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Two model countries for dairy production in south Asia

Submitted to:

Mr. Fazal-ur-Rehman

Submitted by:

Mr Abid Hussain

Mr. Sher Afzal

Mr. Tajir Hussain

International Institute of Islamic Economics

International Islamic University
Table of contents
Chapter 1


Brief introduction of south Asia……………………………………………………………….1

Chapter 2

Methodology of the study.................................................................................................…...3

Literature review……………………………………………………………………………....3

Problem statement……………………………………………………………………………..4

Purpose statement……………………………………………………………………………..4

Collection of data……………………………………………………………………………...4

Chapter 3

Brief Description of south Asian Countries in Dairy .........................................................5


Country in Brief.......................................................................................................................5

Basic Economic Facts..............................................................................................................5

Dairy in India...........................................................................................................................6



Basic Economic Information...................................................................................................7

Dairy in Pakistan.....................................................................................................................7

Sri Lanka..............................................................................................................................8

Dairy in Sir lanka....................................................................................................................8


Country in Brief....................................................................................................................10
Basic Economic Facts............................................................................................................10

Dairy in Bangladesh..............................................................................................................10

Overall data analysis…….....………………………………………………………………..12

Chapter 4

Structure of Dairy Farming in Pakistan (Comparative to other countries)…………………..16
Milk Collection and Distribution system……………………………………………………16
Supply and Demand………………………………………………………………………….17
Characteristics of Milk Production Systems in Pakistan…………………………………….18
Rural Milk Production Systems……………………………………………………………...19
City and Peri-urban Milk Production………………………………………………………...20
Potential of Dairy Farming in Pakistan………………………………………………………21
Total milk production………………………………………………………………………...23
Quality Control……………………………………………………………………………....27
Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………………. 29
List of Tables

 Table 1: Overall data analysis 12

 Table 2: Milk production and consumption in Pakistan 14

 Table 3: Utilization of milk in India 23

 Table 4: Indian dairy products imports in metric tons 24
 Table 5: Commodity, Dairy, Milk, Nonfat Dry, PSD India 28

List of Figures

 Figure 1: current milk quantity available provinces in Pakistan 15

 Figure 2: Pakistan fourth largest milk producing country 18
 Figure 3: Rural Milk Production Systems 19
 Figure 4: Evolution of Indian Milk Production 22
 Figure5: Indian Exports of Dairy Products in MY 2008/09 24
 Figure6: Country-Wise Exports of Indian Dairy Products in MY 2008 24
 Figure7: Flow chart of conversion of milk into traditional Indian dairy 27
We dedicate this effort to Mr.
Fazal Rehman
Course incharge NGOs and
Rural Development

In the name of ALLAH the praise worthy, the passionate whose blessing made it possible to
complete this task. We are highly indebted to our research supervisor Sir Fazal- ur- Rahman
whose sage counseling, appropriate guidelines, expert advice and timely suggestions enabled us
to materialize this time stretched research project.

We are highly thankful to Mr. Shahid Naeem Defuty director SAARC Human Resource
Development Center and Mr. Amir Mustafa Research Officer SAARC Human Resource
Development Center for their technical cooperation and for supplying useful data.

We are highly thankful to all those who guide us and provide us every possible help. We also
thankful to all our colleagues, and friends for their frequent encouraging words and especially for
our respected teacher Sir Fazal Ur Rahman who guide us and helped to complete his project

In south Asia about seventy percent population lives in rural areas where the incidence of
poverty is high. Agricultural wage earners, small and marginal farmers and casual workers
engaged in non-agricultural activities constitute the bulk of the rural poor. The high incidence of
poverty is a matter of great concern. South Asian economies are mainly agricultural dependent;
therefore, survival of the majority of rural population is on agricultural related farm and non-
farm activities. Realizing the importance of rural areas in socio-economic development and
poverty reduction, South Asian countries, in the last few year’s have given foremost attention to
its development by intervening in the farm and non-farm development activities such as
development of rural infrastructure (physical and social), market for land, agricultural labor and
inputs to raise agricultural productivity.

In this study we will tried to give a comparative overview of dairy industry of four South Asian
countries (Pakistan, India, Sirilanka and Bangladesh) with respect to dairy industry. The first
section provides profile of South Asian counties. In the next section South Asian countries are
analyzed regarding their in agriculture and dairy sector. This analysis is based on data for the last
ten year on above mentioned indicators.

In the last section the most developed countries in south Asia regarding dairy sector development
will be highlighted on the basis of production, share in GDP, sources of production and
techniques of production. The programs and policies implemented by the model countries
through which the countries was able to achieve the high rate of dairy sector development will
explain in detail.

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