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Feeding betta fish to make it beautiful and healthy

Do you have betta fish? Do you like them? Then take care of it. The betta fish are not
only for fighting with other fish, but also to beautifying the house. There is a way to feed your
betta fish to make it beautiful and healthy by feeding variety food and avoiding dry food.

Feeding betta fish, the important thing is giving fish variety foods. We usually give
small animals for betta fish to eat. Example of these small animals are mosquito larva,
moina, and red worm. We feed these because betta fish comes from the wilderness. They
are predators, so we need to use these animals to save their basic system to stay strong
and live for a long period. At least change the types of food often so that betta fish does not
get bored with it. We can change types of food once a week to give them more nutrient. We
must keep away dry food for your betta fish. The dry food is lack of moisture and may cause
digestion problem for your fish. Some betta fish don’t like dry food, and that may cause them
to die from starving. Dry foods also make the bowl dirty caused the fish to be weaker, if they
won’t eat it. When the dry foods are in the water, they absorb water and increase their size.
The dry foods have a bigger size than some betta fish’s stomach.

Finally, you should be careful to choose what is good for your betta fish. They just
don’t fight and bite other fish, they’re also beautiful like peacocks. +1

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