Quantifying The Deterrent Effect of Anticartel Enforcement

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This paper presents a rare attempt to quantify the deterrent effect of anticartel policy.
It develops a conceptual framework, which establishes the sort of information necessary
for such quantification. This is then illustrated and calibrated by drawing upon existing
literatures and using evidence from legal cartels to approximate what would be observed
absent policy. Measuring impact by the proportion of all potential harm that is deterred,
our best estimate is two-thirds and, even on conservative assumptions, at least half of
all harms (or seven times the detected harm) is deterred. (JEL H11, K21, L44)

I. INTRODUCTION However such estimates are based only on the

cases that the CA busts—we call this the “ob-
With the growth of anticartel enforcement served harm”—and this raises the obvious ques-
throughout the world, increasing efforts are now tion: what about the harm that goes unobserved,
devoted to estimating its impact on economic because it is deterred? After all, a major func-
welfare. Most evaluations by the competition tion of any law is to deter antisocial behavior,
authorities (CAs) are very positive: although esti- and this is hopefully also true for competition pol-
mates are fairly rough and ready, they suggest that icy. Both academics and the CAs themselves have
the benefits to consumers from anticartel enforce- long argued that the magnitude of deterred harm
ment more than outweigh the CAs’ costs, usually probably far exceeds the harm removed by direct
by an order of magnitude. For example, the Euro- intervention, but this hunch has never been con-
pean Commission (EC) estimates that in 2014 firmed: indeed, we know of no direct attempts
consumers benefited from the removal of over- to do so. In an oft-cited quotation the Depart-
charges by cartels that it detected and prohibited ment of Justice concedes that “We firmly believe
to the tune of euro 1.69 billion.1 that deterrence is perhaps the single most impor-
tant ultimate outcome of the [Antitrust] Divi-
∗ Earlier drafts of this paper appeared previously as CCP sion’s work. We are just as sure that it presents
WP 13-7. We are grateful for useful comments on earlier the most significant measurement challenges … ”
versions of this paper from Iwan Bos, Denis Carlton, Carsten (Nelson and Sun 2002, 49). More recently, a
Crede, Joe Harrington, Morten Hviid, Greg Werden, and the
participants of conferences organized by CCP (June 2013), European consortium of CAs reports: “We are not
LEAR (June 2013), ABA (June 2013), CRESSE (July 2014). aware of any methodologies used by the Compe-
The usual disclaimer applies. The support of the Economic tition Authorities to assess, let alone estimate, the
and Social Research Council and the Centre for Competition
Policy is gratefully acknowledged.
Davies: School of Economics and Centre for Competi- Budget), and the UK’s CMA reports an annual average of
tion Policy, University of East Anglia, Norwich Research £73.6 million from cartel enforcement (including monopoly
Park, Norwich NR4 7TJ, UK. Phone +44(0)1603592715, abuse) for 2013–2016. The estimates of all three authorities
E-mail s.w.davies@uea.ac.uk relate to cartel cases prohibited in a given year. Their estimates
Mariuzzo: School of Economics and Centre for Competi- are all based on very conservative assumptions, and for that
tion Policy, University of East Anglia, Norwich Research reason, it is suggested that they are lower bound estimates.
Park, Norwich NR4 7TJ, UK. Phone +44(0)1603597530, Note that the relative magnitudes are not comparable because
E-mail f.mariuzzo@uea.ac.uk the assumptions differ in just how conservative the three
Ormosi: Norwich Business School and Centre for Competi- authorities are.
tion Policy, University of East Anglia, Norwich Research
Park, Norwich NR4 7TJ, UK. Phone +44(0)1603591935,
E-mail p.ormosi@uea.ac.uk ABBREVIATIONS
1. European Commission DG Competition (2015, 6). The CAs: Competition Authorities
US Department of Justice also estimates the benefits of its CMA: Competition and Markets Authority
cartel enforcement to be $293 million for 2015 (DoJ Antitrust EC: European Commission
Division Congressional Submission, FY 2015, Performance

Economic Inquiry doi:10.1111/ecin.12574

(ISSN 0095-2583) © 2018 Western Economic Association International

deterrence effects of their work and to assess its We review existing cartel literatures for
macroeconomic impact.”2 guidance on calibrating this framework. On
However, there is a further related issue, which some parts, we can be fairly confident in nar-
is also typically neglected in the evaluation lit- rowing down the possible assumptions: for
erature: what about a second type of unobserved example, previous empirical literatures point
case—those which the CA fails to detect, even to an aggregate probability of detection within
though they involve anticompetitive harm? In the range (0.1, 0.33); and the distribution of
effect, these represent a foregone opportunity, or cartel harm (overcharge) is likely to be positively
even failure of policy; again, this is never quanti- skewed. On other parts, conventional cartel
fied, although the magnitudes involved could also theory provides guidance: notably, on how the
be substantial. deterrence and detection rates are likely to vary
This suggests that a more encompassing across cartels with overcharge. On the other
approach to evaluation would be to ask first hand, we have very little hard evidence on the
“how much potential for anti-competitive harm likely magnitude of the aggregate probability
is out there in an economy?” Then, to assess the of deterrence.
success of policy, further ask “how much of that Inevitably, estimation within this or any other
potential harm is avoided and/or removed by the framework will entail significant uncertainty
presence of anti-cartel laws and the activities and, for this reason, we opt for Monte Carlo
of competition authorities?” The first question experiments, with a strong emphasis on the
is reminiscent of an old literature, provoked by lower bounds of the estimates, focussing more
Harberger (1954), which attempted to quantify on what outcomes can be ruled out, than attach-
the “social costs of monopoly.” Our approach ing undue confidence to specific point estimates.
is undoubtedly ambitious, but the potential Two sets of experiments are presented. The first
value of any practicable methodology to incor- set is based on fairly “general” weak assump-
porate deterrence within policy evaluation is tions; for example, both aggregate deterrence
self-evident—not only for assessing the impact and detection probabilities are allowed to lie
of competition law and its agencies, but also anywhere within wide ranges, and asymmetry
for informing prioritization of resources within within the population distribution is allowed
the authorities. to lie anywhere between perfect homogeneity
We begin by setting out a conceptual frame- and extreme heterogeneity. This plays a largely
work to establish what sort of information would ground-clearing role.
be needed to answer these questions. This is set The second set of experiments is invested with
up as a simple sampling problem in which there more structure in its assumptions, and we explore
is a population of “potential” cartels, all of which how far this narrows down the range of possible
would occur in the absence of anticartel law. A outcomes. Here, assumptions are based on direct
sample is drawn—these are the set of detected observation of the real-world distribution of
cartels—and we derive an estimator for making cartel overcharge gathered originally by Connor
deductions from the sample harm about the mag- (2014). This database is wide ranging, both over
nitudes of the unsampled (deterred or undetected) time and geographically, and although most of
harms. This identifies three types of information the cartels were illegal, a sizeable minority were
required: (a) the aggregate deterrence and detec- legal (occurring in jurisdictions without prohi-
tion probabilities (which determine the aggregate bition, or where exemptions were granted). The
sample size); (b) how these probabilities vary overcharge distribution among these legal cartels
between cartels depending on their overcharge would be observed in the absence of competition
(the sampling differentials); and (c) the extent of law and agencies—the counterfactual population
cartel heterogeneity in overcharge. None of this of potential cartels. This adds more structure not
information is obviously available. The objective only on the population distribution, but also, by
of our work is to demonstrate how one could com- comparing the legal and illegal cartel overcharge
bine existing and published estimates and Monte distributions, Bos et al. (2017) provide guidance
Carlo simulations to retrieve this information. on which types of cartel are less likely to be
observed (detected) once cartels become illegal.
2. “Looking beyond the direct effects of the work of While two important sources of uncertainty
Competition Authorities: Deterrence and Macroeconomic
impact,” Conference hosted by the Netherlands Authority for remain—the aggregates detection and deter-
Consumers and Markets, the UK Competition and Markets rence rates and how far the observed sampling
Authority (CMA) and the EC, September 2015. differentials reflect differences in detection or

deterrence—this extra structure does indeed and their findings are used to calibrate our
narrow down the range of feasible outcomes, experiments below.
especially at the lower bound. Our three main While the deterrent effect of cartel law has
results, all based on the most conservative esti- attracted a considerable literature, much of it is
mates, are that: detected harm is only the tip of only of indirect interest for present purposes.3
the iceberg, at least half of all potential harm Among the agencies, the UK and Dutch CAs
is deterred, and at least twice as much harm is have commissioned various research projects.
undetected as is detected. These are survey studies, based on interview-
This paper contributes to, and draws on, ing competition practitioners, lawyers, and com-
various previous literatures. First and most obvi- panies and asking them directly for their opin-
ously, it aims to contribute a missing link to the ions. The most widely cited statistic to emanate
evaluation of the impact of competition policy. from these studies (Deloitte 2007 for the OFT),
This has attracted a voluminous literature, in a is that, for each cartel detected by the CA, there
variety of forms: ex-ante versus ex-post evalu- were at least another five that were deterred
ation; evaluation of individual cases, or broad by competition law.4 This is sometimes referred
areas of policy, or aggregate competition policy. to as the deterrence multiplier. Below, we refer
The quantitative methods used have also varied to “the simple multiplier approach,” which we
widely, including event studies, qualitative sur- employ as a yardstick in our own simulations.
veys, and causal inference studies (see Ormosi Clearly, any estimates based on speculative opin-
2012 for summaries). However, all these works ions in answer to hypothetical questions should
are constrained by the same limitation: driven be treated with considerable caution, and we
by data availability, inferences are made on the do not use any survey estimates directly in our
basis only of the sample of cases in which the own simulations.
CA has intervened, and fail to take account of In the more recent academic literature a num-
unobserved cases, which are deterred or unde- ber of papers are related to our own in that
tected. Of course, this has long been noted by they explore theoretically and/or empirically how
many others, including Werden (2008), Geroski information on detected cartels might be used
(2004, 3), and Baker (2003, 40). More specifi- to draw inferences about other cartels which are
cally within the evaluation literature, our paper unobserved. Miller (2009) develops a model of
is closest to the work of the CAs themselves cartel formation over time and shows empiri-
in evaluating the impact of competition policy cally that the introduction of the 1993 leniency
in aggregate, and/or the broad areas of antitrust program strengthened deterrence. Theoretically,
and merger enforcement (see footnote 1 above). Harrington and Chang (2009) establish the con-
An important theme running through this policy ditions under which information on the number
literature is the use of conservative assumptions of detected cartels, and their durations, can sup-
which give rise to lower bound estimates; given port inferences about how the number of unde-
that one purpose of evaluation is accountability tected cartels is changing. Subsequently, Har-
to stakeholders, this is clearly advisable. We also rington and Wei (2017) focus on the relation-
focus on conservative lower bounds—values of ship between the durations of detected and unde-
deterrence and undetection below which we can tected cartels, and establish empirically the sort
rule out. of selection bias that might be involved. All three
Turning to the more academic literature, papers have made valuable and imaginative con-
empirical studies on the rate of detection provide tributions on how inferences can be drawn about
a useful input into the current paper. The early an inherently unobservable population from a
work of Bryant and Eckard (1991) suggests sample of observed cartels, and this is also our
that in a given year only 13%–17% of cartels
are detected, and Combe, Monnier, and Legal 3. See, for example, the literatures on optimal fines:
(2008) confirm a similar magnitude for Europe Elzinga and Breit (1973), Landes (1983), Kobayashi (2001),
Ginsburg and Wright (2010), Werden, Hammond, and Barnett
using essentially the same method. Ormosi (2012). See also Katsoulacos and Ulph (2013) on whether rev-
(2014) proposes an alternative method that draws enue or profit should be used as the basis for calculating the
an analogy with capture-recapture analysis in optimal fine.
ecological science and finds detection rates to 4. Subsequent studies using similar survey methodolo-
gies confirm that such multipliers are likely to be significant,
be in the same ballpark. Lande and Connor although the precise magnitudes vary considerably: a larger
(2012) provide an exhaustive survey of these follow-up UK survey by London Economics (2011) reports
and other estimates of the rate of detection, much higher (1:28) deterrence rates.

objective. However, none is designed to quan- (say year) by N. This represents all harmful cases,
tify the magnitude of deterrence, as measured which would occur in the absence of competition
by overcharge: the latter two address nondetec- policy.6 With probability ω some are deterred by
tion rather than deterrence and duration rather the existence of competition law and enforce-
than overcharge, and the first identifies only ment. Within the undeterred subset, some cartels
changes over time, rather than the magnitude, are discovered and prohibited by the CA, but oth-
of harm. ers go undetected. The probability that a cartel is
Finally, two other very recent papers are detected is σ.
closely related to this one. One, Bos et al. (2017) In general, σ and ω can be time variant
is complementary to ours in that it shows, both and interdependent. For example, there may
theoretically and empirically, that cartel deter- be a dynamic causal relation running from
rence will be highest for very low and very high detection, σ, to future deterrence, ω: success
mark-up cartels. This result feeds directly into in detection by the CA might deter some firms
the assumptions employed in this current paper from attempting to contravene the law in the
on the sampling differentials, as will be seen future. Moreover, it is also possible that a more
in Section III.B. The other, Katsoulacos et al. effective CA performs well both in terms of
(2016), shares the same conceptual objective deterrence and detection, therefore ω and σ
as ours, but its approach is very different in at would be contemporaneously correlated as well.
least two respects. First it abstracts from any het- In our experiments below, we allow for the two
erogeneity among cartels, and thereby sidesteps parameters to be either positively correlated
the key issue of selection bias. Second, its main or uncorrelated.
focus is on the rarely observed phenomenon of Suppose the CA detects a sample N S of the N
recidivist cartels.5 cartel population, and estimates the magnitude of
The remainder of the paper is structured as harm they cause, whose value is denoted by H S .
follows. Section II introduces the framework, We refer to H S below synonymously as sample
couched as a simple sampling problem; this or detected harm. It follows that the expected
yields estimators for the unknown population number of detected cartels is:
harm, including deterred and undetected harms,
in terms of sample-detected harms. It identi- (1) N S = (1 − ω) σN,
fies three building blocks: the aggregate rates ≡λ
of detection and deterrence, the heterogeneity
of cartels within the potential population, and where λ is the proportionate sample size. This
the sampling differentials, which reflect differ- provides two preliminary insights. First, detected
ences in the likelihood of formation and detec- cases are probably a small proportion of the
tion between cartels with different levels of harm. potential population. As an illustrative example,
Section III draws on existing literatures for our if σ = .2 and ω = 0.5, only 10% of all potential
assumptions about these building blocks. The cases are detected. Second, a head count of the
framework is then operationalized in Section number of detected cartels tells us little about the
IV using Monte Carlo experiments to generate efficacy of the CA: detecting 10% of the popu-
estimates of the likely relative magnitudes of lation could indicate a very poor CA, with low
deterred, undetected, and detected harms. Section detection and no deterrence (σ = .1 and ω = 0),
V assesses the likely robustness of our results and or a strong CA, which deters most cartels and
Section VI concludes. detects all those which are undeterred (σ = 1 and
ω = 0.9). Both points are illustrated in the simu-
lations that follow.
II. FRAMEWORK There are similar implications for the magni-
tudes of harm, rather than the number of cases.
A. Preliminary Notation If sample cases are a random draw of the pop-
Denote the total population of all potential car- ulation, then detected harm is related to total
tels in a given economy at a given point in time
6. This counterfactual is an oversimplification to
5. We believe this emphasis is unwarranted because it the extent that some cartels might be deterred by pri-
confuses the fairly frequently observed occurrence of indi- vate enforcement, import liberalization, deregulation, and
vidual firms being involved in more than one cartel, with the other noncompetition policies. Note that we also abstract
very rare possibility of a cartel reforming after having been from the possibility of welfare-enhancing cartels, and
detected. Type 2 errors.

potential population harm, H, by: FIGURE 1

S Lorenz Curve of Potential Cartel Harm
(2) H = λH,
which can be rewritten as
(3) H= .
The magnitudes of deterred (H DR ) and unde-
tected (H UT ) harms can be derived similarly,
leading to:
REMARK 1. If the cartels detected by the CA
are a random sample of the population, then
population harm is a simple multiple of detected
harm: H/HS = 1/λ. The multiple for deterred
harm is HDR /HS = ω/λ, and for undetected harm
(HUT /HS ) = (1 − σ)/σ. We refer to those as “the
simple multipliers.”
We argue below that the assumption of a
random sample is implausible, and our aim is
to establish and calibrate alternative estimators,
which address the classic selection bias faced by
most studies of policy evaluation, and indeed for
any empirical research in industrial organization the curve shows the cumulated proportion of
more widely defined.7 aggregate harm (normalized to 1) they account
B. The Population Distribution As a purely presentational device below, we
employ the special case of a symmetric Lorenz
We proceed by framing the task as a sampling curve. This is symmetric either side of the down-
problem in which the purpose is to estimate the ward sloping main dotted diagonal. Then, for
magnitude of total harm (H) for a population, any lower tail pL accounting for harm hL there
from which a sample is taken, where the sample
is an upper tail of size pH = hL , which accounts
harm (H S ) is known, from the CA’s estimates for
for harm hH = pL , (and of course pM = hM ), for
the cartels that it has detected. For analytical sim-
example, if the 30% least harmful cases account
plicity, we employ a stylized trichotomy in which
for 10% of harm, the 10% most harmful car-
the population is broken down into three, not nec-
tels account for 30% of harm. In the figure, this
essarily equal, segments: low, medium, and high
implies AD = BC. Lorenz symmetry is analyti-
harm cases (L, M, and H). The lower tail of least
cally convenient and should offer a reasonable
harmful cases accounts for a proportion pL of
first approximation for many positively skewed
the population, and proportion hL of population
distributions. It is satisfied for example by the
harm; the upper tail for pH and hH ; and the middle
lognormal (Aithchison and Brown, 1957, 113).
segment for
( ) ( ) Below, we employ it for preliminary illustra-
pM = 1 − pH − pL and hM = 1 − hH − hL . tive purposes, but none of our substantive results
require this assumption.
The population distribution is depicted in
Figure 1 using a traditional Lorenz curve, in
which the potential cartels are ranked in ascend- 8. Both axes are normalized to the interval [0,1]. The
45∘ diagonal shows the symmetric benchmark where all car-
ing order of harm along the horizontal axis, and tels are equally harmful; and the curve must be concave to
the diagonal because cases are ranked in ascending order of
7. For example, conventional wisdoms drawn from harm. The distance of the curve below the diagonal reflects
the empirical literature are that, typically, cartels last for the degree of asymmetry in the size distribution. The Lorenz
5–8 years, involve four to eight members, and overcharge curve is nonparametric, but often proves helpful in the anal-
in the region of 20% (see Levenstein and Suslow 2006 and ysis of positively skewed distributions. Traditionally, “size”
Davies and De 2013). All of these estimates are based on car- might be personal income in studies of income distribution
tels which have been detected and do not necessarily apply to or firm size in studies of industrial concentration; see Lorenz
undetected or deterred cartels. (1905) or Gastwirth (1972).

C. Selection Bias with Differential Sampling and vice versa. Population asymmetry is captured
Suppose that sampling is random within each by the magnitudes of (pL − hL ) and (hH − pH ), and
segment, but not necessarily across segments, the larger these are, the greater is the impact of
then there is a straightforward estimator for the sampling differentials on population harm.
magnitude of population harm (H).9 If the seg- This intuition can be brought into sharper
ments are sampled in potentially different pro- focus by referring back to the Lorenz curve, in
portions, λi (i = L, M, H), overall proportionate which (hH − pH ) = BC and (pL − hL ) = AD. Thus
sample size of the population is given by: (8) H ⋛ H S ∕λ as (AD∕BC)
NS ( ) ( )
(4) ≡ λ = λL pL + λM pM + λH pH , ⋛ λM − λH ∕ λM − λL .
and since pL + pM + pH = 1, we can substitute pM The magnitudes of AD and BC reflect the
and have asymmetry of the distribution, that is, the distance
of the Lorenz curve from the diagonal, but they
( ) ( )
(5) λ = λM + λL − λM pL + λH − λM pH . also depend on the precise form of the underlying
population distribution. ◾
Similarly, proportionate sample harm is:
(6) ( ) ( ) PROPOSITION 1. For a population distribu-
H S ∕H = λM + λL − λM hL + λH − λM hH . tion that generates symmetric Lorenz curves, for
Subtracting Equation (4) from Equation (6), example the lognormal, H will deviate by more
and with simple manipulation, from the simple multiplier (HS /λ) the larger are
the sampling differentials and the more asymmet-
H S ∕λ ric is the population distribution.
(7) H=
(λ −λ ) ( ) .
1 − L λ M pL − hL
Proof. For a symmetric concave Lorenz curve,
(λ −λ ) ( )
+ H λ M hH − pH AD = BC, that is, pL − hL = hH − pH , and
Equation (7) simplifies to:
LEMMA 1. With random sampling, the simple
H S ∕λ
multiplier, 1/λ, is an unbiased estimator of total (9) H=
population harm. But with differential sampling, (λ −λ ) (
1 + H λ L hH − pH
population harm also depends on (1) the sam-
pling differentials and (2) population asymmetry. Then H ⋛ H S /λ as λH ⋚ λL ; and for given
(λH − λL ), the absolute difference is increasing
Proof. From inspection, with random sam- with (hH − pH ), where (hH − pH ) is greater for
pling across segments (λL = λM = λH ), more asymmetric distributions.10
H = H S /λ. But, more generally, H ⋛ H S /λ as We assume Lorenz symmetry in the general
(λL − λM )(pL − hL ) − (λH − λM )(hH − pH ) ⋛ 0. experiments below, but merely for ease of illus-
The intuition is fairly obvious. Defining the tration.11 This assumption is not necessary for our
(λ −λ ) (λ −λ ) framework, and is not used in the evidence-based
sampling differentials as L λ M and H λ M ,
then for a given sample proportion λ, and estimate experiments on which our main conclusions are
of sample harm H S , the implied population harm based. ◾
is larger the greater is sampling of the lower tail,
(λL −λM )
, and the smaller is sampling of the upper 10. To avoid confusion note that we refer to two different
types of asymmetry. A distribution is said to be asymmet-
(λH −λM )
tail, λ
, that is, the more that low harm car- ric if it is skewed, in which case the degree of asymmetry
refers to the degree of skewness. A Lorenz curve is asym-
tels are featured disproportionately in samples, metric if it is not symmetric either side of the downward
sloping diagonal. In the current context, all potential popu-
9. With this simple assumption, we effectively approx- lation distributions are likely to be asymmetric, but they may
imate continuous relationships between the sampling rate or may not exhibit asymmetric Lorenz curves. For example,
and case harm with a simple three-step function. Although the lognormal distribution is asymmetric but has symmetric
analytically crude, this is sufficiently flexible for present Lorenz curves.
purposes—the relative magnitudes of the λi can capture 11. For asymmetric Lorenz curves, the Lorenz asymme-
monotonicity or not, and concavity, linearity, or convexity. Of try coefficient (LAC) (Damgaard and Weiner 2000) enters
course, for a given continuous relationship, the magnitudes of as an additional term, where LAC ⋛ 1 as the upper tail con-
the λi are sensitive to how broadly defined are the sizes of the tributes relatively more (less) than the lower tail to overall
different segments (pi ). asymmetry.

D. The Estimators for Population Harm and literature for evidence of plausible ranges. There
Deterred and Undetected Harms is a large literature attempting to estimate the
This proposition relates to the relationship cartel detection rate. Lande and Connor (2012)
between population harm and sample harm. We report the results of 25 previous econometric
can interpret it in the present context in two studies, yielding estimates of σ within the range
ways. First, to find total potential population 0.1–0.33. We therefore specify σ as a random
harm in terms of detected and deterred sample variable drawn from a distribution within those
harm, recall that λi = (1 − ωi )σi and Equation (7) supports. For ω, there is much less to go on
becomes: from the previous literature, and this parameter is
allowed to take any possible value between 0 and
H S ∕ (1 − ω) σ 1, except the very extremes. To add a perspec-
(10) H =
(1−ωL )σL −(1−ωM )σM ( ) . tive, note that the midpoints of these two ranges,
1− pL − hL
(1−ω)σ ω = 0.5 and σ = 0.215, imply a deterrence mul-
(1−ωH )σH −(1−ωM )σM ( )
tiplier of approximately 5:1—that is, for every
+ (1−ω)σ
hH − pH
detected case there are five others deterred.12 This
Second, it can also be used to provide an is consistent with the most widely cited estimates
estimator for total undeterred harm (H UR ) if we in the existing literature, from the Deloitte (2007)
treat the detected cases as a sample drawn from survey described earlier, although when interpret-
the population of undeterred cartels. In that case, ing results below, we focus less on midpoints, and
the sample proportion in segment i is λi = σi and more on conservative lower bounds.
population harm refers to the total harm of all
undeterred cartels, H UR . Deterred harm (H DR )
B. The Sampling Differentials
and undetected harm (H UT ) can then be backed
out as simple residuals: For the segment parameters, the ωi and σi , and
thus the sampling differentials, we draw on the
(11) H DR = H − H UR existing theoretical literature to impose qualita-
tive constraints on relative magnitudes. Again,
and this is for both sets of experiments, but later
(12) H UT = H UR − H S . we will impose more structure on the relative
magnitudes of segment parameters using real
Equations (10)–(12) form the basis for the world evidence.
simulations below. For this we require informa- The relative magnitudes of the segment sam-
tion on: pling proportions, the λi , depend on how the prob-
1. the aggregate sampling proportion (λ) and abilities of deterrence and detection vary with
its two constituents: 1 − ω and σ; cartel harm. Here, we employ insights from the
(λM −λL ) existing cartel literature on deterrence and detec-
2. the sampling differentials λ
and tion. For this purpose, we interpret cartel over-
(λM −λH ) charge as synonymous with harm, which is an
, and their constituents (the segments ωi
and σi ); and acceptable approximation given (Bolotova 2009,
3. the asymmetry of the population distribu- 338) the empirical finding of no significant cor-
tion, as represented by (pL − hL ) and (hH − pH ). relation between overcharge and cartel turnover.
We believe the existing literature supports two
To calibrate the parameters, we turn to exist- ordinal assumptions.
ing empirical and theoretical literatures. This
provides some broad guidance on the likely mag- ASSUMPTION 1. The probability of cartel
nitudes of ω and σ, and some ordinal constraints detection is nondecreasing with cartel harm:
on the sampling differentials. σL ≤ σM ≤ σH .

Anticartel enforcement has two arms: leniency

DETECTION applications and “ex-officio” detection (our

A. The Aggregate Parameters 12. The proportions of detected and deterred cartels are
In the following simulations, the probabilities (1 − ω)σ, and ω, respectively, and if the latter is five times
the former, ω = 5(1 − ω)σ. This is satisfied approximately
of deterrence and detection ω and σ are modeled at the midpoints of our assumed distribution, σ = 0.215 and
as random variables, using the existing empirical ω = 0.5.

short-hand for nonleniency cases provoked by FIGURE 2

consumer complaints or the CA’s own monitor- Kernel Density Curves for Cartel Harm in Legal
ing independent of leniency). Our detection rate, and Illegal Cartels
σ, can be thought of as the weighted average
of these two forms of detection. Most of the

recent theoretical and experimental literatures on
leniency, such as Bigoni et al. (2012), Harrington

and Chang (2009), Fonseca and Normann (2012),

and Jensen and Sørgard (2016), suggest that the

probability of leniency applications increases

with harm. This is because in markets where
cartels cause large harm there is also a larger

incentive to deviate, and less stable cartels are
more likely to apply for leniency. On ex-officio

detection, following the Block, Nold, and Sidak 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
(1981) model, the prevailing assumption is that Cartel overcharge
the probability of detection increases with the Illegal Legal

cartel markup, because higher prices are more

likely to raise customer suspicion and com-
plaints, and/or to be spotted by the CA. This is
also recognized explicitly in much of the cartel low and high overcharges cartels are observed
screening literature. in regimes where cartels are illegal. They show
this to be statistically significant, using quantile
ASSUMPTION 2. The probability of deter- regression and propensity score methods to con-
rence is higher for low harm and high harm than trol for various potentially confounding factors,
for medium harm cartels: ωL ≥ ωM ≤ ωH . such as date and location of cartel. Assuming
that the legal distribution reveals what would be
Bos et al. (2017) provide both theoretical and observed in a world without policy, and therefore
empirical support for this assumption.13 Using without deterrence, the figure shows that the
a fairly generic model of cartel formation, they combination of deterrence and nondetection
show that low-overcharge cartels are more likely leads to fewer cartels being observed in the tails
to be deterred from forming because the expected when cartels are illegal. This is consistent with
penalty makes them unstable and unprofitable. In Assumptions 1 and 2.
addition, high-overcharge cartels are less likely to In all simulations below, magnitudes for
be observed because effective anticartel enforce- the segment parameters ωi and σi are drawn
ment will tend to destabilize collusion and force subject to these assumptions, and in what we
colluding firms to limit their price increases. shall term the evidence-based experiments,
They also provide empirical evidence, which additional structure is imposed using further
is consistent with these assumptions. Using data evidence from the above comparison of legal and
from Connor’s (2014) extensive historical data illegal cartels.
set on cartel overcharge, they extract the distribu-
tions of (%) overcharge ([p − mc]/p) for cartels
observed under regimes when cartels were illegal IV. EXPERIMENTS
and those where they were legal (1,107 and 390 Our empirical work involves simulating
observations, respectively). These are reproduced the harm by calibrating the parameters of
here as Figure 2. This shows that relatively fewer Equation (10) based on the above Assumptions 1
and 2. It is done in two parts. The first part plays
13. A key finding of Bos et al. (2017) is that enforcement a preparatory role by establishing what sort of
tightens the incentive compatibility constraints of high-harm
cartels, which means that these cartels will lower their prices
broad magnitudes might be involved, if one
in order to deter cheating. Such an outcome would imply wishes to avoid imposing too much additional
higher deterrence for high-harm cartels and lower for medium structure beyond these assumptions. This is
harm (for medium harm deterrence could even be negative, referred to as general experiments. In the second
if composition deterrence reduces the markup of high harm
cartels, which then become medium harm). This, however, part we impose more structure on the parameters,
does not affect our assumption. For our purposes what matters using evidence derived from the comparison of
is that ωH ≥ ωM . real-world legal and illegal cartels.

Calibrations: Parameter Assumptions
General Evidence Based
Aggregate deterrence ω ∼ U(0.1, 0.9) ω ∼ U(0.1, 0.9)
Aggregate detection σ ∼ U(0.1, 0.33) σ ∼ U(0.1, 0.33)
Segment detection σL ≤ σM ≤ σH σL ≤ σM ≤ σH
Segment deterrence ωL ≥ ωM ≤ ωH ωL ≥ ωM ≤ ωH
Population proportions pL = pM = pH = 0.333 pL = 0.238, pM = 0.415, pH = 0.347
Population asymmetry Ln(h) ∼ N(μ, s2 ), s ∈{0, 1, 1.5} hL = 0.002, hM = 0.144, hH = 0.854
σ (1−ω )
Sampling differentials λL = Lσ(1−ω)L = 0.5266
σ (1−ω )
λM = Mσ(1−ω)M = 1.5462
σ (1−ω )
λH = Hσ(1−ω)H = 0.6707

A. General Experiments The population distribution is assumed to be

As explained above, we treat the aggregate lognormal, that is, ln(H) ∼ N(μ, s2 ).
parameters as random variables, both drawn The lognormal is a plausible candidate for this
from uniform distributions: ω ∼ U(0.1, 0.9), and role—it typically provides a good description of
σ ∼ U(0.1, 0.33). Thus for aggregate deterrence many real-life business size-related distributions,
we rule out only the most extreme possibilities but nevertheless allows parsimony in the cali-
that deterrence is either almost entirely inef- brations: we can vary the degree of population
fective or entirely effective. For detection, we asymmetry across experiments with just one
allow the parameter to lie anywhere in the range parameter, the variance of the distribution s2 .
of values previously estimated in the detection Here, we report results with three alternative val-
literature.14 In most of the simulations reported ues for s = 1, 1.5, or 0. A standard deviation s = 1
below, it is assumed that the two parameters generates a fairly asymmetric distribution, in
are perfectly correlated—we believe this to be which the most harmful third of cartels account
the natural default assumption, namely, a strong for nearly three quarters of total harm, and the
detection record for the CA is probably the least harmful third account for only 8%. Alter-
strongest form of deterrence.15 natively if s = 0, there is no cartel heterogenity,
Given the draws for aggregate ω and σ, a vec- and if s = 1.5 there is even more asymmetry; the
tor of values for σL , σM , and σH is drawn subject top tail accounts for the large majority, 86%,
to the constraints: σ = pL σL + pM σM + pH σH and of total harm. We define arbitrarily the three
σL ≤ σM ≤ σH (Assumption 1)16 ; and a vector of segments to be of equal size, pL, M, H = 0.33.
ωL , ωM , ωH is drawn subject to the constraints The “General” column of Table 1 summarizes
ω = pL ωL + pM ωM + pH ωH and ωL ≥ ωM ≤ ωH these assumptions.
(Assumption 2).17 The model is evaluated with 10,000 numerical
simulations, with summary results presented in
14. A variety of papers offer both theoretical and empir- two formats in Table 2; these formats reflect the
ical results on the relationship between detection and deter- two big questions posed in our Introduction. To
rence, which forms part of our discussion of policy implica- address the question, “how much potential harm
tions. Block, Nold, and Sidak (1981) are the seminal reference
on whether, and how, enforcement influences subsequent firm
is out there?,” we employ a multiplier format,
behavior; other examples include Feinberg (1980), Block and in which detected harm is normalized as H S = 1,
Feinstein (1986), Brenner (2009), and Zhou (2011). and the magnitudes for aggregate, deterred,
15. In further experiments, we have replicated all the and undetected harms are then expressed as
simulations reported below assuming, alternatively, that the
two parameters are uncorrelated. In fact all results are robust multiples of detected harm. To address the
to this alternative assumption. For instance, see Section IV.C, question, “how successful are CAs in removing
Figure 3. the harm?,” the composition format expresses
16. The constraint is satisfied by ranking the drawn values each type of harm as a percentage of total
in ascending order, and assigning values to σL , σM , and σH ,
respectively. potential harm.
17. The constraint is satisfied by assigning the lowest of The distributions of results are summarized
the three values to ωM , and allocating the other two values parsimoniously with just the medians and the
with a fair draw to ωL and ωH . fifth and 95th percentiles for each of the harm

TABLE 2 cartel asymmetry (i.e., s = 0), the range of pos-

Simulation Results with Lognormal Distribution sible outcomes is wide, for example, total harm
could be anywhere between 8.5 and 13 times as
50% 5% 95%
large as detected harm. Similarly, deterred harm
(i) s = 0: homogeneous cartels could account for as little as one quarter or as
Total 9.51 8.54 13.12
much as three quarters of total harm. This vari-
Deterred 4.78 2.22 9.53 ability, even in this base case, captures the impact
Undetected 3.66 2.52 5.71 of uncertainty about the magnitudes of the aggre-
Detected 1.00 1.00 1.00 gate parameters—especially ω—which is all
Contributions to total harm (%)
Deterred 50.66 25.02 72.77 that varies between simulations in this first part
Undetected 38.71 19.54 63.68 of the experiment. The second and third panels to
Detected 10.51 7.61 11.70 the table show the sensitivity of results to intro-
(ii) s = 1: medium asymmetry
Multipliers ducing, and then increasing asymmetry in the
Total 9.10 6.57 15.54 population (s = 1 and 1.5, respectively). While
Deterred 5.03 1.78 11.84 typical values are fairly stable, the lower bounds
Undetected 3.00 2.30 4.80 become more cautious, and the ranges for total
Detected 1.00 1.00 1.00
Contributions to total harm (%) and deterred harms (but not undetected harm)
Deterred 55.59 24.44 77.17 increase with more asymmetric populations.19
Undetected 33.19 16.12 61.65 As already explained these general experi-
Detected 10.99 6.43 15.21
(iii) s = 1.5: high asymmetry ments are largely preparatory, but some cautious
Multipliers conclusions can be drawn by reading down the
Total 9.27 6.17 18.84 three panels.
Deterred 5.40 1.70 15.30
Undetected 2.78 2.21 4.59
Detected 1.00 1.00 1.00
RESULT 1. (1) Detected harm is only a small
Contributions to total harm (%) proportion of total harm (at most unlikely to
Deterred 58.71 24.74 81.22 exceed one-sixth, and possibly as little as 5%). (2)
Undetected 30.27 13.28 60.77 Deterred harm typically accounts for a much big-
Detected 10.79 5.30 16.20
ger proportion, roughly 50%, but it could be as
little as a quarter or as much as 80%. (3) Unde-
tected harm is usually, but not always, smaller
than deterred harm. (4) There are two sources of
types.18 We refer to the median as the “typical”
variability in these experiments: (a) uncertainty
value, the lowest fifth percentile as the “lower
about the values of ω and σ and (b) asymmetry
bound,” and the difference between the fifth and
among cartels. The results suggest that they have
95th percentiles as the “range.” Most emphasis
roughly similar impacts.
will be on the lower bound, which we interpret
as the conservative estimate—this is in the spirit
of much of the policy literatures in which it B. Evidence Based
is conventional for CAs to employ conservative
estimates of the direct impact (e.g., CMA 2016). In the second set of experiments, we continue
Consider first the top panel of Table 2 (for to model ω and σ as above, and Assumptions 1
s = 0). Typical values suggest that about 50% and 2 still guide the calibrations of how detec-
of total harm is deterred, 40% undetected, and tion and deterrence vary across the segments. But
10% detected. But retreating to the more cau- beyond this we now explore how much more pre-
tious 5% lower bound, we can only conclude that cision can be bought by introducing some more
deterred and undetected harms are both at least “real world” evidence, using the comparison in
twice the size of detected harm. An important Figure 2 between legal and illegal cartels.20 This
lesson from this panel is that, even without any obviates the need to simulate the population
distribution and provides more structure on the
18. Note that these percentiles refer to the distributions
relative magnitudes of the sampling differentials.
taken separately for each harm type and are in that sense
independent of each other. For example, in Table 2(i) in 5% of 19. For example, the relative ranges, defined by the differ-
all experiments total harm ≤8.54, and in 5% of experiments ence between the 5% and 95% centiles divided by the median,
deterred harm ≤2.22, but the two do not perfectly intersect: increases from 0.48, for s = 0, to 0.99(s = 1), and to 1.37 for
the set of lowest deterred harms are not necessarily from the s = 1.5.
same runs as the lowest sets of total harms. Therefore, each 20. See Bos et al. (2017) for details on this database, and
column does not provide an exact decomposition. our decomposition into legal and illegal cartels.

Additional Structure. First, assume that the legal The intuition is that higher harm cartels con-
distribution represents a random sample drawn tribute disproportionately to asymmetry, that is
from the population distribution (what would be (hH − pH ) = 0.507 > (pL − hL ) = 0.236 (i.e., the
observed absent policy), then the three segments Lorenz curve is asymmetric) and although rela-
L, M, and H, can be identified as the three parts tively more of the high harm cases are observed
of the distribution delineated by its two points (λL < λH ), this is outweighed by the fact that
of intersection with the illegal distribution (see the unobserved high harm cases are dispropor-
Figure 2). These occur at overcharges of 6.4% tionately harmful. In other words, because the
and 40.0%. In turn, this identifies the propor- most harmful cases are extremely harmful, when
tions of the population and the population harm they are unobserved, merely grossing up an
accounted for by each segment: thus from the estimate of sample (detected) harms using only
legal distribution, in the lower tail pL = 23.8%, aggregate detection and deterrence rates (i.e.,
but hL = 0.2%, and pH = 34.7% and hH = 85.4% assuming all cartels are equally harmful) would
in the upper tail. lead to a 25% underestimate of total population
Second, comparing the masses in the three harm. This finding is of wider general insight
segments between the legal and illegal distribu- into how sample selection bias should caution us
tions provides direct estimates of the sampling when using results on detected cartels to draw
differentials. To see how, note that the low harm inferences about all potential cartels. ◾
segment of the illegal distribution accounts for
σ (1−ω ) RESULT 3. There is a lower bound on the
a proportion, pL Lσ(1−ω)L , of all observed illegal
cartels, while the proportion of the legal sam- aggregate deterrence rate, ω ≥ 0.257.
ple in the low harm segment is pL .21 It follows
Proof. The proof follows by deriving minimum
that the ratio of the illegal to legal proportions
σ (1−ω ) values for each of the three segments ωi and then
in the low segment is Lσ(1−ω)L , that is λL /λ. For aggregating. From Assumption 2 (deterrence is
the other segments λM and λH are derived identi- lowest in the middle segment), and Assumption 1
cally. These are reported in the “Evidence based” (detection is no lower in high harm than medium
column of Table 1, and as can be seen, there is rel- harm cases, σH ≥ σM ), we can back out lower
atively more mass in the middle segment of the values of ωM and ωH . A necessary condition for ω
illegal distribution (1.5462 times the aggregate) to be minimized is ωM = 0; and ωH is minimized
but relatively less in the two tails, especially the σ (1−ω )
when σH is minimized, and since Mσ(1−ω)M =
low harm segment (0.5266). σ (1−ω )
1.546 and Hσ(1−ω)H = 0.671, simple manip-
Three Direct Implications. These estimates do ulation yields ωH = 1–0.671/1.546 = 0.566.
σ σ
not allow us to identify the individual segment In turn, these magnitudes imply: σM = σH =
detection and deterrence parameters—these 1.546 (1 − ω) . To recover minimum ωL , note that
remain underidentified and simulation is still nec- σL (1−ωL ) (1−ω ) ( )
= 0.527, so (1−ω)L = 0.527∕ σL ∕σ .
essary. However, they do provide three important σ(1−ω)
new results even before we turn to simulation. The magnitude of (σL /σ) can be backed out from
the σ aggregation constraint using the above
RESULT 2. Total potential population harm is values for σM /σ and σH /σ. Substituting into the
25% greater than would be predicted by the sim- aggregation constraint for ω yields a pair of
ple multiplier estimate. simultaneous equations yielding a quadratic for
(1 − ωL ) in terms of (1 − ω). The solution has two
Proof. Substituting the above estimates of λi , pi , roots: (ω = 0.353, ωL = 0.660) and (ω = 0.257,
and hi into (7) yields: ωL = 0.256), where the latter is the minimum. ◾
(13) This leads immediately to:
H S ∕ (1 − ω) σ
H= RESULT 4. Deterred harm as a share of total
1 + (1.020) × (0.236) − (0.876) × (0.507)
harm can never be less than 48.4%
= 1.255H S ∕ (1 − ω) σ.
Proof. Evaluating deterred harm at these min-
21. The total number of detected illegal cartels is imum ωi above gives: H DR = ωL hL + ωM hM
Nσ(1 − ω), of which pL NσL (1 − ωL ) are in the low harm + ωH hH = 0.256 × 0.002 + 0 × 0.144 + 0.566 ×
segment. 0.854 = 0.484.

The intuition for these results is not immedi- TABLE 3

ately obvious, but follows from the relative sam- Evidence-Based Experiments
pling rates in the middle and high harm segments
50% 5% 95%
(1.5462 and 0.6707). Combined with the assump-
tion that detection is no lower in the high harm Multipliers
Total 14.27 13.47 20.32
than the medium harm segment, those place a Deterred 9.50 7.62 17.06
nontrivial lower limit on the deterrence rate for Undetected 3.32 2.18 5.87
high harm cartels. Since it is these cartels which Detected 1.00 1.00 1.00
account for the large majority of potential popu- Contributions to total harm (%)
Deterred 68.79 52.89 84.16
lation harm (85%), even moderate deterrence in Undetected 23.99 10.95 40.30
this segment will mean that overall a large pro- Detected 7.01 4.91 7.42
portion of total potential harm is deterred. Success 76.00 59.68 89.03

These are important results for the objectives
of this paper. As we have argued, there is a dearth magnitudes for undetected harm are much
of information in the existing literature on what smaller: it may be little more than twice the
might be plausible values for the magnitude of size of detected harm, and account for only
aggregate deterrence, and this is a major cause about 10% of total harm. In aggregate, total
of the wide range of possible outcomes identified potential population harm is at least 13 times the
in the previous general simulations. We have magnitude of detected harm.
now been able to rule out very low values for ω
(<0.2574). This now provides a much stronger Turning, with less emphasis, to the typical
result on the proportion of harm, which is nearly (median) values, the deterrence multiplier is over
50% at the minimum. 9 with deterrence accounting for two-thirds of
total potential harm, while the undetection multi-
Simulations. We next return to numerical simu- plier is roughly 3, with nondetection accounting
lation, but now incorporating the new evidence for about 23% of total potential harm.
as described in the “Evidence based” column of
Table 1. Adding the estimates of the three (λi /λ), C. Policy Implications
and recalling the two aggregation constraints for
ω and σ, we now have five equations from which Tentatively, these simulations can provide
to simulate the eight unknown parameters (the some insights for evaluating the comparative
aggregate and segment ωi and σi ). So simula- success of different CAs. Figure 3A depicts the
tion is still necessary, but now only for three composition of potential harm when the cases
unknowns—say the magnitudes of ω and σ in are reordered by the magnitude of the CA’s
aggregate, and for one of the six-segment param- “success” rate (the proportion of deterred and
eters, say σL . We can then identify the remaining detected cases). So, for instance, the median suc-
five parameters, subject to the two assumptions: cess rate is 76.0% of which 68.79% is deterred
ωL ≥ ωM ≤ ωH and σL ≤ σM ≤ σH . Subject to these and 7.01% is detected harm; this corresponds
changes, the second round of experiments have to the experiment in which aggregate deter-
been conducted as described for the first round, rence is ω = 0.55 and aggregate detection is
and are reported in Table 3. σ = 0.20.
In a nutshell, the main change is increased If we now interpret cases at the lower end of
magnitudes for deterred harm, both its multiplier the horizontal axis as “weakly” performing CAs,
and contribution to total harm, and both when and the upper end as “strong,” then Figure 3A
measured at the typical (median) or lower bound shows that the weak CA has much lower deter-
levels. The reason is of course that we are now rence and much higher nondetection than the
able to exclude the possibility of very low ω, as strong CA. The major difference between the two
anticipated by Results 3 and 4 above. authorities is in the percentage of harm deterred.
More specifically, and concentrating on the For detected harm, at first sight there appears
lower bounds, we have the following result. to be a paradox: the weak CA actually detects
a greater percentage of potential harm than the
RESULT 5. Deterred harm is at least seven strong CA, in spite of having a much lower detec-
times greater than detected harm, and accounts tion rate. However, there is no paradox—under a
for at least half of all potential harm. The poor CA regime far less harm is deterred and so

Depicting CA Success. (A) Correlated ω and σ and (B) Uncorrelated ω and σ



% of potential harm

% of potential harm




0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1
CA success rate CA success rate
Deterred harm Undetected harm Deterred harm Undetected harm
Detected harm Detected harm

Note: CA success rate is measured by the sum of detection and deterrence and is increasing from 0 to 1 on the horizontal
axis. Correlated ω and σ indicate that a CA strong on detection is also strong on deterrence. Uncorrelated indicates not such

many more cases actually occur, and this effect seen, all results are robust, both qualitatively
outweighs the lower rate of detection. and quantitatively.
While this interpretation is offered more as a
thought experiment than a literal description of
the differences between any real-world CAs, it
does drive home two important implications of Our headline result—that at least 50% (and
this paper. First, deterrence is by far the most probably much more) of all potential harm is
important potential impact of anticartel policy, deterred—is the first of its kind, and we hope
and second, estimates of the gains from detected that it will help serve as a useful yardstick for
cartels may be a very misleading indicator of the future work on this topic. Nevertheless, we read-
efficacy of cartel policy. ily acknowledge that some parts of our analysis
Finally, we revisit the assumption underpin- are inevitably speculative, and the purpose of this
ning all the results so far, that ω and σ are per- section is to scrutinize them more closely.
fectly correlated. In policy terms, there are at In essence, our results are driven, theoret-
least three reasons why such a positive correla- ically, by two insights derived from previous
tion should exist. First, firms are more likely to literatures: (1) the chances of detection increase
be deterred if confronted with a CA which has a with overcharge and (2) it is the lowest and high-
strong detection rate. Second, at any point in time, est overcharge cartels which are most likely to
there is likely to be fewer cartels surviving from be deterred. Empirically, we have employed the
previous periods if the CA has been more suc- distribution of overcharges observed historically
cessful in detection. Third, insofar as deterrence for legal distributions and the key assumption is
is determined by not only strong performance in that this approximates the underlying population
detection but also other activities such as com- distribution—what would occur absent cartel
pliance and advocacy, ω and σ are likely to be law and policy. We now return to these key
positively related if a strong CA tends to be better assumptions and also discuss the unavoidable
across the range of activities. uncertainty about the magnitudes of the two key
Nevertheless, we have rerun the experi- aggregate parameters, ω and σ.
ments assuming a zero correlation between
the two parameters (Figure 3B).22 As can be A. The Aggregate Probabilities, ω and σ
It is assumed throughout that σ lies within the
22. This captures the possibility that leniency discounts range of estimates reported in the previous liter-
now weaken the deterrence effects of detection. ature (0.1, 0.33). While this range is relatively

narrow, the same is not true for ω, where the TABLE 4

literature offers very few pointers, and where we Sensitivity of Results to A1 and A2
allow for all but the most extreme values between
50% 5% 95%
zero and unity. We showed in Result 3 that this
can be narrowed slightly to never lie below 0.25. A1 only imposed
Also in Section III.A, we showed that the mid- Total 14.27 13.47 20.32
point of this range is consistent with the esti- Deterred 9.50 7.62 17.06
mates derived from previous surveys of informed Undetected 3.32 2.18 5.87
opinions. Nevertheless, our limited knowledge Detected 1.00 1.00 1.00
Contributions to total harm (%)
about the precise magnitudes of these parameters Deterred 68.79 52.88 84.16
accounts for a major source of uncertainty in our Undetected 23.99 10.95 40.30
results. Faced with this uncertainty, our approach Detected 7.01 4.91 7.42
Success 76.00 59.68 89.03
has been to conservatively emphasize the bot- A2 only imposed
tom 5% lower bounds to our estimates. These Multipliers
lower bounds are associated with only very low Total 12.70 11.22 20.59
Deterred 8.53 2.74 17.33
magnitudes of σ and ω apply. Referring back to Undetected 2.98 2.17 7.56
the experiment reported in Table 3, the 5% lower Detected 1.00 1.00 1.00
bound magnitudes in our numerical simulations Contributions to total harm (%)
are only ω = 0.353 and σ = 0.110.23 Deterred 68.03 24.18 84.06
Undetected 23.83 11.06 66.95
Detected 7.87 4.85 8.91
B. Assumptions 1 and 2 Success 76.14 32.96 88.94

While we believe that Assumptions 1 and 2

(A1 and A2) above are fair representations of the
previous literature, the results of further simula- Close inspection of the numerical simulations
tions in which they are relaxed are now shown reveals that the key to this result is that, with A1
in Table 4. Panel 1 reports experiments in which relaxed, the probability of detection in the high
only A1 is imposed, and panel 2 where only A2 harm cartels is now often lower than in middle
is imposed. This shows that A1 is the dominant harm and sometimes even than in lower harm car-
assumption, in that it is sufficient for A2 to hold tels. While we do not read the existing literature
too. In other words, given the estimates of the as offering much support for the proposition that
sampling proportions (the λi ) derived from the there is a pervasive tendency for the highest harm
comparison between legal and illegal cartels, if cartels to be the most likely to go undetected, this
detection increases weakly monotonically with result depicts the potential impact of this alter-
cartel harm, then the U-shaped pattern for ω must native assumption on our results—deterred harm
also hold. The implication, confirmed in Table 4 continues to dominate over most of the probabil-
panel 1, is that these new results, for experiments ity distribution, albeit with the conservative esti-
in which only A1 is assumed, are in fact iden- mate now reduced to only about one quarter of all
tical to those when both Assumptions 1 and 2 potential harm being deterred.
are imposed, as already shown in Table 3. On the
other hand, when A1 is relaxed, and A2 only is C. Reliability of the Comparison between Legal
imposed (panel 2), results, although qualitatively and Illegal Cartels
unchanged, are generally less precise. Thus, the Empirically, we have illustrated how our
multipliers are still of the same broad magni- framework can be operationalized by calibrat-
tudes; and deterred harm continues to dominate ing parameters (the λi shown in Table 1) using
undetected in the ratio 3:1 at the median. But information derived from Connor’s well-known
the “confidence intervals” are now wider, and the database on cartel overcharge. This is an obvious
lower bounds estimate of deterred now falls to choice: as a meta-analysis of hundreds of source
one quarter as opposed to one half previously. studies across countries and over history, it is by
far the most extensive existing resource. It also
23. In other experiments, not shown here, we substitute has the ideal feature for our purposes in that it
the Beta distribution (2,2) for the uniform in specifying ω. includes a large subset of legal cartels, which
This has a symmetric bell-shape, over the full range (0,1), occurred under regimes and/or time periods
albeit with much less mass in the tails. Results are quali-
tatively very similar to those we have reported here for the when they were not illegal. We have used these
truncated uniform distribution. legal cartels to mimic the distribution of cartel

harm (proxied by overcharge), which would in two stages: how much potential harm can car-
be observed absent cartel policy and therefore tels cause to an economy and how successful are
without deterrence. Nevertheless, this source is CAs in rectifying that harm, either by detection
not without criticism in the wider literature (e.g., or deterrence? The first objective of this paper is
Boyer and Kotchoni 2015) largely concerning methodological—to propose a framework which
the rigor of some of the individual studies from has the potential to answer these questions. It
which Connor compiled the database. Moreover, interprets the cartels detected by a CA as a sam-
and directly relevant for our use of the legal ple drawn from an otherwise unknown popula-
cartel distribution, there are some confounding tion, which also includes deterred cases and cases
factors which complicate any clean compar- which the CA did not detect. This framework
ison between legal and illegal cartels—most identifies three types of information required to
notably in time periods and regional location. quantify the magnitudes of the unknown deterred
However, Bos et al. (2017)—from which our and undetected harms: (1) the aggregate probabil-
estimates derive—have controlled for those ities of deterrence and detection; (2) how these
of these factors which are observable using probabilities vary with cartel harm; and (3) the
propensity score methods. This also shows that heterogeneity in the population among potential
the results are robust to excluding those esti- cartels. This reminds us that the ubiquitous prob-
mates originating from sources, which, by their lem of selection bias is likely to be as important in
nature, were less exposed to academic scrutiny policy evaluation as in most other areas of empiri-
at their time of publication. For these reasons, cal Industrial Organization. There is no reason for
we believe that we have gone as far as possible assuming that those cartels, which are caught and
in this paper, given publicly accessible data at prohibited by CAs are necessarily representative
the time of writing, if one wishes to approx- of other cartels which successfully conceal their
imate the counterfactual—the distribution of existence, or yet other potential cartels, which
harm which would be observed absent cartel are deterred by the existence of the law and the
law/policy—with a distribution of observed CA. On this, the paper underlines a simple but
legal cartels. important wisdom: in many aspects of economic
Notwithstanding this, there may be alternative and social life, strongly positively skewed dis-
approaches to the counterfactual, which sidestep tributions prevail—a small proportion of causes
altogether the need for data on legal cartels. generate a very large proportion of effects. This
Indeed, in the present paper, we have employed is well understood in general and is plausibly
one alternative, in the general experiments of also likely with cartel-induced harm. If so, even
Section IV.A, in which a lognormal is used to small departures from a random sample can lead
depict the underlying distribution of potential car- to potentially large selection bias (we show, as a
tel harm, and exploring sensitivity of results to by-product of our main results, that ignoring car-
varying the degree of asymmetry of that distribu- tel heterogeneity could lead to underestimates of
tion. Using as illustrative the medium asymmetry about 25% for total harm, Result 2 in Section IV).
case reported earlier in Table 2, it can be seen that We calibrate the framework using various
this generated results which are qualitatively sim- results from the existing empirical and theoretical
ilar, if less absolutely pronounced, to our main cartel literatures. Theoretical literature provides
evidence-based results in Table 3. The multipliers the rationale for two assumptions: the probabil-
are broadly similar if smaller, and deterred harm ity of detection increases weakly monotonically
typically dominates undetected harm across the with overcharge, while the probability of deter-
distribution, but its share of total potential harm rence exhibits a U-shaped relationship to over-
could now be as low as one quarter at the 5% con- charge. From the empirical literature we assume
servative lower bound. that the underlying potential population distribu-
tion of overcharge can be approximated by the
real-world historical distribution of overcharge
for observed legal cartels. If so, a comparison of
This paper raises the ambitious question of the legal overcharge distribution with the distri-
how can we quantify the magnitude of the deter- bution for illegal cartels provides further struc-
rence effect of anticartel enforcement? While it ture on how detection and deterrence vary with
is widely acknowledged that deterrence is proba- overcharge. Nevertheless, the largest gap in our
bly the main effect, this has never been quantified knowledge relates to the magnitude of the aggre-
to date. Our approach is to frame the question gate deterrence probability; here there is little to

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