A Review of Pressure-Sensitive Paint For High-Speed and Unsteady Aerodynamics

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A review of pressure-sensitive paint for high-speed and unsteady


Article  in  Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part G Journal of Aerospace Engineering · February 2008
DOI: 10.1243/09544100JAERO243


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5 authors, including:

Keisuke Asai Masaharu Kameda

Tohoku University Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology


Tianshu Liu
Western Michigan University


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A review of pressure-sensitive paint for high-speed

and unsteady aerodynamics
J W Gregory1*, K Asai2, M Kameda3, T Liu4, and J P Sullivan5
Department of Aerospace Engineering, The Ohio State University, Ohio, USA
Department of Aerospace Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Japan
Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Koganei,
Tokyo, Japan
Applied Aerodynamics Laboratory, Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, College of Engineering
and Applied Sciences, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA
Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA

The manuscript was received on 21 May 2007 and was accepted after revision for publication on 25 October 2007.

DOI: 10.1243/09544100JAERO243

Abstract: The current paper describes the development of pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) tech-
nology as an advanced measurement technique for unsteady flow fields and short-duration
wind tunnels. Newly developed paint formulations have step response times approaching
1 ms, making them suitable for a wide range of unsteady testing. Developments in binder tech-
nology are discussed, which have resulted in new binder formulations such as anodized alu-
minium, thin-layer chromatography plate, polymer/ceramic, and poly(TMSP) PSP. The
current paper also details modeling work done to describe the gas diffusion properties within
the paint binder and understand the limitations of the paint response characteristics. Various
dynamic calibration techniques for PSP are discussed, along with summaries of typical
response times. A review of unsteady and high-speed PSP applications is presented, including
experiments with shock tubes, hypersonic tunnels, unsteady delta wing aerodynamics, fluidic
oscillator flows, Hartmann tube oscillations, acoustics, and turbomachinery. Flowfields with
fundamental frequencies as high as 21 kHz have been successfully measured with porous
PSP formulations.

Keywords: pressure-sensitive paint, porous pressure-sensitive paint, unsteady aerodynamics,

high-speed flows

1 INTRODUCTION with initial tests demonstrating that PSP could suc-

cessfully resolve the chordwise pressure distribution
Pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) is a relatively new on a wind tunnel model [1]. The primary advantage
measurement technique for global surface pressure of PSP over traditional, point-measurement tech-
measurements in aerodynamic testing. The funda- niques is high spatial resolution. PSP can provide a
mental operating principle of PSP is oxygen quench- global map of surface pressure with a spatial resol-
ing of luminescence from the paint. Light intensity ution primarily limited by the pixel resolution of the
emitted by the paint is measured by a photodetector, imaging device. Comprehensive reviews of PSP have
and is inversely proportional to the local air pressure. been written by Liu et al. [2], Bell et al. [3], and Liu
Conventional paint formulations were first applied to and Sullivan [4].
wind tunnel testing in the late 1980s and early 1990s, Typical paint formulations are comprised of the
luminescent molecule, known as the luminophore,
*Corresponding author: Department of Aerospace Engineering, and a binder to physically adhere the luminophore to
The Ohio State University, 328 Bolz Hall, 2036 Neil Ave, the model surface. Conventional formulations typically
Columbus, OH 43210, USA. email: jim.gregory@alumni.purdue.edu use a polymer as a binder material. The disadvantage of

JAERO243 # IMechE 2008 Proc. IMechE Vol. 222 Part G: J. Aerospace Engineering
250 J W Gregory, K Asai, M Kameda, T Liu, and J P Sullivan

the binder, however, is that it inhibits interaction of on decreasing the thickness of the paint layer, whereas
atmospheric oxygen with the embedded luminophore others have increased the diffusivity coefficient.
molecules to some degree. The slower response times Schairer [5] performed an analytical study on the
of conventional paints are largely governed by the tradeoff between signal-to-noise (SNR) ratio and fre-
rate of diffusion of gas within the binder. Conventional, quency response characteristics of PSP, as a function
polymer-based paint formulations can have response of paint thickness. As mentioned earlier, frequency
times as slow as seconds or tens of seconds, making response improves with thinner paint layers. How-
them unsuitable for evaluating unsteady aerodynamic ever, as the paint thickness decreases, the lumines-
phenomena. Many aerodynamic phenomena and cence emitted by the paint also decreases, thus
test facilities are inherently unsteady, requiring a degrading the SNR. To quantify this tradeoff, Schairer
fast-responding pressure measurement system. Facili- defined an unsteady SNR as the ratio of the unsteady
ties such as short-duration wind tunnels and shock signal amplitude to the steady noise. He found that
tubes require a paint formulation that will reach a the unsteady SNR was a maximum for a paint thick-
steady-state indicated value within the duration of the ness corresponding to 1.25-dB attenuation of the
test. Similarly, unsteady pressure phenomena in aero- unsteady signal amplitude. This optimum thickness
dynamic, acoustic, and turbomachinery testing require was found to decrease as the unsteady frequency
fast-responding instrumentation. Thus, the conven- increased.
tional paint formulations were insufficient for many The other strategy for improving the temporal
of these tests. This deficiency has motivated the devel- response characteristics of PSP is to increase the diffu-
opment of PSP for unsteady testing. This paper sivity of gas within the paint binder. This approach
describes the development and implementation of was initially attempted in order to develop PSP formu-
PSP for short-duration and unsteady testing. The next lations for cryogenic testing, where the fraction of
section details the relevant issues that govern the oxygen atoms in the test gas is quite small. Paint for-
paint response, and the chemistry and materials devel- mulations with very high oxygen permeability were
opment work that has been done to address these developed for these cryogenic applications [6–11],
issues and enhance the temporal response character- and were subsequently applied to unsteady testing.
istics of PSP. The following section discusses both The slow response time characteristic of polymer-
static and dynamic calibrations of the paint response. based conventional PSP makes it a limited tool in the
Significant modelling work has been done – first to measurement of unsteady flowfields. In order to over-
develop compensators, and later to understand the rel- come this limitation, several attempts have been
evant dynamics of the gas diffusion processes. The rel- made to find a new binder having a much larger diffu-
evant modelling work is discussed in section four. sion coefficient. The ‘porous’ material is a key to achieve
Various applications are discussed in sections five and this goal. Figure 1 schematically describes the difference
six, involving short-duration wind tunnels and between conventional polymer-based PSP and porous
unsteady applications of PSP, respectively. The paper PSP. For conventional PSP, oxygen molecules in a test
is concluded with a discussion of future development gas need to permeate into the binder layer for oxygen
work and a concluding summary. quenching. The process of oxygen permeation in a


The temporal response characteristics of PSP are pri-

marily governed by the thickness of the paint formu-
lation and the diffusion coefficient of the binder
material. Previous modelling studies, to be discussed
in later sections of this review, have shown that the
one-dimensional diffusion equation governs the dis-
tribution of oxygen within the paint layer as a func-
tion of space and time. The time constant of the
paint response, given by

tdiff / ð1Þ

indicates that the response time increases significantly

with paint thickness (h) and decreases with higher diffu- Fig. 1 Comparison of porous PSP and conventional
sion coefficient (Dm). Some investigations have focused PSP [14]

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Review of PSP 251

polymer-binder layer produces slow response times for coating to have faster time response. The details of
conventional PSP. On the other hand, the luminophore Kameda’s theory are given in section four.
in porous PSP is opened to the test gas so that the
oxygen molecules are free to interact with the lumino-
phore. The open binder creates a PSP that responds 2.1 TLC plate
much more quickly to changes in oxygen concen-
The TLC plate consists of a thin layer of adsorbent
tration, and thus pressure. A large effective surface
material, usually silica gel or aluminium oxide on
area due to the porous surface improves luminescence
an inert carrier sheet, usually aluminium foil or
intensity so that higher SNR images can be obtained.
glass. Baron et al. [12] used a commercial porous
There are various types of porous PSPs in use,
silica TLC plate as the binder to make a fast time-
depending on the type of binder (mostly inorganic
response PSP. The luminophore is applied directly
material). Baron et al. [12] first showed that submilli-
to a TLC plate by dipping or spraying. Although the
second response times can be achieved by using a
TLC-based PSP is fragile and limited to use on flat
commercial porous silica-gel thin-layer chromato-
plates, they are easy to prepare and emit relatively
graphy (TLC) plate. The luminophore is adsorbed
bright luminescence. Sakamura et al. [18, 19] applied
onto the silica gel particles on the TLC plate via inter-
TLC-PSP to measurement of pressure fluctuation due
molecular force. It was reported that the response of
to impingement of an air-jet, shock-propagation in a
this coating would reach several tens of micro-
shock tube, and starting process of a supersonic wind
seconds. Although this fragile PSP cannot be easily
tunnel. In the shock-tube experiment, a commercial
used in wind tunnel testing, Baron’s work is con-
silica-gel TLC aluminium plate (MERK, Silica gel 60)
sidered epochal because it first demonstrated that a
was used as a porous binder. The luminophore used
short response time of PSP can be obtained by
in this work, [Ru(dpp)3]2þ from GFS Chemicals, was
using a porous material as a binder.
dissolved in dichloromethane, and the TLC plate
Asai et al. [6] developed another type of porous
was then dipped in the solution to apply the lumino-
binder by using anodized aluminium layer as a
phore. It was reported that the linearity between Iref/I
binder, which was later improved by Sakaue [13, 14]
and P/Pref is relatively good near atmospheric
and called anodized-aluminium PSP (AA-PSP).
pressure and the temperature sensitivity D(Iref/I)/DT
Mosharov et al. [15] also describe the development
of this porous PSP is about 0.6 per cent/K in the
of AA-PSP at TsAGI in Russia. The anodized alu-
temperature range 285 – 300 K at 0.1 MPa, which is
minium layer is a porous material, in which there are
comparable with widely used PSP coatings.
huge numbers of highly ordered micropores with uni-
form diameter and spacing. Various types of lumino-
phores such as ruthenium complexes, porphyrines,
2.2 Anodized aluminium
and pyrenes can be adsorbed on the anodized alu-
minium surface by dipping or spraying. In contrast Anodization is an electro-chemical process. The ano-
to TLC-plate PSP, the AA-PSP can be applied to a dized aluminium layer is formed on an aluminium
curved surface, because the anodized aluminium anode in an electrolytic solution. An aluminium
layer can be formed on an arbitrary shape of alu- model is connected with a direct current power
minium. It is also noted that AA-PSP is free from the supply as anode. Aluminium plate is used as the cath-
chipping-off problem that occurs with the TLC-PSP. ode. Most commonly, dilute sulfuric acid is used
Porous PSP such as TLC-PSP and AA-PSP have as an electrolytic solution. Self-ordered structure is
response time of the order of 10 – 100 ms, so that obtained by the anodization at a constant direct cur-
they can follow pressure fluctuations at frequencies rent in the electrolyte at a constant temperature. The
of at least several kilohertz. According to Baron et al. oxide layer is formed as microscopic hexagonal cores
[12], TLC-PSP with free base tetra (pentafluorophe- of alumina, each having a central hexagonal pore.
nyl) porphyrin (H2TFPP) has a response time of less The film thickness can range from under a few micro-
than 25 ms. Mosharov et al. [15] reported that the metres to over 100 mm by changing the anodization
response time of AA-PSP was in a range of 18–90 ms, time. These micropores are formed not only on
depending on the luminophore used and on some pure aluminium but also on aluminium alloy or dur-
features of the anodization process. Sakaue and co- alumin that contains copper and magnesium.
workers [16] have shown that the time response of Figures 2(a) and (b) show a schematic of an ano-
AA-PSP with a ruthenium complex depends on the dized aluminium surface and a scanning electron
layer thickness and can reach a response time of microscope (SEM) picture. Microscopic pores of
the order of 10 ms. Kameda et al. [17] analysed the 20 – 100 nm in diameter are distributed on the ano-
principle of time response on porous AA-PSP and dized surface. In order to create such uniformly dis-
the permeation of gas into micropores. This theoreti- tributed micropores, it is necessary to conduct
cal work has provided a guideline to modify AA-PSP careful pre- and post-treatments. The procedure

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252 J W Gregory, K Asai, M Kameda, T Liu, and J P Sullivan

developed by Sakaue et al. [13, 14, 20] is described as

follows (Fig. 3).

2.2.1 Pre-treatment (step 1 and step 2)

Degrease an aluminium surface with ethanol. Then

soak the model for 3 min in dilute sodium hydroxide
solution (3 wt%), rinse with distilled water, and dry well.

2.2.2 Anodization (step 3)

Anodize the model at a constant current density of

12.5 mA/cm2 in dilute sulfuric acid (1 mol/L), at a
constant temperature (5 – 10 8C). The applied voltage,
which depends on the solution temperature, is
20 – 25 V. Continuous stirring is needed to keep uni-
form concentration and temperature of the solution
during anodization.

2.2.3 Post-treatment (step 4)

In order to remove hydrates or oxidation layer from

the anodized surface, the model is soaked in a phos-
phoric acid solution (3 wt%) for 20 min at a constant
temperature (20 – 30 8C). Finally, the model is rinsed
with distilled water and dried in a desiccator.

Fig. 3 Preparation process for anodic porous

alumina [22]

2.2.4 Luminophore application (step 5)

The anodized model is then dipped into the dye sol-

ution to apply the luminophore. The dye solution is
[Ru(dpp)3]2þ with 1, 2-dichloromethane (CH2Cl2) as
solvent. The concentration of the dye is 0.3 
1023 mol/L. One-minute long dipping is conducted
at 298 K.
The anodized aluminium layer is coated directly
on a wind tunnel model. One can coat an anodized
aluminium layer onto geometrically complicated
models by this process. Mérienne et al. [21] devel-
oped an anodizing procedure that was applied to an
aluminium tape. They adapted the anodizing pro-
cedure to a 25-cm long aluminium tape that has a
sticky side protected with a non-adhesive film. The
tape was rolled up around a cylinder connected to
Fig. 2 Schematic structure of anodized aluminium [22] the anode, immersed in the electrolytic solution and
and (b) SEM image of anodic porous alumina then anodized. Such tape can be easily placed on a
surface [14] model even when it is mounted in a wind tunnel.

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Review of PSP 253

The time response of AA-PSP depends not only on

luminescence lifetime, which imposes an ultimate
limit on the time response, but also on the thickness
(pore-depth) of the anodized aluminium layer,
because oxygen permeation to the micropores exist-
ing on the anodized aluminium layer can be described
as a diffusive phenomenon. According to Kameda
et al. [17], the time response of AA-PSP can be
improved in two ways: (a) by reducing the pore
depth and (b) by expanding the pore diameter.
Hangai et al. [22] conducted a systematic investi-
gation on time response for AA-PSP having different
layer thickness (pore depth) and pore size (diameter).
Figure 4 shows the evolution of the anodized alu-
minium layer fabricated according to the above-
mentioned method for three different voltages, 15,
20, and 25 V. It is clear that the pore depth is pro-
portional to the anodizing time in all cases. At a
given current density, the rate at which the alumina
layer is formed is faster at higher anodization voltages. Fig. 5 SEM images of anodic porous alumina surfaces
On the other hand, the diameter of anodic porous anodized in sulfuric acid solution at different
alumina is proportional to the anodization voltage. anodizing voltages [22]
Figure 5 shows SEM images of the surface for anodic
oxide samples formed at different anodization vol- layer is observed. It is seen from Fig. 6 that the time
tages. At a given current density, the anodizing voltage response of AA-PSP coatings increases with increas-
decreases for higher electrolyte temperatures. It is ing pore depth of the anodized aluminium layer.
seen that the diameter of anodic porous alumina The pore diameter is constant at 25 nm. The response
increases with increasing anodization voltage. The time decreases from 40 to 2 ms by reducing the pore
average pore diameters for 15, 20, and 25 V are 18 + depth from 10 to 1 mm.
3, 21 + 4, and 25 + 3 nm, respectively. The effects of pore diameter on the response time
The effects of pore depth on the response time are are shown in Fig. 7. It is seen that, even though the
shown in Fig. 6. The time response of a PSP sample pore depth is kept constant, the response time
was evaluated from an image of a shock wave travel- decreases as the pore diameter increases. For the
ing in a shock tube at 610 m/s. In this experiment, cases of constant pore depth, the response time is
Pyrene butyric acid (PBA) was used as the sensor inversely proportional to the pore diameter that is
molecule. PBA is a fluorescent dye having a lifetime consistent with the theoretical model. Of all samples,
on the order of tens nanoseconds, so that a pure the PSP with the largest pore diameter (25 nm) and
effect of diffusion process in anodized aluminium the smallest pore depth (0.6 mm) showed the fastest
time response (1.8 ms). Improvement of response
time would be possible by increasing the pore

Fig. 4 Relation between pore depth and anodization Fig. 6 Effects of pore depth on time response (pore
time [22] diameter is 25 nm) [22]

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254 J W Gregory, K Asai, M Kameda, T Liu, and J P Sullivan

Fig. 8 Schematic of hydrophobic AA-PSP: (a) Adsorption

Fig. 7 Effects of pore diameter on time response (pore of amphipathic molecules and PSP dyes (b)
depth is 7 mm) [22] Chemical adsorption of amphipathic molecules

diameter further. The pore diameter increases in pro-

portion to the voltage for anodization. For the case of of a reduction in pore size by hydrophobic mono-
sulfuric acid, the maximum voltage is around 27 V, so coating. The response time of 150 ms obtained from
corresponding pore diameter is limited from 30 to AA-PSP with myristic acid is a factor of three greater
50 nm. The pore diameter can be increased further than that of AA-PSP without hydrophobic monocoat-
by using electrolyte other than sulfuric acid. For ing. Results suggest that a longer hydrophobic sub-
example, anodic porous alumina with a pore diam- strate gives better hydrophobic and steady-state
eter of 100 nm can be fabricated by using phosphoric characteristics but reduces the time response.
acid as an electrolyte. Various types of luminophores including ruthe-
Porous aluminium surfaces are usually covered nium complexes, porphyrin, and pyrene derivatives
with aluminium hydrate soon after anodization. can be adsorbed on the porous aluminium by dipping
Such hydrate layer exists in gel-like form and causes or spraying. There are two adsorption types; one is
an adverse effect on stability and uniformity of physical and the other is chemical. In the physical
AA-PSP. To prevent aging of AA-PSP, the hydrate adsorption, the molecules are adsorbed onto the sur-
later must be removed before dipping the model in face of anodized aluminium by intermolecular (van
dye solution. This process can be done by soaking der Waals) force and weak electrostatic force. For
the model in a phosphoric acid solution for 10 – example, [Ru(dpp)3]2þ is adsorbed onto the anodized
20 min at a constant temperature (20 – 30 8C). Care aluminium by the physical adsorption. It is noted
must be taken not to exceed this immersion time that ruthenium complex is a polar molecule. The
otherwise the anodized layer would be removed. adsorbed molecules can be removed from the surface
One of the major problems of AA-PSP is that it has by polar solvents acting with stronger intermolecular
considerable humidity sensitivity due to the hydro- force on the luminophore than on the anodized alu-
philic nature of anodized aluminium. In order to sup- minium. The TLC-PSP is basically the adsorptive
press the humidity sensitivity, Sakaue et al. [23, 24] coating using this physical adsorption.
developed a hydrophobic AA-PSP, in which amphi- Amao et al. [25] developed the chemical adsorption
pathic molecules are adsorbed on the anodized technique to form the pressure-sensitive coating on
aluminium. A schematic description of the hydro- anodized aluminium. They showed that the mol-
phobic AA-PSP is shown in Fig. 8. Alkanoic acids ecules with a carboxyl or sulfonic group such as tetra-
with the carbon chain lengths of six (hexanoic acid), kis (4-carboxyphenyl) porphyrin (H2TCPP), pyrene
12 (dodecanoic acid), and 14 (myristic acid) can be butylic acid (PBA), and pyrene sulfonic acid (PSA)
used as amphipathic molecules. A longer carbon can be adsorbed onto the anodized aluminium via
chain gives a better hydrophobic surface. The lumi- dehydrate ester reaction. Since the molecules are
nophores and the amphipathic molecules are separ- adsorbed onto the anodized aluminium by chemical
ately adsorbed on the anodized aluminium. The bonding, the luminophore cannot be removed with
aluminium model was dipped first in the dye sol- any polar solvents. Mérienne et al. [21] tested two
ution, then in the alkanoic acid solution. A hydro- types of AA-PSP: PBA and PSA. They found that the
phobic nature was effectively achieved via this PBA-based coating had an aging problem associated
procedure. The resulting PSP greatly reduces the with desorption of water molecules adsorbed at the
luminescence change caused by water adsorption surface. There was no stability problem observed
from a test gas. The response time increases because with the PSA compound. Emission spectra measured

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Review of PSP 255

from different samples of AA-PSP showed that a fraction was higher. The relative weighting of polymer
higher luminescence level is obtained with PSA and ceramic particles were tailored to minimize time
samples. Sakaue [26] conducted extensive studies of response while maintaining a physically robust film.
dipping deposition method on AA-PSP. Studies Scroggin used both platinum(II) octaethylporphine
included the solvent dependency on the application, (PtOEP) and [Ru(4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline)3]
and the steady-state and unsteady-state characteriz- Cl2 ([Ru (dpp)3]2þ) as luminophores, where the lumi-
ations, such as the luminescent signal level, pressure nophore was dissolved in a solvent applied to the
sensitivity, and response time. Solvents were varied polymer/ceramic binder through a dipping process.
by their polarity index. It was found that the solvent The Pt(OEP) luminophore exhibited greater pressure
in the dipping deposition greatly influences the lumi- sensitivity. The response times of the polymer/cer-
nophore application onto anodized aluminium, the amic paint formulations developed by Scroggin were
luminescent signal level, and the pressure sensitivity, on the order of 60 ms.
but does not greatly affect the response time. Soumagne-Schweyckart et al. [30] also developed a
PSP formulation based on hard particles, where
alumina was used to bind silica particles to the
2.3 Polymer/ceramic model. Pyrene derivatives were used as the lumino-
phore, and the paint was airbrushed onto the
Polymer/ceramic PSP (PC-PSP) is a hybrid formulation model. The step response of this formulation was as
that was developed specifically to improve the diffusiv- fast as the solenoid valve could characterize, but the
ity of the binder material, thus allowing faster response surface roughness of the particles was quite high
times. The formulation is a mixture of a high concen- (45 or 15 mm).
tration of ceramic particles with a small amount of poly- Gregory [31–33] further developed PC-PSP for test-
mer to physically hold the ceramic particles to the ing where a tape cast binder could not be used. In this
surface. The ceramic particles serve as binding locations work, a sprayable formulation of the polymer/ceramic
for the luminophore molecules. Ponomarev and was developed by diluting the solution with distilled
Gouterman [27] first proposed the concept of using a water and maintaining a low polymer weight fraction.
polymer/ceramic hybrid formulation to improve the The ceramic slurry solution was prepared from dis-
frequency response of PSP. Scroggin et al. [28, 29] also tilled water, dispersant (D-3021, Rohm & Haas), and
developed polymer/ceramic paints based on either Alu- TiO2 particles (DuPont R-900 TiPure). For every gram
minium Oxide (Al2O3) or Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) par- of water, 1.72 g of TiO2 and 12 mg of dispersant were
ticles in a small amount of polymer, resulting in the added, and the solution was ball milled for 1 h. A poly-
highly porous structure seen in Fig. 9. The polymer/cer- mer emulsion (B-1000, Rohm & Haas) was then added
amic formulation was applied to a Mylar film through a to the ceramic slurry by a weight fraction of 3.5 per
tape casting process. The tape casting process involves cent. This paint binder formulation was then stirred
the spreading of the ceramic slurry in a uniform, thin for several minutes and then airbrushed over a
layer over the Mylar surface through the use of a doctor’s model surface in a relatively thin layer, on the order
blade swept across the surface of the film. The resulting of 5-mm thick. A luminophore solution, typically
binder layers ranged from 100 to 200 mm thick. Scroggin
found that the time response of the resulting paint
formulation decreased with decreasing fraction of poly-
mer. Polymer/ceramic films exhibited more robust
physical characteristics, however, when the polymer

Fig. 10 Schematic of PC-PSP structure, with the

luminophore adsorbed to the ceramic particles.
(Reprinted with permission from Gregory J.W.
Sullivan, J.P. Wanis, S., and Komerath, N.M.
Pressure-sensitive paint as a distributed optical
microphone array. J. Accoust. Soc. Am., 2006,
Fig. 9 SEM image of polymer/ceramic binder 119(1), 251–261. Copyright 2006, American
formulation from a tape-casting procedure [29] Institute of Physics [97])

JAERO243 # IMechE 2008 Proc. IMechE Vol. 222 Part G: J. Aerospace Engineering
256 J W Gregory, K Asai, M Kameda, T Liu, and J P Sullivan

Fig. 12 Chemical structure of poly(TMSP)

approximately by a factor of eight. Having such high

oxygen permeability, poly(TMSP) exhibits much
Fig. 11 SEM images of silicon nanorod porous faster time response than other polymer matrixes.
structure [34] Asai et al. [7, 8] used poly (TMSP) as a binder for a
high performance PSP. This paint can be dissolved in
[Ru(dpp)3]2þ dissolved in methanol, was then over- a common solvent like toluene or hexane. It is appli-
sprayed on the polymer/ceramic binder. The resulting cable on model surface using a standard airbrush.
structure of the PC-PSP is shown schematically in Platinum porphyrins such as PtOEP or PtPFPP can
Fig. 10. Gregory’s sprayable form of polymer/ceramic be used as sensor molecules. Figure 13 shows the
exhibited response times as low as 25 ms. time response of luminescent intensity for various
paints to a step change in pressure from vacuum to
one atmosphere. Figure 13(a) shows the reference
2.4 Silicon nanorods data obtained by a Kulitew pressure transducer.
Figure 13(b) to (d) represent data for poly(DMS)
Another binder formulation currently under develop- (GP197w), AA-PSP, and poly(TMSP), respectively. It
ment is based on nanofabrication techniques. Bencic is seen that poly (DMS)-based PSP is very slow and
and VanderWal [34] are developing silicon nanorods its time constant is on the order of several seconds.
as a porous binder. The nanofabricated structure On the other hand, the response of poly(TMSP) PSP
shows promise as a binder material because of its is much faster compared with conventional polymer-
high surface area, as shown in the SEM images in based paints, although it is slower than AA-PSP.
Fig. 11. Practical issues such as constructing a Teduka et al. [36, 37] conducted systematic study
binder large enough to cover a wind tunnel model on the response characteristics of poly(TMSP)-PSP.
have yet to be worked out. Figures 14 and 15 represent the time response time
for poly(TMSP)-PSP for different conditions. The
response time of poly(TMSP)-PSP is on the order of
2.5 Poly(TMSP)
10 ms. This value would be sufficiently small for use
Poly[1-(trimethylsilyl)-1-propyne], abbreviated here in intermittent wind tunnel where the test duration
as poly(TMSP), is a high molecular-weight polymer is less than 1 s. It is noted that the response time of
that was first synthesized by Masuda et al. [35]. It is poly(TMSP)-PSP is not dependent on temperature,
glassy material with a large free volume, having a low suggesting the classical diffusion theory does not
diffusion barrier to oxygen. Figure 12 shows the chemi- hold for poly(TMSP).
cal structure of poly(TMSP) and Table 1 compares the One critical issue for the poly(TMSP)-PSP is the stab-
properties of poly(TMSP) with those for a common ility of its pressure sensitivity [10]. A reduction in the gas
PSP binder, poly (dimethylsiloxane)(poly(DMS)). As permeability of the poly(TMSP) was investigated by
is seen, the diffusion coefficient (D) of poly(TMSP) Nagai et al. [38, 39] in terms of the membrane thickness
is comparable to that of poly(DMS), but this value is and the storage environment. The effects of
extremely high compared with other glassy polymers. physical aging were observed with thinner membranes
On the other hand, the solubility (S) of poly(TMSP) is and under vacuum conditions compared with storage
seven times higher than that of poly(DMS). As a in air. To stabilize the permeability of the TMSP
result, the permeability (P ¼ SD) of poly(TMSP) to membrane, a poly(1-trimethylsilyl-1-propyne-co-1-
oxygen amounts to larger than poly(DMS) phenyl-1-propyne) [poly(TMSP-co-PP)] membrane

Table 1 Comparison of poly(TMSP) and poly(DMS) properties

O2 permeability coefficient
(cm3(STP) cm  Diffusion (cm3(STP)  Glass transition
Polymer 1010/cm2 s cm Hg) cm2/s  106 104/cm3 cm Hg) temperature 8C

Poly(DMS) 960 (35 8C) 40 (35 8C) 24 (35 8C) 2127

Poly(TMSP) 7700 (30 8C) 47 (30 8C) 170 (30 8C) .200

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Fig. 14 Effect of coating thickness on time response

characteristics of poly(TMSP)-PSP, T ¼ 313.1 K.
(From Asai et al. [52], Copyright 2001, IEEE)

co-polymerized PSP. This PSP is composed of

a metallporphyrin of platinum tetrakis(penta-
fluorophenyl)porphyrin and a copolymer of poly
(PtTFPP-PSP). It is reported that PtTFPP-PSP visual-
ized a periodic unsteady flow of a 5-ms cycle, created
by a rotating disk. These new compounds, whose
chemical structures are illustrated in Fig. 16, could
improve the performance of current fast responding
PSP formulations.

2.6 Luminophore considerations

2.6.1 Lifetime

PSP is based on the oxygen quenching process of

luminescence. Here, a brief description of the fun-
damental photochemical processes involved in the
Fig. 13 Time response of various PSPs to a step change
in pressure, (a) kulite sensor (reference), (b)
PtOEP/poly(DMS), (c) AA-PSP, and (d) poly
(TMSP)-PSP [7]

was prepared by the same group. Poly(TMSP-co-PP)

has the same unit of poly(1-phenyl-1-propyne),
which membrane has stable permeability. The
poly(TMSP-co-PP) membrane containing 10 mol% PP
had both high permeability and good stability.
Hah et al. [40] synthesized a new co-polymer-
composed of poly(ethynylplatinumporphyrin) and
trimethylsilylpropyne. This PSP provides chemical
bonding of luminophore and polymer to create a
single compound so that it could eliminate lumines-
cent quenching due to aggregation of dye molecules
during evaporation process. Also, the preparation is
simple with uniform quality because of a single com- Fig. 15 Effect of temperature on time response
pound. Based on the work of Hah et al., Sakaue et al. characteristics of poly(TMSP)-PSP, h ¼ 8.2 mm.
[24] have introduced a similar luminophore-pendant (From Asai et al. [52], Copyright 2001, IEEE)

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258 J W Gregory, K Asai, M Kameda, T Liu, and J P Sullivan

of the excited molecules with the surrounding

components. Oxygen is an extraordinarily effective
quencher. The rate of all the radiationless processes
depends on temperature, whereas this is not the case
for luminescence. Hereafter, all radiationless processes
except oxygen quenching are referred to as ‘thermal
The instantaneous number of molecules at each
state is governed by the first-order rate equation

Fig. 16 New copolymer-based PSPs. ((a) From ¼ kn ð2Þ
reference [40], copyright Wiley-VCH Verlag
GmbH & Co. KGaA, preproduced with
where n is the number of the molecules per unit
permission, and (b) from reference [24])
volume and k is the rate constant. Each of the
processes described in Fig. 17 has an associated rate
PSP is given [3, 4]. Then, a mathematical model will constant. The solution of equation (2) is n ¼ n0
be derived, which is used in practical PSP measure- exp(2kt), where n0 denotes the initial number of
ments. For simplicity, the derivation is not rigorous molecules. Thus, the number of molecules decays
from a scientific point of view. exponentially. The characteristic decay time is rep-
The processes of luminescence are described with resented by the reciprocal of the rate constant 1/k.
the aid of the Jablonski energy level diagram The number of excited molecules per unit volume
(Fig. 17). This diagram shows the different photo- n* is governed by
excited states of a luminophore molecule with the
energy of each represented by its height above the dn  
ground state S0. The molecule has its electrons þ kE þ kT þ kQ n ¼ F a ð3Þ
arranged in a different combination of the electron
orbits and spin orientations in each electronic state.
where the subscripts E, T, and Q denote emission of
The states are divided into the singlet system (S0, S1,
luminescence, thermal deactivation, and oxygen
S2, . . .) and the triplet system (T1, T2, . . .), which rep-
quenching, respectively. a is the rate of absorption
resent the different spin orientations.
of photons by the luminophore. F* is the fraction of
Nearly all of the molecules are in the ground state at
absorbed photons that produce luminophore mol-
room temperature. The molecule is then excited by
ecules in the excited state.
absorbing a photon from the excitation light. The
The rate of luminescence emission is linearly pro-
excited electrons return to the ground state via radia-
portional to the excited molecules and the rate con-
tive and radiationless processes. Emitting a photon
stant of emission, e ¼ kEn*. Thus, equation (3)
by radiative process is called ‘luminescence’. Fluor-
escence is the luminescence via the transition from
S1 to S0, whereas phosphorescence is that from T1 to
S0. The radiationless processes include internal de e
þ ¼ k E F a ð4Þ
conversion, intersystem crossing, and quenching. dt t
The quenching is caused by bimolecular interaction
where t denotes the ‘lifetime’ of luminescence, which

t¼ ð5Þ
kE þ kT þ kQ

The rate constant of emission is an intrinsic value

of the luminophore, which is independent of its sur-
rounding environment, including temperature. On
the contrary, the rate constants of thermal deactiva-
tion and quenching depend on the environment.
The rate constant of thermal deactivation depends
Fig. 17 Jablonski diagram [102] on temperature T. The dependence is approximated

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by the Arrhenius law the layer surface (Henry’s law)

DET ½O2  ¼ SpO2 ¼ SxO2 p ð11Þ
kT ðT Þ ¼ kT1 exp  ð6Þ
where S is the solubility of oxygen in the binder, xO2 is
where kT1, DET, and R are the rate constant at infinite the mole fraction of oxygen in the gas (xO2 is 0.21 for
temperature, the activation energy, and universal gas air), and p is the pressure. The solubility of diatomic
constant, respectively. gas in the polymer binders is not affected by the
The rate constant of quenching is linearly pro- temperature range used in the wind tunnel [41],
portional to the concentration of oxygen [O2] although, in general, it depends on temperature.
The proportional factor kQ depends on the reaction
kQ ¼ kQ ½O2  ð7Þ mechanism of luminophore and oxygen. Assume that
the luminophore is uniformly distributed in the
where kQ denotes the factor depending primarily on binder and the diffusion of oxygen in the binder con-
the properties of the binder (discussed later). trols the colliding rate of the oxygen molecules to the
Note that kT is almost independent of the binder of luminophore. Such a situation can be described by
the luminophore. Thus, the lifetime without oxygen the Smolchowski equation
quenching ([O2] ¼ 0)
¼ 4psaD½O2 n ð12Þ
1 dt
t0 ¼ ð8Þ
kE þ kT ðT Þ
Thus, the proportional factor kQ is equal to 4psa D. s is
is regarded as intrinsic to the luminophore. This value the sum of molecular radii of oxygen and of the lumi-
imposes an ultimate limit on the time response of the nophore. D is the sum of the diffusivities of oxygen and
PSP. This limit becomes important for the time of luminophore (usually negligible) in the binder. a is
response of porous PSP; however, it is relatively the probability of reaction. kQ is a function of tempera-
unimportant for the time response of polymer-based ture due to the temperature dependence of the diffu-
PSP, which is governed by slow oxygen diffusion in sivity of oxygen in the binder, whose relation is
the binder. described using the Arrhenius relation
DðT Þ ¼ D1 exp  ð13Þ
2.6.2 Sensitivity RT

If the oxygen concentration is varied much slower where D1 and DED denote the diffusivity at infinite
than the lifetime t0, the emission rate at the constant temperature and the activation energy of diffusion,
illumination is governed by the steady solution respectively.
(de/dt ¼ 0) of equation (4) Combining equations (10) and (11), the relation
between the emission rate and the pressure can be
e e0
¼ ð9Þ obtained
t t0
e0 kE þ kT ðT Þ þ kQ ðT ÞSxO2 p
where e0 denotes the emission rate without oxygen ¼ ð14Þ
quenching. The ratio of emissions is e kE þ kT ðT Þ

e0 t kE þ kT ðT Þ þ kQ ½O2  The pressure sensitivity ep, which is defined as the

¼ ¼ ¼ 1 þ KSV ½O2  ð10Þ relative change of emission rate per unit pressure, is
e t0 kE þ kT ðT Þ

p @e  kQ ðT ÞSxO2 p
Equation (10) is known as the Stern – Volmer equa- ep ;  ¼
e @p T kE þ kT ðT Þ þ kQ ðT ÞSxO2 p
tion where KSV ¼ t0kQ denotes the Stern – Volmer
constant. The Stern – Volmer equation indicates that 1
¼ 1 þ   ð15Þ
the emission rate is inversely proportional to the con- 1 þ t0 ðT ÞkQ p; T
centration of oxygen. Thus, the maximum intensity of
luminescence is obtained in the oxygen-free The sensitivity has negative value because the
conditions. emission rate decreases as the pressure increases.
When the PSP layer is exposed to a steady pressure Equation (15) implies that the maximum sensitivity
field, the oxygen concentration in the layer is pro- (¼ – 1) can be obtained when the rate constant kQ
portional to the partial pressure of oxygen gas on (¼ kQSxO2p) is much larger than the intrinsic lifetime

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260 J W Gregory, K Asai, M Kameda, T Liu, and J P Sullivan

of luminescence t0. This condition can be achieved 2.6.3 Common luminophores in use
by using the binder with large solubility and (or)
large gas diffusivity. Three families of luminophores are commonly used in
The luminescent intensity I detected by optical PSP measurement (Fig. 18): (a) metalloporphyrin, (b)
devices is proportional to the total emission flux per ruthernium complexes, and (c) pyrene derivatives.
unit surface area Metalloporphyrin. Metalloporphyrins have a
ðd high-quantum yield of phosphorescence emission.
I ¼C e dz ð16Þ The high phosphorescent yield results from the
0 nearly unity triplet quantum yield, so that no fluor-
escence is emitted from them. They are very sensitive
where d the thickness of the PSP layer and C a con- to oxygen. Platinum tetra(pentafluorophenyl)porphine
stant depending on the experimental setup. To elim- (PtTFPP, distributed from Frontier Science), shown in
inate an ad hoc parameter like C, generally the ratio of Fig. 18(a), is now widely used in PSP measurements.
intensities at known and unknown pressures are Absorption and emission spectra of PtTFPP in a poly-
used. A reference intensity Iref is measured at p ¼ mer binder (fluoroacrylic polymer (FIB), distributed
pref and T ¼ Tref. Then, the intensity at arbitrary by Innovative Scientific Solutions, Inc.) is shown in
pressure and temperature I(p, T ) is Fig. 19 [3]. The absorption spectrum has a global maxi-
mum at 392 nm and two much lower maxima at 506
Iref e p and 538 nm. The first maximum corresponds to exci-
  ¼  ref  ¼ AðT Þ þ BðT Þ
I p; T e p; T pref tation from S0 to S2 and the following two to S1. The
kE þ kT ðT Þ maximum of emission spectrum is obtained at at
AðT Þ ¼  ; 650 nm. The lifetime of luminescence at vacuum and
kE þ kT ðTref Þ þ kQ pref ; Tref
  atmospheric conditions (at 300 K) are 85 and 10 ms,
kQ pref ; T respectively [41]. These values are much longer than
BðT Þ ¼  
kE þ kT ðTref Þ þ kQ pref ; Tref the lifetimes of ruthenium complexes and pyrene
ð17Þ derivatives (shown later). PtTFPP is relatively
photo-stable: the decay of luminescent intensity with
continuous illumination is 1.5 per cent/h [42].
This relationship is referred to as the Stern – Volmer
equation, which is frequently used in practical PSP Ruthenium complexes. Luminescent tran-
measurements. The sum of the coefficients A and B
sition-metal-ligand complexes are commonly used
is equal to unity at T ¼ Tref. The coefficient B has
as oxygen sensors in analytical chemistry. Many
similar meaning to equation (15), so that B can be
ruthenium (II) complexes with a-diimine ligands
used to represent the pressure sensitivity.
exhibit single, charge-transfer luminescences, high-
photochemical stability, and rather long-lived, exci-
ted-state decays [43]. Among them, [Ru(dpp)3]2þ
(tris(4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline) ruthenium (II)
dichloride, distributed by GFS Chemical), shown in
Fig. 18(b), is frequently selected as the dye for PSP

Fig. 19 Absorption and emission spectra of PtTFPP in

FIB [3] (data compiled from references [103]
Fig. 18 Common PSP dyes and [42])

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The remarkable advantages of [Ru(dpp)3]2þ for PSP

measurements are flexible excitation, single emission
peak, large oxygen sensitivity, and photochemical
stability. [Ru(dpp)3]2þ has an absorption spectrum
peak at 500 nm and exhibits a broad absorption
band around the peak (Fig. 20), which enables the
use of various visible (blue or green) light sources
such as light-emitting diode (LED) arrays or an
argon-ion laser. Its emission spectrum has a peak at
646 nm, which is well separated from the absorption.
The single emission is in contrast to phosphorescent
organic molecules, which exhibit some degree of flu-
orescence and phosphorescence with a very different
oxygen-quenching sensitivity. Its lifetime of 1.8 ms
at vacuum and 0.13 ms at atmospheric air is suitable
for application to unsteady pressure measurements
[44]. The high photochemical stability is preferable
in practical wind tunnel testing. A drawback of
[Ru(dpp)3]2þ is its large temperature sensitivity.
Figure 21 shows the Stern–Volmer plot and
temperature dependency of the AA-PSP with
[Ru(dpp)3]2þ [17, 45]. The ruthenium AA-PSP has a
large pressure sensitivity (the Stern–Volmer coefficient
B, the slope of Fig. 21(a), is 0.8). However, it has –1.5
per cent/8C of temperature sensitivity at p ¼ 100 kPa
and T ¼ 293 K. The decay of luminescent intensity
with continuous illumination is 3.7 per cent/h [17]. Fig. 21 Pressure (a) and temperature (b) sensitivities of
Recently, Sakaue et al. [23] developed a novel fab- Ruthenium AA-PSP. Chemisorption of myristic
rication procedure to reduce the temperature sensi- acid is effective to reduce the temperature
tivity (as well as humidity sensitivity) of the sensitivity. (Data assembled from references
ruthenium AA-PSP. They applied alkanoic acid (e.g. [17] and [45])
myristic acid) onto the anodized aluminium surface
simultaneously with the dye. Figure 21 shows that
the application can dramatically reduce the tempera- quenching plays a role in their deactivation mechan-
ture sensitivity to – 0.5 per cent/8C whereas its high ism. They also display strong fluorescence with high
pressure sensitivity is retained. quantum yield and low temperature sensitivity
( 0.2 per cent/8C at p ¼ 1 bar) [46]. However, they
usually exhibit severe photodegradation due to subli- Pyrene derivatives. Polycyclic aromatic mation/evaporation or due to UV irradiation [47].
hydrocarbons are also used in oxygen sensing. Absorption and emission spectra of a pyrene-based
Among them, pyrene and its derivatives are frequently AA-PSP is shown in Fig. 22 [48]. Pyrene-1-butyric acid
used in PSP measurements. In contrast to almost all (PBA) was chemically adsorbed onto porous ano-
the organic fluorophores, they have a long fluor- dized alumina surface via dehydration process [17,
escence lifetime (t0  200 ns), so that oxygen

Fig. 20 Absorption and emission spectra of Fig. 22 Absorption and emission spectra of PBA on
[Ru(dpp)3]2þ on anodized aluminium [48] anodized aluminium [48]

JAERO243 # IMechE 2008 Proc. IMechE Vol. 222 Part G: J. Aerospace Engineering
262 J W Gregory, K Asai, M Kameda, T Liu, and J P Sullivan

49]. The absorption spectrum has twin peaks at the pressure sensitivity increases for porous paints,
328 and 344 nm. The emission spectrum has a as shown in Fig. 23. This is because the open structure
global maximum at 464 nm and two much lower of the paint allows the luminophore molecules to be
maxima at 379 and 386 nm. Although absolute mostly quenched at the higher pressures, thus
values are slightly different from the literature [50], decreasing the sensitivity of the PSP at conditions
the global and local maxima are attributed to the near atmosphere. Another typical calibration curve
excimer formed from two pyrene molecules and the for PC-PSP is shown in Fig. 24. Here the pressure
monomer of pyrene molecules, respectively. The response is linear over a wide range of pressures,
excimer formation of PBA is reduced by but the PSP response of this particular paint formu-
co-chemisorbed hydrocarbon with a long alkyl lation exhibits significant temperature sensitivity.
chain [50]. The excimer formation is also suppressed
using the pyrene derivatives with longer hydrocarbon
chains (e.g. decanoic or dodenanoic acids) [50]. 3.2 Dynamic calibrations
With the development of porous PSP, there has been
a need for accurate characterization of the response
times of PSP. Dynamic calibration methods have
been developed to meet this need. The dynamic cali-
Calibrations of PSP response can be performed either
bration methods currently in use are described as fol-
a priori or in situ. Static calibrations involve the
lows, and summarized in Table 2. The ideal dynamic
determination of the sensitivity of the paint response,
calibration device should provide a known flowfield
relating intensity ratio to a pressure ratio (typically
at sufficiently high frequency, where the paint
referenced to atmospheric conditions). Dynamic cali-
response may be directly compared to a known stan-
brations involve the determination of paint frequency
dard. Dynamic calibrations should provide infor-
response, indicating the amplitude attenuation and
mation about the signal amplitude and phase delay
phase delay as a function of applied waveform fre-
as a function of frequency; thus establishing the
quency. Both calibrations provide essential infor-
limits of the paint response or enabling dynamic
mation for test planning.
compensators to be built.

3.1 Stern – Volmer static calibrations 3.2.1 Shock tube

Porous PSP formulations exhibit unique pressure The most common unsteady calibration device is the
response behaviour, as shown in the AA-PSP cali- shock tube [16, 22, 36, 37, 52, 53]. The shock tube is a
bration curves of Fig. 23. The theoretical pressure device with two components, the driver section and
response of PSP is governed by the Stern–Volmer the driven section, separated by a diaphragm
relationship [1, 51], often expressed as shown in (Fig. 25). The driver section is at an elevated pressure
equation (17). This description of the PSP behaviour and the driven section is at a much lower pressure.
typically holds for conventional paint formulations When the diaphragm is burst, the pressure differen-
over a wide range of pressures. For porous PSPs such tial between the two sections creates a travelling
as anodized aluminium, however, the linear Stern– compression wave that moves down the tube and
Volmer expression is only applicable to higher press- an expansion fan that moves up the tube. The shock
ures about ambient. As conditions approach vacuum wave created by the burst diaphragm provides a

Fig. 23 Typical calibration curves for porous PSP, showing the response of AA-PSP doped with
various luminophore molecules [20]

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Fig. 25 Typical experimental setup of shock tube for

response time calibration of PSP [20]

Fig. 24 Typical calibration curves for PC-PSP [31] recorded as the shock passes the measurement point
[16]. Alternatively, an image-intensified charge
rapid step change in pressure. The magnitude of the coupled device (CCD) camera may be used with full-
pressure jump is related to the speed of the propagat- field illumination to image the passage of the shock
ing shock wave, which depends upon the pressure wave [52].
differential between the driver and driven sections. The shock tube is well suited for response time
When PSP is calibrated in the shock tube, it is measurements. It creates a large-amplitude pressure
mounted flush with the wall of the tube, allowing change, and the pressure change occurs quite rapidly.
the shock wave to pass undisturbed over the paint A disadvantage of this setup is that frequency
surface. A reference pressure transducer is mounted response data such as phase delay and amplitude
in the wall of the shock tube, and a laser is used for attenuation are not obtainable.
point measurement of the PSP signal. The lumines-
cent signal from the paint is monitored with a photo-
multiplier tube, and the step response of the paint is 3.2.2 Solenoid valve

The solenoid valve is another common method of

Table 2 Summary of dynamic calibration techniques PSP response time calibration [12, 15, 52, 54 – 58].
An enclosed test cell is constructed with a PSP
Calibration Time Pressure sample inside at a given pressure, as shown in
method scale (DT ) change (DP) Reference
Fig. 26. The solenoid valve, which is connected to
Shock tube 1 ms 1 atm Sakaue and an external supply of a different pressure, is quickly
Sullivan [16] opened to create a step change in pressure. The open-
Asai et al. [52]
Hangai et al. ing time of a typical solenoid valve is on the order of a
[4, 22] few hundred microseconds [12].
Teduka et al.
[36, 37, 53]
Solenoid valve 1 ms 1 atm Mosharov et al.
Baron et al.
Carroll et al.
Asai et al. [52]
Fonov et al.
[55, 56]
Winslow et al.
[57, 58]
Loudspeaker 10 ms 0.012 atm Jordan et al. [59,
Bencic [61]
Periodic shock 200 ms 1 atm Bencic [61]
Pulsating jet 667 ms 2.5 atm Sakamura et al.
[18] Fig. 26 Typical experimental setup of a solenoid valve
Fluidic oscillator 25 ms 1 atm Gregory et al. [31,
62, 63]
for response time calibration of PSP. (From
Asai et al. [52], Copyright 2001, IEEE)

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264 J W Gregory, K Asai, M Kameda, T Liu, and J P Sullivan

Solenoid valves have the advantage of being com- 3.2.5 Pulsating jet
mercially available, and the test cell is relatively
simple to construct. The valves have a characteristic Sakamura et al. [18] have developed a pulsating jet
ringing noise, however, that lasts in the order of setup for dynamic calibrations of PSP. Pulsating jets
tens of milliseconds (Fig. 14). This characteristic ring- are created by chopping a jet of fluid with a chopper-
ing, along with the relatively slow opening time of the wheel. This type of calibration setup features a high-
valve, requires corrections to determine the time dynamic pressure source, which provides good
response of any paint faster than a few milliseconds. response on the PSP sample. The pulsating frequency
In addition, the solenoid valve does not give any is limited by the dimensions of the chopper wheel,
direct indication of frequency response. the number of slots that are cut in the chopper
It should be noted that Carroll et al. [54] have wheel, and the rotational speed of the wheel. Current
applied sinusoidal and sawtooth pressure fluctu- calibration facilities are limited to pulsing frequen-
ations in a similar test cell. In this manner, they cies of 1.5 kHz. This type of setup, however, does
were able to obtain phase delay and amplitude allow for phase and amplitude data to be obtained
attenuation data to a given pressure input. The in the frequency domain, through direct comparison
pressure fluctuation frequency for these tests was with a reference pressure transducer.
limited to a few Hertz, however. This low frequency
is not high enough to adequately characterize the fre- 3.2.6 Fluidic oscillator
quency response of some of the faster paints available
today. Fluidic oscillators have been used by Gregory et al.
[31, 62, 63] as a dynamic calibration device. The
fluidic oscillator, commonly found in automotive
3.2.3 Loudspeaker
applications as a windshield washer fluid nozzle,
Loudspeakers have been used to generate an oscillat- produces an oscillating jet when supplied with a
ing sound pressure wave in a test calibration chamber pressurized fluid. The frequency of the oscillating
[59 – 61]. These devices consist of a sound source that jet increases with the supply pressure, with typical
creates pressure waves, which propagate down a test operating ranges on the order of 1 – 10 kHz. The size
cell, often setting up a pattern of standing waves. The of the oscillator also determines the oscillation
speaker can be driven with any desired waveform to frequency, with smaller devices producing higher-
produce the pressure waves. The loudspeaker cali- frequency oscillations. The advantage of the fluidic
bration setup can be driven to large frequencies, on oscillator is that it can provide high dynamic press-
the order of tens of kilohertz. The amplitude of the ures and high frequencies. If a reference transducer
pressure fluctuations, however, is rather small – on is placed in the flowfield, then the PSP response
the order of 150 dB SPL. The ability to determine may be directly compared with the known pressure
the input waveform allows the researcher to obtain time history. The flowfield of a typical fluidic oscil-
phase delay and amplitude attenuation data in the lator is shown in the schlieren images in Fig. 27.
frequency domain. When used for dynamic calibration purposes, the
PSP sample can be positioned such that the oscillat-
ing jet impinges on the PSP surface. Typical cali-
3.2.4 Periodic shock generator
bration data from this arrangement is shown in
A new calibration facility that uses rotating shock
waves is currently under development by Bencic at
NASA Glenn Research Center [61]. The dynamic cali-
bration rig capitalizes on an existing supersonic visu-
alization wind tunnel at NASA Glenn. A calibration
insert has been designed which contains a ring with
up to eight pins that rotates about a PSP sample.
The shock waves created by the pins traverse across
the paint sample at a speed proportional to the
rotational speed of the ring. With the ring rotating
at 25 000 rpm, and with eight pins installed, the facil-
ity creates an array of shock waves moving at 3.3 kHz.
The shock waves create a large-scale change in
pressure, allowing for amplitude and phase infor-
mation to be obtained in the frequency domain. Fig. 27 Schlieren images of the fluidic oscillator flow
This facility is currently under construction, and has field at two phase positions in the oscillation
not yet been used for dynamic calibrations of PSP. cycle [62]

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4.1 Time response of conventional PSP

Fast time response of PSP is typically required for
measurements in hypersonic facilities and unsteady
flows. Time response of PSP is mainly determined
by oxygen diffusion through a polymer layer, whereas
the luminescent lifetime of PSP imposes an ultimate
physical limit for an achievable temporal resolution
of PSP. In a thin homogenous PSP layer, the oxygen
concentration can be described by the one-
dimensional, unsteady diffusion equation with the
Fig. 28 Dynamic response calibration data of
zero-flux condition at the solid wall. The general sol-
TLC-PSP, calibrated with a fluidic oscillator
ution for PSP response to a change of oxygen concen-
tration can be obtained using the Laplace transform
[4]. The special solutions for a step change and a
Fig. 28, where power spectra from a Kulite pressure sinusoidal change of oxygen have been used for PSP
transducer are directly compared with data from dynamical analysis by a number of researchers [15,
PSP based on TLC plate. 54, 55, 57, 58, 68].
For a step change of oxygen, the trigonometrical-
series-type solution for the oxygen concentration
3.3 Temperature sensitivity [O2] across a polymer layer given by Carroll et al.
PSP possesses an unfortunate, inherent characteristic [54] is
of temperature sensitivity, which is one of the most sig-
nificant challenges affecting data quality. This inherent ½O2 ðt; zÞ  ½O2 min
sensitivity of PSP luminescence to temperature is due ½O2 max  ½O2 min
to both the temperature dependence of the non- X

radiative decay rate of the luminophore, as well as the ¼1 ½Ak cosðlk zÞexpðl2k Dm tÞ ð18Þ
temperature dependence of the oxygen diffusivity of k¼1

the paint binder [44]. Therefore, PSP formulations

must be calibrated for temperature sensitivity as well where Dm is the diffusivity of oxygen mass transfer, t
as pressure sensitivity. An ‘ideal’ paint formulation is time, and z is the coordinate directing from the wall
will possess a temperature sensitivity that is indepen- to the polymer layer, Ak ¼ 22(21)k/(hlk), lk ¼ (2 k 2
dent of pressure. The temperature-dependence of 1)p/(2h), [O2]max ¼ [O2] (t, h), and [O2]min ¼ [O2]
oxygen diffusion in the binder has been shown to be (0, z). Similarly, Winslow et al. [57] used the
the predominant factor for many traditional paint trigonometrical-series-type solution for a sinusoidal
formulations, and is a key characteristic of porous change of oxygen
PSP formulations. The temperature sensitivity of a
typical porous PSP formulation is shown in Fig. 24. ½O2 ðt;zÞ½O2 0 ¼
If left unaccounted for, temperature effects can be a  
significant source of error in PSP measurements [64]. 4X 1
ð1Þk1 ð2k 1Þpz
½O2 1 cos sinðv t  bk Þcosðbk Þ
Various strategies have been developed for coping p k¼1 ð2k 1Þ 2h
with the temperature sensitivity of PSP. Researchers ð19Þ
have used dual-luminophore PSP formulations to sim-
ultaneously sense pressure and temperature, infrared where
cameras to measure the temperature distribution
over a model, or temperature-sensitive paint on half  
of a symmetric model to provide both temperature 1 4h2 v
bk ¼ tan
and pressure distributions [65–67]. All of these tech- p2 ð2k 1Þ2 Dm
niques involve a determination of the temperature dis-
tribution on the model, and a subsequent accounting The constants [O2]0 and [O2]1 are given in the initial
for the temperature field in a correction of the pressure and boundary conditions [O2] (0, z) ¼ [O2]0 and [O2]
data. These methodologies are particularly important (t, h) ¼ [O2]0 þ [O2]1sin(vt).
for situations where there are significant temperature Mosharov et al. [15] also presented the
gradients in space and time, and where the trigonometrical-series-type solution of the diffusion
temperature-sensitivity of the paint is substantial. equation in a similar form to equation (18) for a

JAERO243 # IMechE 2008 Proc. IMechE Vol. 222 Part G: J. Aerospace Engineering
266 J W Gregory, K Asai, M Kameda, T Liu, and J P Sullivan

step change at a surface. Note that they defined a of the order of 0.1–1 s. Therefore, a conventional
coordinate system in such a way that the air –paint non-porous polymer PSP has slow time response,
interface was at z ¼ 0 and the wall was at z ¼ h. For and it is not suitable to unsteady pressure
a sinusoidal change of oxygen [O2](t, 0) ¼ [O2]0 þ measurements.
[O2]1 sin(vt) at the air – paint interface, they gave a
solution composed of two harmonic terms, that is
4.2 Optimum thickness
½O2 ðt; zÞ ¼ ½O2 0 þ ½O2 1 ½X ðg; z Þ sinðvtÞ Schairer [5] studied the pressure response of PSP
þ Y ðg; z0 Þ cosðvtÞ ð20Þ based on the solution of the diffusion equation,
equation (20), given by Mosharov et al. [15]. In a sim-
where g ¼ (vh 2/Dm)1/2 is a non-dimensional fre- pler notation, the luminescent intensity integrated
quency and z0 ¼ z/h is a non-dimensional coordinate over a paint layer is expressed as
normal to the wall. The coefficients in equation (20) ðh
are expðb zÞ
IðtÞ ¼ C dz ð23Þ
0 a þ k½O2 ðt; zÞ
X ðg; z0 Þ
pffiffiffi pffiffiffi where b is the extinction coefficient for the excitation
cos h½ 2 g ð1  z0 =2Þ cosðg z0 = 2Þ light, C is a proportional constant, and a and k are the
pffiffiffi pffiffiffi
þ cos½ 2 g ð1  z0 =2Þ cos hðg z0 = 2Þ coefficients. In the quasi-steady case, the indicated
¼ pffiffiffi pffiffiffi
cos hð 2 gÞ þ cosð 2 gÞ pressure by PSP is
Y ðg; z0 Þ
pffiffiffi pffiffiffi ½Iref =IðtÞ  A
sin h½ 2 g ð1  z0 =2Þ sinðg z0 = 2Þ pPSP ðtÞ ¼ ð24Þ
pffiffiffi pffiffiffi B
þ sin½ 2 g ð1  z0 =2Þ sin hðg z0 = 2Þ
¼ pffiffiffi pffiffiffi where the Stern –Volmer coefficients are determined
coshð 2 gÞ þ cosð 2 gÞ
from steady-state calibration of PSP. As indicated by
ð21Þ equation (24), coupled with equations (21) and (23),
the indicated pressure pPSP(t) is a non-linear function
These trigonometrical-series-type solutions, which of the true pressure that sinusoidally varies with time,
are often obtained using the method of separation p(t) ¼ p0 þ p1 sin(vt), although the diffusion
of variables, should be equivalent to the general equation is linear. However, if the amplitude of the
convolution-type solution in these special cases. unsteady pressure is small compared with the mean
The solutions of the diffusion equation give a clas- pressure (p1 p0), the PSP response can be linearized
sical square-law for the diffusion timescale tdiff and it is given by
through a homogenous PSP layer, that is
pPSP ðtÞ ¼ p0PSP þ p1PSP sinðv t þ fÞ
; ð25Þ
h2 ¼ p0 þ p1 ½aðgÞsinðv tÞ þ bðgÞcosðv tÞ
tdiff / ð22Þ
This square-law estimate is actually a phenomenologi-
cal manifestation of the statistical theory of the Brow- ð
d lnð10Þ 1 d h
nian motion. Interestingly, this estimate is still valid aðgÞ ¼ 10 X ðg; hÞdh
1  10d 0
even when the diffusivity of a homogeneous polymer ð
d lnð10Þ 1 d h
is concentration-dependent. In this case, the solution bðgÞ ¼ 10 Y ðg; hÞdh
for the oxygen concentration distribution can be 1  10d 0
expressed by this similarity variable j ¼ z/(2t 1/2) [69]. ð26Þ
Clearly, the Boltzmann’s scaling indicates that the
timescale for any point to reach a given concentration The quantity d ¼ bh/ln(10) represents the optical thick-
is proportional to the square of the distance (or thick- ness of the paint layer. The unsteady amplitude ratio
ness). Using the solution of the diffusion equation for a and phase shift are given by p1PSP/p1 ¼ ða2 þ b2
step change of pressure, Carroll et al. [70] estimated and f ¼ tan21(b/a). Figure 29 shows the attenuated
the mass diffusivity Dm for oxygen in a typical silicon amplitude ratio p1PSP/p1 at different frequencies for
polymer binder and gave Dm ¼ 1.23 2 1.88  d/h ¼ 0.01 mm21 and Dm ¼ 103 mm2/s.
1029 m2/s over a temperature range of 9.9–40.2 8C. The paint thickness affects both the frequency
For a 10-mm thick polymer layer having the diffusivity response and the SNR of PSP. As the thickness
of Dm ¼ 10210 2 1029 m2/s, the diffusion timescale is increases, the luminescent signal from PSP and thus

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Review of PSP 267

Fig. 29 The unsteady amplitude ratio as a function of Fig. 31 The optimum thickness as a function of the
the paint thickness for d/h ¼ 0.01 mm21 and unsteady pressure frequency for d/h ¼
Dm ¼ 103 mm2/s [5] 0.01 mm21 [5]

the SNR increase, whereas the frequency response of optimum thickness is less than 5 mm for Dm , 16 
PSP decreases as a result of the attenuation of the 103 mm2/s when the pressure frequency is 100 Hz.
unsteady amplitude ratio. Hence, there exists an opti- For
p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffisuch a thin paint layer, the absolute SNR (/
mum thickness that balances the two conflicting ðI0 Þ) is so low that accurate measurement of the
requirements to achieve both high frequency luminescent emission becomes difficult. This indi-
response and SNR. Considering the unsteady cates that a conventional polymer-based PSP is not
luminescent signal I(t) ¼ I0 þ I1sin(vt), Schairer [5] suitable to unsteady measurements.
ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi the unsteady signal amplitude I1 ¼ I0
ða 2 þ b2 Þ and then the unsteady SNR, SNR0 ¼
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffipffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
I1/ ðI 0 Þ ¼ ðI 0 Þ ða2 þ b2 Þ. Figure 30 shows the nor- 4.3 Diffusion timescale of porous PSP
malized SNR0 as a function of the relative thickness h/
Compared with a conventional homogeneous PSP, a
h(21.25 dB), where h(21.25 dB) is the thickness that
porous PSP has a much shorter diffusion time ran-
corresponds to 1.25 dB (p1PSP/p1 ¼ 0.866) attenu-
ging from 18 to 500 ms due to enlarged air-polymer
ation of the unsteady amplitude ratio as illustrated
interface [16, 71]. Interestingly, recent measurements
in Fig. 29. Thus, an empirical estimate for the opti-
of the response time for three polymers, GP197,
mum thickness is hop/h(21.25 dB)  1 that corre-
GP197/BaSO4 mixture and poly(TMSP), have
sponds to the maximum value of the normalized
showed that the classical square-law does not hold
SNR0 . As shown in Fig. 31, the optimum thickness
for a porous PSP [52, 53]. As shown in Fig. 32,
hop  h(21.25 dB) decreases with the unsteady
measurements gave the power-law relations for the
pressure frequency for a given diffusivity and relative
diffusion timescale tdiff / h 1.83 for GP197, tdiff /
optical thickness. Figure 31 indicates that the
h 1.07 for GP197/BaSO4 mixture, and tdiff / h 0.29 for
poly(TMSP) at 313.1 K. For a porous anodized alu-
minium (AA) surface, the power-law relation is tdiff
/ h 0.573 [14, 16]. For the GP197 silicone polymer,
the power-law exponent is close to 2 as predicted
by the classical estimate for a homogenous polymer
film. However, the power-law exponent for the
porous materials GP197/BaSO4 mixture, poly
(TMSP), and AA-PSP is significantly .2. In addition,
Fig. 33 shows that the power-law exponent for the
polymer poly(TMSP) linearly increases with tempera-
ture over a temperature range of 293.1 – 323.1 K.
In order to understand the time response of a porous
PSP, from a standpoint of phenomenology, Liu et al.
[72] derived the expressions for the effective diffusivity
and diffusion timescale of a porous layer. Diffusion in a
Fig. 30 The normalized SNR’ as a function of the porous material can be considered as a diffusion pro-
relative paint thickness for d/h ¼ 0.01 mm21 blem in a two-phase system made up of one disperse
and Dm ¼ 103 mm2/s [5] phase and one continuous polymer or other material.

JAERO243 # IMechE 2008 Proc. IMechE Vol. 222 Part G: J. Aerospace Engineering
268 J W Gregory, K Asai, M Kameda, T Liu, and J P Sullivan

Fig. 32 The power-law relationship between the Fig. 34 Element of a porous binder layer [72]
response time and coating thickness for three (reprinted by permission of the American
polymers GP197, GP197/BaSO4 mixture and Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.)
poly(TMSP) at 313.1 K, and AA surface at
about 300K. Experimental data are from
of the layer. It is assumed that many cylindrical (tube-
references Teduka [53], Asai et al. [52], and
like) pores are distributed and oriented in the
Sakaue [14]. (Reproduced from Liu et al. [72];
z-direction in the element. The effective radius and
reprinted by permission of the American
depth of a pore are denoted by rpore and hpore, respect-
Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.)
ively. The radius of a pore is much larger than the size
of a molecule of oxygen. In general, the depth of a pore
In PSP, the disperse phase is composed of numerous is smaller than or equal to the layer thickness, i.e.
pores filled with air. Consider an element of a porous hpore 4 h. For simplicity of expression, the normal
polymer layer of the length l, width l, and thickness directional derivative of the oxygen concentration
h, as shown in Fig. 34. The coordinate z is normally [O2] at the air-polymer interface is denoted by vn
directed to the polymer layer from the upper surface (z) ¼ @[O2]/@n.
The effective diffusivity Dmeff of the porous polymer
layer with many cylindrical pores is given by a balance
equation between the mass transfer through the
apparent homogenous upper surface and the total
mass transfer across the air-polymer interface, that is

Dmeff l 2 vn ð0Þ ¼ Dm ðl2  Npore p rpore

Þvn ð0Þ
þ Dm Npore p rpore vn ðhpore Þ
ð hpore
þ Dm Npore 2p rpore vn ðzÞdz ð27Þ

where Npore is the total number of the pores in the

element and Dm is the diffusivity of the polymer con-
tinuum. The integral term in equation (27) is the total
mass transfer across the peripheral surface of the
Fig. 33 The exponent of the power-law relation pores in the element. Thus, the effective diffusivity
between time-scale and coating thickness for Dmeff is given by
the polymer poly(TMSP) as a function of
temperature. Experimental data are from Dmeff 2
references Teduka [53] and Asai et al. [52]. ¼ 1 þ ½vn ðhpore Þ=vn ð0Þ  1Npore p rpore l 2
(Reproduced from Liu et al. [72]; reprinted by ð hpore
permission of the American Institute of 2 2 1
þ Npore 2p rpore l vn ð0Þ vn ðzÞdz ð28Þ
Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.) 0

Proc. IMechE Vol. 222 Part G: J. Aerospace Engineering JAERO243 # IMechE 2008
Review of PSP 269

In a simplified case where vn (z) ¼ const. across the clearly shows that the effective diffusivity Dmeff is
thin layer, equation (28) becomes not only proportional to h dfr, but also related to the
porosity parameters aV r21 pore and hpore/h. For dfr ¼ 1,
Dmeff 1 equation (31) is simply reduced to equation (29) for
¼ 1 þ 2 aV rpore h ð29Þ the straight cylindrical pores.
For a porous polymer layer where diffusion is Fick-
where aV ¼ Nporeprpore2
hporel 22h 21 is the volume frac- ian under some microscopic assumptions, the diffu-
tion of the cylindrical pores in the polymer layer. sion equation is still a valid phenomenological
Equation (29) indicates that an increase of the effective model as long as the diffusivity Dm is replaced by
diffusivity is proportional to the volume fraction of the the effective diffusivity Dmeff. Hence, an estimate for
pores and a ratio between the polymer layer thickness the diffusion timescale of a porous PSP layer is
and the radius of the pore. Equation (29) for Dmeff is
valid only for an ideal porous polymer layer with the h2 =Dm
tdiff / dfr 1 dfr
straight cylindrical pores oriented normally. Neverthe- 1 =Gð1 þ d ÞÞðh
1 þ ð2 aV rpore fr pore =hÞ h
less, this model can be generalized for real porous
polymers where topology of the pores is often highly
which clearly illustrates how the fractal dimension dfr
For more realistic modelling, the topological struc-
and the porosity parameters aV r21 pore and hpore/h
ture of a pore is considered as a highly convoluted
affect the response time of a porous PSP. For aV
and folded tube in a polymer layer while the cross-
pore  1 or hpore/h  1, equation (32) naturally
section of the tube remains unchanged. The integral
approaches to the classical square-law for a hom-
in equation (29) should be replaced by an integral
ogenous polymer layer.
along the path of a highly convoluted tube-like
On the other hand, for aV r21
pore  1 and hpore/h  1,
pore. In this case, the concept of the fractal dimen-
another asymptotic estimate for tdiff is a simple
sion should be introduced because the length of a
highly convoluted tube is no longer proportional to
the linear length scale of the tube in the z-direction
(e.g. hpore). According to the length-area relation for h2dfr =Dm
tdiff / ð33Þ
a fractal path, the integral along the path is pro- ðNpore =l2 Þrpore
portional to Adpore
/2 or hdpore
, where dfr (1 4 dfr , 2)
is the fractal dimension of the path of a pore and Equation (33) is asymptotically valid for a very
Apore / h2pore is the characteristic area covering over porous polymer layer. The exponent in the power-
the path. Loosely speaking, the fractal dimension rep- law relation between the response time tdiff and
resents the degree of complexity of the pore pathway. thickness h deviates from 2 by the fractal dimension
In order to take the fractal nature of pores into dfr due to the presence of the fractal pores in the
account, equation (28) is generalized using a Rie- polymer layer. Equation (33) provides an expla-
mann – Liouville fractional integral of the order dfr, nation for the experimental finding that the expo-
that is [73] nent q in the power-law relation tdiff / h q is .2
for a porous PSP. In addition, equation (33) indi-
  cates that the diffusion timescale is inversely pro-
Dmeff vn ðhpore Þ 2
¼1þ Npore p rpore l 2 portional to the number of pores per area and
Dm vn ð0Þ  1
radius of pores. This relation can serve as a useful
ð hpore
tool to extract the fractal dimension of the tube-like
2 2 1
þ Npore 2p rpore l vn ð0Þ vn ðzÞðdzÞdfr pores in a very porous polymer layer from measure-
ð30Þ ments of the diffusion response time. For example,
the fractal dimension dfr of a pore in the polymer
poly(TMSP) is dfr ¼ 1.71, whereas for GP197/BaSO4
In a simplified case where vn(z) ¼ const. across a thin
mixture the fractal dimension dfr is close to one.
layer, a generalized expression for Dmeff is
In addition, based on the experimental results
1  dfr 1 shown in Fig. 33, it is known that the fractal
Dmeff 2 aV rpore hpore dimension dfr for poly(TMSP) linearly decreases
¼1þ hdfr ð31Þ
Dm Gð1 þ dfr Þ h with temperature in a temperature range of 293.1 –
323.1 K. This implies that the geometric structure
where G(1 þ dfr) is the gamma function. Here, hpore is of a pore in poly(TMSP) may be altered by a temp-
interpreted as a linear length scale of a convoluted erature change. Note that the diffusivity Dm of
tube in the z-direction and aV is the volume fraction oxygen mass transfer is also temperature-
of the apparent cylindrical pores. Equation (31) dependent, but it is independent of the coating

JAERO243 # IMechE 2008 Proc. IMechE Vol. 222 Part G: J. Aerospace Engineering
270 J W Gregory, K Asai, M Kameda, T Liu, and J P Sullivan

thickness h. Therefore, the experimental results in equation (36) into equation (35) yields
Fig. 33 mainly reflect the temperature effect on the
geometric structure of pores in the polymer rather
k T
than the diffusivity. l ¼ pffiffiffi 2 ð37Þ
2psd p

4.4 Time response of AA-PSP

The diameter of molecules sd is 3.617  10210 m
Figure 35 shows a schematic description of the for air [75]. The Boltzmann constant k is 1.38 
adsorption of luminophores onto a porous anodized 10223 J/K. When the pressure p is 1 atm (101.3 kPa)
aluminium. Here it is assumed that the luminophores and temperature T is 20 8C (293.15 K), the mean free
exist in the micropores. The permeation of gas into path l ¼ 68.7 nm. On the other hand, the diameter
micropores is important to understand the time of micropores is within the range of 20 to 100 nm
response of the adsorptive pressure-sensitive coat- [16, 17]. Therefore, the Knudsen number for the pre-
ings on porous anodized aluminium, because diffu- sent case is
sion into binder is the most severe limit on the time
response. Kn 5 1 ð38Þ
Let the gaseous transport through a single capillary
pore is considered. It is assumed that the pore has a
straight cylindrical shape. A good review on this sub- Equation (38) indicates that the gas in the micro-
ject is found in the literature [74]. The mechanism of pore is no longer treated as a continuum. When the
transport depends on the Knudsen number mean free path of gas molecules exceeds the diameter
of pores, the gaseous transport is dominated by col-
l lisions with the pore walls. This process is known as
Kn ¼ ð34Þ
d Knudsen diffusion.
An effective diffusion coefficient can be deter-
where d is the diameter of micropore, and l is the mined for the gaseous transport phenomena in con-
mean free path of gas molecules. Except for Kn  1, tinuum, transition, and rarefied gas flow regime.
the gas in the pore is no longer treated as a The effective diffusion coefficient is
When the gas is composed of rigid, non-attracting
spherical molecules of diameter sd, the mean free Dkg Dgg
Deff ¼ ð39Þ
path is given by Dkg þ Dgg

1 where Dkg and Dgg denote the Knudsen and bulk dif-
l ¼ pffiffiffi 2 ð35Þ
2psd n fusion coefficients, respectively. This expression is
known as the Bosanquet formula.
where n denotes the number of molecules per unit The Knudsen diffusion coefficient Dkg is given by
volume [75]. Since the perfect gas law is applicable
for the thermodynamic behaviour of the gas, the rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
number of molecules is given by d 8RT
Dkg ¼ ð40Þ
3 pM
n¼ ð36Þ
kT where R and M are the universal gas constant and the
molecular weight of the gas, respectively. Note that
in which k is the Boltzmann constant. Substituting
the Knudsen diffusion coefficient is in linear pro-
portion to the diameter of the micropore.
The bulk diffusion coefficient Dgg can be estimated
by taking the Chapman – Enskog theory as

T 3=2
Dgg ¼ 2:63  107 ð41Þ
pM 1=2 sd2 V

where Dgg is given in (m2/s), T is taken in (K), p is in

(bar), M is in (g/mol), and sd is in (10210 m) [76]. V
Fig. 35 Schematic of porous AA-PSP denotes the collision integral for diffusion, which is

Proc. IMechE Vol. 222 Part G: J. Aerospace Engineering JAERO243 # IMechE 2008
Review of PSP 271

a function of temperature, and is given by Roughly speaking, the effective diffusion coeffi-
cient is approximately 3  1026 m2/s in the case
C1 C3 C5 where d ¼ 20 nm. This value is much higher than
V¼ þ þ the diffusion coefficient for a polymer binder, which
ðT  Þc2 expðC4 T  Þ expðC6 T  Þ
is typically less than O (1029 m2/s).
þ ð42Þ The characteristic time for the diffusion phenom-
expðC8 T  Þ ena tdiff is given by

where h2
tdiff ¼ ð43Þ
T  ¼ kT =1; C1 ¼ 1:060 36; C2 ¼ 0:156 10;
C3 ¼ 0:193 00; C4 ¼ 0:476 35; C5 ¼ 1:035 87; where h denotes the thickness of binder. Typically,
C6 ¼ 1:529 96; C7 ¼ 1:764 74; C8 ¼ 3:894 11; the AA-PSP has h ¼ 10 mm, so that tdiff ¼ 33 ms.
This value is comparable to the lifetime of lumines-
and the characteristic Lennard –Jones energy is 1. cence. Thus, the pressure-sensitive coating on
Figure 36 shows the effective diffusion coefficient porous anodized aluminium overcomes the diffu-
for different diameters of a micropore. The par- sion barrier problem in the PSP with polymer
ameters appearing in equations (39) to (42) are taken binder.
for air as R ¼ 8.314 J/(mol K), M ¼ 28.97 g/mol, s ¼
3.617 10210 m, and 1 ¼ 97.0 K [75]. There are three
lines in Fig. 36. Two solid lines represent the effective 4.5 Non-linear quenching kinetics
diffusion coefficients for p ¼ 10 kPa and for p ¼
Modelling of the gas diffusion within the paint
100 kPa, whereas the temperature is 293.15 K. The
binder, and the resulting indicated pressure from
bulk diffusion coefficient is estimated as Dgg ¼ 198
PSP have allowed for the development of compensa-
1026 m2/s for p ¼ 10 kPa and Dgg ¼ 19.8 1026 m2/s
tors. Winslow et al. [58] developed both a linear
for p ¼ 100 kPa. A broken line represents the Knudsen
empirical model and a physics-based model for
diffusion coefficient.
simulating the response of conventional paint formu-
As evident from equation (39), it is the smaller of
lations. Their physical model solved for the distri-
the two diffusion coefficients that has the greatest
bution of gas concentration within the paint layer
effect on the value of Deff. When pore sizes fall in
as a function of time, and determined the indicated
the Knudsen flow regime, Deff must equal to Dkg,
pressure response from PSP to an arbitrary pressure
because Dkg  Dgg. Since the mean free path is in
time history. Their model results agreed very well
inverse proportion to the pressure as shown in
with experiments using step changes in pressure, as
equation (36), the flow in micropore is close to the
well as a sawtooth waveform. Winslow et al. also pre-
Knudsen flow in the low-pressure environment.
sented results showing the effects of nonlinear static
Therefore, the effective diffusion coefficient for p ¼
calibration curves on the dynamic response of PSP.
10 kPa coincides with the Knudsen diffusion coeffi-
Model results indicated that the paint step response
cient in the range where d , 100 nm.
varies, depending on the direction of the step
change in pressure.
Drouillard and Linne [77] also employed physical
diffusion models for the quenching kinetics of PSP.
Their work involved application of the model to
lifetime-based measurements, including the develop-
ment of lifetime techniques for unsteady pressure
measurements. Their models incorporated the opti-
cal attenuation of light through the paint binder
due to Beer’s Law, and showed that this had only a
mild effect on the results. As the paint thickness
was increased beyond 45 mm, however, the effects
of optical attenuation became much more signifi-
cant. Drouillard and Linne also quoted a value of
300 – 1000 mm2/s for the mass diffusivity of Uni-FIB
Fig. 36 Effective diffusion coefficient for gas Gregory and Sullivan [63] also employed
permeation in a straight cylindrical pore, T ¼ diffusion-based models to investigate the nonlinear
293.1 K [17] quenching kinetics of PSP formulations. Their work

JAERO243 # IMechE 2008 Proc. IMechE Vol. 222 Part G: J. Aerospace Engineering
272 J W Gregory, K Asai, M Kameda, T Liu, and J P Sullivan

showed through modelling and experiments that the yielded a diffusion coefficient of 633 mm2/s and a
unsteady response that the unsteady response of time constant of 1.6 ms for the 1-mm-thick fast FIB
PSP is affected by the nonlinear nature of the paint.
Stern – Volmer calibration. A calibration that is
highly non-linear causes the paint to respond
quickly to a decrease in oxygen concentration 5 HIGH-SPEED APPLICATIONS
(pressure decrease) and relatively slowly to oxygen
sorption (pressure increase). They also showed that
5.1 Short-duration wind tunnels
this observed affect is more pronounced for larger
changes in pressure, particularly if the pressure One challenging area of PSP is application in hyperso-
change covers the nonlinear portion of the Stern – nic wind tunnels for testing hypersonic vehicles such
Volmer curve at low pressures. Ultimately, it was as re-entry capsules and space planes. Various types
found that these non-linear effects only become sig- of complex flow phenomena are involved in hyperso-
nificant when the characteristic time scale of the nic flow, including shock-wave/shock-wave inter-
flowfield is faster than the response time of the actions, shock-wave/boundary-layer interaction, flow
paint. Gregory and Sullivan used the unsteady flow- separation, jet impingement, and boundary-layer
field of a fluidic oscillator (Fig. 27) to verify the transition. The complexity of these phenomena
model predictions and evaluate the response sometimes poses serious problems for the stability
characteristics of PC-PSP and fast FIB PSP. Exper- and control of hypersonic reentry vehicles. Thus, sur-
imental results with PC-PSP demonstrated no fre- face pressure measurements are considered as one of
quency roll-off at 1.59 kHz, indicating that the the most critical requirements in hypersonic wind
diffusion coefficient is at least 8.4  106 mm2/s. tunnel testing.
Results with the fast FIB paint formulation demon- Applications of PSP to hypersonic tests are not easy
strated the non-linear response characteristics pre- because high-enthalpy flows may produce such a
dicted by the diffusion model. The fast FIB results large temperature increase on a model that the temp-
indicated a much slower response to an increase erature effect of PSP is overwhelming. The tempera-
in oxygen when compared with argon or nitrogen ture effect of PSP in a conventional blowdown
at the same conditions, as shown in Fig. 37. A quan- hypersonic wind tunnel can become comparable to
titative comparison between the fast FIB results and the pressure effect, making it difficult to compensate
the diffusion model showed good agreement and for temperature. The shock tunnel is a hypersonic
wind tunnel featuring the short flow duration. Its dur-
ation is of the order of several to several tens of milli-
seconds; thus the temperature effects of PSP are
usually negligible because of small heat load due to
the short flow duration. An increase in the surface
temperature in such shock tunnels is around several
Kelvin. Thus, the temperature effect is almost negli-
gible for thin PSP coatings of which heat mass is
Using thin layers of polymer-based LPS-F1 paint,
Borovoy et al. [78] measured the pressure distribution
on a cylinder at Mach 6 in a shock wind tunnel with
duration of 40 ms (TsAGI UT-1), and achieved
reasonable agreement with the theoretical solution
and pressure transducer measurements. The achie-
ved accuracy was about 10 per cent. Similarly,
Hubner et al. [79 – 81] measured the pressure distri-
butions on a wedge and an elliptic cone at Mach 7.5
in 48-inch hypersonic shock tunnel at Calspan
(48-inch HST) with a run-time of 7–8 ms. They used
Fig. 37 Comparison of diffusion model with a polymer-based PSP composed of [Ru(dpp)3]2þ and
experimental results for nitrogen and oxygen poly(DMS). The PSP characteristic response time
jets from the fluidic oscillator with Fast FIB was 3 – 6 ms. To reduce the temperature effect of
PSP. The PSP response to both nitrogen and PSP, they applied PSP directly on the metal model
oxygen is significantly attenuated from the surface rather than a white basecoat. For a very thin
input waveform, and the nitrogen response is layer of PSP without a white basecoat, however, the
faster that the oxygen response [63] luminescent intensity of PSP was so low that the

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accuracy of the acquired pressure image was limited. experiment, the exposure time was adjusted by con-
Overall pressure uncertainty estimated from shock trolling illumination light. A mechanical shutter
tube measurements ranged up to 5 per cent over (UNIBLITZ VS25) was used to control the exposure
one atmosphere. time. It is noted that, due to the high luminescent
Nakakita et al. [82] used anodized aluminium (AA) intensity of AA-PSP at low pressure conditions, the
PSP to measure the pressure fields on expansion integration time for the CCD camera is relatively
corner and compression corner models at Mach 10 short. Thus, high-quality images were obtained with-
in the NAL 0.44-m Hypersonic Shock Tunnel with a out using an image intensifier.
duration of 30 ms. More recent measurements in a Figure 39 shows the wing body model installed in
hypersonic shock tunnel were made using AA-PSP the NAL 0.44-m Hypersonic Shock Tunnel and its
on a generic wing-body model [83] and a com- drawing. The material of this model is aluminium
pression corner model [84]. AA-PSP with a probe and aluminium alloy. The nose and wings are made
molecule [Ru(dpp)3]2þ was used since it has a very of pure aluminium, and the fuselage is made of
short response time of about 30 – 100 ms. Further- aluminium alloy to maintain structural strength.
more, because AA-PSP on aluminium models was There are ten pressure taps connected to Kulite
binder-free and aluminium models have high ther- (XCS-093-5A) pressure transducers on the model sur-
mal conductivity, an increase of the surface tempera- face to provide reference pressure data for compari-
ture was relatively small (.2 8C) in most parts of the son. In this study, a priori calibration was used to
model during a run in the shock tunnel. calculate pressure from the PSP emission. A cali-
Figure 38 shows an optical system for the wing- bration curve was obtained on site during evacuation
body model test conducted by Nakakita and Asai of the vacuum tank in which the test model was
[83]. The measurement system was set at the front installed. In this method, the actual test model can
of an optical window of the test section and 1.3 m be used for calibration so that one can avoid uncer-
away from the model. A highly stable continuous tainties due to calibration condition and optical
xenon lamp (fluctuation of the light intensity was system. Also the pressure sensitivity of AA-PSP can
much less than 1 per cent) was used as an illumina- be calibrated on a pixel-by-pixel basis.
tion light source and the illumination light was trans- Figures 40 and 41 show typical schlieren images
mitted through a light guide and projected onto the and PSP images along with a comparison plot of
model by a lens at the exit of the light guide. PSP data with pressure tap data at the angle of
A cooled 14-bit CCD camera (Hamamatsu C4880-07) attack of 08. The total temperature was 1180 K, total
was used to detect the luminescent emission from pressure was 3.4 MPa, Pitot pressure was 7800 Pa,
PSP. The spatial resolution of the CCD camera was and Mach number was 10.4. In Fig. 41, pressure dis-
1008  1018 pixels. To separate the illumination tributions on the wing body model for various
light from the luminescent emission, a band-pass angles, (a) full view, (b) close-up view of the inter-
filter (460 + 50 nm) was placed between the exit of action region, and (c) side view, are shown. Pressure
the light guide and the condenser lens; another band- profiles from the model nose to the wing tip along
pass filter (600– 800 nm) was mounted on the front of the stagnation line are also shown for comparison
the camera lens to eliminate the illumination light with pressure transducer data. The local pressure
from being collected by the CCD camera. The was normalized by the Pitot pressure P02 behind the
exposure time for the camera was 20 ms. In this normal shock. It is seen that PSP data are in good
agreement with the pressure tap data. The measure-
ments were repeatable and the standard deviation
was about 160 Pa (2.0 per cent of P02). Owing to the
high spatial resolution of the CCD camera and the
high SNR obtained by eliminating a use of an image
intensifier, the aerodynamic phenomena on the
wing-body model can be understood in detail. A
shock wave generated from the model nose is inci-
dent on the wing, and interacts with the bow shock
in front of the wing leading edge (Fig. 40). The shock-
wave/shock-wave interaction on this model was
found to be categorized as Type VI. The expansion
wave caused by the triplet point was incident to
model surface and decreased local pressure.
Fig. 38 Optical system for PSP measurements and Sakaue et al. [85] applied AA-PSP in the Purdue
calibration in the NAL 0.44-m shock tunnel Mach 4 Quiet Flow Ludwieg Tube to measure surface
(viewed from the ceiling) [83] pressures on a hemisphere and an axisymmetric

JAERO243 # IMechE 2008 Proc. IMechE Vol. 222 Part G: J. Aerospace Engineering
274 J W Gregory, K Asai, M Kameda, T Liu, and J P Sullivan

Fig. 39 Experimental model; (a) model installation, (b) model dimenstions and pressure
transducer locations [83]

scramjet inlet model. The Ludwieg tube has a short Sakaue et al. [14, 16, 71], Teduka et al. [36], Sakamura
run time (about 3 s), with the stagnation conditions et al. [18], and Kameda et al. [17] measured the
dropping every 100 ms. The pressure distribution on response time of porous PSP that is on the order of
the model surface is on the order of hundreds of Pas- several to several tens microseconds. Hubner et al.
cals. A blue LED array was operated in pulsed mode [80] also used a small-scale, low pressure-ratio
and its duration was set at 200 ms. A CCD camera shock tube to evaluate response time characteristics
was exposed during the entire test duration. A of a polymer-based thin-film PSP.
610 nm high-pass filter and an IR rejection filter Asai et al. [52] and Teduka [53] used a shock tube to
were mounted on the camera. Results from AA-PSP study unsteady phenomena caused by interaction
showed good qualitative comparison to CFD results. between a moving shock wave and a circular block.
Uncertainty estimates based on the AA-PSP cali- Nishikawa et al. [86] and Miura et al. [87] studied
bration, and pressure uncertainty from a referenced propagation of a blast wave using PSP. The character-
instrument showed that the measured pressures on istic time of these unsteady or transient phenomena
the hemisphere and scramjet inlet models had is on the order of microseconds so that use of
pressure uncertainties around 4– 6 per cent. fast responding porous PSP is indispensable. The
porous PSP excels at capturing the shock-wave
motion of the order of kilohertz, but the short run-
5.2 Shock tubes time limits the exposure time of a CCD camera to col-
Shock tubes were used to characterize the time lect photons and reduces the possibility of improving
response of porous PSP as well as to study shock- the SNR. Thus, to capture instantaneous images or
induced unsteady phonemena. Using a shock tube, acquire sequential images of an unsteady pressure
field in a shock tube, sophisticated optical equipment
such as an image intensifier must be employed.
Asai et al. [52] and Teduka [53] demonstrated the
feasibility of [Ru(dpp)3]2þ AA-PSP for time-resolved
unsteady pressure measurements. Figure 42 shows
a schematic of the experimental setup for the shock
tube tests. The cross-section of the tube was
73.9 mm circular. A circular block of 12 mm diameter
was installed vertically in the centre of a PSP-coated
part flush mounted on the shock tube wall. Cali-
bration of PSP was made by adjusting the test section
pressure prior to running the shock tube. Full-field
Fig. 40 Schlieren photographs at a ¼ 08; (a) side view, measurements were acquired using a cooled CCD
(b) top view [83] camera (14bits) with an image intensifier that can

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Review of PSP 275

Fig. 41 PSP images and pressure distribution on the wing body model at Mach 10 and an angle of
attack of 08. (a) full view, (b) close-up view of the interaction region, (c) side view, (d)
centre-line pressure profile compared with pressure transducer data [83]

be gated at successive instants after incidence of a

moving shock wave. Illumination for PSP was pro-
vided by a pair of xenon flash lamps. Sequential
images were obtained from 475 to 530 ms in an inter-
val of 5 ms by changing the delay time from run to
run. The camera gating time was set at 10 ms.
Figure 43 shows a time sequence of images of an
unsteady pressure field induced by a moving shock
wave interacting with the stationary circular block,
where the shock speed was 610 m/s. Because the
observation window flush mounted on the surface
of the tube acted like a two-dimensional concave
lens, the images were compressed vertically so that
a circular section of the cylinder looked like an ellipse.
As shown in Fig. 43, a curved high-pressure region
induced by the reflected shock was formed in the
front of the block after the incident plane shock Fig. 42 Schematic of an experimental setup for
impinged on the block. At the same time, a part of time-resolved PSP measurements in a shock
the incident shock continued travelling downstream tube. (From Asai et al. [52], Copyright 2001,
after it was deflected, and expansion waves were IEEE)

JAERO243 # IMechE 2008 Proc. IMechE Vol. 222 Part G: J. Aerospace Engineering
276 J W Gregory, K Asai, M Kameda, T Liu, and J P Sullivan

Fig. 43 Sequential images of unsteady pressure field induced by interaction between a moving
shock wave and a circular cylinder block, where the speed of the shock is 610 m/s and
the interval between two images is 5 ms. (From Asai et al. [52], Copyright 2001, IEEE)

generated. A pair of symmetric vortices, which are fast-framing complementary metal-oxide semicon-
visualized as the low-pressure regions in Fig. 43, ductor camera with 12-bit depth (Vision Research,
formed and grew behind the circular block. Care Phantom V7.0) through an optical high-pass filter.
must be taken in interpreting these images, however, The camera system can acquire 512  256 pixel
because [Ru(dpp)3]2þ AA-PSP had a time lag of sev- images at frame frequencies up to 16 kHz. In the cur-
eral tens of ms. This error can be reduced if a Pyrene- rent work, the imaging of the surface pressure distri-
based AA-PSP coating were used, because it has a bution was performed at a frame frequency of 5 kHz
much shorter response time. and an exposure time of 180 ms.
Sakamura et al. [19] applied a fast-response porous Figure 44 shows temporally-resolved ratioed
PSP technique to the surface pressure imaging for an images obtained during the flow starting process
unsteady flow induced in a two-dimensional Laval in the nozzle. The images are pseudo-coloured to
nozzle during its starting process at a frame fre- clarify the flow features, so that low pressure is
quency of 5 kHz. The porous PSP used in that work blue and high pressure is red. High colour-gradient
was composed of [Ru(dpp)3]2þ and a commercial at the throat indicates high pressure-gradient
silica-gel TLC plate. The time constant of the PSP directly. From the present results, it is found that a
for pressure fluctuations was 13.6 ms. The experiment rapid flow evolution on the order of kilohertz can
was performed in a two-dimensional Laval nozzle be well captured by the present PSP imaging
that was attached to a high-pressure air reservoir system with high spatial and temporal resolution.
through a quick-opening valve and allowed to dis- It is noted that the present results reveal that the
charge into the atmosphere. Flow was started by symmetry of the pressure field is no longer kept
opening the valve between the nozzle and the reser- when the starting shock wave moves upstream.
voir. The PSP was installed on a nozzle side wall Such flow features are extremely difficult to obtain
and illuminated by two LED lamps that supplied from pressure tap measurements. The present
blue light at a peak wavelength of 460 nm through result clearly indicates the superiority of the use of
an optical window. The intensity of the luminescence PSP in unsteady flow testing over such conventional
emitted from the PSP was measured by using a methods.

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Review of PSP 277

Fig. 44 Temporal evolution of ratioed images showing the starting process of a supersonic Laval
nozzle [19]


6.1 Unsteady delta wing flow

Kameda et al. [45] measured ‘non-periodic’ unsteady
pressure distribution on a delta wing in the 0.6-m
transonic wind tunnel at the Institute of Space and
Astronautical Science of Japan Aerospace Exploration
Agency (ISAS/JAXA). The transonic flow over a delta
wing is unsteady and non-periodic due to complex
shock wave/vortex interaction.
Figure 45 shows a schematic of the delta wing model.
The model had 658 sweep, no camber, 150-mm root
chord and sharp leading edge. The AA-PSP was used
with the [Ru(dpp)3]2þ dye. The hydrophobic coating
[23] was applied on the AA-PSP to suppress water
deposition in the micropore, which substantially
alters the PSP response. In order to correct the temp-
erature dependency of the PSP signal, the temperature Fig. 45 Delta wing model. Square symbols with circled
distribution was instantaneously measured using numbers indicate the location of pressure
a temperature-sensitive paint (TSP). Dichlorotris transducers [45]
(1,10-phenanthroline)ruthenium(II) [Ru(phen)] was
selected as the TSP dye to use a single light source for
illuminating both the PSP and the TSP. Four pressure Figure 46 shows a schematic of the measuring
taps were placed on the delta wing model. Miniature instruments. The model was illuminated with a blue-
pressure-transducers (Kulite XCQ-062-25A) were green light source, which was a 6-W, multi-line
placed behind the taps. The diameter of the taps was argon-ion laser through a liquid-light guide. The
0.5 mm. emission was detected with a thermoelectrically

JAERO243 # IMechE 2008 Proc. IMechE Vol. 222 Part G: J. Aerospace Engineering
278 J W Gregory, K Asai, M Kameda, T Liu, and J P Sullivan

in Fig. 48. The PSP data represent the spatially aver-

aged data around each pressure tap (whose location
is found in Fig. 45). The area is 5 pixels  10 pixels
(3.5 mm  7 mm). The pressure-time histories of
PSP measurement agree quantitatively well with the
transducers. The spectra of the pressure are shown
in Fig. 49. The spectra of PSP measurement also
agree quantitatively well with the transducers. The
dominant frequencies are 40, 95, and 170 Hz, which
represent the frequencies of the movement of the
first terminating shock wave.
The present data are the first satisfactory one for the
Fig. 46 Experimental setup for unsteady delta wing non-periodic unsteady PSP measurement. However,
testing [45] there was a slight difference (1 kPa) between the
PSPs and the transducers. This difference was caused
by the shot noise of the detection devices and the
cooled 10-bit CCD high-speed video camera (Shi- uncertainty of calibration curve for pressure-intensity
madzu HPV-1) through an optical bandpass filter relation. The error from the shot noise also affects the
(transmission wavelength 650 + 50 nm) and an temperature distribution calculated from the TSP
image intensifier (Hamamatsu C7786). A priori cali- signal. Thus, the accuracy will be improved using low-
bration method was used to convert the lumines- noise and high-sensitivity detectors.
cence intensities into the pressure and temperature
The experiment conditions were a free-stream
6.2 Fluidic oscillator
Mach number of 0.9, a total pressure of 150 Pa, and
a total temperature of 297 K. The angle of attack of Gregory et al. [88–90] and Sakaue et al. [71] have used
the delta wing was 208. The images were recorded porous PSP to study the flowfield of fluidic oscillators,
every 1 ms. One hundred and two images were ranging from micro to meso-scales. Fluidic oscillators
recorded per each blowing. The exposure time of are devices that produce an oscillating jet when sup-
each shot was 0.5 ms. plied with a pressurized fluid. They have no moving
Several instantaneous pressure distributions are parts, and the production of oscillations is based
displayed in Fig. 47. The high-pressure region purely on the internal fluid dynamics of the device.
behind the terminating shock waves moved back The unsteady, periodic nature of the flowfield external
and forth due to shock-wave/vortex interaction. The to the device was not fully understood, so PSP was
pressure-time history measured by the AA-PSP was employed as a diagnostic to investigate the behavior
compared with the pressure transducers as shown of the oscillating jet at various flow conditions.

Fig. 47 Snapshots of pressure distribution the elapsed time was counted from the beginning of
the photographing [45]

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Fig. 48 Comparison of pressure –time histories between PSP and Kulite pressure transducers.
The number indicates the pressure at the locations specified in Fig. 45 [45]

Fig. 49 Comparison of spectra between PSP and Kulite pressure transducers [45]

Sakaue et al. [71] used a small-scale fluidic oscil- parallel to the jet exit, as shown in Fig. 52. Strobed
lator as a demonstration of the response character- illumination was phase-locked to the oscillation
istics of several PSP formulations. The oscillator cycle of the oscillator through microphone measure-
was operated with nitrogen gas at a primary fre- ments. The pulse width of the excitation light was set
quency of 5 kHz. They used anodized aluminium at 2.48 ms for 9.4-kHz oscillations and 1.0 ms for
(AA-PSP), TLC plate (TLC-PSP), and polymer/cer- 21-kHz oscillations. Typical results are shown in
amic (PC-PSP), all with [Ru(dpp)3]2þ as the lumino- Fig. 53 for the fluidic oscillator flowfield at an oscil-
phore. The paint sample was positioned adjacent lation frequency of 9.4 kHz. With successive time
and parallel to the jet exit such that the oscillating delays of 20 ms between images, the PSP clearly
jet flowed over the paint sample, as shown in resolves the rich temporal and spatial structure of
Fig. 50. The PSP data acquisition was performed the oscillating jet. Each pixel in the data set rep-
with a long camera exposure time and phase-locked, resents an individual time history of the gas concen-
pulsed illumination. The exposure time was of the tration at that location. Examples of this time history
order of seconds, while the pulse width of the exci-
tation light was 12 ms. Typical results with AA-PSP
are shown in Fig. 51. These results illustrate the capa-
bility of porous PSP for resolving the unsteady fluctu-
ations of gas concentration in the flowfield of the
fluidic oscillator at a rate of 5 kHz.
As a follow-on study, Gregory et al. [90] used
AA-PSP to study the flowfield of a micro fluidic oscil-
lator. The micro fluidic oscillator is of the same
design as that used in Sakaue’s study [71], but with
much smaller length scales. The width of the jet
nozzle on the micro fluidic oscillator measures only
325 mm wide. Furthermore, the oscillation frequency
of the micro-scale oscillator ranges up to 22 kHz.
Porous PSP is an ideal measurement technique for
the flowfield of the micro fluidic oscillator – the Fig. 50 Setup of the fluidic oscillator with porous PSP.
small scale and high frequencies involved demand (From Sakaue et al. [17]; reprinted by
instrumentation with high spatial resolution and permission of the American Institute of
fast frequency response. AA-PSP was positioned Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.)

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280 J W Gregory, K Asai, M Kameda, T Liu, and J P Sullivan

Fig. 51 Phase-locked AA-PSP measurements of the fluidic oscillator flowfield. (From Sakaue et al.
[17]; reprinted by permission of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.)

record are shown in Fig. 54, with the 9.4- and 6.4 Hartmann tube
21.0-kHz oscillations normalized and directly com-
Porous PSP has also been employed by Gregory and
pared. The high spatial and temporal resolution of
the PSP provides similar time history records Sullivan measurements of the oscillating shock
throughout the entire measurement plane. wave and propagating non-linear acoustic waves pro-
duced by a Hartmann tube [92]. The configuration of
a Hartmann tube involves an underexpanded jet
impinging on a shallow cavity with depth, diameter,
6.3 Oscillating airfoil and spacing approximately equivalent to the jet
PSP has also been used for investigations of the diameter. Flow from the jet alternately fills and
unsteady pressure distribution on oscillating airfoils, exhausts from the cavity, forcing the shock in front
albeit at relatively low frequencies. Fonov et al. [56] of the cavity back-and-forth. The oscillation fre-
used a Fast Binary PSP to determine the fluctuating quency of the shock movement depends on factors
Cp distribution on a NACA 0012 airfoil at Mach 0.3 such as the cavity depth, nozzle spacing, and jet
and an oscillation frequency up to 20 Hz. The pressure ratio. The oscillating shock in turn serves
measured step response time of their paint formu- as an acoustic source similar to a dipole, radiating
lation was 2.6 ms, limiting the ability of the paint to high-intensity sound. Both the oscillating shock and
resolve the higher harmonics of the oscillatory the resultant propagating acoustic waves have a fre-
pressure field. The thickness of their paint sample quency on the order of 10 kHz for the particular geo-
was 2– 6 mm, near the lower limit of thicknesses poss- metry tested by Gregory and Sullivan [92]. The
ible with a binary paint. Due to these characteristics experimental setup for these experiments is shown
of their paint formulation, Fonov et al. employed a in Fig. 55. A microphone was used to phase-lock the
model to compensate for the frequency response pulsed illumination with the shock oscillations,
characteristics of the paint. Trinks [91] also used whereas the camera shutter remained open for sev-
PSP for a similar experimental investigation of an eral seconds. A flat plate painted with PC-PSP was
oscillating airfoil at 15 Hz. positioned at the edge of the jet.
The oscillations of the shock wave are captured by
the PSP have a frequency of 9.1 kHz for a 2.47 jet
pressure ratio, as shown in Fig. 56. Each successive
image, separated by a delay of 24 ms, shows the oscil-
latory motion of the shock as flow alternately enters
and leaves the cavity. The resultant acoustic field gen-
erated by the oscillating shock wave is shown in
Fig. 57. Here, the oscillating shock acts as a dipole
source, generating a propagating acoustic wave
along the plane of the PSP sample. Each successive
image, separated by 16 ms, shows the strong, non-
linear acoustic wave propagating away from the
source, as indicated by the arrows.

6.5 Acoustics applications

Fig. 52 Experimental setup for AA-PSP measurements PSP has recently been developed for acoustics appli-
of the micro fluidic oscillator flowfield [90] cations, where the primary developmental challenges

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Fig. 53 Micro fluidic oscillator flowfield measured by AA-PSP at an oscillation frequency of

9.4 kHz. Each image is separated by a subsequent phase delay of 20 ms [90]

are sensitivity and frequency response. The advent of low as 6 Pa at frequencies ranging up to 1.3 kHz.
porous PSP formulations has effectively addressed The disadvantage of this configuration, however, is
the frequency response limitations of the paints. Sen- the inability to acquire two-dimensional measure-
sitivity, however, is a more difficult challenge to ments of pressure.
address. Due to the inherent characteristic of absol- In similar tests in a standing-wave tube, Virgin et al.
ute pressure measurement, PSP must resolve a very [94] used a PSP formulation composed of PtTFPP in a
small pressure fluctuation modulated on a relatively poly (tBS-co-TFEM) binder. They established a noise
large mean value (atmospheric pressure). The ratio floor of 127 dB SPL, with a frequency response of
of these two quantities is on the order of 1000 for 22.5 dB/octave and a 458 phase delay. As in the
recent acoustics applications of PSP. work of McGraw et al. [93], the PSP was applied to
McGraw et al. [93] used a paint formulation based the end of the tube (measuring 400 in diameter in
on platinum tetra(pentafluorophenyl)porphine this case), allowing for integration of light intensity
(PtTFPP) with a small amount of polymer applied to over a large one-dimensiional surface.
a TLC plate to develop a phosphorescent micro- Sakaue [20] also used PSP in a standing wave tube
phone. Their work used PSP at the end of a standing- for acoustics measurements. Sakaue’s PSP formu-
wave tube as a one-dimensional optical microphone. lation was anodized aluminium with PtTFPP lumino-
The advantage of this configuration is that the phore, positioned along the length of the standing
pressure field on the PSP sample is uniform for a wave tube. The resonance tube was driven at a very
given instant in time, allowing for the light intensity high sound pressure level of 172 dB, and the resulting
to be integrated over a large area, thus significantly acoustic field and streaming behaviour were effec-
improving the SNR. In this configuration, McGraw tively observed with the PSP.
et al. were able to resolve pressure fluctuations as Several researchers have used PSP for unsteady
pressure measurements in very low speed flows,
where pressure fluctuations can be as low as the
high-amplitude acoustic pressure fluctuations

Fig. 54 Time history records of the jet oscillations at

two operating frequencies of the micro fluidic Fig. 55 Experimental setup for Hartmann tube
oscillator [90] measurements [92]

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282 J W Gregory, K Asai, M Kameda, T Liu, and J P Sullivan

Fig. 56 PSP image sequence showing shock wave oscillation for the flat resonance cavity at times
(a) 0 ms, (b) 24 ms, (c) 48 ms, (d) 72 ms, (e) 96 ms, and (f) 116 ms [92]

Fig. 57 PSP image sequence showing acoustic wave propagation for the flat resonance cavity at
times (a) 0 ms, (b) 16 ms, (c) 32 ms, (d) 48 ms, (e) 64 ms, and (f) 80 ms. Arrows indicate
leading edge of propagating acoustic wave [92]

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Review of PSP 283

Fig. 59 Pressure time–history comparison between

PSP, Kulite pressure transducer measurements,
and linear theory. PSP data were taken from
one corner of the resonance cavity, and the
Kulite transducer was also corner-mounted.
Errorbars on the PSP data indicate an average
uncertainty of +12.5 Pa. (Reprinted with
permission from Gregory, J. W., Sullivan, J. P.,
Wanis, S., and Komerath, N. M. Pressure-
sensitive point as a distributed optical
microphone array. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 2006,
119(1), 251–261 [97]. Copyright 2006,
American Institute of Physics)

discussed here. McGraw et al. [95] also used their

PtTFBB/TLC plate paint formulation to resolve the
unsteady pressure fluctuations on a square cylinder
due to vortex shedding. They were able to measure

Fig. 58 PSP image sequence showing acoustic wave

propagation for the flat resonance cavity at
times (a) 0 ms, (b) 16 ms, (c) 32 ms, (d) 48 ms,
(e) 64 ms, and (f) 80 ms. (Reprinted with
permission from Gregory, J. W., Sullivan, J. P.,
Wanis, S., and Komerath, N. M. Pressure-
sensitive point as a distributed optical
microphone array. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 2006,
119(1), 251 – 261 [97]. Copyright 2006,
American Institute of Physics)

Fig. 60 Turbocharger experimental setup [33]

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data acquisition was performed with the camera

shutter open for an extended period, and pulsed
excitation phase locked with the driving waveform.
One hundred images were averaged for the both
the reference and speaker-on test conditions. Typi-
cal results of the mode shape measurements
for the (1, 1, 0) mode are shown in Fig. 58 for three
different phase positions within the cycle of the driv-
ing waveform, each separated by 908. A two-
dimensional low-pass FIR spatial filter was applied
to reduce the noise in the image. The modal struc-
ture is clearly resolved, with the high and low press-
ures fluctuating in the corners and the node lines
remaining fixed on the horizontal and vertical cen-
terlines of the cavity. In Fig. 59, pressure measure-
Fig. 61 Unsteady wall pressure about compressor ments with PSP in one corner of the resonance
blades, normalized with respect to inlet total cavity are also compared with measurements from
pressure [33] a Kulite pressure transducer. PSP results nearly
follow the Kulite measurements, within the uncer-
tainty limitations of the data set.
pressure changes as low as 230 Pa at a frequency of
95 to 125 Hz for a Reynolds number of 8.9  104.
6.6 Turbomachinery
Nakakita [96] applied AA-PSP for the measurement
of pressure distributions on a circular cylinder in Turbomachinery testing is another significant area
flow at 33 m/s. Nakakita resolved the 165-Hz vortex ripe for application of PSP. There have been several
shedding with a high-speed camera operating at studies involving the use of PSP for measurement of
rates as high as 2 kHz using an innovative steady pressures in turbomachinery. Investigations
point-by-point FFT frequency analysis technique. such as those of Liu et al. [98], Torgerson et al. [99],
Unsteady pressures as low as 250 Pa (rms) were Bencic [100], Jordan et al. [59, 60], or Navarra et al.
resolved with this technique. [101] have effectively implemented PSP and TSP for
Gregory et al. [97] developed PC-PSP for high- measurement of steady pressures in the rotating
frequency acoustics testing in a resonance cavity. frame of reference. Very few investigations, however,
In this work, they applied the PSP to the back wall have attempted to resolve the unsteady pressure fluc-
of a cavity and excited two-dimensional resonant tuations inherent in turbomachinery. Gregory et al.
mode shapes with a corner-mounted speaker. The [31 – 33] used PC-PSP in a turbocharger compressor
rotating at 100 000 r/min. Their measurements used
pulsed illumination that was phase locked to the
rotation speed of the turbocharger, as shown in
Fig. 60. The resulting data included measurements
of the unsteady wall pressures, steady pressures on
the rotating compressor blades, and unsteady
pressure fluctuations on compressor blades sub-
jected to an inlet pressure distortion, as shown in
Figs 61 and 62.


PSP has been developed for unsteady pressure

measurements and application to short-duration
flows in high-speed testing facilities. PSP provides
global pressure distributions with very high spatial
and temporal resolution. Conventional paint formu-
lations have been limited to step response times on
the order of seconds, whereas the development of
Fig. 62 Steady blade pressure data, normalized with porous PSP formulations has enabled step responses
respect to inlet reference pressure, P/Pref [33] approaching 1 ms. The time response of PSP is

Proc. IMechE Vol. 222 Part G: J. Aerospace Engineering JAERO243 # IMechE 2008
Review of PSP 285

governed by gas diffusion within the paint layer, and provide a pressure jump in both the negative-
such that the thickness of the paint and the diffusiv- and positive-going directions.
ity of the binder determine the paint response. PSP
binders such as anodized aluminium, TLC plate,
and polymer/ceramic all have highly porous struc-
tures with large surface area, thus enabling rapid
response times. Polymer binders with very high gas
1 Kavandi, J., Callis, J., Gouterman, M., Khalil, G.,
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quency response limitations of the new paint formu- J. P. Temperature- and pressure-sensitive luminescent
lations. Modelling work has also been done to paints in aerodynamics. Appl. Mech. Rev., 1997, 50(4),
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dynamic compensators, to describe the complex dif- 3 Bell, J. H., Schairer, E. T., Hand, L. A., and Mehta, R. D.
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JAERO243 # IMechE 2008 Proc. IMechE Vol. 222 Part G: J. Aerospace Engineering
290 J W Gregory, K Asai, M Kameda, T Liu, and J P Sullivan

p1 amplitude of the unsteady pressure k Boltzmann constant

q exponent kQ proportional factor depending on oxygen /
rpore effective radius of a pore luminophore reaction mechanism
R universal gas constant l mean free path of gas molecules
S solubility of oxygen in binder nn normal directional derivative of oxygen
t time concentration
T temperature j similarity variable
Tref reference temperature s diameter of molecules in gas
T* non-dimensional temperature sd sum of molecular radii of oxygen and
z coordinate measuring paint thickness luminophore
z0 non-dimensional wall coordinate t lifetime of luminescence
a probability of reaction tdiff diffusion timescale
b extinction coefficient for the excitation light t0 lifetime with no oxygen quenching
g non-dimensional frequency f phase shift
G gamma function F* fraction of absorbed photons that produce
d optical thickness of the paint layer luminophores in the excited state
DED activation energy of diffusion xO2 mole fraction of oxygen in the gas
DET activation energy v frequency
1 Lennard – Jones energy V collision integral for diffusion

Proc. IMechE Vol. 222 Part G: J. Aerospace Engineering JAERO243 # IMechE 2008

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