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signed on the day 23.11.2018

between: MsShaileenaCallichurn BSc (Hons) PGdip, MSc
//next: "Customer"
Digroupl Sp. z o.o. KRS: 0000703291, NIP: 5272826805 here in after referred to as:
the Customer and Contractor will also hereinafter individually a Party and jointly as Parties.
Under agree, what's going on:
The Subject Of The Contract
This agreement defines the principles of cooperation between the Parties on the basis of
which the Customer instructs Contractor the preparation, management and control of the
process of obtaining the Company registration and Temporary Residence Permit assistance on
the territory of the Rzeczpospolita (hereinafter "RP") for a foreigner. The parties declare that
in their best knowledge have full legal capacity to enter into and perform this Agreement.
The parties declare that as professionals undertake to carry out actions aimed at implementing
the provisions of this agreement, with the application of special care, arising from
professional activities in accordance with General accepted for these actions, requirements,
subject to the provisions of this agreement, applicable laws and standards of conduct.
Terms of cooperation
The contractor is obliged to prepare the documentation required to obtain the Work Permit
assistance and Temporary Residence Permit assistance on the territory of POLAND,
including, in particular, contractor:
each time, notify the Customer of the need to complete the necessary in the course of the trial
For the provision of services under this agreement, Customer shall make the payment within 7
days from the date of receipt of a correct invoice. The fee depends on the amount of
completed services and divided into two parts of prepayment and post payment after visa.
The contractor is obliged to prepare the documentation required to obtain the Work Permit
and job on the territory of POLAND, including, in particular, contractor:
each time, notify the Customer of the need to complete the necessary in the course of the trial
For the provision of services under this agreement, Customer shall make the payment within 7
days from the date of receipt of a correct invoice.
The Work Permit Assistanceis 1500 EUR will be divided in followed assesment: Pre-payment
in amount 200 EUR with receiving of passport of the Principal client in day of signed above
contract. The last rate of 700 EUR is paid after receiving of the scan copy of the Work Permit
of the Principal clients. After receiving the last fee the Contractor sends the Work Permit by
the DHL to the Customer. 600 EUR is paid after the client gets the Visa.
The Temporary Residence Assistance is 1320 EURdivided in followed assessment: Pre-
payment for the Temporary Residence Assistance in amount 500 EUR. 420 EUR is paid on
the day of the fingerprints. The last rate of 400 EUR is paid on the day of receiving of the
Temporary Residence Card of the Principal client.

Privacy policy
Each of the Parties agrees to keep confidential all information obtained in
the course of implementation of the agreement and information received in
any form, on the other Hand, (hereinafter "Confidential Information") in their entirety,
without their prior written consent, in particular, undertake not to use and not to use
confidential Information in the trading plan.
For the purposes of the Agreement confidential information is any information and data
obtained from that Page to another, in particular, is their secret enterprises in the
understanding of the act of 16 April 1993 on combating unfair competition.
All written documentation, including electronic files-transferred in the course of execution of
this agreement any of the Parties to remain her property during the entire implementation of
the Agreement and must be immediately returned or removed to her every time you call.
The parties hereto acknowledge that in relations with third parties, in particular from the
media, any information on the other hand, will be transferred in compliance with the
principles of justice and care for her good name.
In the case of an appeal by the authorized body of state authority, the court of General
jurisdiction, the Supreme Court or the court of arbitration to disclose any confidential
information concerning the Parties to the Contract, called the Side will open back on only to
the extent specified in the invitation, and shall simultaneously notify the other Party of the
The term of the Contract
The present agreement is concluded for an indefinite period.
The agreement may be terminated by either party without giving reasons with the observance
of the month of termination of the contract with effect at the end of the month. The
withdrawal must be under pain of invalidity awarded to the other party in writing.
The agreement may be terminated Contractor with immediate effect if the Client does not
fulfil in full or in significant part, of the duties specified in this Agreement or in the event of
This agreement may be terminated by agreement of the parties.
In the event of termination of this Agreement with respect or without observing the notice
period Customer agrees to make payments all payments for the period of the Contract, within
a period not exceeding 30 (thirty) days from the date of its decision.
Final provisions
The parties state that the will made upon signature of this agreement in accordance with their
internal rules of submission.
In cases not regulated by this contract shall be applied the provisions of the
law of the Commonwealth of the Polish, including in particular the civil
Invalidation of any provision of this Agreement or part thereof is invalid or
unenforceable, this shall not affect the legality and validity of the remaining
provisions of this Agreement.
No delay or waiver of legal rights arising out of this Agreement can not be regarded as
waiver. The waiver of certain rights (claims) in connection with one specific situation, does
not mean that the total abandonment of all her proper remedies. Partial exercise of any Party's
rights does not preclude further use of all the rights belonging to her.
Any acts, losses of the Parties associated with the execution of this agreement, for the purpose
of modifying its content or expiration require for its importance written form under pain of
The agreement is made in two copies, one for each side

.............................................. ...................................................
Contractor Customer

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