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Persuasive Essay

Specific topic​: School should not use e-Learning

I. Introduction
A. Using general statement
B. Thailand’s education
C. Thesis statement
II. Body
A. Increase students efficiency
B. Problem of traditional classroom
C. Reduces cost
D. Example of cost that school will be reduce
III. Conclusion
A. Thesis statement
B. Using general statement


School should use e-learning (agree)

As you have seen, the internet has a massive impact on our everyday life. Not
only to our lives, but the internet also effects to education. Now, Thailand education is
moving to Education 4.0, which is the era of technology, creativity, and innovation that
emphasize students to be more thinker and active learner. Although the e-learning
existed since the 19th century, but not so many schools use it widely. I think Thai
schools should start to use e-learning as a tool to increase students efficiency and
reduce cost in some parts of the school.​ 5/5

E-learning will increase students efficiency of learning.​ Dr. Somkiat Tangkitvanich

states that in the classroom, each student learns in a different dynamic. If teaching by
traditional version, one teacher teaches in front of the classroom, some students might
struggle when they could not catch up that content. In the same situation, students who
are faster learners may be bored. When acquiring technology, such as the computer,
into classrooms, each student will have time to learn by their own pace. While teachers
will be just an advisor to help students in some part that they need. Brandon Hall
Group’s HCM Outlook 2017 Survey discovered that e-learning required 40-60% less
time than in the traditional classroom, this is because students can learn anywhere and
anytime. Therefore, they do not need to follow classroom pace and skip some part that
they already know so that they can focus on the part that they actually need. This will
allow the student to learn and improve faster. From this evidence, I strongly believe that
student will strengthen their ability from e-learning. In my own experience, when I don’t
understand, or I want to learn more about any topic, I can learn through online lessons.
E-learning helps me to minimize the distance between the subject expert by my
fingertips. I can get different points of view on each topic from experts, and many good
sources are reliable. ​8/10

Not only student will get benefits from it, but e-learning also helps the school to
reduce cost as well. Even some learning require cost for software, but there are also
some free sources that are very helpful such as khan academy, youtube, ted lesson,
courscera, etc. School can hire less staff because the school doesn’t need many
professors, one teacher can provide many sources from many specialists in each
lesson which helps the school to reduce time, reduce the cost of training with the
specialist, and reduce travel cost. The example in McDonald’s case, instead of training
their employee through the traditional way, they can save 5 million pounds through
e-learning (Axelsson, 2017). Furthermore, e-learning saves huge expenses on printing
materials as well as save our world resources, reduce waste from paper-production and
save carbon footprint. In addition, the student doesn’t need to pay for extra classes,
they can easily access knowledge by e-learning for free. In my point of view, e-learning
decrease lots of expenses. Therefore, the school will have more saving money to
develop in other necessary parts for students like welfare, sports field, library, and other
school supplies. ​10/10

E-learning increases productivity and reduces cost, not only for the student but
also for school too. The character of students will be changed. They will be more
mature, confident, more critical thinker and then become an active learner. These are
important because it is the key point of the main character of new era student in 21st
Century Education. ​⅘


Anderson, K. (2017, November 18). 5 Key Reasons Why eLearning Is Essential And
Overrated - eLearning Industry. Retrieved from

Anderson, K. (2017, November 18). 5 Key Reasons Why eLearning Is Essential And
Overrated - eLearning Industry. Retrieved from

Fisk, P. (2017, January 24). Education 4.0 the future of learning will be dramatically
different, in school and throughout life. Retrieved from

Axelsson, J. (2017, November 15). 6 Reasons Why eLearning Development Costs Less
Than Traditional Training - eLearning Industry. Retrieved from

36/39 - 5 (no submission on Turnitin as of 10:30) = 31

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