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My experience aboard


Studying abroad might seem to be a good experience for most students, but this wasn’t
for me. For me, my exchange experience was quite miserable but unforgettable at the same

Last year (2017), I went to study abroad in New Zealand. During my time there, I spent
most of it crying as I was homesick. I think that as the time passed by I will get used to it and be
able to merge in with the foreign culture. However, this was even worse when my parents came
to visit my sister and me during the last school break. Since I knew they were coming, I can’t
wait to see them. I was attentively counting down the days, crossing out the dates, and packing
for the holidays. The time we spent together was precious, but the good time always flies fast.
The moment of saying goodbye was tough for me. My brain filled with many thoughts and I was
speechless, I couldn’t stop crying. I knew that I wanted to go back with them but I can’t. I knew
that I was very depressed, but I don’t know what should I do. I knew that I somehow could get
over this, but I couldn’t stop crying. And I knew that wouldn’t be able to contact them as they
were on the plane, but I still tried. That was the toughest day of my life so far. After that, I
couldn’t manage myself to concentrate on what I was doing except counting down the days to
fly home. However every cloud has a silver lining, l had learned a lot about my mental and how
worse it will be when I faced with difficult situations which help me understand myself even

All the experiences that have come to our lives have taught us lessons, both good and
bad. If another opportunity has come to me, I will make the best out of it. As experiences are
what shaped a person and I want to be the best version of myself.
Studying​ abroad is a good experience and is a chance to learn and improve life skills.
Most students enjoy this but, this might be different for me. The moment that I experienced was
quite miserable and unforgettable.

In 2017, I studied in New Zealand for three terms.​ While I was there, I cried a lot and
was homesick. One of my hobbies was to call my parents. ​Actually I should not feel so sad
because I had been there for one term in 2016. It might because I am so close to my parent.
During the year, there were many chances came into my life. Joining the basketball team was a
very memorable experience. I had a chance to compete in the tournament, but I refused the
opportunity because of my fear. I felt that I was not good enough and afraid that I would pull the
team down.​ I felt like i’m not a part of the team, I have no friend and no one to talk to. ​In the last
term, I had to decide for my education path whether I was going to continue studying abroad or
changing to the new school in Thailand. Finally, I decided to come back to Thailand and applied
admission for Mahidol University International Demonstration School earlier till I missed
Year-Ten Camp and Touch Day, a kind of sport. Another big mistake was being with Thai
friends all th​e time and​ ​didn’t have a chance to improve my English. Also I​ have m
​ issed many
good activities there because I always obsessed with counting down the date coming back
home. However, among the bad sides, there are always good sides to learn. At least, I have
learned a lot about myself, my feelings, my mind when I faced the bad situation.

If I have a chance to be exchange student again, I promise myself​ enthusiastic and

determined.​ Those experiences ​were​ my lessons to remind me and adjust myself. Don’t forget,
if there any good chances that comes through your life, grab it and do the best !

- Too general: narrate a specific instant when you felt miserable ​14/20

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