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A.CONTENT STANDARD: The learner demonstrates understanding of
mental health as dimension of holistic
health or a healthy life.
B.PERFOMANCE The learner consistently demonstrates skill
STANDARD: that promote mental heath
C.LEARNING Explain the factors the promotion of good
COMPETENCIES: mental health H7PH-IIIa-b-28
II.CONTENT Mental and Emotional
III.LEARNING RESOURCES: Physical Education and health
Learners material 7 pp.340-347
a. Preliminary activities:
 Prayer Let us stand for the prayer. (the student will stand up)
Who wants to lead the prayer? (one of the student lead the
 Greetings Good morning everyone! Good morning sir!
 Classroom Before you are going to your sit, kindly
management arrange first your chair properly and pick up
some plastics and paper around you.
 Checking of Who are absent this morning?
attendance Secretary, kindly list the names of those Yes sir.
who are absent and give it to me after the
class okay?
b. Review or presenting a a. hot’s questions
new lesson:
c. Establish a purpose for to know the importance of mental and
the lesson. emotional health.
d. presenting example of a. Guessing game: Yes si!
the new lesson: Motivation Do you know class what is Emoji
It is using for expressing our emotion
through sms message or chat.
I have here a different illustration of emoji
characters and I will show you one each at
a time and you will guessing or determining
what emotion of emoji character
expressing. Yes sir!
Are you ready? (the student guessing and
(showing the different kinds of emoji determining)
e. discussing new concepts a. Post conference activity:
and practicing new skills: okay class I will group you into two groups
Lesson Proper and each group I will give you an specific
topic that you will discuss to your group,
each member of the group must participate
and help to an give idea about your topic
and after collecting idea to your members
you make a final conclusion and you
present it to the class.
Do you understand class? Yes sir!
Count to create two groups. (the student counting)
For group one your topic is mental health
Answer guiding question.
1. What is mental health?
2. Why mental health is important?
3. How do you know if you have a good
mental health?
For group two your topic is all about (the student perform the
emotional health. activity)
Answer guiding question.
1. What is emotional health?
2. Why emotional health is important?
3. How do you know if you have a good
emotional health?

Are you done class?

Okay the group one first will present they Yes sir!
work and the group two will listen to the
report of the group one and after the group
1 report the group two will present they
work and the group one will listen to the
group two report.
Okay group one present your work. (the group one present the
Very good group one okay group two let us (the group to do the edi wow
give group clap)
an edi wow clap. (the group two present they
Okay group two your next, present your (the group one do the edi ching
work. clap)

Well done group two okay group one let us

give group 2 an edi ching clap.

b. puzzle activity
health has six dimension which contribute
to the total well-being of a person.
What are those?
Instruction: complete the diagram in the
board. Physical, emotional, mental,
social, moral-spiritual and
Very good.
And this session will focus on your?
What? Mental and emotional health
c. brainstorm
we have again an activity, in this activity
you will work with your classmates in
creating your own definition of mental and
Go around the classroom and ask four of
your classmates to give word/s that are (the student do the activity)
related to mental and emotional health.
write their responses on your paper. After
that when you are done asking your
classmates, find a partner and share what
you have written and came up with your
own definition of mental and emotional
f. Making generalization and a. 1-Minute Paper /Reflections
abstraction about the Instruction:
lesson: Complete the following statement.
I learn that___________.
I surprise that___________.
And I don’t understand the_________.

g. Evaluating learning: a. Diagnostic and pre-assessment test

Since we all know what is mental and emotional heath lets test how broad
your knowledge about mental and emotional health?
Answer the diagnostic and pre-assessment in your book of p.e and health on
page 341.
Instruction: read the paragraph carefully and answer the following questions.
h. Additional activities: Reflect the questions below.
assignment a. do the things you think and feel affect your everyday life?
b. how does your body respond to the things you think and feel?
c. when the last time you get stressed?
d. what is stress?

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