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9/18/2018 15 Foods That Fight Prostate Cancer


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Guide to Preventing Prostate Cancer ( Home | Diet | Foods | Recipes ) MORE FROM HEALWITHFOOD.ORG

15 Foods That Help Fight Prostate Cancer The 5 Best Foods to Eat After
Taking Antibiotics
Yogurt is not the only food that can
help restore the 'good bacteria' in
If you are looking for information about the best foods to fight your gut...
prostate cancer, you've come to the right place. This section of See Article's Guide to Preventing Prostate Cancer presents 15
The Amazing Healing
awesome prostate cancer fighting foods that may help reduce your Properties of Raw Garlic
risk of developing this dangerous disease which affects millions of The health benefits of garlic are
men around the world (as of today, prostate cancer is the second more than a myth! To maximize
the benefits, use raw garlic.
most common cancer in men worldwide).
See Article

7 Health Benefits of Green Tea

#1: Tomatoes (and How to Reap Them)
In this in-depth article, we dig into
Tomatoes possess several extraordinary properties that make them exceptional at preventing some of the most compelling
prostate cancer. Their most notable quality: they provide lycopene which is a very strong health benefits of green tea.
antioxidant. One study with 47,894 male participants found that consuming 10 or more See Article
servings of tomato products per week was associated with a reduced risk of
Black Turtle Bean: The
prostate cancer by 34%. Lycopene from processed tomato products — such as tomato Healthiest Bean on Earth?
paste, tomato juice, and catsup — appears be more bioavailable than that from raw Black beans outperform other
tomatoes. Furthermore, lycopene is better absorbed by the body in the presence of beta- beans in terms of antioxidant
carotene. Coincidentally, tomatoes also contain beta-carotene! In addition to lycopene and
See Article
beta-carotene, tomatoes contain vitamin C and are typically low in pesticides.
How to Blend Healthy Vegan
#2: Green Tea Tips for making healthy vegan
smoothies that are delicious, too.
Although not a food, green tea is included in this list of foods that fight prostate cancer See Article
because it offers many extraordinary health benefits. Green tea is commonly used as a
weight loss aid, but scientific evidence suggests that it may also help prevent certain types of
5 Tips for Buying the Freshest
cancer, including prostate cancer. Catechins, the same compounds that are responsible for
green tea's weight loss promoting properties, have been shown to reduce prostate specific Five tips to finding and buying the
antigen (PSA) as well as other biomarkers of disease in men with prostate cancer. freshest ingredients on a regular
To maximize the release of catechins, choose loose tea leaves instead of tea bags and let the
See Article
tea steep for five minutes. Further, research suggests that complementing green tea with a
substance high in vitamin C, such as lemon juice, can increase the amount of catechins Can Chia Seeds Increase
available to the body. Prostate Cancer Risk?
Chia seeds may decrease breast
cancer risk but increase prostate
cancer risk.
#3: Raspberries See Article
Raspberries are bursting with nutrients and flavor, yet
Garlic in Prostate Cancer
they are very low in calories. They may also be one of
the best foods to fight prostate cancer is they are Can garlic help prevent prostate
loaded with ellagic acid. Ellagic acid is a natural anti- cancer, the most common non-skin
cancer in America?
carcinogen, anti-mutagen, and an inhibitor of
See Article
cancer. In some cases, it has also been able to cause
apoptosis (cell death) in cancer cells. Ellagic acid is Mushrooms' Affinity for
found in a number of foods, red raspberries being by far Radioactive Cesium
Raspberries deliver the best source of this miraculous substance (1,500 The effects of a nuclear disaster
plenty of ellagic acid. can be particularly detrimental to
mcg per gram of dry weight fruit extract). Further, the wild mushrooms.
ellagic acid found in red raspberries retains its potency See Article
through heating and freezing. So, regardless of whether
you eat your raspberries fresh, frozen or heated, you will reap their cancer-fighting benefits.

#4: Arugula Main Dishes

Wholesome dishes featuring prostate
Although used much in the same way as salad greens, arugula is actually a cruciferous cancer combating foods. Recipes
vegetable and a relative of other nutritional superhero vegetables such as broccoli,
cauliflower, and cabbage. Like other cruciferous vegetables, arugula is loaded with health
Healthy salad recipes boasting prostate
promoting nutrients and thus makes a great substitute for lettuce. It is an excellent source of cancer fighting nutrients. Recipes
glucosinolates, natural compounds that turn into isothiocyanates when arugula is chewed.
Isothiocyanates are known to neutralize carcinogens and to inhibit cancer cell Dessert Dishes
Delicious dessert dishes suitable for anti-
proliferation. The high concentration of chlorophyll, a plant pigment with strong anti-cancer
cancer diets. Recipes 1/2
9/18/2018 15 Foods That Fight Prostate Cancer
properties, also contributes to the anti-cancer and prostate cancer fighting activities of this Soups
super food. What's more, arugula is brimming with vitamin C and beta-carotene. Savory soups that can help reduce risk of
prostate cancer. Recipes

Breakfast Dishes
#5: Turmeric Healthy anti-cancer breakfast dishes to
Here's yet another excellent prostate cancer fighting start a day with. Recipes
food: turmeric, the spice that gives its yellow color to
curries and many other foods. Turmeric has long been Luscious drinks rich in prostate cancer
used in traditional Asian medicine to treat a vast range fighting nutrients. Recipes
of conditions and diseases. In recent years, also
western medicine has started to pay attention to this
extraordinary plant of the ginger family. Several recent BOOK RECOMMENDATION
studies have found that turmeric can induce
apoptosis, a process that triggers the self- Turmeric can trigger the The Cancer-Fighting Kitchen: Nourishing,
Big-Flavor Recipes for Cancer Treatment
destruction of cancerous cells. Furthermore, self-destruction of
and Recovery
prostate cancer cells.
turmeric contains antioxidant compounds and may
This award-winning
prevent nitrosamine formation and inhibit aflatoxin cookbook and nutrition
production — two processes that have been associated guide teaches cancer
with an increased risk of cancer. patients and caregivers
how to build a cancer-
fighting arsenal using
powerhouse foods. The
#6: Horseradish 150 science-based
recipes – each
Horseradish can add a special kick to salads, scrambled eggs, and vegetable dishes, but its accompanied with a full
benefits are not purely culinary. Horseradish also makes a great anti-prostate cancer food, as nutritional analysis –
it is a very source of glucosinolates, phytochemicals that have been shown to boost the have been formulated to address specific cancer
types, treatment phases, side effects, and flavor
liver's ability to eliminate carcinogens that could cause prostate cancer. Research preferences. If you live in the US or UK, check
also suggests that the glucosinolates in horseradish may also be able to inhibit the growth out the offer and reader reviews by clicking
of cancerous tumors. Glucosinolates are abundant in many cruciferous vegetables, here.

including broccoli and Brussels sprouts, but the amount of glucosinolates in horseradish is
exceptionally high (horseradish has been shown to contain up to 10 times more
glucosinolates than broccoli).

#7: Garlic
In traditional folk medicine, garlic has been used as a
cure for numerous ailments, but in recent years also the
scientific community has recognized garlic's health
promoting powers. Research credits garlic with the
ability to promote heart and cardiovascular health, but
it has also been shown to be able to prevent and treat
cancer, including prostate cancer. One study found that
men who ate more than 10 grams of garlic a day
Organosulphur were 50% less likely to get prostate cancer than
compounds contribute to those who did not. The ability of garlic to reduce
garlic's prostate cancer prostate cancer risk is believed to be attributable to the
preventing properties. organosulphur compounds contained garlic. Additionally,
garlic — especially fresh garlic — contains a fair amount
of vitamin C. It is also a good source of selenium, with
one cup of raw garlic providing almost 30% of the recommended daily intake for an average

#8: Watercress
Watercress is a prostate cancer fighting food par excellence. Watercress and watercress
extracts have been shown to prevent DNA damage that triggers cancer cell
development, to halt uncontrolled growth of cancer cells, and to prevent the spread
of cancer cells. Watercress extract has also been shown to induce self-destruction of
cancerous cells (process known as "apoptosis"). You can purchase watercress in larger
supermarkets or you can grow your own crop in your garden. Watercress is delicious in salads
and sandwiches, but it also makes great soup.

Continue (Foods 9-15)

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