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Faculty of Science

Department of Physics

Course Number PCS111

Course Title Physics in the News
Semester/Year Fall 2018

Module 4,6
Title of topic 9. Gravity in Parallel Universe
Word count 1262 (Excluding title page and reference)

Submission Date November 30, 2018

Due Date November 30, 2018

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Bilguun Gantulga 91 187

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Our solar system is turning in circles as part of vast collection of stars and star systems. There

may be around 200 billion stars in our milky way galaxy and an estimated 6 billion of those stars

have planetary systems like ours. Our solar system orbits the center of the milky way that is one

of more than 125 billion galaxies that make up the observable universe. But physicists have been

intrigued by this abstract idea that says there are other universes out there far away that the lights

from these universes cannot be captured in our telescopes. If there are other dimensions and

universes, can we go between them? Can gravity be in parallel universes? If so, how can it be?

Many physicists have been attempting to answer these questions. Although many hypothetical

models and theories have been proposed, there are still no proofs that support the existence of

multiverses. If the existence of multiverses is proven, then gravity shall also be in those

universes otherwise the law of physics will be fundamentally flawed.


The universe is filled with a cluster of beautiful objects from glittering stars to amazing clusters

of galaxies to clouds of gas and dust. Some believe that one force created them all; that force is

gravity. In 17th century, Isaac Newton discovered gravity while he was sitting under an apple tree.

He felt the impact from falling apple on his head and perhaps he looked up and saw the moon

through the branches (Douplik, 2018). He probably wondered why the moon was not falling

towards the earth. After conducting many experiments, Newton had realized that gravity was a

universal force although many scientists still thought that gravity was only unique to the earth.

Since gravity is a universal force, it must exist everywhere throughout the universe.
When scientists talk about the universe, they simply refer to the part of the entire universe we

have been able to observe so far. But, do parallel or alternate universe(s), that we cannot see,

exist? If they do, does gravity exist in them as well? The topic, gravity in a parallel universe, is

going to be explored, analyzed and discussed based on academic research findings throughout

this paper.


The term, parallel universe, refers to the hypothetical universes that display reality. It is the main

subject of hypothesized multiverse models that has been proposed by scientists. Let us consider

two big, distinct and unrelated multiverse theories: 1) Membranes and extra dimensions and 2)

The many-worlds theory. They all try to explain the existence of other universes in which reality

and life may exist as they do in our observable universe.

First, string theorists have introduced the theory that there should be a multiverse of universes

out there. When two universes collide, it could form another universe. When it splits into half, it

could create two universes. They also support the idea that the universe is three-dimensional

surface that is inside the larger super-universe with a spatial dimension. There are 10 to 11

dimensions and three-dimensional surface is inside that those dimensions (Michio Kaku). Each

dimension is called a membrane. That should be immeasurable volume of space.

Second, the many-worlds theory proposes an idea that the infinitely-many alternate timelines for

the universe is real and is happening at this very moment. They happen in an ever-branching way

in which every possible past, present and future happen. If this theory were proven, then you
would be a singer in one universe while you would be a politician in another universe. We just

happen to exist in one of those universes without realizing it.


Gravity or gravitational force can be defined as the attractive force between all objects with

mass. The strength of gravitational force between two objects decreases by the square of the

distance. This definition of gravity is proposed by Newton. On the other hand, Einstein improved

the concept of gravity and explained that the gravity is warps and curves in the fabric of space-

time caused by objects with heavy mass (Davis et al. 2018). So how does gravity exist in one of

these parallel universes?


For gravity to be in a parallel universe, it must go through a bridge between two universes like a

wormhole since these unobservable universes, assuming they exist, are immeasurably far away.

Wormholes are hypothetical shortcuts between points in space, proposed by Einstein (Sainato,

2016). Without a wormhole, it could be impossible to reach these universes because there is just

insufficient energy to cover vast space. In contrast, some believe that gravitational waves always

leak into our dimensions; gravity leaks into smaller dimensions not the opposite. So, gravity was

not originated in our dimension (Conover, 2018). That means gravity was created in higher

dimensions and it just leaks into lower dimensions. Also, it implies that in higher dimensions, the

objects with mass exist. Otherwise, gravity will exist and leak into lower dimensions. According

to the Conover’s article, gravitational waves travel more than 65 million lightyears before they

leak into any other dimensions. And they do not become weaker on the trip to the Earth.
Therefore, it is not wrong to say that gravity is already in parallel universes, we have been

puzzled with its origin since Newton discovered it.

Suppose the string theory is valid and parallel universes exist in higher dimensions, then there

must be objects like planets and stars exist. Planets and stars with heavy mass distort the space

and time, producing gravity that travels across the fabric of space-time (Hanks, et al, 2014).

Thus, if objects with mass exist in a parallel universe, then gravity must exist. Gravitational

waves must travel like a droplet in calm water. On the other hand, how can gravity travel to other

universes from our universe? For this to happen, the immense amount of energy required beyond

the energy of hundreds and thousands of super blackholes (Kaku). However, it is possible to

attain such enormous energy and use that energy to visit other universes. One of theoretical

physicists, Michio Kaku, claimed that there is a loophole in the law of physics. Intelligent life

will be able to travel into other universes, so does gravity since people have mass. According to

Michio Kaku, people will be able to master what is called “planck energy” in the distant future.

Planck energy is the ultimate energy; the energy of Big Bang that is so strong that gravity itself

begins to break down. If intelligent life mastered this energy, then there would be no denying that

gravity can be in a parallel universe, travelling from our universe.


There are two contrasting views on the existence of gravity in a parallel universe. The first view,

as stated above, suggests that gravity was created in higher dimensions and flow into smaller

dimensions possibly through a wormhole or just simply travel in the fabric of vast space-time.

This implies that perhaps there are objects with mass that exist in the other universes. Otherwise,

gravity will not leak into our universe and form all the spherical stars and planets. In contrast,
there is a view that gravity in a lower dimension can travel into higher dimensions due to the fact

that intelligent life will be able to master “planck” energy and manipulate gravity. So “planck”

energy will allow us to escape from ever-expanding our universe into other unobservable

universes that may exist. Therefore, both views propose the possibility that gravity in parallel


Wallace, D. (2015). The emergent multiverse – quantum theory according to the Everett
interpretation. Contemporary Physics, 57(2), 234-237. doi:

Physics for Future Presidents: The science behind the headlines by Richard Muller, Norton,
W.W.ISBN978-0-393-33711-2, 2009

Kaku, M. Blackholes, Wormholes and the Tenth Dimension. Available at: [Accessed 24
Nov. 2018]

Kellaway, K. (2017, Mar 14). Still life with feeding snake by John Burnside review -- master of the
parallel universe. The Observer. Available at: [Accessed 24 Nov.

Gilmore, G. (2005, April 29). Review: Parallel Worlds by Michio Kaku. Available at: [Accessed 4
Nov. 2018]

Davis, T., Rickles, D. and Scott, S. (2018). Understanding gravity—warps and ripples in space and
time. [online] Curious. Available at: [Accessed
23 Nov. 2018].

Conover, E. (2018). Gravity doesn’t leak into large, hidden dimensions. [online] Science News.
Available at:
[Accessed 23 Nov. 2018].

Sainato, M. (2016, October 27). Dr. Michio Kaku on Wormholes, Entanglement and a Theory Of
Everything. Available at:
and-a-theory-of-everything/ [Accessed 23 Nov. 2018].

Hanks, M., Seaburn, P., & Arnold, L. (2014, August 20). Does Gravity Hold the Key to Proving
Existence of Parallel Worlds?. Available at:
hold-the-key-to-proving-existence-of-parallel-worlds/ [Accessed 24 Nov. 2018]

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