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General Assembly – China UK College Committee

Sponsors: United States, United Kingdom

Signatories: Australia, New Zealand, South Africa

Topic: “Declaration of English as the Official Language of the United Nations”

The General Assembly,

Reminding all nations of this body that English a universally used language of commerce, education, and

Noting the importance of having a deeper connection to each other in the use of language,

Affirms the truth that with one language there is less possibility of misunderstanding and therefore

Reaffirming the main purpose of this body is to pursue peace through dialogue

1. Encourages all nations to adopt an English-first policy within their own country;

2. Calls for the establishment of a fund to assist non-English speaking countries develop education
programs and opportunities supporting the use of English worldwide;

3. Urges all K-12, colleges, and universities to assist in the implementation of this endeavor;

4. Requests the personnel support for English-first language programs to be drawn exclusively
from the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and South America;

5. Reminds all delegates that universality of language does not detract from the importance of
non-English languages.

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