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Neutron Porosity Logging Revisited

downhole accelerator, updated source-to- • The Accelerator Porosity Sonde (APS) measures epither-
detector spacings, and greater detector mal neutron ratio porosities, the formation capture cross
efficiency are key features of the new IPL section (sigma), and the epithermal neutron slowing-
Integrated Porosity Lithology tool that enhance the accuracy down time using one thermal and four epithermal neutron
of formation evaluation, especially neutron porosity mea- detectors. The pulsed 14-million electron volt (MeV)
surements. accelerator generates neutrons with enough energy to
The IPL tool’s reduced sensitivity to clays and dolomitiza- allow epithermal neutron detection and improves wellsite
tion, and improved vertical resolution make it ideal for eval- safety by eliminating the need for a radioactive source.
uating thin beds, shaly sands, mixed-lithology carbonates • The Litho-Density sonde measures compensated bulk den-
and micaceous sands. Epithermal neutron porosity mea- sity and photoelectric factor. Magnetic shielding for the
surements—not sensitive to fluid salinities—can be made photomultiplier tubes and high-speed electronics improve
without a chemical source, and they can be corrected for the stability of the measurement.
tool standoff. The most innovative part of the IPL tool string is the APS
The tool consists of three sondes (next page): sonde, in which an accelerator replaces the chemical neu-
• The Hostile Environment Natural Gamma Ray Sonde tron source, and the detector geometry is altered to reduce
(HNGS) determines thorium, uranium and potassium con- lithology effects, increase sensitivity to gas in shaly reser-
centrations with better accuracy, precision and reduced voirs and reduce borehole effects. It also provides a neutron
borehole effects than previous tools. It can log twice as porosity measurement with vertical resolution comparable
fast, thanks to bismuth germanate crystal scintillation to density and resistivity measurements. Understanding the
detectors, which are more efficient than conventional impact of these improvements requires a brief discussion of
sodium iodide detectors. the neutron porosity measurement.
Traditional neutron porosity tools, such as the CNL Com-
pensated Neutron Log tool, emit 4.5-MeV average energy
neutrons from a radioactive source. These neutrons are
detected after losing energy in billiard-ball type elastic col-
lisions with formation nuclei. Generally, the count rate at a
neutron detector is inversely proportional to the amount of
hydrogen in the formation. When the hydrogen content is
high, many neutrons are slowed and captured—the count
rate will be low and porosity high. When the hydrogen con-

4 Oilfield Review
HNGS sonde
• Thorium, uranium
and potasium

tent is low, fewer neutrons are absorbed and more reach APS sonde of an eV to approximately 10 eV; a thermal detector counts
• Epithermal neutron
the detector. The count rate will be high and porosity low. porosities neutrons with energies around 0.025 eV. Thermal neutron
• Epithermal neutron
Conventional neutron porosity devices measure the slowing-down time
detectors have higher count rates, and so better counting
ratio of neutrons counted by a detector close to the neu- • Invaded formation statistics, than epithermal detectors. However, elements
tron source (the near detector) to those counted by one • Tool standoff in the formation such as chlorine or boron can capture
farther from the source (the far detector). This near-to-far thermal neutrons, causing an inflated apparent porosity
ratio is less sensitive to environmental effects than the reading by lowering count rates. Epithermal neutrons, on
count rate from a single detector. The ratio is converted to the other hand, will not be captured, so an epithermal
porosity using laboratory calibrations and expressed on porosity sonde gives truer readings. The challenge in
logs in porosity units (p.u.) for a limestone matrix. epithermal neutron porosity detection has been to develop
Interpretation can be complicated by three factors: for- a source that produces enough high-energy neutrons to
mation atom density, clays and gas. An increase in forma- ensure statistically meaningful count rates.
tion atom density, which relates to the matrix density of The APS sonde combines the best of both epithermal
the formation, increases neutron scattering. This reduces and thermal neutron techniques by using an accelerator.
the number of neutrons reaching the detector and elevates The accelerator emits eight times as many neutrons with
the measured porosity. In clays, the additional hydrogen three times as much energy as the conventional logging
content of hydroxyls increases the apparent porosity read- source. The increased neutron population makes epither-
IPL cartridge
ing. The combined boost in porosity readings from these • Raw spectral and mal neutron detection possible without compromising
two factors is called the shale effect. Another phe- data transmitted counting statistics.
to surface
nomenon, the gas or excavation effect, causes reduced or Like previous epithermal neutron porosity tools, the
• Improved log quality
even negative porosity readings. It occurs when some control APS sonde contains near and far epithermal detectors
pore space contains gas, which contributes far less hydro-
gen to scatter neutrons than does water. Consequently, the
count rate is higher and measured porosity lower. Litho-Density sonde
• Compensated bulk
There are two types of neutron porosity density
• Photoelectric factor
detectors—epithermal and thermal—named for the
• Borehole diameter
energy levels of the neutrons they detect. An epithermal
detector counts neutrons with energies from a few tenths

nThe IPL tool string.

October 1994 5
mal neutron population decreases as the formation atom
density increases. At short source-to-detector spacings, the
Near-array ratio porosity nThe APS effect is reversed because neutron backscattering domi-
• Hydrogen index Accelerator nates. At intermediate source-to-detector spacings, in the
measurement Porosity sonde.
• Reduced lithology effect crossover zone, the detector is not sensitive to formation
• No thermal neutron
absorber effects atom density. Characterizing the epithermal neutron popula-
Near • Reduced environmental tion in this way guided the placement of the near, array and
epithermal effects
detector • Improved vertical far detectors shown at the bottom of the figure.
In practice, the near-to-array measurement, which has a

Epithermal vertical resolution of 1 ft [30 cm], is used to determine for-

Epithermal slowing-
array down time mation porosity. The near-to-far measurement, which
detectors • Tool standoff determination
exhibits greater shale and gas effects, gives a response
similar to that of the CNL tool. When the density measure-

Thermal Thermal neutron ment is not used in clean formations, comparing the two
detector decay rate responses identifies the gas effect on the near-to-far read-
• Formation capture cross
section of invaded zone ing, and flags gas-bearing beds. In shaly formations, the
additional boost in apparent near-to-far porosity caused by
epithermal Near-far ratio the increased atom density of clay minerals is used to
detector • Lithology indicator
• Stand-alone gas improve the evaluation of clays.
indicator (in clean
The epithermal array detectors are used to monitor and
correct the effects of tool standoff. The thermal detector

(above). It has two additional epithermal detectors, called nSensitivity of

epithermal neu-
the epithermal array, and a thermal detector. Formation
tron population atom density Low formation
sensitivity atom density
The main function of the APS sonde is to measure the for- (count rate) to
hydrogen content formation
mation hydrogen content with minimal influence from the
atom density
Neutron population
and formation
formation atom density. Adding and rearranging detectors atom density. High formation
atom density
reduce the tool’s sensitivity to formation atom density. A
plot of epithermal neutron population versus source-to- index sensitivity Low porosity
detector spacing shows how hydrogen content and formation
atom density affect count rates (right). In the lower part of porosity
the figure, for a fixed formation atom density, the epither- High porosity
Source Near Array Far
mal neutron population decreases when porosity increases.
In the upper part of the figure, for fixed hydrogen content
Source-to-detector spacing
and a relatively large distance from the source, the epither-

determines sigma by detecting neutrons rather than gamma

rays, as with conventional pulsed neutron tools. This, as
well as detector shielding from the borehole, improves ver-
tical resolution and provides a sigma value relatively free
from borehole effects.
A log example from Rogers County, Oklahoma, USA
shows how the IPL tool string improves formation evaluation

6 Oilfield Review
in shaly sand reservoirs (left). The left track contains sigma
Near-To-Array Porosity
Sandstone Corrected (APSC) and tool standoff from the APS sonde and the uranium-free
60 p.u. 0
gamma ray log from the HNGS sonde. The right track con-
Litho-Density Bulk Density ( RHOM )
tains the near-to-array and near-to-far porosities; the bulk
1.65 2.65
Sigma Formation
(SIGF) Litho-Density Long Spaced
density and long-spaced photoelectric effect from the
Photoelectric Effect ( PEFL ) Litho-Density tool; and for comparison, a CNL thermal neu-
10 c.u. 40 0 10
APS Computed Standoff tron porosity log made during a separate run. In the left

Depth, ft
Near-To-Far Porosity
Sandstone Corrected (FPSC) track, the IPL sigma curve shows good correlations with
-1 in. 4 p.u.
60 0
the uranium-free gamma ray curve at bed boundaries.
U free GR ( HCGR ) CNL Neutron Porosity ( TNPH )
0 GAPI 150 0.6 V/ V 0 The computed tool standoff reads close to zero over the
section, indicating good tool string eccentralization and
borehole integrity.
The near-to-array porosity and gamma ray logs indicate
a gradual upward decrease in clay across two shale inter-
vals, from 730 to 685 ft and 668 to 655 ft. The near-to-far
porosity log reads 4 to 8 p.u. higher than the near-to-array
X600 reading in the shales, which is to be expected because of
the clay’s increased atom density.
Across the same intervals, the CNL thermal neutron
porosity log reads higher than the near-to-array porosity (an
epithermal measurement) because of thermal absorbers in
the formation and increased formation atom density. The
effect of thermal neutron absorbers is quantified by the APT
Accelerator Porosity Tool formation sigma measurement,
which is 26 to 40 capture units (c.u.) over the shale inter-
vals. A correction factor of about –6 p.u. must be applied to
the CNL porosity curve to account for the additional thermal
absorption, using published sandstone charts. After such a
correction, the CNL porosity would be close to the APS
near-to-far porosity.
A second log example, recorded in clean sands, shows
nComparison of APT how the APS sonde can detect gas without the use of a
and CNL logs run in
an Oklahoma well.

October 1994 7
nUse of APS near-
Caliper (LCAL) Density ( RHOM)
to-array and near-to-
6 in. 16 1.71 g/cm3 2.71 far porosities to

Depth, m
U free GR (HCGR) Near-To-Array Porosity Limestone Corrected (APLC) determine gas in a
0 GAPI 150 60 p.u. 0 clean sandstone.

∑ f (SIGR) Near-To-Far Porosity

10 c.u. 40



radioactive source (above). This is especially desirable for Acknowledgements and Further Reading
wells in which mudcake or borehole rugosity compromise For help in preparation of this focus, thanks to Paul
the quality of shallow density measurements, or where tool Albats, Darwin Ellis and Peter Wraight, Schlumberger-
Doll Research, Ridgefield, Connecticut, USA; and Jean-
sticking is a problem. Rémy Olesen, Hugh Scott and James Thornton, Schlum-
The IPL curves shown in the right track are density, the berger Wireline & Testing, Houston, Texas, USA.
near-to-array neutron porosity plotted on a limestone-com- In this focus, IPL (Integrated Porosity Lithology, CNL
(Compensated Neutron Log), Litho-Density, and APT
patible scale and the near-to-far neutron porosity. The dif- (Accerator Porosity Tool) are marks of Schlumberger.
ference between the porosity measurements (blue shading) For further reading:
corresponds to the gas effect and correlates well with the Scott HD, Wraight PD, Thornton JL, Olesen J-R, Hertzog
RC, McKeon DC, DasGupta T and Albertin IJ:
conventional density-neutron separation indicating gas
“Response of a Multidetector Pulsed Neutron Porosity
(pink shading). In shaly sands, this technique does not work Tool,” Transactions of the SPWLA 35th Annual Logging
Symposium, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA, June 19-22, 1994,
because the increased formation atom density of shales
paper J.
obscures the gas effect from the far detector. Instead, an
Olesen J-R, Flaum C and Jacobsen S: “Wellsite Detec-
APS porosity-sonic overlay, which also correlates with a tion of Gas Reservoirs with Advanced Wireline Logging
Technology,” Transactions of the SPWLA 35th Annual
neutron-density overlay, can identify gas. —TAL
Logging Symposium, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA, June 19-22,
1994, paper Y.

8 Oilfield Review

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