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Quinn Crescenzo

Mathematics Assessment Analysis: 2nd grade

1. Provide context for your assessment

I am currently placed in grade 2. My students use the Go Math curriculum, which is a
guided workbook and online module system that supports the New Jersey Student Learning
Standards in Mathematics (Common Core). My schools’ math curriculum design includes 7 units
that begin with basic numerical understanding and stretch to foundations for multiplication that
sets students up for success in 3rd grade. Each day, students complete anywhere from 3-4 pages
of the workbook; entirely guided and modeled by the teacher and done in a whole group setting,
and each math period runs identical to the day before. Sometimes, the workbook pages have an
“on your own” section that students are required to do independently based on knowledge from
the lesson. The teacher uses students’ completion of these workbook pages as the only form of
assessment for the lesson. Students are grouped by high/medium/low understandings, and are
sometimes put into centers, but math centers were not part of any of these three lessons.
The lesson sequence that I chose falls in unit 1 of the curriculum, which focuses on
numbers to 1000; chapter 2 in the Go Math workbook. The first lesson in this sequence was
lesson 2.7: expressing 3-digit numbers using digits and words and as the sum of the values of the
hundreds, tens, and ones’ digits. The second lesson built upon that, having students use blocks or
quick pictures to show the value of a number in different ways. Finally, the third lesson leading
up to this had students finding 10 more, 10 less, 100 more, and 100 less than a 3-digit number.
All of these lessons built numerical knowledge of 3-digit numbers, giving students different
strategies to express those numbers.

Central focus: NJ Learning Standard(s) targeted:

Representing three-
digit numbers in 2.NBT.A.1: Understand that the three digits of a three-digit number
different forms. represent amounts of hundreds, tens, ones
2.NBT.A.3: Read and write numbers to 1000 using base-ten numerals,
number names, and expanded form
Learning Objectives Instructional Assessment methods
strategies & learning
Lesson 1 Express 3-digit The teacher used a The teacher and the
numbers using digits direct instructional students completed
and words and as the strategy and guided the Go Math
sum of the values of students through workbook pages
the hundreds, tens, completing Go Math together as guided
and ones’ digits workbook pages on practice. This day,
expressing three-digit there were two pages
numbers. This (front and back) that
worksheet had were done as a whole
students practice class. After the
writing three-digit lesson, the teacher
numbers using digits, went around to each
words, and the sum student, took a quick
of the place values. look at their papers,
This lesson was and put a star on their
teacher led, and paper if every
students followed question was
along as she went completed. One page
through each question (front and back) was
on the workbook completed as a
page. homework
assignment for
students to
practice their skills.
Lesson 2 Using blocks or quick Similarly, like in The teacher and
pictures to show the lesson 1, the teacher students again
value of a number in and students completed the Go
different ways completed the Go Math workbook
Math workbook pages together as
pages together as a guided practice.
class. Students were While students
given base-ten blocks completed the “on
manipulatives to use your own” section of
along with their the worksheet, the
workbook pages. teacher went around
Students had to draw the classroom to each
pictures of their base- student and gave
ten blocks on their them a star if their
worksheets, and the work was completed.
teacher modeled a This lesson was on a
few problems using Friday, and students
blocks on the board. were not given any
homework to finish.
Lesson 3 Find 10 more, 10 Students began this Students were given
less, 100 more, or lesson by watching a the last page of the
100 less than a 3-digit “math on the spot workbook which
number video” that goes included review
through a practice problems similar to
problem meeting the the classwork
learning objective of problems, which was
the lesson. After the collected the next
video, the teacher morning and graded
guided students for correctness; used
through 2 work book as a formal formative
pages that asked assessment. Students
students to find 10 were informally
more, 10 less, 100 formatively assessed
more, or 100 less of during the guided
various numbers; workbook pages; the
then had students try teacher took mental
to do the final page notes of student
independently. responses to gauge

2. Describe the selected assessment.

The assessment that I chose to use is an enrichment worksheet that comes with the Go Math
program. It is meant to be used as a review or as a reteach of material in a certain topic after the
material has been taught for students to express their understanding. This specific worksheet was
a reteach of lesson 2.7; expressing 3-digit numbers using digits and words and as the sum of the
values of the hundreds, tens, and ones’ digits.
This worksheet had a total of 7 questions on it, and each question asked students to look at a
specific number and express it in two different ways. The front of the worksheet provided
students with an example of a correctly completed problem, and the first two questions asked
students to express a number by drawing a picture and writing it in two different ways; exactly
how the example was completed. The back of the worksheet had a total of five questions on it;
the first four asking students to evaluate a three-digit number and then write the number in two
different ways. The final problem had students look back at problem number 2 on the back, and
asked them to express that same number in a third way that they had not already used.

a. Speak to the specific standard it links to and the learning target(s) it sought to assess.

The specific NJSLS that this assessment links to is 2.NBT.A.1; Understand that the three
digits of a three-digit number represent amounts of hundreds, tens, ones, as well as 2.NBT.A.3;
Read and write numbers to 1000 using base-ten numerals, number names, and expanded form.
The learning target of this worksheet was for students to be able to express three-digit numbers
in different forms. This worksheet did a good job of meeting the second student learning
standard; 2.NBT.A.3, because it challenged students to understand that three-digit numbers can
be expressed in different ways, more specifically using base-ten numerals (drawings), number
names, and expanded form. 2.NBT.A.1 is only included in this learning target because it is a
necessary skill that students need to know before being able to meet 2.NBT.A.3, and may
explain why some students did not do as well on this worksheet as others because they had not
yet met the first standard.
b. Describe to what extent the assessment links to conceptual understanding, procedural
fluency, and reasoning/problem solving.

Conceptual understanding Procedural fluency Reasoning/problem solving

This worksheet has a good This worksheet had procedural This worksheet was not
amount of conceptual fluency because it asked exceptionally strong in the reasoning
understanding. It encourages students to complete the and problem-solving category. The
students to comprehend mathematical procedure of worksheet set up students for
mathematical concepts expressing three-digit numbers success by showing them exactly
including expressing three-digit in different ways through the how to correctly complete each
numbers in different forms. To use of using different problem by giving them a completed
successfully complete this strategies accurately. I don’t example before they began.
worksheet, students needed to think the procedural fluency Assuming students used this
know at least three different was exceptionally strong example to answer the other
mathematical strategies to because if students used the questions given, this worksheet did
express a three-digit number. example for the whole not really make students reason or
There were also questions on worksheet, they were just think about how to solve each
this worksheet that supported regurgitating information problem. The last question of this
students’ retention of how to using different numbers as worksheet was the only one that
solve these problems because opposed to expressing their really had students reasoning,
they were required to solve knowledge. That being said, because it asked for a third strategy
problems based on what they the example given scaffolds to solve a problem already given;
already knew. and strengthens students’ students had to reason and find
knowledge through each another strategy that would also
question. The teacher can see work.
if students truly understand
based on if they copied the
example or not.

3.Evaluation Criteria:
To evaluate this worksheet, I decided to have each question be worth 1 point. Even
though each question, excluding number 7, had two parts to it, I thought it would be more
beneficial to student grades to award ½ credit in areas where students may have only been able to
express the given number in one way. At the top of this worksheet, students were given an
example of how to correctly complete questions one and two, where they were told to read a
given number, express it as a drawn picture, as expanded form, as identifying each place value,
and as the numerical value of the number. The back page of the worksheet had an additional 5
problems on it; 4 of which were similar to the front, asking students to read a number shown in
basic numerical form and express it in two different ways. The final question of this worksheet
gives students a number that was already given in question
To be successful in completing this worksheet, students needed to fully read all
directions and make sure they were expressing each number in a way different than the way the
problem poses it. Many students in my class have a bad habit of trying to solve a question before
reading the directions, which sometimes leads them to incorrect answers. In addition, students
needed to be able to recognize three-digit numbers in written and numerical form, as well as
know at least three ways to express three-digit numbers including: knowledge of base 10 blocks
and how to draw them, expanded form of addition, number names and their basic spelling, and
place value including the ones, tens, and hundreds. Without sufficient knowledge in all of these
categories about how to express a three-digit number, students would have struggled fully
completing this worksheet and receiving full credit on each problem.

Grading Rubric:
Full Credit ½ Credit No Credit
1 (front) Students will receive Students will receive Students will receive
full credit if they ½ credit if they either no credit if they
correctly draw a Correctly draw a incorrectly/do not
picture of the picture but draw a picture of the
number, and fill in incorrectly write the number, and if they
the correct numbers number incorrectly/do not fill
in each blank space. OR in the correct
Incorrectly draw a numbers in each
picture but correctly blank space.
write the number

2 (front) Same grading criteria Same grading criteria Same grading criteria
as #1 (front) as #1 (front) as #1 (front)
1 (back) Students will receive Students will receive Students will receive
full credit if they ½ credit if they only no credit if they
correctly write the write the number incorrectly write the
number given in two correctly in one way. number, whether this
different ways. Answers can include be only writing one
Answers can include expanded form, or two incorrect
expanded form, drawing a picture, or answers.
drawing a picture, or writing it out using
writing it out using words. Answer
words. Answer cannot include
cannot include writing the number in
writing the number in basic numerical form.
basic numerical form
because it is already
stated in the problem.
*Students were not
docked any points for
2 (back) Same grading criteria Same grading criteria Same grading criteria
as #1 (back) as #1 (back) as #1 (back)
3 (back) Same grading criteria Same grading criteria Same grading criteria
as #1 (back) as #1 (back) as #1 (back)
4 (back) Same grading criteria Same grading criteria Same grading criteria
as #1 (back) as #1 (back) as #1 (back)
Math Journal Students will receive N/A. Students can Students will receive
Question (back) full credit if they either write a correct no credit if they write
correctly write the or incorrect answer the number 684 in a
number 684 in a for this problem. way already used in
different way than in problem 4 or if they
problem number 4. did not complete the
problem at all.

4. Whole Class Analysis

Based on this whole class analysis, a quantitative pattern that immediately sticks out is
that with the problems on the back of the worksheet, specifically the Math Journal Question
(MJQ). The MJQ asked students to look back on problem number 2 on the back of the worksheet
and express the number 684 in a third way not already used. The biggest issue with this problem
is that students did not take into account the ways they already used in problem 2, and either
wrote the same method again or did not complete the question. This can be solved simply by
reminding students to take a second look at problem number 2, and trying to come up with a
third way to write the number as opposed to writing a way already used. If they don’t know a
third way, they should take their best guess or use clues from other problems to try and figure it
Another quantitative pattern that showed up is that many students had issues with
completing questions 1-4 on the back of the worksheet. Generally, students only wrote one
correct way to express the given three-digit number; many of them rewrote the number in basic
numerical form as it is given in the problem, despite the directions reading “write the number in
two different ways.” Problems with questions 1-4 on the back also arose in a qualitative sense. I
don’t think students understood that the directions wanted the number written in two different
ways using strategies they already know or strategies that were given in the example on the front.
Many students either rewrote the number in basic numerical form like how the number was
presented in the question, or they were only able to write the number in one way as opposed to
two. This shows that some students only had a partial understanding of how to write three-digit
numbers using different strategies since they only gave a partially correct answer.
The whole class analysis per question shows me that students have an okay
understanding of how to express a three-digit number in at least one way, but could use extra
practice to gain a more concrete understanding of other strategies that can be used. This can be
done through further instruction investigating different ways to express numbers. After looking
at the class sample, many students chose to use a basic numerical form of a number as a way to
express it, which is a misunderstanding that needs to be addressed in class. If this error was
corrected, many students would have done much better on this worksheet. Students seemed to
understand the conceptual understanding portion of this worksheet since they were able to
comprehend the concepts given despite some common errors, but need help to gain a better
procedural fluency since they did not carry out the procedures needed for success accurately. In
addition, students only showed partial understanding of procedural fluency when completing
these problems because they were not able to carry out the asked mathematical procedure of
expressing a three-digit number in two different ways. Students also did not seem to have an
issue with reasoning since many of them received at least ½ credit for problems they attempted
to reason through.

A. Whole class analysis per question:

Q1(front) Q2(front) Q1(back) Q2 Q3 Q4 MJQ
(back) (back) (back)
*Key: green= correct, yellow= ½ credit, red=incorrect/no credit
*MJQ: Math Journal Question on back of worksheet

B. Analyze 3 students’ work from your class samples.

Based on my three focus students’ work samples (student #’s 5, 13, & 16), it is clear that
there was a comprehension issue with questions 1-4 on the back of the worksheet. These
questions asked students to write the given three-digit number in two different ways. An example
given on the front side of the worksheet showed students the three strategies the worksheet
suggested they use to solve the problems, which included drawing a picture of base-ten blocks,
identifying the hundreds, tens, and ones’ places, writing the number in expanded form, and
writing the number in basic numerical form. All three students struggled with expressing the
given numbers in two different ways despite the example given, which shows that students do
not fully understand the possible strategies to correctly answer the questions.
On the front of the worksheet, the focus all students received at least ½ credit on both
problems. The main issue that arose is those students drawing incorrect pictures of base ten
blocks or not drawing a picture at all. I was surprised to find that these students did not draw
pictures at all since there was clearly an example of how to correctly do it at the top of the
worksheet. Both of these issues could be remedied by students knowing that they need to fully
read through examples and directions before beginning their work. Each of my focus students
got every question on the back of the worksheet either partially or fully incorrect, which shows
me that they either do not know how to express a three-digit number in different ways, or only
know one way as opposed to multiple ways. Specifically, my focus students did not use the
example given on the front of the worksheet to help them answer the questions, and instead gave
answers including:

- Writing the number in basic numerical form as given in the problem

- Incorrectly identifying place values in expanded form (example: 150= 1+5+0 as
opposed to 150=100+50+0)
- Scrambling up the number given (example: 429 as 249 or 942)
- Not including tens bars or ones’ cubes in drawings
- Not including a drawing at all
- Only writing one correct way instead of the required two

Student responses to these questions lead me to think that they only have a strong grasp
on one way of representing a three-digit number, and were not able to show a second because
they did not know a second. I also believe that students may have rushed through the worksheet
and did not read the directions before beginning a problem. Many students in my class have a
habit of beginning a math problem without understanding the goal or what they should be
completing, so a reminder before this assessment for students to fully read all directions before
beginning a problem would have been helpful for them.

5. Based on your analysis of the work samples, discuss how you would develop students’
mathematical understanding.

To develop students’ mathematical understanding of representing three-digit numbers in

different ways, I will need to have students participate in a re-engagement lesson that will
identify the struggles that my students faced while completing their assessment. The objective or
learning goal of my re-engagement lesson will be that students will be able to represent a three-
digit number using at least 2 different strategies that are not already stated in a given problem.
This learning goal is important for all students to meet since a majority of students struggled with
this portion of the assessment. The standards that this re-engagement lesson will be based on are:
1. 2.NBT.A.1: Understand that the three digits of a three-digit number represent
amounts of hundreds, tens, ones

2. 2.NBT.A.3: Read and write numbers to 1000 using base-ten numerals, number
names, and expanded form

Both of these standards need to be focused on in the lesson because students need to
understand the place value of each digit in a three-digit number in order to be able to read and
write numbers to 1000 using the different strategies provided in the standard. These are the same
standards that were targeted in the original assessment.
In order to re-engage students, I am going to implement the use of math hospital. To do
this, I am going to split students up into 4 groups and give each group one problem from the back
of the worksheet; asking them to represent the numbers 534, 684, 429, and 150 in two different
ways. Each groups problem will show the exact problem that was presented in the worksheet, but
copied from an anonymous student’s paper who got the question incorrect. Seeing as the main
issue with each of these problems was that students were rewriting the number as it was given, as
well as incorrectly identifying each number in expanded form, those will be the general mistakes
that each problem has for students to correct (even though each groups mistake may vary).
Students will then be told: “These math problems are sick and they need the smartest doctors
around to help them feel better, but the only way that they will feel better is if someone can
figure out how to solve them! In order to do this, you and your team will have to find the error,
fix it, and show how you can represent the same number given in the problem in 2 other ways.
As long as you can do these things, it will never get sick again.”
Each group will be given the math problem on a plain sheet of white paper, and each
individual student in the group will be given a worksheet to fill out during the ‘healing’ process.
The worksheet will have blank spaces on it for students to fill in what made the problem sick,
how they fixed the sickness, and what their two other ways to represent the number are. Students
will be given approximately 10 minutes to work on this with their groups, and while students are
working the teacher will be monitoring the room and students work, giving assistance when
After students have completed their work, the teacher is going to ask the entire group to
come up in front of the class and share with everyone how they fixed their problems sickness.
There are 16 total students in this class, so there should be 4 students per group. Each student in
the group is going to be responsible for explaining one part of their groups solution. One student
will identify the mistake, one student will explain how they fixed the mistake, one student will
explain the one way the group found to represent the number, and the final student will explain
the other way the group found to represent the number. To hold each group member accountable
for the work of the entire group, students will have to know every part of the solution to their
problem because they are not going to know which part they will be asked to answer. Student
response worksheets will be collected and used as another form of formal formative assessment
to see if students gained a better understanding of strategies they can use to represent a three-
digit number.
Having students share how their group cured the sick problem shows the entire class how
to correctly solve a problem similar to those given to groups in the future. In addition, making
students responsible for knowing how to fix the given error and for knowing other ways to
represent the number gives them the necessary knowledge to be able to solve any of the other
problems given to other groups, but also to solve any problems given in the future that are
similar. In addition, common mistakes that are made are able to be addressed without a
personalized context; only the student knows if they don’t understand how to complete it, and are
able to work on their comprehension with their groups to learn from mistakes. This re-
engagement lesson is a great way to have students take a second look at common mistakes
through a different approach.

6. Summarize the assessment analysis process.

After completing the assessment analysis process, I have learned the value of using
formal formative assessment to inform further instruction. Taking an in depth look at students
work showed me as the teacher what I need to do to solve misconceptions that my students have,
and see the level of understanding that each of my students have about this math concept. Being
able to look at a whole class set of data, create a chart, and dive into each individual problem has
showed me the value of assessment in informing what needs to be done next to help every
student grow and reach a proficient level in any math topic I am teaching. Without having these
assessments, I would not be able to come up with a viable re-engagement lesson to solve the
common misconceptions that I saw many students had, and I would have moved onto the next
topic without really knowing if my students understood this topic or not.
The assessment that I chose came straight from my students Go Math curriculum, and I
think it was an okay assessment in terms of conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, and
reasoning/problem solving. This assessment was lacking in procedural fluency because students
could have used the example given on the front of the worksheet to answer every other question,
as long as they changed the numbers. Other than that, this assessment had good conceptual
understanding since it did encourage the understanding of the target concept; expressing a three-
digit number in different ways using base-ten numerals, expanded form, numerical names. If I
could do this assignment over again, I would definitely be pickier about the assessment I chose. I
think Go Math produces nice content that hits necessary standards that students should know, but
does not necessarily focus on re-engaging students in content, and instead focuses on re-
teaching, which is even exactly what my chosen assessment was titled in the top right corner of
the worksheet. Other than that I think this assessment worked well for an assignment like this,
but for future assignments similar, like edTPA, I will be sure to look further at other options.

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