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I’m coming clean on Extraterrestrials

January, 2007

The 75 most important topics as defined by member-flagging,

that shaped the month on

AboveTopSecret. com Book of Threads for December, 2008 • page 1 of 1

The Book Of Threads
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IMPORTANT: The content in this publication contains “opening posts” for discussion topics that
often involve highly provocative theories on a wide range of subjects, and in most cases, have
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spans the spectrum from highly speculative conspiracy writers to staunch skeptics. The result is a
unique collaboration of diverse individuals rallying under this simple statement to learn from each
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This motto has life. It has purpose. It demands ATS members to think.
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The idea of "deny ignorance" isn't a goal that ATS hopes to accomplish.
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Deny ignorance is what we do.
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Ignorance is the social disease of history that has clouded our minds and dulled our brains.
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Table of Contents For January, 2007
1. I’m coming clean on Extraterrestrials ........................................................................................................... 1
2. "If you could ask a time traveler a question what would you ask?" ............................................................... 1
3. D4rk Kn1ght's prophecy is coming true! ....................................................................................................... 1
4. Is This The Smoking Gun?? ......................................................................................................................... 2
5. New Hampshire man, Ed Brown, refuses to pay federal taxes - willing to fight for it. ...................................... 2
6. Quake Watch 2007 ....................................................................................................................................... 2
7. Have you ever thought that the year 2012 was disinfo & the real date is 2008 and what does it mean? .......... 3
8. To John Lear-Existence of the Dulce Facility ................................................................................................ 3
9. Possible Cancer Cure Found: $2 a Dose! ..................................................................................................... 3
10. The Coming Demise of American Militias ..................................................................................................... 4
11. Finally saw my first ufo / alien ....................................................................................................................... 7
12. The Disclosure Project -- Sergeant Clifford Earl Stone of the United States Army .......................................... 7
13. CIA Counterfeiting US Dollars ...................................................................................................................... 8
14. UFO Police FLIR footage ..............................................................................................................................8
15. Will Hillary Clinton Be The Next U.S. President? ........................................................................................... 8
16. Steven Greer at LA Conscious Life Expo ......................................................................................................9
17. Israel Plotting Tactical Nuclear Strike on Iranian Nuclear Facilities ................................................................ 9
18. Muslim Cabbies Refuse Passengers With Alcohol Or Dogs ....................................................................... 10
19. Thousands of Birds Fall From Sky in Australia ........................................................................................... 10
20. U.S. Colonies on Moon,Mars,Venus+Aliens+911,Divided by NWO=Behold A Pale Horse Video by Bill Cooper

...................................................................................................................................................... 10
21. NASA's vision lost on Web generation ....................................................................................................... 10
22. Indonesian Flight Missing .......................................................................................................................... 11
23. Italy Calling For Universal Ban on Death Penalty ........................................................................................ 11
24. Armed Mexican Force overwhelms US Soldiers ......................................................................................... 12
25. Tests find traces of cocaine on banknotes ..................................................................................................12
26. The myth of successful armed resistance in the US in case of martial law .................................................. 12
27. Obama Submits For 2008 Presidential Bid ..................................................................................................13
28. Ahmadinejad Approval Rating On The Decline ........................................................................................... 14
29. China ASAT(Anti-Satelite device) Test? Troubling Debris ............................................................................14
30. The End Of The Printed Book? ................................................................................................................... 15
31. 81 yr old is visited by the Secret Service, after claiming "wrong person hung in Saddam's trial." ................. 15
32. Voices and sounds "in your head" could be real ......................................................................................... 16
33. To Spank Or Not To Spank ......................................................................................................................... 16
34. 'Hound Dog' - the film depicting the rape of a 12 year old girl set for release ............................................... 17
35. Rosie O'Donnell calls for the Impeachment of President Bush .................................................................... 17
36. Chinese State TV Bans 'Year of the Pig' Commercials to Appease Muslims ................................................ 17
37. Dulce Underground Base Alien War Question ............................................................................................ 18
38. Secret Apollo Astronauts ........................................................................................................................... 18
39. Thailand Goes Against Patent Laws To Treat AIDS ..................................................................................... 18
40. Death of the Dictator .................................................................................................................................. 19
41. Remember that Irish company claiming they had developed free energy? .................................................. 19
42. Superbug "MRSA" Now Transmitted Sexually ........................................................................................... 19
43. Former members of amorc, tmo, rosicrucian? ............................................................................................ 20
44. Barack Obama = Antichrist? ...................................................................................................................... 20
45. Sky Watch Project! ..................................................................................................................................... 20
46. OMG! Leaked footage from real alien incident in 1984. ................................................................................ 20
47. Climate Change: Finding the Middle Ground .............................................................................................. 21
48. Superbug Epidemic in US - Now Threatening Canada ................................................................................ 21
49. Parents Surgically Keep Their Daughter Child-Size .....................................................................................22
50. Weird Weather Watch 2007 ........................................................................................................................ 22
51. US Military Funds Geneticist Searching for DNA "So Dangerous It Does Not Exist" .................................... 23
52. Scientists find Extraterrestrial genes in Human DNA .................................................................................. 23
53. January 2007 photo too good to be true? ................................................................................................... 24
54. Phil Schnider Debunked! I'm tired of the lies! .............................................................................................. 24
55. Barometric or A-neutronic bomb, any more info? ....................................................................................... 24
56. Study Reveals Extreme Climate Change Happened 14,000-36,000 Years Ago. ............................................. 25
57. Where is the safest place on earth .............................................................................................................. 25
58. Global Warming Debate Turns Ugly ........................................................................................................... 26
59. Volcano Watch 2007 .................................................................................................................................. 26
60. Port Of Maimi Locked Down (Possible terror Alert) ..................................................................................... 27
61. Feeding North Korea with Giant Rabbits .................................................................................................... 27
62. Cut Global Warming by being a Vegetarian? ............................................................................................... 27
63. Is ethanol really a good idea? ..................................................................................................................... 28
64. Civilian Reserve Corps: Threat or Fantasy? ................................................................................................ 28
65. John Lear- Is this you? ...............................................................................................................................29
66. The strange behavior of Bob Lazar (alleged former Area 51 ........................................................................ 29
67. Border Patrol Shoots, Kills Illegal Immigrant; FBI Investigates .................................................................... 30
68. President Reagon's remarks during screening of movie "Close Encounters" ............................................. 30
69. Illegal Migrants Will Now Use High Tech GPS Devices Thanks To The Mexican Government ...................... 30
70. Confessions of a Area 51 employee ........................................................................................................... 31
71. What if TV was a version of mind control? .................................................................................................. 32
72. Mass Sighting of Water Sucking UFO's - Video Doc. ................................................................................... 32
73. Germans Force "Thought Crime" on EU .................................................................................................... 32
74. Australian Politics - Coalition vs Labor ....................................................................................................... 32
75. Did we come from Mars or somewhere else? ............................................................................................. 33
P.S. There is talk about splitting the UFO board into
I’m coming clean on scientific and fanciful story telling sections. Since
scientific implies theoretical this thread of mine and my
Extraterrestrials blog squarely belong in the other board should one be
Created by: sleeper on January 12, flags: 162, replies: 7089 created, because there is no theoretical to
They do exist! extraterrestrial visitations nor to any of my
Well, not like in the movies, they don’t follow proper experiences---:P
protocol and physically land in your backyard and say Link to thread: ...thread262464/pg1
“take me to your leader”.
We humans are unique and come with different
expectations on what is suitable evidence, anyway "If you could ask a time
some of us want to believe and some would rather
remain in the safety of our cultural bubble. The vast traveler a question what
majority in fact will remain asleep to reality and
continue to live in the illusions crafted for us by would you ask?"
religions, scientists, and politicians---to each his or her Created by: OnTheDeck on January 23, flags: 55, replies:
own. 2393
There are those that know something is going on That's the question.
because they have experienced alien contact on one In the spirit of the previous posts on this subject, I
level or other and they want to know more. wanted to extend an offer to get your questions
Unfortunately it’s from this group that come the worst answered.
kind of skeptics; demanding proof, they want to be I am going to forward your questions to a friend of
able to kick the tires and take a test drive in an alien mine, who I suspect will answer as many as he can
ship before they invest any more of their emotions into get to.
the belief of ET. This is the same friend who has asked me to open the
Then there are the primadonnas, they are far too other posts, but this time, without his prompting, I'm
intelligent and important to fall for such rubbish as putting him on the spot LOL
aliens from space. For them extraterrestrial existence I think he'll be a good sport about it. He wants to get
implies the inferiority of humans, and that is not this information out there now, in particular, because
acceptable for them. he believes that things are going to occur very soon to
For some the real conundrum is why contactees are lend credibility to his story, so let the games begin!
not on the same page with their stories? Reasonable Thank you for anyone who wishes to submit a
inquiry question!!
But it’s also fair to ask why aren’t scientists, (If you want to know more, please read my last post on
theologians, politicians and countries on the same "How can someone prove to you they time traveled?"
page concerning their perspective beliefs, fields of bottom pg 10).
expertise, or sovereignty issues? Link to thread: ...thread264063/pg1
Perhaps the question should be why are there billions
of diverse life forms on planet earth---bacteria, plant,
animal, insect and the new one on the block nano
technology? D4rk Kn1ght's prophecy is
If our planet is so mind boggling varied in ideas and
life forms how much more so the infinite universe we coming true!
live in? Created by: thehumbleone on January 18, flags: 47,
replies: 640
Earth is being visited by many extraterrestrial entities
I found this when I was browsing some news websites:
that are also not on the same page with each other, let
(links removed, visit the thread for external references)
alone with humans, therefore conflicting accounts with
What do you all think of it, does this have any
contactees are the norm not the exception.
significance to Dark Knight's predictions?
I have a blog under construction from where I will
[edit on 18-1-2007 by thehumbleone]
share a sample of my extraterrestrial experiences; for
Link to thread: ...thread263380/pg1
some my stories will be nothing but delusional leaps of
fantasy, for others perhaps a bit of an eye opener of
what is out there in the billions of star systems, which
are astonishingly similar to our own, yet some
incredibly and vastly more advanced.

AboveTopSecret. com Book of Threads for January, 2007 • page 1 of 33

Ed Brown heard of the verdict in the middle of an
Is This The Smoking Gun?? interview with a radio station. "The verdict is in. I can
Created by: mikesingh on January 11, flags: 26, replies: 71 guarantee you all hell's going to break loose," he told
This is interesting stuff! Two sets of photographs taken WNTK-FM in New London.
at different times, places, people and different He later said, "It's all bogus charges. None of these
cameras. But the UFO photographed is the same charges are lawful."
‘model’ (For want of a better word!!). Ed Brown stayed in his wooded, 110-acre home this
So this can’t be a fluke, or dust on the lens, or water/ week. The large, cement-walled house features a
ice droplets, or Venus, or the ubiquitous swamp gas!! watchtower that offers 360-degree views of the rural
So what is it? I’d wager it’s an extra terrestrial UFO. setting. He said the home is capable of generating
And if it’s one, then all I can say is, WOW!! enough electricity to operate if cut off from the main
(visit the thread to view linked images) grid.
NASA photograph There's been a lot of talk on ATS and other conspiracy
(visit the thread to view linked images) websites about federal income taxes being illegal, but
Photo taken by a lawyer now it appears that somebody is willing to risk his life
Photographs from article by based on it, and has supporters as well. If there
Dirk Vander Ploeg actually is a confrontation where people will die, this
"During the 1996 space shuttle mission: STS-75, will be a very big story, and maybe it will get more
whose objective was to carry the Tethered Satellite people interested in researching the legality of federal
System Reflight (TSR) into orbit, many photographs income taxes. While I'm not sure if this will cause "a
were taken as well as hours of video. war the magnitude like this world has never seen
The craft videotaped by the lawyer looks amazingly before", this could definitely heat things up.
similar to those captured by the cameras on the Related News Links:
STS-75 mission. The NASA footage in the public (links removed, visit the thread for external references)
domain allegedly shows anomalous, intelligently (links removed, visit the thread for external references)
controlled craft filmed above the Earth. The crafts are mod edit, spelling in title
moving around the enormous tether of the TSR [edit on 19-1-2007 by DontTreadOnMe]
system." Link to thread: ...thread263430/pg1
Notice the notches in the craft at the top and bottom
and the octagonal area in its center.
(links removed, visit the thread for external references) Quake Watch 2007
[edit on 11-1-2007 by mikesingh] Created by: apex on January 4, flags: 14, replies: 498
Link to thread: ...thread262255/pg1 Magnitude 5.3 - SOUTHWEST OF SUMATRA,
Depth 30km
New Hampshire man, Ed (links removed, visit the thread for external references)
Magnitude 5.1 - SOLOMON ISLANDS
Brown, refuses to pay federal Depth 246.5km
.(links removed, visit the thread for external references)
taxes - willing to fight for it. Magnitude 3.0 - OREGON
Created by: AlienS on January 19, flags: 15, replies: 293 Depth 18.2km
Ed Brown, A New Hampshire man had refused to pay (links removed, visit the thread for external references)
about $750,000 of income taxes. Instead, he has New years resolution, post in this more often, I should
locked himself up in his home, with enough supplies to as I started it.
last a long time. He also has weapons, and is waiting Link to thread: ...thread261454/pg1
for other people from all around America to come to
his house and help him fight the Feds. Anticipating "a
war the magnitude like this world has never seen
before", he hasn't paid his taxes federal income taxes
because he doesn't believe they are legal. There was
a part in the trial where he said he would pay his taxes
if they could show him which law requires him to do
so, but to my knowledge, there was no response.
(links removed, visit the thread for external references)

AboveTopSecret. com Book of Threads for January, 2007 • page 2 of 33

take out further numbers, but the third one will be
Have you ever thought that horrendous and few will survive it. . .
The first major cataclysmic event began as a 9.0
the year 2012 was disinfo & earthquake off the west coast of Sumatra on 26
December 2004, which caused violent tsunamis
the real date is 2008 and throughout the Indian Ocean. This event has truly
startled many around the world.
what does it mean? These cataclysmic events will be very painful to watch,
Created by: manchurian_candidate on January 19, flags: and the suffering will be horrible to endure. As you
14, replies: 194 might imagine, the next one will be far worse than the
I found this amazing website which tells well Indian Ocean tsunamis!
everything about the annunaki,2012,time,universe etc So what do you guys think of this.Is it truly the ultimate
EDIT: info?
Basically the universe has cycles and when ever tings [edit on 19-1-2007 by manchurian_candidate]
go hay wire like now the annunaki elite which are the Link to thread: ...thread263433/pg1
agents of darkness who created the universe(darkness
created it) must restart this soo called time restarter
known as atu-waa and the actual year is 2008 and not
2012.This makes sense as It was also designed to
To John Lear-Existence of the
misguide the opposition(other ET'S
) in their plans and it was important that the date of
Dulce Facility
Created by: AlanP on January 23, flags: 13, replies: 391
2012 was believably close to the actual date of 2008 I just wanted to tell you that I lived in Farmington,NM in
The universe is a falt pentagon and is joined with its 11 1996 and operated a New Car Franchise that supplied
other sister universes to make a dodecahedron which fleet vehicles to the Jicarilla Apache Tribe in
spins to form a sphere. Dulce, good friend who paid for the vehicles
This universe is nothing but a virtual reality created by was the Chief of Police for the Reservation for 42
darkness to entrap true light beings.The entire system years. I can rest assure that there is a 7 level military
is based on pain,suffering,waste,hate installation on the Archuleta Mesa. If you would like
The swastika is nothing but the sun's real body which more info on this please reply to this thread or email
is not a sphere but a cube but it rotates soo fast that it me at (...). Best Regards
looks like a sphere. AlanP
Darkness used hexahedrons to form suns (stars), and ```````````````````````````
since hexahedrons have 90-degree angles, they are Removed email address, but forwarded complete post
relatively easier to break down than the other to John Lear.
symmetrical solids. Also, the type of prisons formed by [edit on 23/1/07 by masqua]
hexahedrons are not as complicated as those formed Link to thread: ...thread264021/pg1
by the other symmetrical solids. Thus, the stars are the
weakest links in the fabric of Darkness' Virtual Reality.
This information was not readily apparent from
external circumspection of the illusions of Darkness Possible Cancer Cure Found:
The Earth and the other planets that orbit the sun are
all hollow. They all appear empty inside. However, they $2 a Dose!
are filled with repeating symmetrical geometric Created by: Shadowflux on January 31, flags: 13, replies:
patterns. The "heart" of the Earth is a hollow 55
symmetrical solid - an icosahedron. I just found this through and figured it was
also jupiter cannot become a sun as the "heart" of worth a post here. Apparently researchers and
Jupiter is an icosahedron. Suns need to have scientist at the University of Alberta have found what
hexahedrons for "hearts" in order to burn like stars seems to be a cheap cure for cancer called
also the many natural disasters and so many "Dichloroacetate".
earthquakes are a sign that this planet is running out Here's the deal. Researchers at the University of
of programs to regrow it self. Alberta in Edmonton, Canada found a cheap and easy
There will be three MAJOR cataclysmic events to to produce drug that kills almost all cancers. The drug
befall the Earth. The first one will startle many, is dichloroacetate, and since it is already used to treat
however, many will survive the first. The second will metabolic disorders, we know it should be no problem
to use it for other purposes.

AboveTopSecret. com Book of Threads for January, 2007 • page 3 of 33

*snip* The popularity of militias in the United States
Scientists tested DCA on human cells cultured outside decreased during the first half of the 20th century. Cold
the body where it killed lung, breast and brain cancer War considerations caused many Americans to re-
cells, but left healthy cells alone. Rats plump with evaluate the need for small personally funded patriotic
tumors shrank when they were fed water groups. A combination of MaCarthy-ism and fears of
supplemented with DCA. invasion by the Soviet Union convinced many that the
" time had come to re-invent the American-style militia
The most important aspect of this finding is that since concept. Events relating to the Vietnam conflict and
you apparently can not patent DCA it can be offered the Watergate scandal that followed were seen as
for as cheap as $2 a dose. ‘proof’ by many that their woeld was changing for the
I've heard of other cancer cures such as Extract of worse, which could only mean that militias might once
Wormwood, which attacks iron rich cells, and they again be necessary.
always seem to end with a statement about how the Federal power continued to grow throughout the
cure would be picked up if it was profitable. Perhaps 1970’s, which reinforced the idea for some that the
the only cures for cancer are incredibly cheap? national government wasn’t to be trusted. During the
The article ends with this: 1980’s, many militia members had their patriotism
" questioned. Although patriotism ran high during the
All I can do is write this and hope Google News picks it Reagan years, the mainstream media took a dim view
up. In the meantime, tell everyone you know and do of these groups. In most cases, they were
your own research. characterized as hide-outs for the radical, or havens
" for the misguided.
Sounds fair, what do you guys think? The incident at (links removed, visit the thread for
(links removed, visit the thread for external references) external references) on August 1992 caused many to
Edit: to add link question the patriotism of U.S. militias. Media pundits
[edit on 31-1-2007 by Shadowflux] from across the spectrum suggested that these groups
[edit on 31-1-2007 by Shadowflux] might be ideal fund-raisers and trainers for terrorists.
(links removed, visit the thread for external references) Nobody could know it at that time, but this question
[edit on 31/1/2007 by Mirthful Me] was going to come up again less than ten years later.
Link to thread: ...thread265232/pg1 The (links removed, visit the thread for external
references) (1993) and the (links removed, visit the
thread for external references) (also 1993) would serve
The Coming Demise of to magnify the effects of the(links removed, visit the
thread for external references) (1995) would fuel fears
American Militias of home-grown terrorism in the aftermath of the trans-
national terror attacks on the World Trade center in
Created by: Justin Oldham on January 30, flags: 11,
1996 and 2001.
replies: 60
It’s becoming more likely that trans-national terror
What was, and what will be
groups will operate openly on U.S. soil by the middle
The American militia is unique among civic groups in
of the next decade, American militias will at that time
the Western world. The concept of a citizen-based
be under great suspicion. Some of that scrutiny might
soldiery is not new. Peasant levies provided the
be justified. Even so, we’ve got to plan for the
backbone of most armies long before the existence of
possibility that a power-hungry Federal bureaucracy
standing professional forces. After the Renaissance,
may try to stamp out even the most patriotic and well-
when standing militaries became normal State fixtures;
meaning of these groups.
most non-colonial governments forbade the existence
It may sound odd to describe a militia as a civic group.
of privately funded armed forces. This ban included
They may not style themselves as debating clubs, but
they do kick around the issues that matter to them. In
During the age of Western colonization, provincial and
the not-too-distant future, under the ‘guidance’ of a
territorial governments incorporated sanctioned militias
very potent unitary executive…we could see Federal
in to their defense. Many volunteer units took part in
investigations of any and all civic groups. Because
the U.S. civil war (1861-1865) after they were
they have a tradition of firearms ownership and militant
upgraded in to larger formations. In the aftermath of
opinions, it may not be unreasonable to suggest htat
the civil war, Federal and State officials clamped down
the militias will be among the first “dangerous groups”
on militia activity in an effort to cut down on post-war
to be so closely examined and outlawed.

AboveTopSecret. com Book of Threads for January, 2007 • page 4 of 33

Whether you like them or not, these groups play an military to be used against us at home. If it happens,
important role in our society. By existing, they preserve it'll be done "for our own good." If and when
an idea that many feel has been enshrined in our transnational terrorists do become active on U.S. soil,
national Constitution. Freedom of speech and the right our own government might not be able to resist the
to bear arms in defense of a hostile government may temptation to both fight back and "clean house" at the
soon be mocked and pilloried as out-dated thinking as same time. If it comes to that, the militias may be our
our leaders strive to justify gathering more power to best hope for preserving the future of this country we
fight the global war on terror. What do we lose of we hold so dear.
are convinced to give up our militias? I don't make this charge lightly. Please let me explain
The pattern of bureaucratic centralization which has my thinking. There's a trend in government today that
been documented by many observers over the last we can all see. Turn on your t.v. or pick up a
one hundred years would suggest that the demise of newspaper, and it's there. Federal authority is
our militias would herald the end of our true social expanding. Since October 2001, Congress and the
freedom. As a population, we might not be capable of President have asked for, and been granted, more
resisting any future tyrannical regime that sought new authorities than FDR had at the height of World
power inside the borders of our country. With no War Two. The dark side of this growth in power can be
traditional mechanism for resistence or reform to fall seen in the areas of civil rights, law enforcement, and
back on, we’d be just another captive population like surveillance.
those that we’ve occasionally liberated in the last It has never been so easy for the Federal government
century. to spy on you, arrest you, or even hold you, as it is
The defeat of our civil rights by legions of Federal now. J. Edgar Hoover never had this much authority
attorneys who are driven by one President after the when he ran the FBI with an iron fist during the worst
next should serve to tell us what’s coming…but…it of the Red Scare. Add to this the fact that very few
doesn’t. It’s too easy to ignore something when it governments ever give back any of the power they
happens slowly. The wheel of our bureaucracy turn take and you can see where I'm going with this. This is
slowly, but they do turn. I can’t help feeling like the the modern threat our militias will face if this power-
people who are making it happen know exactly what grabbing trend continues.
they’re doing...and why. Under these conditions, the militias must fend for
The Future of American Militias themselves. There is no one single mechanism to
You don't have to be a conspiracy theorist to know that ensure their survival. Being aware of the Federal
today's American militias will have to modernize and government's expansionist trend makes for a good
embrace new ideas if they want to survive. Recent start, but it also fosters a lot of worry. How do you beat
changes in U.S. domestic law and military capability THAT? With history as our guide, we can look at a few
could spell trouble for existing militias if they don't common-sense options.
make allowances for the threats that will come from In many respects, today's career politicians are doing
within. This goes well beyond the Patriot Act, body what's in their best interests. If the Federal
armor, and wireless phones. It means a total government has more power, so do they. The same
reassessment of what they do, how they do it, and holds true for the top civil servants who lead the
why. bureaucracy. In both cases, each camp is inhabited by
Today's militias can trace their collective heritage back a vocal majority that really does think they're doing
to the earliest uncertain days of the American what's good for you. Senior politicians lead their
Revolution. Even then, armed revolt was seen as the parties. Senior supervisors lead their agencies. Both
absolute last resort when faced with unchecked groups are misled by a cunning minority.
authority. Over the last two centuries, these militias How do you overcome them? Run for office. Get out
have been alternately praised and denounced, and vote. Militias, as organized groups, can organize
depending on the mood of each decade. In spite of all this. Starting at the local level, vote for people you can
that turmoil, they are still with us. Some militias are trust or run for office as somebody who can be trusted.
little more than social clubs. Others are quite radical. Do the same thing at the state level. Do your
Like the conspirators in my novel, most hope they will homework and send people to D.C. who have proven
never be needed. their honesty and integrity in your home state. If you
We may never need to call on these patriots, but one must, be the person that gets sent to Washington.
thing is certain: today's militias need to take stock of People who don't covet power are the best candidates
their situation. Hard questions need to be asked. to use it, as they can be trusted to give it back when
Washington is taking the anti-terrorist fight to our the job is done.
enemies overseas, but is also preparing our own

AboveTopSecret. com Book of Threads for January, 2007 • page 5 of 33

21st century militias will need more political savvy. matters of trade and human rights. In both cases, we
They'll need it to avoid being slandered by the media saw a lot of activity on domestic soil aimed in the same
and also to recruit. If a militia can fund war games and directions. Some of it we agreed with, and some of it
keep its armory stocked, it should think about its public we didn't. NAFTA (North American Free-Trade
image and how to manage it. In those cases where the Agreement) would be the best and most recent
group doesn't want to be politically active, it might still example.
need a good media image if its membership is large. As our government grapples with the threat of trans-
By the end of this decade, it's quite likely the American national terror, we are faced with a growing number of
media will once again focus its harsh limelight on the disturbing indicators. Each time the government
more well-known militias. Without more political skill adopts a new anti-terrorist measure, it comes at the
and a better media image, they won't be able to expense of just a few more of our civil liberties. Much
defend themselves against the false charges that will of the new "protection" legislation that comes off
surely come. Capitol Hill these days presumes that the next threat
If transnational terror groups start their dirty work on will come from hostile forces operating inside U.S.
U.S. soil, politicians and bureaucrats in Washington borders.
will see it as a dual opportunity: defend against the It's not really up for debate. In time, hostile forces will
terrorists and neutralize dissent on the home front. take action on U.S. soil. Anything these people do will
Naturally, doing both will require greater levels of be despicable and under-handed. If we're not careful,
power and authority. You'll see this one coming, if our own government might use that crisis as an
things go that far. Why? Just one thing. The media still excuse to clamp down on legitimate dissent. If certain
treats homegrown patriotic militias like they could be officials in Washing feel the need to rally support, the
terrorist cells. The temptation to label them as such will good standing of our own militias might be the cost of
be overpowering. Because militias are known that political power play.
opponents of big government and politicians with too It's already been said that today's militias should
much power, they will be seen as easy targets. become more politically aware and media-savvy. As
How do you overcome that? Voting for reform will only meaningful as that should be, it won't be enough to
do so much. It will take decades for reform-minded preserve one of our most fundamentally important
politicians to have an impact on a trend that has lasted Constitutional rights. Modern militias should assume
for 60 years. Even if a militia does have a good media that they'll be targeted at some point. This may not
image or stays well out of public view, it can still be happen militarily, but it will certainly happen politically.
misrepresented. Under these conditions, knowing your The actions at Ruby Ridge and Waco have long since
rights won't be enough. demonstrated the need for modern militias to adapt
The politically aware and media-sensitive militias of their unconventional warfare tactics. De-centralized
the near future won't be able to stop the government's command and dispersion of money and supplies
legislative steamroller, nor will they be able to prevent should now take on a whole new level of importance
the pasting they'll take by the media. Like the for group planners. No matter how much money and
conspirators in my book, they'll have to plan for it and manpower they put in to their public images, the fact
hope it doesn't happen. They can advocate for reform remains that they will be out-spent by Government and
or revolution as they see fit, as long as they're aware private-sector media conglomerates.
of the facts. As one of my characters might say, "Our As dissenters of big government, militias will be natural
job is to know it might happen and be ready for it." targets for career politicians seeking to improve their
The Evolution of American Militias own fortunes. There may come a time when U.S.
You don't knave to be a conspiracy theorist to know militias are forced underground. This means they'll
that today's American militias will have to change the have to actively go in to hiding. Because American
way they do business if they want to avoid the wrath of militias have such a strong tradition of reluctance to
an increasingly hostile Federal government. U.S. act, this will be the most logical step when the time
foreign policy has always been a forecaster of things comes.
to come on the home front. Today's American foreign As hard as they try, militia leaders in the next decade
policy makes it quite clear that U.S. militias will be at will have a hard time making the case that the groups
risk by the end of this decade. they represent are not terrorist cells. Under these
In the past, when our Federal government has conditions as portrayed in my book, Politics &
pursued an agenda overseas, we've been able to see Patriotism: The Fisk Conspiracy, politicians at the
how that same bureaucracy will deal with us here at Federal level may have too much to gain by making
home. Before the trans-national terrorist threat this false charge.
emerged, our elected leaders were pre-occupied with

AboveTopSecret. com Book of Threads for January, 2007 • page 6 of 33

If they start now, most militias can take steps they feel arms stands straight up. I then hear her scream! I jump
will do them the most good. As complicated as the into the driver seat and she clutches my arm
political side of this equation has become, militia screaming that there are shadow people outside of the
planners should not ignore the military aspect of this car. I hit the gas and peal out trying to escape thinking
problem. Recent advances in electronics now give we are about to be abducted. Going 110 mph the thing
Federal troops a big advantage. Emphasis on Urban- is still following at the same distance behind us. I pull
style tactics and house-to-house combat drill only into a rest area and slam on my horn to wake up the 2
serve to underscore this point. sleeping truckers... no one wakes up. I'm going
Unconventional warfare remains the Patriot's best gambling now i will continue this story when i come
option to counter this new stance. As effective as back to my room. I'll attach a picture. Also i want
civilian weapons may be, they no longer confer as eveyone to know that i'm almost 100% sure this will
many advantages as they once did. As today's militia happen again at the same spot.. I'll tell the rest of the
members become more politically aware, they should story when i return. We took photos, tape recordings,
also become more familiar with the capabilities of temp readings, and video tape. (all which suck)
tomorrow's Federal forces. Like it or not, this is going Link to thread: ...thread261065/pg1
to mean a re-thinking of traditional guerilla methods.
Knowing this, and knowing that there will always be a
reluctance on the part of real Patriots to put these
things in to practice, it isn't hard to see how today's
The Disclosure Project --
militias can evolve in to the organizations they need to
be in the world of tomorrow.
Sergeant Clifford Earl Stone
What we think of as a militia today needs to be
of the United States Army
Created by: Lucas_1984 on January 8, flags: 10, replies: 80
something else tomorrow. Conspiracy theory or not,
The Disclosure Project -- Sergeant Clifford Earl Stone
there is a real and verifiable drive underway to bring
of the United States Army
the States in to line with the pro-Federal agenda. The
If you haven’t seen the disclosure project it is a must
fact of the matter is that what we call civic virtue is
watch for any ufo researcher and I first heard about it
about to be defined as an impairment to natinal
on an illuminati website I stumbled across, which in its
own right makes fascinating reading. On this website:
Link to thread: ...thread265103/pg1
About one third down the page there a link you click
“The Disclosure Project Video” and you can download

Finally saw my first ufo / alien

the full 2 hour long video for free, plus it don’t take long
if you’ve got broadband.
Created by: hiii_98 on January 1, flags: 10, replies: 469 Well in-short it’s an America Nation Press Club
Oddly enough I was and currently am on my way to Conference which was covered by a lot of the press in
visit Area 51 when this happened to me and my May 2001. Dr. Steven Geer a long-term ufo researcher
fiancee. We are currently here in Las Vegas and I just whom gave up his job to fully investigate the truth
got computer access to tell everyone about what we about aliens, presents 21 credible witnesses to ufo
saw. I dont have alot of time right now so I will events or cover ups (insiders). Most of these
summarize and go into detail if asked. We were witnesses have been in the army, air force, or navy
traveling through eastern utah at around 3am. The and I must admit once I saw this video, thereafter I
ONLY car on the road. I let my g/f drive, she is a became extremely convinced of the existence of aliens
foreigner and has no liscense so i thought it was a and there presence here.
safe place to let her learn. Well as she is driving she One particular witness is Sergeant Clifford Earl Stone
screams that there is something red and on fire he only talks for about 4 mins but has some very
following our car. Me thinking she is unaware of interesting things to say regarding aliens such as
common objects in her mirror laughs, but begins to being part of a retrieval team sent to a crash site,
look around. I see no reason why she should be being one of the first on the scene and actually seeing
seeing anything behind us as no cars are behind and alien life forms. In this short presentation he also
no signs of life are MILES around us. So i tell her to states that to his knowledge the U.S knows of 57 types
pull over. We do and I get out to switch places with of EBE’s Extraterrestrial Biological Entities.
her, and look behind the car for this mysterious light. As you can imagine I had to do more research on this
Well... i , actually see the thing! It is a glowing red ruby guy, recently I found this website:
like sparkling diamond light about maybe a baseball in
size 60 feet behind the car hovering. The hair on my

AboveTopSecret. com Book of Threads for January, 2007 • page 7 of 33

This is a cool interview with him where he goes on into
more detail. It also has after it a lot more information UFO Police FLIR footage
on ufo’s and aliens which is definitely worth a read too. Created by: squiz on January 22, flags: 10, replies: 70
I was wandering weather anyone has anymore videos An Amazing clip, not sure what this could be but it
or interviews with him and what people think about his definately isn't an oil rig.:lol:
credibility? Hopefully this hasn't been posted before. Enjoy.
This is my first post; just joined tonight did I do alright? (isit the thread to view linked videos)
Text (links removed, visit the thread for external references)
Link to thread: ...thread261845/pg1 (add our new YouTube BBcode: (isit the thread to view
linked videos) )
[edit on 22-1-2007 by SkepticOverlord]
CIA Counterfeiting US Dollars Link to thread: ...thread263863/pg1
Created by: polanksi on January 10, flags: 10, replies: 34
A German paper is reporting that the U.S. Secret
Service, CIA may be behind the so-called 'supernotes' Will Hillary Clinton Be The
that have been circulating for the past 2 decades.
Recently the Bush administration blamed North Korea Next U.S. President?
for this funny money. As a result of this accusation Six- Created by: RedGolem on January 24, flags: 10, replies:
Party Talks over North Korea's nuclear weapons 321
program were suspended. The question has been poised, is America ready to
(links removed, visit the thread for external references) elect a woman as there president? Clinton is not the
The U.S.-dollar forgeries designated "Supernotes," first to try but her move is still historic on other counts.
which are so good that even specialists are unable to She is the first spouse of a former president to try for
distinguish them from genuine notes, have circulated the oval office. At this stage she is the clear front
for almost two decades without a reliable identification runner for the Democratic party. One pole put her at
of the culprits. Because of their extraordinary quality, forty-one percent with the closest rival Barack Obama
experts assume that some country must be behind the at seventeen percent. The Democratic part is getting
enterprise. started early. She is sixth to announce herself as a
The administration of George W. Bush officially candidate. Because things are getting started early the
accused Pyongyang of the deed in the autumn of people running need to have financial backing early.
2005, derailing Six-Party Talks on Pyongyang's Her biggest rival will most likely remain Obama.
nuclear weapons program. Since then, tensions on the (links removed, visit the thread for external references)
Korean Peninsula have increased considerably. Is America ready to elect a woman president? Rupert
America charges that North Korea is financing its Cornwell asks the Big Question
rocket and nuclear weapons program with the Why are we asking this now?
counterfeit "Supernotes." Her move is historic on two counts. Other women have
A most interesting article. Is the Bush administration tried - Pat Schroeder for the Democrat nomination in
creating money on their own to fund covert activities 1992 and Elizabeth Dole for the Republicans in 2000 -
as the article suggests? This could help to explain but none has had as good a chance of reaching the
their, spend now pay never attitude. If true, as far back Oval Office - and never has the spouse of a former
as Reagan's presidency our own government has President attempted to win the top job in her own right.
essentially been counterfeiting our own currency. I At this admittedly early stage, she is the clear front-
thought they had given the Fed the sole right to make runner in an already crowded Democratic field. A
money. Washington Post/ABC News poll at the weekend gave
One need wonder no longer how black ops are her 41 per cent against 17 per cent for her closest
funded. If they are involved in counterfeiting then what rival, Illinois senator Barack Obama.
else have they been doing? This makes CIA Why did she declare so early?
involvement in the drug trade more believable. In this utterly unpredictable contest, everything is
Link to thread: ...thread262140/pg1 happening earlier. Bill Clinton did not formally launch
his victorious 1992 campaign until September 1991.
Hillary is not the first, but the sixth Democrat (and
fourth US senator) to declare. The first candidate's
debate takes place in New Hampshire in April, nine
months before the state holds its traditional first-in-the-

AboveTopSecret. com Book of Threads for January, 2007 • page 8 of 33

nation primary. South Carolina is holding its own
debate, probably the following month. Next year's Israel Plotting Tactical
primary calendar is more front-loaded than ever, so
that the contest will probably be over by the beginning Nuclear Strike on Iranian
of March at the latest.
I had a fear this might happen about fifteen year ago Nuclear Facilities
or so. What really drove it home was a day or two ago Created by: UM_Gazz on January 6, flags: 8, replies: 112
when I saw that Clinton had fifty-seven percent of the According to the following report which quotes Britain's
female vote. That would mean that sixty percent of the Sunday Times report, which cites several "Israeli
male vote would half to go to the other side, and that military sources" Israel has drawn up plans to use
people I just don't think will ever happen. Financing is "tactical nuclear weapons" on Iranian nuclear facilities.
mentioned, that is very importuned for a campaign. Though not unexpected, with the current tensions in
With former president Clinton's contacts, I think the region, this news could prove unnerving to some
financing the campaign will be but a minor nuisance. I and perhaps provocative to others.
hear this morning she already has fourteen million in (links removed, visit the thread for external references)
the bank for the campaign. I will suspect that number LONDON (Reuters) - Israel has drawn up secret plans
will grow with but one phone call. If you have followed to destroy Iran's uranium enrichment facilities with
any of the conspiracy theories that relate to politics tactical nuclear weapons, Britain's Sunday Times
you will know that those who control the money control newspaper said.
politics. If that being the case then the next president Citing what it said were several Israeli military sources,
has already been chosen. Which means Clinton is the paper said two Israeli air force squadrons had
back. been training to blow up an enrichment plant in Natanz
Related News Links: using low-yield nuclear "bunker busters."
(links removed, visit the thread for external references) Two other sites, a heavy water plant at Arak and a
Related Discussion Threads: uranium conversion plant at Isfahan, would be
(links removed, visit the thread for external references) targeted with conventional bombs, the Sunday Times
(links removed, visit the thread for external references) said.
Link to thread: ...thread264149/pg1 I would expect Israel to be prepared for any possibility,
given the region they are in and the risks a Nuclear
Iran may pose to their security. However a nuclear
Steven Greer at LA Conscious strike on Iran would be a major step toward all out
Arab Israeli conflict, and war.
Life Expo Lets hope this stays in the "planning stages" and is
Created by: MagicalRat on January 9, flags: 9, replies: 241 never actually necessary.
Checked the site for Related News Link:
updates. The doc is doing a free lecture and workshop (links removed, visit the thread for external references)
at LAX Hilton second week of February. Related Discussion Thread:
Anyone going to this? (links removed, visit the thread for external references)
Dr Greer will discuss the actual contact experiences [edit on 6-1-2007 by UM_Gazz]
he has had with UFOs and Extraterrestrial Link to thread: ...thread261708/pg1
Civilizations, beginning as a young child. In one of the
most amazing and moving personal stories ever
shared, he will explain how after a prolonged near-
death experience at age 17, he experienced cosmic
consciousness and found the Rosetta Stone of ET
contact: the power of the unbounded mind within each
of us. Later this led to numerous Close Encounters of
the 5th Kind: contact with ETs initiated by Dr. Greer
and later by larger groups of people through the
CSETI (Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial
Intelligence) project
Link to thread: ...thread262057/pg1

AboveTopSecret. com Book of Threads for January, 2007 • page 9 of 33

infectious process. Acting chief veterinary officer Fiona
Muslim Cabbies Refuse Sunderman said toxins were the most likely cause but
the deaths could be due to anything from toxic algae to
Passengers With Alcohol Or chemicals and pesticides.
Dr Sunderman said there were no leads yet on which
Dogs of potentially hundreds of toxins might be responsible.
Created by: jsobecky on January 5, flags: 8, replies: 105 Some birds were seen convulsing as they died.
The Minnesota chapter of the Muslim American "
Society has issued a fatwa to the Minneapolis-St. Paul We know Australia has large oil reserves
International Airport commission that prohibits taxi (visit the thread to view linked images)
drivers from carrying passengers with alcohol, or So, is it possible that the methane released into the air
passengers with dogs, because it interferes with their is the main factor? It would only take a small release to
religious beliefs. This includes service dogs, such as kill a bird. Or could it be something the birds ate?
seeing-eye dogs that assist the blind. Muslims do not (links removed, visit the thread for external references)
buy, sell, or transport alcohol, and consider the saliva Forgive me for having more questions then answers,
of dogs to be unclean. but something is amiss, just what remains to be seen.
(links removed, visit the thread for external references) Link to thread: ...thread262059/pg1
Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport officials want
to crack down on Muslim taxi drivers who refuse to
carry alcohol or service dogs in their cabs. U.S. Colonies on
At a meeting Wednesday of the Metropolitan Airports
Commission (MAC), airport staff members asked the Moon,Mars,Venus+Aliens
commission to give the go-ahead for public hearings
on a tougher policy that would suspend the licenses of +911,Divided by NWO=Behold
drivers who refuse service for any reason other than
safety concerns. A Pale Horse Video by Bill
Drivers who refuse to accept passengers transporting
alcohol or service dogs would have their airport Cooper
licenses suspended 30 days for the first offense and Created by: PHARAOH1133 on January 9, flags: 8, replies:
revoked two years for the second offense, according to 72
a proposed taxi ordinance revision. Is this why things are happenning the way they are?
This is outrageous. The cab drivers have a primary For those who have watched this video please give me
responsibility to provide a service to the public. Their your comments.
religious beliefs should not enter into this equation. For those who have not, please watch the video then
The cab drivers should get a license suspension for submitted your opinions.
the first offense, and a revocation for the next. Thank You
Related News Links: PHARAOH1133
(links removed, visit the thread for external references) Video Link:
(links removed, visit the thread for external references) Link to thread: ...thread262101/pg1
[edit on 5-1-2007 by UM_Gazz]
Link to thread: ...thread261634/pg1

NASA's vision lost on Web

Thousands of Birds Fall From generation
Sky in Australia Created by: Low Orbit on January 1, flags: 7, replies: 36
This article discusses how the 18-25 somethings of the
Created by: Eden on January 9, flags: 8, replies: 189 US are indifferent to the new space program NASA
source: proposes. In order to resolve this problem they plan on
" bringing in Jean Luke Picard and Fox Mulder to help
"It's very substantial. We estimate several thousand resolve their little PR problem.
birds are dead, although we don't have a clear number (links removed, visit the thread for external references)
because of the large areas of bushland" CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (AP) -- Young Americans
The Department of Agriculture and Food, which have high levels of apathy about NASA's new vision of
conducted the autopsies, has almost ruled out an

AboveTopSecret. com Book of Threads for January, 2007 • page 10 of 33

sending astronauts back to the moon by 2017 and other flights which "might have picked up the plane's
eventually on to Mars, recent surveys show. distress signal."
Concerned about this lack of interest, NASA's image- My first thought is that this is a horrible accident.
makers are taking a hard look at how to win over the However until the plane is found there will be no way
young generation -- media-saturated teens and 20- to know for sure. If the plane went down in the water
somethings growing up on YouTube and Google and the data recorders will be able to be found from the
largely indifferent to manned space flight. beacons. Also if the plane broke apart there should be
"If you're going to do a space exploration program that debree floating.
lasts 40 years, if you just do the math, those are the Should it be worse then an accident, meaning terror,
guys that are going to carry the tax burden," said Mary the data recorders will hopefully answer that question
Lynne Dittmar, president of a Houston company that also.
surveyed young people about the space program. On this holiday lets all offer a prayer for the families of
I am in the upper end of the 18-25 year old American those on the missing flight.
demographic and I think the reason NASA's Moon and Related News Links:
Mars missions aren't gaining much praise by the youth (links removed, visit the thread for external references)
is because they distrust NASA on some level. They Related Discussion Threads:
have been shown films like Men in Black, Starship (links removed, visit the thread for external references)
Troopers, Star Trek, Star Wars, etc and most believe [edit on 1-1-2007 by RedGolem]
there is much NASA is hiding from the public. Link to thread: ...thread256972/pg1
Another reason I'm not interested in it is because I
know I could never work on a project like that, since
the competition is fierce and there are only a handful
of people working on it. As far as I can see NASA will
Italy Calling For Universal
never tap the American people and most certainly not
the American worker for it's endeavors so if they don't
Ban on Death Penalty
Created by: the_sentinal on January 2, flags: 7, replies: 46
care about me, ... then I don't have to care about you,
Italy has announced that it will seek support at the
hence, indiffernce.
United Nations for a global ban on the death penalty
[edit on 1-1-2007 by UM_Gazz]
following the release of images of Saddam Hussein's
Link to thread: ...thread257005/pg1
execution that have shocked the world wide

Indonesian Flight Missing

(links removed, visit the thread for external references)
Italy says it will campaign at the United Nations for a
Created by: RedGolem on January 1, flags: 7, replies: 32 global ban on the death penalty after images of the
A commercial Adam Air passenger air craft with over hanging of Iraq's former dictator shocked people
one hundred people on board has lost contact with worldwide.
flight controllers. The flight was between the Prime Minister Romano Prodi said Tuesday that his
Indonesia's Islands of Java and Sulawesi. More the government will use Italy's new seat in the U.N.
five hours has passed since its scheduled arrival time. Security Council to push for a "universal moratorium"
Aviation authorities were still gathering information on capital punishment. Italy joined the council on
which might have picked up a signal from the missing January 1 for a two-year term.
air craft. The flight ran into some very bad weather and Italian politicians of all political affiliations expressed
would have run out of fuel by now. The flight should disgust at Saddam Hussein's execution.
have been two hours. The missing plan is a Boeing Iraqi officials may indeed have cause and justification
737-400. for their remarks seeing that the United States has
(links removed, visit the thread for external references) executed many criminals without such a harsh
JAKARTA, Indonesia: A commercial Adam Air backlash from other countries.
passenger plane with more than 100 people onboard What remains to be seen is whether Italy's new seat
lost contact with flight controllers Monday on flight on the United Nations security council will make a
between Indonesia's Java and Sulawesi islands, difference in seeing a change on the death penalty
officials said. issue.
Adam Air flight KI-574 was still missing more than five Related News Links:
hours after the scheduled arrival time. (links removed, visit the thread for external references)
A senior Transport Ministry official, Ichsan Tatang, said (links removed, visit the thread for external references)
aviation authorities were gathering information from [edit on 2-1-2007 by UM_Gazz]
Link to thread: ...thread261199/pg1

AboveTopSecret. com Book of Threads for January, 2007 • page 11 of 33

Armed Mexican Force Tests find traces of cocaine
overwhelms US Soldiers on banknotes
Created by: 2stepsfromtop on January 5, flags: 7, replies: Created by: pmexplorer on January 9, flags: 7, replies: 35
98 Following up on a recent Uk study that everyone is
This last Tuesday, Mexican nationals armed with guns Britain is carrying around traces of the A class drug –
challenged a group of U.S. Army National Guard on their banknotes, it seems suprisingly to most, that
troops at a border control station forcing the National Ireland's Euros are similiarly affected.
Guard troops to abandon their post and seek safe (links removed, visit the thread for external references)
refuge away from their duty station. While the Mexican Traces of cocaine have been found on bank notes in
nationals remain unidentified, speculation remains as circulation across Dublin, a shocking study revealed
to what their intent was in seeking to breach the U.S. today.
Border while being heavily armed, are they Mexican Researchers analysing the detection of illicit drugs
Soldiers, Coyotes, Drug Runners or Terrorists? found cocaine on 100% of notes tested in the capital,
(links removed, visit the thread for external references) compared to just 65% of dollar notes in the US.
A U.S. Border Patrol entry Identification Team site was Of the 45 sample notes analysed – which included €5,
overrun Wednesday night along Arizona's border with €10, €20 and €50 denominations – all were
Mexico. contaminated with cocaine.
According to the Border Patrol, an unknown number of Three also showed the presence of heroin
gunmen attacked the site in the state's West Desert It seems the worldwide falling street prices of formerly
Region around 11 p.m. The site is manned by National hard to obtain drugs such as cocaine and even heroin
Guardsmen. Those guardsmen were forced to retreat. has been proven by recent studies which shockingly
The Border Patrol will not say whether shots were show that in some cases almost 100% of banknotes in
fired. However, no Guardsmen were injured in the countries such as Ireland, Spain and the UK contain
incident. traces of these drugs.
The Border Patrol says the incident occurred This is an alarming and quite saddening outlook on
somewhere along the 120 mile section of the border modern culture. Ireland itself many will be suprised to
between Nogales and Lukeville. The area is known as hear has one of the highest rates of cocaine use in
a drug corridor. Last year, 124-thousand pounds of young adults in Europe.
illegal drugs were confiscated in this area. Related News Links:
What are armed individual from Mexico doing (links removed, visit the thread for external references)
wandering on U.S.A. territory? Obviously Mexico does (links removed, visit the thread for external references)
not care, but then everything is legal in Mexico if you (links removed, visit the thread for external references)
have the dinero for 'the bite'. But U.S. Army National [edit on 9-1-2007 by asala]
Guards abandonig their Post? That is disgusting and Link to thread: ...thread262086/pg1
shows cowardice in the face of the enemy, now we
know why the borders are so wide open.
The final supporting link is to a story from last year that
shows that the U.S. Government (bush) is doing
The myth of successful
nothing concrete about stopping illegal immigrants.
When they refuse to enforce our laws and refuse to
armed resistance in the US in
listen to us, they are no longer our government.
Related News Links:
case of martial law
Created by: Vitchilo on January 16, flags: 7, replies: 179
(links removed, visit the thread for external references)
The myth of successful armed resistance in the US in
(links removed, visit the thread for external references)
case of martial law
(links removed, visit the thread for external references)
When I read some of the post here on ATS and others
(links removed, visit the thread for external references)
forums about martial law in the US, I always see posts
Related Discussion Threads:
that are claiming that if martial law is ever declared all
(links removed, visit the thread for external references)
over the country, the people will fight and it's gonna be
[edit on 5-1-2007 by DontTreadOnMe]
Link to thread: ...thread261628/pg1 worse than in Iraq. DId the people in New Orleans
fought when they took their guns and went into their
homes? Also, in Iraq, most of the casualties inflicted to

AboveTopSecret. com Book of Threads for January, 2007 • page 12 of 33

the US army are made by IEDs and suicide bombers, will you do to ignite a revolution like the founding
not with guns. fathers did when the time will be needed? You won't
In the US, there's 80 millions guns owners, but of be able to talk (links removed, visit the thread for
those, how much would fight or keep their firearms external references), on internet, by emails, on the
when the police/military kick their doors and take them streets, on the phone, on radio, without being
like they did in New Orleans? Let's say 25% keep their monitored. HOW WILL YOU ORGANIZE? When your
guns, on those 25%, how many people will fight? 50% alone or in group, it will be very hard to win a skirmish
of those? That's 10 millions people. You say that's a lot in the street without being monitored, recorded and
of armed people. then tracked by the army. They will know who killed
But let's make a comparaison with Iraq. In Iraq, under who, where you are, who was with you, then they'll
Saddam, almost every home had at least 1 gun. Iraq's come after you and put you in a concentration camp
population was 26 millions in 2005, that means they that Halliburton built just under your nose.
had at least 20 millions guns, they were armed to the It's hard in Iraq because the technological police state
teeth... and who fighted and overthrown Saddam, a wasn't there FIRST. In the USA, it will be there and full
dictatorship? Not a lot of people. Those who fighted functionnal when the crap hit the fan. The only way to
only fighted the troops in southern Iraq, killing some fight will be in the wild side of the country, and those
police officers, some soldiers but it's not this way that inside the cities will be under total control. That's why
you will regain your country. What I want to say is that the fight against a police state must be won at the
even with the basic technology of the Iraqi government 2008 elections, because do you imagine 8 more years
and their equipment, they were able to keep their of push for a police state?
dictatorship because of the spies they had in the Will you fight when they announce the North American
population. Union? Will you fight when the country is bankrupt
In the US, the police state is growing little by little, because of them? Will you fight when they take your
making lists of ``possible threat`` including people guns? Will you fight when the election is cancelled?
protesting against the war and political enemies, (links Will you fight if they go into Iran? Will you fight if they
removed, visit the thread for external references), the impose a draft? Will you fight if they put martial law?
militias are surely on that list. Putting cameras all over Will you fight if they legalize illegal immigrants? Will
the place, (links removed, visit the thread for external you fight if they start chipping everybody?
references), manipulating kids to love the government And to prepare or work to avoid this day, what will you
and (links removed, visit the thread for external do?
references) and giving them (links removed, visit the [edit on 16-1-2007 by Vitchilo]
thread for external references), (links removed, visit the Link to thread: ...thread262971/pg1
thread for external references) They start early to
manipulate them by (links removed, visit the thread for
external references) or (links removed, visit the thread
for external references) or even (links removed, visit the
Obama Submits For 2008
thread for external references) For the adults, spying on
citizens by (links removed, visit the thread for external
Presidential Bid
Created by: grimreaper797 on January 16, flags: 7, replies:
references) or (links removed, visit the thread for
external references), taking their (links removed, visit
Senator Barrack Obama has taken the first steps
the thread for external references) or (links removed,
toward making a presidential bid for the democratic
visit the thread for external references). New
party. He will be announcing more details on Feb. 10th
technology to (links removed, visit the thread for in his home state. Mr. Obama is quoted saying he did
external references) or more technology for police to
not expecting to be in the position he is in now a few
(links removed, visit the thread for external references)
years ago. Obama tries to take his weakpoint of lack of
that would help localize someone. They (links experience and turn it into a strong point.
removed, visit the thread for external references) and
(links removed, visit the thread for external references)
will soon force you to have the (links removed, visit the Washington — Democratic Senator Barack Obama
thread for external references) or maybe become (links
said Tuesday he is taking the initial step in a
removed, visit the thread for external references) When
presidential bid that could make him the nation's first
the (links removed, visit the thread for external black to occupy the White House.
references) will come for you, assisted with the (links
Mr. Obama announced on his Web site,
removed, visit the thread for external references) what, that he was filing a
will you do? When everything you say online will (links presidential exploratory committee. He said he would
removed, visit the thread for external references) what

AboveTopSecret. com Book of Threads for January, 2007 • page 13 of 33

announce more about his plans in his home state of Related News Links:
Illinois on Feb. 10. (links removed, visit the thread for external references)
Mr. Obama tried to turn his biggest weakness — his (links removed, visit the thread for external references)
lack of experience in national politics — into an asset. (links removed, visit the thread for external references)
“The decisions that have been made in Washington (links removed, visit the thread for external references)
these past six years, and the problems that have been [edit on 17/1/2007 by Mirthful Me]
ignored, have put our country in a precarious place,” Link to thread: ...thread263177/pg1
he said.
I suggest reading the full article and checking out his
site to see all the quotes.
Its official now that he will be making a run. What will
China ASAT(Anti-Satelite
become of this is so far unknown. Does he have a
chance at the nomination? I personally think that he
device) Test? Troubling
will not get the nomination as the Democratic
candidate. It will be interesting to see how it turns out
Created by: Low Orbit on January 18, flags: 7, replies: 40
between him and Hilary Clinton.
This article discusses how there have been growing
Related News Links:
reports in China that they are working on delveloping
(links removed, visit the thread for external references)
an anti-satelite device(ASAT). This device is meant to
Link to thread: ...thread262990/pg1
destroy enemy satelites in low orbit. It is worrisome to
the US for several reasons includinig that US military

Ahmadinejad Approval Rating

satelites are in potential jeopardy now, it sounds as if
the US doesn't have their own ASAT, and finally, the

On The Decline
resulting space debree could damage other satelites
and the International Space Station.
Created by: df1 on January 17, flags: 7, replies: 39 (links removed, visit the thread for external references)
Iran's President Ahmadinejad is coming under heavy Looks like worrisome news from above.
criticism from both conservative Muslims and There’s a growing number of sources suggesting that
reformers. His critics complain about his preoccupation China has tested an anti-satellite (ASAT) device,
with antagonizing the US, inviting UN nuclear knocking out one of its own satellites - an old weather
sanctions and most importantly his failure to live up to spacecraft. The test reportedly made use of a ballistic
his campaign rhetoric which promised improvements missile to reach the satellite, using some sort of kinetic
in housing, employment and rising food prices kill device to destroy the spacecraft.
(links removed, visit the thread for external references) Leading the charge in reporting this January 11th
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - Prices for vegetables have event is Aviation Week and Space Technology
tripled in the past month, housing prices have doubled magazine, which will detail China’s possible ASAT test
since last summer - and as costs have gone up, so in its magazine next week.
has Iranians' discontent with hard-line President Citing military and intelligence sources, AW&ST will
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his focus on confrontation report that the possible test took out Feng Yun 1C
with the West. (FY-1C), polar orbiting weather satellite launched in
Ahmadinejad was elected last year on a populist 1999.
agenda promising to bring oil revenues to every family, It appears that once again China has worked behind
eradicate poverty and tackle unemployment. Now he is the US' back. To me this is very troublesome news and
facing increasingly fierce criticism for his failure to just shows how dishonest and selfish the leadership of
meet those promises. their country is. Hopefully, space programs from
He is being challenged not only by reformers but by around the world will see what and how China is
the conservatives who paved the way for his stunning treating it's space faring partners and will decline to
victory in 2005 presidential elections. Even work with China in the future.
conservatives say Ahmadinejad has concentrated too Could this be China's way of flexing before the US
much on fiery, anti-U.S. speeches and not enough on takes out Iranian Nuclear Plants?
the economy - and they have become more And why doesn't the US have an ASAT of their own as
aggressive in calling him to account. the article says?
The public in both the US and Iran are more interested Link to thread: ...thread263305/pg1
in domestic issues, however this fact escapes both of
these presidents. It appears that the citizens of the US
have in much common with the citizens of Iran.

AboveTopSecret. com Book of Threads for January, 2007 • page 14 of 33

The End Of The Printed Book? 81 yr old is visited by the
Secret Service, after claiming
Created by: RedGolem on January 21, flags: 7, replies: 30
The executives of Google among many others were at

"wrong person hung in

a conference called Unbound. There was discussed
the digitize of the great libraries of the world. To that

Saddam's trial."
end many fear and believe that this will mean the end
of the printed book. Googles stated mission, "to
organize the worlds information and make it Created by: DJMessiah on January 22, flags: 7, replies: 62
universally accessible and useful" still has a long ways After writing to an editor, proclaiming that he thought
to go, but there is progress on the horizon for digitizing officials hung the wrong person at Saddam's
books. Google has a deal with five libraries to digitize execution, Dan Tilli, age 81, was visited by Secret
there stock of books and make them available on line Service agents. Agents claimed that Tilli's message
through Google book. was viewed as a threat to the President. Tilli states
(links removed, visit the thread for external references) that he hadn't used any names in his message, and
The world's libraries are heading for the internet, says could have implied Osama Bin Laden.
Bryan Appleyard. If this means we lose touch with real (links removed, visit the thread for external references)
books and treat their content as 'information', BETHLEHEM, Pa. - An elderly man who wrote in a
civilisation is the loser letter to the editor about Saddam Hussein's execution
‘The majority of information,” said Jens Redmer, that "they hanged the wrong man" got a visit from
director of Google Book Search in Europe, “lies Secret Service agents concerned he was threatening
outside the internet.” President Bush.
Redmer was speaking last week at Unbound, an The letter by Dan Tilli, 81, was published in Monday's
invitation-only conference at the New York Public edition of The Express-Times of Easton, Pa. It ended
Library (NYPL). It was a groovy, bleeding-edge-of-the- with the line, "I still believe they hanged the wrong
internet kind of affair. There was Chris Anderson, man."
editor of Wired magazine and author of The Long Tail, Tilli said the statement was not a threat. "I didn't say
a book about the new business economics of the net. who — I could've meant (Osama) bin Laden," he said
There was Arianna Huffington, grand panjandrum of Friday.
both the blogosphere and smart East Coast society. The fact that the Secret Service viewed a general
But this wasn’t just another jolly. There were also remark, such as as this, as a threat to the President
publishers and Google execs, two groups of people really astonishes me. For all they know, he could have
who might one day soon be fighting for their wrote about the conspiracy delegating that it was
professional lives before the Supreme Court. Saddam's body double that was hung, rather than
I wonder what gootenberg would think about this. Like Saddam himself. He didn't even name any individual in
any one else I know the Internet and digital storage his writings, and yet the Secret Service used it as
has been replace much of printed word. That has not enough means to view it as a threat to the President.
always been a bad thing. Must less space needed for Related News Links:
storage of data. This has been happening all the way (links removed, visit the thread for external references)
back to when the U.S. census ordered there first [edit] (Changed length of the title)
computer. And now books in libraries will be going [edit on 22-1-2007 by DJMessiah]
digital, it was bound to happen. I, however don't think Link to thread: ...thread263840/pg1
this will mean the end of the printed book just yet.
When on the net I tend to skim things until I find
something I want to read. When I have a novel I read
everything. To date I have not read novels on the
computer, but as this article shows, that may soon
Related News Links:
(links removed, visit the thread for external references)
(links removed, visit the thread for external references)
(links removed, visit the thread for external references)
(links removed, visit the thread for external references)
[edit on 21-1-2007 by UM_Gazz]
Link to thread: ...thread263712/pg1

AboveTopSecret. com Book of Threads for January, 2007 • page 15 of 33

Voices and sounds "in your To Spank Or Not To Spank
head" could be real
Created by: chissler on January 22, flags: 7, replies: 61
California parents are facing legislation that could find
Created by: theutahbigfoothunter on January 22, flags: 7, themself fined or sent to jail for spanking their children.
replies: 41 This legislation has been proposed by Democratic
New technology advancement makes the possibility of Assemblywoman Sally Lieber. Republicans have been
"voices in your head" real. With this new technology vocally against the motion, but Governor
sound can be manipulated and directed. Sounds Schwarzenegger has left the possibility of being
would actually "sound" like they are in your head. receptive to the idea.
(links removed, visit the thread for external references) (links removed, visit the thread for external references)
The new technology uses high-frequency sounds, in (AP) California parents could face jail and a fine for
the 60 kHz range which is far above the human ear's spanking their young children under legislation a state
potential (20-22kHz at best). Having mixed the lawmaker has promised to introduce next week.
ultrasounds - which support a very good directional Democratic Assemblywoman Sally Lieber said such a
orientation and are easier to maneuver – with the law is needed because spanking victimizes helpless
proper sound to be transmitted, the emitter is children and breeds violence in society.
permitted to broadcast the desired audio content "I think it's pretty hard to argue you need to beat a
towards a specific target without alerting or annoying child," Lieber said. "Is it OK to whip a 1-year-old or a 6-
individuals which are in the same area: technically, it's month-old or a newborn?" Lieber said her proposal
like having a walkie-talkie set, only this is a one-way would make spanking, hitting and slapping a child
transmission. The specially-designed loudspeaker will under 4-years-old a misdemeanor. Adults could face
send an ultrasonic beam, which will be directed up to a year in jail and a $1,000 fine.
towards the intended target and which will also carry/ I am openly against any sort of violence against
produce the audible sound, so the receiver will actually children. Spanking is too often done in a fit of rage
hear everything that's been broadcast. A laser pointer- which acts as a means of resolution for the parent,
beam has been placed in the center of the special rather than a deterrent for the child. I believe if a
speaker, so the emitter can accurately pinpoint the parent is willing to try, they can find many ways to
beam on the desired target, more or less the way one approach the situation which would be much more
would take aim when shooting a rifle. effective than hitting the child. Positive reinforcement,
Strictly from a "1984" based standpoint, this could the rewarding of a good behaviour, can not be under
have far-reaching conspiracy characteristics. A estimated. Rather than hitting the child, it is quite easy
"power" such as this could be used anywhere from a to place the child in a time out.
sub-conscious level, to full-fledged mind abuse. This Put a clock in front of the child and allow it to count
technology, though amazing, should be heavily down for fifteen minutes. If the child moves, put
regulated. Conspiracy-theorists just got the proof they another minute on the clock. They will quickly realize
need that others can manipulate what your "mind" that they need to behave if they ever want to get what
hears. they want. But the key is, consistency. This form of
I'm not sure I like the whole idea behind this abuse is merely a tool for parents who are either lazy,
technology. Makes you wonder if the powers that be or don't know any better. If you don't know better, then
could make someone think they are crazy etc. Abuse I would not personally fault you. But I would highly
of this technology could get really out of hand, but it is recommend taking the strides to inform yourself to how
amazing. Already in use? to deal with these negative behaviours.
Related News Links: There is a barrier between parent and child. It acts as
(links removed, visit the thread for external references) the ultimate form of trust. As long as that barrier exists,
[edit on 22-1-2007 by UM_Gazz] a child will have an endless amount of trust for you as
[edit on 22-1-2007 by DontTreadOnMe] a parent. Breaking this barrier, which is what happens
Link to thread: ...thread263841/pg1 through hitting the child, the trust is broken. You have
taught the child that it is OK to hit, and that it is an
appropriate way to deal with your anger. When the
child goes off to school, becomes frustrated with a
school mate, and then proceeds to strike the child.
What would happen? He/She would be scolded for
resorting to physical violence, which is exactly why it is
hypocritical and should be avoided by parents.

AboveTopSecret. com Book of Threads for January, 2007 • page 16 of 33

As a father, would you want your daughters boyfriend
to hit her? I would think not. The quote, "Nobody has Rosie O'Donnell calls for the
the right to lay a finger on you" would definitely be
played in this situation. Well, nobody but me? Impeachment of President
But as much as I despise violence towards children, I
despise the government stepping in on how a parent Bush
should actually parent. Yes it is wrong, we get that. But Created by: the_sentinal on January 25, flags: 7, replies: 49
rather than punishing those who do strike the child, Rosie O'Donnell the host of ABC's "The View" is
why not teach them how to do otherwise? Don't fine calling for the impeachment of president Bush the
them which is going to take money away from the comments came after president Bush's state of the
children, don't send them to jail, send them to a free union address caused a heated debate on the show,
course which will teach them how to effectively parent O'Donnell also called for others to stand up and call for
their children. Bush's impeachment also.
Link to thread: ...thread263842/pg1 (links removed, visit the thread for external references)
In a statement to her ABC audience on "The View"
Rosie said, “We've given you [Bush] 4 years and 3,000
'Hound Dog' - the film American lives, enough sir.”
The comment's came after President Bush's State of
depicting the rape of a 12 the Union Address Monday night caused a heated
debate on the set of "The View."
year old girl set for release Rosie went further to say, “You know what I think the
Created by: Dr Love on January 24, flags: 7, replies: 48 Congress should do, and I'm sure this will make me in
Dakota Fanning, the talented pre-teen actress stars in some sort of celebrity feud or AOL poll, but someone, I
a film that portrays a sexually promiscuous twelve year believe, should call for the impeachment of George W.
old girl and in one scene her rape. Although writer and Bush, to let the world know.”
director of the film Deborah Kampmeier says the Whether or not you like president Bush the time for
movie doesn't actually show in detail the rape, the calling for the impeachment of the president is poor
scenes in the movie reportedly still leave a lot to be with the war going on in Iraq and people with loved
desired. ones over there besides Bush's term is almost up
(links removed, visit the thread for external references) anyway O'Donnell's call comes to late in the game.
Maybe the most controversial film heading to this Related News Links:
month's Sundance Film Festival concerns the rape of (links removed, visit the thread for external references)
a 12-year-old girl while Elvis Presley is heard singing [edit on 26-1-2007 by UM_Gazz]
in the background. Link to thread: ...thread264375/pg1
"HoundDog," written and directed by Deborah
Kampmeier, is already getting more advance attention
than "Chapter 27," the film about Mark David Chinese State TV Bans 'Year
Chapman murdering John Lennon.
That's because the character played by 12-year-old of the Pig' Commercials to
actress Dakota Fanning, who made her mark six years
ago in "I Am Sam," is raped onscreen.... Appease Muslims
What could possibly be the point of making such a Created by: djohnsto77 on January 26, flags: 7, replies: 70
movie? I'm all for freedom of speech and whatever According to the Chinese calendar, the next lunar year
else, but c'mon, the movie theaters are going to be beginning in February will be the "year of the pig."
packed with perverts with their pants down around However, corporations wishing to use pig themes in
their ankles. their television ads during the holiday will be turned
Peace:cool: away by China's state owned television network,
[edit on 24-1-2007 by Dr Love] according to a report in The Wall Street Journal. The
Link to thread: ...thread264180/pg1 ban on the pig images is said to be needed to be
"sensitive" to the nation's small Muslim community.
(links removed, visit the thread for external references)
SHANGHAI — Companies looking to reach China's
consumer market with pig images during Year of the
Pig celebrations next month will have to adjust after a

AboveTopSecret. com Book of Threads for January, 2007 • page 17 of 33

national television network adopted a policy to be
sensitive to the country's small Muslim population, Secret Apollo Astronauts
according to published reports. Created by: van001 on January 28, flags: 7, replies: 123
China Central Television said it would ban all verbal I heard John Lear mention in passing about secret
and visual pork references from advertisements during astronauts aboard the Apollo missions to the moon,
Lunar New Year celebrations next month, the Wall specifically Apollo I where Chaffe White and Grissom
Street Journal reported. This week, the network died.
banned a TV ad from Nestle SA featuring a smiling My question is where was there room for a fourth?
cartoon pig and the message, "Happy new pig year." Pretty cramped for three during take off, let alone four?
CCTV's ad department said the regulations are Link to thread: ...thread264737/pg1
intended to avoid offending Muslims, who consider
pigs unclean animals. China's 20 million Muslims
comprise less than 2 percent of the population, the
Journal reported. Thailand Goes Against Patent
China must be truly afraid of its Muslim minority since
they don't seem to show any "sensivitity" to ther Laws To Treat AIDS
minorities, such as the Falun Gong. Created by: grimreaper797 on January 29, flags: 7, replies:
I wonder if they'll just eventually drop the "year of the 28
pig" off their calendar all together. Thailands government released an official statement
Related News Links: announcing they would be producing AIDS drug
(links removed, visit the thread for external references) treatment themselves as well as a heart disease drug.
-- Subscription required to view entire article They announce that this move will save them 800
[edit on 1/26/2007 by djohnsto77] million baht or 24 million dollars. The Thai government
[edit on 2007/1/26 by Hellmutt] says they don't have the money to buy the drugs from
Link to thread: ...thread264454/pg1 foreign drug companies. These companies are
expected to take them to court.

Dulce Underground Base BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thailand's army-appointed

government confirmed on Monday it approved a

Alien War Question cheap, copycat version of a blockbuster heart disease

drug, the first time a developing country has torn up
Created by: IronDogg on January 27, flags: 7, replies: 192 the international patent for such a treatment.
Phil Schnieder video talks about Dulce Labs War: In addition to the "compulsory license" of Plavix, made
William Cooper video talks about Dulce Labs War: by U.S. and European pharmaceutical giants Bristol-
The war that Phil Schnieder talks about in 1979 that Myers Squibb and Sanofi-Aventis, Bangkok approved
killed 66 Delta Force. He does say August of 1979. a generic version of Abbott Laboratories' Kaletra, an
However this guy William Cooper says that the same HIV/AIDS treatment.
war happened in 1969. Cooper also mentions that 66 The move, which Thai health officials said would save
Delta Force were killed. So they must be talking about the country as much as 800 million baht ($24 million) a
the same war, but one of them has confused the date? year, drew flak from the drug industry but praise from
I guess since Phil is so popular, that it must be that AIDS activists.
William Cooper is wrong? Some people claim Phil is a "We have to do this because we don't have enough
fake, but this guy kinda backs him up by telling a money to buy safe and necessary drugs for the people
similiar story... As well I read the interview found in the under the government's universal health scheme,"
link below, which seems to reinforce these videos Health Minister Mongkol na Songkhla told reporters on
somewhat... I haven't even began to look for Thomas Monday, confirming newspaper reports that circulated
Costello info, but i am sure that will be an interesting last week.
story too... :) I say right on. When these companies are screwing
Here is that interview link: people over by holding a monopoly on these drugs,
Link to thread: ...thread264651/pg1 what is a growing nation to do? They need treatment
but cannot afford it. So what do they do, break the law
for the good of their people, or let their people die?
If your child were sick, would you personally break the
law to save them, or let them die to respect the law?
Link to thread: ...thread264895/pg1

AboveTopSecret. com Book of Threads for January, 2007 • page 18 of 33

Death of the Dictator Superbug "MRSA" Now
Transmitted Sexually
Created by: SFRemmy on January 29, flags: 7, replies: 50
Miami city officials have discussed their plans for
celebration in the event of death of the Cuban dictator, Created by: soficrow on January 6, flags: 6, replies: 44
Fidel Castro. Such plans include using the Orange It causes pus-filled boil-like sores, bleeding lung
Bowl as a party venue, where even themed clothing abscesses and flesh-eating disease, and it's called
will be sold. These discussions come to be announced community-acquired methicillin-resistant
after it's been learned that the Cuban leader has fallen Staphylococcus aureus (ca-MRSA). MRSA used to be
seriously ill in recent weeks. only acquired in hospitals. Recently, it escaped into the
(links removed, visit the thread for external references) community and is spreading around the world.
"MIAMI - With Fidel Castro seriously ill, the city of Transmission was thought to occur with skin-to-skin
Miami is making plans to throw a party at a local contact, without abrasion, and with indirect contact
football stadium when the Cuban president dies, with contaminated objects like towels, sheets, and
complete with themed T-shirts." sports equipment. Now, "Clinical Infectious Diseases"
""(Castro) represents everything bad that has investigators from New York report that "Community-
happened to the people of Cuba for 48 years," City associated MRSA can be regarded as a sexually
Commissioner Tomas Regalado, a Cuban American transmitted disease."
who came up with the idea, told The Miami Herald (links removed, visit the thread for external references)
newspaper. "There is something to celebrate, Evidence has emerged of heterosexual transmission
regardless of what happens next ... We get rid of the of community-acquired MRSA (methicillin-resistant
guy." Staphylococcus aureus. In the February 1st edition of
"Ramon Saul Sanchez, leader of the Miami-based Clinical Infectious Diseases investigators from New
Democracy Movement organization, worries about York provide detailed information on three
how the party would be perceived by those outside the heterosexual couples where there was evidence of
Cuban exile community. Even when Castro dies, his sexual transmission of MRSA and also provide details
communist government will still be in place, he said." of a prospective, community-based study involving
I find this really disgusting. I don't care how bad of a individuals who had been diagnosed with community-
person he is, to celebrate someone's death like this is acquired MRSA that found that the pubic region was
just shameless. It seems like they don't care so much the site of infection in 3% of cases.
about helping Cuba anymore as they do waiting for “Community-associated MRSA can be regarded as a
Fidel to die. sexually transmitted disease”, write the investigators.
Link to thread: ...thread264936/pg1 “Our study suggests that colonization of the genital
area and heterosexual activity among adult members
of an infected household may lead to recurrent
Remember that Irish infection within the household and may turn individual
households into major potential reservoirs of infection
company claiming they had in the rest of the community.”
Community-acquired MRSA epidemics are reported in
developed free energy? sports team members, military recruits, and children
using daycare centres.
Created by: john_bmth on January 3, flags: 6, replies: 71
This is the first report of heterosexual ca-MRSA
The company was called (links removed, visit the
transmission, and involves three separate cases.
thread for external references), and they published an
Clearly, our world is experiencing a period of rapidly
(links removed, visit the thread for external references)
accelerating microbial mutation. Equally clear, we are
in The Economist. Sorry to disappointed, but I'm not
entering the "Plague Time."
posting because I have any news on the topic (those
Related News Links:
who are unfamiliar with the claim, check out the (links
(links removed, visit the thread for external references)
removed, visit the thread for external references) entry),
(links removed, visit the thread for external references)
I was just wondering if anyone's heard peep since it
Related Discussion Threads:
was announced?
(links removed, visit the thread for external references)
Link to thread: ...thread261302/pg1
(links removed, visit the thread for external references)
(links removed, visit the thread for external references)
Link to thread: ...thread261720/pg1

AboveTopSecret. com Book of Threads for January, 2007 • page 19 of 33

station at home, for the detection of unidentified flying
Former members of amorc, objects and any interesting astronomical sights,
anyone could setup a basic webcam sky monitoring
tmo, rosicrucian? station from their own window and using their pc or an
Created by: newtimedo on January 15, flags: 6, replies: 51 old cheap one if needed, they can start monitoring with
why can i not find out any information about you? the various software thats now available.
either no one has ever left the organization or for some I can imagine some cool configurations and projects
reason the internet doesnt post the pros and cons of that could be setup on a cheap budget, like webcam to
this group. i've been able to find information on every telescopes, motorised webcams, motorised telescopes
order,religion,movement but not this one... with additional webcams for finding and tracking etc,
i know the information is secret but can someone think of the stuff you could catch when thousands of
please tell me why i cant find anyone or any sight to people start monitor the skys 24/7!
give me an unbiased view of the order. We now have reasonably cheap tech and massive
i've read information from the organization, ive read amounts of storage space so why not put it to good
the wikipedia information, now id like someone who use?
was experienced in the order to tell me why they felt it Software can search and discard any worthless video
didnt work for them. and images so our job of finding stuff will be much
again i respect the privacy issue, im not asking to easier, when someone does find something interesting
know the teachings, just why one may or may not we have various free video and image hosting sites
chose to participate in the order now so thats not a problem, a main website can be
Link to thread: ...thread262896/pg1 setup using the wiki/digg style of user created content.
There's more ideas to this i've had but that should do
for now, just one more thing, for instance i already

Barack Obama = Antichrist? have a webcam that easily converts to full colour plus
infrared just by taking a small filter out, I've not
Created by: Kingalbrect79 on January 18, flags: 6, replies: replaced it with an infrared only filter either so it gets
161 the full spectrum its capable of and the image is much
I was pondering the supposed "end times", and all the brighter, its quite cool as some stuff is white or
speculation that Saddam Hussein or Osama Bin transparent and it picks up details it wouldn't normally,
Laden are the true antichrist. (according to references all I need to do is use a cheap old pc with linux or
of the bible, and other propecies) windows and setup a house window or back garden
My question is this... shed monitoring station, storage isn't a problem so full
Could Barack Hussein Obama be the so-called video 24/7 for weeks at a time is possible, all I need to
antichrist that the bible speaks of? Are other find is some good video recording and detection
prophecies such as nostradamus pointing to several software, if none is good enough or we want an all in
head figures actually pointing to one individual with the one solution an open source project is possible!
combined names of them all? What do you lot think, who's up for creating something
This is of course speculation by me at this point, but i'd like this?
like to hear your thoughts and ideas on the matter. Link to thread: ...thread263604/pg1
What do you think will happen if Barack gets elected
president of the U.S.?
Will he be another Bush?, or worse?
**Please forgive me if this is in the wrong forum** OMG! Leaked footage from
real alien incident in 1984.
Link to thread: ...thread263393/pg1

Created by: Acharya on January 14, flags: 5, replies: 136

Sky Watch Project! You probably have seen the re-inactment of the
eposide where a US family filmed an encounter in
Created by: just theory on January 20, flags: 6, replies: 69 1984, now it seems that the REAL footage has been
I had this idea many years ago but at the time the released! The family actually shoots an alien.
internet and cheap tech weren't quite ready for it, there Note: This is *NOT* the re-inactment with actors that
might be something like this going but i've searched has been posted before!
and its either hard to find or not really going on to the There is some swearing, so its not for kids.
scale that would be useful. (links removed, visit the thread for external references)
The idea is to setup a group who anyone can join and [edit on 14-1-2007 by Acharya]
be given the information to setup a sky watching Link to thread: ...thread262719/pg1

AboveTopSecret. com Book of Threads for January, 2007 • page 20 of 33

Climate Change: Finding the Superbug Epidemic in US -
Middle Ground Now Threatening Canada
Created by: soficrow on January 3, flags: 5, replies: 42 Created by: soficrow on January 4, flags: 5, replies: 38
Some people deny climate change is happening at all, The superbug is epidemic in US locker rooms and
others acknowledge that it is, but insist it's a totally daycares - and it's crossing the border into Canada
natural cycle - while some environmentalists claim without a passport. This particular superbug is a
catastrophe is already upon us. Debate is heating up bacteria called community-associated methicillin-
in the scientific community because the resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA).
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is writing Symptoms include large boil-like infections and in 'rare'
the final draft for its latest assessment of global cases, hemorrhagic pneumonia or flesh-eating
warming - and scientists holding the middle ground are disease. "The minute we saw that it was starting in the
entering the fray. Middle-grounders say climate States, we knew at one point it was going to go
change is real, and human activities do have an through the border," says Cristine Besson, "Bacteria
impact - but. As Dr. Hume writes, "I believe climate are more dangerous than terrorists."
change is real, must be faced and action taken. But (links removed, visit the thread for external references)
the discourse of catastrophe is in danger of tipping A superbug that is popping up in locker rooms and day
society onto a negative, depressive and reactionary cares in the U.S. is poised to "emerge in force" in
trajectory." Middle-grounders tend to say that human- Canada, doctors warn.
caused global warming is a risk to be reduced, not a The bacteria cause large boil-like infections, and can
problem to be solved. Scientists like John P. Holdren, cause hemorrhagic pneumonia or flesh-eating disease
president of the American Association for the in rare cases.
Advancement of Science and energy and environment The organism is an "old foe with new fangs: a
expert at Harvard, says "What keeps me going is my pathogen combining virulence, resistance and an
belief that there is still a chance of avoiding ability to disseminate at large," Dr. John Conly, an
catastrophe." infectious disease specialist and professor of medicine
The discourse over the issue has been feverish since at the University of Calgary and his colleagues wrote.
Hurricane Katrina. Seizing the moment, many The Canadian Medical Association Journal just
environmental campaigners, former Vice President Al published new guidelines for health-care workers,
Gore and some scientists have portrayed the growing meant to prevent and manage outbreaks.
human influence on the climate as an unfolding In Canada, outbreaks already have occurred in B.C.,
disaster that is already measurably strengthening Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario, with
hurricanes, spreading diseases and amplifying recent infections reported in Toronto, Montreal and Quebec
droughts and deluges. City. Canada has had two CA-MRSA related fatalities,
Conservative politicians and a few scientists, many resulting from necrotizing pneumonia, or lung
with ties to energy companies, have variously abscesses.
countered that human-driven warming is As Besson says, "Bacteria are more dangerous than
inconsequential, unproved or a manufactured crisis. terrorists."
A third stance is now emerging, espoused by many Related News Links:
experts who challenge both poles of the debate. (links removed, visit the thread for external references)
These middle-grounders are bringing sense to an (links removed, visit the thread for external references)
important debate - calming tempers - and focusing on (links removed, visit the thread for external references)
pragmatic action. Related Discussion Threads:
They're asking questions like, "What can be done? (links removed, visit the thread for external references)
When? How do we make it work?" (links removed, visit the thread for external references)
Nothing can be gained by polarizing the debate - (links removed, visit the thread for external references)
before anyone comes to any agreement, we'll be Link to thread: ...thread261414/pg1
under water or maybe frozen. Which will be a big
problem for everyone on the planet, whatever the
cause(s) and final impact(s).
Time to move forward, imo. But the questions remain:
What changes do we need to make? How do we make
Link to thread: ...thread261301/pg1

AboveTopSecret. com Book of Threads for January, 2007 • page 21 of 33

Parents Surgically Keep Their Weird Weather Watch 2007
Daughter Child-Size
Created by: DSO on January 7, flags: 5, replies: 117
Might as well start this thread up, in light of what has
Created by: chissler on January 4, flags: 5, replies: 114 been happening around the world. Its going to be a
Ashley, a 9 year old American, who suffers from static busy year.
encephalopathy which leaves her unable to speak, sit Please post any out of the ordinary weather events
up, walk, or feed herself. Her parents have had and observations here.
multiple surgeries performed which have prevented Here are a few stories
breast growth, and also a hysterectomy. When the Canada:
doctors published the information in the U.S. medial Canada's typically harsh winter weather continued to
journal, people began to grow very upset, very quickly. spare most of the country over the weekend as mild
(links removed, visit the thread for external references) conditions prevailed instead of the snow and deep
Parents of a nine-year-old U.S. girl with the mental freeze many would expect at the start of January.
ability of a three-month-old baby are defending their And while many cheerfully enjoyed the unseasonal
reasons for using medical treatments to keep their treat, others pondered what it all means for Canada's
daughter child-sized for the rest of her life. national identity.
The severely disabled Seattle girl, named Ashley, (links removed, visit the thread for external references)
suffers from a type of brain damage doctors call static Vancouverites spent their Saturday in what is
encephalopathy that will not improve. becoming a familiar ritual: Tallying up the damage from
She cannot walk, talk, keep her head up, and is fed a powerful storm.
through a tube. Stanley Park, the city's crown jewel, had more trees
Before anyone begins to offer any opinions, I request knocked down by Friday night's windstorm.
you read the article fully. At this point in time, I am While about one dozen were removed from roadways,
uncertain to what I believe. On one hand we have a "there could be very many more that came down in the
child who is being picked at from several angles to centre of the park, and we just haven't had an
prevent natural growth. However, these surgeries are opportunity to determine the damage at this point," Ian
being performed to assure the best possible care that Robertson, chair of the Vancouver Park Board, told
her parents can provide. CTV Vancouver.
At this point, Ashley weights approximately 65 pounds. About three weeks ago, the park lost up to 3,000 trees
Her parents claim that they will not be able to assist from a vicious windstorm (there are an estimated one
her much longer if she continues to grow. She has million trees in the 400-hectare park). Some areas of
shown to sign of mental maturation since she was 3 the park looked like loggers had clear-cut them.
months old. (links removed, visit the thread for external references)
So the question becomes, should the parents step USA:
aside to assure the optimal life for their daughter? If Albany International Airport hit 71 degrees, according
they allowed someone else to care for her, they could to the National Weather Service. The temperature at
allow their child to grow as anyone else. Or is it their Logan International Airport in Boston, Massachusetts,
right to make these decisions for their daughter, to was 69 degrees at about 2:30 p.m. In New Jersey,
assure their relationship and their ability to properly records set in 1950 were broken in Newark, Trenton
care for their daughter. and Atlantic City.
I can see this being a very heated topic. The ethical (links removed, visit the thread for external references)
questions are on the forefront and a young girl's life Snow-weary Colorado was hammered with its third
hangs in the balance. snowstorm in as many weeks, complicating recovery
I look forward to hearing the opinions of our member's. efforts from back-to-back blizzards and raising fears
Related News Links: that livestock losses would keep mounting.
(links removed, visit the thread for external references) (links removed, visit the thread for external references)
[edit on 4/1/2007 by Mirthful Me] Another Pacific storm was expected to bring heavy
Link to thread: ...thread261455/pg1 rain and high-elevation snow to the Cascades on
Sunday, while the East Coast was forecast to cool off
after record-setting temperatures.
(links removed, visit the thread for external references)
[edit on 7-1-2007 by DSO]
Link to thread: ...thread261801/pg1

AboveTopSecret. com Book of Threads for January, 2007 • page 22 of 33

US Military Funds Geneticist Scientists find
Searching for DNA "So Extraterrestrial genes in
Dangerous It Does Not Exist" Human DNA
Created by: soficrow on January 5, flags: 5, replies: 64 Created by: Realtruth on January 8, flags: 5, replies: 82
The hunt is on to find hidden sequences in the human I think as everyone works together and finds bits and
genetic code that have been selected out, because pieces of a universal puzzle we will one day soon be
they are so dangerous they are "not compatible with able to see the whole picture of the puzzle.
life." Professor Greg Hampikian, a geneticist at Boise I found this really interesting article today while surfing.
State University in Idaho, is leading the project - and I like to hear what others think on this discovery and if
already has received a $1 million grant from the US anyone else has heard similar findings.
Department of Defense. More of the article follow the link.
(links removed, visit the thread for external references) Thanks
The DNA so dangerous it does not exist RT
Could there be forbidden sequences in the genome - "
ones so harmful that they are not compatible with life? A group of researchers working at the Human Genome
One group of researchers thinks so. Unlike most Project indicate that they made an astonishing
genome sequencing projects which set out to search scientific discovery: They believe so-called 97% non-
for genes that are conserved within and between coding sequences in human DNA is no less than
species, their goal is to identify "primes": DNA genetic code of extraterrestrial life forms.
sequences and chains of amino acids so dangerous to The non-coding sequences are common to all living
life that they do not exist. organisms on Earth, from moulds to fish to humans. In
"It's like looking for a needle that's not actually in the human DNA, they constitute larger part of the total
haystack," says Greg Hampikian, professor of genetics genome, says Prof. Sam Chang, the group leader.
at Boise State University in Idaho, who is leading the Non-coding sequences, originally known as "junk
project. "There must be some DNA or protein DNA", were discovered years ago, and their function
sequences that are not compatible with life, perhaps remained a mystery. The overwhelming majority of
because they bind some essential cellular component, Human DNA is “Off-world” in origin. The apparent
for example, and have therefore been selected out of “extraterrestrial junk genes” merely “enjoy the ride”
circulation. There may also be some that are lethal in with hard working active genes, passed from
some species, but not others. We're looking for those generation to generation.
sequences." After comprehensive analysis with the assistance of
Hampikian ...has already received a $1 million grant other scientists, computer programmers,
from the US Department of Defense to develop a DNA mathematicians, and other learned scholars, Professor
"safety tag" that could be added to voluntary DNA Chang had wondered if the apparently “junk Human
reference samples in criminal cases to distinguish DNA” was created by some kind of “extraterrestrial
them from forensic samples. Such tags would not programmer”. The alien chunks within Human DNA,
necessarily have to consist of lethal sequences, but Professor Chang further observes, “have its own
could be based on primes that would be easy to detect veins, arteries, and its own immune system that
using a simple kit. vigorously resists all our anti-cancer drugs.”
Why "look" for DNA dangerous to life unless the intent "
is to sequence it for military use? [edit on 8-1-2007 by Realtruth]
(links removed, visit the thread for external references) ~~~~~~~~~~~~
Related News Links: Replaced quote with 'ex' tags
Related Discussion Threads: [edit on 8/1/07 by masqua]
(links removed, visit the thread for external references) Link to thread: ...thread261972/pg1
(links removed, visit the thread for external references)
[edit on 5-1-2007 by soficrow]
[edit on 5/1/2007 by Mirthful Me]
[edit on 5/1/2007 by Mirthful Me]
Link to thread: ...thread261603/pg1

AboveTopSecret. com Book of Threads for January, 2007 • page 23 of 33

"Undergound cities for government officialls all over
January 2007 photo too good the US" -Undegound shelters yes, but I don't know of
any that are whole cities for 20'000+ people.
to be true? "Bakini Attoll is an underground Island base for ET's"-
Created by: fooffstarr on January 21, flags: 5, replies: 101 He wishes! Bakini Attoll was a nuclear test site. B.T.W.
I just found this brand new photo on How do you get an "Underground Island"? The, so apologies if someone has definition of an island is a peice of land surrounded on
already posted it all sides by water!
(links removed, visit the thread for external references) "First UFO sighted in 1909 by Army calvery"- Not even
My first impression was CGI, but we are going to think close enough to be amusing. The first written record of
that from any 'good' UFO photos. What made me think a "UFO" in the "New World" was a sighting by
again is the fact that the 3 photo sequence shows the Columbus in 1492, they repoted green lights hovering
object behind a tree line... wouldn't that be hard to do in the Sargasso Sea (Bermuda Triangle). He missed
with PC software? What are your thoughts? by 426 years!
It seems too good to be true. In this Video he says he was a geologist! Now, what
[edit on 21-1-2007 by fooffstarr] does a geologist have to do with ET's.
Link to thread: ...thread263816/pg1 I the newest video he says:
"I was wearing regular cloths in a spacesuit
environment. As you can imagin, it's hard to move in a

Phil Schnider Debunked! I'm spacesuit."

Was he wearing regular cloths or a Spacesuit? You

tired of the lies! can't do both at the same time.

He claims in hs newest video to have lost his fingures.
Created by: Ghost01 on January 23, flags: 5, replies: 155 Look at him and you will see TEN intact finger, five on
OK, THAT'S IT! I had all the Phil Schnider BS I can each hand!
take! Here at ATS we DENY Ignorance, and I'm Why does noone else notice these things?
denying the Phil Schnider nonsense. Time and time Tim
again, this guy has made claims that range from [edit on 23-1-2007 by Ghost01]
Amusingly False, to Manfestly Absurd! How long are Link to thread: ...thread264009/pg1
people going to be fooled by this stuff?
Here a quote of his about the battle at Duce:
"He also says that 66 "Delta Force" soldiers (from both
the US and NATO countries) died that day in the Barometric or A-neutronic
underground base fighting the aliens, and only three
survived (including himself). " bomb, any more info?
For the record ALL Delta Force soldures are from the Created by: LaBTop on January 22, flags: 5, replies: 45
USA! Delta Force is technially known as US Army 1st This is what I have unearthed up till now, which is not
Special Operations Force- Detachment Delta too much.
(links removed, visit the thread for external references) It seems to be a highly classified project, with just a
"He had also worked for the NATO Department of few insiders knowledgeable about the subject :
Geology and had a Rhyolite 38 Level 3 Security "Moreover many eyewitnesses reported not one, but
Clearance Factor which gave him total access global two explosions, and this is a certifiable fact.
to all Deep Underground Military Bases and all Deep Investigations at the Oklahoma Geological Survey at
Underwater Military Bases." the University of Oklahoma revealed seismographic
Rhyolite has Nothing to do withunderground bases. It records indicating two explosions, ten seconds apart.
refers to NSA SIGINT Spy Sattelites. The first occurred at 9: 02 and 13 seconds with
"I worked in government black projects, known to most another following at 9:02 and 23 seconds. According to
people as the Skunk Works" -BS The Skunk Work is a General Partin and many explosive experts that
Devision of Lockheed Martin, not another name for investigator Ted Gunderson has spoken to, this rules
black projects. out the explanation of a truck bomb.
"My father was a U-baot captin who went on to build A more plausible explanation, they say, is a barometric
the USS Natulas and run the Philidelphia Experment" - bomb. This works via a process that involves not one
unliklely but two explosions; the first uses an explosive known
as PETN which releases a lethal cloud of chemicals,
ammonium nitrate and aluminium silicate. This cloud is
energized with what is described as a “high potential

AboveTopSecret. com Book of Threads for January, 2007 • page 24 of 33

electrostatic field.” A few seconds later there follows factories and people were not driving their SUV's. The
another blast using an explosive called PDTN that changes were so dramatic that wind patterns changed
ignites the cloud created with a much greater force 180 degrees, and precipitation patterns were changed
than TNT. around the world.
This would account for the two blasts heard by (links removed, visit the thread for external references)
witnesses and it would also explain the extensive “In this study, we found evidence that during the last
damage caused by the explosion. However such a glacial period, about 14,000 to 36,000 years ago, the
bomb would be beyond the scope of a supposed ‘lone prevailing wind in this zone was easterly, and marine
nut’ like Timothy McVeigh. In fact knowledge of how to moisture came predominantly from the East Coast,”
construct such a device is available to only a few with said lead study author Xiahong Feng of Dartmouth
the highest level of security clearance because the College.”
barometric bomb is still highly classified. In other The findings were detailed today in the online edition
words only those with a high level of security of the journal Geology.
clearance in the U.S. Government and security Changing climate
services would have access to the know how to These changes in wind direction were the result of
construct such a device." global climate change, which can alter circulation
3rd, 4th and 5th generation nuclear devices. patterns in the atmosphere, Feng explained. Changes
Post nr 5 last part : in wind patterns can in turn cause changes in
"On possible other than nuclear devices used on 9/11 : temperature and precipitation patterns, which are the
The fabled a-neutronic bomb : measurements typically used to study past climates.
"Riconosciuto's talents were much in demand. He had Global climate change has happened in the past and
created the a-neutronic bomb (or "Electro- the changes were dramatic, it is obvious we are going
Hydrodynamic Gaseous Fuel Device"), which sank the through another one and it appears that these
ground level of the Nevada test site by 30 feet when a changes are cyclical. i think it is time to stop trying to
prototype was tested. Samuel Cohen, the inventor of blame "society and technology" and start using
the neutron bomb, said of Riconosciuto: "I've spoken technology in a concious manner to plan and survive
to Michael Riconosciuto (the inventor of the a- the dramatic changes that are ahead.
neutronic bomb) and he's an extraordinarily bright guy. [edit on 24-1-2007 by Muaddib]
I also have a hunch, which I can't prove, that they both [edit on 24-1-2007 by UM_Gazz]
(Riconosciuto and Lavos, his partner) indirectly work Link to thread: ...thread264191/pg1
for the CIA."
Riconosciuto's bomb made suitcase nukes obsolete,
because it achieved near-atomic explosive yields, but
could be more easily miniaturized. You could have a
Where is the safest place on
suitcase a-neutronic bomb, or a briefcase a-neutronic
bomb, or simply a lady's purse a-neutronic bomb. Or
Created by: manchurian_candidate on January 25, flags:
just pull out your wallet for identification and... The 5, replies: 148
Meridian Arms Corporation, as well as the Universities To have the highest survival probability chances you
of California and Chicago owned a piece of the must be in a safe environment,away from nuclear
technology." contamination,pollution and civ itself.I have found only
Michael Riconosciuto & Ted Gunderson's 1986 3 places on earth which are safe
Meeting with 'Tim Osman' (Osama bin Laden) " 1)the Himalayas
Link to thread: ...thread263937/pg1
2)Australian outback

Study Reveals Extreme

although if you take global warming into consideration
then you might have to remove Antarctica and the

Climate Change Happened

outback as all ice would be melting and the outback
would be a oven.

14,000-36,000 Years Ago.

so if you live in Australia or north India or south china
then you might have good chances of survival
Created by: Muaddib on January 24, flags: 5, replies: 46 provided you have mobility and drinking water facility
A new study led by author Xiahong Feng of Dartmouth (though the Himalayas would provide the latter)
College presents evidence that 14,000-36,000 years [edit on 25-1-2007 by manchurian_candidate]
ago changes in wind direction were a result of global Link to thread: ...thread264327/pg1
climate change, back in a time when there were no

AboveTopSecret. com Book of Threads for January, 2007 • page 25 of 33

swept under the carpet, maybe banning all internal
Global Warming Debate combustion engines is a bit hasty of a move. It's
certainly not fair to have Nuremberg-style war crimes
Turns Ugly trials for those who disagree. I suspect that "The
Created by: the_sentinal on January 30, flags: 5, replies: Weather Channel" have been a sounding board for the
124 global warming alarmist's for some time now.
Global warming alarmist's and researchers are finding Related News Links:
themselves at odds over new evidence that suggests (links removed, visit the thread for external references)
that there are natural warming events in the earth's [edit on 30-1-2007 by the_sentinal]
past, researchers are growing more disgusted with the Link to thread: ...thread265121/pg1
media's refusal to carry their message accurately.
(links removed, visit the thread for external references)
It's been a bad year for Global Warming Alarmists.
Researchers are finding more and more evidence of
Volcano Watch 2007
Created by: Ptolomeo on January 5, flags: 4, replies: 35
natural warming events in the earth's past, events that Montserrat's Soufriere Hills volcano.
were far more rapid and dramatic than first thought. Over the past weeks, the lava dome of Montserrat's
Several scientists, disgusted with the media's refusal has been growing.
to carry their mesage accurately, have begun writing As there is a high possibility of a major dome collapse
letters and books. Even the UN's Intergovernmental and associated pyroclastic flows, the government has
Panel on Climate Change, which has long been the started to evacuate hundreds of people living at the
most vocal supporter of climate alarmism, has finished base of the Belham Valley.
its Fourth Assessment report, which lowers worst case (visit the thread to view linked images)
estimates sharply, and cuts in half long-term "
predictions for sea level rise. Evidence of the Alert level is at 4:
beneficial aspects of continues to mount, with arctic Large unconfined dome actively growing towards the
seal populations increasing, longer growing seasons, north or west; or, large dome with: high levels of
and less extreme temperature swings. pyroclastic flow activity in other directions and/or high
Is it any wonder environmentalists are getting even rates of dome growth; or intense earthquake swarms
more emotional in the debate? In public, they state or tremor; or with tropical
they simply want "truth to out," but the reality is a bit storm imminent or already affecting the island.
different. Recently, Weather Channel host Heidi Cullen "
made a strong bid to silence the opposition, calling for According to the MVO, during the last 24 hours there
the removal of AMS certification for meteorologists have been no major changes.
who challenged the belief in catastrophic human- "
induced global warming. In it, she compared global Ongoing pyroclastic activity has been observed on the
warming denial to "going on air and saying that northwestern sector of the volcano with pyroclastic
hurricanes rotate clockwise," apparently herself flows in Tyres Ghaut, Gages Valley and behind Gages
unaware that in the southern hemisphere hurricanes Mountain... The most significant event began at about
do indeed rotate in this direction. Cullen's statement 15:24 (local time), resulting in simultaneous pyroclastic
immediately provoked outrage from meteorologists flows in Gages Valley and in Tyres Ghaut and an ash
around the nation, with one of them angrily cloud which reached an estimated 8,000 ft. (2,500 m).
proclaiming, "I don't know a single meteorologist who Low level gas and ash venting from a vent on the
buys into the man-made global warming hype." western side of the dome is ongoing. Fortunately the
Heidi Cullen gained earlier fame for hosting prevailing wind direction remains E-W and the
environmental writer David Roberts, who openly called occupied areas of Montserrat have been largely
for Nuremberg-style war crimes trials (complete with unaffected by ash fall. "
death sentences) for any scientist brave enough to For further information, please check the following
dispute the public hysteria on global warming. How's source:
that for support of scientific truth and free speech? In (links removed, visit the thread for external references)
the past, reporters just hung up on scientists who Link to thread: ...thread261590/pg1
didn't agree with their beliefs ... now they want to lynch
I realize that this may fly in the face of some Al Gore
fans but maybe we aren't the cause of the climate
change after all, if some of the evidence has been

AboveTopSecret. com Book of Threads for January, 2007 • page 26 of 33

Port Of Maimi Locked Down Feeding North Korea with
(Possible terror Alert) Giant Rabbits
Created by: shots on January 7, flags: 4, replies: 61 Created by: Terapin on January 13, flags: 4, replies: 34
Three men hae been arrested after the Port of Miami It is well known that North Korea has a severe problem
authories became suspecious when one man an Iraqi with food shortages. Recently the North Koreans have
National stated he was alone and asked for a day pass reached out to an East German man who has been
to enter the port. When police determined the drivers breeding rabbits the size of dogs. They hope to begin
answers did not seem right they then searched the breeding these giant rabbits, which can feed up to
truck and found two other indivudals of middle Eastern eight people, to help with their food shortages.
Descent hidding in the sleeper cab of the truck. The "Karl Szmolinsky, a 67 year old, East German
Miami bomb squad is now enroute to the scene. pensioner that has bred rabbits the size of dogs for 47
(links removed, visit the thread for external references) years was asked by North Korea's ambassador
The container truck was stopped near the cargo-area whether he might be willing to sell some rabbits to set
entrance to the port around 8 a.m. and the driver of the up a breeding farm in North Korea." Source - Spiegel
vehicle, who had valid port identification, was I wonder though, if they are having a food shortage,
questioned by authorities. what will they feed the giant rabbits with?
....... Here is a link with more on the story including pictures:
Police became suspicious and discovered two men (links removed, visit the thread for external references)
hiding in the sleeper cab of the 18-wheeler. All three I bet we will also see some giant rabbit fur clothing
men are of Middle Eastern descent. The men are coming soon from the North Koreans. Now all we need
believed to be in the country legally and were being is (links removed, visit the thread for external
questioned by the FBI. references)
"At this time we don't know why they were here, what Link to thread: ...thread262629/pg1
they were planning to do, or quite honestly even if the
driver knew that the two men were back there,"
Harmeyer said.
The driver reportedly is of Iraqi descent and one of the
Cut Global Warming by being
other two is a Lebanese national; the third is also
believed to be Middle Eastern and early reports stated
a Vegetarian?
Created by: Diseria on January 22, flags: 4, replies: 59
authorities have a warrant out for one of the three but
This topic crosses borders between forums, so I'm not
none of the detained is on a terror watch list, sources
quite sure where it goes.
I'm not for or against vegetarianism (frankly, I'm still
Fox news is now reporting the bomb Squad is
working it out for myself), however this article brings to
expected to arrive on the scene within the next 10-15
light an interesting statistic:
minutes tune into Fox for further breaking details.
" Writing in this month's Physics World, Calvert
Very few details are available e at this time, so it is
calculates that the animals we eat emit 21% of all the
hard to comment on it.
carbon dioxide that can be attributed to human activity.
Note: The story is now updated and one of the
We could therefore slash man-made emissions of
individuals had an outstanding warrant for his arrest.
carbon dioxide simply by abolishing all livestock.
One Fox reporter is now also stating they are not here
Moreover, there would be no adverse effects to health
legally as was thought, but I think he may have said
and it would be an experiment that we could abandon
that buy accident???
at any stage. "Worldwide reduction of meat production
[edit on 1/7/2007 by shots]
in the pursuit of the targets set in the Kyoto treaty
Link to thread: ...thread261785/pg1
seems to carry fewer political unknowns than cutting
our consumption of fossil fuels," he says." (emphasis
mine) (links removed, visit the thread for external
Could changing our diets actually help deter global
warming? (1/5 is a whooping number, all things

AboveTopSecret. com Book of Threads for January, 2007 • page 27 of 33

Obviously jobs would be lost and gained, and a
general social change would have to come into serious Civilian Reserve Corps:
being for this to _ever_ take any meaningful effect.
However, in light of the Mad Cow and the Bird Flu Threat or Fantasy?
issues -- maybe this is the better route to go? Created by: Justin Oldham on January 24, flags: 4, replies:
What do you think? 85
Link to thread: ...thread263932/pg1 President Bush went before a joint session of
Congress on January 23 to give his 2007 State of the
Union address. As expected, he did call for an
Is ethanol really a good idea? increase in the size of the U.S. military.
“One of the first steps we can take together is to add to
Created by: darkbluesky on January 23, flags: 4, replies: 50
With Mr. Bush set to announce his call to cut gasoline the ranks of our military—so that the American Armed
usage by 20% tonight during the SOTU address, I Forces are ready for all the challenges ahead. Tonight
thought it would be a good time to discuss the bio- I ask the Congress to authorize an increase in the size
fuels issue. of our active Army and Marine Corps by 92,000 in the
Stepping back and taking in the big picture, I don't like next five years. “
the idea of using food to produce fuel for vehicles. Saw As he called for these military increases, he also
a little triva fact on the news last night. The amount of pitched an idea that sent a shiver down my spine.
corn required to produce 32 gallons of ethanol “A second task we can take on together is to design
(enough to fill pick-up or SUV) will feed one person for and establish a volunteer Civilian Reserve Corps.
one year. Such a corps would function much like our military
Corn prices are already rising steeply. reserve. It would ease the burden on the Armed
To make the existing oil last a little longer, and reduce Forces by allowing us to hire civilians with critical skills
our dependence on foreign oil, we are going to move to serve on missions abroad when America needs
away from a resource (oil) that has only 2-3 major them. And it would give people across America who do
uses (fuel, lubrication, plastics) and move towards a not wear the uniform a chance to serve in the defining
resource (food) that we all need to survive? struggle of our time.”
When more and more farmers begin growing corn A civilian reserve corps? That one made me think.
instead of wheat, barley, alfalfa, soy, hops, etc. Back in the day, FDR set up the Civilian Conservation
because of the huge demand for corn and the high Corps to put Americans to work during the worst of the
price it commands, what will happen to the market for Great Depression (1929-1936). I’m sure that’s what we
these other grains? They will be in short supply and were supposed to be reminded of when Mr. Bush
the prices will rise. I, for one, do not want to pay more spoke those words. There is just one problem with that
for beer and Fritos so that my F-150 can burn E85! idea.
Nonsense. Use the oil, when supplies run low, In today’s world of adversarial politics where the goal
alternatives that make technical, economic, ecological is to achieve total power, we run the risk of having a
sense will be devolped. Don't use food to run your car! “Civilian Reserve Corp” become much more than a
And I haven't even gotten into the issue of the energy new form of civil service. It’s really not hard to see
requirement to produce, trasport, and distill the corn, where this might lead.
or the energy required to produce the fertilizers that In the long run, the Federal government could become
will be required, or the detrimental effects of over the single largest employer in the nation. The millions
farming. put to work by this addition to our growing bureaucracy
Read this article: would constitute the largest pro-government voting
(links removed, visit the thread for external references) block in the country. Indirectly, Federal power grows…
[edit on 1/23/2007 by darkbluesky] again. As bad as this could be, there are more sinister
Link to thread: ...thread264041/pg1 undertones.
In my published work, I've predicted a near future
situation in which the Federal authorities have almost
total power. In this portrayal, I foresee that our elected
officials will excersize even more jurisdictions than
they do today. If we follow through with this CRC, we
risk the creation of a politically correct cadre that could
one day turn on us.
The indoctrination of such a large and loyal following
wouldn’t be hard. The longer it was in effect, the more

AboveTopSecret. com Book of Threads for January, 2007 • page 28 of 33

fanatical its membership would be. There would be Link to thread: ...thread264192/pg1
class struggle, and a diabolical form of elitism that
would prey on victims and perpetrators alike. Party
members would be held in high regard while others
would be viewed with suspicion and contempt.
John Lear- Is this you?
Created by: Ghost01 on January 29, flags: 4, replies: 50
In the end, there might only be one State sanctioned
(isit the thread to view linked videos)
ideological group allowed to hold power. Those who
I just found this video interview on YouTube with John
failed to swear undying loyalty might find themselves
Lear in it! What surpised me, is that the man in the
classified as a danger to the people. Patriotic laws,
video looks a little different than the picture in John's
warrantless investigations, and verdicts from military
Avatar, (it could be the way the photo was taken). In
commissions would all serve the interests of the State
the video, John seems to be discussing Area 51 and
as agents of Homeland Security rushed to carry out
some of Lazar's work.
the bidding of their masters.
The main problem for me is that what is being said
The Axis powers that plunged the world in to global
isn't very clear on my computer. Perhaps John could
war had their own versions of the Civilian Reeve
help us with this video.
Corps. They were quite useful, too. In every case, they
It is real, isn't it?
functioned as efficient brainwashing mechanisms while
allowing the State to find and neutralize political
[edit on 1/29/2007 by Ghost01]
dissidents. Those who would not serve the regime Link to thread: ...thread264864/pg1
willingly could still be made to perform manual labor in
service to “the cause.”

The strange behavior of Bob

The CRC’s potential enhancement of Federal power
could also mean that our armed forces are

Lazar (alleged former Area 51

undermined. History teaches us that industrialized
tyrannies have always needed to keep their national
armies on a short leash. In most cases, this has meant Created by: Norio Hayakawa on January 29, flags: 4,
the introduction of political officers as overseers and replies: 28
propagandistic indoctrination programs for officers and "The strange behavior of Bob Lazar (alleged former
enlisted personnel. Area 51 "scientist")
America’s 21st century post-industrial military is by Norio Hayakawa, July 5, 2006
undergoing a slow but methodical transformation into a I am not here to defend nor to put Bob Lazar down.
more politicized force. CRC members could assume The fact is that Bob Lazar has been categorized as a
many non-combat support roles. If the professional fraud by most so-called UFO researchers and the
core of the force has no control over its rear echelon public-at-large, although there are still some who hold
functions, it will be less likely to oppose Federal policy. on to the belief that Bob Lazar was who he said he
By stension, this means they won’t be able to refuse was and that he did everything that he claimed.
orders…or…stop a civilian coupe. One person that still totally and adamantly supports
Under these prognosticated conditions, it wouldn’t be Bob Lazar's claims is KLAS-TV Eyewitness News
hard for a future President to over-step their anchorman, George Knapp, and of course, Bob's
Constitution authority. None of the 50 State friend, Las Vegas real estate appraiser, Gene Huff.
governments would be able to refute or oppose any Is Bob Lazar a total fraud?
Federal mandates. It’s quite likely that CRC members I am still not sure on this. I still do have some
would hold too much power over them. Federal forces unanswered questions.
(military) could easily be used to bring rogue elements As for Bob Lazar's timeline, the whole world had
back in to line. Loyal judges would have no trouble already been familiar with Tom Mahood's timeline of
justifying the State’s actions. Lazar, which he published in 1994.
This may seem like a lot to expect for such a modest (
proposal. Even so, it’s worth noting that small However, not everyone is familiar with Gene Huff's
beginnings can eventually result in larger outcomes. If 1995 rebuttal of Tom Mahood's timeline of Lazar.
we allow the Federal government to assume so much But, thanks to Gary Sellani, Gene Huff's 1995 rebuttal
authority that it endangers the private sector, we risk of Tom Mahood's timeline was once again posted on
losing our economic freedoms. If we should allow our the recently.
national defense to become trivialized and of no threat (
to power-hungry leaders…we will have only ourselves As I said above, personally, I still have some
to blame.… unanswered questions on Bob Lazar:

AboveTopSecret. com Book of Threads for January, 2007 • page 29 of 33

It was on February 21, 1990 that a crew of Nippon Our law enforcement are being asked to do a job and
Television Network (NTV) of Japan and I (total of 7) then hobbled in their efforts to do it. Witness the recent
had an opportunity to visit and interview Bob Lazar at National Guard incident. This failure to secure our
his residence in Las Vegas. This was made possible borders is one of the most blatant failures of this
through Bob's friend, real estate appraiser, Gene Huff. Congress and administration.
Trimmed BIG cut/paste and added link and 'ex' tags Related News Links:
[edit on 30/1/07 by masqua] (links removed, visit the thread for external references)
Link to thread: ...thread264970/pg1 Link to thread: ...thread265097/pg1

Border Patrol Shoots, Kills President Reagon's remarks

Illegal Immigrant; FBI during screening of movie
Investigates "Close Encounters"
Created by: jsobecky on January 30, flags: 4, replies: 38 Created by: admriker444 on January 14, flags: 3, replies: 39
A single US Border Patrol apprehended seven illegal Im trying to find out more but havent had any luck on
immigrants near Naco, Arizona, and was attempting to the web. I recall reading somewhere a long time ago
place them under arrest when he was threatened by about a comment President Reagon made. He and his
one of the illegals. He fired one shot, killing the illegal staff were getting an exclusive screening of the movie
immigrant. Now the FBI is investigating the incident. Close Encounters. It was said that Reagon turned to
And there have been charges that the Mexican someone and said "you dont know how real this is"
Consulate was allowed to improperly interview the something like that.
detainees while they were being held in jail. Anyone provide some links or further insight on this ?
(links removed, visit the thread for external references) Link to thread: ...thread262749/pg1
Cold-blooded murder.
That's what Mexico claims happened along the
Arizona border after an argument between a 22-year-
old illegal immigrant and the Border Patrol agent who
Illegal Migrants Will Now Use
tried to arrest him.
The local border patrol union claims self-defense and
High Tech GPS Devices
fears the agent is about to be railroaded after Mexican
officials were given unrestricted access to the
Thanks To The Mexican
witnesses before U.S. investigators. Union officials
claim that access allowed the Mexican officials to
Created by: shots on January 2, flags: 3, replies: 52
frame the agent using false testimony.
Illegal migrants, who want to cross the Northern
"The Mexican consulate was allowed to coach the
Border of Mexico into the U.S., will be given handheld
witnesses," said Brandon Judd, president of Local
GPS devices according to Jaime Obregon,
2544, which represents 90 percent of the 2,900
Coordinator for the State Commission for Migrants in
Customs and Border Protection agents in Southern
the Mexican State of Puebla.. "Our intention is to save
Arizona. "Now the agent is in jeopardy because these
lives, "Jaime Obregon, coordinator for the state
witnesses were allowed to solidify their stories as the
commission for migrants in Puebla, the Mexican state
Mexican consulate coached them to do."
behind the project, told the London Telegraph.
The incident happened two weeks ago, when a 39-
Authorities in Mexico are predicting that approximately
year-old border agent tried to arrest seven illegal
200,000 devices will be handed out when the project is
aliens near Naco, Ariz. The agent had three
launched this year.
immigrants inside a vehicle and three on the ground,
(links removed, visit the thread for external references)
but Francisco Rivera, age 22 refused to comply, the
Illegal immigrants planning to cross the desert and
agent said.
enter the US on foot are to be given hand-held satellite
The Mexican government is claiming "cold blooded
devices by the Mexican authorities to ensure they
murder". It was clearly a case of self defense. And the
arrive safely.
actions by the Border Patrol supervisor, Darcy Olmos,
Those who get lost or fall sick during the dangerous
to allow the Mexican consulate to question these
four-day crossing will be able to activate the device, to
detainees was an illegal and outrageous violation of
alert frontier police on both sides of the border.

AboveTopSecret. com Book of Threads for January, 2007 • page 30 of 33

The satellite tracking service will require would-be understand that that is not at all possible. So, I will use
illegals to register their intentions before setting off — an alias. Since I am stressed for time and lacking
a paradoxical move, given that secrecy is necessary imagination, lets just go with the generic "Mr. X."
for success — but Mexican authorities are predicting Now, you are probably wondering why I feel the need
that about 200,000 devices will be handed out when to do this. The fact is, I am a true patriot. I love my
the project is launched formally in the coming year. country, and I love serving it. I don't mean to sound
"Our intention is to save lives," said Jaime Obregon, self-righteous, but it's the truth. I would do anything for
the co-ordinator for the state commission for migrants my country. Dying for it would be trivial. I would be
in Puebla, the Mexican state which is behind the tortured, I would--I think you understand.
project. "There are lots of people looking to cross and But before I digress, without being too specific, I
we are working with the US authorities to make sure served for several years in one of the armed forces.
they do not die on the way." Due to circumstances that will remain undisclosed, I
First it was handing out comic books to aid the illegal's became an employee of what is popularly known as
and now they are going to use our own GPS satellites "Area 51." Needless to say, I was overjoyed at the
to aid them :shk: Kind of makes you wonder what opportunity serve my country at this elite level. Even
comes next; hidden airfields where secretly chartered though my tasks were menial and mundane--to say
aircraft can land? the least--just, just to be there, at the centerpoint, the
This is very disturbing news when you consider recent nucleus of American military might.
rumors that have stated some members of the house Anyway, I don't have time to bask in past my glory,
and senate want to hand out blanket amnesty to all because a dark time would come thereafter--and that's
those all ready in our country and cut off the funding what I need to get off my chest.
that was allocated to build a new fence along the But first off, I need to correct something that I said
border isn't it? earlier. I said that I was an employee of Area 51. I am
It is just a guess on my part, but I assume that is not an employee of Area 51 per se, in the fact that I
perhaps what gave them the idea to hand these work for the governmental entity that exists in side the
devices out so they could increase their numbers even base. What I am, is part of the special military force
further once those already here are made legal. that guards the perimeter of the facility. What's often
How our government officals can allow another known in Area 51 lore as the "camo dudes." I'm one of
country to openly conspire against the US is just down them.
right stupid.:dn: Now, before I get into the meat of what I have to say, I
[edit on 1/2/2007 by shots] feel the need to dispell some popular... (I almost
Link to thread: ...thread261144/pg1 refered to Area 51 by it's confidential name! Can't do
that!) But, anyway, I still feel the need to dispell some
popular rumors about Area 51. And this is going to
Confessions of a Area 51 burst the bubbles of all the ufologists, but in my tenure
as an Area 51 employee, I have not seen a single
employee speck of evidence that suggests that extraterrestrials
of any kind have ever visited this planet. In fact, I've
Created by: Acharya on January 6, flags: 3, replies: 118
seen the exact opposite. I've seen black ops within
For four days now a person claiming to be a Area 51
Area 51 perpetrating UFO hoaxes to divert attention
employee has been posting on YouTube. The audio is
from their genuine projects and opperations. And you
barely audiable as it is scrambled since the person in
will understand why, in my next segment--if I'm still
question is afraid to be exposed. Luckily he has made
alive! (I say that tongue-in-cheek...) But you will
transcripts of his posts so far. He claims that he has
understand why they are so intent to divert attention
never seen any UFO's at the base, but that he knows
away. These--are some disturbing stuff, and I'll save
that they use UFO's as disinformation to divert the
that for my next segment, because I believe I am just
public attention from their true secret military
about out of time for now.
But, until next time, Godspeed.
My life behind one of the most guarded fences in the
(links removed, visit the thread for external references)
world (or what little I can tell of it).
continues below...
For those having difficulty understanding what I am
[edit on 6-1-2007 by Acharya]
saying, this is a transcript:
[edit on 6-1-2007 by Acharya]
Hello there. First of all, I would like to offer you my real Link to thread: ...thread261703/pg1
name. However, given the sensitive nature of what I
am attempting to undertake here, I think you will

AboveTopSecret. com Book of Threads for January, 2007 • page 31 of 33

during World War II could face up to three years in
What if TV was a version of prison if convicted.
Ms. Zypries said the proposal, which will be debated
mind control? by the bloc’s justice ministers in the next six months,
Created by: capsitan on January 7, flags: 3, replies: 76 would also seek to criminalize racist declarations that
Lately ive been hearing that Televsion has certain are an incitement to violence against a person or
ways to hypnotize you either in certain symbolism (use group. The aim, she said, was to harmonize national
of magical sigils) use of cartoons that have violent legal systems in their approach to combating racism
imagery, use of frequency modulation? to change the and xenophobia.
brain waves of the humans watching them. Could this Unifying the handling of hate crimes in countries with
be possible?? We do have alot of morons out there? I vastly different legal cultures could prove difficult, legal
mean seriously look at some of these talk shows? How analysts said. European leaders have been
do they stay on? unanimous in condemning those who deny the
Link to thread: ...thread261748/pg1 Holocaust, and they sharply criticized the Iranian
government for sponsoring a recent conference that
sought to cast doubt on it.

Mass Sighting of Water The German Government is about to embark on a

venture that would have done the Nazi's proud.

Sucking UFO's - Video Doc. Conquering other nations by re-writing their laws and
introducing draconian legislation that will curb forms of
Created by: Realtruth on January 14, flags: 3, replies: 35 free-thinking on the European continent. And without a
I don't know if this has been posted or even explored drop of blood.
here before. I did a search and couldn't find anything Personally, I just don't think this is possible. Surely
but if it has mods can delete this post. there are still nations in Europe with enough back-
I found the Documentary to be very interesting and bone to shout down this ridiculous attempt to control
fairly credible, but I sure would have love to see it their laws.
myself. Link to thread: ...thread262806/pg1
I would love to hear what you all think of this
(links removed, visit the thread for external references)
Australian Politics - Coalition
[edit on 14-1-2007 by Realtruth]
Link to thread: ...thread262745/pg1 vs Labor
Created by: fooffstarr on January 17, flags: 3, replies: 26
Since there is no section for it i thought i would start a

Germans Force "Thought topic for Australian Politics, because from experience i
know there is a fair few Aussies on here.

Crime" on EU In the shadow of the upcoming election, what are your

thoughts on the 2 major parties?
Created by: Beelzebubba on January 14, flags: 3, replies: I personally am over the moon that Kevin Rudd has
40 taken over from Beazley in Labor. They are my pick for
Jailing Holocaust Revisionists in their own country is the next election and i intend to vote to make it stick.
obviously not enough for the "guilt-ridden" German John Howard is still going strong after 10 years in
Government. Using it's position in the EU, the German Kirabilli house, but how much longer will he be
Government is trying to create legislation that will force around? If he wins this next election i have the fear
all 27 nations of the EU to impose jail-time on that he may stand down as PM... leaving us with
"Holocaust Deniers". Perhaps if they are successful slimeball Costello.
we will eventually have three "super-states" to control IMHO, we can't win with the Liberals.
us; Oceania, Eurasia, and Eastasia. So which way do you swing? :P
(links removed, visit the thread for external references) Link to thread: ...thread263095/pg1
“We have always said that it can’t be the case that it
should still be acceptable in Europe to say the
Holocaust never existed and that six million Jews were
never killed,” she said. Under the German proposal,
she said, those who deny the Nazi slaughter of Jews

AboveTopSecret. com Book of Threads for January, 2007 • page 32 of 33

Did we come from Mars or
somewhere else?
Created by: Royal76 on January 18, flags: 3, replies: 33
This is just a theory i've been working on. What if we
are the survivors of an alien race from say Mars. Mars
looks pretty dead, or atleast the photo's were aloud the
see look that way. What if an escape pod caring one
male child and one female child. Adam and Eve came
here from Mars or another planet. They were taught
enough to survive by the computer from the ship. It
didn't know too much about all of the technology
because it wasn't designed as a teaching tool. When
we bred and became larger we advanced. There is
some evidence that Homosapiens and Neanderthals
battled in some areas with Homosapiens eventually
coming out the winners. Just a little theory i've been
messing with in my head.
Link to thread: ...thread263353/pg1

AboveTopSecret. com Book of Threads for January, 2007 • page 33 of 33

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