Simple Past

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Foz do Iguaçu, _______ de _____________de 2018.

Nome: ____________________________ nº_____

7º ano: ________ Profª.: _____________________

1) Explique as diferentes situações em que usamos o Past Continuous:

2) Segundo o estudo sobre “Past continuous”, qual das alternativas a seguir está nesse
tempo verbal da língua inglesa?

a) She was think his all day long.

b) I'm studying for maths this morning.
c) Maysa was playing video game when I left.
d) We all were very confuse with this mess.
e) My mother was cook some bread

3) Qual das alternativas apresenta a estrutura correta do “Past continuous”?

a) verb to be (presente) + main verb + ing

b) verb to be (past) + to + main verb
c) verb to be (past) + main verb + ing
d) verb to be (present) + to + ing
e) verb to be (past) + ing

4) Complete as alternativas abaixo passando o verbo em parênteses para o “Past


a) I ____________________a very pleasant book last night. (to read)

b) He ____________________ TV when his mother arrived. (to watch)
c) My father and my little brother _________________________ soccer yesterday. (to
d) My mother ______________________lunch with her friends last week. (to have)
e) They ________________________hard in their College project. (to work)
5) Complete as interrogações abaixo usando o “Past Continuous”:

a) _______Rachel _____________ a new book? (to read)

b)________they___________together yesterday? (to work)

c)________he___________ to music? (to listen)

d)________you _________street dance? (to do)

e)________she __________her sister with her homework? (to help)

6) Reescreva as frases do exercício número 4 na forma interrogativa:

a) _______________________________________________________________________

b) _______________________________________________________________________

c) _______________________________________________________________________

d) _______________________________________________________________________

e) _______________________________________________________________________


Complete as frases com BUT, SO, AND ou BECAUSE:

a) I like coffee ____________ I don't like tea.

b) I cant swim _____________ I can ski.

c) I want a new TV ________________ the one I have now is broken.

d) I had to work on Saturday ________________ I couldn't go to John's party.

e) My name is Jim ___________ I'm your new teacher.

f) We'll have to go shopping ______________ we have nothing for dinner.

g) The history test was difficult _________________ the English one was easy.

h) We didn't go to the beach yesterday ________________________ it was raining.

i) We have a test on Monday ______________________ I'll have to study this weekend.

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