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Bikini Body

21 D a y

o r k o u t s
i n u t e W
1 0 M G l u t e s
G l o r i o u s
f o r

he booty blast workout should be Be warned that this will hurt, but you’ve got to

done every day for 21 days. It only endure the pain if you want to build up those
takes ten minutes and can be done glutes. If the pain is too much to bear you can
anywhere at any time. If you are also start with a tennis ball then progress to a
doing the main Bikini Body Workouts lacrosse ball a few weeks down the line.
program simultaneously be sure to
separate the Booty Blast workouts from your After rolling your glutes with the lacrosse ball
main sessions by at least four hours. So you can you should quickly stretch your hip flexors
do these in the morning and train again at night before starting the workout. Tight hip flexors
or vice versa. On non-gym days you can do the inhibit optimal glute actication. To do this get in
Booty Blast workouts whenever you choose. The a lunge position with your left leg forward and
main workouts will get you the body you want your right leg back with your knee resting on
and the Booty Blast workouts will be the icing on the ground. Reach up toward the sky with your
the cake to really lift and shape your perfect butt. right hand and lean toward your left side. Hold
this position for 30-60 seconds then switch
Be sure to perform each exercise slowly and sides. Now you’re ready to start the workout.
deliberately, focusing on intently squeezing the
glutes throughout the sets. Take about two Do twenty reps of every exercise except for the
seconds up and two seconds down on each bird dog and the iso hold glute bridge. On the
exercise and hold the top, contracted position for bird dog you will do ten reps per side, twenty
a second, really contracting the glutes forcefully. total. On the iso hold glute bridge you will hold
the position for sixty seconds without moving or
Before starting the workout use a lacrosse ball on allowing your hips to drop.
each glute for a minute or so to help improve the
tissue quality, which will help them develop Rest as little as possible between the exercises
optimally. Simply sit on the floor and place a but don’t rush through it; be sure to get quality
lacrosse ball under your left glute, then cross your reps and a good glute contraction on each rep.
left ankle over your left quad, just above the If you need to take a few extra seconds
knee. From there slowly roll around working the between sets that’s fine. Don’t compromise form
sore spots out. After a minute or so switch the for shorter rest periods. There’s no reward for
ball over to your right glute. getting through it faster. The reward for getting
it done with high quality reps is a fuller, rounder,
firmer, higher set of glorious glutes.

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.

The Workout
 Bird Dog- 10 reps per side
 Side Lying Straight Leg Raise
(Hip Abduction)- 20 reps per side
 Butterfly Glute Bridge- 20 reps
 Side Lying Clam- 20 reps per side
 Hip Thrust- 20 reps
 Bent Knee Donkey Kick- 20 reps per side
 Deep Paused Squat- 20 reps
 Iso Hold Glute Bridge- 60 seconds

 Rest as little as possible Complete exercise descriptions

between the exercises
but don’t rush through it start on next page. Let’s go!

 Be sure to perform each

exercise slowly and
deliberately, focusing
on intently squeezing
the glutes throughout
the sets.

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.

Exercise Descriptions
Bird/Dog: Side Lying Clam:
• Get on the ground on your hands and knees • Lay on your right side using your right arm as a
• Brace your abs like you were going to get punched in pillow with your knees bent 90 degrees
the abdomen • While keeping your feet together, lift your left knee
• Simultaneously fully extend your right arm and left as much as possible like your legs are a clamshell
leg until they are parallel to the ground opening

• Brace your core tight to help you balance and make • Your right knee should remain on the ground the
sure your hips don’t rotate to one side or the other whole time

• Repeat on the opposite side • Concentrate on lifting your leg up using the muscles
on the side of your butt

Side Lying Straight Hip Thrust:

Leg Raise (Hip Abduction): • Sit on the ground with your upper back resting on a
• Lay on the ground on your right side using your right couch and your feet about two feet out in front of you
arm as a pillow
• Simultaneously squeeze your glutes and drive your
• Your feet should be stacked on top of each other heels into the ground to lift your hips until your torso
with both legs straight and thighs form a straight line parallel to the ground
• Use your glutes to lift your left leg up to a 45-degree • Your knees should be bent 90 degrees in the top
angle, while keeping your knee locked position with the shins perpendicular to the floor

Butterfly Glute Bridge: Bent Knee Donkey Kick:

• Lay on the ground on your back with the soles of • Get on the ground on your hands and knees
your feet pressed together
• While keeping your knee bent at a 90-degree angle,
• Your heels should be about a foot from your glutes lift your foot up toward the sky using only the
• Drive the sides of your feet into the ground and lift strength of your glutes
your hips towards the ceiling until your torso and
thighs form a straight line
• Squeeze your glutes hard at the top

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.

Exercise Descriptions
Deep Paused Squat: What Should
I Do When
• Stand with your feet around shoulder width apart
and your toes turned slightly outward
• Take a deep breath and hold it in your abdomen
which should be braced like you were going to take a I Finish 21 Days?
After 21 days your glutes should look significant-
• Squat down as low as possible while keeping your
torso as upright as possible
ly better than they do right now. At that point
• Make sure your knees are tracking out over your toes
you can stop doing the Booty Blast workout if
and drive them outward as you descend you’re happy with the appearance of your butt.
• Pause in the bottom position then squeeze your
glutes hard to return to the top position However, if you still want to keep building those
glutes you can start to increase the difficulty of
Iso Hold Glute Bridge: the workout by adding one rep to each set, every
• Lay on the ground on your back with your feet day. Instead of doing twenty reps per set you will
approximately 8-12 inches from your butt
do 21, then the following day you will do 22, the
• Feet and knees should be about 4 inches apart
day after that you’ll do 23 reps per sets, and on
• If you have yoga block you can squeeze it between
and on. You will continue to add one rep per day
your knees throughout the set
until you get to 50 total reps. The day after you
• Drive your heels into the ground and lift your hips
towards the ceiling until your torso and thighs form a hit the 50 rep sets you’ll stop doing the Booty
straight line Blast workout for 5-7 days then you can resume
• It helps to think about driving your knees forward as doing it 3-5 days per week with 25-40 reps per
you lift the hips
exercise for maintenance.
• Hold the top position for the prescribed amount of
time while squeezing your glutes
For the iso hold glute bridge you will add two
seconds per day until you get to the point where
you’re holding it for two minutes.

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.

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