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BLACKLED Change Cincinnati

1. Equity Audits

The purpose of equity audits is to uncover, recognize and change inequities internal to your organization.
Over the last several weeks the stories that have emerged point to a culture entirely corrupted by racism.
We can not get to solutions until the scope of the problem is identified. The equity audits should include
the following at minimum:

● Racial Equity Audit

The Racial Equity Audit will include, but not be limited to, an audit of programs, policies, structures
practices, and culture resulting in qualitative and quantitative data regarding the current work and
workplace of United Way as well as community perspectives and expectations for future organizational
culture change in relation to racial equity grantmaking, programming and practice.

● Pay Equity Audit

The Pay Equity Audit will include, but not be limited to, the following information:
● Pay broken down by race, gender, age, role
● If the pay equity audit reveals that any staff working for the United Way are not making a
living wage, United Way will take immediate steps to rectify this.

● Funding Equity Audit

The Funding Equity Audit will include, but not be limited to, the following information:

● What are your current practices around deciding who receives funding? Who makes up
these cabinets and what is the process for joining? (race, gender, occupation, age)
● List of all the organizations United Way funds with funding amounts (last two funding
● List of black-led organizations who are currently funded and who have been funded in
the last two funding cycles by United Way (amounts) (Black led organizations are defined
as organizations who have a black President/CEO and/or whose mission is to support
black people)?
● Who manages UW's assets and how many money managers are African American?

For all of the Equity Audits we request a copy of the audit be shared and made publicly available. In
addition, a comprehensive plan that details the process, key themes, analysis of the gaps and
disconnects between current and future/desired state of the organization, and opportunities to build
upon. The plan should also include recommendations for embedding new inclusive policies and
practices into UW's culture and all aspects of the organization. This should also include short-term action
steps and sustainable, long-term goals.
BLACKLED Change Cincinnati

2. United Way Board Diversification

● At least 40% of the board be made of Black People with more than half being Black Women and
representatives from diverse sectors.
● Increase in the number of board members who are “community volunteers”

3. United Way Senior Leadership and Staff Diversification

● Increase in the number of Black people in senior leadership positions

● Increase in the number of Black men working at United Way

4. Release the Black Led Social Change Report

This report on the United Way's relationship with Black-Led organizations in the city can provide
insightful information that may help rectify these problems, and therefore ought to be shared with the
Black community.

5. Restore the Funding to the Over the Rhine Senior Center

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