Revised Penal Code (Book II) : Article Crimes Offender Offended Party Elements Penalties Keywords

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Revised Penal Code (Book II)


114 Treason Any person State Levies war or adhere to Reclusion temporal
their enemiesby giving todeath
aid/comfort within
115 Conspiracy and Proposal Any person State Conspiracy and proposal Prision Mayor and
to commit a felony Pirision Correccional
116 Misprision of Treason Every person w/out State Having knowledge of Accessory
being a foreiner any conspiracy against
them and conceals or
does not disclose and
make known the same
117 Espionage Any person State 1. w/out authority Prision Correccional (if
enters WA FOR NA MI, offender is any private
obtain any info plans individual)
photographs or other
data of a confidential Penalty next higher in
nature relative to the degree (if offender is
defense of archipelago public officer or
2. BIP, by reason of
public office he holds, of
the AID discloses their
contents to a
representative of a
foreign nation
118 Inciting to war or giving Public officer or State Unlawful or Reclusion Temporal (if
motives for reprisal employee, Private unauthorized acts offender is public
individual provokes or gives officer/employee)
occasion for a
warinvolving or liable to Prision Mayor (if
involve the Philippines offender is private
or exposes Filipino individual)
citizen to reprisals on
their person and
119 Violation of neutrality Anyone State On the occasion of war Prision Correccional
w/c Govt. is not
involved, violates any
regulation issued by
competent authority for
purpose of enforcing
120 Correspondence with Any person State 1. if correspondence is 1. Prision Correccional
hostile country prohibited by the Govt. 2. Prision Mayor
2. if such 3. Reclusion Temporal
correspondence be
carried on in ciphers or
conventional signs
3. if notice or info be
given thereby w/c might
be useful to the enemy.
If the offender intended
to aid the enemy by
giving such notice/info,
he shall suffer penalty
of reclusion temporal to
121 Flight to enemy country Any person State Attempts to flee or go to Arresto Mayor
an enemy country when
prohibited by
competent authority
122 Piracy in general and Any person Complement or Shall attack or seize a Reclusion Temporal
mutiny on the high seas passenger of a vessel vessel or, not being a
member of its
complements nor a
passenger, shall seize
the whole or part of the
cargo, its equipment or
personal belongings of
Same penalty in case of
mutiny on the high seas
123 Qualified piracy Any person Complement or 1. whenever they have Reclusion Temporal to
passengers of a vessel seized a vessel by Death
boarding or firing upon
the same
2. they have abandoned
their victims w/out
means of saving
3. whenever the crime is
accompanied by
murder, homicide,
physical injuries or rape.
124 Arbitrary detention Any public officer or Any person W/out legal grounds, 1. Arresto mayor in its
employee detains a person, maximum to prision
1. if detention has not correccional in its
exceeded three days minimum period
2. if detention has 2. Prision correccional
continued for more than in its medium and
three but not more than maximum periods
fifteen days 3. Prision mayor
3. if detention has 4. Reclusion temporal
continued for more than
fifteen days but not
more than six months
4. if detention shall have
exceeded six months
125 Delay in the delivery of Public officer or Any person Detain any person for Penalties provided in
detained persons to the employee some legal ground and the next preceding
proper judicial shall fail to deliver such article shall also be
authorities person to the proper imposed
judicial authorities w/in
the period of; 12 hours,
for crimes punishable by
light felonies; 18 hours,
for crimes punishable by
correctional penalties &
36 hours, for crimes
punishable by afflictive
or capital penalties.
126 Delaying release Any public officer or Prisoner or detention Delays for the period Penalties provided for
employee prisoner specified therein in Article 124
performance of any
judicial or executive order
for the release of a
prisoner or detention
prisoner, or unduly delays
the service of notice of
such order to said prisoner
or the proceedings upon
any petition for the
liberation of such person
127 Expulsion Any public officer or Any person Not being authorized by Prision correccional
employee law, shall expel any
person from the
Philippine islands or
shall compel such
person to change his
128 Violation of domicile Any public officer or Any person 1. Not being authorized by 1. Prision correccional
employee judicial order, shall enter in its minimum period
any dwelling against the
will of the owner, search 2. Prision correccional
papers or other effects
in its medium and
found therein w/out
previous consent of maximum periods.
owner, or having
surreptitiously entered
said dwelling, and being
required to leave the
premises, shall refuse to
do so.
2. If committed in
nighttime, or if papers not
constituting evidence be
not returned immediately,
129 Search warrants Any public officer or Any person Shall procure a search In addition to liability
maliciously obtained and employee warrant w/out just attaching to offender
abuse in the service of cause, or, having legally for commission of any
those legally obtained procured the same, shall other offense, penalty
exceed his authority or of arresto mayor in its
use unnecessary maximum period to
severity in executing the prision correccional in
same. its minimum period
shall be imposed.
130 Searching domicile Public officer or Any person In cases where search is Arresto mayor in its
w/out witnesses employee proper, shall search the medium and
domicile, papers or other maximum periods.
belongings of any person,
in the absence of the
latter, any member of his
family, or in their default,
w/out presence of two
witnesses residing in the
same locality
131 Prohibition, interruption Any public officer or Any person 1. w/out legal ground shall Prision correccional in
and dissolution of employee prohibit or its minimum period
peaceful meetings interruptholding of a
peaceful meeting, or shall
dissolve the same.
2. shall hinder any person
from joining any lawful
association or from
attending any of its
3. shall prohibit or hinder
any person from
addressing , either alone
or together with others,
any petition to the
authorities for correction
of abuses or redress of
132 Interruption of religious Any public officer or Any person 1. Shall prevent or 1. Prision correccional
worship employee disturb the ceremonies in its minimum period
or manifestations of any
religion 2. Prision correccional
2. If crime shall have in its medium and
been committed with maximum periods.
violence or threats
133 Offending the religious Anyone Any person (faithful) In a place devoted to Arresto mayor in its
feelings religious worship or maximum period to
during celebration of prision correccional in
any religious ceremony its minimum period.
shall perform acts
notoriously offensive to
the feelings of the
134 Rebellion or Any person Government Rising publicly and taking Art. 135 provided
insurrection; How arms against govt. for the penalty for this crime.
committed purpose of removing from
allegiance to said govt. or
its laws, the territory of PI
or any part thereof, of any
body of land, naval or
other armed forces,
depriving the Chief
Executive or the
Legislature, wholly or
partially, of any of their
powers or prerogatives.
(As amended by RA 6968)
134-A Coup d’etat; How Any person or Government A swift attack Art. 135 provided V-iolence
committed persons, belonging accompanied by V-I-T- penalty for this crime. I-ntimidation
to the military or STRA-ST, directed against T-hreats
police or holding duly constituted STRA-tegy
authorities of the RP, or
any public office of ST-ealth
any military
employment camp/installation, comm.
network, Public UTI or
other facilities needed for
the exercise and continued
possession of power, singly
or simultaneously carried
out anywhere in the Phil.,
with or w/out civilian
support or participation
for the purpose of seizing
or diminishing state power
135 Penalty for rebellion, Any person(1-3) Government 1. Promotes, maintains, or
insurrection or coup Any person in the heads
d’etat govt. service (4) (5) rebellion/insurrection
2. Merely participating or
executing the commands
of others in a rebellion
3. Leads or in any manner
directs or commands
others to undertake a coup
4. Participates, or executes
directions or commands of
others in undertaking a
coup d’etat
5. Participates,or in any
manner supports,finances,
abets or aids in
undertaking a coup d’etat

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