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I. SPECIFIC TOPIC: My injury when i played basketball.

2. THESIS STATEMENT:​ I also got injury and it was the biggest shallow scrape
wound i ever had ​(specify that injury)
I. Introduction
A. general fact
II. Body
A. playing basketball
B. my scrape wound
III. Conclusion
A. restate the thesis
4/6 ( make sure not to write a NARRATIVE essay)

For the basketball player, everyone knows that he or she may get a chance to be injured
somehow while playing in the game, for example, ankle sprain, jammed fingers, knee injury
etc. In my case, I also got​ injured​ ​and it was the biggest shallow scrape wound I ever had.

In the basketball house match when Titan versus ​Berserker. I played​ as a left guard that
means​ I need ​to defend ​when the opposing team ​was the offender.​ At that time, our team
were attacked and one of Berserker players dribbling ball ​toward​ the net without any
defender from our tea​m.​ ​As a guard I ran down the court as fast as I could ever imagine to
steal the ball from that player. As​ a​ result, I lost my balance and tripped over my own legs
and then my right knee slided down the court like when the football player did after they
made a goal. I didn’t realize at first that a huge scrape wound around 13 centimeters was on
my right leg. It​ ​literally​ ​hurt like someone cut you with a ​sharpened​ ​ knife. My skin was
intensely rubbed that allowed other people to see my scarlet red dermis. However, there
were still some skin left around but they were like the the skin that got dirt from the floor. The
pain from my right leg got much more intense when I ​sweated​ ​and it dripped into my open
wound. Fortunately, it was just a shallow wound which I could tolerate. After I stopped
playing for a while, lymph and blood started to seep from my wound so I need to clean it up
with saline and covered with bandage.

After all, this was the first time that I got the biggest scrape wound ​I’ve ever had in the
basketball game. I’m sure that it’s going to leave an enormous scar on my leg for the entire
year. ​Although I got injured, I’m satisfied with my team because of Titan’s victory. ​(Well, what
was the result of the game?)

- check the past form of sweat: +1

- edit errors(punctuation, words, tense)

- ensure to paraphrase - ¾

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