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STATE OF OHIO, ) Case No. 2009-1580

Respondent-Appellant, ) On Appeal from the
) Lake County Court of Appeals,
V. ) Eleventh Appellate District
) Court of Appeals Case No. 2008-L-032
Petitioner-Appellee. )





Teri R. Daniel (0082157) (COUNSEL OF RECORD)

Administration Building
105 Main Street, P.O. Box 490
Painesville Ohio 44077
(440) 350-2683 Fax (440) 350-2585


Paul Russell Hitchcock, Pro se

P. O. Box 897
Pain A <: ,^ :, ,.,, ^ a.
,^^ E, ^ ^ ^„ ; ^
Now comes the State of Ohio, by and through Charles E. Coulson, Lake County

Prosecuting Attorney, and Teri R. Daniel, Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, and

respectfully requests that this Honorable Court reconsider its decision in the above-

captioned case.

In its decision in In re Sexual Offender Reclassification Cases, Slip Opinion No.

2010-Ohio-3753, this Court reversed and remanded the above-captioned case as it

"rejected constitutional challenges to the Adam Walsh Act on separation-of-powers

grounds." Id. at 9[9[15, 34. However, in State u. Hitchcock, 11'hDist. No. 2008-L-032,

2009-Ohio-4447, the Eleventh District Court of Appeals held that the Adam Walsh Act

was unconstitutional as it violated the Separation of Powers Doctrine:

To the extent the Adam Walsh Act attempts to modify existing final
sentencing judgments, such as Hitchcock's sentence, it violates the
doctrines of separation of powers and finality of judicial judgments,
despite the good intentions of the Legislature. As such, that portion of the
Act is invalid, unconstitutional, and unenforceable.

Id. at 9[54.

Therefore, the State respectfully requests this Honorable Court reconsider its

decision in the above-captioned case.

Respectfully submitted,



Teri R. Pani6t-CO082157)
Administration Building
105 Main Street, P.O. Box 490
Painesville, Ohio 44077
(440) 350-2683 Fax (440) 350-2585

A copy of the foregoing Motion for Reconsideration was sent by regular U. S.

Mail, postage prepaid, to appellant, Paul Russell Hitchcock, Pro se, P. O. Box 897,

Painesville, OH 44077, this A day of August, 2010.

Teri R. Paniel (0082157)

Administration Building
105 Main Street, P.O. Box 490
Painesville, Ohio 44077
(440) 350-2683 Fax (440) 350-2585

[Until this opinion appearsin the Ohio Official Reports advance sheets, it may be cited as In
re Sexual Offender Reclassification Cases, Slip Opiniart No. 2010-0hio-3753.1

This slip opinion is subject to formal revision before it is published in
an advance sheet of the Ohio Official Reports. Readers are requested

to promptly notify the Reporter of Decisions, Supreme Court of Ohio,

65 South Front Street, Colulnbus, Ohio 43215, of any typographical or
other formal errors in the opinion, in order that corrections may be

made before the opinion is published.

SLIP OFirnorr No. 2010-Ol-no-3753


[Until this opinion appears in the Ohio Official Reports advance sheets, it

may be cited as In re Sexual Offender Reclassification Cases,

Slip Opinion No. 2010-Ohio-3753.1

Sexual offender reclassifications pursuant to R.C. 2950.031 and 2950.032 -

"Adam Walsh Act" - Disposition of cases accepted and held for the

decisions in State v. Bodyke and Chojnacki v. Cordray.

(Submitted August 10, 2010 - Decided August 17, 2010.)

{¶ 1} The following dispositions of currently pending appeals and

certified conflicts are hereby entered based on our decision in State v. Bodyke,
_ Ohio St.3d ^ 2010-Ohio-2424, _ N.E.2d _



{¶ 2} The judgments of the courts of appeals in the following cases are

affirmed, because the courts of appeals held the Adam Walsh Act to be
unconstitutional expressly on separation-of-powers grounds.

{¶ 3} 2009-1213. Spangler v. State, Lake App. No. 2008-L-062, 2009-

Ohio-3178. Lanzinger, J., not participating.
{¶ 41 2009-1498. McCostlin v. State, Lake App. No. 2008-L-117, 2009-
Ohio-4097. Lanzinger, J., not participating.

{¶ 5} 2009-1582. State v. Garner, Lake App. No. 2008-L-087, 2009-

{¶ 6} The certified questions in the following cases are answered in the
affirmative, and the judgments of the courts of appeals are affirmed, because the
courts of appeals held the Adam Walsh Act to be unconstitutional expressly on

separation-of-powers grounds.
{¶ 7} 2009-1682 and 2009-2026. Naples v. State, Trumbull App. No.

2008-T-0092, 2009-Ohio-3938.
{¶ 8} 2009-1827 and 2009-2027. State v. Grate, Trumbull App. No.

2008-T-0058, 2009-Ohio-4452.
{¶ 9} The judgments of the courts of appeals in the following cases are

affirmed in judgment only, because the courts of appeals held the Adam Walsh
Act to be unconstitutional on rationales other than the separation-of-powers

{¶ 10} 2009-1290. State v. Ettenger, Lake App. No. 2008-L-054, 2009-
Ohio-3525. Lanzinger, J., not participating.

January Term, 2010

{¶ 11} 2009-1798. Thomas v. State, Lake App. No. 2008-L-026, 2009-

Ohio-5209. Lanzinger, J., not participating.

{¶ 12) 2009-1799. State v. Bache, Lake App. No. 2008-L-061, 2009-
{T 13} The first certified question in the following case is answered in the

affirmative and the judgment of the court of appeals is affirmed in judgment only.
The court declines to answer the remaining certified questions.

{¶ 14) 2009-2030 and 2009-2325. Pollis v. State, Trumbull App. No.

2008-T-0055, 2009-Ohio-5058.
{¶ 151 The judgments of the courts of appeals in the following cases are
reversed as to those portions of the judgments that rejected constitutional
challenges to the Adam Walsh Act on separation-of-powers grounds, and the
causes are remanded to the trial courts for further proceedings, if any, necessitated

by State v. Bodyke.
{¶ 16) 2009-0236. State v. Netherland, Ross App. No. 08CA3043, 2008-
{¶ 17} 2009-0355. State v. Randleit, Ross App. No. 08CA3046, 2009-
{¶ 18} 2009-0427. State v. Ellis, Cuyahoga App. No. 90844, 2008-Ohio-
{¶ 191 2009-0451. State v. Brown, Cuyahoga App. No. 90798, 2009-

{¶ 20} 2009-0488. State v. Sewell, Ross App. No. 08CA3042, 2009-
{¶ 21} 2009-0806. Engels v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-080725.


{¶ 22} 2009-1002. Brooks v. State, Lorain App. No. 08CA009452, 2009-

{¶ 23} 2009-1010. Moran v. State, Clermont App. No. CA2008-05-057,
{¶ 24} 2009-1014. West v. State, Haanilton App. No. C-080612.
{¶ 25} 2009-1032. Foster v. State, Hamilton App. No. C.080651:
{+^ 26} 2009-1058. Sigler v. State, Richland App. No. 08-CA-79, 2009-
{¶ 27} 2009-1086. Gildersleeve v. State, Cuyahoga App. Nos. 91515,
91516, 91517, 91518, 91519, 91521, 91522, 91523,91524, 91525, 91526, 91527,
91528, 91529, 91530, 91531, and 91532, 2009-Ohio-2031.
{¶ 28} 2009-1433. Culgan v. State, Richland App. No. 08-CA-217, 2009-
{¶ 291 2009-1467. State v. Maggy, Trumbull App. No. 2008-T-0078,
2009-Ohio-3180. Lanzinger, J., not participating.
{¶ 30} 2009-1483. Biggs v. State, Richland App. No. 08-CA-224, 2009-
{¶ 31} 2009-1545. Webster v. State, Richland App. No. 2008 CA 0163,
{¶ 321 2009-1550. Welker v. State, Richland App. No. 08-CA-262, 2009-
{¶ 33} 2009-1554. Harrison v. State, Cuyahoga App. No. 92095, 2009-
{¶ 34} 2009-1580. State v. Hitchcock, Lake App. No. 2008-L-032, 2009-
{¶ 35} 2009-1581. Sears v. State, Clermont App. No. CA2008-07-068,

January Term, 2010

{¶ 36} 2009-1585. Dunbar v. State, Richland App. No. 2008CA0173,

{¶ 37} 2009-1622. State v. Aleshire, Ross App. No. 09CA3093, 2009-
{¶ 38} 2009-1628. In re J.M, Cuyahoga App. No. 91800, 2009-Ohio-
{¶ 39} 2009-1657. State v. Curd, Lake App. No. 2008-L-048, 2009-Ohio-
3814. Lanzinger, J., not participating.
{¶ 401 2009-1668. Elko v. State, Richland App. No. 2008CA0220, 2009-

{¶ 41} 2009-1691. State v. Pernon, Lake App. No. 2008-L-066, 2009-

Ohio-3937. Lanzinger, J., not participating.

{¶ 421 2009-1699. Ahmed v. State, Richland App. No. 2008 CA 0165,
{¶ 431 2009-1700. Douse v. State, Richland App. No. 2008 CA 324,
{¶ 44} 2009-1725. Mundt v. State, Richland App. No. 2008CA0263,
{¶ 451 2009-1737. Taylor v. State, Richland App. No. 2008CA0161,
{¶ 461 2009-1738. Ball v. State, Lake App. No. 2008-L-053, 2009-Ohio-
4099. Lanzinger, J., not participating.
{¶ 471 2009-1797. Bertram v. State, Lake App. No. 2008-L-037, 2009-
{^ 48) 2009-1845. State v. Kasunick, Lake App. No. 2008-L-056, 2009-
Ohio-4449. Lanzinger, J., not participating.

{¶ 49} 2009-1856. State v. Petralia, Lake App. No. 2008-L-095, 2009-

Ohio-4450. Lanzinger, J., not participating.


{¶ 50) 2009-1864. McKinney v. State, Warren App. No. CA2009-04-041,

{¶ 51} 2009-1887. Searles v. State, Warren App. No. CA2009-05-055,
{¶ 52} 2009-2108. Burbrink v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-081075,
{¶ 53) 2009-2113. Lohman v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-080957.
{¶ 541 2009-2114. Johnson v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-080997.
{¶ 551 2009-2135. State v. Bundy, Montgomery App. Nos. 23063 and
23064, 2009-Ohio-5395.
{¶ 56) 2009-2163. Roy v. State, Butler App. No. CA2009-02-067, 2009-
{¶ 571 2009-2221. Cramer v. State, Warren App. No. CA2009-06-080.
{¶ 58) 2010-0027. In re D.P., Lake App. No. 2008-L-186, 2009-Ohio-
6149. Lanzinger, J., not participating.
{¶ 59} 2010-0029. In re R,J.G., Lalce App. No. 2008-L-187, 2009-Ohio-
6150. Lanzinger, J., not participating.
{¶ 60} 2010-0096. Gentry v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-081311.
{$ 61) 2010-0097. Dunn v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-081310.
{¶ 62} 2010-0098. Hill v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-081289.
{¶ 63} 2010-0100. Robinson v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-090002.
{¶ 64} 2010-0101. Moore v. State, Hainilton App. No. C-081290.
{¶ 65} 2010-0102. Scheuerman v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-081291.
{t 661 2010-0103. Springer v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-081305.
{¶ 67} 2010-0104. Stafford v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-081270.
{¶ 68) 2010-0105. Gibson v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-081269.
{¶ 691 2010-0106. Ajamu v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-081271.
{¶ 70) 2010-0195. Janson v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-090039.

January Term, 2010

{¶ 71) 2010-0196. Hall v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-090021.

{¶ 72} 2010-0197. Ellison v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-090017.
{¶ 731 2010-0199. Santoro v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-090022.
{¶ 74) 2010-0200. Cody v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-090010.
{¶ 75) 2010-0201. Short v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-090016.
{¶ 761 2010-0202. Zeiger v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-090023.
{¶ 771 2010-0203. Nero v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-090024.
{¶ 781 2010-0204. Jones v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-090045.
{¶ 791 2010-0205. Fairbanks v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-090005.
{¶ 80} 2010-0206. Claxton v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-090004.
{¶ 811 2010-0207. Jackson v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-081306.
{t 821 2010-0256. In re McClurg, Hamilton App. No. C-081233.
{jf 83} 2010-0262. James v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-090129.
{¶S4} 2001-0263. Tillman v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-081276.
{¶ 851 2010-0264. Faulk'ner v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-090130.
{¶ 86) 2010-0265. Turner v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-090105.
{¶ 87} 2010-0274. State v. Rice, Lake App. No. 2008-L-105, 2009-Ohio-
6999. Lanzinger, J., not participating.
(¶ 881 2010-0285. Adamson v. State, Lake App. No. 2008-L-045, 2009-
Ohio-6996. Lanzinger, J., not participating.
{¶ 891 2010-0291. Hungerford v. State, Lake App. No. 2008-L-073,
2009-Ohio-6997. O'Connor and Lanzinger, JJ., not participating.
{¶ 90) The certified question in the following case is answered in the
affirmative, the judgment of the court of appeals is reversed as to that portion of
the judgment that rejected the constitutional challenge to the Adam Walsh Act on
separation-of-powers grounds, and the cause is remanded to the trial court for

further proceedings, if any, necessitated by State v. Bodyke.


{¶ 91) 2009-1525 and 2009-1832. Smallwood v. State, Butler App. No.

CA2009-02-057, 2009-Ohio-3682.
{¶ 92) The first certified question in the following case is answered in the
affirmative, the judgment of the court of appeals is reversed as to that portion of
the judgment that rejected the constitutional challenge to the Adam Walsh Act on
separation-of-powers grounds, and the cause is remanded to the trial court for

further proceedings, if any, necessitated by State v. Bodyke. The court declines to

answer the remaining certified questions.
{¶ 931 2009-2078 and 2010-0023. State v. Russell, Trumbull App. No.

2008-T-0074, 2009-Ohio-5213.
{T 941 The discretionary appeals are accepted in the following cases on
the proposition of law noted, the judgments of the courts of appeals are reversed
as to those portions of the judgments that rejected constitutional challenges to the
Adam Walsh Act on separation-of-powers grounds, and the causes are remanded

to the trial courts for further proceedings, if any, necessitated by State v. Bodyke.

{¶ 951 2010-0404. Miller v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-090131.

Proposition of Law No. III. Motion for stay of jurisdictional consideration denied

as moot.
{¶ 961 2010-0405. Masterson v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-090175.
Proposition of Law No. III. Motion for stay of jurisdictional consideration denied

as moot.
{¶ 971 2010-0406. Brannon v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-090141.
Proposition of Law No. III. Motion for stay of jurisdictional consideration denied

as moot.

January Term, 2010

{¶ 98} 2010-0407. James v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-090176.

Proposition of Law No. III. Motion for stay of jurisdictional consideration denied
as moot.
{¶ 99} 2010-0410. Bender v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-090188.

Proposition of Law No. III. Motion for stay of jurisdictional consideration denied
as moot.
{^ 100} 2010-0411. Pickett v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-090212.

Proposition of Law No. III. Motion for stay of jurisdictional consideration denied

as moot.
{T 101} 2010-0412. Thompson v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-090106.

Proposition of Law No. 111. Motion for stay of jurisdictional consideration denied
as moot.
{¶ 102} 2010-0413. Fleming v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-090107.

Proposition of Law No. IIL Motion for stay of jurisdictional consideration denied
as moot.
{¶ 103} 2010-0417. Averill v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-090058.

Proposition of Law No. III. Motion for stay of jurisdictional consideration denied
as moot.
{¶ 104} 2010-0418. Bodon v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-090266.

Proposition of Law No. III. Motion for stay of jurisdictional consideration denied
as moot.
{¶ 105} 2010-0419. Weatherspoon v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-

090142. Proposition of Law No. ITI. Motion for stay of jurisdictional

consideration denied as moot.
{¶ 106} 2010-0420. Harris v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-090052.

Proposition of Law No. III. Motion for stay of jurisdietional consideration denied
as moot.


{¶ 107} 2010-0424. Brozell v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-090187.

Proposition of Law No. III. Motion for stay of jurisdictional consideration denied

as moot.
{¶ 108} 2010-0477. Howell v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-090003.
Proposition of Law No. III. Motion for stay of jurisdictional consideration denied

as moot.
{¶ 109} 2010-0478. White v. State; Hamilton App. No. C-090177.
Proposition of Law No. III. Motion for stay of jurisdictional consideration denied

as moot.
{T 110} 2010-0549. Stzate v. Hutchinson, Stark App. No. 2009CA001.74,
2010-Ohio-537. Proposition of Law No. II.
{¶ 1111 2010-0565. In re Rodney C., Licking App. No. 09 CA 71, 2010-
Ohio-646. Proposition of Law No. IV.
{¶ 112} 2010-0589. Thomas v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-090267.
Proposition of Law No. III. Motion for stay of jurisdictional consideration denied

as moot.

{¶ 113} 2010-0613. State v. Zerla, Jefferson App. No. 08 JE 8, 2010-

Ohio-749: Proposition of Law No. IIT.
{¶ 1141 2010•0629. Beek v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-090213, 2010-
Ohio-669. Proposition of Law No. III. Motion for stay of jurisdictional
consideration denied as moot.
{¶ 115} 2010-0715. Russ v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-090046.
Proposition of Law No. lII. Motion for stay of jixrisdictional consideration denied
as moot.
{¶ 116} 2010-0716. Robinson v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-090301.
Proposition of Law No. IIL Motion for stay of jurisdictional consideration denied

as moot.

January Term, 2010

{¶ 117} 2010-0758. Paster v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-090322.

Proposition of Law No. 111. Motion for stay of jurisdictional consideration denied

as moot.
{¶ 118} 2010-0759. Collier v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-090394.

Proposition of Law No. III. Motion for stay of jurisdictional consideration denied
as moot.
{¶ 119} 2010-0760. Pelcha v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-090474.

Proposition of Law No. IIL Motion for stay of jurisdictional consideration denied
as moot.
{¶ 120} 2010-0761. Valle v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-090244.
Proposition of Law No. III. Motion for stay of jurisdictional co'nsideration denied

as moot.
{¶ 121} 2010-0762. Deaton v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-090028.

Proposition of Law No. III. Motion for stay of jurisdictional consideration denied
as moot.
{¶ 122} 2010-0763. Hatton v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-090395.
Proposition of Law No. IIl. Motion for stay of jurisdictional consideration denied
as moot.
{¶ 123} 2010-0767. Pfaehler v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-090417.

Proposition of Law No. III. Motion for stay of jurisdictional consideration denied
as moot.
{$ 124} 2010-0820. Barnes v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-090030.

Proposition of Law No. III. Motion for stay of jurisdictional consideration denied
as moot.
{¶ 125} 2010-0821. Griffin v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-090031.
Proposition of Law No. III. Motion for stay of jurisdictional consideration denied
as moot.


{¶ 126} 2010-0822. Divo v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-090396.

Proposition of Law No. III. Motion for stay of jurisdictional consideration denied

as moot.
{¶ 127} 2010-0834. Smith v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-090264.

Proposition of Law No. III.

{Q 128} 2010-0842. Powell v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-090469.
Proposition of Law No. III. Motion for stay of jurisdictional consideration denied

{¶ 129} 2010-0843. Martin v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-090437.
Proposition of Law No. III. Motion for stay of jurisdictional consideration denied

as moot.
{¶ 130} 2010-0844. Frost v. State, Hamilton App. No. C-090486.
Proposition of Law No. III. Motion for stay of jurisdictional consideration denied

as moot.
{¶ 131} The judgments of the courts of appeals in the following cases are
vacated, and the causes are remanded to the trial courts for further proceedings
consistent with State v. Bodyke.
{¶ 132} 2009-1423. State v. 12itchey, Franklin App. No. 08AP-923,
{¶ 133} 2009-1623. State v. Gruszka, Lorain App. No. 08CA009515,
{¶ 134} 2010-0148. State v. Downing, Franklin App. No. 09AP-420,
{¶ 135} The judgments of the courts of appeals in the following cases are
reversed as to those portions of the judgments that rejected constitutional
challenges to the Adam Walsh Act on separation-of-powers grounds, and the

January Term,2010

causes are remanded to the trial courts to reinstate appellants' original sex

offender classifications and concomitant registration and reporting requirements.

Appellants' first Propositions of Law are rendered moot by State v. Bodyke.

{¶ 136} 2009-0446. State v. Messer, Ross App. No. 08CA3050, 2009-

{¶ 137} 2009-0448. State v. Linville, Ross App. No. 08CA3051, 2009-
{If 138} 2009-1342. State v. Case, Huron App. No. H-08-009, 2009-

{¶ 139} The judgment of the court of appeals in the following case is
reversed as to that portion of the judgment that upheld appellant's reclassification
under the Adam Walsh Act, and the cause is remanded to the trial court to
reinstate appellant's original sex offender classification and concomitant
registration and reporting requirements. Appellant's Proposition of Law raising a
right to counsel in a reclassification hearing is rendered moot by State v. Bodyke.

{¶ 140} 2010-0004. State v. Sprauer, Ross App. No. 09CA3121, 2009-

{¶ 141} The judgment of the court of appeals in the following case is

affirmed in judgment only, because the court of appeals held the Adam Walsh Act
to be unconstitutional on a rationale other than the separation-of-powers doctrine.
The court does not reach appellant's other claims because appellee will not be
subject to reclassification.
{¶ 142} 2009-1860. State v. Strickland, Lake App. No. 2008-L-034,


{$ 143) The following case is remanded to the trial court consistent with

the opinion of the court of appeals.

{¶144} 2010-0162. State v.Ftat•ks, Trumbull App. No. 2008-T-0119,





Respondent-i ppellee, FELEVJ^

- vs -

PAUL RUSSELL HITCHCO^CK ,,.,,:;_} n o r:i.!-y

i.i:fiK OF CU, ^RT
. ^ L?u(c CQiJNI"Y, .
^ ^

Civil Appeal from the Lake County Court of Common Pleas, Case No. 07 MS 000017.

Judgment: Reversed.

Charfes E. Coulson, Lake County Prosecutor, and Teri R. Daniel, Assistant Prosecutor,
105 Main Street, P.O. Box 490, Painesville, OH 44077 ( For Respondent-Appellee).

Paul R. Hitchcock, pro se, 1025 Ivanhoe Road, Apt. 2, Cleveland, OH 44110
( Petitioner-Appellant).


{¶i} Appellant, Paul R. Hitchcock, appeals the judgment of the Lake County

Court of Common Pleas, denying his Petition to Contest Reclassification and classifying

him a Tier II sex offender. The fundamental principles of the "separation of powers"

doctrine as written by our forefathers in our United States Constitution is inviolate, and,

therefore, mandates reversal of the decision of the court below. However, Hitchcock
must still comply with the notification and registration requirements under his original


{¶2} On July 24, 2000, Hitchcock pleaded guilty to one count of Attempted

Gross Sexual Imposition, a felony of the fourth degree, in violation of R.C. 2923.02 and

R.C. 2907.05. He was found to be a sexually oriented offender.

{¶3} Hitchcock was reclassified as a Tier II offender pursuant to the new

version of R.C. Chapter 2950, with reporting requirements for 25 years. He contested

his reclassification, filing a Petition to Contest Reclassification on December 27, 2007.

{¶4} A hearing was held February 14, 2008. The court held that Hitchcock was

unable to prove, by clear and convincing evidence, that his new registration

requirements did not apply in the manner specified by the Attorney General. Hence, the

court determined that Hitchcock was properly reclassified as a Tier ll Offender.

{¶5} Hitchcock timely appeals and raises the following assignment of error:

{16} "[1.] The retroactive application of Senate Bill 10 violates the Ex Post

Facto, Due Process, and Double Jeopardy Clauses of the United States Constitution

and the Retroactivity Clause of Section 28, Article II of the Ohio Constitution; Fifth,

Eighth, and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution; Section 10,

Article I, of the United States Constitution; and Sections 10 and 28, Articles I and II,

respectively, of the Ohio Constitution."

{¶7} Senate Bill 10, also known as the Adam Walsh Child Protection and

Safety Act (AWA), passed in June 2007, with an effective date of January 1, 2008,

amended the sexual offender classification system found in R.C. 2950.01. In re Gant,

3d Dist. No. 1-08-11, 2008-Ohio-5198, at ¶11. Under the prior classification system, the

trial court determined whether the offender fell into one of three categories: (1) sexually

oriented offender, (2) habitual sex offender, or (3) sexual predator. Former R.C.

2950.09; State v. Cook, 83 Ohio St.3d 404, 407, 1998-Ohio-291. In determining

whether to classify an offender as a sexual predator, former R.C. 2950.09(B)(3)

provided the trial court with numerous factors to consider in its determination. In re

Smith, 3d Dist. No. 1-07-58, 2008-Ohio-3234, at¶28.

{18} Under the new classification system, adopted by the AWA, the trial court

must designate the offender as either a Tier I, II, or1ll sex offender. R.C. 2950.01(E)(F)

and (G); Gant, 2008-Ohio-5198, at 115. The new classification system places a much

greater limit on the discretion of the trial court to categorize the offender, as the AWA

requires the trial court to simply place the offender into one of the three tiers based on

the offender's offense.

(119) Enactments of the Ohio General Assembly are presumed constitutional.

State ex rel. Dickman v. Defenbacher (1955), 164 Ohio St. 142, at paragraph one of the

syllabus. The "presumption applies to amended R.C. Chapter 2950 *"`, and remains

unless [the challenger] establishes, beyond reasonable doubt, that the statute is

unconstitutional." State v. Ferguson, 120 Ohio St.3d 7, 2008-Ohio-4824, at ¶12 (citation


{¶10} Hitchcock first claims that applying the AWA to crimes that occurred

before January 1, 2008, violates the ex post facto clause of the United States

Constitution. Section 10, Article I of the United States Constitution prohibits ex post

facto laws. "Any statute which punishes as a crime an act previously committed, which

was innocent when done, which makes more burdensome the punishmenf for a crime,

after its commission, is prohibited as ex post facto." Beazell v. Ohio (1925), 269

U.S. 167, 169-170. The ex post facto clause, however, only applies to criminal statutes.

State v. Cook, 83 Ohio St.3d 404, 415, 1998-Ohio-291. Thus, if a statute is civil, then

there can be no violation of the ex post facto clause.

{111} To determine the nature of a particular statute, it is necessary to consider

both the [L]egislature's intent in enacting the statute and the effect of the statute in

practice. This analysis is known as the "'intent-effects' test." Id. Since the ex post facto

clause only prohibits criminal statutes and punitive schemes, the court must first ask

"whether the Legislature intended for the statute to be civil and non-punitive or criminal

and punitive." In re G.E.S., 9th Dist. No. 24079, 2008-Ohio-4076, at ¶18 (citations

omitted). If "the [L]egislature intended for the statute to be civil and non-punitive, then

the court must ask whether the statutory scheme is so punitive in nature that its purpose

or effect negates the [L]egislature's intent." Id., quoting United States v. Ward (1980),

448 U.S. 242, 248-249. To survive an ex post facto challenge, a statute must be civil

and non-punitive with regard to both the Legislature's intent in enacting it and its actual

effect upon enactment. See Smith v. Doe (2003), 538 U.S. 84, 92.

{112} When applying the intent-effects test to the former R.C. Chapter 2950, the

Ohio Supreme Court held that the General Assembly did not intend for the statute to be

punitive because the purpose of the scheme had been to promote public safety and

increase public confidence in the state's criminal and mental health systems. Cook, 83

Ohio St.3d. at 417. The Cook court found that the General Assembly's declaration of

purpose was controlling in deciding legislative intent.

{113} Hitchcock argues two points that he believes indicate that, despite the

similarities between the prior version of R.C. Chapter 2950 and the new version, the

intent of the AWA is punitive. He first argues that the old classification and registration

requirements were tied directly to the ongoing threat to the community. However,

according to Hitchcock, under the new statutory scheme, an individual's registration and

classification obligations depend on the convicted offense.

{114} Although Hitchcock is correct that under the new system the offense type

determines what tier an offender is placed in, the old version of R.C. Chapter 2950's

classification was also partially tied to the offense. See State v. Byers, 7th Dist. No. 07

CO 39, 2008-Ohio-5051, at ¶25. Further, "it cannot necessarily be concluded that

Senate Bill 10's tiers are not directly tied to the ongoing threat to the community that sex

offenders pose. The types of offenses that are placed in Tier I are less severe sex

offenses, Tier II are more severe, and Tier III are the most severe offenses. Also within

these tiers are some factual determinations, such as if the offense was sexually

motivated, age of victim and offender,. and consent. Likewise, every time an offender

commits another sexually oriented offense the tier level rises. R.C. 2950.01(F)(1)(i) and

(G)(1)(i). This formula detailed by the legislature illustrates that it is considering

protecting the public. Consequently, this new formula does not appear to change the

spelled out intent of the .General Assembly in R.C. 2950.02." Id. at ¶26; Ferguson,

2008-Ohio-4824, at ¶35 (amendments to the Act were made "in an effort to better

protect the public from the risk of recidivist offenders by maintaining the predator

classification so that the public had notice of the offender's past conduct -- conduct that

arguably is indicative of future risk").

{¶15} Hitchcock next argues that the General Assembly placed the AWA within

Title 29, Ohio's Criminal Code, and this shows intent for it to be criminal. This argument

is not persuasive. The prior version of R.C. Chapter 2950 was within the criminal code,

yet the Ohio Supreme Court determined that it was civil in nature. The fact that the Act

is contained in the Criminal Code and prescribes criminal penalties for failure to comply

does not render it punitive. Moreover, the United States Supreme Court has held that

neither of these characteristics necessarily renders a civil regulatory statute punitive.

Smith, 538 U.S. at 94 ("[t]he location and labels of a statutory provision do not by

themselves transform a civil remedy into a criminal one"), and 96 ("[i]nvoking the

criminal process in aid of a statutory regime does not render the statutory scheme itself


{¶16} Based on the above discussion, the General Assembly did not intend for

the statute to be punitive. We must now decide whether the AWA has such a punitive

effect as to negate the Legislature's intent. While there is no test to determine whether

a statute is so punitive as to violate the constitutional prohibition against ex post facto

laws, the United States Supreme Court has provided certain guideposts to be applied in

resolving this issue. The guideposts include, "[w]hether the sanction involves an

affirmative disability or restraint, whether it has historically been regarded as a

punishment, whether it comes into play only on a finding of scienter, whether its

operation will promote the traditional aims of punishment -- retribution and deterrence,

whether the behavior to which it applies is already a crime, whether an alternative

purpose to which it may rationally be connected is assignable for it, and whether it

appears excessive in relation to the alternative purpose assigned "'*." Kennedy v.

Mendoza-Martinez (1963), 372 U.S. 144, 168-169 (footnotes omitted).

{117} When addressing the guideposts, this court has held that "analysis

supports the conclusion that any punitive effect of the provisions is insufficient to negate

the remedial purpose." Naples v. State, 11th Dist. No. 2008-T-0092, 2009-Ohio-3938,

at ¶38.

{118} Finally, we note that the other appellate districts that have considered this

issue have concluded that the registration and notification requirements of the AWA

remain civil and nonpunitive in nature after the amendments enacted by Senate Bill 10.

See State v. Omiecinski, 8th Dist. No. 90510, 2009-Ohio-1066, at ¶¶34-42, and the

cases cited therein. Thus, this argument is without merit.

{119} Next, Hitchcock argues that the retroactive application of the AWA violates

Article 11, Section 28 of the Ohio Constitution, which provides that "[t]he general

assembly shall have no power to pass retroactive laws." The Ohio Supreme Court has

construed the prohibition to apply to "[e]very statute which takes away or impairs vested

rights acquired under existing laws, or creates a new obligation, imposes a new duty, or

attaches a new disability, in respect to transactions or considerations already past."

Gincinnati v. Seasongood (1889), 46 Ohio St. 296, 303 (citation omitted).

{120} Hitchcock specifically argues that the AWA eliminates his preexisting right

to reside where he wishes and the law imposes "new obligations and burdens which did

not exist at the time that [he] committed the alleged offense."

{¶21} The Supreme Court in Cook explained that R.C. 1.48 dictates that statutes

are presumed to apply only prospectively unless specifically made retroactive. Cook,

83 Ohio St.3d at 410. Thus, before we can determine whether R.C. Chapter 2950 can

be constitutionally applied retrospectively, we must first determine whether the General

Assembly specified that the statute would apply retroactively. Id., citing Van Fossen v.

Babcock & Wilcox Co. (1988), 36 Ohio St.3d 100, at paragraph one of the syllabus.

{122} With respect to the residency restrictions, codified at R.C. 2950.034

[former R.C. 2950.031], the Ohio Supreme Court has held that these do not apply

retroactively. Hyle v. Porter, 117 Ohio St.3d 165, 2008-Ohio-542, at syllabus.

{123} A statutory provision can be employed retroactively under limited

circumstances. In State v. Consilio; 114 Ohio St.3d 295, 2007-Ohio-4163, the Ohio

Supreme Court fashioned a two part test to determine whether statutes may be applied

retroactively. "First, the reviewing court must determine as a threshold matter whether

the statute is expressly made retroactive." Id. at ¶10 (citations omitted). Next "[ilf a

statute is clearly retroactive "** the reviewing court must then determine whether it is

substantive or remedial in nature." Id. (citation omitted). A purely remedial statute does

not violate Section 28, Article II of the Ohio Constitution, even if applied retroactively.

(124) Pursuant to the AWA version of R.C. 2950.01, sex offender classifications

under the new law are applicable to a sex offender who is convicted of, pleads guilty to,

has been convicted of, or has pleaded guilty to certain sexually oriented offenses.

There are other examples of the Legislature's retroactive intent delineated in R.C.

Chapter 2950. See R.C. 2950.03(A); R.C. 2950.031; and R.C. 2950.033. Therefore,

the Legislature has specifically made the new version of Chapter 2950 retroactive as it

applies to offenders who have been found guilty of or pleaded guilty to certain offenses

pr'ior to the enactment of the new law.

{¶25} We must now determine whether the provisions should be characterized

as substantive or remedial. A statute is substantive if it impairs or takes away vested

rights, affects an accrued substantive right, imposes new or additional burdens, duties,

obligation, or liabilities to a past transaction, or creates a new right. Van Fossen, 36

Ohio St.3d at 106-107. Whereas, remedial laws are those affecting only the remedy

provided, and include laws that merely substitute a new or more appropriate remedy for

the enforcement of an existing right. Id. at 107.

{¶26} There are differences between the 1997 version of R.C. Chapter 2950 and

AWA version. Now, there are possibly more counties an offender must register in and

more information that the offender must provide when registering. Additionally, there is

the internet sex offender database which anyone can access.

{127} However, with respect to the increased registration and notification

requirements, the Ohio Supreme Court has rejected these arguments on the grounds

that the more burdensome registration requirements and more extensive community

notification provisions did not alter the essentially regulatory purpose of the act.

Ferguson, 2008-Ohio-4824, at ¶39 ("Ohio retroactivity analysis does not prohibit all

increased burdens; it prohibits only increased punishment").

{128} The Cook Court concluded that the registration anj verification provisions

of the 1997 version of R.C. Chapter 2950 were remedial in nature. The court stated that

the registration and address verification provisions of R.C. Chapter 2950 were de

minimis procedural requirements that were necessary to achieve the goals of R.C.

Chapter 2950, to protect the public. Cook, 83 Ohio St.3d at 412-413. Cook is still

controlling law; the Ohio Supreme Court has continued to indicate that sex offender

classification is civil, not criminal in nature. Further, "[w]hile we recognize that AWA has

a significant impact upon the lives of sex offenders, that impact does not offend Ohio's

prohibition on retroactive laws. Public safety is the driving force behind AWA." G.E.S.,

2008-Ohio-4076, at ¶17. Consequently, the Retroactivity Clause has not been violated.

{129} Next, Hitchcock argues that the registration period is excessive and

violates the prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment. The State contends that

Hitchcock waives this argument because he failed to raise this constitutional challenge

in the trial court. See State v. Awan (1986), 22 Ohio St.3d. 120, at syllabus.

{q30} However, even if this argument was not waived, the AWA does not violate

the prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment. See Naples, 2009-Ohio-3938, at

¶33, ("the fact that this is a longer period of time than was under the [pre-AWA] version

does not impact the analysis. As long as R.C. Chapter 2950 is viewed as civil, and not

criminal - remedial and not punitive - then the pe(od of registration cannot be viewed as

punishment. Accordingly, it logically follows that it does not constitute cruel and unusual

punishment since the punishment element is lacking.") (citat[on omitted).

{131} Hitchcock next argues that he could not be sentenced under the AWA

because it was not effective at the time of his sentencing. He claims that portions of the

AWA became effective July 1, 2007, while other portions did not become effective until

January 1, 2008. He contends that R.C. 2950.09, the prior version, which is the statute

for the adjudication of an offender as a sexual predator, was repealed on July 1, 2007.

That section established the sexual classification hearing to determine if an offender

was a sexually oriented offender, habitual sex offender, or sexual predator. He asserts

that R.C. 2950.01, the AWA version, which dictates what tier an offender who commits

a sexually oriented offense should be placed in, was not effective until January 1, 2008.

Therefore, according to Hitchcock, anyone who was sentenced between July 1, 2007

and December 31, 2007 cannot be subject to former R.C. Chapter 2950's requirements

or to AWA's reporting requirements.

{132} However, as the State maintains, "[t]his is a very specific argument that

applies to a narrow group of sexual offenders. This argument does not apply to Mr.

Hitchcock because he was sentenced in 2000, well before [the AWA] was even

contemplated." We agree; this argument is not applicable to Hitchcock. Accordingly,

this argument is without merit.

{¶33} Hitchcock next maintains that the AWA categorically bars him from

residing within 1000 feet of a school, preschool or child day-care center, violating his

substantive due process rights.

{134} The State counters that Hitchcock lacks standing to challenge these

restrictions, in the absence.of any evidence of an injury in fact or an actual deprivation

.of his property rights or his right to privacy.

{¶35} "A person has no standing to attack the constitutionality of an ordinance

unless he has a direct interest in the ordinance of such a nature that his rights will be

adversely affected by its enforcement." Anderson v. Brown (1968), 13 Ohio St.2d 53, at

paragraph three of the syllabus. "The constitutionality of a state statute may not be

brought into question by one who is not within the class against whom the operation of

the statute is alleged to have been unconstitutionally applied and who has not been

injured by its alleged unconstitutional provision." Palazzi v. Estate of Gardner (1987),

32 Ohio St.3d 169, at syllabus.

{136} In the present case, Hitchcock has not alleged or otherwise argued that

the residency restrictions of R.C. 2950.034 have had any impact on him, i.e. that he has

been forced to move from his current residence or intends to move within 1000 feet of a

school, preschool, or child day-care. Cf. Babbit v. United Farm Workers Natl. Union

(1979), 442 U.S. 289, 298 ("When the plaintiff has alleged an intention to engage in a

course of conduqt arguably affected with a constitutional interest, but proscribed by a

statute, and there exists a credible threat of prosecution thereunder, he 'should not be

required to await and undergo a criminal prosecution as the sole means of seeking

relief.' *** But 'persons having no fears of state prosecution except those that are

irimaginary or speculative, are not to be accepted as appropriate plaintiffs."') (citation


{¶37} Accordingly, Hitchcock is without standing to challenge the AWA's

residency restrictions. State v. Swank, 11th Dist. No. 2008-L-019, 2008-Ohio-6059, at

¶111; State v. GilfrAan, 10th Dist. No. 08AP-317, 2009-Ohio-1104, at ¶117 (citations


{¶38} Hitchcock argues that the AWA violates the Double Jeopardy Clause of

the United States Constitution and Section 10, Article I of the Ohio Constitution, which

provides that an individual cannot be placed "in jeopardy of life or limb" for the same

offense twice.

{¶39} "[T]he United States Supreme Court has also applied the clause to

prevent a state from punishing twice, or from attempting a second time to criminally

punish for the same offense." Byers, 2008-Ohio-5051, at ¶100 (citations omitted).

"Thus, the threshold question in a double jeopardy analysis is whether the government's

conduct involves criminal punishment." Id., citing State v. iMrlliams, 88 Ohio St.3d 513,

528, 2000-Ohio-428, citing Hudson v. United States (1997), 522 U.S. 93, 101.

{¶40} In Williams, the Ohio Supreme Court found no merit with the argument

that former R.C. Chapter 2950 violated the Double Jeopardy Clause. 88 Ohio, St.3d at

528. The Court explained that since that chapter was deemed in Cook to be remedial

and not punitive, it could not violate the Double Jeopardy Clause. Id.

{141} Since we find that the AWA, R.C. Chapter 2950, sexual offender

classification system to be remedial like its predecessor, the above analysis from

Williams is applicable and this argument fails. Thus, the AWA does not violate the

Double Jeopardy Clause.

{¶42} Hitchcock further maintains that "Senate Bill 10 violates the separation-of-

powers principle that is inherent in Ohio's constitutional framework by unconstitutionally

limiting the power of the judicial branch of government." He contends that Senate Bill

10 divests the judiciary branch of its power to sentence a defendant.

{¶43} "Although the Ohio Constitution does not contain explicit language

establishing the doctrine of separation of powers, it is inherent in the constitutional

framework of government defining the scope of authority conferred upon the three

separate branches of government." State v. Sterling, 113 Ohio St.3d 255, 2007-Ohio-

1790, at ¶22. "The essential principle underlying the policy of the division of powers of

government into three departments is that powers properly belonging to one of the

departments ought not to be directly and completely administered by either of the other

departments, and further that none of them ought to possess directly or indirectly an

overruling influence over the others." State ex rel. Bryant v. Akron Metro. Park Dist.

(1929), 120 Ohio St. 464, 473.

{q44} The reclassification of offenders pursuant to R.C. 2950.031(E) and R.C.

2950.032(E) does not grant appellate review to the Attorney General; the amendments

to the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act constitute a, with a new

system of classification and attendant registration and notification requirements.

{¶45} Unlike the review vested in courts of appeal, "the classification of sex

offenders into categories has always been a legislative mandate, not an inherent power

of the courts." State v. Smith, 2008-Ohio-3234, at ¶39 (citation omitted). Similarly, this

court has observed "[t]he enactment of laws establishing registration requirements for,

e.g., motorists, corporations, or sex offenders, is traditionally the province of the

legislature and such laws do not require judicial involvement." Swank, 2008-Ohio-6059,

at ¶99:

{¶46} However, "[t]he administration of justice by the judicial branch of the

government cannot be impeded by the other branches of the government in the

exercise of their respective powers." State ex rel. Johnston v. Taulbee (1981), 66 Ohio

St.2d 417, at paragraph one of the syllabus. "[I]t is well settled that the legislature

cannot annul, reverse or modify a judgment of a court already rendered." Bartlett v.

Ohio (1905), 73 Ohio St. 54, 58; Plaut v. Spendthrift Farm, Inc. (1995), 514 U.S. 211,

219 (Congress may not interfere with the power of the federal judiciary "to render

dispositive judgments" by "command[ing] the federal courts to reopen final judgments")

(citation omitted). "A judgment which is final by the laws existing when it is rendered

cannot constitutionally be made subject to review by a statute subsequently enacted."

Gompf v. Wolfinger (1902), 67 Ohio St. 144, at paragraph three of the syllabus. "That

the conclusions are uniform upon the proposition that a judgment which is final by the

statutes existing when it is rendered is an end to the controversy, will occasion no

surprise to those who have reflected upon the distribution of powers in such

governments as ours, and have observed the uniform requirement that legislation to

affect remedies by which rights are enforced must precede their final adjudication." Id.

at 152-153.

{147} A determination of an offender's classification under former R.C. Chapter

2950 constitutes a final order. State v. Washington, 11th Dist. No. 99-L-015, 2001-

Ohio-8905, 2001 Ohio App. LEXIS 4980; at *9 ("a defendant's status *** arises from a

finding rendered by the trial court, which in turn adversely affects a defendant's rights by

the imposition of registration requirements"); State v. Dobrski, 9th Dist. No.

06CA008925, 2007-Ohio-3121, at 16 {"[i]nasmuch as a sexual predator classification is

an order that affects a substantial right in a special proceeding, it is final and

appealable"), Accordingly, if either party failed to appeal such a determination within

thirty days, as provided for in App.R. 4(A), the judgment became settled. Subsequent

attempts to overturn such judgments have been barred under the principles of res

judicata. See State v. Lucemo, 8th Dist. No. 89039, 2007-Ohio-5537, at ¶9 (applying

res judicata where the State failed to appeal the lower court's determination that House

Bill 180/Megan's Law was unconstitutional: "the courts have barred sexual predator

classifications when an initial classification request had been dismissed on the grounds

that the court believed R.C. Chapter 2950 to be unconstitutional") (citation omitted).

{¶48} Hitchcock's classification as a sexually oriented offender, with definite

registration requirements, constituted a final order of the lower court. Therefore, no

court can now be statutorily directed or required to modify the prior judgment provisions

concerning Hitchcock's notification and registration requirements without violating

separation of powers and res judicata principles.

{¶49} Other appellate districts have held that the amendments to the Act do not

vacate "final judicial decisions without amending the underlying applicable law" or "order

the courts to reopen a final judgment." State v. Linville, 4th Dist. No, 08CA3051, 2009-

Ohio-313, at ¶23, citing Slagle, 2008-Ohio-593, at ¶21. According to these cases and

the arguments of the State, "the Assembly has enacted a new law, which changes the

different sexual offender classifications and time spans for registration: (sic)

requirements, among other things, and is requiring that the new procedures be applied

to offenders currently registering under the old law or offenders currently incarcerated

for committing a sexually oriented offense." State v. Slagle, 145 Ohio Misc.2d 98, 2008-

Ohio-593, at ¶21. We disagree. The imposition of the new enhanced notification and

registration requirements of the Act to previously adjudicated offenders changes the

terms of prior final sentencing judgments.

{q50} It does not matter that the current Sex Offender Act formally amends the

underlying law and does not order the courts to reopen final judgments. The fact

remains that the General Assembly "cannot annul, reverse or modify a judgment of a

court already rendered." Bartlett, 73 Ohio St. at 58. Hitchcock's reclassification, as a

practical matter, nullifies that part of the court's August 30, 2000 Judgment determining

Hitchcock to be a sexually oriented offender and ordering him to register for a period of

ten years. To assert that the General Assembly has created a new system of

classification does not solve the problem that Hitchcock's original classification

constituted a final judgment. There is no exception to the rule that final judgments may

not be legislatively annulled or modified in situations where the Legislature has enacted

new legislation.

{¶51} It is also argued that the Ohio Supreme Court has characterized the

registration and notification requirements of the Sex Offender Act as "a collateral

consequence of the offender's criminal acts," in which the offender does not possess a

reasonable expectation of finality. Ferguson, 2008-Ohio-4824, at ¶34 (citations

omitted); Linville, 2009-Ohio-313, at ¶24 (citation omitted).

{¶52} This argument also is unavailing. In Ferguson, as in Cook, the Supreme

Court did not consider the argument that the enactment of House Bill 180/Megan's Law

overturned a valid, final judgment. Rather, the Court was asked to determine whether

the retroactive application of the Sex Offender Act violated the ex post facto clause or

the prohibition against retroactive legislation. The court did not consider the arguments

based on separation of powers and res judicata raised herein. In Cook, the Sex

Offender Act was applied retroactively to persons who had not been previously

classified as sexual offenders. There were no prior final judicial determinations

regarding the offenders' status as sexual offenders. Thus, the Supreme Court could

properly state that the new burdens imposed by the law did not "impinge on any

reasonable expectation of finality" the offenders had with respect to their convictions.

83 Ohio St.3d at 414. In the present case, Hitchcock had every reasonable expectation

of finality in the trial court's prior Judgment Entry.

{¶53} Reliance upon the Supreme Court's reasoning in Cook and Ferguson is

further misplaced since the separation of powers and res judicata doctrines apply

equally in civil (remedial) contexts as they do in criminal (punitive) contexts. Akron v.

Smith, 9th Dist. Nos. 16436 and 16438, 1994 Ohio App. LEXIS 1859, at *4 ("[t]he

doctrine of res judicata *** applies equally to criminal and to civil litigation") (citation


{¶54} The General Assembly's purpose in enacting the Adam Walsh Act, "to

provide increased protection and security for the state's residents from persons who

have been convicted of, or found to be delinquent children for committing, a sexually

oriented offense or a child-victim oriented offense," is properly realized in its application

to cases pending when enacted and those subsequently filed. Am.Sub.S.B. No. 10,

Section 5. Hitchcock's sentence, however, had become final several years prior to the

Adam Walsh Act. As such, it is beyond the power of the Legislature to vacate or

modify.' The United States Supreme Court has stated that the principle of separation of

powers is violated by legislation which "depriv[es] judicial judgments of the conclusive

effect that they had when they were announced" and "when an individual final judgment

is legislatively rescinded for even the very best of reasons." Plaut, 514 U.S. at 228

(emphasis sic). To the extent the Adam Walsh Act attempts to modify existing final

sentencing judgments, such as Hitchcock's sentence, it violates the doctrines of

separation of powers and finality of judicial judgments, despite the good intentions of the

Legislature. As such, that portion of the Act is invalid, unconstitutional, and

unenforceable., as a fjnal.judgment,.Hitchcock's sentence also is beyond the authority of the courts to

vacate,or modify:--State v:-Smith°(1'989);'ri2 Oh'io-St:3d 60, at paragraph one of the syllabus; Jurasek v.
Gould Elecs., lnc., 11th Dist. No. 2001-L-007, 2002-Ohio-6260, at ¶15 (citations omitted).

{¶55} Under this holding, Hitchcock will still have to complete his original

sentence and continue registering as a sexually oriented offender until his ten year

requirement is completed, pursuant to the trial court's August 30, 2000 Judgment Entry.

{156} Hitchcock's sole assignment of error is with merit to the extent indicated


{1[57} For the foregoing reasons, the Judgment Entry of the Lake County Court

of Common Pleas, denying his Petition to Contest Reclassification and classifying him a

Tier II sex offender, is reversed; however, Hitchcock shall continue registering as a

sexually oriented offender pursuant to the trial court's August 30, 2000 Judgment Entry.

Costs to be taxed against appellee.

TIMOTHY P. CANNON, J., concurs in judgment only with a Concurring Opinion.

COLLEEN MARY O'TOOLE, J., concurs in part, dissents in part, with a

Concurring/Dissenting Opinion.

TIMOTHY P. CANNON, J., concurring in judgment only.

{158} I concur with the majority's disposition of Hitchcock's claim regarding cruel

and unusual punishment, as well as his challenge to the residency restriction.

{¶59} I would follow this court's opinion in State v. Ettenger, 11th Dist. No. 2008-

L-054, 2009-Ohio-3525. I do not believe that the application of the Adam Walsh Act to

Hitchcock violates the doctrine of separation of powers. See State v. Ettenger, 2009-

Ohio-3525, at ¶75-79.

{160} Instead, I would hold that the application of the Adam Walsh Act to

Hitchcock violates the Ex Post Facto Clause of the United States Constitution, the

Retroactivity Clause of the Ohio Constitution, and the DoubleJeopardy Clauses of the

Ohio and United States Constitutions. Id. at¶10-59, 68-74.

{161} Hitchcock had an expectation of finality that his prior adjudication as a

sexually oriented offender would result in a finite, ten-year reporting period. However,

Hitchcock has been reclassified as a. Tier tl offiender subject to enhanced reporting

requirements for 25 years.

{162} The judgment of the trial court should be reversed.

COLLEEN MARY O'TOOLE, J., concurs in part, dissents in part, with a

Concurring/Dissenting Opinion.

{¶63} I concur with the majority's disposition of Mr. Hitchcock's third issue - that

application of AWA to him violates the doctrine of separation of powers, thus requiring

us to reverse and remand. I further concur with the majority's disposition of his fifth

issue, relating to the effective dates of AWA. I agree with the majority that there is no

merit in his argument that application of AWA to him constitutes cruel and unusual

punishment, though on a different analysis. And I would hold that, on the facts of this

case, Mr. Hitchcock's challenge to the residency restrictions of AWA is not ripe for

review. However, I do find that application of AWA to Mr. Hitchcock violates the federal

ban against ex post facto laws, as well as the Ohio ban on retroactive laws. I also

believe its application to him constitutes double jeopardy. Consequently, I would

--^ reverse and remand on-these-issues; as well. -

{¶64} 'The ex post facto clause extends to four types of laws:

{165} ""'1st. Every law that makes an action done before the passing of the law,

and which was innocent when done, criminal; and punishes such action. 2d: Every law

that aggravates a crime, or makes it greater than it was, when committed. 3d. Every

law that changes the punishment, and inflicts a greater punishment, than the law

annexed to the crime, when committed. 4th. Every law that alters the legal rules of

evidence, and receives less, or different, testimony than the law required at the time of

the commission of the offense, in order to convict the offender."' (Emphasis added.)

Rogers v. Tennessee (2001), 532 U.S. 451, 456, '""*, quoting Calder v. Bull (1798), 3

U.S. 386, 390, **" (seriatum opinion of Chase, J.)" State v. Elswick, 11th Dist. No.

2006-L-075, 2006-Ohio-7011, at 117-18. (Parallel citations omitted.)

{¶66} As. the majority notes, Ohio courts apply the "intent-effects" test in

analyzing whether a statute violates the ban on ex post facto laws. My own application

of the test indicates both the intent, and the effect, of AWA are punitive, rendering it

unconstitutional when applied to crimes committed prior to the statute's enactment, as

in this case.

{167} In this case, the Ohio General Assembly specifically denominated the

remedial purposes of AWA. See, e.g., Swank, supra, at ¶73-80.. In Smith v. Doe,

supra, the United States Supreme Court found similar declarations by the Alaskan

legislature highly persuasive. Id. at 93. However, a closer reading of AWA's provisions

casts doubt upon the legislature's declaration.

{168} First, there is the simple fact that AWA is part of Title 29 of the Revised

Code. The United States Supreme Court rejected the notion that a statute's placement

within a criminal code is solely determinative of whether the statute is civil or criminal in

Smith. Id. at 94-95. However, it is clearly indicative of the statute's purpose. See, e.g.,

Mikaloff v. Walsh (N.D. Ohio Sept. 4, 2007), Case No. 5:06-CV-96, 2007 U.S. D'ist.

LEXIS 65076, at 15-16.

{169} Second, those portions of AWA controlling the sentencing of sex offenders

indicate that the classification is part of the sentence imposed - and thus, part of the

offender's punishment. See, e.g., R.C. 2929.01(D)(D) and (E)(E). Thus, R.C.

2929.19(B)(4)(a) provides: "[t]he court shall include in the offender's sentence a

statement that the offender is a tier III sex offender/child-victim offender ""*[.]" Similarly,

R.C. 2929.23(A) provides: "the judge shall include in the offendet's sentence a

statement that the offender is a tier III sex offender/child-victim offender [and] shall

comply with the requirements of section 2950.03 of the Revised Code ***[:]" R.C.

2929.23(B) provides: "[i]f an offender is being sentenced for a sexually oriented offense

or a child-victim oriented offense that is a misdemeanor '**, the judge shall include in

the sentence a summary of the offender's duties imposed under sections 2950.04,

2950.041"*', 2950.05, and 2950.06 of the Revised Code and the duration of the duties."

{170} Both the placement of AWA within the Revised Code, and the language of

the statute, indicates a punitive, rather than remedial, purpose? Further, as Judge

James J. Sweeney of the Eighth Appellate District recently noted regarding the intent of


{171} ""' the General Assembly expressed a remedial intent in the legislation.

However, the stated purpose of protecting the public from those likely to reoffend is

substantially undermined by the total removal of any discretion or consideration in

2. I am indebted to my colleague, Judge Timothy P. Cannon, for these insights into the intent of AWA.

applying the tier labels to a particular offender. The fact of conviction alone controls the

labeling process, but simply is not in and of itself indicative of a realistic likelihood of a

person to recidivate. In addition, the severity of the potential penalty for violating [the

registration and notification] provisions of [AWA] depends upon the underlying offense

that serves as the basis for the offender's registration or notification conditions."

Omiecinski, supra, at ¶g1. (Sweeney, J., dissenting in part.)

{¶72} For all these reasons, I would find that the intent of AWA is punitive, rather

than remedial.

{¶73} Moreover, an exploration of the effects of AWA, under the seven factors of

the Kennedy test, reveals that it is a punitive, criminal statute, rather than remedial and

civil. Regarding the first factor, AWA clearly imposes significant affirmative disabilities

upon offenders. They must register personally with the sheriffs of any county in which

they live, work, or attend school, as often as quarterly. Failure to do so may result in

felony prosecution - even if the offender is, for instance, hospitalized, and unable to go

to the sheriff's office.

{174} Vast amounts of personal information must be turned over by offenders to

the sheriffs' departments with which they register. Some of this information bears no

relationship to any conceivable matter of public safety, such as where the offender

parks his or her automobile. Some of the information is so vaguely described as to

render compliance impossible. What, for instance, is included amongst automobiles

"regularly available" to an offender, or telephones "used" by an offender? Is an offender

required to report to the sheriff when he or she has a loaner from the auto body shop?

Is an offender required to report if he.or she stopped in a mall and used a public phone?

Must an offender register the cell phone number of a spouse or child, which the offender

only uses on rare occasions?

{¶75} AWA significantly limits where an offender may live. The right to live

where one wishes is a fundamental attribute of personal liberty, protected by the United

States Constitution. Omiecinski, supra, at ¶82. (Sweeney, J., dissenting in part,)

{176} AWA requires offenders to surrender any information required by the

bureau of criminal identification and investigation - or face criminal prosecution.

Consequently, it grossly invades offenders' rights to be free of illegal searches and to

counsel, at the very least.

{¶77} Thus, AWA imposes significant disabilities and restraints upon offenders,

which indicates it is an unconstitutional ex post facto law under the first Kennedy factor.

{¶78} The second Kennedy factor requires us to consider whether AWA

imposes conditions upon offenders traditionally regarded as punishment. Clearly it

does. The affirmative duties to register constantly with law enforcement, and turn over

to them vast amounts of private information, the limitations upon where an offender may

live, and the duty to answer any question posed by the BCI renders the registration

requirements of AWA the functional equivalent of community control sanctions.

{179} Under the third Kennedy factor, we must consider whether the registration

and notification requirements of AWA only come into play upon a finding of scienter.

Clearly they do not. There are strict liability sex offenses, such as statutory rape.

Nevertheless, as the Supreme Court of Alaska remarked in considering this factor in a

challenge to Alaska's version of Megan's Law, the vast majority of sex offenses do

require a finding of scienter. Doe v. Alaska (2008), 189 P.3d 999, 1012-1013. I

conclude, as did the Alaska court, that this factor provides some support for the punitive

effect of AWA. Cf. id. at 1013.

{180} The fourth Kennedy factor requires us to determine whether the

registration and notification requirements of AWA fulfill two of the traditional aims of

punishment: retribution and deterrence. "Retribution is vengeance for its own sake. It

does not seek to affect future conduct or solve any problem except realizing justice.'

Deterrent measures serve as a threat of negative repercussions to discourage people

from engaging in certain behavior. Remedial measures, on the other hand, seek to

solve a problem [.]" Doe v. Alaska, supra, at 1013; fn. 107, citing Artway v. Attomey

Gen. of N.J. (C.A.3, 1996), 81F.3d 1235, 1255,

{181} There are certain retributive factors in the registration requirements, i.e.,

the necessity of registering personally and the mandate that all personal information of

any type be turned over, upon request, to the BCI. These do not affect future conduct

or solve any problem. They simply impose burdens upon offenders. Similarly, the

prohibition upon offenders living within a certain proximity of schools, pre-schools, and

day care facilities is a form of retribution, since it applies across the board, and not

simply to violent offenders or child-victim offenders.

{182} Further, offenders' personal information is available online, from the

Attorney General, to the •entire world. This creates a deterrent effect, both in the

embarrassment and shame, which encourages people so tempted not to commit sex

offenses, and by allowing members of the public to identify potential dangers to

themselves and their families.

{¶83} Thus, AWA's requirements fulfill the traditionally punitive roles of

retribution and deterrence.

f¶841 The fifth Kennedy factor questions whether the conduct to which a law

applies is already a crime. I again find the reasoning of the court in Doe v. Alaska,

supra, at 1014-1015, persuasive. That court noted the law in question applied only to

those convicted of, or pleading guilty to, a sex offense: not to those, for instance, who

managed to plead out to simple assault, or found not guilty due to an illegal search and

seizure. Ultimately, the court held:

{185} "In other words, [the law] fundamentally and invariably requires a

judgment of guilt based on either a plea or proof under the criminal standard. It is

therefore the determination of guilt of a sex offense beyond a reasonable doubt (or per

a knowing plea), not merely the fact of the conduct and potential for recidivism, that

triggers the registration requirement. Because it is the criminal conviction, and only the

criminal conviction, that triggers obligations under [the law], we conclude that this factor

supports the conclusion that [the law] is punitive in effect." Id. at 1015. (Footnote

{¶86} Similarly, only conviction for, or a guilty plea to, a sex offense (and

kidnapping of a minor) triggers the provisions of AWA. Consequently, the fifth Kennedy

factor supports the conclusion that AWA is punitive in effect.

{187} Under the sixth Kennedy factor, we are required to consider whether the

law has some rational purpose other than punishment. Clearly AWA has an important

remedial purpose, by keeping law enforcement and the public aware of potential

recidivists amongst sex offenders. But the seventh Kennedy factor requires analysis of

whether the law in question is excessive in relation to that alternate purpose. AWA is

excessive. It punishes offenders by requiring personal registration, in a day of instant

communications. It punishes by requiring offenders to turn over personal information

bearing no rational relationship to the remedial purpose of the law. It punishes

offenders by restricting them from living near schools and day care facilities, even ff

their crime had no relationship to children. It punishes offenders by requiring them to

submit to any questioning, on any subject, by the BCI.

{¶88} Consequently, I would find that both AWA's intent, and effect are punitive,

and that it is an unconstitutional ex post facto law regarding Mr. Hitchcock.

{¶89} I further believe that AWA violates the Ohio Constitution's ban on

retroactive laws.
{¶90} "'The analysis of claims of unconstitutional retroactivity is, guided by a

binary test. We first determine whether the General Assembly expressly made the

statute retrospective. State v. Consilio, 114 Ohio St.3d 295, 2007-Ohio-4163, ¶10 ***.

If we find that the legislature intended the statute to be applied retroactively, we proceed

with the second inquiry: whether the statute restricts a substantive right or is remedial.

Id. If a statute affects a substantive right, then it offends the constitution. Van Fossen

(v. Babcock & Wilcox Co. (1988)), 36 Ohio St.3d (100,) at 106 ***.' Ferguson, supra, at

¶13.°' Swank, supra, at ¶91. (Parallel citations omitted.)

{¶91} A statute is "substantive" if it: (1) impairs or takes away vested rights; (2)

affects an accrued substantive right; (3) imposes new burdens, duties, obligations or

liabilities regarding a past transaction; (4) creates a new right from an act formerly

giving no right and imposing no obligation; (5) creates a new right; or (6) gives rise to or

takes away a right to sue or defend a legal action. Van Fossen, supra, at 107. A later

enactment does not attach a new disability to a past transaction in the constitutional

sense unless the past transaction "created at least a reasonable expectation of finality."

State ex rel. Matz v. Brown (1988), 37 Ohio St.3d 279, 281. "Except with regard to

constitutional protections against ex post facto laws, `**, felons have no reasonable right

to expect that their conduct will never thereafter be made the subject of legislation."

(Emphasis added.) Id. at 281-282.

{192} The foregoing establishes that AWA is an unconstitutional retroactive law,

as applied to Mr. Hitchcock. By its terms, it applies retroactively. Second, it attaches

new burdens and disabilities to a past transaction, since it violates the constitutional

protections against ex post facto laws.

{¶93} However, an analysis under Section 28, Article 11, is incomplete, without

enquiring whether S.B. 10, as applied to Mr. Hitchcock, violates the ban against laws

impairing the obligation of contract. I think it does.

t¶94} When analyzing whether a law violates the ban against the impairment of

contracts, this court applies a tripartite test. Trumbull Cty. Bd. of Commrs. v. Warren

(2001), 142 Ohio App.3d 599, 602-603. First, there must be a determination if a

contractual relation exists. Id. at 602. If it does, we must ascertain whether a change in

the law impairs that relationship. Id. at 602-603. Finally, we must determine if that

impairment is substantial. Id. at 603.

.{¶95} "It is well established that a plea agreement is viewed as a contract

between the State and a criminal defendant. Santo6ello v. New York (1971), 404 U.S.

257, ***. Accordingly, if one side breaches the agreement, the other side is entitled to

either rescission or specific performance of the plea agreement. Id., at 262." State v.

Walker, 6th Dist. No. L-05-1207, 2006-Ohio-2929, at ¶13. (Parallel citations omitted.)

Ohio courts have noted that, in the main, the contract is completely executed once the

defendant has pleaded guilty, and the trial court has sentenced him or her. See, e.g.,

State v. McMinn (June 16, 1999), 9th Dist. No. 2927-M, 1999 Ohio App. LEXIS 2745, at

11; accord, State v. Pointer, 8th Dist. No..85195, 2005-Ohio-3587, at ¶9. However, to

the extent the plea agreement contains further promises, the contract remains

executory, and may be enforced by either party. See, e.g., Parsons v. Wilkinson (S.D.

Ohio 2006), Case No. C2-05-527, 2006 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 54979 (allegation by inmate

that plea agreement superseded parole board's authority regarding timing of parole

hearing sufficient to withstand state attorney general's motion to dismiss in Section

1983 action), citing Layne v. Ohio Adult Parole Auth., 97 Ohio St.3d 456, 2002-Ohio-

6719, af 128; see, also, McMinn, supra, at 11, fn. 6.

{¶96} Clearly, Mr. Hitchcock's plea agreement contained further terms, beyond

his agreement to plead guilty to certain charges, followed by sentencing by the trial

court. The state implied those terms into the agreement as a matter of law, pursuant to

former R.C. Chapter 2950. As a consequence of the particular charges to which he

pleaded guilty, he was eventually found to be a sexually oriented offender. Thus, his

plea, as a matter of law, contained the terms that he comply with the registration

requirements attendant upon that classification.

{¶97} Thus, I believe that Mr. Hitchcock's plea agreement with the state

remained an executory contract at the time of his reclassification under S.B. 10, meeting

the first requirement for determining if a law breaches the ban on impairment of

contracts. Trumbull Cty. Bd, of Commrs., supra, at 602.

{198} It appears that the second part of the test - whether a change in the law

has impaired the contract established between Mr. Hitchcock and the state, Trumbull

Cty. Bd. of Commrs. at 602-603 - is also met by S.B. 10. By changing his classification

from "sexually oriented offender" to "Tier II" offender, the state has unilaterally imposed

new affirmative duties upon Mr. Hitchcock in relation to the contract. Further, the third

part of the test for determining if a law unconstitutionally impairs a contract - i.e.,

whether the impairment is substantial, Trumbull Cty. Bd. of Cornmrs. at 603 - is

obviously fulfilled, since the duties imposed upon Tier II offenders are greater in number

and duration than those which were imposed upon sexually oriented offenders.

{199} Consequently, I would find that the application of S.B. 10 to Mr. Hitchcock

violates the prohibition in Section 28, Article II of the Ohio Constitution against laws

impairing the obligation of contracts.3

{¶100} I also believe that application of AWA to Mr. Hitchcock constitutes double

jeopardy. The Supreme Court of Ohio has held:

{¶101} "The Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution provides that 'no

person shall (***) be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or

limb.' Similarly, Section 10, Article 1, Ohio Constitution provides, 'No person shall be

3. I recognize that other appellate courts have reached contrary conclusions. Thus, in Sigler v. State, 5th
Dist. No. 08-CA-79, 2009-Ohio-2010, the Fifth District rejected a breach of contract argument in an AWA
case on the basis that members of one branch of government (i.e., prosecutors, representing the
executive) cannot bind future actions by the legislature. This seems beside the point: of course the
legislature can change the law. I merely maintain it cannot change substantially the terms of a civil
contract previously entered by the state without consideration. The Sigler court further relied upon the
doctrine of "unmistakability" in reaching its conclusion. That doctrine holds that a statute will not be held
to create contractual rights binding on future legislatures, absent a clearly stated intention to do so.
Again, this argument seems not to deal with the question presented. I would not hold that former R.C.
Chapter 2950 created any.contractual. all on.the part of persons classified thereunder. Rather, I
believe thata valid plea agreement entered by the state with a defendant is a contract incorporating'the
terms of the classification made.

twice put in jeopardy for the same offense."' State v. Zima, 102 Ohio St.3d 61, 2004-

Ohio-1807, at ¶16.

{1102} Here, in 2000, Mr. Hitchcock pleaded guilty to one count of attempted

gross sexual imposition. He was sentenced for this offense and adjudicated a sexually

oriented offender. Additional punitive measures have now been placed on him, as he is

required to comply with the new, more stringent registration requirements. Essentially,

he is being punished a second time for the same offense. The application of the current

version of R.C. Chapter 2950 to appellant violates the double jeopardy clauses of the

Ohio and United States Constitutions.

{1103}As I would find that AWA is a criminal, punitive statutory scheme, I feel

obliged to analyze Mr. Hitchcock's contention that application of it to him is cruel and

unusual punishment, banned under the Eighth Amendment to the United States

Constitution, and Section 9, Article I, Ohio Constitution. The Supreme Court of Ohio set

forth the standards to be applied in deciding whether punishment is "cruel and unusual"

in State v. Weitbrecht (1999), 86 Ohio St.3d 368, 370-372:

{¶104} "Historically, the Eighth Amendment has been invoked in extremely rare

cases, where it has been necessary to protect individuals from inhumane punishment

such as torture or other barbarous acts. Robinson v. California (1962), 370 U.S. 660,

676, ***. Over the years, it has also been used to prohibit punishments that were found

to be disproportionate to the crimes committed. In McDougfe v. Maxwell (1964), 1 Ohio

St.2d 68, **', this court stressed that Eighth Amendment violations are rare. We stated

that 'cases in which cruel and unusual punishments have been found are limited to

those involving sanctions which under the circumstances would be considered shocking

to any reasonable person.' Id. at 70, ***. Furthermore, 'the penalty must be so greatly

disproportionate to the offenseas to shock the sense of justice of the community.' Id.

See, also, State v. Chaffin (1972), 30 Ohio St.2d 13, ***, paragraph three of the


{¶105}"The United States Supreme Court has also discussed the concept of

whether the Eighth Amendment requires that sentences be proportionate to the

offenses committed. An Eighth Amendment challenge on these grounds was initially

applied only in cases involving the death penalty or unusual forms of imprisonment.

Enmund v. Florida (1982), 458 U.S. 782, *** ; Weems v. United States (1910), 217 U.S.

349, ***. Then, in Solem v. Heim (1983), 463 U.S. 277, 290, ***, the court applied the

Eighth Amendment to reverse a felony sentence on proportionality grounds, finding that

'a criminal sentence must be proportionate to the crime for which the defendant has

been convicted.' In so holding, the Solem court set forth the following tripartite test to

review sentences under the Eighth Amendment:

{¶}06} "'First, we look to the gravity of the offense and the harshness of the

penalty. (***) Second, it may be helpful to compare the sentences imposed on other

criminals in the same jurisdiction. If more serious crimes are subject to the same

penalty, or to less serious penalties, that is some indication that the punishment at issue

may be excessive. (***) Third, courts may find it useful to compare the sentences

imposed for commission of the same crime in other jurisdictions.' Id. at 290-291, ***.

{q107}"More recently, in Harmelin v. Michigan (1991), 501 U.S. 957, ***, the

United States Supreme Court revisited the issue of proportionality as it relates to the

Eighth Amendment. In Harmelin, the court was asked to decide whether a mandatory

term of life imprisonment without possibility of parole for possession of six hundred

seventy-two grams of cocaine violated the prohibition against cruel and unusual

punishments. In finding no constitutional violation, the lead opinion rejected earlier

statements made in So/em v. Helm and stated that the Eighth Amendment contains no

proportionality guarantee. However, this statement failed to garner a majority. The

three Justices who concurred in part would refine the Solem decision to an analysis of

'gross disproportionality' between sentence and crime. As stated by Justice Kennedy in

his opinion concurring in part, 'The Eighth Amendment does not require strict

proportionality between crime and sentence. Rather, it forbids only extreme sentences

that are "grossly disproportionate" to the crime.' Id. at 1001, "`." (Parallel citations


{¶108) Application of the Solem test to Mr. Hitchcock's predicament makes clear

that AWA does not constitute "cruel and unusual" punishment in violation of the Eighth

Amendment. Upon a Tier II offender, AWA places time-consuming and difficult

reporting burdens, for an extraordinarily long time. It is like spending twenty-five years

on probation. But if the penalty in Harmelin, supra - life imprisonment, without parole,

for cocaine possession - passes Eighth Amendment scrutiny, the penalties inflicted by

AWA upon a Tier It offender must, as well. Consequently, pursuant to Solem and

Harmelin, I cannot find that there is a gross disproportion between the crime and the

penalty. And, since Mr. Hitchcock cannot pass the first prong of the So/em test,

analysis of the second and third prongs is not required. Weitbrecht, supra, at 373, fn. 4.

{1109} For all the reasons foregoing, I respectfully concur in part and dissent in


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. . .
G rJt P.A L4,


Respondent-Ap^ellee, w `aovay p ^r ;OMENT ENTRY
4. •-. - ---
- vs - CASE NO. 2008-L-032



For the reasons stated in the Opinion of this court, the judgment of the

Lake County Court of Common Pleas, reclassifying Hitchcock as a Tier II Sexual

Offender, is reversed. Hitchcock shall continue registering as a Sexually

Oriented Offender pursuant to the trial court's August 30, 2000 Judgment Entry.

Costs to be taxed against appellee.


TIMOTHY P. CANNON, J., concurs in judgment only with a Concurring Opinion.

COLLEEN MARY O'TOOLE, J., concurs in part, dissents in part, with a

Concurring/Dissenting Opinion.

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