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Descriptive Essay

Specific topic - The appearance and mating dance of a

Male Western Parotia
Thesis statement - The Parotia as known as the ‘six-
plumed bird of paradise’ is an elegant exotic bird with a
marvelous mating dance.
I. Introduction
A. General facts/Questions statement
II. Body
A. Appearance
B. Mating Dance
III. Conclusion
A. General facts
B. Comparisons

IIII. Essay
The parotia
Each species of bird has its own unique appearance. You might have
seen a bird that can talk or a bird that can turn their heads 360 degree, but
have you ever seen a bird that looks gorgeous but also quite silly at the
same time? The bird I’m talking about is the Parotia or also known as ‘the
six plumed bird of paradise’, an elegant exotic bird with a marvelous mating

The Parotia is a species of bird found in New Guinea. These birds

have six erectile spatulate head wires which is their unique feature. They
are sexually dimorphic like most birds, but what made them special is the
contrast between its black feathers and its colorful chest shield. Their chest
shield is iridescent, but the colours are different depend on their species.
The Western, Eastern and Lawes’ parotia have a yellow, blue and green
shield , the Bronze and Queen Carola’s parotia have a rainbow shield.
Meanwhile, the females have brown feathers with no chest shield. One
thing that both genders have in common is their bright blue eyes.The
characteristic that the Parotia is known for is their mating dance. Most birds
bop up and down around the female, but this species of birds take it to a
whole new level. First of all, the male find a perfect tree to perform his
performance. Secondly, he picks up a dead leaf and brushes the tree’s
branch with it almost as if to clean it. After he finished, he practises his
dance by spreading his wings into a shape of an umbrella and bop up and
down. Lastly, he flew out to collect some berries and drop it on the floor to
attract females.

In conclusion, some birds’ characteristics are interesting. The Parotia

might not be as smart as a parrot or as majestic as an eagle, but it has its
own unique style that caught my attention.

- Good, but check your punctuation and SVA

- 4/4

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