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704 A.

2d 411 Page 1
1998 ME 12
(Cite as: 704 A.2d 411)

Possessor of land owes duty to use reasonable care to

Supreme Judicial Court of Maine. all persons lawfully on premises.

Rose Mary DENMAN [4] Negligence 1011

v. 272k1011 Most Cited Cases
Jack Fox d/b/a Fox Enterprises. Possession of land, giving rise to duty of care, does
not require actual title or ownership; possessor of
land is one who, by occupancy, manifests intent to
Submitted on Briefs Nov. 12, 1997. control land.
Decided Jan. 15, 1998.
[5] Negligence 1692
272k1692 Most Cited Cases
Pedestrian brought action against bank and snow (Formerly 272k136(14))
removal service for injuries sustained in slip-and-fall
accident. The Superior Court, Cumberland County, Whether person owes duty of care to another is
Brennan, J., granted summary judgment in favor of question of law.
bank and snow removal service. Pedestrian
appealed. The Supreme Judicial Court, Wathen, C.J.,
[6] Negligence 1706
held that: (1) bank's action in hiring snow removal
272k1706 Most Cited Cases
service in compliance with municipal ordinance did
(Formerly 272k136(14))
not establish duty of care, and (2) pedestrian was not
intended third-party beneficiary of contract between
Whether person manifests intention to control land,
bank and snow removal service.
such that person is possessor of land with duty of
care, is issue of fact.
[7] Municipal Corporations 808(5)
West Headnotes 268k808(5) Most Cited Cases

Public duty imposed on bank by municipal ordinance

[1] Appeal and Error 863
requiring it to remove snow and ice from public
30k863 Most Cited Cases
sidewalk abutting its property did not give rise to
duty of care enforceable by pedestrian for her injuries
[1] Appeal and Error 934(1) resulting from bank's violation of that ordinance.
30k934(1) Most Cited Cases
[8] Contracts 187(1)
Entry of summary judgment is reviewed for errors of
95k187(1) Most Cited Cases
law, viewing evidence in light most favorable to party
against whom judgment was entered. Rules
Pedestrian was not third-party beneficiary of bank's
Civ.Proc., Rule 56.
contract with snow removal service, and thus had no
claim against snow removal service for injuries
[2] Appeal and Error 863 sustained in slip-and-fall accident, where contract did
30k863 Most Cited Cases not provide that anyone was third-party beneficiary,
and pedestrian offered no evidence of any
Summary judgment will be upheld if evidence circumstance attending execution of contract
demonstrates that there is no genuine issue as to any indicating clear intention to create enforceable rights
material fact and that moving party is entitled to in pedestrian as intended beneficiary.
judgment as matter of law. Rules Civ.Proc., Rule 56.
[9] Contracts 187(1)
[3] Negligence 1032 95k187(1) Most Cited Cases
272k1032 Most Cited Cases
(Formerly 272k28) For party to establish that it is third-party beneficiary
of contract, it is not enough that party benefitted or

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704 A.2d 411 Page 2
1998 ME 12
(Cite as: 704 A.2d 411)

could have benefitted from performance of contract; 23, 1994, when she slipped on snow and ice on a
intent must be clear and definite, whether it was public sidewalk abutting the property of Peoples
expressed in contract itself or in circumstances located on Forest Avenue in Portland. By virtue of a
surrounding its execution. municipal ordinance, Peoples was responsible for
snow and ice removal from the public sidewalk.
[10] Negligence 210 Pursuant to a contract with Peoples, Fox maintained
272k210 Most Cited Cases the building, and shoveled and cleaned the sidewalk.
(Formerly 272k2) On the day in question, Fox had not shoveled or
sanded before plaintiff's fall.
No duty arises from acts performed in compliance
with law. [1][2] [¶ 3] We review the Superior Court's "entry of
summary judgment for errors of law, viewing the
[11] Judgment 185(4) evidence in the light most favorable to the party
228k185(4) Most Cited Cases against whom the judgment was entered." Rodrigue
v. Rodrigue, 1997 ME 99, ¶ 8, 694 A.2d 924, 926
Unsworn and unsigned statement of witness is not (citation omitted). We will uphold the summary
proper summary judgment evidence. Rules judgments if the evidence demonstrates that there is
Civ.Proc., Rule 56. no genuine issue as to any material fact and that the
*412 Paul F. Macri (orally) Berman & Simmons, moving party is entitled to judgment as a matter of
P.A., Lewiston, for Plaintiff. law. Id.

Thomas S. Marjerison (orally), Norman, Hanson & [3][4][5][6] [¶ 4] Plaintiff first argues that there is a
DeTroy, Portland, for Fox Enterprises. genuine issue of material fact whether defendants
were "possessors" of the sidewalk in front of the
Noah D. Wuesthoff (orally), Monaghan, Leahy, building owned by Peoples and managed by Fox. "
Hochadel, & Libby, Portland, for Peoples Heritage. 'Under Maine law a possessor of land owes a duty to
use reasonable care to all persons lawfully on the
premises.' " Quadrino v. Bar Harbor Banking &
Before WATHEN, C.J., and CLIFFORD, Trust, 588 A.2d 303, 304 (Me.1991) (quoting
RUDMAN, and LIPEZ, JJ. Erickson v. Brennan, 513 A.2d 288, 289 (Me.1986)).
The court was required to determine whether
defendants possessed the public sidewalk at the time
of plaintiff's injury. Id. Plaintiff is correct that
WATHEN, Chief Justice. possession does not require actual title or ownership.
A possessor of land is "one who, by occupancy,
[¶ 1] Plaintiff Rose Mary Denman appeals from manifests an intent to control the land." Quadrino,
summary judgments entered in the Superior Court 588 A.2d at 305 (citations omitted). Whether a
(Cumberland County, Brennan, J.) in favor of person owes a duty of care to another is a question of
defendants Peoples Heritage Bank, Inc. ("Peoples") law. Quadrino, 588 A.2d at 304. Whether a person
and Jack *413 Fox, d/b/a Fox Enterprises ("Fox"). manifests an intention to control the land, however, is
Plaintiff argues on appeal that the court erred in an issue of fact. See Hankard v. Beal, 543 A.2d 1376
concluding (1) that defendants owed no duty of care (Me.1988).
to her because they were not in possession of the
public sidewalk on which she fell, and (2) that she [7] [¶ 5] Because defendants maintained the public
was not a third party beneficiary to the maintenance sidewalk, plaintiff argues that a genuine issue of
contract between Peoples and Fox. Plaintiff also material fact exists concerning their possession of the
argues that the court erred in failing to find a genuine sidewalk. We have previously stated that the owner
issue of material fact whether defendants assumed a of land abutting a curb on which plaintiff tripped was
duty of care by undertaking to clear the public not a possessor of the land and did not owe a duty of
sidewalk or by creating a hazard thereon. Finding no care. Quadrino, 588 A.2d at 305. Plaintiff's reliance
error, we affirm the judgments. on Pelletier v. Fort Kent Golf Club, 662 A.2d 220
(Me.1995) is misplaced. In Pelletier we held that
[¶ 2] The undisputed facts may be summarized the owner of a golf course over which railroad tracks
briefly as follows: Plaintiff was injured on January crossed possessed the tracks because, "unlike the
defendant in Quadrino, the Club manifested an

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1998 ME 12
(Cite as: 704 A.2d 411)

intention to have control over the land on which the sidewalk, or by means of snow and ice
defect was located." Id. At 222. In that case, the accumulated by natural causes thereon, although,
club instituted a "freelift" rule allowing a golfer to by ordinances of the city, it is made the duty of
pick up his ball and place it on the other side of the abutters, under prescribed penalties, to keep the
track if the ball landed near the track in an area sidewalks adjoining their estates in good repair,
designated by red markers, and invited the golfers to and seasonably to remove all snow and ice
use the course which included traversing the tracks. therefrom. Such ordinances are valid, and the
Id. at 221-22. In the present case, however, there is work which is enforced upon them relieves, to the
no evidence to support a finding that defendants extent of its cost or value, the city from charges
intended to control the public sidewalk. To the which otherwise it would be necessarily, in
contrary, defendants' actions were involuntary and discharge of its municipal duties, subjected to.
undertaken in compliance with applicable law.
Ouelette at 166, 183 A. 341 (quoting Kirby v.
[¶ 6] As an abutting landowner, Peoples was Boylston Market Association, 80 Mass. 249). We
required to remove snow and ice from the public held that the defendant "owed no duty to the plaintiff
sidewalk by Portland City Ordinance. [FN1] We to keep the sidewalk clear of ice and snow coming
have previously held that any *414 failure to remove thereon from natural causes, or to guard against the
snow and ice in violation of an ordinance does not risk of accident by scattering ashes or using other like
create a cause of action in favor of pedestrians precautions, whether or not any public duty was
injured thereby. Ouelette v. Miller, 134 Me. 162, 183 imposed upon him by the ordinances of the city." Id.
A. 341 (1936). Our opinion in Ouelette was based (quoting Dahlin v. Walsh, 192 Mass. 163, 77 N.E.
on the principle that: 830).

[¶ 7] Therefore, in the present case, the public duty

FN1. The ordinance requiring snow removal imposed on defendants by municipal ordinance does
provides in part: not give rise to a duty enforceable by plaintiff. The
In the business-pedestrian district, the fact that Peoples hired Fox to remove snow and ice in
owner, manager or any person having compliance with the ordinance does not establish a
responsibility for any building or lot of land genuine issue of fact concerning an intention to
which abuts any street where there is a control and possess the public sidewalk. The court
sidewalk shall remove snow from the entire did not err in finding as a matter of law that
sidewalk within twelve (12) hours after defendants owed plaintiff no duty of care.
snow has ceased to fall.
Portland City Ordinance § 25-173 (Ord. No. [8] [¶ 8] Plaintiff next contends that she has stated a
132A-93, 11-15-93). claim against Fox as a third party beneficiary of the
The ordinance requiring ice removal maintenance contract between Peoples and Fox. She
provides in part: argues that the contract was intended to benefit
In the business-pedestrian district, whenever pedestrians who were using the public sidewalk to
the sidewalk or any part thereof adjoining patronize Peoples' business establishment. The
any building or lot of land on any street shall controlling law is set forth in the Restatement
be encumbered with ice for six (6) hours or (Second) of Contracts as follows:
more during the daytime, it shall be the duty (1) Unless otherwise agreed between promisor and
of the owner and any person having the promisee, a beneficiary of a promise is an intended
responsibility for such building or lot to beneficiary if recognition of a right to performance
cause such sidewalk to be made safe and in the beneficiary is appropriate to effectuate the
convenient by removing the ice therefrom or intention of the parties and either
by covering the same with sand or some (a) The performance of the promise will satisfy an
other suitable substance. obligation of the promisee to pay money to the
Portland City Ordinance § 25-174 (Ord. No. beneficiary; or
132A-93, 11-15-93). (b) the circumstances indicate that the promisee
intends to give the beneficiary the benefit of the
defendants, as owners and occupants of the land promised performance.
and building abutting upon [the] Street, are not (2) An incidental beneficiary is a beneficiary who
responsible to individuals for injuries resulting to is not an intended beneficiary.
them from defects and want of repair in the

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1998 ME 12
(Cite as: 704 A.2d 411)

Restatement (Second) of Contracts § 302 (1981). concerning the condition of the sidewalk with
statements of an alleged witness to the incident is of
"An incidental beneficiary acquires by virtue of the no effect. The unsworn and unsigned statement of
promise no right against the promisor or the the witness is not in compliance with the
promisee." Restatement (Second) of Contracts § requirements of Rule 56.
315 (1981).
[¶ 12] Finally, we do not reach plaintiff's argument
[9] [¶ 9] In order for plaintiff to withstand a motion that we apply the standard of care set forth in
for summary judgment and proceed as a third party Isaacson v. Husson College, 297 A.2d 98 (Me.1972)
beneficiary, she was required to generate a genuine to this case. Because the Superior Court correctly
issue of material fact whether Peoples intended that concluded that defendants owe plaintiff no duty of
she receive an enforceable benefit under the care, the degree of care need not be addressed.
maintenance contract. Devine v. Roche Biomedical
Laboratories, 659 A.2d 868, 870 (Me.1995) (citing The entry is:
F.O. Bailey Company, Inc. v. Ledgewood, Inc., 603
A.2d 466, 468 (Me.1992)). "It is not enough that Judgments affirmed.
[plaintiff] benefitted *415 or could have benefitted
from the performance of the contract. The intent 704 A.2d 411, 1998 ME 12
must be clear and definite, whether it was expressed
in the contract itself or in the circumstances END OF DOCUMENT
surrounding its execution." Id. There is no language
in the contract before us to generate an issue of
Peoples' intention to create in plaintiff enforceable
rights as an intended beneficiary. The contract
between Peoples and Fox provides simply for Fox to
manage and maintain the building. Plaintiff offered
no evidence of any circumstance attending the
execution of the contract that would support finding a
clear intention to create in plaintiff enforceable rights
as an intended beneficiary. The Superior Court did
not err in finding that plaintiff failed to establish a
genuine issue of fact with respect to her third party
beneficiary claim.

[10] [¶ 10] Plaintiff argues further that she

established separate theories of liability on the basis
that defendants actually assumed the duty of care
when they affirmatively arranged for and maintained
the public sidewalk, and on the basis that they created
a hazard. With regard to the first contention, we
need only note once again that defendants did not
voluntarily undertake to remove the snow and ice;
they were under a legal obligation to clear the public
sidewalk, and no duty arises from acts performed in
compliance with the law.

[11] [¶ 11] The record reflects that Fox had not

performed any maintenance, shoveling or sanding
services on the day of the incident and does not
suggest that any prior affirmative acts of defendants
created a hazard. In opposing defendants' motions
for summary judgment, plaintiff offered no affidavits,
depositions, answers to interrogatories, or
admissions, pursuant to M.R. Civ. P. 56(c) and 56(e).
Plaintiff's attempt to create a genuine issue of fact

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