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Exams should be Abolished

Thesis: Exams are not good for testing the student’s capability
A. Anecdote / Question statement
A. They are not the best gauge of skills, and not fair
B. Lesson we study for exam aren’t essential for our career
A. Anecdote
Exams should be abolished. Since we were young, we study for our exams. Exams
are created to test the student’s capability of a certain subject. But is it a positive method?
Nowaday, students like us just memorize formulas and text for exams. Students that scored
A grades could just be good at memorizing. Exams are not good for testing the student’s
Universities put significant weight on GPA, in fact exams put on a significant
weight on a student’s grade as well. Study Moose states that probably the biggest issue
for final examinations are that it doesn’t accurately express the student’s capability on
the material. Sometimes getting a perfect score doesn’t even provide enough evidence that
the student is excellent and understood everything to the max. Sometimes the talent of an A
grade exam student in biology class is most likely memorization, not absolutely natural
science. This is why exams aren’t fair. Students with hidden ability, for example critical
thinker, are not able to show their capability in history exams since it is mostly memorizing.
At the same time, students who are excellent readers might score a bad score in calculus
exams. Many who scored poor in their final examinations performed well in entry exams
such as SAT or O and A level tests, which could actually determine their achievements. But
sometimes exams bring a grade of a genius down to where they doesn’t even get a chance
to study at a good universities or get a good job. These students are seen unfair.
Bachelor Degrees Online states that another factor to exams are that the text we
memorize for our examinations are mostly not even essential for our future career. Let’s
take mathematics for example, maybe the students who are stressed out with calculus
exams wanted to be a pilot. Calculus are not at all necessary for that student’s career.
Students study so hard to do well on examinations just to have high GPA for entering
good universities and having a good job. But is it beneficial for the student to stress over
subjects they don’t even require for their future career? No, I’m not saying they shouldn’t
study mathematics or biology, but I found no need for student to stress over a sheet of
paper that somehow could affect their life.
In conclusion, I feel that examinations should be abolished because it doesn’t
accurately measure a student’s potential and capability, it is unfair, and it is not
necessary for the student’s future career. I scored well on most of my examinations, but
it doesn’t make it any more convincing for me to take exams willingly. An alternative I
suggest is that teachers teach the lesson widely, not preparing students for exams. (8 Reasons Why Final Exams Might Be All Wrong) (2018)

Retrieved from

Study Moose (Examinations Should Be Abolished) (2016, Oct 14). Retrieved from
Major Depressive Syndrome
Have you ever experienced depression? Major depressive syndrome is a mental
disorder with at least two weeks depression. Major depression syndrome is a problem for
many people today.
In an article by American Addiction Center, major depressive disorder occurs when
the person feel sadness, hopelessness, or anger for a long time. There are many causes of
depression. Well, there are no exact causes of depression. But factors that are involved in
mental disorders may vary such as biological differences, brain chemistry, hormones, and
also inherited traits. Mayo Clinic states that people who experienced depression may have
physical changes in their brain. Neutrotransmitter occur in brain naturally and play a
significant role in depression. Changes in the body’s hormones balance may be the cause
that triggers depression. Those who experience depression a lot may have blood relatives
who experience this condition as well. You are probably wondering why is syndrome so
harsh. American Addiction Center observed that there are many side effects or symptoms of
depression. Getting out of socializing, constant sadness and pessimism, or loss of interest in
enjoyed hobbies are some emotional symptoms of depression. But depression doesn’t only
affect the mind, it affects the body as well. Some of the physical symptoms include erratic
sleeping habits, constant fatigue, muscle aches, back pain, and headaches. And some
medical side effects include dry mouth, fatigue, dizziness, irritability, and even vision
problems. Depression would likely to cause loss of weight, appetite or other physical
symptoms, in short term cases. But in long term cases, you can experience malnutrition or
obese from your unnatural eating habits caused by depression. People also experience
short-term memory and some even suicide.
How serious can it be? Depression is likely to affect people to some degree during
their life. Around 9 percent of the world’s population are currently on some sort of
depression. If a person is depressed, it can make him or her lose interest in your hobbies or
job, or it might limit him or her from pursuing life to the fullest. And in some cases, people
have suicide or attempted to if they are left untreated.

Depression (Major Depressive Disorder). (2018). Retrieved from
Depression symtomps cause effects. (n.d.). Retrieved from
The Unexpected Tag Game

Have you ever had an accident before? I definitely had one while playing a tag game
with my brother. Running through a glass door was a very painful experience.
I was around eight, when I was running around with my brother in my house. My
brother, Win, wanted to play a little tag game before we go for lunch. My brother was big and
fast, so it’s pretty hard for me to outrun him. But without hesitation, I ran as fast as I could.
The wide glass window in the living room where we played tag was too transparent that I
couldn’t tell that it was there. And with my carelessness, I ran through it. I was stunned and
didn’t know what to do. So I stood there and watched as the glass collapsed down on me
and pieces of shattered glass laid all over the floor. My mom heard the shattering sound, so
she quickly came to investigate. I got a couple of open wounds on my hand, arm, and leg. At
first she tried to stop the bleeding by using her washed hands. The bleeding did stop, but the
wound got worse. The biggest one was on my arm. So my mom decided to bring me to the
hospital and get the wound stitched, because the skin around it looked dead. The doctor
injected some anesthetic to reduce pain, but before the anesthetic to even work, the doctor
was in a rush and stitched the wound. I was crying in pain. The doctor told us that the wound
shouldn’t be moist, meaning there can’t be water around it. He also gave me some pain
relief pills. And I also had to go to the hospital to get my wound cleaned up every day. Not
only that, sleeping, eating, playing, or taking a bath were very difficult for me. The wound
took almost a month to heal and I was back to normal, as energetic as I have ever been.
I have had many accidents since I was young. And one of the most memorable was
this unexpected tag game.
Treating Back Pain

Have you ever had back pain? Back pain is a common symptom of people of all age
for different reasons. You can prevent back pain by avoiding activities that requires a lot of
back muscles, practicing some posture that relieve pain, and having some medications and
therapies could help as well.
Back pain can be caused by many reasons, but can be relieved by postures,
medication, and some therapies. Back pain can be cause by your lifting form, your postures,
and your sleeping positions. Lifting heavy objects would increase back pain, especially
carrying it with your shoulder of lifting it up by bending your back over. Sitting without you
back straight could make your back feel pain in the long run. And your sleeping positions
could add pain if your back isn’t straight. Postures such as “threading the needle post” could
help stretch your back and leg. The most important posture is to make your back straight up
at all times. While sleeping, it is good to have a pillow under your knee to support your legs
and straighten your back. How does medication help? Medication pills such as Tylenol can
relieve pain for short term, and applying remedy such as voltaren or counterpain could help
relax back muscles. There are many therapies that are helpful. Therapies such as spinal
manipulation, chronic pain, manual therapies, heating pads, or light exercises could help.
But medications and therapies can help for short term only. The most important is to
maintain good postures at all time, rest a lot, and do some light exercises such as swimming.
Back pain can affect many people, but pain only increase if you do activities that
requires a lot of back muscles or have bad postures. Have good postures and do light
exercise if you are experiencing back pain.
1. SPECIFIC TOPIC: The fastest animal on earth
2. THESIS STATEMENT: Although there are a lot of fast animal on Earth, the Peregrine
Falcon is the fastest among them.
I. Introduction
A.Question answer
II. Body
A.General Facts
III. Conclusion
A. general statement

Essay :

Have you ever wondered what is the fastest animal in the world? Although there are a lot of
fast animals on earth, the Peregrine Falcon is the fastest among them all.

A Peregrine falcon is a large falcon. As a typical of bird-eating raptors, peregrine falcons are
sexually dimorphic(male and female have different characteristics), with females being larger
than males. The peregrine is known for its speed, reaching over 320 km/h when it dives,
making it the fastest member of the animal kingdom. Males weigh lesser than female, with
males weighing lesser than 700g and females weighing more the 800g. It’s wing chord
measures from 26.5 to 39 cm , its tail measures from 13 to 19 cm and its arsus measures
from 4.5 to 5.6 cm. The back and the long pointed wings of the adult are usually bluish black
to grey, and the wingtips are black. It’s tail is long, narrow, and rounded at the end with a
black tip and a white band at the very end, coloured like the back but with thin clean bars.
The top of its head are black, contrasting sharply with the pale sides of the neck and white
throat. The cere is yellow, as well as the feet, and the beak and claws are black. The upper
beak is located near the tip of the it’s head, which help falcons kill prey by severing the spine
of its prey at the neck. Which these make it one of the deadliest prey as well as its flashing
speed and its beautiful body.

One of the mysteries of the forest is who is the fastest and the deadliest, although the
Peregrine Falcon might not be the deadliest among all the predators, but it held the fastest
speed without any doubt

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