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From the ancient percussion sound to the orchestral music nowadays, human thoughts are always
be influenced by music, their deep down feelings can be entrusted and expressed. "Music Workshop"
refers to the introduction of musical information. For the three day workshop, we have invited two
w-ell-known New Zealanders on the world stage, a musician and a hymn writer, to talk about New
Zealand choral music and famous New Zealand hymn composers / lyricists. In addition, two aboriginal
musicians from Taiwan will talk about aboriginal music and the development of the hymns amongst
Taiwan aboriginals. There are Question &Answer sessions duringthe workshop. If you wantto know
more, please don't miss this opporflrnity.


4"1 ffiffiK$wffi
Dr.Nelson Wu
Yen-NiYeh S &Ua
Huyu Yudaw w*n)' /tlS+}. 'Ef
M.C. ElH,tBtHt Reu

12/07 /2012
Taiwan Indigenous Music 10:20AM-10:50 AM
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Rev. Haya. Yudaw w*/i ' /iS. *\'?fr

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Wu Rev. Hayu. Yuduw w*/i . A€ *L'tfr
M.C. ElH,[6lHt n..Nelson
trEtrH{tE"=Sil€H, 12/07 /2012 11:10AM - 12:10PM
i+'HlsOH?e#t r jL6 fi",Bffi *ib.+h*fs#uh. t*. . 4'gi. . .*t.*a. ffi . XryB-
EF+6tr+*?k*Ifr . Lfr+-l{.ffrHe.fiHRH +h , 4*++N-FtRh#r+hL, 196-+nfrE
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frR L ft ift.4a 4 - 4t E *-aA# tu nA,s Hf, I A L,g, Hh* r!. m r & + + hl + K,

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} +'l'"T ' 8A,1,?,6t H E "4&AX E *' , EA4t$hlJ H*,E)tffi)E /trt, ! a
i+'H57 : 9-11

4"1 ffiffiK$%*ffi
ffiEEffig# NZHymns 13t0712012
M.C. ElH,l$lHt Dr.Nelson Wu Rev. Robyn A Goudge

John and Gittian Thornley are Co-Managers for the New Zealand Hymnbook Trust.Both
are active members of the Wesley Broadway Methodist Church in Palmerston North, two hours drive
north of Wellington. John has been a Lay Preacher for over fifty years. In 2000 he served as Vice
President of the Methodist Church of New Zealand. John's work career has included secondary and
tertiary teaching of English language and literature, publishing, and social work. Gillian is a retired
lecturer in Mathematics at Massey University and plays the organ. The management role for the Trust
is a voluntary position. The work of the Trust has been very dependent on voluntary input from church
presbyters and music leaders, since its beginnings in 1978.

The New ZealandHymnbook Trust was founded in 1978 by theAnglican, Baptist, Methodist,
Presbyterian Churches and the Associated Churches of Christ (now known as Christian Churches New
Zealand).Its first contribution was a selection of material for the New Zealand Supplement in With One
Voice, the 1982 ecumenical hymnbook for Australia and New Zealand. Since then it has published four
hymn collections, and six CDs. The book titles are, with dates given: Allelulia Aotearoa 1993, Carol
our Christm as 7996,Faith Forever Singing 2000 and Hope is our Song 2009. In addition to one CD for
each of these books, there are two karaoke CDs (accompaniments only), Singing Love (a selection of
hymns written by Colin Gibson and performed by him), and Singing Faith (a selection of hymns written
by Shirley Erena Murray and performed by Roy Tankersley). The total number of hymns, songs and
carols published by the Trust is 447 , the great majority with words and music by New Zealanders. The
Trust's policy is to publish hymns that are ecumenical, contemporary and reflecting our place in the
South Pacifi c/Asian region.
The New Zealznd HYmn Book I Email:

#ttrffiBlEE# NZ Choral Music 14/07 /2012

M.C. ElH,[6lHt Dr.Nelson Wu DavidHamilton

David Hamilton will introduce New Zealand choral music

suited to church choirs. He will present choral music of his
own and by a range of composers. He will also introduce
some of the hymns written in New Zealand including those
by the internationally renowned composers of hymns Colin
Gibson and Shirley Murray.

&.$ MXuxs$m kVmrksh*p & SemtIman DavidHumitton


Tlris is apartial list of New Zealand composers active in the field of elroral music. Many other
composers have written on occasion for choirs, but these are the most active and best-known.
A useful starting point for New Zealand composers is the Centre for New Zealand Music
David Hamilton. Widely performed in especially, music for school and community
NZ and intemationally. Active as a teacher in groups. website:
schools and choral director. A large number of Jenny Mcleod: Came to early prominence
choral works from the challenging and unusual, in the 1960's then after a period of silence
to simple works for young singers. Especially returned to composition in the mid-1980's
popular with amateuricommunity choirs and including several important choral works such
school choirs. Extensive list of choral works and as"Childhood" and Dirge for Doomsday". Her
arrangements ofNZ Maori songs. Published by music can be challenging but there are also some
SULASOL (Finland), Colla Voce, earthsongs, more approachable scores. Has an interest in bi-
Walton Music, and O.U.P. website:www. culturalism in more recent works.
Helen Fisher: Has a particular interest in
Anthony Ritchie: Widely known for his blending Maori and European traditions in workt,
choral music, along with much fine instrumental such as "Pounamu" for flute and choir.
music. Choral music ranges from music for young
singers through to challenging works for top- Phi i p Norrfr an: Although better knowa

level choirs. Currently lectures in composition for stage and theatre music, he has written
some effective choral scores including his wr.{S
at Otago University (Dunedin). website: www. (also a contact point for "Plumsongs", and music for choral festivals.
works by Anthony's father John Ritchie who has Leonie Holmes: A compositionlecturer at
also written a number of highly regarded choral Auckland University with a number o!fine choral
works) u orks.

David Griffiths: Active as a solo singer and Jack BodY: one of the counry's most
voice teacher in Hamilton at Waikato University. interesting composers with a strolrg interest in
Although recent work has focussed more on the Asian music,;$$peciilly that of Indonesia. A small
solo voice and chamber operas, he has written number of iiiiiiguing (and often challenging)
alarge number of highly regarded choral works choral woits, but including one of the very best:
which have been performed widely. "Carolto St Stephen".
Christopher Marshall. Currently living, website:l{tl.wj ackbody. com
teaching and composing in Florida, his interest Giflian Wh itehead : Another composer
in Samoan music is reflected in his popular interest in bi-culturalism. Several
. with a strong
affangements of Samoan folksongs such as ,tlthoral works, although she is best-known for her

"Minoi, minoi". He has also written a wide range initrumental and stage music.
of other choral music. website:
DorothY Buchanan. Has written a Other younger composers worth investigating:
number of popular pieces for choir, especially her Anna Griffiths. Sarah McCallum.
"Peace Song", and has written.fqr film;,theatre
and instrumental forces. Also,iome popular
arrangements of Maori songs. The works of all these composer can be sourced
through SOLTNZ (Centre forNew Zealand Music)
Cheryl Camm:Although UK born, she ( or directly through the
lived in New Zealand for-a-rlumber of years, composers' own website.
before moving to Queensland and eventually
back to England. A wide range of choral music,

- t28

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