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Product Overview:

CANTAB Connect Research

Expert cognitive research made easier.

For researchers investigating key cognitive domains, CANTAB Connect

Research is the quick and simple to use assessment system providing
highly validated touchscreen tests of cognition.

The short standardized test panel assesses memory, executive function,

attention and processing speed, making CANTAB Connect Research ideal
for most disease areas. For more information on disease and research
areas we recommend for CANTAB Connect, see our Test Selector:

CANTAB Connect Research technology makes it easy to perform high

quality multi-site studies, enabling researchers - whether experts in
cognition or not - to produce world-leading cognitive science.

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1a CANTAB Connect Research Product Overview

Product Description
CANTAB Connect Research is a cloud based product that enables academics to select a
combination of eleven tests to assess cognition in research studies. The tests are all
standardised, including voiceover instructions. This reduces the burden of test
administration and helps to ensure consistent administration between sites and researchers
in larger studies. In addition, the predominantly nonverbal nature of the tests minimises
the risk of errors arising from differences in language or cultural understanding. The task
variants available make the product suitable for both highly impaired patients and high
functioning individuals; however, the tests are not validated for paediatric populations.

CANTAB Connect does not currently have normative data built into the product.
Researchers should always, where possible, recruit a suitable control group for all research.
Watch our video to explain why normative data should not be used replace a control group
when conducting research:

The cloud technology platform enables automatic backup of data, which can be accessed
from anywhere in the world at any time. Data from studies is also synchronised across sites
and hardware systems, facilitating larger scale studies.

CANTAB Connect Research is a fixed product; the task variants, outcome measures
available and the output format is standardized. Any bespoke adaptations of this product
will require approval and will incur additional costs.

Validated on iPad 5 Air 1 + 2

Key Features
• Targets the key cognitive domains, allowing the measurement of information input,
information storage, and the use of information to guide behaviour.
• Test panel that can be used in patient populations and healthy volunteers.
• Automated and standardized test administration and data collection.
• Immediate, secure data storage, real-time data access and online query management

Key Advantages
• Easy to understand science.
• High quality data.
• Study workloads and costs are greatly reduced, enabling faster, easier and more accurate
data collection.
• Data can be efficiently and reliably captured and reviewed.

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1a CANTAB Connect Research Product Overview

Test Panel Overview

Familiarization task: Motor Screening Task (MOT)
MOT provides a general assay of whether sensorimotor or comprehension difficulties limit
collecting valid data from the subject.

Participants must touch the flashing cross which is shown in different locations on the
screen. The test has two outcome measures which measure the participant’s speed of
response and the accuracy of the participant’s pointing.

Information Input: Reaction Time (RTI)

RTI provides assays of motor and mental response speeds, as well as measures of
movement time, reaction time and response accuracy.

In this five-choice reaction time task the subject must press and hold down a touchscreen
button at the bottom of the screen. A yellow spot will appear inside one of five yellow
circles at the top of the screen. Subjects must respond to the spot as quickly as they can by
letting go of the button and touching the circle where the yellow spot appeared. This is
repeated for 30 trials. Practice trials are available to familiarize subjects with the task.

The eleven outcome measures in RTI include reaction times, movement times, and error

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Information Input: Rapid Visual Information Processing (RVP)

RVP is a sensitive tool for assessment of sustained attention.

Single digits appear one at a time at a rate of 100 digits per minute. Participants must
detect a series of target sequences (e.g. 3-5-7) and touch a button when they see the last
digit of a target sequence. Nine target sequences appear every 100 numbers. Performance
on the RVP task has been shown to be associated with activation in a network of brain
structures including the frontal and parietal lobes (Coull et al., 1995).

Key outcome measures include RVP A prime. A signal detection measure of target
sensitivity and RVP median response latency.

Information Storage: Paired Associates Learning (PAL)

PAL assesses visual memory and new learning, and is a sensitive tool for accurate
assessment of episodic memory.

Boxes are displayed on the screen and open one by one in a randomized order to reveal
patterns hidden inside. The patterns are then displayed in the middle of the screen, one at
a time, and the subject must touch the box where the pattern was originally located. If the
subject makes an error, the patterns are re-presented to remind the subject of their
locations. Practice trials with fewer patterns are available to familiarize subjects with the

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Information Storage: Delayed Matching to Sample (DMS)

DMS is a test of attention and recognition. It measures participants ability to match a target
pattern to four samples, both simultaneously (the target pattern is still displayed on the
screen) and after delay.

This test assesses visual matching ability and visual recognition memory. The participant is
shown a complex visual pattern and then after a brief delay, four patterns. The participant
must touch the pattern that matches the sample. In some trials the sample and the choice
patterns are shown simultaneously, whereas in others there is a delay (of 0, 4 or 12
seconds) before the four choices appear. Many lesion studies, in both humans and non-
human primates, have indicated that delayed matching to sample is primarily sensitive to
damage in the medial temporal lobes (particularly hippocampus) and frontal lobes (Sahgal
& Iversen, 1978).

Information Storage: Pattern Recognition Memory (PRM)

PRM is a measure of visual recognition memory.

The participant’s watch a series of 12 patterns appear, one at a time, on the screen. These
patterns are designed so that they cannot be given verbal labels.
In the recognition phase, the participant chooses which two patterns they have already
seen before.
This is then repeated, with a new set of 24 patterns to be remembered.

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Using Information to guide behavior: Spatial Working Memory (SWM)

SWM requires retention and manipulation of visuospatial information. This test has notable
executive function demands, and measures strategy use as well as errors.

The test begins with coloured boxes being shown on the screen. The aim of this test is that,
by touching the boxes and using a process of elimination, the subject should find one
‘token’ in each of the boxes and use them to fill up an empty column on the right hand side
of the screen. The key task instruction is that the computer will never hide a token in the
same coloured box, so once a token is found in a box the participant should not return to
that box to look for another token. The colour and position of the boxes used are changed
from trial to trial to discourage the use of stereotyped search strategies.

The key outcome measures for SWM include errors (touching boxes that have been found
to be empty and revisiting boxes which have already been found to contain a token) and
strategy, a measurement of executive function.

Using Information to guide behavior: Attention Switching Task (AST)

AST is a test of executive function which provides a measure of cued attentional set-

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On each trial, an arrow appears on the right or on the left hand side of the screen and the
participant is asked to make a right or left response.
During training stages, participants learn to either respond according to the direction of the
arrow, or according to the side of the screen on which it appears.
During the assessed stage, each trial is preceded by a cue indicating whether the
participant should respond according to direction or side. For some trials, the arrow’s
direction and side are incongruent.

Using Information to guide behavior: One Touch Stockings of Cambridge


OTS is a test of executive function, planning and working memory based upon the ‘Tower of

The participant sees two displays containing three coloured balls and must work out in their
head how many ‘moves’ would be required to make the lower display match the upper
display. Latency and accuracy measures are calculated.

Using Information to guide behavior: Spatial Span (SSP)

SSP is a test of visuospatial working memory.

In this test, based on the Corsi block tapping task, white squares briefly change colour in a

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1a CANTAB Connect Research Product Overview

variable sequence.
The participant must remember the sequence and then touch the squares in that same
The sequence length increases through the test. There are up to 3 attempts at each
sequence length and the test terminates if all three are failed.

Social Cognition: Emotion Recognition Task (ERT)

ERT assesses social cognition and measures the ability of the participant to identify
emotions in facial expressions.

The participant is shown a series of faces and asked to identify the emotion (happiness,
sadness, anger, disgust, surprise & fear)

Response Inhibition: Stop Signal Task (SST)

Coming Soon in 2016

Verbal Recognition Memory (VRM)

Coming Soon in 2016

Task Variants
Test Code Variants in CANTAB Connect Closest Task Variant in CANTAB
Research Research Suite
MOT Voice Both equivalent to High Visibility
PAL 12 Choice Practice No equivalent
12 Choice (assessed) No equivalent

Standard equivalent to
4> but Connect version has a practice

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RTI Five-choice Nearest version for both is Touch

Five-choice Practice Screen Parallel 30a (simple and 5

RVP Standard No equivalent

Recommended Standard Touch Screen 7 6a

One-target Touch Screen 357 6a 9t

SWM 12 Tokens Practice No equivalent

12 Tokens No equivalent

Standard equivalent to Shortened-3X3P-2X4-40-

2X6-60-2X8-80 but Connect has 1
problem assessed at each level and
older has 2

DMS Standard Parallel 1-4

AST Standard Touchscreen 8d1-8d2-40d2a-8s-40sa-


ERT Long Standard

Short No eqivalent
OTS Standard 7-choice 15

Alternative 6-choice 20

Task Variant Structures

Attention Switching Task

Task Variant Duration Task structure
8 Direction trials, practice (arrows centred)
8 Direction trials, practice (arrows at sides of screen)
40 Direction trials, assessed
AST Standard 8 minutes 8 Side trials, practice
40 Side trials, assessed
16 Mixed direction & side trials, practice
80 Mixed direction & side trials, assessed

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Delayed Matching to Sample

Task Variant Duration Task structure

4 practice trials (simultaneous, 0, 4, 12

DMS Recommended Standard second delays)
20 assessed trials (5 per delay type)

Emotion Recognition Task

Task Variant Duration Task structure
5 practice trials
90 assessed trials
Male/Female faces
Long 9 minutes
6 emotions (happiness, sadness, fear, anger, surprise, disgust)
15 intensities
5 practice trials
48 assessed trials
Male/Female faces
Short 6 minutes
6 emotions (happiness, sadness, fear, anger, surprise, disgust)
8 intensities

Motor Control Task (MOT)

Task Variant Duration Task Structure

3 practice trials
Tone 2 minutes 10 assessed trials
No voiceover - invigilator led
3 practice trials
Voice 2 minutes 10 assessed trials
Voiceover led

One Touch Stockings of Cambridge

Task Variant Duration Task structure

3 mandatory practice trials (2, 3, 4 moves)

Standard 10 minutes
15 assessed trials (1 to 6 moves)
3 mandatory practice trials (2, 3, 4 moves)
Alternative 8 minutes
20 assessed trials (1 to 5 moves)

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Paired Associates Learning

Task Variant Duration Task structure

12 Patterns Practice 6 minutes 2, 4, 8, 12 patterns practice (3 attempts)

12 Patterns Assessed 4 minutes 12 patterns assessed (3 attempts)
2, 4, 8, 12 patterns practice (3 attempts)
PAL High Functioning 10 minutes
12 patterns assessed (3 attempts)

2 pattern practice
Recommended Standard 8 minutes
2, 4, 6, 8 patterns assessed (4 attempts)

Pattern Recognition Memory

Task Variant Duration Task structure

12 patterns immediate recognition

PRM Recommended Standard 12 patterns delayed recognition (20

Reaction Time

Task Variant Duration Task structure

Five Choice Practice 30 trials, practice
Five Choice Assessed 30 trials, assessed

4 10 trials, practice
Five Choice
minutes 30 trials, assessed
10 simple trials, practice (repeated if 3 errors
6 30 simple trials, assessed
Simple and Five-Choice
minutes 10 five-choice trials, practice (repeated if 3
errors made)
30 five-choice trials, assessed

Rapid Visual Information Processing

Task Variant Duration Task structure

1 minute practice (with 3-5-7)

1 Target 9 minutes 6 minutes assessed
1 target sequence: 3-5-7
1 minute practice (with 3-5-7)
3 Targets 9 minutes 6 minutes assessed
3 target sequences: 3-5-7; 2-4-6-; 4-6-8

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Spatial Span
Task Variant Duration Task structure
2 x 2 box sequence practice trials (3 attempts)
Standard Forward 4 minutes
7 assessed trials (3-9 box sequences, 3 attempts)
2 x 2 box sequence practice trials (3 attempts)
Standard Reverse 4 minutes
7 assessed trials (3-9 box sequences, 3 attempts)

Spatial Working Memory

Task Variant Duration Task structure

12 Tokens Practice 6 minutes 3, 6, 9, 12 tokens, practice

12 Tokens Assessed 4 minutes 3 trials of 12 tokens , assessed

3, 6, 9, 12 tokens, practice
SWM High Functioning 9 minutes
12 tokens, assessed

2 x 3 token practice trials

Recommended Standard 5 minutes
4, 6, 8 tokens assessed trials

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Outcome Measures Available

Rows highlighted in yellow refer to the Key Outcome Measures we recommend

Task Measure Column Description Mode

Name Header Applicability
MOT MOT Mean MOTML The mean latency from the display of a stimulus Voice
latency to a correct response to that stimulus during Tone
assessment trials.
MOT MOT Median MOTSDL This is the standard deviation of the latency, Voice
latency calculated from the display of a stimulus to a Tone
(standard correct response to that stimulus during
deviation) assessment trials.
MOT MOT Total MOTTC The total number of assessment trials on which Voice
Correct the subject made a correct response. Tone
MOT MOT Total MOTTE The total number of assessment trials on which Voice
Errors the subject failed to make a correct response. Tone

Task Measure Column Description Mode

Name Header Applicability
AST AST Total ASTTC The number of trials for which the outcome AST Standard
correct was a correct response (subject pressed the
correct button within the response window),
calculated across all assessed trials.

AST AST Total ASTTIC The number of trials for which the outcome AST Standard
incorrect was an incorrect response (subject pressed
the incorrect button within the response
window), calculated across all assessed trials.
AST AST ASTSWBE The number of trials in assessed block(s) in AST Standard
Switching which the rule is switching and the trial
block errors outcome was an incorrect response.
AST AST Non- ASTNBE The number of trials in assessed block(s) in AST Standard
switching which the rule is non-switching and the trial
block errors outcome was an incorrect response.
AST AST Side ASTSBE The number of trials in assessed block(s) in AST Standard
block errors which the rule is to respond to the side of the
screen and the trial outcome was an incorrect
AST AST ASTDBE The number of trials in assessed block(s) in AST Standard
Direction which the rule is to respond to the direction of
block errors the arrow and the trial outcome was an
incorrect response.

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AST AST ASTCE The number of assessed congruent trials for AST Standard
Congruent which the trial outcome was an incorrect
errors response (subject pressed the wrong button).
AST AST ASTICE The number of assessed incongruent trials for AST Standard
Incongruent which the trial outcome was an incorrect
errors response (subject pressed the wrong button).
AST AST Side ASTSE The number of assessed trials where the AST Standard
errors outcome was an incorrect response (subject
pressed the wrong button), calculated for
trials where the instruction was to respond to
the side of the screen.
AST AST ASTDE The number of assessed trials where the AST Standard
Direction outcome was an incorrect response (subject
errors pressed the wrong button), calculated for
trials where the instruction was to respond to
the direction of the arrow.
AST AST ASTTOE The number of trials for which the trial AST Standard
Omission outcome was an omission error (no response).
AST AST ASTTCE The number of trials for which the trial AST Standard
Commission outcome was a commission error (response
errors when no stimulus present)

AST AST ASTLM The mean latency of response (from stimulus AST Standard
Reaction appearance to button press), calculated across
latency all correct, assessed trials.
AST AST ASTLMD The median latency of response (from AST Standard
Reaction stimulus appearance to button press),
latency calculated across all correct, assessed trials.
AST AST ASTLSD The standard deviation of the latency of AST Standard
Reaction response (from stimulus appearance to button
latency (SD) press), calculated across all correct, assessed
AST AST RL ASTLSWM The mean latency of response (from stimulus AST Standard
(mean - appearance to button press) in assessed
switching block(s) in which the rule is switching.
AST AST RL ASTLSWMD The median latency of response (from AST Standard
(median - stimulus appearance to button press) in
switching assessed block(s) in which the rule is
blocks) switching.
AST AST RL (SD ASTLSWSD The standard deviation of the latency of AST Standard
- switching response (from stimulus appearance to button
blocks) press) in assessed block(s) in which the rule is
AST AST RL ASTLNBM The mean latency of response (from stimulus AST Standard
(mean - appearance to button press) in assessed
non- block(s) in which the rule is non-switching.

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AST AST RL ASTLNBMD The median latency of response (from AST Standard
(median - stimulus appearance to button press) in
non- assessed block(s) in which the rule is non-
switching switching.
AST AST RL (SD ASTLNBSD The standard deviation of the latency of AST Standard
- non- response (from stimulus appearance to button
switching press) in assessed block(s) in which the rule is
blocks) non-switching.
AST AST RL ASTLSBM The mean latency of response (from stimulus AST Standard
(mean - side appearance to button press) in assessed
blocks) block(s) in which the rule is to respond to the
side of the screen.
AST AST RL ASTLSBMD The median latency of response (from AST Standard
(median - stimulus appearance to button press) in
side blocks) assessed block(s) in which the rule is to
respond to the side of the screen.
AST AST RL (SD ASTLSBSD The standard deviation of the latency of AST Standard
- side response (from stimulus appearance to button
blocks) press) in assessed block(s) in which the rule is
to respond to the side of the screen.
AST AST RL ASTLDBM The mean latency of response (from stimulus AST Standard
(mean - appearance to button press) in assessed
direction block(s) in which the rule is to respond to the
blocks) direction of the arrow.
AST AST RL ASTLDBMD The median latency of response (from AST Standard
(median - stimulus appearance to button press) in
direction assessed block(s) in which the rule is to
blocks) respond to the direction of the arrow.
AST AST RL (SD ASTLDBSD The standard deviation of the latency of AST Standard
- direction response (from stimulus appearance to button
blocks) press) in assessed block(s) in which the rule is
to respond to the direction of the arrow.
AST AST RL ASTLCM The mean latency of response (from stimulus AST Standard
(mean - appearance to button press) on congruent
congruent) trials.
AST AST RL ASTLCMD The median latency of response (from AST Standard
(median - stimulus appearance to button press) on
congruent) congruent trials.
AST AST RL (SD ASTLCSD The standard deviation of the latency of AST Standard
- congruent) response (from stimulus appearance to button
press) on congruent trials.
AST AST RL ASTLICM The mean latency of response (from stimulus AST Standard
(mean - appearance to button press) on incongruent
incongruent) trials.
AST AST RL ASTLICMD The median latency of response (from AST Standard
(median - stimulus appearance to button press) on
incongruent) incongruent trials.

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AST AST RL (SD ASTLICSD The standard deviation of the latency of AST Standard
- response (from stimulus appearance to button
incongruent) press) on incongruent trials.
AST AST RL ASTLSDM The mean latency of response (from stimulus AST Standard
(mean - appearance to button press), calculated for
side) trials where the instruction was to respond to
the side of the screen
AST AST RL ASTLSDMD The median latency of response (from AST Standard
(median - stimulus appearance to button press),
side) calculated for trials where the instruction was
to respond to the side of the screen
AST AST RL (SD ASTLSDSD The standard deviation of the latency of AST Standard
- side) response (from stimulus appearance to button
press), calculated for trials where the
instruction was to respond to the side of the
AST AST RL ASTLDM The mean latency of response (from stimulus AST Standard
(mean - appearance to button press), calculated for
direction) trials where the instruction was to respond to
the direction of the stimulus
AST AST RL ASTLDMD The median latency of response (from AST Standard
(median - stimulus appearance to button press),
direction) calculated for trials where the instruction was
to respond to the direction of the stimulus
AST AST RL (SD ASTLDSD The standard deviation of the latency of AST Standard
- direction) response (from stimulus appearance to button
press), calculated for trials where the
instruction was to respond to the direction of
the stimulus
AST AST ASTCCOST The difference between the mean latency of AST Standard
Congruency response (from stimulus appearance to button
cost (mean) press) on the trials that were congruent
versus the trials that were incongruent.
Calculated by subtracting the mean congruent
latency (in ms) from the mean incongruent
latency. This measure is complex in sense.
Close to zero indicates less variation in
latencies across congruent and incongruent
trials. A positive score indicates that the
subject is faster on congruent trials and a
negative score indicates that the subject is
faster on incongruent trials.
AST AST ASTCCMD The difference between the median latency of AST Standard
Congruency response (from stimulus appearance to button
cost press) on the trials that were congruent
(median) versus the trials that were incongruent.
Calculated by subtracting the median
congruent latency (in ms) from the median
incongruent latency. This measure is complex
in sense. Close to zero indicates less variation
in latencies across congruent and incongruent
trials. A positive score indicates that the

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1a CANTAB Connect Research Product Overview

subject is faster on congruent trials and a

negative score indicates that the subject is
faster on incongruent trials.

AST AST ASTSWCM The difference between the mean latency of AST Standard
Switching response (from stimulus appearance to button
cost (mean) press) during assessed blocks in which the
rule is switching versus assessed blocks in
which the rule remains constant. Calculated
by subtracting the mean latency of response
during non-switching block(s) from the mean
latency of response during switching block(s).
This measure is complex in sense. Close to
zero indicates less variation in latencies across
non-switch and switch trials. A positive score
indicates that the subject responds more
quickly in non-switching block(s).
AST AST ASTSWCMD The difference between the median latency of AST Standard
Switching response (from stimulus appearance to button
cost press) during assessed blocks in which the
(median) rule is switching versus assessed blocks in
which the rule remains constant. Calculated
by subtracting the median latency of response
during non-switching block(s) from the
median latency of response during switching
block(s). This measure is complex in sense.
Close to zero indicates less variation in
latencies across non-switch and switch trials.
A positive score indicates that the subject
responds more quickly in non-switching

Task Measure Column Description Mode

Name Header Applicability

DMS DMS Total DMSTC The count of assessment trials during which the Recommended
correct subject selected the correct box on their first Standard
box choice.
DMS DMS Total DMSTCA The count of assessment trials where the Recommended
correct (all D responses were not displayed simultaneously Standard
delays) alongside the stimulus and where the subject’s
first and only box choice was correct.

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DMS DMS Total DMSTCS The count of assessment trials where the Recommended
correct choices were displayed simultaneously and Standard
(simultane where the subject’s first and only box choice
ous) was correct.
DMS DMS Total DMSTC0 The count of assessment trials where the Recommended
correct (0 s choices were displayed after a delay of 0 Standard
delay) seconds and where the subject’s first and only
box choice was correct.
DMS DMS Total DMSTC4 The count of assessment trials where the Recommended
correct (4 s choices were displayed after a delay of 4 Standard
delay) seconds and where the subject’s first and only
box choice was correct.
DMS DMS Total DMSTC1 The count of assessment trials where the Recommended
correct (12 2 choices were displayed after a delay of 12 Standard
s delay) seconds and where the subject’s first and only
box choice was correct.
DMS DMS DMSPC The percentage of assessment trials during Recommended
Percent which the subject selected the correct box on Standard
correct their first box choice.
DMS DMS DMSPCA The percentage of assessment trials where the Recommended
Percent D responses were not displayed simultaneously Standard
correct (all alongside the stimulus and where the subject’s
delays) first and only box choice was correct.

DMS DMS DMSPCS The percentage of assessment trials where the Recommended
Percent choices were displayed simultaneously and Standard
correct where the subject’s first and only box choice
(simultane was correct.
DMS DMS DMSPC0 The percentage of assessment trials with a Recommended
Percent delay of 0 seconds where the subject’s first Standard
correct (0 s and only box choice was correct.
DMS DMS DMSPC4 The percentage of assessment trials with a Recommended
Percent delay of 4 seconds where the subject’s first Standard
correct (4 s and only box choice was correct.
DMS DMS DMSPC1 The percentage of assessment trials with a Recommended
Percent 2 delay of 12 seconds where the subject’s first Standard
correct (12 and only box choice was correct.
s delay)
DMS DMS Total DMSTE The number of times that the subject failed to Recommended
Errors select the correct box on their first response to Standard
a trial across all trials and regardless of which
of the three incorrect boxes they chose

DMS DMS Error DMSEC The number of times that the subject failed to Recommended
(incorrect select the correct box on their first response to Standard
colour) a trial. The inclusion set against which this
measure is calculated is all assessed trials
where the selected distractor is matched to the
sample by colour.

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DMS DMS Error DMSEP The number of times that the subject failed to Recommended
(incorrect select the correct box on their first response to Standard
pattern) a trial. The inclusion set against which this
measure is calculated is all assessed trials
where the selected distractor is matched to the
sample by shape.
DMS DMS Error DMSED The number of times that the subject failed to Recommended
(Distractor) select the correct box on their first response to Standard
a trial. The inclusion set against which this
measure is calculated is all assessed trials
where the selected distractor is a novel
DMS DMS Total DMSTEA The number of times that the subject failed to Recommended
Errors (All D select the correct box on their first response to Standard
Delays) a trial across all delay conditions only trials and
regardless of which of the three incorrect boxes
they chose.
DMS DMS Error DMSECA The number of times that the subject failed to Recommended
(all delays, D select the correct box on their first response to Standard
incorrect a trial. The inclusion set against which this
colour) measure is calculated is all assessed trials
where the selected distractor is matched to the
sample by colour.
DMS DMS Error DMSEPA The number of times that the subject failed to Recommended
(all delays, D select the correct box on their first response to Standard
incorrect a trial. The inclusion set against which this
pattern) measure is calculated is all assessed trials
where the selected distractor is matched to the
sample by shape.
DMS DMS Error DMSED The number of times that the subject failed to Recommended
(all delays, AD select the correct box on their first response to Standard
distractor) a trial. The inclusion set against which this
measure is calculated is all assessed trials
where the selected distractor is a novel
DMS DMS Mean DMSML The Mean latency from the available choices Recommended
correct being displayed to the subject choosing the Standard
latency correct choice on assessment trials where the
subject’s first choice is correct.

DMS DMS DMSMD The Median latency from the available choices Recommended
Median L being displayed to the subject choosing the Standard
correct correct choice on assessment trials where the
latency subject’s first choice is correct.

DMS DMS DMSLSD The standard deviation of the latency Recommended

Correct calculated from the available choices being Standard
latency displayed to the subject choosing the correct
(SD) choice on assessment trials where the subject’s
first choice is correct.

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DMS DMS Mean DMSML The Mean latency from the available choices Recommended
correct AD being displayed to the subject choosing the Standard
latency (all correct choice, on assessment trials where the
delays) responses were not displayed simultaneously
alongside the stimulus and where the subject’s
first choice is correct.
DMS DMS DMSMD The Median latency from the available choices Recommended
Median LAD being displayed to the subject choosing the Standard
correct correct choice, on assessment trials where the
latency (all responses were not displayed simultaneously
delays) alongside the stimulus and where the subject’s
first choice is correct.
DMS DMS DMSLAD The standard deviation of the latency Recommended
Correct SD calculated from the available choices being Standard
latency (all displayed to the subject choosing the correct
delays - choice, on assessment trials where the
SD) responses were not displayed simultaneously
alongside the stimulus and where the subject’s
first choice is correct.
DMS DMS Mean DMSML The Mean latency from the available choices Recommended
correct S being displayed to the subject choosing the Standard
latency correct choice on simultaneous assessment
(simultane trials where the subject’s first choice is correct.
DMS DMS MD DMSMD The Median latency from the available choices Recommended
correct LS being displayed to the subject choosing the Standard
latency correct choice on simultaneous assessment
(simultane trials where the subject’s first choice is correct.
DMS DMS DMSLSS The standard deviation of the latency Recommended
Correct D calculated from the available choices being Standard
latency displayed to the subject choosing the correct
(simultane choice on simultaneous assessment trials
ous - SD) where the subject’s first choice is correct.
DMS DMS Mean DMSML The Mean latency from the available choices Recommended
correct 0 being displayed to the subject choosing the Standard
latency (0 correct choice on assessment trials with a delay
ms delay) of 0 seconds, where the subject’s first choice is
DMS DMS DMSMD The Median latency from the available choices Recommended
Median L0 being displayed to the subject choosing the Standard
correct correct choice on assessment trials with a delay
latency (0 of 0 seconds, where the subject’s first choice is
s delay) correct.
DMS DMS DMSL0S The standard deviation of the latency Recommended
Correct D calculated from the available choices being Standard
latency (0 displayed to the subject choosing the correct
s delay - choice on assessment trials with a delay of 0
SD) seconds, where the subject’s first choice is

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DMS DMS Mean DMSML The Mean latency from the available choices Recommended
correct 4 being displayed to the subject choosing the Standard
latency (4 correct choice on assessment trials with a delay
s delay) of 4 seconds, where the subject’s first choice is
DMS DMS MD DMSMD The Median latency from the available choices Recommended
correct L4 being displayed to the subject choosing the Standard
latency (4 correct choice on assessment trials with a delay
s delay) of 4 seconds, where the subject’s first choice is
DMS DMS DMSL4S The standard deviation of the latency Recommended
Correct D calculated from the available choices being Standard
latency (4 displayed to the subject choosing the correct
s delay - choice on assessment trials with a delay of 4
SD) seconds, where the subject’s first choice is
DMS DMS Mean DMSML The Mean latency from the available choices Recommended
correct 12 being displayed to the subject choosing the Standard
latency (12 correct choice on assessment trials with a delay
s delay) of 12 seconds, where the subject’s first choice
is correct.
DMS DMS MD DMSMD The Median latency from the available choices Recommended
correct L12 being displayed to the subject choosing the Standard
latency (12 correct choice on assessment trials with a delay
s delay) of 12 seconds, where the subject’s first choice
is correct.
DMS DMS DMSL12 The standard deviation of the latency Recommended
Correct SD calculated from the available choices being Standard
latency (12 displayed to the subject choosing the correct
s delay - choice on assessment trials with a delay of 12
SD) seconds, where the subject’s first choice is
DMS DMS Mean DMSMC The mean number of choices that the subject Recommended
choices to C made on each trial, including the correct Standard
correct choice. The inclusion set against which this
measure is calculated is all assessed trials on
which the subject eventually made a correct
DMS DMS DMSPEG This measure reports the probability of an error Recommended
Probability C occurring when the previous trial was Standard
of error responded to correctly
DMS DMS DMSPEG This measure reports the probability of an error Recommended
Probability E occurring when the previous trial was Standard
of error responded to incorrectly
given error

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Task Measure Column Description Mode

Name Header Applicability
ERT ERT Overall ERTOMDRT The median latency from stimulus onset to ERT Short
Median the subject’s response button touch (i.e. ERT Long
Reaction emotion chosen) for all problems during
Time assessment blocks.

ERT ERT Overall ERTORTSD The standard deviation of the latency from ERT Short
Reaction stimulus onset to the subject’s response ERT Long
Time (SD) button touch (i.e. emotion chosen) for all
problems during assessment blocks.

ERT ERT Median ERTMDRTH The median latency from stimulus onset to ERT Short
Reaction the subject’s response button touch (i.e. ERT Long
Time emotion chosen) for all problems during
Happiness assessment blocks for which the selected
emotion was happiness.

ERT ERT Median ERTMDRTS The median latency from stimulus onset to ERT Short
Reaction the subject’s response button touch (i.e. ERT Long
Time emotion chosen) for all problems during
Sadness assessment blocks for which the selected
emotion was sadness.

ERT ERT Median ERTMDRTF The median latency from stimulus onset to ERT Short
Reaction the subject’s response button touch (i.e. ERT Long
Time Fear emotion chosen) for all problems during
assessment blocks for which the selected
emotion was fear.
ERT ERT Median ERTMDRTA The median latency from stimulus onset to ERT Short
Reaction the subject’s response button touch (i.e. ERT Long
Time Anger emotion chosen) for all problems during
assessment blocks for which the selected
emotion was anger.

ERT ERT Median ERTMDRTSU The median latency from stimulus onset to ERT Short
Reaction the subject’s response button touch (i.e. ERT Long
Time emotion chosen) for all problems during
Surprise assessment blocks for which the selected
emotion was surprise.

ERT ERT Median ERTMDRTD The median latency from stimulus onset to ERT Short
Reaction the subject’s response button touch (i.e. ERT Long
Time emotion chosen) for all problems during
Disgust assessment blocks for which the selected
emotion was disgust.

ERT ERT Overall ERTOMDCRT The median latency from stimulus onset to ERT Short
Median the subject’s response button touch (i.e. ERT Long
Correct emotion chosen) for all problems during
Reaction assessment blocks for which the subject
Time responded correctly.

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ERT ERT Overall ERTOCRTSD The standard deviation of the latency from ERT Short
Correct stimulus onset to the subject’s response ERT Long
Reaction button touch (i.e. emotion chosen) for all
Time (SD) problems during assessment blocks for which
the subject responded correctly.

ERT ERT ERTMDCRTH The median latency from stimulus onset to ERT Short
Correct the subject’s response button touch (i.e. ERT Long
Reaction emotion chosen) for all problems during
Time assessment blocks for which the selected
Happiness emotion was happiness and the response was
ERT ERT ERTMDCRTS The median latency from stimulus onset to ERT Short
Correct the subject’s response button touch (i.e. ERT Long
Reaction emotion chosen) for all problems during
Time assessment blocks for which the selected
Sadness emotion was sadness and the response was
ERT ERT ERTMDCRTF The median latency from stimulus onset to ERT Short
Correct the subject’s response button touch (i.e. ERT Long
Reaction emotion chosen) for all problems during
Time Fear assessment blocks for which the selected
emotion was fear and the response was
ERT ERT ERTMDCRTA The median latency from stimulus onset to ERT Short
Correct the subject’s response button touch (i.e. ERT Long
Reaction emotion chosen) for all problems during
Time Anger assessment blocks for which the selected
emotion was anger and the response was
ERT ERT ERTMDCRTSU The median latency from stimulus onset to ERT Short
Correct the subject’s response button touch (i.e. ERT Long
Reaction emotion chosen) for all problems during
Time assessment blocks for which the selected
Surprise emotion was surprise and the response was
ERT ERT ERTMDCRTD The median latency from stimulus onset to ERT Short
Correct the subject’s response button touch (i.e. ERT Long
Reaction emotion chosen) for all problems during
Time assessment blocks for which the selected
Disgust emotion was disgust and the response was
ERT ERT Total ERTTH The number of problems during assessment ERT Short
Hits blocks, on which the subject chose the ERT Long
correct emotion.
ERT ERT Total ERTTHH The number of problems during assessment ERT Short
Hits blocks, on which the subject chose the ERT Long
Happiness correct emotion. Calculated where the correct
answer is happiness.

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ERT ERT Total ERTTHS The number of problems during assessment ERT Short
Hits blocks, on which the subject chose the ERT Long
Sadness correct emotion. Calculated where the correct
answer is sadness.

ERT ERT Total ERTTHF The number of problems during assessment ERT Short
Hits Fear blocks, on which the subject chose the ERT Long
correct emotion. Calculated where the correct
answer is fear.
ERT ERT Total ERTTHA The number of problems during assessment ERT Short
Hits Anger blocks, on which the subject chose the ERT Long
correct emotion. Calculated where the correct
answer is anger.

ERT ERT Total ERTTHSU The number of problems during assessment ERT Short
Hits blocks, on which the subject chose the ERT Long
Surprise correct emotion. Calculated where the correct
answer is surprise.

ERT ERT Total ERTTHD The number of problems during assessment ERT Short
Hits blocks, on which the subject chose the ERT Long
Disgust correct emotion. Calculated where the correct
answer is disgust.

ERT ERT Total ERTTFAH The number of problems during assessment ERT Short
False blocks, on which the subject incorrectly ERT Long
Alarms selected happiness.

ERT ERT Total ERTTFAS The number of problems during assessment ERT Short
False blocks, on which the subject incorrectly ERT Long
Alarms selected sadness.

ERT ERT Total ERTTFAF The number of problems during assessment ERT Short
False blocks, on which the subject incorrectly ERT Long
Alarms selected fear.
ERT ERT Total ERTTFAA The number of problems during assessment ERT Short
False blocks, on which the subject incorrectly ERT Long
Alarms selected anger.

ERT ERT Total ERTTFASU The number of problems during assessment ERT Short
False blocks, on which the subject incorrectly ERT Long
Alarms selected surprise.

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ERT ERT Total ERTTFAD The number of problems during assessment ERT Short
False blocks, on which the subject incorrectly ERT Long
Alarms selected disgust.

ERT ERT ERTUHRH The joint probability that an emotion is ERT Short
Unbiased correctly selected, given that it is presented, ERT Long
Hit Rate and that a response is correctly made, given
Happiness one is made. Calculated for happiness trials.

ERT ERT ERTUHRS The joint probability that an emotion is ERT Short
Unbiased correctly selected, given that it is presented, ERT Long
Hit Rate and that a response is correctly made, given
Sadness one is made. Calculated for sadness trials.

ERT ERT ERTUHRF The joint probability that an emotion is ERT Short
Unbiased correctly selected, given that it is presented, ERT Long
Hit Rate and that a response is correctly made, given
Fear one is made. Calculated for fear trials.

ERT ERT ERTUHRA The joint probability that an emotion is ERT Short
Unbiased correctly selected, given that it is presented, ERT Long
Hit Rate and that a response is correctly made, given
Anger one is made. Calculated for anger trials.

ERT ERT ERTUHRSU The joint probability that an emotion is ERT Short
Unbiased correctly selected, given that it is presented, ERT Long
Hit Rate and that a response is correctly made, given
Surprise one is made. Calculated for surprise trials.

ERT ERT ERTUHRD The joint probability that an emotion is ERT Short
Unbiased correctly selected, given that it is presented, ERT Long
Hit Rate and that a response is correctly made, given
Disgust one is made. Calculated for disgust trials.

Task Measure Column Description Mode

Name Header Applicability
OTS OTS Problems OTSPSFC The number of assessment problems on OTS Standard
solved on first which the first box choice made was OTS Alternative
choice correct.
OTS OTS Problems OTSPSFC1 The number of assessment problems on OTS Standard
solved 1st which the first box choice made was OTS Alternative
choice (1move) correct, and where the minimum number
of moves was equal to 1
OTS OTS Problems OTSPSFC2 The number of assessment problems on OTS Standard
solved 1st which the first box choice made was OTS Alternative
choice (2move) correct, and where the minimum number
of moves was equal to 2
OTS OTS Problems OTSPSFC3 The number of assessment problems on OTS Standard
solved 1st which the first box choice made was OTS Alternative
choice (3move) correct, and where the minimum number
of moves was equal to 3

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OTS OTS Problems OTSPSFC4 The number of assessment problems on OTS Standard
solved 1st which the first box choice made was OTS Alternative
choice (4move) correct, and where the minimum number
of moves was equal to 4
OTS OTS Problems OTSPSFC5 The number of assessment problems on OTS Standard
solved 1st which the first box choice made was OTS Alternative
choice (5move) correct, and where the minimum number
of moves was equal to 5
OTS OTS Problems OTSPSFC6 The number of assessment problems on OTS Standard
solved 1st which the first box choice made was
choice (6move) correct, and where the minimum number
of moves was equal to 6
OTS OTS Mean OTSMCC The mean number of unique box choices OTS Standard
choices to that the subject made on each problem OTS Alternative
correct to make the correct choice, calculated
for assessment problems.
OTS OTS Mean OTSMCC1 The mean number of unique box choices OTS Standard
choices to that the subject made on each problem OTS Alternative
correct (1 to make the correct choice (including the
move) correct choice), for assessment problems
that had the minimum number of moves
equal to 1.
OTS OTS Mean OTSMCC2 The mean number of unique box choices OTS Standard
choices to that the subject made on each problem OTS Alternative
correct (2 to make the correct choice (including the
move) correct choice), for assessment problems
that had the minimum number of moves
equal to 2.
OTS OTS Mean OTSMCC3 The mean number of unique box choices OTS Standard
choices to that the subject made on each problem OTS Alternative
correct (3 to make the correct choice (including the
move) correct choice), for assessment problems
that had the minimum number of moves
equal to 3
OTS OTS Mean OTSMCC4 The mean number of unique box choices OTS Standard
choices to that the subject made on each problem OTS Alternative
correct (4 to make the correct choice (including the
move) correct choice), for assessment problems
that had the minimum number of moves
equal to 4.
OTS OTS Mean OTSMCC5 The mean number of unique box choices OTS Standard
choices to that the subject made on each problem OTS Alternative
correct (5 to make the correct choice (including the
move) correct choice), for assessment problems
that had the minimum number of moves
equal to 5
OTS OTS Mean OTSMCC6 The mean number of unique box choices OTS Standard
choices to that the subject made on each problem
correct (6 to make the correct choice (including the
move) correct choice), for assessment problems
that had the minimum number of moves
equal to 6

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OTS OTS Mean OTSMLFC The mean latency, measured from the OTS Standard
latency to first appearance of the stocking balls until the OTS Alternative
choice first box choice was made. Calculated for
assessment problems where the first
response was correct

OTS OTS Median OTSMDLFC The median latency, measured from the OTS Standard
latency to first appearance of the stocking balls until the OTS Alternative
choice first box choice was made. Calculated for
assessment problems where the first
response was correct
OTS OTS Latency to OTSLFCSD This is the standard deviation of the OTS Standard
1st choice (SD) latency, calculated from the appearance OTS Alternative
of the stocking balls until the first box
choice was made. Calculated for
assessment problems where the first
response was correct
OTS OTS Mean OTSMLF1 The mean latency, measured from the OTS Standard
latency to 1st appearance of the stocking balls until the OTS Alternative
choice (1move) first box choice was made. Calculated for
assessment problems of 1 move only,
where the first response was correct
OTS OTS Median OTSMDLF1 The median latency, measured from the OTS Standard
latency to 1st appearance of the stocking balls until the OTS Alternative
choice (1move) first box choice was made. Calculated for
assessment problems of 1 move only,
where the first response was correct
OTS OTS Latency to OTSLF1SD This is the standard deviation of the OTS Standard
1st choice latency, calculated from the appearance OTS Alternative
(1move - SD) of the stocking balls until the first box
choice was made. Calculated for
assessment problems of 1 move only,
where the first response was correct
OTS OTS Mean OTSMLF2 The mean latency, measured from the OTS Standard
latency to 1st appearance of the stocking balls until the OTS Alternative
choice (2move) first box choice was made. Calculated for
assessment problems of 2 moves only,
where the first response was correct
OTS OTS Median OTSMDLF2 The median latency, measured from the OTS Standard
latency to 1st appearance of the stocking balls until the OTS Alternative
choice (2move) first box choice was made. Calculated for
assessment problems of 2 moves only,
where the first response was correct
OTS OTS Latency to OTSLF2SD This is the standard deviation of the OTS Standard
1st choice latency, calculated from the appearance OTS Alternative
(2move - SD) of the stocking balls until the first box
choice was made. Calculated for
assessment problems of 2 moves only,
where the first response was correct

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OTS OTS Mean OTSMLF3 The mean latency, measured from the OTS Standard
latency to 1st appearance of the stocking balls until the OTS Alternative
choice (3move) first box choice was made. Calculated for
assessment problems of 3 moves only,
where the first response was correct
OTS OTS Median OTSMDLF3 The median latency, measured from the OTS Standard
latency to 1st appearance of the stocking balls until the OTS Alternative
choice (3move) first box choice was made. Calculated for
assessment problems of 3 moves only,
where the first response was correct
OTS OTS Latency to OTSLF3SD This is the standard deviation of the OTS Standard
1st choice latency, calculated from the appearance OTS Alternative
(3move - SD) of the stocking balls until the first box
choice was made. Calculated for
assessment problems of 3 moves only,
where the first response was correct
OTS OTS Mean OTSMLF4 The mean latency, measured from the OTS Standard
latency to 1st appearance of the stocking balls until the OTS Alternative
choice (4move) first box choice was made. Calculated for
assessment problems of 4 moves only,
where the first response was correct
OTS OTS Median OTSMDLF4 The median latency, measured from the OTS Standard
latency to 1st appearance of the stocking balls until the OTS Alternative
choice (4move) first box choice was made. Calculated for
assessment problems of 4 moves only,
where the first response was correct
OTS OTS Latency to OTSLF4SD This is the standard deviation of the OTS Standard
1st choice latency, calculated from the appearance OTS Alternative
(4move - SD) of the stocking balls until the first box
choice was made. Calculated for
assessment problems of 4 moves only,
where the first response was correct
OTS OTS Mean OTSMLF5 The mean latency, measured from the OTS Standard
latency to 1st appearance of the stocking balls until the OTS Alternative
choice (5move) first box choice was made. Calculated for
assessment problems of 5 moves only,
where the first response was correct
OTS OTS Median OTSMDLF5 The median latency, measured from the OTS Standard
latency to 1st appearance of the stocking balls until the OTS Alternative
choice (5move) first box choice was made. Calculated for
assessment problems of 5 moves only,
where the first response was correct
OTS OTS Latency to OTSLF5SD This is the standard deviation of the OTS Standard
1st choice latency, calculated from the appearance OTS Alternative
(5move - SD) of the stocking balls until the first box
choice was made. Calculated for
assessment problems of 5 moves only,
where the first response was correct
OTS OTS Mean OTSMLF6 The mean latency, measured from the OTS Standard
latency to 1st appearance of the stocking balls until the
choice (6move) first box choice was made. Calculated for
assessment problems of 6 moves only,

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where the first response was correct

OTS OTS Median OTSMDLF6 The median latency, measured from the OTS Standard
latency to 1st appearance of the stocking balls until the
choice (6move) first box choice was made. Calculated for
assessment problems of 6 moves only,
where the first response was correct
OTS OTS Latency to OTSLF6SD This is the standard deviation of the OTS Standard
1st choice latency, calculated from the appearance
(6move - SD) of the stocking balls until the first box
choice was made. Calculated for
assessment problems of 6 moves only,
where the first response was correct
OTS OTS Mean OTSMLC The mean latency, measured from the OTS Standard
latency to appearance of the stocking balls until the OTS Alternative
correct correct box choice was made, for
assessment problems.
OTS OTS Median OTSMDLC The median latency, measured from the OTS Standard
latency to appearance of the stocking balls until the OTS Alternative
correct correct box choice was made, for
assessment problems.
OTS OTS Latency to OTSLCSD This is the standard deviation of the OTS Standard
correct (SD) latency, calculated from the appearance OTS Alternative
of the stocking balls until the correct box
choice was made, for assessment
OTS OTS Mean OTSMLC1 The mean latency, measured from the OTS Standard
latency to appearance of the stocking balls until the OTS Alternative
correct (1 correct box choice was made, for
move) assessment problems that had the
minimum number of moves equal to 1.
OTS OTS Median OTSMDLC1 The median latency, measured from the OTS Standard
latency to appearance of the stocking balls until the OTS Alternative
correct (1 correct box choice was made, for
move) assessment problems that had the
minimum number of moves equal to 1.
OTS OTS Latency to OTSLC1SD This is the standard deviation of the OTS Standard
correct (1move latency, calculated from the appearance OTS Alternative
- SD) of the stocking balls until the correct box
choice was made, for assessment
problems that had the minimum number
of moves equal to 1.
OTS OTS Mean OTSMLC2 The mean latency, measured from the OTS Standard
latency to appearance of the stocking balls until the OTS Alternative
correct (2 correct box choice was made, for
move) assessment problems that had the
minimum number of moves equal to 2.
OTS OTS Median OTSMDLC2 The median latency, measured from the OTS Standard
latency to appearance of the stocking balls until the OTS Alternative
correct (2 correct box choice was made, for
move) assessment problems that had the
minimum number of moves equal to 2.

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OTS OTS Latency to OTSLC2SD This is the standard deviation of the OTS Standard
correct (2move latency, calculated from the appearance OTS Alternative
- SD) of the stocking balls until the correct box
choice was made, for assessment
problems that had the minimum number
of moves equal to 2.
OTS OTS Mean OTSMLC3 The mean latency, measured from the OTS Standard
latency to appearance of the stocking balls until the OTS Alternative
correct (3 correct box choice was made, for
move) assessment problems that had the
minimum number of moves equal to 3
OTS OTS Median OTSMDLC3 The median latency, measured from the OTS Standard
latency to appearance of the stocking balls until the OTS Alternative
correct (3 correct box choice was made, for
move) assessment problems that had the
minimum number of moves equal to 3
OTS OTS Latency to OTSLC3SD This is the standard deviation of the OTS Standard
correct (3move latency, calculated from the appearance OTS Alternative
- SD) of the stocking balls until the correct box
choice was made, for assessment
problems that had the minimum number
of moves equal to 3
OTS OTS Mean OTSMLC4 The mean latency, measured from the OTS Standard
latency to appearance of the stocking balls until the OTS Alternative
correct (4 correct box choice was made, for
move) assessment problems that had the
minimum number of moves equal to 4
OTS OTS Median OTSMDLC4 The median latency, measured from the OTS Standard
latency to appearance of the stocking balls until the OTS Alternative
correct (4 correct box choice was made, for
move) assessment problems that had the
minimum number of moves equal to 4
OTS OTS Latency to OTSLC4SD This is the standard deviation of the OTS Standard
correct (4move latency, calculated from the appearance OTS Alternative
- SD) of the stocking balls until the correct box
choice was made, for assessment
problems that had the minimum number
of moves equal to 4
OTS OTS Mean OTSMLC5 The mean latency, measured from the OTS Standard
latency to appearance of the stocking balls until the OTS Alternative
correct (5 correct box choice was made, for
move) assessment problems that had the
minimum number of moves equal to 5
OTS OTS Median OTSMDLC5 The median latency, measured from the OTS Standard
latency to appearance of the stocking balls until the OTS Alternative
correct (5 correct box choice was made, for
move) assessment problems that had the
minimum number of moves equal to 5

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OTS OTS Latency to OTSLC5SD This is the standard deviation of the OTS Standard
correct (5move latency, calculated from the appearance OTS Alternative
- SD) of the stocking balls until the correct box
choice was made, for assessment
problems that had the minimum number
of moves equal to 5
OTS OTS Mean OTSMLC6 The mean latency, measured from the OTS Standard
latency to appearance of the stocking balls until the
correct (6 correct box choice was made, for
move) assessment problems that had the
minimum number of moves equal to 6
OTS OTS Median OTSMDLC6 The median latency, measured from the OTS Standard
latency to appearance of the stocking balls until the
correct (6 correct box choice was made, for
move) assessment problems that had the
minimum number of moves equal to 6
OTS OTS Latency to OTSLC6SD This is the standard deviation of the OTS Standard
correct (6move latency, calculated from the appearance
- SD) of the stocking balls until the correct box
choice was made, for assessment
problems that had the minimum number
of moves equal to 6
OTS OTS Probability OTSPEGC This measure reports the probability of OTS Standard
of error given an error occurring when the previous OTS Alternative
correct trial was responded to correctly
OTS OTS Probability OTSPEGE This measure reports the probability of OTS Standard
of error given an error occurring when the previous OTS Alternative
error trial was responded to incorrectly

Task Measure Column Description Abort Mode

Name Header safe Applicability
PAL PAL Total PALTEA The number of times the subject chose Yes PAL High
errors the incorrect box for a stimulus on Functioning
(adjusted) assessment problems (PALTE), plus an PAL 12 Patterns
adjustment for the estimated number Assessed
of errors they would have made on any PAL
problems, attempts and recalls they did Recommended
not reach Standard
PAL PAL Total PALTEA2 The number of times the subject chose Yes PAL
errors 2 the incorrect box for a stimulus on Recommended
shapes assessment problems, where the Standard
adjusted number of shapes was equal to 2 (PAL
Total Errors (2 shapes)), plus an
adjustment for the estimated number
of errors they would have made on any
problems, attempts and recalls (with
shapes equal to 2) they did not reach

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PAL PAL Total PALTEA4 The number of times the subject chose Yes PAL
errors 4 the incorrect box for a stimulus on Recommended
shapes assessment problems, where the Standard
adjusted number of shapes was equal to 4 (PAL
Total Errors (4 shapes)), plus an
adjustment for the estimated number
of errors they would have made on any
problems, attempts and recalls (with
shapes equal to 4) they did not reach
PAL PAL Total PALTEA6 The number of times the subject chose Yes PAL
errors 6 the incorrect box for a stimulus on Recommended
shapes assessment problems, where the Standard
adjusted number of shapes was equal to 6 (PAL
Total Errors (6 shapes)), plus an
adjustment for the estimated number
of errors they would have made on any
problems, attempts and recalls (with
shapes equal to 6) they did not reach
PAL PAL Total PALTEA8 The number of times the subject chose Yes PAL
errors 8 the incorrect box for a stimulus on Recommended
shapes assessment problems, where the Standard
adjusted number of shapes was equal to 8 (PAL
Total Errors (8 shapes)), plus an
adjustment for the estimated number
of errors they would have made on any
problems, attempts and recalls (with
shapes equal to 8) they did not reach
PAL PAL Total PALTE The number of times the subject chose PAL
errors the incorrect box for a stimulus on Recommended
assessment problems. Standard
PAL PAL Total PALTE2 The number of times the subject chose PAL
errors 2 the incorrect box for a stimulus on Recommended
patterns assessment problems, where the Standard
number of shapes was equal to 2.

PAL PAL Total PALTE4 The number of times the subject chose PAL
errors 4 the incorrect box for a stimulus on Recommended
patterns assessment problems, where the Standard
number of shapes was equal to 4.

PAL PAL Total PALTE6 The number of times the subject chose PAL
errors 6 the incorrect box for a stimulus on Recommended
patterns assessment problems, where the Standard
number of shapes was equal to 6.

PAL PAL Total PALTE8 The number of times the subject chose PAL
errors 8 the incorrect box for a stimulus on Recommended
patterns assessment problems, where the Standard
number of shapes was equal to 8.

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PAL PAL Total PALTA The total number of attempts made PAL
attempts (but not necessarily completed) by the Recommended
subject during assessment problems. Standard
PAL High
PAL 12 Patterns
PAL PAL Total PALTA2 The total number of attempts made PAL
attempts (but not necessarily completed) by the Recommended
2 patterns subject during assessment problems Standard
with the stipulated number of shapes.

PAL PAL Total PALTA4 The total number of attempts made PAL
attempts (but not necessarily completed) by the Recommended
4 patterns subject during assessment problems Standard
with the stipulated number of shapes.

PAL PAL Total PALTA6 The total number of attempts made PAL
attempts (but not necessarily completed) by the Recommended
6 patterns subject during assessment problems Standard
with the stipulated number of shapes.

PAL PAL Total PALTA8 The total number of attempts made PAL
attempts (but not necessarily completed) by the Recommended
8 patterns subject during assessment problems Standard
with the stipulated number of shapes.

PAL PAL Mean PALMETS The average number of errors made on PAL
errors to a problem across all assessed problems Recommended
success Standard
PAL PAL First PALFAMS The number of correct box choices that PAL
attempt were made on the first attempt during Recommended
memory assessment problems. Standard
score PAL High
PAL 12 Patterns
PAL PAL PALNPR The number of patterns on the last Yes PAL
Number problem reached in the task Recommended
of Standard

Task Measure Name Column Description Mode

Header Applicability
PRM PRM Percent Correct PRMPCI The number of correct responses PRM
Immediate made in trials from the immediate Recommended
condition, expressed as a Standard

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PRM PRM Mean correct PRMMCLI The mean latency for correct PRM
latency responses from the immediate Recommended
condition only, measured in Standard

PRM PRM Median correct PRMMDCLI The median latency for correct PRM
latency responses from the immediate Recommended
condition only, measured in Standard

PRM PRM Correct latency PRMCLSDI The standard deviation of latency PRM
(SD) for correct responses from the Recommended
immediate condition only, Standard
measured in milliseconds.

PRM PRM Percent Correct PRMPCD The number of correct responses PRM
Delayed made in trials from the delayed Recommended
condition, expressed as a Standard
PRM PRM Mean correct PRMMCLD The mean latency for correct PRM
latency responses from the delayed Recommended
condition only, measured in Standard

PRM PRM Median correct PRMMDCLD The median latency for correct PRM
latency responses from the delayed Recommended
condition only, measured in Standard
PRM PRM Correct latency PRMCLSDD The standard deviation of latency PRM
(SD) for correct responses from the Recommended
delayed condition only, measured Standard
in milliseconds.

Task Measure Column Description Mode

Name Header Applicability
RTI RTI Mean RTIMSRT The mean duration between the onset of the RTI Simple
simple stimulus and the time at which the subject and Five-
reaction released the button. Calculated for correct, Choice
time assessed trials in which the stimulus could
appear in one location only.
RTI RTI Median RTIMDSRT The median duration between the onset of the RTI Simple
simple stimulus and the time at which the subject and Five-
reaction released the button. Calculated for correct, Choice
time assessed trials, in which the stimulus could
appear in one location only.
RTI RTI Simple RTISRTSD The standard deviation calculated between the RTI Simple
reaction onset of the stimulus and the time at which the and Five-
time (SD) subject released the button. Calculated for Choice
correct, assessed trials in which the stimulus

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1a CANTAB Connect Research Product Overview

could appear in one location only.

RTI RTI Mean RTIMSMT The mean time taken to touch the stimulus after RTI Simple
simple the button has been released. Calculated for and Five-
movement correct, assessed trials where stimuli could Choice
time appear in one location only.
RTI RTI Median RTIMDSMT The median time taken to touch the stimulus RTI Simple
simple after the button has been released. Calculated and Five-
movement for correct, assessed trials where stimuli could Choice
time appear in one location only.
RTI RTI Simple RTISMTSD The standard deviation calculated between time RTI Simple
movement taken to touch the stimulus after the button has and Five-
time (SD) been released. Calculated for correct, assessed Choice
trials where stimuli could appear in one location
RTI RTI Simple RTISES The total number of trials where the response RTI Simple
error score status is any error, for assessment trials where and Five-
(all) stimuli appear in one location only Choice
RTI RTI Simple RTISESI The total number of trials where the response RTI Simple
error score status is inaccurate, for assessment trials where and Five-
(inaccurate) stimuli appear in one location only Choice
RTI RTI Simple RTISESNR The total number of trials where the response RTI Simple
error score status is no response, for assessment trials and Five-
(no where stimuli appear in one location only Choice
RTI RTI Simple RTISESPR The total number of trials where the response RTI Simple
error score status is premature, for assessment trials where and Five-
(premature) stimuli appear in one location only Choice
RTI RTI Mean RTIFMRT The mean duration between the onset of the RTI Five-
five-choice stimulus and the release of the button. Choice
reaction Calculated for correct, assessed trials where the RTI Simple
time stimulus could appear in any one of five and Five-
locations. Choice
RTI RTI Median RTIFMDRT The median duration between the onset of the RTI Five-
five-choice stimulus and the release of the button. Choice
reaction Calculated for correct, assessed trials where the RTI Simple
time stimulus could appear in any one of five and Five-
locations. Choice
RTI RTI Five- RTIFRTSD The standard deviation between the onset of the RTI Five-
choice stimulus and the release of the button. Choice
reaction Calculated for correct, assessed trials where the RTI Simple
time (SD) stimulus could appear in any one of five and Five-
locations. Choice
RTI RTI Mean RTIFMMT The mean time taken to touch the stimulus after RTI Five-
five-choice the button has been released. Calculated for Choice
movement correct, assessed trials where the stimulus could RTI Simple
time appear in any one of five locations. and Five-

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1a CANTAB Connect Research Product Overview

RTI RTI Median RTIFMDMT The median time taken to touch the stimulus RTI Five-
five-choice after the button has been released. Calculated Choice
movement for correct, assessed trials where the stimulus RTI Simple
time could appear in any one of five locations. and Five-
RTI RTI Five- RTIFMTSD The standard deviation between time taken to RTI Five-
choice touch the stimulus after the button has been Choice
movement released. Calculated for correct, assessed trials RTI Simple
time (SD) where the stimulus could appear in any one of and Five-
five locations. Choice
RTI RTI Five- RTIFES The total number of trials where the response RTI Five-
choice error status is any error, for assessment trials where Choice
score (all) stimuli appear in any of five locations. RTI Simple
and Five-
RTI RTI Five- RTIFESI The total number of trials where the response RTI Five-
choice error status is inaccurate, for assessment trials where Choice
score stimuli appear in any of five locations. RTI Simple
(inaccurate) and Five-
RTI RTI Five RTIFESIL The total number of trials where the response RTI Simple
choice error status is incorrect location, for assessment trials and Five-
score where stimuli appear in any of five locations. Choice
RTI RTI Five RTIFESNR The total number of trials where the response RTI Five-
choice error status is no response, for assessment trials Choice
score (no where stimuli appear in any of five locations. RTI Simple
response) and Five-
RTI RTI Five RTIFESPR The total number of trials where the response RTI Five-
choice error status is premature, for assessment trials where Choice
score stimuli appear in any of five locations. RTI Simple
(premature) and Five-
RTI RTI Mean RTIMRT The mean duration between the onset of the RTI Five
five-choice stimulus and the release of the button. Choice
reaction Calculated for correct, assessed trials where the Assessed
time stimulus could appear in any one of five
RTI RTI Median RTIMDRT The median duration between the onset of the RTI Five
five-choice stimulus and the release of the button. Choice
reaction Calculated for correct, assessed trials where the Assessed
time stimulus could appear in any one of five
RTI RTI Five- RTIRTSD The standard deviation between the onset of the RTI Five
choice stimulus and the release of the button. Choice
reaction Calculated for correct, assessed trials where the Assessed
time (SD) stimulus could appear in any one of five

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RTI RTI Mean RTIMMT The mean time taken to touch the stimulus after RTI Five
five-choice the button has been released. Calculated for Choice
movement correct, assessed trials where the stimulus could Assessed
time appear in any one of five locations.

RTI RTI Median RTIMDMT The median time taken to touch the stimulus RTI Five
five-choice after the button has been released. Calculated Choice
movement for correct, assessed trials where the stimulus Assessed
time could appear in any one of five locations.

RTI RTI Five- RTIMTSD The standard deviation between time taken to RTI Five
choice touch the stimulus after the button has been Choice
movement released. Calculated for correct, assessed trials Assessed
time (SD) where the stimulus could appear in any one of
five locations.
RTI RTI Five- RTIES The total number of trials where the response RTI Five
choice error status is any error, for assessment trials where Choice
score (all) stimuli appear in any of five locations. Assessed
RTI RTI Five- RTIESI The total number of trials where the response
choice error status is inaccurate, for assessment trials where RTI Five
score stimuli appear in any of five locations. Choice
(inaccurate) Assessed
RTI RTI Five RTIESIL The total number of trials where the response
choice error status is incorrect location, for assessment trials RTI Five
score where stimuli appear in any of five locations. Choice
(incorrect Assessed
RTI RTI Five RTIESNR The total number of trials where the response RTI Five
choice error status is no response, for assessment trials Choice
score (no where stimuli appear in any of five locations. Assessed
RTI RTI Five RTIESPR The total number of trials where the response RTI Five
choice error status is premature, for assessment trials where Choice
score stimuli appear in any of five locations. Assessed

Task Measure Column Description Mode

Name Header Applicability
RVP RVP A’ RVPA A’ (A prime) is the signal detection measure of
sensitivity to the target, regardless of response RVP 3 Targets
tendency (the expected range is 0.00 to 1.00; RVP 1 Target
bad to good). In essence, this metric is a
measure of how good the subject is at detecting
target sequences
RVP RVP RVPPH The number of target sequences during
Probability assessment blocks that were responded to RVP 3 Targets
of hit within the time allowed divided by the number of RVP 1 Target
target sequences during assessment blocks.
RVP RVP RVPPFA The number of sequence presentations that
Probability were false alarms divided by the number of RVP 3 Targets
of false sequence presentations that were false alarms RVP 1 Target
alarm plus the number of sequence presentations that

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1a CANTAB Connect Research Product Overview

were correct rejections

RVP RVP Total RVPTH The total number of target sequences that were RVP 3 Targets
hits responded to within the allowed time during RVP 1 Target
assessment sequence blocks.
RVP RVP Total RVPTFA The count of the stimulus presentations during RVP 3 Targets
false assessment blocks that were false alarms RVP 1 Target
RVP RVP Total RVPTM The total number of target sequences that were RVP 3 Targets
misses not responded to within the allowed time during RVP 1 Target
assessment sequence blocks.
RVP RVP Mean RVPML The mean response latency during assessment RVP 3 Targets
response sequence blocks where the subject responded RVP 1 Target
latency correctly.
RVP RVP RVPMDL The median response latency during assessment RVP 3 Targets
Median sequence blocks where the subject responded RVP 1 Target
response correctly.
RVP RVP RVPLSD The standard deviation of response latency RVP 3 Targets
Response during assessment sequence blocks where the RVP 1 Target
latency subject responded correctly.

Task Measure Column Description Mode Applicability

Name Header
SWM SWM SWMBE Between errors are defined as times the SWM High Functioning
Between subject revisits a box in which a token SWM Recommdended
errors has previously been found. This is Standard
calculated for trials of four, six and SWM 12 Tokens Assessed
eight tokens.
SWM SWM SWMWE The number of times a subject revisits a SWM High Functioning
Within box already found to be empty during SWM Recommdended
errors the same search. This is calculated for Standard
trials of four, six and eight tokens. SWM 12 Tokens Assessed
SWM SWM SWMDE The number of times a subject commits SWM High Functioning
Double an error that is both a within error and SWM Recommdended
errors a between error. This is calculated for Standard
trials of four, six and eight tokens. SWM 12 Tokens Assessed
SWM SWM SWMTE This is the number of times a box is SWM High Functioning
Total selected that is certain not to contain a SWM Recommdended
errors blue token and therefore should not Standard
have been visited by the subject, i.e. SWM 12 Tokens Assessed
between errors + within errors - double
errors (four, six, eight tokens).
SWM SWM SWMS For problems with six boxes or more, SWM High Functioning
Strategy the number of distinct boxes used by SWM Recommdended
(6-8 the subject to begin a new search for a Standard
boxes) token, within the same problem. (6, 8 SWM 12 Tokens Assessed

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SWM SWM SWMBE The number of times the subject SWM Recommended
Between 4 revisits a box in which a token has Standard
errors 4 previously been found. This is
boxes calculated for trials 4 tokens only

SWM SWM SWMWE The number of times a subject revisits a SWM Recommended
Within 4 box already found to be empty during Standard
errors 4 the same search. This is calculated for
boxes trials of 4 tokens only.

SWM SWM SWMDE The number of times a subject commits SWM Recommended
Double 4 an error that is both a within error and Standard
errors 4 a between error. This is calculated for
boxes trials of 4 tokens only.

SWM SWM SWMTE This is the number of times a box is SWM Recommended
Total 4 selected that is certain not to contain a Standard
errors 4 blue token and therefore should not
boxes have been visited by the subject, i.e.
between errors + within errors - double
errors, calculated for 4-move problems
SWM SWM SWMBE The number of times the subject SWM Recommended
Between 6 revisits a box in which a token has Standard
errors 6 previously been found. This is
boxes calculated for trials 6 tokens only

SWM SWM SWMWE The number of times a subject revisits a SWM Recommended
Within 6 box already found to be empty during Standard
errors 6 the same search. This is calculated for
boxes trials of 6 tokens only.

SWM SWM SWMDE The number of times a subject commits SWM Recommended
Double 6 an error that is both a within error and Standard
errors 6 a between error. This is calculated for
boxes trials of 6 tokens only.

SWM SWM SWMTE This is the number of times a box is SWM Recommended
Total 6 selected that is certain not to contain a Standard
errors 6 blue token and therefore should not
boxes have been visited by the subject, i.e.
between errors + within errors - double
errors, calculated for 6-move problems
SWM SWM SWMBE The number of times the subject SWM Recommended
Between 8 revisits a box in which a token has Standard
errors 8 previously been found. This is
boxes calculated for trials 8 tokens only

SWM SWM SWMWE The number of times a subject revisits a SWM Recommended
Within 8 box already found to be empty during Standard
errors 8 the same search. This is calculated for
boxes trials of 8 tokens only.

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SWM SWM SWMDE The number of times a subject commits SWM Recommended
Double 8 an error that is both a within error and Standard
errors 8 a between error. This is calculated for
boxes trials of 8 tokens only.

SWM SWM SWMTE This is the number of times a box is SWM Recommended
Total 8 selected that is certain not to contain a Standard
errors 8 blue token and therefore should not
boxes have been visited by the subject, i.e.
between errors + within errors - double
errors, calculated for 8-move problems
SWM SWM SWMPR This measure reports the problem SWM Recommended
Problem number that the subject reached, but Standard
Reached did not necessarily complete

Task Measure Column Description Mode Applicability

Name Header
SSP SSP Forward SSPFSL The longest sequence successfully SSP Standard
Span Length recalled by the subject. Forwards variant Forward
SSP SSP Forward SSPFSR The longest sequence problem SSP Standard
Span Reached successfully reached (but not passed) by Forward
the subject. Forwards variant only.
SSP SSP Forward SSPFTE The number of times a box is selected SSP Standard
Total Errors that is not next in the sequence. Forward
Forwards variant only.
SSP SSP Forward SSPFTUE The number of times a box is selected SSP Standard
Total Usage that is not in the sequence. Forwards Forward
Errors variant only.
SSP SSP Forward SSPFMNE The mean number of attempts that were SSP Standard
Mean Number made to pass the span length. Forwards Forward
of Attempts variant only.
SSP SSP Reverse SSPRSL The longest sequence successfully SSP Standard
Span Length recalled by the subject. Reverse variant Reverse
SSP SSP Reverse SSPRSR The longest sequence problem SSP Standard
Span Reached successfully reached (but not passed) by Reverse
the subject. Reverse variant only.
SSP SSP Reverse SSPRTE The number of times a box is selected SSP Standard
Total Errors that is not next in the sequence. Reverse Reverse
variant only.
SSP SSP Reverse SSPRTUE The number of times a box is selected SSP Standard
Total Usage that is not in the sequence. Reverse Reverse
Errors variant only.
SSP SSP Reverse SSPRMNE The mean number of attempts that were SSP Standard
Mean Number made to pass the span length. Reverse Reverse
of Attempts variant only.

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