacts on the identification, and unlawfully detained within Israel
protection and assistance of trafficking thousands of Palestinians from the
victims, and the prosecution of traffickers. Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT),
holding hundreds in administrative
DISCRIMINATION – TRAVELLERS detention without charge or trial. Torture
In March, the government granted formal and other ill-treatment of detainees,
recognition to the Traveller community as a including children, remained pervasive and
distinct ethnic group within Ireland, following was committed with impunity. Israel
years of campaigning by Traveller groups. continued to demolish Palestinian homes in
This was seen as a symbolic but significant the West Bank and in Palestinian villages
step towards recognizing and countering the inside Israel, forcibly evicting residents.
long-standing discrimination experienced by Conscientious objectors to military service
Travellers in Ireland. were imprisoned. Thousands of African
asylum-seekers were threatened with
Concerns emerged about the growing impact
on civil society groups of the Electoral Act BACKGROUND
1997, a law which regulates political funding. Israeli authorities intensified settlement
The Act, as amended in 2001, prohibits expansion and land appropriation in the OPT.
overseas donations, or domestic donations US and international efforts to revive
over EUR2,500, to “third party” organizations negotiations failed, and Israeli-Palestinian
for vaguely defined “political purposes”. relations remained tense. In January, Israeli
authorities passed the so-called
“regularization law” that retroactively
ISRAEL AND THE legalized the settler takeover of thousands of
hectares of privately owned Palestinian land

OCCUPIED and an estimated 4,500 settler homes. In

addition, Israeli authorities announced and

PALESTINIAN issued tenders for tens of thousands of new

settlement units in East Jerusalem and
across the rest of the West Bank.
TERRITORIES Palestinians carried out stabbings, car-
rammings, shootings and other attacks
State of Israel against Israelis in the West Bank and in
Head of government: Benjamin Netanyahu Israel. The attacks, mostly carried out by
Head of state: Reuven Rivlin individuals unaffiliated to armed groups,
killed 14 Israelis and one foreign national.
June marked 50 years since Israel’s Israeli forces killed 76 Palestinians and one
occupation of the Palestinian Territories and foreign national. Some were unlawfully killed
the start of the 11th year of its illegal while posing no threat to life.
blockade of the Gaza Strip, subjecting In March, the UN Economic and Social
approximately 2 million inhabitants to Commission for Western Asia issued, then
collective punishment and a growing withdrew, a report determining Israel to be

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 207

“guilty of the crime of apartheid” against unable to access treatment outside Gaza due
Palestinians. In May, a UNESCO resolution to Israeli restrictions and delays by West
reaffirmed the occupied status of East Bank authorities in processing referrals.
Jerusalem and criticized Israel’s conduct in Israeli forces maintained a “buffer zone”
the city. Following the killing of two Israeli inside Gaza’s border with Israel and used live
policemen by Palestinians, in July Israel ammunition against Palestinians who entered
installed metal detectors to screen Muslim or approached it, wounding farmers working
worshippers entering the Temple Mount/ in the area. Israeli forces also fired at
Haram al-Sharif. The new security measures Palestinian fishermen in or near the
led to heightened tensions and mass protests “exclusion zone” along Gaza’s coastline,
by Palestinians, including collective prayers, killing at least one and injuring others.
across the West Bank. The prayer protests, In the West Bank, Israel maintained an
often met with excessive force, ended once array of military checkpoints, bypass roads
the metal detectors were removed. and military and firing zones, restricting
In September, the Hamas de facto Palestinian access and travel. Israel
administration in Gaza and the “national established new checkpoints and barriers,
consensus” government in the West Bank especially in East Jerusalem. In response to
embarked on a reconciliation process, which Palestinian attacks on Israelis, the military
was rejected by Israel. authorities imposed collective punishment;
In December, US President Donald Trump they revoked the work permits of attackers’
recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital in family members and closed off villages and
violation of international law, sparking entire areas including Silwad, Deir Abu
widespread protests across the OPT and Mishal and Beit Surik.
globally. In Hebron, long-standing prohibitions
limiting Palestinian presence, tightened in
FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT – GAZA October 2015, remained in force. In Hebron’s
BLOCKADE AND WEST BANK Tel Rumeida neighbourhood, a “closed
RESTRICTIONS military zone”, Israeli forces subjected
Israel’s illegal air, land and sea blockade of Palestinian residents to oppressive searches
the Gaza Strip entered its 11th year, and prevented the entry of other Palestinians
continuing the long-standing restrictions on while allowing free movement for Israeli
the movement of people and goods into and settlers. In May, Israel erected a new
from the area, collectively punishing Gaza’s checkpoint and a new fence barrier within
entire population. Combined with Egypt’s Hebron’s H2 area, arbitrarily confining the
almost total closure of the Rafah border Palestinian Gheith neighbourhood and
crossing, and the West Bank authorities’ segregating a street alongside the area.
punitive measures, Israel’s blockade triggered
a humanitarian crisis with electricity cuts ARBITRARY ARRESTS AND DETENTIONS
reducing access to electricity from an Israel detained or continued to imprison
average of eight hours per day down to as thousands of Palestinians from the OPT,
little as two to four hours, affecting clean mostly in prisons in Israel, in violation of
water and sanitation and diminishing health international law. Many detainees’ families,
service access, and rendering Gaza particularly those in Gaza, were not permitted
increasingly “unlivable” according to the UN. entry to Israel to visit their relatives.
Gaza’s economy deteriorated further and The authorities continued to substitute
post-conflict reconstruction of civilian administrative detention for criminal
infrastructure remained severely hindered; prosecution, holding hundreds of
some 23,500 Palestinians remained Palestinians, including children, civil society
displaced since the 2014 conflict. Many leaders and NGO workers, without charge or
patients with life-threatening illnesses were trial under renewable orders, based on

208 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

information withheld from detainees and their detainees, including children, to torture and
lawyers. More than 6,100 Palestinians, other ill-treatment with impunity, particularly
including 441 administrative detainees, were during arrest and interrogation. Reported
held in Israeli prisons at the end of the year. methods included beatings, slapping, painful
Israeli authorities also placed six Palestinian shackling, sleep deprivation, use of stress
citizens of Israel under administrative positions and threats. No criminal
detention. investigations were opened into more than
In April around 1,500 Palestinian prisoners 1,000 complaints filed since 2001.
and detainees launched a 41-day hunger- Complaints of torture and other ill-treatment
strike to demand better conditions, family by the Israeli police against asylum-seekers
visits, an end to solitary confinement and and members of the Ethiopian community
administrative detention, and access to remained common.
education. The Israeli Prison Service In December the Israeli High Court of
punished hunger-striking detainees, using Justice accepted the Attorney General’s
solitary confinement, fines, and denial of decision not to open a criminal investigation
family visits. into Asad Abu Ghosh’s torture claims despite
Palestinians from the West Bank charged credible evidence, thus condoning the
with protest-related and other offences faced continued use of stress positions and sleep
unfair military trials, while Israeli civilian deprivation against Palestinian detainees by
courts trying Palestinians from East Israeli interrogators.
Jerusalem or the Gaza Strip issued harsh
sentences even for minor offences. UNLAWFUL KILLINGS
In April the Israeli High Court of Justice Israeli soldiers, police and security guards
issued a decision to reduce excessive killed at least 75 Palestinians from the OPT,
sentencing of Palestinians under the military including East Jerusalem, and five
judicial system and ordered that legislation Palestinians with Israeli citizenship. Some of
be amended to apply shorter sentences as of those killed were shot while attacking Israelis
May 2018. Despite the ruling, the sentences or suspected of intending an attack. Many,
would remain harsher than those in the including children, were shot and unlawfully
Israeli civilian judicial system. killed while posing no immediate threat to
Khalida Jarrar, a member of the Palestinian life. Some killings, such as that of Yacoub
Legislative Council and board member of the Abu al-Qi’an, shot in his car by police in
NGO Addameer, and Addameer staff Umm al-Hiran in January, appeared to have
member Salah Hammouri, remained in been extrajudicial executions.
administrative detention at the end of the
The trial of Mohammed al-Halabi, a Gaza- Israeli forces, including undercover units,
based humanitarian worker, began at Beer used excessive and sometimes lethal force
Sheva District Court on charges of when they used rubber-coated metal bullets
embezzlement from the NGO World Vision to and live ammunition against Palestinian
fund Hamas. Neither an Australian protesters in the OPT, killing at least 20, and
government review of World Vision Gaza nor injuring thousands. Many protesters threw
an internal World Vision audit found any rocks or other projectiles but were posing no
evidence to support the charges. Mohammed threat to the lives of well-protected Israeli
al-Halabi stated in court that he was tortured soldiers when they were shot. In July, in
during interrogation and detention. response to the tensions over Temple Mount/
Haram al-Sharif, the authorities killed 10
TORTURE AND OTHER ILL-TREATMENT Palestinians and injured more than 1,000
Israeli soldiers and police and Israel Security during the dispersal of demonstrations, and
Agency officers subjected Palestinian conducted at least two violent raids on al-

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 209

Makassed hospital in East Jerusalem. In Palestinian human rights NGOs, including
December, wheelchair user Ibrahim Abu Al-Haq, Al Mezan and Addameer,
Thuraya was shot in the head by an Israeli encountered increased levels of harassment
soldier as he was sitting with a group of by Israeli authorities. Israeli authorities
protesters near the fence separating Gaza initiated tax investigations against Omar
from Israel. Barghouti, a prominent advocate of the
boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign,
FREEDOMS OF EXPRESSION, in what appeared to be an effort to silence his
The authorities used a range of measures, Several Israeli human rights organizations,
both in Israel and the OPT, to target human including Breaking the Silence, Gisha,
rights defenders who criticized Israel’s B’tselem and Amnesty International Israel
continuing occupation. were also targeted by government campaigns
In March the Knesset (parliament) passed to undermine their work, and faced smears,
an amendment to the Entry into Israel Law stigmatization and threats.
banning entry into Israel or the OPT to
anyone supporting or working for an RIGHT TO HOUSING – FORCED
organization that has issued or promoted a EVICTIONS AND DEMOLITIONS
call to boycott Israel or Israeli entities, In the West Bank, including East Jerusalem,
including settlements. The authorities the Israeli authorities carried out a large
continued to obstruct human rights workers’ number of demolitions of Palestinian
attempts to document the situation by property, including 423 homes and
denying them entry into the OPT, including structures built without Israeli permits that
the UN Special Rapporteur on the human remained virtually impossible for Palestinians
rights situation in the OPT. An Amnesty to obtain, forcibly evicting more than 660
International staff member was denied entry people. Many of these demolitions were in
after he was questioned about the Bedouin and herding communities that the
organization’s work on settlements. Israeli authorities planned to forcibly transfer.
Using public order laws in East Jerusalem, The authorities also collectively punished the
and military orders in the rest of the West families of Palestinians who had carried out
Bank, Israeli authorities prohibited and attacks on Israelis, by demolishing or making
suppressed protests by Palestinians, and uninhabitable their family homes, forcibly
arrested and prosecuted protesters and evicting approximately 50 people.
human rights defenders. In July, the military Israeli authorities forcibly evicted eight
trials of Palestinian human rights defenders members of the Shamasneh family from their
Issa Amro and Farid al-Atrash began on home in Sheikh Jarrah, East Jerusalem,
charges related to their role in organizing allowing Jewish settlers to move in. The
peaceful protests against Israel’s settlement authorities also demolished dozens of
policies. Israeli authorities continued to Palestinian homes inside Israel that they said
harass other Hebron-based human rights were built without permits, including in
activists, including Badi Dweik and Imad Abu Palestinian towns and villages in the Triangle,
Shamsiya, and failed to protect them from the Galilee, and in “unrecognized” Bedouin
settler attacks. villages in the Negev/Naqab region. In
From May to August, the Israeli authorities January the Israeli police forcibly demolished
detained prisoner of conscience and writer the Bedouin village of Umm al-Hiran, to
Ahmad Qatamesh under a three-month begin building a Jewish town in its place. The
administrative detention order solely on Knesset passed a law in April that raised the
account of his non-violent political activities fines for building without permits, charging
and writing. punitive costs for the demolition to those
whose homes have been demolished, and

210 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

limited recourse to the courts for those Zayoud, who was stripped of his citizenship
challenging demolition or eviction orders. In and rendered stateless by the Minister of the
August, the authorities demolished al-Araqib Interior following a conviction for attempted
village in the Negev/Naqab for the 116th murder. An appeal against the decision was
time. Residents were ordered to compensate pending before the Supreme Court at the end
the state 362,000 new shekels of the year. The authorities also revoked the
(approximately USD100,000) for the cost of citizenship of dozens of Palestinian Bedouin
demolition and lawyers’ fees. residents of the Negev/Naqab region without
process or appeal, leaving them as stateless
IMPUNITY residents.
More than three years after the end of the
2014 Gaza-Israel conflict, in which some REFUGEES AND ASYLUM-SEEKERS
1,460 Palestinian civilians were killed, many The authorities continued to deny asylum-
in evidently unlawful attacks including war seekers, more than 90% of whom were from
crimes, the authorities had previously Eritrea or Sudan, access to a fair or prompt
indicted only three soldiers for looting and refugee status determination process. More
obstructing an investigation. than 1,200 asylum-seekers were held at the
In a rare move, in January an Israeli military Holot detention facility and at Saharonim
court convicted Elor Azaria, a soldier whose Prison in the Negev/Naqab desert at the end
apparent extrajudicial execution of a of the year. According to activists, there were
wounded Palestinian in Hebron was filmed, more than 35,000 asylum-seekers in Israel;
of manslaughter. His conviction and 18- 8,588 asylum claims remained pending. In
month prison sentence, which was confirmed December, the Knesset passed an
on appeal but reduced by four months by amendment to the anti-infiltration law that
Israel’s military Chief of Staff in September, would force asylum-seekers and refugees to
failed to reflect the gravity of the crime. Israeli accept relocation to countries in Africa or
authorities failed to investigate, or closed face imprisonment. Tens of thousands were
investigations into, cases of alleged unlawful at risk of deportation.
killings of Palestinians by Israeli forces in
The Prosecutor of the ICC continued her At least six Israeli conscientious objectors to
preliminary examination of alleged crimes military service were imprisoned, including
under international law committed in the OPT Tamar Zeevi, Atalia Ben-Abba, Noa Gur
since 13 June 2014. Golan, Hadas Tal, Mattan Helman and Ofir
Averbukh. Israeli authorities recognized
VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND GIRLS Tamar Zeevi as a conscientious objector and
There were new reports of violence against released her from conscription after she
women; Palestinian communities in Israel served a total of 100 days in prison.
were particularly affected. In June, the
Special Rapporteur on violence against
women issued recommendations urging
Israeli authorities to carry out law and policy
reforms by integrating CEDAW standards; to Italian Republic
combat and prevent violence against women Head of state: Sergio Mattarella
in Israel and the OPT; and to investigate Head of government: Paolo Gentiloni
reported abuses.
Italy co-operated with the Libyan authorities
DEPRIVATION OF NATIONALITY and non-state actors to restrict irregular
On 6 August the Haifa District Court migration through the central
confirmed the citizenship revocation of Alaa Mediterranean. This resulted in refugees

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 211

and migrants being disembarked and CO-OPERATION WITH LIBYA TO CONTROL MIGRATION
trapped in Libya, where they faced human In February, to reduce arrivals, Italy signed a
rights violations and abuse. Roma Memorandum of Understanding with Libya,
continued to be forcibly evicted and committing to provide support to Libyan
segregated in camps with sub-standard authorities responsible for official immigration
living conditions. The European detention centres. Torture and other ill-
Commission failed to take decisive action treatment remained widespread in these
against Italy for discrimination against centres. Italy continued to implement
Roma in access to adequate housing. measures to increase the Libyan coastguard’s
Legislation criminalizing torture was capacity to intercept refugees and migrants
introduced; however, the new law did not and take them back to Libya. This was done
meet all the requirements of the Convention amidst growing evidence of the Libyan
against Torture. coastguard’s violent and reckless conduct
during interceptions of boats and of its
REFUGEES’ AND MIGRANTS’ RIGHTS involvement in human rights violations. In
Over 2,800 refugees and migrants were May, Italy provided the Libyan coastguard
estimated to have died at sea while with four patrolling speedboats. Italy also
attempting to reach Italy from Libya on continued to train Libyan coastguard and
unseaworthy and overcrowded vessels. The navy officials as part of the EU Naval Force
numbers were down from more than 4,500 Mediterranean (EUNAVFOR Med) operation.
deaths registered in 2016. Over 119,000 In July, following a request from the Libyan
people survived the crossing and reached government, Italy deployed a naval mission to
Italy, compared to 181,000 arrivals in 2016. Libyan territorial waters to combat irregular
In May, the Italian magazine L’Espresso migration and the smuggling of refugees and
published new information regarding the 11 migrants.
October 2013 shipwreck in the Maltese In November, a Libyan coastguard vessel
search and rescue region of the central interfered in an ongoing rescue operation in
Mediterranean. Over 260 people died, mostly international waters. Several people drowned.
Syrian refugees, among them about 60 The Libyan coastguard’s vessel – one of those
children. According to recorded phone donated by Italy – was recorded on video
conversations obtained by the magazine, in departing at high speed, ignoring people in
the period preceding the capsizing of the the water, and with a man still holding on to
refugees’ boat, Italian navy and coastguard ropes the Libyan officials had thrown off the
officials were reluctant to deploy the Italian vessel.
warship Libra which was the closest to the Between August and December, Italy’s co-
boat in distress, despite repeated requests by operation with Libyan authorities was
Maltese authorities to do so. In November, a criticized by various UN experts and bodies,
judge of the Rome tribunal ordered that including the UN High Commissioner for
charges be brought against two high-ranking Human Rights as well as the Council of
officials of the Italian navy and coastguard Europe’s Commissioner for Human Rights.
respectively and that further investigations be The Committee against Torture expressed
carried out into the conduct of the Libra’s concern over the lack of assurances that co-
captain. The charges against four other navy operation with the Libyan coastguard or other
and coastguard officials were dismissed. The Libyan security actors would be reviewed in
trial was pending at the end of the year. light of human rights violations.
The government continued to fail to adopt NGOS’ SEARCH AND RESCUE OPERATIONS
the decrees required to abolish the crime of Many of those who reached Italy by sea –
“illegal entry and stay”, despite being over 45,400 – were rescued by NGOs. In
instructed to do so by parliament in April July, Italy, with support from the EU, imposed
2014. a code of conduct on NGOs operating at sea,

212 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

limiting their capacity to rescue people and statements and abuse of power, included
disembark them in Italy. During the year, three high-ranking police officers and the
rescue NGOs were targeted by some officials, judge who validated the expulsion.
claiming that they encouraged departures UNACCOMPANIED CHILDREN
from Libya. Criminal investigations were Nearly 16,000 unaccompanied children
opened and were ongoing at the end of the reached Italy by sea. A new law to strengthen
year against some NGOs for abetting irregular their protection was introduced in April. It
migration. covered access to services and introduced
ASYLUM PROCEDURES safeguards against expulsions. However, the
By the end of the year, nearly 130,000 authorities continued to struggle to ensure
people sought asylum in Italy, a 6% increase their reception in accordance with
over the nearly 122,000 in 2016. Throughout international standards.
the year, over 40% of applicants received RELOCATION AND RESETTLEMENT SCHEMES
some form of protection in the first instance. Of the around 35,000 asylum-seekers who
In April, legislation was introduced to speed were to be transferred to other EU countries
up asylum procedures and counter irregular under the EU relocation scheme, only 11,464
migration, including by reducing procedural had left Italy by the end of the year, while a
safeguards in appeals against rejected further 698 were about to be transferred.
asylum applications. The new law failed to Italy continued to grant humanitarian
adequately clarify the nature and function of access to people transferred through a
the hotspots set up by the EU and the scheme funded by the faith-based NGOs
government following agreements in 2015. Comunità di Sant’Egidio, Federation of
Hotspots are facilities set up for the initial Evangelical Churches and Tavola Valdese.
reception, identification and registration of Over 1,000 people were received under the
asylum-seekers and migrants coming to the scheme since its beginning in 2016.
EU by sea. In its May report, the National At the end of December, Italy also granted
Mechanism for the Prevention of Torture access to 162 vulnerable refugees evacuated
highlighted the continued lack of a legal basis from Libya to Italy by UNHCR, the UN
and applicable norms regulating the refugee agency.
detention of people in hotspots.
Also in May, the UN Human Rights RIGHT TO HOUSING AND FORCED
Committee criticized the prolonged detention EVICTIONS
of refugees and migrants at hotspots. It also Roma continued to experience systemic
criticized the lack of safeguards against the discrimination in access to adequate
incorrect classification of asylum-seekers as housing. The European Commission still
economic migrants, and the lack of failed to take decisive action against Italy for
investigations into reports of excessive use of breach of EU law for discrimination in its
force during identification procedures. In denial of the right to housing, including the
December, the UN Committee against Torture lack of safeguards against forced evictions
expressed concern about the lack of and the continued segregation of Roma in
safeguards against the forcible return of camps.
people to countries where they could be at In April, hundreds of Roma living in the
risk of human rights violations. informal settlement of Gianturco in Naples
In September, the criminal trial started in were forcibly evicted after authorities failed to
Perugia against seven officials implicated in carry out any meaningful consultation with
the illegal expulsion to Kazakhstan of Alma the affected families. The only alternative the
Shalabayeva and Alua Ablyazova, the wife authorities offered was the rehousing of 130
and daughter of Kazakhstani opposition people in a new authorized segregated camp.
politician Mukhtar Ablyazov, in May 2013. The remaining adults and children were
The accused, charged with kidnapping, false rendered homeless. Around 200 of them

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 213

settled in a former market area in Naples and batons. The trial was pending at the end of
remained at risk of being forcibly evicted. the year.
In August, the authorities forcibly evicted
hundreds of people, including many children, DEATHS IN CUSTODY
from a building in the centre of Rome. Many In July, following a second police
of them were recognized refugees who had investigation which started in 2016, five
been living and working in the area for police officers were charged in relation to the
several years. The authorities failed to provide death in custody of Stefano Cucchi in 2009.
adequate housing alternatives, leaving scores Three officers were charged with
of people to sleep in the open for days, manslaughter and two with slander and
before they were violently removed by police making false statements. The trial was
in riot gear. Several people were hurt by pending at the end of the year.
police using water cannons and batons.
Some families were eventually rehoused
temporarily outside Rome. JAMAICA
In July, Italy finally introduced legislation Head of state: Queen Elizabeth II, represented by
criminalizing torture, having ratified the Patrick Linton Allen
Convention against Torture in 1989. However, Head of government: Andrew Michael Holness
in December, the Committee against Torture
noted that the definition of torture in the new Unlawful killings – some of which may
law was not in line with the Convention. The amount to extrajudicial executions –
new law also failed to provide for the continued to be carried out by the police
implementation of other key provisions, with impunity. A review of national
including the reviewing of interrogation legislation related to sexual offences,
policies and provision of redress to victims. domestic violence, child care and child
In September, the Council of Europe protection was underway. NGOs raised
Committee for the Prevention of Torture concerns over the right to privacy after
(CPT) published the report of its visit to Italy proposals to introduce national identity
in April 2016. The CPT received allegations cards. Lesbian, gay, bisexual and
of ill-treatment, including unnecessary and transgender people continued to face
excessive use of force by law enforcement discrimination in law and in practice. Gay
officials and prison officers in virtually all and bisexual prisoners continued to be at
detention facilities it visited. The CPT noted heightened risk for HIV.
that overcrowding persisted, despite recent
In October, the European Court of Human Despite committing to the establishment of a
Rights found that the treatment of 59 people national human rights institution, Jamaica
by police and medical staff during their had not established the mechanism by the
detention, following the protests against the end of the year.
2001 Genoa G8 summit, amounted to Jamaica continued to have one of the
torture. highest homicide rates in the Americas.
Also in October, 37 police officers, serving Between January and June, homicides
in the Lunigiana area in northern Tuscany, increased by 19% compared with the same
were charged in relation to numerous cases period in 2016, according to police data.
of personal injury and other abuses. Many of
these abuses were against foreign nationals, POLICE AND SECURITY FORCES
on two occasions involving the use of electric Between January and March, the police
oversight mechanism, the Independent

214 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

Commission of Investigations (INDECOM) RIGHT TO PRIVACY
received 73 new complaints of assault and The NGO Jamaicans for Justice (JFJ) raised
documented 42 killings by law enforcement concerns that the National Identification and
officials. During the year, 168 people were Registration Authority Act could undermine
killed by law enforcement officials, compared the right to privacy and that Article 41
with 111 people in 2016. specifically could limit access to public goods
Female relatives of those allegedly killed by and services.
the police continued to battle an
underfunded, sluggish court system in their CHILDREN’S RIGHTS
fight for justice, truth and reparation.1 JFJ made a series of recommendations to the
More than a year after a Commission of Parliamentary Joint Select Committee to
Enquiry published its findings into the events strengthen the Child Care and Protection Act.
that took place in Western Kingston during Among other things, JFJ recommended
the 2010 state of emergency that left at least expanding the list of authorities to which
69 people dead, the government had still not members of the public can make a legally
officially responded on how it planned to mandated report of child abuse, to make
implement the recommendations, or made a reporting easier.
public apology. In June, the Jamaica
Constabulary Force completed an internal RIGHTS OF LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL
administrative review into the conduct of AND TRANSGENDER PEOPLE
officers named in the Commissioners’ report. There remained no legal protection against
However, it found no misconduct or discrimination based on real or perceived
responsibility for human rights violations sexual orientation or gender identity. As a
during the state of emergency. result, LGBT people continued to face
In June, legislation was passed to create harassment and violence.
“zones of special operations” as part of a Consensual sex between men remained
crime prevention plan. criminalized, and there was limited protection
INDECOM hosted a Caribbean Use of Force against intimate-partner violence for
Conference to develop a region-wide Use of people in same-sex relationships. NGOs
Force Policy consistent with best practice in recommended that laws be amended to
human rights. Law enforcement officials from ensure that rape is treated as a gender-
across the region participated in the forum, neutral offence.
along with experts in policing and human As transgender people continued to be
rights. unable to change their legal name and
gender, LGBTI organizations were concerned
VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND GIRLS that the proposed national identification
In March, women’s movements and survivors system could undermine the privacy of
of gender-based and sexual violence took to transgender people and expose them to
the streets in the capital, Kingston, to protest stigma and discrimination, including from
against impunity for sexual violence. potential employers.
Jamaican NGOs made a series of Jamaica’s third annual Pride event took
recommendations to the Joint Select place in August and continued to increase
Committee of Parliament tasked with visibility for the LGBTI community and create
reviewing national legislation related to sexual opportunities for engagement with wider
offences, domestic violence, child care and society.
child protection. These included, among
other things, repealing marital rape RIGHT TO HEALTH
exceptions under the Sexual Offences Act to In June, the NGO Stand up for Jamaica
protect women against rape, irrespective of released Barriers Behind Bars, a report
their marital status. which analysed the high risk of sexual

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 215

violence, human rights violations, and abused, authorities in the city of Osaka
consequently HIV, faced by gay and bisexual approved a gay couple as foster parents. The
men in Kingston’s General Penitentiary, in couple had been looking after a teenage boy
which gay and bisexual men are segregated since February. This was the first case of a
from the general prison population. The same-sex couple becoming foster parents
report aimed to generate discussion about and being considered as a single household
best practices for reducing HIV in prisons. by the city. Sapporo City and Minato Ward
advanced towards recognizing same-sex
INTERNATIONAL JUSTICE partnerships, following the practices of five
Jamaica again failed to ratify the Rome other municipalities in 2015 and 2016.
Statute of the ICC, which it signed in
September 2000, nor had it adhered to the FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION
UN Convention against Torture or the In June, the Diet (parliament) adopted an
International Convention for the Protection of overly broad law targeting alleged
All Persons from Enforced Disappearance. conspiracies to commit “terrorism” and other
serious crimes. The law gave authorities
broad surveillance powers that could be
1. Jamaica: A thank you from Shackelia Jackson (News story, 15
December 2017) misused to curtail the rights to freedom of
expression, association and privacy, without
sufficient safeguards.
JAPAN The law also presented a threat to the
legitimate work of independent NGOs, as the
definition of “organized crime group” was
Head of government: Shinzo Abe vague and overly broad and not clearly
limited to activities that would constitute
Despite harsh criticism from civil society organized crime or pose a genuine threat to
and academics expressing fears that human national security. Protests were held in
rights would be weakened, parliament multiple locations against the law’s potentially
passed a controversial law targeting adverse effect on civil society.
conspiracies to commit “terrorism” and
other serious crimes. Authorities in Osaka FREEDOM OF ASSEMBLY
city approved a same-sex couple as foster Prominent peace activist Hiroji Yamashiro
parents, and two municipalities moved was arrested and detained for five months
towards recognizing same-sex partnerships. from late 2016 until March 2017, under
Detention of a prominent peace activist restrictive conditions and without access to
raised fair trial concerns. A District Court his family, for his role in protests against new
supported tuition waivers for a Korean US military construction projects on
school that was excluded due to their Okinawa.2 The protracted detention of one of
alleged ties to the Democratic People’s the most vocal opponents of the US military
Republic of Korea (North Korea). construction on Okinawa, without respecting
Executions continued to be carried out. the presumption of release pending trial, had
a chilling effect on others exercising their
RIGHTS OF LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, right to peaceful assembly. Some activists
TRANSGENDER AND INTERSEX PEOPLE hesitated to join protests for fear of reprisals.
While pervasive discrimination based on real
or perceived sexual orientation and gender DISCRIMINATION – ETHNIC MINORITIES
identity continued, some progress was made In July the Osaka District Court ruled as
in local municipalities.1 Under the foster care illegal the government’s exclusion of Osaka
scheme providing support to children without Korean High School from its high school
guardians or children who are neglected or education tuition waiver programme. The

216 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

Court found that this hindered the right to
1. Japan: Human rights law and discrimination against LGBT people
education of children of Korean origin. This
(ASA 22/5955/2017)
was the first ruling in a number of similar
2. Japan: Prominent peace activist detained without bail - Hiroji
lawsuits on the eligibility of such schools for Yamashiro (ASA 22/5552/2017)
the programme. Although public high schools
had been exempt from tuition fees under the
programme since 2010, the government
excluded Korean schools due to concerns
that the subsidies may be misused because
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
of the schools’ historical ties to North Korea.
Head of state: King Abdullah II bin al-Hussein
Head of government: Hani Al-Mulki
WORKERS Parliament approved several reforms
In November, the government began to including the repeal of a law which allowed
accept the first of 10,000 Vietnamese rapists to escape prosecution if they
nationals to be admitted over three years married their victims. Women continued to
under the Technical Intern Training Program be discriminated against in law and in
to meet Japan’s labour shortage. The scheme practice. Parliament passed a law that
had been harshly criticized by human rights would guarantee certain rights for pre-trial
advocates for causing a wide range of human detainees and reduce the length of
rights abuses. Critics feared that expanding custodial sentences. Local governors
the scheme without addressing its problems continued to issue orders to hold
would result in increased incidents of sexual individuals in prolonged detention without
abuse, work-related deaths and working charge. The rights to freedom of expression
conditions amounting to forced labour. and of association continued to be
restricted. Migrant workers were
REFUGEES AND ASYLUM-SEEKERS inadequately protected from exploitation
While the number of asylum applications and abuse. Around 50,000 refugees from
continued to increase dramatically, the Syria remained trapped in the desert on the
government reported in February that it had border with Syria in appalling conditions.
approved 28 out of 10,901 claims in 2016, Death sentences were imposed and
which was a 44% increase in claims from the executions carried out.
previous year.
VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND GIRLS Jordan remained part of the US-led military
President Moon Jae-in of the Republic of coalition fighting in Iraq and Syria against the
Korea (South Korea) made a statement in armed group Islamic State (IS) (see Iraq and
December that the 2015 agreement between Syria entries), and of the Saudi Arabia-led
Japan and South Korea on Japan’s Military coalition engaged in the armed conflict in
Sexual Slavery System failed to solve the Yemen (see Yemen entry).
issue, following the findings of the task force In August, local elections were held which,
appointed in July to review the deal. The for the first time, included local governorate-
agreement had been criticized by civil society level councils in accordance with the 2015
organizations as well as historians for its Decentralization Law.
failure to provide a fully victim-centred In February, the government adopted
approach and to provide an official, several measures to address the economic
unequivocal recognition of responsibility by crisis amid public protests driven mainly by
Japan for serious human rights violations rising unemployment and low wages. They
committed by its military against women and included subsidy cuts, and tax hikes on fuel
girls before and during World War II.

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 217

and commodities as well as terrorism, espionage, treason, drugs and
telecommunication services. counterfeiting.
In May, the national Law on the Rights of The NGO Sisterhood Is Global Institute in
Persons with Disabilities came into force; its Jordan reported that women who were
provisions were largely in line with the UN victims of domestic violence or at risk of so-
Convention on the Rights of Persons with called honour crimes were held under
Disabilities, which Jordan ratified in 2008. administrative detention for their protection.
In July, Parliament held ordinary and More than 1,700 such women were held in
exceptional sessions to discuss a 16-bill administrative detention, which represented a
package of draft laws and by-laws proposed 16% decrease since 2015.
by the Royal Committee for Developing the
Judiciary and Enhancing the Rule of Law, FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION
which was established by the King in In August, the Companies Control
October 2016. Department notified the Attorney General that
the Center for Defending Freedom of
DETENTION Journalists (CDFJ) violated the 1997 Law on
In April, the National Centre for Human Companies by receiving foreign funding while
Rights published a report that detailed registered as a “civil company” instead of a
ongoing human rights violations by security “non-profit company”. CDFJ received a copy
forces during arrest, including late-night of the notification which ordered it to stop
security raids where excessive force was receiving foreign or domestic funding and
used, and in pre-trial detention in temporary calling itself a non-profit company.
detention facilities. Detainees were denied Prior to this, CDFJ had not received an
access to a lawyer during interrogations, and official warning about its funding although it
faced torture and other ill-treatment. The had been active for 19 years with the stated
report also documented poor detention mission to protect media freedoms, address
conditions and the lack of a classification violations of journalists’ rights, and to reform
system to protect detainees’ safety, including legislation to protect press freedoms.
by holding incompatible categories of
detainees in the same cell. FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION
In mid-2017, Parliament enacted laws that The Audiovisual Commission continued to
guaranteed suspects the right of access to a block access to several websites and online
lawyer on arrest, created a legal aid fund, platforms under Article 49 of the Press and
and limited the use of pre-trial detention as Publications Law, which required any
an “exceptional measure” for specific “electronic publication that engages in
purposes. The new laws set a maximum publication of news, investigations, articles,
three-month period for those charged with or comments, which have to do with the
minor offences, and up to 18 months for internal or external affairs of the Kingdom” to
serious charges. The legislation also obtain a licence, and granted executive
introduced alternatives to pre-trial detention, authorities the power to close unlicensed
such as electronic monitoring, travel bans sites.
and house arrest but did not cover detention
under the General Intelligence Directorate. WOMEN’S RIGHTS
ADMINISTRATIVE DETENTION In February, the CEDAW Committee noted
The authorities continued to detain suspects Jordan’s efforts to address discrimination
under the 1954 Crime Prevention Law that against women in marriage and the family,
allowed detentions of up to one year without but remained concerned about the continued
charge or trial or any means of legal remedy. application of discriminatory provisions in the
It was used particularly in cases related to Personal Status Act, particularly in relation to
the guardianship of women. It also raised

218 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

concerns about the persistence of child such as the issuing of unified standard
marriage in accordance with legislation that contracts, protection under Labour Code
allows Shari’a courts and legal guardians the provisions, regulation of employment
discretion to allow marriage, in certain agencies, and the adoption of a law which
circumstances, of girls aged 15 and over. The criminalized trafficking in people. It remained
Committee further noted the continued concerned, however, that the measures were
discrimination in inheritance law, and the insufficient due to the lack of shelters,
tendency of Shari’a courts to rule in favour of restricted access to justice, the largely
husbands in divorce, alimony and child ineffective application of the Labour Code
custody proceedings. and lack of regular inspection visits to the
In July, Parliament abolished Article 98 of workplace.
the Penal Code which was invoked in so-
called honour killing cases and allowed a REFUGEES AND ASYLUM-SEEKERS
man to receive a reduced sentence if he Jordan hosted about 655,000 Syrian
killed a woman relative and the act was refugees registered by UNHCR, the UN
deemed to have been committed in a “fit of refugee agency, in addition to over 13,000
rage caused by an unlawful or dangerous act Palestinian refugees from Syria, and over 2
on the part of the victim”. However, Article million long-term Palestinian refugees,
340 remained; it allowed for a reduced among others.
sentence on grounds of mitigating Some 50,000 refugees from Syria remained
circumstances in cases where a man trapped at Rukban in the “berm”, a desert
murdered his wife or any woman relative after area between Jordan and Syria, with
finding her in an “adulterous situation”. humanitarian access effectively blocked
Although this applied to both men and since June 2016, apart from in June 2017
women, men remained less likely to face when the authorities permitted one round of
adultery charges in a polygamous system. aid distribution. Refugees were trapped in
In August, Parliament repealed Article 308, appalling humanitarian conditions: food,
which allowed rapists to escape prosecution medical assistance and shelter were
if they married their victims. extremely limited, and they had sporadic
access to water.
WORKERS’ RIGHTS – MIGRANT In October, Jordan ended even limited
WORKERS cross-border aid and said that aid could only
The NGO Tamkeen Fields for Aid said that be delivered from Syria. The international
almost 1.2 million migrant workers resided in community and Jordan failed to agree to a
Jordan although only 315,016 had work long-term solution for the stranded refugees
permits. Migrant workers continued to face who were denied access to asylum
exploitation and abuse, including confiscation procedures or opportunities for resettlement
of their passports by employers, poor working to third countries.
and living conditions, the denial of their right According to humanitarian agencies, by
to change employment, forced labour, and September the authorities had forcibly
human trafficking. returned more than 2,330 refugees to Syria.
Migrant women domestic workers continued
to be denied their annual leave entitlement, INTERNATIONAL JUSTICE
and were subject to ill-defined working hours, In December, the ICC ruled that Jordan failed
verbal, physical and sexual abuse, to comply with its obligations as a state party
confinement to their employers’ home and to the Rome Statute of the ICC after it did not
unpaid wages. execute the Court’s request for the arrest of
In February, the CEDAW Committee Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir. The
welcomed measures adopted to protect Court decided to refer Jordan’s non-
women migrant domestic workers’ rights, compliance to the Assembly of States Parties

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 219

of the Rome Statute and to the UN Security property and sentenced to two years’
Council. Jordanian authorities failed to arrest imprisonment, and on 25 July, Larisa
President al-Bashir when he visited the Kharkova was sentenced for abuse of power
country in March for the Arab League and given a sentence of four years of
summit. The ICC has issued two arrest restricted freedom by a court in Shymkent. In
warrants against him on charges of genocide, the period 19-24 January, 63 oil workers
war crimes and crimes against humanity in were prosecuted and fined for their
Darfur, Sudan. participation in the hunger strike. In June,
the Committee on the Application of
DEATH PENALTY Standards of the ILO expressed concern
Courts continued to hand down death about the “grave issue” of the dissolution of
sentences and several people were executed. the KNPRK and called on the authorities to
ensure that the KNPRK and its affiliates “are
able to fully exercise their trade union rights”.
Republic of Kazakhstan On 20 January, the Atyrau Regional Court in
Head of state: Nursultan Nazarbayev western Kazakhstan upheld the sentence of
Head of government: Bakytzhan Sagintayev human rights defenders and prisoners of
conscience Maks Bokaev and Talgat Ayan to
Leading or participating in an unregistered five years’ imprisonment for their involvement
organization continued to be an offence. in organizing peaceful demonstrations and
Trade unions and NGOs faced undue for their posts on social media against the
restrictions. Torture and other ill-treatment Land Code. At the end of January, they were
in detention facilities persisted. Journalists transferred to a penal colony in
were subjected to politically motivated Petropavlovsk, northern Kazakhstan,
prosecutions and attacks. Women and 1,500km from their home city. Maks Bokaev
people with disabilities continued to face and Talgat Ayan were not informed in
discrimination. advance of their transfer and did not have
adequate clothing for the winter weather
WORKERS’ RIGHTS conditions in northern Kazakhstan. On 13
Independent trade unions faced restrictive April, the Supreme Court rejected Maks
laws and closure. Trade unionists were Bokaev’s and Talgat Ayan’s appeals. On 22
prosecuted on fabricated charges of inciting August, following his lawyer’s successful
illegal strikes or embezzlement. petition, Talgat Ayan was transferred to a
On 4 January, a court ordered the penal colony in Aktobe, in northwestern
dissolution of the Confederation of Kazakhstan, closer to his young children.
Independent Trade Unions of Kazakhstan
(KNPRK), and two affiliates, the National TORTURE AND OTHER ILL-TREATMENT
Healthcare Workers' Union and National Following its second periodic report to the
Domestic Workers’ Union, on the grounds UN Human Rights Committee, in April
that they failed to meet a registration Kazakhstan reported that the Prosecutor
deadline. On 5 January, hundreds of oil General’s office received 700 allegations of
workers began a hunger strike to protest torture in detention facilities in 2016, and
against the dissolution, and three union that over the past five years 158 officials had
leaders were arrested. On 7 April, Nurbek been convicted of torture.
Kushakbaev was sentenced to two and a half In June, the UN Committee against Torture
years’ imprisonment. On 16 May, Amin found that Aleksei Ushenin had been
Yeleusinov was charged with subjected to torture and other ill-treatment
misappropriation or embezzlement of and that the authorities failed to conduct a

220 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

prompt, impartial and effective investigation Tribuna, which is critical of the authorities,
into his complaint. Aleksei Ushenin claimed was sentenced to three years of restricted
that he was beaten for two days in August freedom for money laundering. He claimed
2011 to force him to confess to a robbery. that the charges were politically motivated.
Police officers put a plastic bag over his head Zhanbolat Mamai had been detained since
until he lost consciousness, stubbed out February. On 14 May, Ramazan Yesergepov,
cigarettes on his body, and repeatedly journalist and chairman of the NGO
inserted a rubber baton into his anus. Journalists in Trouble, was stabbed while
travelling by train to the capital Astana to
IMPUNITY discuss Zhanbolat Mamai’s case with foreign
The authorities had not fully and effectively diplomats and international experts. He
investigated allegations of human rights believed that the attack was linked to his
violations committed in connection with the critical reporting and interest in Zhanbolat
violent clashes between police and Mamai’s case.
demonstrating oil workers in Zhanaozen in
December 2011, during which at least 15 FREEDOM OF ASSEMBLY
people were killed and over 100 were Organizing or participating in a peaceful
seriously injured when the police reportedly demonstration without the authorities’ prior
used excessive force against demonstrators. authorization remained an offence under
both the Administrative Offences Code and
FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION the Criminal Code, punishable by heavy fines
NGOs faced undue restrictions, stringent or up to 75 days’ detention.
reporting requirements under legislation On 13 July, the UN Human Rights
introduced at the end of 2015, and frequent Committee found that Andrei Sviridov’s right
tax inspections. Failure to regularly supply to freedom of peaceful assembly had been
accurate information for the central database violated in 2009 when he was prosecuted for
of NGOs led to fines or a temporary ban on holding a one-man picket to protest
activities. against the prosecution of human rights
The NGOs International Legal Initiative (ILI) defender Yevgeny Zhovtis. He was found
and Liberty Foundation faced punitive fines guilty of conducting a demonstration without
for allegedly failing to pay tax. On 6 April, the prior authorization and fined 12,960 tenge
Special Inter-District Economic Court of (EUR33).
Almaty upheld the decision of the Tax On 1 August, peaceful protesters Askhat
Directorate that ILI should pay corporate Bersalimov and Khalilkhan Ybrahamuly were
income tax on grants received from foreign detained and sentenced to five and three
donors, although not-for-profit organizations days’ administrative detention respectively for
were exempt from paying tax. On 31 May, the taking part in an unauthorized
Special Inter-District Economic Court of demonstration. They were part of a group of a
Almaty rejected Liberty Foundation’s appeal dozen people who gathered in Mahatma
against the Tax Directorate’s decision. The Ghandi Park in the city of Almaty on 29 July,
organizations paid fines of 1,300,000 tenge walked to the main post office and sent
and 3,000,000 tenge (EUR4,000 and 8,300) appeals to foreign governments and
respectively. international organizations on behalf of
Zhanbolat Mamai and other prisoners.
Independent journalists critical of the WOMEN’S RIGHTS
authorities were subjected to politically The Ministry of Internal Affairs said that
motivated prosecutions and attacks. during the first half of the year, 35,253
In September, Zhanbolat Mamai, editor of protection orders were applied in cases of
the independent newspaper Sayasi Kalam domestic violence. However, NGOs reported

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 221

that violence against women was under-
reported and that there was a low rate of
prosecution of cases of violence against
women as well as in sexual harassment Republic of Kenya
cases. Head of state and government: Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta
The authorities continued to refuse to
acknowledge that Anna Belousova had been Police used excessive force against
a victim of sexual harassment despite the opposition protesters following the
CEDAW Committee ruling in 2015 that elections, leaving dozens dead. The ruling
recommended that Kazakhstan provide her party made statements threatening the
with adequate compensation. In March, the independence of the judiciary after the
Supreme Court upheld a ruling by a court in Supreme Court annulled the election
Kostanai that she was not due compensation. results. The NGOs Coordination Board
In July, the Saryarkinsk District Court refused threatened organizations working on human
a claim for compensation against the Ministry rights and governance with closure and
of Finance. Anna Belousova had been other punitive measures after they criticized
employed at a primary school in Pertsevka the electoral process. Prolonged strikes by
since 1999. In January 2011, the school’s medical workers had an impact on access to
new director threatened to dismiss her unless public health care, disproportionately
she engaged in sexual relations with him. She affecting the poor.
refused and her employment was terminated
in March 2011. BACKGROUND
The general election held on 8 August was
INTERNATIONAL SCRUTINY contested by the ruling Jubilee Party, led by
In April, the NGO Coalition for the Defence of incumbent President Kenyatta, and the
Human Rights Defenders and Activists sent a opposition coalition, the National Super
petition to the President. It called for the Alliance (NASA), led by former Prime
adoption of legislation to allow for the Minister Raila Odinga. On 11 August, the
implementation of decisions by UN treaty Independent Electoral and Boundaries
bodies relating to Kazakhstan. The Coalition Commission declared that President Kenyatta
stated that of 25 decisions taken in favour of had won 54% of the vote and Raila Odinga
applicants from Kazakhstan since 2011, 44%. NASA rejected the presidential results
none had been implemented due to the citing irregularities in the counting process,
absence of necessary legislation. and the way the results were transmitted. It
In September, the UN Special Rapporteur filed a petition against the results with the
on the rights of persons with disabilities Supreme Court on 18 August.
visited the country. The Special Rapporteur On 1 September, the Court ruled that the
called on Kazakhstan to bring its national election results should be annulled because
legislation on legal capacity and mental they were “invalid, null and void”, and
health in line with international human rights ordered a new presidential election to take
law and standards. She highlighted the fact place. NASA said they would not participate
that under current legislation people with unless their demands were met including,
disabilities may be institutionalized and among other things, the appointment of new
subjected to medical interventions without returning officers in all 291 constituencies,
their free and informed consent. and the engagement of independent
international experts to monitor the electoral
information and communication technology
system. On 10 October Raila Odinga
announced his withdrawal from the contest

222 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

because the Commission had not made the permitted to demonstrate without
necessary reforms. interference.
The election re-run was planned for 26 On 19 September, Jubilee Party supporters
October. On 30 October, the Commission protested outside the Supreme Court in
declared that Uhuru Kenyatta had won with Nairobi against its decision to annul the
98% of the vote from a turnout of under 40% election; they accused the Court of “stealing”
− less than half the turnout recorded in their victory.
August. On 31 October, Raila Odinga called They blocked a main highway and burned
for a “national resistance movement” and the tyres. There were similar demonstrations in
formation of a “people's assembly” to bring the towns of Nakuru, Kikuyu, Nyeri and
civil society groups together to “restore Eldoret. The demonstrators, mostly young
democracy”. people, accused the judges of making an
illegal judgment.
JUSTICE SYSTEM On 28 September, University of Nairobi
High-ranking members of the Jubilee Party students clashed with General Service Unit
verbally attacked the Supreme Court after its police during a protest outside the university
1 September ruling annulling President premises against the arrest of MP and former
Kenyatta’s August election victory. On 2 student leader Paul Ongili. Paul Ongili was
September, President Kenyatta announced arrested the same day for abusive remarks
that there was a problem with the judiciary. A he allegedly made about President Kenyatta
record of telephone calls by one Court judge in connection with the election. Following the
appeared in the media, prompting him to protest, the police raided the university
pursue legal action on defamation grounds buildings and beat students with batons,
against the Senior Director of Innovation, injuring 27 of them. The Inspector General of
Digital and Diaspora Communication in the Police said the university administration had
Office of the President. invited the police to enter after the protesting
On 24 October, an unidentified gunman students stoned motorists. The university
shot and injured the Court Deputy Chief Senate then closed the university on 3
Justice’s driver in the capital, Nairobi. The October; it had not reopened by the end of
incident happened a day before the Court’s the year.
ruling that there would be an election re-run Following the 26 October election, there
on 26 October. were further killings when police fired live
ammunition at protesters. The real number of
EXCESSIVE USE OF FORCE deaths during this period was unknown;
In the run-up to the 8 August election, the relatives of victims did not report the killings
police classified opposition stronghold areas for fear of reprisals from the police.
of Nairobi, including Mathare, as likely
“hotspots” for election-related violence. FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION
In the period following the August election The authorities continued to use legal and
and the Supreme Court’s decision to annul it, administrative measures to restrict the
supporters of both parties took to the streets activities of civil society organizations working
in protest. on human rights and governance. In May the
The police used excessive force to disperse Nairobi High Court ruled that the government
protesters who supported the opposition should publish the Public Benefit
party and demonstrated against the electoral Organization (PBO) Act 2013. If
process, including with live ammunition and implemented, the law could improve the
tear gas. Dozens died in the violence, working environment for civil society
including at least 33 people who were shot by organizations and NGOs. It contains
police and of whom two were children. provisions, in line with the Constitution,
Meanwhile, pro-government protesters were guaranteeing the right to freedom of

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 223

association. However, the authorities of the Constitution and Kenya’s obligations
continued to use the Non-Governmental under international law with regard to the
Organization (NGO) Law, which restricted the principle of non-refoulement and the
full realization of these rights. prohibition of discrimination on grounds of
Between 14 and 16 August, the NGOs race or ethnicity. Thus, Dadaab refugee
Coordination Board (within the Ministry of camp remained open. The ruling also stated
Interior and Co-ordination of National that the government’s move to revoke the
Government) accused two human rights assumed refugee status of Somalis who had
organizations – the Kenya Human Rights fled to Kenya was unconstitutional and
Commission and the Africa Centre for Open violated rights guaranteed in national and
Governance (AfriCOG) – of financial and international instruments.
regulatory impropriety. It called upon the The authorities continued the voluntary
Kenya Revenue Authority, the Directorate of repatriation of Somali refugees, initiated in
Criminal Investigations and the Central Bank 2014 under the Tripartite Agreement
of Kenya to take action against them, framework. Between May 2016 and
including by freezing their accounts and September 2017, over 70,000 refugees were
arresting and prosecuting AfriCOG’s directors repatriated from Dadaab to Somalia.
and board members.1 On 16 August, the On 17 February, the Court of Appeal upheld
NGOs Coordination Board threatened to a 2013 High Court ruling which quashed
arrest the heads of both organizations, as well government directives to round up all
as a former UN Special Rapporteur on the refugees living in urban areas and relocate
rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of them to refugee camps, as part of a plan to
association, who also served on AfriCOG’s repatriate them.
board of directors. The same day, Kenya On 25 April, a High Court in Garissa ordered
Revenue Authority officials, accompanied by the deportation of 29 Somali asylum-seekers
police, attempted to raid AfriCOG’s offices to Somalia. The group had been arrested in
with irregular search warrants. They stopped Mwingi in March and charged before a
the raid on the orders of an official in the Magistrate Court with being in Kenya
Ministry of Interior and Coordination of unlawfully. The magistrate ordered that they
National Government who also suspended be taken to Dadaab refugee camp and
the closure threat for 90 days. AfriCOG and registered by the Refugee Affairs Secretariat
the Commission had been at the forefront of (RAS); however, the RAS officer refused to
those exposing the electoral irregularities. register them. The magistrate’s order was
ultimately quashed by the High Court and all
REFUGEES AND ASYLUM SEEKERS 29, including 10 children, were deported to
Kenya continued to host almost 500,000 Somalia on 4 May 2017.
refugees, most of whom resided in Dadaab
refugee camp in Garissa County, and INDIGENOUS PEOPLES’ RIGHTS
Kakuma refugee camp in Turkana County. Elias Kimaiyo, Indigenous Sengwer
Other refugees were located in Nairobi. The community leader and human rights
majority of refugees in Dadaab were from defender, suffered a broken collar bone when
Somalia; the majority of refugees in Kakuma he was beaten and shot at by a Kenya Forest
were from South Sudan. By September, Service guard in Embobut Forest on 5 April.
appeals for international support from He was attacked when he photographed
UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, for the guards burning Sengwer huts in violation of a
regional refugee crisis had secured only 27% 2013 injunction issued by the High Court of
of the necessary funding. Eldoret to stop arrests and evictions of the
In February, the High Court declared the Sengwer people.
2016 government directive to close Dadaab On 26 May, the AU African Court on Human
refugee camp by May 2017 to be in violation and Peoples’ Rights ruled that the

224 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

government had illegally evicted Ogiek detained in political prison camps, where
Indigenous People from the Mau Forest, and conditions fell far short of international
failed to substantiate its claim that the standards. Restrictions on the rights to
eviction would serve to conserve the forest. freedom of expression and freedom of
movement remained severe. Workers sent
RIGHT TO HEALTH abroad suffered harsh working conditions.
The strike by doctors in public hospitals
which began in December 2016 ended in BACKGROUND
March 2017. The strike followed the The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
breakdown, after several years, of (North Korea) conducted a nuclear test on 3
negotiations between the government and the September, the sixth in its history, and carried
Kenya Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists out numerous medium- and long-range
and Dentist Union regarding the Collective missile tests throughout the year. The military
Bargaining Agreement signed in 2013. The provocations resulted in the UN issuing
strike took place against a background of unprecedentedly stringent sanctions on the
alleged massive financial corruption at the country. Exchange of military and political
Ministry of Health. It was followed in June threats between authorities of North Korea
by a strike by public hospital nurses which and the USA further escalated tensions.
lasted until November, when the government Concerns over the safety risks of nuclear
and the nurses’ union signed the 2013 tests increased after media reports of
Agreement. landslides near a nuclear test site, and
The strikes adversely affected public health people who had previously lived near sites
services across the country, and showing signs of possible radiation exposure.
disproportionately impeded access to health The killing of Kim Jong-nam, half-brother of
care for people who could not afford private leader Kim Jong-un, in Malaysia on 13
medical insurance cover, particularly those February by two women allegedly using
living in informal settlements. chemical agents raised questions about the
possible involvement of North Korean state
1. Kenya: Attempts to shut down human rights groups unlawful and
irresponsible (News story, 15 August)
Systematic, widespread and gross human
KOREA rights violations continued as up to 120,000
people remained in detention in the four

(DEMOCRATIC known political prison camps, and were

subjected to forced labour as well as torture
and other ill-treatment. Some of the violations
PEOPLE’S amounted to crimes against humanity; no
action to ensure accountability was known to
REPUBLIC OF) have been taken during the year. Many of
those living in the camps had not been
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea convicted of any internationally recognized
Head of state: Kim Jong-un criminal offence; they were detained
Head of government: Pak Pong-ju arbitrarily for being related to individuals
deemed threatening to the state, or for “guilt-
Although the government took some positive by-association”.
steps to engage with international human Foreign nationals continued to be arrested
rights mechanisms, the situation on the and detained for extended periods. Tony Kim
ground failed to show real progress. Up to and Kim Hak-song, both US nationals and
120,000 people continued to be arbitrarily academics at the foreign-funded Pyongyang

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 225

University of Science and Technology, were reported cases of North Koreans dying while
arrested on 22 April and 6 May respectively working in Russia, which hosted at least
for “hostile acts against the country”. A US 20,000 North Koreans. In May, two
diplomat was allowed to meet them in June. construction workers died in the Russian
North Korean authorities said that they were capital Moscow after complaining of
investigating their alleged crimes, and breathing problems; they were believed to
verdicts and sentences were pending in the have suffered acute heart failure. A
courts. The two men remained in detention at subcontractor of a World Cup stadium project
the end of the year. in St Petersburg, where a worker died from
US national Otto Warmbier, imprisoned in heart failure in November 2016, said in a
2016 for stealing a propaganda poster, died media interview that many workers suffered
on 19 June, six days after he was returned to from severe fatigue due to working long hours
the USA in a coma. North Korean authorities continuously for months without rest days.
failed to adequately explain the cause of his
poor state of health. A coroner’s report FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT
released on 27 September in his home state During the year, 1,127 North Koreans left the
of Ohio noted no evidence of torture or other country and resettled in South Korea (the
ill-treatment, but also did not rule out its Republic of Korea), the lowest number since
possibility. 2002. Tightened security on both sides of the
Lim Hyeon-soo, a Canadian pastor who was Chinese-North Korean border could be a
sentenced in 2015 to life imprisonment with possible reason for the change. Some North
hard labour, was released on 9 August for Korean women were able to leave the country
“humanitarian reasons”, after more than two through deals with human traffickers, only to
years of detention during which adequate find themselves subjected to physical and
medical treatment was not provided.1 sexual abuse or exploitative work conditions
once on the Chinese side of the border.
WORKERS’ RIGHTS – MIGRANT The year saw larger numbers of North
WORKERS Koreans being detained in China or forcibly
The authorities continued to dispatch workers returned to North Korea, where they were at
to other countries, including China and risk of forced labour or torture and other ill-
Russia. The number of workers deployed was treatment.2 Media also reported that the
hard to estimate and believed to be in North Korean government was actively
decline, as some countries, such as China, requesting that China repatriate individuals
Kuwait, Poland, Qatar and Sri Lanka, stopped suspected of leaving North Korea without
renewing or issuing additional work visas to prior approval.
North Koreans in order to comply with the A number of sources, including the UN
new UN sanctions on North Korea’s Special Rapporteur on the situation of human
economic activities abroad. North Korea rights in the Democratic People’s Republic of
derived part of its state revenue from these Korea, reported cases of North Koreans who
workers, who did not receive their wages had left the country, but returned or
directly from their employers, but from their expressed a wish to return after arriving in
government after significant deductions. The South Korea. Some individuals who returned
North Korean authorities maintained tight appeared in state media testifying about the
control on the workers’ communications and hardships they faced outside North Korea. As
movement, and deprived them of information the procedures for these people to re-enter
about workers’ rights in the host countries. North Korea remained unclear, their
Workers remaining in their host countries appearance led to speculations about
continued to be subjected to excessive whether they had returned voluntarily or were
working hours and were vulnerable in terms abducted back to the country, and whether
of occupational health and safety. The media they had been persuaded by the North

226 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

Korean authorities to give fabricated for some children to perform extensive
testimonies. amounts of strenuous labour.

FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION 1. North Korea: Pastor Lim Hyeon-soo released after more than two years
The government continued to exercise severe of imprisonment (ASA 24/6921/2017)
restrictions over information exchange 2. China: Eight North Koreans at risk of forcible return (ASA
between North Koreans and the rest of the 17/6652/2017)
world. All telecommunications, postal and 3. North Korea: Amnesty International's submission to the United
broadcasting services remained state-owned, Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child (ASA 24/6500/2017)
and there were no independent newspapers,
other media or civil society organizations.
Apart from a select few in the ruling elite, the
population had no access to the internet and
international mobile phone services.
Despite the risk of arrest and detention,
people close to the Chinese border continued
Republic of Korea
to contact individuals abroad by connecting
Head of state and government: Moon Jae-in (replaced
with the Chinese mobile network using
acting President Hwang Kyo-an in May, who replaced
smuggled mobile phones. Media reports said Park Geun-hye in March)
the authorities further strengthened efforts to
trace mobile phone activity on Chinese Large protest rallies took place in response
networks and jam the signals through the to a corruption scandal involving former
installation of new radar detectors in the President Park Geun-hye. She was removed
border areas. from office in March. Following the change
of government, the Korean National Police
INTERNATIONAL SCRUTINY Agency accepted recommendations for
Following the state’s ratification of the UN comprehensive reform that called for a
Convention on the Rights of Persons with change in the overall approach to policing
Disabilities in December 2016, the Special assemblies so as to better respect freedom
Rapporteur on the rights of persons with of peaceful assembly, although their full
disabilities conducted an official visit to North implementation remained pending at the
Korea between 3 and 8 May. This was the end of the year. An increasing number of
first visit to North Korea by an independent lower courts handed down decisions
expert designated by the UN Human Rights recognizing the right to conscientious
Council. objection. Discrimination against
The CEDAW Committee and the UN LGBTI people remained prevalent in public
Committee on the Rights of the Child life, especially in the military. Arbitrary
reviewed North Korea’s human rights record detention based on the vaguely worded
in 2017. North Korea submitted state party’s National Security Law continued. A series
reports to the Committees, after an interval of of deaths of migrant workers raised
14 and nine years respectively, and concerns about safety in the workplace.
responded to questions at the sessions. In its
review, the Committee on the Rights of the BACKGROUND
Child noted the inability of North Korean Moon Jae-in, a former human rights lawyer
children to regularly communicate with their and leader of the Democratic Party, was
parents and family members who live in a elected President in May, following the
different country.3 They also noted the decision by the Constitutional Court in March
exclusion of children aged 16 and 17 under to uphold a parliamentary vote impeaching
the current domestic Act for the Protection of then President Park. Charges against her
the Rights of the Child, and the requirement included bribery and abuse of power.1

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 227

FREEDOM OF ASSEMBLY courts ruled in favour of men who refused
Han Sang-gyun, president of the Korean military service for reasons of conscience.
Confederation of Trade Unions, was held They included at least 44 District Court
criminally responsible for sporadic clashes decisions during the year.
between protesters and police, and for his In May and December, the Seoul
role in organizing a series of largely peaceful Administrative Court ordered suspension of
anti-government protests in 2014 and 2015. the practice of publicly disclosing personal
In May, the Supreme Court rejected his final information about conscientious objectors,
appeal against a three-year jail sentence, including name, age and address, until it had
despite an opinion by the UN Working Group made its final rulings on two cases brought
on Arbitrary Detention that the charges against the Military Manpower Administration
against Han Sang-gyun violated his rights to for issuing the lists. The Administrative Court
freedom of expression and of peaceful noted the irrevocable damage to
assembly, and that his detention was conscientious objectors caused by this public
arbitrary. The Working Group called for his disclosure.
immediate release. Calls to introduce an alternative to military
In June, Lee Cheol-seong, commissioner service increased. In May, two additional bills
general of the Korean National Police Agency to amend the Military Service Act by
(KNPA), offered an apology to the family of introducing an alternative service were
Baek Nam-gi, an activist farmer who died in submitted to the National Assembly. In June,
2016 as a result of injuries sustained when the National Human Rights Commission of
police used water cannons during protests Korea again issued a recommendation to the
against the government’s agricultural policies. Ministry of National Defense to introduce an
The family and civic groups criticized the alternative to military service.
belated apology that lacked a clear
acknowledgement by police of their RIGHTS OF LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL,
In September, following calls by civil society Gay men faced considerable difficulties in
organizations, the KNPA accepted fulfilling compulsory military service free from
recommendations by the newly established violence, bullying or verbal abuse. In May, a
Police Reform Committee.2 These included a gay soldier was found guilty of violating
presumption that assemblies would be Article 92-6 of the Military Criminal Act that
peaceful and that spontaneous and other prohibits military personnel from engaging in
urgent peaceful assemblies would be same-sex consensual sexual activity. Dozens
protected, marking a shift in the previous of others were charged under the same
overall approach to policing. While the Article.
decision was an important step forward, the The advocacy group Center for Military
measures fell short in other regards, Human Rights Korea published screen shots
including not lifting the blanket ban on of dating app conversations that the group
outdoor assemblies taking place at specific said resulted from military pressure on
times and places. In addition, the adopted targeted men to identify other supposedly gay
measures still needed to be firmly enshrined men. The group said that military
in law to bring them into line with investigators had confiscated mobile phones
international human rights law and belonging to up to 50 soldiers suspected of
standards. being gay and insisted that they identify other
gay men on their contact lists and gay dating
At the same time as the Constitutional Court In September, the National Assembly
was examining the legality of conscientious rejected Kim Yi-su as chief justice of the
objection, an increasing number of lower Constitutional Court despite his nomination

228 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

by President Moon Jae-in. He had been Commission had claimed that the site
questioned during the National Assembly’s breached the NSL, which had been used in
public hearing about his support for LGBTI the past to imprison people for “praising” or
rights and there were active campaigns by expressing sympathy for North Korea.
some religious groups opposing his
Courts handed down decisions
WORKERS’ RIGHTS − MIGRANT acknowledging the responsibility of
WORKERS multinational corporations for the work-
Migrant workers continued to be vulnerable related death or illness of former or current
to exploitation under the Employment Permit employees. These included a Supreme Court
System, including having to work long hours judgment in August against Samsung
with little or no rest time, low and irregularly Electronics that a former factory worker
paid wages, and dangerous working should be recognized as suffering from an
conditions. occupational disease. The Supreme Court
In May, two Nepalese migrant workers died returned the case to the High Court, noting
from suffocation while cleaning a septic tank that the lack of evidence resulting from the
at a pig farm in North Gyeongsang Province. company’s refusal to provide information and
Two weeks later, two migrant workers from an inadequate investigation by the
China and Thailand died after losing government should not be held against the
consciousness while cleaning excrement at a worker.
different pig farm in Gyeonggi Province.
In August, a Nepalese migrant worker in
1. South Korea: 8-point human rights agenda for presidential
North Chungcheong Province committed candidates (ASA 25/5785/2017)
suicide in a factory dormitory. He left a note 2. Mission failed: Policing assemblies in South Korea (ASA
stating that his employer had refused to allow 25/7119/2017)
him to either change his workplace or return
to Nepal to receive treatment for severe
insomnia. KUWAIT
Arbitrary detention of individuals based on Head of state: Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad al-Jaber al-
the vaguely worded National Security Law Sabah
(NSL) continued. Lee Jin-young, owner of Head of government: Sheikh Jaber al-Mubarak al-
online library “Labour Books”, was brought to Hamad al-Sabah
court for alleged violations of the NSL after
distributing online materials deemed to The authorities continued to unduly restrict
“benefit” the Democratic People’s Republic freedom of expression, including by
of Korea (North Korea). A District Court prosecuting and imprisoning government
acquitted him in July, but an appeal by the critics and banning certain publications.
government to the High Court remained Members of the Bidun minority continued
pending. to face discrimination and were denied
citizenship rights. Migrant workers
FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION remained inadequately protected against
In April, the Seoul Administrative Court ruled exploitation and abuse. Courts continued to
as unlawful the decision by the Korea hand down death sentences and executions
Communications Standards Commission, resumed after a hiatus of four years.
which censors internet content, to ban a blog
entitled “North Korea Tech” covering IT
development in North Korea. The

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 229

BACKGROUND “confess” to offences he did not commit. He
On 6 April, Parliament reversed a 2015 remained on trial on other similar charges.
amendment to the Juvenile Law, once again Former MP Musallam al-Barrak was
raising the age of minors from 16 to 18 years. released in April after serving a two-year
As such, those arrested below 18 years of prison term for criticizing the government. He
age could be protected from life-term prison continued to face separate trials on other
sentences and the death penalty. charges.
In July the authorities reinstated mandatory Bidun activist Abdulhakim al-Fadhli was
military service, imposing punitive measures released on 1 August after serving a one-year
for those failing to register for military service prison sentence in relation to a peaceful
within 60 days of reaching the age of 18. demonstration in 2012, after which he had
Kuwait led mediation efforts seeking to been due to be expelled from Kuwait. In
resolve the Gulf crisis that erupted in early February, the Cassation Court had overturned
June, when Saudi Arabia, the United Arab his acquittal along with 25 other Bidun men
Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain severed for their participation in peaceful
relations with Qatar. Kuwait remained part of demonstrations in Taima. The court
the Saudi Arabia-led coalition engaged in reinstated their two-year prison sentence, as
armed conflict in Yemen (see Yemen entry). well as a bail of 500 Kuwaiti dinars (about
USD1,660) to halt the implementation of the
FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION prison sentence on condition that they signed
The authorities continued to unduly restrict a pledge to no longer take part in
the right to freedom of expression, demonstrations. Abdulhakim al-Fadhli signed
prosecuting and imprisoning government the pledge which, in his case, also annulled
critics and online activists under penal code his expulsion order.
provisions that criminalized comments In August the Public Prosecutor ordered a
deemed offensive to the Emir or damaging to ban on publications in connection with
relations with neighbouring states. reporting on ongoing state security cases
In March, UK-based writer and blogger before the courts. The ban was despite the
Rania al-Saad was sentenced on appeal and Cassation Court establishing in May that
in her absence to three years in prison on there were no provisions in the law
charges of “insulting Saudi Arabia” on criminalizing the breach of “confidentiality”
Twitter. The Appeal Court reversed her earlier or prohibiting the publication of such
acquittal rendering this verdict final. information.
In May the Cassation Court upheld an
Appeal Court verdict in the “al-Fintas group” COUNTER-TERROR AND SECURITY
case of 13 men charged in connection with On 18 July, the Cassation Court issued its
WhatsApp discussions about video footage verdict in the case against 26 defendants on
that appeared to show government members charges that included “spying for Iran and
advocating the Emir’s removal from power. Hizbullah”. The court upheld the death
Six were acquitted and seven were sentenced sentence of one defendant in his absence
to between one and 10 years’ imprisonment, and commuted that of another to life
some in their absence. The trial was marred imprisonment. Thirteen men had their
by irregularities. acquittals overturned and were sentenced to
In July the Cassation Court upheld a 10- between five and 15 years in prison. During
year prison sentence against blogger Waleed the trial, some of the 26 defendants reported
Hayes on vaguely worded charges that that they had been tortured in pre-trial
included “defaming” the Emir and the detention; their allegations were not
judiciary. During his trial, Waleed Hayes investigated. In August the authorities re-
claimed he was tortured to make him arrested 14 men who had been acquitted
and released on appeal.

230 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

In March the Emir ordered that the nationality Executions were carried out on 25 January,
of some government critics and their families the first since 2013. Courts continued to
be reinstated. hand down death sentences for offences
On 2 January the Court of Cassation including murder, drugs offences and
suspended the Appeal Court’s decision to terrorism-related charges.
restore the nationality of Ahmad Jabr al-
Shamari and his family until it issued its
verdict. In early March, Ahmad Jabr al-
Shamari withdrew his appeal against the
2014 government decision to strip him of his Kyrgyz Republic
nationality and in April the Cassation Court Head of state: Sooronbai Jeenbekov (replaced
closed the case, declaring the dispute Almazbek Atambaev in October)
resolved. Head of government: Sapar Isakov (replaced Sooronbai
Jeenbekov in August)
More than 100,000 Bidun residents of The authorities restricted the rights to
Kuwait remained stateless. In May 2016, freedom of expression and peaceful
Parliament had approved a draft law that assembly, particularly in the run-up to the
would grant Kuwaiti citizenship to up to presidential elections. LGBTI people
4,000 Bidun, but it had not been enacted by continued to face discrimination and
the end of 2017. In September the UN violence from state and non-state actors.
Committee on the Elimination of Racial Vulnerable groups, including people with
Discrimination recommended that all Bidun disabilities, faced additional difficulties
should be guaranteed access to adequate accessing health care. The life sentence of
social services and education on an equal prisoner of conscience Azimjan Askarov was
footing with Kuwaiti nationals, and that in its upheld following his retrial.
next periodic report Kuwait should provide
information on access to education for Bidun. PRISONERS OF CONSCIENCE
On 24 January, the Chui Regional Court
WORKERS’ RIGHTS – MIGRANT completed the retrial of prisoner of
WORKERS conscience Azimjan Askarov, an ethnic
Migrant workers, including those in the Uzbek human rights defender, and upheld
domestic, construction and other sectors, his conviction and life sentence for
continued to face exploitation and abuse “participating in ethnic violence and the
under the official kafala sponsorship system, murder of a police officer” in 2010. In March
which prevents them from changing jobs or 2016, the UN Human Rights Committee
leaving the country without their employers’ recommended that Azimjan Askarov be
permission. released immediately, recognizing that he
had been tortured, denied the right to a fair
WOMEN’S RIGHTS trial and detained arbitrarily and under
In May, the UN Working Group on the issue inhumane conditions. Following the 24
of discrimination against women in law and in January decision, the UN Office of the High
practice recognized improvements, including Commissioner for Human Rights stated that
women’s rights to vote, to stand for elections the Court’s decision highlighted “serious
and to receive equal pay to men. shortcomings” in the country’s judicial
Discrimination against women continued, system.
however, with regard to laws on inheritance, In September, a court in the town of Bazar-
marriage, child custody, nationality rights and Korgan overturned the 2010 court decision to
domestic violence. confiscate Azimjan Askarov’s family home. If

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 231

approved, the confiscation order would have FREEDOMS OF EXPRESSION AND
rendered his wife, Khadicha Askarova, ASSEMBLY
homeless. The authorities imposed restrictions on the
rights to freedom of expression and peaceful
RIGHTS OF LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, assembly, particularly in the run-up to the
TRANSGENDER AND INTERSEX PEOPLE October presidential elections. Independent
LGBTI people continued to face journalists, media outlets, human rights
discrimination and violence from state and defenders and political activists faced
non-state actors. Labrys, an LGBTI rights intimidation and harassment, including
group, continued its efforts to bring to justice prosecution on charges of spreading false
the suspected perpetrators of a violent attack information and destabilizing the country.
in 2015 on its office and on a private event to Between March and April, the General
mark the International Day against Prosecutor’s Office initiated a number of civil
Homophobia and Transphobia. Criminal trials court proceedings for defamation against
against the members of a nationalist youth online media outlet, its co-
group behind the attacks collapsed when the founders and independent journalists
victims named in the court documents Narynbek Idinov and Dina Maslova, and
“reconciled” with the perpetrators. human rights defender Cholpon Dzhakupova.
This was in connection with media articles
SEX WORKERS critical of the President. In June, the court
Sex work was not criminalized but continued ruled in favour of the plaintiff in two trials and
to be highly stigmatized, and sex workers ordered as well as the other three
faced discrimination and violence. Police defendants to pay 3 million soms
operations targeting sex workers through (USD44,000) each in moral damages. The
arbitrary arrests for “petty hooliganism” and Supreme Court upheld the rulings in
other purported administrative offences November.
continued throughout the year. Police officers On 18 March, police disrupted a peaceful
regularly extorted money from sex workers. demonstration in the capital Bishkek and
arrested a number of participants. Human
RIGHT TO HEALTH rights defenders, journalists, and other
Marginalized groups, including people living activists had organized the march to protest
in rural areas, people living in poverty, and against the deterioration of freedom of
people with disabilities, continued to face expression. The route had been previously
barriers to accessing adequate health care. agreed with the relevant authorities. Five
Although they were entitled to free or demonstrators were charged and sentenced
subsidized health care, they were routinely to five days’ administrative detention for
denied access to quality health care facilities, disrupting traffic. The hearing was closed,
specialist treatment and medications. including to the defendants’ lawyers who
Informal payments to medical personnel, who were denied access to the courtroom.
were affected by low salaries, were In July, a court in Bishkek accepted a
commonplace. request by the Mayor’s Office for a blanket
ban on all public demonstrations at key
LEGAL, CONSTITUTIONAL OR locations until after the presidential elections.
INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENTS The ban, however, did not apply to official
Kyrgyzstan signed the UN Convention on the events organized by the authorities.
Rights of Persons with Disabilities in 2011,
but had not ratified it, citing Kyrgyzstan’s
economic difficulties as the primary reason.

232 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

Various criminal code provisions and
Lao People’s Democratic Republic restrictive decrees were used to imprison
Head of state: Bounnhang Vorachith activists and to suppress the rights to
Head of government: Thongloun Sisoulith freedom of expression and assembly.
Broadcast media, print media and civil
The rights to freedom of expression, society activity remained under stringent
association and peaceful assembly state control. Political parties other than the
remained severely restricted, and the state ruling Lao People’s Revolutionary Party
exercised strict control over media and civil remained banned.
society. Three activists were convicted in a After a secret trial held in April, activists
trial concerning their participation in Soukan Chaithad, Somphone Phimmasone
protests in Thailand and comments made and Lodkham Thammavong were convicted
on social media. There was no progress on on charges relating to co-operating with
investigations into a number of enforced foreign entities to undermine the state,
disappearances. distributing propaganda, and organizing
protests to cause “turmoil”. They were
BACKGROUND sentenced to between 12 and 20 years in
Laos submitted state party reports to the UN prison. The three had been arrested the
Human Rights Committee, as well as to the previous year after returning from Thailand to
CEDAW Committee and the UN Committee renew their passports. They had previously
on the Rights of the Child. participated in a protest outside the Lao
embassy in the Thai capital, Bangkok, and
ENFORCED DISAPPEARANCES posted a number of messages on Facebook
Despite signing the International Convention criticizing the Lao government. In August, the
for the Protection of All Persons from UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention
Enforced Disappearance in 2008, Laos had declared that their detention was arbitrary.
yet to ratify the treaty. Also in August, the government passed a
The government failed to establish the fate Decree on Associations that imposed onerous
or whereabouts of Sombath Somphone, a registration requirements and restrictions on
prominent civil society member who was NGOs and other civic groups and stipulated
abducted in 2012 outside a police post in the harsh criminal penalties for failure to comply.
capital, Vientiane. CCTV cameras captured
him being stopped by police and driven ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL
away. Authorities also failed to establish the RIGHTS
fate or whereabouts of Kha Yang, a Lao Villagers affected by development projects,
ethnic Hmong arrested after his forced return including the construction of dams and a
from Thailand in 2011, and of Sompawn Laos-China railway, were forced to relocate.
Khantisouk, an entrepreneur who was active They claimed that they had not been
on conservation issues and abducted in 2007 adequately consulted or compensated. In
by men believed to be police. April, the Prime Minister acknowledged
In July, Ko Tee, a Thai political activist problems with implementing land concession
sought by the Thai government, disappeared regulations. Activists expressed concerns
in Laos. The Lao government made no about damage to livelihoods and the
apparent efforts to investigate his environment caused by the construction of
disappearance. hydropower dams.

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 233

Council of Europe Commissioner for Human
LATVIA Rights described the fine as disproportionate
and raised concerns about the harmful effect
Republic of Latvia of such a measure on the right to freedom of
Head of state: Raimonds Vējonis expression in the country.
Head of government: Māris Kučinskis
Ill-treatment of detainees by law In August, the government put forward draft
enforcement officials continued to be legislation which effectively prohibits wearing
reported and prison conditions remained the full-face veil in public. The Justice
poor. A disproportionate fine imposed on a Ministry argued that the measure would
news portal for defamation gave rise to protect people’s welfare and morality, and
concerns about the right to freedom of facilitate the integration of immigrants. Critics
expression. The government put forward called the legislation discriminatory and
draft legislation that would discriminate disproportionate.
against women wearing full-face veils in
Latvia continued to build a fence along its
UNFAIR TRIALS border with Russia, expected to be
In January, the European Court of Human completed in 2019 and to cover a 90km
Rights found that Latvia had violated the area, with the stated aim of preventing an
European Convention on Human Rights, “influx of migrants”.
including in relation to Article 6 because Under the EU relocation and resettlement
proceedings had exceeded a reasonable time schemes, Latvia pledged to relocate 481
in the case of a man seeking compensation asylum-seekers from Greece and Italy. By
for injuries inflicted on him by a police officer May it had relocated 308.
upon his arrest in 1995. The man alleged he
had lost his sight as a result of being beaten WOMEN’S RIGHTS
and kicked by the officer. Although the In March, the Minister of Welfare announced
perpetrator was convicted of ill-treatment in that the government would ratify the Council
2003, the complainant had not received of Europe Convention on preventing and
adequate reparations. combating violence against women and
domestic violence (Istanbul Convention) by
DETENTION the end of 2018.
In June, the European Committee for the
Prevention of Torture called on the authorities
to address inter-prisoner violence and
improve prisoners’ access to health care. It
also expressed concerns about allegations of Lebanese Republic
excessive use of force by police officers Head of state: Michel Aoun
during the apprehension and questioning of Head of government: Saad Hariri
suspects in the absence of their lawyers.
Lebanon hosted more than 1 million
FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION refugees from Syria, in addition to several
In January, the Riga Higher Court ordered the hundred thousand long-term Palestinian
news portal Tvnet to pay a EUR50,000 fine refugees and more than 20,000 refugees
for damaging the reputation of the Latvian from other countries. The authorities
National Opera and Ballet. Tvnet had maintained restrictions that effectively
published an article criticizing it for becoming closed Lebanon’s borders to people fleeing
a “public house of Putin’s court”. The Syria. Parliament repealed a law allowing

234 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

people accused of rape to escape agency, from registering newly arrived
punishment by marrying their victim, and refugees.
passed a new law criminalizing torture. Syrian refugees faced financial and
Access to essential services remained administrative difficulties in obtaining or
curtailed by the economic crisis. Authorities renewing residency permits, exposing them
handed down death sentences; there were to a constant risk of arbitrary arrest, detention
no executions. and forcible return to Syria. In February the
authorities introduced a waiver of the
BACKGROUND 300,000 Lebanese pound (USD200)
The economic crisis continued. Access to residency fee for Syrian refugees registered
basic services, including electricity and water, with UNHCR, excluding those who had
remained severely curtailed across the entered Lebanon after January 2015 or who
country. Public protests and strikes had renewed their residency through work or
continued throughout the year, including by a private sponsor, as well as Palestinian
judges, public sector staff, parents and refugees from Syria. The waiver was not
workers, as well as residents living near sites applied consistently by government officials,
of unprocessed waste. Waste and many refugees were not able to renew
mismanagement, which had prompted the their residency permits.
largest protests in years, remained Refugees from Syria continued to face
unresolved. severe economic hardship. According to the
On 4 November, Prime Minister Hariri UN, 76% of Syrian refugee households lived
announced his resignation in a speech below the poverty line and more than half
delivered from the Saudi Arabian capital, lived in substandard conditions in
Riyadh, under circumstances that remained overcrowded buildings and densely
unclear. President Aoun did not accept his populated neighbourhoods. Refugees faced
resignation. restrictions to finding official work and were
The Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) and the subjected to curfews and other restrictions on
armed group Hezbollah launched two military their movement in a number of
operations in the northern border town of municipalities. Several municipalities served
Arsal against the armed groups Jabhat Al- refugees with eviction notices, forcing them
Nusra and Islamic State (IS), in July and to seek alternative places to live in an
August respectively. By the end of August, increasingly hostile and xenophobic
the LAF had regained control of Arsal and the environment. In March the LAF issued
surrounding area, and retrieved the bodies of eviction notices to refugees living in camps in
10 Lebanese soldiers taken hostage by IS the vicinity of Riyak Airbase in the Bekaa
in 2014. region, affecting around 12,665 individuals.
In the Palestinian refugee camp of Ein el- The UN humanitarian appeal for Syrian
Helweh, in the southern city of Saida, clashes refugees in Lebanon was only 56% funded
erupted between IS and IS-affiliated groups by the end of the year and resettlement
on the one hand, and Palestinian armed places in other countries remained
groups and the LAF. inadequate.
In June, the Parliament approved a new On 30 June the LAF conducted raids on two
electoral law and scheduled the twice- informal tented settlements accommodating
postponed parliamentary elections for May Syrian refugees in Arsal. At least 350 men
2018, the first to take place since 2009. were arrested during the raids. Most were
subsequently released but there were reports
REFUGEES AND ASYLUM-SEEKERS that some detainees were tortured and
A government decision from May 2015 otherwise ill-treated by soldiers and four men
continued to bar UNHCR, the UN refugee died while in custody. The authorities did not

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 235

publish any findings from their investigations Committee on the Rights of the Child also
into these deaths. included this recommendation in its
Between June and August, thousands of concluding observations on Lebanon, in
Syrians returned from Arsal to Syria, mostly addition to calling on Lebanon to ensure that
following agreements negotiated by citizenship would be conferred to children
Hezbollah with armed groups in Syria. who would otherwise be stateless.
Palestinian refugees, including many long- Women migrant workers continued to suffer
term residents in Lebanon, remained subject discriminatory laws and practices, restricting
to discriminatory laws excluding them from their rights to freedom of movement,
owning or inheriting property, accessing education and health, including sexual and
public education and health services, or reproductive health.
working in at least 36 professions. At least
3,000 Palestinian refugees who did not hold RIGHTS OF LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL,
official identity documents faced further TRANSGENDER AND INTERSEX PEOPLE
restrictions denying them the right to register The Internal Security Forces (ISF) continued
births, marriages and deaths. to arrest people and press charges under
Lebanon had not yet ratified the 1951 UN Article 534 of the Penal Code, which
Refugee Convention and its 1967 Protocol. criminalized “sexual intercourses which
contradict the laws of nature” and was used
In May, Lebanon made its first appearance In May the ISF banned several activities that
before the UN Committee against Torture, had been planned across the country to mark
following ratification of the UN Convention International Day against Homophobia and
against Torture and its Optional Protocol in Transphobia, citing security concerns
2000 and 2008, respectively. A new anti- following threats made by radical Islamist
torture law came into effect on 26 October. groups.
The law was largely aligned with Lebanon’s
international obligations but failed to FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION
incorporate the Committee’s observations The ISF Cybercrime and Intellectual Property
with regards to the statute of limitations and Bureau continued to interrogate, arrest and
penalties for committing the crime of torture. hold in pre-trial detention peaceful activists
Moreover, the law failed to provide that army for posting comments on social media. The
officers accused of torture would be tried Public Prosecution issued at least four arrest
before civilian courts. orders on charges that included “insulting
the President… the flag or the national
WOMEN’S RIGHTS emblem”, “defamation” and “libel and
In August, the Parliament repealed Article slander”. During their pre-trial detention,
522 of the Penal Code which allowed a which lasted several days, most of the
person convicted of kidnapping or rape, activists were denied access to their lawyers
including statutory rape, to escape and families.
prosecution if they proposed to marry the
victim. Civil society organizations continued RIGHT TO HEALTH
to call for the repeal of Articles 505 and 518, In August the governmental General
which allowed for marriage with minors aged Disciplinary Council confirmed that expired
between 15 and 18 as a way to escape and fake drugs were being used to treat
prosecution. cancer at Beirut’s Rafik Hariri University
Women’s rights groups continued to Hospital, the capital’s largest public hospital,
advocate for the right of women married to and took disciplinary action against the head
foreign nationals to pass their nationality to of the hospital pharmacy.
their husband and children. The UN

236 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

Civil society raised a number of cases Police Commissioner said that a criminal
before the judiciary related to violations of the investigation into the case was ongoing.
rights to health and clean water, including In August the High Court ruled in favour of a
cases related to the sale of expired drugs in habeas corpus application brought by the
public hospitals and to waste family of Mokalekale Khetheng who
mismanagement; these efforts were disappeared on 26 March 2016 after arrest
unsuccessful, either as a result of delayed on unspecified charges by four LMPS officers
court rulings or failure to implement rulings. in Leribe District. In August, the police
officers were arrested in connection with his
DEATH PENALTY murder; Mokalekale Khetheng’s body was
Courts continued to hand down death exhumed. The former Minister of Defence
sentences; no executions were carried out. was then arrested in connection with the
murder. He and the officers were also
charged with conspiracy to cause a
LESOTHO disappearance. The former Minister was
released on bail in September. The former
Kingdom of Lesotho National Police Commissioner, who remained
Head of state: King Letsie III abroad throughout the year, was apparently
Head of government: Thomas Motsoahae Thabane implicated in the case although he was not
(replaced Pakalitha Mosisili in June) charged.
On 5 September, Lesotho Defence Force
The continued political and security crisis (LDF) Commander Khoantle Motsomotso was
led to a sharp increase in human rights shot dead in his office at the LDF
violations. Allegations of torture and other headquarters in the capital, Maseru. Two
ill-treatment continued. The right to suspects in the killing, LDF members
freedom of expression remained severely Brigadier Bulane Sechele and Colonel Tefo
restricted. There were unlawful killings. Hashatsi, also died in retaliatory fire. The
Prime Minister announced an investigation
BACKGROUND into the incident. No further information
On 1 March, after months of unrest, about the progress of the investigation had
Parliament passed a vote of no confidence in been received by the end of the year.
then Prime Minister Pakalitha Mosisili. On 7
March, King Letsie announced Parliament’s IMPUNITY
dissolution and elections were held on 3 On 14 June, Lipolelo Thabane, the estranged
June. A coalition government, led by Thomas wife of Prime Minister Thabane, was killed on
Thabane of the All Basotho Convention party, the eve of his inauguration. The National
was formed. Police Commissioner said that a criminal
investigation into the case was ongoing.
UNLAWFUL KILLINGS In August, the Southern Africa Development
On 28 April, Tumelo Mohlomi, a student from Community (SADC) extended the tenure of
the University of Lesotho was killed when she an oversight committee, established in 2016
was shot in the back of the head by a to ensure implementation of the
Lesotho Mounted Police Service (LMPS) recommendations made by its Commission of
officer while she was in a restaurant outside Inquiry. The Commission was set up in the
the campus. A police officer was arrested light of heightened political instability in 2015
after the killing and apparently released on and, among other things, investigated the
bail. The victim’s family brought a civil case killing by LDF soldiers of former army chief
of murder against the LMPS, which sought Lieutenant-General Maaparankoe Mahao.
an out-of-court settlement. The National The Commission found that he was
deliberately killed and recommended a

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 237

criminal investigation. In June his widow FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION
instituted a case for damages against the The right to freedom of expression continued
LDF’s Commander, the Minister of Defence to be threatened. Nkoale Oetsi Tsoana, a
and National Security and the Attorney journalist with Moeletsi Oa Basotho, received
General. On 1 December, eight LDF death threats from Lesotho Congress for
members appeared before the Maseru Democracy (LCD) supporters in August while
Magistrates Court on charges connected to he covered the Directorate on Corruption and
his killing. Economic Offences’ investigation into
corruption allegations against LCD leader and
UNFAIR TRIALS former Deputy Prime Minister Mothetjoa
In August, the Prime Minister postponed Metsing. The same day, Palo Mohlotsane, a
indefinitely the court-martial of 23 LDF PC-FM radio journalist, received threats from
officers accused of mutiny. Sixteen officers the Deputy Leader and members of the LCD
were released from prison in 2016; the after he covered the same story.
remaining seven were released on 1 March Nthakoana Ngatane, South African
2017. All 23 were under “open arrest”, a Broadcasting Corporation correspondent,
form of military bail,1 for most of the year. In received repeated online death threats from
August, 22 of the officers had signed a June after she reported on possible motives
petition to the government raising concerns for the killing of Lipolelo Thabane. On 16
that the deferred court-martial could June crowds gathered outside MoAfrika FM
undermine their rights to redress and radio station’s offices and threatened the
requesting that due process be followed and owner, Sebonomoea Ramainoane, after the
that their open arrest be cancelled. In station implicated Prime Minister Thabane in
November, the High Court ordered the court- the killing of his wife. On 8 September the
martial against one of them to be Maseru Magistrate Court ordered
discontinued. On 18 December, a court- Sebonomoea Ramainoane, also the station’s
martial hearing found the remaining 22 editor-in-chief, to release to the LMPS the
soldiers not guilty on all charges. station’s audio recordings of interviews aired
between 28 August and 6 September. On 13
TORTURE AND OTHER ILL-TREATMENT September, the authorities closed the station
Thato Makara said that he was tortured and for 72 hours and on 15 September detained
otherwise ill-treated after he reported to the Sebonomoea Ramainoane for several hours.
Maseru police headquarters in April; he had On 25 September, the Lesotho High Court
been summoned in connection with a cancelled the Magistrate Court’s order.
murder case. He attended the police station On 29 August, exiled investigative journalist
with his employer, Thuso Litjobo, president of Keiso Mohloboli received online death threats
the Alliance for Democrats Youth League, for comments she posted on social media
who was released the same evening. Thato about human rights violations in Lesotho. She
Makara said that he was taken to Ha Matela had received similar threats on 10 June.
police holding cell in the Maseru area, and On 13 December, five members of the LDF
then to Lekhalo La Baroa where he was went on trial for the attempted murder of the
subjected to torture including waterboarding, Lesotho Times editor Lloyd Mutungamiri in
rubber gloves tied over his mouth and nose, July 2016. He suffered near fatal gunshot
and beatings. After a habeas corpus wounds after being attacked outside his
application, Thato Makara appeared in court home in Maseru. The shooting followed his
where he testified about his torture; he was newspaper’s publication of an article claiming
released on 18 April. He was charged with that the outgoing LDF head was to receive an
murder the next day in connection with a exit package of USD3.5 million.
death at a political rally. He was bailed on
20 April.

238 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

crimes committed by Alieu Kosiah and
1. Lesotho: A human rights agenda for the new Lesotho government
Martina Johnson – commanders in rebel
(AFR 33/6468/2017)
groups − who were arrested in Switzerland
and Belgium respectively, in 2014.

Prisons continued to be overcrowded, partly
Republic of Liberia because hundreds of people were held in
Head of state and government: Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf
prolonged pre-trial detention. Detainees had
inadequate access to medical care and
Domestic violence, and sexual violence recreational facilities. In June, an inmate
against women and girls remained became pregnant by a male prisoner at
widespread. Impunity for human rights Tubmanburg Central Prison after she was
violations persisted. Prison conditions did coerced into sex. The incident was facilitated
not meet international standards and by prison officers who then took her to have
individuals were frequently held in an abortion without her consent. Following an
prolonged pre-trial detention. investigation, several prison officers were
dismissed; however, none of them were
BACKGROUND known to have been prosecuted.
Presidential and legislative elections began in
October. George Weah, of the Congress for FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION
Democratic Change party, was elected as A bill was introduced in the House of
President on 26 December and was expected Representatives to decriminalize press
to take up his position in January 2018. offences, particularly related to libel. It
The practice of placing government schools remained pending at the end of the year.
under the control of a private company
limited children’s access to adequate RIGHT TO EDUCATION
education, a concern raised in 2016 by the In August, 174 national and international
UN Special Rapporteur on the right to organizations called on investors to stop
education. supporting Bridge International Academies, a
private company that runs 25 schools in
IMPUNITY Liberia and other African countries. Earlier, in
Most of the 2009 recommendations of the March, the Coalition for Transparency and
Truth and Reconciliation Commission were Accountability in Education highlighted
yet to be implemented, including a concerns about the company’s practices
recommendation to establish a criminal such as capping classroom numbers in
tribunal to prosecute crimes under government schools, a practice that left
international law, and measures aimed at children without access to a local school. The
obtaining accountability and reparation for running of these schools had been
victims. The Commission was established outsourced to the Bridge International
following human rights violations and abuses Academies in 2016.
carried out during the 14-year civil war which
ended in 2003. WOMEN’S RIGHTS
No one had been prosecuted in Liberia for Domestic violence, rape and other forms of
human rights violations committed during the sexual violence against women and girls,
civil war. However, Mohammed Jabbateh was including practices such as female genital
convicted of perjury and immigration fraud in mutilation and early marriage remained
the USA, in relation to his role in alleged war widespread. Impunity for rape and other
crimes. Investigations also continued in forms of violence against women remained
Switzerland and Belgium into alleged war prevalent. However, a domestic violence bill

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 239

was passed by the legislature in July and was groups abducted, arbitrarily arrested and
awaiting the President’s signature at the end indefinitely detained thousands of people.
of the year. The government, the UN and Torture and other ill-treatment was
development partners continued to invest in widespread in prisons under the control of
sexual and gender-based violence units, armed groups, militias and state officials.
located in police stations and government Migrants, refugees and asylum-seekers were
ministries to investigate sexual abuse and subjected to widespread and systematic
violence, as well as a specialized court to serious human rights violations and abuses
deal with such crimes in Montserrado County at the hands of state officials, smugglers
in the northwest. The authorities continued to and armed groups. Women faced
run 12 one-stop centres in seven counties discrimination, including arbitrary
which offered medical and support services restrictions on their right to travel. The
to survivors of sexual violence. death penalty remained in force; no
Affordable and accessible abortion services executions were reported.
continued to be largely unavailable to rape
survivors, despite legislation allowing for BACKGROUND
abortion in sexual violence cases where the Three rival governments and hundreds of
attack is recorded with the police and militias and armed groups continued to
authorization given by two medical compete for power and control over territory,
professionals. Unsafe abortions continued to lucrative trade routes and strategic military
contribute to Liberia having one of highest locations. The UN-backed Government of
rates of maternal deaths and injuries in National Accord (GNA) continued to reinforce
Africa. its positions in the capital, Tripoli, gradually
gaining territory through strategic alliances
RIGHTS OF LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, and often after armed clashes. In May, the
TRANSGENDER AND INTERSEX PEOPLE Tripoli Revolutionaries Brigade and the Abu
LGBTI people experienced discrimination, Salim Brigade, both affiliated to the GNA’s
harassment and threats. The Penal Code Ministry of the Interior, removed the coalition
criminalized consensual sexual activity of militias supporting the Government of
between same-sex adults. A man arrested in National Salvation (GNS) from their key
June 2012 on allegations of “voluntary positions in Tripoli. These included the site of
sodomy” remained in detention at the Hadba prison where former senior officials
Monrovia Central Prison at the end of the from the rule of Mu’ammar al-Gaddafi were
year. detained, and Tripoli International Airport,
where they took control of key strategic areas,
including the airport road.
LIBYA The self-styled Libyan National Army (LNA),
led by Khalifa Haftar, consolidated its power
State of Libya and made significant gains in eastern Libya
Head of state: Disputed after defeating the Shura Council of Benghazi
Head of government: Fayez Serraj Revolutionaries (SCBR) in Benghazi and
evicting the Benghazi Defence Brigades
Forces affiliated to three rival governments, (BDB) from Benghazi, the oil port of Ras
as well as armed groups and militias, Lanuf and the desert military base of al-Jufra.
committed serious violations of In May, the Misrata 3rd force aided by the
international law and abuses of human BDB attacked the Brak al-Shati air base,
rights with impunity. All sides to the resulting in the deaths of 141 people
conflict carried out indiscriminate attacks including LNA soldiers. The LNA regained
in heavily populated areas leading to deaths control of the air base, aided by air strikes
of civilians and unlawful killings. Armed from the Egyptian air force.

240 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

In July the Constitutional Drafting Assembly Ganfouda area of Benghazi by launching an
approved the new draft Constitution, an attack to drive the BDB forces out of one of
initiative that had begun in 2014. No date their last strongholds in the city. The two-
was set for the referendum on the month siege had cut off all supplies to the
Constitution. area, including food and water, and had
In September and November, the USA trapped civilians and wounded fighters
carried out several strikes by remotely piloted without access to medical care and other
vehicles (drones) in Libya including south of basic services. The attack on Ganfouda was
Sirte, targeting the armed group Islamic State indiscriminate and resulted in the deaths of
(IS). In May, the armed group Ansar al- at least five civilians. LNA fighters posed for
Shari’a in Libya announced its own photos with the bodies, including the
dissolution. exhumed body of a BDB commander who
In September, the UN Security Council had been killed in air strikes and buried in
extended the mandate of the UN Support the days prior to the ground attack.
Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) until 15 In July the LNA tightened its siege on the
September 2018. Ghassan Salamé, the UN’s city of Derna in its fight against the Derna
newly appointed Special Representative for Mujahideen Shora Council, hindering access
Libya, outlined his action plan, which to food, petrol and medical supplies, resulting
included amending the UN-brokered Libyan in a rapid deterioration of the humanitarian
Political Agreement (LPA), convening a situation in the city. A series of air strikes on
national congress, and holding legislative and Derna killed scores of civilians and injured
presidential elections in 2018. In December, others, including children.
the UN Security Council reiterated its
commitment to the LPA as the only viable UNLAWFUL KILLINGS
framework for the transition period. In March, LNA-affiliated fighters were filmed
killing captured SCBR fighters, a serious
INTERNAL ARMED CONFLICT violation of international humanitarian law
Armed clashes between rival forces and a war crime. In August, the ICC issued a
continued to take place sporadically warrant for the arrest of Mahmoud el-Werfelli
throughout the country, with armed groups for alleged war crimes committed while he
and militias carrying out indiscriminate was field commander of the Special Forces
attacks in heavily populated areas leading to Brigade (Al-Saiqa) affiliated to the LNA,
the deaths of civilians. In February, clashes including for involvement in the March
between militias in the Abu Salim area of killings.
Tripoli resulted in two civilians being killed A number of mass graves were uncovered
and three injured, including a child who was in Benghazi between February and October.
shot in the head by a stray bullet. In July, On at least four occasions, groups of bodies
clashes broke out between two militias near were found in different parts of the city with
Mitiga airport in Tripoli over the control of a their hands bound behind their backs, and in
local beach resort. The militias used some cases blindfolded with signs of torture
explosive weapons with wide-area effects, and execution-style killing. In August, the
including rocket propelled grenades (RPGs), bodies of six unidentified men were found in
in densely populated civilian areas. In one a rubbish bin in the eastern Benghazi
case, RPGs hit a nearby beach, killing five neighbourhood of Shabneh. The bodies
civilians – two women and three children – showed signs of torture and had bullet
from the same family. A forensic doctor in wounds in the head and chest. On 26
Tripoli confirmed that the deaths were caused October, the bodies of 36 men were found on
by shrapnel from an RPG. a deserted road south of the town of al-Abyar,
In March, LNA forces broke the siege they including a 71-year-old Sufi sheikh who had
had imposed on an apartment complex in the

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 241

been abducted in August, and a medical armed group in Bayda abducted cameraman
student. Musa Khamees Ardia and transferred him to
Grenada prison in the east. He was released
FREEDOMS OF EXPRESSION without charge on 3 November.
AND ASSOCIATION Armed groups and militias abducted and
Journalists, activists and human rights unlawfully detained hundreds of people
defenders were particularly vulnerable to because of their opinions, origin, perceived
harassment, attacks and enforced political affiliations or perceived wealth.
disappearance by armed groups and militias Those abducted included political activists,
aligned with various authorities of rival lawyers, human rights activists and other
governments. civilians. Militias carried out abductions with
In the west, Special Deterrence (Radaa) the aim of extracting ransoms from families,
forces operating under the Ministry of the to negotiate an exchange of detainees, or to
Interior of the GNA carried out a series of silence criticism. In April a militia abducted a
arrests, targeting people for peacefully university professor in Sayyad on the outskirts
exercising their right to freedom of of Tripoli. He was held for 47 days in an
association and other rights. In September, undisclosed location with little access to food,
an imam in Tripoli was arbitrarily arrested by water and medication. In August, unidentified
Radaa on suspicion of using his mosque to militiamen abducted former Prime Minister
incite violence. He remained in detention at Ali Zeidan from a hotel in Tripoli. He was
the end of the year. In November, Radaa released after eight days.
forces raided a comic-book convention in
Tripoli and arrested 20 people, including the JUSTICE SYSTEM
organizers and some attendees. They were An environment of impunity continued to
released at the end of November. prevail, leaving perpetrators of serious abuses
In the east, forces associated with the LNA emboldened and without fear of
targeted journalists and others deemed to accountability, which in turn threatened
have criticized Khalifa Haftar and LNA forces. prospects of political stability. Courts and
Armed groups composed of adherents of the prosecutors’ offices were dysfunctional and
Madkhali doctrine, a strand of Salafism often feared reprisals for their work. The post
inspired by the Saudi Arabian sheikh Rabee of Public Prosecutor remained vacant. In
al-Madkhali, burned books and abducted September, senior prosecutor Sadik Essour
student members of a university group who announced that 800 arrest warrants had
had organized an Earth Day event on their been issued and 250 people had been
campus in Benghazi. Those abducted referred to court for their involvement in
included photographer Abdullah Duma, who political violence. In October, just hours
was later released. In September a radio host before one of these trials was due to start, a
from the city of al-Marj was detained for gun and suicide-bomb attack on a court in
nearly three weeks for openly criticizing a GNA-controlled Misrata killed four people -
decision made by Abdelraziq al-Nathouri, the two civilians and two security personnel - and
LNA’s military governor of eastern Libya. injured at least 40. IS claimed responsibility
for the attack.
ARBITRARY ARRESTS AND DETENTIONS Torture was widespread in prisons, where
Militias, armed groups and security forces thousands were held without charge. Many
affiliated to rival governments continued to detainees had been held since 2011 with no
arbitrarily arrest and indefinitely detain judicial oversight or means to challenge the
thousands of people. In the east, militias legality of their detention.
operating as security forces associated with None of the parties to the conflict
the LNA abducted people and imprisoned implemented any of the human rights
them without charge or trial. In June, an provisions in the UN-brokered Libya Political

242 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

Agreement of December 2015, including organization CNN showing the apparent sale
those obliging them to release detainees held of migrants into slavery caused international
without legal basis. outrage. Libyan law continued to criminalize
the irregular entry, stay or exit of foreign
INTERNALLY DISPLACED PEOPLE nationals, and still lacked a legal framework
Some 40,000 former residents of the town of for asylum. In November, UNHCR, the UN
Tawargha, near Misrata, remained displaced refugee agency, announced that it had
for a sixth year. In June a political agreement reached an agreement with the Libyan
was signed by the mayor of Misrata, the authorities to temporarily accommodate
Tawargha local council and the Misrata- people from a transit centre who were in
Tawargha Reconciliation Committee need of international protection. However,
chairman, in the presence of Prime Minister there was no progress on a Memorandum of
Serraj, ostensibly to allow the displaced Understanding that would formally recognize
former residents to return to Tawargha. UNHCR’s operations in Libya. The
However, the agreement made no mention of International Organization for Migration
accountability for past crimes. Three days calculated that there were 416,556 migrants
later, a group of Tawargha families attempted in Libya at the end of September. UNHCR
to return but were threatened and intimidated stated that 44,306 people in Libya were
at a checkpoint manned by residents of registered as refugees or asylum-seekers as
Misrata and forced to return to Tripoli. By the of 1 December, but the actual number of
end of the year there had been no progress refugees was likely to be higher. The
on the return of the Tawargha people or the International Organization for Migration
implementation of the agreement. continued to assist in the “voluntary return”
of 19,370 nationals to their home countries
MIGRANTS, REFUGEES AND ASYLUM- during the year, often from detention centres.
SEEKERS In a significant development, UNHCR began
Migrants, refugees and asylum-seekers were evacuating refugees and asylum-seekers,
subjected to widespread and systematic taking 25 people to Niger for resettlement in
serious human rights violations and abuses at France in November and 162 people to Italy
the hands of detention centre officials, the in December.
Libyan Coast Guard, smugglers and armed
groups. Some were detained after being WOMEN’S RIGHTS
intercepted by the Libyan Coast Guard at sea Women were particularly affected by the
trying to cross the Mediterranean to Europe. ongoing conflict, which disproportionately
It was estimated that up to 20,000 people affected their right to move freely and to
were held in detention centres in Libya run participate in political and public life.
by the Directorate for Combating Illegal In February the military in eastern Libya
Migration (DCIM), a division of the Ministry of issued Decree No. 6 of 2017, restricting
the Interior of the GNA. They were held in Libyan women under the age of 60 from
horrific conditions of extreme overcrowding, travelling abroad without a legal male
lacking access to medical care and adequate guardian. Following a public outcry and calls
nutrition, and systematically subjected to from civil society for its removal, Decree No.
torture and other ill-treatment, including 6 was replaced on 23 February with Decree
sexual violence, severe beatings and No. 7, which stipulated that no Libyan male
extortion. While the DCIM formally controlled or female between the ages of 18 and 45
between 17 and 36 centres, armed groups could travel abroad without prior “security
and criminal gangs ran thousands of illicit approval”. The Decree failed to specify the
holding sites throughout the country as part procedure required to obtain such approval
of a lucrative people-smuggling business. In or the criteria that would be used to grant or
November, a video released by US media deny it.

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 243

In the face of intimidation and targeting, RIGHTS OF LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL,
high-profile women activists continued to be TRANSGENDER AND INTERSEX PEOPLE
forced to retreat from public and political In April, the Vilnius City District Court ordered
engagement. the Civil Registry Office to change the identity
documents of a transgender individual who
had applied for legal gender recognition,
LITHUANIA without them having to undergo gender
reassignment surgery. In May, the Court ruled
Republic of Lithuania that the Civil Registry Office should change
Head of state: Dalia Grybauskaitė the gender marker and personal identity
Head of government: Saulius Skvernelis number of another transgender applicant.
In July, the President signed an amendment
The President signed legislation which to the Law on Equal Opportunities which
discriminated against lesbian, gay and defines family members as “spouses or direct
bisexual people. Parliament considered a descendants”, effectively excluding
law which would severely restrict access to unmarried partners and thereby preventing –
abortion. Lithuania offered visas to two gay among others – same-sex couples from being
men from the Russian republic of Chechnya legally considered as family members.
who feared for their safety. In two separate
cases, a district court ruled in favour of two SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS
transgender people seeking to change their In October, Parliament considered a draft law
identity documents without undergoing initiated by the Electoral Action of Poles in
gender reassignment surgery. Lithuania, a political party. If implemented, it
would restrict women’s access to abortion in
INTERNATIONAL SCRUTINY cases where the pregnancy poses a risk to
The case of Abu Zubaydah v. Lithuania the woman’s life or health, or when it is the
remained pending before the European Court result of rape.
of Human Rights. Abu Zubaydah alleged he
had been forcibly disappeared and tortured
at a secret CIA detention centre in Antaviliai,
a neighbourhood of Vilnius, Lithuania’s
capital, between 2005 and 2006. In The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
September, the UN Committee on Enforced Head of state: Gjorge Ivanov
Disappearances urged Lithuania to Head of government: Zoran Zaev (replaced Emil
investigate its involvement in US-led rendition Dimitriev in May)
and secret detention programmes; hold those
responsible to account; and provide victims Impunity for war crimes persisted. Asylum-
with appropriate redress and reparation. seekers and migrants were unlawfully
detained. A court’s judgment provided for
REFUGEES AND ASYLUM-SEEKERS legal gender recognition for transgender
In May, Lithuania offered visas to two people.
Chechen men who were seeking international
protection outside of Russia for fear of BACKGROUND
persecution based on their sexual orientation. Following elections in December 2016, the
This followed allegations of abductions, Internal Macedonian Revolutionary
torture and other ill-treatment and in some Organization - Democratic Party for
cases even the killing of men suspected of Macedonian National Unity gained over half
being gay in Chechnya (see Russian the seats, but could not form a government.
Federation entry). The Social Democratic Union of Macedonia
(SDSM) agreed to form a coalition with ethnic

244 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

Albanian parties and formed a government in June 2014 of the killing of five Macedonians
May 2017 following a violent invasion of at Easter 2012. The retrial was called on the
Parliament by former government supporters. grounds that the 2014 trial had not met
In November, a former police chief and international standards for fair trial.
several MPs were arrested for their part in the
The election followed a political crisis Asylum seekers and migrants, including
triggered by the publication by SDSM in 2015 unaccompanied children, were unlawfully
of audio recordings revealing unlawful detained at the Reception Centre for
surveillance and widespread corruption Foreigners as witnesses in criminal
within the government. proceedings against smugglers, for an
The European Commission asked average of two weeks, after which they were
Macedonia to implement measures including released. Most applied for asylum, but left
ensuring the rule of law, the right to privacy, the country shortly afterwards.
freedom of expression, an independent The European Court of Human Rights
judiciary and an end to government (ECtHR) considered the case of eight
corruption. refugees from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan
who were among 1,500 refugees and
FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION migrants forcibly returned to Greece in March
Until May, media freedom was seriously 2016 by the Macedonian authorities, who
compromised by government interference in failed to examine their individual
print and other media, including through the circumstances or provide an effective
control of advertising and other revenues, remedy.
resulting in widespread self-censorship and
little investigative journalism. In March, 122 RIGHTS OF LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL,
NGOs issued a statement protesting against TRANSGENDER AND INTERSEX PEOPLE
the government’s apparent campaign to In September, the Administrative Court ruled
undermine their work. that a transgender person could change their
gender marker in the official registry,
IMPUNITY providing for the legal recognition of gender
The Special Prosecution Office, established identity.
to investigate crimes arising from the audio
recordings, opened an investigation into the SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS
2011 murder of Martin Neshkovski and the A court in Skopje, the capital, determined in
subsequent government cover-up. In June, July that the termination of a woman’s
the Office indicted 94 former government employment contract, because she was
officials, including former Prime Minister pregnant for a second time, constituted direct
Gruevski and the former head of Security and discrimination.
Counter Intelligence. Also in July, a local antenatal clinic in Suto
Impunity for war crimes, including enforced Orizari, a predominatly Roma suburb of
disappearances and abductions, persisted. Skopje, was reopened after eight years. In
September, four newborn babies died within
JUSTICE SYSTEM two days in the Clinic of Gynaecology and
Following votes by the Council of Public Obstetrics in Skopje. A subsequent
Prosecutors and the Parliament, Public inspection found a shortage of medical staff,
Prosecutor Marko Zvrlevski was removed babies sharing intensive care incubators,
from office in August for his lack of faulty ventilation and a leaking roof. Between
independence. In October, provisional Public January and October, 127 babies died.
Prosecutor Liljana Spasovska called for the
retrial of six ethnic Albanians, convicted in

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 245

In March, the European Roma Rights Centre An outbreak of pneumonic plague, first
highlighted the deaths in custody of young reported in August, continued throughout the
Romani men from overdoses of methadone year in rural and urban areas. Of 2,348
only available to prison guards, and the death reported cases between 1 August and 22
of a Romani woman, allegedly after she had November, 202 resulted in deaths.
been ill-treated. In October the European
Committee for the Prevention of Torture INTERNATIONAL SCRUTINY
raised concerns about the failure since 2006 In July, the UN Human Rights Committee
to improve the management of, and expressed concern about human rights
conditions in, Idrizovo Prison in Skopje, violations including the excessive use of force
where nine prisoners died in 2016. by police against alleged cattle rustlers
(dahalos); and revenge attacks by members
COUNTER-TERROR AND SECURITY of the security forces after two police officers
In December, the Committee of Ministers were killed by villagers, in the northern town
reviewed implementation of the judgment of of Antsakabary.
the ECtHR in 2012 in the case of German The Committee called on Madagascar to
national Khaled el-Masri, expressing concern immediately provide the National Human
at the failure to make a public apology and Rights Commission with an independent and
requesting information on any progress in sufficient budget to enable it to carry out its
implementing the judgment. The Court held mandate. It also recommended that the
Macedonia liable for Khaled el-Masri's government expedite the establishment of the
detention, enforced disappearance, torture High Council for the Defence of Democracy
and other ill-treatment in 2003, and and the Rule of Law, whose mission included
subsequent handover to the CIA which the promotion and protection of human
transferred him to a secret detention site in rights, and provide it with financial autonomy.
In November, 37 ethnic Albanian JUSTICE SYSTEM
defendants were convicted of terrorism for The criminal justice system remained
their participation or assistance in a seriously flawed and failed to guarantee due
gun battle with police in Kumanovo in 2015, process. The excessive use of pre-trial
in which 18 people were killed. detention continued despite provisions in the
Constitution and the Code of Penal
Procedure that limited its use as an
MADAGASCAR exceptional measure for specific reasons;
60% of prison inmates were awaiting trial.
Republic of Madagascar Despite constitutional provisions
Head of state: Hery Rajaonarimampianina guaranteeing the right to legal defence at all
Head of government: Olivier Mahafaly Solonandrasana stages of the process, where lack of
resources should not be an obstacle, lawyers
There was widespread poverty; access to reported that they were not paid for legal aid
food, water, health care and education was work, including trial attendance, and were
restricted. Prison conditions remained prevented from fulfilling their duties. In
harsh; the excessive use of pre-trial practice, pre-trial legal aid was not available.
detention persisted. The criminal justice
system continued to be used to harass and DETENTION
intimidate human rights defenders and The government allowed international NGOs,
journalists, and restrict their freedom of as well as the National Human Rights
expression, particularly those working on Commission, to visit detention centres.
environmental and corruption issues.

246 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

Prisons were severely overcrowded and In July, police stopped a protest planned by
conditions were inhumane. Food and the Movement for Freedom of Expression to
medical care were inadequate. Toilets and mark the first anniversary of the passing of
showers did not work properly, and some the new Code of Media Communication law
prisons had open sewers putting inmates at which imposes heavy fines for offences such
risk of disease. Most of the country’s prisons as contempt, defamation or insult against a
had not been adequately renovated for more government official.
than 60 years. Infrastructure was dilapidated
and, in some instances, put prisoners’ lives at HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS
risk. In July, four detainees were killed after a Human rights defenders who opposed
wall collapsed in the Antsohihy prison in the projects to exploit natural resources, or who
north. made allegations of corruption against
Families of inmates reported being forced to government officials were particularly at risk
pay bribes to visit their relatives and of harassment, arrests on trumped-up
detainees relied on their families for food. charges, or other abuses under the criminal
Antanimora prison in the capital, justice system. In June, after 10 months’ pre-
Antananarivo, held around 2,850 detainees, trial detention on charges of organizing a
the highest number of inmates in the country, protest which became violent, environmental
and three times its intended capacity. activist Clovis Razafimalala was released from
Overcrowding was mainly due to the large Tamatave prison. In July, the Tamatave
number of pre-trial detainees, the ineffective Tribunal sentenced him to a five-year
judicial system and lengthy trial delays. Some suspended prison sentence.1 On 27
detainees had been held for up to five years September, environmental activist Raleva was
before being brought to trial. detained in Mananjary police station, in the
In contravention of international standards, southeast, after he questioned the legality of
convicted prisoners and pre-trial detainees a Chinese mining company in the Mananjary
were held together. As of July, Tsiafahy region.2 He was later transferred to
maximum security prison near Antananarivo Mananjary prison. On 26 October, the
hosted 396 pre-trial detainees alongside Mananjary court found him guilty of using the
sentenced prisoners, in inhumane false title of “Head of District”, and gave him
conditions, despite National Law 2006-015 a two-year suspended sentence.
stipulating that it should house only prisoners
serving life sentences or those considered to SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS
be dangerous. The need to separate children Abortion remained criminalized in all cases
from adults was not respected in all prisons. under Article 317 of the Penal Code. Anyone
providing or attempting to provide an abortion
FREEDOM OF ASSEMBLY was subject to a heavy fine and
Peaceful protests were repressed. Civil imprisonment of up to 10 years. Medical
society organizations claimed that the personnel providing information on obtaining
authorities banned protests on the grounds an abortion were subject to, in addition to
that they were likely to be a “high risk of imprisonment and fines, suspension from
public disorder”. In June, civil society practice for between five years and life.
movements Wake-Up Madagascar and Women who sought or had abortions were
SEFAFI, which works to improve democratic also subject to a heavy fine and up to two
processes in the country, criticized a one- years’ imprisonment. Several women were
month ban on public protests which the sent to prison for abortion-related offences
government said was necessary to protect during the year.
public order during National Day celebrations In July, the government stated that it was
on 26 June. working on a bill which would make abortion
a minor offence.

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 247

Later in July, the UN Human Rights violence. The Ministry of Gender, Children,
Committee considered Madagascar’s fourth Disability and Social Welfare publicly
periodic report. The Committee called for the expressed its concerns about the killings.
decriminalization of abortion, and for greater One of the protesters, Beatrice Mateyo, was
efforts to make sexual and reproductive arrested and charged with carrying a placard
health services more accessible to women. bearing “offensive and obscene words”. She
was charged with “insulting the modesty of a
woman” under section 137(3) of the Penal
1. Madagascar: A Damocles sword on environmental activist’s head
(AFR 35/6841/2017) Code and released on bail the same day. If
2. Madagascar: Environmental rights defender falsely accused −
convicted she faced up to one year’s
Raleva (AFR 35/7248/2017) imprisonment.


Harassment of and attacks against LGBTI
Republic of Malawi people continued. In January the People’s
Head of State and Government: Arthur Peter Mutharika Party spokesman, Kenneth Msonda, publicly
said that “gays are worse than dogs and must
Two people were killed as attacks against be killed”. Activists brought a case against
people with albinism resumed. Gender- him for inciting violence against gay and
based violence increased. Lesbian, gay, lesbian people. The Constitutional Court was
bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) considering whether charges should be
people continued to live in fear of brought against him at the end of the year.
harassment and attacks. Draft legislation In August, a 12-year-old boy stopped going
threatened to silence NGOs and civil society to school after he faced repeated harassment
organizations working on governance and and attacks, such as people throwing stones
human rights issues. at him and urinating on him. He and his
family lived in fear that he might be killed.
DISCRIMINATION – PEOPLE WITH Same-sex sexual relations between
ALBINISM consenting adults remained illegal. However,
Attacks against people with albinism the solicitor general intervened in April after
resumed in January after an interval of seven political and church leaders held a protest
months. Two people were killed. On 10 against LGBTI people. The Malawi Human
January, Madalitso Pensulo, a teenage boy, Rights Commission indicated it would hold
was killed in Mlonda village in the Tyolo public consultations on whether to reform the
District. In February, Mercy Zainabu Banda law.
was found murdered in Lilongwe with her
wrist, right breast and hair removed. In HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS
March, two brothers were stabbed in Nsanje. Draft amendments to the NGO law remained
As of 30 August, 20 murders of people with before Parliament. The amendments, which
albinism which have taken place since 2014 introduced broad, excessive, intrusive and
remained unresolved. arbitrary controls on the activities of NGOs,
could silence critics including human rights
VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND GIRLS groups. If implemented, the law would
Gender-based violence continued; seven establish an NGO Board under the Ministry of
women were reported to have been Gender, Children, Disability and Social
murdered in August and September alone. Welfare with wide discretionary powers,
On 14 September, around 150 women including to approve NGOs’ funding
participated in a national march to protest applications to donor agencies; and to
against the alarming levels of gender-based demand that such applications fall in line

248 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

with government policies and be designed to authorities also barred several human rights
“advance the public interest”. NGOs would defenders from entering Malaysia; they
be forced to register with the NGO Board included Bangladeshi activist Adilur Rahman
which would have power to deregister them. Khan2 and Singaporean activist Han Hui Hui,
They would also be required to sign who were deported after attempting to attend
Memorandums of Understanding with local human rights conferences. Bans were
government before operating in the secretive, arbitrary and not subject to appeal.
community. No prior notice was given.


Human rights defenders and opposition
Malaysia parliamentarians continued to stand trial for
Head of state: King Muhammad V participating in peaceful protests. In July, the
Head of government: Najib Tun Razak Kota Kinabalu High Court reversed an earlier
acquittal by the Magistrate’s Court of activist
Civic space shrank further as a crackdown Jannie Lasimbang who had been charged
on civil and political rights continued. There under Section 9 of the Peaceful Assembly
was a rise in the use of open-ended and Act 2012. Her trial was ongoing at the end of
arbitrary travel bans to restrict and threaten the year. Parliamentarians and activists were
the freedom of movement of human rights charged after joining the peaceful
defenders. Indigenous rights activists and #KitaLawan (We Fight) protest rally; they
journalists were arrested and investigated included MP Sim Tze Tzin, Maria Chin
for campaigning against and reporting Abdullah, Mandeep Singh and Adam Adli.
human rights abuses. Charges against Maria Chin Abdullah,
Mandeep Singh and Sim Tze Tzin were
FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION initially dismissed by the courts, but brought
The government continued to harass, detain again in October. Adam Adli was acquitted of
and prosecute critics through the use of his charges by the Magistrate’s Court in
restrictive laws such as the Sedition Act and November.
the Communications and Multimedia Act.
More than 60 individuals were arrested, INDIGENOUS PEOPLES’ RIGHTS
charged or imprisoned under various pieces In January, following peaceful protests
of legislation. Four individuals were charged, against logging licences granted by local
and another convicted, under Section 233 of authorities, 21 Indigenous human rights
the Communications and Multimedia Act defenders from the Temiar people in the
which criminalizes, among other things, the northern state of Kelantan were detained.
“misuse of network facilities” for criticizing Two journalists were also arrested.3 They
the government or for government-related were released within 48 hours, but the rights
satire. of the Temiar to their customary lands
remained under threat because logging
FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT activities continued without the free, prior
In July, the Court of Appeal ruled that the and informed consent of the communities. In
government has absolute discretion to bar August, 11 Indigenous human rights
any citizen from travelling abroad without defenders in Perak were arrested by police
needing to provide a reason.1 This ruling when peacefully protesting against a logging
facilitated continued violations of the right to company.
freedom of movement and the work of
human rights defenders, including cartoonist
Zunar and activist Hishamuddin Rais. The

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 249

ARBITRARY ARRESTS AND DETENTIONS drug trafficking activities”. The provision
Preventive detention laws such as the included a mandatory 15 whip lashes.
Prevention of Terrorism Act and Security
Offences (Special Measures) Act (SOSMA) RIGHTS OF LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL,
continued to be used to detain, prosecute TRANSGENDER AND INTERSEX PEOPLE
and imprison people alleged to have Discrimination against LGBTI people
committed security offences. The maximum continued both in law and practice. Section
detention period of 28 days under the 377A of the Penal Code criminalizes
SOSMA was set to remain in force for five consensual sexual relations between adult
years from 31 July, following a parliamentary men. In June, the Health Ministry received
vote. local and international criticism for its
On 26 April, the Kuala Lumpur High Court decision to launch a video competition for
sentenced Siti Noor Aishah to five years’ teenagers on how to “prevent gender
imprisonment for possession of 12 books, confusion” which included “gay, lesbian,
under a sweeping provision of the SOSMA transgender, transvestite and tomboy”. The
prohibiting the possession, custody or control wording was subsequently removed.
of any item associated with any terrorist
group or the commission of a terrorist act.4 TORTURE AND OTHER ILL-TREATMENT
The books owned by Siti Noor Aishah had not In July, Kelantan state assembly passed
been banned, which raised further concerns amendments to the Syariah Criminal
about the arbitrary nature of the law and the Procedure Enactment 2002 which would
way it was applied. allow caning of criminals to be carried out in
public. Torture is not adequately defined or
POLICE AND SECURITY FORCES prohibited in the state Syariah Criminal Code
Impunity for deaths in custody and excessive or the Malaysian Penal Code.
use of force and firearms persisted. There
were at least five deaths in custody during
1. Malaysia: Open-ended travel bans violate the rights of human rights
the year. They included S. Balamurugan defenders (ASA 28/6697/2017)
who, according to cellmates, was beaten by 2. Malaysia: Bangladeshi human rights activist detained (News story,
police during interrogation. A magistrate had 20 July)
earlier ordered that he be released and given 3. Malaysia: End harassment of Indigenous rights defenders (ASA
medical attention. No police investigation into 28/5549/2017)
his death was known to have been carried 4. Malaysia: Student convicted for possession of ‘illegal’ book − Siti
out. Noor Aishah (ASA 28/6136/2017)
5. Malaysia: Stop execution of prisoners due to be hanged on Friday
DEATH PENALTY (News story, 23 March)
The death penalty continued to be retained
as the mandatory punishment for offences
including drug trafficking, murder and
discharge of firearms with intent to kill or
harm in certain circumstances. Executions Republic of Maldives
continued to be carried out during the year Head of state and government: Abdulla Yameen Abdul
and there remained no established Gayoom
procedure for notification of scheduled
executions.5 In November, Parliament The crackdown on the rights to freedom of
amended the Dangerous Drugs Act, expression and peaceful assembly
providing the judiciary with discretion on the continued. Authorities used the criminal
mandatory death penalty in the event the justice system to silence political
accused is a drug courier and has co- opponents, as well as human rights
operated with law enforcement in “disrupting defenders, journalists and civil society. The

250 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

lack of independence of the judiciary prosecutions of perpetrators, and were
remained a concern. The President marred by political interference.
reaffirmed that executions would resume In March, journalists from Raajje TV
after more than 60 years. reported to the Maldives Police Service that
they had received threats of death if they sent
JUSTICE SYSTEM journalists to Faafu Atoll to cover a visit by the
Political turmoil persisted as the President King of Saudi Arabia. No additional security
used the military and the judiciary to stifle the was granted by police. Around the same
opposition. In July, the opposition initiated a time, two journalists from the newspaper
no confidence motion to impeach the Maldives Independent were taken into
Speaker of Parliament, but proceedings were “protective custody” by police after receiving
halted with the suspension of four opposition threats from members of the ruling party. The
MPs. On 24 July, parliamentarians were journalists claimed that the police read their
denied entry into the Parliament and the notes and treated them like suspects.
President directed the military to use pepper In July, seven journalists from Sangu TV and
spray and tear gas to disperse them. MPs Raajje TV were arrested while covering a
Faris Maumoon and Qasim Ibrahim were protest marking Independence Day. They
arrested arbitrarily for allegedly bribing were detained for several hours accused of
law makers to unseat the Speaker of obstructing police.
UNFAIR TRIALS Arbitrary restrictions on peaceful protesters
The authorities ignored constitutional and human rights defenders continued. On
provisions safeguarding the right to a fair trial, 24 July, the military used pepper spray and
as evidenced by a string of criminal cases tear gas to disperse parliamentarians trying to
against political opponents. On 18 July, MP enter the Parliament building. On 8 August, a
Faris Maumoon was arrested during a raid on march led by relatives and friends of Ahmed
his house for allegedly bribing law makers to Rilwan to mark the third anniversary of his
sign the motion of no confidence against the disappearance was blocked by Specialist
Speaker. He was seeking to cancel the Operations police officers who used pepper
charges, claiming that the evidence was spray, snatched banners, tore up placards
obtained unlawfully. and briefly detained nine people. Several
In April, Qasim Ibrahim, leader of the days later, Ahmed Rilwan’s nephew and
Jumhooree Party, was sentenced to 38 Yameen Rasheed’s sister were dismissed
months’ imprisonment after being convicted from their posts as civil support staff at
on charges including plotting to overthrow the Maldives Police Service for joining the
government. After repeated requests for protest.
medical attention, in September the court
granted him permission to travel abroad for DEATH PENALTY
treatment. The government stated that the death penalty
was to be implemented “by the end of
FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION September”. Executions would be the first to
In April, popular political blogger and social be carried out in over 60 years. Three men –
media activist Yameen Rasheed was stabbed Hussain Humaam Ahmed, Ahmed Murrath
to death in his apartment building in the and Mohamed Nabeel – remained at risk of
capital, Malé.2 The year marked three years imminent execution despite serious concerns
since the disappearance of journalist Ahmed about the fairness of the legal proceedings.
Rilwan. By the end of the year, neither of the These included the use of an apparently
investigations had resulted in successful coerced “confession” by Hussain Humaam
Ahmed, which he later retracted. The UN

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 251

Human Rights Committee made repeated cases included 21 instances of extrajudicial
requests to the government to stay the executions and deliberate and arbitrary
executions of the three men during 2016 and killings, 12 cases of enforced disappearance
2017, in accordance with Maldives’ and 31 cases of torture and other ill-
commitments under the Optional Protocol to  treatment.
the ICCPR.3 Of the 17 prisoners on death The French authorities opened an inquiry
row, at least five were sentenced to death for into the death of a child during the November
crimes committed when they were below 18 2016 Operation Barkhane involving French
years of age.4 soldiers. The results had not been made
public by the end of 2017. In December the
spokesman for the French Army said that the
1. Maldives: Opposition MP must get a fair trial (News story, 22
September) internal inquiry did not reveal any individual
2. Maldives: Killing of popular blogger an attack on freedom of
or collective responsibility.
expression (News story, 23 April)
3. Maldives: Halt first execution in more than 60 years (News story, 20
July) Attacks in the central regions of Mopti and
4. Maldives to resume executions by September (ASA 29/7007/2017) Ségou increased during the year. A rise in the
presence of armed groups and in local
recruitment aggravated tensions between
MALI different ethnic groups. In February, 20
people were killed and 18 others injured
when unidentified assailants attacked
Republic of Mali
Head of state: Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta members of the Fulani community. The
Head of government: Soumeylou Boubeye Maiga attack followed the killing of a well-known
(replaced Abdoulaye Idrissa Maïga in December, who opponent of radical influences in Ségou
replaced Modibo Keïta in April) region.
Between January and September,
A bill for the protection of human rights MINUSMA recorded at least 155 attacks
defenders was adopted by the National against its own peacekeeping forces, the
Assembly in December. The government Malian security forces and French soldiers
postponed the revision of the Constitution involved in Operation Barkhane. Throughout
following protests. Full implementation of the year, more than 30 MINUSMA-related
the 2015 Algiers peace agreement personnel, including civilians and
remained delayed. Joint operations between contractors, were killed by armed groups.
the Malian army and some armed groups Most attacks were claimed by the Group for
began in Gao under the Operational the Support of Islam and Muslims. Victims
Coordination Mechanism. included eight children.
In June, five people were killed and 10
INTERNATIONAL SCRUTINY wounded during an attack by an armed
The UN Independent Expert on the situation group on a hotel on the outskirts of the
of human rights in Mali and the UN capital, Bamako.
Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization In July, armed men beat 10 women who
Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) raised concerns were part of a wedding party. In August, 12
about serious security threats in the northern women who were not wearing a veil were
and central regions, which put civilians at risk flogged in Mopti.
and hampered their access to basic social At the end of the year at least eight people
services. During the year MINUSMA remained held hostage by armed groups
documented 252 cases of human rights following their abductions in Mali, Burkina
violations by security forces and armed Faso and Niger over the last three years. The
groups involving more than 650 victims. The eight included three women – Beatrice

252 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

Stockly, a Swiss missionary, Gloria Cecilia violations, had not been implemented by the
Agoti Narvaez, a Colombian missionary, and end of the year.
Sophie Petronin (French) – as well as Julian In August, the former head of the police unit
Ghergut (Romanian); Jeffery Woundke (US); of the Movement for Oneness and Jihad in
Ken Eliott (Australian); and Malian nationals West Africa, Aliou Mahamane Touré, was
Mamadou Diawara and Soungalo. convicted of “violation of internal security,
illegal possession of weapons of war, criminal
FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION conspiracy and aggravated assault” by the
Freedom of speech was under threat in the Bamako Assizes Court and sentenced to 10
run-up to a referendum on amendments to years’ imprisonment.
the Constitution. The trial of General Amadou Haya Sanogo
In June, at least eight people were injured in relation to the abduction and murder of 21
when protesters against the constitutional soldiers in April 2012 had not recommenced
changes clashed with police using tear gas after it was postponed in December 2016.
and batons. The postponement followed a ruling that DNA
Physical and verbal threats against tests were held inadmissible because the
opponents of the referendum were reported correct legal procedure had not
in July. Also in July, Maliba FM radio been followed.
journalist Mohamed Youssouf Bathily, known
as Ras Bath, was sentenced to one year’s RIGHT TO EDUCATION
imprisonment for “incitement to military The UN Independent Expert on the situation
disobedience” following criticisms of the of human rights in Mali expressed concern
army in 2016. In November, he was about the high number of schools closed due
acquitted by the Bamako Court of Appeal. to insecurity in central and northern parts of
the country, depriving more than 150,000
DETENTION children of their right to education.
Prisons remained overcrowded and Throughout the year, more than 500
conditions were poor. At the end of the year, schools in Gao, Kidal, Ségou, Mopti and
the Bamako Central Prison housed 1,947 Timbuktu remained closed. Many schools,
detainees despite a capacity of 400. Of those notably in Niono, Macina and Tenenkou,
held, 581 had been convicted and 1,366 were threatened with attack by armed groups
were awaiting trial. Detainees held since if they did not either close or convert to
2013 on terrorism charges were not Qur’anic teaching. In May, an armed group
permitted to leave their cramped and poorly burned down a school in Mopti, threatening
ventilated prison cells, even for exercise. further attacks against non-Qur’anic schools.
Detainees continued to be held at an Despite Article 39 of the peace agreement
unofficial detention centre known as the committing all signatories to pay particular
“Sécurité d’Etat”. attention to education for all, armed groups
continued to occupy some schools.
Efforts to tackle impunity faltered as several INTERNATIONAL JUSTICE
high-profile trials related to abuses In August, the International Criminal Court
committed in northern Mali during the held Ahmad Al Faqi Al Mahdi liable for €2.7
2012-2013 occupation failed to make  million in individual and collective
significant progress. The 2015 peace reparations. He was convicted in 2016 of the
agreement, which recommended the war crime of intentionally directing attacks
establishment of an international commission against religious and historic buildings in
of inquiry to investigate crimes under Timbuktu, and sentenced to nine years’
international law including war crimes, imprisonment. ICC investigations into alleged
crimes against humanity and human rights

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 253

war crimes committed since January 2012 in showed that Italian navy and coastguard
Mali were ongoing. officials were reluctant to deploy the Italian
warship Libra which was the closest to the
boat in distress, notwithstanding repeated
MALTA requests by Maltese authorities to do so.
Criminal proceedings and investigations
Republic of Malta against some of the Italian navy and
Head of state: Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca coastguard officials involved were ongoing in
Head of government: Joseph Muscat Italy at the end of the year. No investigation
was known to have been initiated by the
New information emerged regarding the Maltese authorities into the incident.
2013 shipwreck in which many Syrian In August, Maltese authorities denied
refugees died. It exposed Italy’s reluctance authorization to disembark three Libyan
to assist Maltese authorities in rescuing the asylum-seekers from the rescue boat Golfo
boat in distress. Malta denied three Libyan Azzurro, operated by the NGO Proactiva
asylum-seekers who were rescued within its Open Arms. The three men had been
search and rescue region permission to rescued within Malta’s search and rescue
disembark. The authorities admitted 168 region in the central Mediterranean. After
asylum-seekers under the EU relocation three days of negotiations between Malta and
programme, a higher number than they had Italy over which country should take the
committed to. Marriage rights were asylum-seekers, Italy accepted the request
extended to same-sex couples. Abortion and the three men were taken to Sicily.
remained prohibited in all circumstances. Malta received 168 refugees and asylum-
seekers from Greece and Italy, more than the
BACKGROUND 131 it legally committed to accept under the
In October, journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia EU relocation programme, which closed on
was killed in a car bomb explosion. She had 26 September.
been critical of the government and
investigated organized crime, corruption RIGHTS OF LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL,
including against politicians, and the Maltese TRANSGENDER AND INTERSEX PEOPLE
chapter of the so-called “Panama Papers” – In July, marriage equality legislation was
leaked files from an offshore law firm approved by Parliament. The new law
regarding tax havens and their users. The extended full marriage rights to same-sex
government was under pressure from the EU couples.
and others to ensure a thorough and
independent investigation into Daphne SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS
Caruana Galizia’s death. In December, three Abortion remained prohibited in all
men were charged with her murder and circumstances. Women were denied access
remanded in custody. to abortion even when the life of the pregnant
woman was at risk.
In May, the Italian magazine L’Espresso
published new information regarding the
shipwreck that occurred on 11 October 2013
in the Maltese search and rescue region of Islamic Republic of Mauritania
the central Mediterranean. Over 260 people Head of state: Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz
died, mostly Syrian refugees, many of them Head of government: Yahya Ould Hademine
children. The magazine reported that phone
conversations held in the period immediately Human rights defenders, bloggers, anti-
preceding the capsizing of the refugees’ boat slavery activists and other opponents of the

254 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

government were intimidated, attacked and One of them was released without charge
prosecuted for their peaceful activities. after three days; the others were charged
Freedoms of expression, association and with belonging to an unauthorized
peaceful assembly were restricted. organization and released six days later.
International human rights activists were Ahead of the August referendum, the Office
refused entry to the country. Torture and of the UN High Commissioner for Human
other ill-treatment in custody was common. Rights expressed concern about the
Haratine and Afro-Mauritanian people faced authorities’ apparent suppression of dissent
systematic discrimination. Slavery practices and the reported use of excessive force
persist. against protest leaders.
Five days after the referendum, Senator
BACKGROUND Mohamed Ould Ghadda, who opposed the
In March, the Senate rejected a proposal to vote, was arrested and charged with
amend the 1991 Constitution. The authorities corruption. He remained in detention without
called a referendum for August; the majority trial at the end of the year. Three weeks later,
voted to abolish the Senate. 12 Senators and four journalists were
questioned by a judge regarding allegations
FREEDOMS OF EXPRESSION, that they received financial support from a
ASSOCIATION AND ASSEMBLY businessman. They were required to sign
Security forces continued to intimidate and weekly at the police station while the police
attack bloggers, human rights defenders and were investigating the allegations.
others who criticized the government. In November, the Appeal Court of
Anti-slavery activists, among them prisoners Nouadhibou commuted the death sentence
of conscience, were detained. Abdallahi of blogger Mohamed Mkhaïtir to two years’
Abdou Diop was released in January after imprisonment. He was convicted in
serving a six-month prison sentence. December 2014 of apostasy for writing a blog
Abdallahi Maatalla Seck and Moussa Biram critical of those who used Islam to foster
remained in Bir Moghrein prison, more than discrimination against Moulamines
1,000km from their homes, since July 2016. (blacksmiths) and had been held since
The three prisoners of conscience were January 2014. Although he was scheduled
convicted on charges including participating for release at the end of the year, he
in an unauthorized gathering and remained in custody; his family and his
membership of an unauthorized association. lawyers were not able to visit him or confirm
In April, the security forces used tear gas his whereabouts.
and batons to repress a peaceful protest in In November, 15 human rights defenders
the capital, Nouakchott, that was organized were arrested in the southern town of Kaédi
by youth groups calling for policies to address by plain clothes men who identified
youth unemployment and to support young themselves as members of the Battalion for
people. At least 26 people were arrested. Presidential Security. They had been
Most of them were released the same day, distributing leaflets and holding banners
but 10 were detained for four days, charged calling for justice for their relatives who had
with participating in an unauthorized been unlawfully killed between 1989 and
gathering. The court in Nouakchott gave one 1991. They were taken to a military base and
woman a three-month suspended prison questioned about their activities. Ten were
sentence, which was overturned on appeal. released the same day and five were
The others were acquitted. transferred to a police station and detained
On 23 April, police arrested seven people, for six days, without access to a lawyer,
of whom four were foreign nationals and two before being released without charge.
were children, in connection with their International human rights activists and
attending a religious service in Nouakchott. NGOs were refused access to Mauritania

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 255

throughout the year. In May, a foreign lawyer without adequate access to food, education,
and journalist carrying out research into water, sanitation and health care. The Special
slavery were asked to leave the country. In Rapporteur stressed that despite Mauritania’s
September, US anti-slavery activists were obligations under international human rights
denied entry visas when they arrived at treaties, there was a complete absence of
Nouakchott International Airport. In prenatal and postnatal care in rural areas. He
November, the authorities refused an also highlighted that Haratines and Afro-
Amnesty International delegation access to Mauritanians, who constituted an estimated
the country. two thirds of the population, were excluded
from many areas of economic and social life.
TORTURE AND OTHER ILL-TREATMENT In addition, the fact that the government had
Detainees reported that they were tortured not collected statistics on the numbers of
during pre-trial detention in order to extract Haratine and Afro-Mauritanian people in the
confessions and to intimidate them. People country, served to render their needs and
held in police stations including the rights invisible.
Commissariat in Nouakchott were routinely
placed in prolonged solitary confinement − a REFUGEES’ AND MIGRANTS’ RIGHTS
type of detention condemned by the UN In his March report, the UN Special
Human Rights Committee as a violation of Rapporteur on torture expressed concerns
the prohibition of torture or other cruel, about the collective expulsion of irregular
inhuman or degrading treatment. migrants and refugees who were often
In his March report, the UN Special abandoned on the southern border with
Rapporteur on torture acknowledged that Senegal which could contravene the principle
while torture and other ill-treatment was no of non-refoulement. During a visit to a site
longer “rampant”, it occurred frequently. He where irregular migrants were held in
expressed concern that the “culture of Nouakchott, he said that the 20 to 30
torture” persisted in police and gendarmerie detainees had no toilet facilities and had
units, and that torture continued to be used insufficient room to lie or even sit down to
to extract confessions. The Special sleep.
Rapporteur noted that the practice of
detaining terrorism suspects for up to 45
days without access to legal representation
was excessive; oversight mechanisms for the
investigation of allegations of torture and United Mexican States
other ill-treatment lacked due diligence and Head of state and government: Enrique Peña Nieto
were slow; existing laws and safeguards
needed to be expanded and implemented; Violence increased throughout Mexico. The
and that there was no significant armed forces continued to undertake
improvement in detention conditions, such as regular policing functions. Human rights
overcrowding, poor sanitation and inadequate defenders and journalists were threatened,
nutrition. attacked and killed; digital attacks and
surveillance were particularly common.
ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL Widespread arbitrary detentions continued
RIGHTS to lead to torture and other ill-treatment,
In his report in March the UN Special enforced disappearances and extrajudicial
Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human executions. Impunity persisted for human
rights concluded that while the government rights violations and crimes under
had made progress in alleviating poverty in international law. Mexico received a record
recent years, a large proportion of the number of asylum claims, mostly from
population continued to live in poverty nationals of El Salvador, Honduras,

256 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

Guatemala and Venezuela. Violence against the year. In August, civil society organizations
women remained a major concern; new data and opinion leaders presented a proposal for
showed that two thirds of women had the design of this institution.
experienced gender-based violence during In October, the acting Attorney General
their lives. The rights to housing and removed the Special Prosecutor for Electoral
education were compromised by two major Crimes, regarded as independent by different
earthquakes. political forces, after he publicly reported
being subjected to political pressure to
BACKGROUND disregard a high-profile corruption case.
Early in the year an increase in gas prices
caused social unrest, including road POLICE AND SECURITY FORCES
blockages, lootings and protests throughout There was a marked increase in the number
the country, leading to hundreds of arrests of homicides, with 42,583 recorded
and some fatalities. Throughout the year, nationally, the highest annual number of
security forces carried out a number of homicides registered by authorities since the
operations to crack down on a spate of start of the presidential term in December
clandestine robberies of petroleum. At least 2012. The real number may be higher, with
one of these security operations resulted in a some crimes not being reported to police,
likely extrajudicial execution by the army in and not all of those reported triggering official
May. The National Human Rights action.
Commission raised concerns over deficient In December, Congress passed a Law on
security measures in prisons that affected the Interior Security enabling the prolonged
rights of people deprived of their liberty. presence of the armed forces in regular
There were riots in prisons including in the policing functions without any effective
states of Nuevo León and Guerrero, and a provisions for transparency, accountability or
hunger strike in the federal maximum civilian oversight.
security prison at Puente Grande, Jalisco
The new adversarial criminal justice system, Arbitrary arrests and detentions remained
fully operational since June 2016, continued widespread, and often led to further human
to replicate problems from the old rights violations including torture and other
inquisitorial system, including violations of ill-treatment, enforced disappearances and
the presumption of innocence and the use of extrajudicial executions. Arbitrary arrests
evidence collected in violation of human often included the planting of evidence,
rights and other illicit evidence. Bills were commonly guns and illicit drugs, by law
introduced in Congress that would weaken enforcement officials. Authorities appeared to
fair trial guarantees and expand the scope of especially target those who had historically
mandatory pre-trial detention without a case- faced discrimination, in particular young men
by-case assessment by a judge. living in poverty.
Congress approved long-overdue laws The police routinely disregarded their
against torture and other ill-treatment and obligations during and following an arrest.
against enforced disappearance by state They usually did not inform the persons of
actors and disappearances committed by the reasons for the arrest or of their rights,
non-state actors. Legal reforms allowed the such as the right to legal counsel and to
use of cannabis for medical purposes. communicate with their families. Unjustified
Sustained public debates over the delays in bringing the detainee before the
transformation of the federal Attorney relevant authorities were common and often
General’s Office, responsible for law enabled other human rights violations. Police
enforcement and prosecution, into an reports of arrests often contained significant
independent body were conducted during errors, fabricated information and other

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 257

serious flaws, including inaccuracies in almost absolute impunity. The official
recording date and time of arrest. National Register of Missing and Disappeared
The reasons for arbitrary arrests were Persons indicated that the fate or
varied, but included: to extort money from whereabouts of 34,656 people (25,682 men
detainees; to detain a particular individual in and 8,974 women) remained unclarified. The
return for payment from a third party; for actual numbers were higher because the
politically motivated reasons; and to official figure excluded federal pre-2014
investigate detainees in connection with cases and cases classified as other criminal
another crime by detaining them for a offences such as hostage-taking or human
misdemeanour that they usually had not trafficking.
committed. Investigations into cases of missing persons
There was no unified and accessible continued to be flawed and authorities
register of detention, consistent with generally failed to immediately initiate
international human rights law and searches for the victims. Impunity for these
standards, in which every detention by law crimes continued, including in the case of 43
enforcement officials is recorded in real students from the Ayotzinapa teacher training
time.1 college who were forcibly disappeared in
Guerrero state in 2014. The investigations
TORTURE AND OTHER ILL-TREATMENT into the case made little progress during the
In February, the UN Special Rapporteur on year. In March, in a hearing before the Inter-
torture issued a follow-up report to a previous American Commission on Human Rights,
visit to Mexico in 2014; the report concluded state representatives reasserted the
that torture and other ill-treatment remained government’s version of events that the
widespread, including the alarming use of students had been killed and burned in a
sexual violence as a frequent method of local rubbish dump − a theory that was
torture. proved to be scientifically impossible by the
In June, a new general law on torture came Interdisciplinary Group of Independent
into force, replacing existing state and federal Experts appointed by the Commission.
laws with nationwide application. Civil society In October, Congress passed a general law
organizations welcomed it as an advance that on disappearances that defined the crime in
better incorporated international standards accordance with international law and
compared to the previous legislation. The provided tools to prevent and prosecute it.
Special Unit on Torture of the Federal The implementation of the law was expected
Attorney General’s Office reported 4,390 to require a sufficient budget allocation in the
cases of torture under revision at the federal following years.
level and commenced 777 investigations
under the new adversarial justice system. EXTRAJUDICIAL EXECUTIONS
Federal authorities did not announce any Cases of extrajudicial executions were not
new criminal charges against public officials, properly investigated and perpetrators
nor provide any information on arrests made continued to enjoy impunity. For the fourth
for the crime of torture. In Quintana Roo consecutive year, the authorities failed to
state, a federal judge sentenced a former publish the number of people killed or
policeman to five years’ imprisonment for the wounded in clashes with the police and
crime of torture. military forces. No information was made
available regarding criminal charges in the
ENFORCED DISAPPEARANCES cases of Tlatlaya, Mexico state, where
Enforced disappearances with the soldiers killed 22 people in 2014;
involvement of the state and disappearances Apatzingán, Michoacán state, where federal
committed by non-state actors continued to police and other security forces killed at least
be common and those responsible enjoyed 16 people in 2015; and Tanhuato,

258 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

Michoacán state, where the security forces The Unit for the Investigation of Crimes
killed 43 people during a security operation against Migrants of the Attorney General’s
in 2015. Office marked two years in operation, yet
On 3 May, military personnel carried out remained marred by institutional challenges
public security operations in Palmarito in its operation and problems in co-ordinating
Tochapan town, Puebla state, and reported with other authorities. These problems limited
that seven people died, including four advances in criminal investigations, including
soldiers. Days later, video footage from into massacres of migrants, that remained
security cameras installed at the location shrouded by impunity.
were published on the internet. One of the In August, a citizen consultative body
videos clearly showed a person in military published research demonstrating the
uniform shooting dead a man lying on the involvement of the National Migration
floor. Amnesty International independently Institute in a number of human rights
verified the video and concluded that there violations against those deprived of liberty in
was sufficient reason to believe that an migration detention centres run by the
extrajudicial execution took place.2 Institute. Violations included overcrowding,
lack of access to adequate medical services,
REFUGEES’ AND MIGRANTS’ RIGHTS solitary confinement used as punishment,
A total of 8,703 asylum claims were lodged allegations of torture and other ill-treatment.
between January and August, a similar The authorities denied allegations of torture
number as for the whole of 2016. The committed by the Institute, despite the
percentage of claims that resulted in the National Human Rights Commission having
granting of refugee status decreased from also confirmed evidence of torture on prior
35% in 2016 to 12% in 2017. The majority of occasions.
asylum claims came from Honduran and
Venezuelan nationals, the latter surpassing HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS
for the first time the number of refugees and AND JOURNALISTS
asylum-seekers from El Salvador and Human rights defenders and journalists
Guatemala. continued to be threatened, harassed,
Between January and November, 88,741 attacked and killed.
irregular migrants were detained and 74,604 At least 12 journalists were killed, the
deported, in most cases without the highest number recorded in one year since
opportunity to challenge their deportation. Of 2000. They included prize-winning journalist
those deported, 94% were from Honduras, Javier Valdez, founder of the newspaper
Guatemala and El Salvador, countries which Ríodoce, who was killed on 15 May in Sinaloa
have registered some of the highest homicide state. Many of the killings of journalists
rates in the world in recent years, and 20% of occurred in daylight in public places. The
those deported to these countries were authorities made no significant advances into
children. In February, Mexico’s Foreign the investigations of these killings. The
Minister announced that Mexico would not Special Prosecutor’s Unit for Attention to
receive foreign nationals turned back from Crimes against Freedom of Expression failed
the USA under the US Border Control to investigate the journalists’ work as a
Executive Order announced by US President possible motive in the majority of cases of
Donald Trump on 25 January. attacks. The federal Mechanism to Protect
In June, the government met with North Human Rights Defenders and Journalists left
American and Central American human rights defenders and journalists
governments, ostensibly to tackle the root inadequately protected.
causes of the regional refugee crisis; they did Former Goldman Prize winner Isidro
not publish any agreements reached. Baldenegro López and Juan Ontiveros
Ramos, two Indigenous human rights

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 259

defenders of the Raramuri (Tarahumara) violence against women and girls. By the end
Indigenous People, were killed in January of the year, the Alerts mechanisms were not
and February respectively. In May, Miriam shown to have reduced gender-based
Rodríguez, a human rights defender leading violence against women and girls.
the search for her daughter and other
disappeared persons in Tamaulipas, was RIGHTS OF LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL,
killed. In July, Mario Luna Romero, leader of TRANSGENDER AND INTERSEX PEOPLE
the Indigenous Yaqui People in Sonora state Same-sex couples were able to marry in
and beneficiary of protection measures from Mexico City and 11 states without recourse to
the federal protection mechanism, was judicial proceedings. Couples in states where
subjected to an intrusion in his house by laws or administrative practice did not allow
unidentified assailants who set fire to his for same-sex marriage had to file a
partner’s car. constitutional complaint (amparo) before
In January, it became known that a network federal tribunals to have their case reviewed
of people was using the internet to harass and their rights recognized.
and threaten human rights defenders and Supreme Court rulings continued to uphold
journalists throughout Mexico.3 In June, same-sex couples’ rights to marry and to
evidence emerged of surveillance against adopt children without being discriminated
journalists and human rights defenders using against on the basis of sexual orientation and
software that the government was known to gender identity. In March, the Supreme Court
have purchased. The federal Mechanism to ruled unconstitutional the Law of the Institute
Protect Human Rights Defenders and of Security and Social Services for State
Journalists provided no strategy to respond to Workers because it protected only different-
digital attacks and unlawful surveillance for sex couples’ rights.
those who have been granted protection
VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND GIRLS Two earthquakes in September had a serious
Gender-based violence against women and impact on vast areas, mostly in central and
girls was widespread. Most of the cases were southern Mexico. More than 360 people
inadequately investigated and perpetrators died; in Mexico City the majority of fatalities
enjoyed impunity. Sufficient and current data were women. According to official figures,
on gender-based killings was not available. more than 150,000 households were affected
However, official data for 2016 was published and at least 250,000 people were made
indicating that 2,668 women were homeless.
considered to be victims of homicide, The government implemented survivor
pending further investigations. rescue and emergency care actions with the
In August, the National Institute of Statistics participation of both civil and military
and Geography published a survey estimating personnel and with the support of the
that 66.1% of girls and women aged 15 or international community. However, several
above had experienced gender-based reports emerged of inadequate co-ordination
violence at least once in their lives, and that among authorities, inaccurate and untimely
43.5% of women had experienced gender- information on the rescue and recovery of
based violence committed by their partners. bodies, illegal commandeering of food and
Mechanisms known as “Alerts of gender- other essential services meant for survivors,
based violence against women” were active and insufficient aid deliveries to many
in 12 states. Established by the General Law devastated areas, especially in small,
on Women’s Access to a Life Free from impoverished communities.
Violence, the Alert mechanisms relied on co- Expert preliminary assessments published
ordinated efforts to confront and eradicate in the media suggested that some of the

260 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

collapsed structures might have been in changes were widely seen as benefiting the
breach of building regulations. There was no two biggest parties in Parliament, the ruling
comprehensive strategy to guarantee that Democratic Party of Moldova and the
people made homeless were provided with opposition Socialist Party of Moldova. On 19 
safe and adequate housing options. On 6 June, the Venice Commission of the Council
 October, President Peña Nieto called on of Europe issued a highly critical opinion on
affected families to organize themselves to the amendments. Most of the mainstream
rebuild their houses. media remained effectively controlled by and
Educational services, including many biased towards the Democratic Party of
primary schools, were disrupted for weeks or Moldova.
months while safety checks and
reconstruction of schools were underway. FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION
Thousands of national monuments and other A draft law on NGOs was agreed by a
culturally significant public buildings were Working Group which included
destroyed or damaged by the earthquakes. representatives of the Ministry of Justice, the
Office of the UN High Commissioner for
Human Rights, and several NGOs. The law
1. False suspicions: Arbitrary detentions by police in Mexico (AMR
41/5340/2017) was widely welcomed by civil society.
2. Mexico: Open letter to the President on a possible extrajudicial
However, in July, the Ministry of Justice
execution by the military (AMR 41/6347/2017) unexpectedly introduced three articles into
3. Mexico’s misinformation wars: How organized troll networks attack the draft without consulting the Working
and harass journalists and activists in Mexico (News story, 24 Group. These articles would compel NGOs
January) involved in broadly defined “political
activities” to publish financial reports and
disclose the origin and use of their funding,
MOLDOVA among other requirements. Non-compliance
would incur severe penalties, including hefty
Republic of Moldova fines, exclusion from the government-run
Head of state: Igor Dodon financial mechanism that facilitates and
Head of government: Pavel Filip encourages voluntary donations to NGOs by
taxpayers, and potential closure of the NGO.
The government recalled a draft law on The amendments met strong opposition from
NGOs which contained undue restrictions civil society and international organizations
for organizations that receive foreign who regarded them as undue restrictions on
funding. Nine activists were convicted of NGOs receiving foreign funding. Critics
attempting to organize mass disturbances in foresaw a stigmatizing effect on human rights
2015 and given conditional prison defenders and civil society, particularly for
sentences in an unfair trial. In May, the those critical of the authorities. In September,
LGBTI Pride in the capital Chișinău was the government recalled the draft law.
stopped by police due to alleged security
concerns, while President Igor Dodon made UNFAIR TRIALS
homophobic statements. Public spending In June, the former leader of the “Our Home
on health, education and social protection – Moldova” political party, Grigore Petrenco,
continued to fall; discrimination against and eight fellow political activists were
Roma persisted. convicted of attempting to organize mass
disturbances on 6 September 2015, received
BACKGROUND conditional prison sentences and were
In July, the Parliament adopted controversial prohibited from attending public events. The
changes to the Electoral Law despite public sentences ranged from three to
protests and international condemnation. The four and a half years. On the day of the

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 261

alleged offence, they had attempted to ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL
forcibly enter a government building during RIGHTS
an otherwise peaceful rally. Their trial faced Moldova’s third periodic report on its
multiple delays and procedural implementation of the International Covenant
infringements. on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights was
Grigore Petrenco’s lawyers, Ana Ursachi considered by the UN Committee on
and Eduard Rudenco, who also defended Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in
other high-profile clients in politically September. Particular concerns raised during
sensitive cases, continued to be subjected to the review included the continually falling
smear campaigns in pro-government media, rate of public spending on health, education
and reported harassment by the authorities in and social protection, and the persistent
connection with their work. discrimination and marginalization of Roma.
The Committee described the situation of
TORTURE AND OTHER ILL-TREATMENT Roma as a “glaring problem” and “the failure
Allegations of torture and other ill-treatment in many aspects” of the National Action Plan
in places of detention and in the criminal on Roma for 2011-2015 as “a serious cause
justice system continued to be reported. for concern”.
On the night of 26 August, Andrei Braguta,
a driver who had been arrested for speeding,
died in police custody. The authorities
claimed that he had died of pneumonia and
later admitted that Andrei Braguta had been Mongolia
beaten up by two fellow cell mates. Three Head of state: Khaltmaa Battulga (replaced Tsakhia
police officers who were on duty that night Elbegdorj in July)
and the two cell mates were arrested as Head of government: Ukhnaa Khurelsukh (replaced
criminal suspects in the case. One of the Jargaltulga Erdenebat in September)
cell mates claimed that Andrei Braguta had
already been severely beaten when placed in The death penalty was abolished as the new
the cell, and protested his and the other Criminal Code and Code of Criminal
cell mate’s innocence. The criminal Procedure came into force. Impunity for
investigation was ongoing at the end of the torture and other ill-treatment of detainees
year. and attacks against human rights defenders
continued. The economic, social and
RIGHTS OF LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, cultural rights of people living in rural areas
TRANSGENDER AND INTERSEX PEOPLE affected by mining activities, and in ger
The police cut short the 21 May Pride march areas − areas without adequate access to
after the demonstrators had walked just a few essential services − were at risk of being
hundred metres, stating that they were violated.
unable to guarantee their security in the
event of violent attacks by counter- DEATH PENALTY
demonstrators. The death penalty was abolished for all
The President publicly criticized the LGBTI crimes when the new Criminal Code came
community, described the Pride march as into force on 1 July, after its adoption in
being contrary to the country’s “traditional December 2015.1 However, in November, the
values”, and participated in a parallel newly elected President proposed
demonstration named the “Traditional Family reinstatement to the Ministry of Justice in
Festival”. response to two violent rape and murder

262 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS livestock and people. Media workers filmed
Human rights defenders continued to report mining company representatives intimidating
physical attacks and harassment by law journalists and herders. Following his visit to
enforcement authorities and private Mongolia in September, the UN Special
corporations. These human rights defenders Rapporteur on human rights and the
included students with disabilities acting as environment called for consultation with local
whistleblowers exposing discrimination and communities before mining permits were
sexual abuse in a school, and journalists issued, and for improved standards to ensure
trying to report human rights issues such as safe operation.
gender-based violence. Existing laws failed to
protect them from harassment and RIGHT TO HOUSING AND FORCED
unjustified interference with their privacy. EVICTIONS
Residents in the ger areas of the capital,
TORTURE AND OTHER ILL-TREATMENT Ulaanbaatar, continued to live with the
Impunity and under-reporting of torture and possibility of forced eviction due to urban
other ill-treatment of individuals in detention, redevelopment, without updated information
including people with disabilities and foreign on redevelopment plans, genuine
nationals, continued in the absence of an consultation or adequate compensation.
independent, dedicated investigation Residents complained that the new local
mechanism. The new Criminal Procedure government elected in June 2016 had failed
Code becoming effective in July did not re- to implement redevelopment plans agreed
establish the previously disbanded with the previous government; the new
independent investigation unit, despite government claimed it lacked funds. These
advocacy efforts by civil society. plans included the provision of essential
components of adequate housing such as
FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION safe drinking water, sanitation and energy.
On 1 July, a new Administrative Offence Act
came into effect, allowing for increased
1. Mongolia: Death penalty confined to history as new criminal code
administrative fines including when false comes into effect (ACT 50/6646/2017)
information was published that could damage
the reputation of individuals or business
entities. A media professionals’ organization
criticized the law for being vague and overly
broad, and feared it could be excessively
used to suppress freedom of expression. Head of state: Filip Vujanović
Media companies staged a media blackout Head of government: Duško Marković
on 26 April to protest against the law, which
was subsequently passed with reduced fines. Past murders and attacks on journalists and
media workers were not resolved. The
ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL Constitutional Court found that
RIGHTS investigations into alleged torture and ill-
Authorities failed to protect traditional herders treatment failed to meet international
from the operations of mining companies that standards. The funding of NGOs was
negatively affected their livelihoods, threatened and human rights defenders
traditional culture, and access to land and were subjected to smear campaigns by
clean water. The influx of mining companies media supportive of the government.
and transporting trucks in the Dalanjargalan
subdivision of Dornogovi province caused BACKGROUND
heavy dust which severely degraded pastures Montenegro joined NATO in June. Serious
and threatened the health and safety of concerns continued about criminal

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 263

proceedings against 14 men, including alleging his membership of a drug-trafficking
Russian intelligence officers and opposition gang that he had been investigating –
leaders, who were indicted in May for “violent continued at the end of the year.
overthrow of the government” and In October, the Constitutional Court awarded
“preventing NATO accession” on election day journalist Tufik Softić EUR7,000 in
in October 2016. compensation for the ineffective investigation
into the 2007 attack on his life, continued
LACK OF ACCOUNTABILITY threats and his fear of another attempt on his
The State Prosecutor’s Office reportedly life.
reviewed seven war crimes cases, in which
all but four defendants had been acquitted, RIGHTS OF LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL,
to determine whether grounds existed to TRANSGENDER AND INTERSEX PEOPLE
reopen proceedings. In September, the In April, activists proposed a model law on
government reported it would pay the victims gender identity. In August, members of the
EUR1.35 million in compensation. NGO LGBT Forum Progress were attacked;
Proceedings opened in September against one was hospitalized.
Vlado Zmajević, who was arrested in
Montenegro in 2016 and indicted – originally ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND
by Serbia – for war crimes in Kosovo. CULTURAL RIGHTS
In January, the government cut by 25% a
TORTURE AND OTHER ILL-TREATMENT lifetime benefit, provided under the 2016 Law
In June and again in July, the Constitutional on Social and Child Protection, to mothers
Court found that the State Prosecutor’s Office with three or more children who gave up
had failed to conduct effective investigations employment. Protests followed, including a
into the alleged torture and ill-treatment 14-day hungerstrike in March. In June, the
during demonstrations in November 2015 of government abolished the benefit completely.
Branimir Vukčević and Momčilo Baranin, and Although the law was potentially
Milorad Martinović, respectively. discriminatory, beneficiaries feared that, with
Proceedings against prison officers indicted insufficient support to enable them to return
in 2016 for abusing prisoners continued to to work, the lost benefit would have a drastic
be delayed by their lawyers, with no verdict impact on their family income.
by December.
FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION Almost 1,000 Roma and Egyptian refugees
In June, the government proposed to amend who fled Kosovo in 1999 remained at Konik
the Law on Gatherings to prohibit protests in camp outside the capital, Podgorica, awaiting
front of Parliament. NGOs feared that resettlement into adequate EU-funded
amended legislation on sources of NGO apartments, 120 of which were completed in
income would potentially reduce their November.
funding, and allow the government to decide Around 800 Roma and Egyptians remained
whether new NGOs could be registered. at risk of statelessness, their applications for
JOURNALISTS regular status pending. Some 379 had only
Civil society members of a commission three years’ temporary residence. In May, the
charged with monitoring investigations into government withdrew a procedure to
violence against journalists continued to be determine statelessness from a draft Law on
denied security clearance to classified Foreigners.
documents. Four men convicted in May of grave
Investigative journalist Jovo Martinović, offences against general safety, for
detained in 2015, was released in February overloading a boat in 1999, resulting in the
after international appeals, but proceedings – deaths of 35 Roma refugees, were sentenced

264 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

in December to between six and eight years' protests. In the second half of the year,
imprisonment. prosecutors investigated at least one
protester for “false reporting” after he
claimed that the police had tortured him.
Courts also convicted and imprisoned
MOROCCO/ journalists and activists on vague and overly
broad state security and terrorism offences in
WESTERN SAHARA what amounted to punishment for their
criticism of the authorities.
Kingdom of Morocco Between May and August, security forces
Head of state: King Mohammed VI arrested and detained eight journalists and
Head of government: Saad-Eddine El bloggers over critical coverage or online
Othmani (replaced Abdelilah Benkirane in March) commentary of the protests in Rif.
Prosecutors charged them with protest-
Journalists and protesters calling for social related, state security offences. Hamid El
justice and political rights were imprisoned, Mahdaoui was convicted of inciting others to
often following unfair trials. Judicial take part in an unauthorized protest and
authorities did not adequately investigate sentenced to three months’ imprisonment
reports of torture in detention. Impunity and a fine of 20,000 dirhams (around
persisted for past human rights violations. USD2,100), increased to one year’s
Migrants continued to face excessive force imprisonment on appeal.
and detention. Courts imposed death Seven people, including journalists, activists
sentences; there were no executions. and the academic Maati Monjib, remained on
trial on charges including “threatening state
BACKGROUND security” for promoting a mobile application
Significant and sustained social justice for citizen journalism that protected users’
protests took place in Morocco’s northern Rif privacy. Journalist Ali Anouzla remained on
region. In January, Morocco rejoined the trial on trumped-up charges of “advocating,
African Union. In February, Morocco supporting and inciting terrorism” for an
submitted a request to join ECOWAS. In article he had published on the website
March, King Mohammed VI appointed Saad- in 2013.
Eddine El Othmani as head of government The authorities imposed restrictions on
following a government reshuffle. In April, the some organizations in Morocco and Western
UN Security Council extended the mandate Sahara perceived to be critical of the
of the UN Mission for the Referendum in authorities. Restrictions included continuing
Western Sahara (MINURSO) for another year obstruction of the registration of associations,
without human rights monitoring.1 In banning the activities of associations, and
September, the UN Human Rights Council expelling foreign nationals invited by such
adopted recommendations following a review associations.
of Morocco’s human rights record under the
Authorities tried and imprisoned hundreds of
FREEDOMS OF EXPRESSION AND activists involved in social or environmental
ASSOCIATION justice protests on assembly-related charges.
The authorities used Penal Code provisions Courts also used trumped-up criminal
on insult and on incitement to protest or charges for offences under ordinary law and
rebellion to prosecute and imprison charges under vaguely defined state security
journalists, bloggers and activists who and terrorism provisions to try protesters.
criticized officials or reported on human In February, gendarmes violently arrested
rights violations, corruption or popular peaceful environmental protesters including

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 265

Mohamed Akkad, causing significant sight and unnecessary force to disperse peaceful
loss in his right eye. He and 13 other people protests in Western Saharan cities including
who had protested peacefully against a stone Laayoune, Smara, Boujdour and Dakhla,
quarry near their village in Beni Oukil were particularly against those demanding Sahrawi
convicted by a court in Oujda city of self-determination and calling for the release
“obstructing public officials” and sentenced of Sahrawi prisoners. Several protesters,
to a one-month suspended prison term and bloggers and activists were imprisoned, often
fines which totalled 10,000 dirhams (around after unfair trials on trumped-up charges.
USD1,050). In a separate protest, gendarmes In September, Sahrawi blogger Walid El
arrested environmental activist Batal was released from prison in Smara after
Abderrahmane Akhidir from Imider in the serving a 10-month sentence and receiving a
Atlas Mountains. In March, a court convicted fine of 1,000 dirhams (around USD105) on
him on trumped-up charges of assault and trumped-up charges of insulting and
theft and sentenced him to a four-month assaulting public officers, damaging public
prison term. property and taking part in an armed
In April, gendarmes arrested human rights gathering.
defenders Mahjoub El Mahfoud, Miloud In July, a court in Laayoune convicted
Salim and Saif Saifeddine after they Sahrawi activist Hamza El Ansari on
participated in a protest organized by Zohra trumped-up charges of assaulting and
El Bouzidi, who self-immolated to protest insulting public officers and criminal damage
against her forced eviction from her home in for his participation in a protest in February,
the town of Sidi Hajjaj. Gendarmes also and sentenced him to one year’s
arrested Zohra El Bouzidi’s sister, Khadija El imprisonment and a fine of 10,000
Bouzidi. A court convicted the four of dirhams (around USD1,050). The court failed
assaulting and insulting public officers and to investigate his allegation that police had ill-
sentenced the three men to two-year prison treated him and forced him to sign a
terms reduced on appeal to four months, and statement while blindfolded. He was released
Khadija El Bouzidi to 10 months’ after his sentence was reduced to three
imprisonment, reduced on appeal to two months on appeal in September.
months, as well as fines of 500 dirhams
(around USD50) each. Zohra El Bouzidi died TORTURE AND OTHER ILL-TREATMENT
from her injuries in October. In October, the UN Subcommittee on
From May onward, the authorities deployed Prevention of Torture visited Morocco.
security forces on a scale unmatched in Morocco had yet to establish a National
recent years to prevent protests in the Rif Preventive Mechanism against torture.
region, and conducted mass arrests of largely Courts continued to rely on statements
peaceful protesters, including children.3 On made in custody in the absence of a lawyer
some occasions, security forces used to convict defendants, without adequately
excessive or unnecessary force. Judicial investigating allegations that statements were
authorities failed to conduct adequate forcibly obtained through torture and other ill-
investigations into the circumstances of the treatment.
deaths in August of two protesters, Imad El Between July and November, courts in Al
Attabi and Abdelhafid Haddad. Hoceima and Casablanca tried and convicted
Between July and November, courts many Rif protesters, drawing on statements
convicted many protesters in relation to that defendants claimed were coerced,
protests in Rif, sentencing them to terms of without adequately investigating their
up to 20 years’ imprisonment on charges allegations that they were tortured and
ranging from unauthorized protest to plotting otherwise ill-treated in custody.4
to undermine state security. Throughout the In July, a civilian court convicted 23 Sahrawi
year, the authorities routinely used excessive activists in connection with deadly clashes in

266 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

Gdim Izik, Western Sahara, in 2010, and REFUGEES’ AND MIGRANTS’ RIGHTS
handed down heavy sentences, including Morocco did not adopt a law on asylum but
some of life imprisonment, following their maintained its policy of allowing refugees
grossly unfair trial by a military court in access to basic rights and services, including
2013.5 The civilian court failed to adequately education. The authorities issued asylum-
investigate allegations that they were tortured seekers and refugees registered by UNHCR,
in custody and did not exclude information the UN refugee agency, with documents
tainted by torture as evidence from the protecting them against refoulement −
proceedings.6 From September, at least 10 of forcible return of individuals to a country
the 19 Sahrawi activists who remained where they risk serious human rights
imprisoned went on hunger strike against violations − without taking a decision on their
prison conditions after being separated into definitive status.
different prisons in Morocco. The authorities left a group of 25 Syrian
Detainees reported torture and other ill- refugees stranded in the buffer zone of the
treatment in police custody both in Morocco border area with Algeria for three months
and in Western Sahara. Judicial authorities before giving them protection in July.8
failed to adequately investigate these Security forces continued to participate in
allegations and hold those responsible to the summary expulsion of migrants and
account. asylum-seekers from the Spanish enclaves of
Authorities kept several detainees in Ceuta and Melilla to Morocco, and to use
prolonged solitary confinement, which excessive or unnecessary force against them.
constitutes torture or other ill-treatment. Courts imprisoned migrants for unlawful
Prisoner Ali Aarrass was held in isolation for entry, stay or exit from Moroccan territory,
more than one year.7 including some who had applied to regularize
their status, and on some occasions put them
IMPUNITY on trial without access to a lawyer.
The authorities failed to take any steps In September, two Burkina Faso nationals
towards addressing impunity for grave died after Moroccan security forces used tear
violations including systematic torture, gas against migrants attempting to enter the
enforced disappearances and extrajudicial Spanish enclave of Melilla.
executions in Morocco and Western Sahara
between 1956 and 1999, despite DEATH PENALTY
recommendations by the Equity and Courts continued to hand down death
Reconciliation Commission transitional justice sentences. No executions had been carried
body. out since 1993.


TRANSGENDER AND INTERSEX PEOPLE The Polisario Front again failed to hold to
Courts continued to imprison men under account those responsible for committing
Article 489 of the Penal Code that human rights abuses in camps under its
criminalizes consensual same-sex sexual control during the 1970s and 1980s.
relations. At least two men were sentenced to
six months’ imprisonment under Article 489.
1. UN peacekeeping force in Western Sahara must urgently monitor
Victims of homophobic attacks reported human rights (News story, 18 April)
being afraid to approach the police to file 2. Human Rights Council adopts Universal Periodic Review outcome on
complaints because of the risk of arrest Morocco (MDE 29/7141/2017)
under Article 489. 3. Morocco: Rif protesters punished with wave of mass arrests (News
story, 2 June)
4. Morocco: Dozens arrested over mass protests in Rif report torture in
custody (News story, 11 August)

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 267

5. Morocco/Western Sahara: Verdict in Sahrawi trial marred by failure to The December 2016 truce reached
adequately investigate torture claims (News story, 19 July)
between the government, led by the
6. Morocco/Western Sahara: Grant Sahrawi defendants a fair trial (MDE Mozambique Liberation Front, and the main
opposition party, Mozambique National
7. Morocco: Further information: Health risks for detainee in isolation for
Resistance (RENAMO), continued to hold in
232 days − Ali Aarrass (MDE 29/6303/2017)
2017, after three years of violent clashes.
8. Syrian refugees trapped in desert on Moroccan border with Algeria in
dire need of assistance (News story, 7 June)
Peace negotiations continued on
decentralization of government powers. The
relationship between the two leaders

MOZAMBIQUE remained tense; RENAMO leader Afonso

Dhlakama accused President Nyusi of failing
to withdraw government troops from the
Republic of Mozambique
Gorongosa region by the agreed time.
Head of state and government: Filipe Jacinto Nyusi
The government’s hidden borrowing plunged LAND DISPUTES
the country into economic crisis. Food Mining companies acquired land used by
insecurity deepened because of large-scale residents, exacerbating already existing food
land acquisition for mining which pushed insecurity which affected over 60% of people
people off land on which they depended for in rural areas who depended on the land for
subsistence. People expressing dissenting their livelihoods, and for food and water.
or critical views continued to face attacks Coal mining company Vale Mozambique
and intimidation by unidentified individuals began in 2013 to fence off land used by local
or security forces. An estimated 30,000 residents to graze their livestock and collect
people with albinism faced discrimination firewood, including in the Nhanchere area in
and feared for their lives, and at least 13 the Moatize district of Tete province. On 13 
were killed. Violence against women and June 2017, Hussen António Laitone was shot
girls remained widespread. dead by police in Nhanchere during the
community’s peaceful protest against land
BACKGROUND acquisition for mining; he had not
The Administrative Tribunal and the participated in the protest.
Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry into the
Situation of the Public Debt stated in 2016 FREEDOMS OF EXPRESSION AND
that the guarantees on the undisclosed ASSOCIATION
borrowing by the government of USD2.2 Intimidation and harassment of and attacks
billion for use in security and defence against people who expressed dissenting or
spending was illegal and unconstitutional. critical views continued.
The undisclosed loans were revealed in April Journalist and human rights activist
2016; it was projected that they would drive Armando Nenane was severely beaten on 17 
the public debt to 135% of GDP during May in the capital, Maputo, by riot police. He
2017. Local currency lost value and prices was attacked for his views on the so-called
increased substantially, a situation which was G40, a group allegedly created under the
compounded by the country’s dependence government of former President Guebuza to
on imports. discredit opponents in favour of the
Senior government officials obstructed a government. Prior to the beating, Armando
forensic audit of the loans which had been Nenane received anonymous death threats
demanded by international donors in order to by telephone. No one had been held
restore trust and to resume aid support. accountable for the attack by the end of the
Consequently, donors withheld aid pending year.
the government’s co-operation and its full On 4 October, Mahamudo Amurane, Mayor
disclosure. of the northern city of Nampula, was shot

268 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

dead in front of his house by an unidentified VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND GIRLS
gunman. Following disagreements with the There were high rates of women murdered,
leadership of the Mozambique Democratic often by men intimately known, or related, to
Movement (MDM), Mahamudo Amurane had them. In several cases, the perpetrators
announced his intention to leave the party to attempted to justify their actions by claiming
form his own party and seek re-election in the victim used witchcraft against them.
October 2018 municipal elections. On 10 January, a 31-year-old man stabbed
On 2 December, a gunman threatened to his 27-year-old wife to death with a kitchen
kill Aunício da Silva, an investigative journalist knife in Inhagoia neighbourhood on the
and editor of Ikweli, a weekly publication, in outskirts of Maputo. In February, in Vanduzi
Nampula. The gunman accused him of district, Manica province, a 27-year-old man
publishing articles that tarnished the image of decapitated his mother with a machete
Carlos Saíde, the MDM mayoral candidate for saying she had refused to serve him food. In
Nampula. May, a man killed his mother in Guru district,
Manica province, claiming she cast a spell of
DISCRIMINATION – PEOPLE WITH sexual impotence on him. In August, two
ALBINISM brothers killed their 70-year-old grandmother
An estimated 30,000 people with albinism in the Messano locality, Bilene district, Gaza
experienced discrimination and were province, after accusing her of casting a bad
ostracized; many lived in fear of their lives. luck spell on them. In September, in the
Incidents of persecution increased; at least Centro Hípico neighbourhood located on the
13 people with albinism were known to have outskirts of Chimoio, Manica province, a man
been killed although figures are likely to have killed his 80-year-old mother with an iron bar
been greater. The killings were fuelled by after accusing her of bewitching him.
superstition or myths about the magical Although, in all these cases, the suspected
powers of people with albinism. Most killings perpetrators admitted that they carried out
took place in the central and northern the killings, the authorities failed to develop,
provinces, the country’s poorest regions. resource and implement an effective strategy
A seven-year-old boy with albinism was to combat violence against women.
murdered on 31 January by four unidentified
men who broke into his house and abducted
him while the family slept, in Ngaúma
district, Niassa province. On 28 May, a group
of unidentified assailants abducted a three- Republic of the Union of Myanmar
year-old boy from his mother in Angónia Head of state and government: Htin Kyaw
district, Tete province. On 13 September, a
17-year-old youth was killed for his body The human rights situation deteriorated
parts and organs in Benga area, Moatize dramatically. Hundreds of thousands of
district, in Tete province. The attackers Rohingya fled crimes against humanity in
removed his brain, hair, and arm bones. Rakhine State to neighbouring Bangladesh;
None of those responsible for the killings those who remained continued to live under
were arrested or brought to justice by the end a system amounting to apartheid. The army
of the year. committed extensive violations of
Despite public outcry, the government did international humanitarian law. Authorities
little to address the problem. A strategy was continued to restrict humanitarian access
designed to stop the killings; however, this across the country. Restrictions on freedom
was not implemented, allegedly because of a of expression remained. There was
lack of resources. increased religious intolerance and anti-
Muslim sentiment. Impunity persisted for
past and ongoing human rights violations.

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 269

BACKGROUND Rohingya who remained in Rakhine State
The civilian-led administration, headed de continued to live under a system amounting
facto by State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi, to apartheid, which severely restricted
completed its first year in office in March. virtually every aspect of their lives and
Economic reforms stagnated, while the peace segregated them from the rest of society.2
process – aimed at bringing an end to Their rights to nationality, freedom of
decades of internal armed conflicts – stalled. movement, the highest attainable standard of
The military retained significant political health, education, work, food, freedom of
power and remained independent of civilian religion and belief, and to participate in
oversight. On 6 October, Myanmar ratified the public life were routinely and systematically
ICESCR, due to come into force in the violated on a discriminatory basis.
country on 6 January 2018. The government dismissed allegations of
human rights violations and ignored calls for
CRIMES UNDER INTERNATIONAL LAW – investigations and accountability. It signed a
CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY deal with Bangladesh to repatriate refugees
Rakhine State was plunged into crisis when subject to a verification process, and
security forces unleashed a campaign of announced that it would work to implement
violence against the predominantly Muslim Kofi Annan’s recommendations and bring
Rohingya ethnic minority in the northern part development to Rakhine State.
of the state, following co-ordinated attacks in
late August by the armed group Arakan INTERNAL ARMED CONFLICT 
Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) on Fighting between the Myanmar Army and
approximately 30 security posts. The attacks ethnic armed groups intensified in northern
took place just hours after a commission Myanmar. The Army committed wide-ranging
headed by former UN Secretary-General Kofi human rights violations against ethnic
Annan presented its recommendations to minority civilians, including extrajudicial
“prevent violence, maintain peace and foster executions and other unlawful killings,
reconciliation” in the state. enforced disappearances, arbitrary
The military, often working with Border detentions, torture and other ill-treatment and
Guard Police and local vigilantes, killed an forced labour. The Army regularly fired
undetermined number of Rohingya women, mortar and artillery shells when fighting
men and children; tortured and otherwise ill- ethnic armed groups, which often landed in
treated Rohingya women and girls, including civilian areas. In May, an 81-year-old woman
with rape and other forms of sexual violence; was killed when a mortar exploded near her
laid landmines; and burned hundreds of home in Namhkan township, northern Shan
Rohingya villages in what the UN High State.3 Several of these violations were likely
Commissioner for Human Rights described to amount to war crimes.
as a “textbook example of ethnic cleansing”. Ethnic armed groups committed violations
The conduct of the security forces amounted of international humanitarian law, including
to crimes against humanity.1 enforced disappearances, forcible
More than 655,000 Rohingya fled to recruitment and extortion. Both the Myanmar
Bangladesh as a result of the violence. Other Army and ethnic armed groups laid anti-
ethnic minority communities were also personnel landmines or landmine-like
affected, with an estimated 30,000 people weapons. Many displaced people were afraid
temporarily displaced to other parts of to return to their homes as a result.
Rakhine State. There were reports of abuses,
including killings of informants and the LACK OF HUMANITARIAN ACCESS
enforced disappearance of ethnic Rakhine Both the civilian government and the military
and Mro villagers by ARSA. continued to severely and arbitrarily restrict

270 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

humanitarian access, placing hundreds of ongoing instability, militarization in ethnic
thousands of people at risk. areas and lack of access to essential
In Rakhine State, authorities restricted aid services.
access in the wake of the August ARSA
attacks, suspending it entirely in the north of PRISONERS OF CONSCIENCE
the state. The authorities later allowed the Despite prisoner amnesties in April and May,
Red Cross Movement and the World Food prisoners of conscience remained in
Programme to operate in the area. However, detention. The authorities continued to use a
their access was limited and insufficient to range of vaguely worded laws that restricted
meet needs. In other parts of Rakhine State, the rights to freedom of expression,
access was further impaired by local tensions association and peaceful assembly to arrest
and hostility towards international aid and imprison people solely for peacefully
groups.4 exercising their rights.
The authorities further restricted access to Prisoner of conscience Lahpai Gam, an
displaced populations in northern Myanmar, ethnic Kachin farmer, remained in prison,
especially to people living in territory that was suffering from serious health conditions. He
not under government control. In February, was tortured at the time of his arrest in 2012.
the Myanmar Army prevented the delivery of The government failed to provide restitution
200 UN-stamped “dignity kits” – which to former prisoners of conscience and their
included basic sanitary supplies – for women families, such as compensation, assistance in
and girls displaced in areas controlled by the gaining access to education and employment
Kachin Independence Organization. opportunities, and other forms of reparation.


Civilians were displaced as a result of The rights to freedom of expression,
conflict, violence and natural disasters. More association and peaceful assembly remained
than 106,000 people remained internally subject to severe restrictions. There was a
displaced by the conflicts in northern surge in the number of people charged with
Myanmar. Some 120,000 people, mostly “online defamation” under Section 66(d) of
Rohingya, continued to live in squalid the 2013 Telecommunications Act.5 Following
displacement camps in Rakhine State where national and international pressure,
they have been confined for five years Parliament adopted minor amendments to
following violence in 2012. the law. However, “online defamation”
By the end of the year more than 655,000 remained a criminal offence.
Rohingya refugees had fled to Bangladesh Human rights defenders, lawyers and
following unlawful and disproportionate journalists – in particular those speaking out
military operations in northern Rakhine State. about the situation of the Rohingya, religious
In November, Myanmar and Bangladesh intolerance and violations by the military –
signed an agreement to repatriate refugees to faced surveillance, intimidation and attacks.
Myanmar even as people continued to flee On 29 January, Ko Ni, a lawyer, was shot
across the border. The entrenched and dead at Yangon International Airport while
ongoing regime amounting to apartheid in returning from an interfaith conference in
Rakhine State ensured that any returns Indonesia. At the end of the year, the trial of
would not be safe or dignified. four alleged perpetrators was still ongoing; a
Some 100,000 additional refugees from fifth suspect remained at large. In November,
Myanmar continued to live in camps in ethnic Kachin pastor Dumdaw Nawng Lat
Thailand, where they faced decreasing and his assistant Langjaw Gam were
humanitarian assistance. Many expressed imprisoned for providing assistance to
concerns about returning to Myanmar, citing journalists reporting on military air strikes

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 271

near the town of Monekoe in late 2016. Both CORPORATE ACCOUNTABILITY
men were sentenced to two years’ Thousands of families living near the
imprisonment under the Unlawful Letpadaung copper mine in Sagaing region
Associations Act. Dumdaw Nawng Lat was remained at risk of losing their homes and
sentenced to an additional two years for farmland under plans to expand the project.7
“defamation”. Villagers living close to the mine continued to
The operations of independent media protest against the project. In March, at least
outlets were increasingly restricted, and in 10 people were injured after police fired
some cases journalists were subjected to rubber bullets at a group of villagers
criminal prosecution for carrying out their protesting about the impact of trucks
work. In June, three media workers were transporting materials to the mine. According
arrested and charged with contacting an to local authorities, six police officers were
“unlawful association” after returning from an wounded by protesters using catapults.8
area controlled by an armed ethnic group In August, the Ministry of Defence rejected
operating in northern Myanmar. They were a proposal to relocate a factory producing
released after charges against them were sulphuric acid to supply the mine. Severe
dropped in August.6 In December, two risks were posed to the health of the
Reuters reporters were detained under the community living nearby. Environmental and
Official Secrets Act in connection with their human rights concerns related to the project
work reporting on the situation in Rakhine had not been addressed by the end of the
State. Both were held incommunicado for two year.
weeks and remained in detention at the end
of the year. DEATH PENALTY
Courts continued to impose death sentences
FREEDOM OF RELIGION AND BELIEF under legal provisions allowing for the
There was a sharp rise in religious imposition of the death penalty. No
intolerance and anti-Muslim sentiment in the executions were carried out.
wake of the August attacks in Rakhine State.
The government exacerbated the situation by LACK OF ACCOUNTABILITY
both allowing and directly producing hate A persistent culture of impunity remained for
speech inciting discrimination and violence in human rights violations committed by the
print and online. State media published security forces. Most perpetrators of past and
derogatory anti-Rohingya articles; current human rights violations, including
government officials published inflammatory crimes under international law, had not been
posts on social media. held accountable for their actions.
Throughout the year religious minorities, in The government failed to adequately
particular Muslims, continued to face investigate and hold to account perpetrators
discrimination. In April, two madrassas of serious human rights violations in Rakhine
(religious schools) in Yangon were closed by State, including crimes against humanity. In
local authorities and police following pressure August, an Investigation Commission
from a mob of Buddhist hardline nationalists. established by the President to probe the
In September, the Kayin State authorities October 2016 attacks and their aftermath
issued an order requiring all Muslims in the published a summary of its findings in which
state to report to local authorities before it acknowledged casualties, destruction of
travelling. Although the Kayin State Chief buildings, loss of property and displacement.
Minister later said that the order was an However, it failed to establish responsibility
“administrative error”, travel restrictions for these acts, or to state whether any action
reportedly remained in place at the end of had been taken to prosecute perpetrators.
the year. The investigation lacked independence.9 In
November, a military investigation concluded

272 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

that no human rights violations had been 7. Mountain of trouble: Human rights abuses continue at Myanmar’s
Letpadaung mine (ASA 16/5564/2017)
committed in Rakhine State following the 25
August ARSA attacks and subsequent 8. Myanmar: Investigate police use of force against protesters at
troubled mine (ASA 16/5983/2017)
military campaign.
9. Myanmar: National efforts to investigate Rakhine State violence are
inadequate (ASA 16/5758/2017)
In March the UN Human Rights Council
established an independent, international
Fact-Finding Mission to “establish the facts NAMIBIA
and circumstances” about human rights
violations and abuses, in particular in Republic of Namibia
Head of state and government: Hage Gottfried Geingob
Rakhine State. The Council requested the
Mission to present its findings in September
2018. The move was met with strong The right to adequate housing was
opposition by the government, which restricted and the situation was exacerbated
disassociated itself from the investigation and by high levels of unemployment, poverty
refused to allow the team into the country. and inequality. Eight prisoners of
A significant increase in international conscience in the long-running Caprivi trial
attention was focused on Myanmar and the were held 14 years after their arrest, on
crisis in Rakhine State following the August treason and sedition charges.
attacks. On 6 November, the UN Security
Council issued a presidential statement RIGHT TO HOUSING
calling for an end to the violence and for the Housing remained inadequate; the
restrictions on humanitarian aid to be lifted. government failed to ensure accessible,
Also in November, the UN General Assembly affordable and habitable housing. Over
adopted a resolution on the situation of 500,000 people lived in shacks or makeshift
human rights in Myanmar. In December, the settlements in urban areas while only 10% of
Human Rights Council held a special session the population could afford to buy a house
on the situation of the Rohingya and other which cost on average 800,000 Namibian
minorities. The EU and the USA suspended dollars (USD58,474) per household. Rural to
invitations to senior military officials. urban migration, high unemployment levels,
The UN Special Rapporteur on the situation low salaries, high rents and lack of available
of human rights in Myanmar faced increasing and affordable land plots with residential
restrictions on her access, and by the end of services led to inadequate housing
the year had been barred from the country particularly in the capital, Windhoek. On 28
for the remainder of her tenure. She had  March, 15 families were rendered homeless
previously raised concerns about the when Windhoek City Police arbitrarily evicted
deteriorating situation in the country. them, without an eviction notice, from their
informal settlements in Agste Laan,
Windhoek. Although the residents took their
1. “My world is finished”: Rohingya targeted by crimes against
humanity in Myanmar (ASA 16/7288/2017) case to the High Court seeking to be allowed
2. “Caged without a roof”: Apartheid in Myanmar’s Rakhine State (ASA
to stay in the settlement and have their
16/7484/2017) shacks rebuilt while their case was finalized,
3. “All the civilians suffer”: Conflict, displacement and abuse in the Court ruled against them on grounds that
northern Myanmar (ASA 16/6429/2017) they were not legally resident on the site.
4. Myanmar: Restrictions on international aid putting thousands at risk The inadequate housing in informal
(News story, 4 September) settlements was highlighted between 25 and
5. Myanmar: Repeal Section 66(d) of the 2013 Telecommunications Law 31 August when five children in the Erongo
(ASA 16/6617/2017) and Oshikoto regions died in their homes in
6. Myanmar: Release journalists immediately (News story, 26 June)

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 273

separate fires after their parents left them committee found that the main contributing
alone in corrugated shacks. factors were a harmful living environment,
The UN Independent Expert on the uncertainty about the future, an inadequate
enjoyment of all human rights by older regulatory framework (including child
persons noted that, while housing conditions protection policies), a lack of transparency in
for older people in rural areas had improved operations affecting refugees, and a failure to
since the country gained independence in hold authorities accountable for abuses. By
1990, it had worsened in urban areas the end of the year, neither the Australian nor
because of the growth of informal settlements the Nauruan authorities had taken steps to
where access to essential services like remedy the situation.
sanitation facilities and water and electricity Reports emerged during the year that the
supplies were inadequate. Spanish multinational company Ferrovial and
its Australian subsidiary Broadspectrum were
CAPRIVI DETAINEES complicit in the abuse of refugees on Nauru,
The trial of eight prisoners of conscience, and that they reaped vast profits from
accused in the long-running Caprivi case, Australia’s refugee policies. Ferrovial stated
resumed in May. Progress Kenyoka Munuma, that it would not renew its contract when it
Shine Samulandela, Manuel Manepelo expired in October.1
Makendano, Alex Sinjabata Mushakwa, In August, a medical professional reported
Diamond Samunzala Salufu, Hoster Simasiku that four refugee women were being denied
Ntombo, Fredderick Ntamilwa and John transfer to Australia to have abortions, which
Mazila Tembwe were charged and convicted are illegal on Nauru.
of treason and sedition in 2007. In 2013, the In November, a refugee died after a
Supreme Court set aside their convictions motorcycle accident; a police investigation
and sentences ranging from 30 to 32 years was under way. Later in the same month,
and ordered a retrial. However, they another refugee received head injuries in a
remained in detention pending trial, in motorcycle accident.
violation of international fair trial standards, at
the end of the year. FREEDOMS OF EXPRESSION AND
In May, three suspended parliamentarians,
NAURU who were charged and convicted for peaceful
protests in 2015, had their prison sentences
Republic of Nauru substantially increased on appeal: from three
Head of state and government: Baron Waqa months to 22 months for two defendants,
and to 14 months for the third defendant.
Refugees and asylum-seekers remained Their lawyer announced the intention of the
trapped on Nauru. They had been forcibly three defendants to appeal their conviction
sent there by the Australian government, and sentences to the High Court of Australia,
despite widespread reports of physical, which is the ultimate court of appeal under
psychological and sexual abuse. In Nauru’s legal system.
September, 27 refugees were sent to the Journalists seeking to visit Nauru remained
USA; over 1,000 remained on the island. subject to a non-refundable visa fee of
USD6,089. This severely restricted media
REFUGEES AND ASYLUM-SEEKERS freedom and hampered independent scrutiny
In April, an Australian Senate Committee of Nauru’s policies and practices.
report described numerous allegations of
physical and sexual abuse, self-harm and
1. Treasure i$land – how companies are profiting from Australia’s
neglect of refugees and asylum-seekers in abuse of refugees on Nauru (ASA 12/5942/2017)
Nauru and Papua New Guinea. The

274 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

In August, a vast area of the southern Tarai
NEPAL was flooded by monsoon rains that killed 143
people and affected 1.7 million others. More
Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal than 400,000 people were forced out of their
Head of state: Bidhya Devi Bhandari homes, with more than 1,000 homes being
Head of government: Sher Bahadur Deuba (replaced completely destroyed. Victims were given
Pushpa Kamal Dahal in June) inadequate assistance by the government,
which blocked attempts to distribute aid
Nearly 70% of people made homeless by privately. Many continued to live in
the 2015 earthquake remained in inadequate housing and poor conditions. 
temporary shelters. Thousands of people
affected by monsoon floods in the Tarai EXCESSIVE USE OF FORCE
region were not provided with adequate Security forces continued to use unnecessary
assistance, including housing. Concerns by or excessive force in response to protests in
Indigenous and Madhesi people about the Tarai, particularly over grievances relating
clauses they viewed as discriminatory in the to the Constitution. In March, five protesters
2015 Constitution remained unaddressed. were killed and 16 others injured when police
No effective investigations took place into used firearms to disperse Madhesi protesters
the use of excessive force against protesters in Saptari district.
in the Tarai. Efforts toward ensuring truth,
justice and reparations for thousands of WORKERS’ RIGHTS – MIGRANT
victims of human rights violations WORKERS
committed during the decade-long armed The government failed to deliver effective
conflict were inadequate. Nepali migrant protection for migrant workers and end the
workers continued to be subjected to culture of impunity for unlawful and criminal
extortion, fraud and bonded labour, and recruitment practices. Migrant workers were
were put at risk of further human rights systematically subjected to unlawful and
abuse in employment abroad. criminal conduct by recruitment businesses
and agents. Recruiters routinely charged
BACKGROUND migrant workers illegal and excessive fees;
Local elections were held for the first time in deceived them about the terms and
more than two decades. Parliamentary and conditions of their work abroad; and
provincial elections took place in November manipulated their consent to overseas work
and December. In October, Nepal was through the accumulation of recruitment
elected to the UN Human Rights Council. debts. Some recruiters were directly involved
in labour trafficking, which is punishable
RIGHT TO HOUSING under Nepal’s Human Trafficking and
Hundreds of thousands of survivors from the Transportation (Control) Act.
2015 earthquake (nearly 70% of those Migrants trapped in forced-labour situations
affected) were still living in temporary abroad faced extreme difficulty in accessing
shelters. The government stipulated proof of support from Nepalese embassies in order to
land ownership as a condition for receiving a return home. Recruiters rarely provided
rebuilding grant. However, since up to 25% repatriation assistance to workers when they
of the population were considered not to have encountered problems abroad despite their
met this criterion, tens of thousands of the obligations under the Foreign Employment
earthquake survivors were ineligible for these Act. The authorities failed to investigate –
grants. The situation primarily affected including through autopsies – the high
marginalized and disadvantaged groups, number of migrant worker deaths during
including women, Dalits and other caste- foreign employment.
based and ethnic minorities.

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 275

No improvements were made in the Commission and the Commission of
implementation of the government’s “Free Investigation on Enforced Disappeared
visa, free ticket” policy, which was intended Persons – had respectively collected over
to curtail recruitment charges by agencies. 60,000 and 3,000 complaints of human
Although the government made repeated rights violations, such as murder, torture and
public commitments to reduce migration enforced disappearances committed by state
costs for workers and to protect them from security forces and Maoists during the
incurring debt, it increased the burden on conflict from 1996 to 2006. Effective
migrants by raising pre-departure costs. In investigations did not take place. An acute
July, the Foreign Employment Promotion shortage of resources and capacity adversely
Board increased the amount migrant workers affected the ability of the two bodies to deliver
were required to contribute to the truth, justice and reparation.
government-administered welfare fund.
Fewer than 100 recruitment agencies were IMPUNITY
fined or referred to the Foreign Employment Impunity remained entrenched. Political
Tribunal for violations of Nepal’s foreign parties resisted amending transitional justice
employment laws, even though more than laws in what was widely perceived as a
8,000 migrant workers filed cases against prioritization of reconciliation and monetary
recruitment agents. The Foreign Employment compensation over truth, justice and
Act 2007 stipulates that victims must file other reparations, including guarantees of
their complaints with the Department of non-repetition. No effective investigations had
Foreign Employment and restricts police from taken place into the hundreds of killings of
actively investigating recruitment businesses demonstrators by security forces since 1990
for their violations of Nepal’s criminal in various parts of the country, including the
legislation. Recruitment businesses Tarai.
continued to use their political influence to
prevent investigation, prosecution and DISCRIMINATION
redress for their routine abuse and Discrimination persisted on the bases of
exploitation of migrants. gender, caste, class, ethnic origin, sexual
orientation, gender identity and religion.
TORTURE AND OTHER ILL-TREATMENT Constitutional amendments did not fully
The criminal investigation system remained guarantee equal rights to citizenship for
archaic and draconian. Torture and other ill- women, nor provide protection from
treatment was widespread in pre-trial discrimination to marginalized communities
detention to extract “confessions”. including Dalits and other caste-based and
The new Criminal Code passed by ethnic minorities, and lesbian, gay, bisexual,
Parliament in August contained transgender and intersex people.
provisions criminalizing torture and other ill- The provisions for punishment and
treatment, with a maximum of five years’ the statutory limitations relating to rape in the
imprisonment. A separate anti-torture bill, new Criminal Code were still far short of
which remained pending in Parliament, fell international law and standards. Gender-
far short of international legal requirements. based discrimination continued to undermine
women’s and girls’ ability to control their
TRANSITIONAL JUSTICE sexuality and make informed choices related
The government did not amend the to reproduction; to challenge early and forced
Investigation of the Disappeared Persons, marriages; and enjoy adequate antenatal and
Truth and Reconciliation Commission Act maternal health care.
2014 as ordered by the Supreme Court in
2014 and 2015. By the end of the year, two
bodies – the Truth and Reconciliation

276 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

NETHERLANDS In March, two anti-terrorism laws came into
force for individuals suspected of being a
Kingdom of the Netherlands threat to national security. The first allowed
Head of state: King Willem-Alexander for administrative control measures on
Head of government: Mark Rutte individuals, including travel bans and
restrictions on movement and contact with
Undocumented migrants continued to be certain persons, without providing sufficient
deprived of their rights. New security safeguards against arbitrary and
legislation threatened to undermine human discriminatory use. The second
rights and the rule of law. Ethnic profiling administrative law enabled the revocation of
by police continued to be a pressing Dutch nationality of dual citizens who are
concern, as was the use of Tasers in day-to- suspected of having travelled abroad to join
day policing. an armed group. The laws did not provide for
a meaningful and effective appeal.
REFUGEES’ AND MIGRANTS’ RIGHTS In July, the law on the Intelligence and
The number of people in immigration Security Services was adopted. It gave
detention increased, after years of decline. sweeping surveillance powers to intelligence
Insufficient attention was given by the and security services, threatening the rights
authorities to alternatives to detention, while to privacy, freedom of expression and non-
the necessity and proportionality of an discrimination. Safeguards against abuse of
individual’s (continued) detention were also these powers were insufficient. Serious
insufficiently assessed. A draft law on concerns remained about the possibility of
amending immigration detention rules was information-sharing with intelligence agencies
pending at the end of the year. Although the in countries that might use such information
bill offered minor improvements, the to target human rights defenders and
detention regime would remain “prison-like” government opponents.
in terms of facilities, detention conditions and Any person suspected or convicted of
the use of disciplinary measures, including terrorism-related offences continued to be
isolation cells and use of handcuffs. automatically placed in a specialized high-
Despite a deteriorating security situation in security prison where they were subjected to
Afghanistan, the Netherlands continued to inhuman and degrading treatment.
forcibly return asylum-seekers whose claims
were rejected to Afghanistan, including POLICE AND SECURITY FORCES
families with children, in breach of the In order to address ongoing ethnic profiling,
principle of non-refoulement. the police introduced a professional standard
and a training module to promote the fair and
RIGHT TO AN ADEQUATE STANDARD OF effective use of their stop-and-search powers.
LIVING However, the impact of this remained
The authorities remained unwilling to unclear, as there was no systematic
implement a recommendation by the UN monitoring and recording of how these stop-
Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural and-search powers were executed in
Rights to put in place a comprehensive practice.
strategy to ensure that everyone, including In February, the police began piloting the
undocumented migrants, enjoys the use of Taser X2 electro-shock weapons.
minimum essential levels of all Covenant Police records between February and August
rights (such as the rights to food, housing, showed that Tasers were used in situations
health, water and sanitation) and ensure this where there was no imminent threat of death
is supported by adequate funding. or serious injury. In almost half of the cases,
persons were tasered in direct contact mode,

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 277

including when already handcuffed, inside a and/or waist restraints in at-risk units was
police cell or vehicle, and in a separation cell found to amount to cruel, inhuman or
in a psychiatric hospital. This usage is degrading treatment or punishment. The
inconsistent with international human rights separation of children and young people in
standards. “secure care” units in “care and protection”
residences was found to be inappropriate.
A government proposal for a ban on face- REFUGEES AND ASYLUM-SEEKERS
coverings in certain public spaces was The government announced the framework
pending before the Senate at the end of the for its pilot community sponsorship
year. The ban would restrict the rights to programme for refugee resettlement, to begin
freedom of religion and of expression, at the end of the year. The new refugee
particularly of Muslim women. category allows community groups to sponsor
25 refugees to enter New Zealand.


A UNICEF report raised concern over the
New Zealand health and wellbeing of children in New
Head of state: Queen Elizabeth II, represented by Zealand, due to the high rates of teen
Patricia Lee Reddy pregnancy, neonatal mortality and the high
Head of government: Jacinda Ardern (replaced Bill teen suicide rate. The UN Committee on the
English in October) Elimination of Racial Discrimination
recommended the establishment of an
New Zealand received criticism about its independent inquiry into abuse suffered by
mental health services, detention facilities, children, the vast majority Māori, in state care
high rates of Indigenous Māori between the 1950s and 1990s.
representation in the criminal justice
system, and about poor health and INTERNATIONAL JUSTICE
wellbeing among children.  The authorities declined to hold an
independent inquiry into allegations that the
JUSTICE SYSTEM New Zealand Defence Force committed
The Waitangi Tribunal, a permanent crimes under international law during a raid
commission of inquiry, found that the in Afghanistan in 2010, resulting in civilian
government had failed to prioritize the deaths. Lawyers filed a civil lawsuit calling for
reduction of the high rate of recidivism a judicial review on behalf of the alleged
among Māori and had breached its Treaty of Afghan victims.
Waitangi obligations. The commission called
for urgent practical action to reduce the RIGHT TO HEALTH
number. The National Preventive Mechanism The Auditor-General found that problems
found that Māori were disproportionally with access to housing, rehabilitation and
represented in all detention centres. Mental other services led to patients being kept in
health and disability in detention continued to mental health units for years.
be a concern. Separate reviews by the
Ombudsman and an independent expert
commissioned by the Human Rights
Commission highlighted the high use of
prolonged solitary confinement and restraint
practices in places of detention and the over-
representation of ethnic minority groups in
these incidents. The use of “tie-down beds”

278 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

NICARAGUA Impunity persisted for crimes such as
killings, rapes, kidnappings, enforced
Republic of Nicaragua disappearances, death threats and forced
Head of state and government: Daniel Ortega Saavedra displacement of Indigenous Peoples in the
North Atlantic Autonomous Region, even
Gender-based killings became increasingly though both the Inter-American Commission
brutal. Attacks against human rights on Human Rights (IACHR) and the Inter-
defenders persisted. A total ban on abortion American Court of Human Rights had
remained in place. Impunity persisted for ordered Nicaragua in 2015 to adopt all
perpetrators of violence against Indigenous necessary measures to investigate those
Peoples. The authorities continued to deny crimes.
a genuine and effective consultation
process for communities likely to be HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS
affected by the construction of the Grand Attacks against women human rights
Interoceanic Canal. defenders continued, as reported at a public
hearing before the IACHR in September.
BACKGROUND Women’s civil society organizations reported
In January, Daniel Ortega assumed office as receiving death threats as well as being
President for a third consecutive term. arbitrarily detained and attacked with the
Rosario Murillo, his wife, assumed office as complicity or acquiescence of state officials.
Vice-President for the first time. In March, the Inter-American Court of
Human Rights issued its judgment in Acosta
WOMEN’S RIGHTS et al. v. Nicaragua; it found the state
Between January and December, there were responsible for having violated the rights to
55 gender-based killings of women, access to justice, truth and physical integrity
according to the NGO Catholics for the Right of human rights defender María Luisa Acosta,
to Decide. The NGO found that the killings following the murder of her husband
were more brutal than in previous years and Francisco García Valle.1 The authorities had
tended to be committed by perpetrators yet to take steps to comply with the
acting in groups. judgment, in particular to put an end to the
In June 2017, the National Assembly impunity in the case and ensure the rights to
approved an amendment to the justice and truth of María Luisa Acosta.
Comprehensive Law on Violence against In August the IACHR granted precautionary
Women; the amendment reduced the scope measures to Francisca Ramírez and her
of the definition of femicide to the private family after they were victims of death
sphere, limiting the crime to relations threats, harassment and attacks in retaliation
between spouses and partners. Critics said for her activism in opposition to the
the new definition denied the reality of construction of the Grand Interoceanic Canal.
femicides, which were also committed in
Abortion remained banned in all There continued to be no genuine and
circumstances. Nicaragua continued to have effective consultation process for those who
one of the highest teenage pregnancy and would be affected by the construction of the
maternal mortality rates in the Americas Grand Interoceanic Canal, in violation of
region, according to the UN Population Fund international human rights principles.2
(UNFPA). According to the Centre for Legal Assistance
for Indigenous Peoples, the right to free, prior
and informed consent of the Indigenous and
Afro-descendant Rama Kriol people relating

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 279

to the project had not been guaranteed, suspected Boko Haram members went on
despite several appeals lodged with the trial. Hundreds of people, including
courts. Civil society organizations noted that prisoners of conscience, were arrested and
the scale of the project, which would include prosecuted for exercising their rights to
an oil pipeline and two ports, among other freedom of expression and association.
infrastructure, would affect hundreds of Security forces used excessive force against
thousands of people and would put them at protesters. The rights of refugees and
risk of eviction. migrants were violated.
Human rights organizations and peasant
farmer communities continued to call for the BACKGROUND
repeal of Law 840, the law regulating the In March, the government declared a state of
Canal, due to its insufficient safeguards to emergency in the western areas bordering
protect Indigenous Peoples’ rights. Their Mali and extended the security forces’
demands continued to be rejected and the powers after attacks by armed groups in
authorities had yet to open a meaningful Tillabéry and Tahoua. It renewed the state of
dialogue with the communities likely to be emergency in the Diffa region, where attacks
affected by the construction of the Canal. by armed groups continued.


In November, municipal elections took place Hundreds of people, including prisoners of
in a context of violence, with at least five conscience, were arbitrarily arrested and
people reported to have been killed and 30 prosecuted for exercising their rights to
wounded in six municipalities. freedom of expression and association.
There were also reports of unnecessary and In May, Insar Abdourahmane, a member of
excessive use of force by the police against the Association of Action for Democracy and
people peacefully protesting against the Human Rights, was arrested and detained for
construction of the Canal, as well as reports more than 20 days in Agadez town for
of arbitrary detention of protesters. Human criticizing the authorities on Facebook. He
rights defenders were also reported to have was given a six-month suspended prison
been harassed and intimidated for their sentence for inciting violence.
opposition to the project. In April, security forces used excessive force
to repress a student protest in Niamey, the
capital, against the suspension of bursary
1. Nicaragua: The state must uphold, without delay, the judgment
issued by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (AMR payments and new age restrictions on welfare
43/6173/2017) payments. One student, Mala Bagallé, was
2. Danger: Rights for sale − the Interoceanic Grand Canal project in killed after being shot in the back with a tear
Nicaragua and the erosion of human rights (AMR 43/6515/2017) gas canister, and dozens were wounded. In
May, a commission of inquiry found that the
gendarmerie was responsible for the killing;
NIGER and a judicial investigation was opened.
At least 300 students, including board
The Republic of Niger members of the Niger Union of Students,
Head of state: Mahamadou Issoufou were arrested throughout the country,
Head of government: Brigi Rafini detained for a few days and released without
charge for participating in a protest and
Armed conflict continued and armed groups blocking traffic.
carried out at least 70 attacks, killing tens In May, Amadou Ali Djibo, leader of the
of civilians. The humanitarian situation opposition coalition Front for the Restoration
continued to deteriorate. Over 700 of Democracy and the Defence of the

280 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

Republic, was convicted of inciting revolt Abada on the Nigeria border, when they were
and, after 11 days’ detention, was given a 90- mistaken for members of an armed group.
day conditional suspended sentence. An investigation was launched into the
In April, Baba Alpha, an outspoken killings.
journalist working for private television
channel Bonferey, and his father, who was ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL
born in Mali, were arrested and charged with RIGHTS
forgery and illegal status. In July they were The UN CEDAW Committee expressed
sentenced to two years’ imprisonment for concern that 82% of the population lived in
forgery. extreme poverty. Women were particularly
In June, Ibrahim Bana, a member of affected by food insecurity in rural areas, a
opposition party Moden Fa Lumana, and fact linked to, among other things, their
Gamatié Mahamadou Yansambou, Secretary socioeconomic status and the impact of
General of the Union of Taxi Drivers, were climate change and extractive industries. The
arrested and charged for attempting to Committee also expressed concern that
influence a judicial investigation after they temporary measures to achieve greater
denounced, on social media, corruption in gender equality were inadequately applied,
the judicial system. In July, Ibrahim Bana including in employment, education and
was sentenced to three months’ health.
imprisonment, including two months As the humanitarian situation deteriorated
suspended, and Mahamadou Yansambou due to conflict, the UN estimated that 2.2
was released after more than 15 days.  million people, including 408,000 in Diffa,
In July, 43 members of the teachers’ union were in need of humanitarian assistance; 1.8
SYNACEB were convicted of disrupting  million were estimated to be severely food
public safety and inciting a riot, after they insecure. Over 73% of children under five
boycotted substitute teacher evaluations. and almost 46% of women of reproductive
They spent more than 15 days in detention age suffered from anaemia.
and were sentenced to suspended prison
terms of between one and three months. REFUGEES’ AND MIGRANTS’ RIGHTS
Over 60,000 refugees and migrants transited
ARMED CONFLICT Niger on the way to Libya and Algeria where
Armed groups including Boko Haram carried many suffered serious abuses including rape,
out at least 70 attacks on soldiers and unlawful detention in harsh conditions, ill-
villages in the Diffa, Mainé-Soroa, Tillabéry treatment and extortion, and unknown
and Bosso regions. At least 30 people, numbers died. Operations to arrest
including civilians, were killed and others perpetrators pushed smugglers to use more
wounded; over 60 people were abducted. In dangerous routes to Libya or Algeria.
June, suspected Boko Haram members In May, eight migrants from Niger, including
killed nine people and abducted 37 women five children, died of thirst after they were
in the region of Nguigmi. abandoned on the way to Algeria; and 92
The trial of 700 people accused of migrants were found close to death by the
supporting Boko Haram began on 2 March. Niger Army after being beaten and
Most had been arrested in the Diffa region abandoned by their driver in the desert near
since 2013, although some had been Bilma in the north. In June, 44 migrants,
detained since 2012. Among them were including babies, were found dead in the
Nigerians, including refugees from areas desert near Agadez, central Niger, after their
affected by Boko Haram. vehicle broke down on the way to Libya.
In July, 13 people, including two Niger
nationals and 11 Nigerian nationals, were
killed by Niger soldiers in a village near

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 281

of Kala Balge local government, in Borno
NIGERIA state, killing at least 167 civilians, including
many children. The military said the bombing
Federal Republic of Nigeria was an accident as Rann was not identified
Head of state and government: Muhammadu Buhari as a humanitarian camp.

The armed group Boko Haram continued to ARBITRARY ARRESTS AND DETENTIONS
carry out attacks, resulting in hundreds of The military arbitrarily arrested and held
deaths. Reports continued of extrajudicial thousands of young men, women and
executions, enforced disappearances, and children in detention centres around the
torture and other ill-treatment, which, in country. Detainees were denied access to
some cases, led to deaths in custody. lawyers and family members. The army
Conditions in military detention conditions released 593 detainees in April and 760 in
were harsh. Communal violence occurred October.
across the country. Thousands of people By April, the military detention facility at
were forcibly evicted from their homes. Giwa barracks, Maiduguri, held more than
4,900 people in extremely overcrowded cells.
ARMED CONFLICT Disease, dehydration and starvation were rife
BOKO HARAM and at least 340 detainees died. At least 200
Boko Haram carried out at least 65 attacks children, as young as four, were detained in
causing 411 civilian deaths, and abducted at an overcrowded and unhygienic children’s
least 73 people. Sixteen women, including 10 cell. Some children were born in detention.
policewomen, were abducted in June when The military detained hundreds of women
Boko Haram ambushed an army-escorted unlawfully, without charge, some because
convoy on the Maiduguri-Damboa road. In they were believed to be related to Boko
July, Boko Haram ambushed a team of oil Haram members. Among them were women
prospectors in a village in Magumeri. Three and girls who said they had been victims of
oil workers were abducted and at least 40 Boko Haram. Women reported inhuman
other people were killed, including soldiers detention conditions, including a lack of
and members of the Civilian Joint Task Force. health care for women giving birth in cells.
On 6 May, 82 Chibok schoolgirls, abducted in On 24 September, the Minister of Justice
2014, were released by Boko Haram fighters announced that the mass trial of Boko Haram
in an exchange deal; 113 girls remained in suspects held in different detention centres
captivity. In November, six farmers in Dimge had commenced. The first phase of trials was
village in Mafa were abducted and beheaded. handled by four judges in secret, between 9
and 12 October. Fifty defendants were
INTERNALLY DISPLACED PEOPLE sentenced to various terms of imprisonment.
There remained at least 1.7 million internally An interim report of the Director of Public
displaced people (IDPs) in the northeastern Prosecutions showed that 468 suspects were
states of Borno, Yobe and Adamawa; 39% discharged and the trial for the remainder
lived in camps or similar settings and 61% in was adjourned to January 2018.
host communities. The UN said that 5.2 
million people in the northeast remained in LACK OF ACCOUNTABILITY
urgent need of food assistance; 450,000 In June, the Special Board of Inquiry to
children under five were in urgent need of investigate allegations of gross violations of
nutrition. In July, Doctors without Borders human rights, established by the Chief of
reported that 240 children had died from Army Staff, found that Giwa barracks was
malnutrition in Borno state. extremely overcrowded, with poor sanitation
On 17 January, the Nigerian Air Force and insufficient ventilation, factors which
bombed an IDP camp in Rann, headquarters resulted in detainees’ deaths. It cleared

282 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

senior military officers, alleged to have UNLAWFUL KILLINGS
committed crimes under international law, of At least 10 IPOB members were killed and
wrongdoing. 12 others wounded by soldiers in Umuahia,
In August, acting President Yemi Osinbajo Abia state on 14 September. The military
set up a presidential investigation panel to claimed that they were killed when they tried
probe allegations of human rights violations to resist the arrest of leader Nnamdi Kanu at
carried out by the military. Between 11  his home. Witnesses say that, in addition to
September and 8 November, the panel sat in those killed, at least 10 IPOB members were
the capital, Abuja, and in the cities of shot and taken away by soldiers. The
Maiduguri, Enugu, Port Harcourt, Lagos and government subsequently banned the IPOB.
Kaduna. On 9 March, a court in Abuja sentenced two
In its December preliminary report, the police officers to death for their part in the
Office of the Prosecutor of the ICC extrajudicial execution of six traders in Apo,
announced that it would continue to assess Abuja, in 2005. Three other police officers
the admissibility of the eight potential crimes including the leader of the police team were
it had previously identified as having been acquitted. In 2005, a Judicial Commission of
allegedly committed in Nigeria. Inquiry had indicted six police officers for the
murders and recommended their trial as well
TORTURE AND OTHER ILL-TREATMENT as compensation for the victims’ families.
Torture and other ill-treatment and unlawful One of them allegedly escaped from custody
detention by the police and the State Security in 2015.
Service (SSS) continued. In February, Nonso In September, the High Court in Port
Diobu and eight other men were arrested and Harcourt convicted five SARS policemen for
detained by Special Anti-Robbery Squad the extrajudicial executions of Michael Akor
(SARS) officers in Awkuzu, Anambra state. and Michael Igwe in 2009. The court also
They were tortured and all, except Nonso awarded 50 million naira (USD143,000) in
Diobu, died in custody. Nonso Diobu was compensation to the victims’ families.
charged with robbery and released four In December, after huge pressure on social
months after arrest. media, the Inspector General of Police
In May, a high court ordered the SSS to agreed to reform SARS.
release Bright Chimezie, a member of the
Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB). Instead, COMMUNAL VIOLENCE
the SSS included his name in another case. Inter-communal violence linked to lingering
Bright Chimezie had not been brought to clashes between herdsmen and farming
court by the end of the year; the SSS had communities resulted in more than 549
held him in incommunicado detention for deaths and the displacement of thousands in
more than one year. 12 states. In February, 21 villagers were
Ibrahim El-Zakzaky, leader of the Islamic killed in an attack by suspected herdsmen in
Movement of Nigeria (IMN), and his wife three communities in the Atakad district of
remained in incommunicado detention Kaura, Kaduna state. Witnesses said the
without trial since their arrest in December herdsmen killed, looted, and burned the
2015 despite a court ordering their release villagers’ houses. In June, a communal clash
and compensation. in the Mambilla Plateau of Taraba state left
In September, the Nigerian police launched scores of people dead, mostly herdsmen and
Force Order 20 which sought to reduce the their families. In September, at least 20
excessive use of pre-trial detention by people were killed when suspected
providing free legal advice to suspects at herdsmen invaded Ancha village in the
police stations. In December, the Anti-Torture Miango district of Jos, Plateau state, after a
Bill – intended to prohibit and criminalize the misunderstanding between villagers and
use of torture – was signed into law. herdsmen residing in the community. In

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 283

October, 27 people were killed by suspected On 2 February, a High Court in Abuja
herdsmen in a classroom where they were declared threats of forced evictions without
sheltering after three days of attacks in the the service of statutory notices illegal. It urged
Nkyie-Doghwro community of Bassa, Plateau state authorities to take measures to confer
state. In December, herdsmen attacked at security of tenure on affected residents. The
least five villages in Demsa LGA in Adamawa judgment prevented the Abuja authorities
state to avenge the massacre of up to 57 from forcibly evicting hundreds of thousands
people, mostly children, in November in of residents in Mpape community. On 21
nearby Kikan community. Residents June, a Lagos State High Court found that
described being attacked by a fighter jet and forced evictions and their threat were
a military helicopter as they attempted to flee. unconstitutional and amounted to cruel,
At least 86 people were killed by the inhuman or degrading treatment.
herdsmen and air force bombing.
RIGHT TO HOUSING AND FORCED Nigeria’s federal Parliament and Adamawa
EVICTIONS and Gombe states continued to debate the
Authorities in Lagos, Imo and Rivers states Gender and Equal Opportunities Bill. In
continued to forcibly evict thousands of October, ECOWAS Court held that Nigeria
residents, without adequate notice, violated the right to dignity of three women by
compensation, or the provision of alternative wrongly accusing them of being sex workers,
accommodation and resettlement. and unlawfully arresting and verbally abusing
In Lagos state, at least 5,000 people were them.
forcibly evicted from Otodo-Gbame and IDP women and girls reported gender-based
Ilubirin waterfront communities between violence including rape and sexual
March and April, in violation of previous exploitation, often in exchange for food and
Lagos State High Court orders. The orders other necessities, by military officers and
restrained state authorities from demolishing members of the Civilian Joint Task Force in
the homes of affected communities the northeast. Households headed by women
consisting of at least 300,000 residents, and reported discrimination in access to food
ordered them to consult with residents. In assistance and livelihood opportunities in
March, the Lagos state government pulled some locations.
out of the consultations saying the A group of women who were previously
communities’ demand for resettlement was confined to Bama IDP camp campaigned for
unreasonable. the release of their husbands from military
During the forced eviction of Otodo-Gbame detention, and for justice for rape and other
community on 9 April, at least two people abuses they suffered while in the camp
were shot, one fatally, as the police fired at between 2015 and 2016. The Chief of Army
unarmed residents. There were no Staff was reported to have ordered an
investigations into the shootings. On 13 June, investigation in June into misconduct by
Lagos state authorities forcibly evicted soldiers in the camp.
hundreds of people from Ijora-Badia
On 15 June, Rivers state authorities forcibly Human rights defenders continued to face
evicted hundreds of people from Ayagologo intimidation for their work. Parliament
waterfront community in Port Harcourt. debated a bill to regulate and restrict the
On 15 November, police in Lagos arrested work of NGOs. If passed, it would establish
and detained 158 residents, including six an NGO Regulatory Commission to keep a
women one of whom was pregnant, who were register of all NGOs, co-ordinate their
protesting against forced evictions in the activities, and monitor their budgets and

284 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

funding. A public hearing on the bill took FREEDOMS OF ASSEMBLY AND
place in December. ASSOCIATION
On 19 July, police arrested and detained The security forces disrupted, in some cases
Maurice Fangnon for six days for calling for violently and with excessive force, peaceful
investigations into alleged killings and protests and assemblies.
assaults of residents in Otodo-Gbame The police continued to deny IMN, which
community. He was rearrested on 12 was banned by the Kaduna state government
 December with Bamidele Friday; they were in 2016, the right to peaceful protest. On 25
released on bail on 22 December. Raymond  January, the Abuja police arrested nine IMN
Gold faced criminal charges carrying a members in connection with a peaceful
maximum three-year prison sentence for protest demanding the release of Ibrahim El-
demanding that an oil company conduct an Zakzaky.
Environmental Impact Assessment on On 25 July, police in Kano city prevented a
activities which harmed the environment. On group of women from protesting against the
6 June, police officers harassed, beat and persistent rape of women and children in the
injured Justus Ijeoma at Onitsha Area state. On 8 August, police violently dispersed
Command. In October, he received a written peaceful protesters who demanded the
apology from the Area Command. return of President Buhari who was in the UK
for medical treatment.
Journalists were harassed, intimidated and CORPORATE ACCOUNTABILITY
arrested. On 19 January, police raided the In June, the widows of four men from the
offices of Premium Times and arrested Ogoni region in the Niger Delta who were
publisher Dapo Olorunyomi and executed following an unfair trial in 1995,
correspondent Evelyn Okakwu for several filed a lawsuit in the Netherlands against
hours, after the Chief of Army Staff accused Shell, demanding compensation and a public
the newspaper of offensive publications. apology. They accused Shell of complicity in
On 19 April, Kaduna state police arrested the unlawful arrest and detention of their
and detained Midat Joseph, a journalist with husbands during a brutal crackdown by the
Leadership newspaper, for a WhatsApp then military authorities on the Movement for
comment. He was taken to court the next day the Survival of the Ogoni People. International
on charges of criminal conspiracy, inciting organizations called for Shell to be
disturbance and injurious falsehood. On 31  investigated for involvement in these crimes.
July, the court dismissed the case on Environmental pollution linked to the oil
grounds of lack of diligent prosecution. industry continued to undermine the
On 19 September, the Katsina state police economic, social and cultural rights of the
arrested three bloggers, Jamil Mabai, Bashir Niger Delta communities.
Dauda and Umar Faruq, for criticizing the The government took limited steps to
Governor. Bashir Dauda and Umar Faruq address pollution in the Ogoni region of the
were released after one week and Jamil Niger Delta, as recommended by the UN
Mabai was detained for 22 days. Environment Programme (UNEP) in 2011.
On 27 October, Audu Maikori, who was However, local communities expressed
arrested for publishing false information frustration at the slow progress of the
online, was awarded 40 million naira initiative and because operations on the
(USD112,700) in compensation for unlawful ground had not begun. Shell failed to comply
arrest and detention. with some of UNEP’s key recommendations.
In September, operations to clean up the
pollution caused by two large oil spills in
2008 began in the Bodo community in the
Ogoni region.

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 285

TRANSGENDER AND INTERSEX PEOPLE There was a dramatic decrease in the
Arrest, public shaming, extortion of and number of people claiming asylum. By
discrimination against individuals based on November, only 3,378 people had claimed
their sexual orientation were reported in asylum, compared to 31,145 in 2015,
several parts of the country. In April, the according to government statistics.
Nigerian police arraigned 53 men in a The government continued to take initiatives
magistrate court in Zaria, Kaduna state, for to restrict the rights of asylum-seekers and
conspiracy and unlawful assembly and for refugees. The practice of “Dublin” returns –
belonging to an unlawful society. They were requiring any asylum claim to be processed
accused of attending a gay wedding and by the country in which the applicant first
granted bail. arrived – to Italy continued, and restarted to
In August, about 42 men and boys between Greece.
12 and 28 years old were arrested at a hotel Afghan nationals represented the fifth
in Lagos while attending an HIV intervention biggest group of people who claimed asylum
programme organized by an NGO. They were by the end of November. They continued to
charged with “engaging in gay activities”. The face obstacles in accessing asylum and
police paraded the victims to the media. forced return to Afghanistan. According to
Eurostat, there was a dramatic drop in
DEATH PENALTY asylum recognition rates for Afghan nationals,
Death sentences continued to be imposed; down to 24% by August; Norway had the
no executions were recorded. In July, at the highest number of persons being forcibly
National Economic Council, state governors returned to Afghanistan.
agreed to either sign execution warrants or
commute death sentences as a way of VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND GIRLS
addressing overcrowding in prisons. Death Gender-based violence, including rape and
row prisoners reported that execution gallows sexual violence, remained a serious concern.
were being prepared for executions in Benin The Norwegian Penal Code was still not in
and Lagos prisons. accordance with international human rights
In August, the Ogun state government standards as the definition of rape was not
announced that it would no longer maintain based on consent. The number of rape cases
an informal commitment to refrain from reported to the police had been increasing
authorizing executions. steadily over the years. In 2016, 1,663 cases
In September, the Senate passed a bill of rape were reported to the police, an
prescribing the death penalty for kidnapping. increase of nearly 21.9% since 2015.
Shortcomings in police investigations
contributed to the low level of rape
NORWAY prosecutions. In April, the Director of Public
Prosecutions reviewed the quality of
Kingdom of Norway investigations in 275 nationally reported rape
Head of state: King Harald V cases. The review concluded that there was
Head of government: Erna Solberg considerable room for improvement in the
quality of police investigations, and pointed
Serious concerns remained about the especially at weaknesses in the initial phase,
prevalence of, and inadequate state where the necessary steps to secure
response to, rape and other violence against evidence were not always taken.
women. The rights of refugees and asylum- Following the consideration of Norway’s
seekers continued to be restricted; Afghan ninth periodic report, the Committee on the
asylum-seekers faced forced returns to Elimination of Discrimination against Women
Afghanistan. expressed concerns about the high level of

286 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

gender-based violence against women, and Women remained subject to discrimination
recommended a number of measures in law. Migrant workers were exposed to
including the adoption of a legal definition of exploitation and abuse. The death penalty
rape in the Penal Code that places lack of remained in force; no executions were
free consent at its centre. In addition, the reported.
Committee expressed concern at the
consequences of the criminalization of the BACKGROUND
purchase of sexual services from adults. The Oman maintained a neutral stance in the
committee recommended a white paper on regional crisis in which Saudi Arabia, the
prostitution with a comprehensive framework UAE, Bahrain and Egypt severed relations
which ensured that women who engage in with Qatar, as well as in relation to the Saudi
sex work are not prosecuted for the selling of Arabia-led coalition fighting in Yemen since
sexual services, including for acts that 2015.
currently amount to criminal acts of There was a marked decline in coverage of
“promotion of prostitution”. human rights issues in the country. Oman’s
economy continued to be impacted by: lower
RIGHTS OF LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, oil prices, Oman’s main source of income; a
TRANSGENDER AND INTERSEX PEOPLE relatively high deficit; the removal of
The Penal Code still did not classify violence subsidies, notably on petroleum; a rise in
motivated by discriminatory attitudes towards fees for some government services; and a
transgender people as a hate crime. temporary hiring freeze for public sector
On 1 March, a 44-year-old Rwandan national FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION
accused of complicity in the 1994 genocide The government continued to unduly restrict
in Rwanda was released after four years in freedom of expression. In January the
custody. The Ministry of Justice had authorities ordered the dismissal of a
previously concluded that he could be journalist who was reporting on sex trafficking
extradited to Rwanda. The investigation into in the country, and revoked the licence of
an allegation by his defence lawyer – that two another journalist who was covering reports
witnesses were pressured into giving false that Oman had sought financial support from
testimonies to the prosecutors – led to the its neighbours. In February, the annual
conclusion that their testimonies were not Muscat International Book Fair suspended
sufficiently credible. the participation of two writers, apparently in
connection with their criticism of the
government. In April, the authorities arrested
OMAN at least two people in connection with
Facebook posts; they were subsequently
Sultanate of Oman released. In May, the government blocked
Head of state and government: Sultan Qaboos bin Said the online publication of the Mowaten
Al Said newspaper; it remained blocked at the end of
the year.
The authorities curtailed the rights to The chilling effect of the trials against
freedom of expression and association, Azamn newspaper and its journalists
using flawed legal procedures to suspend continued to reverberate following Azamn’s
newspapers and to arrest, prosecute and publication in 2016 of two reports detailing
convict journalists on criminal and allegations of corruption in the government
administrative grounds. Family members of and the judiciary. The government renewed a
human rights defenders faced harassment rolling, temporary suspension of the
and intimidation from the authorities. newspaper, despite a court ruling overturning

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 287

the suspension. In January the Public custody, inheritance, and passing their
Prosecutor appealed against the December nationality on to their children.
2016 acquittal of Azamn journalist Zaher
al-‘Abri. He was released on bail in August. WORKERS’ RIGHTS – MIGRANT
Editor-in-chief Ibrahim al-Maamari and WORKERS
deputy editor-in-chief Youssef al-Haj were Migrant workers continued to face
released in April and October respectively exploitation and abuse. Domestic workers,
after completing their prison sentences. In mainly women from Asia and Africa,
June, Azamn staff members approached the complained that employers to whom they
government for financial support following its were tied under the official kafala
closure. sponsorship system confiscated their
In January the High Court in the capital, passports, forced them to work excessive
Muscat, overturned a three-year prison hours without time off, and denied them their
sentence on journalist Hassan al-Basham, full wages and adequate food and living
partly because of his ill-health, and ordered conditions. The kafala system did not provide
the case back to the Appeal Court. In domestic workers with the protections
November the initial three-year prison available under the Labour Law.
sentence was upheld. In June 2016 the
Court of Appeal in Sohar had upheld the DEATH PENALTY
verdict, which was based on charges of The death penalty remained in force for a
“insult” to God and the Sultan. range of crimes. No convictions or executions
In January a Muscat Appeal Court were reported.
overturned the three-year prison sentence
and fine of 1,000 Omani Riyals (about
USD2,600) handed down in October 2016 to
writer Hamoud al-Shukaily, a member of the
Omani Society for Writers and Authors, on Islamic Republic of Pakistan
charges of incitement to protest or disturbing Head of state: Mamnoon Hussain
public order relating to a 2016 Facebook Head of government: Shahid Khaqan Abbasi (replaced
post. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif in August)
The Appeal Court verdict in the case of
writer and film critic Abdullah Habib was The crackdown on freedom of expression
postponed several times. In November 2016 intensified. The Prevention of Electronic
he had been sentenced to three years’ Crimes Act, 2016 was used to intimidate,
imprisonment and a fine of 2,000 Omani harass and arbitrarily detain human rights
Riyals (about USD5,200). defenders for online comments. Enforced
On 23 May a lower instance court disappearances were widespread; impunity
sentenced writer and researcher Mansour al- was prevalent. Blasphemy-related violence
Mahrazi to three years’ imprisonment and a claimed the life of a student, triggering rare
fine on charges of “undermining the state” condemnation from the government. Large
and violating publication laws by writing and demonstrations took place in support of
publishing a book in Lebanon without blasphemy laws, which were used to convict
permission. He was appealing the case at the people expressing opinions online.
end of the year. Journalists were attacked by unidentified
assailants. Minorities continued to face
WOMEN’S RIGHTS discrimination in the enjoyment of
Women faced discrimination in criminal law economic and social rights. Attempts to
and in personal status or family law, in restrict child marriage were blocked
relation to matters including divorce, child by Parliament. Killings of women continued

288 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

in so-called “honour” crimes, despite the military intelligence custody; the fifth
2016 law criminalizing the practice. remained disappeared. The
draconian Prevention of Electronic Crimes
BACKGROUND Act of 2016 was used to carry out a number
The Supreme Court disqualified Prime of arrests throughout the year including, in
Minister Nawaz Sharif from office in July for June, the arrest of journalist Zafarullah
failing to disclose a source of foreign income. Achakzai, a reporter for the newspaper Daily
Following his resignation, the government’s Qudrat. Over subsequent weeks, supporters
authority progressively weakened as of different political parties were arrested for
members of the Sharif family and ministers in social media posts critical of the authorities.
the government became the subject of fresh No action was taken against social media
corruption probes. The Minister for Law and accounts belonging to armed groups that
Justice resigned in November after weeks of incited discrimination and violence.
protests in which he was accused of People were prosecuted after being
blasphemy. The military took an increasing accused, particularly over social media, for
lead on foreign policy, national security and alleged breaches of vague and broad
daily governance ahead of elections due by blasphemy laws, which criminalized peaceful
August 2018. expression if deemed to offend religious
Tensions endured between India and sensibilities. In June, Taimoor Raza was
Pakistan against the backdrop of firing from sentenced to death by an anti-terrorism court
both sides across the Line of Control that in Punjab, southern province, for allegedly
divides the disputed territory of Kashmir. blasphemous posts on Facebook. In
Relations with Afghanistan deteriorated as September, Nadeem James, a Christian, was
the two countries accused each other of sentenced to death by a court in Gujrat city
using their territory as a launching pad for for sharing a “blasphemous” poem over
armed attacks. Under its new South Asia WhatsApp.
policy, the USA singled out Pakistan as a Accusations of committing blasphemy
source of instability in Afghanistan, raising triggered the execution-style killing of Mashal
the prospect of a rupture in relations. Turning Khan, a university student, in Mardan city. In
away from the West, Pakistan drew closer to April, a mob of students stormed his hostel,
China with the expansion of the China- stripped him naked and beat him repeatedly
Pakistan Economic Corridor, a multi-billion before shooting him. Then Prime Minister
dollar infrastructure project. Nawaz Sharif vowed to take action against
those who “misuse” the blasphemy laws. Six
Pakistan was elected to the UN Human days later, a “faith healer” accused of
Rights Council in October. Pakistan’s human blasphemy was similarly killed by three
rights record was examined by UN bodies attackers inside his home in Sialkot city. Two
during the year: the Committee on Economic, days after that, a mob in Chitral city attacked
Social and Cultural Rights, the Human Rights a man accused of blasphemy, injuring police
Committee and under the UPR process. officers trying to protect him. In May, a 10-
year-old boy was killed and five others were
FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION injured as a mob in Hub town in Balochistan
Attacks on freedom of expression continued, tried to attack Prakash Kumar, a Hindu, for
particularly against those posting comments allegedly posting an offensive image online.
online. In January, five bloggers who made Senior government officials exacerbated
anonymous online comments said to be tensions around blasphemy-related offences.
critical of the military were subject to In March, then Interior Minister Nisar Ali
enforced disappearances. Four of the Khan deemed so-called blasphemers
bloggers were later released; two of them “enemies of humanity”. In February and
later said they had been tortured while in March, the Islamabad High Court ordered the

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 289

removal of allegedly blasphemous content whereabouts remained unknown at the end
online and directed the government to initiate of the year. In October and November,
proceedings against people responsible for dozens of Sindhi and Baloch defenders were
uploading them. subjected to enforced disappearances by
Pakistani security forces. Some returned to
HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS their homes days later, but others remained
Bloggers, journalists, lawyers, activists and missing at the end of the year.
other human rights defenders faced Space for civil society continued to shrink as
harassment, intimidation, threats, the Interior Ministry used broad powers to
violence and enforced disappearance. The undermine the ability of human rights
five bloggers who were forcibly disappeared defenders and NGOs to work
and activists who campaigned for their independently. In November, the Ministry of
release were subject to a smear campaign the Interior ordered 29 international NGOs to
accusing them of being “blasphemers”, halt their operations and leave the country
“anti-Pakistan”, “anti-Army” and “anti- within days. 
Islam”. Human rights defenders criticized on
television and on social media faced death ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL
threats, forcing some to self-censor and to RIGHTS
seek protection for their physical safety. Around 58% of households were food
In May, Rana Tanveer, a journalist covering insecure, according to the National Nutrition
abuses against religious minorities, found Survey, and an estimated 44% of children
death threats sprayed on his home in Lahore remained underdeveloped or short for their
city. A few weeks later, he was knocked off age. The percentage was significantly higher
his motorbike and severely injured after a car in Federally Administered Tribal Areas and
deliberately crashed into him. In September, Balochistan.
Matiullah Jan, a journalist who had regularly The government failed to take action against
been critical of the military’s interference in those who held people in bonded labour in
politics, was attacked by men on motorbikes rural areas. The 1992 Bonded Labour
who hurled a large piece of concrete at the Abolition Act was still not
car in which he was travelling with his adequately enforced; reasons included a lack
children, shattering the windscreen. In of clarity regarding the law on the part of
October, Ahmad Noorani, an outspoken lower court judges and lack of action
political journalist, was attacked by men on by police when complaints were filed. 
motorbikes who stopped his car and beat In its 2017 review, the UN Committee on
him, including with iron rods. At the end of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights noted
the year no one was known to have been that more than 73% of workers, a majority of
held accountable for any of these attacks. them women, were in the informal economy
Defenders continued to be subjected to with no labour or social protection. The
enforced disappearances, but some also Committee called on Pakistan to address the
reappeared. Raza Khan, a Lahore-based gender pay gap, which rose from 34% in
peace activist, was subjected to an enforced 2008 to 39% in 2015. The Committee also
disappearance in December. Punhal Sario, a noted an urgent need to increase spending in
campaigner against enforced disappearances the social sector, especially for health and
in Sindh province, went missing in August. education. It further stated that adequate
He returned home in October. Zeenat steps must be taken to reduce the gap
Shahzadi, the first female journalist to be between girls and boys in enrolment for
forcibly disappeared, was found near the education.
Afghanistan border in October, 26 months
after she went missing in Lahore. She
disappeared again in November; her

290 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

RIGHTS OF LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, electric shocks. The couple had been
TRANSGENDER AND INTERSEX PEOPLE sentenced to death by a jirga (tribal council).
In an historic advance for LGBTI rights, the In September, a man in Peshawar city killed
government recognized those who wished to his two daughters because he suspected they
register as a “third gender” on national had boyfriends.
identity cards. Transgender people were The 2016 law, which brought the penalties
recognized for the first time in the national for so-called “honour” crimes in line with
census, on the orders of the Lahore High murder, proved ineffective. The law, which
Court. provides for the death penalty, allows the
Despite this symbolic victory, transgender judge to decide whether the crime was
people continued to suffer harassment and “honour-based”. In some cases in 2017, the
violent attacks. In August, a 25-year-old accused successfully claimed another motive
transgender woman called Chanda was shot and was pardoned by the victim’s family
dead in Karachi. In September, five men under qisas and diyat laws, which allow for
broke into a house rented by a group of “blood money” and forgiveness instead of
transgender women in Karachi city and punishment.
subjected them to sexual violence, including
the gang rape of two of the women. REFUGEES AND ASYLUM-SEEKERS
The expulsion of Afghan refugees
WOMEN’S RIGHTS continued, albeit at a far slower rate.
Key legislation to protect women’s rights According to UNHCR, the UN refugee
failed to be passed and existing legislation agency, 59,020 registered Afghan refugees
was not enforced. The draft Sindh Criminal were involuntarily returned to Afghanistan,
Law (Protection of Minorities) that compared to more than 380,000 in
criminalized forced conversions of women 2016 (the mass deportations triggered by
from religious minority groups remained escalating tensions between the Pakistani
unratified. A bill that would have equalized and Afghan governments). More than 2
the age of consent to marriage for men and million Afghans remained at risk of being
women by raising the minimum age of forcibly returned as their legal residency
marriage for girls from 16 to 18 was blocked status was due to expire at the end of the
by the upper house of Parliament. year.


Violence continued against women and girls, The mandate of military courts to try civilian
including killings by relatives committed in “terrorism” suspects was extended for a
the name of so-called “honour”. In Khyber further two years. Reports continued that
Pakhtunkhwa northwest province, 94 women security forces were involved in human rights
were murdered by close family members. In violations, including torture and other ill-
several cases, there was a failure to conduct treatment, arbitrary detention, extrajudicial
investigations and hold the perpetrators executions and enforced disappearances.
accountable. Impunity remained in the absence of
Parallel and informal justice systems independent, impartial mechanisms to
continued to undermine the rule of law and investigate and bring perpetrators to
to issue unjust “verdicts” that punished justice. While the number of attacks by
women and girls. In July, a village council in armed groups fell in 2017, scores of people
Multan district ordered and carried out the died in bombings that targeted the security
rape of a teenage girl in “revenge” for a crime forces, religious minorities and others. 
allegedly committed by her brother. In
August, the bodies of a teenage couple in
Karachi were exhumed to reveal evidence of

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 291

Hamas announced its readiness to dismantle
PALESTINE (STATE its committee administering Gaza, and called
for legislative and presidential elections to be
OF) held in the West Bank and Gaza. Later that
month, the two rival political parties Hamas
and Fatah signed a reconciliation agreement
State of Palestine
Head of state: Mahmoud Abbas in Cairo, Egypt, aimed at ending the decade-
Head of government: Rami Hamdallah long split between the West Bank and
Hamas-run Gaza. In November, the “national
The Palestinian authorities in the West consensus” government took over control of
Bank and the Hamas de facto the border crossing between Gaza and Egypt,
administration in the Gaza Strip escalated and checkpoints near crossings with Israel.
their restrictions on freedom of expression.
In both areas, security forces tortured and FREEDOMS OF EXPRESSION AND
otherwise ill-treated detainees with ASSEMBLY
impunity. The authorities in the West Bank As political in-fighting continued, authorities
took punitive actions against the Hamas in the West Bank and Gaza used threats and
administration that further restricted the intimidation against activists and journalists
civilian population’s access to vital services, to suppress peaceful expression, including
exacerbating the humanitarian crisis reporting and criticism. According to the
resulting from Israel’s military blockade of NGO Palestinian Centre for Development and
Gaza. Women in both areas continued to Media Freedoms, the Palestinian authorities
face discrimination and violence. Courts in in the West Bank were responsible for 147
Gaza handed down death sentences and attacks on media freedom during the year.
Hamas carried out public executions; no These included arbitrary arrests, ill-treatment
executions were carried out in the West during interrogations, confiscation of
Bank. equipment, physical assaults, bans on
reporting and the banning of 29 websites
BACKGROUND critical of the West Bank authorities. Hamas
Gaza remained under an Israeli air, sea and authorities in Gaza were responsible for 35
land blockade, in force since June 2007. such attacks.
Continuing restrictions on exports crippled In January, security forces in Gaza violently
the economy and exacerbated widespread dispersed a protest in Jabalia refugee camp
impoverishment among Gaza’s 2 million against Hamas’ mismanagement of the
inhabitants. Egypt continued to enforce an electricity crisis (see below). Activists and
almost total closure of the Rafah border organizers were detained, threatened and in
crossing with Gaza, compounding the impact some cases tortured for organizing the
of the Israeli blockade. demonstrations. Activist Mohammad al-
Divisions between the Ramallah-based Talowli was arrested on three occasions
“national consensus” government and the throughout the year for his role in organizing
Hamas de facto administration in Gaza the protests, and received death threats.
persisted for much of the year. In an Journalists working with media affiliated
apparent effort to regain control of the Gaza with the West Bank authorities were barred
Strip, the Palestinian authorities introduced a from working freely in Gaza. Palestine TV
series of punitive measures against Hamas, correspondent Fouad Jaradeh was arrested
which remained in place at the end of the by Hamas Internal Security Forces on 6 June
year. and tried before a military court for
In October, the “national consensus” “collaborating with Ramallah”. He was
government held a cabinet meeting in Gaza, released in August.
mediated by the Egyptian authorities, after

292 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

The Electronic Crimes Law (Law 16 of mismanagement of the electricity crisis said
2017) was adopted in July. It permitted the that Hamas’ internal security forces tortured
arbitrary detention of journalists, whistle- him in custody. He reported being beaten
blowers and others who criticize the with a plastic pipe, blindfolded, and forced to
authorities online. The law allowed for prison sit in strenuous positions with his hands
sentences and up to 25 years’ hard labour for cuffed for around four days. Others reported
anyone deemed to have disturbed “public ill-treatment.
order”, “national unity” or “social peace”. An
amended draft proposed removing several EXCESSIVE USE OF FORCE
repressive provisions, but left in place others Security forces used excessive force to
that allowed arbitrary restrictions on the rights disperse protests in the West Bank and Gaza.
to freedom of expression, privacy and On 12 March, Palestinian security forces
protection of data. The draft had not been used excessive force to violently suppress a
made public by the end of the year. peaceful protest outside the Ramallah District
Six Palestinian journalists were charged Court in the West Bank. At least 13 men and
under the Electronic Crimes Law in August. eight women were injured; among them were
In June and July, at least 10 journalists were four journalists covering the protest.
summoned for interrogation by Preventative Seventeen people were hospitalized. Those
Security Forces for publicly criticizing the law. injured suffered bruises from heavy beatings
Human rights defenders were subjected to with wooden batons or after being struck by
interrogation, harassment and threats in tear gas canisters. Farid al-Atrash, a lawyer,
relation to their human rights work, including human rights defender and the head of
criticism of the Electronic Crimes Law. ICHR’s Bethlehem office, reported being
Prominent human rights defender Issa beaten to the ground by police using wooden
Amro was detained for a week in September batons.
and charged with several offences under the A Fact-Finding Commission established by
Electronic Crimes Law and the 1960 Prime Minister Hamdallah to investigate the
Jordanian Penal code, which remained in incident found that the use of force to
force in the West Bank. disperse the protest violated government
regulations. It made a series of
TORTURE AND OTHER ILL-TREATMENT recommendations, including reparation and
Torture and other ill-treatment of detainees accountability measures. Despite the Prime
remained common and was committed with Minister’s stated commitment to uphold the
impunity by Palestinian police and security recommendations, these remained
forces in the West Bank, and by Hamas unimplemented, and none of the officers
police and security forces in Gaza. The responsible for the violence were brought to
Independent Commission for Human Rights justice.
(ICHR), Palestine’s national human rights
institution, received hundreds of allegations WOMEN’S RIGHTS
of torture and other ill-treatment of detainees Women and girls continued to face
held in the West Bank and Gaza.   discrimination in law and in practice, and
In September, a 16-year-old boy and were inadequately protected against sexual
another detainee died in unclear and other gender-based violence, including
circumstances in Hamas-controlled detention so-called “honour” killings. At least 28
centres in Gaza City. The Public Prosecution women and girls were reported to have been
in Gaza announced that it would carry out an killed by male relatives in “honour” killings,
investigation; this had not been concluded by according to civil society.
the end of the year. Under provisions of the Jordanian Penal
At least one activist detained in relation to Code, judges were able to use stereotypes of
his role leading the protests against Hamas’ women’s sexuality to justify minimizing the

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 293

sentences of those convicted of “honour” patients’ long-term health. Hamas authorities
killings. reported a shortage of baby formula, blaming
Article 308 of the Jordanian Penal Code, West Bank authorities.
which allows for those who commit rape or
sexual assault to escape punishment by DEATH PENALTY
marrying the victim, remained in force. The death penalty was applied in Gaza. Six
More than three years after the State of people were executed after civil and military
Palestine acceded to CEDAW, national courts sentenced them to death after
legislation had not been amended in line with convicting them of “collaboration with Israel”
CEDAW. The applicable Jordanian Personal or other offences.
Status law continued to discriminate against In May, Hamas executed three men in Gaza
women with regard to marriage, inheritance, for allegedly assassinating a senior Hamas
divorce, guardianship and property rights. commander. They were sentenced to death
in a trial that lasted one week and consisted
ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL of four brief sessions only. The sentences
RIGHTS were carried out in a public square in Gaza
The Palestinian government based in City; two men were hanged and one executed
Ramallah imposed several punitive measures by firing squad. The executions were shown
against Gaza in a bid to pressure the Hamas live on social media.
administration to give up control of Gaza. No one was sentenced to death or executed
These measures impeded the civilian in the West Bank.
population’s access to medical care, essential
services including water and electricity, and IMPUNITY
education. This contributed to violations of Impunity for human rights abuses including
the rights to health, an adequate standard of unlawful killings and torture in the West Bank
living, and education. and Gaza persisted. No criminal
In May, the West Bank authorities informed investigations were launched into the
Israel that they would cover only 70% of the apparent extrajudicial executions of Fares
monthly cost of Israeli electricity supplies to Halawa and Khaled al-Aghbar by Palestinian
Gaza due to Hamas’ failure to reimburse security forces in Nablus in August 2016, nor
them. As a result, access to electricity in was anyone brought to justice for the death of
Gaza was reduced from an average of eight Ahmad Izzat Halawa under torture in Jneid
hours per day to between two to four hours prison in the same month.
per day. In Gaza, Hamas authorities took no steps to
The West Bank authorities cut the salaries prosecute members of its forces and Hamas’
of some 60,000 civil servants in Gaza by military wing, the ‘Izz al-Din al-Qassam
30%, undermining their right to an adequate Brigades, for extrajudicial executions they
standard of living and prompting mass carried out in 2014 and 2016.
According to the UN Office for the Co-
ordination of Humanitarian Affairs, in March
the West Bank authorities suspended the
payments for transfers of people in need of
medical treatment outside Gaza, delaying the
referrals of some 1,400 patients. NGOs
reported that procedural delays resulted in
the deaths of several patients, including
babies. The UN reported delays in the
transfer of essential medicines and medical
supplies to hospitals in Gaza, affecting

294 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

Hillside Haus and West Lorengau Haus were
PAPUA NEW inadequate, with frequent water and power
cuts. Refugees were subject to threats and
GUINEA attacks following the transfers.

Independent State of Papua New Guinea

Head of state: Queen Elizabeth II, represented by In April, PNG navy officers fired shots at the
Robert Dadae (replaced Michael Ogio in February) Manus Island refugee centre at Lombrum
Head of government: Peter Charles Paire O’Neill after a dispute about use of a nearby football
field. Initial reports by PNG and Australia
Violence by security forces remained suggested that only one shot was fired into
endemic; prisoners, refugees and women the air and was not a serious security breach.
were the most frequent victims. Disputes However, after forensic evidence established
about elections led to violent clashes and that multiple shots had been fired directly
deaths in some parts of the country. More into the centre, putting the lives of refugees,
than 800 refugees and asylum-seekers immigration officials and private contractors
remained trapped in Papua New Guinea at risk, Australia confirmed that nine people
after being forcibly sent there by the were injured, including three refugees. No
Australian authorities. Two refugees with investigation had taken place by the end of
serious mental health issues died, raising the year.
concerns about inadequate health care. In May, PNG security forces shot and killed
17 detainees during an escape attempt from
REFUGEES AND ASYLUM-SEEKERS a prison in Lae city. The prison had
Australia’s policy of detaining and processing previously been noted for poor conditions,
refugees on Manus Island, Papua New lack of sanitation and overcrowding. The
Guinea (PNG), resulted in the systematic authorities stated that investigations would be
violation of the rights of hundreds of conducted into the incident but no further
individuals. In February, Iranian refugee information was received by the end of the
Loghman Sawari was detained and charged year. Around half of those detained at the
after he was forcibly returned to PNG from facility were being held on remand and many
Fiji, where he had fled to seek asylum. Papua had waited years for their trials.
New Guinea claimed he had provided false
information to obtain a passport. However, by ELECTION-RELATED VIOLENCE
September all charges against him had been National elections were held from late June to
dismissed by the courts for lack of evidence. August. Allegations of corruption,
Two refugees died (in August and October) mismanagement, widespread exclusion of
in suspected suicides. The circumstances of voters and a heavy-handed response by the
the deaths were being investigated by the authorities led to a tense atmosphere, in
PNG Coroner. some cases involving violence or arrests.
In September, around 25 refugees were By mid-August, violence over disputed seats
transferred to the USA. The vast majority of following the election resulted in the deaths
refugees and asylum-seekers remained of at least 20 people and the burning down of
trapped on Manus Island. some 120 houses in Enga and Southern
On 23 and 24 October, refugees were Highlands provinces.
forcibly removed from the Lombrum refugee
centre by PNG immigration and police GENDER-RELATED VIOLENCE
officers armed with metal poles and Gender-related violence continued to be a
transferred to Hillside Haus, West Lorengau major issue. On 14 October, prominent
Haus or the East Lorengau Transit Centre; journalist Rosalyn Albaniel Evara died. Family
some sustained minor injuries. Facilities at members and close friends claimed she was

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 295

a victim of domestic violence. No charges of the government’s reaction to the protests
had been brought by the end of the year. also reported being harassed by the
In November, a six-year-old girl was cut and authorities.
burned following accusations of sorcery in On 1 April, opposition activist Rodrigo
Enga. Her mother, Kepari Leniata, had been Quintana was killed by police in the context
publicly burned to death in Mount Hagen in of the protests. Dozens of people were
2013; no perpetrators have been brought to injured, more than 200 were detained, and
justice. Authorities often failed to adequately local organizations reported allegations of
investigate or prosecute cases of violence torture and other ill-treatment by security
following sorcery accusations because of the forces.
deeply held customary beliefs of police In June, in response to allegations that 23
officers and the community. journalists had been attacked by police
In November, the PNG government during the protests in March, National Police
announced 25 million Kina (USD7.8m) in adopted a security protocol for journalists at
funding to end violence against women, set risk.
up child protection, and to address violence
following sorcery accusations. INTERNATIONAL SCRUTINY
In September, the UN Committee against
Torture issued concluding observations and
PARAGUAY recommendations on Paraguay, including to
ensure that all persons deprived of their
Republic of Paraguay liberty enjoy all legal safeguards from the
Head of state and government: Horacio Manuel Cartes beginning of the detention, including the
Jara rights to access a lawyer of their choice, to be
promptly examined by a doctor respecting
Indigenous Peoples continued to be denied their confidentiality and privacy, and to be
their rights to land and to free, prior and given access to an independent medical
informed consent on projects affecting practitioner if they so request.
them. A bill to eliminate all forms of The Committee also recommended prompt,
discrimination was pending approval at the impartial and effective investigations into all
end of the year. There were reports that allegations of excessive use of force, arbitrary
human rights defenders and journalists detention and acts of torture and other ill-
were persecuted amid violations of the right treatment by law enforcement officials,
to freedom of expression, and that police including those reported during the
used excessive force to repress demonstrations of 31 March and 1 April, and
demonstrations. to ensure that the perpetrators are
prosecuted and the victims receive adequate
ASSEMBLY In addition, the Committee recommended
In March, journalists Menchi Barriocanal and that an independent, effective, exhaustive
Oscar Acosta reported on a secret attempt by and impartial investigation be conducted into
senators to amend the Constitution to allow allegations of disproportionate use of lethal
presidential re-elections. In response, force, torture and other ill-treatment during
protests erupted on 31 March and 1 April, the confrontation in Curuguaty in 2012, as
with some protesters setting fire to the well as alleged violations of due process
Congress building. during the judicial proceedings against 11
President Cartes and ruling party campesinos (peasant farmers) related to this
representatives publicly accused the two case.
journalists of inciting violence and threatened On 16 August, Congress approved a law to
them with arrest. Other media workers critical implement the Rome Statute of the

296 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

International Criminal Court (ICC) and ensure fire, and 12 others were injured. The National
co-operation with the ICC. On 23 August the Mechanism for the Prevention of Torture had
Executive sent to Congress for ratification the reported in 2016 the lack of fire protection
Kampala Amendments on the crime of and evacuation protocols in the centre.
aggression and on Article 8 of the Rome
In July, President Cartes vetoed Bill No.
INDIGENOUS PEOPLES’ RIGHTS 5833/2017, which aimed to establish a civil
Negotiations began between the government registry record of “deaths of conceived
and representatives of the Ayoreo unborn children”. In August, the Chamber of
Totobiegosode Indigenous Peoples living in Deputies and the Senate rejected the veto
voluntary isolation, with a view to and approved the bill, which was
implementing the precautionary measures promulgated by the President at the end of
granted by the Inter-American Commission the year. The bill was denounced by human
on Human Rights (IACHR) to protect these rights organizations as introducing an almost
communities from third parties seeking to absolute protection of the foetus, which could
access their ancestral land, and to reach a potentially take precedence over the rights to
friendly settlement in a case pending before life, physical integrity and health of women
the IACHR for the violation of their rights. and girls.
The Yakye Axa community remained In October, the Ministry of Education and
without access to their lands despite a ruling Science passed a resolution banning public
from the Inter-American Court of Human education materials on “gender theory”,
Rights ordering the government to construct which in practice restricted materials related
an access route. The case regarding the to gender equality, reproductive rights,
ownership of land expropriated from the sexuality and non-discrimination.
Sawhoyamaxa community, which has a
similar ruling from the Inter-American Court
in their favour, had also not been resolved by
the government.
Republic of Peru
RIGHT TO HOUSING AND FORCED Head of state and government: Pedro Pablo Kuczynski
In September, the Chamber of Deputies
upheld the Executive’s veto of a bill that Land and territory-related rights continued
would have expropriated 900 hectares of to be threatened by the adoption of laws
land from its current occupants to return it to weakening the protection framework for the
the Guahory campesino community, who rights of Indigenous Peoples and
were forcibly evicted in 2016. undermining the right to free, prior and
In October, human rights organizations informed consent. Violence against women
reported that one year after the forced and the rate of pregnancy among girls
eviction of the Avá Guaraní de Sauce continued to increase without an effective
community in connection with the Itaipu response from the state. A presidential
hydroelectric dam, no progress had been pardon and grace granted to former
made regarding the restitution of their lands. Peruvian president Alberto Fujimori on
As a result, the community withdrew from humanitarian grounds raised serious
dialogue with the authorities. concerns regarding impunity and the
respect of due process guarantees.
In September, two boys held at a juvenile
detention centre in Ciudad del Este died in a

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 297

HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS 2009, had been serving a 25-year sentence
Both state and non-state actors continued to for crimes against humanity. The decision
threaten and harass human rights defenders, was seriously flawed by lack of transparency,
particularly those working on issues related to impartiality, respect for due process and
land, territory and the environment, in the participation of the victims and their families,
absence of policies for their effective notably given the severity of the crimes under
protection or public recognition of the international law.
importance of their work. Human rights In June, the Supreme Court of Chile
defenders were criminalized and harassed confirmed the extension of Alberto Fujimori's
through judicial proceedings with high extradition request to include the killing of six
penalties, and they usually lacked financial residents of Pativilca district in the
resources for adequate legal representation. department of Lima in January 1992. In July,
In May, the Supreme Court confirmed the the Third National Criminal Prosecutor's
acquittal of Máxima Acuña, putting an end to Office of Peru accused Alberto Fujimori of
an unfounded criminal proceeding for land responsibility for this crime, committed by his
seizure that had lasted for more than five subordinates in complicity with others.
years. Máxima Acuña and her family Nevertheless, the grace granted to him on 24
continued to report acts of intimidation, while  December lifted any criminal proceedings
the ownership of the lands on which they against him, therefore raising concerns of
lived was still pending judicial resolution. impunity in the Pativilca case.
In August, military officers were sentenced
INDIGENOUS PEOPLES’ RIGHTS for the torture, enforced disappearance and
The issuance of a series of regulations extrajudicial execution of 53 people in Los
lowering environmental standards and Cabitos military barracks in Ayacucho in
procedures for access to land aimed at 1983.
promoting extractive or infrastructure projects In September, the trial began of former navy
continued to conflict with the protection personnel charged with killing more than 100
framework for Indigenous Peoples’ rights. people during a riot in El Frontón prison in
Indigenous Peoples of the Cuninico 1986, a charge which could amount to a
community in Loreto region and the crime against humanity.
communities of Espinar in Cusco region were
still suffering a health crisis due to their only VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND GIRLS
water sources being contaminated with toxic Between January and September the
metals, while the government failed to Attorney General’s Office registered 17,182
undertake necessary actions to provide them complaints of “crimes against sexual
with specialized medical attention or access freedom”, which include rape and other
to clean and safe water. forms of sexual violence. Only 2,008 (11%)
No substantial progress was made in the of the complaints were followed up by the
case of four Asháninka Indigenous leaders judiciary. The registry of complaints did not
who were killed in Ucayali region in 2014 list the gender of complainants.
after reporting death threats from illegal In the same period, the Ministry for Women
loggers to the authorities. reported 94 cases of femicide.
There were no concrete advances in policy
IMPUNITY or legislation to combat violence against
One year after its approval, the National Plan women and girls.
for the Search for Disappeared Persons was
On 24 December, President Kuczynski Pregnancy rates among girls remained high.
granted a humanitarian pardon and grace to Official records showed that at least 12 girls
former president Alberto Fujimori who, since aged 11 and under, and 6,516 girls aged

298 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

between 12 and 17, gave birth between penalty stalled at the Senate after a bill was
January and March. passed by the House of Representatives.
Abortion continued to be criminalized in all
circumstances except when the health or life EXTRAJUDICIAL EXECUTIONS AND
of the pregnant woman or girl is at risk. The SUMMARY KILLINGS
debate on a bill for decriminalization of The deliberate, unlawful and widespread
abortion in cases of rape was pending before killings of thousands of alleged drug
Congress. offenders appeared to be systematic,
More than 5,000 women had been included planned, organized and encouraged by the
in the Registry of Victims of Forced authorities, and may have constituted crimes
Sterilization. Despite this, there was no against humanity. Most of those killed were
progress in obtaining justice and providing from poor urban communities.1 Despite
reparation. evidence that police and gunmen with links
to the police killed or paid others to kill
RIGHTS OF LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, alleged drug offenders in a wave of
TRANSGENDER AND INTERSEX PEOPLE extrajudicial executions, authorities continued
Peru continued to lack specific legislation to deny any unlawful deaths. In January, the
recognizing and protecting the rights of President suspended the violent anti-drugs
LGBTI people, who continued to face campaign for one month following the killing
discrimination and violence based on their in police custody of a Republic of Korea
sexual orientation or gender identity. national. In March, the unlawful killings of
In May, Congress partially repealed suspected drug offenders in police operations
Legislative Decree 1323, including the resumed, as did drug-related killings by other
section which established “sexual orientation armed individuals. The number of killings on
and gender identity” as aggravating grounds a single day in police anti-drug operations
for certain crimes and as elements of the reached 32 in August. Police continued to
crime of discrimination. rely on unverified lists of people allegedly
Transgender people continued to lack social using or selling drugs. In September, the
and legal recognition of their gender identity, killings of three teenagers within a few weeks
and were deprived of their rights to freedom sparked a national outcry. CCTV footage and
of movement, health, work, housing and witness statements contradicted police
education, among others. accounts of the killing of one of the three, 17-
year-old Kian delos Santos, who according to
forensic experts and witnesses appeared to
PHILIPPINES have been extrajudicially executed.2
In October, President Duterte announced
Republic of the Philippines that the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency
Head of state and government: Rodrigo Roa Duterte would take over the anti-drugs campaign
from the Philippine National Police. However,
Thousands of unlawful killings by police it was announced less than two months later
and other armed individuals continued as that police might rejoin anti-drug operations,
part of the government’s anti-drugs despite unresolved issues. Meaningful
campaign. Human rights defenders critical investigations into killings of alleged drugs
of the campaign were singled out and offenders failed to take place; no police
targeted by the President and his allies. A officers were known to have been held to
state of martial law was declared and account. Relatives of victims continued to be
extended twice on the island of Mindanao, fearful of reprisals if they filed complaints
raising fears of further human rights against police.
abuses. Attempts to reintroduce the death

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 299

FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION the Philippines’ international obligations and
Human rights defenders, in particular those in particular as a state party to the Second
critical of the government, faced threats and Optional Protocol to the ICCPR, aiming at the
intimidation. Journalists worked in dangerous abolition of the death penalty. A draft law to
and at times deadly environments. In August, reintroduce the punishment was adopted by
radio broadcaster Rudy Alicaway and the House of Representatives in March but
columnist Leodoro Diaz were shot dead in the stalled in the Senate after facing opposition.
provinces of Zamboanga del Sur and Sultan
Kudarat respectively. Radio broadcaster INTERNAL ARMED CONFLICT
Christopher Iban Lozada was killed by President Duterte declared martial law in the
unidentified gunmen in Surigao del Sur in island of Mindanao on 23 May. Fighting had
October. erupted in the city of Marawi between
government forces and an alliance of
HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS militants, including the Maute group, which
Attacks against human rights defenders pledged allegiance to the armed group
increased, as the President encouraged Islamic State (IS). The conflict ended in
police to “shoot” human rights defenders October when the military killed several
who were “obstructing justice”. In February, militant leaders.4 Militants allied with IS
Senator Leila de Lima, former justice targeted Christian civilians, committing at
secretary and former chair of the Philippines least 25 extrajudicial killings and carrying out
Commission on Human Rights, was arrested mass hostage-taking and extensive looting of
on charges of drug trafficking. At the end of civilian property, which may have amounted
the year she remained in detention at the to war crimes. Philippine armed forces
Philippine National Police headquarters in detained and ill-treated fleeing civilians, and
the capital, Manila, and faced between 12 also engaged in looting. Their extensive
years’ and life imprisonment if convicted. It bombing of militant-held areas of Marawi city
was believed that the charges were politically wiped out entire neighbourhoods and killed
motivated and that she had been deliberately civilians, which highlighted the need for an
targeted by the government since emerging investigation into their compliance with
as the most prominent critic of the “war on international humanitarian law. In response,
drugs”.3 Attacks against the Commission on the Philippine armed forces said they would
Human Rights also intensified, as lawmakers probe allegations of war crimes. Martial law
accused it of “siding with suspected was extended for a second time in
criminals” in the anti-drugs campaign and December, amid concerns that military rule
caused uproar by approving a budget of just could allow for further human rights abuses.
USD20, before the decision was overturned
in the Senate. Human rights groups TORTURE AND OTHER ILL-TREATMENT
expressed concern at reports of increased In April a secret detention cell was found in a
numbers of arbitrary arrests and detention, police station in Manila. The Philippines
and extrajudicial executions of political Commission on Human Rights referred the
activists and individuals aligned with the left, discovery, along with allegations of torture
following a declaration of martial law in the and other ill-treatment, to the Office of the
island of Mindanao, and as peace talks Ombudsman for investigation.
between communist rebels, the New People’s Security forces were accused of torture and
Army and the government broke down. extrajudicial executions of those rounded up
during five months of fighting between the
DEATH PENALTY Philippine armed forces and the Maute group
International groups called on the in Marawi.
government to abandon its plan, proposed in A bill to establish a National Preventative
2016, to reintroduce the death penalty, citing Mechanism in accordance with the

300 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

Philippines’ obligations under the Optional
Protocol to the UN Convention against
Torture had not been adopted by the end of
the year. Republic of Poland
Head of state: Andrzej Duda
CHILDREN’S RIGHTS Head of government: Mateusz Morawiecki (replaced
President Duterte pledged to lower the Beata Szydło in December)
minimum age of criminal responsibility,
generating wide condemnation from The government continued its efforts to
children’s rights organizations and the UN. A exert political control over the judiciary,
bill to amend the Juvenile Justice and NGOs and the media. Hundreds of
Welfare Act, which was adopted on 23 May protesters faced criminal sanctions for
by the Sub-Committee on Correctional participating in peaceful assemblies.
Reforms, retained the minimum age of Women and girls continued to face systemic
criminal responsibility as 15, but introduced barriers in accessing safe and legal
provisions that placed children as young as abortion.
nine in crowded and often unsanitary short-
term institutions for rehabilitation or as they LEGAL, CONSTITUTIONAL OR
awaited court disposition. An additional bill INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENTS
by a lawmaker was filed later in the year, In July, the European Commission stated that
seeking to lower the minimum age of criminal the independence of the Constitutional
responsibility to 12, but remained pending. Tribunal had been “seriously undermined”
and raised concerns that the constitutionality
RIGHT TO HEALTH of Polish laws “could not be effectively
The nationwide anti-drugs campaign guaranteed”. The government also attempted
undermined people’s right to the enjoyment to extend its influence over other branches of
of the highest attainable standard of physical the judiciary, including the Supreme Court,
and mental health. Many drug users were the National Council of the Judiciary and
forced into compulsory and inadequate Common Courts.
treatment and rehabilitation initiatives, which Between May and July, Parliament adopted
prevented them from accessing essential four laws on the reform of the judiciary.
health services and harm reduction These provoked a strong response from the
programmes. public, intergovernmental organizations and
NGOs which expressed alarm over the
SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS waning independence of the judiciary and
In January, President Duterte signed an rule of law. The changes would have given
executive order to strengthen the the Minister of Justice control over the
implementation of the Reproductive Health Supreme Court and would have also
Act of 2012 which promised to provide undermined the independence of the
greater access to family planning and birth National Council of Judiciary, a self-regulating
control services. body of judges. On 24 July, the President
vetoed two of the adopted laws, the
amendment of the Law on the National
1. ‘If you are poor, you are killed’: Extrajudicial executions in the
Philippines‘ war on drugs (ASA 35/5517/2017) Council of Judiciary and of the Law on the
2. Philippines: State hearing highlights deadly consequences for
Supreme Court.
children in ‚ war on drugs‘ (News story, 24 August) The President did, however, sign the
3. Philippines: Impending arrest of Senator politically motivated (ASA amendment to the Law on Common Courts,
35/5772/2017) which entered into force in August. The
4. ‘Battle of Marawi’: Death and destruction in the Philippines (ASA amendment empowered the Minister of
35/7427/2017) Justice to appoint and dismiss presidents

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 301

and vice-presidents of courts. In response, to provide identification; used threats of
the European Commission started sanctions; and, for some, the pursuit of
infringement proceedings against Poland for criminal charges and prosecutions. Dozens of
breaching EU law on the grounds that the protesters faced proceedings in court under
law, which introduced different retirement the Code of Petty Offences and in some
ages for men and women judges, was cases also under the Criminal Code;
discriminatory. The proceedings were proceedings were still pending at the end of
pending at the end of the year. The the year. Hundreds of others were
Commission stated that it would also trigger summoned to police stations in relation to
proceedings under Article 7(1), which could their participation in protests.
result in sanctions if any law giving the In April, an amendment to the Law on
Minister of Justice control over the Supreme Assemblies that prioritized “cyclical”
Court were adopted. assemblies in central Warsaw, entered into
In October, the daily Gazeta Wyborcza force. The law had been used to ban
reported that six prosecutors faced alternative or counter-demonstrations in
disciplinary proceedings for criticizing a 2016 favour of monthly pro-government assemblies
reform that merged the functions of the and to grant a pro-government group regular
national Prosecutor General and the Minister access to the public space near the
of Justice, giving the Minister undue Presidential Palace.
influence over judicial proceedings.
In December, the Parliament adopted FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION –
amendments to the Law on the National JOURNALISTS
Council of Judiciary and of the Law on the Using new powers conferred by the 2015
Supreme Court which subjected the judiciary media law, the Minister of Treasury dismissed
to the political control of the government. On a number of directors and supervisory
20 December, the European Commission, in councils of public TV and radio stations. The
an unprecedented move, triggered Article 7.1 Minister appointed new directors without
of the EU Treaty against Poland. The process consulting the independent National
could lead to sanctions for undermining Broadcasting Council, resulting in
human rights and the rule of law in Poland. government control over all public media
outlets. By October, over 234 journalists
FREEDOM OF ASSEMBLY working in public broadcasting, including
Public protests continued throughout 2017 in trade union leaders, had been demoted,
opposition to government policies and dismissed, or forced to resign.
legislation on the judiciary, the right to Investigative journalist Tomasz Piątek was at
peaceful assembly, the functioning of NGOs, risk of criminal charges for his book
media freedom, sexual and reproductive published in June that alleged a link between
rights, and the right to housing. The largest the Minister of National Defence and the
demonstrations occurred in July, when Russian intelligence services. In late June,
thousands of people in over 100 cities took to the Minister filed a criminal complaint against
the streets to protest against the reform of the Tomasz Piątek, alleging a violation of the laws
judiciary. Law enforcement officials on “using violence or unlawful threat [which]
responded with heavy-handed security affects a government authority performing its
measures in the area around Parliament and duty” and “insulting a public official in the
at the Presidential Palace, inhibiting the course and in connection with the
demonstrators’ ability to protest. The police performance of [their] duties”. On 26 June,
contained groups of peaceful protesters; the complaint was forwarded to the Regional
used constant and varied forms of monitoring Prosecutor’s Office in Warsaw. In October, the
and surveillance at the protests by Minister publicly accused the journalist of
surveillance teams that also asked protesters aiming to prevent the reform of Poland’s army

302 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

and that the allegations presented in the asylum application alleging that he
book were “an integral part of the hybrid war represented a “threat to national security”.
against Poland”. No charges against Tomasz The evidence against him, collected by the
Piątek had been formally pressed by the end Internal Security Agency, was not made
of the year. available to his legal representatives. The
NGO Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights
SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS argued that the denial of access to the case
In October, the President expressed support files had effectively prevented the applicant
for a legislative proposal drafted by anti- from knowing the detailed grounds for the
choice groups which would prohibit abortion rejection of his asylum claim. In August, the
in cases of severe or fatal fetal impairment. Foundation appealed against the decision.
In June, Parliament adopted an amendment
to the Law on State Funded Health Services REFUGEES AND ASYLUM-SEEKERS
under which emergency contraception There were ongoing reports of push-backs of
became accessible only on prescription, asylum-seekers at a border crossing with
contrary to international recommendations on Belarus. The European Court of Human
emergency contraception. Rights requested information from Poland
regarding four cases in which the applicants
FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION claimed that they were repeatedly denied
On 4 October, one day after a national protest entry to seek international protection and that
against restrictive policies on abortion, the this put them at risk of refoulement – forcible
police simultaneously raided four offices of return to a country where they were at real
women’s rights NGOs in different cities that risk of persecution. In late August, the NGO
had supported the action. The police Human Constanta, which is based in
confiscated hard drives and computer data, Belarus, filed another case against Poland
including databases with information on with the UN Human Rights Committee for the
individuals and medical reports of victims of breach of the non-refoulement principle. The
domestic violence. The authorities claimed cases remained pending at the end of the
that the action was part of an investigation of year.
former staff members of the Ministry of In June, the European Commission started
Justice for alleged maladministration of infringement procedures against Poland, as
funds. well as the Czech Republic and Hungary, for
In October, Parliament adopted the Law on refusing to participate in the refugee
the National Freedom Institute, a body that relocation scheme from EU member states
will decide on state funding to NGOs. Civil such as Greece and Italy. In December, the
society groups raised serious concerns that European Commission decided to step up the
the law provided for the Institute to be under action against all three countries and referred
the effective control of the government, which them to the Court of Justice of the European
would potentially undermine the ability of Union.
organizations that were critical of the
government to access such funds.


The Council of Europe Commissioner for Portuguese Republic
Human Rights and NGOs raised concerns Head of state: Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa
over the lack of due process in cases of Head of government: António Costa
deportations where national security grounds
were invoked. Housing conditions for Roma and people of
In April, an Iraqi student was deported to African descent remained inadequate.
Iraq after the Refugee Board rejected his Portugal relocated fewer asylum-seekers

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 303

than it was required to under the EU DETENTION
Relocation Programme. The government The publication of the Council of Europe
proposed legislation to strengthen the Committee for the Prevention of Torture’s
protection of transgender and intersex report of its visit to Portugal in September-
people’s rights. Parliament extended October 2016 was pending at the end of the
protection against hate speech and year. The visit focused on the application of
discrimination. safeguards against torture and other ill-
treatment of persons in custody; conditions of
RIGHT TO HOUSING AND FORCED detention in prison and on remand; and the
EVICTIONS situation of patients in forensic psychiatric
In February, in her report of a December units.
2016 visit to Lisbon, the capital, and Porto,
the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to REFUGEES AND ASYLUM-SEEKERS
adequate housing noted that many Roma Portugal relocated 1,518 asylum-seekers
and people of African descent were living in from Greece and Italy, leaving over 1,400
substandard conditions and often faced places to fill according to the legal
discrimination in accessing adequate commitment it had made under the EU
housing. She urged the authorities, among Relocation Programme. However, the
other things, to address inadequate housing authorities reported that of those relocated,
in informal settlements as a priority and to over 720 persons had left the country by the
ensure that evictions and demolitions did not end of the year.
result in homelessness and were carried out
in compliance with international standards. RIGHTS OF LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL,
Commissioner for Human Rights visited In April, a government-sponsored bill aiming
Lisbon and Torres Vedras; he also expressed to bring the protection of LGBTI people’s
concern about the substandard and often rights in line with international standards was
segregated Roma settlements and called for presented to Parliament. The bill was being
new social housing programmes for all considered at the end of the year. The bill
vulnerable groups to be developed. proposed removing the requirement for
Residents of the informal settlement of psychological assessments and introduced
Bairro 6 de Maio in the Amadora the requirement for expressed consent to any
municipality, near Lisbon, feared their houses medical treatment aimed at determining the
could be demolished and they could be gender for intersex people, including
forcibly evicted without access to adequate children.
processes. Many of the residents were of
African and Roma descent. DISCRIMINATION
In August, Parliament approved legislation
TORTURE AND OTHER ILL-TREATMENT strengthening protection against
In July, the Public Prosecutor of the Amadora discrimination. The criminal code was
municipality charged 18 police officers for amended to include descent and physical
the ill-treatment of six men of African descent and mental disability among the grounds for
in February 2015 (the charges against one criminal liability for discriminatory conduct. A
officer were struck out in December). The separate offence of incitement to hatred and
officers were accused of torture, unlawful violence based on discriminatory motives was
imprisonment, grave abuse of power and also introduced.
other offences aggravated by racism. In
September, the investigating judge rejected VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN
the Public Prosecutor’s request that the In October, the Porto Court of Appeal upheld
officers be suspended pending trial. the suspended sentence of two men

304 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

convicted in 2015 of assaulting a woman. December, the Inter-American Commission
The woman’s former partner abducted her on Human Rights expressed concern over
and her former husband beat her with a nail- the emergency and reconstruction efforts.
spiked bat. The judges justified their decision
by referring to religious beliefs and gender RIGHTS OF LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL,
stereotypes, stating that “the adultery of the TRANSGENDER AND INTERSEX PEOPLE
woman was a very serious attack on the In February, the Department of Education
honour and dignity of a man.” In December, eliminated the curriculum for gender
the Superior Council of the Judiciary opened perspective in public schools, which was
disciplinary proceedings, which were pending established by the previous administration to
at the end of the year, against the two judges ensure equality between genders in
responsible for the ruling. education and in all Department of Education
projects; the new curriculum would only have
a binary conception of gender. The
PUERTO RICO Department also removed guidelines allowing
public-school students to wear school
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico uniform according to their gender identity.
Head of state: Donald Trump (replaced Barack Obama Protections for transgender people suffered
in January) a further setback when the President of the
Head of government: Ricardo Rosselló Nevares Senate signed an administrative order
eliminating protective measures that
Hurricane Maria caused deaths and previously allowed employees of the
widespread damage to infrastructure, legislative branch to dress and use
housing and essential services. Protections bathrooms according to their gender identity.
for transgender people and of freedoms of In July, Governor Rosselló signed an
expression and association suffered executive order for the creation of an LGBTI
setbacks. Austerity measures put human advisory council to promote and implement
rights at risk. Police used excessive force to initiatives for LGBTI people across
quell protests on International Workers’ Day. governmental departments and in
collaboration with civil society.
On 20 September, Hurricane Maria caused FREEDOMS OF EXPRESSION AND
the largest natural disaster on the island in ASSEMBLY
modern history. According to the authorities, On 19 May, Governor Rosselló signed into
at least 64 people died, but due to law several amendments to the Criminal
uncertainties regarding the actual number, Code, making illegal certain conduct such as
the Governor announced that a new blocking entry to construction sites or
investigation would be carried out. The educational institutions − tactics traditionally
hurricane destroyed infrastructure and used by peaceful protesters − thus potentially
buildings, leaving many people without undermining the rights to freedom of
housing and access to potable water, food, expression and peaceful assembly. The
and essential services including medical amendments were rushed through
treatment and education. The slow response Parliament with limited consultation with civil
of the local and federal government resulted society and entered into force immediately
in a deepening of the humanitarian crisis after their approval, without the usual 90-day
caused by the hurricane. In October, UN waiting period. The amendments appeared to
human rights experts noted that the lack of be a direct attempt by the government to
an effective emergency response came in the discourage peaceful protests.
context of an “existing dire situation caused
by debt and austerity measures”. In

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 305

RIGHTS Although the death penalty was abolished in
Puerto Rico continued to face a serious Puerto Rico in 1929, it can still be imposed
financial crisis as a result of crippling external for crimes under US federal law that are
debt of more than USD70 billion, according punishable by death penalty. In February, the
to figures from the authorities. Office of the US Attorney for the District of
The Financial Oversight and Management Puerto Rico announced that it would again
Board, established by US authorities in 2016, seek the death penalty against Alexis
implemented several austerity measures Candelario-Santana at his retrial, due to
during the year. These measures could have begin on 1 August 2018. In 2013 he had
negative consequences on human rights, in been sentenced to life imprisonment.
particular access to health care, housing,
education and work. On 9 January, the UN
Independent Expert on foreign debt and
human rights publicly expressed concerns
over the adverse effects that further austerity State of Qatar
measures would have on the enjoyment of Head of state: Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al
economic, social and cultural rights. The Thani
government of Puerto Rico continued to Head of government: Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser bin
refuse to conduct a thorough audit of its debt Khalifa Al Thani
despite calls from local civil society
organizations. Severance of relations with Qatar by several
In December, the UN Special Rapporteur of its regional neighbours imposed arbitrary
on extreme poverty and human rights visited restrictions on Qatar that resulted in human
Puerto Rico. He expressed concern regarding rights violations. The government continued
the lack of consideration given to social to unduly restrict freedom of expression.
protections in the projected austerity Steps were taken to improve access to
measures. compensation for abused migrant workers.
The government committed to revise its
EXCESSIVE USE OF FORCE laws and reform the sponsorship system, as
Excessive and unnecessary use of force by part of an agreement with the ILO. After
police was reported during protests related to years of delays, migrant domestic workers’
the fiscal crisis. On 1 May, International labour rights were protected for the first
Workers’ Day, the American Civil Liberties time, though the new law contained flaws.
Union documented the indiscriminate use of Discrimination against women remained
tear gas against protesters without prior entrenched in both law and practice. The
dispersal orders, contrary to international law courts imposed death sentences; no
and standards. Observers collected canisters executions were reported.
which revealed that expired tear gas had
been used. Additionally, video evidence BACKGROUND
showed the use of rubber bullets against On 5 June, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain and
largely peaceful protesters. Other concerns Egypt severed relations with Qatar, accusing
were raised concerning police officers not it of financing and harbouring “terrorists” and
being properly identifiable during the interfering in the domestic affairs of its
protests, and undercover police infiltrating neighbours. Saudi Arabia closed Qatar’s only
protests and making arrests without land border while the four countries closed
identifying themselves. their airspace to flights to Qatar. Saudi
Arabia, Bahrain and UAE arbitrarily banned
their nationals from visiting or living in Qatar,
and ordered Qataris to leave within 14 days,

306 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

threatening fines or other unspecified February 2017. On 24 May he was travelling
consequences for non-compliance. Despite with his wife to Norway, where he had been
statements in response to international granted asylum, when Qatari officials
outcry, it was unclear what practical steps the detained him at Doha airport.
three states had taken to mitigate negative Filipino national Ronaldo Lopez Ulep, whose
impacts on families and those in education or conviction on espionage charges was upheld
undergoing medical treatment. As a result of in 2016, continued to be detained despite an
the dispute, Qatari forces were expelled from unfair trial and allegations of torture.
the Saudi Arabia-led coalition in Yemen (see
Yemen entry) and a UN mission to Djibouti, WORKERS’ RIGHTS – MIGRANT
while the government accelerated efforts to WORKERS
increase its military capacity, including In January, the Emir signed an amendment
through military co-operation with Turkey and to Qatar’s new sponsorship law, which had
other states. In July, the Emir issued a decree come into effect in December 2016. Law  No.
amending some provisions of the 2004 Law 1 of 2017 confirmed that migrant workers
on Combating Terrorism, which included would continue to require the permission of
redefining some terms and enabling their employer to leave the country, by
individuals and groups accused of “terrorist requiring workers to “notify” their employer.
activities” to appeal before the courts. In In October the cabinet reportedly approved a
November the Emir announced that the first new amendment to the exit permit; it was not
ever legislative elections would be held in published during the year.
2018 and appointed four women to the The ILO complaint against Qatar was closed
Consultative Council (Shura Council). on 8 November after the government
committed to revising its laws in line with
FREEDOMS OF EXPRESSION, international labour standards and the
ASSOCIATION AND ASSEMBLY guidance of ILO experts. If implemented in
The authorities maintained restrictions to the full, the agreement would enhance the
rights to freedom of expression, association protection of migrant workers’ rights.
and peaceful assembly that were not in On 18 August, the Emir approved the
conformity with international law and establishment of a new, judge-led Labour
standards. The authorities did not permit the Dispute Resolution Committee (Law No.13 of
existence of independent political parties, 2017) to settle labour disputes within three
and workers’ associations were only weeks of a worker filing a complaint. If
permitted for Qatari citizens if they met strict operated fairly and effectively, the new
criteria. Laws criminalizing expression committee could address some of the
deemed offensive to the Emir were barriers to migrant workers accessing justice.
maintained. At the end of the year the dispute resolution
In January, the government arbitrarily courts had not yet begun operating.
imposed a travel ban on human rights lawyer A new law providing legal protections for
Najeeb al-Nuaimi, who was initially informed domestic workers’ labour rights was passed
by text message. The ban remained in place for the first time. Law No.15 of 2017 included
at the end of the year, limiting the lawyer’s a limit to working hours per day, at least 24
right to free movement. consecutive hours off every week and three
weeks’ paid leave per year. However, the law
TORTURE AND OTHER ILL-TREATMENT failed to provide adequate safeguards to
On 25 May, although he was at risk of torture, restrict the abuse of a provision allowing
the government forcibly returned Saudi domestic workers to work beyond the legal
Arabian human rights activist Mohammad al- limit if they “agreed”.
Otaibi to Saudi Arabia, where he faced trial. Third-party auditors highlighted some
Mohammad al-Otaibi had arrived in Qatar in progress on projects for the football World

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 307

Cup in 2022, but identified abuses of migrant DEATH PENALTY
workers at all 10 of the contractors they The courts reportedly imposed at least two
investigated. new death sentences that were upheld by the
The dispute with neighbouring countries Court of Cassation, Qatar’s highest court. No
affected some migrant workers. Low-paid executions were reported.
workers were disproportionately impacted by
increases in food prices. Workers in the
hospitality and tourism sectors reported being
forced to take extended leave without pay.
Some foreign workers had annual leave Romania
cancelled and exit permits revoked. Head of state: Klaus Iohannis
Head of government: Mihai Tudose (replaced Sorin
WOMEN’S RIGHTS Grindeanu in June)
Women continued to face discrimination in
law and practice. Personal status laws Laws extending pardons and amnesties for
continued to discriminate against women in corruption and official misconduct were put
relation to marriage, divorce, inheritance, forward, sparking protests across the
child custody, nationality and freedom of country. European and international
movement. institutions criticized overcrowding in
In June, the UN Committee on the Rights of prisons and inadequate detention
the Child (CRC) urged the authorities to conditions. Amendments were proposed to
investigate crimes related to gender-based the law regulating civil society organizations
violence and to bring perpetrators to justice. and foundations. Roma continued to face
The Committee called on the authorities to discrimination.
amend the Nationality Act in order to allow
women to confer nationality to their children BACKGROUND
on an equal basis with Qatari men. Despite In January, tens of thousands of people
the approval of a draft law providing protested against two emergency ordinances
permanent residency rights for the children adopted without substantial discussion by the
of Qatari women married to non-Qataris, then recently formed government. The bills
discrimination persisted with women unable extended a pardon of persons sentenced for
to pass on nationality and citizenship to their certain corruption offences and
children. decriminalized official misconduct. National
institutions, some foreign embassies and the
CHILDREN’S RIGHTS European Commission criticized the laws
In June, the CRC expressed concern over which were then repealed in February. In
gender discrimination of children, violence April, a new draft law – granting an amnesty
against children in schools and at home, and for sentences of less than five years,
laws limiting the right to nationality of including for corruption – was put forward,
children born in Qatar. The Committee called sparking more protests throughout the
for the enactment of measures to end these country during the year. The bill had not
practices. It also called for ending child been adopted by the end of the year.
marriage and raising the age of criminal
responsibility, which remained at seven years LEGAL, CONSTITUTIONAL OR
of age in contravention of international INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENTS
standards. The Committee reiterated Amendments were proposed to the law
concerns about discrimination against the regulating NGOs and foundations introducing
children of migrant workers and additional administrative and financial
recommended the abolition of the kafala obligations. National NGOs criticized the new
sponsorship system “without delay”. measures as arbitrary, unnecessary and

308 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

vague. The Conference of international NGOs 2010 by local authorities. The legal case
of the CoE highlighted in December brought by the community against the
shortcomings regarding compliance with municipality challenging the forced eviction
international standards and best practices. remained pending in national courts at the
The proposals, adopted by the Senate in end of the year.
November, remained pending before the RIGHT TO EDUCATION
Parliament’s Chamber of Deputies at the end New legislation aiming to prevent, combat
of the year. and prohibit segregation in primary and
The proposal for a new National Strategy for secondary education entered into force after
Housing remained pending. its adoption in December 2016 by the
In March, the Senate rejected a draft law Ministry of National Education and Scientific
calling for the repeal of part of the Anti- Research. Two ministerial orders established
discrimination Law that instituted the national a public policy against segregation in schools
equality body. The draft law was proposed by on a wide range of grounds, including ethnic
a former MP who was fined by the body in origin, disability and socio-economic status of
2016 for homophobic statements. families, and a related action plan scheduled
to be implemented by October.
In April, the European Court for Human RIGHTS OF LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL,
Rights (ECtHR) advanced recommendations TRANSGENDER AND INTERSEX PEOPLE
aimed at reducing overcrowding in prisons in The Senate’s decision on a national
a “pilot judgment” issued against Romania. It referendum on the possible restriction of the
imposed an obligation on the state to resolve constitutional definition of “family” from
the highlighted structural dysfunctionalities or “marriage between spouses” to “marriage
risk sanctions. between a man and a woman” remained
pending at the end of the year. The Coalition
DISCRIMINATION – ROMA for Family – a group of some 30 associations
In February, the European Commission and foundations – has been promoting such
stated that the risk of living in poverty was restriction since 2016.
almost three times higher for Roma than for The case of the same-sex couple seeking
the rest of the population. recognition of their marriage officiated in
RIGHT TO HOUSING AND FORCED EVICTIONS Belgium remained under examination by the
In September, according to NGOs, around 30 Constitutional Court. The Court had sought a
Roma, half of them children, living in the preliminary ruling from the European Court of
town of Eforie Sud in Constanta county, were Justice on the harmonic interpretation of EU
verbally threatened by local authorities with legislation on freedom of movement and
eviction from a publicly owned property. They residence for same-sex couples.
had occupied the building since October
2013 when they had been repeatedly forcibly COUNTER-TERROR AND SECURITY
evicted by local authorities from a long- The case of Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, a Saudi
standing settlement and rendered homeless. Arabian national currently held in the US
In May, around 35 of the Roma families detention facility at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba,
from the Pata Rat informal settlements – remained pending before the ECtHR. The
located on the outskirts of Cluj-Napoca, near case was lodged against Romania in 2012 for
a waste and chemical dump – received new allegations of the enforced disappearance
homes across the city’s neighbourhoods and and torture of Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri at a
nearby villages as part of a multi-stakeholder secret CIA detention facility in Bucharest, the
desegregation project. This included around capital, between 2004 and 2006.
20 families from the former Coastei Street
community, forcibly evicted in December

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 309

DISCRIMINATION – PEOPLE human rights violations continued in the
WITH DISABILITIES North Caucasus. Russia used its veto to
Living conditions in social care and block UN Security Council resolutions on
psychiatric institutions for people with Syria. Migrants and refugees were denied
disabilities remained extremely precarious. protection of their rights. Some forms of
The monitoring mechanism required by the domestic violence were decriminalized.
UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with LGBTI people continued to face
Disabilities, ratified by Romania in 2011, was discrimination and violence; gay men in
not fully operational at the end of the year. Chechnya were targeted through a co-
ordinated campaign of abduction, torture
VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND GIRLS and killings by the Chechen authorities.
In July, the UN Committee on the Elimination
of Discrimination against Women LEGAL, CONSTITUTIONAL OR
recommended broadening existing legislation INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENTS
to address all forms of gender-based On 10 February, the Constitutional Court
violence, strengthening women’s access to ruled that the mere fact of holding an
justice and remedies, disaggregated data “unauthorized” peaceful gathering did not
collection, and improved access to sexual constitute a criminal offence under Article
and reproductive health and rights. 212.1 of the Criminal Code, which made
In May, the ECtHR noted that despite repeated violation of protest rules a crime.1
existing legislation and a national strategy On 22 February, activist Ildar Dadin, who had
there was insufficient commitment from the received a prison sentence for his peaceful
government to take appropriate action to protest, had his sentence under Article 212.1
prevent and combat domestic violence. The reviewed; the Supreme Court ordered his
ECtHR also criticized the limited number of release.
shelters for women victims of domestic In July, provisions were enacted allowing the
violence available across the country. authorities to deprive of Russian citizenship
individuals who had acquired it while
“intending” to “threaten the foundations of
RUSSIAN [Russia’s] constitutional order”. NGOs
criticized the language of the law, which they

FEDERATION said was open to arbitrary application.


Russian Federation
In February, a law was enacted
Head of state: Vladimir Putin
decriminalizing domestic violence committed
Head of government: Dmitry Medvedev
by “close relatives” that caused pain but no
There were further restrictions to the rights injury or loss of ability to work. This prompted
to freedom of expression, association and an increase in violent incidents mainly
peaceful assembly. Harassment and targeting women in several regions.
intimidation of human rights defenders and
independent NGOs continued. Cultural FREEDOM OF ASSEMBLY
rights were reduced, including through Across the country, the biggest protests in
reprisals and self-censorship. Religious years took place. Hundreds of peaceful
minorities continued to face harassment protesters, bystanders and journalists were
and persecution. The right to a fair trial was arrested; many were subjected to cruel,
frequently violated. Torture and other ill- inhuman or degrading treatment, prolonged
treatment persisted; the work of arbitrary detention, and unfair trials resulting
independent monitoring bodies for places of in heavy fines and “administrative detention”
detention was further eroded. Serious for several days.

310 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

In March, anti-corruption rallies took place dozen organizations were removed from the
in at least 97 cities and towns. In many list following their closure or after their foreign
places, police dispersed peaceful protesters funding or their “political activity”, as defined
using unnecessary and excessive force. More by the “foreign agents” law, ceased, bringing
than 1,600 people were arrested, including at the number of organizations that remained in
least 14 journalists covering the protests. the list to 85 at the end of the year. However,
Many of those arrested faced unfair trials on NGOs affected by the “foreign agents” law,
politically motivated charges and hundreds among them leading human rights groups,
were detained solely for peacefully exercising did not perceive this as an improvement.
their rights to freedom of expression and In March, the ECtHR combined and
assembly. Fourteen employees and communicated the complaints of 61 Russian
volunteers of the Anti-Corruption Foundation, NGOs against the “foreign agents” law; and
who had organized a widely watched live Russian authorities filed their comments in
internet broadcast of the protests, were September. The case was pending before the
arbitrarily arrested at their office in Moscow, Court at the end of the year.
the capital. On 27 and 28 March, 12 of them On 19 June, the charge of “malicious
were sentenced to “administrative evasion” of obligations arising from the
detention”.2 “foreign agents” law – in the first and only
Since 26 March, criminal convictions were such criminal case – against human rights
pressed against at least eight protesters for defender Valentina Cherevatenko was
violent offences allegedly committed while dropped due to the absence of elements of a
trying to protect themselves or others from crime.
police violence in Moscow, Petrozavodsk and Four more foreign organizations were
Volgograd. Criminal proceedings were declared “undesirable”, making them and
initiated against more protesters; some of working for or supporting them, illegal in
them faced further questionable charges. Russia. There were 11 “undesirable”
Many who took part in the largest protests organizations at the end of the year.
were teenagers and young students. The Between September and November,
authorities put pressure on them through administrative proceedings were initiated
schools and universities, using informal against the NGO SOVA Centre, Andrey Rylkov
warnings and expulsions, and in some cases Foundation for Health and Social Justice, the
threatened to challenge custodial rights of Centre for Independent Social Research, and
parents of under-age protesters. the Centre for Social Partnership, for
On 7 February, the European Court of allegedly distributing materials of
Human Rights (ECtHR) ruled in Lashmankin “undesirable” organizations. The NGOs did
and Others v. Russia − a case concerning 23 not remove old mentions of “undesirable”
applicants from different regions. The ECtHR organizations and hyperlinks to their
found that the restrictions on location, time websites. Administrative proceedings against
and manner of conduct of street protests SOVA Centre were terminated because of the
violated their right to freedom of assembly, expiration of the statute of limitations. Other
without effective remedy being available to NGOs were fined 50,000 roubles (USD871)
them. The applications concerned events of each.
2009-2012 when restrictions on protests
were less strict than in 2017. FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION
Most of the media remained under effective
FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION state control and were used by the authorities
NGOs were affected by the law on “foreign to smear human rights defenders, political
agents”. Thirteen NGOs receiving foreign opponents and other dissenting voices.
funding were added to the Ministry of Throughout the country, protest leaders and
Justice’s list of “foreign agents”. Several political activists supporting critical voices

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 311

faced harassment, administrative and publications on the Federal List of Extremist
criminal proceedings and physical violence Materials.
by pro-government activists and On 20 April, the Supreme Court banned the
“unidentified” individuals, believed to be Jehovah’s Witnesses’ central organization and
security officials or others acting in collusion all its affiliates in Russia, ruling that the group
with them. comprising 395 local organizations and over
In a further crackdown on freedom of 170,000 followers was “extremist”. Jehovah’s
expression online, the authorities banned Witnesses who continued to manifest their
anonymizers and virtual private networks, beliefs risked being criminally prosecuted
among other new restrictive measures. In and faced up to 12 years’ imprisonment.
May, the President approved the Strategy for Restrictions on missionary activities
the Development of the Information Society introduced in 2016 were indiscriminately
for 2017-2030 which stated “priority of applied, ranging from the attempted
traditional Russian spiritual-ethical values” in prosecution of a yoga instructor in St
the use of information and communication Petersburg in January for giving a public
technologies. lecture to the confiscation of copies of the
Anti-extremism legislation was further Salvation Army’s Bible in Vladivostok as they
extended and used arbitrarily against did not feature the prescribed official marking
protected speech. In August, the UN CERD of the distributing organization.
Committee expressed concern over its use to On 11 May, a court in Yekaterinburg
silence individuals belonging to groups imposed on blogger Ruslan Sokolovsky a
vulnerable to discrimination and reiterated its three-and-a-half-year conditional prison
recommendations that the legislation contain sentence, reduced to two years and three
a clear legal definition of extremism and months on appeal, for “inciting hatred” and
abandon the Federal List of Extremist “offending believers’ feelings” by posting a
Materials. video in which he played the reality game
Artistic expression was restricted on Pokémon Go in a cathedral.
occasions under pressure from conservative
groups that regarded specific artistic RIGHTS OF LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL,
productions as an offence to their religious TRANSGENDER AND INTERSEX PEOPLE
belief. Performances were cancelled and State-sponsored discrimination and
individuals associated with them faced persecution of LGBTI people continued
harassment and violence. Criminal unabated, and the homophobic “propaganda
proceedings were initiated against a number law” was actively enforced. On 18 October,
of prominent theatre workers in Moscow and activist Evdokia Romanova was found guilty
were widely condemned by their devotees as of the administrative offence of “propaganda
politically motivated. of non-traditional sexual relationships among
In November, a law was enacted allowing minors using the Internet”. She was fined
authorities to recognize as “foreign agents” 50,000 roubles (USD871) by a court in
media outlets that were both registered Samara, for the links to the international
abroad and foreign-funded, which Youth Coalition for Sexual and Reproductive
stigmatized them and imposed restrictive Rights website she had shared on social
reporting requirements. At the end of the media in 2015 and 2016.3
year, nine mass media outlets were In April, independent Novaya Gazeta
recognized as “foreign agents”. newspaper reported that over 100 men in
Chechnya who were believed to be gay were
FREEDOM OF RELIGION AND BELIEF abducted, tortured and otherwise ill-treated
Religious minority groups continued to be in secret prisons, and that some were killed.
harassed, including by banning, blocking of Escaped survivors reported a campaign of
their websites, and the inclusion of their violence co-ordinated by the authorities.

312 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

Eyewitnesses stated that a number of reports as sole evidence. The trials resulted
captives were killed, and some handed over in lengthy detentions and hefty fines. Trails
to their families for “honour killings” under were often swift; after the 26 March protest,
local “traditions”. Tverskoi District Court in Moscow considered
The federal investigative authorities were 476 cases in 17 working days.
slow to respond to these reports. They On 22 August, Aleksandr Eivazov, former
refused to open a formal investigation after a Secretary of the October District Court in St
protracted pre-investigation failed to Petersburg and also a whistle-blower, was
recognize the allegations as well founded, arrested for purportedly “interfering in the
despite the efforts by the federal work of the court”, on account of his refusal
Ombudsperson to establish and check the to sign and backdate records of a court
relevant facts. No investigation was known to hearing that someone else compiled. He was
have been initiated by the end of the year. a witness to numerous violations of court
procedures, judicial ethics and workers’
NORTH CAUCASUS rights in the court, and had sent complaints
Reports continued of serious human rights about all violations to the authorities and
violations, including enforced disappearance, shared this information on social media.
unlawful detention, torture and other ill- Aleksandr Eivazov’s complaints were not
treatment of detainees, and extrajudicial known to be addressed. He remained in
executions in the North Caucasus. The detention despite his asthma at the end of
situation in Chechnya was further the year.6
deteriorating. Impunity remained for past
violent incidents against human rights TORTURE AND OTHER ILL-TREATMENT
defenders in Chechnya. Reports of torture and other ill-treatment in
In January, Magomed Daudov, speaker of prisons and detention centres across Russia
the Chechen Parliament, issued personal persisted. The conditions during prisoner
threats through his Instagram account transports amounted to torture and other ill-
against Grigory Shvedov, editor-in-chief of the treatment, and in many instances, to
independent online news project Caucasian enforced disappearance.7 Some prisoners
Knot.4 In April, Novaya Gazeta journalists faced journeys lasting a month or more, while
received threats from Chechnya for their being transferred in overcrowded train
coverage of the anti-gay campaign in carriages and vans, and spending weeks in
Chechnya. Radio Ekho Moskvy journalists transit cells at various stages on their way to
also received such threats for expressing remote prison colonies. Their families and
solidarity with Novaya Gazeta journalists.5 lawyers had no information about their fate
Novaya Gazeta reported the unlawful and whereabouts.
detention of dozens of people, starting in Prisoner of conscience Ildar Dadin was
December 2016, and secret execution of at forcibly disappeared for a month while being
least 27 captives by the security forces on transferred to another prison; his
26  January. No one was known to have been whereabouts became known in January. He
investigated or held accountable for these made allegations of torture in Segezha prison
incidents by the end of the year. colony in October 2016 and as a
consequence the authorities transferred him
UNFAIR TRIALS to another prison colony. During his transfer,
Independent trial monitors reported the authorities refused to provide any
systematic violations of the right to a fair trial information on his whereabouts to his family
at criminal and administrative hearings, and lawyers until after his arrival at the
including in the cases brought against colony.
peaceful protesters. Most administrative trials In May, the ECtHR ruled on the cases of
relied heavily on widely disputed police eight applicants from Russia, that the

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 313

condition of their transport by the penitentiary Khudoberdi Nurmatov fled Uzbekistan years
service amounted to inhuman and degrading earlier to avoid persecution by security
treatment. This included the cases of Anna services for refusing to act as a secret
Lozinskaya and Valery Tokarev who were informer. He would also be subject to
repeatedly transported in single-person van prosecution under Uzbekistani law which
compartments measuring 0.3m2. criminalized homosexuality. Following the
The role and effectiveness of Public ECtHR’s decision granting Khudoberdi
Oversight Commissions, an independent Nurmatov urgent interim measures, the
monitoring mechanism for places of Moscow City Court on 8 August stayed his
detention, was further eroded, including deportation but remanded him in a detention
through continued under-funding. The rules centre for foreign nationals, where he
governing the nomination of their members remained at the end of the year. In
by Public Chambers − consultative bodies December, the ECtHR communicated his
consisting of state-appointed members of complaint.
civil society organizations − were changed. Registration with local police at the place of
This led to a reduction in the membership of residence remained a precondition for labour
some of the Commissions, which in some and other migrants to access health care and
cases had an impact on their independence education. But the registration was routinely
by effectively precluding certain human rights refused by many landlords who were
defenders from becoming members. required to consent to it.
There were reports of independent In September, human rights defender
monitors, including members of Public Tatiana Kotlyar was convicted of fictitiously
Oversight Commissions and of the registering 167 migrants at her address to
Presidential Human Rights Council, being enable them to comply with immigration
arbitrarily denied access to prison colonies by regulations and to be able to access essential
prison administrations. services. The court sentenced Tatiana Kotlyar
to a fine of 150,000 roubles (USD2,619). The
ARMED CONFLICT – SYRIA fine was waived on account of the expiration
Russia five times used its veto in the UN of the statute of limitations for this crime.
Security Council to block resolutions that
would have imposed sanctions for the
1. Russia: Court offers “chink of light” in case brought by jailed
production and use of chemical weapons in protester Ildar Dadin (News story, 10 February)
Syria, condemned the reported chemical 2. Russian Federation: Detained members of corruption watchdog are
weapons attack on the town Khan Shaykhun, prisoners of conscience and should be freed immediately (EUR
called on the Syrian government to grant 46/5998/2017)
access to and the right to inspect any sites, 3. Russia: Homophobic legislation used to persecute activist who
and renewed the mandate of the Joint shared LGBTI articles on Facebook (News story, 18 October)

Investigative Mechanism, formed to 4. Russian Federation: Journalist threatened by Chechen official −

Grigory Shvedov (EUR 46/5442/2017)
determine the perpetrators of chemical-
weapons attacks. 5. Russian Federation: Newspaper threatened for reports on abductions
(EUR 46/6075/2017)

REFUGEES’ AND MIGRANTS’ RIGHTS 6. Russian Federation: Whistle-blower detained on spurious charges −
Aleksandr Eivazov (EUR 46/7200/2017)
Russia continued to return asylum-seekers
7. Prison transportation in Russia − travelling into the unknown (EUR
and refugees to countries where they were at
risk of torture and other ill-treatment.
On 1 August, a court in Moscow ruled that
Uzbekistani national and journalist
Khudoberdi Nurmatov (also known as Ali
Feruz) was violating Russia’s immigration
laws and should be deported to Uzbekistan.

314 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

leaving their house. On 30 August, the police
RWANDA confirmed that an investigation was
under way and that the family was not in
Republic of Rwanda detention. For several weeks the family was
Head of state: Paul Kagame questioned by police and their movement
Head of government: Edouard Ngirente (replaced restricted; they were unable to communicate
Anastase Murekezi in August) freely. On 23 September, the police arrested
Diane Rwigara, her mother Adeline and sister
The clampdown on political opponents Anne. On 3 October, the Public Prosecutor
continued before and after presidential confirmed that they were being charged with
elections, with cases of severe restrictions “inciting insurrection or trouble among the
on freedoms of expression and association, population”, that Diane Rwigara would be
as well as unlawful killings and unresolved charged with using counterfeit documents
disappearance cases. and her mother charged with discrimination
and sectarian practices. Anne Rwigara was
BACKGROUND granted bail on 23 October; Diane and
Presidential elections were held in August. Adeline Rwigara were remanded in custody
President Kagame was re-elected with and remained in detention awaiting trial at
98.79% of the vote. The Democratic Green the end of the year.
Party of Rwanda won 0.48% of the vote and On 26 September, eight leaders and
the independent candidate 0.73%. members of the unregistered United
The National Electoral Commission (NEC) Democratic Forces-Inkingi (FDU-Inkingi)
decided that three aspiring independent party were charged with forming an irregular
candidates did not fulfil the eligibility armed group and with offences against the
requirements. One of them, Diane Rwigara, President. Théophile Ntirutwa, the party’s
was accused of submitting forged signatures. Kigali representative, was detained on 6 
On 14 July, she launched a new activist September and held incommunicado until
group, the People Salvation Movement. 23  September. He was later charged with
Several diplomatic missions and civil society supporting an armed group.
observers found that the electoral process Those arrested in September included FDU-
had been peaceful; however, they raised Inkingi’s assistant treasurer Léonille
concerns about irregularities including in the Gasengayire. She had been arrested in
counting of ballots and vote tabulation. March 2016 and remained in police
detention for several days; she was rearrested
FREEDOMS OF ASSOCIATION in August 2016 and prosecuted on charges
AND ASSEMBLY of “inciting insurrection or trouble among the
Opposition political parties and independent population”. On 23 March 2017, she was
candidates faced challenges in the lead-up to acquitted and released.
and following the August elections.
Shortly after Diane Rwigara announced her FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION
candidacy in May, nude photos allegedly of In April, the NEC issued election regulations
her appeared on social media. She requiring presidential candidates to submit
complained to the police and the NEC that campaign materials to be published on social
her representatives were intimidated as they media networks for approval 48 hours in
travelled the country collecting the signatures advance, leading to considerable debate in
needed to stand as an independent May. The Rwanda Utilities Regulatory
candidate. Authority announced on 31 May that the NEC
Police interrogated Diane Rwigara and her “has no mandate to regulate or interrupt the
relatives at their home in Kigali, the capital, use of social media by citizens”. The next
on 29 August and prevented them from day, the NEC announced that it would adjust

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 315

the regulations based on public feedback. The genocide trial of Ladislas Ntaganzwa,
This requirement was not implemented. whose case was transferred from the
International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
ENFORCED DISAPPEARANCES (ICTR), continued at the Rwandan High
Possible enforced disappearances were Court’s Chamber of International Crimes. In
reported. Several cases of disappearances December, the Chamber found Emmanuel
remained unresolved, and may potentially Mbarushimana, extradited from Denmark in
have amounted to enforced disappearances. 2014, guilty on genocide charges and
There was no news on the fate or sentenced him to life imprisonment.
whereabouts of FDU-Inkingi member Bernard Munyagishari, whose case was
Illuminée Iragena, who went missing in transferred from the ICTR to Rwanda in
March 2016 in Kigali. 2013, was convicted in April and sentenced
Violette Uwamahoro, a British national and to life imprisonment for genocide and crimes
wife of a member of the outlawed Rwanda against humanity.
National Congress (RNC) opposition group, Henri Jean-Claude Seyoboka, who was
went missing as she arrived by bus in Kigali deported from Canada in 2016 accused of
on 14 February. She had travelled from the involvement in the genocide, was denied bail
UK to attend her father’s funeral in Rwanda. by the Military High Court in February.
The authorities initially denied knowledge of Enoch Ruhigira, who was arrested in
her whereabouts. However, she was held in Germany in 2016 on genocide charges, was
incommunicado detention until 3 March released in March. The German General
when the police announced that she was in Prosecutor's Office cancelled the arrest
their custody. She and her cousin, Jean warrant after a submission from the Ministry
Pierre Shumbusho, a police officer, were of Foreign Affairs stating that the Rwandan
charged with revelation of state secrets, prosecution of Enoch Ruhigira was likely to
formation of an irregular armed group and be politically influenced.
offences against the established government
or President. She denied all charges; she was WOMEN’S RIGHTS
provisionally released on 27 March, after a Rwanda was reviewed by the CEDAW
judge ruled that there was insufficient Committee in February. The Committee
evidence against her. She was allowed to welcomed anti-discrimination legislation;
return to the UK on 12 April. however, it was concerned that certain
discriminatory legal provisions remained. For
CRIMES UNDER INTERNATIONAL LAW example, while rape convictions ordinarily
Léopold Munyakazi, a university professor carry a prison sentence of at least five years,
deported from the USA to Rwanda in 2016, the punishment for marital rape is only two to
was found guilty of genocide charges in July. six months’ imprisonment and a fine. The
The Intermediate Court of Muhanga Committee also expressed concern that
sentenced him to life imprisonment in solitary maternal mortality was exacerbated by
confinement − a detention practice unsafe abortions. Abortion was allowed only
condemned by the UN Human Rights in exceptional cases, requiring a court order
Committee as a violation of the prohibition of in cases of rape, incest or forced marriage
torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading and the authorization of two doctors, if the
treatment. health of the pregnant woman or the fetus is
Jean Twagiramungu, a former teacher, was in danger. Proposed amendments to the
extradited to Rwanda from Germany in Penal Code would end the requirement for a
August to stand trial. He was accused of court order.
planning and committing genocide in
Gikongoro Prefecture (now in Southern

316 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

REFUGEES AND ASYLUM-SEEKERS The same month, King Salman reshuffled
Rwanda continued to receive and host the security and political landscape,
refugees from Burundi, with numbers considerably reducing the Ministry of
reaching 89,146 at the end of the year. Interior’s powers. On 17 June the King
stripped the Ministry of its powers to
INTERNATIONAL SCRUTINY investigate and prosecute crimes, transferring
The UN Subcommittee on Prevention of these powers to the Public Prosecution,
Torture suspended its visit to Rwanda in which he placed under his direct authority. In
October citing obstructions by the authorities, July, the Ministry’s mandate was further
including limitations on access to places of reduced when a royal decree established the
detention and confidentiality of some Presidency of State Security, mandated to
interviews. The head of delegation reported address all state security matters including
that many of those interviewed expressed “terrorism”, and reporting directly to the
fear of reprisals. The Subcommittee King. A number of changes in senior
suspended visits to only three countries in positions also took place during this time, but
the past 10 years. the most significant change happened on 21 
June, when King Salman named his son
Mohammed bin Salman as Crown Prince,
SAUDI ARABIA unseating his nephew Mohammed bin Naif
Al Saud.
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia In May, the UN Special Rapporteur on
Head of state and government: King Salman bin Abdul human rights and counter-terrorism
Aziz Al Saud concluded that Saudi Arabia’s anti-terrorism
law did not comply with international
The authorities severely restricted freedoms standards, and urged the government “to
of expression, association and assembly. end the prosecution of people including
Many human rights defenders and critics human rights defenders, writers and bloggers
were detained and some were sentenced to simply for expressing non-violent views”.
lengthy prison terms after unfair trials. US President Donald Trump visited Saudi
Several Shi’a activists were executed, and Arabia in May to participate in the Riyadh
many more were sentenced to death summit, attended by representatives of more
following grossly unfair trials before the than 55 mostly Arab or Muslim-majority
Specialized Criminal Court (SCC). Torture states. A USD300 billion arms deal between
and other ill-treatment of detainees the USA and Saudi Arabia was announced
remained common. Despite limited reforms, during the visit.
women faced systemic discrimination in law The Saudi Arabia-led military coalition
and practice and were inadequately supporting the internationally recognized
protected against sexual and other violence. government in Yemen continued to bomb
The authorities used the death penalty areas controlled or contested by Huthi forces
extensively, carrying out scores of and their allies, killing and injuring civilians.
executions. The Saudi-led coalition Some attacks amounted to war crimes. A UN
continued to commit serious violations of report, released in September, found that the
international law in Yemen. Saudi-led coalition continued to be the
leading cause of civilian casualties in the
BACKGROUND conflict (see Yemen entry). In October, the
In June, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt and UN Secretary-General listed the Saudi
the United Arab Emirates severed relations Arabia-led coalition in his annual Children
with Qatar, negatively affecting thousands of and Armed Conflict report, creating a new
nationals and migrant workers. category specifically designed to limit
condemnation of the coalition.

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 317

DISCRIMINATION – SHI’A MINORITY 38 Shi’a men remained at risk of execution,
Members of the Shi’a Muslim minority including four who were sentenced to death
continued to face discrimination because of for participating in protests in 2012 when
their faith, limiting their right to express they were under the age of 18.
religious beliefs and their access to justice,
and arbitrarily restricting other rights, FREEDOMS OF EXPRESSION,
including the rights to work and to state ASSOCIATION AND ASSEMBLY
services. Shi’a activists continued to face The authorities continued to repress peaceful
arrest, imprisonment and in some cases the activists and dissidents, harassing writers,
death penalty following unfair trials. Four online commentators and others who
Shi’a men sentenced to death for protest- exercised their right to freedom of expression
related offences were executed in July. by expressing views against government
Between May and August, security forces policies.
began evacuating al-Masoura district, in the Following the announced decision to sever
town of al-Awamiyah in the Eastern Province ties with Qatar, the Saudi authorities warned
where Shi’a form the majority of the people against expressing sympathy towards
population, in order to build development Qatar or criticizing government actions,
projects. Armed clashes, marked by the use stating that this would be considered an
of heavy artillery and shelling, erupted offence punishable under Article 6 of the
between security forces and armed men who Anti-Cyber Crime Law. All public gatherings,
refused to leave the area, leading to the including peaceful demonstrations, remained
deaths and injury of scores of residents and prohibited under a 2011 order by the
significant damage to the town. The Ministry of the Interior.
authorities accused the men of “terrorism HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS
activities” and other criminal offences, Two years after the law on association was
vowing to crack down on them. Residents passed, no new independent human rights
reported that the authorities banned organizations had been established under its
ambulances and medical aid from entering provisions. Independent human rights
the area, and many families who remained organizations that were forcibly shut down,
lacked food, water, medical treatment and including the Saudi Civil and Political Rights
other basic goods. Scores of people were Association (ACPRA), the Union for Human
reportedly arrested and detained during this Rights, the Adala Center for Human Rights,
operation, including activists. and the Monitor for Human Rights in Saudi
For example, human rights defender Ali Arabia, remained inactive. Almost all their
Shaaban was arrested on 15 May following members were convicted and sentenced, fled
Facebook posts expressing solidarity with al- the country, or were brought to trial before
Awamiyah’s residents. He remained in the SCC.
detention at the end of the year. In October, the authorities passed a new
In July, families of 15 Shi’a men accused of Counter-Terrorism Law replacing the
spying for Iran and sentenced to death after a February 2014 law, introducing specific
grossly unfair mass trial learned that the penalties for “terrorist” crimes, including the
SCC’s court of appeal had upheld their death penalty. The law continued the use of a
sentences. In December, some relatives were vague and overly broad definition of acts of
told that the sentences were upheld following terrorism, allowing it to be used as a tool to
the Supreme Court’s review, leaving the men further suppress freedom of expression and
at risk of imminent execution. human rights defenders.
The SCC continued to try Shi’a activists for The authorities continued to arrest,
their alleged participation in protests in 2011 prosecute and sentence human rights
and 2012. The death sentence continued to defenders on vaguely worded charges that
be used against political dissenters. At least extensively drew on the Counter-Terrorism

318 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

Law of February 2014. For instance, all 11 prosecuted and sentenced on the basis of
founding members of ACPRA, which the laws enacted two years after their arrest,
authorities closed down in 2013, were contrary to international law.
sentenced to prison terms. In September, the authorities carried out a
In September Abdulaziz al-Shubaily, a wave of arrests detaining more than 20
human rights defender and founding prominent religious figures, writers,
member ACPRA, was detained to begin journalists and academics.
serving his sentence of eight years’ In November, the authorities detained
imprisonment to be followed by an eight-year hundreds of current and former officials and
travel ban and a ban from writing on social businessmen without disclosing details about
media, after his sentence was upheld by the any charges that had been brought against
court of appeal. He was convicted of, among them. Some were later freed, reportedly after
other charges, “insulting the integrity of the making financial settlements.
judicial system and the judges” and “violating
Article 6 of the Anti-Cyber Crime Law” by TORTURE AND OTHER ILL-TREATMENT
“inciting public opinion against the rulers of Torture and other ill-treatment of detainees
this country and signing statements that were remained common and widespread. Courts
published online that call on people to continued to convict people and uphold
demonstrate”. death sentences on the basis of contested
In early January, computer engineer and pre-trial “confessions”. Security officials
human rights activist Essam Koshak was continued to torture and otherwise ill-treat
summoned for interrogation and repeatedly detainees with complete impunity.
questioned about his Twitter account. On 21 In July, the families of 14 men sentenced to
August his trial began before the SCC. He death for protest-related charges learned by
faced several charges related to his online telephone that their relatives’ sentences had
activism. been upheld. Court documents showed that
On 21  August, human rights defender Issa the 14 men were subjected to prolonged pre-
al-Nukheifi’s trial began before the SCC. He trial detention and that they reported having
faced several charges relating to his Twitter been tortured and ill-treated during
posts. He had been arrested on 18 interrogation in order to extract “confessions”
December 2016 and remained in detention from them. In sentencing, the SCC appeared
in Mecca General Prison at the end of 2017. to have relied mostly on the “confessions” for
evidence against the men and failed to
ARBITRARY ARRESTS AND DETENTIONS investigate their allegations of torture.
Security authorities continued to carry out
arbitrary arrests and detentions without WOMEN’S RIGHTS
charge or trial for prolonged periods without Women and girls continued to face
referrals to a competent court, in breach of discrimination in law and practice, despite
the Code of Criminal Procedures. Detainees the government’s promised reforms. Women
were frequently held incommunicado during were required to have permission from a
interrogation and denied access to lawyers, in male guardian – their father, husband,
violation of international fair trial standards. In brother or son – to enrol in higher education,
February, the UN Working Group on Arbitrary seek employment, travel or marry. They also
Detention found that Ali al-Nimr, Abdullah al- remained inadequately protected against
Zaher and Dawood al-Marhoon, three young sexual and other forms of violence.
men arrested on protest-related charges and In April, King Salman issued a royal decree
at risk of imminent execution, were detained calling on government entities to refrain from
arbitrarily. The Working Group stated that the requesting the authorization of a male
men had been deprived of their liberty guardian for any services unless stipulated in
without any legal basis, as they were the regulations. The decree also ordered

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 319

government entities to review their existing regularize their status or leave the country
regulations and to prepare a list of without penalties.
procedures that would require a guardian’s
permission. The decree could improve DEATH PENALTY
women’s freedom to control their own lives; Courts continued to impose death sentences
however, it had not been implemented by the for a range of crimes, including drug offences
end of the year. The same month, Saudi or for conduct that under international
Arabia was elected as a member of the UN standards should not be criminalized, such
Commission on the Status of Women. as “sorcery” and “adultery”. Many
In September, the King issued another royal defendants were sentenced to death after
decree allowing women to drive, due to enter unfair trials by courts that convicted them
into force after 23 June 2018. The decree without adequately investigating allegations of
stated that it would be implemented coerced “confessions”, including under
according to “established legal regulations”, torture. The authorities routinely failed to
without providing clarification, which raised inform families of their relatives’ imminent
questions about how it would be execution, or failed to inform them
implemented in practice. Following this immediately after executions had been
announcement, women’s rights activists who carried out.
had campaigned against the driving ban On 11 July, father-of-two Yussuf Ali al-
reported receiving telephone calls warning Mushaikhass was executed along with three
them against publicly commenting on the other men for terror-related offences in
development or risk facing interrogations. connection with anti-government protests in
Maryam al-Otaibi, a 29-year-old activist who the Eastern Province between 2011 and
had actively participated in the campaign to 2012. His family only found out about the
end the male guardianship system, was execution after it had happened when they
arrested and detained in the capital, Riyadh, saw a government announcement on
on 19 April after fleeing an abusive home television. The court appeared to have based
environment in al-Qassim. She was the conviction largely on “confessions” which
interrogated after her father – also her legal Yussuf al-Mushaikhass told the court had
guardian – filed a complaint against her for been obtained under torture and other ill-
leaving the family home. On 30 July, she was treatment.
released on bail. At the end of the year her Said al-Sai’ari was executed on
case was ongoing in court and she was at 13  September. He had been sentenced to
risk of being detained again. death by the General Court in Najran in
Loujain al-Hathloul, a prominent human 2013, although the court concluded that
rights defender who had been detained for there was insufficient evidence to convict
defying the driving ban, was rearrested and him. In passing its verdict, the court relied on
detained on 4 June upon arrival at Dammam the sworn statements of the victim’s father,
airport. She was questioned about her who believed that Said al-Sai’ari was
activism and released four days later. The responsible for the murder of his son, even
conditions of her release remained unclear. though the victim’s father was not present at
the crime scene.
The authorities continued to crack down on
migrant workers with irregular status,
arresting, detaining and deporting thousands.
In March, the Ministry of Interior launched a
campaign called “A Nation without
Violations”, giving migrant workers 90 days to

320 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

“public disorder” after they held peaceful
SENEGAL demonstrations in Dakar calling for Khalifa
Sall’s release. All but one were released the
Republic of Senegal same day.
Head of state: Macky Sall In July, the security forces used tear gas
Head of government: Mahammed Dionne and batons to repress a peaceful
demonstration organized by former President
The rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and opposition leader Abdoulaye Wade. The
and of expression were restricted. authorities stopped the protest under a 2011
Conditions of detention remained harsh. decree banning all assemblies in city centre
Children were forced into begging on the areas.
street. Impunity for human rights violations
was not addressed. FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION
Journalists, artists, social media users and
UNFAIR TRIALS others who expressed dissent were arbitrarily
Khalifa Sall, opposition leader and Mayor of arrested.
Dakar, the capital, was detained on 7 March, On 30 June, journalist Ouleye Mané and
on charges including criminal conspiracy, three others were arrested for “publishing
forgery and falsification of records, pictures which offended morality” and
misappropriation of public funds, fraud and “criminal conspiracy” after sharing
money laundering. He was denied bail on photographs of the President on WhatsApp.
several occasions. In July, while in detention, They were released on bail on 11 August.
he was elected to Parliament. In November, Ami Collé Dieng, a singer, was arrested in
the National Assembly lifted his Dakar on 8 August and charged with
parliamentary immunity at the Public "offending the head of state” and "spreading
Prosecutor’s request. His lawyers and false news", after she sent an audio-recording
opposition and civil society groups expressed criticizing the President on WhatsApp. She
concerns that the judiciary showed a lack of was released on bail on 14 August.
independence in his case. Seven others were In August, the Public Prosecutor issued a
charged in the same case, five of whom formal warning to anyone posting “offensive”
remained, along with Khalifa Sall, in comments or images on the internet, as well
detention without trial in Rebeuss prison in as to site administrators, that they faced
Dakar. prosecution for cybercrimes under the
Criminal Code.
FREEDOM OF ASSEMBLY The new Press Code, adopted by the
The authorities banned peaceful National Assembly in June, was vaguely
demonstrations and arrested protesters, worded and provided for custodial sentences
particularly in the run-up to the July for press offences. It allowed the Ministers of
elections. Interior and of Communication to ban foreign
In June, security forces shot and injured two newspapers and periodicals, and provided for
women, and beat several others, during a prison terms and fines for anyone defying the
protest in the city of Touba against the ill- ban. Article 192 empowered administrative
treatment of a 14-year-old boy by members authorities to order the seizure of property
of a religious association, often described as used to publish or broadcast information, to
the “religious police”. The police denied suspend or stop a television or radio
opening fire on the protesters but opened an programme, and to provisionally close a
investigation into the incident. media outlet on national security or territorial
About 20 members of the “collective of integrity grounds, among other things. It
1,000 youth for the release of Khalifa Sall” provided for prison sentences for offences
were arrested in June and November for including “offending” the head of state,

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 321

defamation, insults, the transmission or IMPUNITY
distribution of images contrary to morality, In April the UN Committee on Enforced
and spreading false news. It criminalized Disappearances issued its concluding
various techniques used by whistleblowers, observations on Senegal. It recommended
for which prison terms would be imposed. that criminal legislation and investigation
Article 227 allowed for restriction of access to procedures be brought in line with the
online content deemed to be “contrary to International Convention for the Protection of
morality”, to “degrade honour” or to be All Persons from Enforced Disappearance
“patently unlawful”, in certain cases. and that the Senegalese Human Rights
Committee be strengthened in line with the
DETENTION AND DEATHS IN CUSTODY Principles relating to the Status of National
Prison conditions remained harsh and Institutions (Paris Principles).
overcrowded. At least four people died in
custody, including two who were believed to INTERNATIONAL JUSTICE
have hanged themselves. In April, the Extraordinary African Chambers
Dozens remained in prolonged pre-trial in Senegal upheld the conviction and
detention on terrorism-related charges. Imam sentence of life imprisonment of former
Ndao had been detained for over two years Chadian President Hissène Habré for war
on charges including “acts of terrorism” and crimes, crimes against humanity and torture
“glorifying terrorism” before being brought to committed in Chad between 1982 and 1990.
trial on 27 December. He was denied
adequate medical treatment for his
deteriorating health. SERBIA
RIGHTS OF LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, Republic of Serbia, including Kosovo
TRANSGENDER AND INTERSEX PEOPLE Head of state: Aleksandar Vučić (replaced Tomislav
The Criminal Code continued to criminalize Nikolić in May)
consensual same-sex sexual relations Head of government: Ana Brnabić (replaced
between adults. LGBTI people faced Aleksandar Vučić in June)
discrimination, particularly in accessing
health services and justice. Impunity continued for crimes under
international law. Slurs by officials and
CHILDREN’S RIGHTS media close to the government created a
In July, Human Rights Watch reported that toxic environment for transitional justice
over 1,000 of the approximately 1,500 activists and independent media.
children taken off the streets between July
2016 and March 2017 had returned to their BACKGROUND
traditional Qur’anic boarding schools. They Mass demonstrations, protesting against
were taken out of the schools under a 2016 electoral corruption and media bias, followed
government initiative to protect them from the presidential elections won by the ruling
forced begging and other abuses by Qur’anic party in April. Former Serbian military leaders
schoolteachers. Official inspections were not released after serving sentences handed
conducted in most of these schools, and down by the International Criminal Tribunal
many children were forced to beg on the for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) were
streets again. Few investigations into or increasingly afforded influential positions. In
prosecutions of those responsible for the December, despite a UN Committee against
abuses were carried out. Torture ruling against his extradition, Serbia
returned a Kurdish activist, Cevdet Ayaz, to
certain imprisonment in Turkey.

322 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

CRIMES UNDER INTERNATIONAL LAW Youth Initiative for Human Rights (YIHR)
In November, Ratko Mladić, former office, and messages accusing the NGO of
Commander of the Republika Srpska Army, being “foreign mercenaries”. Also in January,
was convicted and sentenced to life YIHR activists were physically attacked at a
imprisonment by the ICTY for genocide, ruling party meeting where Veselin
crimes against humanity and war crimes in Šljivančanin, convicted for war crimes in
Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). In August, Croatia, was speaking.
the Appeal Court acquitted 10 people
indicted for concealing Ratko Mladić, FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION –
arrested in Serbia in 2011. JOURNALISTS
In May, Snežana Stanojković was elected Investigative journalists were subjected to
Chief War Crimes Prosecutor. Only three smear campaigns by ministers and media
prosecutions, all resulting in acquittals, were close to the government. The ruling party’s
concluded at the Special War Crimes private security staff physically attacked six
Chamber. The retrial continued of former journalists reporting on demonstrations held
soldiers indicted for war crimes in Kosovo, during the presidential inauguration on 31 
including the first indictment for rape. May. In July, journalists working for the
In July, the trial of eight former Bosnian Network for Investigating Crime and
Serb special police – accused of killing 1,313 Corruption (KRIK) received death threats,
Bosniak civilians near Srebrenica in July and the flat of investigative reporter Dragana
1995 – was halted because the 2016 Pećo was broken into. In September, the
indictment had been filed in the absence of a Defence Minister’s political party accused
Chief Prosecutor. On appeal, the indictment KRIK editor-in-chief, Stevan Dojčinović, of
was reinstated; proceedings started afresh in being a drug addict and paid by foreigners.
November. In October, the Appeals Court This followed KRIK’s investigation into the
similarly dismissed charges against five minister’s property.
former Bosnian Serb paramilitaries indicted
for the February 1993 abduction of 20 RIGHTS OF LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL,
people from a train at Štrpci station in BiH TRANSGENDER AND INTERSEX PEOPLE
and their murder. The appointment of Ana Brnabić, a lesbian,
as Prime Minister, and her presence at the
ENFORCED DISAPPEARANCES Belgrade Pride in the capital in September
Relatives of the disappeared were denied was welcomed by some as progress.
recognition as civilian victims of war, if their However, the authorities failed to protect
missing family member had died outside LGBTI individuals and organizations from
Serbia. discrimination, threats and physical attacks.
In May, relatives of missing Kosovo Serbs In April, the UN Human Rights Committee
called on the government to make progress urged Serbia to implement hate crime
in recovering their bodies. There was no legislation effectively, and to introduce a
progress towards the prosecution of those procedure for legal gender recognition
responsible for the transfer and subsequent compatible with international standards.
burial of bodies of Kosovo Albanians in Serbia
Roma families in Belgrade continued to live
HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS in informal settlements. They were denied
Transitional justice NGOs were attacked by access to social and economic rights,
senior government officials, including including health, education, water and
Aleksandar Vučić, by media supportive of the sanitation, and were at risk of forced eviction.
government and on social media. In January, Some 44 of over 100 Roma families forcibly
intruders left bags of fake bank notes at the evicted in 2012 were still living in containers

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 323

awaiting resettlement; planned apartments KOSOVO
for 22 families were not due to be completed CRIMES UNDER INTERNATIONAL LAW
until February 2019; by November, two of the Under 2014 legislation, the competencies of
remaining families due to be moved to the EU-led Police and Justice Mission
villages north of Belgrade had been (EULEX) for the prosecution of crimes under
rehoused. international law were limited, although some
Roma continued to face ill-treatment by prosecutions continued. The absence of any
police. In April, a Roma couple, who reported agreement on mutual legal assistance
that their car had been stolen, were detained between Kosovo and Serbia hampered the
by the police for 13 hours, denied access to a prosecution of Serbs suspected of crimes
lawyer, severely ill-treated, and threatened under international law during the 1998-99
that their children would be taken to an armed conflicts, including conflict-related
orphanage. sexual violence (CRSV).
Hundreds of unresolved case files were due
REFUGEES’ AND MIGRANTS’ RIGHTS to be transferred by June 2018 to Kosovo’s
Refugees and migrants were trapped in the Special Prosecution Office. Prosecutors,
country; those trying to enter the EU via NGOs and survivors of CRSV were concerned
Hungary and Croatia were repeatedly and that testimonies, known to have been
violently returned to Serbia. gathered after the armed conflict by the UN
In January, up to 1,800 refugees and Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), had not been
migrants were still living in abandoned promptly or adequately investigated. In June,
warehouses, often in sub-zero temperatures. former president Atifete Jahjaga was denied
By May, they had all been evicted and entry to Serbia, where she was due to present
transferred to government-run centres, where a book of testimonies from survivors of CRSV.
conditions were inadequate and REPARATION
overcrowded. There were continued Progress was made in implementing
obstacles and delays in registering, legislation introduced in 2014, which
interviewing and providing identification for provided some reparation for survivors of
asylum-seekers. By August, out of 151 CRSV. A commission was appointed to
asylum applications that were received, two consider applications from survivors, who
were accepted and 28 rejected; 121 asylum were due to be able to apply for monthly
applications were being processed. compensation payments from January 2018.
The EU negotiated an agreement with Other reparation measures did not meet
Serbia, enabling the European Border and international standards, failing to provide
Coast Guard Agency (FRONTEX) to operate survivors with free health care or adequate
within Serbia. rehabilitation. Stigma associated with war-
time rape continued to overshadow survivors.
In May, Serbia adopted 18 May as Little progress was made in locating people
Remembrance Day for women killed by their still missing from the armed conflict and its
husbands or partners. In July, women’s aftermath. Of the few remains recovered, the
organizations protested at the authorities’ body of a man buried by Albanian villagers,
failure to protect two women and one of their who had found him in a river flowing from
children, who were killed by their former Kosovo, was exhumed in September. Some
husbands in two separate incidents at the 1,658 people were still missing.
Belgrade Centre for Social Work. In The Kosovo Specialist Chambers opened in
November, Serbia ratified the Istanbul The Hague on 28 June. It had been
Convention on preventing and combating established to investigate the alleged
violence against women. abduction, torture and murder of Kosovo
Serbs and some Kosovo Albanians,

324 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

transferred to Albania by members of the May, the Law on Compensation for Crime
Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) during and Victims was extended to victims of domestic
after the war. In December, MPs failed to violence, trafficking, rape and child sexual
revoke the law governing the Specialist abuse. However, few received adequate
Chambers, which they considered protection from the authorities.
discriminated against the KLA.
In May, the Kosovo Rehabilitation Centre for
Torture Victims, authorized to monitor the
treatment of the people in detention, was Republic of Sierra Leone
refused access to prison hospitals after these Head of state and government: Ernest Bai Koroma
had been transferred to the Ministry of
Health. Some detainees were held for long Restrictions were imposed on the rights to
periods before and during trial; one freedom of expression, of peaceful
defendant was detained for over 31 months, assembly and of association. Hundreds of
in violation of the Criminal Procedure Code. people died and thousands were left
The Ministry of Justice failed to provide an homeless following a mudslide. Prison
explanation for the death in detention of Astrit conditions fell far below international
Dehari, a member of the Vetëvendosje standards. Pregnant girls were excluded
opposition party, in November 2016. from school.
In October, the first Pride took place with FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION
government support. Hate crimes Abdul Fatoma of the Campaign for Human
investigations were opened after a speaker on Rights and Development International was
transgender rights subsequently received arrested in the capital, Freetown, on 31 
serious threats. January after he participated in a radio
The Association of Kosovo Journalists discussion in which he criticized the
reported an increase in attacks, especially on government and Anti-Corruption Commission
investigative journalists. for their lack of accountability. He was
RIGHT TO HEALTH released on bail on 1 February but his
In May, the UN Secretary-General agreed to passport was withheld for 45 days.1
set up a voluntary trust fund, but refused to Three journalists from the Salone Times and
pay compensation, apologize or accept New Age newspapers were summoned to
responsibility – as recommended in 2016 by court on 22 September to respond to various
the UNMIK Human Rights Advisory Panel – charges of seditious libel under the Public
for the lead poisoning of 138 Roma, Order Act 1965, after they published stories
Egyptians and Ashkali who were relocated by criticizing plans by the National
UNMIK to an internally displaced persons Telecommunications Commission to increase
camps in northern Kosovo in 1999. The telecommunications prices. Their preliminary
Panel found that the right to life, health and hearing was adjourned twice and they had
non-discrimination of the 138 internally not been summoned to appear in court by
displaced people had been violated. They the end of the year.
had suffered from lead poisoning and other
health conditions, including seizures, kidney FREEDOM OF ASSEMBLY
disease, and memory loss, after they had On 23 March, security forces killed a teenage
been placed in the camps on land known to boy of around 16 and seriously injured two
be contaminated. students when they opened fire on a Njala
VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND GIRLS University student protest in Bo, southern
In April, a National Strategy for Protection region. The students were protesting against
from Domestic Violence was launched. In a lecturers’ strike during which time the

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 325

university was closed for several months. people dead and around 3,000 homeless.
Police said that the students did not obtain a Most of the victims had been living in
permit to protest, and that they burned tyres informal settlements. Poor planning, and a
and blocked roads. Seven students were failure to implement relevant legislation or
arrested but released without charge after provide adequate housing exacerbated the
being detained for two days. The scale of the disaster.2 The authorities
Independent Police Complaints Board provided immediate support and temporary
launched an investigation into allegations that shelter for survivors but closed these camps
police used excessive force. in mid-November. Households were given
On the same day, police fired tear gas to cash and other benefits to help them
disperse students protesting against the relocate. No public enquiry had been
strike in front of the President’s residence in established into the incident by the end of
Freetown. Fourteen students were arrested the year.
and charged with riotous conduct, and fined In August, the UN Special Rapporteur on
and released by the Magistrate Court. Two human rights and hazardous substances and
other students were arrested that day at State wastes visited Sierra Leone. He raised
House and charged with conspiracy and concerns about the human rights impact of
possession of an offensive weapon. They hazardous substances and waste, and called
were released on bail and their case was on the government to adopt and enforce laws
ongoing at the end of the year. and policies related to waste reduction and
On 21 September, police prevented the labour inspection requirements.
Malen Land Owners and Users Association
(MALOA) from holding a peaceful assembly CHILDREN’S RIGHTS
in Pujeheun town. The gathering had been In October, civil society organizations
organized to coincide with a meeting between reiterated calls on the government to allow
MALOA members and the District Security pregnant girls to attend mainstream schools
Committee on the International Day against and sit exams. Part-time education schemes
monoculture tree plantations. The police for pregnant girls, available three days a week
blocked the road and prevented them from with a reduced curriculum, ended in July and
joining the assembly, but allowed six were due to resume in January 2018. Many
members to attend the meeting. girls who had given birth were unable to
In October, the District Security Committee return to school due to costs such as child
denied MALOA permission to hold a meeting care, school fees or other associated costs
in Pujeheun on the grounds that the like uniforms.
association was not registered in the
Chiefdom. The Paramount Chief had refused DETENTION
to register the group since 2013, even though Prisons remained overcrowded, largely due to
they were registered with the Registrar prolonged pre-trial detention periods, and fell
General in Freetown. far below international standards. Civil society
organizations raised concerns about delayed
HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS access to health care for inmates; inadequate
In February, the Human Rights Defenders food and basic items; poor conditions in
Network submitted a draft bill to protect police cells, including inadequate sanitation;
human rights defenders to the Attorney and extended detention periods which
General’s office. violated detainees’ constitutional rights.
In November, civil society organizations
ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND called for the decriminalization of petty
CULTURAL RIGHTS offences, such as fraudulent conversion
On 14 August, a mudslide in the Regent (criminalization of debt), and loitering, which
community of Freetown left more than 400 were used disproportionately against women

326 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

and marginalized communities. They also
contributed to prison overcrowding.
Legislation on these offences was vaguely
worded and allowed for arbitrary arrests. Republic of Singapore
In May, new bail and sentencing guidelines Head of state: Halimah Yacob (replaced Tony Tan Keng
to reduce the use of pre-trial detention were Yam in September)
approved by the Rules of Court Committee Head of government: Lee Hsien Loong
and became binding on the courts.
ARBITRARY ARRESTS AND DETENTIONS Amendments to Singapore’s Public Order
On 1 June, Mohamed Kamaraimba Act gave authorities greater powers to
Manasary, leader of the Alliance Democratic restrict or ban public assemblies. Freedom
Party, was arrested on allegations that he was of expression and assembly suffered
in possession of a stun gun. He was charged another blow as charges were brought
with possession of an offensive weapon and against those who participated in peaceful
released on bail on 7 June. On 21  June, the protests.
charges were dropped and a new charge was
brought of unlawful possession of small arms FREEDOM OF ASSEMBLY
under the Arms and Ammunition Act 2012 In April, amendments to the Public Order Act
which does not specifically cover stun guns. to impose more regulations on organizers of
His bail was revoked and he was detained for public events passed into law. The amended
another week before being released on 28  law stipulated that organizers must apply for
June. His trial was ongoing at the end of the a permit at least 28 days in advance of an
year. He and his lawyers claimed that his event and inform the police of the estimated
arrest was politically motivated. size of the gathering. Punishments laid down
for breaches of the regulations included a
DEATH PENALTY fine of up to S$20,000 (USD14,297),
Death sentences continued to be handed imprisonment for up to a year, or both.
down. In September, six police officers were Permit applications could be rejected if the
sentenced to death by firing squad for gathering was for a political purpose or was
conspiracy and robbery with aggravation. attended, organized or funded by foreign
LEGAL, CONSTITUTIONAL OR Human rights defenders were investigated
INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENTS by police for participating in peaceful public
On 10 November, the government issued a assemblies. In June, nine activists who held a
White Paper in response to the Constitutional silent protest were investigated for assembly
Review Committee’s recommendations. It without a permit under the Public Order Act.
rejected over 100 of the Committee’s 134 In September, 10 activists were investigated
recommendations, including abolition of the for holding a peaceful vigil for Prabagaran
death penalty, and constitutional provisions to Srivijayan on the eve of his execution in July.2
protect economic, social and cultural rights In November, activist Jolovan Wham faced
and equal rights for women.3 seven charges for his role in several peaceful
assemblies over a one year period, including
the silent protest and vigil for
1. Sierra Leone: Anti-corruption activist’s detention an attempt to stifle
freedom of expression (News story, 1 February) Prabagaran Srivijayan.3
2. Sierra Leone: Housing and environmental failures behind shocking
scale of mudslide deaths (News story, 18 August) FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION
3. Sierra Leone: Government rejection of important constitutional review In August, lawyer Eugene Thuraisingam was
recommendations a missed opportunity to strengthen human rights fined S$7,000 (USD5,122) for contempt of
protection (News story, 6 December) court after posting a poem about the
execution of his client, Muhammed Ridzuan

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 327

Mohd Ali. Contempt of court proceedings
were initiated against US-based academic Li
Shengwu for a Facebook post suggesting
Singapore’s courts were not independent. In Slovak Republic
September, artist and activist Seelan Palay Head of state: Andrej Kiska
was arrested under the Public Order Act for Head of government: Robert Fico
performing a political art piece outside
Parliament. The Court of Justice of the European Union
(CJEU) rejected Slovakia’s complaint
DEATH PENALTY against mandatory refugee relocation
Execution by hanging continued to be carried quotas. The discrimination of Roma
out for murder and drug trafficking. On 14 remained widespread, and the European
 July, Malaysian national Prabagaran Commission continued an infringement
Srivijayan was executed despite an appeal procedure against Slovakia for
pending on his case in Malaysia.4 discrimination against Roma pupils in
LGBTI people continued to suffer POLICE AND SECURITY FORCES
discrimination. In July, organizers were In January, a new crime prevention strategy
required by authorities to conduct identity was adopted aimed at strengthening policing
checks at the annual Pink Dot LGBTI event. in Roma settlements; it triggered concern by
Foreigners were officially banned from taking NGOs over ethnic profiling and
part.5 discrimination. In September, the European
Roma Rights Centre filed a civil complaint
WORKERS’ RIGHTS – MIGRANT against the Ministry of Interior for the breach
WORKERS of anti-discrimination law for enhanced
Housing conditions for foreign workers were policing in Roma settlements.
criticized by NGOs and at least one In March, four Roma who had alleged the
construction firm was fined for housing excessive use of force by police in April 2015
workers in unhygienic conditions. in the village of Vrbnica filed a complaint with
the Constitutional Court with the support of
COUNTER-TERRORISM AND SECURITY the NGO Centre for Civil and Human Rights.
Arrests continued under the Internal Security The Department of Control and Inspection
Act, which allows detention without charge or Service (SKIS) had pressed charges against
trial for indefinitely renewable two-year the chief of the police operation in December
periods. 2016, but failed to hold the individual police
officers who had participated in the action to
account. The complaint remained pending at
1. Singapore: Authorities given broad new powers to police protests
(News story, 4 April) the end of the year.
2. Singapore: Investigation into peaceful assembly is the latest effort to
In May, the European Roma Rights Centre
intimidate human rights defenders (ASA 36/7076/2017) published a video of police officers beating
3. Singapore: Activist faces seven charges for peaceful protest (ASA Roma residents with batons during a police
36/7516/2017) operation in the village of Zborov on 16 April.
4. Singapore: Malaysian man hanged in hurried, secretive manner (ASA The residents did not appear to resist or
36/6740/2017) engage in violence. In May, the police
5. Singapore: Restrictions to LGBT gathering another attempt to president stated that a number of the
suppress activism (ASA 36/6386/2017) operation’s aspects seemed inappropriate. In
July, the Ministry of Interior opened an
investigation into the case.

328 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

In May and August, the police opened schools. This potentially positive move was
investigations targeting six victims of alleged undermined by the authorities failing to
excessive use of force by the police in the provide sufficient support for Roma pupils,
Roma settlement in the village of Moldava notably transport costs. In March, some non-
nad Bodvou in June 2013. The police Roma parents at one of the schools protested
accused the victims of having committed the against the transfer of Roma children to the
criminal offence of falsely accusing the police school.
of wrongdoing.
In May, the District Court in Košice again REFUGEES AND ASYLUM-SEEKERS
acquitted the police officers accused of the In September, the CJEU rejected the
ill-treatment of six Roma boys at a police application submitted in 2015 by Slovakia
station in 2009. The Court held that there and Hungary against the mandatory
was insufficient evidence. The Prosecutor relocation scheme which aimed to relocate
appealed against the decision. refugees from EU member states such as
RIGHT TO EDUCATION Greece and Italy. The CJEU held that the EU
The infringement proceeding launched in institutions can adopt the provisional
2015 by the European Commission against measures necessary to respond effectively
Slovakia for the systemic discrimination and and swiftly to an emergency situation
segregation of Roma children in education characterized by a sudden inflow of
remained open. In March, the Minister of displaced persons. By the end of 2017,
Education stated that complex reform plans Slovakia had accepted only 16 asylum-
were under way, but it was unclear what seekers of the 902 that it was assigned.
these consisted of. The 2016 amendments to
the School Act had limited impact since
1. Slovakia: A lesson in discrimination − segregation of Romani
entering into force.1 They failed to address children in primary education (EUR 72/5640/2017)
the systemic over-representation of Roma
children in special schools and classes for
children with mild disabilities. Mainstream
primary schools lacked the human and
financial resources to tackle the segregation
Republic of Slovenia
of Roma pupils. Head of state: Borut Pahor
In February, the NGOs eduRoma and Head of government: Miro Cerar
European Roma Rights Centre criticized the
results of the Ministry of Education’s 2016 Amendments to the Aliens Act undermined
funding reforms for schools educating the rights of asylum-seekers. There was no
students from socially disadvantaged progress in addressing the long-standing
backgrounds. The responsibility for human rights violations against those known
classifying students as having a “social as the “erased”. Roma continued facing
disadvantage” was given to psychologists widespread discrimination and social
rather than social services. There were cases exclusion, particularly regarding the right to
of misclassifications of students and housing.
consequently insufficient resources were
allocated to schools. The Ministry temporarily REFUGEES AND ASYLUM-SEEKERS
suspended the measure, and at the end of In January, the National Assembly adopted
the year, pupils were assessed on the basis of amendments to the Aliens Act allowing
their parents’ situation. special measures to be triggered after threats
In September, following the 2016 closure of to public order and national security occur.
the ethnically segregated Primary School Under these measures, Slovenia would be
Hollého Street in the town of Žilina, Roma able to deny entry to people arriving at its
pupils were transferred to a number of other borders and automatically expel migrants and

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 329

refugees who enter irregularly without THE ‘ERASED’
assessing their asylum claims. Such Long-standing human rights violations
measures had not been invoked by the end continued to persist against the “erased”, an
of the year. estimated 25,000 former permanent
In July, the Court of Justice of the European residents of Slovenia mostly originating from
Union ruled that two Afghan families and a other former Yugoslav republics. They were
Syrian national who had sought asylum could removed from the official registry following
be deported back from Austria and Slovenia the country’s independence. The authorities
respectively to Croatia, the first EU country failed to offer new options to the remaining
they had entered. The ruling upheld the “erased” in terms of restoring their legal
requirement of the so-called 2013 Dublin status and related rights since the expiry of
regulation which imposes that refugees seek the Legal Status Act in 2013. In September
asylum in the first country they reach, even in and November, the European Court of
exceptional circumstances. Slovenia’s Human Rights ruled as inadmissible
Ministry of Interior stated its intention to complaints by some of those whose
deport the Syrian asylum-seeker referred to applications for restoring legal status had
in the ruling; he had not been deported by been rejected under the Legal Status Act
the end of the year. Refugees struggled to provisions.
support themselves as a consequence of the
2016 amendments to the International ROMA
Protection Act. The amendments ended the Roma continued to face widespread
short-term financial assistance designed to discrimination and social exclusion. Many
help refugees bridge the gap before they were living in segregated settlements in
received social support, leaving many of inadequate housing, lacking security of
them without funds in the first month after tenure and access to water, electricity,
they were granted international protection. sanitation and public transport. The
Slovenia had committed to accept 567 government had yet to adopt a
asylum-seekers by September 2017 from comprehensive National Roma Strategy as
Greece and Italy under the EU relocation recommended by the parliamentary
scheme; by the end of the year it had commission for human rights in 2015. In
resettled only 232 people. February, approximately three quarters of the
Roma political representation, led by the
DISCRIMINATION Forum of Roma council members, adopted a
In September, the National Assembly platform of political demands, including
amended the Ombudsman Act to provide it immediate access to basic services and
with a broad mandate to combat infrastructure, and the strengthening of their
discrimination, and to establish a National political participation. Other Roma
Centre for Human Rights with capacity for organizations followed suit. In October, they
research and education under the held the first Roma-organized public
Ombudsman’s Office. Alongside the Advocate demonstrations echoing similar demands.
for Equality, an independent anti-
discrimination body established in 2016,
these steps were welcomed by civil society.
However, human rights organizations warned
that the anti-discrimination framework as a
whole still lacked monitoring, policy-making
and executive powers as well as adequate
resources to be fully effective.

330 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

SOMALIA Soon after he took office, President
Mohamed declared that reform of the
Federal Republic of Somalia security forces and the defeat of al-Shabaab
Head of state: Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed (replaced would be among his main priorities. Attacks
Hassan Sheikh Mohamud in February) on civilians by al-Shabaab intensified over the
Head of government: Hassan Ali Khayre (replaced year; the most serious took place at a hotel in
Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke in March) Mogadishu, the capital, on 14 October in
Head of Somaliland Republic: Muse Bihi Abdi (replaced which, according to the government, over
Ahmed Mohamed Mahamoud Silanyo in November) 512 people were killed.
According to media reports, the US
Drought led to mass displacement and government made secret changes to its rules
emergency levels of food insecurity. Up to on the use of lethal force in counter-terror
three civilians were reported to have been operations, and included Somalia as one of
killed in US air and drone strikes. Kenya its designated areas for “active hostilities”.
continued its voluntary repatriation scheme This effectively meant that US forces could
for Somalis from Dadaab refugee camp and target those thought to be al-Shabaab fighters
stopped registering new arrivals from wherever they were located, regardless of
Somalia. The armed group al-Shabaab and whether they posed an imminent threat to
the authorities severely restricted journalists life, and without obtaining high-level
in their work. While women made small authorization. According to the Bureau of
strides in the political sphere, sexual and Investigative Journalism, a UK-based NGO,
gender-based violence remained prevalent. up to three civilians were killed in 31 US
air strikes and strikes by remotely piloted
BACKGROUND vehicles (drones) during the year.
The Somali Parliament, which represented all
regions of Somalia, including Somaliland and REFUGEES’ AND MIGRANTS’ RIGHTS
Puntland, elected Mohamed Abdullahi On 9 February, the High Court in Kenya
Mohamed (also known as Farmajo) President declared that the Kenyan government’s 2016
in February. In February, President Mohamed directive to close Dadaab refugee camp in
appointed Hassan Ali Khayre as Prime Garissa County was unconstitutional and in
Minister. Some presidential candidates were violation of Kenya’s obligations under
accused of using millions of US dollars of international and national law (see Kenya
campaign finances to bribe MPs to vote for entry). The majority of refugees housed at the
them. MPs were elected according to a camp were from Somalia. From January to
system that allowed male elders belonging to November 2017, according to UNHCR, the
the four main clans one vote per person while UN refugee agency, approximately 32,500
male elders from minority clans were allowed Somali refugees were voluntarily repatriated
half a vote. This effectively denied young from Kenya to Kismayo, Baidoa, Mogadishu,
people, women and men from minority clans Luuq, and Afmadow in south-  central
equal voting rights. Elections also took place Somalia under the Tripartite Agreement
in Somaliland territory, where Muse Bihi Abdi between Kenya, Somalia and UNHCR. By the
was elected President. end of the year, there were 229,592 Somalis
The peacekeeping forces AMISOM (AU registered as refugees in Dadaab refugee
Mission in Somalia) withdrew from key camp. However, Kenya continued not to
locations in Somalia throughout the year, register new arrivals from Somalia.
after which al-Shabaab regained control over
towns in conflict areas, including in El Buur, FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION
Bardere and Lego, located in southern and Al-Shabaab prohibited journalists from
central Somalia. operating in areas under its control. The

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 331

group continued to detain, threaten and emergency levels in the southern and central
harass media workers throughout the regions, primarily among displaced
country. populations, but also among those directly
In July, the Somali Cabinet passed a affected by the protracted conflict. In August,
repressive law that established a statutory the UN Office for the Coordination of
regulatory body − whose members were Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) estimated that
appointed by the Minister of Information and 388,000 children were malnourished and
which oversaw the content of print and 87,000 were in need of life-saving support.
broadcast media. The law established a
blanket prohibition on news deemed to be
false and on the publication of “propaganda”
without providing a clear definition of those
terms. The legislation was vaguely worded Republic of South Africa
and included broad restrictions on Head of state and government : Jacob G. Zuma
journalists; and gave the authorities wide
discretion to prosecute media workers. Profound inequalities continued to
The Somaliland Journalist Association said undermine economic, social and cultural
that more than 30 journalists were arrested rights, including in access to sexual and
and detained by authorities in Somaliland for reproductive health services. Failures in the
criticizing the government. criminal justice system obstructed access to
justice for victims of hate crimes and
WOMEN’S RIGHTS gender-based violence. Investigations into
The Somali election quota system reserved police conduct following excessive use of
30% of seats for women. As a result, the level force during protests were ongoing.
of women’s representation improved and
amounted to 24% of the lower house and BACKGROUND
22% of the upper house. Protests against corruption were widespread.
Sexual and gender-based violence Political tension was heightened after
continued to be widespread although it was President Zuma made substantial changes to
under-reported. The Integrated Management members of government in March, including
System of Somalia, a government agency, the dismissal of Finance Minister Pravin
documented at least 271 and 312 cases of Gordhan.
gender-based violence against displaced Despite increased public spending on
women and girls in Somaliland and Puntland health, education and essential services, the
respectively, and at least 400 cases in south- national statistical service reported that the
central Somalia. The drought led to more country was unable to reduce poverty and
women being separated from their families, inequality.
which put them at greater risk of sexual and
gender-based violence, particularly because EXCESSIVE USE OF FORCE
they were perceived as lacking “male The Independent Police Investigative
protection”. Directorate reported an increase in abuse of
power by the police, including 394 deaths as
ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL a result of police action and 302 deaths in
RIGHTS police custody in 2016-2017, both figures
There was an unprecedented drought that higher than for the previous year. It also
led to a significant increase in the numbers of reported 173 cases of torture, 112 of rape by
internally displaced people, estimated to be police officers – including 35 cases
943,000 by the end of the year. Over 3  committed by officers on duty – and 3,827 of
million people experienced emergency levels assault by police. At the end of the year, it
of food insecurity. Malnutrition reached concluded its investigation into the fatal

332 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

shooting by police officers of journalist 2012 had resulted in convictions, citing a
Godknows Nare in April in Johannesburg, lack of resources and training for police
and handed the case to the Director of Public officers, as well as failures to investigate the
Prosecution. Godknows Nare was reported to crimes and gather forensic evidence.
have been shot at by the officers, who In May, the Department of Justice published
thought he had stolen a car, after he exited the South African Law Reform Commission
his car with his arms raised. report on adult prostitution. The Commission
On 23 May, 17-year-old Leonaldo Peterson recommended that the sale and purchase of
was shot at his home by police officers with a sex remain criminalized, contradicting the
rubber bullet at close range in Gauteng testimonies and recommendations of sex
province, during a protest in the workers and activists, the South African
neighbourhood. His wounded hand required Commission for Gender Equality, as well as
multiple surgeries. human rights and public health experts. In
On 27 May, Samuel Mabunda, a migrant June, Zwelethu Mthethwa was sentenced to
from Mozambique, died as a result of injuries 18 years’ imprisonment for the murder of sex
following beatings by the “Red Ants”, a worker Nokuphila Kumalo in 2013. The case
private security company hired by the police highlighted the delays faced by sex workers
to carry out evictions in Ivory Park, in accessing justice.
Johannesburg. A police investigation into the
case was ongoing at the end of the year. SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS
On 12 September, 14-year-old Ona Dubula Gross inequalities in women’s access to
was shot at by police officers at close range sexual and reproductive health services
with rubber bullets in his face and ribs at an persisted, with less than 7% of the country’s
informal settlement in Hout Bay town, 3,880 health facilities offering abortion
Western Cape province, during protests over services. The government failed to address
fishing licences; the injuries left him with health care professionals’ refusal to provide
speaking difficulties. A Directorate abortion services as well as information on
investigation into the incident was ongoing at the location of those services, contrary to
the end of the year. international human rights standards. Lack of
access to information on sexual and
UNLAWFUL KILLINGS reproductive health and rights – including
The Department of Police said that killings of how and where to access legal abortion
local councillors persisted, as did murders services – and inequalities in access to those
and attempted murders at Durban’s services for marginalized groups of women
Glebelands hostel complex – leading to and girls exacerbated existing barriers to safe
several arrests in relation to the crimes. A abortion.
Commission of Inquiry into the root causes of
political killings in KwaZulu-Natal province RIGHT TO HEALTH
commenced its hearings in March and was Official statistics stated that almost one in
extended until March 2018. three boys and one in four girls suffered from
GENDER-RELATED VIOLENCE Despite health policies aimed at reducing
Violence against women and girls, including the spread of HIV, incidence rates remained
gender-related killings, remained widespread. particularly high among women and girls,
Over 39,000 cases of rape were reported to with an estimated 2,000 new HIV infections
the police between April 2016 and March occurring every week among young women
2017, although such cases were believed to and girls aged 15 to 24.
be grossly under-reported. In September, the Reporting to Parliament in September, the
Medical Research Council stated that only Health Minster highlighted that the
8.6% of rape cases opened by the police in politicization of provincial health departments

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 333

and poor management had resulted in “a FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION
shortage of medical staff, medicines, On 7 July, the South Gauteng High Court
equipment and other medical necessities” in granted the South African National Editors’
public health facilities. The chairperson of the Forum (SANEF) and 11 journalists an
Portfolio Committee on Public Service and interdict against Black First Land First (BLF),
Administration was reported to have received a political party, and Andile Mngxitama, its
death threats in March, following her leader, after journalists covering allegations of
investigation into the poor performance of corruption involving President Zuma and the
health facilities in Mpumalanga province. In Indian-born Gupta family reported threats
June, the South African Human Rights and harassment. On 17 July, Micah Reddy, a
Commission (SAHRC) found that the journalist at the amaBhungane Centre for
Department of Health in KwaZulu-Natal Investigative Journalism, said that he was
province had violated cancer patients’ rights harassed by a group of BLF supporters and
to life, health and human dignity, due to the members, following his participation in a
lack of oncologists and functional equipment panel discussion with Andile Mngxitama at
for screening and treating patients. the South African Broadcasting Corporation.
In October, an arbitration hearing began in On 27 July, amaBhungane organized a
relation to the deaths of over 118 patients public event in Johannesburg to discuss the
with mental illnesses who died after the “GuptaLeaks” emails, which exposed alleged
Department of Health in Gauteng province corruption by the political elite. The meeting
moved over 1,300 patients from the Life was disrupted by BLF members and a group
Esidimeni health care facility to facilities of about 20 people believed to be from the
managed by NGOs, because of resource MK Inkululeko Foundation, a veterans’
constraints. However, the SAHRC association. On 11 August, the South
emphasized that “[all] of the 27 NGOs where Gauteng High Court found that BLF
the patients were relocated were unlicensed, and Andile Mngxitama were in contempt of
under-resourced and had no capacity to take the 7 July court order, following an
on mentally ill people”. In February, the application by journalists Sam Sole, Ferial
Health Ombudsman found that the relocation Haffajee and the SANEF. The Court also
breached the rights of the patients and their ordered that the interdict be extended to
families, including their rights to life and to cover all journalists. On 29 September, BLF
human dignity. and Andile Mngxitama launched an appeal,
which SANEF and the journalists opposed.
On 6 July, the ICC Pre-Trial Chamber found RIGHTS OF LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL,
that South Africa should have executed the TRANSGENDER AND INTERSEX PEOPLE
arrest warrant against Sudanese President LGBTI people continued to face harassment,
Omar Al-Bashir when he visited the country discrimination and violence.
in June 2015. South Africa’s Supreme Court On 4 April, the burned body of Matiisetso
of Appeal ruled in March 2016 that the Alleta Smous, a lesbian woman, was
government’s failure to arrest President Al- discovered in Kroonstad, Free State province.
Bashir was unlawful.1 An eyewitness said she was raped, stabbed
Following the conclusion of South Africa’s in the chest, and then burned to death.
domestic legal processes, the Pre-Trial Three suspects were arrested on 5 April and
Chamber convened a hearing in April 2017. released later that month due to insufficient
A draft bill to repeal the Rome Statute evidence against them. An investigation into
Domestication Act was introduced to the murder was ongoing at the end of the
Parliament in early December, signalling the year.
government’s intention to pursue its decision On 15 May, the body of Lerato Moloi, a
to leave the ICC. lesbian woman, was found in a field in

334 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

Soweto, Gauteng province. The postmortem while their applications were processed,
examination showed that she had been raped and also limit their rights to work and
and stabbed in the neck. Two suspects were movement while awaiting a decision on their
arrested in May. The National Prosecuting application. It also proposed the
Authority referred the case to the establishment of a Border Management
Johannesburg High Court. Authority – a centralized border control body
On 11 August, the Potchefstroom High – which would include police and customs.
Court sentenced David Shomolekae to life The related Border Management Authority
imprisonment for strangling Lesley Makousa, Bill was passed by the National Assembly on
a 16-year-old gay student, to death in August 8 June and was before the National Council
2016. David Shomolekae was found guilty of of Provinces for consideration.
murder, robbery and housebreaking. In July, the SAHRC strongly condemned
The Prevention and Combating of Hate comments made by the Deputy Police
Crimes and Hate Speech Bill, which included Minister as “irresponsible” and
homophobic hate crimes, that was “xenophobic”, after he said that most foreign
introduced in October 2016 had yet to be nationals in Johannesburg were engaged in
approved by members of the government various crimes.
before going to the National Assembly. On 29 September, the Supreme Court of
On 6 September, the Western Cape High Appeal declared the 2012 decision by the
Court ruled that the refusal by the Department of Home Affairs to close the
Department of Home Affairs to allow Cape Town Refugee Reception Office
transgender people who had transitioned unlawful and ordered it to reopen the Office
after they got married to change the gender by March 2018.
markers on their official documents infringed On 30 November, the Refugee Amendment
couples’ rights to equality and human dignity. Bill was passed by the National Assembly. It
The Department of Home Affairs previously amended the Refugees Act 130 of 1998 and
required transgender couples to get divorced restricts refugees’ right to seek and enjoy
before their gender markers could be asylum from persecution. In December,
changed on their official documents. President Zuma assented to the Refugee
Amendment Act (11 of 2017).
Human rights violations and discrimination
1. ICC rules against South Africa on shameful failure to arrest President
against refugees, asylum-seekers and Al-Bashir (News story, 6 July)
migrants continued.
On 29 June, the Constitutional Court
declared section 34(1)(b) and (d) of the
Immigration Act 13 of 2002 – including the
provision to hold an “illegal foreigner” in
Republic of South Sudan
custody for up to 120 days without a court Head of state and government: Salva Kiir Mayardit
hearing – inconsistent with sections 12(1)
and 35(2)(d) of the Constitution and The armed conflict expanded and new
therefore invalid. The declaration was armed opposition groups emerged. Parties
however suspended for two years to enable to the conflict continued to commit crimes
Parliament to pass corrective legislation. under international law and human rights
In July, the Department of Home Affairs violations and abuses with impunity.
published a white paper on international Fighting between government and
migration intended to update migration opposition forces had a devastating
policy. The white paper proposed the creation humanitarian impact on the civilian
of detention facilities at South Africa’s population. Conflict and hunger displaced
borders, which would house asylum-seekers hundreds of thousands of people.

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 335

BACKGROUND forces on the west bank of the White Nile,
The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/ throughout the year. They indiscriminately
Army in Opposition (SPLM/A-IO), the main attacked civilian towns and villages, including
opposition group, remained split between Wau Shilluk, Lul, Fashoda, Kodok and
those loyal to Riek Machar and those loyal to Aburoc, and were responsible for deliberate
Taban Deng Gai. Taban Deng Gai had killings of civilians, looting of property, and
replaced Riek Machar as first Vice-President the displacement of tens of thousands of
in July 2016 after fighting between civilians.1
government and opposition forces in Juba, Fighting throughout the year in the
the capital, forced Riek Machar to flee South Equatoria region also resulted in numerous
Sudan. New opposition groups emerged civilian deaths. Cases of deliberate killings of
including the National Salvation Front, led by civilians, sexual violence crimes, looting and
General Thomas Cirillo Swaka, former deputy destruction of civilian property in Yei and Kajo
chief of general staff who resigned from Keji counties, mostly by government forces,
South Sudan military in February 2017. were documented.
During the year, the legitimacy and SEXUAL VIOLENCE
relevance of the 2015 Agreement on the Sexual violence continued to be a common
Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of feature of the conflict. All sides subjected
South Sudan waned due its failure to improve women, girls, men and boys to rape, gang
security. In June, the Intergovernmental rape, sexual slavery, sexual mutilation
Authority on Development announced that it including castration, and forced nudity during
would convene a high-level forum which attacks on villages, searches of residential
would work to restore a permanent ceasefire areas, on roads and at checkpoints, and
and the implementation of the Agreement. following abduction or during detention.
Between August and November, the Government forces targeted women and girls
Authority consulted with parties to the living in camps under the protection of the
Agreement, other opposition groups, and key UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS)
stakeholders including civil society, on the peacekeepers, when they went to buy or
forum’s design and its expected outcomes. A search for basic necessities such as food and
cessation of hostilities agreement was signed firewood. Survivors of sexual violence had
in December but, soon afterwards, renewed little access to appropriate medical and
fighting broke out in different parts of the psychological treatment because of limited
country. availability or because they were unable to
reach services. Perpetrators of crimes of
INTERNAL ARMED CONFLICT sexual violence were rarely held
Hostilities between government and accountable.2
opposition forces under Riek Machar, as well LACK OF HUMANITARIAN ACCESS
as other armed opposition groups, affected The hostile environment in which
most of the country. Parties to the conflict humanitarian workers operated significantly
committed violations and abuses of undermined their ability to address food,
international human rights and humanitarian health care, education and emergency
law, including targeted killings of civilians shelter needs. Parties to the conflict regularly
often based on ethnicity or perceived political obstructed humanitarian access by
allegiance; systematic looting and destruction threatening, harassing, detaining or
of civilian property; abductions; and crimes of committing acts of violence against
sexual violence. humanitarian workers; at least 25 aid workers
In Upper Nile, for example, government were killed during the year, according to the
forces, aided by ethnic Dinka Padang UN Office for the Coordination of
militias, carried out repeated attacks on Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). On numerous
territory held by opposition-aligned Shilluk occasions fighting between armed groups

336 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

forced humanitarian workers to relocate from Ethiopia, Uganda (see Uganda entry) and
areas of operation and suspend services. Kenya (see Kenya entry), with approximately
Humanitarian supplies were looted by parties 1 million refugees in Uganda.
to the conflict, including, according to OCHA,
more than 670 tons of food from ARBITRARY DETENTIONS AND TORTURE
humanitarian compounds in June and July. AND OTHER ILL-TREATMENT
In March, President Kiir announced plans to
RIGHT TO FOOD release all political detainees. At least 30
An estimated 4.8 million people, almost half detainees were released during the year;
the population, were severely food insecure however, the National Security Service (NSS)
as a result of obstructions to humanitarian and the Military Intelligence Directorate
access, armed conflict, mass displacement, continued to conduct arbitrary arrests and
and the economic crisis. In February, hold perceived government opponents in
localized famine was declared in the Leer prolonged detention without charge or trial.
and Mayendit counties in Unity state. By Individuals were denied the right to have their
June, the situation had improved following a detention reviewed by a court and were often
large-scale humanitarian response. subjected to torture and other ill-treatment.
In the Equatoria region, formerly rich in Detention conditions were harsh; detainees
food, government and opposition forces were regularly denied access to their family
imposed restrictions on civilian access to members, adequate food and clean water.
food as a way to control their movement or The conditions, including inadequate medical
force them from their homes and land.3 care, contributed to the deaths of some
Those who remained faced acute food detainees.
shortages, and malnutrition levels increased. The NSS released 21 detainees without
Across the country, displacement and the charge from prolonged arbitrary detention in
threat of violence hampered agriculture and a prison in the NSS headquarters compound
prevented civilians from tending livestock or in the Jebel neighbourhood of Juba; one was
receiving sustained and adequate food aid. released in January, two in March, one in
The deteriorating economic situation also April, two in May, and 15 in August. Most
exacerbated the food crisis. Government had been detained for between two and three
revenues fell due to low oil prices and oil years. At least five others remained in
production. The depreciation of local detention in the compound, accused of
currency and the shortage of imported communicating with or supporting the
commodities caused food prices to soar. The opposition. A sixth man, James Gatdet,
government repeatedly failed to pay former SPLM/A-IO spokesperson, detained in
employees their salaries. the same facility, was charged with inciting
violence, “treason” and “publishing or
REFUGEES AND ASYLUM-SEEKERS AND communicating false statements prejudicial
INTERNALLY DISPLACED PEOPLE to Southern Sudan”. He was detained after
More than 3.9 million people − approximately he was forcibly returned from Kenya to South
one third of the population − had been Sudan in November 2016.4
displaced since the beginning of the conflict Mike Tyson, Alison Mogga Tadeo, Richard
in December 2013; 1.9 million of them were Otti, and Andria Baambe, also held without
internally displaced, including over 200,000 charge for alleged links with the opposition,
who lived on UN bases under the protection died in the same facility between February
of UNMISS peacekeepers. and July as a result of harsh conditions of
More than 640,000 fled the country during detention and inadequate access to medical
the year, bringing the total number of care. They had been held since 2014.
refugees from South Sudan to over 2 million. The government failed to investigate the use
Most of them were hosted by neighbouring of arbitrary detention and related violations by

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 337

government security agencies, or to hold said that some crimes carried out by
those suspected of criminal responsibility government soldiers against civilians were
accountable, or provide victims with prosecuted before military courts. This
reparation, such as financial compensation happened despite the provision under South
and rehabilitation. Sudan’s SPLA Act requiring that if military
personnel commit an offence against a
ENFORCED DISAPPEARANCES civilian, the civil court should assume
The NSS and the Military Intelligence jurisdiction over the offence. In May, for
Directorate subjected people believed to be example, the trial of 12 government soldiers
opponents of the government to enforced accused of rape, murder and looting at the
disappearance. Terrain hotel in Juba in 2016 commenced
Dong Samuel Luak and Aggrey Idri, both before a special military tribunal.
vocal critics of the government, went missing Three transitional justice bodies, provided
on 23 and 24 January respectively in Nairobi, for in the Agreement on the Resolution of the
Kenya. They were forcibly returned to South Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan in
Sudan and taken to the prison facility at the 2015, had not been established by the end of
NSS headquarters in Juba. They were the year. In July, the AU Commission and the
reported to have been removed from this government agreed on the content of a
facility on 27 January. Their fate and statute and a memorandum of understanding
whereabouts remain unknown.5 for the establishment of one of the bodies,
the Hybrid Court for South Sudan, although
FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION they were not formally approved or adopted.
Journalists, human rights defenders, political A technical committee for the Commission for
opposition members and others who spoke Truth, Reconciliation, and Healing began
out about the conflict were subjected to consultations on the Commission’s design
harassment, arbitrary arrests and detentions, and legislative framework.
and torture and other ill-treatment. This led to South Sudan’s legislative framework failed to
their self-censorship and a political define or criminalize torture, enforced
environment in which people could not work disappearance, or crimes against humanity.
or speak freely.
On 10 July, the NSS arrested Adil Faris LEGAL, CONSTITUTIONAL OR
Mayat, director of the South Sudan INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENTS
Broadcasting Corporation, after he failed to The General Assembly of Justices and
broadcast President Kiir’s Independence Day Judges went on strike in April, demanding
speech. He was held without charge in a salary increases, improved working
facility at the NSS headquarters in Juba for conditions, and the Chief Justice’s resignation
nine days and subsequently dismissed from following poor leadership. President Kiir
his job. On 17 July, the South Sudan National responded with a decree on 12 July removing
Communication Authority blocked the 14 judges from office, and invoking a
websites of four news outlets. According to constitutional provision that allowed for
the media, the Information Minister said that judges to be removed for “misconduct”. On
the websites had published information that 11 September, the judges ended their strike
was “hostile” to the government. on grounds including a pledge from the
President that he would deal with their
LACK OF ACCOUNTABILITY demands and reinstate the dismissed judges.
There were no credible investigations into The judges were not reinstated by the end of
crimes under international law and human the year. In November, a Supreme Court
rights violations or abuses, or prosecutions of judge resigned, citing lack of judicial
those suspected of criminal responsibility in independence.
fair trials before civilian courts. The military

338 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

In October, the Transitional National others wounded. The armed group Islamic
Legislative Assembly voted to ratify the State (IS) claimed responsibility. Six people
Protocol to the African Charter on Human believed to be responsible were killed by
and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Women security forces, and four others were arrested
in Africa (Maputo Protocol). and prosecuted for being implicated in the
attacks and as members of the group that
carried out the attacks.
1. South Sudan: “It was as if my village was swept by a flood”: Mass
displacement of the Shilluk population from the West Bank of the On 1 October, the government of Catalonia,
White Nile (AFR 65/6538/2017) an autonomous region in the northeast, held
2. “Do not remain silent”: Survivors of sexual violence in South Sudan a referendum on the region’s independence,
call for justice and reparations (AFR 65/6469/2017) in defiance of several Constitutional Court
3. South Sudan: “If men are caught, they are killed. If women are rulings. On 17 October, the Constitutional
caught, they are raped”: Atrocities in Equatoria Region turn country’s Court declared unconstitutional the regional
breadbasket into a killing field (AFR 65/6612/2017)
law on which the referendum was based and
4. South Sudan: Several men arbitrarily held in poor conditions (AFR
confirmed its precautionary measure which it
65/6747/2017); South Sudan: Fifteen released, five still arbitrarily
detained (AFR 65/7144/2017) had adopted on 7 September, aimed at
preventing the referendum. On 27 October,
5. South Sudan: Fate and whereabouts of two men unknown: Dong
Samuel Luak and Aggrey Idri (AFR 65/6298/2017) the pro-independence political groups in the
Catalonian regional parliament unilaterally
declared the independence of Catalonia. On
SPAIN the same day, the Senate authorized the
Spanish government to adopt measures
pursuant to Article 155 of the Spanish
Kingdom of Spain
Head of state: King Felipe VI de Borbón Constitution, effectively suspending the
Head of government: Mariano Rajoy region’s autonomy. On 21  December, new
regional elections in Catalonia took place.
The rights to freedom of expression and The party which obtained more votes than
peaceful assembly of Catalan independence any other single party was a non-
supporters were disproportionally restricted. independence party, but overall the elections
Dozens of people were prosecuted for delivered the majority in the regional
“glorification of terrorism” and “humiliation parliament to the combined pro-
of victims” on social media. Law independence parties.
enforcement officials used excessive force
against demonstrators peacefully resisting FREEDOMS OF EXPRESSION AND
the enforcement of the High Court of ASSEMBLY
Justice of Catalonia's ruling stopping the Following the Constitutional Court decision of
Catalan independence referendum. Spain 7 September aimed at preventing the
relocated fewer asylum-seekers than it had referendum, some authorities
pledged to under the EU relocation scheme, disproportionately restricted the rights to
and resettled fewer refugees than it had freedom of expression and peaceful
committed to. Thousands of people assembly. Courts in Madrid and Vitoria in the
continued to face forced evictions. The Basque country prohibited two public
authorities continued to close investigations assemblies aimed at supporting the
into crimes under international law referendum. The municipality of Castelldefels
committed during the Civil War and the in Catalonia adopted a blanket ban on the
Franco regime. use of public spaces for assemblies aimed at
supporting or protesting against the
BACKGROUND referendum.
Two violent attacks took place in Catalonia in On 16 October, a High Court judge ordered
August, leaving 16 people dead and several the pre-trial detention of Jordi Cuixart and

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 339

Jordi Sánchez, the presidents of two pro- case which was being investigated by the
Catalan-independence organizations. They High Court. She appealed, arguing she had
were detained and charged with sedition, a stepped back when told to and that her
broadly defined offence, in connection with account could be substantiated by footage
protests they organized in Barcelona on 20  from security cameras. The footage was not
and 21 September to, according to a judge, admitted as evidence, and her appeal was
oppose a lawful police operation. In pending at the end of the year.
November, the Supreme Court took charge of
the proceedings against Jordi Sánchez and TORTURE AND OTHER ILL-TREATMENT
Jordi Cuixart. The Supreme Court extended In September, the High Court dropped the
the investigation against them to the offence request for the extradition from Switzerland of
of rebellion. Nekane Txapartegi. The term for enforcing a
Dozens of people were prosecuted for December 2009 conviction against her had
“glorification of terrorism” and “humiliation of expired. In April, the Special Rapporteur on
victims” on social media networks. In many torture had urged the Swiss authorities to
instances, authorities pressed criminal oppose the extradition. Nekane Txapartegi
charges against people who had expressed said she was subjected to torture and other
opinions that did not constitute incitement to ill-treatment when she was held
a terrorism-related offence and fell within the incommunicado for five days in a police
permissible forms of expression under station in Madrid in 1999. She had been
international human rights law. Twenty people arrested on suspicion of terrorism-related
were convicted in the course of the year. In offences and of being an ETA member.
March, Cassandra Vera was convicted and Investigations into her torture allegations had
given a suspended sentence of one year`s not been conducted thoroughly in the past.
imprisonment for “humiliation of victims of In May, the Constitutional Court declared
terrorism”. She had published jokes on admissible an appeal by the government
Twitter about ETA´s 1973 killing of Carrero against a Basque Parliament law on the
Blanco, a Prime Minister under the Franco recognition of and reparation for victims of
regime. human rights violations in the Basque
In January, the investigating judge Country.
dismissed charges of incitement to hatred
against Alfonso Lázaro de la Fuente and Raúl EXCESSIVE USE OF FORCE
García Pérez, professional puppeteers who in Law enforcement officials policing protests on
February 2016 were subjected to pre-trial 1 October in Catalonia used excessive force
detention for five days on charges of against peaceful protesters who were
“glorifying terrorism” and incitement to opposing a police operation. The police fired
hatred. The charges of “glorifying terrorism” blank cartridges and rubber bullets, seriously
were dismissed in 2016. injuring one person and causing him to lose
Administrative penalties continued to be the sight in one eye.
imposed on private individuals, human rights
activists and journalists on the basis of the REFUGEES’ AND MIGRANTS’ RIGHTS
Law on Public Security, which could Spain failed to meet its commitment to
constitute unlawful restrictions on the rights relocate 15,888 asylum-seekers under the
to freedom of expression, peaceful assembly EU emergency relocation scheme; 1,328
and information. were relocated by the end of the year, of
Mercé Alcocer, a journalist at Catalunya which 592 were Syrian nationals. Spain also
Radio, was fined EUR601 for disobeying a failed to meet its commitment to resettle
police order. She crossed an unmarked 1,449 refugees from the Middle East and
police line in her attempt to interview a North Africa; 1,360 refugees were resettled,
witness when she was covering a corruption

340 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

all Syrian nationals, except one refugee from RIGHT TO HOUSING
Palestine, by 31 December. Thousands of people were forcibly evicted
Between January and December, 25,853 without adequate judicial safeguards or
asylum claims were submitted, and 34,655 provision of alternative accommodation by
applications were still pending at the end of the state. These included 26,767 rental
October. Asylum-seekers continued to face evictions and 16,992 mortgage evictions.
delays in receiving decisions on their claims. Public spending on housing continued to
For many, the period during which they were decrease, even though the demand for
entitled to access government support affordable social housing remained high.
pending the outcome of their asylum Single mothers and survivors of gender-based
application expired long before the decision violence were particularly affected by the lack
was reached. of affordable alternative housing. In July, the
According to the EU border agency UN Committee on Economic, Social and
FRONTEX, there were 21,663 irregular Cultural Rights upheld a complaint against
border crossings via the Western Spain for not having provided an evicted
Mediterranean route up to September, more family with alternative housing.
than double the figure for the same period in
In October, the European Court of Human Spanish authorities continued to close
Rights held that the immediate return to investigations into crimes under international
Morocco of sub-Saharan migrants who were law committed during the Civil War and the
attempting to enter Spanish territory in Melilla Franco regime. They argued that it would not
in 2014 amounted to a collective expulsion of be possible to investigate the crimes
foreign nationals. reported, such as enforced disappearances
and torture, in view of, among other things,
COUNTER-TERROR AND SECURITY the Amnesty Act and the statute of
Judicial authorities continued to use counter- limitations. The authorities continued to fail to
terrorism legislation disproportionately. Three take measures to locate and identify the
of the seven people detained and charged remains of victims of enforced
with terrorism-related offences for their disappearances and extrajudicial executions,
alleged participation in an attack against two leaving families and organizations to
off-duty civil guards and their partners in undertake exhumation projects without state
Alsasua (Navarra) in a pub in October 2016, support.
were in pre-trial detention pending a hearing In February, Mexico’s Attorney General’s
due in April 2018. Office started an investigation into the so-
called “stolen babies” case, making Mexico
VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN the second country to investigate crimes
According to the Ministry of Health, Social under international law committed in Spain
Services and Equality, 48 women (and eight during the Civil War and the Franco regime.
children) were killed by their partners or The investigation about  the case of a woman
former partners. born in Spain in 1968 and handed over to a
In September, Parliament approved a plan Mexican family, reportedly after having been
to combat gender-based violence, abducted from her family. In September, the
encompassing a review of legislation and UN Working Group on Enforced or
other measures to meet the obligations Involuntary Disappearances stated that this
enshrined in the Istanbul Convention on case constituted a new opportunity for Spain
violence against women. to fully co-operate in the investigations
carried out by other states into enforced
disappearances which occurred in Spain.

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 341

The 2014 amendments to universal Constitution, and whether economic, social
jurisdiction legislation were invoked by the and cultural rights would be included in the
Spanish judiciary to not investigate crimes Bill of Rights.
under international law, such as enforced
disappearances and torture, committed in ARBITRARY ARRESTS AND DETENTIONS
Syria and Venezuela in 2017 against Spanish The authorities continued to detain Tamils
nationals. suspected of links to the LTTE under the PTA,
which permitted extended administrative
detention and shifted the burden of proof to a
SRI LANKA detainee alleging torture or other ill-
treatment. During his visit to Sri Lanka in
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka July, the UN Special Rapporteur on the
Head of state and government: Maithripala Sirisena promotion and protection of human rights
and fundamental freedoms while countering
Sri Lanka continued to pursue its 2015 terrorism stated that over 100 unconvicted
commitments to deliver justice, truth, prisoners (pre- and post-indictment)
reparation and guarantees of non- remained in detention under the PTA, some
recurrence for alleged crimes under of whom had been held for over a decade. Sri
international law, but progress slowed and Lanka failed to follow through on its 2015
there was evidence of backsliding. commitment to repeal the PTA and replace it
Parliament passed an amended Office on with legislation that complied with
Missing Persons Act, intended to assist international standards.
families of the disappeared seeking missing
relatives. The Prevention of Terrorism Act TORTURE AND OTHER ILL-TREATMENT
(PTA) was not repealed; it was still used to Reports of torture and other ill-treatment in
arrest and detain suspects. Torture and detention continued. In March, Sri Lanka’s
other ill-treatment in police custody human rights record was examined under the
continued. Threats against religious and UPR process; the Human Rights Commission
ethnic minorities and human rights of Sri Lanka said that it had continued to
defenders were reported. document widespread incidents of violence
against detainees, including torture and other
BACKGROUND ill-treatment, which it described as “routine”
Enforced disappearances, extrajudicial and practised throughout the country, mainly
executions, torture and other serious human by police. The Special Rapporteur on the
rights violations and abuses were committed promotion and protection of human rights
with impunity before, during and in the and fundamental freedoms while countering
aftermath of the armed conflict between terrorism found that 80% of those arrested
government forces and the Liberation Tigers under the PTA in late 2016 had complained
of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) that ended in 2009. of torture and other ill-treatment.
Commitments made by Sri Lanka in 2015 –
through its co-sponsorship of UN Human EXCESSIVE USE OF FORCE
Rights Council resolution 30/1 – to establish Impunity persisted for excessive use of force
truth, justice and reparation mechanisms and against protesters. Killings by the army of
reforms aimed at non-recurrence of these unarmed demonstrators demanding clean
crimes, had not been implemented by the water in August 2013 had yet to be
end of the year. Sri Lanka’s constitutional prosecuted. In August, a Criminal
reform process, initiated in 2016, also Investigation Department investigator told the
faltered as lawmakers differed over issues Gampaha Chief Magistrate that all evidence
such as the fate of the executive presidency, related to the shootings had been
the place of Buddhism in the new “destroyed” by previous investigators.

342 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

ENFORCED DISAPPEARANCES the disappeared, continued to report
By the end of the year Sri Lanka had not surveillance and harassment by law
passed legislation criminalizing enforced enforcement officials. Women human rights
disappearance in domestic law, despite defenders in the north and east reported that
ratifying the International Convention against interactions with police were often degrading
Enforced Disappearance in 2016. A and sexualized.
parliamentary debate on a bill criminalizing
enforced disappearance scheduled for July FREEDOMS OF EXPRESSION, ASSEMBLY
was postponed without explanation. AND ASSOCIATION
The amended Office on Missing Persons Attempts by families to arrange stones as
Act was passed by Parliament in June; the memorials for lost relatives were stopped by
amendments limited the Office’s power to security forces. Catholic priest Elil Rajendram
seek outside assistance. It was signed by the was detained and other residents of
President on 20 July but had not come into Mullaitivu were subjected to police
operation by the end of the year. The Office harassment following their efforts to hold
was proposed to help many thousands of memorials for family members who died
families of the disappeared trace missing during the armed conflict.
In June, President Sirisena promised LEGAL, CONSTITUTIONAL OR
families of the disappeared that he would INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENTS
order the release of lists of those who An expected parliamentary debate on the
surrendered to, or were detained by, the proposed draft Constitution aimed at
armed forces during and after the armed ensuring checks on executive power and
conflict that ended in 2009. The lists were more equitable ethnic power sharing had not
not made public by the end of the year. taken place by the end of the year.
Despite repeated promises, Sri Lanka failed
IMPUNITY to repeal the PTA and to pass legislation
Impunity persisted for alleged crimes under criminalizing enforced disappearances.
international law committed during the armed In December, Sri Lanka ratified the Optional
conflict. Impunity also remained for many Protocol to the Convention Against Torture
other human rights violations. These included (OPCAT).
the January 2006 extrajudicial executions of
five students in Trincomalee by security DISCRIMINATION
personnel and the killing of 17 aid workers Law enforcement officials continued to
with NGO Action Against Hunger in Muttur in subject members of the Tamil minority,
August 2006; the December 2011 particularly former members of the LTTE, to
disappearances of political activists Lalith ethnic profiling, surveillance and harassment.
Weeraraj and Kugan Muruganandan; the Police failed to take action in response to
2010 disappearance of dissident cartoonist continued threats and physical violence
Prageeth Eknaligoda; and the 2009 killing of against Christians and Muslims by members
newspaper editor Lasantha Wickrematunge. of the public and supporters of a hardline
Sinhala Buddhist political group.
HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS In March, the UN CEDAW Committee asked
In June, the then Minister of Justice Sri Lanka to amend all personal laws to
threatened to have human rights lawyer remove discriminatory provisions. The
Lakshan Dias disbarred if he did not Committee expressed particular concern
apologize for speaking publicly about about the Muslim Marriage and Divorce Act
reported attacks against Christians. of 1951, which failed to specify a minimum
Tamil human rights defenders and activist age for marriages and permited girls aged
community members, including relatives of under 12 to marry with the permission of a

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 343

religious adjudicator (Qazi). The Act also widespread violations of international
restricted women from serving on Qazi humanitarian and human rights law.
Boards, and did not recognize marital rape
unless the couple was legally separated; this BACKGROUND
included statutory rape of a girl under 16 by In January, the US government partially lifted
an adult spouse. economic sanctions imposed on Sudan since
1997, which included unfreezing assets and
VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND GIRLS banking, commercial and investment
Impunity persisted for various forms of transactions. The US government agreed to
violence against women and girls, including lift all economic sanctions in October, stating
child marriage, domestic violence, human that Sudan’s government demonstrated its
trafficking, rapes by military or law commitment to achieving progress in five key
enforcement officers or assaults by private areas including: a marked reduction in
actors. In a rare exception, the trial began on offensive military activity culminating in a
28 June in Jaffna’s High Court of nine men pledge to maintain a cessation of hostilities in
accused of involvement in the May 2015 conflict areas in Sudan; and improved
gang rape and murder of Sivaloganathan humanitarian access throughout Sudan.
Vidya, an 18-year-old school student, in On 15 January, the Council of Ministers
Punkuduthivu. The trial was still ongoing at extended the unilateral ceasefire in Darfur,
the end of the year. The nature of the crime Blue Nile, and South Kordofan for a further
and police mishandling of the case sparked six months. The Sudanese Armed Forces and
widespread protests in 2015. In July 2017 a the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-
serving Senior Deputy Inspector General of North (SPLM-N) exchanged accusations over
Police was arrested for allegedly assisting one ceasefire violations in South Kordofan State
of the suspects to evade arrest. on 21 February. In March, the SPLM-N split
into two rival factions which threatened to
DEATH PENALTY delay peace talks between the government
Death sentences were imposed for murder, and the SPLM-N, trigger wider conflict and
rape and drug trafficking. No executions have cause additional displacement in SPLM-N-
been carried out since 1976. On 4 February, controlled areas in Blue Nile. However, in
Sri Lankan Independence Day, President October the government extended the
Sirisena commuted the sentences of 60 unilateral ceasefire to 31 December which
death row prisoners to life imprisonment. held at the end of the year.


The activities of civil society organizations
Republic of the Sudan and political opposition parties were
Head of state and government: Omar Hassan Ahmed extensively restricted. The National
al-Bashir Intelligence Security Service (NISS)
prevented many civil society organizations
Security forces targeted opposition party and opposition parties from holding events.
members, human rights defenders, students For example, on 17 February it banned a
and political activists for arbitrary arrest, meeting of the Teachers Central Committee at
detention and other abuses. The rights to the Umma National Party offices in
freedom of expression, association and Omdurman city. It prohibited the Umma
peaceful assembly were arbitrarily National Party from holding a public meeting
restricted. The security and humanitarian in Wad Madani in Al Jazeera State on 18
situation in Darfur, Blue Nile and South  March. In April, it prevented the committee
Kordofan states remained dire, with for the Sudanese Dramatists from holding a

344 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

public event to address the impact on released at the end of April. They were
Sudanese society of an absence of dramatic arrested because they supported the civil
arts. Also in April, it stopped the opposition disobedience protests in November and
Sudan Congress Party holding a memorial December 2016 against economic austerity
service for one of its members; and an event measures.2
organized by the “No to women’s oppression” Dr Hassan Karar, former chairperson of the
initiative at Al-Ahfad University without Central Committee of Sudanese Doctors
providing a reason. In May, the NISS (CCSD), was rearrested on 20 April and
cancelled a symposium on Sufism entitled detained for four days at the office of the
“Current and Future Prospects” at the NISS Prosecutor of Crimes Against the State.
Friendship Hall in the capital, Khartoum. In He was held for his role in supporting a
June, the Humanitarian Aid Commission nationwide doctors’ strike to protest against
(HAC) suspended the activities of Shari Al- the deteriorating health service. Dr Mohamed
Hawadith, an organization providing medical Yasin Abdalla, also a former chairperson of
support in Kassala State. the CCSD, was arrested and detained on 22 
April in Khartoum at the office of the
FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION Prosecutor of Crimes Against the State. He
In the second half of the year, authorities was released without charge on 28 April.
confiscated print-runs belonging to six Both were accused of, but not formally
newspapers on 26 occasions. Restrictions on charged with, forming an illegal entity and
freedom of expression continued with threatening the health system of the country.
newspaper editors and journalists regularly In May, activists Dr Mudawi Ibrahim Adam
instructed not to cover any subjects and his colleague Hafiz Idris Eldoma were
considered a security threat. Twelve charged with six offences, two of which are
journalists were repeatedly summoned and punishable by life imprisonment or death.3
investigated by the NISS, and two others They were arrested by the NISS along with a
were convicted for reporting on issues said to third activist in 2016 in connection with their
be a threat to security. For example, in May, work for the Sudan Social Development
the Press and Publications Court in Organization-UK (SUDO-UK) which works on
Khartoum convicted Madiha Abdala, former humanitarian and development projects
Editor of Sudanese Communist Party across the country. They were subjected to
newspaper Al-Midan, of “dissemination of ill-treatment on arrest. Dr Mudawi Ibrahim
false information” and fined her 10,000 Adam and Hafiz Idris Eldoma were released
Sudanese pounds (around USD1,497), for on 29 August after eight months of wrongful
publishing an article on the conflict in South imprisonment.4
Kordofan in 2015. Nabil Mohamed El-Niwari, a Sudanese
In September, Hanadi Alsiddig, Editor-in- political activist and member of the
Chief of Akhbar Alwatan newspaper, was opposition party Sudan Congress, was
briefly arrested and beaten by NISS for arrested by the NISS in Khartoum on 5
covering land dispute issues.  September in connection with his political
NISS officials and other security forces ARMED CONFLICT
targeted opposition political party members, DARFUR
human rights defenders, students and There was a reduction in armed conflict
political activists for arbitrary arrest, detention between the Sudanese Armed Forces and
and other abuses.1 Three political opposition opposition armed groups at the beginning of
activists were held in detention without the year. However, there were reports of
charge following their arrests in January and renewed fighting in North Darfur on 28 May
February by the NISS in Khartoum, and were between, on one side, the Sudan Liberation

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 345

Movement (SLM-MM), led by Minni Minawi, 3. Sudan: Human rights defender facing death penalty: Dr Mudawi
Ibrahim Adam (AFR 54/6300/2017)
and the SLM-Transitional Council against, on
the other side, the Sudanese Armed Forces 4. Sudan: Dr Mudawi released after eight months of wrongful
imprisonment (Press Release, 30 August)
and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF). There
5. Sudan: Detained opposition activist denied lawyer visits: Nabil
was no clear progress in the peace process
Mohamed El-Niwari (AFR 54/7101/2017)
or mechanisms to address the causes and
consequences of the Darfur conflict. There
were at least 87 incidents of unlawful killing
of civilians, including of internally displaced SWAZILAND
persons (IDPs), mainly by pro-government
militia, and there were reports of widespread Kingdom of Swaziland
Head of state: King Mswati III
looting, rape and arbitrary arrests across
Head of government: Barnabas Sibusiso Dlamini
Darfur. On 22 September, President al-Bashir
announced a visit to Kalma IDP camp in Forced evictions continued to be carried
South Darfur. Sudanese security forces used out. The Public Order Act and the
live ammunition to break up protests by IDPs Suppression of Terrorism Act (STA) severely
against the visit. Five people were killed and limited the rights to freedom of expression,
dozens wounded. In June, the UN Security association and peaceful assembly. A ban
Council renewed the mandate of UNAMID on opposition parties continued. Gender-
(UN Mission in Darfur) until 30 June 2018. related violence remained prevalent and
The mandate also included the restructuring Parliament failed to enact the Sexual
of the UNAMID presence into two six-month Offences and Domestic Violence Bill.
phases, which had wider implications for the
protection of civilians in Darfur. BACKGROUND
SOUTH KORDOFAN AND BLUE NILE Student protests continued throughout the
The Famine Early Warning Systems Network year following government cuts to state-
(FEWS-NET) reported that the humanitarian funded tertiary scholarships in 2016. Ten
situation in SPLM-N-controlled areas in South students were arrested in September in
Kordofan was dire. The rate of chronic connection with the protests.
malnutrition was estimated at 38.3% due to
long-term food deprivation and recurrent RIGHT TO HOUSING AND FORCED
illness. FEWS-NET estimated that 39% of EVICTIONS
households in Blue Nile were severely food Communities continued to be at risk of forced
insecure. Meanwhile, the simmering evictions. Around 85 families in at least two
leadership dispute within SPLM-N communities faced imminent evictions
heightened tension among Sudanese without being provided with alternative
refugees in Maban County in South Sudan housing or adequate compensation. Although
and triggered violent ethnic clashes between the Constitution prohibited arbitrary
the two rival SPLM-N factions in Blue Nile, deprivation of property without
resulting in the displacement of thousands of compensation, in practice the lack of legal
people from the SPLM-N-controlled area to security of tenure left people vulnerable to
government-controlled areas in Sudan, and forced evictions. In a judgment in April, a
to refugee camps in South Sudan and High Court ruled that the constitutional
Ethiopia. provision of compensation to evicted
residents was limited to evictions carried out
by the state; residents affected by forced
1. Courageous and resilient: Activists in Sudan speak out (AFR
54/7124/2017) evictions carried out by private actors were
2. Opposition activists arbitrarily held in Sudan (AFR 54/6000/2017)
excluded from access to certain remedies.
In Madonsa in the Manzini region, at least
58 families were at risk of imminent eviction

346 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

after the Swazi National Provident Fund of expression, association and assembly, was
(SNPF), a government parastatal, claimed due to be heard in October 2017. However,
ownership of the land on which they resided. the government failed to submit its
After a protracted seven-year legal process, arguments on time and the Court withdrew
the High Court ordered in 2011 that the their appeal.
families be evicted without compensation or
alternative accommodation. They remained VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND GIRLS
on the land at the end of the year. The Sexual Offences and Domestic Violence
In Mbondzela, in the Shiselweni region, 27 Bill, first introduced in Parliament in 2009,
families threatened with eviction began was not passed, despite ongoing reports of
proceedings against a private company which gender-related violence. In October, the
sought to appropriate their land for the Deputy Prime Minister’s office introduced
development of a game park. On 19 October, proposed amendments, which included the
the Central Farm Dwellers Tribunal dismissed removal of clauses which criminalized incest,
their case and allowed the eviction, ruling unlawful stalking, abduction and indecent
that the private company should provide the exposure, on the grounds that these
residents with building material to construct provisions compromised Swazi cultural
homes elsewhere. practices.


ASSOCIATION Under the Game Amendment Act of 1991,
King Mswati approved the Public Order Act game rangers continued to enjoy immunity
on 8 August, which curtailed the rights to from prosecution related to carrying out their
freedom of assembly and association, duties, including in cases where they killed
imposing far-reaching restrictions on alleged poachers. During the year police
organizers of public gatherings. The Act also investigated at least six such killings by
failed to provide mechanisms to hold law rangers; no one was known to have been
enforcement officials accountable for using brought to justice.
excessive force against protesters or public More than two years after the death in
gatherings. police custody of Luciano Reginaldo Zavale, a
The government continued to ban Mozambican national, the authorities had still
opposition parties. not made public findings from an inquest into
his death.
In August, the King approved the STA, which
amended the 2008 Act. The amendments
limited the definitions of what constitutes a Kingdom of Sweden
terrorist act although the wording was overly Head of state: King Carl XVI Gustaf
broad and vague in relation to terrorism- Head of government: Stefan Löfven
related acts. The law also contained
provisions that undermined the rights to The authorities failed to adopt effective
freedom of expression, association and strategies to prevent racist and xenophobic
assembly. attacks. Rape and other forms of sexual
An appeal by the government against a violence against women and girls remained
2016 High Court ruling that found that the widespread but there were few convictions.
original STA, as well as the Sedition and Roma people continued to face
Subversive Activities Act, were invalid on the discrimination. Courts convicted individuals
grounds that they infringed the for serious crimes under international law
constitutionally guaranteed rights to freedom committed in Syria and Rwanda.

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 347

REFUGEES AND ASYLUM-SEEKERS widespread. In December, based on a
Emergency temporary measures introduced proposal by the 2014 Sexual Offences
in 2016 prevented asylum-seekers who had Committee, the government presented draft
been granted subsidiary protection from legislation to the legal council which included
having the right to family reunification. During a consent-based definition of rape and sexual
his visit to Sweden in October, the Council of abuse.
Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Serious concerns remained about rape
recommended that Sweden lift the measures. attrition rates. The number of rapes reported
to the police increased by 14% during the
CRIMES UNDER INTERNATIONAL LAW first half of the year compared with the same
In February, Svea Court of Appeal upheld the period in 2016 (from 2,999 to 3,430).
sentence of life imprisonment of a Swedish Between January and June 2017, decisions
citizen of Rwandan origin, convicted in to prosecute were taken in just 111 cases,
Sweden of genocide and other crimes according to preliminary official statistics.
committed in Rwanda in 1994.
In May, Svea Court of Appeal confirmed the
sentence of life imprisonment of a Syrian
citizen convicted in Sweden of war crimes for
the extrajudicial execution of seven Syrian Swiss Confederation
army soldiers. Head of state and government: Doris Leuthard
In September a Syrian man who had served (replaced Johann Schneider-Ammann in January)
in the Syrian army was convicted of war
crimes by the Södertörn District Court and Migrants and asylum-seekers with rejected
sentenced to eight months’ imprisonment for asylum claims were returned in violation of
violating the dignity of five dead or severely the non-refoulement principle. Concerns
injured persons by posing for a photograph remained regarding the use
with his foot on one victim’s chest. of disproportionate force during the
Sweden had yet to make torture a crime deportation of migrants. Government
under national law. proposals for the creation of a National
Human Rights Institution continued to be
DISCRIMINATION criticized for failing to guarantee the
Roma citizens from Romania and Bulgaria Institution’s independence.
supporting themselves through begging
continued to be subjected to harassment and LEGAL, CONSTITUTIONAL OR
denial of basic services including shelter, INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENTS
water and sanitation, education and In August, the UN Human Rights Committee
subsidized health care. In September, expressed concerns regarding the “Initiative
Vellinge in southern Sweden became the first for auto-determination”, a referendum that
Swedish municipality to ban begging, and was likely to be scheduled for 2018 and
one of the main political parties declared its which would lead to supremacy of the
intent to do the same nationally. The decision Federal Constitution over international
in Vellinge was later declared non-conforming treaties. The Committee urged Switzerland to
with the Law on Public Order; the matter was introduce a control mechanism to ensure that
subject to appeal. Anti-Roma prejudice referendums comply with international
towards Roma from other EU countries was human rights law before being presented for
widespread. a popular vote.
The Council of Europe Commissioner for
VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND GIRLS Human Rights and the UN Human Rights
Rape and other forms of sexual violence Committee urged Switzerland in May and
against women and girls remained June respectively to establish a fully

348 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

independent National Human Rights disaggregated data on the number of
Institution with a sufficiently broad mandate complaints, investigations and convictions. It
and adequate resources to comply with the also recommended the introduction of a
Principles relating to the Status of National provision expressly prohibiting and
Institutions (Paris Principles). NGOs raised criminalizing torture as a separate offence in
concerns about the lack of full independence the Criminal Code.
of the Human Rights Institution proposed by In July, while noting some improvements,
the Federal Council (government) in June. the National Commission for the Prevention
of Torture raised concerns about the
REFUGEES AND ASYLUM-SEEKERS excessive use of force by police, in particular
The authorities returned several asylum- in the context of deporting migrants.
seekers to other Schengen Area Member
States by applying the Dublin III Regulation DISCRIMINATION
(EU law that determines the EU member In March, the Upper Chamber of the Federal
state responsible to examine an application Parliament (Council of States) rejected a bill
for asylum) but without duly taking into to ban full-face veils at the national level.
account their family ties in Switzerland. In August, the Human Rights Committee
In April, the Federal Court ruled that the urged Switzerland to introduce
detention of two Afghan parents with their comprehensive legislation against
infant, and the placement of their three other discrimination. It also recommended that
children in an orphanage in 2016, with the Switzerland not subject intersex children
purpose of returning the whole family to without consent to medically unnecessary
Norway, had disproportionately violated their interventions to determine their gender.
right to family life.
In October, the Council of Europe WOMEN’S RIGHTS
Commissioner for Human Rights called on In August, the Human Rights Committee
Switzerland to improve the identification and recommended that Switzerland continue to
protection of the most vulnerable migrants combat domestic violence, female genital
and asylum-seekers, and to apply a gender mutilation and forced marriages, to train
and child-sensitive approach to all migration justice professionals to address cases of
and asylum-related decisions and measures. domestic violence, and to facilitate the stay of
Child asylum-seekers in federal reception migrant women who had suffered domestic
centres continued to be denied access to violence. In December, Switzerland ratified
education. the Council of Europe Convention on
In several cases, the European Court of preventing and combating violence against
Human Rights and the UN Committee women and domestic violence (Istanbul
against Torture ruled that the return of people Convention).
with failed asylum claims or undocumented
migrants to Sri Lanka, Sudan and Turkey
violated the principle of non-refoulement
(forcible return of individuals to a country
where they risked serious human rights Syrian Arab Republic
violations). Head of state: Bashar al-Assad
Head of government: Imad Khamis
In August, the UN Human Rights Committee Parties to the armed conflict committed war
urged Switzerland to introduce an crimes and other grave violations of
independent complaint mechanism to international humanitarian law and human
examine allegations of unlawful use of force rights abuses with impunity. Government
by police and to collect comprehensive and and allied forces, including Russia, carried

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 349

out indiscriminate attacks and direct in October. They were supported by a US-led
attacks on civilians and civilian objects international coalition of states which carried
using aerial and artillery bombing, including out air strikes against IS in northern and
with chemical and other internationally eastern Syria, killing and injuring hundreds of
banned weapons, killing and injuring civilians. Other armed opposition groups
hundreds. Government forces maintained primarily fighting government forces, such as
lengthy sieges on densely populated areas, Ahrar al-Sham Islamic Movement, Hay’at
restricting access to humanitarian and Tahrir al-Sham and Jaysh al-Islam, controlled
medical aid to thousands of civilians. or contested areas in the governorates of
Government forces and foreign governments Damascus Countryside, Idleb and Aleppo,
negotiated local agreements which led to sometimes fighting each other. Several
the forced displacement of thousands of suspected attacks by Israel inside Syria
civilians following prolonged sieges and targeted Hezbollah, Syrian government
unlawful attacks. Security forces arrested positions and other fighters.
and continued to detain tens of thousands Russia continued to block efforts by the UN
of people, including peaceful activists, Security Council to pursue justice and
humanitarian workers, lawyers and accountability. On 12 April, Russia vetoed a
journalists, subjecting many to enforced resolution condemning the use of chemical
disappearances, torture or other ill- weapons in Syria and calling for those
treatment and causing deaths in detention. responsible to be held accountable. On 17 
Armed opposition groups indiscriminately November, Russia vetoed a resolution to
shelled civilian areas and subjected extend the mandate of the Organization for
predominantly civilian areas to prolonged the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons-UN
sieges, restricting access to humanitarian Joint Investigative Mechanism established by
and medical aid. The armed group Islamic the UN Security Council in 2015 to
State (IS) unlawfully killed and shelled investigate chemical weapons attacks and
civilians and used them as human shields. determine responsibility for the use of
US-led coalition forces carried out attacks chemical weapons in Syria.
on IS in which civilians were killed and Efforts by the UN to broker peace were
injured, at times violating international unsuccessful as parties to the conflict and
humanitarian law. By the end of the year, their allies shifted diplomatic discussions to
the conflict had caused the deaths of more Kazakhstan’s capital, Astana. The diplomatic
than 400,000 people and displaced more talks sponsored by Russia, Iran and Turkey
than 11 million people within and outside aimed to strengthen the nationwide ceasefire
Syria. agreement negotiated in December 2016 and
enforce the “road map to peace” outlined in
BACKGROUND UN resolution 2254 of 2015. In May 2017
The armed conflict in Syria entered its the Russian-brokered talks established four
seventh year. Government forces and their de-escalation zones across Syria, including
allies, including Iranian and Hezbollah the governorates of Idleb, Deraa, Homs and
fighters, captured the majority of areas Damascus Countryside.
previously held by IS and other armed groups The Independent International Commission
in Homs and Deir el-Zour governorates and of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic,
other areas. They were supported by Russian established by the UN Human Rights Council
armed forces, which carried out attacks on IS in 2011, continued to monitor and report on
and other armed groups fighting the violations of international law committed by
government, reportedly killing and injuring parties to the conflict, although it remained
civilians. The Syrian Democratic Forces, barred by the government from entering
consisting of Syrian-Kurdish and Arab armed Syria.
groups, captured Raqqa governorate from IS

350 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

appointed head of the International Impartial The government continued to maintain
and Independent Mechanism established in lengthy sieges of predominately civilian areas.
December 2016 by the UN General The UN Office for the Co-ordination of
Assembly to assist in the investigation and Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) reported that,
prosecution of the most serious crimes under out of a total of 419,920 people besieged in
international law committed in Syria since Syria, almost 400,000 were besieged by
March 2011. government forces in Eastern Ghouta.
Government forces deprived residents in
ARMED CONFLICT – VIOLATIONS BY besieged areas of access to medical care,
SYRIAN GOVERNMENT FORCES AND other basic goods and services and
ALLIES, INCLUDING IRAN AND RUSSIA humanitarian assistance, while subjecting
INDISCRIMINATE ATTACKS AND DIRECT ATTACKS ON them to repeated air strikes, artillery shelling
The Syrian government and allied forces announced that 232 children in Eastern
continued to commit war crimes and other Ghouta suffered from severe acute
serious violations of international malnutrition.
humanitarian law, including indiscriminate FORCED DISPLACEMENT OF CIVILIANS
attacks and direct attacks on civilians and The government and armed opposition
civilian objects including homes, hospitals groups negotiated four so-called
and medical facilities. Government forces reconciliation agreements between August
attacked areas controlled or contested by 2016 and March 2017 that led to the forced
armed opposition groups, unlawfully killing displacement of thousands of residents from
and injuring civilians and damaging civilian five besieged areas: Daraya, eastern Aleppo
objects through aerial bombardment and city, al-Waer neighbourhood in the city of
artillery shelling. Homs, and the towns of Kefraya and Foua.
According to the NGO Physicians for The government, and to a lesser extent
Human Rights, government forces carried armed opposition groups, subjected these
out air strikes on three hospitals in Idleb densely populated areas to prolonged sieges
governorate on 19 September, killing a staff and unlawful bombardment, compelling the
member, destroying ambulances and armed opposition groups to surrender and
damaging the facilities. On 13 November, negotiate a deal resulting in the evacuation of
Syrian and Russian forces carried out air fighters and the mass displacement of
strikes during the day on a large market in civilians. The unlawful sieges and
Atareb, an opposition-held town in Aleppo bombardment leading to the forced
governorate, killing at least 50 people, mostly displacement of civilians were part of a
civilians. On 18 November, government systematic, widespread attack by the
forces carried out air strikes and artillery government on civilians and amounted to
attacks on civilians besieged in Eastern crimes against humanity.
Ghouta in Damascus Countryside, killing at
On 4 April, government warplanes carried GROUPS
out an attack using internationally banned INDISCRIMINATE ATTACKS AND DIRECT ATTACKS ON
chemical weapons on Khan Sheikhoun in CIVILIANS
Idleb countryside, killing more than 70 IS forces carried out direct attacks on
civilians and injuring hundreds. On 30 June, civilians as well as indiscriminate attacks,
the Organization for the Prohibition of killing and injuring civilians. During the
Chemical Weapons concluded that people in operation launched mid-year by the Syrian
Khan Sheikhoun were exposed to sarin, a Democratic Forces and the US-led coalition
banned nerve agent, in the attack. to recapture Raqqa city, IS forces prevented

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 351

residents from fleeing the city and used May, a series of US-coalition strikes on a farm
civilians as human shields. northwest of Raqqa killed 14 members of a
IS claimed responsibility for a series of family – eight women, one man and five
suicide and other bomb attacks that directly children – and severely wounded two other
targeted civilians, including one in February children. Also in May, an air strike that
in Aleppo city that killed 50 people and one targeted houses in the northern outskirts of
in October in the capital, Damascus, that Raqqa killed 31 people. In July, a coalition
killed 17 civilians. Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham attack on a residential building 100m from an
claimed responsibility for two suicide IS target killed a family including three
bombings near a Shi’a pilgrimage site in children. The coalition forces also struck
Damascus on 11 March in which 44 civilians boats crossing the Euphrates River, south of
were killed and 120 injured. Raqqa, killing dozens of civilians attempting
In May, in-fighting between armed to flee the intense fighting in the city. The
opposition groups erupted in Eastern Ghouta. coalition failed to adequately investigate
It lasted several days, killing more than 100 reports of civilian casualties and allegations of
civilians and fighters. Armed opposition violations of international humanitarian law.
groups in Eastern Ghouta also carried out
indiscriminate rocket and mortar attacks on ARMED CONFLICT – ABUSES BY THE
government-controlled neighbourhoods, PYD-LED AUTONOMOUS
killing and injuring several people during the ADMINISTRATION
year. In November, armed opposition groups The Autonomous Administration, led by the
fired imprecise rockets into the government- Syrian-Kurdish Democratic Union Party
held town of Nubul, Aleppo governorate, (PYD), continued to control most of the
killing three civilians. predominantly Kurdish northern border
UNLAWFUL KILLINGS regions. It arbitrarily arrested and detained a
According to the Syrian Observatory for number of Syrian-Kurdish opposition
Human Rights, IS summarily killed more than activists, including members of the Kurdish
100 civilians accused of collaborating with National Council in Syria. Many were held in
the government in the town of al-Qaryatan, prolonged pre-trial detention in poor
Homs governorate, before government forces conditions.
recaptured the town.
Armed opposition groups maintained lengthy DISPLACED PEOPLE
sieges of predominantly civilian areas, Between 2011 and 2017, 6.5 million people
restricting access to humanitarian and were displaced within Syria and more than 5 
medical aid and other essential goods and million people sought refuge outside Syria,
services. OCHA reported that Hay’at Tahrir al- including 511,000 people who became
Sham and Ahrar al-Sham Islamic Movement refugees during 2017, according to UNHCR,
besieged 8,000 people in the towns of the UN refugee agency, and OCHA. The
Kefraya and Foua, Idleb governorate. authorities in the neighbouring states of
Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan, which hosted
ARMED CONFLICT – AIR STRIKES BY nearly all of the refugees (including
US-LED FORCES Palestinians displaced from Syria), restricted
The US-led coalition continued its campaign the entry of new refugees, exposing them to
of air strikes against IS. The air strikes, some further attacks, violations and deprivation in
of which violated international humanitarian Syria. The number of resettlement places and
law, killed and injured civilians. In June, other safe and legal routes for refugees
coalition forces unlawfully used white offered by European and other states fell far
phosphorous munitions on civilian below the needs identified by UNHCR.
neighbourhoods in the outskirts of Raqqa. In

352 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

Some of the people displaced within Syria minimum international standards for a fair
were living in makeshift camps with limited trial.
access to aid, other basic necessities, or In August, the family of software developer
opportunities to make a living. Bassel Khartabil learned that he had been
killed in 2015 after being “tried” and
ENFORCED DISAPPEARANCES “sentenced to death” by the Military Field
The Syrian security forces held thousands of Court in al-Qaboun. Bassel Khartabil had
detainees without trial, often in conditions been arrested on 15 March 2012 by Syrian
that amounted to enforced disappearance. Military Intelligence and held in
Tens of thousands of people remained incommunicado detention for eight months
subject to enforced disappearance, some before being moved to ‘Adra prison in
since the outbreak of the conflict in 2011. Damascus in December 2012. He remained
They included peaceful critics and opponents at ‘Adra until 3 October 2015, when he was
of the government as well as family members transferred to an undisclosed location prior to
detained in place of relatives wanted by the his execution.
TORTURE AND OTHER ILL-TREATMENT The death penalty remained in force for
Torture and other ill-treatment of detainees by many offences. The authorities disclosed little
government security and intelligence information about death sentences passed,
agencies and in state prisons remained and no information on executions.
systematic and widespread. Torture and other
ill-treatment continued to result in a high
incidence of detainee deaths. For example,
large numbers of detainees at Saydnaya
Military Prison died after being repeatedly Taiwan
tortured and systematically deprived of food, Head of state: Tsai Ing-wen
water, ventilation, medicine and medical Head of government: William Lai Ching-te (replaced
care. Their bodies were buried in mass Lin Chuan in September)
Taiwan’s Constitutional Court ruled that the
EXTRAJUDICIAL EXECUTIONS current marriage law is unconstitutional as
Government forces carried out unlawful it discriminates against same-sex couples.
killings of detainees held in their custody in The government held its second review of
Saydnaya Military Prison near Damascus. As the implementation of the ICCPR and the
many as 13,000 prisoners from Saydnaya ICESCR and its first review regarding the
Military Prison were extrajudicially executed Convention on the Rights of People with
in night-time mass hangings between 2011 Disabilities (CRPD) and the Convention on
and 2015. The victims were overwhelmingly the Rights of the Child (CRC). The Supreme
civilians perceived to oppose the government Court rejected the Prosecutor-General’s
and were executed after being held in extraordinary appeal for Chiou Ho-shun who
conditions amounting to enforced remained on death row. From mid-February
disappearance. Before they were hanged, the to early June when they were dispersed,
victims were condemned to death at the Indigenous people and supporters staged a
Military Field Court in the al-Qaboun 100-day sit-in near the Presidential Office
neighbourhood of Damascus, in “trials” protesting against government guidelines,
which lasted between one and three minutes. proposed by the cabinet-level Council of
The Court was notorious for conducting Indigenous Peoples, on changing the
closed proceedings that fell far short of the designation of traditional Indigenous

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 353

territory. Media reported that migrant to omit evidence from a coerced
workers were sexually harassed at work. “confession”. Chiou Ho-shun claims he was
tortured in custody and forced to “confess”
RIGHTS OF LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, during police interrogations before being
TRANSGENDER AND INTERSEX PEOPLE found guilty of robbery, kidnapping and
On 24 May, the Grand Council of Judges murder in 1989.
(Constitutional Court) ruled that sections on The Taichung Branch of the Taiwan High
marriage in the current Civil Code were Court held a retrial of the case of Cheng
unconstitutional as they discriminated against Hsing-tse, who was released on bail in 2016.
same-sex couples. It gave the authorities two The court cleared his name in October,
years to revise the law in order to achieve overturning his convictions. He had served
equal protection of freedom of marriage for 14 years in prison after he was convicted of
same-sex couples. In late 2016, the the murder of a police officer during an
Legislative Yuan, Taiwan’s Parliament, exchange of gunfire at a karaoke parlour in
had started discussion of a draft bill on Taichung in 2002.
revising the Civil Code to allow same-sex
marriage but the bill had not progressed by REFUGEES AND ASYLUM-SEEKERS
the end of 2017. If passed, Taiwan would By the end of the year there had been no
become the first jurisdiction in Asia to legalize progress on the refugee bill since its second
same-sex marriage. reading in July 2016. This was despite
international experts concluding
LEGAL, CONSTITUTIONAL OR recommendations in January, which urged
INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENTS the speedy adoption of a refugee law to
In January, the government convened include the principle of non-refoulement.
independent international human rights
experts to conduct its second review of the
1. Taiwan: Government must act on human rights review (ASA
implementation of the ICCPR and the 38/5531/2017)
ICESCR.1 The government initiated this
parallel review process as Taiwan is not a
member of the UN. The second review was
to examine progress since the last one in
Republic of Tajikistan
During the second review, the Taiwan Head of state: Emomali Rahmon
government announced that it will establish a Head of government: Qokhir Rasulzoda
national human rights institution meeting the
standards set out in the Paris Principles. The authorities continued to impose
In late October and November, the sweeping restrictions on the rights to
government also convened international freedom of expression and of peaceful
experts to conduct its first reviews of the assembly to silence critical voices. Police
implementation of the CPRD and CRC and security services continued to
respectively. persecute human rights lawyers and their
families. A human rights lawyer was
DEATH PENALTY tortured in detention and had his sentence
The Supreme Court rejected the Prosecutor- extended to 28 years’ imprisonment
General’s extraordinary appeal for Chiou Ho- following three unfair trials. Lesbian, gay,
shun in July, a year after the application. bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI)
Chiou Ho-shun, who has been on death row people were subjected to violence, arbitrary
since 1989, is the longest-serving death row arrest and discrimination. The authorities
inmate in modern Taiwan history. The appeal forced thousands of women to remove their
application cited the failure of previous courts hijabs to comply with the law on traditions.

354 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

BACKGROUND Dushanbe City Court had sentenced them to
Public order and counter-terrorism concerns, 23 and 21 years’ imprisonment respectively
real and perceived, dominated the political in October 2016, following a blatantly unfair
agenda. The authorities relentlessly invoked trial. Both lawyers were found guilty of
national security issues to justify ever harsher “arousing national, racial, local or religious
restrictions on perceived dissent, on the hostility” and “public calls for violent change
grounds that these measures ensured of the constitutional order of the Republic of
stability and preserved cultural traditions. Tajikistan”, charges they consistently denied.
The UN Special Rapporteur on the right to The state media portrayed Buzurgmekhr
freedom of opinion and expression noted in Yorov as a “terrorist sympathizer” and
his June report that since his 2016 visit to therefore a “terrorist” himself.
Tajikistan the “draconian restrictions on In February, Firdavs District Court in
opposition voices and the squeezing of civil Dushanbe started hearings into a third
society” had continued to worsen. He criminal case brought by the authorities
concluded that “the Government is obligated against Buzurgmekhr Yorov on new fraud
under human rights law to reconsider its charges, allegedly in response to complaints
entire approach to restricting the opposition, made against him by members of the public.
the media, the Internet, and civil society as a In March, in the second trial of
whole.” Buzurgmekhr Yorov, the Supreme Court
found him guilty of disrespecting the Court
JUSTICE SYSTEM and insulting government officials in his final
By December, less than half of the 2,000 statement to Dushanbe City Court in October
lawyers registered nationwide had managed 2016. He was sentenced to an additional two
to requalify and were licensed to practise. years’ imprisonment. The trial was opened in
Amendments introduced in 2015 to the law December 2016 when he was in the pre-trial
on the legal profession increased government detention centre number 1 (SIZO) in
control over the licensing of lawyers and Dushanbe.
significantly cut the total number of lawyers In April, Buzurgmekhr Yorov’s wife was
licensed to practise, drastically reducing informed of a fourth criminal case brought
citizens‘ access to justice. against her husband for allegedly insulting
PERSECUTION OF DEFENCE LAWYERS “the leader of the Nation”. In August, he was
Defence lawyers who took up politically sentenced to an additional three years’
sensitive cases, or cases related to national imprisonment on charges of fraud and of
security and counter-terrorism, faced insulting “the leader of the Nation” in
increasing harassment, intimidation and statements he made in court during his
undue pressure in connection with their original trial in response to the fraud charges
legitimate professional activities. Human brought against him. The total length of his
rights lawyers faced arbitrary arrests, sentence was 28 years. The family could not
prosecutions on politically motivated charges, find any lawyers willing to represent
harsh prison sentences and the harassment Buzurgmekhr Yorov as they feared reprisals
of their families and colleagues. Many human from the authorities after human rights lawyer
rights lawyers fled the country for safety.1 Muazzamakhon Kadirova, who represented
THE CASE OF BUZURGMEKHR YOROV him in 2016, had to seek protection abroad.
In February, the Supreme Court in In September, the authorities allowed
Dushanbe, the capital, turned down the Buzurgmekhr Yorov’s mother to visit him in
appeals against the prison sentences of SIZO 1. He told her that the guards subjected
human rights lawyers Buzurgmekhr Yorov him and other cellmates to regular beatings,
and Nuriddin Makhkamov who had including to the head, using their legs, arms
represented several members of the banned and batons while insulting, humiliating and
Islamic Renaissance Party of Tajikistan. threatening them. He spent several days in

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 355

the SIZO medical centre following one of the wearing the Islamic headscarf (hijab) in
beatings. Buzurgmekhr Yorov was put in public places, ordered them to remove it
solitary confinement at least four times as because it was against the law and asked
punishment for what the SIZO Director them instead to wear a headscarf tied behind
explained to the media were “violations of the the head in the “traditional Tajik way”.
detention regime”. The SIZO Director denied Dozens of women were briefly detained,
all allegations of torture and other ill- many had their hijabs forcibly removed.
treatment of Buzurgmekhr Yorov. Women wearing western-style dress were not
targeted. Government officials claimed that
RIGHTS OF LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, the hijab was a form of “alien culture and
TRANSGENDER AND INTERSEX PEOPLE tradition” and a sign of “extremism”. Shops
Consensual same-sex sexual relations were selling Islamic clothing were raided by
not criminalized but continued to be highly security forces and many were forced to
stigmatized. Since 2014, the Ministry of close.
Internal Affairs (MIA) included
“homosexuality and lesbianism” in its list of REPRESSION OF DISSENT
“amoral crimes, prostitution and Dozens of members and associates of
procurement”. LGBTI people were targeted in banned opposition groups, such as Islamic
two public campaigns to prevent and combat Renaissance Party of Tajikistan and Group
“amoral behaviour” and crimes against 24, and their families sought protection
“morality” launched in 2015 by the Office of abroad. Party and Group 24 activists in exile
the Prosecutor General, MIA and the State reported that in retaliation for their actions
Committee on Women’s Affairs and Family. abroad, such as conducting peaceful protests
LGBTI individuals were subjected to violence, at international meetings and conferences,
arbitrary arrests, detention and police and security services threatened,
discrimination, including being forcibly detained, questioned and in some cases beat
registered on MIA lists. In October, the family members, including elderly relatives
Minister of Internal Affairs announced that and children, in Tajikistan. Local authorities
the names and personal details of 367 publicly shamed relatives branding them as
individuals suspected of being LGBTI had “traitors” and “enemies of the state”.
been entered on an MIA register ostensibly to
protect them and to “prevent the FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION
transmission of sexually transmitted diseases, The authorities continued to impose
including HIV/AIDS”. The authorities accused sweeping restrictions on freedom of
NGOs working with LGBTI people in the expression and the media and controlled
context of sexual health of undermining virtually all forms of access to information.
traditional cultural values. Journalists continued to be subjected to
intimidation and harassment by police and
DISCRIMINATION security services. Tens of journalists were
In August, President Rahmon signed into law forced to flee the country fearing reprisals for
amendments to the Law on Traditions their critical reporting.
regulating the practice of cultural traditions In May, the authorities unblocked access to
and celebrations. The amendments some social media sites and search
compelled citizens to wear traditional dress at platforms, such as Facebook, Vkontakte and
cultural celebrations or ceremonies, such as YouTube. However, access to media
weddings and funerals. Women in particular platforms considered to be promoting
were prohibited from wearing black at “extremism”, such as BBC, CNN and
funerals., continued to be blocked.
In the same month, police and local officials In July, Parliament adopted new legislation
approached over 8,000 women who were granting the police and security services new

356 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

powers to obtain information about internet decision to limit provision of certain health
sites visited by individuals. The law was services for LGBTI people. The activists were
proposed following claims, which were not released without charge on 27 October, after
substantiated, by some officials that over a court found that there was insufficient
80% of internet users accessed sites with evidence for the prosecutor to sustain the
“extremist” content. case.

1. In the line of duty: Harassment, prosecution and imprisonment of

lawyers in Tajikistan (EUR 60/6266/2017) Opposition MPs who were perceived as
critical of the government faced harassment,
intimidation and arrest. On 21 September,
TANZANIA Zitto Kabwe, leader of the Alliance for Change
and Transparency party, was arrested
following comments he made on social
United Republic of Tanzania
Head of state: John Magufuli media. These concerned the House
Head of government: Kassim Majaliwa Speaker’s handling of reports by two
Head of Zanzibar government: Ali Mohamed Shein parliamentary committees formed to
investigate tanzanite and diamond mining
The authorities restricted the rights to before they were debated in Parliament. He
freedom of expression and association, and appeared before the Parliamentary Privileges,
failed to address discrimination on grounds Ethics and Powers Committee on 22 
of gender and sexual orientation. Refugees September and was subsequently released.
and asylum-seekers faced overcrowding, The Committee had not sent their report to
insufficient rations, and bureaucratic the Speaker by the end of the year.
obstacles put in place by the state On 31 October, Zitto Kabwe was again
authorities. detained by police for allegedly issuing false
statistics on the national economic growth
RIGHTS OF LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, figures. According to Section 37(5) of the
TRANSGENDER AND INTERSEX PEOPLE Statistics Act of 2017, any agency or person
The government continued its crackdown who publishes or communicates official
against LGBTI people, closing down health statistical information which may result in the
centres and threatening to deregister distortion of facts, commits an offence. This
organizations that provided services and can be punishable by a fine or imprisonment
support to them. On 17 February, the Health of not less than three years, or both. Zitto
Minister closed down 40 private health Kabwe was released on 31 October without
centres, accusing them of promoting same- charge.
sex relations which is punishable by up to 30 Tundu Lissu, President of Tanganyika Law
years’ imprisonment. On 25 June, the Home Society and an MP for the opposition
Affairs Minister threatened to deport any Chadema party, was arrested on 21 October
foreign national, or prosecute anyone, and charged with “hate speech” after he
working to protect LGBTI rights. criticized President Magufuli. In a public
In Zanzibar 12 women and eight men – speech on 17 July, he said that the
were detained on 18 September while government was discriminating along family,
receiving HIV/AIDS training at a hotel. The tribal and regional lines when employing
government accused them of promoting government officials, and issuing work
LGBTI rights. On 17 October the authorities permits along religious lines. He also referred
arrested 13 health and human rights to the President as a dictator. He was
activists, including two South Africans and released the same day after interrogation by
one Ugandan, during a consultative meeting the police.
to discuss the Tanzanian government’s

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 357

Media freedom deteriorated significantly. challenged the President’s ban on schooling
President Magufuli stated in January that the for pregnant girls and teenage mothers.
days of newspapers viewed as “unethical"
were numbered. From June to September, REFUGEES AND ASYLUM-SEEKERS
three newspapers – MwanaHalisi, Mawio and According to UNHCR, the UN refugee
Raia Mwema – were either closed or agency, by the end of October, 359,494
temporarily banned from publishing because Burundian refugees resided in Tanzania (see
of “unethical” reporting and inciting violence. Burundi entry). On 20 January, the Home
On 15 June the Information, Sports and Affairs Ministry revoked prima facie refugee
Culture Minister banned Mawio for two years status recognition of Burundian asylum-
over articles it published linking two former seekers, and new arrivals had to undergo
presidents with alleged improprieties in individual refugee status determination
mining deals signed in the 1990s and early processes. UNHCR warned that the situation
2000s. On 19 September, the Information in Nduta camp in Tanzania, in particular, was
Service Directorate issued a two-year ban on “alarming”. Originally designed to hold
MwanaHalisi, after accusing it of insulting the 50,000 people, at the end of 2017 it was
President and publishing unethical stories. home to over 127,000. UNHCR and its
This was the second time the newspaper had partners also lacked sufficient capacity to
been suspended in three months. prevent, or respond adequately to, sexual
On 17 March, Dar es Salaam’s Regional and gender-based violence. UNHCR raised
Commissioner led a raid on Clouds Media concerns about risks to health and safety
Group, allegedly for their decision not to caused by overcrowding. On 27 August, the
broadcast a video aimed at undermining a World Food Programme warned that the
popular local pastor. already insufficient food rations for refugees
The Electronic and Postal Communications in Tanzania would have to be further reduced
(Online Content) Regulations, 2017, passed unless there was urgent funding from donors.
in September, curtailed online freedom. Regular food and water shortages in the
According to the regulations, social media camps in Tanzania were seen by some
users and online content producers are held refugees as an attempt to force them to
liable for materials deemed “indecent, return home. This was particularly in the light
obscene, hate speech, extreme violence or of comments made in July by President
material that will offend or incite others, Magufuli during a visit by Burundian
cause annoyance, threaten harm or evil, President Pierre Nkurunziza, encouraging
encourage or incite crime, or lead to public refugees to return to Burundi.
disorder". Those found guilty face a fine of 5  Tanzania operated a de facto encampment
million Tanzanian shillings (USD2,300), a policy by which refugees who left the camps
minimum of 12 months in jail, or both. without permission faced fines or arrest.

On 22 June, President Magufuli issued a
statement banning pregnant girls from
returning to public-funded schools. He Kingdom of Thailand
stated: “As long as I’m President, no Head of state: King Maha Vajiralongkorn
pregnant students will be allowed to return to Bodindradebayavarangkun
school.” He said that young mothers could Head of government: Prayut Chan-o-Cha
opt for vocational training or become
entrepreneurs, but should not be permitted Activists, journalists, politicians, human
to pursue formal education in public schools. rights lawyers and human rights defenders
On 25 June, the Home Affairs Minister were arrested, detained and prosecuted for
threatened to deregister organizations that peacefully expressing opinions about the

358 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

government and monarchy. The government association. Student activists, media
maintained systematic and arbitrary workers, human rights lawyers, politicians
restrictions on human rights, including the and others were prosecuted for peacefully
rights to freedom of expression, peaceful exercising these rights, including in unfair
assembly and association. It failed to fulfil trials in military courts.
its promise to pass a law prohibiting torture Authorities initiated criminal proceedings
and enforced disappearances. Refugees and against participants in peaceful public
asylum-seekers continued to be denied protests, academic seminars and civil society
formal legal status; they were vulnerable to activities under a 2015 decree providing for
arrest, detention and deportation. criminal penalties for “political gatherings” of
five or more people. In November authorities
BACKGROUND initiated criminal proceedings against
The country remained under the authority of protesters seeking to petition about the
the military National Council for Peace and construction of a coal-fired power plant in
Order (NCPO). A new Constitution, drafted by Songkhla, southern Thailand.
a military-appointed body and approved in an Three opposition politicians and a journalist
August 2016 national referendum, came into were among several individuals charged with
effect in April. Authorities prosecuted former sedition under Article 116 of the Penal Code
government officials for a rice subsidy for criticizing the government or voicing
scheme. Former Prime Minister Yingluck support for opposition politicians, including in
Shinawatra secretly left the country in comments made on social media.
August; she was subsequently tried in her Activists, journalists and workers faced
absence on charges of negligence and criminal defamation charges initiated by
sentenced to five years’ imprisonment. King government officials and private companies
Maha Vajiralongkorn for publicizing information about rights
Bodindradebayavarangkun was crowned in violations, environmental concerns and
December. official misconduct. In October, charges filed
in 2016 against three human rights
JUSTICE SYSTEM defenders − Pornpen Khongkachonkiet,
Throughout the year, the Head of the NCPO Somchai Homla-or and Anchana Heemmina
continued to use extraordinary powers under − in relation to their reporting on torture by
Article 44 of the interim Constitution to military officers were formally withdrawn. The
arbitrarily restrict peaceful political activities Supreme Court, overturning rulings by lower
and the exercise of other human rights. courts, sentenced two opposition politicians
Military officials exercised sweeping law to one year’s imprisonment for the criminal
enforcement powers, including to detain defamation of former Prime Minister Abhisit
individuals in unofficial places of detention Vejjajiva in two separate cases in April and
without charge for a broad range of activities. July.
A number were held incommunicado. Authorities continued to vigorously
Hundreds of civilians continued to face prosecute cases under Article 112 of the
lengthy and unfair trials before military courts Penal Code – lèse-majesté provision – which
for violations of NCPO orders, offences penalized criticism of the monarchy.
against “national security” and allegedly Individuals were charged or prosecuted
insulting the monarchy. under Article 112 during the year, including
some alleged to have offended past
FREEDOMS OF EXPRESSION, ASSEMBLY monarchs. Trials for lèse-majesté were held
AND ASSOCIATION behind closed doors. In June, the Bangkok
The government continued to systematically Military Court sentenced a man to a record
and arbitrarily restrict the rights to freedom of 35 years’ imprisonment − halved from 70
expression, peaceful assembly and years after he pleaded guilty − for a series of

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 359

Facebook posts allegedly concerning the deportation.2 In May, Thai authorities assisted
monarchy.1 In August, student activist and in the extradition of Turkish national
human rights defender Jatupat “Pai” Muhammet Furkan Sökmen from Myanmar
Boonpattararaksa was sentenced to two and to Turkey via Bangkok, despite warnings from
a half years’ imprisonment after being UN agencies that he was at risk of human
convicted in a case concerning his sharing a rights violations if returned. At the end of the
BBC profile of Thailand’s King on Facebook. year, hundreds of refugees and asylum-
Authorities brought lèse-majesté charges seekers remained in immigration detention
against a prominent academic for comments centres, where many had been held for
he made about a battle fought by a 16th years.
century Thai king. In January, the Cabinet authorized the
Authorities pressured Facebook, Google and development of a system for screening
YouTube to remove online content, including refugees and irregular migrants which, if
material deemed critical of the monarchy. implemented in a fair and non-discriminatory
The authorities also threatened to prosecute manner, could represent a major step
internet service providers that did not remove towards advancing refugee rights. The
content, as well as individuals system had not been finalized by the end of
communicating with or sharing posts from the year. 
exiled government critics. Six people were
subsequently arrested for sharing Facebook EXTRAJUDICIAL EXECUTIONS AND
posts concerning the removal of a plaque ENFORCED DISAPPEARANCES
commemorating events in 1932 that brought In March, Chaiyaphum Pasae, a 17-year-old
an end to absolute monarchy. At the end of Indigenous Lahu youth activist, was shot
the year they remained imprisoned, facing dead at a checkpoint staffed by soldiers and
charges on multiple counts of violation of anti-narcotics officers, who claimed to have
Article 112. acted in self-defence. By the end of the year,
Authorities proposed cybersecurity an official investigation into his death had
legislation and other measures that would made little progress; the authorities failed to
allow for increased online surveillance and produce CCTV footage from cameras known
censorship without prior judicial to have been present at the time of the
authorization. incident.3
The government failed to make progress in
IMPUNITY resolving open cases of enforced
In August, the Supreme Court dismissed disappearance. A Thai delegation told the UN
murder charges against former Prime Human Rights Committee in March that it
Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and Deputy Prime was considering forwarding the cases of the
Minister Suthep Thaugsuban. The charges enforced disappearances of Somchai
related to the deaths of at least 90 people in Neelapaijit and Porlajee “Billy”
2010 during clashes between protesters and Rakchongcharoen to the Department of
security forces. Special Investigation, but had not done so by
the end of the year.4
REFUGEES AND ASYLUM-SEEKERS In March, the National Legislative Assembly
Thailand continued to host more than approved proceeding with the ratification of
100,000 refugees and asylum-seekers; they the International Convention for the
included Myanmar nationals in camps along Protection of All Persons from Enforced
the Thailand-Myanmar border, and refugees Disappearance, which Thailand signed in
in the capital, Bangkok, and other cities. 2012. However, by the end of the year
Refugees and asylum-seekers had no formal Thailand had neither ratified the treaty nor
legal status in Thailand, leaving them provided a timeframe for doing so.
vulnerable to arrest, detention and

360 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

ARMED CONFLICT 2. Between a rock and a hard place: Thailand’s refugee policies and
violations of the principle of non-refoulement (ASA 39/7031/2017)
There was little progress in government
negotiations to resolve armed conflict with 3. Thailand: Ensure accountability for killing of 17-year-old Lahu
activist (ASA 39/5915/2017)
ethnic Malay separatists in southern
4. Thailand: Joint statement on the International Day of the Victims of
Thailand. Insurgents carried out numerous
Enforced Disappearances (ASA 39/7015/2017)
attacks on military and civilian targets,
5. Thailand: Prioritize the amendment and passage of legislation on
including execution-style killings and the use torture and enforced disappearances (ASA 39/5846/2017)
of improvised explosive devices.
6. Thailand must follow through on commitments to prevent torture and
Martial law and a 2005 Emergency Decree ill-treatment (ASA 39/6589/2017)
remained in place in far south provinces.
Individuals were arrested and detained in
unofficial places of detention without judicial
Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste
TORTURE AND OTHER ILL-TREATMENT Head of state: Francisco Guterres (replaced Taur Matan
Local organizations and community members Ruak in May)
reported that the military arbitrarily arrested, Head of government: Mari Alkatiri (replaced Rui Maria
tortured and otherwise ill-treated Muslim men de Araújo in September)
following attacks by militants in southern
Thailand. Human rights defenders working Victims of serious human rights violations
with victims of torture were harassed by committed during the Indonesian
military authorities and threatened on social occupation (1975-1999) continued to
media. demand justice and reparations. Security
In February, the National Legislative forces were accused of ill-treatment.
Assembly returned a draft Prevention and Journalists faced defamation charges for
Suppression of Torture and Enforced carrying out their work.
Disappearance Act to the Cabinet for “more
consultations”.5 The latest draft addressed BACKGROUND
gaps in the current legal framework relating Presidential and parliamentary elections, held
to torture and enforced disappearances. respectively in March and July, took place
Further amendments were needed to bring without incident. In June, Timor-Leste
the bill into line with Thailand’s obligations accepted fully 146 out of 154
under international law.6 recommendations made under the UPR
process and noted the eight remaining
TRAFFICKING IN HUMAN BEINGS recommendations. Those that were accepted
In July, a criminal court convicted 62 included recommendations to address past
individuals, including senior military, police human rights violations and ensure the
and other government officials, for their delivery of reparations to victims.
involvement in human trafficking operations.
They were sentenced to between four and 94 IMPUNITY
years’ imprisonment. Human rights groups A new government body, the Chega! National
raised concerns that witnesses, translators Centre – From Memory to Hope (CNC), was
and police investigators were threatened established through Decree Law No.
during the investigation and trial, and that the 48/2016. The CNC’s purpose was to facilitate
investigation had been terminated the implementation of recommendations
prematurely. made by Timor-Leste’s truth commission
(CAVR) in 2005 and the bilateral Timor-Leste
and Indonesia Commission of Truth and
1. Thailand: Continuing crackdown on free online expression (ASA
39/6480/2017) Friendship in 2008. The main planned
activities of the CNC included

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 361

memorialization, education, solidarity with forces used excessive force against
victims of past human rights violations, and demonstrators with at least 11 people killed
outreach. However, the CNC did not have a during protests. Arbitrary arrests and
mandate to address the CAVR’s detentions, torture and other ill-treatment,
recommendations on justice and reparations and impunity for human rights violations
for victims of serious human rights violations. persisted.


Timorese human rights groups continued to Togo accepted various recommendations that
express concern over allegations of arose from the examination of its human
unnecessary or excessive use of force and rights record under the UPR process,
torture and other ill-treatment by security including to take steps to prevent torture and
forces, and a lack of accountability. On 22  other human rights violations by the security
April, it was reported that members of the forces, and to ensure adequate investigation
Public Order Battalion (BOP) Unit of the and prosecution of anyone suspected of
National Police beat and kicked a man in being responsible. It rejected
Bobonaro District causing bleeding from the recommendations including to amend or
nose, ear and mouth. At the end of the year, repeal laws used to crack down on journalists
the alleged abuse was under investigation by and human rights defenders, including laws
the Office of the Public Prosecutor of Suai criminalizing defamation; and to ensure the
District. protection of lesbian, gay, bisexual,
transgender and intersex people.1
On 1 June, a court in the capital, Dili, cleared The security forces, including the army,
journalists Raimundos Oki and Lourenco continued to suppress and disperse peaceful
Vicente Martins of all charges against them. protests using excessive and lethal force.
The charges had been filed by the Public They violently dispersed protests, beat
Prosecutor on 17 May in a defamation opposition members and subjected
lawsuit, following assertions made in January journalists to ill-treatment.
2016 by the then Prime Minister Araújo that On 28 February, security forces used live
the journalists had made false accusations or ammunition to disperse a spontaneous
a “slanderous denunciation” under Article protest against oil price rises in the capital,
285(1) of the Criminal Code. The charges Lomé, killing one person and wounding
were in relation to an article in the Timor Post several others.2
newspaper alleging official interference In June, the security forces repressed
during the tendering process for a demonstrations organized by a University of
government IT project. Lomé student union which called for
improved living conditions. Internet videos
showed security force members, armed with
TOGO shotguns, battering students on the ground
with batons. Some students threw rocks at
Togolese Republic security forces. At least 19 students were
Head of state: Faure Gnassingbé arrested, 10 of whom were released shortly
Head of government: Komi Sélom Klassou after being brought before the prosecutor. On
19 June, seven were released after the
The authorities continued to curtail the Tribunal of Lomé acquitted them of acts of
rights to freedom of expression and of rebellion and destruction of property. On 26 
assembly during mass demonstrations June, Foly Satchivi, President of the Togolese
organized by opposition groups. Security League of Student Rights, and Marius

362 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

Amagbégnon, received a 12-month from photographing an eviction in Lomé. He
suspended prison sentence for aggravated was detained and his photographs deleted,
disturbance of public order as the court before being released on the same day
considered them to be the organizers of the without charge. He filed a complaint with the
demonstration. After their release on 27 prosecution services in Lomé to which
June, they appealed against their convictions. he said he had received no response by the
Several students told the court that they were end of the year. On 22 February, the General
beaten by security forces during arrest and Prosecutor issued a warning that anyone who
transfer. reported on the attack on Robert Kossi Avotor
Between August and December, the would risk criminal prosecution for
political opposition held mass demonstrations “disseminating false news”.
in major cities. The security forces dispersed Kombate Garimbité, a member of the
them with tear gas, batons, water cannons opposition Alliance of Democrats for Integral
and live ammunition and there were sporadic Development (ADDI), was arrested on 4 April
violent clashes between opposition groups after he criticized a call made by the chief of
and supporters of the ruling party. The the Yembour locality for students’ relatives to
security forces raided houses and places of pay for damages caused during a protest in
prayer, beating people, including those who March. The authorities accused him of
had not participated in demonstrations. At organizing the March protest and he was
least 10 people were killed, including two charged with aggravated disturbance of
members of the armed forces and three public order. He claimed that he was not
children aged between 11 and 14. Hundreds involved in the protests and was in Lomé,
were injured, including members of the 630km away from Yembour, at the time. By
security forces. More than 200 people were the end of the year, he remained in detention
arrested, including the Secretary General of without trial.5
the opposition Pan African National Party Salomée T. Abalodo was arrested by
(PNP). At least 60 people were sentenced to gendarmes in Pagouda, a town in the Kara
prison terms of up to 60 months on charges region, on 13 April after she took pictures of
including rebellion, wilful destruction, assault, wounded protesters and asked local
violence against state officials, aggravated authorities to stop security forces using
disruption of the public order and aggravated excessive force against peaceful
theft.3 demonstrators. She was charged with
“rebellion” and “participation in an
FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION unauthorized protest”. She was released on
The authorities continued to curtail the right 12 May when the Tribunal of Pagouda
to freedom of expression. They arbitrarily dropped the charges.6
closed media outlets and arrested community The authorities shut down the internet for
and opposition leaders for expressing dissent. nine days in September amid opposition-led
They cut off the internet to prevent activists protests, disrupting the organization of the
and journalists from reporting violations. protest and impeding the work of human
On 6 February, the High Authority for rights defenders and journalists who were
Audiovisual and Communication (HAAC) monitoring the protests.
withdrew the frequencies of radio station
CityFM and TV station La Chaîne du Futur for IMPUNITY
breaching licensing rules. The HAAC statute The authorities continued to fail to take steps
did not provide any mechanism to appeal to identify those suspected of responsibility
against the decision.4 for human rights violations, including the
On 7 February, journalist Robert Kossi deaths of nearly 500 people, during the
Avotor was beaten with batons and violence surrounding the presidential election
handcuffed by gendarmes to prevent him in 2005. Of the 72 complaints filed by the

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 363

victims’ families with the Atakpamé, Amlamé In May, Parliament adopted an amendment
and Lomé courts, none are known to have to the Passport Law introducing positive
been fully investigated. provisions requiring that people affected by a
travel ban be informed of the decision
promptly, and guaranteeing that they have
1. Amnesty International urges Togo to expressly commit to protecting
the rights to freedom of association, freedom of expression and the right to challenge the decision.1
peaceful assembly (AFR 57/5884/2017) In May, Tunisia’s human rights record was
2. Togo. Un mort par balle et plusieurs blessés lors d’une manifestation examined for the third time under the UN
dispersée par l’armée (Press release, 1 March) UPR process. Recommendations to Tunisia
3. Togo. Les autorités doivent s’abstenir de tout recours injustifié ou were adopted by the UN Human Rights
excessif à la force lors des manifestations de l’opposition (Press Council in September.
release, 6 September); Togo. Un enfant de neuf ans tué par balle lors
des manifestations (Press release, 20 September)
Local municipal elections scheduled to take
place in December were postponed to May
4. Togo. Le retrait des fréquences de deux médias est une attaque
contre la liberté d’expression (Press release, 6 February) 2018 because of delays in making
appointments to the National Independent
5. Togo. Un militant politique détenu pour ses opinions doit être libéré
(Press release, 12 April) Elections Commission. Parliament failed to
6. Togo: Detained community leader wrongly charged: Salomée T.
elect its allotted quota of Constitutional Court
Abalodo (AFR 57/6193/2017) members as required by law, thereby
impeding the establishment of the Court.


Emergency measures in place since
Republic of Tunisia November 2015 continued to give the
Head of state: Béji Caïd Essebsi Minister of the Interior broad additional
Head of government: Youssef Chahed powers, including the ability to conduct
house raids without judicial warrants and
The authorities continued to renew the state impose restrictions on freedom of movement.
of emergency and used it to justify The Ministry of the Interior continued to
imposing arbitrary restrictions on freedom restrict freedom of movement through
of movement. Torture and other ill- arbitrary and indefinite S17 orders that
treatment of detainees continued in an confined hundreds to their governorate of
environment of impunity. Police carried out residence, justifying this as a measure to
arbitrary arrests and house raids without prevent Tunisians from travelling to join
judicial warrants. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, armed groups. Human rights lawyers
transgender and intersex people were reported instances of arbitrary arrest and
arrested and prosecuted for consensual short-term detention of people subjected to
same-sex sexual relations. Prosecutions of S17 border control measures. The Minister of
peaceful protesters increased in several the Interior told Parliament in April that 134
regions. individuals had filed complaints with the
Administrative Court challenging S17 orders.
BACKGROUND In April, the Minister announced that 537
The authorities renewed the nationwide state individuals were facing trial for “terrorism-
of emergency five times during the year for related” activities.
periods of one to three months. A major Family members of individuals suspected of
cabinet reshuffle in September brought 13 joining or supporting armed groups faced
new ministers into government. harassment and intimidation by the police.
Protests against unemployment, poor living The Malik family’s home in Tozeur was
conditions and marginalizing development regularly raided by police because they
policies continued, particularly in suspected one member of the family of
underdeveloped regions. affiliation to armed groups abroad. In May,

364 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

two members of the family, journalists Salam prosecuted under Article 230. In June, a
and Salwa Malik, were prosecuted and judge in Sousse sentenced a 16-year-old boy
sentenced to six months’ imprisonment, later in his absence to four months’ imprisonment
reduced to a fine, after they criticized the under Article 230.
conduct of police during a particularly violent LGBTI people also faced violence,
raid on their home.2 exploitation and sexual and other abuse by
Police harassed individuals on account of police, including when they tried to seek a
their appearance, arresting and interrogating remedy for violations of their rights. In July,
men with beards and men and women police officers in Sousse arbitrarily arrested
dressed in what officials deemed to be and beat two men because of their perceived
conservative religious clothing. sexual orientation. In August, police officers
in Sidi Bousaid, near the capital, Tunis,
TORTURE AND OTHER ILL-TREATMENT assaulted a transgender resident of Tunis
Human rights lawyers continued to report when he went to the police station to file a
cases of torture and other ill-treatment of complaint for harassment on the grounds of
detainees, mostly during arrest and in pre- his gender.
charge detention in regular criminal cases The police continued to subject men
and national security cases. In March and accused of same-sex sexual relations to
April, the Parliamentary Committee on forced anal examinations, in violation of the
Rights, Liberties and External Relations prohibition of torture. In September, Tunisia
invited Amnesty International to brief them accepted a recommendation under the
after the Prime Minister said that the UN UPR process to end the use of anal
government would investigate claims made examinations.
by Amnesty International regarding abuses
by security forces, including torture.3 It FREEDOMS OF EXPRESSION,
subsequently held four further sessions on ASSOCIATION AND ASSEMBLY
torture: one session each with Amnesty On 10 May, President Essebsi announced the
International, two Tunisian NGOs, and the deployment of the army to protect key
Minister of the Interior. economic installations from disruption by
The work of Tunisia’s National Preventive social and labour protests. In the following
Mechanism (NPM) – the National Body for days, police forces used excessive force
the Prevention of Torture, which was including tear gas against peaceful protesters
established in 2013 as part of Tunisia’s in the southern city of Tataouine. A young
obligations as a party to the Optional Protocol protester was killed when a National Guard
to the UN Convention against Torture – vehicle ran him over in what the Ministry of
continued to be hampered by a lack of co- Health said was an accident. On 18
operation from the Ministry of the Interior and  September, a group of officers beat journalist
inadequate financial support from the Hamdi Souissi with batons while he was
government. In April, police at Tunis Carthage covering a sit-in in Sfax. Throughout the year,
International Airport denied members of the courts increasingly prosecuted peaceful
NPM access to monitor the handover of a protesters. In Gafsa alone, courts tried
“terrorism” suspect deported from Germany. hundreds of individuals, at least 80 of them
in their absence, on charges of “disrupting
RIGHTS OF LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, the freedom of work” following social protests
TRANSGENDER AND INTERSEX PEOPLE related to unemployment.
LGBTI people continued to be at risk of arrest Courts continued to use arbitrary Penal
under Article 230 of the Penal Code, which Code provisions to prosecute people for
criminalizes consensual same-sex sexual conduct protected by the right to freedom of
relations. Police arrested at least 44 expression. In May, the Court of First
individuals who were later charged and Instance in Sousse sentenced two young

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 365

men to two months’ imprisonment for “public TRANSITIONAL JUSTICE
indecency” for designing and wearing a T- The Truth and Dignity Commission (IVD),
shirt with a slogan suggesting that police created in 2013 to address human rights
officers are morally corrupt. In July, rap violations committed between July 1955 and
singer Ahmed Ben Ahmed was assaulted by December 2013, held 11 public sessions
a group of police officers who were supposed during the year. During these sessions,
to be providing security for his concert, victims and perpetrators testified on a range
because they were offended that his songs of violations including election fraud,
were insulting to the police. A police union enforced disappearance and torture. There
later filed a complaint before the Court of was no progress on the adoption of a
First Instance in Mahdia against Ahmed Ben memorandum of understanding between the
Ahmed for the Penal Code crime of “insulting IVD and the Ministry of Justice to allow for
state officials”. the referral of cases to specialized judicial
In June, the Court of First Instance in Bizert chambers. Government institutions including
convicted at least five people of “public the Ministries of the Interior, Defence, and
indecency” for publicly smoking during the Justice continued to fail to provide the IVD
day during Ramadan.4 with the information it requested for its
On 8 September, the authorities arbitrarily investigations. The Military Justice system
expelled Prince Hicham Al Alaoui, a cousin refused to hand over to the IVD the case files
and vocal critic of Morocco’s King Mohamed of the trials of those accused of killing
VI, from Tunisia as he arrived to attend a protesters during the 2011 uprising and of
conference on democratic transitions. victims of police repression during Siliana
protests in 2012.
WOMEN’S RIGHTS In September, Parliament passed a
In July, Parliament adopted the Law on controversial Administrative Reconciliation
Eliminating Violence against Women which Law, first proposed by President Essebsi in
brought several guarantees for the protection 2015. The law had been long opposed by
of women and girls from gender-based opposition political parties, civil society
violence. It repealed Penal Code Article groups and the campaign group Manich
227 bis that had allowed men accused of Msameh (“I will not forgive”) because it offers
raping a woman or girl under the age of 20 to immunity to public servants involved in
escape prosecution by marrying her. corruption and misappropriation of public
In August, President Essebsi called on funds if they were obeying orders and had
Parliament to reform the discriminatory derived no personal benefit. A group of MPs
inheritance law and created a commission filed a challenge before the Provisional
mandated to propose legal reforms to ensure Authority for the Examination of the
gender equality. The commission had not Constitutionality of Draft Laws, arguing that
delivered its report by the end of the year. In the law was unconstitutional; the Provisional
September, the Ministry of Justice repealed Authority’s inability to reach a majority
the 1973 directive prohibiting marriage decision resulted in the law being enacted.
between a Tunisian woman and a non-
Muslim man. RIGHT TO WATER
In a cabinet reshuffle in September the The water shortage in Tunisia became more
number of women ministers was decreased acute with water supplies to dams falling
from four to three out of 28 ministerial posts, 42% below the annual average. In August,
leaving women severely under-represented in the Minister of Agriculture, Water Resources
government. and Fisheries stated that the government did
not have a national strategy for water
distribution, thereby making it impossible to
ensure equitable access.

366 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

Water shortages in recent years 2016. Any effective investigation of human
disproportionately affected the distribution of rights violations by state officials was
water and resulted in repeated water cuts in prevented by pervasive impunity. Abuses by
marginalized regions leading to local protests armed groups continued, including two
throughout 2017. In September, residents of attacks in January. However, there were no
the small town of Deguech in Tozeur region further bombing attacks targeting members
organized a protest in front of the local of the general population that had been
authority’s office demanding a solution to the such a regular occurrence in previous years.
regular cuts in running water that the region No resolution was found for the situation of
had suffered throughout the summer. In July, people displaced within the southeast of
some neighbourhoods of Redeyef in the the country. Turkey continued to host one of
region of Gafsa suffered more than one the largest refugee populations in the world,
month without running water, and towns with more than 3 million registered Syrian
including Moulares had running water for refugees alone, but risks of forcible return
only a few hours per day. In March, the NGO persisted.
Tunisian Water Observatory announced that it
had registered 615 water cuts and 250 BACKGROUND
protests related to access to water. The state of emergency, imposed following an
attempted coup in July 2016, remained in
DEATH PENALTY force throughout the year. It paved the way
Courts handed down at least 25 death for unlawful restrictions on human rights and
sentences following trials related to national allowed the government to pass laws beyond
security. Defence lawyers appealed against the effective scrutiny of Parliament and the
the sentences. No executions have been courts.
carried out since 1991. After having been remanded in prison
detention in 2016, nine parliamentarians
from the Kurdish-rooted leftist Peoples’
1. Tunisia: Changes to passport law will ease arbitrary restrictions on
travel (News story, 26 May) Democracy Party (HDP), including the party’s
2. Tunisia: Journalists prosecuted for criticizing conduct of security
two leaders, remained in prison during the
forces (News story, 15 May) whole year. Sixty elected mayors of the
3. "We want an end to the fear": Abuses under Tunisia’s state of Democratic Regions Party, the sister party of
emergency (MDE 30/4911/2017) the HDP, representing constituencies in the
4. Tunisia: Fifth man facing jail term for breaking fast during Ramadan predominantly Kurdish east and southeast of
(News story, 13 June) Turkey, also remained in prison. The
unelected officials who replaced them
continued in office throughout 2017. In
TURKEY October, six elected mayors, including those
representing the capital, Ankara, and
Republic of Turkey Istanbul, were left with no option but to resign
Head of state: Recep Tayyip Erdoğan after being requested to do so by the
Head of government: Binali Yıldırım President. As a result, a third of Turkey’s
population was not being represented by the
An ongoing state of emergency set a people they had elected at the 2016 local
backdrop for violations of human rights. elections.
Dissent was ruthlessly suppressed, with Over 50,000 people were in pre-trial
journalists, political activists and human detention on charges linked to membership
rights defenders among those targeted. of the “Fethullahist Terrorist
Instances of torture continued to be Organization” (FETÖ), which the authorities
reported, but in lower numbers than in the blamed for the 2016 coup attempt. A similar
weeks following the coup attempt of July number were released on bail and were

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 367

subjected to reporting requirements. Only a Criticism of the government in the broadcast
tiny minority of them were accused of taking and print media largely disappeared, with
part in the actual events of the attempted dissent mainly confined to internet-based
coup. The judiciary, itself decimated by the media. The government continued to use
dismissal or detention of up to a third of administrative blocking orders, against which
Turkey’s judges and prosecutors, remained there was no effective appeal, routinely, to
under extreme political pressure. Arbitrary, censor internet content. In April, the Turkish
lengthy and punitive pre-trial detention and authorities blocked all access to the online
fair trial violations continued routinely. encyclopedia Wikipedia due to a page that
Armed clashes continued between the cited news reports alleging links between the
Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and state Turkish government and several armed
security forces. Turkish armed forces also groups in Syria. Wikipedia refused to edit the
carried out military operations against armed page. The website remained blocked at the
groups within Syria and Iraq; in September, end of the year.
the mandate to do so for another year was JOURNALISTS
approved by Parliament. Among the more than 100 journalists and
In April, constitutional amendments media workers in pre-trial detention at the
granting extensive powers to the office of end of the year, three were from the secular
President were passed by referendum. opposition newspaper Cumhuriyet; during the
Opponents of the proposed amendments had course of the year eight of their colleagues
complained that they had vastly less access who had been in pre-trial detention were
to state media and were prevented from released pending the outcome of their trial.
demonstrating their opposition in public. The Journalists from media outlets closed by state
authorities dismissed allegations of of emergency decrees continued to face
irregularities in the counting of votes. prosecution, conviction and imprisonment.
Former Taraf editor Ahmet Altan and his
FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION brother Mehmet Altan remained in pre-trial
Civil society representatives, as well as the detention following their detention in July
general population, widely practised self- 2016 on grounds of membership of the
censorship, deleting social media posts and Gülen movement, as did 34 media workers
refraining from making public comments for who worked for Zaman group newspapers.
fear of dismissal from their jobs, closure of Zehra Doğan, a journalist for the Kurdish
their organizations or criminal prosecution. women’s Jinha news agency, was imprisoned
Thousands of criminal prosecutions were in June following her conviction and
brought, including under laws prohibiting sentencing to two years, nine months and 22
defamation and on trumped-up terrorism- days for terrorist propaganda. İnan Kızılkaya,
related charges, based on peoples’ peaceful editor of the Kurdish Özgür Gündem
exercise of their right to freedom of newspaper, was released in October after
expression. Arbitrary and punitive lengthy 440 days in pre-trial detention pending the
pre-trial detention was routinely imposed. outcome of his trial for membership of the
Confidential details of investigations were PKK.
frequently leaked to government-linked Deniz Yücel, correspondent for the German
media and splashed across the front pages of Die Welt newspaper, was arrested in February
newspapers, while government spokespeople and at the end of the year was still in
made prejudicial statements regarding cases detention without being indicted, much of it
under investigation. Prosecutions of in solitary confinement. Wall Street Journal
journalists and political activists continued, journalist Ayla Albayrak was convicted of
and prosecutions of human rights defenders terrorist propaganda and in October was
sharply increased. International journalists given a prison sentence of two years and one
and media were also targeted. month for a 2015 article about armed

368 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

clashes between state forces and PKK- Five representatives of the Progressive
affiliated youths. Lawyers Association (ÇHD), which took on
HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS human rights cases and was closed by
In July, police raided a human rights emergency decree in 2016, were remanded
workshop on Büyükada Island near Istanbul, in pre-trial detention following police
detaining all 10 human rights defenders operations across the country. They had been
present, including two foreign nationals. accused of offences linked to the PKK or the
Eight, including Amnesty International Turkey Revolutionary People’s Liberation Party–Front
Director İdil Eser, were held in pre-trial (DHKP-C), an armed group. In November,
detention until a trial under trumped-up Selçuk Kozağaçlı, ÇHD’s national Chair, was
charges for “membership of a terrorist detained. He remained in pre-trial detention
organization” based on their work as human at the end of the year.
rights defenders began in October. The court ACTIVISTS
also decided to join the prosecution of Taner Activists were targeted for their criticism of
Kılıç, Chair of Amnesty International Turkey. the authorities. Nuriye Gülmen and Semih
Detained in June, Taner Kılıç stood accused Özakça were detained in May and remanded
of “membership of FETÖ” on the grounds in custody on the basis of court orders citing
that he had downloaded onto his phone the their peaceful protests; they had been on
ByLock messaging application, said by the hunger strike since March in protest against
authorities to be used for the group’s their arbitrary dismissal by a state of
communications. Despite two independent emergency decree. Semih Özakça was
forensic reports showing that he had not released in October, but Nuriye Gülmen
downloaded the application, and without remained in detention until December when
credible evidence being presented by the she was convicted of membership of the
prosecution, he remained in pre-trial DHKP-C, pending the outcome of an appeal.
detention at the end of the year. Semih Özakça was acquitted of the same
In August, veteran human rights defender charge. Police routinely detained protesters
Murat Çelikkan was imprisoned following his demanding their release.
conviction for terrorist propaganda; this Over 70 Academics for Peace were indicted
related to the 2016 solidarity action with the for making PKK propaganda following their
now closed Özgür Gündem newspaper. He January 2016 petition calling for an end to
was released on parole in October after military operations in the southeast of Turkey.
serving two months of an 18-month prison The first trials began in December.
sentence. A further 16 activists received Activist Barbaros Şansal was remanded in
suspended sentences for taking part in the custody in January following posts he had
action, while prosecutions were continuing made on social media criticizing the
against 18. government. He was convicted in June of
In October, civil society leader Osman “denigrating the Turkish Nation” under
Kavala was detained and accused of Article 301 of the Penal Code and given a
“attempting to overthrow the constitutional suspended sentence of six months and 20
order” in connection with the 2016 coup days.
attempt. At the end of the year, he was still in
pre-trial detention without being indicted. FREEDOM OF ASSEMBLY
In November, Raci Bilici, Deputy Chair of Public demonstrations dwindled as provincial
the national Human Rights Association (İHD) governors imposed arbitrary and blanket
and Chair of its Diyarbakır branch, went on bans, citing powers under the state of
trial accused of membership of a terrorist emergency, and police used excessive force
organization. More than 20 other İHD officials against the small number of individuals who
were being prosecuted for alleged terrorism- demonstrated despite the risks. The “Justice
related offences. March” led by the main opposition

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 369

Republican People’s Party (CHP), which went In August, NGOs reported that soldiers and
ahead peacefully, provided a notable police officers beat at least 30 people in the
exception to this trend. Traditional May Day village of Altınsu/Şapatan in Şırnak province
demonstrations in Istanbul were held outside in southeast Turkey following a clash with the
the centre of the city, with the agreement of PKK in which two members of the security
the major trade unions. forces died. Witnesses reported that villagers
The annual Istanbul Pride march was were taken out of their homes, arbitrarily
banned for a third successive year on detained and beaten in the village square,
spurious security grounds. Police used and that 10 of them were taken into police
unnecessary and excessive force, firing custody. Images of the villagers’ injuries
rubber bullets, and made arbitrary arrests, resulting from their beatings were shared on
targeting small groups of people attempting social media. A statement from the
to celebrate Pride. In November, the Governor’s office denied the allegations of
authorities in Ankara imposed an indefinite torture, and maintained that news reports
ban on events organized by lesbian, gay, supporting the allegations were “terrorist
bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) propaganda”.
solidarity organizations ahead of a planned
LGBTI-themed film festival which was due to IMPUNITY
take place in the city. Again, the authorities In the face of extreme political pressure,
cited spurious security reasons. prosecutors and judges were even less
In June and July, more than 200,000 inclined than in previous years to investigate
people took part in a 400km “Justice March” alleged human rights violations by law
between Ankara and Istanbul. The march enforcement officials or bring to justice those
was announced following the conviction and responsible. Intimidation of lawyers, including
sentencing to 25 years’ imprisonment of CHP detentions and the bringing of criminal cases
parliamentarian Enis Berberoğlu; he had against them, further deterred lawyers from
been charged with espionage after passing bringing criminal complaints. No progress
on to journalists a video that purportedly was made to investigate pervasive allegations
showed the transfer of weapons to Syria in of human rights violations during round-the-
National Intelligence Organization trucks. In clock curfews in the southeast of Turkey
October, his conviction was overturned on during 2015 and 2016. More than five years
appeal and a retrial ordered. after Turkey’s ratification of the Istanbul
Convention to Combat Violence against
TORTURE AND OTHER ILL-TREATMENT Women, its implementation remained flawed,
Instances of torture and other ill-treatment, and reports of violence against women
especially in police custody, continued to be continued to rise.
reported, although at a markedly lower level In April, the trial of a police officer accused
than in the weeks following the July 2016 of killing Berkin Elvan began in Istanbul.
coup attempt. The Turkish authorities Berkin Elvan died of his injuries after being
continued to deny permission for the hit by a tear gas canister at the scene of a
European Committee for the Prevention of Gezi Park protest in June 2013. The
Torture to publish its report on torture investigation had been severely delayed by
allegations following the coup attempt. There the failure to obtain CCTV footage from the
was no effective national preventive scene.
mechanism with a mandate for monitoring More than two years after the fatal shooting
places of detention. There were no available on 28 November 2015 of Tahir Elçi, human
statistics regarding investigations into rights lawyer and Chair of the Diyarbakır Bar
allegations of torture. There was no evidence Association, no suspects had been identified.
that allegations of torture were being Delays or failure to obtain CCTV footage
effectively investigated. continued to hamper the investigation.

370 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

In July, the government submitted than 100 of the reported 100,000 appeals
information in regard to 34 cases brought to submitted to it. There was widespread
the European Court of Human Rights; these criticism that the Commission lacked the
cases involved alleged violations of the right necessary independence and capacity to
to life, prohibition of torture and the right to carry out the task. In June, rejecting the
liberty and security in the southeast of Turkey Köksal v. Turkey application as inadmissible,
during the curfews in 2015 and 2016. the European Court of Human Rights ruled
The organization We Will Stop Femicide that there was no reason to believe that the
reported that murders of women were Commission would not be an effective
increasing, while media attention to such remedy. The decision of the Court left the
cases declined. It reported that 392 women door open to a future reassessment by the
had been killed in the year up to 25 Court of the effectiveness of the Commission.
ABUSES BY ARMED GROUPS Many of the estimated 500,000 people
Abuses by armed groups continued, although displaced from their homes in areas under
the number of indiscriminate attacks, and the curfews across the southeast of Turkey in
attacks targeting the general population, was 2015 and 2016 lacked access to adequate
lower than in recent years. housing and livelihoods. Many were unable to
In January, 39 people were killed and over return to their homes that had been
70 injured after a gunman opened fire in a destroyed during or after military operations
popular nightclub in Istanbul. The armed during which state security forces clashed
group Islamic State (IS) claimed responsibility with armed individuals affiliated to the PKK.
for the attack. The authorities lacked a comprehensive plan
Also in January, two people were killed and as to how the residents would be able to
10 injured by attackers targeting the İzmir return to their homes.
Courthouse. The Kurdistan Freedom In the Sur district of Diyarbakır, residents
Falcons (TAK), an offshoot of the PKK, who had already been displaced from their
claimed responsibility for the attack. homes during the curfew lost their homes a
In June, the PKK claimed responsibility for second time when they were forcibly evicted
the killing of Necmettin Yılmaz, a teacher, as part of a redevelopment scheme affecting
after his kidnapping from the province of the whole district. In May, hundreds of
Tunceli/Dersim in southeast Turkey. residents had their water and electricity
supplies cut off in an apparent attempt to
SUMMARY DISMISSALS force them out.
Under emergency decrees, public sector
workers continued to face summary dismissal REFUGEES AND ASYLUM-SEEKERS
for alleged unspecified links to terrorist Turkey continued to host one of the world’s
groups. Nearly 20,000 workers were largest refugee populations, with over
dismissed during the course of the year, 3,300,000 registered Syrian refugees alone.
bringing the total number since July 2016 to Despite new initiatives to improve the
107,000. Many workers were effectively situation of refugees, many faced insufficient
prevented from continuing their professions, access to livelihoods, housing, health care,
and struggled to find other jobs after being and education for their children. Except for
branded “terrorists” as a result of their Syrians, refugees did not have access to fair
dismissal. In January, the authorities and efficient procedures for the
announced a seven-person appeal determination of their status. There were
Commission to assess the dismissals. The continued reports of forced returns of
Commission was not established until July, refugees and asylum-seekers, including to
and at the end of the year had ruled on fewer Syria. International humanitarian NGOs

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 371

working with refugees found their work in LEGAL, CONSTITUTIONAL OR
Turkey was increasingly impeded as the INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENTS
authorities placed restrictions on, and in In March, the Parliament elected the first
some cases withdrew, permission for them to Human Rights Commissioner
work in the country. (Ombudsperson) from a list provided by the
Collective forced expulsions of Syrian and President, calling into question the
Iraqi refugees and asylum-seekers to their independence of the institution and its
respective countries of origin from the compliance with the UN Principles relating to
Removal Centre in Van, eastern Turkey, were the Status of National Institutions.
reported to have taken place during the final
days of May and early June. According to FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION
reports, around 200 Iraqis and around 300 There was no independent media and the
Syrians were forcibly returned after officials few independent journalists – typically
forced individuals to sign forms agreeing to working in secret for outlets based abroad –
“voluntary return”. faced harassment and arrest.
On 15 February, independent journalist
Khudayberdy Allashov and his mother
TURKMENISTAN Kurbantach Arazmedova were released, after
being given three-year conditional sentences
Turkmenistan for possessing chewing tobacco. They had
Head of state and government: Gurbanguly been in detention since 3 December 2016;
Berdymukhamedov there were allegations that they had been
subjected to torture and other ill-treatment.
The right to freedom of expression remained In March, the EU and the OSCE called for
severely restricted. Torture and other ill- the immediate release of freelance journalist
treatment was committed in pre-trial Saparmamed Nepeskuliev who was
detention and prisons, sometimes resulting sentenced to three years’ imprisonment in
in death. There was no attempt to address 2015 on drug charges. He was believed to be
enforced disappearances and suffering from life-threatening health
incommunicado detention. The right to conditions.
housing was widely violated. Consensual In April, the UN Human Rights Committee
same-sex relations between men remained a expressed concern over, among other things,
criminal offence. the absence of an independent media,
undue restrictions on access to the internet,
BACKGROUND and the use of politically motivated charges
In February, President Berdymukhamedov against journalists and others expressing
was re-elected for a further seven-year term criticism of the government.
with 98% of the vote; the OSCE Election
Assessment Mission found “serious TORTURE AND OTHER ILL-TREATMENT
irregularities”. The economic crisis in the In January, the UN Committee against
country deepened, and in June the President Torture noted its concern at “consistent
asked the Parliament to prepare an austerity allegations of widespread torture and ill-
proposal to cut benefits, including free gas treatment, including severe beatings, of
and electricity supplies. There were reports persons deprived of their liberty, especially at
that employees in state-run enterprises were the moment of apprehension and during pre-
not receiving their salaries; and there were trial detention, mainly in order to extract
shortages of cash. confessions”.
In February, 18 men were convicted under
various articles of the Criminal Code and
sentenced to between five and 12 years’

372 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

imprisonment for their suspected links to RIGHT TO HOUSING AND FORCED
Turkmen-Turkish schools understood to have EVICTIONS
been previously affiliated to Fethullah Gülen. Reports continued of mass house demolitions
The men were allegedly tortured and held in and forced evictions in connection with
inhumane conditions in pre-trial detention. A construction and development projects,
19th man detained at the same time was including those implemented in preparation
thought to have died as a result of torture. for the Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games
The trial held at the pre-trial detention centre that were held in September. On 21 February,
in the town of Yashlyk, Ahal Province, a group of women gathered in Ashgabat to
reportedly fell far short of international demand the alternative housing that they had
standards of fairness. been denied due to the lack of
documentation confirming ownership of their
DEATHS IN CUSTODY demolished homes. The authorities had not
Alternative Turkmenistan News reported that issued them with such documents because
on 24 June the body of Aziz Gafurov was many of the women were not registered in
delivered to his family in the village of Ashgabat.
Urgendzhi, near Turkmenabat. An eyewitness
described the body as emaciated and RIGHTS OF LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL,
covered in bruises. Aziz Gafurov was one of TRANSGENDER AND INTERSEX PEOPLE
dozens of practising Muslims who were Consensual same-sex relations between men
sentenced in recent years for conspiracy to remained a criminal offence punishable by
overthrow the state, violent calls to overthrow up to two years’ imprisonment. LGBTI people
the constitutional order, and incitement of were subjected to discrimination including
social, national and religious enmity. violence, arbitrary arrests and detention.

The fate and whereabouts of at least 80
prisoners subjected to enforced
disappearance after an alleged assassination Republic of Uganda
attempt on then President Saparmurat Head of state and government: Yoweri Kaguta
Niyazov in November 2002 remained Museveni
The bodies of three former senior state The rights to freedom of expression,
officials, who were forcibly disappeared association and assembly were restricted.
following their arrest and criminal prosecution Journalists and others who criticized the
in connection with the assassination attempt, President or his family were arrested,
were delivered to their relatives in the course detained and harassed. There was a sharp
of the year. Tirkish Tyrmyev reportedly died rise in the number of women killed, some of
on 13 January; Bairam Khasanov died in whom were subjected to sexual violence.
May; and on 18 August, the Russian NGO The government said it would investigate
Human Rights Centre Memorial reported that and prosecute those responsible. Draft
Akmurad Redzhepov had died on 10 August. constitutional amendments to the land laws
On 26 January, the EU Delegation to the gave the government authority to
International Organizations in Vienna expropriate private land. Uganda hosted the
published a statement expressing concern largest number of refugees in the region,
about Tirkish Tyrmyev’s death and called on including over 1 million from South Sudan.
Turkmenistan to immediately and effectively
address and eradicate enforced FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION
disappearances. On 19 March, immigration officials at
Entebbe International Airport prevented

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 373

academic Stella Nyanzi from boarding a flight charged in connection with these allegations
to the Netherlands to attend a conference. under Section 27A of the Police Act.
This followed her criticism of the President On 24 November, after Red Pepper
and his wife, the Education Minister, for the published an article alleging that the
government’s failure to fulfil a 2015 President was involved in a plot to overthrow
commitment to provide sanitary towels in Rwanda’s President, the police searched the
girls’ schools. newspaper’s office including computers and
On 8 April, police arrested Stella Nyanzi for mobile phones, and closed it down. At the
insulting President Museveni on social same time, they arrested Arinaitwe Rugyendo
media. She was charged under the Computer and other members of staff Richard Kintu,
Misuse Act of 2011 and detained for 33 days James Mujuni, Patrick Mugumya, Richard
in Luzira Maximum Security Prison in the Tusiime, Johnson Musinguzi, Ben Byarabaha
capital, Kampala, before being released on and Francis Tumusiime. They remained in
bail. The charges against her were later detention at the end of the year.
On 8 April, Nation TV journalist Gertrude FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION
Tumusiime Uwitware was abducted, On 2 and 20 September, approximately 20
blindfolded and interrogated by unknown police officers and security officials raided
assailants for several hours, after she had ActionAid Uganda’s offices in Kansanga, an
posted her support for Stella Nyanzi on social area of Kampala, preventing staff from
media. The spokesperson for the Kampala leaving the premises for several hours. The
Metropolitan Police promised to investigate police warrant stated that ActionAid was
the incident but there was no further being investigated for “illicit transfers of funds
information on its progress by the end of the to support unlawful activities”. The police
year. removed documents and confiscated the
On 27 September, the Ugandan organization’s laptops and mobile phones
Communications Commission threatened to belonging to staff members. On 9 October,
revoke or suspend licences of media outlets the Bank of Uganda froze ActionAid’s bank
which broadcast live parliamentary debates accounts. On 13 October, the NGO Bureau,
on a proposed constitutional amendment to under the Ministry of Internal Affairs, sent a
remove the presidential age limit of 75 which letter to 25 development NGOs demanding
was passed by Parliament in December and, their bank account details.
according to the government, became law in On 20 September, police raided the Great
the same month. The Commission said that Lakes Institute for Strategic Studies offices
such broadcasts promoted a “culture of with a warrant to search computers and
violence”. The opposition viewed the mobile phones as well as financial and
amendment as a means to enable President banking documents. The raid came after the
Museveni to stand for re-election in 2021. He organization’s executive director, Godber
had already been in power for 31 years. Tumushabe, spoke against the proposal to lift
On 10 October, the police summoned the presidential age limit.
editors Arinaitwe Rugyendo of the Red
Pepper newspaper and the online Daily VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND GIRLS
Monitor, and Charles Bichachi of the Nation According to the police, 28 women were
Media Group which owns the Daily Monitor, killed in Entebbe town in Wakiso District. The
about stories they published on the age limit media reported that a man had confessed to
debate. Police questioned them after an MP, killing eight of the women on the orders of a
who was leading on moves to remove the age local businessman. In a public statement on
limit, filed a complaint claiming that the 3 September the police spokesperson said
stories tarnished his reputation. They were that four categories of murder had been
identified and that 13 people had been

374 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

arrested and charged in connection with the government said it would increase doctors’
28 killings. Twelve of the victims had been salaries only after the outcome of a salary
raped or sexually assaulted before they were review conducted by a commission set up by
killed; four of them were killed by their the President to review salaries of all civil
husbands or partners; one woman was killed servants.
by her two brothers in what the police
classified as a revenge killing; the other cases REFUGEES AND ASYLUM-SEEKERS
were described as “ritual murders”. As of 10 November, Uganda hosted around
The body of one of the victims, Rose 1,379,768 refugees and asylum-seekers.
Nakimuli, was discovered on 24 July in a Some 1,037,359 were from South Sudan,
banana plantation in Wakiso District. 348,782 having arrived between January and
September; 61% of them were children,
RIGHT TO HOUSING AND FORCED mostly unaccompanied or separated from
EVICTIONS their parents. Around 236,572 of the
In July, the government tabled a bill to refugees were from the Democratic Republic
amend Article 26(2) of the Constitution. This of the Congo (DRC); 39,041 were from
would allow compulsory acquisition by the Burundi (see Burundi entry); 35,373 were
government of private land for infrastructure from Somalia; and the rest were from various
projects without providing prompt, prior and other countries.
fair compensation to the owners, and Asylum-seekers from South Sudan and the
potentially while negotiations on DRC were granted prima facie refugee status,
compensation were pending. and those of other nationalities underwent an
Under existing law, the government can individual refugee status determination
acquire private land only after the payment of process conducted by the Refugee Eligibility
“fair and adequate” compensation has been Committee. The government had revoked the
made. If the owner disputes the automatic refugee status for Burundian
compensation amount, a High Court can asylum-seekers in June.
block the government from acquiring the Under the 2006 Refugee Act and the 2010
land until a resolution is reached. If passed, Refugee Regulations, refugees were allowed
the new law would increase the risk of forced relative freedom of movement, equal access
evictions and undermine the ability of those to basic services, such as primary education
facing eviction to participate in consultations and health care, and the right to work and
over acquisitions. It would also frustrate establish a business.
transparent and fair negotiations on In May, the World Food Programme was
compensation, and the possibility of appeal. forced to cut cereal rations by half for over
Marginalized groups, including people living 800,000 South Sudanese refugees.
in poverty, and in rural areas, would be Appeals for funding from international
particularly affected. donors to address the regional refugee crisis
failed to secure adequate funds. This proved
RIGHT TO HEALTH to be the most significant challenge to
On 10 October, the doctors’ union Uganda Uganda’s refugee response. In June, the
Medical Association (UMA) declared an Uganda Solidarity Summit on Refugees had
indefinite strike protesting against low salaries rallied for international support, but as of
and shortages of essential supplies. However, November 2017, the South Sudan Refugee
they continued to provide services to Response Plan (a joint government/UNHCR
children, pregnant women and emergency initiative) secured only 68% of the funds
accident victims. needed; and the Burundi Refugee Response
President Museveni said the strike was Plan secured only 20%.
illegal and ordered the doctors to return to In October, there was a temporary 50%
work or face disciplinary action. The reduction in food assistance to refugees due

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 375

to donors’ payment delays. The cuts led to a 2% growth for 2017, and urged further
riots and protests by refugees in Nyumanzi reforms. On 14 June, the EU lifted its visa
settlement in Adjumani district. requirements for Ukrainian citizens. The
government adopted wide-ranging medical
and educational reforms, which for the first
UKRAINE time included human rights as part of the
future school curriculum.
Ukraine In eastern Ukraine, the separatist and
Head of state: Petro Poroshenko government forces continued fighting, in
Head of government: Volodymyr Hroysman violation of the 2015 ceasefire agreement.
Casualties among the forces and civilians
The investigation into the Security Service continued to grow, and according to the UN
of Ukraine (SBU) for its alleged secret had reached 10,225 dead by 15 August,
prisons failed to make any progress. Law including 2,505 civilians. On 27 December,
enforcement officials continued to use the two sides exchanged prisoners, releasing
torture and other ill-treatment. a total of 380 people.
The Ukrainian authorities increased According to the September report of the
pressure on their critics and independent UN Monitoring Mission in Ukraine,
NGOs, including journalists and anti- “increased levels of poverty and
corruption activists. The authorities unemployment coupled with record-high food
launched criminal investigations and prices have affected the lives of 3.8 million
passed laws aimed at restricting the rights people in the conflict-affected zones, in
to freedom of expression and freedom of addition to daily hardships caused by the
association, among other things. armed hostilities and related policies imposed
The de facto authorities in the separatist- by all sides.” Laws introduced in previous
controlled territories continued to years further impeded access to social rights
unlawfully detain and imprison their critics. and pensions for people living in the conflict-
In November, the de facto Supreme Court affected areas.
in Donetsk ordered a man to be put to Crimea remained under Russian
death. In Russian-occupied Crimea, critics occupation. Russia continued to deny
of the authorities faced intimidation, international human rights mechanisms
harassment and criminal prosecution. access to the peninsula.
The LGBTI Pride march was held in the
capital Kyiv, under effective police TORTURE AND OTHER ILL-TREATMENT
protection. The number of attacks on LGBTI Members of law enforcement agencies
events rose across the country. The continued to use torture and other ill-
government failed to adequately address treatment, and committed other human
sexual and domestic violence. The rights violations; there was continued
authorities announced that Ukraine was impunity for past and ongoing violations of
freezing all arms supplies to South Sudan. international humanitarian law.
On 15 August, the SBU apprehended Daria
BACKGROUND Mastikasheva, a Ukrainian citizen resident in
Social discontent continued to grow. Russia who was visiting her mother in
Mounting economic problems, the slow pace Ukraine, and held her incommunicado for
of reforms and pervasive corruption sparked two days. She was accused of treason and
regular protests in Kyiv that occasionally illegal weapons possession. Photos taken by
turned violent. Some of the protests brought her lawyer of her outside the court showed
together several hundred people. In April, the signs of beatings and possible torture by SBU
World Bank reported that the Ukrainian officers. Her lawyer also reported that she
economy had stopped contracting, projected was issued with threats targeting her mother

376 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

and son, until she agreed to read out a self- Luhansk People’s Republic (LNR) in eastern
incriminating statement on camera. At the Ukraine.
end of the year she was still in detention The de facto authorities in the DNR and
awaiting trial. LNR continued to detain and imprison critics
On 16 November, the head of the State and individuals suspected of supporting
Investigation Bureau (SIB), a stand-alone Ukraine. On 4 May, a de facto court in
agency created to undertake investigations Donetsk sentenced well-known academic
independently of other law enforcement Ihor Kozlovsky to two years and eight months
agencies, was finally appointed. However, the in prison under trumped-up charges of
SIB was still not fully staffed and unable to weapons possession. Ihor Kozlovsky had
begin its work by the end of the year. been in detention since January 2016 and
CONFLICT-RELATED SEXUAL VIOLENCE was released on 27 December 2017 in a
In a report published in February, the UN prisoner exchange.
Human Rights Monitoring Mission to Ukraine On 31 January, Russian activists and
documented cases of conflict-related sexual performance artists Seroe Fioletovoe and
violence, and criticized Ukraine’s justice Viktoriya Miroshnichenko were held in
system for failing its survivors and highlighted incommunicado detention for two weeks after
a lack of adequate care and counselling. The crossing into the DNR-controlled territory.
majority of the documented cases concerned Following an international campaign for their
sexual violence against men and women who release on 14 February, the de facto Ministry
had been detained by government forces or of State Security (MGB) escorted them to the
armed groups. Russian border and released them.
On 2 June, freelance journalist Stanislav
DETENTION Aseev, who had been reporting anonymously
The Chief Military Prosecutor’s investigation from the DNR, was subjected to enforced
into the allegations of secret detention by the disappearance in Donetsk. For weeks, the de
SBU in eastern Ukraine was ineffective. facto authorities denied that they were
Evidence published in 2016 by international holding him; on 16 July, a member of the
NGOs showing the existence of this practice MGB told his mother that her son was in their
was largely ignored by the authorities. custody and accused of espionage. Stanislav
DETENTIONS OF CIVILIANS IN THE CONFLICT ZONE Aseev remained in detention and under
On 27 April, the UN Subcommittee on investigation at the end of the year.
Prevention of Torture (SPT) published its
report on its 2016 visit to Ukraine. The report FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION
noted that the SBU had obstructed the SPT’s Civil society activists and members of NGOs,
mandate by denying it access to some particularly those working on corruption, were
facilities, forcing it to suspend a visit in May regularly harassed and subjected to violence.
2016. When the SPT resumed the visit in These incidents were often not effectively
September, it “was left with the clear investigated, and members of the authorities,
impression that some rooms and spaces had including security services in some instances,
been cleared in order to suggest that they were widely suspected to have instigated
had not been used for detention”. The them.
facilities in question, particularly in the city A law adopted in March obliged anti-
Kharkiv, had allegedly been used as secret corruption activists, including members of
prisons, and their inmates moved to another NGOs and journalists, to file annual income
unofficial facility before it was opened to declarations – something that state officials
visitors.1 The SPT was denied any access to have to do – or face criminal charges and
detention facilities in the territories controlled imprisonment.
by the self-proclaimed, Russian-backed In July, the Presidential Administration
Donetsk People’s Republic (DNR) and proposed two draft laws that sought to

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 377

impose onerous and intrusive public financial searched in a fraud investigation. Both news
reporting on NGOs whose annual budget outlets were known for their critical reporting
exceeded 300 times the so-called “living on the Ukrainian authorities and their policies
minimum” – defined in law and regularly in the conflict-affected Donbass region.
reviewed, as UAH1,700 (USD63) at the end In three separate instances in August, the
of the year. NGOs were also required to SBU expelled four international journalists,
publicly report on all payments made to two Spanish and two Russian, for “harming
members of staff or consultants. Non- Ukraine’s national interests“ and barred them
compliance carried severe penalties, from returning to Ukraine for three years. The
including the loss of the non-profit status and SBU spokesperson Olena Gitlyanska accused
freezing of accounts. The two draft laws were the Russian journalist Anna Kurbatova,
under consideration in the Ukrainian expelled on 30 August, of producing material
Parliament at the end of the year. “harmful to Ukraine’s national interest” and
On 11 October, tax police raided the offices warned that this would happen to everyone
of Patients of Ukraine, and the All-Ukrainian “who dares to disgrace Ukraine”. In October,
Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS the SBU lifted the ban on the Spanish
(PLWH), two NGOs known for exposing journalists entering Ukraine.
questionable schemes in the state medical Also in August, the SBU arrested freelance
procurement system. The authorities alleged journalist Vasily Muravitsky from the city of
that the NGOs had misused their Zhytomyr. He had contributed to a number of
international funding – despite their having Russian media. The SBU accused him of
passed independent financial audit – and, preparing and distributing “anti-Ukrainian”
according to court documents, accused them materials on orders from Moscow. If
of “supporting terrorism” by funding partner convicted, he could face up to 15 years in
patient organizations in Crimea. jail. Vasily Muravitsky was in pre-trial
detention at the end of the year.
The investigations into the killings of RIGHTS OF LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL,
journalists Oles Buzina in 2015, and Pavel TRANSGENDER AND INTERSEX PEOPLE
Sheremet in 2016, had yielded no results. On 18 June, thousands joined the biggest
The authorities continued their attempts to march yet of Equality, the annual LGBTI
limit the right to freedom of expression by Pride demonstration, in Kyiv, as well as
instigating trumped-up criminal cases against several dozen counter-protests. Police
journalists who criticized the government over provided effective protection from those
its failure to implement reforms and its protesting against the march and no
policies in eastern Ukraine. On 7 June, the incidents were reported during the rally. After
Supreme Special Court of Ukraine overturned the march, members of far-right groups
the July 2016 decision by a court of appeal to attacked and beat several participants.
acquit prisoner of conscience Ruslan Overall, the number of violent attacks against
Kotsaba, a journalist who had been LGBTI people rose in 2017. In September, a
prosecuted for treason and harming group of right-wing protesters severely beat a
Ukraine’s armed forces after he had criticized number of participants of an LGBTI festival in
the conflict in eastern Ukraine. the city of Zapporizhhya.
In June, the office of the online newspaper was searched as part of an VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND GIRLS
investigation into an alleged disclosure of Parliament had still not ratified the Council of
state secrets, followed in August by searches Europe Convention on preventing and
at the homes of its editor-in-chief Ihor Guzhva combating violence against women and
and another journalist. In July, the office of domestic violence (Istanbul Convention),
the media holding company Vesti was which it signed in 2011.

378 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

The clampdown on the rights to freedom of On 28 September, the Secretary of the
expression, association and assembly National Security and Defence Council,
continued in Crimea. The authorities Oleksandr Turchinov, announced that
continued to predominantly target ethnic Ukrainian state companies had decided to
Crimean Tatars. The arbitrary ban on the freeze arms transfers to South Sudan. The
Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People, a self- announcement came days after Amnesty
governing body representing the ethnic International published a report which
Crimean Tatars, continued. The Russian included contract documents and end-user
Security Services raided dozens of Crimean certificates listing the Ukrainian state-owned
Tatar homes, purportedly looking for illegal arms exporter Ukrinmash as the prospective
weapons, drugs or “extremist” literature, as supplier of USD169 million worth of small
part of their campaign to intimidate critics of arms and light weapons to the South
the peninsula’s occupation. The few lawyers Sudanese Ministry of Defence.2 In response
willing to take up cases in defence of critical to the report, the State Service of Export
voices in Crimea faced harassment by the Control issued a statement saying that the
Russian authorities. contract in question had not been executed,
On 26 January, lawyer Emil Kurbedinov was and that no weapons had been shipped from
arrested and sentenced by a de facto court in Ukraine to South Sudan. In previous years,
the Crimean capital, Simferopol, to 10 days of Ukraine had consistently reported exports of
administrative detention. He was accused of small arms, light weapons and major
violating Russian anti-extremist legislation weapons to the government of South Sudan.
with a social media post predating the Ukraine had not yet ratified the Arms Trade
Russian occupation of Crimea. In the post, Treaty, which it signed in September 2014.
he had shared a video about a protest held
by the Muslim organization Hizb ut-Tahrir,
1. Put an end to impunity for detention-related abuses in the context of
which is banned in Russia but not in the armed conflict in Ukraine (EUR 50/5558/2017)
Ukraine. On 8 August, police in Simferopol 2. From London to Juba, a UK-registered company’s role in one of the
used excessive force and arrested Server largest arms deals to South Sudan (ACT 30/7115/2017)
Karametov for holding a placard outside the
Crimean Supreme Court to protest at
reprisals against Crimean Tatars. He was
sentenced to 10 days in prison. On 22
September, Ukrainian journalist Mykola
Semena was convicted for “threatening [the] EMIRATES
territorial integrity of the Russian Federation”
in his publications and given a two-and-a- United Arab Emirates
Head of state: Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan
half-year conditional sentence and a three-
Head of government: Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashed Al
year ban on participating in “public
activities”. In September, Crimean Tatar
leaders Akhtem Chiygoz and Ilmi Umerov The authorities continued to arbitrarily
were given jail terms for their peaceful restrict freedoms of expression and
activism. On 25 October, both were flown to association, using criminal defamation and
Turkey and released, without an official anti-terrorism laws to detain, prosecute,
explanation. Akhtem Chiygoz had spent 34 convict and imprison government critics
months in detention, and Ilmi Umerov had and a prominent human rights defender.
been forcibly held in a psychiatric institution Scores of people, including prisoners of
since August or September 2016. Both were conscience, who were sentenced following
prisoners of conscience. unfair trials remained in prison. Authorities
held detainees in conditions that could

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 379

amount to torture and failed to investigate In March, the government announced the
allegations of torture made in previous creation of the Federal Public Prosecution for
years. Women continued to face Information Technology Crimes, whose
discrimination in law and in practice. mandate to investigate and prosecute crimes
Migrant workers remained vulnerable to included peaceful expression. In August,
exploitation and abuse. Courts continued to authorities in Dubai imposed a one-month
hand down death sentences; there was one suspension of the news website Arabian
execution. Business for publication of “false
information” regarding unsuccessful real
BACKGROUND estate projects.
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) remained Also in March, leading human rights
part of the Saudi Arabia-led international defender Ahmed Mansoor was arrested. He
coalition engaged in armed conflict in Yemen. had had no access to a lawyer by the end of
Along with Saudi Arabia, the UAE trained, the year. He was held in solitary confinement
funded and supported forces in Yemen, and, except for two family visits, in
some of which were under its direct report. incommunicado detention, in violation of the
These forces engaged in arbitrary and illegal prohibition of torture and other ill-treatment.
detention practices, including in Aden where Also in March, the Federal Appeal Court in
they perpetrated a campaign of arbitrary the capital, Abu Dhabi, upheld the 10-year
detention and enforced disappearances (see prison sentence of Dr Nasser Bin Ghaith, a
Yemen entry). The UAE joined Saudi Arabia, prisoner of conscience. He was arbitrarily
Bahrain and Egypt in severing ties with Qatar detained in 2015 and stated during his trial
(see Qatar entry). that he had been tortured. In April, he went
In September, the UN CERD Committee on hunger strike to protest against not being
reiterated its call on the UAE to establish a permitted to see the verdict of the appeal
national human rights institution, in line with court or meet with his lawyer.
the Paris Principles. The authorities rejected In June, UAE’s Attorney General announced
or took no action on statements and that anyone expressing sympathy with Qatar
recommendations from UN human rights could face up to 15 years’ imprisonment and
bodies, including those issued jointly by fines. In July, Ghanim Abdallah Matar was
special procedures, the High Commissioner detained for a video he posted online in
for Human Rights and the Working Group on which he expressed sympathy towards the
Arbitrary Detention. people of Qatar.
In June, a Belgian court convicted in their The Federal Supreme Court upheld the
absence eight women from Abu Dhabi’s three years’ imprisonment, a fine of
ruling Al Nahyan family of trafficking in Dh500,000 (USD136,135) and deportation
persons and of the degrading treatment of up sentence against Jordanian journalist and
to 23 women domestic workers. prisoner of conscience Tayseer al-Najjar. He
had been detained since December 2015 for
FREEDOMS OF EXPRESSION AND Facebook posts deemed “damaging [to] the
ASSOCIATION reputation and prestige of the Emirati state”.
Authorities continued to arbitrarily restrict Human rights defender and prisoner of
freedoms of expression and association, conscience Dr Mohammad al-Roken
using the Penal Code and anti-terrorism and remained in prison, serving a 10-year
cybercrime laws that criminalized peaceful sentence imposed after an unfair mass trial
criticism of state policies or officials. At least in 2013 (known as the “UAE 94” trial). In
13 people were arrested or tried on such May, he was awarded the Ludovic Trarieux
grounds. In Dubai, two men were arrested for International Human Rights Prize.
“dressing in a feminine way”, in violation of
their right to freedom of expression.

380 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

TORTURE AND OTHER ILL-TREATMENT its terms, and stipulated that disputes would
Reports of torture and other ill-treatment, be adjudicated by specialized tribunals as
including denial of medical care to detainees, well as by courts. However, workers remained
remained common. No independent vulnerable to employers accusing them of
investigations were carried out into detainees’ overly broad and vague crimes such as
allegations of torture. “failing to protect their employer’s secrets”,
In May, detainees in al-Razeen Prison in which carry fines of up to Dh100,000
Abu Dhabi, including Imran al-Radwan, (USD27,225) or a six-month prison sentence.
undertook a hunger strike to protest against In September the UN CERD Committee
enforced strip searches, alleged sexual expressed concern over the lack of
harassment and other ill-treatment by prison monitoring and enforcement of measures to
guards. protect migrant workers, and over barriers
faced by migrant workers in accessing
JUSTICE SYSTEM justice, such as their unwillingness to submit
The authorities refused to release at least five complaints for fear of adverse repercussions.
prisoners on completion of their sentence,
including Osama al-Najjar, a prisoner of DEATH PENALTY
conscience arrested in 2014. Prison Courts handed down death sentences; one
authorities at al-Razeen Prison, where those execution was carried out on 23 November.
convicted in the UAE 94 case were detained,
routinely harassed family members and
prevented them from visiting their imprisoned
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
WOMEN’S RIGHTS Head of state: Queen Elizabeth II
Women remained subject to discrimination in Head of government: Theresa May
law and in practice, notably in matters of
marriage and divorce, inheritance and child Women in Northern Ireland continued to
custody. They were inadequately protected face significant restrictions on access to
against sexual violence and violence within abortion. Counter-terrorism laws continued
the family. to restrict rights. Full accountability for
torture allegations against UK intelligence
WORKER’S RIGHTS – MIGRANT agencies and armed forces remained
WORKERS unrealized.
Migrant workers, who comprised the vast
majority of the private workforce, continued LEGAL, CONSTITUTIONAL OR
to face exploitation and abuse. They INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENTS
remained tied to employers under the kafala In March, the Prime Minister triggered Article
sponsorship system and were denied 50 of the Treaty on the European Union,
collective bargaining rights. Trade unions officially starting the withdrawal by the UK
remained banned and migrant workers who from the EU (Brexit). In July, the EU
engaged in strike action faced deportation (Withdrawal) Bill received its first reading in
and a one-year ban on returning to the UAE. the House of Commons. The Bill threatened
In September, Federal Law No.10 of 2017 to significantly reduce existing human rights
came into effect, limiting working hours and protections. It excluded both the EU Charter
providing for weekly leave and 30 days’ paid of Fundamental Rights (in its entirety) and
annual leave as well as the right to retain the right of action for violations of EU General
personal documents. The law appeared to Principles from domestic law after the UK’s
enable employees to end their contract of withdrawal. It also handed sweeping powers
employment if the employer violated any of to ministers to alter legislation without

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 381

appropriate parliamentary scrutiny, placing imprisonment. Similar uplifts to discretionary
current rights and equality laws at risk. sentences were also proposed to the offence
of eliciting information about the armed
In January, the government committed itself In September, Muhammed Rabbani,
to completing the post-implementation review Director of the advocacy group CAGE, was
of the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment convicted of “wilfully obstructing or seeking
of Offenders Act 2012, by April 2018. Legal to frustrate an examination or search” under
aid in civil cases had dropped drastically Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000. He
since the Act was introduced. In October, an had refused to disclose the passwords for his
internal post-legislative review memorandum laptop and phone to police at Heathrow
was published and plans for completion of Airport in London. By June, police had
the review proper were announced for stopped 17,501 people under Schedule 7
mid-2018. powers, which did not require any suspicion
In July, Lady Hale was appointed the first of wrongdoing.
woman president of the Supreme Court.
There was only one other woman Justice at TORTURE AND OTHER ILL-TREATMENT
the Court, and just 28% of all court judges TORTURE IN NORTHERN IRELAND
were women. Representation of ethnic The 2014 request by the Irish government to
minorities among judges also remained a review the 1978 judgment in Ireland v. UK,
concern; only 7% declared to be a member on torture techniques used in internment in
of an ethnic minority. Northern Ireland in 1971-1972, remained
pending before the European Court of
COUNTER-TERROR AND SECURITY Human Rights (ECtHR). In October, the High
Between March and June, 41 people were Court in Northern Ireland quashed a decision
killed, including the attackers, and many by the Police Service of Northern Ireland to
others injured in attacks in London, the end preliminary inquiries into torture of the
capital, and Manchester. In June, the 14 “Hooded Men”, who were abused while in
government announced that it would review detention in Northern Ireland by the British
its counter-terrorism strategy and commission army and the Royal Ulster Constabulary in
an independent “assurance” of the internal 1971.
reviews conducted by the Security Service RENDITION
(MI5) and the police around the attacks. In In January, the Supreme Court issued a
June, plans for a “Commission for Countering judgment in the joined appeals in Belhaj and
Extremism” were announced. Others v. Jack Straw and
In May, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Others and Rahmatullah v. Ministry of
rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of Defence and Another. It ruled that the
association issued a report warning that the government could not rely on the legal
government’s approach to “non-violent doctrines of “sovereign immunity” and
extremism” risked violating both freedoms. “foreign act of state” to escape civil claims in
In October, the government announced its the two cases alleging UK involvement in
intention to propose amendments to Section human rights violations by foreign
58 of the Terrorism Act 2000 regarding the governments. The first case concerned
collection, recording or possession of allegations by former Libyan opposition
information likely to be useful to a person leader Abdul-Hakim Belhaj and his wife
committing or preparing an act of terrorism. Fatima Boudchar that they had been
The proposals sought to expand the scope of subjected to rendition, torture and other ill-
the offence to include repeated viewing or treatment in 2004 by the US and Libyan
streaming of online material, and making governments, with the knowledge and co-
such viewing punishable by up to 15 years’ operation of UK officials. The second case

382 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

was brought by Yunus Rahmatullah, detained having acknowledged previously that there
by UK forces in Iraq in 2004 before being had been “collusion” in the case.
handed over to US forces and allegedly
tortured and imprisoned without charge for SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS
over 10 years. Abortion remained criminalized in Northern
ARMED FORCES Ireland in almost every circumstance.
Allegations of war crimes committed by UK Abortion was permitted only where the life or
armed forces in Iraq between 2003 and 2008 health of the woman or girl was at risk.
remained under preliminary examination by Women faced criminal prosecution for taking
the Office of the Prosecutor of the ICC. On 3 WHO-approved medication to induce
December, the Office declared that there was abortions. To access abortions, 724 women
a reasonable basis to believe that members from Northern Ireland travelled to England
of the UK armed forces committed war and Wales in 2016.
crimes within the jurisdiction of the Court In June, in the case of a 15-year-old girl
against persons in their custody. An who travelled to England for an abortion, and
admissibility assessment was ongoing. her mother, the Supreme Court ruled that
In April, the House of Commons Defence women resident in Northern Ireland were not
Select Committee issued a report in which it entitled to free abortions on the National
proposed to introduce a Statute of Limitations Health Service. In September, the threat of
with regard to alleged crimes committed by prosecution against medical professionals in
British soldiers and other security forces Northern Ireland who made abortion referrals
personnel in Northern Ireland before 1998. to Great Britain was lifted.
The UK Supreme Court case challenging
SURVEILLANCE Northern Ireland’s abortion law was ongoing.
Proceedings brought by Amnesty The case considered whether the law
International and other applicants were breached women’s rights by prohibiting
pending before the ECtHR regarding the abortions in cases of rape or incest and
legality of the pre-Investigatory Powers Act, serious/fatal foetal impairment. A ruling was
mass surveillance regime and intelligence expected in early 2018.
sharing practices. The judgment was pending Arrangements for women resident in
at the end of the year. Northern Ireland to access free abortion
services in England and Scotland were
NORTHERN IRELAND – LEGACY ISSUES confirmed in October and November
In January, the Historic Institutional Abuse respectively.
Inquiry published findings from the
investigation into 22 residential children’s DISCRIMINATION
institutions in Northern Ireland, covering the In January, the Scottish government set up
period from 1922 to 1995. It found an independent review into hate crime laws
widespread and systemic failings by the UK in Scotland.
and institutions in their duties towards the Northern Ireland remained the only part of
children in their care. The government had the UK to deny same-sex couples the right to
not implemented any of the marriage. In July, thousands of people took
recommendations at the end of the year. part in a march in the city of Belfast calling
The government continued to refuse for marriage equality.
funding to implement plans by the Lord Chief In September, an independent review into
Justice of Northern Ireland to address the ethnic minority individuals in the criminal
backlog of “legacy” coroners’ inquests. justice system in England and Wales was
The government continued to refuse to published. It found that ethnic minorities
establish an independent public inquiry into were disproportionately represented in
the 1989 killing of Patrick Finucane, despite prisons, with 25% of prisoners (despite

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 383

making up 14% of the population in the to exclude basic safeguards on taking,
counties reviewed), and that 40% of young holding and using personal data for the
people in custody were from ethnic minority purpose of “effective immigration control”.
backgrounds. In October, the High Court ruled that the
In August, the UN Committee on the Rights Home Office’s “Adults at Risk” policy on the
of Persons with Disabilities severely criticized detention of victims of torture was unlawful.
the UK for failing to ensure the rights of
people with disabilities with respect to, VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND GIRLS
among other things, education, employment, In June, the Prime Minister announced plans
and an adequate standard of living and social for adopting a new Domestic Violence and
protection. Abuse Bill and appointing a Domestic
Violence and Abuse Commissioner. The
RIGHT TO LIFE government was yet to ratify the Council of
During the night of 13-14 June, at least 71 Europe Convention on Violence against
people died and dozens were injured in a fire Women and Domestic Violence (Istanbul
at the Grenfell Tower social housing block in Convention), which it signed in 2012.
London. In September, a public inquiry into Concerns remained about the impact of
the cause of the fire, the emergency services’ austerity-led cuts on funding for specialist
and authorities’ responses, the building’s services for women who had experienced
construction and modifications, as well as the domestic violence or abuse.
adequacy of the regulatory framework began.
The fire raised questions concerning the ARMS TRADE
authorities’ and private actors’ compliance The UK continued to supply arms to Saudi
with their human rights obligations and Arabia despite ongoing serious violations of
responsibilities including protection of the international humanitarian law by the Saudi
right to life and guaranteeing an adequate Arabia-led coalition in Yemen.
standard of living, including the right to
adequate housing.


The government continued to extend
immigration-related controls across public
and private life, collecting children’s
United States of America
nationality and country of birth data from
Head of state and government: Donald Trump
schools and widening nationality and
(replaced Barack Obama in January)
immigration checks on access to free health
care. Executive orders to suspend travel to the
In July, the government ended its so-called USA from several Muslim-majority countries
“Dubs Amendment” scheme under which sparked legal challenges, which continued
480 unaccompanied refugee children who through the year. There were major attacks
were already in Europe were to be resettled in on the rights of women and girls. Eighteen
the UK. No children were resettled in 2017, detainees were transferred from the US
despite 280 local authority places available naval base at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba; 41
for them. A legal challenge to the detainees remained at the base and pre-
government’s limited implementation of the trial military commission proceedings
scheme, brought by the NGO Help Refugees, continued. Gun violence remained high.
was unsuccessful before the High Court and Death sentences were handed down and
an appeal was lodged. executions were carried out.
In September, the government introduced a
Data Protection Bill that included a provision

384 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

BACKGROUND could be applied to refugees being supported
On 20 January, Donald Trump was sworn in by resettlement agencies.
as President, following an election campaign A second revision of the order, signed on 24
in which he made comments and promised September, indefinitely banned immigration
policies that were discriminatory or otherwise into the USA by nationals of seven countries:
contradicted international human rights Chad, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Somalia,
principles. Syria and Yemen. It also banned the issuance
of certain types of non-immigrant visas to
REFUGEES’ AND MIGRANTS’ RIGHTS nationals of Chad, Iran, Libya, North Korea,
A number of executive orders affecting Syria and Yemen, and specifically barred
migrants, asylum-seekers and refugees were visas for Venezuelan officials from certain
signed by President Trump during the year. government agencies and their families. On
Two orders dated 25 January called for a wall 17 October, federal judges in Hawaii and
to be built along the USA-Mexico border, Maryland again ruled against the measure,
allowed for refoulement (forcible return) and blocking the government from enforcing it on
the increased detention of asylum-seekers nationals from six of the countries. On 13
and their families, increased the functions November, a federal appeals court panel
and number of immigration and customs allowed the third ban to take effect for people
enforcement agents, prioritized deportation of with no legitimate ties to the USA.
migrants, especially those suspected of On 24 October, President Trump issued an
crimes, and cancelled funding for “sanctuary executive order to resume USRAP “with
cities” that did not co-operate with federal enhanced vetting procedures”. On 4
authorities in apprehending irregular December the Supreme Court granted the
migrants. administration’s request to temporarily allow
A third executive order signed on 27 the latest so-called “Muslim ban” to take full
January banned entry of foreign nationals effect as the case continued to be litigated.
from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria On 16 August, the federal Department of
and Yemen for 90 days, suspended the US Homeland Security terminated the Central
Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) for American Minors programme. The
120 days, reduced the number of refugees programme had allowed those under 21
eligible for entry during the 2017 fiscal year years of age fleeing violence in El Salvador,
from 110,000 to 50,000, and imposed an Guatemala and Honduras, whose parents
indefinite ban on the resettlement of refugees had regular status in the USA, to apply for
from Syria. The order immediately led to refugee resettlement interviews before
chaos, protests and legal challenges on the travelling to the USA. Children from those
basis of discrimination towards Muslims. A three countries who did not qualify for
week later a federal judge issued a refugee status and had no other means of
nationwide temporary injunction, which was reuniting with their parents had also been
upheld on appeal. The government issued a able to apply for entry under the programme.
revised version of the order on 6 March, On 5 September, the government
again suspending USRAP for 120 days, announced that it would end the Deferred
repeating the limit of 50,000 refugees, and Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)
imposing a 90-day ban on entry into the USA programme in six months if Congress did not
of nationals of six countries (the original find a legislative solution regarding the
seven minus Iraq). Federal judges in the immigration status of those protected by the
states of Maryland and Hawaii issued programme, placing more than 800,000
nationwide injunctions temporarily blocking individuals at risk of deportation. DACA’s aim
its implementation. On 26 June, the Supreme was to protect from deportation migrant youth
Court allowed a limited version of the order to who came to the USA as children and met
take effect. The Court also ruled that the ban certain eligibility criteria. Congress introduced

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 385

the DREAM Act to provide DACA discrimination against LGBTI people in state
beneficiaries with a means to obtain regular and federal law. Further discriminatory
migration status; it had not been passed into measures by the government against LGBTI
law at the end of the year. people increased. The USA continued to lack
More than 17,000 unaccompanied children federal protections banning discrimination on
and 26,000 people travelling as families were the grounds of sexual orientation and gender
apprehended after irregularly crossing the identity in the workplace, housing or health
border with Mexico between January and care. Transgender people continued to be
August. Families were detained for months, particularly marginalized. President Trump’s
many without proper access to medical care administration overturned guidelines that
and legal counsel, while pursuing claims to protected transgender students in public
remain in the USA. schools who used facilities that corresponded
with their gender identity. In August,
WOMEN’S RIGHTS President Trump ordered a reversal in the
Attacks on the rights of women and girls were policy announced in 2016 to allow openly
broad and multi-faceted. President Trump’s transgender individuals to enlist in the
administration overturned policies that military, which had been due to take effect on
required universities to investigate sexual 1 January 2018. On 30 October, a federal
violence as gender discrimination and judge issued a preliminary injunction
suspended equal pay initiatives that had blocking implementation of the directive. In
helped women to identify whether they were December, a judge ruled that transgender
being paid less than male colleagues. Attacks people would be allowed to enlist in the
on women’s reproductive health and rights military from 1 January 2018, as legal cases
were particularly virulent. There were proceeded.
repeated efforts by the government and
Congress to withdraw funding from Planned COUNTER-TERROR AND SECURITY
Parenthood − a health organization providing On 28 November, a federal jury in
vital reproductive and other health services, Washington DC convicted Libyan national
particularly to women on low incomes. The Ahmed Abu Khatallah on terrorism charges
government issued rules exempting relating to an attack on a US diplomatic
employers from providing health insurance compound in Benghazi, Libya, in 2012 in
coverage for contraception if it conflicted with which four US nationals were killed. The jury
their religious or moral beliefs, putting acquitted him of murder. In August, the
millions of women at risk of losing access to judge had ruled that any statements made by
contraception. Gross inequalities remained Ahmed Abu Khatallah while held
for Indigenous women in accessing care incommunicado for nearly two weeks on
following rape, including access to board a US naval vessel after being seized by
examinations, forensic evidence kits for use US forces in Libya could be admitted as
by medical staff, and other essential health evidence. On 29 October, US forces seized
care services. The government also another Libyan national, Mustafa al-Imam, in
introduced the so-called “global gag rule”, Libya. He was flown to the USA and
prohibiting any US financial assistance to any appeared in federal court on 3 November
hospitals or organizations that provide after five days’ incommunicado detention. At
information about, or access to, safe and the end of the year he was facing trial for
legal abortion care. terrorism offences in relation to the Benghazi
RIGHTS OF LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, After an attack in New York on 31 October
TRANSGENDER AND INTERSEX PEOPLE in which eight people died and 12 were
Murders of LGBTI people increased during injured, Uzbek national Sayfullo
the year, against a background of continuing Habibullaevic Saipov was charged and due to

386 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

be tried in federal court, despite calls from senior government roles: Gina Haspel,
two senior Senators for his transfer to military selected in February for the role of Deputy
custody as an “enemy combatant” and Director of the CIA; Steven Bradbury,
comments from President Trump that he nominated for General Counsel at the
would consider sending him to Guantánamo Department of Transportation; and Steven
Bay. President Trump flouted the Engel, nominated to head the Office of Legal
presumption of innocence in a series of posts Counsel (OLC) at the Department of Justice.
on Twitter in which he called for the death Gina Haspel was believed to have been CIA
penalty for Sayfullo Saipov. Chief of Staff in Thailand in 2002 when the
In January, under the administration of CIA ran a so-called “black site” in which at
President Barack Obama, 18 detainees were least two detainees were subjected to torture
transferred from Guantánamo Bay detention and enforced disappearance. She was later
centre to Oman, Saudi Arabia and United Chief of Staff to the Director of the
Arab Emirates. Most of the remaining 41 Counterterrorism Center, the branch of the
Guantánamo Bay detainees were held CIA that ran the secret detention programme.
without charge or trial. President Trump had As Acting Assistant Attorney General at the
made a pre-election pledge to keep the OLC between 2005 and 2009, Steven
detention facility open and increase the Bradbury authored a number of
numbers of detainees held there; no further memorandums to the CIA giving legal
detainee transfers were made into or out of approval to methods of interrogation and
Guantánamo Bay during the year. conditions of detention that violated the
Refusal in October by the Supreme Court to international prohibition of torture and other
consider two jurisdictional challenges allowed ill-treatment. As Deputy Assistant Attorney
military commission proceedings to continue General at the OLC in 2007, Steven Engel
at Guantánamo Bay, in contravention of was also involved in the writing of one of
international fair trial standards. those memorandums. On 7 November, the
In October, Ahmed Mohammed Ahmed Senate confirmed his appointment by 51
Haza al-Darbi, a Saudi Arabian national, was votes to 47. On 14 November, by 50 votes to
sentenced by military commission to 13 47, the Senate confirmed the appointment of
years’ imprisonment after pleading guilty in Steven Bradbury. Gina Haspel’s appointment
2014 to conspiracy, terrorism and other did not require Senate confirmation.
offences. He had been arrested in Azerbaijan A civil jury trial of James Mitchell and John
in June 2002 and handed over to US agents “Bruce” Jessen, two CIA-contracted
two months later. psychologists who had leading involvement in
its detention programme, was due to begin
TORTURE AND OTHER ILL-TREATMENT on 5 September. However, in August an out-
In an interview on 25 January, President of-court settlement was reached.
Trump expressed his support for torture while On 19 June, the Supreme Court ruled in a
stating that he would “rely” upon the case brought against former US officials by
Secretary of Defense, the CIA Director and individuals of Arab or South Asian descent
others in deciding whether the USA should who were among the hundreds of foreign
use it. No action was taken to end impunity nationals taken into custody in the USA in the
for the systematic human rights violations, wake of the attacks of 11 September 2001.
including torture and enforced Following the attacks, detainees were held for
disappearance, committed in a secret months in harsh conditions and reported a
detention programme operated by the CIA range of abuses. The Supreme Court stated
after the attacks on 11 September 2001. that if the allegations were true, then what
At least three people alleged to have been happened to the detainees “was tragic”, and
involved in the secret detention programme “nothing in this opinion should be read to
were nominated by President Trump for condone the treatment to which they contend

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 387

they were subjected”. However, it ruled that military-grade equipment to law enforcement
the case largely could not proceed, thus agencies.
continuing a pattern of judicial remedies
being blocked in cases involving human GUN VIOLENCE
rights violations in the counter-terrorism In October a gunman used “bump stocks” –
context since the 2001 attacks. accessories that modify firearms to allow
rapid firing similar to that of fully automatic
EXCESSIVE USE OF FORCE firearms – against a crowd of concert-goers in
The authorities continued to fail to track the Las Vegas, Nevada, killing 58 people. In
exact number of people killed by law response to the massacre, Congress
enforcement officials across the USA. Data considered legislation and regulations
collected by The Washington Post newspaper banning such devices, but the measures
put the total at 987 individuals killed during were not enacted. In November, Congress
the year by law enforcement agents using introduced but failed to pass a separate piece
firearms. According to the data, African of legislation aimed at preventing gun
Americans – who comprised 13% of the violence.
population – represented nearly 23% of the Two pieces of federal legislation were
victims in 2017. Of those killed, 24% were pending at the end of the year that would
known to have mental health problems. A make it easier for people to obtain firearm
proposal by the Department of Justice to silencers and carry concealed weapons.
create a system to track these deaths under Legislation in place since 1996 continued to
the Deaths in Custody Reporting Act was not deny funding to the Center for Disease
compulsory for law enforcement agencies Control and Prevention to conduct or sponsor
and therefore risked leading to under- research into the causes of gun violence and
reporting. No information was released on ways to prevent it.
whether the reporting process had been President Trump’s administration
initiated during the year. considered relaxing restrictions on the export
At least 40 people across 25 states died of small arms, including assault rifles and
after police used projectile electro-shock ammunition, by shifting the responsibility for
weapons on them, bringing the total number processing international non-military firearms
of such deaths since 2001 to at least 802. sales from the Department of State to the
Most of the victims were not armed and did Department of Commerce. The move would
not appear to pose a threat of death or severely weaken oversight of arms sales and
serious injury when the electro-shock weapon risked increasing the flow of firearms to
was deployed. countries suffering high levels of armed
In September, the acquittal of a former violence.
police officer for shooting dead Anthony
Lamar Smith in 2011 sparked weeks of DEATH PENALTY
protests across the city of St Louis, Missouri, Twenty-three men were executed in eight
and hundreds of arrests. There were states, bringing to 1,465 the total number of
allegations by local civil rights organizations executions since the US Supreme Court
that police unlawfully detained people and approved new capital laws in 1976.
that their use of chemical irritants against Approximately 39 new death sentences were
protesters amounted to excessive use of passed. Around 2,800 people remained on
force. St Louis police used heavy-duty riot death row at the end of the year.
gear and military-grade weapons and Arkansas conducted its first executions
equipment to police the demonstrations. In since 2005. Ohio resumed executions after a
August, President Trump annulled hiatus of more than three years. Florida
restrictions put in place by the previous conducted its first executions since January
government that limited the transfer of some 2016, when the US Supreme Court ruled its

388 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

capital sentencing statute unconstitutional. overcrowding and access to health services
The Florida Supreme Court’s decision that and education.
the ruling applied only retroactively to about Pre-trial detention continued to be imposed
half of those on death row allowed the state in the majority of cases and conditional
to begin executing those deemed not to releases pending trial were often denied.
benefit. During the year, the first death A proposed amendment to the Code on
sentences were handed down under a new Children and Adolescents threatened to
sentencing statute. increase the proportion of cases subject to
During the year, four inmates were mandatory pre-trial detention and eliminate
exonerated of the crimes for which they were time limits for such detentions, endangering
originally sentenced to death in the states of the rights of young people in the juvenile
Delaware, Florida, Arkansas and Louisiana, penal system.
bringing to 160 the number of such cases People with psychosocial disabilities
since 1973. continued to be held against their will and in
isolation in psychiatric institutions.


Eastern Republic of Uruguay The UN Committee on Economic, Social and
Head of state and government: Tabaré Vázquez Cultural Rights made several
recommendations to Uruguay including
Pre-trial detention continued to be imposed increasing the direct applicability of these
widely. Impunity persisted for past crimes; rights in the judicial system; strengthening
human rights defenders investigating such legislation against discrimination; adopting a
crimes received death threats. Sexual and law on mental health in line with international
reproductive health services were difficult standards; approving the comprehensive bill
to access in rural areas and objectors to against gender-based violence; and ensuring
providing abortion continued to obstruct the right to work for persons with disabilities.
access to legal abortions.
BACKGROUND In February, human rights defenders
The Monitoring System for investigating human rights violations that
Recommendations (SIMORE), which since occurred during the military regime
December 2016 has collected information on (1973-1985) reported receiving death
Uruguay’s implementation of threats; the sources of these threats were not
recommendations by international bodies, investigated. In May, human rights defenders
still had no effective mechanism for civil denounced these threats at a hearing before
society participation. There had yet to be full the Inter-American Commission on Human
implementation of the Inter-institutional Rights, which the Uruguayan authorities did
Network for the Elaboration of Reports and not attend.
Monitoring of the Implementation of The national Working Group on Truth and
Recommendations and Observations in the Justice, implemented in 2015, had not
Field of Human Rights, also established in achieved concrete results regarding
2016. reparations for victims of past crimes under
international law.
DETENTION In October, the Supreme Court ruled that
The National Human Rights Institute, through statutory limitations apply to crimes against
the National Mechanism for the Prevention of humanity, hindering victims’ access to
Torture, continued to document and report justice, and preventing the prosecution of
human rights violations in prisons, including those suspected of criminal responsibility.

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 389

RIGHTS OF LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, threat to national security. Local authorities
TRANSGENDER AND INTERSEX PEOPLE continued to draft thousands of medical
There remained no comprehensive anti- personnel and teaching staff to work in the
discrimination policy protecting LGBTI people cotton fields. Consensual sexual relations
from violence in schools and public spaces between men remained a criminal offence.
and ensuring their access to health services.
VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND GIRLS President Mirzioiev continued to introduce a
There were 27 femicides between January number of wide-ranging political and
and November, according to official data. The economic reform proposals, designed to end
adoption and implementation of a past isolationist and repressive policies. An
comprehensive law against gender-based action strategy on judicial reform was
violence, as part of Uruguay’s 2016-2019 approved in February. It set out several
Action Plan on gender-based violence, was priorities for systemic reform, including
still pending. ensuring genuine judicial independence,
increasing the effectiveness and authority of
SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS the judiciary, and ensuring robust judicial
The lack of public policies to ensure access protection of the rights and freedoms of
to health services in rural areas continued citizens.
and access to sexual and reproductive health One of the legislative changes reduced the
services in these areas remained limited. maximum time a person could be detained
Obstacles to accessing abortions persisted before being brought before a judge from 72
due to a lack of regulation of conscientious to 48 hours.
objection by physicians and other health In May, at the end of the first ever visit by
personnel. the UN Office of the High Commissioner for
High rates of child and adolescent Human Rights to Uzbekistan, the
pregnancy continued, due in part to the Commissioner called on the President to
absence of adequate sexual and reproductive translate his reform pledges into action for
health services and information to prevent the effective protection of human rights.
unplanned pregnancies. In November, the President issued a decree
explicitly prohibiting the use of torture to
obtain confessions and their admission as
UZBEKISTAN evidence in court proceedings.

Republic of Uzbekistan FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION – HUMAN

Head of state : Shavkat Mirzioiev RIGHTS DEFENDERS AND JOURNALISTS
Head of government : Abdulla Aripov The authorities eased some undue
restrictions on the right to freedom of
The authorities eased some undue expression. They allowed some critical
restrictions on the media and the right to reporting by the media and released several
freedom of expression. Several prisoners of prisoners convicted on politically motivated
conscience and other prisoners serving long charges. However, the government retained
sentences on politically motivated charges firm control of access to information.
were released; their right to freedom of Independent and international media
movement remained restricted. National platforms considered critical of the authorities
Security Service (NSS) officers arbitrarily remained inaccessible.
detained an independent journalist and In February, the authorities released
tortured him to “confess” to anti-state Muhammad Bekzhanov, after he served 17
crimes. The authorities continued to seek years in prison on politically motivated
the return of people they considered a charges. He remained under curfew and

390 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

close police supervision. In July, Erkin accused his lawyer of misrepresenting the
Musaev, a former military official and staff case to the public and forced Bobomurod
member of the UN Development Programme, Abdullayev to dismiss him in favour of a
was released early. He had been sentenced state-appointed one.
to 20 years on fabricated espionage charges
in 2006. Prisoners of conscience Azam FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT
Farmonov and Salidzhon Abdurakhmonov, In August, the President announced that the
human rights lawyer Agzam Turgunov and legal requirement for Uzbekistani nationals to
two other human rights defenders were obtain permission to leave the country would
released in October. All of them had been be abolished by 2019. Nevertheless, the
tortured in detention. Prisoner of conscience authorities continued to impose travel
Isroil Kholdorov remained in prison. restrictions on newly released prisoners who
In July, during a visit to the EU, the Foreign had been convicted on politically motivated
Minister extended invitations to international charges. Some former prisoners continued to
NGOs and international media to visit be prevented from travelling abroad for
Uzbekistan. The authorities granted limited urgent medical treatment.
access to some representatives of Human rights lawyer Polina Braunerg who
international NGOs and media. used a wheelchair, died in May from a stroke
Despite these positive developments, after being repeatedly refused permission to
human rights defenders and independent travel abroad for medical treatment.
journalists, both exiled and in Uzbekistan, as In October, Murad Dzhuraev, a former
well as their families, continued to be Member of Parliament, who was released in
subjected to smear campaigns online, on November 2015 after serving 20 years in
national television and in the print media. prison on politically motivated charges, was
Surveillance by the authorities in Uzbekistan finally allowed to travel to Germany for urgent
and abroad reinforced the repressive medical treatment following mounting
environment for human rights defenders, international pressure. On 4 December, he
journalists and others. Technical and legal died suddenly before being able to leave the
systems facilitated unlawful surveillance and country.
failed to provide effective controls and On 22 February, journalist Muhammad
remedies against abuse.1 Bekzhanov was released after 17 years in
On 27 September, NSS officers detained prison. His sentence was handed down after
independent journalist Bobomurod an unfair trial and torture, and arbitrarily
Abdullayev as he was leaving his home in the extended. At the end of the year, he had not
capital, Tashkent. He was held been granted permission to apply for an exit
incommunicado for two weeks in an NSS visa to join his family abroad. He was not
pre-trial detention facility, which is well allowed to travel to Tashkent for urgent
known for the use of torture. The NSS medical treatment that he required as a
accused him of using a pseudonym to consequence of the torture and other ill-
publish online articles that called for the treatment he was subjected to.
overthrow of the government and instigating
unrest in Uzbekistan, crimes punishable by RIGHTS OF LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL,
up to 20 years in prison. NSS officers warned TRANSGENDER AND INTERSEX PEOPLE
his family not to contact human rights The authorities repeatedly stated that they
organizations or the media, and allowed him had no intention of decriminalizing
only limited and supervised access to a consensual sexual relations between men,
lawyer of his choice ten weeks after he was which constituted a crime punishable by a
detained. In November, the authorities prison term of up to three years.
extended his pre-trial detention for another Same-sex consensual sexual relations
three months. On 26 December, the NSS remained highly stigmatized, and LGBTI

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 391

people were regularly subjected to violence, “blacklist” of up to 18,000 people suspected
arbitrary arrests, detention and discrimination of membership of banned or unregistered
by state and non-state actors. religious movements and groups.
However, security forces continued to detain
FORCED LABOUR AND SLAVERY dozens of people accused of being members
In August, a presidential decree formally of banned “extremist” groups, including
banned the forcible recruitment of children, labour migrants returning from abroad.
students, medical personnel and teaching Relatives and human rights activists reported
staff to work in the cotton fields. During his that police and NSS officers tortured many of
speech to the UN General Assembly in the people accused of illegal membership to
September, President Mirzioiev “confess” to fabricated charges, and that
acknowledged the use of forced labour in the judges continued to ignore credible
cotton industry in Uzbekistan and pledged to allegations, even when confronted with
end it. physical signs of torture in the court room,
Nevertheless, human rights defenders and and admitted them as evidence.
independent monitors detailed cases of In October, the UN Special Rapporteur on
hundreds of medical personnel and teaching freedom of religion or belief visited
staff being forced to work in the cotton fields, Uzbekistan at the invitation of the authorities.
in poor working conditions. In some regions, He was the first representative of the UN
they documented children harvesting cotton, Special Procedures to be granted access to
despite the August ban. The authorities Uzbekistan since 2002. In his preliminary
threatened those who refused to work in the findings he noted that religious practice was
cotton fields with large fines, dismissal or the “subject to excessive regulations that
loss of social benefits. prioritize security over freedom”.
Police and local authorities tried to stop
human rights activists from monitoring the COUNTER-TERROR AND SECURITY
work in the cotton fields, in some cases using The authorities continued to secure forcible
intimidation, force, and arbitrary detention. returns, including through extradition
In March, police detained human rights proceedings, of Uzbekistani nationals they
defender Elena Urlaeva and forcibly confined identified as threats to the “constitutional
her in a psychiatric hospital for a month. This order” or national security.
was to prevent her from attending a NSS officers continued to abduct wanted
scheduled meeting with visiting delegations individuals (so-called renditions) from
from the World Bank and the ILO in Tashkent abroad.
to discuss her findings of the common Those abducted or otherwise forcibly
practice of forced labour in the cotton returned were placed in incommunicado
industry. Between August and November, detention, often in undisclosed locations, and
police repeatedly detained her for brief tortured or otherwise ill-treated to force them
periods of time to stop her talking to medical to confess or incriminate others. In many
and teaching staff in the cotton fields. cases, security forces pressured relatives not
to seek support from human rights
FREEDOM OF RELIGION AND BELIEF organizations, and not to file complaints
In August, the President publicly called for a about alleged human rights violations.
review of the charges against people detained
on suspicion of possessing banned religious
1. “We will find you, anywhere”: The global shadow of Uzbekistani
or “extremist” materials. He also called for surveillance ( EUR 62/5974/2017)
people who regretted joining unregistered
Islamic movements, to be “rehabilitated”.
The authorities also announced that they had
removed more than 15,000 names from a

392 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

Telecommunications Commission. Other
VENEZUELA media outlets also faced the threat of closure,
despite a 2015 ruling by the Inter-American
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Court of Human Rights declaring that such
Head of state and government: Nicolás Maduro Moros closures violated freedom of expression.
Anti-government protesters and some
Venezuela remained in a state of opposition leaders were accused by the
emergency, repeatedly extended since government of being a threat to national
January 2016. A National Constituent security.
Assembly was elected without the The government ordered the removal of
participation of the opposition. The Attorney some foreign news channels including CNN,
General was dismissed under irregular RCN and CARACOL from national television
circumstances. Security forces continued to cable operators. In September, journalists
use excessive and undue force to disperse from the online news and research portal
protests. Hundreds of people were Armando.Info were threatened by
arbitrarily detained. There were many unidentified actors for their investigations into
reports of torture and other ill-treatment, cases of administrative corruption.
including sexual violence against
demonstrators. The judicial system FREEDOM OF ASSEMBLY
continued to be used to silence dissidents, Between April and July in particular, there
including using military jurisdiction to were mass protests for and against the
prosecute civilians. Human rights defenders government in various parts of the country.
were harassed, intimidated and subject to The right to peaceful assembly was not
raids. Conditions of detention were guaranteed. According to official data, at
extremely harsh. The food and health crises least 120 people were killed and more than
continued to worsen, especially affecting 1,177 wounded – including demonstrators,
children, people with chronic illness and members of the security forces and
pregnant women. The number of bystanders – during these mass
Venezuelans seeking asylum in other demonstrations.
countries increased. There were also reports from the Attorney
General’s Office that groups of armed people
BACKGROUND with the support or acquiescence of the
The year was marked by growing public government carried out violent actions
protests due to rising inflation and shortages against demonstrators.
of food and medical supplies. The state of According to the local NGO Venezuelan
emergency declared in January 2016 Penal Forum, 5,341 people were arrested in
remained in force, providing the government the context of the protests, of which 822 were
with special powers to attend the economic tried. Of these, 726 civilians were subjected
situation. Despite the political dialogue to military justice and charged with military
processes initiated between the government crimes for demonstrating against the
and the opposition during the year, there was government. At the end of the year, 216
no concrete progress in advancing human people remained in pre-trial detention.
rights issues.
FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION In January the government relaunched its
The Office of the Special Rapporteur for public security programme, previously
freedom of expression of the Inter-American named Operation Liberation of the People,
Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) under the new name Operation Humanist
expressed concern about the closure of 50 Liberation of the People. Reports continued
radio stations by the National of excessive use of force by security agents.

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 393

In the context of the demonstrations that the systematic and widespread use of
took place between April and July, the excessive force during the protests between
government announced the activation of the April and July, pointing to a pattern of violent
“Zamora Plan”, with the objective to home raids and torture and other ill-
“guarantee the functioning [of the] country treatment of detainees. The report also
[and] its security” by mobilizing civilians expressed concern regarding difficulties
alongside police and military forces to faced by international organizations in
“preserve internal order”. However, the accessing the country, and victims’ fears of
details of the plan were not made public. reporting abuses.
The Bolivarian National Police and the
Bolivarian National Guard – among other civil ARBITRARY ARRESTS AND DETENTIONS
and military security forces – continued to Amnesty International documented 22
use excessive and undue force against emblematic cases of people arbitrarily
demonstrators. Between April and July there detained for political reasons through the
was an increase in the deployment of military implementation of various unlawful
forces to repress protests, resulting in an mechanisms since 2014. These mechanisms
increase in the excessive use of less-lethal included the use of military justice, arrests
force and undue use of lethal force, including without a warrant, and the use of ambiguous
firing tear gas directly at people’s bodies, and discretionary criminal definitions, among
shooting multiple munitions such as rubber others, that demonstrated a much broader
bullets, beatings, and use of firearms, all of pattern of efforts to silence dissent.1 At the
which put protesters at risk of serious harm end of the year, 12 of these people were
or death. granted alternative measures to detention;
According to the Attorney General’s Office, the other 10 remained arbitrarily detained,
Jairo Johan Ortiz Bustamante was killed by although the courts had ordered the release
gunshot wounds during a protest in Miranda of many of them.
state on 6 April and Juan Pablo Pernalete These documented cases included those of
was killed by the impact of a tear gas bomb MP Gilber Caro and activist Steyci Escalona,
to his chest during a protest in the capital, both members ​of the opposition party
Caracas, on 26 April. David Vallenilla, Popular Will, who were arbitrarily detained in
Neomar Lander and Rubén Darío González January after senior government authorities
also died from injuries sustained during the publicly accused them of carrying out
protests between April and July. “terrorist activities”. Despite Gilber Caro’s trial
During this period, the civil society requiring authorization by Parliament, he
organization recorded at remained arbitrarily detained and his case
least 47 illegal raids on multiple communities was submitted to military courts. Steyci
and homes in 11 states across the country. Escalona was granted conditional release
These raids were characterized by illegal use from pre-trial detention in November. By the
of force, threats and mass arbitrary arrests, end of the year, neither had been brought to
and were often linked to police and military trial.
operations against protests that took place Hundreds of people reported that they were
near the communities. The actions of the arbitrarily detained during the protests that
security forces during these raids were illegal took place between April and July. Many
and arbitrary and had indiscriminate effects. were denied access to medical care or a
Groups of armed people also harassed and lawyer of their choice and in many cases
intimidated residents during the raids with were subjected to military tribunals. There
the acquiescence of the state security forces was a notable increase in the use of military
present. justice to try civilians.
In August, the UN High Commissioner for In December, 44 people arbitrarily detained
Human Rights published a report highlighting for what local NGOs considered to have been

394 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

politically motivated reasons were released Lawyers representing people on trial before
with alternative restrictions on their freedom. military courts reported being harassed and
intimidated by government authorities,
TORTURE AND ILL-TREATMENT putting great pressure on those defending
Many new reports of torture and other ill- people critical of the government.
treatment were received. Wilmer Azuaje, a
member of the Legislative Council of Barinas JUSTICE SYSTEM
state, was arrested in May. His family The justice system continued to be subject to
reported that during his detention he was government interference, especially in cases
locked in a noxious-smelling room, involving people critical of the government or
handcuffed for long periods of time and those who were considered to be acting
sometimes kept incommunicado, conditions against the interests of the authorities. The
that constitute cruel treatment. In July, the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service
Supreme Court of Justice ordered his transfer continued to ignore court decisions to
to house arrest; however, at the end of the transfer and release people in its custody.
year Wilmer Azuaje remained at the 26 July Two police officers from the Chacao
Detention Centre without any charges against municipality remained arbitrarily detained
him or any improvement in his conditions of since June 2016, despite a warrant being
detention. issued for their release in August 2016.
During the demonstrations between April Twelve other officers accused in the same
and July, there were reports of ill-treatment criminal case who had also been arbitrarily
by state officials during arrests of protesters, detained since June 2016 were released in
including kicking, beatings and sexual December. In June 2017, the 14 officers
violence. went on hunger strike, some for 23 days, in
order to demand that the authorities release
HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS them in compliance with the judicial order.5
Human rights defenders and individuals who In August, four opposition officials who had
sought justice for human rights violations been elected to public office were arrested
continued to be subjected to attacks and and five others had arrest warrants issued
smear campaigns, in an apparent attempt to against them. These warrants were issued by
halt their human rights work. the Supreme Court in a proceeding that was
In February, transgender lawyer Samantha not enshrined in law. A total of 11 officials
Seijas was threatened by a police official elected by popular vote were removed from
while filing a complaint at a police station in office in irregular proceedings.
Aragua state accompanied by his daughter.2
In May, authorities raided the home of PRISONERS OF CONSCIENCE
human rights defender Ehisler Vásquez in the Leopoldo López, leader of the opposition
city of Barquisimeto, Lara state. When he party Popular Will and a prisoner of
requested information on the reason for the conscience, was moved to house arrest in
raid, the Public Prosecutor’s Office August. During his detention at the National
threatened to charge him with a crime.3 Later Centre for Military Proceedings in Ramo
that month in the same city, a group of Verde, Caracas, there had been several
unidentified people stormed the home of reports of abuses against him, including
human rights defenders Yonaide Sánchez torture and denial of visits from his lawyers
and Nelson Freitez.4 and family.
Human rights defenders were intimidated Villca Fernández, a student and political
by state media and high-ranking government activist from the state of Mérida and a
officials, who publicly announced their prisoner of conscience, remained arbitrarily
names and contact details while accusing detained by the Bolivarian National
them of “terrorism”. Intelligence Service in Caracas. He had been

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 395

repeatedly denied urgent medical care and victims of murder, torture and other violations
had reported other ill-treatment since his by state actors were yet to receive justice or
detention in January 2016.6 reparation.
The Attorney General’s Office announced
INTERNATIONAL SCRUTINY investigations into killings in the context of
In May, Venezuela announced that it was protests between April and July 2017. The
withdrawing from the Organization of National Constituent Assembly, established
American States and therefore from the on 30 July, appointed a Truth Commission to
authority of the IACHR, further limiting the investigate cases of human rights violations
protection for victims of human rights during the protests; there were concerns
violations in Venezuela. about its independence and impartiality.
Decisions and rulings from international There were reports of victims or their families
human rights monitoring mechanisms were being pressured by authorities to testify and
still not implemented at the end of the year, agree on facts that could waive the
especially regarding the investigation and responsibility of state agents for these
punishment of those responsible for human violations, as well as obstacles to the work of
rights violations. defence lawyers working with human rights
In November, Venezuela received a visit organizations.
from the UN Independent Expert on the
promotion of a democratic and equitable DETENTION
international order. Visits from the UN Special Despite reforms to the penitentiary system in
Rapporteur on the right to development, and 2011, prison conditions remained extremely
the UN Special Rapporteur on the negative harsh. Lack of medical care, food and
impact of unilateral coercive measures on the drinking water, insanitary conditions,
enjoyment of human rights, were announced overcrowding and violence in prisons and
for 2018. other detention centres continued. During
clashes inside penitentiary centres, the use of
ENFORCED DISAPPEARANCES firearms remained commonplace among
Former Minister of Defence and detained inmates. Many detainees resorted to hunger
government critic Raúl Isaías Baduel was strikes to protest against the conditions of
unexpectedly taken from his cell at the their detention.
National Centre for Military Proceedings in The IACHR expressed concern over the
Ramo Verde, Caracas, on the morning of 8  deaths of 37 detainees at the Amazon
August; he remained disappeared for 23 Judicial Detention Centre in August during
days. The authorities then acknowledged that clashes that took place when the Bolivarian
he was being held at the facilities of the National Guard and the Bolivarian National
Bolivarian National Intelligence Service in Police reportedly attempted to search the
Caracas, where he was held incommunicado premises.
and denied access to his family and lawyers
for more than a month.7 RIGHT TO FOOD
The Documentation and Analysis Centre for
IMPUNITY Workers reported that in December the
Most victims of human rights violations basket of consumer goods for a family of five,
continued to lack access to truth, justice and which is used to define the consumer price
reparation. Victims and their families were index, was 60 times the minimum wage,
often subjected to intimidation. representing a 2123% increase since
In April, two officers of the Bolivarian November 2016. The humanitarian
National Guard were sentenced for killing organization Caritas Venezuela found that
Geraldine Moreno during demonstrations in 27.6% of children studied were at risk of
Carabobo state in 2014. The majority of

396 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

malnutrition and 15.7% of them suffered SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS
mild to acute malnutrition. The economic crisis continued to limit access
The government failed to acknowledge the to contraception. In June, in an online survey
worsening food shortage caused by the carried out by the local NGO AVESA, 72% of
economic and social crises. In its Global respondents had not been able to access any
Report on Food Crises 2017, the UN Food contraceptives during the previous 12
and Agriculture Organization stated that it months, and 27% said that they could not
lacked reliable official data on Venezuela and afford to buy contraceptives from
that the deepening of the critical economic pharmacies.
situation could lead to a greater absence of
consumer goods such as food and medical REFUGEES AND ASYLUM-SEEKERS
supplies. There was a notable increase in the number
of Venezuelans seeking asylum in Brazil,
RIGHT TO HEALTH Costa Rica, the USA, Spain, Peru, and
After almost two years of publishing no Trinidad and Tobago. Other countries in the
official data, in May the Ministry of Health region, including Colombia and Ecuador, also
published the weekly epidemiological continued to receive large numbers of
bulletins from 2016. The data revealed that Venezuelans seeking refuge.
during 2016, there were 11,466 reported
deaths of children under the age of one, an
1. Silenced by force: Politically motivated arbitrary detentions in
increase of 30.1% from 2015, when this Venezuela (AMR 53/6014/2017)
figure stood at 8,812. The most common 2. Venezuela: Trans man and daughter threatened by police (AMR
causes of infant mortality were neonatal 53/5651/2017)
sepsis, pneumonia and premature birth. In 3. Venezuela: Human rights defender harassed − Ehisler Vásquez (AMR
addition, the bulletins showed that 324 cases 53/6252/2017)
of diphtheria were reported in 2016. 4. Venezuela: Defenders’ home invaded, safety at risk (AMR
WOMEN’S RIGHTS 5. Venezuela: Arbitrary detainees on hunger strike (AMR 53/6758/2017)
The Ministry of Health bulletins indicated an 6. Venezuela: Prisoner of conscience needs medical care: Villca
increase in instances of maternal mortality of Fernández (AMR 53/7464/2017)
65.8% from 2015 to 2016, with a total of 756 7. Venezuela: Detainee held incommunicado again: Raúl Isaías Baduel
deaths recorded in 2016, 300 more than in (AMR 53/7051/2017)
Lack of official data made it almost
impossible to monitor the rate of femicides
and other crimes against women. However,
the NGO Women’s Metropolitan Institute Socialist Republic of Viet Nam
estimated that there were at least 48 Head of state: Trần Đại Quang
femicides between January and May. Head of government: Nguyễn Xuân Phúc
Ten years after the implementation of the
Organic Law on Women’s Right to Live a Life Arbitrary restrictions on the rights to
Free of Violence, local NGOs reported that freedom of expression, association and
prosecutors, judges, police officers and other peaceful assembly continued. A crackdown
officials remained poorly equipped to protect on dissent intensified, causing scores of
women’s rights, and women often suffered activists to flee the country. Human rights
re-victimization because of institutional defenders, peaceful political activists and
violence. Other obstacles to implementing the religious followers were subjected to a range
law included a lack of official data to plan of human rights violations, including
and programme public policies to prevent arbitrary detention, prosecution on national
and eradicate violence against women. security and other vaguely worded charges

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 397

in unfair trials, and long-term activists were particularly targeted, as well as
imprisonment. Prominent activists faced social and environmental activists
restrictions on movement and were subject campaigning in the aftermath of the 2016
to surveillance, harassment and violent Formosa Plastics toxic spill that killed tonnes
assaults. Prisoners of conscience were of fish and destroyed the livelihoods of
tortured and otherwise ill-treated. thousands of people. At least five members of
Suspicious deaths in police custody were the independent Brotherhood for Democracy,
reported, and the death penalty was co-founded by human rights lawyer and
retained. prisoner of conscience Nguyễn Văn Đài, were
arrested between July and December.1 They
BACKGROUND were charged under Article 79 (activities
Dozens of state company officials were aimed at overthrowing the People’s
arrested and prosecuted during an anti- Administration), which carried a punishment
corruption campaign, including those also of up to life imprisonment or the death
holding government and Communist Party of penalty. Several were previous prisoners of
Viet Nam positions. Several were sentenced conscience. In August, the same additional
to death for embezzlement. In July, state charge was brought against Nguyễn Văn Đài
security officials abducted a former and his associate Lê Thu Hà, who had been
businessman and government official while held incommunicado since their arrests in
he was seeking asylum in Germany, and December 2015 on charges of “conducting
forcibly returned him to Viet Nam to stand propaganda against the state” under Article
trial for embezzlement and economic 88.
mismanagement; Vietnamese authorities At least 98 prisoners of conscience were
maintained that he had returned voluntarily. detained or imprisoned, an increase on
During the assessment of Viet Nam’s previous years despite some releases on
human rights record under the UN UPR completion of sentences. They included
process, the government stated that by bloggers, human rights defenders working on
February it had implemented 129 out of 182 land and labour issues, political activists,
recommendations made during the review in religious followers and members of ethnic
2014. No amendments were made to vaguely minority groups. The authorities continued to
worded national security legislation used grant early release to prisoners of conscience
against peaceful dissidents to bring it into line only if they agreed to go into exile. Đặng
with international law and standards. Xuân Diệu, a Catholic social activist and
Viet Nam hosted meetings of the Asia- blogger arrested in 2011, was released in
Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum January after serving six years of a 13-year
throughout the year, including the leaders’ prison sentence. He was immediately flown
summit in November. into exile in France. In July, Pastor Nguyễn
Cong Chinh was released four years before
REPRESSION OF DISSENT the end of his 11-year sentence and
The crackdown on freedom of expression immediately flown to exile in the USA. Both
and criticism of government actions and men were tortured and otherwise ill-treated
policies intensified, causing scores of while imprisoned.
peaceful activists to flee the country. At least Trials of dissidents routinely failed to meet
29 activists were arrested during the year, international standards of fairness; there was
and others went into hiding after arrest a lack of adequate defence as well as denial
warrants were issued. They were charged of the presumption of innocence. Human
mostly under vaguely worded provisions in rights defender and blogger Nguyễn Ngọc
the national security section of the 1999 Như Quỳnh, also known as Mẹ Nấm,
Penal Code or detained on other spurious (Mother Mushroom), was sentenced to 10
charges. Bloggers and pro-democracy years’ imprisonment for

398 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

“conducting propaganda” (Article 88) in region, was denied follow-up treatment after
June. Land and labour activist Trần Thị Nga a medical operation.4 Hòa Hảo Buddhist and
received a nine-year sentence on the same land rights activist Trần Thị Thúy continued
charge with five years’ house arrest upon to be denied adequate treatment for serious
release in July.2 In October, after a trial lasting medical conditions since April 2015.
just a few hours, student Phan Kim Khánh
was sentenced to six years’ imprisonment FREEDOM OF ASSEMBLY
and four years’ house arrest upon release, The authorities used unnecessary or
after conviction under Article 88. He had excessive force to disperse and prevent
criticized corruption and lack of freedom of peaceful gatherings and protests, in
expression in Viet Nam on blogs and social particular those relating to the Formosa
media. He was also accused of being in Plastics toxic spill in April 2016. In February,
contact with “reactionaries” overseas. police and plain-clothes men attacked
In May, the authorities revoked the around 700 mainly Catholic peaceful
Vietnamese citizenship of former prisoner of protesters gathered in Nghệ An province
conscience Phạm Minh Hoàng, a member of before marching to present legal complaints
Viet Tan, an overseas-based group peacefully against Formosa Plastics. Several individuals
campaigning for democracy in Viet Nam. He were injured and required hospital treatment,
was forcibly deported to France in June. and others were arrested.5


Reports continued of torture and other ill- Deaths in police custody in suspicious
treatment, including beatings and other circumstances continued to be reported. Hòa
assaults, of peaceful activists by individuals Hảo Buddhist Nguyễn Hữu Tấn died after
believed to be acting in collusion with his arrest in May. Police claimed that he
security police. In September, Viet Nam’s committed suicide, but his father said that
initial report on implementation of the UN the injuries on his body suggested that he
Convention against Torture, ratified in was tortured before being killed.
November 2014, acknowledged challenges
and difficulties in implementation due to an DEATH PENALTY
“incomplete legal framework on human A Ministry of Public Security report published
rights”, among other reasons. in February revealed the extent of
Prisoners of conscience were routinely held implementation of the death penalty, with an
incommunicado during pre-trial detention, average of 147 executions annually between
lasting up to two years. Detainees were August 2013 and June 2016. The report
denied medical treatment and transferred to stated that five new lethal injection centres
prisons distant from their family home. were to be built. Only one execution was
The whereabouts of Nguyễn Bắc Truyển, a reported by official media during 2017, but
human rights defender arrested in secret in more were believed to have been carried out.
July, were not disclosed to his family until Death sentences were handed down for drug
three weeks later. He was held offences and embezzlement.
incommunicado and denied access to
medication for pre-existing medical
1. Viet Nam: Four peaceful activists arrested in connection with long-
conditions.3 detained human rights lawyer (ASA 41/6855/2017)
Denial of medical treatment was used to try 2. Viet Nam: Female activist sentenced to nine years in prison (ASA
to force prisoners of conscience to “confess” 41/6833/2017)
to crimes. Đinh Nguyễn Kha, an activist 3. Viet Nam: Missing human rights defender at risk of torture − Nguyễn
sentenced to six years’ imprisonment for Bắc Truyển (ASA 41/6964/2017)
distributing leaflets critical of Viet Nam’s 4. Viet Nam: Necessary medical treatment denied to prisoner − Đinh
response to China’s territorial claims in the Nguyễn Kha (ASA 41/5733/2017)

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 399

5. Viet Nam: Hundreds of peaceful marchers attacked by police (ASA controlled southern parts of Yemen including
the governorates of Lahj and Aden. On 4
 December, Ali Abdullah Saleh was killed by

YEMEN Huthi forces consolidating their control over

Meanwhile, rival armed factions proliferated
Republic of Yemen and vied to assert control against a
Head of state: Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi background of economic collapse and
Head of government: Ahmed Obeid bin Daghr widespread lawlessness, in the absence of
functioning state institutions.
All parties to the continuing armed conflict The authority of President Hadi, weak or
committed war crimes and other serious absent in large swathes of the country,
violations of international law, with continued to wane and faced challenges from
inadequate accountability measures in multiple actors and entities. Through its
place to ensure justice and reparation to Supreme Political Council, the Huthi-Saleh
victims. The Saudi Arabia-led coalition alliance undertook, in the areas under their
supporting the internationally recognized control, responsibilities and functions of the
Yemeni government continued to bomb state. This included the formation of a
civilian infrastructure and carried out government, the appointment of governors
indiscriminate attacks, killing and injuring and the issuing of governmental decrees.
civilians. The Huthi-Saleh forces In May, former Governor of Aden Aidarous
indiscriminately shelled civilian residential al-Zubaydi, and Hani bin Brik, a former
areas in Ta’iz city and fired artillery Minister of State, formed a 26-member
indiscriminately across the border into Southern Transition Council. The Council,
Saudi Arabia, killing and injuring civilians. which expressed the aim of an independent
The Yemeni government, Huthi-Saleh forces South Yemen and which enjoyed public
and Yemeni forces aligned to the United support, held several meetings and
Arab Emirates (UAE) engaged in illegal established headquarters in the city of Aden.
detention practices including enforced The continued conflict led to a political and
disappearance and torture and other ill- security vacuum and the establishment of a
treatment. Women and girls continued to safe haven for armed groups and militias,
face entrenched discrimination and other assisted by outside states. Some of these
abuses, including forced and early marriage forces were trained, funded and supported
and domestic violence. The death penalty by the UAE and Saudi Arabia. Some local
remained in force; no information was security forces, including the Hadrami Elite
publicly available on death sentences or Forces and Security Belt Forces, were armed
executions. and trained by and reported directly to the
UAE. Such forces were characterized by in-
BACKGROUND fighting and competing agendas.
Yemen’s territorial divisions and controls The armed group al-Qa’ida in the Arabian
became deeply entrenched as the armed Peninsula (AQAP) continued to control parts
conflict continued between the internationally of southern Yemen and to carry out bomb
recognized government of President Hadi, attacks in the governorates of Aden, Abyan,
supported by the Saudi Arabia-led coalition, Lahj and al-Bayda. Air strikes and strikes by
and the Huthis and allied forces, which remotely piloted vehicles (drones) against
included army units loyal to former President AQAP by US forces increased threefold. US
Ali Abdullah Saleh. The Huthi-Saleh forces also carried out at least two ground
authorities continued to control large parts of assault raids. The armed group Islamic State
the country including the capital, Sana’a, (IS) continued to operate in parts of the
while President Hadi’s government officially country, albeit on a small scale.

400 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

There was no progress in political launched by Huthi-Saleh forces in Ta’iz,
negotiations nor any cessations of hostilities including shelling on a house in the Shab al-
during the year. As military operations and Dhuba district and al-Sameel Market, killing
fighting continued in and around the port three children and injuring seven others.
cities of Mokha and Hodeidah, all parties to The Huthis and allied forces, as well as pro-
the conflict refused to engage with the UN- government forces, continued to recruit and
led process at different times depending on deploy child soldiers.
The UN reported that the Saudi Arabia-led
ARMED CONFLICT coalition supporting President Hadi’s
According to the Office of the UN High government continued to be the leading
Commissioner for Human Rights, 5,144 cause of civilian casualties in the conflict.
civilians, including more than 1,184 children, The coalition continued to commit serious
had been killed and more than 8,749 violations of international human rights law
civilians wounded since the conflict began in and humanitarian law with impunity.
March 2015 until August 2017. The UN Coalition aircraft carried out bomb attacks
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian on areas controlled or contested by Huthi
Affairs (OCHA) reported that more than two forces and their allies, particularly in the
thirds of the population were in need of Sana’a, Ta’iz, Hajjah, Hodeidah and Sa’da
humanitarian assistance and at least 2.9  governorates, killing and injuring thousands
million people had fled their homes. The of civilians. Many coalition attacks were
WHO reported that more than 500,000 directed at military targets, but others were
people were suspected of having cholera due indiscriminate, disproportionate or directed
to lack of clean water and access to health against civilians and civilian objects,
facilities. Nearly 2,000 people had died of including funeral gatherings, schools,
cholera since the outbreak began in 2016. markets, residential areas and civilian boats.
The ongoing conflict was a major factor in the In March, a helicopter attacked a boat
prevalence of cholera in Yemen. carrying 146 Somali migrants and refugees
VIOLATIONS BY HUTHI-SALEH FORCES AND PRO- off the coast of the port city of Hodeidah,
GOVERNMENT MILITIAS killing 42 civilians and injuring 34 others.
Huthi and allied forces, including army units Another attack in August on a residential
loyal to former President Saleh, continued to neighbourhood in southern Sana’a killed 16
employ tactics that appeared to violate the civilians and injured 17 others, the majority of
prohibition of indiscriminate attacks. They whom were children.
indiscriminately fired explosive munitions Coalition forces used imprecise munitions in
with wide-area effects, including mortars and some attacks, including large bombs with a
artillery shells, into residential areas wide impact radius that caused casualties
controlled or contested by opposing forces, and destruction beyond their immediate
killing and injuring civilians. The city of Ta’iz strike location. They also continued to use
was particularly affected, with such attacks cluster munitions in attacks in Sa’da
intensifying at particular times including in governorate, despite such munitions being
January and May. The UN reported that a widely prohibited internationally because of
series of attacks from 21 May to 6 June their inherently indiscriminate nature. Cluster
between Huthi and anti-Huthi forces killed at munitions scattered explosive bomblets over
least 26 civilians and injured at least 61.The wide areas and presented a continuing risk
Huthis and their allies also continued to lay because of their frequent failure to detonate
internationally banned anti-personnel on initial impact. In February, the coalition
landmines that caused civilian casualties. On fired Brazilian-manufactured rockets
15 September, the UN reported a further containing banned cluster munitions on
series of apparently indiscriminate attacks residential areas and farmland in Sa’da city,

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 401

injuring two civilians and causing material UAE-backed Yemeni forces in Aden
damage. perpetrated a campaign of arbitrary detention
AERIAL AND NAVAL BLOCKADE and enforced disappearances. Amnesty
The coalition continued to impose a partial International documented 13 cases of
sea and air blockade that was tightened in arbitrary detention during the year; some of
November, purportedly to enforce the UN- these detainees were held incommunicado or
sanctioned arms embargo on the Huthis and had been subjected to enforced
Saleh-aligned forces. Throughout the year, disappearance. Members of the Baha’i
these blockades curtailed the movement of community were also arbitrarily detained at
people and goods, deepening the Aden International Airport by local forces
humanitarian crisis caused by the conflict aligned with the UAE and were held without
and contributing to violations of the right to charge for nine months.
health and to an adequate standard of living, Professor and political figure Mustafa al-
including adequate food. This contributed to Mutawakel was arbitrarily arrested by the
pervasive food insecurity and what became internationally recognized Yemeni
the world’s worst cholera epidemic. In March, government forces in Marib on 27 April. He
the NGO Save the Children reported that the remained in detention without charge.
coalition prevented three of its aid shipments
from reaching the port of Hodeidah, forcing IMPUNITY
them to reroute to Aden and delaying the Since the conflict began, all parties
delivery of aid for three months. In August, committed serious violations of international
OCHA reported that four vessels carrying humanitarian law and violations and abuses
more than 71,000 tonnes of fuel were denied of human rights law with absolute impunity.
access to Hodeidah by the coalition. In Since its inception in September 2015, the
November, 29 ships carrying essential National Commission to Investigate Alleged
supplies were prevented by the coalition from Violations of Human Rights, established by
reaching Hodeidah port, according to OCHA. the Yemeni government, failed to conduct
prompt, impartial and effective investigations
ARBITRARY ARRESTS AND DETENTIONS consistent with international standards into
The Huthi-Saleh forces, Yemeni government alleged human rights violations committed by
and Yemeni forces aligned with the UAE all parties to the conflict in Yemen. Similarly,
engaged in arbitrary and illegal detention the Saudi Arabia-led coalition investigative
practices. Amnesty International documented mechanism continued to appear to lack the
a few cases in Sana’a and Marib of civilians necessary impartiality and independence to
being detained solely to be used as leverage carry out its work credibly.
in future prisoner exchanges, which amounts With the proliferation of armed groups and
to hostage-taking and is a violation of security forces without command and control
international humanitarian law. and the lack of effective control of the central
In Sana’a and other areas they controlled, government over its security forces and
the Huthis and their allies continued to territories, the space for impunity further
arbitrarily arrest and detain critics and widened. In its mid-term report, the UN
opponents as well as journalists, private Panel of Experts on Yemen expressed
individuals, human rights defenders and concern that member states of the coalition
members of the Baha’i community, were expressly shielding themselves from
subjecting scores to enforced disappearance. accountability and individual responsibility by
Five Baha’i men remained in detention at the hiding behind the umbrella of the coalition.
end of the year. One of the men had been In a positive development, the UN Human
held for nearly four years, accused by the Rights Council passed a resolution in
Huthis of apostasy, which carries the death September mandating a group of experts to
penalty under Yemeni law. investigate abuses by all parties in Yemen.

402 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

This constituted a first step towards justice authorities in Sana’a convicted journalist
for victims of human rights abuses and grave Yahya al-Jubaihi and sentenced him to death
violations of international law. on charges of spying. This was the first time
the Huthi-Saleh authorities had sentenced
FREEDOMS OF EXPRESSION AND somebody to death. Yahya al-Jubaihi was
ASSOCIATION released in September.
The Huthis and their allies, as well as armed
factions in Ta’iz, Aden and Sana’a, waged a
campaign against journalists and human
rights defenders, curtailing freedom of
expression in areas under their de facto Republic of Zambia
administration. Head of state and government: Edgar Chagwa Lungu
The Huthis and allied forces continued to
hold at least nine journalists without charge; The authorities cracked down on critics,
they had been arbitrarily detained for more including human rights defenders,
than two years. Meanwhile in Aden and Ta’iz, journalists and opposition political party
armed groups and security forces members. The Public Order Act was used to
assassinated, harassed, intimidated, detained repress rights to freedom of expression,
and in some cases tortured human rights association and assembly. The police used
defenders and journalists, forcing some to unnecessary and excessive force against
exercise self-censorship and others to flee peaceful protesters and failed to address
Yemen. violence by groups close to the government.
The Saudi Arabia-led coalition and the The judiciary came under verbal attack from
Yemeni government prevented journalists the President. Levels of food insecurity in
from entering Yemen, including by preventing rural areas remained high.
the UN from allowing journalists onto their
flights into Yemen, minimizing coverage and BACKGROUND
effectively imposing a media blackout. This There was heightened tension between
ban was also extended to human rights supporters of the President and of Hakainde
organizations in May. Hichilema, leader of the opposition United
Party for National Development (UPND),
WOMEN’S RIGHTS following the disputed election results in
The protracted conflict exacerbated existing 2016. Hakainde Hichilema refused to
discrimination and inequality for women and recognize Edgar Chagwa Lungu as President.
girls and gave rise to the adoption of negative The Constitutional Court rejected Hakainde
coping mechanisms, such as child marriage, Hichilema’s petition against the results on
especially in the governorates of Ta’iz, Hajjah, procedural grounds. The Court was also
Hodeidah, Ibb and Sana’a. Societal and legal expected to deliver a judgment during 2018
protection mechanisms – however on whether President Lungu could run for
inadequate – broke down. This left women president in the 2021 elections.
and girls with less protection from, and fewer
avenues of redress for, sexual and other FREEDOMS OF ASSEMBLY AND
violence, including female genital mutilation, ASSOCIATION
forced marriage and other abuses. The space for civil society, human rights
defenders, journalists and opposition political
DEATH PENALTY parties was increasingly restricted. The
The death penalty remained in force for authorities continued to use the Public Order
many crimes; no information was publicly Act to prevent political parties and civil
available about death sentences or society organizations from gathering. Section
executions. On 12 April, the Huthi-Saleh 5(4) of the Act provided that anyone

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 403

intending to assemble or convene a public EXCESSIVE USE OF FORCE
meeting or demonstration was required to On 8 April, Hakainde Hichilema and other
give the police seven days’ notice. However, UPND members − Lastone Mulilandumba,
the police interpreted the law as imposing a Muleya Haachenda, Wallace Chakwa,
requirement to obtain prior authorization for Pretorius Haloba and Hamusonde Hamaleka
any public assembly to proceed. On 24  − were arrested and charged with treason
August, police dispersed a prayer meeting and disobeying a lawful order following an
convened to welcome Hakainde Hichilema’s earlier incident in which Hakainde
release from Mukobeko Maximum Security Hichilema’s motorcade refused to give way to
Prison in Kabwe city where he had been held President Lungu’s convoy. Police raided
for four months on charges of treason, which Hakainde Hichilema’s house without a
were dropped. warrant, using tear gas against him and his
On 10 January, UK lawyer Oliver Holland family. On 28 April, his wife, Mutinta, was
was arrested and charged under the Public threatened with arrest after she reported the
Order Act with unlawful assembly for meeting police’s use of excessive force. No charges
with a community in Chingola city who was had been brought against the police in
challenging in court environmental pollution connection with the incident by the end of
allegedly caused by a mining company. He the year. On 15 August, the Director of Public
was released the same day and charges Prosecutions withdrew all charges against
against him were dropped; however, he was Hakainde Hichilema and the other UPND
later charged with conduct likely to breach members.
the peace and ordered to pay a USD5 fine.
Police frequently used unnecessary and FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION
excessive force to disperse protesters. Security forces and political activists affiliated
In April, police stopped a UPND rally in with the Patriotic Front subjected media
Kanyama Township in the capital, Lusaka, on workers, political activists and others who
“security” grounds. Although the UPND had criticized the government to harassment and
notified the police in advance of the rally, intimidation.
they unlawfully dispersed the rally, shooting Staff of the Law Association of Zambia were
20-year-old Stephen Kalipa, one of the harassed and intimidated because of their
protesters. He died later from gunshot work in defence of human rights. On 3
wounds at the hospital. An investigation was March, for example, Patriotic Front loyalists
opened, but no one had been arrested in stormed the Association’s offices demanding
connection with the incident by the end of the resignation of its president, Linda
the year. The police claimed that he died of Kasonde.
knife stab wounds at the hands of an Later the same month, the Association
unidentified assailant. joined a High Court petition to prevent the
On 23 June, police arrested senior UPND liquidation of Post Newspapers – known to be
officials on charges of unlawful assembly highly critical of the government − in
alleging that they held a press briefing at proceedings in which the Zambia Revenue
the UPND’s secretariat offices without Authority, among others, sought the
obtaining prior authorization. On 29 company’s liquidation, alleging that it had
September, police arrested six human rights failed to pay taxes.
defenders who gathered outside Parliament On 3 August, police arrested Saviour
and protested peacefully against the Chishimba, president of the United
government’s purchase, at the inflated cost of Progressive People party on defamation
USD42 million, of 42 fire engines; they were charges after he criticized President Lungu
charged with refusing to obey police orders. for declaring a threatened state of
The protesters were beaten during the protest emergency. Saviour Chishimba was detained
by members of the ruling Patriotic Front.

404 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

for seven days, without being brought before community was not fully consulted over the
a judge; he was released without charge. use of its land for safaris.
In October, the Independent Broadcasting
Authority summoned Prime Television
Zambia’s management to answer allegations
that they had violated the provisions of their
broadcasting licence when they covered a Republic of Zimbabwe
story about the UPND’s parliamentary Head of state and government: Emmerson Dambudzo
candidate for Kalulushi town, Everisto Mnangagwa (replaced Robert Gabriel Mugabe in
Mwalilino, who had accused government November)
officials of electoral corruption. The station
had also highlighted corruption allegations Activists and human rights defenders
against former Information Minister, continued to mobilize to hold the
Chishimba Kambwili. government to account through protests on
the streets and via social media. The state
JUSTICE SYSTEM continued to use the law to crack down on
The government verbally attacked the dissenting voices. The authorities continued
judiciary, which undermined the with forced evictions despite constitutional
independence of the institution. At the same provisions prohibiting the practice.
time, there was a growing public perception Independence of the judiciary remained
of the judiciary as a polarized institution in under threat following amendments to the
which some judges were not politically Constitution.
independent. In September, while on a visit
to South Africa, Hakainde Hichilema accused BACKGROUND
the judiciary of corruption and of being under The economic situation worsened with no
the control of the President. On 2 November, solution to the liquidity crisis in sight.
President Lungu warned judges against In October, the Ministry of Cyber Security,
blocking him from running for President in Threat Detection and Mitigation was
2021. In November, on a trip to Solwezi, he established in response to social media
warned judges against following Kenyan activism.
judges who, in September, had ruled to annul Factionalism and succession battles within
the results of Kenya’s presidential elections. the ruling Zimbabwe African National Union–
Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) party intensified;
RIGHT TO FOOD President Mugabe dismissed the then First
The 2017 Global Hunger Index reported that Vice-President Emmerson Mnangagwa on 6
food insecurity and undernourishment  November, for allegedly plotting against the
remained alarmingly high. Many subsistence government and exhibiting “disloyalty,
farmers were affected because they were deceitfulness, disrespect and unreliability”.
denied access to their land due to ongoing On 14 November, the military took power and
land disputes. In Mpande, Northern after public support for the military action,
Province, over 300 people were locked into a and Parliament’s impeachment process,
legal dispute with the government after they Robert Mugabe resigned on 21 November.
were forcibly evicted from their land to an Emmerson Mnangagwa was sworn in as
arid region where they could not produce President on 24 November.
food. In Kaindu, Mumbwa District, the
owners and employees of a German-owned FREEDOMS OF ASSOCIATION AND
safari company shot at, and verbally abused, ASSEMBLY
members of a 700-strong community, The police dispersed meetings or peaceful
preventing them from fishing in the Kafue protests using excessive force.
River and gathering food from the forest. The

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 405

On 26 June, police arrested Pastor Evan Pastor Evan Mawarire was targeted for
Mawarire in the capital, Harare, after he held various public statements he made criticizing
prayers with University of Zimbabwe medical the government. He had fled the country in
students during a protest against fee July 2016, but was arrested by police in
increases. He was held in Harare Central Harare, upon his return on 31 January, on
Police Station for two days before being charges of subversion and insulting the
released on bail on charges of inciting public national flag. He was released on bail on 8
violence and disorderly conduct. He was February. On 24 September, Pastor Mawarire
acquitted on 29 September, although was arrested again and charged with
separate charges remained against him subverting a constitutionally elected
relating to a different arrest (see below government after he published a video on 23
“Freedom of expression”).  September in which he complained about
In July, Darlington Madzonga and Edmund fuel shortages and rising prices. He was
Musvubi were arrested by police during a released from the Harare Central Police
peaceful protest in Harare, held by the Station on 26 September. On 29 November,
opposition Movement for Democratic Change the Harare High Court acquitted him of all
youth against the Zimbabwe Electoral the charges.
Commission’s failure to implement reforms. On 10 August, Energy Mutodi, a
They were charged with killing a police officer businessman and supporter of Emmerson
during the protest and they remained in Mnangagwa, was arrested in Harare by police
detention in Harare at the end of the year officers of the Criminal Investigation
while their case was pending in court. Department for suggesting on Facebook that
On 10 November, the police disrupted a a coup was likely if President Mugabe did not
meeting in Marange Village, in the east, of 22 choose his successor carefully. He was
activists from Latin American and Southern charged with undermining the President’s
African countries to commemorate the ninth authority and causing disaffection among the
anniversary of the killing of 200 people by the police and defence forces. On 23 August, he
military. The 200 had been killed after they was released from Harare Remand Prison on
took control of the diamond fields in protest bail but his case was ongoing at the end of
at government plans to hand over diamond the year.
mines to Chinese businesses. The 22 Victor Matemadanda, an executive member
activists were arrested and charged with of the National Liberation War Veterans’
entering a protected area without a Association, was detained by police at Harare
government permit. They were released on Central Police Station in August on charges of
11 November after pleading guilty and were undermining the office of the President and
each fined USD100. causing disaffection among the police and
defence forces. He had called on President
FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION Mugabe to step down. He was released on
The state restricted the right to freedom of bail after several days but his case remained
expression particularly of human rights pending at the end of the year.
defenders and other activists. On 2 October, journalist Kenneth Nyangani
On 16 January, Pastor Philip Mugadza was was arrested by police in the city of Mutare
arrested by police in Harare and charged for reporting that the President’s wife donated
with criminal nuisance after he said that clothing, including used underwear, to
President Mugabe would die on 17 October. ZANU-PF supporters in Mutare. He was
He was released on bail on 10 March. His bailed on 4 October and was awaiting trial
case was pending in the Constitutional Court until 13 December when the state failed to
at the end of the year. If convicted, he faces a bring him to trial.
jail sentence of up to six months. On 3 November, journalist Martha
O’Donovan, a US national, was arrested at

406 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

home by the Harare Police and charged with 2000; the forced evictions from Manzou have
insulting the President and attempting to left over 200 families homeless and without
subvert a constitutionally elected compensation.
government. She was alleged to have insulted
Robert Mugabe on Twitter. She was released LEGAL, CONSTITUTIONAL OR
on bail from Chikurubi Maximum Security INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENTS
Prison on 10 November; she had not been In August, Parliament passed a bill amending
brought to trial by the end of the year. section 180 of the 2013 Constitution. MP
Jessie Majome challenged the bill in court on
ARBITRARY ARRESTS AND DETENTIONS the basis that the vote did not meet the
The military police arrested a number of required two-thirds majority and threatened
suspects on charges of fraud and corruption. judicial independence. The bill gives the
Those arrested included senior state officials, President power to unilaterally appoint the
implicated in corruption, whose rights were most senior judicial positions.
denied on arrest, including by being denied
During the military takeover in November, RIGHTS
army personnel detained several members of Economic instability, drought, high poverty
a ZANU- PF faction who were alleged to levels and unemployment put obstacles in
support Emmerson Mnangagwa’s dismissal. the way of access to education, health and
They were held for more than the adequate food. In July, Zimbabwe reported to
constitutionally permitted 48 hours before the Voluntary National Review of Sustainable
being brought to court. Former Finance Development Goals for the UN High Level
Minister Ignatius Chombo, ZANU-PF Youth Political Forum that over 76% of children in
League Commissar Innocent Hamandishe, Zimbabwe lived in consumption poverty, and
and ZANU-PF Youth League secretary a quarter lived in extreme poverty. Difficulties
Kudzanayi Chipanga, were arrested and in paying basic school fees were widespread;
detained by military police on 14 November. the national Food and Nutrition Council
During their detention they were denied found that at least 63% of school-age
access to their lawyers and were not taken to children were turned away from school for
court until 25 November. Ignatius Chombo non-payment of fees. An estimated 4.1 
was charged with corruption and criminal million people in rural areas were reported to
abuse of office; Kudzanayi Chipanga and be food insecure.
Innocent Hamandishe were charged with The right to health was increasingly
publishing or communicating falsehoods after threatened as allocation of budget to health
they claimed at a press conference that Army decreased to only 8.2% of the national
Commander General Chiwenga stole money budget. The Auditor General’s June report
from the sale of Marange diamonds. highlighted a crisis in health service delivery,
and noted shortages of essential medicines
FORCED EVICTIONS and equipment, unavailability of water and
In April, police used excessive force to evict specialized personnel.
around 15 families from Manzou Farm in the
Mashonaland Central Province which SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS
consists of several small farms. The evictions In October, UNICEF reported that 34% of
contravened a High Court order on 24 March girls and women were married by the age of
which directed the government to end the 18. The government was yet to amend the
practice of arbitrary evictions and home Marriage Act or related legislation to comply
demolitions without providing compensation with the Constitutional Court’s 2016 judgment
or alternative land to those evicted. The under which marriage under 18 was
residents had lived on the farmland since unconstitutional. NGOs and girls and women

Amnesty International Report 2017/18 407

giving birth reported that those who had
babies in public health facilities were not
allowed to leave until their fees were paid.
Despite the Ministry of Health policy
guidance that maternal health services
should be provided for free, local authorities
continued to be charged fees for such
services in public health facilities.
Marginalized women and girls experienced
severe delays in accessing maternal health
services or received no care at all.

408 Amnesty International Report 2017/18

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