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YOUR PERSONAL DEMONSTRATION OF THE POWER OF GOD-FORCE NOW! Prove for yourself that YOU can project the God-Power—but remember, please, it is not YOU who does this but the God-Foree THROUGH YOU. Take a cardboard cylinder about five inches long, the core of a roll of toilet paper will do, About a half-inch from the top, using a razor blade, cut two slots about an inch wide, directly across from each other, Take a piece of metal from one-half to five-eighths or even three-quarters of an inch wide, long enough to cross through these slots and project from each side a quarter of an inch, The metal should be thin, slightly flexible but no so thin that it will bend as easily, say, as foil. Take a blunt point and make a dimple impression in the exact center. Do not pieree the metal. Next, take a small block of wood, say three inches by three inches, about an inch thick, thereabouts. Drill a small hole in the center and press in a metal knitting needle. Place the cylinder down over this so that the point of the knit- ting needle rests in the indentation and can rotate frecly. Place over this whole thing a gallon glass jar such as mayon- naise or fruit come in to restaurants so that no vagrant breeze will cause any motion. Now stand about four feet away in “ONENESS” and direct: that the cylinder rotate. DON’T strain! It is not YOU who will make that cylinder move but your personal projection of the God-Power from your superconscious united with your conscious mind, balancing the union of these two in the striatum of your brain. Concentrate upon that eylinder turning, and it WILL. This should amply demonstrate to you in a small way what the “White Room Discipline” can do on a vastly greater scale and that God and you CAN BE ONE. And that you can use the God-Power to per- form so-called “miracles.” Brother Don

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