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Why Thailand education never develop


I. Introduction
A. Question statement
II. Body
A.The average score of Thai students from PISA (Maths and Sciences)
B. The factor and reason why Thai education is develop slowly.
III. Conclusion
A. general fact
IV. References
'ระบบการศก ึ ษาไทย' ปมปัญหาใหญท่ ่ีควรไดร้ ั บการแกไ้ ขอยา่ งเร็วที่สุด. (2017, September 12). Retrieved from
Bangkok Post Public Company Limited. (n.d.). Pisa test rankings put Thai students near
bottom of Asia. Retrieved from

Thailand’s developing education

Do you wonder why Thai education has never been fully developed although many students
study hard from day to night? They are given a lot of assignment and exams, however, it doesn't
define them as genius students as can be seen in the average score of Thai students that is in the low
rank compared with other countries. ​5/5

According to The PISA test in 2015, from 70 countries Thailand ranked 54th in Maths. They got 415
points while the international average point was 490. Also in Sciences, students got 421 points while
the international average was 493. Among the countries in Asian, Thailand ranked the lower
education even though they largely invested in education and increased study hours to 1200 hours
per year. In contrast , UNESCO recommended that students actually need study class 800 hours per
year. If we compare with Finland which got the high rank in PISA test, their students study only
600-700 hours per year. As you can see, although we have more study class, the test result from ​thai
students still doesn’t improve. The government makes a new policy to decrease the study hour and
increase activities to let the students find what they like. However, it’s not successful because they
can only decrease the class time but the activities that school provide are not efficient and students
still go out to tutorial school; plus, the Thai culture esteems good grade students. This makes the
educational gap between good grade and low grade students and makes the students focus on
whether they’re going to get a good grade or not, so they will have less time to focus on what they
like.Moreover, the Thai education system is memory based learning, so the students can’t adapt and
collaborate their knowledge to their real life and they will not learn how to do critical thinking.​ 5/5

After all, the reason why Thai education still not fully develop is that Thai students can’t
collaborate their knowledge due to the education which is based on memory. That’s why however
hard they study, they never get a good score.​ 5/5

- I would like to believe that you wrote this essay. Good job!

Bangkok Post Public Company Limited. (n.d.). Pisa test rankings put Thai students near
bottom of Asia. Retrieved from

Pattamon, W. (2017, September 12). ​A day Bulletin​. Retrieved from

'​ระบบการศก ึ ษาไทย’ ปมปัญหาใหญท ่ ่ี ควรไดร้ ั บการแกไ้ ขอยา่ งเร็วที่สุด:


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