Memorandum of Agreement: WHEREAS, Despite The Introduction by The National Barangay Operations Office (NBOO) of An Impro

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Implementation of the
Electronic—Barangay Governance Performance Measurement System (e-BGPMS)
In Region V


This Memorandum of Agreement is entered into by:

This MindConcept Solutions, with principal office address at #456 Binatagan, Ligao
City, Albay, represented herein by, WILDA D. DELA TORRE, herein referred to as the First Party;


Barangay San Rafael, with principal office address at San Pascual, Masbate represented herein
by its Punong Barangay NARCISA E. SANDIGAN, herein referred to as the Second Party.


WHEREAS, Book I, Title II, Chapter V, section 97 of the Local Government Code of 1991 mandates
every Local Chief Executives (LCEs) to submit an annual report to the Sangguniang on or before March
31 of each year;

WHEREAS, the DILG through the Bureau of Local Government Supervision (BLGS) has developed
an electronic system of monitoring the accomplishment and performance of provinces, cities and
municipalities, known as LGPMS;

WHEREAS, the barangay though the smallest political unit, is among those mandated by the Local
Government Code to submit annually an accomplishment and performance report to the Sangguniang,
copy furnished the DILG;

WHEREAS, because of technical capacity, majority of the barangays are encountering difficulty in
preparing accomplishment report and analyzing the significance of the preceding performance year for a
more effective formulation of their annual investment plan and other development plans in the bara

WHEREAS, despite the introduction by the National Barangay Operations Office (NBOO) of an impro
ved version of BGPMS, it still lacks the most significant feature of monitoring the accomplishment and
performance of the barangay officials, that of generating the performance analysis of the barangay after
the data encoding;

WHEREAS, the performance analysis is a document that can guide the Barangay Development
Council (BDC) in identifying priority Barangay Development Agenda;
WHEREAS, the MindConcept Solutions, has developed and electronic system of reporting and submit
ting the BGPMS through electronic on-line/internet web-based system called e-BGPMS;

WHEREAS, the e- BGPMS is guaranteed to be a user-friendly and offers an analysis as reference for
the Barangay Development Council;

WHEREAS, the DILG V through DILG Provincial office concerned is the best position to manage the e-
BGPMS web-based system and utilize to its optimum potential the findings of the system.

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual interest herein contained, the First Party and the
Second Party agree to the following terms and conditions:

Article 1
Project Description

1.1 The e-BGPMS in an internet/web-based electronic system of preparing the annual accomplishment
of performance of barangay officials duly registered and patented by the MindConcept Solutions with a
Copyright Registration No. N-2017-00728. The process involves data gathering, encoding, data analysis
generation and on-line submission of report to the DILG V regional website. The submitted electronic
copy will thus become the compliance report of the barangay pursuant to section 97 of RA 7160 and
DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2017-015. The DILG Regional Office thru the LGMED, after review may
recommend to the barangays, intervention through its MLGOOs. The intervention could be in the form
of technical assistance during the BDC’s formulation of investment plan or barangay development plans.

Article 2
Responsibilities of the MindConcept Solutions

MindConcept Solutions shall be responsible for the following:

2.1 Ensure the sustainability of the e-BGPMS system which shall cover all barangays in the province who
have agreed to adopt the e-BGPMS as their compliance to section 97 of RA 7160. These include system
repair/maintenance and conduct of orientation training for end-users of the e-BGPMS.

2.2 Issue official receipt (O.R) for registration fee during the conduct of technical training and annual
subscription fee.

2.3Undertake appropriate initiatives in collaboration with the DILG Provincial Office and the MLGOOs
that would enhance the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of the e-BGPMS;

2.4 In the event of system failure/defect, provide immediate technical assistance to those who have
availed of the system without any changes to the barangays;

2.5 In the event of the system’s total failure as determined by both the DILG and the Barangays concern,
the First Party shall immediately fix and restore the system back to its normal opera tion.

Article 3
Responsibilities of the Barangay
Barangay San Rafael, shall be responsible of the following:

3.1 Allocate in the Barangay’s annual budget the amount of ONE THOUSAND PESOS ONLY (P1,000.00)
for the payment of the annual subscription and web hosting fee payable to the MindConcept Solutions.

3.2 Send at least 3 to 4 participants to the Training/Orientation workshop for would-be in-charge of the
e-BGPMS at the barangay;

3.3. Gather, encode and submit on-line the annual State of Barangay Governance Report of the
Barangay to the e-BGPMS online web application system;

3.4 Conduct utilization conference every year using the SBGR as primary reference in reporting their res-
pective performance accomplishment to their constituency;

3.5 Undertake participatory development planning activity every year using SBGR as their primary
reference in determining their priority development agenda in the barangay.

Article 4
Effective date and Duration

4.1 That this Memorandum of Agreement shall take effect upon signing by the parties and shall remain
valid until terminated by the contracting parties.

Article 5
Settlement of Dispute

5.1 The parties agree to make every reasonable effort, in good faith, to settle amicably all disputes,
controversies, and claims arising out of this agreement or the breach, termination or invalidity thereof.

IN WITNESS THEREOF, the MindConcept Solutions and Barangay Halabangbaybay, through its
respective Heads of Offices, have set their hands on this___ day of _______________,2018 at San
Pascual, Masbate, Philippines.

For MindConcept Solutions For Barangay


General Manager Punong Barangay



Municipal Local Government Operations Officer (MLGOO)

Municipality ___San Pascual_____}S.S.
BEFORE ME, a Notary Public for and in the Municipality of San Pascual, Province of Masbate, Phili
ppines, Personally appeared WILDA D. DELA TORRE in her capacity as Ownder and Manager of Mind
Concept Solutions of Ligao City, Albay with Community Tax Certificate No. 27338534 issued on January
09,2018 at CTO- Ligao City, Albay and _________________________ in her capacity as Punong
Barangay of ___________________________, San Pascual, Province of Masbate with Tax Identification
No. TIN ID No.___________________, known to me and to be the same persons who executed the
foregoing Memorandum of Agreement con sisting of three (3) pages including this page whereon the
acknowledgement is written signed by the par ties and the instrumental witnesses at each and every
page thereof and acknowledged to me that the same is their own free and voluntary act and deed and
of the organization which they represent.

WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL this _________ day of __________________,2018 at

_____________________, Province of Masbate, Philippines.

Doc. No. __________________ NOTARY PUBLIC
Page No. __________________
Book No. __________________
Series of___________________

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