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Descriptive Essay

I. SPECIFIC TOPIC: (2 points) The 52-hertz whale

2. THESIS STATEMENT: Lay beneath the deep and dark ocean floor, there lies the
loneliest creature in the world, the 52-hertz whale.
(2 points)
3. OUTLINE:(2 points)
I. Introduction
A. Using question statement
II. Body
A. appearance
B. Sound
III. Conclusion
A. Using quotes

4. ESSAY: (4 points)
Have you ever feel lonely? You might have the feeling of loneliness on a cold lonely
night in the winter, but imagine being unable to talk to anyone or any other creatures and living
alone all by yourself. Lay beneath the deep and dark ocean floor, there lies the loneliest
creature in the world, the 52-hertz whale.
The ocean is sure a big place, filled with thousands of species of living things and more
that are not yet discovered. It’s a home of one humongous animal, the 52-hertz whale. It’s
unclear what specific sex and type of whale it was because it hasn’t been discovered much from
the past, but as for the gigantic blue fin, scientists think it might be a Fin whale or most likely to
be the biggest type of animal on earth, the blue whale. Up until now, the enormous blue whale
still remains one of the ocean fascinating mysteries.
The 52-hertz whale was first detected back in 1989, by the US Navy. They detected an unusual
low sound that is much like the blue whale but the pitch was much more higher than others.
Because of its unique sound, the 52-hertz whale couldn’t really communicate to any other
whale. The low passionate sounds couldn’t fit any other whale range of hearing, although the
sweet melodic songs that it sang was very similar to the blue whale. There is no specific place
where the whale is located, but scientists have detected the whale distinctive sound annually in
the Pacific Ocean.
“The song of 52 Hz, the loneliest whale in the world” was the nickname for the
anonymous whale quoted by Kieran Mulvaney, an author of many documentary books. A
delighted enchanting song lay deep below the dark blue ocean, too bad the song remains
silenced for others.

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