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The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning


Phase II - Period 2010-2020: e-Skills for the 21st Century |

ICVL 2010 Awards – Sponsored by Intel Corporation

Excellence Award "Intel®Education" – USD 1000

Special Award "Intel®Education" – USD 500

The ICVL Award is offered in recognition of ICVL papers published within in "Proceedings of the
International Conference on Virtual Learning"

ICVL and CNIV Coordinator: Dr. MARIN VLADA

The printing of Proceedings was sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Research and
Innovation, National Authority for Scientific Research, ROMANIA
Proceedings of the 5th
International Conference
On Virtual Learning

October 29 - October 31, 2010


Phase II - Period 2010-2020: e-Skills for the 21st Century

, 2010
ICVL and CNIV Partners:
Grigore Albeanu, Mircea Popovici, Radu Jugureanu, Olimpius Istrate

© Bucharest University Press

Şos. Panduri, nr. 90-92, BUCUREŞTI – 050663; Tel.Fax: 021 410.23.84
E-mail:, Web:

Tehnoredactare computerizată: Meri Pogonariu

ISSN: 1844-8933

„The informatics/computer science re-establishes not only the unity between

the pure and the applied mathematical sciences, the concrete technique and the
concrete mathematics, but also that between the natural sciences, the human
being and the society. It restores the concepts of the abstract and the formal and
makes peace between arts and science not only in the scientist' conscience, but
in their philosophy as well..”

Gr. C. Moisil (1906-1973)

Professor at the Faculty of Mathematics, University of Bucharest,
Member of the Romanian Academy,
Computer Pioneer Award of IEEE, 1996

”Learning is evolution of knowledge over time”

Roger E. Bohn
Professor of Management and expert on technology management,
University of California, San Diego, USA,
Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies

About ICVL 2010 ................................................... 15

Section M&M
MODELS & METHODOLOGIES .................................................... 25

Sections TECH
TECHNOLOGIES ........................................................................ 261

Sections SOFT
SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS ............................................................. 359

Section Intel® Education

INNOVATION IN EDUCATION AND RESEARCH ............................ 453

Authors Index ..................................................................... 529


Paper Page

Section Models & Methodologies

2010: Year of Mathematics in Romania and Centenary of Romanian
Mathematical Society. An unique Journal in the world: Mathematical
1 Gazette at 115 anniversary 27

Marin Vlada
The Potential of Collaborative Augmented Reality in Education
2 38
Marin Vlada, Grigore Albeanu
Serious Games in the Life Long Learning environment.
Games and Learning Alliance Network of Excellence
3 44
Alessandro de Gloria, Ion Roceanu
Visual Identity of a Business
4 51
Doina Muntean
OER - craving for success in a timeless, border free zone
5 54
Maria-Magdalena Popescu
Impact of Internet Use in Teaching
and Classroom Management Process
6 59
Roxana Enache
Competencies, roles and responsibilities of teachers
in terms of new informational technologies
7 65
Roxana Enache
Assessment of Blended Learning Education – Students’ Opinion
8 72
Margarita Pehlivanova, Zlatoeli Ducheva, Snejana Dineva
Accepted Strategy for the Further Development of Blended
9 E-Learning: Tk-Yambol Case Study 79
Snejana Dineva, Veselina Nedeva
Educational software. Types of soft
10 85
Valeriu Ştefănescu
New Connections between Modernity and Tradition
in the Teaching Process
11 New Connections between Different Fields of Science 90

Silvia Moraru, Ioana Stoica, Cristina Miron

The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 9

Interactive Conceptual Maps Part of Constructivist Environment for

Advanced Physics Teaching
12 95
Florentina Iofciu, Cristina Miron, Stefan Antohe
Understanding digital divide as a form of cultural
and social reproduction
13 101
Silvia Făt
Development of Foreign Language Learning System Focusing on
Speaking and Evaluation
14 of the Effectiveness 107

Ikuo Kitagaki
A Use Case Analysis for Learning in 3D MUVE:
A Model Based on Key e-Learning Activities
15 114
Indika Perera, Colin Allison, Alan Miller
A new didactical model for modern electronic textbook elaboration
16 121
Elena Railean
Ontology Learning from Text Based on the Syntactic
17 Analysis Tree of a Sentence 128
Andreea-Diana Mihiş
Ontology for an E-learning model
18 135
łolea Enikö Elisabeta, Costin Aurelian Răzvan
E-Counselling. Study Case for Romania
19 141
Stan Emil, Eftimie Simona Georgiana, MărgăriŃoiu Alina
Computer modeling in Physics’ experiments
20 147
Carmen – Gabriela Bostan, Ştefan Antohe
An Approach to Ontology
21 Development in Human Resources Management 153
Anamaria Szekely
Developing Pedagogical Competence Students Through Blended
22 Learning 160
Margarita Pehlivanova, Zlatoeli Ducheva
Sounds experiments by using
23 Microsoft Office Live Meeting 2007 166
Mihaela Garabet, Cristina Miron, Florin Popescu
Learning from the Stream. An "M" Case Study:
M for microblogging, m(y)-conference/m(y)-event,
24 and micro/m(y)-learning 172

Gabriela Grosseck, Carmen Holotescu

10 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Balancing Dynamic Overload in Moodle

E-Learning Servers by Virtual Means
25 179
Eduard Mihailescu
A method of measuring the complexity of a web application from the
point of view of cloning
26 186
Doru Anastasiu Popescu, Catrinel Maria DănăuŃă, Zoltan Szabo
Usage of the Artificial Neural Networks in the
Intelligent Tutoring System
27 191
Gabriela Moise
Promotion of Educational Services – Challenge or Necessity?
28 199
Viorica Scobioală, Dorin łifrea, Mihai Dragomir
Learning styles in technology enhanced education:
latest trends and a case study
29 206
Elvira Popescu
Role of the Movie Maker program in Physics experiments
30 214
Cătălin ChiŃu, Cătălin Măciucă, Ştefan Antohe
Some aspects of the global IT learning solutions and international
certification opportunities in the Republic of Moldova
31 221
Sergiu Tutunaru, Eng. Vitalie Boico
An agent-based serious game for entrepreneurship
32 226
Mario Allegra, Giovanni Fulantelli, Manuel Gentile, Dario La Guardia,
Davide Taibi, Gianluca Zangara
Methodological aspects of pedagogical e-tests
33 231
Tudor Bragaru, Ion Craciun
The king is dead! Long live the king!
34 238
Elena Liliana Danciu
Blended Learning Environment in Vocational Education
35 244
Mehmet Şahin
Virtual Training Centre for CNC:
36 An Accomplished Cooperation Case 253
Süleyman Yaldiz

Section Technologies
ABBYY recognition technologies – ideal alternative to manual data
entry. Automating processing of exam tests.
37 263
Marin Vlada, Ivan Babiy, Octav Ivanescu
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 11

MEDIAEC Platform.
Digital Television for Education and Research
38 269
Diana Chihaia, Adrian Istrimschi
Overcome Disadvantages of E-Learning for Training English
as Foreign Language
39 275
Veselina Nedeva, Emilia Dimova, Snejana Dineva
Ontological Library Generator for Hypermedia-Based
E-Learning System
40 282
Eugen Zaharescu, Georgeta-Atena Zaharescu
GiSHEO: On-line Platform for Training in Earth Observation
41 290
Dana Petcu, Silviu Panica, Marian Neagul, Marc Frincu,
Daniela Zaharie, Dorian Gorgan, Teodor Stefanut, Victor Bacu
Towards Educational Animation as a Service
42 297
Liviu Beldiman, Nicolae Jascanu
Learn about finding jobs from digital storytelling and ePortfolios
through the L@JOST project
43 304
Simona Sava, Laura Malita
Prospective Topography of Mobile Learning Solutions
44 311
Veronica Ştefan, Ioana Stănescu, Ion Roceanu, Eugenia Mincă,
Antoniu Ştefan
A Comparative Study of Three Speech Recognition
Systems for Romanian Language
45 318
Daniela Şchiopu
Intelligent CMDS Medical Agents with Learning Capacity
46 325
Barna Iantovics, Marius Marusteri,
Roumen Kountchev, Constantin-Bala Zamfirescu, Bogdan Crainicu
On the Using of CAD Tools in Teaching
Computer Organization Courses
47 332
Abdakarim Awad
Enhanced Online Learning
with Simulations and Virtual Worlds
48 339
Ioana A. Stănescu, Antoniu Ştefan, Felix G. Hamza-Lup,
Veronica Ştefan
Virtual Collection of Minerals
49 346
Simona Marilena Ilie, Gheorghe C. Popescu, Antonela Neacsu,
Loreta Munteanu
12 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Creation of a Graphic Data Base for the Students’

Education in Clothing Technology
50 352
Magdalena Pavlova

Section Software Solutions

Artificial Intelligence Applied in Computer-Assisted Students
51 361
Mihaela Oprea
Online Collaborative Education Management Tool
52 367
Adrian Florea, Arpad Gellert, Anghel Traian, Delilah Florea
Sink web pages of web application
53 375
Doru Anastasiu Popescu, Zoltan Szabo
Selecting an Optimal Compound of a University Research
Team by Using Genetic Algorithms
54 380
Florentina Alina Chircu
Evaluating research projects using a knowledge-based system
55 386
Florentina Alina Chircu, Elia Georgiana Dragomir
Teaching Performance Evaluation Using Supervised
Machine Learning Techniques
56 390
Elia Georgiana Dragomir
Efficient Management of Medical Image Databases,
Based on Inverse Pyramid Decomposition
57 395
Roumen Kountchev, Barna Iantovics, Roumiana Kountcheva
Visual Basic Applications to Physics Teaching
58 403
Catalin Chitu, Razvan Constantin Impuscatu, Marilena Viziru
The Optimal Refactoring Selection Problem –
A Multi-Objective Evolutionary Approach
59 410
Camelia ChisăliŃă-CreŃu
The Refactoring Plan Configuration. A Formal Model
61 418
Camelia ChisăliŃă-CreŃu
Second game - the spirit of adventure
(Joc secund aventură a spiritului)
61 425
Coman Florin Alexandru, Avădănei Andrei, Adoamnei Andrei, Giorgie
Vlad Daniel, Costineanu Raluca, Chira Liliana, Carmen Popa
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 13

Online Visual PHP IDE

62 431
Coman Florin Alexandru, Avădănei Andrei , Adoamnei Andrei, Giorgie
Vlad Daniel, Costineanu Raluca, Chira Liliana, Carmen Popa
Web Security Platform (W.S.P)
63 437
Coman Florin Alexandru, Avădănei Andrei , Adoamnei Andrei, Giorgie
Vlad Daniel, Costineanu Raluca, Chira Liliana, Carmen Popa
New Database Manipulation Tools
in the Easy Learning on-line Platform
64 443
Radu Rădescu, Andrei Davidescu
Security and Confidentiality
in the Easy Learning on-line Platform
65 449
Radu Rădescu, Andrei Davidescu

Section Intel® Education

Using statistical software and Web Technologies in analyzing
information on detection and monitoring of somatic and psycho-
66 behavioural deficiencies in children and adolescents 455

Marin Vlada, Adriana Sarah Nica

Increasing teachers’ creativity through Game-Based Learning
67 467
Bogdan Logofatu, Anisoara Dumitrache, Mihaela Gheorghe
The Physics Laboratory between Modernity and Tradition: Virtual
Experiments and Modern Methods of Acquiring Data
68 471
Ioana Stoica, Silvia Moraru, Florin Popescu
Aspects Related to Learning Content Management Systems
69 478
Iuliana Dobre
PyAlg: An Algorithm Learning Platform
70 485
Radu Drăguşin, Paula Petcu
The use of e-learning platforms, the way to increase quality
and efficiency in studying Physics
71 491
Luminita Dinescu, Maria Dinica, Cristina Miron, Emil Barna
The promotion of active and creative learning within the context of using
information technology
72 498
Maria Dinica, Luminita Dinescu, Cristina Miron, Emil Barna
Advantages of using the software facilities in the study
of design - based engineering courses
73 505
Raluca Maria Aileni, Mioara Cretu
14 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

3D shape recognition software used for classification

of the human bodies
74 508
Aileni Raluca Maria, Ciocoiu Mihai
Supervised Learning Techniques for Virtual Military Training
75 511
Elena Şuşnea
About virtual interactions with real objects
76 517
Mihaela Garabet, Ion Neacşu
Modern Perspectives in using LMS
77 520
Radu Cătălin
Mobile Learning: A 21st Century Approach to Education
78 524
Radu Cătălin, Stănescu Ioana
About ICVL 2010

ICVL Project –

C3VIP: "Consistency-Competence-Clarity-Vision-Innovation-Performance"

© Project Coordinator: Ph.D. Marin Vlada, University of Bucharest, Romania

Partners: Ph. D. Prof. Grigore Albeanu, Ph. D. Mircea Dorin Popovici,
Prof. Radu Jugureanu, Prof. Olimpius Istrate
Institutions: The Romanian Ministry of Education Research and Innovation,
SIVECO Romania, Intel Corporation
16 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

ICVL 2010 is held under the auspices of:

– The European INTUITION Consortium
– The Romanian Ministry of Education and Research
– The National Authority for Scientific Research

Conference Organisation

• General Chair Dr. Marin Vlada, Professor of

Computer Science, University of Bucharest, Research
Center for Computer Science (Romania), European
INTUITION Consortium member

• Technical Programme Chair Dr. Grigore Albeanu,

Professor of Computer Science, Spiru Haret University,
Research Center for Mathematics and Informatics

• Associate General Chair Dr. Dorin Mircea Popovici,

Professor of Computer Science, Ovidius University of
Constanta (Romania), CERV- European Center for
Virtual Reality (France)

• Associate General Chair Prof. Radu Jugureanu, AeL

eContent Department Manager, SIVECO Romania SA,
Bucharest, Romania

• Associate General Chair Prof. Olimpius Istrate,

University of Bucharest, Romania, Education Manager,
Intel Romania Bucharest, Romania
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 17

October 29 – October 31, 2010 – TÂRGU MUREŞ, ROMANIA

Location: University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Târgu Mureş, ROMANIA

Organizers: University of Bucharest, University of Medicine and Pharmacy of

Târgu Mures, Siveco Romania, Intel Company

Scientific Committee/Technical Programme Committee / Executive reviewers

Dr. Grigore Professor of Computer Science, Spiru Haret University,

Albeanu Research Center for Mathematics and Informatics, Romania
Professor of Electrical Engineering Fundamentals, Technical
Dr. Adrian
University "Gh. Asachi", Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Iasi,
Professor of Electrical Engineering, Carinthia University of
Applied Sciences, School of Systems Engineering, Villach,
Dr. Michael E.
General Chair, ICL – Interactive Computer aided Learning,
Research Associate Professor (INTUITION Coordinator,
Dr. Angelos, Institute of
Amditis Communication and Computer Systems, ICCS- NTUA
Microwaves and Optics Lab, ATHENS, GREECE
Professor of Applied Science (Robotics), Rutgers – The State
Dr. Grigore
University of New Jersey, Director, Human-Machine Interface
Laboratory, CAIP Center, USA
LISYC – Laboratoire d'Informatique des Systèmes Complexes,
Dr. Pierre
CERV – Centre Européen de Réalité Virtuelle (European Center for
Virtual Reality), France, European INTUITION Consortium member
Virtual Reality Applications Research Team (VIRART), School
Dr. Mirabelle of Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering
D' Cruz (M3),University of Nottingham University, U.K., European
INTUITION Consortium member
Noyce Visiting Professor of Computer Science, Grinnell
Dr. Steve
College, Grinnell, Iowa 50112, USA Department of Computer
Professor of Computer Science, Executive Editor of IJCCC,
Dr. Ioan Dzitac
Agora University,Oradea, Romania
18 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Dr. Victor Professor of Computer Science, “Al.I. Cuza” University of Iasi,

Felea Faculty of Computer Science, Romania
Dr. Horia Professor of Computer Science University of Bucharest, Faculty
Georgescu of Mathematics and Computer Science, Romania
Dr. Radu Professor of Computer Science University of Bucharest, Faculty
Gramatovici of Mathematics and Computer Science, Romania
Dr. Felix Professor of Computer Science at Armstrong Atlantic State
Hamza-Lup University, USA
Dr. Angela Romanian Academy, Institute for Artificial Intelligence
Ionita (RACAI), Deputy Director, Romania
Intel Education Manager, Bucharest, Romania
Olimpius Istrate
Prof. Radu AeL eContent Department Manager, SIVECO Romania SA,
Jugureanu Bucharest, Romania
Dr. Bogdan Professor at University of Buchares, CREDIS Department
Logofatu Manager, Bucharest, Romania
Dr. Jean-Pierre ISEN Brest (école d'ingénieurs généralistes des hautes
Gerval technologies), France, European INTUITION Consortium member
AFPA Direction de l'Ingénierie Unité Veille sur la Réalité
Dr. Daniel
Virtuelle MONTREUIL, European INTUITION Consortium
Dr. Marius Professor in the Department of Informatics, University of
Măruşteri Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu - Mureş, Romania
Dr. Mihaela Professor in the Department of Informatics, University of Ploiesti,
Oprea Romania

Thomas Osburg Intel Education Manager, Europe

Virtual Reality Applications Research Team (VIRART)/Human

Dr. Factors Group Innovative Technology Research Centre, School
Harshada(Ash) of Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering,
Patel University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham, U.K.,
European INTUITION Consortium member
Professor at Computer Science Department of Western
Dr. Dana Petcu University of Timisoara, Director at Institute e-Austria
Timisoara, Romania
Dr. Dorin Professor of Computer Science, Ovidius University of
Mircea Popovici Constanta, Romania / CERV– European Center for Virtual
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 19

Reality (France, European INTUITION Consortium member)

Professor of Computer Science, Director of the Advanced

Dr. Ion Roceanu Distributed Learning Department, "Carol I" National Defence
University, Bucharest, Romania
Virtual Environments and Computer Graphics Lab., Department
Dr. Maria
of Computer Science, University College London, U.K.,
European INTUITION Consortium member
CERV – Centre Européen de Réalité Virtuelle (European Center for
Dr. Ronan
Virtual Reality), Laboratoire d'Informatique des Systèmes
Complexes, France
Professor of Computer Science, University "Politehnica" of
Dr. Luca-Dan
Bucharest, Romania and Professor at the "La Sapienza"
University, Italy, European INTUITION Consortium member
Professor, “Transilvania” University of Brasov, Product Design and
Dr. Doru
Robotics Department, Romania, European INTUITION
Consortium member
Dr. Leon Professor of Computer Science, "Babes-Bolyai" University, Cluj-
Tambulea Napoca, Romania
CERV – Centre Européen de Réalité Virtuelle (European Center
Dr. Jacques for Virtual Reality), LISYC – Laboratoire d'Informatique des
Tisseau Systèmes Complexes, France, European INTUITION
Consortium member
Dr. Alexandru Professor at “Al. I. Cuza” University of Iasi, FEAA, “Al. I.
Tugui Cuza” University Iasi, Romania
Professor of Computer Science, University of Bucharest, Faculty
Dr. Marin
of Mathematics and Computer Science, Romania, European
INTUITION Consortium member


The Conference is structured such that it will:

• provide a vision of European e-Learning and e-Training policies;

• take stock of the situation existing today;
• work towards developing a forward looking approach.
20 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

The Conference will consider the perspectives and vision of the i-2010 programme and
how this will stimulate the promotion, and development of e-Learning content, products
and services and the contribution of these to lifelong learning.

Participation is invited from researches, teachers, trainers, educational authorities,

learners, practitioners, employers, trade unions, and private sector actors and IT industry.

Research papers – Major Topics

The papers describing advances in the theory and practice of Virtual Environments for
Education and Training (VEL&T), Virtual Reality (VR), Information and Knowledge
Processing (I&KP), as well as practical results and original applications. The education
category includes both the use of Web Technologies, Computer Graphics and Virtual
Reality Applications, New tools, methods, pedagogy and psychology, Case studies of
Web Technologies and Streaming Multimedia Applications in Education, experience in
preparation of courseware.

Thematic Areas / Sections


• "Intel® Education" – Innovation in Education and Research (IntelEdu)

2010 – Towards a Learning and Knowledge Society – 2030

At the Lisbon European Council in March 2000, Heads of State and Government set an
ambitious target for Europe to become "the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-
based economy in the world" by 2010. They also placed education firmly at the top of the
political agenda, calling for education and training systems to be adapted to meet this challenge.

Relevant topics include but are not restricted to:

• National Policies and Strategies on Virtual Learning
• National Projects on Virtual Universities
• International Projects and International Collaboration on Web-based Education
• Dot-com Educational Institutions and their Impact on Traditional Universities
• Educational Portals for education and training
• Reusable Learning Objects for e-Learning and e-Training
• Testing and Assessment Issues of Web-based Education
• Academia/Industry Collaboration on Web-based Training
• Faculty Development on Web-based Education
• Funding Opportunities for Projects in Web-based Education
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 21

Learning and the use of Information and Communication Technologies (I&CT) will
be examined from a number of complementary perspectives:

• Education – supporting the development of key life skills and competences

• Research – emerging technologies and new paradigms for learning
• Social – improving social inclusion and addressing special learning needs
• Enterprise – for growth, employment and meeting the needs of industry
• Employment – lifelong learning and improving the quality of jobs
• Policy – the link between e-Learning and European / National policy imperatives
• Institutional – the reform of Europe’s education and training systems and how
I&CT can act as catalyst for change
• Industry – the changing nature of the market for learning services and the new
forms of partnership that are emerging

General Objectives

The implementation of the Information Society Technologies (IST) according to the

European Union Framework-Programme (FP6, FP7)

• The implementation of the Bologna Conference (1999) directives for the Romanian
educational system.
• The development of a Romanian Framework supporting the professional and
management initiatives of the educational community.
• The organization of the activities concerning the cooperation between the educational
system and the economical companies to find out an adequate distribution of the
human resources over the job market.
• To promote and implement the modern ideas for both the initial and continuing
education, to promote the team based working, to attract and integrate the young
graduates in the Research and Development projects, to promote and implement
IT&C for initial and adult education activities.

Particular objectives

The development of Research, projects, and software for E-Learning, Software and
Educational Management fields

• To promote and develop scientific research for e-Learning, Educational Software

and Virtual Reality
• To create a framework for a large scale introduction of the e-Learning approaches
in teaching activity.
• To assist the teaching staff and IT&C professionals in the usage of the modern
technologies for teaching both in the initial and adult education.
22 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

• To improve the cooperation among students, teachers, pedagogues, psychologists

and IT professionals in specification, design, coding, and testing of the educational
• To increase the teachers' role and responsibility to design, develop and use of the
traditional technologies and IT&C approaches in a complementary fashion, both
for initial and adult education.
• To promote and develop information technologies for the teaching, management
and training activities.
• To promote and use Educational Software Packages for the initial and adult education.

Thematic Areas/Sections

Models & Methodologies (M&M):

• Innovative Teaching and Learning Technologies
• Web-based Methods and Tools in Traditional, Online Education and
• Collaborative E-Learning, E-Pedagogy,
• Design and Development of Online Courseware
• Information and Knowledge Processing
• Knowledge Representation and Ontologism
• Cognitive Modelling and Intelligent systems
• Algorithms and Programming for Modelling

Technologies (TECH):
• Innovative Web-based Teaching and Learning Technologies
• Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) technologies
• Web, Virtual Reality/AR and mixed technologies
• Web-based Education (WBE), Web-based Training (WBT)
• New technologies for e-Learning, e-Training and e-Skills
• Educational Technology, Web-Lecturing Technology
• Mobile E-Learning, Communication Technology Applications
• Computer Graphics and Computational Geometry
• Intelligent Virtual Environment

Software Solutions (SOFT):

• New software environments for education & training
• Software and management for education
• Virtual Reality Applications in Web-based Education
• Computer Graphics, Web, VR/AR and mixed-based applications for
education & training, business, medicine, industry and other sciences
• Multi-agent Technology Applications in WBE and WBT
• Streaming Multimedia Applications in Learning
• Scientific Web-based Laboratories and Virtual Labs
• Software Computing in Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence
• Avatars and Intelligent Agents
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 23

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

Virtual Environments for Learning (VEL):

• New technologies for e-Learning, e-Training and e-Skills
• New software environments for education & training
• Web & Virtual Reality technologies
• Educational Technology and Web-Lecturing Technology
• Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) technologies
• Innovative Web-based Teaching and Learning Technologies
• Software and Management for Education
• Intelligent Virtual Environment

Virtual Reality (VR):

• Computer Graphics and Computational Geometry
• Algorithms and Programming for Modeling
• Web & Virtual Reality-based applications
• Graphics applications for education & training, business, medicine,
industry and other sciences
• Scientific Web-based Laboratories and Virtual Labs
• Software Computing in Virtual Reality

Knowledge Processing (KP):

• Information and Knowledge Processing
• Knowledge Representation and Ontologism
• Multi-agent Technology Applications in WBE and WBT
• Streaming Multimedia Applications in Learning
• Mobile E-Learning, Communication Technology Applications
• Cognitive Modelling, Intelligent systems
• New Software Technologies, Avatars and Intelligent Agents
• Software Computing in Artificial Intelligence

Education solution towards 21st Century challenges (IntelEDU):

• Digital Curriculum, collaborative rich-media applications, student
software, teacher software
• Improved Learning Methods, interactive and collaborative methods to
help teachers incorporate technology into their lesson plans and enable
students to learn anytime, anywhere
• Professional Development, readily available training to help teachers
acquire the necessary ICT skills
• Connectivity and Technology, group projects and improve communication
among teachers, students, parents and administrators


Models and Methodologies (M&M):

• Innovative Teaching and Learning Technologies
• Web-based Methods and Tools in Traditional, Online
Education and Training
• Collaborative E-Learning, E-Pedagogy,
• Design and Development of Online Courseware
• Information and Knowledge Processing
• Knowledge Representation and Ontologism
• Cognitive Modelling and Intelligent systems
• Algorithms and Programming for Modelling
2010: Year of Mathematics in Romania and Centenary of
Romanian Mathematical Society. An unique Journal in the world:
Mathematical Gazette at 115 anniversary

Marin Vlada

University of Bucharest, Department of Mathematics and

Computer Science, 14 Academiei Street, RO-010014, Romania

This paper presents some aspects regarding the development of mathematics education in
Romania at the centenary of Romanian Mathematical Society (RMS / SSMR). 2010 was
declared "Year of Mathematical Education in Romania" with the slogan "Everything is
correct thinking is Mathematics" (Grigore Moisil). In the 115 years of developing,
Mathematical Gazette (“Gazeta Matematica” Journal is founded in 1895) contributed and
continues to contribute to the training of specialists, conscience and character. Students,
teachers of various disciplines, mathematicians, engineers, economists and researchers who
do, at school, college or university, Mathematical Gazette problems or issues proposed and
articles published in Mathematical Gazette, were animated by a passion for Mathematics for
creative thinking, for demonstration and argument. This passion was encouraged by a
stimulating and motivating framework of collaboration Mathematical Gazette. From the
appearance, in 1895, and until now, the journal was an important landmark and a true
Romanian mathematics school and has contributed to the formation of many generations of
young fans of mathematics, from which many mathematicians have emerged Why do credit
Romania worldwide. Mathematical Gazette is the most famous mathematical journal in
Romania for youth to develop and strengthen math education. Mathematical Gazette is an
unique Journal in the world.
Keywords: Romanian Mathematical Society, Mathematical Education, Mathematical Gazette,
creative thinking

1 Introduction and Motivation

Motto: "All what is correct thinking is either mathematics

or feasible to be transposed in a mathematical model.”
Grigore C. Moisil (1906-1973), President of the first
International Mathematical Olympiad (1959, Romania);
“You are never sure whether or not a problem is good
unless you actually solve it.”
Mikhail Gromov (Abel Prize, 2009)

Mathematical School in Romania was developed under the influence of

European education system. In Iassy, in the year 1795 is printed the
first book in Romanian mathematics by Amfilohie Hotiniul (Arithmetic
elements, translated and adapted after Arithmetic by Italian Alessandro
Conti). Amfilohie Hotiniul was Roman scholar, bishop of Hotin who
campaigned to replace the teaching of Greek to Romanian. Of philosophical interest is “Gramatica
de la învăŃătura fizicii” (The Grammar of Learning Physics) – 1796, which handled an Italian
28 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

encyclopaedia of sciences from the 18th century, which contained not only well known for that
time considerations regarding philosophy as the study of matter, but also astronomical,
geographic, zoological, chemical and anatomical facts. The activity of Amfilohie Hotiniul as
popularizer of sciences did not come into opposition with his theological vocation, because he
considered the subjects of sciences as divine creations ( After
concluding the Russo-Turkish war (1828 - 1829), the Peace of Adrianopol (1829) was introduced
in the Romanian Principalities an "Organic Statute”. Public education was organized in four
stages: beginner schools, human schools, complementary teachings, and special courses.
Schools for special courses were three sections of which one was for applied mathematics where
teaching trigonometry, differential and integral calculation, mechanical, etc. Of these schools later
developed Romanian universities. Between 1835 - 1847 worked in Iassy Mihaileana Academy, the
first Romanian high school in Moldova, established under the reign of Mihai Sturdza. In this
contribution had Gheorghe Asachi, Eftimie Murgu and others. In 1860 Prince Alexandru Ioan
Cuza signed the decree the establishment of the University of Iassy and in 1864 by the University
of Bucharest.
In 1864 Prince Alexandru Ioan Cuza signed the law to introduce compulsory primary
education (four years) and secondary (seven years). In 1898 Spiru Haret divides education into
three cycles of four years: primary, secondary and high scool. In 1881 was founded "National
School of Bridges and Roads” of Bucharest. In 1920 it becomes the "Polytechnic School”, now the
“Polytechnic” University of Bucharest. At that time began to be noted for enthusiastic
personalities of Romanian school mathematics learning progress.
NOTE: Journal of scientific recess – “The first the furrow “- http://www., "Review of Scientific recess is the first scientific journal in the country to
address issues of youth in all branches of science, but with a predominantly mathematical content"
is the first time in Iassy, 15 January 1883 until 1888. Resumes his appearance in 1999 all in Iassy.
Appears today.

2 About beginnings and initiatives

Motto: “Thinking, knowledge, life, and the pursuit of happiness - all that matters.”
M. Vlada, 2010

Foundation of Mathematical Gazette Journal

In October 1894, five young engineers Victor Balaban, Vasile Cristescu, Ion Ionescu, Mihail
Roco, and Ioan Zottu (founders believe GM), graduates of the School of Bridges and Roads of
Bucharest (now Polytechnic University of Bucharest), have proposed a Romanian journal of
mathematics to "our high school students”. Journal name was chosen "Mathematical Gazette"
(Gazeta Matematică). The first issue of the Mathematical Gazette came with 16 pages on 15
September 1895, the day after it has been tested and verified with a heavy train, bridge at
Cernavoda. This bridge was built under the leadership eng. Anghel Saligny and construction was
the largest of its kind in Europe at that time.
The aims of Gazeta Matematică, as stated in its first issue (September 15, 1895), were:
• to publish original papers in mathematics;
• to develop the appetite for the study of mathematics and for doing original research.
In the 115 years of developing, Mathematical Gazette contributed and continues to contribute to
the training of specialists, conscience and character. Students, teachers of various disciplines,
mathematicians, engineers, economists and researchers who do, at school, college or university,
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 29

Mathematical Gazette problems or issues proposed and

articles published in Mathematical Gazette, were animated
by a passion for Mathematics for creative thinking, for
demonstration and argument. This passion was encouraged
by a stimulating and motivating framework of
collaboration Mathematical Gazette (Vlada 2010a).
From the appearance, in 1895, and until now, the journal
was an important landmark and a true Romanian
mathematics school mathematics has contributed to the
formation of many generations of young fans of
mathematics, from which many mathematicians have
emerged Why do credit Romania worldwide.
Mathematical Gazette is the most famous mathematical
journal in Romania for youth to develop and strengthen
math education. Journal said in its first appearance that is a
mathematics journal for youth and strengthen math

Foundation of Mathematical Gazette Society

In 1909 the editors of the Mathematical Gazette (“Gazeta Matematică”) met and decided to set up
the Mathematical Gazette Society. The members of the new Society are listed in the first issue of
volume 15 of the Mathematical Gazette. The Society became a legal entity in the following year
when its statutes were accepted and King Carol I promulgated the law establishing the
Mathematical Gazette Society by Royal decree No. 3798/1910.
The Society managed to continue to publish the Gazeta Matematica, despite the loss of their
headquarters and library, operating from private houses from four years before the Faculty of
Mathematics of the University of Bucharest gave them two rooms from which to run the Society.

Romania, initiator of the International Mathematical Olympiad

The annual mathematical contests organised by the Society became National Olympiad
competitions in 1949. In 1959, Professor Tiberiu Roman, general secretary of SSMF, had the idea
of organizing the first International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) in Brasov. Grigore C. Moisil
(1906-1973), President of SSMF at the time, organized the first IMO (1959, Romania). “After that
the Fifth Congress of the Romanian Mathematicians organized by the Romanian Society of
Mathematical and Physical Sciences, it was proposed that an International Mathematical
Olympiad competition be set up. The Society organized the International Mathematical Olympiad
competition in Romania in 1959, 1960, 1969, 1978 and 1999 ”. (Berinde M. and Berinde V. 2001)
“What is the IMO?” The International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) is the World
Championship Mathematics Competition for High School students. The first IMO was held in
1959, hosted by Romania, with seven countries participating: Hungary, Bulgaria, Poland,
Czechoslovakia, East Germany and USSR. Since then, the participating countries have taken turns
in hosting it. The number of participating countries increased to 97 countries from all continents in
the 49th IMO (
“The International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) is the World Championship Mathematics
Competition for High School students and is held annually in a different country. The first IMO
was held in 1959 in Romania, with 7 countries participating. It has gradually expanded to over
100 countries from 5 continents”.
30 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Source: and

Note: Bulgaria is initiator of the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) (1989, Pravetz) -

The 50th International Mathematical Olympiad, The 51st International Mathematical Olympiad,
2009, Germany 2010, Kazakhstan

“As a creator and promoter of the IMO, Romania’s scientific

benefits are significant. If we use the data collected in [3] for
the period 1959-2003, more than two thirds of former Romanian
IMO contestants are or were involved in academia or research,
in Romania or abroad.” (Berinde V. and Păcurar M. 2009).
We mention here a few names, accompanied by the year
when they have first competed in the IMO: V. Barbu (1959), S.
Strătilă, C. Năstăsescu and T. Zamfirescu (1960), G. Lusztig and
L. Bădescu (1961), L. Zsido (1963), D. Voiculescu and E. Popa
(1965), D. Ralescu (1967), Al. Dimca and R. Gologan (1970),
D. Timotin (1971), M. Pimsner (1972), A. Ocneanu (1973), M.
ColtŃoiu and D. Vuza (1974), Al. Zaharescu and V. Nistor
(1978), M. Mitrea (1981), L. Funar (1983), P. Mironescu and D.
Tătaru (1984), A. Moroianu and A. Vasiu (1987), F. Belgun and
T. Bănică (1988), S. Moroianu, M. Crainic and D. Iftimie (1990).

3 Why Mathematics?

Mathematical Gazette fate is composed of "ups and downs" as it is with a man's life. Weather
difficulties were defeated with the help of fans Mathematical Gazette, and were not few. And
young and older should know this, so that lessons went through Mathematical Gazette to extract
those that lead to progress, development and knowledge. If Mathematics was not, nothing would
be was no wheel and no computer, no pattern and no phone, no Informatics or Cybernetics. But to
all these entities materials invented by man, Mathematics helps man to think about life, create and
imagine, to love nature and his fellows, to be emotional and brave, to be consistent and orderly to
dream and be happy.
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 31

Primordial role in promoting mathematics among young people plays a math teacher. It must
fulfill its mission of teacher education and teaching methods using the most appropriate
mathematical discovery by studying as many students. Teacher should not see in his students
"good students" and "weak students", but "students" must be guided to discover the knowledge and
skills are encouraged to go through “step by step" learning and discovering secrets scientific
knowledge (Vlada M. 2010c).
Student being Acad. Professor Miron Nicolescu (1903-1975) recalls that has subscribed to the
Mathematical Gazette urging his teacher of mathematics. Here's what he said to this effect: "My
first contact with this magazine was not easy. It seemed to me that I will never understand
anything. The ice was broken only when I saw that I can solve a problem proposed by others. Then
followed a moment I will never forget: when I saw one of my mathematical notes, printed in the
journal. Then came an article, and other items. The road had been traced. From the beginning I
knew I could climb higher in mathematical research working hardy" (“Academician Professor
Miron Nicolescu” by Marcus Solomon, Mathematical Gazette, no. 11, 1975). In this note Professor
Solomon Marcus remembers teacher what told Miron Nicolescu “Until proven otherwise, any man
is good for me and give confidence”.
Today, the mathematics teacher must adapt to new conditions imposed by the new
development of Romanian society. It is said by pupils, students and parents that "Math is hard,
that is arid and that is too abstract and theoretical". Educational Ministry, professional
associations, committees of teachers of mathematics and must be based on this analysis and
definition of educational reform programs.
Currently, the European Union is operating various research and development programs that
are based on scientific knowledge and technological world. For example, in 2009 the European
Year of Research and Innovation (European Year of Creativity and Innovation), the slogan
"Imagine. Create. Innovate", has defined the promotion of creative and innovative approaches in
different sectors of human activity. It was aimed to promote education in mathematics, scientific
and technological skills of basic and advanced conducive to technological innovation, and promote
closer links between arts, organizations, schools and universities (
In Romania, in 2009, were held scientific events ICVL (The 4th International Conference on
Vrtual Learning) and CNIV (The 7th National Conference on Virtual Learning). They were held
under the auspices of the European Year of Research and Innovation (Vlada 2009).
ICVL and CNIV Projects are scientific events that promote innovative technologies and
methodologies in education, research and continuous improvement, both in education
environments, namely university and in business. Structured and organized according to European
principles and international standards, the two projects encourage and promote work on projects,
collaborative activities, methods and scientific experimentation, creative thinking and intuition,
reasoning and demonstration.

4 Beginnings - Founders and "pillars" Mathematical


In October 1894, five young engineers Victor Balaban,

Vasile Cristescu, Ion Ionescu, Mihail Roco and Ioan
Zottu (founders believe GM), graduates of the School of
Bridges and Roads of Bucharest (now Polytechnic
University of Bucharest), have discussed poor results
obtained by candidates in entrance examinations that
year. In conclusion, he proposed a Romanian journal of
32 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

mathematics to "our high school students”. Name the Journal "Mathematics Gazette" was
proposed by Victor Balaban. It will not see his dream come true because seriously ill and died at
the age of 25 years. The first editor of the magazine consisted of five young engineers (Victor
Balaban has been replaced by Constantza Pompilian fresh degree in mathematics from Bucharest
and Paris), in which engineers have added Emanoil Davidescu, Maurice Kinbaum, Nicolae
Niculescu, Tancred Constantinescu and mathematician Andrei G. Ioachimescu with degree in
mathematics from Paris.
The first issue of the journal Mathematical came with 16 pages on 15 September 1895, the day
after it has been tested and verified with a heavy train, Cernavodă Bridge (Podul de la Cernavodă
- built under the leadership eng. Saligny), the largest construction of its kind in Europe at that time.
The same year he joined the editorial mathematician Gheorghe łiŃeica (Editorial remained until
his death), graduated in that year of the Faculty of Bucharest. Followed Davidoglu A. (1902), C.
Popovici (1903), Traian Lalescu (1905), and N. Abramescu (1907).
• Mathematical Gazette motto "enthusiasm, harmony, unselfish work, continuous sacrifice"
is the work of engineers and mathematicians.
• In 1901 the journal Mathematical Gazette Library collection opens with the publication of
"directory arithmetic problems, algebra, geometry and trigonometry”, authors are I.
Ionescu, A. Ioachimescu, Gheorghe Titeica, V. Cristescu, which will be printed in Honor.
• "Pillars" Mathematical Gazette are considered: Ion Ionescu, a professor at Polytechnic
School, the famous mathematician Gheorghe Titeica, professor of mechanical engineer
Andrei Ioachimescu and Vasile Cristescu (authors collection ITIC).
• In 1909, an editorial board meeting held at Valea Calugareasca, decided the establishment
Society Mathematical Gazette (Gazette editorial on September 1, 1909 was converted
Mathematical Society).
• In 1910 the Chamber of Deputies voted Mathematical Gazette Law Society recognition
and King Carol I promulgate the law on recognition of the Mathematical Gazette Society
by Royal Decree no. 3798. The time is early history of Mathematical Sciences Society in
Romania (SSMR). This year, in September 2010 SSMR centennial anniversary.
The first year there were 144 subscriptions, and then the annual number of subscriptions has
increased constantly. Circulation increased rapidly, reaching more than 50,000 copies in 1974 and
around 80 years is published in Mathematical Gazette 120000-140000 copies (Trifu 2005).
The following three journals are published by the RMS (Berinde V. 2010):
1. Bulletin Mathematique de la Societe des Sciences Mathematiques de Roumanie, which is
a quarterly research journal (4 issues a year). It was founded in 1896 and the current
volume is 53 (or 101 – old series) in 2010;
2. Gazeta Matematică, seria B, which is a monthly journal (12 issues/volume) devoted to
elementary mathematics (primary, secondary and high school students and teachers). It
was founded in 1895 and has been published continuously in this format. The current
volume is 115 (2010);
3. Gazeta Matematică, seria A, which is a quarterly journal (4 issues/volume) devoted to
teachers of mathematics. The current volume is 107 (or 28 – new series) in 2010.

5 Evolution of Mathematical Gazette

Readers (problem solvers) few at the beginning - 90 peoples in 1950 - is constantly growing,
reaching several thousand in 1974. Each issue of the journal contained several pages of finely
written solvers name, ordered alphabetically by locality. Contents Gazette is enriched with new
items constantly, from articles, notes math exam issues, bibliographies, on request, Miscellaneous,
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 33

problems solved, issues proposed, Box solvers. Are almost all fields
of mathematics: arithmetic and number theory, algebra, geometry
(synthetic, analytic, differential, descriptive), trigonometry, calculus,
mathematical logic, etc.. Since 1980 it introduced a new column
"computer problems". Also since then appeared in several journal
articles and the scale of computer science (informatics) and interest of
young people for informatics and computer use. This journal's success
and attracted many students, teachers, mathematicians, engineers and
researchers. In addition, however, managed to rank Editor solving
problems in its annual review and award many students. This
represents the recognition and consideration for the work of
mathematics teachers in Romania schools (Vlada 210b).
Should highlight the importance Mathematical Gazette editorial on
the organization of all activities related to journal: publication of the proposed issues and articles,
check the solutions sent to the editor, published the names of problem solvers, publishing data
from various problems of mathematics exams or competitions, publishing solutions issues,
publishing articles and issues regarding the improvement of teachers in maths, mathematical notes,
publishing materials on the activities of members of the Society for Mathematical Sciences, today
Society for Mathematical Sciences in Romania (SSMR). The year 1950 is a very difficult year for
Mathematical Gazette editorial because the state takes abuse and violence, without a title or any
other formality buildings Mathematical Gazette Society, respectively Mathematical Gazette
Society House 144 (Calea GriviŃei 144) and “House reading Ion N. Ionescu” from . Str. Răsuri
no. 25. This act of culture was destroyed physically “Library of Mathematical Gazette Society"
(See "History of Mathematical Sciences Society in Romania" Trifu 2005, Vlada 2010b)
• In 1949 the unification of the Mathematical Gazette Society and Romanian Society of
Sciences incurrence of Mathematical Sciences and Physical Society of Romania, who
inherits property under a new status of the two society. President of the new society was
Acad. Grigore C. Moisil. Mathematical and Physical Sciences Society of Romania
organizes National Mathematics Olympiad. Mathematical Gazette's annual contests were
a national expansion. With financial support from the state math competitions were held
in three stages: local, regional, national.
• In 1964, the detachment, the establishment of Mathematical Sciences Society (SSM).
Mathematics Gazette editorial during 1950-1999 was coordinated by the next chief editors:
1956-1968, Sacter O.; 1969-1974, Ionescu-łiu Constantin; 1974-1980, Pârşan Liviu; 1980-1995,
Teodorescu Nicolae; 1996-1999, łena Marcel. Management Society of Mathematical Sciences in
Romania to establish: 1949-1973, acad. Grigore C. Moisil -president; 1973-1995 acad. Nicolae
Teodorescu - president; since 1995 acad. Petre Mocanu – president; since 2004 prof. dr. Dorin
Popescu – president; since 2007 prof. dr. Radu Gologan – president.
After 1989, the Mathematical Gazette editorial occurred several changes. The circulation began
to decline. In 1995, in the 110 th year of its appearance, Series B, Mathematical Gazette was
printed in 8000 copies and Series A in 700 copies. Magazine appearance was possible by attracting
sponsors. Today, the journal and the promotion of mathematics is supported by the company
Softwin. They use several ways of communication and information processing for all activities
related to the magazine. All these forms attempt to cope with various negative aspects appeared in
the interest of young people towards mathematics, and generally to teaching and education.
In fact, if you make a more thorough analysis can be inferred that there is probably the same
negative conditions caused by the five young founders of the Mathematical Gazette in 1895, to
consider an initiative on the youth culture of high school mathematics in Romanian. Today, there
are obvious many more ways of initiative, but it should be noted that some young enthusiasm and
34 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

will could not be planned and may not be searched or checked. In conclusion, solutions are found
throughout the events, attitudes and initiatives of our young people and others-colleagues, friends,
organizations, governors have an obligation to support them and encourage them. Nowadays, the
use of IT technologies and Web is different ways of attracting young people in problem solving
activity:,,,,, .

6 TOP 100: Creative work at the Mathematical Gazette (1895-2005)

Creative work at Mathematical Gazette: Problems and articles

published in GM (period 1895-2005) by students, teachers,
mathematicians, engineers and researchers (Vlada 2010a).
NOTE: Information on the number of proposed problems and articles
published in GM during 1895-2005 are taken from the electronic edition
of the Mathematical Gazette SSMR and company Softwin. Application
offered “The authors list”. Data were taken manually and automatically
processed by sorting “Total” of proposed problems and articles (SSMR

No First and Last Name Problems Article Total

1 Ionescu-łiu Constantin D. 2289 16 2305
2 Ionescu Ion 635 421 1056
3 BătineŃu-Giurgiu Dumitru 681 62 743
4 Buicliu Gh. 462 191 653
5 ChiriŃă Marcel 349 169 518
6 Panaitopol LaurenŃiu 479 18 497
7 Pârşan Liviu C. 460 15 475
8 Linteş Ioan Gheorghe 274 140 414
9 Szıllıssy Gheorghe 368 3 371
10 Simionescu Gh. D. 279 42 321
11 Doboşan Aurel 284 1 285
12 Safta Ion 263 1 264
13 łena Marcel 230 31 261
14 Ghermănescu M. 206 51 257
15 Tomescu Ioan I. 230 24 254
16 łiŃeica Gabriela 145 108 253
17 Thebault V. 131 112 243
18 Teodorescu Nicolae 95 146 241
19 Rotaru Florin 238 0 238
20 Bencze Mihaly 172 62 234
21 Ioachimescu Dumitru 187 40 227
22 Abramecu N. 166 57 223
23 Atanasiu Ionel 199 0 199
24 Mihăileanu Nicolae N. 148 46 194
25 Pavelescu Nicolae 179 14 193
26 Constantinescu Laura 187 1 188
27 Teodorescu Ioan St. 153 28 181
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 35

28 Nicula Virgil 153 13 166

29 Andronache Marian 160 5 165
30 Cristescu V. 105 59 164
31 Motrici Cristinel 150 7 157
32 Andreescu Titu 146 11 157
33 Sergescu Petre C. 74 83 157
34 Ionescu-Bujor Constantin Th. 94 62 156
35 Maftei Ioan 148 4 152
36 Apostol Constantin 150 1 151
37 Pop Valer 147 0 147
38 GhiŃă RomiŃă 146 1 147
39 GhiŃă Ioan 142 1 143
40 Acu Florin Dumitru 127 16 143
41 Ghioca Adrian P. 134 7 141
42 Stoenescu Alexandru 90 49 139
43 Lalescu Traian 82 56 138
44 Achim Gh. 137 0 137
45 AngheluŃă Th. 100 37 137
46 Ene Aurel 136 0 136
47 Tudor Ionel 135 1 136
48 Lascu Mircea Mihai 127 8 135
49 MiheŃ Dorel 129 4 133
50 łino Ovidiu 97 36 133
51 Predescu Ioan Z. 130 0 130
52 Firu Doru 128 0 128
53 Focşăneanu Mihail I. 76 50 126
54 Gheorghiu Şerban A. 92 33 125
55 Anca Dorinel 119 4 123
56 Costachescu Cezar 117 5 122
57 Radu Dan 120 1 121
58 Cojocaru Daniel 118 0 118
59 Ursărescu Marian 117 1 118
60 Ghergu Marius 111 6 117
61 Săvulescu D. 114 1 115
62 Alexe Ştefan 110 4 114
63 CoşniŃă Cezar 103 9 112
64 Florescu Ioan B. 67 45 112
65 MiculiŃă Mihai 105 6 111
66 Vulpescu-Jalea Florin 101 10 111
67 Becheanu Mircea 89 21 110
68 Smarandache Ştefan 108 0 108
69 Şerbănescu Dinu 103 5 108
70 Vlada Marin 99 5 104
71 Brânzei Dan 90 14 104
72 Grecu Cristian 102 0 102
73 Caragea Constantin 99 3 102
74 Pop Ovidiu 99 3 102
75 Ilie Romeo 100 0 100
36 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

76 łifui Stefan 99 0 99
77 Zidaru Vasile 99 0 99
78 Barisien E.N. 93 6 99
79 Sacter Octav 82 16 98
80 Popoviciu Tiberiu 64 34 98
81 Georgescu Corneliu 90 7 97
82 Andrica Dorin 83 12 95
83 Zapan Grigore C. 76 19 95
84 Gheorghiu Gheorghe Th. 67 28 95
85 Vicol-Turcanu Gheorghe 93 0 93
86 Iacob Eugeniu St. 79 14 93
87 Marnescu Damian 92 0 92
88 Bostan Gh. 90 2 92
89 SireŃchi Gheorghe 84 8 92
90 Roşu Alexandru 66 26 92
91 Cocea Th. Gheorghe 84 7 91
92 Secleman Dan 89 0 89
93 Molea Gheorghe F. 88 1 89
94 Niculescu Liliana 87 2 89
95 Abasohn Ernest 77 12 89
96 Nicolau Constantin H. 79 9 88
97 Ottescu Constantin 79 9 88
98 Zapan Gheorghe 67 20 87
99 Adam Mircea 65 22 87
100 Bebea Nicolae 85 0 85
101 Voicu Ioan 83 2 85
102 Matrosenco Valentin 84 0 84
103 Savu Ion 79 5 84
104 Ştefănescu Emil 74 10 84
105 Nedelcu Ion 83 0 83
106 Piticari Miahai 77 6 83
107 Rădulescu Sorin 80 0 80
108 Panaitopol Maria 76 4 80
109 Eckstein Alfred 80 0 80
110 Musta Ştefan 72 7 79

7 References
Berinde M. and Berinde V. (2001): The Romanian Mathematical Society, European Mathematical Society
Newsletter 40, 20–22,, access sept. 2010.
Berinde V. (2004): Romania – the native country of IMOs. A Brief History of Romanian Mathematical
Society, Second Edition, Editura CUB PRESS 22, Baia Mare.
Berinde V. and Păcurar M. (2009): The measure of a great idea: 50 years on from the creation of the
International Mathematical Olympiad, European Mathematical Society Newsletter Newsletter 74,
December 2009 -, access sept. 2010.
Berinde V. (2010): The Centenary of the Romanian Mathematical Society, European Mathematical Society
Newsletter Newsletter No. 77, September 2010 -
09-77.pdf, access sept. 2010.
SSMR (2005): Gazeta Matematică, EdiŃie electronică (1895-2005), SSMR şi SOFTWIN,, electronic edition.
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 37

Marcus S. (2004): Mathematics in Romania, Editura CUB PRESS 22, Baia Mare.
Trifu M. (2005): “Fenomenul Gazeta Matematică la 110 ani, o (posibilă) istorie despre fapte şi oameni”,, online, access sept. 2010.
Vlada, M. and ługui, Al. (2006): Information Society Technologies – The four waves of information
technologies. In Proceedings of The 1st International Conference on Virtual Learning, ICVL 2006,
Bucharest University Press, pp 69-82.
Vlada M. (2009): Creative and innovative technologies in virtual education - ICVL and CNIV Conferences
(Tehnologii creative şi inovative în ÎnvăŃământul virtual – ConferinŃele CNIV şi ICVL),, online, access sept. 2010
Vlada M. (2010a): Mathematical Gazette at 115 anniversary,
gazeta-matematica-115-ani-de-aparitie, online, access sept. 2010.
Vlada M. (2010b): Gazeta Matematică la 115 ani de apariŃie. Apărut în: Elearning.Romania, Bucureşti,
Elearning.Romania, 2010-02-08, TEHNE- Centrul pentru Dezvoltare şi Inovare în EducaŃie,
Vlada M. (2010c): The Centenary of the Romanian Mathematical Society. Apărut în:, online:
The Potential of Collaborative Augmented Reality in Education
Marin Vlada1, Grigore Albeanu2

(1) University of Bucharest, Romania

(2) Spiru Haret University, Bucharest, Romania

The role of augmented reality (AR) in education was already proved by the large collection of
existing projects that address various fields and teaching/training levels. The recent
developments in IT&C make possible collaborative activities and the usage of collaborative
augmented reality systems/services in education and research. After presenting the state of
the art in augmented reality for education and proposing a taxonomy of educational AR based
systems, this paper describes the collaborative paradigm and its impact on using AR for
increasing the presence of new technologies in education.
Keywords: Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Education


Part of the Mixed Reality Continuum of the (Milgram & Kishino, 1994), Augmented Reality is
such a technology involving the overlay of computer graphics on the real world. According to
(Azuma et al, 1997), a system based on augmented reality hardware and software “supplements
the real world with virtual (computer generated) objects that appear to coexist in the same space as
the real world”. Five terms are considered by Milgram & Kishino (1994): Real Environment (RE)
containing real objects and is not based on computer assistance, Virtual Environment (VE) being
completely computer assisted and modelled, Augmented Reality (AR) referring to some real
environment augmented with virtual information, Augmented Virtuality (AV) referring to a virtual
environment augmented with real objects, and Mixed Reality (MR), a mixture of real and virtual
information to form the environment. More specific, Azuma (1997) consider that AR combines
real and virtual, refers to spatial registration and an AR system in interactive in real time.
The Milgram’s continuum was extended with a “mediality axis” by S. Mann (2002) in order to
obtain Mediated Reality and Mediated Virtuality, and any combination of them. Benford et al.
(1998) define the shared spaces in a two-dimensional plane of transportation, artificiality, and
spatiality. The T-Transportation concept corresponds to the Virtual Reality immersion concept:
“transportation allows the possibility of introducing remote participants and objects into the local
environment that then becomes augmented rather than excluded.” The A-Artificiality refers to the
extension of the physical world to a synthetic word (computer generated). Four basic words are
used to describe better the two-dimensional plan TA: local (remain in the physical world), physical
(generated from the real world), synthetic (generated by computer), and remote. These make
possible the following particular spaces: Physical Reality (local, physical), Tele-presence (remote,
physical), Augmented Reality (local, synthetic), and Virtual Reality (remote, synthetic).
Viewing the term AR on the Milgram’s continuum, as mediated reality or a particular space,
the following characteristics remain important: 1) Any AR system is a 3D registered combination
of real and synthetic parts (objects, attributes) interacting with users or other environments in real
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 39

time, according to Azuma; 2) AR interfaces have to “allow users to see the real world at the same
time as virtual imagery attached to real locations and objects” as Billinghurst (2002) said; 3) AR
supplements the reality with synthetic entities (graphics, sound, feel and smell, etc.)
Recently, Ford and Höllerer (2008) identified the usage of the AR systems in workspaces, and
proved that AR is also a Knowledge Management Tool following the AOD model: acquires
knowledge, organizes the collected information in an organizational memory, and make available
to users the information by a distribution mechanism. Moreover, AR can be used to create modern
Online Communication Tools (OCT) based on specific displays (HMD – head mounted display,
HHD – handheld display, SD – spatial display), trackers (digital cameras, optical sensors, wireless
sensors, GPS etc.), input devices (pointing devices, gloves, etc.), small-sized computers (wearable
computing devices), and appropriate software for realistic graphical and sound generators, etc.
In the following the presentation considers education as an important field where AR systems
can be used in order to create augmented laboratories for teaching different fields of science. The
second section deals with positive experience in usage Augmented Reality systems for education,
and the third section describes the collaborative paradigm applied for e-Learning systems based on
Augment Reality technology. Concluding remarks are provided in the end.

Classes of Augmented Reality Systems for Education

As mentioned by Mann (2002), the term “virtual reality” was coined by Jaron Lanier (1989) to
bring a wide variety of virtual projects under a single rubric. Also the term “augmented reality”
belongs to Tom Caudell (1990), introduced at Boeing while working together with David Mizell,
and researching ways to superimpose diagrams and markings to guide workers on a factory floor.
It is important also to mention the project Sensorama (1957-1962) – a simulator providing visual,
sound, vibration and smell. However, the superposition of computer graphics onto a view of the
real world was initially proposed and explored at Harvard University when Ivan Sutherland
invented the head-mounted display (1966). These devices, and the algorithms developed for
graphical primitive generation, prove that the exploration of the reality-virtuality continuum, of the
two-dimensional plane of virtuality-mediality, or of the shared space defined by transportation,
artificiality and spatiality was started by the creator of computer graphic, Ivan Sutherland in a
University by a professor and his students, and now the actual systems (hardware, software,
knowledge data management methodologies) are useful entities in modern education using
computer based teaching/training/learning.
As described by Albeanu et al. (2010), the modern virtual learning systems have to interoperate
and the portability has to be an important issue. Due to the specific interfaces to be used this
objective is difficult to be obtained. The technologies integrated in AR systems are represented by
a heterogeneous group including: displays, client-server architectures, wireless communication,
image recognition, video compression and 3D modelling and positioning related to a reference
Various AR systems depend on specific displays (technology still in development) or tracking
devices. The most used AR displays are: Optical See-Through HMD, Virtual Retinal Systems –
VRD, Video See-Through HMD, Monitor based, and Projector based.
An Optical See-Through HMD shows the virtual environment directly over the real world
using a transparent HMD, placing optical instruments (combiners) in front of the user’s eyes. The
real world can be seen unchanged through optical instruments. The system has also a head tracker
and a scene generator module (Vallino (2002): Figure 7). For educational purposes, small
prototypes have to be attached to conventional eyeglasses.
Video See-Through HMD uses an opaque HMD to present merged video of the virtual
environment and the view from cameras on the HMD. The system is composed by head tracker,
40 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

scene generator, and video compositor (Vallino (2002): Figure 6). The video camera captures
information from the physical world. Based on the user’s location and orientation (established by
the head tracker or any positioning system) and using the captured image then a combined scene is
The Virtual Retinal Displays is a visual display that scans modulated laser light onto retina of
the viewer's eye producing a rasterized image. The image is on retina but the user has the illusion
of seeing the image on a screen. The VRD consists of five basic elements: a light source, a
modulation mechanism, horizontal and vertical scanners, delivery optics and controlling
The monitor based AR systems use merged video streams displayed on a conventional monitor
or hand held display. The system configuration (Vallino (2002): Figure 5) includes the graphical
system, the video merging module (combining video of real scene and virtual objects generated by
the graphical system), display able to process the augmented video.
The projection display uses real world objects as the projection surface for the virtual
AR systems can be based on mobile devices, like PDAs which present a set of functionalities
like any portable or ultra-portable computer.
Important applications of AR systems can be found in military training (Brown et al., 2004),
robotics and telerobotics (Jara et al., 2009; Albeanu et al., 2010) engineering design,
manufacturing, maintenance and repair (Henderson and Feiner, 2007), entertainment (Vallino,
2002; Cheok et al., 2009), medicine (Vallino, 2002), different workplaces (Ford and Hollerer,
2009), education (ICVL: 2006-2009; Billinghurst, 2002; Haller , 2004, Kaufmann et al.: 2003,
2006, 2008), learning (Hedegaard et al., 2006; ICVL: 2006-2009; Krauss et al., 2009) and training
(Brown et al., 2004; Christian, 2006).
Some authors consider AR learning environments when refer to pedagogical and psychological
aspects. The AR educational system has to be simple and robust providing clear and concise
information, support an easy and efficient interaction between the teacher/instructor, students and
teaching resources (educational software).
AR based systems are suitable as OCT systems for training, education, design and display at
different workspaces as Ford and Höllerer (2008) have proved. The KARMA project was related
to training for printer maintenance and repair. Other projects are: ARVIKA, SAR, the Augmented
Reality Kitchen, Magic Meeting, cAR/PE!, ARTHUR, etc.
A large collection of projects using basic level of augmentation is represented by the ISE (the
Romanian Information Educational System) educational software base (described by some ICVL
papers). Some projects with increased level of augmentation are described by (Kaufmann and
Meyer, 2008) and (Hedegaard et al., 2007) without making a complete inventory, but only to show
that there are some levels of augmentation. We can identify descriptive educational software (AR
is not embedded), small AR-based, medium AR-based and strong AR-based educational software.
By small AR-based educational software we identify that material which includes the simulation
of the phenomena under study including those based on Web3D (Liarokapis et al. 2004), by
medium AR-based educational software we refer to material based on VR interfaces, and by strong
AR-based educational software we refer to collaborative educational software based on VR
interfaces and supporting remote access and control. Even there is interactive web-based
educational software, without VR interfaces this class belongs to small AR-based educational
software. Existing educational software belongs to this class in large measure. In the next section
we consider the collaborative AR systems for education.
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 41

Collaborative Augmented Reality Systems/Services in Education and Research

The classroom environment can be implemented in many ways: the Virtual Round Table model
providing collaborative augmented multi-user interaction (Broll et al., 2000), mixed reality
learning spaces (Müller et al., 2007), AR classroom (Núñez et al., 2008), distributed AR set-up
(Krauss et al., 2009), collaborative remote laboratories (Albeanu et al., 2010).
Traditional classroom is based on face-to-face settings allowing pedagogic communication.
The AR based systems enhances the users’ perception and improves the intuitive interaction with
the real world according to (Azuma, 1977). While in VR immersion the user cannot see the
physical world, in the case of AR approach the user can see the real world with virtual objects.
Medium AR educational items are represented by the MagicBook, the Augmented Reality
Volcano Kiosk, the S.O.L.A.R system, as Haller (2004) describes.
As proved by Müller et al (2007) the collaborative task solving between remote sites is
possible. Working collaboratively with real and virtual systems, some parts being remotely
distributed was implemented using Web service paradigm. A Mixed Reality server is responsible
to processes HTTP requests and manages the sessions of all remote users as described by the
collaborative mechatronic laboratories project discussed by Albeanu et al. (2010). In this way
VR/AR Remote Laboratories “offer a great number of advantages such as remote practices and learning
in a free and flexible way”, as Jara et al. (2009) remarked. Introducing the collaborative requirement
the cost and complexity of VR/AR Remote Laboratories used in modern consortium based education
will be managed accordingly, the resource sharing being the most important value obtained.
The Construct3D, detailed by Kaufmann and Schmalstieg (2006), is a collaborative system that
permits to teacher and student to work together. Construct3D is completely different from CAD
systems supporting two collaborating users wearing stereoscopic see-through HMDs providing a
shared virtual space.
The Virtual Round Table (VRT) is an interesting location independent model providing
individually adapted stereo view of the virtual world artefacts for each user, efficient as a
collaborative group environment. See-through projection glasses are used in order to superimpose
3D stereo visualization of a synthetic scene with the physical world. Mainly, VRT is based on
augmentation of the current environment, support collaboration between multiple users and
provides intuitive interaction with 3D objects.
Many educational projects are based on games. As shown by Kirner et al. (2006), developing
games using augmented reality is possible, hence AR based educational systems exploiting
learning through games will be feasible in an agile component-based development methodology.
Learning through role playing is another approach. The projects described by Klopfer et al.
(2005), also exploiting games metaphors, are based on handheld computers. All AR systems
described support collaboration within groups, but only the new games taking into account time
dependence, cascading events and distinct player roles are able to support collaboration between
The technological advances supporting wireless remote communication and mobile computing
provide new ways to growth the class of AR based computer-supported collaborative learning
systems by distributed collaboration with augmented reality. The ARiSE system described and
evaluated by Krauss et al. (2009) consists of a stereo-capable video projector that extends the
conventional desktop environment. A light pen was developed to support remote AR
collaboration. The application content can be local or distributed, and group collaboration is
Combining Web3D, service oriented architectures, virtual reality interface, augment reality
methodologies and software tools, the researchers are able to design strong AR educational
systems with impact in many fields of industry, business, and science.
42 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

The future AR collaborative laboratories will be the next generation of remote laboratories
supporting distance education on subjects in engineering fields. To implement such systems new
protocols and services will be necessary to be designed, but the dream will come true in near

Concluding Remarks

Educational systems based on ICT including VR interfaces and methodologies represent a new
wave in educational area. The paper described a classification of the existing AR educational
systems based on the augmentation level and pointed out that collaborative AR educational
systems represent the best choice when consider the pedagogical and psychological aspects.
Educational systems based on full VR interfaces and methodology represent an interesting
approach with increased psychological impact, but those based on AR permit the presence of
physical world (objects, actors) in such a way that people “feel the ground” when learn and/or

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Serious Games in the Life Long Learning environment.
Games and Learning Alliance Network of Excellence
Alessandro de Gloria1, Prof. dr. Ion Roceanu2

(1) Full Professor of Electronic Engineering, Director of Teaching of the Bachelor

and Master Degree in Electronic Engineering, University of Genoa
(2) Romanian Advanced Distributed Learning Association
This paper will describe in a short way the one of very interesting FP7 project, GALA which
start on 1-st of October this year, coordinated by the University of Genoa, Department of
Biophysical and Electronic Engineering. The project involved 31 institutions around the EU
including the Romanian Advanced Distributed Learning Department. The main objective of
the GaLA NoE is to shape a scientific community and build a European Virtual Research
Centre (VRC) aimed at gathering, integrating, harmonizing and coordinating research on
Serious Games (SGs), and disseminating knowledge, best practices and tools as a reference
point at international level. The VRC will act as a real, live competence centre, where
virtuality is intended as a way to effectively integrate skills, knowledge and tools coming from
multiple disciplines and physical locations, in order to favour scalability, flexibility and
exchange efficiency.

1 Short introduction to Serious Games

The “serious game” term as we intend today was firstly used in 2002, with the start of the Serious
Game Initiative lead by David Rejeski and Ben Sawyer in the US, and taken up in Europe by the
formation of the Serious Games movement including the Serious Games Institute in the UK. The
SG Initiative focuses “on uses for games in exploring management and leadership challenges
facing the public sector. Part of its overall charter is to help forge productive links between the
electronic game industry and projects involving the use of games in education, training, health,
and public policy”.
SGs were initially conceived to train people for tasks in particular jobs, such as training army
personnel, or training insurance salesmen. These tasks were characterized by their specificity and
applicability for particular work-related purposes and are typically targeted at a captive audience.
More recently, a number of games have been developed specifically for non-entertainment
purposes. In 2005, the World Food Programme developed “Food Force”, which seeks to take
advantage of the popularity of computer games to educate children about hunger and the work of
the aid agency. The “Hazmat: Hotzone” game designed with the help of the New York Fire
Department aims at training fire fighters on how to deal with conventional, environmental,
biological and terror-based incidents while functioning as a team where the players play the game
through networked computers communicating through headsets to complete cooperative tasks
(Entertainment Technology Centre and Carnegie Mellon University, 2005). In this same line, in
2006 Delft University of Technology (partner of GaLA) developed, the SG “Levee Patroller”,
aimed at training levee inspectors, adding a practical component to the theoretical education of
professional and voluntary levee inspectors of Dutch Water Boards. The game is designed to make
levee inspectors learn about the ways dikes can fail or breach, and how failures can be recognised
in the field at an early stage.
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 45

Serious Games Interactive has developed “Global Conflicts: Palestine”, an Samples include
America’s Army and Full Spectrum Warrior immersive fully 3D role-playing simulation that gives
the player the chance to explore the Israeli-Palestinian conflict first-hand. Through the diverse
stories students engage within the game they learn about issues related to the conflict like
terrorism, human rights and media’s role. The University of the West of Scotland has worked with
schools that had historic religious conflicts between them located within an area that had serious
alcohol problems to collaboratively develop a computer game, called “ThinknDrinkn?”, that
teaches about the problems associated with underage alcohol abuse. The Elios Lab has developed
for the Liguria Region Government a SG for road safety and a multiplayer online serious game for
the safety at the sea. Moreover the Elios Lab has leaded a Culture Programme EU project for the
development of a Serious Virtual World (“Travel in Europe”) for the promotion Cultural Heritage
in Europe.
The MIT Education Arcade latest document discusses a number of examples of learning
games, such as Zoo Scene Investigators, Palmagotchi, Racing Academy, Ayiti, Gamestar
Mechanic, The Calm and the Storm, Mind Rover, Lure of the Labyrinth, the Federation of the
American Scientists’ Immune Attack. The document shows that uses of SGs now “span everything
from advancing social causes to promoting better health to marketing. The class of games known
as Games for Change ( are being designed with a social or political
agenda to get people to consider particular issues. Members of Games for Health
( design games for both patients and practitioners with a medical
purpose in mind. Advergaming is a popular form of advertisement that delivers commercial
messages through games”.
A number of Commercial off the Shelf (COTS) games are also being used for education.
Richard Van Eck argues that integrating COTS in the learning process is promising for education,
since it is more cost-effective than developing SGs ad-hoc designed to support specific curricular
activities. The paper provides many examples of COTS games already being used in the
classroom, including Civilization (history), Age of Empires II (history), CSI (forensics and
criminal justice), The Sims 2 (making complex social relationships), Rollercoaster Tycoon
(Engineering and Business Management), and SimCity 4 (Civil Engineering and Government).
For some of them there is a clear match between their explicit content and the classroom content.
For others, the match is between a course aims and skills and the underlying strategies and the
game play. In any case it is important to be able to “easily augment the game with instructional
activities that preserve the context (situated cognition) of the game (e.g., by extending the goals
and character roles of the game into the classroom)”. Prensky has put together a list of five
hundred “serious” games that can be used to teach different content , and his new book and
accompanying Web site provide even more guidance on using games for learning. Given the
many different and varied applications of SGs there is little or no report on SGs as knowledge
bases for engineering design and product manufacture. Yet SGs can play an important role in these
highly iterative and precise product development environments. The management of knowledge,
i.e. how it is captured, used and maintained is crucial for ensuring maintenance and future
development programmes can be executed when personnel change and when training is required.
All these aspects and modalities of use need to be discussed at the light of more detailed tests and
analyses, also in Europe. And it is important to provide scientists, practitioners, stakeholders and
users with tools that support a systematic exchange of high-quality data and information and
presentation/dissemination of results/achievements/theories.
New types of gaming/leisure environments also include Virtual Worlds (VWs). “The success,
and wide reporting, of Second Life has helped to highlight the wider use of immersive worlds for
supporting a range of human activities and interactions, presenting a wealth of new opportunities
for enriching how we learn, how we work and how we play”. Sara de Freitas, of the Serious Game
46 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Institute, prepared for the JISC e-Learning Programme a scoping study on the use of Serious
Virtual Worlds (SVWs) to support learning and training.
The report includes a review of the field, case study examples (Active Worlds Educational
Universe, SciLands, Croquet Community, Project Wonderland, Forterra OLIVE’s Platform) and a
typology classification. The study stresses the opportunities given by the participation of learners
in constructing spaces, content and activities and the blending between virtual and real spaces and
experiences. Related challenges for improvement are identified in particular a need for common
standards for interoperability (e.g. of user profiles, player avatars, 3D objects) and the validation of
assessment and evaluation techniques. A debate between developers, educators and designers is
considered as necessary to ensure that these challenges are met positively, and to ensure quality in
all areas of academic and educational practice. The paper concludes that “although virtual worlds
have been around for over 20 years, it is only really in the last five years that the real potential for
virtual worlds has been recognized, and the next 20 years could bring about a virtual world
revolution that has the capability to radical shift how we learn. To ensure that this revolution is
successful at engaging students and supporting the development of higher order thinking skills it is
vital that we work together as a community and integrate our plans so that the learners of the
future have an educational system that gives them an enriched learning experience, does not suppress
creativity and helps to create a cohesive community that works together for the greater good”.
An important innovation enriching gaming/leisure environments is the use of Brain Computer
interfaces (BCI). A brain-computer interface (BCI) is a system that connects the brain directly
with the computer and vice versa. The BCI translates electrophysiological signals into an output
that reflects the user’s intent. Thus, it can provide people with severe motor disabilities, such as
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), spinal cord injury or brainstem stroke, with a new non-
muscular channel for basic communication and control . It is already possible, to control basic
games with the sole use of brain activity. Furthermore, BCI can also serve to monitor the player’s
emotive state as well as general arousal during playing, which can then be used to adapt the
behavior of the game to the needs of the player. Arousal is reflected in the rhythmic activity of the
brain. In general, faster frequency bands, such as beta, represent activated states, whereas the
slower frequency bands, such as theta, represent a low activated state in a person.
The use of a BCI also involves learning, as the user has to learn to modulate his/her brain
activity by means of feedback of performance. The success of a BCI depends on how correctly and
efficiently these two adaptive controllers - the user and the system – interact. The learning
involved in BCI is closely related to operant conditioning. Operant conditioning is widely used in
behavior modification procedures described a treatment for children with attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). These children were trained to enhance the mu rhythms in order
to suppress motor activity but still to stay attentive.
Furthermore they should also enhance the low beta rhythms in order to enhance the cortical
excitation of the under-aroused children with ADHD. With the aid of clever designed serious
games, the training of enhancement or suppression of specific frequency bands could further be
used to help induce, during playing, a mental state that facilitates learning.

2 Concept and objectives

The GaLA motivation stems from the acknowledgment of the potentiality of Serious Games (SGs)
for education and training and the need to address the challenges of the main stakeholders of the
SGs European landscape (users, researchers, developers/industry, educators). A foundational fault
issue in this context is the fragmentation that affects the SG landscape.
GALA aims to shape the scientific community and build a European Virtual Research Centre
(VRC) aimed at gathering, integrating, harmonizing and coordinating research on SGs and
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 47

disseminating knowledge, best practices and tools as a reference point at an international level.
The other two key focuses of the project are (1) the support to deployment in the actual
educational and training settings and (2) the fostering of innovation and knowledge transfer
through research-business dialogue.
The NoE organizations aim to integrate their activities and resources in a long-term view
structuring the activities along 3 major axes:
 Research integration and harmonization.
o Strong integration among leading researchers, users and business;
o Strong concern on the current standards of education, in order to favour a real uptake and
scaling of the educational games initiatives.
o Address sustainability.
 Joint research activities.
o Identify key issues and address them through multidisciplinary teams (putting always the
users – learners and teachers – and stakeholders in the centre of the focus) that will be
iteratively explored;
o Promote Research and Development team forces – organized in thematic areas – that will
do focused research (e.g. joint PhD and MSc projects on hot SG research projects, joint
project proposals) and continuously inform the project about the latest developments in
technology and education;
 Spreading of excellence.
o Dissemination of the NoE achievements as a flagship EU initiative in the TEL area
o Strong coordination with EU TEL activities, offering a specialized focus and expertise on
The potential of SGs is huge, because a large and growing population is familiar with playing
games, that can present users with realistic and compelling challenges, highly stimulating their
information processing capabilities and capturing their concentration span for long duration. SGs
provide appealing experiences (also involving multiple players) and are highly cognitive
demanding. Exploiting the latest simulation and visualization technologies, SGs & SVWs are able
to contextualize the player’s experience in a stimulating and realistic environment. “Games
embody well-established principles and models of learning. For instance, games are effective
partly because the learning takes place within a meaningful (to the game) context. What you must
learn is directly related to the environment in which you learn and demonstrate it; thus, the
learning is not only relevant but applied and practiced within that context. Learning that occurs in
meaningful and relevant contexts is more effective than learning that occurs outside of those
contexts, as is the case with most formal instruction. Researchers refer to this principle as situated
cognition and have demonstrated its effectiveness in many studies over the last fifteen years.
Researchers have also pointed out that play is a primary socialization and learning mechanism
common to all human cultures and many animal species”. Don Menn claims that students can
only remember 10 percent of what they read, but almost 90 percent, if they engage in the job
themselves, even if only as a simulation , and this assertion has been supported by evidence from
recent studies on the effectiveness of game-based learning.
Good SGs & SVWs challenge players sense immersive situations, providing concrete,
compelling contexts where the player gets concretely involved. This is important also to show the
concrete relevance to everyone’s life of subjects (eg. maths and physics) that are frequently
considered as cold and abstract, but whose applications to improve our understanding (and
prediction) of the world and its processes are surprising and give satisfaction to students.
Moreover, SGs can provide an excellent context not only to acquire and test knowledge and skills,
but also to closely examine an environment without the barriers of time and space (and any other
type of costs), thus can be gyms where new knowledge, practices and solutions can be developed.
48 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Play, in fact, supports players in exercising five kinds of freedom (freedom to fail, experiment,
fashion identities, of effort and interpretation), that are rarely possible in traditional schooling and
can complement it by encouraging learners “to come up with new and varied solutions rather than
regurgitating the "right answer." The freedom to fail eliminates the penalty for making mistakes
that most schools impose. The fear of failure shuts down the brain's ability to think creatively”.
Finally, SGs can be multiplayer online, favouring team-building and cooperation in facing
issues, shaping real communities of learners. In order to achieve these results, SGs require the
study and implementation of a complex mix of advanced technologies that are, in a broader sense,
key in the global competition. These include but are not restricted to: Artificial Intelligence,
Human-Computer Interaction, networking, computer graphics and architecture, signal processing,
web-distributed computing, neurosciences. These technologies are to be developed and exploited
in a target-oriented multidisciplinary approach that puts the user benefits at the centre of the
For quality control and to enhance effectiveness, the development of SGs and SVWs should be
firmly grounded in educational theory, as well as in cognitive psychology and neuroscience. It
should employ methods and insights from cognitive neuroscientists and educators to scrutinize and
monitor the specific type of learning involved in playing SGs.
Learning is phylogenetically old and ubiquitous, but also a very diverse ability. Different types
of learning range from implicit learning (conditioning and motor learning) to declarative learning
(verbal facts or figurative contents). Different types of learning are subserved by very different
neural structures, follow different trajectories and require different learning environments to be
optimally efficient. Different neuroscientific methods can be used to track learning related changes
in the brain. First, BCI can be used to monitor learning during playing and to evaluate the learners’
mental state. Second, recently developed brain imaging techniques such as functional magnetic
resonance imaging (fMRI) allow locating the areas within the human brain that change their level
of activation due to learning.

3 The role of the Romanian Advanced Distributed Learning Department

The Ro ADL Department was invited to take part in this project consortium based on its
experience in the ADL field and SCORM development, as well as. Since the Ro ADL Department
is recognized as a ADL partnership Lab by the USA ADL Initiative it is represent a pole of
experience and capabilities in the eLearning field oriented to the adult learning area and especially
to the military domain. The Ro ADL Department started couple years ago to use different SG in
the training curricula oriented to the military contingents which are deployable into different war
theaters such as : Afghanistan, Iraq , Kosovo and so on. For example, the course “Cultural
Awareness - Afghanistan – pre deployment course” opens with a look at the definition of culture
and introduces Afghanistan (including history, climate and geography). The majority of the course
centres around six visually appealing, interactive scenarios in which the learner must make
decisions in a variety of culturally tense situations. Like real life, there are no absolutely right or
wrong answers. Learners receive feedback through a cultural risk meter that indicates if their
choice has increased or decreased cultural tensions. To support them in making the best choice,
learners have access to content specific material that provides easily understood information about
key cultural areas, such as the treatment of women or the importance of honour and shame in
Afghan culture.
The mains role of our department in this projects are around two objectives:
• SG metrics
This task will concern the development of a taxonomy and metrics for SG, in order to allow an
effective assessment and priority definition, which are perceived as an urgent need by the research
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 49

community. Metrics will concern: educational effectiveness of games (segmented in terms of user
typologies, educational domains, degree of student cooperation, etc.), usability, appropriateness of
technologies for specific targets, entertainment, ability to appeal to users (segmented in terms of
user types), ability to capture user attention and keep their concentration, types of solicited skills,
ability to shape users cognitive abilities, etc. Curricular and 21st Century skills will be considered
and assessed. The work will consider different types of games and users.
• Interoperability and semantics
One of the more important negative aspects of using the games in the formal education and
training is given by the impossibility to track user activity within 3D games environments. While
the linear content is standardized and most of the well known LMSs are compatible with
standards, 3D games are not based on standardization. Our principal task will be focused to find a
SCORM solution (Shareable Content Object Reference Model) conformant 3D serious game for
Learning Management Systems. This aim will be fulfill by research methods for enabling
interoperability, accessibility, and reusability of SCORM compliant learning content in 3-D virtual
Around this subject are some essential questions which need an answer: Can games be broken
down into reusable objects? What components of games should be considered an object (e.g.,
multimedia assets; subroutines for interactions, animations and simulations)?
Developing those objectives y deeply research we will have in attention 4 major things.
First – Standards. In the government and defense, configuration management and architecture
compliancy spell life and death for software and hardware. The gaming industry has no uniform
standards, but more importantly, the government has not published a standard for the importation
of serious game applications into its network infrastructure – either classified or unclassified. For
the market to continue to grow, government and industry must agree on a policy and standard. As
in the case of an innovation market, there are different engines, interfaces, and operating systems
vying for market space etc. – eventually it will come to a head.
Second -- Price. The costs of quality games are prohibitive. Until costs go down – without
sacrificing quality -- I think the market will always have limitations. Costs of $1M or more for a
“game” are hard to sustain, although not unprecedented. We all know there are some applications
being produced much more cheaply, but from what I have seen they may work in the early
markets, but won’t be sustainable because of their overall limitations in network deployability,
upgrades, and sheer lack of behavioral sophistication.
Third – Procurement. Most serious games have been developed through Research,
Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT&E) funds sponsored by research organizations (i.e.
DARPA, ONR, etc.) to promote the exploration of gaming applications. It’s been a tremendous
investment. However, once the gaming “mystique” or “novelty” has been quenched, the bulwark
of funding will move towards the Other Procurement (Navy, Air Force etc.) (OP) which eliminates
developmental or prototype designs – it is this money that buys games and does the acceptance,
test and evaluations from industry.
Fourth- Classifications: Serious (military) games are just analogous enough to escape the
issues of classification. They are often restricted in access and distribution (Like Ambush!), but
eventually, copies of a serious game will make it onto the internet be found on a terrorist's laptop
and then the party is seriously over. Additionally, games, in my mind, can be divided into two
areas: functional or cognitive (training).

4 Conclusions

GaLA aims at integrating the participants activities and capacities. The NoE tool allows reaching
an operational and collaborative critical mass of research that will provide benefits to the overall
50 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

SG and TEL domains. In particular, GaLA will operate to systemize the research and education
activities and indicate a roadmap based on the working experience of an integrated body of
excellences that cover all the competence fields involved in design, development and deployment
of SGs. Such a systemization will promote typically European specificities (creativity,
collaboration, team-building and human-centered culture and sensitivity) and pedagogical
approaches (deductive and strongly theoretically-founded learning) in a field, such as that of the
SG, that is currently biased by the American inductive approach.


Life Long Learning Programme: en.htm.

F.Bellotti, R.Berta, A.De Gloria, L. Primavera, Adaptiv Experience Engine for Serious Games", accepted for
publication on IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games
Jarvis, S., de Freitas, S. (2009). Evaluation of a Serious Game to support Triage Training: In-game Feedback
and its effect on Learning Transfer. Proceedings of 2009 Conference in Games and Virtual Worlds for
Serious Applications, IEEE
W. L. Johnson, “Lessons learned from games for education”, in Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH 2005 Educators
program, July 31-August 04, 2005, Los Angeles, California
Network of excellence (NoE) proposal ICT Call 1 FP7-ICT-2007-1 Games and Learning Alliance GaLA Part
B documentation
Visual Identity of a Business

lector univ. dr. Doina Muntean

Academia Comercială – Satu Mare

In an era when online has shown that the success of a good business knows no limits,
Commercial Academy of Satu Mare, based on at least three key reasons for the
competitiveness of any organization: the strict control of costs, eliminate losses, obtaining
performance comes with a sustainable development strategy visual identity of a business. site is a portal dedicated mainly companies operating in the northwestern
region of Romania.

Keywords: The Internet, global economy, business portal, web

1. Introduction

Motto: "Any company, old or new, that does not

consider this technology (the Internet) as important as
breathing, may be his last breath."
Jack Welch

More and more companies, generally those working in the IT & C, they found potential business
growth through the Internet. There are several ways to promote, but the basic requirement is to
build your site in order to potentiate other means of promotion using the Internet.
The exponential growth of Internet businesses and business people are in a situation struggle to
create a powerful online presence not only to give an added value of traditional brand image but
also enable them to make note in a market increasingly crowded.
The Internet has become a highway of information for the consumer public. Many people
prefer easy transactions on the Internet can offer. As a consequence, the Internet has become one
of the best selling tools. Promoting the Internet provides a cheap and simple way to make small
companies to increase their distribution network of products and services. For example, the use of
portals can create a new marketing channel orientation or allow new ways to access products to
Compared with other forms of marketing, online promotion has the advantage of a low budget,
a minimum storage space, compared with printing brochures, advertising clips and directing a
production center for telemarketing. Provides a quick and cheap way to penetrate new markets.

2. Online Marketing Tools

Marketing is the means any contact or company has with anyone who influence its business. Also,
marketing can be considered truth (Company) turned into something fascinating. Unfortunately, in
practice there is often the truth and everything else is marketing
Marketing is (or should be) the art of changing thoughts and / or feelings that make people to
change their minds.
52 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Marketing is an opportunity to generate profit through business conducted a chance to

collaborate with others in the community and a process for establishing lasting relationships.
Marketing will first have to make money, benefits, create costs.
Online promotion process (web design, web development, SEO, online advertising) is a means
employed in web marketing / online marketing / e-marketing.
Online promotion is the most common and most used part of the marketing mix of this
environment. Unlike offline advertisement, (outdoor, TV spots, radio, etc.) Online that offers a
range of benefits that traditionally can not be obtained.
A first advantage offered by an online advertising campaign is that it allows precise focusing
on target group of interest. You can choose a small or very large public, online advertising allows.
The second advantage: the measured response. It is important to express an investment that we
do can be measured in terms of results that it generates. Online promotion, if done by
professionals, allowing data: how many users have visited the site, where they arrived, many were
transformed to customers or if they have recommended to others sites. Also, due to its flexible,
online promotion, an opportunity to change the message that is intended to be forwarded to the
target group, offers, in order to create a clear picture on campaigns had the best results and reasons
on generated them.
Fast feedback that can benefit from online advertising campaigns, is again an advantage
compared with traditional methods. Online advertising method in control on actions are taken.
Again, advantage: high efficiency. Precisely because the choice just the group target flexibility,
if well done, online advertising campaign can bring truly effective results, results that traditional
methods can not offer the same response.
Finally, the most valuable advantage is the flexibility that defines the online promotion.
The Internet offers a chance to send personalized offers to each potential customer to see what
tools have had an impact and a better result, then be exploited by investing in them for a sustained
future success.
Considering the effects that they generate and the impact it has, online advertising is no longer
an option, but rather a necessity that must be satisfied if it wants a strengthening of brand image,
obtaining positive results and ensure a steady. Whether the budget is a small or conversely, to
promote online can be a safe option even in times of crisis.

3. - Business Portal portal was launched as an online business portal for the business community in
northwestern Romania, where companies can freely present their products, services and contact
details to receive a greater promotion . Business Portal was developed under the project entitled “Programme to improve
border management in SMEs", financed by Phare CBC 2006/018.449, the Neighborhood Romania
- Ukraine from 2004 to 2006.
More than an online portal to visitors will be able to participate actively in
community inclusion and can share their experiences online. Show products by categories /
subcategories, products advanced search opportunity, photographs, detailed presentations, pricing,
compatibility and other extremely useful information.
Scholarship is intended to highlight the free play of market forces, without any intervention
outside economy and any trend from outside or inside market manipulation market variables,
namely price. Therefore it can be argued that scholarship is the mechanism that most closely
approximates the theoretical model of pure and perfect markets, providing pricing that is
established based on the report at any time between supply and demand and constantly reflecting
economic reality.
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 53 was born of a desire to provide a viable alternative for obtaining fair prices and
direct dealings between producer and customer, both financially and in terms of quality.
The portal is divided over three sections: catalog companies, products and services, business
opportunities. There his viewing option in Romanian, in English and Ukrainian.

Figure 1. Portal interface Figure 2. Login / Create Account

Only by creating a user account can have all the facilities offered portal.
Http:// site is simple, easy way, consists of two forms to be filled with
data login / registration.
After registration and validation of email account personal user account can access:

Menu bar consists of 10 buttons: Home, My

Account, Company data, opportunities offered,
products or services, messages, looking for
opportunities; Find products or services, Search
firms and Logout.

4. Conclusions

The global economy has been marked by many Figure 3. User Account
changes, both in the form of streams and
dynamism, influenced by technological progress, but also by measures imposed on rational use of
environmental resources, in the context of a sustainable development. In these conditions,
technology transfer and information are essential elements in ensuring the development of skills
needed in international competition, to achieve the performance and fulfillment of innovations.
Support to small and medium enterprises must be a key priority for the Romanian economic-
social environment, they being important contributors to growth, competition and innovation and
thus employment and the productivity of the Romanian economy as a whole.
The small and medium businesses can grow even in this crisis period. When the financial
resources become more and more inaccessible, the entrepreneurs need to think about new ways to
promote the utility business.

[1] P. Bran, Economica valorii, Editura ASE, Bucureşti, 2002
[2] P. Drucker, Technology, Management and Society,Editura Heinemann, London, 1970
[3] E. Nicolau, Ingineria cunoaşterii, Editura Albatros, Bucureşti, 1985
OER - craving for success in a timeless, border free zone

Maria-Magdalena Popescu, Assoc. Prof. PhD

Foreign Languages Department, Carol I National Defense University, Bucharest,

Romania, magdap[at]

"If you can keep your head when all about you/Are losing theirs and blaming it on you" as R.
Kipling said and even more, if you can dare thriving in difficult times by engaging any and
every means that keeps ignorance at bay, then, my fellows, shall we florish as nations, as
individuals.Collaborative learning fights against all odds to keep knowledge going and
gaining ground. OER is but one of the inordinate variations to give our students, enabling
them to fully realize their potential.The present paper looks at how open educational material
can be stored and presented,it states implications for copyright and IPR, quality control
measures and issues of trust for faculty and students to encourage collaborative working.

Keywords: collaborative learning, open educational resources, education.

1 21st Century Education

”There is no use trying, said Alice; One can’t believe impossible things”
L. Carroll- Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

We have been well into the 21st Century for 10 years now but words like ”ït is impossible, it won’t
work” are still there, even though growing concerns like famine, poverty, global warming along
with other thorny environmental and social issues are at stake.
We have been living through all dramatic technological revolution, but most of us still stumble
on welcoming the new, the unknown, the challenge as a key to open doors.
The living manifesto here is for the global, whole, complete individual, prepared for living his
life everywhere and anywhere with everybody and at all times, in a context of permanent
informational bulletting, of endless discoveries.
In ”The Global Achievement Gap” Tony Wagner advocated for seven survival skills among
which one would hardly ever skip critical thinking and problem solving, collaboration across
networks, agility and adaptability, initiative and entrepreneurialism, effective oral and written
communication, accessing and analyzing information, curiosity and imagination.
In this context, to tailor one for these skills, not only should the student be different but also the
educator and the educational environment per se. Formation is outrun by information, outcomes
prevail for the teaching activities themselves, the center disintegrates itself and migrates to the
margin of the educational circle, core breaks into pieces and spreads itself, be it student or teacher
or info-cluster, to migrate, flow and mingle, to generate skills, competences. What is more, the
info-cluster, the educational chunk that had to be swallowed in the past with lots of water is now
sugar-coated to stirr interest, create experiences, generate hands-on/ first-hand practice and
immediate work and social integration. ”Student” is now a general term encompassing an
individual from kindergarten to retirement. We no longer appeal to memory and mnemotechnics,
yet we give raise to tallent, gift, passion, interest, to peer evaluation and international, authentic
real-world assessments. The newly emerged student is media-multicultural-emotional-ecological-
financial-cyber-skilled. He grew into this type soon after the dawn of the 21st Century by
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 55

collaboration, working hard and together with his peers for a borderfree, better world. Information
Technologies were but the cutlery for the whole, endless portions of collaboration that solve issues
coming up around the world.

Collaborative Learning
Collaborative Learning refers to an instruction method in which learners at various performance
levels work together toward a common goal. The learners are responsible for one another’s
learning as well as their own. The active exchange of ideas within small groups not only increases
interest among the participants but also promotes critical thinking. Shared learning gives learners
an opportunity to engage in discussions, take responsibility for their own learning and thus become
critical thinkers.
Collaborative learning as a concept stays valid for lifelong learning inasmuch. It can be
collaborative learning for Students of all ages guided by teachers or it can be CL for teachers that
both teach others and learn from one another simultaneously; and since time no longer waits for
anyone these days as the second keeps shrinking, to move to different dimensions, great
importance has been laid to online CL lately.

Open Educational Resources

Speaking of collaboration one cannot but bring into light OERs as materials and resources freely
accessible for use and –to a certain extent- for improvement and distribution, including learning
content, tools and intellectual property licences.
We should be very specific though with the differences between OA materials and OER. Open
Access materials refer to sharing content of a scholarly nature, but not necesarily with a licence,
while OER comprise of educational content shared under open licence. We are focusing on OERs
It is a fact that academics are giving more and more credit to the shareable learning content,
yet at a slower pace I might say than it should be. Since all kinds of OERs have benefited large
communities of teachers and teaching staff all over the world, not the same can be said for the
Academic world.
Would it be lack of trust or academic pride, or maybe fear of getting lost? Could it be the
innability to cope with competitiveness on a free challenging market? All of the above if we are
objective and none whatsoever should we go with a public answer.
It is a growing concern that while countries in the west have long adopted this Modus Operandi
for a better lifelong learning or inclusion education, or simply for the benefit of an improving
global university, there still are countries which lag in this only due to mentality and behaviour,
maybe also because of a poor legal frame.
My intention here is to stand up for the beneficial and harmless use of OERs.It is only when we
develop OERs that Higher Education develop, as through their academic staff developing OERs
institutions can bring their contribution to the global information or knowledge space, can share
new ideas and –most important of all- raise the standards of teaching as well as give prominent
public voice to individual academics.
Institutions accross UK have taken up the OER idea and fully harvest now. I here refer to
Joint Information Systems Committe (JISC) that launched an OER program to help institutions
publish course materials, Jorum Open- open national resource bank of teaching materials, then
Slideshare comes along or Connexions.
The University of Southampton has launched Humbox, „an online space for sharing
Humanities rsources managed by four subject centres- Language & linguistics, English, History,
Philosophy & Religion.” One can share handouts, exercises, podcasts, videos and there are
already more than 1000 learning resources published to the Humbox repository. The idea was
56 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

warmly welcomed as hard sciences were over –represented at a point in time. Romania is proud to
be part of this program with materials uploaded, therefore shared with other universities in the UK,
both for language and linguistics as well as for English.
Yet, I dare say Romania is hardly implementing this kind of educational manner for higher
education. We do have eLearning, we do have Distance Education, OA portals, but scarcely
OERs for the academic field.
Since we have eLearning and Distance Education, why cannot we have OCW and OER
extensively for the academic field ? Faculty could get recognition, publish and promote their
resources, connect with other collaborators, extend their reach and visibility. Are they fearsome for
the quality? Well, quality can be settled by the number of visitors one gets for his materials. If you
are not good, you are not looked for. Comments, hit counters, ratings, and another identity can be
engaged to count for quality. The value of resource is given by the number of visitors. We must
accept, as teachers and authors, that our materials can be judged by others, and they can be used or
slightly altered for reuse provided they are good quality.
The fear of being competitive is a fear of giving away what we consider important. We believe
our materials are the most valuable asset of our endeavour as a teacher. Yet, what could we say
about the methods engaged in making use of that material, personal assets like charisma and
enthusiasm, and not the least- reputation. Why are people afraid of sharing expertise and curricula
with other innstitutions so that the better of the two prevails? It is because old habits die hard.
What is it that we can store? It is such a nice array of educational items, from courses to slides,
to electronic and print media. You can, beyond recognition, connect with other researchers;
students as well can participate in helping with publishing content. Curriculum is thus improved
with a multitude of info; by visualising the number of viewers one can create new curricula
according to students’ best interest (the most viewed item-concept).
Why do we fear acknowledging that most of the learning nowadays all round the world takes
place online? A vast array of techniques makes possible for us to communicate and share
experience, thus having us also learn while teaching others. We can upload series of lecture slides,
interviews, handouts, chapters from reasearch papers, etc. Through a constant use of web materials
into teaching we can both reduce the strain of teaching and begin to teach our students about
quality sources of information on the web. The viewers of our materials bank can leave comments,
feedback or simply tell us how they used our materials. It is great to see how people you might
even not know use and appreciate your work- that gives its true objective value.
An important issue here that is to be considered and feared most, and for which all opponents
of the OERs have their point is the copyright issue. People feel reluctant as to not knowing what
copyright laws apply with online materials. Neither institutions nor individual academics fiind
support in the legal frame providers.
Should we start from a common sense rationale like respect someone else’s work, give
attribution , etc, we should then call Creative Commons regulations into action. By attribution you
let others copy, distribute and use your work as well as other derivatives might emerge based on
your work itself, on condition the user gives credit the way you request it. Share alike is one of the
licence conditions by means of which you allow others distribute derivative works under a licence
common to the one that governs your work. Noncommercial means one is allowed to copy and
distribute, display and use in case they do not get money for it. No derivatives imply that one is
allowed to use your work but not modify it, so no derivatives will there be based on your
While talking about OER we feel personal challenges burning up inside, we must admit we are
not all digital natives and unfortunately most of the academic staff has no time available for
experimenting with new technologies. That is where falling behind starts. At a certain time in their
life people feel reluctant to new and to getting new skills; it is more difficult to set off on a
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 57

winding alley and start thinking outside the box, yet in an ever-changing world natural selection is
being made. Quality and multi-tasking, along with multi-skilled, prevail.

2 OERs in the future

There is an outstanding movement to promote and develop what OER represents and does for the
comunity of the educational environment. It is just by mere mentioning about the existence of
portals like Curriki that is best tailored for undergraduates, or Internet Archives where famous
contributors like the Hewlett Foundation or MIT or Monterey Institute keep the ball rolling for
Higher Education environment, and lectures, colloquia, texts or audio excerpts are free to use for
the benefit of teaching purposes.
This movement has been going on since 2002, when the term OER was first coined in July, at
the UNESCO-hosted Forum on the impact of Open CourseWare for Higher Education in
Developing Countries.
„The open provision of educational resources, enabled by information and communication
technologies, for consultation, use and adaptation by a community of users for commercial
purposes”- this is how they defined the OER at the above mentioned meeting.
Since then toolkits have been created, bank resources have come up, yet people have to
understand that „learning resources” differ in approach from one culture to another; hence,
something should be done to meet this challenge as well. There are also differences in accessing
and reusing the same materials, things which are triggered by cultural differences.
Opponents of OER might feel redundant after the appearance of MIT and UK Open University
or banks like Jorum, Humbox, etc have emerged. We need though to understand that OERs are the
future. A couple of years ago Central and Eastern Europe had a tiny participation of 3 % in the
OER community members compared to Western Europe (30%) to give the least, and this came
mostly from Universitites and Distance Learning contributions.( 2006).
In coutries with a poor development of OER, awareness raising is the biggest priority and then
census gives information on capacity development as coming second in importance, along with
technology tools and learning support services.Research and policies come next as this speaks of
the importance a supportive environment holds for the OER development in countries with
limited resources.
Among actions to be taken by UNESCO like raising awareness and networking there is an
importnat step that falls under the „developing capacity” requirement, and that is a DIY resource-
that is Do-It-Yourself- that could help people better understand the impact different cultures have
on OER sharing, along with stirring them to get involved and start contribuing with technology
software or pedagogical approach issues.
By the time this project gets going though, it would be great if UNESCO continued with its
leadership role but also if OER initiatives proliferated, so that participants could just pool in
information out of their locally created and culturally customized learning resources. As solid
evidence that i mportant international bodies still have their say we must mention the MetaOER
project that „facilitates progress and promotes OE movement around the world” . The MetaOER is
the project coordinated by the UNESCO chair in eLearning, and it is meant to become a repository
with resources about resources as a valuable tool for reserchers, as well as a place where
professors would deposit their materials for share and reuse , respecting the CC concepts. The
repository is hosted by the Open University of Catalonia and it is expected to be one of the
„predominant open repository in the world”
Another important example that OER is becoming a force that hopefull will influence the
developing countries to a greater extent is the OPAL international network which mitigates for
innovation and quality in education by means of OER for higher and adult education. OPAL (
58 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Open Education Quality Initiative) is currently running a consultation process about open
educational practices and it is also producing a quantitative study on the use of OER and OEP in
higher education as well as in adult education. Should you consider stating your point as it is
drops that oceans are made with, please refer to
I hope the day when local OER initiatives bring together producers from various institutions to
join efforts into creating and evolving learning resources is not too far !


1. Bonk CJ, Kirkley JR, Hara N. & Dennen N. (2001)- Finding the instructor in post-secondary online
learning, in J. Stevenson (Ed.), Teaching and learning online. Pedagogies for New technologies,
2. Johnstone SM (2005) Open educational resources serve the world EDUCAUSE Quarterly, vol. 28,No 3,
pg 15-18
3. W.& F. Hewlett Foundation (2005). Free online, open content initiatives announced. News release: Nov
4. D’Antoni S. & Savage C. (Ed.) – (2009) OER- Conversations in cyberspace, UN Educational, Scientific
&Cultural Organization, Paris, France
5. Wagner T. (2008)- The global achievement Gap, Basic Books, New York vistited on 08.20.2010
Impact of Internet Use in Teaching
and Classroom Management Process

Roxana Enache

Teachers Training Department, Petroleum - Gas University Ploiesti,

Bdul Bucuresti 39, 100680, Romania

Training or self-training of teachers should be based on both the acquisition of technical
skills, of Internet user, but also the pedagogical skills that focus on how to use these resources
to render the teaching process more effective. From teaching experience, teachers who took
part in this research consider that in order to introduce Internet in the teaching process
teachers go through three stages of professional maturity. The first step is to acquire the
technical skills, introduce new technologies to conduct lessons but have no confidence and a
fear of possible technical and pedagogical problems that may occur. The second stage is the
maturity, the fear disappears, the teacher uses more Internet and computer resources to
conduct lessons and improve the teaching process. The last step is where the teacher can make
an assessment of how new information and communication technology resources can be used,
can draw conclusions and prepare other colleagues in this field, in other words, can multiply

Keywords: Internet, Teaching, Classroom management, Competencies teachers


Education system must evolve to meet new social needs and individual to cope with change,
innovation. Those economic changes, political and social causes need to reorganize the education
system to improve efficiency, performance, to make it more efficient and to fold new economic
and social demands. Progress in information and communication technologies, promise us new
solutions to these problems. Appropriate use of these new technologies will make education
system more effective and efficient, whether in its willingness to accept and make some necessary
changes, and the first segment should be the subject of reform of teacher education. Given that
technological innovation promotes economic transformation and that anything that causes social
adjustments necessary, it is the key to reorganizing all you need to accept the educational system.
Use an increased range and better integration of microinformatic, multimedia, internet and other
telematic innovations may be a start to reform and streamline the educational methods of learning.
Using new information technologies in education can develop and enhance skills and teaching
skills. Only to realize their potential within education teachers must know very well use them
effectively. Teacher training courses should include information technology, computer assisted
instruction, etc. in which they acquire knowledge, but especially to train and develop computerial
skills. To become an effective mediator in the relationship of learning, using computers, especially
Internet services in turn requires specialized training. This initial and ongoing training should
include a balanced skills: conceptual, technical and human. Technical skills in education are
considered: knowledge of methods, techniques, equipment involved in teaching, marketing, etc..,
Skills required to perform a specific task (to design and write computer programs, expanding
60 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

educational documents, statistical analysis of any way to write documents, design plans, programs,
strategies, etc.).. Regarding training of school education, technical skills are identified as a
separate category, is targeting the training more personal and less the methodological integration
of information and communication technologies in teaching process. In this paper we consider
several categories of competence surprise (methodological, information and communication,
psychosocial) in both teaching and in the management. Summarized the findings of research
conducted over two years (2006-2008) for conducting training programs The Magister and
European Educational Management. As coordinator of these programs (from 2004 to present) and
Director of Teacher Training Department can confirm these assumptions and conclusions based on
observation, analysis work products (portfolios, projects, etc..) Questionnaires, surveys case etc..
Say that the research methods were used to analyze educational policy documents, curriculum
documents (curricula, educational programs, documents produced by the National Staff Training
in school education, analysis and direct observation of teaching activities, projects lesson, but also
interviews, questionnaires, etc.).. The target group was composed of ~ 350 teachers participating
in these training programs, both women and men (women predominated), rural and urban (the
urban prevailed), aged between 25 and 54 years (have dominated the category 30-40 years).

2 Methodological Skills Necessary for Teachers to Use Internet

To quickly adapt to social, economic and political changes, the teacher must be prepared to
acquire the skills for effective use of Internet in teaching:
a. The teacher must decide when using Internet is beneficial to achieving the objectives /
skills training in a particular discipline or age range and when Internet use is less effective or
inappropriate. It is then necessary to know:
- how the Internet can help teachers to demonstrate, explore and better explain certain aspects
of teaching and learning of their discipline;
- how the Internet can provide students and teachers with access to cutting-edge information;
- how the activities can easily be changed due to the temporary / editable charaacter of the
information stored, processed and presented by the Internet;
- how the interactive nature of information stored, processed and presented offers teachers and
students the psibility to:
• to examine existing models;
• communicate with other people easily and effectively locally or over long distances;
• research and compare information from different sources;
• using facilities to transmit information in different ways depending on the nature of the
b. Specific objectives of each discipline, using the Internet requires:
- use of Internet as an effective means of achieving goals and not only for motivating students,
or as a reward and sanction for a particular behavior;
- avoid the use of the Internet for small or routine tasks that would be much better achieved by
other means;
- the knowledge that where the Internet should be used it must exist adequate preparation
equipment, content and methodology;
- avoid transmitting the idea that the presentation quality is more important than the content;
- structuring activities so that students focus on relevant issues and maximize the time and
resource requirements, such as student learning that when accessing the Internet they should have
a clear task to search and not browse randomly;
- clearly explain the connections between:
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 61

• Internet and the discipline taught;

• Internet and its impact on the environment and society.
- Web applications using appropriate objectives.
c. To develop and strengthen students' skills in Internet usage in the context of the discipline
they teach, it is necessary for the teacher to:
- discuss explicitly and, where necessary, teach computer skills and applications corresponding
to the taught discipline;
- use appropriate terminology correctly and adequately;
- use the Internet in order to give students examples of good practice.
d. For those aspects of lessons where the Internet is to be used, it is necessary for the teacher
to identify:
- the way in which the Internet will be used for teaching and learning objectives;
- key questions and occasions when the teacher can intervene to stimulate and direct student
- assessment methods of existing content on the Internet and to be used in teaching process;
- methods for evaluation and recording the progress made by students in both discipline and
Internet usage (working with the Information Technology teachers);
- criteria in order for the assessing of students' achievements and progress in that discipline not
to be prevented due to the Internet;
- the impact Internet use has on the organization of the lesson.
e. Classroom management. The goal of using Internet in the teaching process is to improve
teaching - learning of every subject. For this reason, the teacher should:
- to decide how to use the Internet: with the entire class or just with one particular group of
students and how to ensure that all students cover all aspects of the subject’s key conceptual items;
- to know how to organize students, pairs or groups of students when they work with Internet
resources to ensure that each student will participate in activities, that the joint effort is well
balanced and that teacher intervention and student responses take place at the right time.
f. To assess the contribution that Internet has had in teaching and learning of the discipline,
the teacher will:
- monitor students’ progress by:
• a clear vision on the objectives of teaching and Internet use in accomplishing those;
• teacher supervision and intervention in students’ activities using Internet in order to
monitor and support the progress made by students in accomplishing planned objectives;
• questionning students forcing them to reflect on the necessity of Internet use;
- setting learning standards for the taught discipline when Internet means are used:
• by identifying criteria by which students can show what they learned through the use of
Internet resources and insisting that students should discover the role of using information sources
in their work;
• the way one determines the contribution of each student when the application achieved is
the result of group collaboration, by observing students' work, by recording the results, by teacher
intervention and student-teacher dialogue;
- the use of training methods, diagnostic and final verification to assess progress made by
students at the discipline for which Internet was used.
g. Teachers must recognize the specific contribution of Internet in learning development in
children with SEN - special educational needs - in the core activities of the class (access the
curriculum in the appropriate manner for the needs, identify ways in which the Internet specificly
supports the discipline)
62 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

h. Teachers should select and effectively use the Internet in reaching teaching - learning
objectives and responsibly and criticaly choose Internet applications corresponding to the
appropriate discipline.

3 Computer and Communication Skills Necessary for Teachers to Use Internet

Changes brought by using the Internet to conduct teaching and learning require specialized skills
from the teacher regarding the use of Internet for effective communication with students,
colleagues, parents; obtain information and training materials necessary to prepare lessons and for
personal professional development; preparation, presentation and publication of materials in the
most professional manner possible; improve teaching efficiency.
Adequate training of teachers in Internet use requires two steps of training: first in which one
will proceed to technical training, knowledge of Internet environment and its resources, building a
simple Web page while the second step will put more emphasis on how Internet resources can be
exploited in the teaching process.

4 Psychosocial Competencies Teachers Must Possess when Using Internet

Teachers’ perception about the role they adopted during classes matches the observer’s perception.
It may be said that the teachers went from the information facilitator role to the following roles:
• Fellow student. Teachers accept the idea that students may outsmart them in some fields
and accept that they can learn from their students especially concerning the use of new information
and communication technologies. This collaboration brings benefits in the development of ITC
competencies for both parts involved.
• Instructor: If teaching means providing support along the constructivist process of learning,
change is necessary and the teacher’s role will switch from the one who teaches and transmits the
information to the one who guides and creates the framework for the teaching process as well as
introducing the duties and work tasks. Among the responsibilities of the teacher there is
identifying a media rich in information in order to prompt children to think, explore and build new
meanings. The search for a theme is easy enough for students, with them being able to download
materials, merge them with others indiscriminately and with no advantage in learning. If this
happens, the teacher must have the ability to supervise the development of the desired skills –
analysis and presentation – a necessary element in activities based on digital education – while
avoiding the “Cut & Paste” action.
A way to diminish the search time is the for the teacher to conduct the work activity directly
towards a specific web site, which implies a considerable lesson preparation – locating, tracing and
downloading the web site – as well as decision regarding the use of the chosen material.
The extra activity is accounted for only when the novelty or actuality of the website as
compared to other available alternatives brings “extra value” to the learning experience.

5 Conclusions

Instead of exclusively teaching the information in a structured way, teachers must prove a deep
and vast understanding of the subject, to use a great variety of teaching methods, to ensure support
for students by creating projects that can prompt learning, to offer support and timely answers for
groups and individuals, to orient students towards key concepts and problems raised by the
gathering of information, processing and using them and to adapt flexible forms of formative and
summative evaluation.
Thus, as instructor (tutor), there are three roles:
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 63

• instructor as shaper which involves a person that stimulates the students to create materials
and active learning situations;
• instructor as coach, consultant, referent, evaluator;
• instructor as support which represents more than a guide or a mentor, bringing together the
abilities and skills of a manager, supplier or broker.
But he can also be:
- Collaborator: many of the activities based on information technology and communication
reside on a project-oriented didactic strategy. In this type of activities, the teacher participates
alongside the students, as team member, at the solving of the tasks proposed and agreed by the
- Developer: In order to teach, the teacher develops teaching materials that can be under the
form of printed or digital materials.
- Researcher: it is the natural tendency of every teacher if we consider his or her innovations
in the field of didactics. Using new IT&C as innovation in the teaching process offers to the parties
involved the possibility to obtain results and reach conclusions that can was valued by their
colleagues in curricular planning.
- Self-educated in IT&C: Basic notions in IT&C use represent the first step in teacher
training. Teachers involved in introducing innovations benefit from self-instruction in IT&C
methodology for educational use, both pedagogically and technically.
- Member of the teacher team: Activities that use new technologies require often team
activities because abilities, skills and knowledge of each one can contribute to accomplishing the
work task (ex. Collaborative projects, website-building projects etc.).
Teacher and student’s roles are independent from one another. Whilst the teacher is a
moderator, a tutor, the student becomes self-confident, active researchers to obtain information.
Thus, the responsibility of the students regarding learning increases.
A new paradigm replaces training with the permanent professional education of teachers. This
approach includes at least three dimensions:
• Initial training offers teachers a solid knowledge base; competences in teaching, classroom
management and skill selection; mastering the subject they teach and knowledge in the use of
various educational resources, including technology.
• Working sessions, seminaries and short courses that offer structured opportunities to gain
new teaching skills as well as the development of the IT use in classroom and career development
• Unceasing support both pedagogically and technically for teachers when they face daily
challenges and responsibilities of this new instruction method.
Teachers’ professional development is essential in order to efficiently used technology in
school. Thus, spending resources on hardware and software without financing the proper
professional development is a great loss. Introducing new technologies in education will reduce
the time consumption and repeatability of tasks offering teachers the possibility to spend more
time on evaluation, individual training, and designing lessons in a new and competitive form. We
believe that this profession will become more interesting but also more exigent. Focusing attention
on developing skills involves the existence of special abilities among teachers.
To rapidly adapt this changes the teacher must be prepared to acquire competences to
efficiently use Internet in the didactic process.

6 References
Bîrzea, C., (1992), Curriculum reform in Central and Eastern Europe – Curriculum Development in Europe,
strategies and organisation. UNESCO, Bucureşti.
64 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Becta (British Educational Communication And Technology Agency, (1999), Connecting Schools,
Networking People. ICT Planning, Purchasing and Good Practice for the National Grid for Learning.
Clark, R.E., & Sugrue, B. M., (1991), Media in teaching. Handbook of research on teaching. Media in
teaching. New York, Editor M.C. Wittrock.
Gray, D., (1999), The Internet in school. Londra, Editura Cassel, p. 63-64.
Haddad, E., Draxler, A., (2002), Technologies for Education. Potentials, Parameters and prospects.
Iucu, R., Păcurari, O. (2001), Formare iniŃială şi continuă. Bucureşti, Editura Humanitas.
Jager, A.K. & Lokman, A.H. (1999), Impact of ICT in education. The role of teacher and teacher training,
Jalobeanu, M., Popescu, E., Predescu, C, Voicu, E. A, (1999), Developing an Internet Learning Center for
the continuing professional development of teachers. Cluj Napoca, C.C.D.
Noveanu, E., Navigarea pe Internet. Primii paşi spre un demers conştientizat, în
xxx. (2003), Information Society. National Action Plan.2002-2010, MCTI
xxx. (August-1999), Internet as a vehicle for teaching. Romanian Internet Learning Workshop.
xxx. (2001), Learning to change: ICT in schools. OECD.
xxx. (1997), Formarea continuă a cadrelor didactice în Uniunea Europeană şi în statele AELS/SEE.
Bucureşti, Editura Alternative., Hypermedia in education-Interactiv learning and teaching.
Competencies, roles and responsibilities of teachers
in terms of new informational technologies

Roxana Enache

Teachers Training Department, Petroleum - Gas University Ploiesti,

Bdul Bucuresti 39, 100680, Romania

A teacher`s responsibilities can be summarized by distinguishing more professional roles: the
interpersonal role, the pedagogical role, the organizational role, the role of an expert in
subject matter and teaching methods, sometimes even the role of director of school
organization. The teacher fulfils these professional roles in more different types of situations,
which are characteristic of a teacher`s profession: work with students, colleagues, the school`s
working environment, with him/self, with organization members and even school community.
The latter refers to his/her own personal development. The connection of more professional
roles with more types of situations generates a framework for the description of a teacher`s
competence with some minor differences for three types of education (primary, secondary,
vocational etc.).
Keywords: Roles, Key teacher competencies, New IT&C technologies, Internet

1 Introduction

New skills, roles and responsibilities incumbent upon teachers in the context of using information
and communication technologies. The main competent to be transformed under the impact of new
information technologies are: interpersonal competence, pedagogical competence, subject
knowledge and methodological competence, organizational competence, competence for
collaboration with colleagues, competence for collaboration with working environment,
competence for reflection and development, management competence etc.
Interpersonal competence. The teacher must create a pleasant living – and working climate in
his/her group(s). That is the teacher`s responsibility, and in order to take this responsibility the
teacher must be interpersonally competent. An interpersonally competent teacher gives proof of
good leadership. He/she creates a friendly and cooperative atmosphere and stimulates and achieves
open communication. He/she encourages the students` autonomy, and in his/her interaction seeks
the right balance between guidance and counselling, steering and following, confrontation and
reconciliation, and corrective measure and stimulation. Competent to practice these new
information technologies can play an important role in facilitating the development of
psychosocial relationships, streamlining communication and stimulating cooperation.
Pedagogical competence. Use new information technologies can improve teaching skills. The
teacher must help the students become independent and responsible persons, who have a pretty
good idea of their ambitions and possibilities. In order to be able to fully take this responsibility
the teacher must be pedagogically competent. A pedagogically competent teacher offers his/her
students, on the basis of a safe learning – and working environment, a structure to hold on to when
they must make choices, and he/she stimulates their further personal development.
Subject knowledge and methodological competence. The teacher must help students acquire the
subject content of a certain subject or profession and get familiar with the ways in which they can
66 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

be used in everyday life and in working situations. Furthermore he/she must help them get insight
into society and into what they can expect in the practice of their professions. In order to be able to
fully take this responsibility the teacher must have sufficient knowledge of subject matter and
teaching methods. Competent in developing this new information technologies can improve
teaching approach methodically speaking, teachers can improve their performance in training
specialist, if used in teaching, new technologies can improve student performance.
Organizational competence. The teacher takes care of all organizational tasks pertaining to
his/her educational practice and to students` learning process within the school and at the work
place. In order to take this responsibility the teacher must have organizational competence. A
teacher with organizational competence creates a well-organized and task-oriented learning
environment for his/her students. Are practicing, develop and improve organizational skills by
using new information technologies, communication is easier to establish relationships, to be
transmitted more efficiently specific rituals and values the school organization using these new
Competence for collaboration with colleagues. The teacher must make sure that his/her
colleagues. She/he must also contribute to a well functioning school organization. In order to take
this responsibility the teacher must be competent in collaborating with his/her colleagues (within
the school) and using new information technologies. A teacher who is competent in collaborating
with his/her colleagues makes a contribution to a good pedagogical learning climate in the school,
to a good mutual cooperation and to a good school organization, which means that he/she:
communicates and cooperates effectively with his/her colleagues; makes constructive
contributions to meetings and other types of consultations within the school, as well as to activities
that have to be performed to run the school well; makes a contribution to the development and
improvement of his/her school.
Competence for collaboration with the working environment. The teacher must keep in touch
with the students` parents or guardians, and with colleagues of work placements and institutions
his/her school collaborates with. He/she must make sure that his/her professional actions are in
line with those of others outside the school. Furthermore he/she must contribute to a good
development of collaboration between his/her school and the institutions concerned. That is the
responsibility of the teacher in secondary and vocational education, and to take this responsibility
the teacher must be competent to collaborate with the school`s working environment. In
consultation with the student he sees to a good communication and tuning between the school, the
student and the companies or institutions the student is involved in, he/she makes effective use of
the school`s professional network, where the student`s education or welfare is concerned. He/she
handles these contacts with the school`s environment, which he/she maintains on behalf of the
school with care and responsibility.
Competence for reflection and development. The teacher must permanently work on his
personal and professional development. That is his/her responsibility, and in order to take this
responsibility the teacher must possess competence for reflection and development. A teacher who
is competent in terms of reflection and development gives regular thought to his/her professional
views and competence. He/she keeps his/her professional practice up to date and improves it.
He/she: knows what is important in his/her professional practice and what the underlying
standards, values and educational views are; has a pretty good idea of his/her own competences,
strengths and weaknesses; works on his/her professional development in a systematic way; gears
his/her personal development to the school policy and use the opportunities the school offers for
his/her personal development.

There is an interdependent relationship between teaching skills and new technologies. All these
skills of teachers can be developed effectively using new information technologies in teaching, in
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 67

practice their roles and responsibilities in relationships with students, colleagues, members of
school organization, with parents or community. Also we can say that these skills, roles and
responsibilities of teachers turn, another important gains under the impact of new communication
technologies and information.

2 New roles and responsibilities

Most information and communication technologies are helpful in gaining independence, creativity
and self-regulation only if there is a controlled learning environment with enough equipment and
trained teachers. Analyzing the roles of teacher education in perspective, following their personal
reflections, it was found that their role has changed major. Teachers not only provide information
but focuses on the following responsibilities and tasks:
• catalyst / inspiration: the actions are aimed to arouse students' curiosity through their work
together, to suggest content areas that students might investigate both during and outside working
• explorer: researching new spheres of knowledge and prepare an appropriate training path;
• consultant and adviser: Notes and, together with the student, examine individual students
learning processes, respond to and stimulate performance improvement;
• instructor: explaining and teaching to the needs of students;
• mentor and teacher: present, discuss and justify the values, seek moral support power costs;
• moderator: shares and supports content-oriented discussions and disputes;
• arbitrator and facilitator: acting as a court to conflicts and helps students to solve the problem
• "devil's advocate" solutions contests too easy, too quick solutions or superficial opinions
coming from students, requires explanation and justification of the students;
• appreciation and current element means an authority acceptable to students, evaluate their
suggestions together with other students, check if students still remain in the sphere of influence of
learning objectives.
Teachers considered that the use of new information technologies in teaching process and to
assume roles above need adequate training and preparation have set the following areas required:
• correct use of new information technologies and resources available to it;
• assessing existing resources of new information technologies in order to select the
appropriate teaching;
• classroom management in situations where information is used technologies November;
• effective communication in collaborative activities;
• techniques for assessing the activity of specific activities involving students using new
information technologies.
If the teacher's role is changing and we can talk of a student's changing role is perceived by
teachers as an advantage in that the student is placed in the center of the educational act as an
active participant in the production of new information and the teacher becomes a facilitator and
participant with students in this process. Teachers believes that special attention should be paid
lesson planning and preparation for students taking any of the roles that can be entrusted with
using new information technologies in the development of teaching approach:
• solved problems creatively: to be able to define the problem situation by analyzing a
particular situation by specifying objectives and identifying discrepancies between actual situation
and desired situation, to use prior knowledge to create new knowledge together and to propose
solutions to assess the side effects that may occur, analyze the results after understanding a
proposed solution, to use new knowledge to improve (improve) other problem solving processes;
68 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

• project coordinator: The student should be able to develop a project to determine the stages in
its realization and control the action, make decisions and take responsibility for success or failure
of his business;
• presenter: The student should be able to present ideas, knowledge, opinions or solutions to
problems in an understandable and interesting to other students;
• author of the documentary: The student should be able to document a problem solving
process in an understandable way and make it accessible to other students;
• auto-interrogator: to improve understanding of own and others by the sound of deep
• valuing and rational analysis: to assess their own and other solution to the problem in terms
of objectives, methods and quality criteria, to reflect critically on its own attitudes, goals, actions
and perceptions.
• expert and disseminated: to acquire technical knowledge in a particular area, to transmit this
knowledge and other students.
Effort to support the above is necessary if we consider the advantages gained from using new
information technologies for students and teaching activities, because this technology facilitates
and supports self-regulation, independence and constructivist learning, thus improving its quality .
Analyzing their work teachers technologies new information is considered a useful means for
renewal in specialized knowledge that enables communication with other colleagues, that is a
useful resource for making hours attractive to motivate and to stimulate students , allows more
efficient publication of educational materials, facilitates better communication with students
outside the classroom, facilitate good communication with parents where teachers are masters
through the regular school results, allow participation in projects research, etc..

3 Impact of New Technologies in the Activity of the School Principal

Modern educational management approaches focus on the concepts of efficiency, progress,

scheduling, etc. Manager are required to provide organization and training, monitoring and
evaluation skills and competencies. To effectively achieve these objectives the manager can
delegate responsibilities to competent people, but he/she can improve his/her own performance so
as to streamline the work of the entire school organization. Using the new technologies facilitates
activities specific to educational management. Thus to draft projects, the education manager can
use the new technologies to find legal information, curriculum, assessment etc., consult fastly and
efficiently the ministry regulations and proposals used for drafting the school curriculum on the
application of national curriculum and regional development / local curriculum, drafting the
project for extracurricular activities (extra-class and school) and school competitions, the draft
budget and draft purchases of the unit. The educational manager may use the new technologies to
identify sources of extrabudgetary funding, may get inspiration and may make effective proposals
for documentation for school construction and repairs. The new informatical technologies supports
the dissemination of information, communication and even facilitates the development of human
resources for both teachers and non-teaching staff as well. With new technologies a manager can
identify the educational needs of the local community and opportunities to meet the existing
framework and available resources by consulting the websites of institutions in the field.
Dissemination of educational establishment needs, students, teachers and even parents’ needs and
their accomplishments by supervising and managing the school website.
Regarding the organization work the educational manager uses the new technologies for
selecting and even rapid procurement of official curriculum documents, textbooks, curricular aids
(exercise notebooks, collections of texts and problems, plans, maps, slide sets, etc.. ), library books
and ancillary equipment through online orders. He/she can use some applications for statistical
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 69

analyses and can use email to transmit information rapidly. The decision making may involve
consulting with authorized personnel located in different geographic areas via e-mail or by
videoconferencing. He/she can support and organize competitions and other selection forms
according to the methodology set out at national, county or own level. The educational manager
can use the Internet, us new technologies, for guidance and vocational couseling of children and
youth, healthcare insurance and labor protection, working with elected local authorities (County
Council, Local Council and City Hall). Regarding the allocation and use of funds for operation,
maintenance and repair of school units, in concluding contracts with businesses, NGOs and other
organizations on mutual provision of services without being physically present in those
institutions, the manager can be efficient by resorting to various Internet services.
In the operational leadership the education manager uses the new technologies to: oversee the
conduct of extracurricular activities and school competitions consulting documents prepared by
teachers and sent by e-mail, by disseminating schools’ educational management documents of
educational institutions to both teachers and higher institutions (School Inspectorates, ministry
etc..), through effective time management avoiding unnecessary meetings, using the Internet to
transmit data services, information, etc.. (job descriptions / role descriptions for staff, disciplinary
procedures, dismissal procedures, redundancy and retirement, etc.). Education manager’s
operational leadership activity is facilitated by new technologies for establishing links with local
authorities, businesses, national and regional institutions of culture, church and other concerned
institutions to increase educational supply adequacy of the school unit at concrete request of
projects and dissemination of their programs and to further increase the school outbreak of
civilization, establishing formal links with police, firefighters and public guardians to ensure the
body guards and student safety and to prevent and combat juvenile delinquency.
The operational leadership activity of the educational manager is facilitated by new
technologies in order to establish connections with local authorities, business agents, national and
regional culture institutions, church, other interested institutions to increase the adequacy of the
educational offer of the educational institutions, to disseminate own projects and programs and in
order to increase school’s importance as civilization focus, to establish formal connections with
police, fire departmernts and public guards in view of ensuring security and protection of students
and to fight and prevent juvenile delinquency.
Using Intranet at school level allows access of teachers, auxiliary personnel and school
managers to the Informational System for Educational Management. Using specialized devices
like PDAs (Personal Digital Assistant) alloes Internet access from any classroom, lab etc. to the
school network and implicitly to ISEM or other educational websites.
In the control/evaluation activity, the educational manager renders his/her actions more
efficient by using new technologies in consulting and acknowledging other educational offers, by
communicating with abilitated institutions via Internet, by disseminating educational offer
evaluation and educational performances based on monitoring and evaluatoin criteria and/or on
performance indicators set by curriculum or development projects set up following an inspection.
Educational managers can elaborate proposals regarding national curriculum modifications and
regional and national development and can present and disseminate them via webpages. They can
signal institutions that are able to give financial aids and support concerning some projects.
National exams like baccalaureate can be organized and attended via Internet for the benefit of
children with difficulties or with special needs in the same safe and efficient enviroment.
Transmission of documents and current and special thematic reports requested by School
Inspectorates, Teacher Resource Centres, Ministry of Education and local authorities and the
consultation with specialists in various fields via chat, videoconference, e-mail etc. Archiving,
storing and transmission of educational, financial, legal documents concerning official human
resources, material and informational management can be accomplished in a safe, ergonomic and
cheap manner using Internet.
70 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

It should not be neglected the role of the manager to motivate staff, and often this should be
done differently, individually. An effective way is to send personal assessment to a teacher, parent
or student via e-mail.
Regarding the involvement / participation of leadership, direction and control personnel of pre-
university education level, the education manager can use the new technologies to encourage
people to record and transmit from school teachers to those in right, the local curriculum
developments and proposals for improving the national curriculum. Ensuring transparency of
budget preparation and execution by publishing information on the website of the financial
department. Ensuring the institutional framework for staff participation in decision-making by
teams and their existing collective bodies: the collectives of the chairs, Professorial Board and
Council by requesting opinions, ideas on solving urgent problems and transmiting resolutions
using the Internet. Establish a quick, efficient and transparent internal communication system
using the Internet. Fostering an organizational culture that promotes open communication,
participation and innovation through communication networks etc.
In terms of training / professional and personal development the education manager can use
the new technologies for advice on matters of curriculum implementation for teachers (e-mail,
discussion lists for school managers, videoconferencing), advice on financial and administrative
staff. The efficient dissemination of information and communication can be achieved by using the
new technologies to provide general and specific guidance for all staff, online participation
programs of (self-) training in educational management and updated information in the field.
Educational managers can use the Internet to form groups / develop teams by involving and
empowering collective Chairs and project teams - depending on the needs of the unit and planned
activities in carrying out local, national and European educational projects.
To achieve negotiation / conflict resolution educational managers can use new technologies to
establish communication networks in schools, in the local community etc.
Given that to acquire and develop these skills educational managers attend training programs
periodically, the expectations of the community are high in terms of qualitative leaps that will be
recorded by the educational institution whose director calls frequently upon and renders more
efficient the management of an educational institution through new informatical technologies.

4 Conclusions

Self instructing teacher training should be based on both the acquisition of technical skills, user of
Internet resources but also the pedagogical skills that focus on how these resources using facilities
for effective teaching process. In terms of teaching experience, teachers who took part in
innovative research consider that the introduction of Internet in the teaching process goes through
three stages of professional maturity. The first step is to acquire the technical skills, introduce new
technologies to conduct lessons but there is no confidence and they fear possible technical and
pedagogical problems that may occur. Stage two is the maturity, the fear disappears, the teacher
uses more resources to conduct lessons aided by computer and Internet to improve the teaching
process. The last step is where the teacher can make an assessment of how resources can use new
information and communication technologies, they can draw conclusions and prepare other
colleagues in this field, in other words, they replicate innovation.
From the theoretical analyses and the concrete educational aspects approached in the paper one
can draw the following conclusions:
1. Education and instruction bring the most important contributions to the economical
development defending the need to better understanding the way in which education influences
resource gathering to a rapid adaptation to the new kind of society.
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 71

2. The new IT&C technologies lead to important social changes and restructure the economic
world. It also increased the request for new, specialized skills. We can assert that education was
considered as a key element of people is adjusting process. This accounts for, and requires, serious
investments in the introduction of new IT&C technologies in education so as everybody could
have access to it and to avoid exclusion and social polarization.
3. Introducing innovation in education by use of the new IT&C technologies requires a
change in teacher professional training curricula.
Introducing new IT&C in education is not devoid of legislative consequences. There is a new
way to allocate funds, a new school curriculum, new laws regarding the wage system to encourage
the introduction and support of innovation in education, an “IT&C legislation” to address the
problem of copyright, data protection, and ethics in the virtual space.

5 References
Becta (British Educational Communication And Technology Agency, (1999), Connecting Schools,
Networking People. ICT Planning, Purchasing and Good Practice for the National Grid for Learning.
Gray, D., (1999), The Internet in school. Londra, Editura Cassel, p. 63-64.
Haddad, E., Draxler, A., (2002), Technologies for Education. Potentials, Parameters and prospects.
Iucu, R., Păcurari, O. (2001), Formare iniŃială şi continuă. Bucureşti, Editura Humanitas.
Jager, A.K. & Lokman, A.H. (1999), Impact of ICT in education. The role of teacher and teacher training,
Jalobeanu, M., Popescu, E., Predescu, C, Voicu, E. A, (1999), Developing an Internet Learning Center for
the continuing professional development of teachers. Cluj Napoca, C.C.D.
Noveanu, E., Navigarea pe Internet. Primii paşi spre un demers conştientizat, în
xxx. (2003), Information Society. National Action Plan.2002-2010, MCTI
xxx. (August-1999), Internet as a vehicle for teaching. Romanian Internet Learning Workshop.
xxx. (2001), Learning to change: ICT in schools. OECD.
xxx. (1997), Formarea continuă a cadrelor didactice în Uniunea Europeană şi în statele AELS/SEE.
Bucureşti, Editura Alternative., Hypermedia in education-Interactiv learning and teaching.
Assessment of Blended Learning Education – Students’ Opinion
Margarita Pehlivanova1, Zlatoeli Ducheva1, Snejana Dineva1

(1) Technical College of Yambol, Gr.Ignatiev str. 38, Yambol, Bulgaria,,

In the activities of College part of professors used elements of classical training classroom
learning programs, a Computer-aided Learning and Web-based training in MOODLE. Part
of the main topics, subjects, seminars and other exercises are conducted in classic mode.
Some of educational disciplines are fully developed in the form of e-courses, which contain
the majority of the components for work in MOODLE-environment. Computer-aided learning
is used as a supplement to traditional ways of students training. It makes it possible to
provide guidance in implementation of curricula and to conduct of certain exercises. This
type of training is carried out under-equipped computer labs in the college, but also on a
personal computer at home with common software. The aim of our investigation was to
compare the preferences of the students and to estimate student’s opinion about the blended
learning ant traditional learning – positive and negative sites of e-learning. The results show
that students appreciated integrated combination of face-to-face traditional with web based
online teaching and learning activities.
Keywords: e-learning, blended learning, virtual learning environment

1. Introduction

The Internet has created a new paradigm of learning which can allow teachers and students to teach
and learn collaboratively via web-designed courses (Al-Fadhli, 2009). A typical student normally
spends more time searching on the Internet than attending lectures. He/she also reads articles,
forums and participates in conversations with other students who share similar interests (Paliokas
I., 2009). The results of some investigations show that most students use the Internet on daily basis
routine not only for academic purposes but also for social activities (Paliokas I., 2009, Luisa
Soares et all, 2010). Students prefer to work with information and communication (ICT), that is
why very often they are more open to the new models of learning, including in that virtual learning
environment (VLE).
Blended learning appears today more realistic than pure online web based learning according
to students responses (Garrison and Kanuka, 2004). The online training environment enables
learners to undertake ‘any time, any place’ customized training. Moreover, information technology
allows both trainers and learners to be decoupled in terms of time, place, and space (Fazlollahtabar
and Yousefpoor, 2009). In order to clarify the nature of the blended learning model authors gave
different definitions and focused on certain components. According to Rossett, Douglis, & Frazee,
(2003) a blended learning integrates or blends learning programs in different formats to achieve a
common goal. Most often, blended learning programs integrate classroom and online programs or
materials in different formats. Rossett, Douglis, and Frazee (2003) observe that anything can be
blended in blended learning, whether it be classroom and e-learning, two or more types of
e-learning, or two or more types of off-line learning. Some researchers believe that incorporation
of new pedagogies, learning theories, and instructional methods transform conceptually models of
teaching and learning in blended learning environments (Carman, 2005; Rossett, Douglis, &
Frazee, 2003).
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 73

The aim of paper is to conduct investigation and to gather a student opinion about the
implementation of blended learning process in some obligatory disciplines as a possible first step
to carrying out further distant on-line education.

2. Material and Methods

In the College activity, Moodle represents VLE design, which is well known in the academic
community. The architecture of Moodle is compatible with the hardware and software of
Technical College – Yambol (Nedeva, 2005). Moodle platform is software of the “open-source”
category, which constitutes a considerable advantage. The teacher creates all processes necessary
for studying a subject (study unit contents, practical exercises, lectures, tests, supporting materials
for student’s information, etc).
Students can take over the whole educational activity and work through the materials in the
independent mode, including going through lectures, practicing the exercises at the agreed timing
(activities can be planned for particular calendar days), then the feedback is provided to the student
as to how well he/she scored in a particular activity.
The development of information technologies has contributed to growth in online training as an
important education method (Fazlollahtabar and Yousefpoor, 2009). As a result of our project
work the foundations of a technical and informational data for future distant learning took place:
virtual library with didactic materials has been created ( - lectures and
exercises; multimedia sources; tests; glossaries; links to other web-base on-line resources etc.
(Dineva S., Nedeva V. 2009).
In order to improve e-learning environment in the field of Microbiology we carry out that
investigation. Participants were our students – one part of them attended full-time regular
education in department Food Technology; the second group are students from the same
department, but enrolled extramural form of education. А survey was conducted to identify
field data related to students' opinion that concern learning support components in blended
learning model. The survey of students enrolled in blended mode course of General
Microbiology was conducted with 15 closed end questions and one open ended question. A
five-point scale was used, with categories rated from 1 (absolutely disagree) to 5
(absolutely agree).
Data was analyzed and results are reported.

3. Results and Discussion

At the web-site for on-line training, the information can be less or more detailed as one part of the
students that have regular form of study, attend traditional face-to-face learning activities every
week. The other part of the participants that follows extramural form of study have one week
classroom meeting in which they received instructions for their further on-line work.
Students require the information to be very well structured, clearly and logical developed, and
also to have the opportunity to links to vocabulary and other resources, which shortens the time
that they needed to study and coverage the problem. On the questions that concern the quality of
the information: comprehensible, useful, adequate and available, more than half of the students
(about 75%) from both groups gave positive responses (fig. 1 and fig. 2).
Students didn’t meet problems obtaining didactic materials that cover the study subject most of
the participants regular form of education responded that the information is very much available
(70,31%) or absolutely available (23,44%). Some of them have no opinion (6,25%), but in regular
form of education students attended lectures face-to-face every week, so that the problem for them
really doesn’t exist. Participants from extramural form of education are more vulnerable
concerning that problem, but their answers are also positive (88,88%), as 44,44% of them
74 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

answered that the information is very much available and the other 44,44% percent responded
absolutely available. Without clear point of view is small part (11%) of the group extramural study
(fig. 2).
available comprehensible useful adequate



0,6 56,25%
0,5 46,63%

0,4 39,06%
0,2 18,75%
0,1 6,25%
0 0 0 0 0,00% 0 0
absolutly no not neutral very much absolutly yes

Figure1. Student’s Assessment about the quality of Information in Course

General Microbiology published on the Web-Site of TK-Yambol (Regular

available comprehensible useful adequate

44,44% 47,37%
0,45 44,44%

0,4 37,50%


0,15 11,11% 10,52%


0 0 0 0 0,00%
0,00%0 0
absolutly no not neutral very much absolutly yes

Figure2. Student’s Assessment about the quality of Information in Course

General Microbiology published on the Web-Site of TK-Yambol
(Extramural Studies)

The e-course of Microbiology contains 40 topics from the field of General

Microbiology. Generally, the text information is supplemented with tables, diagrams, charts,
presentations, videos or films. On the question how they comprehended the information
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 75

approximately all students from the group regular study reported that they had no
difficulties to deal with material, the information is comprehensible (85,94%) for them
(fig.1). The extramural study students coop easy with the information also (75%, fig.2).
The lesson is followed by an e-quiz, which help students in their cognitive process.
Question database has been created and used for making quizzes. The data-base of each e-test
contains about 25 questions that cover the topic, or there are about 1000 questions. The quiz
purpose is to check the level of learning the introduced information. In each e-test
approximately 75% percents from the questions in the quiz are from the new topic, the rest
part of the questions have the aim to review and refresh the related knowledge’s to that
topic. On the question how useful and adequate is the information there were no negative
responses (fig. 1, 2). Absolutely useful is the opinion of 31,35% from the students regular
form of education and 43,75% from extramural. With grade very much useful answered
56,25% students full-time regular study and 37,50% extramural form.
In most cases, blended learning is designed with the use of synchronous and asynchronous
web-based technologies, such as chat rooms, wikis, threaded discussions, virtual classrooms,
instant messaging, conferencing tools, bulletin boards, computer conferencing, blogs, etc (Graham,
2006). The choice of a blend is usually determined by several factors: the nature of the course
content and instructional goals, student characteristics and learning preferences, instructor
experience and teaching style, online resources and others (Dziuban, Hartman, Moskal, 2005). In
the training process of Microbiology, web-based learning is applied to conduct not only the lecture
sessions but also all activities that are common for blended learning. The questions and answers in
the quiz could be rearranged in random manner that created enormous varieties for the
examination of acquire knowledge’s. Regarding how much the information is adequate to the
need of their training process, the responses were similar for both groups 46,62% and
47,97% answered absolutely adequate from regular an extramural form of learning
respectively. With estimation very adequate were 34,63% - regular study group and 41,51%
extramural. There were no negative responses only some percentage with neutral range.
In order to be able to follow their workshops activities and study schedule, students also
needed adequate computer skill. On the question that related to their computer abilities more than
half of the students from extramural type of education responded that they have absolute (42%) or
very good (25,31%) computer skill (fig. 3).

regular extramurally


30,00% 26,56% 26,31%


10,00% 6,25%
0 0
absolutly no not neutral very much abs olutly yes

Figure 3. Level of Computer Skills – Self-Opinion from Students in

Regular Full-Time and Extramural Forms of Study
76 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

The students from regular form of study also feel themselves comfortable using PC devices
have very good computer abilities (60,94%), or medial (26,50%), only a small part of them
reported that they didn’t have enough computer skill (6,25%) or they are perfect (3,12%) in that
(fig.3). Anyway a sizable number of students report that they are not satisfy (6,25%) from their
abilities to work on-line and communicated through the PC, or felt themselves not enough
comfortable (26,56% - regular group; 31,57% - extramural group). Those facts should be taken
under consideration for future implementation of on-line learning.
The data from our studies show that all respondent students adopted positive blended learning
(fig.4 and fig.5). According to them the use of the possibilities of web-based training makes
learning and activities at the College much more interesting (87,5% - regular group of study;
77,36% - extramural group), because the content is written in a friendly manner, well structured
and illustrated with an opportunity to connect to other resources. The developed courses in
Microbiology are created conditions for independent work and assignments that involve them in
the learning process and made them partners in the education.

interesting practical useful

59% 60%


0 0 0 0 0
absolutly no not neutral very much absolutly yes

Figure 4. Students Assessment for Blended Learning

(Regular Study)

The feedback with teachers gives the opportunity for the use of his expert opinion by
asynchronous and synchronous communication. The students receive individual tasks, enabling
them to implement utilized knowledge and skills. The developed database of questions with open
and closed responses, e-tests for current and final control promoted skills for self-introspection of
the students.
The estimation regarding how much blended learning mode is practical and useful, students
attending course of General Microbiology regular group of study accepted that learning model as
very much useful (59%) and practical (60%, fig. 4).
To make blended learning more powerful, educators can blend various media delivery types,
for instance, classroom trainings, seminars, web-based courses, CD-ROMs, video, computer
simulations, books, study guides, the Internet, PowerPoint slides, etc (Bersin, 2003). The students
from extramural group of study also think that blended learning model as very much useful (50%)
or absolutely useful without doubt (37,5%) and practical very much (29,41%) or absolutely
practical (52,94%, fig. 5).
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 77

interesting practical useful

43,75% 43,75%

0,4 37,50%


12,50% 12,50%


0 0 0 0,00% 0 0
absolutly no not neutral very much absolutly yes

Figure 5. Students Assessment for Blended Learning

(Extramural Study)

Blended learning is about a mixture of instructional modalities, delivery media, instructional

methods, and web-based technologies (Graham, 2006). Blends of instructional modalities usually
include a balanced mixture of onsite, web-based, and self-paced learning (Rossett, Douglis, &
Frazee, 2003). Despite preferences and the willingness for the expansion of blended learning and
further introducing of distance on-line learning, respondents indicated that they haven’t enough
time for the implementation of communication with the professors and colleagues by e-mail, chat-
forums and more, as the students in extramural studies, the rate is more than 60%. In spite of
introduction the computer equipments and information technology 21% of the students in
extramural studies are cited as a problem insufficient rapid and secure Internet connection, a
10,5% lack of a computer equipment.

4. Conclusion

Students prefer integrated combination of face-to-face traditional with web based online teaching
and learning activities.
According to student estimation the advantages of implementation of web-based learning
materials are that:
1. Blended learning encourages the collaborative work of students and teachers, and permit
introduction of innovative forms, approaches and methods of organization and conduction
of vocational higher education;
2. Blended learning are more flexible and allow students to choose the time and pace of self-
preparation that developed practical skills of manager there free time and study process;
3. Blended learning courses with a wide and precise information in electronic format and
quizzes are more attractive to the students that lead to more effective learning;
4. Blended learning allows development of critical thinking and self-decision-making of the
The implementation of web-based courses and quizzes has positive influence on the prosperity
of the students, but students still have some difficulties when deal alone with web-based learning
didactic materials.
78 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

1. More often if the students meet some problems, they prefer to report to the tutor directly
for that (in traditional manner) during their meeting at classroom, instead to use on-line
resources: e-mail or chat.
2. Some of the Students didn’t have Internet at home or have no computer.
3. Many students report that they have lack of time.

5. References

1. Al-Fadhli, Salah Kuwait University, Kuwait Instructor Perceptions of E-learning in an Arab Country:
Kuwait University as a case study, е-Learning Volume 6 Number 2 2009 ISSN 1741-8887,
2. Bersin, J. (2003). What works in blended learning. Retrieved April 27, 2008 from
3. Carman, J. M. (2005). Blended learning design: Five key ingredients. Retrieved April 27, 2008 from
4. Dineva S., Nedeva V. (2009). Development Interactive Courses of Education in Microbiology Based on
E-Learning System Applying in Technical College of Yambol. The 4th International Conference on
Virtual Learning ICVL 2009, University of Bucharest and “Gh. Asachi” Tehnical University of Iasi,
5. Dziuban, C. D., Hartman, J. L., & Moskal, P. D. (2004). Blended learning. ECAR Research Bulletin, 7.
Retrieved April 27, 2008 from
6. Fazlollahtabar Hamed, Yousefpoor Narges, Cost Optimization in E-learning-Based Education Systems:
implementation and learning sequence, Mazandaran University Of Science & Technology, Babol, Iran,
е-Learning Volume 6 Number 2 2009 ISSN 1741-8887,
7. Garrison, D. R., Kanuka, H. (2004) Blended Learning: Uncovering its transformative potential in higher
education. Internet and Higher Education 7, 95-105.
8. Graham, C. R. (2006). Blended learning systems: Definition, current trends, and future directions. In C. J.
Bonk and C. R. Graham (Eds.), Handbook of Blended Learning: Global Perspectives, Local Designs.
San Francisco, CA: Pfeiffer Publishing.
9. Luisa Soares, Filipa Oliveira, Carla Vale Lucas, Liliana Roque, Loneliness Levels Influence the Use of
New Technologies In 1-st Year College Students? Guide International Workshop 2010, New challenges
for e-learning in cultural, scientific and socio-economic development, Università degli Studi
“Guglielmo Marconi” 18-19 March 2010, Rome – Italy.
10. Nedeva V., The Possibilities of e-learning, Based on Moodle Software Platform, Trakia Journal of
Sciences, Vol. 3, No.7, pp 12-19, 2005.
11. Paliokas I. (2009). Mapping the Spaces of Virtual Learning Environments. The 4th International
Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2009, University of Bucharest and “Gh. Asachi” Tehnical
University of Iasi, рр.83-90.
12. Pehlivanova M., Ducheva Z., Dineva S. (2009). Advantages of the Web-Based Training for the
Increasing Quality of Preparation and Self-Preparation of Students from the Specialty “Food
Technology”, The 4th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2009, University of
Bucharest and “Gh. Asachi” Tehnical University of Iasi, рр. 239-246.
Rossett, A., Douglis, F., & Frazee, R. (2003). Strategies for building blended learning. ASTD Learning
Circuits Retrieved May 5, 2008, from
Accepted Strategy for the Further Development of Blended
E-Learning: Tk-Yambol Case Study
Snejana Dineva, Veselina Nedeva

(1) Technical College of Yambol, Gr.Ignatiev str. 38, Yambol, Bulgaria,

The e-learning and multimedia presentations allow tremendous visualization in the field
of study as well as unlimited access to the training materials at any possible time. Many
investigations showed that the performance of e-learning system improved the quality of the
acquire knowledge. Virtual learning becomes an important topic for academic institutions
and for researchers. In our investigation we gave the assessments of the current stage of
development the VLEs in our institution as well as further strategy for successful expansion
and introducing the distance learning.

Keywords: e-learning, quality of the education, e-learning based lessons and quizzes

1. Introduction

The concept of blended learning is rooted in the idea that learning is not just a one-time event -
learning is a continuous process. Blending provides various benefits over using any single
learning delivery medium alone (Singh H., 2003). Research from institutions such as Stanford
University and the University of Tennessee have given valuable insight into some of the
mechanisms by which blended learning is better than both traditional methods and individual
forms of e-learning technology alone. This research gives confidence that blending not only offers
the ability to be more efficient in delivering learning, but more effective (Dean, et al, 2001).
At the simplest level, a blended learning experience combines offline and online forms of
learning where the online learning usually means “over the Internet or Intranet” and offline
learning happens in a more traditional classroom setting. The choice of a blend is usually
determined by several factors: the nature of the course content and instructional goals, student
characteristics and learning preferences, instructor experience and teaching style, online resources
and others (Dziuban, Hartman, Moskal, 2005).
In the context of optimizing organizational performance while engaging the learner, Yoon and
Lim redefine blended learning as Strategic Blended-Learning and Performance Solutions. They
suggest that this type of blended learning is: “…a purposeful mix of delivery media (particularly
face-to-face and various forms of technologies) to improve learning/performance solutions which
are derived from the goals and needs of an organization” (Yoon and Lim, 2007). In our
investigation we gave the assessments of the current stage of development the virtual learning
environment in our institution as well as further strategy for successful expansion of blended
learning and introducing the distance learning.

2. Material and Methods

As a result of many project works the foundations of a technical and informational data for future
distant learning took place: virtual library with didactic materials has been created (http://tk.uni-
80 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş - lectures and exercises; multimedia sources; e-tests; quizzes; glossaries; links to
other web-base on-line resources etc. There are about 40 disciplines, 30 of them compulsory,
optional 6 and elective four. Some of the courses are fully developed with lection lessons,
multimedia presentations and workshop materials, other are represented only by quizzes for
examination and self-preparation.
Two methods were used to collect and analyze students' data.
o First - Records of 103 students enrolled in that programs were analyzed to collect
overall profile of the students and their performance.
o Second - А survey was conducted to identify field data related to students'
satisfaction and the learning support components in blended learning model. The
survey of these students was conducted with 15 closed end questions and one open
ended question. A five-point scale was used, with categories rated from 1 (strongly
disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). In all 92 % students responded to the survey.
Data was analyzed and results are reported in following section.

3. Results and Discussion

Organizations exploring strategies for effective learning and performance have to consider a
variety of issues to ensure effective delivery of learning and thus a high return on investment
(Singh H., 2003). The complete production and implementation process of e-learning needs
to be defined by the institution itself, the institution implementing e-Learning needs to
develop capacity in all steps involved (Horfurter A., 2010):
E-Learning strategy development;
E-Learning management;
Instructional design;
Content development;
Tutoring and facilitation.

E-Learning strategy development: It must know the advantages and disadvantages of

different approaches and technologies, about the potential and risks. In the College activity,
MOODLE represents VLE design. The architecture of Moodle is compatible with the hardware
and software of Technical College – Yambol (Nedeva, 2005). The usage of MOODLE for e-
Learning implementation is already an important decision on this stage. Moodle platform is
software of the “open-source” category, which constitutes a considerable advantage.
Yoon and Lim (2007) design a conceptual framework that considers five interrelated phases
that form a strategic connection between the goals and needs of an organization, performance
solutions and delivery methods (instructional and non-instructional).
The five procedural phases include:
1) Strategy and needs analysis - In this phase long term business and human resource
strategies are reviewed, along with tasks, employee needs, work systems, costs and benefits and
existing technology infrastructure.
2) Performance solutions – Both instructional and non-instructions modes of learning
reinforcement are considered at this phase. Non-instructional techniques might include feedback,
reward systems, resources or institutional support. Based on the performance objectives of the
organization; learning theories and component display theory point to the balance of face-to-face
vs technology that should be employed in the blended learning strategy.
3) Delivery media – It is at this point of the process that the specific e-learning technologies
and face-to- face learning design techniques are identified. The authors use the e-learning
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 81

structures identified by Driscoll (Driscoll, 2002) and Rossett (Rossett et al, 2003) to determine the
right mix of approaches.
4) Strategic blending - Instructional effectiveness, budget, frequency of need, and learner
expectations are considered at this phase in the context of the organization’s performance goals.
5) Evaluation and improvement – In this phase, the inputs and outputs of the strategic
blended learning activity are evaluated. The solution would be evaluated on efficiency,
effectiveness, cost and the ultimate achievement of the performance outcomes (Yoon and Lim, 2007).
E-Learning management: related to the management of a blended learning program, such as
infrastructure and logistics to manage multiple delivery types. Delivering a blended learning
program is more work than delivering the entire course in one delivery type. The management
dimension also addresses issues like registration and notification, and scheduling of the different
elements of the blend.
Program and project managers who are responsible for e-Learning implementation must
be able to allocate appropriate human and tangible resources and develop project plans. In
our College we have already accepted team responsible and working on the content and
development of the web-based learning materials. Many projects have been accepted that
have the goal to created and developed suitable data-base for implementation of blended
learning programs. There are several projects that built preconditions for the development
of e-learning education in Technical College – Yambol: “Distance education. Possibilities
and conditions for application in Technical College Yambol”, “Innovative technologies in
professional education”.
Instructional design: should be first of all driven by pedagogical considerations, but
also must be knowledgeable about possibilities and limitations of the software, which can
be used to produce and distribute e-learning. The instructional design of e-Learning is the
core process of its implementation, since it decides about quality and motivational aspects
in the learning process.
The Interface Design dimension addresses factors related to the user interface of each element
in the blended learning program. One needs to ensure that the user interface supports all the
elements of the blend. The interface has to be sophisticated enough to integrate the different
elements of the blend. This will enable the learner to use each delivery type and switch between
the different types. Issues like content structure, navigation, graphics, and help also can be
addressed in this dimension. In our survey 60% from the students responded that the didactic
materials on the web-page for e-learning help very much in their cognitive activities, 31%
responded absolutely helpful for their training, 7% answer as neutral, and 2% responded
negatively. That 9% from negative and neutral responses mean that it should be down more work
in the future to improve and satisfy all students in their needs.
Content development: There is а wide range of MOODLE tools, which can be used to
produce the actual e-Learning content. Many of those tools are easy to use, which allows
institutions after а short learning phase to produce their own e-Learning content without
employing media production experts. According to the database 17 % of the students under
investigation access as very well the possibilities to use the electronic tests; 34 % - responded as
absolute. That means that half of the inquired students appreciated the advantages, objectiveness
and impartiality of evaluating their knowledge’s by electronic tests (Pehlivanova and all, 2009).
Students may study online and then attend a lecture with the professor. The blended learning
course should allow students to assimilate both the online learning and the lecture equally well. On
the questions that concern the quality of the information: comprehensible, useful, adequate and
available, more than half of the students (about 75%) gave positive responses. As a result from the
project „Concept design, testing and application of methodology for e-learning at Technical
College Yambol”, we have a learning guidance for training the tutors in creating their own courses.
82 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Tutoring and facilitation: MOODLE e-Learning platform bear numerous possibilities

for the tutoring and the facilitation of learning processes. Thus tutors and facilitators need
next to strong (virtual) communication skills and instructional skills, also some knowledge
about the potential and the usage of these tools. The skills needed for open source based e-
Learning implementation differ not only on the technological side from e-Learning
implementations based on commercial e-Learning software, but also in any of the other e-
Learning related skills.
Virtual learning environment of the first generation were created around databases of
learning material. Today VLEs are based on learning objects and metadata to deliver
information and integrated learning services in a structured way. Students have access to
multiple learning resources and under the support of the instructor they participate in
content creation to make possible independent learning (Graham, 2005). In our investigation
75% students responded that the materials on-line are very useful for their self-preparation
for the exam. Around 15% are not sure and about 10% are absolutely sure that that content
is very useful and proper for their acquiring of knowledge.
We are researching new trends in the e-learning and blended education with
implementation of intellectual technologies base on the project “Intellectual Information
Systems and technologies in e-learning” (Nedeva V., D. Nedev 2008; Nedev D., V. Nedeva,
Technical implementation: Technical requirements, such as the server that supports the
learning program, access to the server, bandwidth and accessibility, security, and other hardware,
software, and infrastructure issues are addressed.
Our eDuTK VLE is based on MOODLE open source software. Our version is updated to 1.9.5.
This version uses UTF-8 Unicode (utf8) UTF-8 is a specific encoding of Unicode used by many
applications. Moodle uses UTF-8 encoding to be able to support different languages. We use
private web hosting on Linux OS, Apache web server software, PHP scripting language and
MySQL database.
Institutions which base their e-Learning implementation on MOODLE tools, must also
build some in house capacity for supporting and implementing these tools on the technical
level. Teaching with VLEs includes the use of a wide range of software tools, personal computers
and PDAs, curriculum design, management of student’s profiles.
Electronic access being а major requirement for online interaction can be of two types:
o synchronous - student and teacher both are online at the same time and at а common
o asynchronous - asynchronous instruction are carried out using а common web space
but performed at convenience of both students and teachers.
Student's access is dependent upon ICT infrastructure, associated ICT devices, quality
of service and its costs to an individual. Many traditional asynchronous technologies such
as: printed material, audio/video cassettes through postal service were used in the past.
These are now being progressively replaced by web based material down loads through
Many synchronous communication technologies such as:
o Internet,
o Video Conference,
o Tele-conference and
o Mobile systems
are also used by distance learning institutions (DLI). А widely used TV broadcast
technology could provide mass access. However, it is too costly for two way interactions
between active participants in class (Gao & Zhang, 2009).
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 83

As alternate, multimedia instructional CDs, video cassette could be delivered to students.

These are cost effective in delivery but require heavy investment in preparation and
maintaining content. Mobile technologies are also used in education; however, these
require extensive instruction design practices. Electronic interaction methods used by any
DLI are carefully designed depending upon common ICT devices and services used by
Like most LMSes, it make extensive use of the Internet, with features such as discussion
forums, chats, journals, automated testing and grading tools, and student tracking. We have
successful ended project for intranet optimization and wireless Internet connections, based on
MikroTik. It is a Linux-based operating system known as MikroTik RouterOS. It lets users turn a
selected PC-based machine into a software router, allowing features such as
firewall rules, VPN Server and Client, bandwidth shaper Quality of Service, wireless access point
and other commonly used features for routing and connecting networks together. We use system to
serve as a captive-portal based hotspot system. This is results of the project “Development of
Wireless Network in Technical College – Yambol”.
Conversely, survey respondents indicated that their top five obstacles to implementing blended
learning were lack of budget, choosing the right strategy, lack of senior management buy-in,
inability of developers and/or trainers, and inadequate technical infrastructure (The Learning
Guild, 2003).
However, there may be some components of learning which may not be better
accomplished at distance or in online mode. For example, laboratory/ field work or learning
of some physical skills my require some face-to-face access to workshop, laboratories or
field. Therefore, blended learning is often practiced by universities for better learning
(Draffan & Rainger, 2006; Кеnnу et аl, 2005; Power 2007). Our survey reveals that 25% from
the students like very much and support the introduction in the future on-line distance learning,
39% are absolutely sure that they will prefer e-learning vs regular, 30% have not opinion, negative
responses gave 5% and absolutely negative 1%.
According to a 2003 survey of “Blended Learning Best Practices” by The Learning Guild, over
85% of organizations are using blended learning for the creation and/or delivery of educational
content. The experience of respondents has been positive, with more than 76% saying blended
learning was more effective than classroom training, and 73% suggesting that blended learning
had a higher learner value/impact than non-blended processes. Over 36% of the respondents used
6 to 10 different components in their blended program. The top five components were classroom
instruction, interactive web-based training, email communication, self-paced content, and threaded
discussion (The Learning Guild, 2003).

4. Conclusion

The current stage of development the virtual learning environment in our institution is well
accepted from the students. Nevertheless, blended learning appears nowadays more realistic than
pure online web based learning according to students responses. The same results are obtained
from other authors also (Garrison and Kanuka, 2004; Sangi, 2010). Sangi (2010) reveals in his
study that 91% students agreed or strongly agreed with blended model, students’ majority (68%)
were also satisfied with overall implementation of blended model of education.
Due to combining the blended learning program with practical work on institutional e-
learning projects, our participant helps many of the future e-learning implementers to gain
experience, to learn about the strengths and weaknesses of different online technologies and
learning methods. As a further strategy we planed to enlarge the capacity of tutors engage with
blended learning process by training programme for developing their own data-base, introducing
84 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

the new subjects to out data-base, expansion of the data-base by creation the new compulsory
disciplines courses, full mobile access to the learning materials, as well as introducing the
distance learning.

5. References
1. Draffan, Е. А., & Rainger, Р. (2006): А model for the identification of cha//enges to bIended learning.
ALT-J, Research iп Learniпg Techп%gy, 14 (1), 55-67.
2. Driscoll, M. (2002): Web-based training: Creating e-learning experiences. 2nd Edition. San Francisco:
3. Dziuban, C. D., Hartman, J. L., & Moskal, P. D. (2005): Higher education, blended learning and the
generations: Knowledge is power – no more. In J. Bourne and J. C. Moore (Eds.), Elements of Quality
Online Education: Engaging Communities. Needham, MA: Sloan Center for Online Education.
4. Gao, Р., & Zhang, R. (2009): Moving from TV broadcasting to e-Iearning. Campus-Wide
Iпformatioп 5ystems, 26(2), 98-107.
5. Garrison, D. R., Kanuka, H. (2004): Blended Learning: Uncovering its transformative potential in
higher education. Internet and Higher Education 7, 95-105.
6. Graham, C. R. (2005): Blended learning systems: Definition, current trends, and future directions. In C.
J. Bonk and C. R. Graham, (eds): Handbook of blended learning: Global perspectives, local designs.
San Francisco, CA.
7. Graham, C. R. (2006): Blended learning systems: Definition, current trends, and future directions. In C.
J. Bonk and C. R. Graham (Eds.), Handbook of Blended Learning: Global Perspectives, Local Designs.
San Francisco, CA: Pfeiffer Publishing.
8. Nedev D., V. Nedeva, (2008): Aspects Of Multi-Agent System Application In E-Learning, International
Scientific Conference Computer Science’2008, 18-19 Sept.2008, Kavala, Greece, P.1022-1028.
9. Nedeva V., (2005): The Possibilities of e-learning, Based on Moodle Software Platform, Trakia Journal
of Sciences, Vol. 3, No.7, pp 12-19, 2005.
10. Nedeva V., D.Nedev, (2008): Evolution In The E-Learning Systems With Intelligent Technologies,
International Scientific Conference Computer Science’2008, 18-19 Sept. 2008, Kavala, Greece, P.1028-
11. P. Dean, M. Stahl, D. Sylwester, & J. Peat (2001): Effectiveness of combined delivery modalities for
distance learning and resident learning; Quarterly Review of Distance Education, July/August 2001.
12. Pehlivanova M., Ducheva Z., Dineva S. (2009): Advantages of the Web-Based Training for the
Increasing Quality of Preparation and Self-Preparation of Students from the Specialty “Food
Technology”, The 4th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2009, University of
Bucharest and “Gh. Asachi” Tehnical University of Iasi, рр. 239-246.
13. Power, М. (2007): From distance education to e-learning: А multiple case study on instructional
design problems. E-Learпiпg, 4(1), 64-78. Retrieved April 22, 2009, from http://www 1.asp
14. Rossett, A., Douglis, F., & Frazee, R. (2003): Strategies for building blended learning. ASTD Learning
Circuits Retrieved May 5, 2008, from
15. Sangi N. A. (2010): Delivery Issues in Blended Computer Science Education at AIOU. Guide
International Workshop 2010, New challenges for e-learning in cultural, scientific and socio-economic
development, Università degli Studi “Guglielmo Marconi” 18-19 March 2010, Rome – Italy.
16. Singh H., (2003): Issue of Educational Technology, Volume 43, Number 6, Pages 51-54.
17. The Learning Guild (2003): The Blended Learning Best Practices Survey. Retrieved May 19, 2008
18. Yoon, S-W and Lim, D.H. (2007): Strategic blending: a conceptual framework to improve learning and
performance International Journal on E-Learning, 6(3), 475-489.
19. Кеnnу, R. F., Zhang, Z., 5chwier, R. А., & Campbell, К. (2005): А review of what instructional
designers do: Questions answered and questions not asked. Caпadiaп Jourпa/ of Learпiпg aпd
Techп%gy, 31(1). [Online Journal]. Retrieved July 4, 2006 from
Educational software. Types of soft
Valeriu Ştefănescu

University of Bucharest, Physics Faculty, România

Placing computers in all fields influenced the education system. For students to be prepared
to work in a computerized society, they must learn to use this technique. The calculator can
intervene directly through educational software in organizing learning situations, as we talk
about computer aided instruction (CAI). Computer use in training activities leading to
development of organizational forms of training not possible using traditional means and
methods. Computer processing capabilities, recording and retrieving information for
introducing situations in which the student acquires the knowledge and skills in an
autonomous manner, in accordance with their interests and aspirations. Educational software
is a program specifically designed to be used in training activities. It is a means to provide
training by computer in an individual way, interactive and guided. Software developed by the
predominant aspect of verification, testing knowledge, the more complex issues, providing
meaningful contexts for learning, thus altering the area of teacher activities both
quantitatively and qualitatively.

Keywords: Educational software, learning, classification, computer assisted instruction

1. Introduction

Since 2001, a European Commission report showed that the incorporation of ICT into European
education systems is a process that in the long term, will have major implications for learning and
teaching organization. Most experts view that, at present, research efforts should focus on the
potential offers education and education in general, computers and virtual environments created
for them:
- an accuracy of operations performed;
- an ability to provide multiple presentations and dynamic phenomena;
- an interaction, in general, but also to interact in a consistent and differentiated with each
student / user basis.
Software developments, the predominant aspect of verification, testing knowledge, the more
complex issues that provide meaningful contexts for learning, change the scope of activities the
teacher quantitatively but also qualitatively. Here's a new element of pressure on schools which
have to rethink their approaches to teaching approach. One of the major changes to the
intervention of computers in education is the paradigm shift from teacher-centered to student-
centered. The spread and diversification of the CAI, the teacher's role change. Gradually relieve
the teacher from routine activities, but his task is amplified by the fact that we must develop and
implement programs tailored small that teaches discipline and adapted well, and teaching
In this way, there are already elements of decentralization, the teacher no longer the "center"
irradiation of information, education move their dominant emphasis from teaching to learning.
Learning focuses on active participation of students to build their own system of knowledge at
their own pace and on their own learning becomes strategii.Dominanta individualization, is
increasingly given up on standardization.
86 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Student-centered learning focused on individual characteristics associated with learning

(heredity, experiences, perspectives, training, talents, abilities and needs) to focus on teaching
understood as a new way of sharing knowledge (selecting the best and latest information, stimulate
motivation to ensure accumulation of knowledge by all students). The new learning environments,
all students have access to the same sources of information that can be expected to ensure equal
opportunities for education.

2. Educational software

To achieve these goals is used in the educational practice educational software.

Educational software is a program designed for use in teaching - learning - assessment is an
interactive training tool that provides scope for individualisation. Is made according to certain
educational requirements (specific content, target group characteristics, behavioral objectives) and
certain technical requirements ensuring individual interactions, the feedback sequence and
formative assessment).
Educational software is presented as a package that includes:
- software-product;
- documentation (methodical and describe the computer which can be implemented);
- other material resources.
After priority function that can perform in the course of training, educational software can be
divided into:
2.1. Interactive software for teaching and presentation of new knowledge. This is the most
complex type of pedagogical point of view, because, through adaptive interaction to achieve the
aims by the user, the educational objectives. Having incorporated a strategy that allows feedback
and permanent control, determine a course of individuation, according to the preparedness of the
Such software creates a dialogue (similar to the teacher and student), between student and
program. Interaction / dialogue can be controlled by computer (tutorial dialogue) or by the student
(dialogue investigation). The corresponding, software that in turn are classified into:
a) software tutorials / lessons guided the student computer guides you, step by step leading him
to acquire new knowledge or skills training as a strategy set by the software designer;
b) investigative software, the student himself seeking to obtain information necessary for
solving the proposed task based on a set of rules. In this way, the path length for the extraction of
information depends on the knowledge of the learner and his particular learning style.
2.2. Software exercises (Drill and Practice). Are not designed to teach new knowledge, but
occur as a supplement to the lesson in class. They are designed to strengthen specific skills to a
limited number of school subjects, by sets of repetitive tasks, always followed by assessment of
student answer. There are two ways of achieving their IT:
- student applications to be presented are stored in computer memory, where they are extracted
in a premeditated or random order;
- there are applications such as computer memory, but it is generated in accordance with in
accordance with a specific algorithm.
They allow each student to work in its own pace for the acquisition of specific skills. Are
designed so the student can always check the correctness of the answer. Is a complement, a
supplement to classroom lessons, as a means of achieving individual learning.
2.3 Simulation software allows students to observe the monitor screen controlled
representation of a phenomenon or a real process, based on a simplified model. The simulation
aims at training students mental models of phenomena, processes or systems, real or training to
enable them understand their operation. By design, the software allows modification of
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 87

parameters, the student can see how it changes the behavior / response system. In some cases,
interactive model can replace the real experiment, especially if the experiment is dangerous and
requires expensive equipment (a laser operation moving planets and artificial satellites, operating a
nuclear reactor, etc.). Interactive models provide a time savings in preparing lessons and during
lessons. With their teacher can this phenomena, processes, etc.., more intuitive and can
demonstrate some features of phenomena and processes. This leads to increased student interest in
physics and a deeper understanding of their favors.
Virtual Physics program produced by the firm Nahliksoft is the collection of programs
simulating physical phenomena. They can be used as demonstration tools at school or for
individual studies and experiments at home. The most exiting feature of Virtual Physics is that you
can perform and observe many experiments you can never see either in nature or in the school
laboratory, eg. stars moving on their orbits or the motion of the molecules of gas. Figure 1 presents
the generation of electric field.
2.4. Computer models simulating the laboratory work by students in laboratory work. Unlike
simulation software, they have electronic tables for evaluating the results of performing the
experiment, sub construction schedules, results processing, electronic registry where students
passing grades for work done automatically. Figure 2 presents an image of the lesson "Ohm's Law.
Comparison resistor circuit "and" Ohm's Law for a portion of the circuit ", where eighth graders
can see on the monitor screen of virtual experiment.(The image was taken from AEL platform,
Physics, Class VIII).
AeL Educational is an integrated and complete eLearning solution, designed entirely for
improving the education system is produced by Siveco România.
2.5. Thematic software, which presents topics (themes) in various areas of curriculum. The
main aims of extending the horizon of knowledge. There Thematic software designed for the kind
of skills training. Because the software in this category is not based on a particular teaching
strategy, how effective is determined by the teacher.
2.6. Software testing / evaluation of knowledge, designed and used for an objective
assessment, knowledge and skills / practical skills of students in different stages / phases of
training (in the beginning, during or at the end). Depending on the items used, regardless of
discipline of study, tests test students' knowledge, assessing their responses in a given time frame.
Most software testing and even displays the score and the scores achieved.
2.7. Software tools. Are tools designed to cover a wide range of activities, from routine and
repeating characters (dictionaries, spreadsheets, tables, formulas, technical tables), to the creative
nature (text editors, editors formula mathematics). occupies a special place encyclopedias that can
be used in multiple ways depending on the talent of the teacher and can be tailored to the different
age levels and training of students. In general, allow a dialogue encyclopedias investigation, the
user can navigate by clicking on keywords. Encyclopedias can be used for presentation of images,
to enhance knowledge, integrated and interdisciplinary activities for discovery learning.
Physics 101 SE version 7.2 is a software product company Praeter Software that contains
tools and solutions enabling ease of mathematical calculation channel our attention on physical
phenomena, providing us with accurate and rapid answers the perfect solution for physics students
and teachers everywhere.Figure 3 shows calculation models are presented in Chapter kinematic
2.8. Software games that are educational, as a player achieve a goal is teaching. Wisely applying a
set of rules, the student chooses one way among many that is offered to solve the problem
It is noted that information called educational software products can not be assigned on a
"solid" in one of the categories listed, in fact, depending on the talent and ingenuity of the
designer, but the teacher and the user can perform multiple roles and education and training
88 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Using educational software in lessons, facilitate computer-assisted instruction to students'

understanding of phenomena by using visualization: graphics, animation, simulation. Also,
teachers are forming an accurate picture of student progress because of the educational software
evaluation of items developed with the goals set out in curriculum and educational interaction
focus moves to what must be the student, to organize a focused approach student, which facilitates
learning, knowledge construction by students

3. Figures And Tables

Figura 1

Figura 2
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 89

Figura 3

4. References

AdăscăliŃei, Adrian (2007), Computer assisted instruction. Teaching computer Polirom Iasi.
Cerghit, John (2002), Alternative and complementary training systems. Structures, styles and strategies, Ed
Aramis, Bucharest
Malinovschi, V. (2003), Teaching physics, Didactic and Pedagogic Publishing Bucharest RA.
Garabet, M., Voicu, A.; Logofatu, M. (2003), Information and communications technology in education,
Credis Publishing House, Bucharest

Internet Surse
New Connections between Modernity and Tradition
in the Teaching Process
New Connections between Different Fields of Science

Silvia Moraru1,2, Ioana Stoica1,2, Cristina Miron1

(1) Physics Faculty, Bucharest University

RO-077125, Bucharest-Magurele, Romania
(2) Tudor Vianu National High School of Computer Science
RO-011392, Bucharest, Romania

This paper stands up as an argument for a paradigm shift in the science teaching process.
The main goal of the authors is to point out ways of achieving learning excellence by usage of
modern educational means. This bold aim can be reached by resorting to educational
software within the teaching and evaluation processes. We study the way how we could create
new connections between different fields of sciences and how we could improve the science
curriculum. We make our point by appealing to a number of specific educational software,
among which The Science of Music, Mechanical Oscillations, Fluid Mechanics, and Special
Relativity. This kind of projects can develop links between physics and mathematics, physics
and chemistry, physics and biology, or even between physics and music, providing
outstanding results in the teaching process. We study the impact made by these school
projects upon the progress achieved by the students.
Keywords: Interdisciplinarity, Educational software, Modern teaching-learning process

Interdisciplinary curriculum units, a must for a quality teaching-learning process

In a modern educational process, there should be less emphasis on developing science programs at
different grade levels independently of one other. Instead, more emphasis should be put on
coordinating development of the 9-12 grade level science programs across grade levels. Physics
should not be treated as a subject isolated from other school subjects, yet it must be connected to
other school subjects as mathematics, chemistry, biology, and even social studies (AAAS, 1998).
An interdisciplinary view is a must for a modern teaching-learning process.
Curriculum that is truly interdisciplinary reflects the emerging consensus definition of
interdisciplinarity and addresses its core elements. These elements include:
• addressing a complex problem or focusing on questions that cannot be resolved by using a
single disciplinary approach;
• drawing on insights generated by disciplines, interdisciplines, or schools of thought,
including non-disciplinary knowledge formations;
• producing an interdisciplinary understanding of the problem or question
Integrating these elements into curriculum at all levels should reduce much of the semantic
evasiveness surrounding the term "interdisciplinary", foster integrative learning, and enhance
meaningful assessment of interdisciplinary courses and programs. Designing interdisciplinary
curriculum, therefore, requires familiarity with the extensive literature on interdisciplinarity.
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 91

When planning interdisciplinary curriculum units, teachers should consider the following
• How valuable is the organizing central idea for students to think about and assimilate into
their way of looking at the world? (big picture-rich)
• How important to those subjects are the concepts that teachers have identified within
mathematics and science? (content-rich)
• How does the interdisciplinary curriculum reflect the philosophical orientation of the
• To what degree might the students learn the concepts better than if they had been taught
separately? (connections-rich)
• To what degree does the curriculum contribute to broader outcomes – that is, the learner's
overall approach to knowledge and his or her development as a person? (creative and critical
• How is the school board involved/informed about the curriculum process?

Suggestions for implementing trandisciplinarity in the Romanian curricula

Science content must be embedded in a variety of curriculum patterns that are developmentally
appropriate, interesting and relevant to student’s lives. The program of study in science should
connect to other school subject, but, in the same time, the science curriculum should be orientated
to throwing anchors in different fields of sciences. The curriculum must put more emphasis on
connecting science to other subjects, such mathematics, chemistry, biology, even music, and less
emphasis on treating science as a subject isolated from other school subjects. The modern science
curriculum should be coordinated with the mathematics curriculum, in order to enhance the
student’s usage and understanding of mathematics in the study of science (Wilkinson and
Patterson, 1983).

Links between physics and biology

Computers offer the power to perform computations that are very long. The computers’ graphic
capabilities make them useful in designing devices and in simulating complicated processes (Cobb
et al, 1997).
In this paper, we will provide an example of links between physics and biology, using the
Fluid Mechanics educational software.
The Fluid Mechanics is an interactive program that contains such notions as hydrostatic
pressure, Pascal’s Law, Arhimede’s Law, Bernoulli’s Law, and Poiseuille’s Law, as well as
notions about sanguine pressure. The human circulatory system is presented as a game. In the 9-12
grades, the students can understand better the workings of the human body circulatory system,
using, for instance, the Fluid Mechanics educational software.
The software is useful for those who study biology and/or physics. Its main objectives are:
• acquiring interdisciplinary transfers in the study of fluids and biology;
• developing a proper use of formal languages (mathematics, physics and biology);
• establishing connections between various specific physical quantities, mathema-tical
expressions and theoretical biological notions;
• revealing mathematical regularities behind the dynamics of flowing phenomena;
• investigating patterns and symmetries present in the real world, but visible only with the eyes
“of the mind” – namely, physical laws (Stoica et al, 2010).
The educational software allows the investigation, in the virtual lab, of some physics
phenomena encountered in the human body.
92 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Figure 1. Two Screenshots from the Fluid Mechanics Educational Software

Links between physics and mathematics

The Oscillations educational software is designed for students studying this mechanics
phenomenon, with the intent to present them with an analogous mathematical model and with a
broader view on oscillations extended to optical and heat phenomena. The software conveys
information on harmonic oscillatory motion, and examples of oscillatory motion, chosen from all
the fields of classical physics: optics, electricity, mechanics, and thermodynamics. This
educational software is entirely interactive. Its main plus is the quality of the simulations, which
include the actual oscillator moving accurately according to the parameters specified by the
student. For a better under-standing of the phenomenon, the simulation can be paused at any
moment (Stoica, 2004).
The student can easily correlate between physical parameters, having the liberty to compose
his or her own representation, thus involving him or her into the learning process, an optimal
possibility for the student to learn while playing, by varying parameters in a rigorous,
mathematical way (Tanner, 1997).

Figure 2. Two Screenshots from the Oscillations Educational Software

Links between physics and music

We are interested to establish links not only between different fields of sciences, but even between
physics and art – in this case, between physics and music. We will illustrate a possible connection
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 93

between the regularities that appear in music and physics, using an educational software,
developed in “Tudor Vianu National High School of Computer Science”.
Science of Music is an educational software which offers a journey in the world of music,
guided by the laws of physics, thus managing to observe the regularities that appear. The starting
point for this project was a passage from a book written by the well-known physicist Richard
Feynman, The Character of Physical Laws. After reading what Feynman said, the idea of showing
how harmonies recorded by our senses can be translated into mathematical equation came to us.
The application is designed for those who study physics, music, or both, and it’s useful also as
an auxiliary material for student class preparation. It is structured so that the user fully understands
the mathematical laws and practical applications of physics in music. It is divided in six sections:
theory, piano, guitar, other instruments, game and test. The Theory section is divided in two types
of lessons: a „classical lesson”, which consists of mathematical demonstrations and physical laws,
and an „unconventional lesson”, which presents the link between physics and music in a funny
way (Moraru et al, 2007).
The visual support enables the understanding and fast connection between the physical and
musical phenomena. The application is entirely interactive, being attractive even for those who are
not really interested by any of the two subjects.
The software contains a virtual piano and a virtual guitar. It enables the user to interact with
this kind of musical instruments. He or she can see how the musical notes are distributed on the
piano, hear them while playing the piano, and understand the science behind both the physics and
the music (Brodahl et al, 2007; Hadjerrouit, 2008).

Figure 3. Two Screenshots from the Science of Music Educational Software

By using educational software, the student is provided with sequences which can be lesson stages,
tests, and so on, but, more important, he or she can get an encompassing view not only over
physics, but also over different another fields. Through these sequences, he or she can access
information (libraries, internet), can receive a mark, or can contact other students who work in the
same environment.
The teacher who has access to educational software can choose certain lesson stages which are
in accordance with topics from the school curriculum, but he/she can also establish links between
sciences, or can create sequences based on the feedback received from a certain group of students,
or on the strategies that he/she uses.
The greatest advantage is represented by the opportunity to receive feedback from all the
students in the class, who, in their turn, can work independently, according to their level or
abilities; thus, the educational process can be shaped directly on the group of students the teacher
94 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

is working with, the flexibility and adaptability of the educational teaching content being a
necessary condition in order to improve the learning results.
We suggest this type of lessons based on interactive conveyance of information and broadening
of the area of interest, as it leads to a better students’ motivation and to an improvement of the
learning skills. The student will learn by reading, discovering and solving numerous reasoning
exercises, which make reference to theoretical physics concepts, involved in different topics of the
curriculum. Navigating through lessons and fields is easy and intuitive. Each lesson contains a
help section specific to that particular lesson.
The main teaching advantage of these lessons is represented by the fact that they implement a
well-thought teaching methodology resorting to an interactive working strategy, the taught subject
being presented in a varied way with the help of specific programming techniques. These
techniques appeal to and trigger specific skills of the student, which enable him/her to learn more
easily. Among these skills one can mention discovering, exploratory observation, demonstration,
modeling, thus the students having to deal with a variety of questions and tasks aimed at those who
are learning.
This way, the student becomes more self confident and more prepared for a new step in his life,
and he can extend his knowledge beyond the school. This kind of interdisciplinary approach
allows the students to restructure their knowledge and acquire more easily new knowledge,
increasing their level of sophistication (AAAS, 1993; Luehrmann, 1994).


AAAS. (1998): National Science Education Standards. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C.
AAAS (1993): Benchmarks for Science Literacy. Oxford University Press, New York.
Book Chapters:
Wilkinson, A. C. and Patterson, J. (1983): Issues at the Interface of Theory and Practice. In A. C. Wilkinson
(Ed): Classroom Computers and Cognitive Science. Academic Press, New York.
Luehrmann, A. (1994): Computers: More Than Latest in Ed-Tech. In J. J. Hirschbul (Ed): Computers in
Education.: The Dushkin Publishing Group, Inc., Guilford, CT.
Journal Articles:
Cobb, P., Boufi, A., McClain, K., and Whitenack, J. (1997) Reflective discourse and collective reflection.
Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 28(3), 258-277.
Conference Proceedings:
Stoica, I., Moraru, S., and Miron, C. (2010): An argument for a paradigm shift in the science teaching process
by means of educational software. In Second World Conference on Educational Sciences (WCES 2010),
Istanbul, 4407-4411.
Stoica, I. (2004): Mechanics: Oscillations. In 1st International Conference on Hands on Science, Ljubljana,
Moraru, S., Cherciu R., Stoica, I. Susnea, A., and Carlanaru, M. (2007): Science of Music. In 1st
International Conference on Hands on Science, Ponta Delgada, 188-189.
Manuscripts And Working Papers (Unpublished Material):
Tanner, H. (1997): Using And Applying Mathematics: Developing Mathematical Thinking Through Practical
Problem Solving And Modeling. Unpublished Ph.D Thesis, University of Wales, Swansea.
Newspapers Or Magazines:
Brodahl, C., Fagernes, M., and Hadjerrouit, S. (2007): Applying and evaluating understanding-oriented ICT
user training in upper secondary education. Informing Science and Information Technologies, 4, 473-490.
Hadjerrouit, S. (2008): Using a learner-centered approach to teach ICT in secondary schools: An exploratory
study. Informing Science and Information Technology, 5, 239-256.
Internet Sources:
Interactive Conceptual Maps Part of Constructivist Environment
for Advanced Physics Teaching
Florentina Iofciu1, Cristina Miron1, Stefan Antohe1

(1) University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics

405, Magurele Str. Atomistilor, 77125, ROMANIA

A great challenge for a physics teacher nowadays is to respond to students’ demand to
explain advanced science notions used in everyday life to a very young public. The
introduction of new and advanced knowledge is enhanced by the creation of constructivist
learning environments. It is a fact that students don’t like to study in the way their parents
did, so one solution can be a great change in the methods used during physics class,
combined with informatics tool created by the teacher. This paper describes how conceptual
maps are projected as informatics tools for constructivist environment. They are made using
advanced Power Point 2007 notions, combining different type of animation, slide transition
and hyperlinks between pages or with external folders. In the same time it is shown how these
sequences of learning units can be integrated in lessons and also some examples of combined
tools for demo. All those informatics tools can be used as to apply constructivist methods in
physics teaching.
Keywords: Constructivism, Informatics tools, Conceptual maps, Physics teaching


Unprecedented science and technology development necessitate permanently acquiring of new

information and also their thoroughgoing study in a very short time. This fact is perceived both by
adults and children. Obviously, there is the psychologists’ job to study the impact of new
technologies on human mind, but for us, the teachers this is a real challenge. It is well-known that
increasingly younger students are pressing to a point home that science teacher trashes out
concepts to be study in college or high school. Some frequently questions may be:”What is a
LASER or a LED?” What is Magnetorezitence?” or “How an economic bulb works?” These are
only a few questions science teachers are aggregated demand to answer. Ten to one that the
answer cannot be evasive, indistinct, misty or vague. By no means will the student be advised to
wait till these concepts will be taught in school! Obviously the historical approach of science
teaching due to national curriculum is proving unsatisfactory for young generation of students
keening on learning quickly and effortless. One solution can be a different approach of science
teaching using graphic organizers.

Constructivist approach

We may consider conceptual maps as different forms of diagrams projected to provide visual
languages, like a natural language text in that they can be subject to syntactic and semantic
constrains with a capacity of representation range from fairly informal to extremely formal
(Gaines and Shaw, 1995).
96 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Concept comprehensions

Pedagogical research (Varela et al, 1992) relieves that concept comprehension has to be realised
due to a strict independent activities system. These stages are: an initially approach of the concept,
the highlight of the main distinctive characteristics; particularising of the characteristic of the
concept; the dissent of the concept – the collate of main characteristic of the concept with those
previously taught; determining of the concept’s links and connections with others already taught;
classifying of concepts; incarnation of concepts.
Applying of concepts by different task solving including creativity ones.
Each of these stages has an essential role in concept forming. Teacher’s task is to organize the
contents of knowledge as to simplify information acquisition proper to a certain field as to
promote and facilitate knowledge building (Esiobu and Soyibo, 1995).
A proper scientific concept assuming depends on the folowing conditions: bringing into being
the necessarily bases to introduce new concept; bringing into being problem situations to convince
students of the necessity of approaching of new concept, for understanding and explanation of a
phenomena; the right selection of facts and their analyzing as the students to be able to build in
their own knowledge system the new concept; educational packages selection according to
students’ thinking level; learning conducting and organizing in all stages; increasing of
development and applying of new taught concept.
The increasing of students’ learning results can be assured by the teacher, organizing the
contents logically as to confer them meaning and allows them to recognize and analyze some
information’s particular characteristics as to use then in beating out the meaning achievement.
In order to develop students’ skills for understand and use conceptual maps at physics classes,
there are two directions to follow: learning contents selection and using during different lesson
moments conceptual maps models realized by the teacher.
Learning contents selection is necessarily because any conceptual map for teaching use is made
for a special subject of a lesson (Ausubel and Fitzgerald, 1962).

Constructivist environment

For the best results in using constructivist methods is vital to design a specific learning
environment connected with instructional design.
Wilson identifies that the role of instructional design theory then is to provide a set of
principles or concept models to assist teachers and designers in these environments. (Wilson,
1996). He defines a constructivist learning environment as “a place where learners may work
together and support each other as they use a variety of tools and information resources in their
guided pursuit of learning goals and problem-solving activities” (Wilson, 1996).
The great advantage of these models is that they can be replicated over time in a number of
instructional contexts (Lefoe, 1998).
The main characteristics of a constructivist environment are that it is inclusive, interactive and
responsive and that there is continuous dialogue between teachers and students. The role of the
teacher is to facilitate learning rather than to be the source of it. Such an environment engenders
cooperative learning and, as far as possible, reflects a democratic organization and management
structure that allows students and teachers to share responsibility and decision-making (Aitken and
Deaker, 2008).
This constructivist approach maximizes student learning and allows teachers to enhance
students' development to become autonomous and questioning thinkers (Fosnot, 2005).
The exogenous interpretation of constructivism emphasizes the role of direct instruction to help
the learner to form their own mental model of the ideas to be learned, supported by activities that
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 97

allow the learner to test and further tailor their knowledge representation. These activities could be
carried out using a virtual environment that simulates part of the knowledge domain.
In some knowledge domains such as science physics the concepts to be learned are abstract and do
not correspond to directly to material objects (Winn and Jackson, 1999). Suggest that virtual
environments “are most useful when they embody concepts and principles that are not normally
accessible to the senses”. Exogenous interpretations of constructivism also emphasize the use of
cognitive tools, which help the learner to develop an understanding of concepts. Categories of such
tools include concept mapping and graphing tools (Dalgarno, 2002).

Graphic organizers in constructivist learning environments

For visualization of information processing of abstract notions in physics is recommended to use

graphic Organizers (GO). They are dignifying the layout of different relationships between terms,
ideas, problems, factors, causes-effects in a problem rationally needed to approach, how in
formations processing is visualized. Graphical representation is the problem’s global image, as an
artifact of building and understanding related to the task. These graphic Organizers can be
converted in rational, scientific learning procedures in didactic tools facilitating and sustaining the
achievement by the student guided by the teacher (Joita, 2008).
Cognitive and then constructivist approach progressively developed numerous variants of
graphic organizers for mental knowledge organizing, enforcing the role of mental structure,
indicating the pigeon hole ranking and then advancing of a concept, task, problem. These graphic
Organizers become useful tools for understanding, independent or in a group student’s teaching
(Joita et al., 2008). Bibliographical references show that there are a lot of models and typologies of
organizers and graphical representations for cognitive architecture connected to concepts, theories,
learning tasks, and relations between concepts: descriptive, comparative, analogical, diagrams,
web layouts, conceptual maps.

Conceptual Maps for advanced physics concept teaching

Most of the high school physics teachers are asked to answer some questions over curriculum
because the students are very curious to know everything about up to date science discoveries.
They don’t have the time to wait until that concept would be taught at the class, so the teacher has
to use the most uncommon methods to be understood. A good results solution may be using
constructivist environments and cognitive-constructivist methods. Conceptual Map method is
designed for knowledge management in the basic teaching-learning process. For illustrating the
method we will consider Charge Carrier Transport Phenomena Conceptual Map used to approach
and explain advanced physics concepts.

Designing a Conceptual Map

Once the subject is established nominating the relevant problem for the students, the teacher is
building the objectives as the students acquire interdisciplinary abilities. Then, the main concepts
are selected and included in a first level conceptual map, as it is shown in Fig. 1. The title is the
main concept to focus on. In this stage we classified the charge carrier transport phenomena and
enumerate them. As this will be the interface with the users and the appearance is very important.
We decide for a multilevel concept organizing using different colours allotted to the itemized
phenomena. The arrows are highlighted using the colour assigned for the concepts in order to
conduct students’ logical thinking following the way suggested by the teacher. The layout of this
first interface offers the possibility that the users have a general view of the complexity of those
phenomena and to be curious to activate the next level.
98 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Figure 1 First level Conceptual Map Figure 2 Second Level Conceptual Map

For each of Thermoelectric, Thermo magnetic and Gavanomagnetics Phenomena we designed

a second level Conceptual Map, as it is shown in Fig. 2. This time the layout interface contains all
Galvanomagnetic Effects: Hall Effect, Gauss Effect, Nerst Effect and Ettinghausen Effect. Each
arrow has a label specifying the way to a short definition, to the physics conditions and to the
coefficient formula. It is very important to associate different colours on arrows, concepts, labels
and formulas. This layout offers the opportunity to visualize all those concepts with the linking
between them.
For a deeper understanding of the concepts we designed third level conceptual maps. The
layout in Figure 3 illustrates Hall Effect with all definitions, formulas, figures needed for a better
understanding of the concept.

Figure 3 Third Level slide as an explanatory content of the Hall Effect

All those examples are made using Microsoft Power Point 2007. The slides can be projected or
printed for each student or can be adapted each time it is necessarily.
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 99

Interactive Conceptual Maps

To make a usually conceptual map an interactive one is only a matter of creativity, imagination
and no advanced programming skills need, only MS Power Point. The conceptual map can be used
as a computer interface providing links to, and control of, other materials. Is very important the
consistent use of colours as to enhance the visual appearance. The nodes and concepts provide
links to other level conceptual maps and files attached as a database. We organized all conceptual
maps as different slides in a MS Power Point Show connected with hyperlinks. In Fig.4 is shown
how is made the link between the main slide, as first level conceptual map “Charge Carrier
Transport Phenomena” and the second level conceptual map “Galvanomagnetic Phenomena” and
back. Figure 5 layouts how are made the links between the third level conceptual map “Hall
Effect” and both of first and second level of the interactive conceptual map as the hyperlinks
between the slides in MS Power Point Presentation. The teacher may also attach files from an
external data base such are documents, videos, pictures or other formats.

Figure 4 Including hyperlinks connections Figure 5 Hyperlinks connecting slide level 3

between level one and two slides with first and second level Conceptual Maps

Integrating Conceptual Maps in constructivist environment

This tool as it is designed by the teacher may be used in a collaborative environment that allows
constructivist methods to be putted in practice. The interactive conceptual map tool is an open
architecture for integrating with other systems and supports collaborative development both in
local area and wide area networks. One of the advantages of using this tool is that any teacher or
student can develop a conceptual map for their domain of interest and link between them or with
associated materials (Gaines and Shaw, 1995a). Web 2.0 tools may be used. For example a wiki
allows to all users to visualize, to critiques and to develop conceptual maps. On the other hand
students may use it as many times are necessarily to approach a concept.


The introduction of new advanced notions in science, particularly in physics as a part of

experiential and assimilative process is enhanced and encouraged by the creation of constructivist
learning environments. Such an environment engenders cooperative learning witch allow
100 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

incorporating constructivist activities to allow for a “meta-knowledge” in the subject area, to be

more inclusive to all students, not to those who have a great interest in the topic. Interactive tools
can be used in teaching, learning and evaluating process and also can be integrated in web 2.0 or
multimedia. Conceptual maps have been demonstrated to be an effective means of representing
and communicating knowledge. When concepts and linking words are carefully chosen, these
maps can be useful classroom tools for observing nuances of meaning, helping students organize
their thinking, and summarizing subjects of study. From an educational perspective, a growing
body of research indicates that the use of concept maps can facilitate meaningful learning (Coffey,
Carnot et al., 2003). Conceptual maps have also been shown to be of value as a knowledge
acquisition tool during the construction of expert systems (Ford, Coffey et al., 1996) and
performance support systems (Coffey, Cañas et al., 2003), and as a means of capturing and sharing
experts’ knowledge (Coffey, Hoffman, et al., 2002).

Aitken, R. & Deaker. L. (2008). Creating the conditions for constructivist learning, 33rd International
Conference on Improving University Teaching Transforming Higher Education Teaching and Learning
in the 21st Century, July 29- August 1, Glasgow, Scotland.
Ausubel D. P., Fitzgerald D. (1962) Organizer, general background, and antecedent learning variables in
sequential verbal learning. Journal of Educational Psychology 53, 6, 243-249.
Coffey, J. W., Cañas, A. J., Reichherzer, T., Hill, G., Suri, N., Carff, R., Mitrovich, T., & Eberle, D. (2003).
Knowledge Modeling and the Creation of El-Tech: A Performance Support System for Electronic
Technicians. Expert Systems with Applications, 25(4).
Coffey, J. W., Carnot, M. J., Feltovich, P. J., Feltovich, J., Hoffman, R. R., Cañas, A. J., & Novak, J. D.
(2003). A Summary of Literature Pertaining to the Use of Concept Mapping Techniques and
Technologies for Education and Performance Support (Technical Report submitted to the US Navy
Chief of Naval Education and Training). Pensacola, FL, Institute for Human and Machine Cognition.
Coffey, J. W., Hoffman, R. R., Cañas, A. J., & Ford, K. M. (2002). A Concept-Map Based Knowledge
Modeling Approach to Expert Knowledge Sharing. Paper presented at the Proceedings of IKS 2002 -
The IASTED International Conference on Information and Knowledge Sharing, Virgin Islands.
Dalgarno, B. (2002). The Potential of 3D Virtual Learning Environments: A Constructivist Analysis.
Electronic Journal of Instructional Science and Technology, 5(2).
Esiobu, G. O., Soyibo, K. (1995) Effects of concept and vee mappings under three learning modes on
students' cognitive achievement in ecology and genetics. Journal of Research in Science Teaching 32, 9,
Ford, K. M., Coffey, J. W., Cañas, A. J., Andrews, E. J., & Turner, C. W. (1996). Diagnosis and Explanation
by a Nuclear Cardiology Expert System. International Journal of Expert Systems, 9, 499-506.
Fosnot, C.T., (2005). Constructivism: Theory, Perspectives and Practice, Second Edition Teachers College
Press, Columbia University, New York.
Gaines, B.R. and Shaw, M.L.G., (1995a): Collaboration through Concept Maps, In Proceedings of CSCL95:
Computer Supported Cooperative Learning Conference, Bloomigton, USA.
Gaines, B.R., Shaw, M.L.G., (1995) Concept maps as hypermedia components, International Journal of
Human-Computer Studies, 43, 3, 323-361.
Joita, E. (2008): A deveni professor constructivist. EDP, Bucuresti.
JoiŃa, E, (coordonator), Ilie, V., Frăsineanu, E., Mogonea, R., Mogonea, F., Popescu, M., Ştefan, M., Boboilă,
C., (2008): Formarea pedagogică a profesorului. Instrumente de învăŃare cognitiv-constructivistă.
EDP, Bucuresti.
Lefoe, G. (1998): Creating constructivist learning environments on the web: The challenge in higher
education. In ASCILITE ’98 Conference Proceedings. University of Wollongong: ASCILITE ’98.
Varela F. J., Thompson E.T., Rosch E. (1992) The Embodied Mind: Cognitive Science and Human
Experience. MA: MIT Press, Cambridge.
Wilson, B. G. (1996). Constructivist Learning Environments: Case Studies in Instructional design.
Educational technology Publications, Englewood Cliffs NJ.
Winn, W. and Jackson, R. (1999). Fourteen Propositions about Educational Uses of Virtual Reality.
Educational Technology, July-August 1999.
Understanding digital divide as a form of cultural
and social reproduction
Silvia Făt

University of Bucharest, Department for Teacher Training

This paper presents When it comes to the digital divide, Europe is a mixed bag. The digital
divide touches all regions of the world and threatens the goal of an all-inclusive information
society. This paper examines a few aspects of the digital divide, such as social factors,
including but not limited to income, education and literacy. The article shows the impact of
symbolic-capital theory of Pierre Bourdieu proposing an analytical framework for statistic
data supposedly related to the concept of digital divide. Finally good practices are discussed.

Keywords: social reproduction, inequality, education, inclusion

1 Introduction

Education through ICT subsequently has turned into the most fundamental resource a nation can
offer to its citizens. But technology in education is not always an advantage. Digital divide
describes this disadvantage and explains the difference in access to and practical knowledge about
the use of information technology, specifically the Internet.

2 Research Findings about Digital Divide

The origin of the concept dates back to the 1990s and it gained publicity through a series of
surveys conducted by the American National Telecommunication and Information Administration
which were presented in the “Falling through the Net” reports (1995, 1998, 1999, and 2000).
Other studies have taken a more specific perspective, such as Keil (2005), who explores the divide
in terms of a digital generation gap. The second perspective is related to spatial variations. Such
research may focus on the rural–urban dimension. Warren (2007), for example, investigates how
the Internet influences social marginalization of disadvantaged groups in rural areas of the UK and
reaches the conclusion that a new media structure can be followed by social exclusion. The use of
technology is an approach that is also visible in other geographical approaches to digital
technology. Graham (2005), for example, explores how surveillance technology contributes to the
social segregation.
For identifying and measuring differences that exist within the digital divide, the main
indicators have typically been private ownership of computers and the use of Internet (for
example: Bradshaw et al. 2005; NTIA 1995, 1998, 1999, 2000; Tien and Fu 2008; Tiene 2002).
Another research has been made by Wilson (2006), who identifies eight aspects of the divide:
physical, financial, cognitive, design, content, production, institutional, and political access.
Another approach has been to focus on the concept of digital literacy and by so doing the aim is to
gain a deeper understanding of ability to handle digital technology (Livingstone 2004). Others,
such as Warschauer (2003), have criticized the concept for its technological determinism and
argues that the inequality that exists is social not digital. However, many researches show that,
102 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

particularly within lower-incomes populations, ethnicity is still related to less frequent use of the
Internet. While economic structures related to class are crucial in limiting access to media, both in
theory (Mosco, 1998) and in recent empirical work (NTIA, 1999; Strover and Straubhaar, 2000),
culture, as indicated by ethnic differences, is also still very important. Researchers have addressed
the intersection of technology and social groups. Most of these groups fall under general
categories like: the socially excluded; the extreme poverty groups; the marginal and
geographically remote; the indigenous population; the linguistic and ethnic minorities; the groups
with special needs and disabilities.
Badagliacco (1990) discussed the intersection of gender and racial factors in impacting the
disposition towards the use of computers. Using mail questionnaires at a large public university in
New York City, he illustrated that men and Whites had both the most computer experience and
positive attitudes towards computers, and that computer-related practices are perceived as white
and male-dominated activities.
The breadth of this digital divide literature was recently illustrated in a comprehensive
systematic review of 192 English-language research reports by Liangzhi Yu (2006). This analysis
confirmed the following factors as emerging from the recent literature as associated with the non-
use of ICTs within countries:

1. Income/socio- Lower levels of income are consistently shown to be associated with digital
economic status divides concerning access to and use of a range of ICTs

2. Education Lower levels of education are also shown to be associated with digital
divides concerning access to and use of a range of ICTs.
3. Family structure Family composition, adult caring responsibilities (ie for an older parent) tend
to be associated with less contact with ICT. Conversely, the presence of
school-age children within the household tend to increase contact with ICT.
4. Age Increased age is associated with decreased levels of access, limited modes of
use and patterns of connecting. Age differences are especially pronounced in
those individuals aged 60 years and over.
5. Race Some US studies report lower levels of access and use amongst African-
American and Latino populations. However, many studies report that then
racial differences in ICT use disappear when issues of income and education
are taken into consideration.
6. Gender Whilst gender differences were associated with digital divides during the
1990s, more recent academic research seems to indicate declining gender
differences in ICT access and basic levels of engagement
7. Geography/ Levels of ICT use generally less in rural and inner-city areas, although often
rural-urban location differences are not evident once other socio-economic variables are taken
into account.
8. Culture/social Communities and individuals with higher levels of social contacts tend to
participation make more use of ICTs.
Table no. 1. Digital Divide Factors
Source: Key Data on Information and Communication Technology in Schools in Europe, 2004, Eurydice.

3 Associated Concepts to Digital Divide

Despite the increasing attention and academic literature on the digital divide, many concepts are
not so clear, so we mention in this article a few:
1. Digital Inequality: A new form of inequality springing from the digital divide in which those
denied access to or practical knowledge of information technology suffer from political, social, or
economical disadvantages as a consequence of that exclusion.
2. The Demographic Digital Divide.
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 103

Although it is important to recognize the possibility of an expanding digital divide comprised

of the information “haves and “have not’s”, some studies show that the digital divide is actually
decreasing with time. This makes sense from the standpoint of market economics.
3. Social Position: Social position describes a person’s place in the social hierarchy and plays a
significant role in determining one’s employability, employment, and income.
4. Socioeconomic Status (SES): Social position measured by income, education level, and
5. Stratification: Stratification can be described as the structural hierarchy on which education,
class, and other class and social hierarchies are constructed.
6. Tracking: Tracking can be described as the separation of students into hierarchical learning
groups based on perceived or measured ability.

4 Cultural Capital-Economic Capital

The poverty and social class issues can be described in terms of access to cultural capital or
symbolic capital, a theoretical conception originally formulated by French sociologist
Pierre Bourdieu (1986). Cultural capital is defined as the possession of certain cultural
competencies, bodies of cultural knowledge that provide for distinguished modes of cultural
consumption. Bourdieu argues that in modern societies, the accumulation of cultural capital
requires a long-term investment of time and education. Although they are not reducible to each
other, economic and cultural capital is convertible to one another (Johnson, 1993).
According to Bourdieu’s theory, members of a lower social class have little or no opportunity
to acquire the traits, habits, or information necessary to accomplish a rise in status, income, class,
or livelihood. In case of the digital divide, a lack of cultural capital would make it much harder for
children born into low social classes to gain the knowledge necessary to command information
technology. The discussion of the digital divide so far has taken a structural point of view.

5. Measuring the Digital Divide- Romania in Statistics

The so-called “digital divide” raises a number of questions. Where does it occur and why? How is
it to be measured? What is its extent, that is, how wide is the digital divide? These questions have
only recently been raised, and it is not possible, as yet, to answer all of them with any certainty.
Because of the current interest in these issues, both among governments and the public, the
OECD has begun efforts to measure the digital divide. One of the key findings from a recent report
by the OECD (2009) was that "the digital divide that separates those with the competencies and
skills to benefit from computer use from those without.” The OECD warning about a 'second
digital divide' is perhaps not noteworthy in 2010 for its novelty or newness.
An IEA study explores the relationship between achievement and the use of ICT, is the
mathematics part of TIMSS-1995. A quite peculiar finding from TIMSS-1995 was that it appeared
that students who used computers frequently for mathematics learning had lower scores than the
students who hardly or never used computers for this purpose. Pelgrum and Plomp (2002) showed
that these achievement differences could amount to an equivalent of 2.3 years of schooling (see
Table 2).

Upper grade–Lower
Country High ICT -Low ICT Years behind
Canada -50 33 1.5
Cyprus -48 28 1.7
Denmark -23 39 0.6
Greece 43 44 1.0
104 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Iran, Islamic Rep. 33 29 1.1

Japan -8 34 0.2
New Zealand -66 37 1.8
Philippines -31 13 2.3
Romania -15 27 0.6
Sweden -65 36 1.8
Thailand -13 25 0.5
England -56 31 1.8
Scotland -45 35 1.3
United States -47 22 2.2
Table no. 2. Differences in achievement between groups with high and low ICT use, and upper and lower
grade, and number of years high ICT use group
Source: Achievement score difference (Pelgrum&Plomp, 2002)

Let me illustrate now the characteristics of our endeavors through briefly describing the
essential features of the Swedish and Romanian model for the dispersion of ICT culture. In
Sweden, you find no significant differences between the number of computers possessed by
university degree holders and blue collar workers. In Romania, however, the level of education
will define if you own a PC or not. Digital culture, apparently, may increase or decrease social
differences and thus bridge or widen the social – cultural – digital divide. Through its EURO200
programme, the Romanian government has concentrated efforts on getting poorer school children
pupils from families with low income equipped with computers at home. So far more than 150,000
pupils have bought a computer under the programme. Since Romania acceded to the EU in
January 2007, the government sees ICT as an essential component in helping to modernize the
country’s economy.
Researches shows that among 16 to 24 year olds the proportion of computer or Internet users is
three times higher than among persons aged 55 to 74. A similar degree of inequality is observed
when comparing persons with higher education with the less educated. In many European
countries in the year 2000, pupils aged 15 attended a school that on average had at least one
computer for 20 pupils. Seven countries (Denmark, Luxembourg, Finland, Sweden, the United
Kingdom, Liechtenstein and Norway) are characterized by a ratio even lower than 10. On the other
hand, in Bulgaria and Latvia, there are at least 30 pupils per computer and in three countries
(Greece, Portugal and Romania), over 50.
Another statistics are useful:
 Today all students in OECD countries are familiar with computers
On the whole, less than 1% of 15 year-old students in OECD countries declare not to have used
a computer at all. In the light of the progression done since 2000 it may well be expected that this
remaining 1% will have faded by now. The percentage of families connected to the Internet is
always lower than that of families with a computer.
 Frequency of use at home is unparalleled by school use.
In most OECD countries more than 80% of them are using computers frequently at home,
while when it comes to school use the majority of students do not use them –with the exception of
Hungary. The increase since 2003 has been equivalent both in home and school use, but the
difference remains significant.
 Despite increasing investments in ICT infrastructure in schools, ratios can be still
regarded as a handicap for higher ICT use in schools.
School computer rations have not improved since 2003. The OECD average ratio of students
per computer is 5. This ratio has dropped by 50% since 2000, when the ratio was 10 students per
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 105

computer. Moreover, this raises the issue of the difficulties associated with the lack of data about
expenditure on technology in education.
 Digital media are increasingly used as educational resources, but there are large
disparities across countries.
As access to digital media at home increases, the importance of books as tools for coursework
decreases. Interestingly enough, this does not seem to favor educational software at all, but rather
the Internet. In most countries educational software is the least frequent resource at home.
 The prevalent use of computers is related either to the Internet or to entertainment.
Word processing and information search facilities are also used by children to a lesser extent.
These two categories present rather similar percentages (31.5 % and 33.6 % on average
respectively). For these two types of computer use, the highest rates are observed in Greece, Italy,
and the United Kingdom. As regards information searching, the lowest rates are in Iceland,
Norway, Latvia, Romania, and Slovakia. However, the rates lie above 20 % in all those countries.
(Source: OECD, PISA 2000 database)
 There is a variety of student profiles regarding technology use.
This fact takes into account not only in relation to student’s gender or socio-economic status
but also to some of their individual characteristics such as self-confidence doing computer-based
activities and performance in the PISA science test.
 ICT familiarity matters for educational performance.
Performance differences associated with the length of time students have been using a
computer hold once accounting for socio-economic background. Compared to students who have
only been using a computer for less than a year and once accounting for ESCS, on average in
OECD countries there is a 30 score points advantage for students who have used computers for
one to three years, a 51 score points advantage for students who have used computers for 3 to 5
years and a 61 score points advantage for students who have used computers for more than 5 years.
When ICT is included in the core curriculum, two main approaches may be distinguished. It
may be taught as a separate subject in its own right, or used as a tool for other subjects and in some
cases both. In addition to its use as a tool, ICT is a separate compulsory subject in a few countries,
namely the Netherlands, the United
Kingdom (with the exception of Northern
Ireland), Iceland and Poland. In Romania, it
is included in the curriculum solely as a
subject in its own right.
Separate subject
Used as a tool for other subjects
Not included in the compulsory
minimum curriculum
Data not available

6. Conclusions
• Looking at the degree of urbanization, penetration by computers and Internet remains lower
in thinly populated, rural areas of the EU.
• The presence of children in a household is a major factor in access to ICTs: the proportion of
homes with a personal computer is 50% higher among households with children than for childless
106 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

• Despite increasing levels of ICT usage in all sections of society, the divide is not being
In this context, a few measures are necessary: to adopt holistic policy approaches to ICT in
education; to adapt school learning environments as computer ratios reduce and the availability of
digital learning resources grows; to promote an increase in computer use at school and
experimental research on its effects.
A new understanding of digital divide is needed-one that provides adequate socio-cultural
context and confers dedication to equity in education. So, eliminating the digital divide is one of
current era’s defining equity issues in schools.

1. Demunter, C. (2005). The digital divide in Europe, Statistics in focus, no. 35.
2. Fat, S., Gabureanu, S., Novak, Toma, S. (coord). (2009). Intruirea în societatea cunoaşterii: Impactul
programului Intel Teach în România. Raport de cercetare. Editura Agata, Bucureşti, ISBN 978-973-
3. Gorsky, P., Clark, C., (2003) Turning the Tide of the Digital Divide: Multicultural, Education and the
Politics of Surfing, Multicultural perspectives, 5 (1), 2003.
4. Intel Report, (2008). Closing Europe’s digital divide, Economist Intelligence Unit.
5. Links, S. (2009) Assessing class. Education, 9 Ebsco Publishing Inc.
6. McMahon, M. (2009). Social Aspects of Technology in Education, Society & Technology Ebsco
Publishing Inc.
7. OECD Report (2004). Regulatory Reform as a Tool for Bridging the Digital Divide.
8. OECD Report, Karpati, A. (2003). Promoting equity through ICT in Education: Projects, Problems,
9. Pick J., Rasool A. (2002) Global Digital Divide: Influence of Socioeconomic, Governmental, and
Accessibility Factors on Information Technology, Information Technology for Development.
10 Salwyn, N., Facer, K. (2007). Beyond the digital divide. Tethinking digital inclusion for the 21 st century,
Opening Education.
11. Sinclair, N. (2009). Stratification & the Digital Revolution, Ebsco Publishing Inc.
12. Stingl, A. (2009) Knowledge bades-Economy, Ebsco Publishing Inc.
13. Stingl, A. (2009). Progress of the Postmodern Society, Ebsco Publishing Inc.
Development of Foreign Language Learning System Focusing on
Speaking and Evaluation
of the Effectiveness

Ikuo Kitagaki

Research Institute for Higher Education, Hiroshima University

2-12-1, Kagamiyama, Higashi-hiroshima, JAPAN 739-8512

This is a report on a learning system aimed at improving foreign language speaking skills
through memorization of short sentences. The method of the system is as follows:
1. A short sentence in the learner’s mother tongue is either displayed on a computer monitor,
or is communicated by audio. 2. The learner translates the sentence quickly. 3. The system
displays the correct answer. 4. The system then selects and displays another short sentence
from the collection.
The above steps are repeated. The learner is to memorize all translations.
We evaluated the learning effectiveness of the system for improving speaking skills by asking
few participants to use the system. We created short sentences and equally divided them into
Set A and Set B. Set A contained sentences that are be learned, and Set B contained sentences
that are not to be learned. The participants were subjected to pre-test and post-tests
containing sentences from both sets. The participants’ vocal answers for both pre and post
tests were evaluated in terms of fluency. The evaluation revealed that not only did the
participants improve their speaking skills for the sentences in Set A (direct effect), they
showed improvements toward sentences in Set B (indirect effect). More specifically, indirect
effects were observed for 7 out of 9 sentences as a statistical significance.

Keywords: E-learning, Language education, Evaluation, Speaking skill


This paper deals with a learning system designed to improve speaking skills of the students in a
foreign language. In this learning system, the goal of the students is to memorize all English
translation of short Japanese sentences in accordance with the method described below.
First, a computer selects a short sentence from a collection of sentences in a particular
theme and the presents it to the student (either visually on a monitor or through audio). The
computer then encourages the student to answer in English. The computer will then display the
correct answer (either on monitor or using audio) upon request from the student. The student then
tries to memorize the correct answer. Through these basic autonomous steps, the system aims to
help the student achieve fluent command of foreign language expressions.
This paper discusses the design principles behind the randomized selection of the short
sentences used in the system as well as the learning effectiveness through memorizing the
sentences using the learning system.
There are many perspectives on language speaking skills. Some argue that there is a direct
correlation between memorization of short English sentences (Kitagawa, 2003), and others argue
that speaking skills ought to include an ability to interact with others on top of pure linguistic
108 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

skills(Nakamura, 1993). This research is closer to Kitagawa’s (1993) since we see memorization
of short English sentences as a method of improving one’s speaking skills. It is also similar to the
perspective of Pawley et al.(1983) that states that memorizing numerous clauses and phrases will
lead to fluency.

Principles of the System Design and the Learning Contents

In this research, we have randomly selected the sentences to be memorized. We had decided to
utilize computers to make random selection easy. Here, we will discuss the reasoning behind
adopting randomly selected sentences.

Learning task set


1.To displayed A short

sentence in Japanese

Figure 2. Display screen

Pre test Post test

4. To memorize 2. To translate
the correct it into English
answer Task
Direct Task Learning of
effect set A set A
task set A
3. To display Indirect Task Task
the correct effect set B set B

Figure 1. Learning flow Figure 3. Direct/indirect effect of learning

The first reason is that we considered the students` motivation to learn. In a normal printed
learning material, the sequence of example sentences is fixed. However, randomization of the
sequence of the subject sentences heightens the students’ sense of anticipation, which hopefully
leads to higher learning motivation. It is said that heightening spontaneous motivation is important
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 109

to language studies. Randomization of the sequence of sentences can potentially heighten the
spontaneous motivation of the students (Deci, 2002; Little, 1995).
The second reason is the fact that sequence of conversation is rarely fixed in real life
interactions. A real life situation always has incidental and unpredictable occurrences. This
corresponds to randomization of the sentences. In a conversation, one often talks about things that
they just happen to remember. Also, it is expected that speakers answer unexpected questions
without being thrown into confusion. Therefore, a learning style that creates incidental situations
and forces students to deal with those situations is logical.
The third reason is that the students have an option to let the computer system sequence the
available learning subjects semi-randomly. Students can register their attribute values according to
their attributes like their sex and age prior to starting the learning process. Also, each learning
subject ischaracterized based on such attributes, and the system developers can set attribute values
to each learning subject according to their contents. Computer then compares attribute values of
the student to that of the learning subjects to set the probability of displaying a sentence from a
particular learning subject. Using this method, a student increases the selection probability of a
learning subject that are more relevant to the students. In addition to the above described time-
independent attributes, the learning system also has time-dependent attributes. Using time-
dependent attributes, the system adjusts probability of selecting a certain sentence from a certain
learning subject according to the season the students access the system, or the time of the day the
students use the system. In other words, the system can select learning subjects by considering
each student’s attributes (randomized selection was used in the experiment with human subjects
described later).
Based on the above discussed principles, we opted to randomly select the sentences as shown
in Fig. 1. As an example of the display, Fig. 2 shows the display when the answer is shown (step 3
of Fig. 1). The area in the middle displays the sentences and answers. Hints also get displayed in
the same area. The left hand side of the display is the command area, where listen to the answer
and read the answer buttons are located. On the bottom of the screen is the area where users can
type texts. Fig. 2 shows the display after clicking on the read the answer button to display the
English translation of the Japanese sentence shown.
The Japanese short sentences were written based on the central theme of an international
conference. Approximately 100 conversational sentences were written based on experience of the
authors. The sentences were divided into 5 levels, from level 1 to level 5. The level designations
were done based on sentence length and complexity of the sentence structure. Most of the
sentences are accompanied by explanations of the situations. English translation and narrations in
Japanese and English were done by professional translators and narrators. From the 5 levels, we
used levels 1, 2, and 3 in this research. Examples of the learning sentences are shown below.
Situations are described in parenthesis.
Level 1:(When I was asked at the get-together party held by the scientific society, which
university am I working for?(Last year I resigned from my university.
Level 2:(One scene of presentation of a paper.(We repeated the experiment many times, but
the major results are shown in this chart.
Level 3:(I made a humorous comment as the moderator.(We are already in the 3rd evening
of the conference, and everybody must have become tired. If you feel tired, I do not mind that you
may fall asleep, but I’d like to have your cooperation in not having any snoring.
Experiment Design and Analysis
For this experiment, evaluation standards for such things like fluency was set based on evaluation
standard for English speaking skills utilized by Baba et al.(2003) . We will discuss the experiment
design for measuring learning effectiveness and data analysis.
110 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Preparation of Experiment and Method of Learning

[Preparation of the Sentences] Fig. 3 shows the framework of the experiment. Group A, which are
to be memorized, and Group B, which are not to be memorized, were both utilized for pre and post
tests. The sentences in levels 1, 2, and 3 as discussed previously were divided into Group A and
Group B. The central theme used for the group is an international conference as mentioned before.
Also, because it was predicted that memorization of the sentences would be extremely difficult,
the number of sentences were limited to 13 sentences for both Group A and Group B. The
displaying of sentences for pre and post tests was done within the learning system.
The increased score in post test compared to that of pre test can be attributed to the
effectiveness of randomization using the system to improve fluency. Hereafter, we will refer to the
increase in score on Group A as the direct effect, and the increase in score on Group B as the
indirect effect.
[Participants] Five university students (referred to as a, b, c, d, and e)
They all claim to be highly motivated, but have difficulties with speaking English. Their
TOEIC scores range from 500 to 600.
[Experiment] The experiment was conducted in the sequence described below.
1. As a pre test, they were shown Japanese sentences from Group A and Group B that were
classified as level 2, and then they were asked to recite them in English. Twenty six sentences
from Group A and Group B were shown to the participants alternately from each group.
2. Whether sentences from level 2 were at an appropriate level for memorizing for a particular
participant was decided during the test (or after the test completion) with discussions with the
participants. If the participants decided that the level 2 sentences were too difficult for them, level
1 sentences were given to the participants as pre test. All verbal answers were recorded.

Table 1. Evaluation of English speaking

A: learning task set for direct effect measuremnet
B: learning task set for indirect effect measurement
***:p<0.001, **:p<0.01, *:p<0.05 (one side test)

 ,
sp: average score of pre test
sq: average score of post test
: distribution of pre score
: distsribution of post test score

(a) (b)evaluation object
task (d)sp (e)sq (f)Z-value
case (day of the administration)
1 Subject a, task level 2,studied 2 days in a row A 1.23 3.38 -9.14***
B 1.31 2.08 -2.25*
2 Subject a, task level 3,studied 4 days in a row A 1.23 4.00 -14.33***
B 1.23 2.15 -3.21***
3 Subject b, task level 3,studied 2 days in a row A 1.92 4.08 -8.14***
B 1.85 2.31 -1.48
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 111

4 Subject b, task level 3 (6 days. However, studied A 1.39 4.08 -10.7***

for 4 days straight, took 1-day break, and then B 1.54 2.00 -1.89*
studied 2 days in a row again)
5 Subject c, task level 1,studied 2 days in a row A 2.31 4.69 -10.04***
B 2.15 2.92 -2.62**
6 Subject c, task level 2,studied 4 days in a row A 2.54 4.69 -8.85***
B 2.54 3.00 -1.65*
B’ 1.88 2.54 -2.00*
7 Subject d, task level 2,studied 2 days in a row A 2.23 4.77 -12.8***
B 2.39 3.08 -1.92*
8 Subject e, task level 2,studied 2 days in a row A 2.15 4.77 -9.09***
B 2.00 2.39 -1.21

3. The Group A for the level determined in step 2 were given to the participants to memorize.
It was told to the participants that the goal is for them to be shown Japanese sentences and be able
to recite them in English. The students were also instructed to dedicate 30 to 60 minutes to
studying daily, but they were to decide how, in the time, they would study. It was explained to the
participants that the learning system consists of Japanese audio function, English audio function,
and typing input function in the text input field. The participants were given freedom to use
specific aspects of the learning system.
As a reference material to determine whether to discontinue the learning, the participants were
asked to self-evaluate the degree of memorization for each subject sentence from 1 to 5, and
record this self-evaluation on a given sheet.
4. The participants were asked to study the level mentioned in step 3 for a few days. After few
days of studying, we determined whether the participants should continue to study the next day
based on their self-evaluation of their learning progress.
5. If it was determined that a participant should discontinue studying in step 4, post test was
administered right away. The contents of the post test was same as the pre test. Because the
learning display would show both sentences that the participants studied and the sentences that
they didn't study, the participants were told that they can verbally answer sentences that they have
memorized, or sentences that are easy for them to say. All verbal answers given by the
participants were recorded.
6. After completing the post test, some participants were asked to go through tasks 1 through 5
for sentences that are one level higher.
[Recording & Learning Environment] Since the material to be learned are related to speaking,
the participants were asked to study in a private room to aid their concentration. Equipments used
for playing the learning subject sentences and recording are described below.
# Play back: Epson Endeavor NA101(Windows XP), SOTEC Multi Media Speaker System
Model JSS31-G1
# Recording: SONY F-U420(Microphone), Marantz MODEL PMD671

Organization of Verbal Answers

Three participants a, b, and c studied 2 levels.

Participant a and b studied levels 2 and 3, and participant c studied levels 1 and 2. The cases 1
through 6 in Table 1 corresponds to these results. Participants d and e studied level 2 only. These
results are shown as cases 7 and 8 in the same table.
Column (b) in the table shows the number of days that the participants required to complete for
each case.
112 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Case 6 in Table 1 shows B' in the Subject Group column. This is a group of sentences related
to indirect effect. The number of sentences are recorded as 26 for the below described reasons.
Participant c took pre test for level 2 prior to studying level 2 material. However, it was
determined that level 2 is too advanced for the participant. Hence level 1 was chosen as the
learning subject for the participant. The participant then took pre test for level 1, memorized level
1 material, and then took level 1 post test. After that, the participant took pre test for level 2 once
again prior to advancing to level 2 material. Therefore, the participant took level 2 pre test (26
sentences) prior to studying level 1, as well as after studying level 1 material. As a result, these 26
sentences would have had an indirect effect on level 1 measurement.

Evaluation and Analysis

Improvement in fluency was evaluated quantitatively using the verbal answers as described in the
previous section. The evaluator was an American engineering postgraduate student. Evaluation
standard as described below were shown to the evaluator, and the evaluator was asked to follow
the standard. The evaluator was asked to evaluate fluency of the participants as non-native English
speakers between the scores of 1 and 5. The evaluation results are shown in Table 1, (d) through
(f). Z-score is a statistical value that is used to test differences in means. The test result is shown in
the right most column in the table.
The table shows significant direct effect for all cases. Also, there are significant indirect effect
in 6 cases, namely cases 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7 of Group B.
The experiment showed significant improvement in fluency by memorizing English translation
of specific Japanese sentences using the learning system presented in this study (direct effect). Not
only that, improvement in fluency was detected for those sentences that were not in the group for
memorization (indirect effect). This result suggests that memorizing English translation of specific
sentences help facilitate improvement in speaking skills in much broader sense. The breadth of
such effect should be researched through further studies.
Additional evaluation was made from a perspective of sense of similarity of contents in
addition to fluency through verbal responses. The sense of similarity of contents referred to here
represents if the answers given by the test participants contain the same information in the correct
answers in a just-proportion. The similarity referred to here does not concern grammatical
structure or vocabulary. However, only 2 cases out of 8 cases shown in Table 1 showed significant
improvement (1 case each was determined significant with p<0.001 and p<0.05).


In this research, we were able to obtain results of using the learning system that supports
memorizing English sentences for purpose of improving English speaking skills.
Let us discuss the differences and similarities between this learning method relative to other
learning methods.
One of the characteristics of this system is memorization of short English sentences. Necessity
of memorizing vocabulary and phrases for language learning have been show experimentally.
With that, several learning systems based on memorizing individual words have been
developed(Ma, 2006; Nakamura, 1993). However, it is difficult to find past research examples for
studying memorizing sentences. There is a case of using the memorization technique from the civil
service examination in imperial China to memorize relatively long sentences(Kitagawa, 2003).
The paper discusses very interesting memorization method through personal experiences, but the
paper does not study the method empirically. On the contrary, some computer systems support
practicing speaking through responsive reaction(Yoshida, 2008).
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 113

From above, we can say that current method for practicing speaking a foreign language either
emphasize memorization[10][12] or reaction [13]. This research would be grouped with the
Another characteristic of this system is the randomization of sequence of learning subject
sentences. Section 2 discussed that one reason for adopting randomization is for student's
motivation to learn. The section also discussed that computer was used to make randomization
easier. Future research should compare learning systems that use computers with systems based
only printed material.


Deci,E., Ryan, R.. (2002): Handbook on Self-Determination Research: Theoretical and Applied Issues. New
York: University of Rochester Press.
Little,D.(1995): Learner Autonomy 1: Definition, Issues and Problems. Dublin: Authentik.
Baba, T(ed.)(2003): English Speaking Theory, pp.46-47. Kagensha, Tokyo (in Japanese).
Ma, Q., Kelly, P.(2006): Computer assisted vocabulary learning: Design and evaluation, Computer Assisted
Language learning, Vol.19, No.1, pp.15-45.
Nakamura.Y, (1993): Measurement of Japanese College Students’ English Speaking Ability in a Classroom
Setting. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, International Christian University.
Kitagawa, T. (2003)Learning skill of intelligent English, Gakken, Tokyo(in Japanese).
Pawley, A. and Syder,F.H. (1983): Two Puzzles for Linguistic Theory: Nativelike Selection and Nativelike
Fluency, In J.C. Richard and R.W.Schmit(eds), Language and Communication, London, Longman.
Yoshida, H., Matsuda, K., Uemura, R. And Nozawa, K. (2008): Foreign Language Education Using ICT,
pp.55-80, Tokyo Denki University Publishing, Tokyo(in Japanese).
A Use Case Analysis for Learning in 3D MUVE:
A Model Based on Key e-Learning Activities
Indika Perera1, Colin Allison1, Alan Miller1

(1) School of Computer Science, University of St. Andrews,

North Haugh, St Andrews, Fife, KY16 9SX, Scotland, United Kingdom

Virtual learning has already become a mainstream educational methodology, making
academic institutions to use a variety of virtual learning techniques with different scales to
fulfil their requirements. E-Learning is the major form of virtual learning methodology, which
has been widely used to improve the learning processes, ranging from primary education to
university and research based education. However, there have been strong criticisms on the
e-Learning competence to cater for societal and human needs within the context of learning,
backed with behavioural, cultural, and pedagogical constraints. 3D Multi User Virtual
Environments (MUVE) show a promising future as better platforms for diverse virtual
learning activities, in which some of those would not have been possible with existing
methods, including e-Learning. Despite being used as dynamic and engaging environments
for learning, 3D MUVE are also capable of complementing blended learning methods with
collaboration. However, the present use cases of learning in 3D MUVE are not well defined,
and educationalists tend to practice and expect the exact e-Learning use cases in 3D MUVE,
creating inconsistencies and loosing the significance of 3D MUVE for learning. This paper
proposes a novel approach to consider effective 3D MUVE learning use cases. The use case
analysis has been done on a blended perspective of virtual learning. Moreover, the paper
critically argues about ineffective learning activities in 3D MUVE that are better off with e-
Learning. Security management models for learning in 3D MUVE will be developed based on
this use case analysis as the future work of this research.
Keywords: e-Learning issues, learning in 3D virtual worlds, learning use cases, Second Life,
Open Simulator, learning environment integration


3D virtual worlds are getting into various segments of our society day by day. Virtual worlds with
simultaneous interactions of thousands of people in a shared 3D space, show frontier and critical
implications for business, education, social and technological sciences, and society at large
(Messinger et al., 2009). The world’s leading universities have been researching on how to use this
novel technological medium for their learning processes. They provide more intuitive activities for
learning complex and advanced concepts. In fact, virtual worlds are likely to become a mainstream
feature of UK education (Kirriemuir, 2008). They are particularly appropriate for educational use
due to their alignment with the Kolb's (Kolb et al., 2001) concept of experiential learning, and
learning through experimentation as a particular form of exploration (Allison et al., 2008).
Dalgarno (et al. 2009) described how researchers have argued that interactive 3D virtual
environments demonstrate a great educational potential due to their ability to engage learners in
the exploration, construction and manipulation of virtual objects, structures and metaphorical
representations of ideas.
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 115

Accordingly, many higher education courses when looking for novel and engaging approaches
to conduct their practical coursework are interested in the potential of virtual worlds in academia.
With the interest for extensive use of 3D MUVE for learning, we believe that the understanding of
appropriate learning use cases is essential for its success. As a result, in this research we have
focused on identifying key use cases for learning with 3D MUVE supported learning
environments. For our research and learning activities, we choose Second Life (Linden Labs,
2003) and Open Simulator (2007) MUVE; more details about the work we have done with these
environments will be discussed later. Furthermore, as an e-Learning solution, we consider Moodle
(Moodle, 2004) for this research.
This paper is arranged into the following sections: in section 2 we describe background details
along with our experiences on learning in 3D MUVE; section 3 explains the high level model we
use to analyse 3D MUVE supported learning in the context of existing learning methods. Section 4
elaborates appropriate learning use cases for 3D MUVE learning while considering the research
environments we have used as preliminary studies. Section 5 describes the relevance of findings
for security policy development as the future research work, before concluding.

Background and Related Work

Despite the advantages of using e-learning, which anyone would agree without a doubt, there have
been criticisms on using e-learning as a mainstream method of education. In fact, this was highly
examined and commented by Graf and Kinshuk (2009), through their work on e-Learning adaption
to standard learning styles. Teo and Gay (2006) have mentioned that trying to map traditional
models of learning into e-learning has resulted in few weaknesses that we experience with today’s
e-learning solutions. Importantly, monotonous ways of interacting students, without their preferred
personalization has resulted to poor engagement to learning activities. McGill and Klobas (2009)
have studied on e-Learning impact for successful learning activities using an approach of task-
technology fit. They have found the perceived benefits of e-learning utilization are higher than that
of the actual outcome in the form of student grades. They argue that the technical constraints and
underutilization of the possible use cases could have resulted in such observation, through poor
collaboration and irrational learning methods, due to overwhelming technology perception of the
users. Moreover, technological limitations to provide learning content and activities in rich formats
with 3D support can play a significant role for a failure of a learning activity.
Weippl (2005) has also considered an extensive set of factors and use cases for e-Learning
security management, which has been used for this analysis in a blended approach. Rich
collaboration and user friendliness are expected norms on multiple platforms in blended learning
(Brenton, 2009). Blended learning refers to instructional approaches with multiple learning
delivery methods, including most often face-to-face classroom with asynchronous and/or
synchronous online learning. It is characterized as maximizing the best advantages of face-to-face
and online education (Wu et al., 2010). This indicates the possibility of incorporating 3D MUVE
as a complementary learning platform with existing learning environments, as we have shown in
this paper. However, the new blended learning paradigm should only consist of key learning use
cases of 3D MUVE to avoid redundancies and suboptimal practices.

Previous Work

Various educational projects at the University of St Andrews have used virtual environments in
their course delivery. These include LAVA (Getchell et al., 2007) and WiFiSL (Sturgeon et al.,
2009). MMS, the Module Management System, is an online learning management system which
interoperates with Second Life in order to maintain an association of institutional and virtual world
116 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

identities as one of its many features. The Laconia Acropolis Virtual Archaeology (LAVA) project
allows students to engage with a simulated archaeological excavation, and then explore a
recreation of the site in Second Life. The WiFi Virtual Laboratory in Second Life project
(WiFiSL) aids teaching and learning about wireless networking by using virtual world interfaces
to collaboratively explore and visualise simulations of wireless traffic. Further, we have
successfully used Second Life (Perera et al., 2009) and OpenSim for teaching Human Computer
Interaction (HCI). Recently, Second Life network traffic has been examined as a validating study
of previous researchers' findings and to offer new insights of traffic management. It was performed
as a client side measurement, considering Second Life users' actual experiences (Oliver et al.,

Figure 1: Students’ coursework for HCI in Second Life and OpenSim – Dijkstra’s shunting
yard algorithm simulations, and interactive door systems for enclosures.

The university is in the process of introducing Moodle for its course management in replace of
WebCT. Once the transition is completed, the Single-Sign-On based Moodle-MMS e-learning
platform will provide a seamless course management service for teaching. With the experience on
using 3D MUVE for teaching, we suggest that incorporating 3D MUVE along with existing
blended learning environments would generate better outcomes for students and teachers.

Learning with 3D MUVE – Strategic View

The following abstract model indicates learning environment approaches and possible technology
applications with a high level perspective. The model is used to analyse how 3D MUVE fit into
the existing learning environments, and to evaluate feasible solution stacks to form a productive
learning environment. This model analysis will be considered for the use case analysis, later in this

Figure 1: High level model to analyze 3D MUVE

integration with learning practices
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 117

The model uniquely identifies three core areas of learning methods: traditional learning
methods, e-Learning methods and 3D MUVE learning activities. According to the model, for a
productive blended learning experience, 3D MUVE should be introduced in a complementary
nature to the existing e-Learning and traditional learning system suites. Let us briefly discuss
typical characteristics and issues on each of the different combinations that teachers can practice
along with selected system environments. Moreover, for this analysis, we presume the individual
methods, i.e. traditional learning or e-learning or 3D MUVE learning alone, would only provide
suboptimal learning experience; hence trivial to understand and shall not elaborate the issues
associated with each case.
Most of the present virtual learning supported educational activities can be seen as
complementary approaches of e-Learning and traditional learning combinations. Unless for a pure
e-Learning based distance learning activity, all the other learning practices have traditional
learning methods such as classroom teaching, in person interactions, practical and laboratory
projects, assessment and feedback. Even though e-Learning methods provide learning process
optimization through automation and usable content reusing approaches, it cannot entirely replace
traditional learning activities that require user collaboration and physical engagement. On the other
hand, beyond video content support, e-Learning does not provide simulation facilities to
streamline 3D aspects to the virtual learning experience. A learning environment with MOOLDE
support can be considered as an example scenario for this category.
No doubt traditional learning is benefited by using 3D MUVE as a supportive tool for 3D
simulations and user engagement. Specially, when it comes to explaining complex concepts such
as computing algorithms, natural and physical science phenomena, and 3D modelling, 3D MUVE
provide unequal features for traditional learning. Moreover, 3D MUVE can be used as an
alternative simulation tool to train students virtually, before their actual laboratory experiments. In
some instances, this can be the only possible option due to various constraints on real experiments.
However, we do not see a comprehensive integration with the learning processes, as 3D MUVE
are used as supportive tools. Second Life or Open Simulator virtual region based learning support
can be considered as example scenarios for this.
Thirdly, the combination between 3D MUVE and e-Learning also show better results, but it
misses the important aspects of traditional learning such as classroom participation, examination
and physical engagement. The data consistency and content integration between the two
environments have made this option the most effective out of the three, yet it is not the optimal
scenario. SLOODLE (2007) integration between Moodle and Second Life/OpenSim is the best
example for this type. However, we will further discuss certain inappropriate use cases designed in
SLOODLE, which could have been practiced productively with e-Learning systems than in 3D
Therefore, it is understandable that for a successful learning experience, there should be
complementary facilitation of these three learning environments; we further analyse effective use
cases for 3D MUVE learning with that stand, in the next section.
Use Case Analysis for 3D MUVE Learning
Comprehensive use case analyses on virtual learning have not been performed in a larger scale, so
far. The main reason for that may be the intrinsic properties of virtual learning use cases that
directly map with the pedagogical and traditional learning processes, which have resulted in
researchers to consider those as they are. However, this lack of analytical understanding on
appropriate use cases for a given learning environment creates difficulties for integrating 3D
MUVE with existing learning environments. Furthermore, it results in educators to expect
inefficient activities from 3D MUVE, and often makes them to practice such use cases in a
meaningless manner.
118 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

The following table 1 summarises the default user roles in the Moodle e-Learning environment
while indicating the appropriate corresponding roles from Second Life and OpenSim 3D MUVE.
It shows the abstract user role definition in 3D MUVE, compared to Moodle or similar e-Learning
systems, results in poor granularity on defining learning use cases in 3D MUVE. Learning activity
management for complex use cases with distinct roles can be a challenging task to achieve in 3D
MUVE. Furthermore, access control and permission models in 3D MUVE are designed for 3D
content and land access (Perera et al., 2010), which may not be possible to map directly with e-
Learning system access control models. This creates further discrepancies when users expect exact
e-learning use case behaviours in 3D MUVE.

Table 1: The comparison of default user roles in Moodle with 3D MUVE

Moodle Role Description Second Life OpenSim
Administrator system administration (all courses) Linden Labs System Owner
Land owner / Land owner /
Course creator
create courses, teach in them Resident user Resident user
Land owner / Land owner /
teach in and modify assigned courses Resident user Resident user
Non-editing teacher teach in assigned courses Resident user Resident user
resource access and course
participation Resident user Resident user
Guest observation only Visitors Visitors

Although we can consider all major user roles in the table 1, due to the limited space, let us
consider only the student role for the use case analysis, here. In fact, for 3D MUVE, beyond
administration tasks of the system and the virtual environment, most of the other use cases are
common to different roles; hence the common user role would be ‘Resident User’ in the virtual
region. Therefore, default student role is taken as a resident user, and considered common use
cases available for a resident user in default, which are compared in the figure 3 with the Moodle
student role.

Figure 3: The comparison of learning use cases for the student role in Moodle (version
1.9.9) and generic 3D MUVE. (UML 2.0 use case standard)

With the system support for rich text based content management and integration, e-Learning
environments such as Moodle can incorporate a diverse set of student activities as shown in the
figure 3. Moreover, these activities can be extended easily with additional functions to form
comprehensive end-to-end learning processes. On the other hand, 3D MUVE user activities are
more abstract and emphasis on 3D simulation and dynamic nature through programming than
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 119

advanced textual features. The 3D MUVE student use cases shown in figure 3, indicates this
abstract nature and gives a clear view on how difficult to achieve e-Learning use cases as they are,
in 3D MUVE.
This validates the proposed blended learning model and the arguments, as 3D MUVE should
be incorporated with its competent learning use cases, whilst e-Learning and traditional learning
practices being considered for the rest. Moreover, inappropriate use case integration between e-
learning systems and 3D MUVE can result to inconsistent data and critical security issues on role
based access control. The following section elaborates the use case comparison with a set of
unproductive learning features implementation in 3D MUVE through the one-to-one mapping of
e-Learning use cases.

Unproductive practices in 3D MUVE

These practices can be seen in two types. First, the popular use cases of using 3D MUVE for
trivial learning activities such as mere gatherings or to impose 3D flavour on existing 2D learning
contents. However, these activities do not induce additional inefficiencies to learning process, but
variety and dynamism, although the learning activities are not practiced to the optimum potential.
On the other hand, the second type of unproductive practices is somewhat crucial and can obstruct
the other activities, even though these practices are becoming popular.
SLOODLE learning features include 11 activities to map selected Moodle activities such as
chat, forum, glossary, choice and content display. Synchronised user communications and Moodle
content display in 3D MUVE are rational features that add value to learning. However, using 3D
MUVE chat channels to publish student compositions in Moodle forum, glossary and wiki, can be
a question as those entries supposed to be with rich text and content, which cannot be supported
through 3D MUVE interfaces, at present. Furthermore, asking students to participate in quizzes,
assignments and text based learning activities in 3D MUVE instead of Moodle can introduce
further difficulties to student work. In most of the instances, students require re-login to Moodle
afterwards of their initial submission, to enrich the entries that have been done while they were
inside 3D MUVE.
Therefore, trying to achieve all learning use cases of e-Learning systems in 3D MUVE is not
advised for serious learning requirements. Moreover, students should be encouraged to use the e-
Learning environment for its competent functions while the 3D MUVE for its best functions, in a
mutually independent manner. The system infrastructure should ensure the seamless data
integration between the environments underneath for a smooth learning experience.

Conclusion and Future Work

Identifying appropriate use cases for learning in 3D MUVE will support the future work of this
research. 3D virtual worlds have a great potential for engaging students in innovative, immersive
learning environments. With this research, we are looking forward to provide comprehensive
security management policies for generic learning requirements in 3D MUVE. The proposed
security policy models will be implemented at the application level, independent of the underlying
platform constraints to ensure seamless customization and reuse, as required.
This paper has briefly, yet comprehensively, rationalized the use case issues associated with
learning in 3D virtual worlds, when users expect identical use cases as they practice with e-
Learning activities. Either the situational approaches for utilizing 3D MUVE for learning, or
forceful integrations of inappropriate use cases of e-Learning systems with 3D MUVE, would not
yield sustainable solutions; this paper has introduced a strategic model to analyze these issues
considering prime aspects. The brief analysis on use case comparison here would only guide the
120 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

pathway, but further research is encouraged for standardizing and applying productive use cases
for various learning requirements with 3D MUVE.

This research is supported by the UK Commonwealth Scholarship programme and the Scottish
Informatics and Computer Science Alliance (SICSA). Second Life region rental was supported in
part by the University of St Andrews Fund for Innovations in Learning, Teaching and Assessment
(FILTA). The Higher Education Academy for Information and Computer Sciences (HEA ICS)
supported part of the work on OpenSim.

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A new didactical model for modern electronic textbook
Elena Railean

Center of Information and Communication Technologies in Education, Chisinau,

MOLDOVA, E-mail:

Electronic textbooks (ET) constitute the main component of modern didactical tools. Design,
development and management of ET are determined by rapid evolution of information and
communications technologies. These processes are accompanied by globalization - a
phenomenon that transforms all pedagogical systems in one global education system. “The
education system became more open” (Frick, 2004). The open educational system is
government by other laws and psycho- pedagogical principles, which can understood through
metasystems approach. Metasystems approach indicate to a new didactical model of
elaboration the ET that will describes the process of learning through correlation “personal
aim → curricula objectives → competence”. This correlation can be achieved through
knowledge management chain: information → understanding → implementation →
evaluation. The new model is validated by GAE paradigm and can be applied for the process
of elaboration the didactical, dogmatic, declarative and monographic ET. The new didactical
model represents the transition of pedagogical / didactical goal into personal aim through
dynamic and flexible education strategy seems as learning strategy. The learning strategy
has two dimensions: epistemological and methodological and need algorithmic and heuristic
methods, that result in self – regulated competence. The aim of this paper is to describe the
new didactical model for modern ET development.

Keywords: globalisation, metasystems approach, open educational system, electronic

textbooks, new didactical model

1 Introduction

Electronic textbooks are the main component of modern didactical tools (Polat, 2004). These tools
are developed for the open educational systems that are globalisated and include powerful learning
environments. As was point by Midoro (2005) the learning environment is in close connection
with the emergence of ICT use for educational purpose, new paradigm of knowledge and with new
pedagogy. Learning environments include different real, but learning situations characterized by
activities taking place between teacher and pupils in a framework that comprises a number of
structural factors consisting of new resources and new roles. The structural factors are open, very
flexible and dynamic (Pullen, 2010) as result of new characteristics of the educational system,
which became “more open and flexible systems” (Frick, 2004).
Learning in a globalisated educational system is a relatively permanent change in the capacity of
an organism to make a response to the real tasks provided by the learning environments. These
phenomena “revise” the psycho- pedagogical principles of the instructional design and emphases
the learning design principles. These principles have three main characteristics: “process - oriented
teaching” (Bolhus, 2003); “personalizing e-learning” (Bollet and Fallon 2002) and “learner -
centered assessment” (Huba and Freed 2005). As result, the content of ET elaboration taking into
account the learning design principles, can be tailored to each student (Pascoe and Sallis 1998) and
122 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

include hermeneutic communications (Rasmussen, 2002). Hermeneutic communication, realisated

through ET content, refers to the realisation of the dialog between author of the electronic text
(writer) and author of the understanding the electronic texts (reader). In terms of pedagogical
computer - mediated – communication, the quality of ET content depends on the learner’ level of
interpretation, understanding the concepts, inclusion the learner in the self, group, peer and other
colaborative processes that require own point of view / own domain of interests and immediate
Schwier, Campbell and Kenny (2004) noted that “much of the extensive work describing
theoretical models of instructional design has not been drawn from the practice of the instructional
designer and consequently, instructional design theory is not grounded in practice”. These studies
note challenges for learning design based on metasystems approach of constructivism the learning
environments, validated through research the psyhopedagogical principles of the elaboration the
electronic textbooks. “The use of meta model in the support of transformation and expression of
design metrics is demonstrated“(Sorenson and Remblay, 2006). The other reason in favour the
metasystems approach is the emphases to knowledge management, which is view as essential for
the knowledge management systems and learning design. This term is used primarily in
corporative settings, and used in describing approaches to manage intellectual capital, social
capital and other learning resources specific for the modern learning environments.

2 The pedagogy of competences and personalized ET content

The main reason to develop ET for the open globalisated educational system with powerful
learning environments is to give the learner a modern tool for building his /her own competence.
The problem is that competence has an integrative structure with three main components “savoir –
dire, savoir – faire and savoir – etre” (Minder, 2005). The first component savoir –dire
(equivalent to savoir) represents theoretical and verbal knowledge. The second savoir – faire
describe the methods, techniques, procedures, learning strategies that can be used by learner in the
process of building competence and the savoir – etre component - wishes, affectivity, emotions
and motivations. The first component can be see as equivalence to Bloom cognitive taxonomy, the
second – to Simpson taxonomy of psychomotor domain and the third – to Krathwohl’s taxonomy
of affective domain.
The structure of competence, building and developed through personalized ET content, is
characterized by complexity, dynamicity and flexibility. The complexity represents the succession
of stages “knowledge → competence → expert level” resulting from preceding the managerial
chain “information → understanding → application → evaluation” at the level of knowledge,
affects and psychomotor skills. The dynamicity represents the integration of managerial chain with
managerial levels. The flexibility validate the idea that each structure of competence is individual
and is formed only after personal inclusion of each individual in own learning process.
From the three-dimensional perspective XYZ, using the topographical method, the competence
structure is represented by vectors OA , OB and OC , whose maximum length corresponds to
the taxonomic level. For example, the length of the vector OA equals 6 (corresponds to 6 Bloom’s
taxonomical levels); OB vector equal with 7 (corresponds to 7 Simpson’s taxonomical levels);
OC length equal with 5 (corresponds to 5 Krathwohl taxonomical levels). So, the length of the
vectors are the following: OA = (6, 0, 0) ; OB = (0, 5, 0) , and OC = (0, 0, 7) . The length

of OE is equal to the sum of vectors OA , OB and OC with coordinate: OE = (6, 5, 7) .

The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 123

Such interpretation provides a theoretical base for the new didactical model of elaboration the ET.
The first assumption is for future authors: ET has two levels of writing: professor level (P) and
learner level (I). Level P corresponds to teaching level and needs correspondence to curricula. The
level I is similar to learner level and needs correspondence to learner’ a priori knowledge, skills
and competence. The EM content developed in consistency with this new didactical model reflects
the pedagogical (or didactical) aim achieved through the personalized goal. This means the
modern ET are individual for each member of the learning process and must have the personalised
content. The methodology of design the ET content is based on Web 2.0 technology. In such
context, the three-dimensional structure of competence is a real solution for building the functional
structure of competence through achieving the educational ideal of globalization: professionalism,
planetary thinking and cultural pluralism (figure 1).



B X savoir -vivre
savoir - faire
Figure 1. The dynamic and flexible structure of competence

The learning design of personalised ET content is based on the idea that pedagogical /
didactical aim need to be incorporated into personalized aim through individual learning
processes. Such processes will be produced at double levels: a) in terms of pedagogical /didactical
goals – through curricula objectives realized by assimilation the main concepts (included in the P
content) and b) in terms of personalized goal – through computer based self - instruction and
computer based self – assessment (developed and realisated by the learner on the base on P
content). These doubled processes have a real contribution to the production of the learner
personalised content of ET. Such contents are very different and can be viewed only in learner
new behaviour (cognitive structures / schemes / scenarios) or in portfolios.

2.1 The learning strategy realisated through personalized ET content

The learning strategy realisated through personalised ET content represent a complex of teaching
and assessment strategies. The teaching strategy is included in the P content; in which teacher is
expert in specific domain, but only in identification the main concepts. What are important to
understand are the needs to establish a strong interdependence between concepts and that each
concept represents a node of knowledge graph. A knowledge graph provide a model for initiate the
actions in order that learner will have a collection of tasks (questions), data (concepts and / or
124 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

definitions), data analyses (immediate and delayed feedback) and will develop own action plan.
So, at the beginning the teacher provides all necessary information (first level of Bloom’
taxonomy), describe the action plan (first level of Simpson’ taxonomy) and teach the methods of
learning (first level of Krathwohl’ taxonomy).
The assessment strategy is a dynamic and flexible educational strategy that employs:
1) communication / discovery strategies – the learner plays a central role in learning by
personalization the content from the educational environment, guided by the professor as the manager;
2) cognitive activity strategies – the learner gains theoretical-applicable knowledge and learns
methods, procedures and techniques for individual, collaborative and cooperative working;
3) assessment strategies – the learners are involved in computer based assessment and receive
immediate feedback or delayed feedback (through computer based assessment).
The dynamic and flexible educational strategy has an epistemological and methodological
dimension. The epistemological dimension describes the specifics of the pedagogical
communication through personalised ET content. So, learning processes will be achieved through
cognitive, affective and psychomotor actions. Assessment strategies determine the correspondence
between the educational ideal and the educational finalities materialised in personalised ET content.
The common formula for achieved the dynamic and flexible educational strategy is Y = D (X),
where D indicates the determinism of the personalised goal, as an embodiment of the
pedagogical/educational goal into a personalized goal. For this case the role of the assessment
strategies in learning process is maximal. But, the assessment strategies employ the self-regulation
function related to cognitive, affective and psychomotor human potential. The human potential can
be increased through balancing the external influence of different factors (cognitive, psychomotor
or affective).
According to the deterministic mechanism, the core of proposed structure of the competency
represent the transition of ET content into human cognitive system at the level of goal-oriented
influences and decisions. These actions initiate the cognitive, affective and psychomotor processes
as transitory processes from one psychological state (initial quantic level) to the potential
psychological state (intermediate or final quantic level). All psychological dimensions (perception,
imagination, language, etc) are involved in these processes. The complexity of the
psychopedagogical processes is determined by the multi - level nature of the behavioural actions.

2.2 The methodological dimension of learning strategy

Methodological dimensions represent a way of including the teaching and assessment activities
into functional structures of competence through actions. Knowledge management demonstrate
that learning have a hierarchical structure with levels, stages, etc. So, at the initial stage (M1) the
ET content includes reproductive tasks, at the intermediate stages (M2, M3) – applied tasks, and at
the final stage – productive tasks. The problem is that each student learn using own learning style
and, in this case, the reproductive → applicative → productive tasks can be include in one content,
but the learner will process the task according to own learning styles.
The methodological actions are projected through algorithmic-heuristic methods. The method
promotes the gradual development of the heuristic activities by simultaneously reducing the
algorithmic activities. The algorithmic activities are implemented through reproductive tasks that
correspond to the development of reproductive and cognitive skills, and the heuristic activities are
implemented through productive tasks and correspond to development of behavioural skills.
At the cognitive level the ratio of the assimilation the content can be achieved by verification
the action verbs, that correspond to the Bloom, Simpson and Krathwohl taxonomies. On the other
hand, the coefficient of assimilation depends of the learner inclusion in the learning process. This
level can be diagnosed through computerized based assessment, in the case when assimilation
coefficient is related to formula:
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 125

Kα = (1)
is the assimilation coefficient, α is the number of test operations executed correctly

and p is the total number of test operations. A test operation corresponds to one psychological
operation needed for solving one task. α is stabilized within the range 0≤ α ≤ 1. The teaching

process is considered completed in case of

K α ≥ 0.7. The self-regulated competence is obtained
when α ≥ 0.7. This result is view as indicator that the teaching process is finalized and the self-
regulated learning process is initiated. If the K ≤ 0.7, the teaching process can be corrected through
intelligent and adaptive tutoring. These results can be obtained, if the emphasis is put on:
The type of the instruction elements – parameter that characterizes the multi - level manner of
introducing the object in the ET personalised content.
1. Abstraction - parameter that defines the degree of abstraction of the content of the ET as
follows: at a phenomenological level the content is elaborated by using the everyday language; at a
qualitative level the content includes scientific data; at a quantitative level the educational
finalities are estimated through the content; and at an axiomatic level the cognitive activity
processes are predicted through the content.
2. Assimilation – parameter that defines the assimilation level of the content. The assimilation
level can be reproductive (the content is represented from memory) and productive (the learner
creates a new cognitive activity product). Therefore, the assimilation level can be: α 1 - the learner
assimilates the knowledge presented in logically structured manner; α 2 - the learner can be
involved in cognitive activity processes (for example, through immediate feedback or interactive
content); α 3 - the learner is involved in learning guided linearly, branched or mixed; and α 4 - the
learner is involved in the personalized construction of the content.
3. Automation – parameter that defines the time to assimilate the content of the ET. The
assimilation pitch is established within the range 0 ≤ K ≤ 1 (where 0 represents the minimal time
and 1 represents the automation level necessary, especially for disciplines that form the “fluent”
characteristic). The value K = 0.5 corresponds to the disciplines that do not require the “fluent”
characteristics, and -1 corresponds to disciplines that require this characteristic.
4. Assimilation awareness (γ) – parameter that defines the quality of the assimilation with
regard to the levels: γ1 – knowledge from the studied domain is needed for rationalizing/reasoning
with information; γ2 – knowledge from similar domains is needed for reasoning with data; and γ3
– interdisciplinary knowledge is needed for reasoning.

3. Research protocol

This study was constructed as an inquiry based on metasystems approach, and the research
protocol was designed to actively engage learner in own learning process viewed as a complex of
teaching and assessment processes. The personalised ET methodology was used in this study
because we acknowledged:
1) That learning designer acts on the basis of integration the cognitive, affective and
psychomotor parts of dynamic and flexible structure of competence.
2) The need to ground the new didactical model in data in order to fully explain the complexity
and variability of the globalisation as phenomena that affect both: educational system and learning
126 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

3) The teacher has the main role in identification of concepts and in construction of ET
knowledge graph.
4) That learner takes an active role in building personalized ET content.
While dynamic and flexible educational strategy was used in this study, the theoretical and
practical perspectives constituted a starting place for exploring the globalisated process of learning
through personalised ET content.

4. The didactical model of elaboration the modern electronic textbooks



Pedagogical C Curicula objectives competence
AIM E didactical
Functions teaching
A of information
Didactical T criterions of formation
T of assessment actions
P metodologicae of integration
I of cognition
+ + C tehnological
of self -regulation assessment
s T L
- + T Pshypedagogical Criterions of H
A I principles diagnosis E A
- psihopedagogic C A N
L - H I
Psihic and behavior actions G
I Personalized Y
Processes of cognitive activity A
AIM Cognitive, affective and pshymotor levels S
D Adaptation and Cognitive schemata S
acomodation at Cognitive, affective and psyhomotor S
E globalisated scenarious M

social aspect
technological aspect emotive aspect Cognitive aspect

The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 127

The didactical model is a part of personalised ET content. So, the quality of ET can be
analysed through indicator of quality, that represent an average of data value obtained by experts
and learners. The formula is:
 Ec1 + Ec 2 + ...Ec n Sc1 + Sc 2 + ... Sc m 
 + 
Ic =  
n m
where Ic – indicator of quality of ET content, Ec – the value of indicator established by experts, Sc
– the value of indicator established by the group of learners at the final stage of buiding the
competence through ET , n – the number of experts and m – the number of learners. The indicator
of quality can be analysed after learning proces.

5. Acknowledgement

I would like to express my gratitude to my scientific advice Gheorghe Rudic which provided
me with the necessary resources to develop a new didactical model for elaboration the modern
electronic textbooks; and to the very helpful and professional advises and resources provided by
Donatella Persico and Djuliana Detorri from Jenova Institute of Didactical Technologies (Italy)
that permit me to stress the role of the self –regulated learning for the effective didactical
processes in powerful learning environment. Extra special thanks must be extended to Felix
Hamsa –Lup from Amstrong University, who assisted me in the editing process, suggested
corrections, and played a significant role in ensuring that the finished article was of a throughout.

6. References

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Ontology Learning from Text Based on the Syntactic
Analysis Tree of a Sentence
Andreea-Diana Mihiş1

(1) University “Babeş-Bolyai”, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science,

Kogălniceanu Street No. 1, RO-400084, Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA

The Semantic Web is based on the understanding of the web by the machine. The best way
identified and used is through ontologies, since they aren’t only a collection of concepts, but
they also embeds the relations between the concepts. Ontologies were constructed above Web
pages, some are embedded in Web pages, or hidden behind Web pages. But, even if the usage
of different ontologies increases continuously, the users, humans, prefer natural language
texts. And when the users interact with the Web, they wish to do this in natural language also.
Until now, the search in the Web is done by using keywords. A better way will be through an
ontology. So, can a natural language text be transformed into an ontology? The answer must
be positive, since the words in a text are characterised by their part of speech and their part
of sentence, and from every sentence a syntactic analysis tree can be developed. From this
tree, triples (concept predicate object) can be obtained, and the triples are the smallest
building-block for an ontology. This article proposes a method based on the syntactic analysis
tree of a sentence to obtain an ontology from a natural language text.
Keywords: Ontology, Natural language text, Syntactic analysis tree


In the last decade, the efficacy of the Web activity improved, due to the rising importance of the
Semantic Web (Segaran et al, 2009). The Semantic Web facilitates the understanding of the Web
by the machine, by the computer. And in this process, an important role is hold by the ontologies,
since they contain concepts and relations between concepts. But, as much as we want, the role of
natural language in the Web activity cannot be diminished, since there are a lot of pages written in
natural language, without any semantic support, “that human beings cannot possibly organize it
all” (Pollock, 2009).
Also, in the field of natural language processing, the accuracy of some natural language
processing methods has improved, but not to all. Some still have an accuracy less than 70%, such
as the text entailment relationship (Bar-Haim et al, 2006). But there are a lot of tools capable of
identifying the correct part of speech (POS) of words from sentences, with an accuracy more than
95% (Toutanova et al, 2003). In the field of grammatical analysis of a sentence also a lot of work
was done, and there are available free tools capable to analyse from the syntactic point of view a
sentence, such as the online tool developed by the Stanford Natural Language Processing Group
(**STO), with an accuracy of more than 87% (Klein and Manning, 2003), tool which is updated
continuously (***STS). The result of the grammatical analysis of a sentence is usually represented
as a tree. Or, between the words of a sentence, dependence relations can be identified (de Marneffe
and Manning, 2008), relations which are astonishing similar to the RDF triples, the simplest way
to represent an ontology.
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 129

In the following is discussed the way in which the result of the grammatical analysis of
sentences can generate an ontology or can help in the association of an ontology to a text.
Related work
In the process of ontology learning, it was recognized the importance of syntactic analysis of text.
But the grammatical relations were used only as recognition patterns in (Cimiano and Voelker,
2005; Maynard et al., 2009), or as constrains for the identification of relations between ontology
concepts in (Kawtrakul et al., 2004). In this paper, the natural text grammatically analysed is
transform directly into semantic information.
Ontology learning from text based on the syntactic analysis tree of a sentence
An ontology is a rigorous and exhaustive organization of some knowledge domain that is usually
hierarchical and contains all the relevant entities and their relations (***WNt), or, “An explicit
specification of a conceptualization.” (Gruber, 1993). Although an ontology is supposed to have a
formal form, a form which a computer can use easily, the first ontologies appeared long before the
computer science was borne. In fact, the word ontology is an ancient word, with greek origins,
belonging to the philosophical domain. Ontology (from the Greek ν, genitive ντος: of being
(neuter participle of ε ναι: to be) and -λογία, -logia: science, study, theory) is the philosophical
study of the nature of being, existence or reality in general, as well as the basic categories of being
and their relations. Traditionally listed as a part of the major branch of philosophy known as
metaphysics, ontology deals with questions concerning what entities exist or can be said to exist,
and how such entities can be grouped, related within a hierarchy, and subdivided according to
similarities and differences. (***WOn)
Not surprisingly, the first ontologies used in the computer science domain were defined using
natural language. These kinds of ontologies were called informal ontologies. But the most formal
ones have the most applicability (Davies et. al, 2002; Bennett, B. and Fellbaum, 2006). Today, the
backbone of the Semantic Web is consisted by the OWL (Web Ontology Language) and RDF
(Resource Description Framework) (Pollock, 2009). They represent the best language for
modelling an ontology, but, before them, different XML (eXtensible Mark up Language) formats
were used, as well as object oriented and database formats (Pollock, 2009). Although in OWL and
RDF can be defined concepts, individuals, relations and different restrictions, the simplest
building-block is represented by a triple concept – predicate – object (Allemang and Hendler,
2008). So, if is possible to extract triples, then an ontology can be extracted also.

Syntactic Analysis of a Sentence

In every language, a sentence can be analysis from the grammatical point of view. The result of
the analysis is the annotation of every word from the sentence with its corresponding part of
speech. But the result of the analysis is more complete if the relations between the words are
emphasised, and this can be done by the sentences analysis tree, or by identifying the
dependencies between the words. In a sentence, the subject and the predicate are mutual related.
Attributes and complements depend on another word, and in a similar way, whole sentences
depend on other sentences or words in a phrase. Sometimes, between words or sentences exists
only the simple relation of succession.
The Stanford Parser (***STS) is a tool capable of performing the grammatical analysis of
sentences, in several languages, including English, the language considered in this paper. The tool
is capable to grammatically analyse a text, and construct the syntactic analysis tree of a sentence
(of up to 40 words). In the same time, it POS-tags of the words (the output can be displayed
separately), and can provide a list of words dependencies, and of the collapsed dependencies
130 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

(some dependencies which break the tree structure, and the collapsed dependencies of content
words obtained by collapsing dependencies involving prepositions, conjuncts, as well as
information about the referent of relative clauses. In (***STD) the dependencies are defined, is
given their hierarchy, and the way in which they are collapsed is explained in detailed. The first
dependency “dep” is used when the parser cannot identify clearly the existing dependency, but
recognize the existence of a dependency.

An example
To explain more clearly the principle used in the extraction of triples from the syntactic analysis of
a text, let’s consider the following example. If it is to consider the first paragraph from an
Wikipedia article about human resources (***WHR) see Figure 1.

Human resources is a term used to describe the individuals who comprise the workforce
of an organization, although it is also applied in labor economics to, for example, business
sectors or even whole nations. Human resources is also the name of the function within an
organization charged with the overall responsibility for implementing strategies and policies
relating to the management of individuals (i.e. the human resources). This function title is
often abbreviated to the initials 'HR'.
Figure 1. The analyzed text

By subjecting it to the Stanford on-line Parser (***STO) or the downloadable version from
(***STS), the syntactic tree of the sentences, the typed dependencies and the collapsed typed
dependencies were obtained. The syntactic tree of the last sentence (the smallest tree) can be seen
in Figure 2. The tree was drawn by another free on-line tool (***PST).
The typed dependencies and the collapsed typed dependencies are the same for the tested test.
The dependencies obtained for the last sentence (the last sentence is preferred because of its size)
can be seen in the Figure 3.
In the dependencies, the words are supplementary identified by their number from the sentence
which they belongs to. From the dependencies, a graph can be obtained (see Figure 4).

Figure 2. The syntactic tree of the last analyzed sentence

The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 131

det(title-3, This-1)
nn(title-3, function-2)
nsubjpass(abbreviated-6, title-3)
auxpass(abbreviated-6, is-4)
advmod(abbreviated-6, often-5)
det(initials-9, the-8)
nn(HR-11, initials-9)
prep_to(abbreviated-6, HR-11)
Figure 3. The identified type dependencies of the last analyzed sentence

Figure 4. The graph obtained from the type dependencies

The triple identification

As can be seen in the Figure 3, the type dependencies are triples. And an idea is to use them as
triples in the ontology too, and this can be good, if in the ontology is well to have grammatical
dependencies as predicates. But usually these triples cannot be used in the ontology. And neither
the syntactic analysis tree in the current form.
A more viable idea is to use the graph obtained from the dependencies. The graph is
directional, but the directionality cannot be considered, since for instance the subject dependency
has in the left the predicate (***STD). And not all the words from the graph are important and
usually appear in an ontology. Concepts, predicates and objects which constitute a triple are
usually nouns and verbs. Anyway, the stop words must be eliminated. So, from the Figure 4, “the”
is the first word which disappear. And the general dependency, dep, can be eliminated also,
because, as previously explained, the accuracy of the Stanford Parser, as other natural processing
tool isn’t 100%, and this partially identified dependency is the most error pronoun. If it is to solve
anaphora, then “This function title” must be replaced by the compound proper noun “Human
resources” as arise from the previous sentence. If the anaphora is solved, the accuracy will
improve also.
The first proposed method of triple extraction is the triple extraction from the dependencies
graph. The method is simple. From the dependencies graph, or from the dependencies list directly,
are searched dependencies with common words. The common word will become the predicate,
and the other words the concept and the object. But because the elements from an ontology triple
are often nouns or verbs, only those triple which are composed by nouns and have verbs as the
predicate will be kept. The method can be synthesized by the algorithm from the Figure 5.
@eliminate all the dependencies in which the predicate is “det”
for @every dependency D1
for @every dependency D2 different then D1
if @D1 and D2 have common words
if @the common word is a Verb and the distinct words are Nouns
@add the triple (distinct word from D1, common word, distinct word from D2) to the triple_list
Figure 5. The triple extraction from the dependency graph algorithm
132 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

For instance, in the considered example, the following pair of two dependencies has a common
word: nn(title-3, function-2) and nsubjpass(abbreviated-6, title-3), so, applying the algorithm, the
triple (function, title, abbreviated) might be inferred, if the last condition also stands. But by
applying the last requirement, only the triple (title, abbreviated, HR) and its reverse (HR,
abbreviated, title) are kept.
The second proposed method of triple extraction is the triple extraction from the syntactic
analysis tree. A triple is composed from a concept, a predicate and an object. It looks so much as
a simple sentence composed from a subject, a predicate and an object. As it can be seen from the
tree from the Figure 2, there appear noun phrases (NP) and verb phrases (VP). They correspond to
the subject – predicate structure. The object is bounded to the subject trough the predicate (usually
a VP is composed from a VB and a NP). This method identifies the concept as being a noun phrase
or a noun, the predicate – the conjunction of the following verbs, and the object the following
noun phrase or noun. The adverbs, propositions and so on are ussualy ignored. If a subordinate
sentence is identified, then inside it the process is repeating, by identifying the subject, the
predicate and the object. If in the subordinate sentence the subject is missing, then it must be taken
from the sentence to which the current sentence is subordinated to. If in a sentence, instead of the
subject or the object is a subordinate sentence, then the subject from the subordinate sentence will
replace the missing element. In the case in which a concept or an object is composed from a
conjunction or disjunction of terms, then a triple will be generated for everyone. If a predicate is a
disjunction of verbs, then a triple will be generated for everyone. If a noun phrase or a verb phrase
doesn’t contain a subordinate sentence, then is treated as one element. The method can be
synthesized by the algorithm from Figure 6.
If the output of the second proposed method is considered to be too detailed, then it can be
restricted only to nouns, some common words as “is” can be ignored, and also, the stop words
(“a”, “the”, …) can be eliminated.
Subalgorithm IdentifyTriple(S @a sentence) is
@read symbol SB
if @SB is NN, then @the concept from the triple is the following word
if @SB is NP then @analyze the constituents
if @SB is S then IdentifyTriple(@new S) @and take the concept as the concept of the new S
@read symbol SB
if @SB is VB, then @the predicate from the triple is the following word
if @SB is VP then @analyze the constituents
@read symbol SB
if @SB is NN then @the object from the triple is the following word
if @SB is NP or ADJP then @analyze the constituents
if @SB is S then IdentifyTriple(@new S) @and take the object as the concept of the new S
@in the “analyze the constituents”, a similar process takes place read a symbol and identify it until
current branch of the tree is finished, but, if a conjunction or a disjunction is identified (for concepts
and objects, or only a disjunction for predicates), then every element of the conjunction will be taken
separately, and as a result, not a triple, but a series of triple will be obtained

Figure 6. The triple extraction from the syntactic analysis tree

In the considered sentence, the first noun phrase is “This function title”. If it is to consider the
previous sentence, by anaphora resolution, “This function title” can be replaced by the “Human
resources”. From the following words are kept only the verbs: “is abbreviated”, and the last noun
phrase is the object: “initials HR”. So, the triples obtained following the algorithm are: (function,
is abbreviated, initials HR) and (title, is abbreviated, initials HR), but, after the anaphora
resolution, a better triple is obtained: (Human resources, is abbreviated, initials HR).
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 133

The two proposed methods were implemented as two small C++ applications which have as
input the Stanford parser output, and as output the triplets which synthesise the natural language
information. Even if the process is automated, a human user must check the output for
Of course, from a single sentence cannot be inferred an ontology, but can be checked if an
ontology contains the inferred triplets, or triplets similar to the inferred triplets. If there is a text
which is known to correspond to a given ontology, or to not correspond to a given ontology, then
the check can constitute a viable evaluation method. Of course, is useful to solve anaphora before,
because, in this approach the grammatical analysis is done sentence by sentence.

To evaluate the proposed methods, the first four paragraphs from the Wikipedia article about
Small Business (***WSB) were considered (16 long sentences), and also the triples with the
concept business from the free online thesaurus WordNet (***WNB), triples which have as
predicate the relations: “is a kind of”, “has members”, “has particulars” and “is a part of”. The nine
senses of the word “business” are: business concern, business enterprise, business sector, business
activity, worry, job, aim, stage business and clientele, so, the triplets belongs two nine ontologies
around the concept business. The first ontology contains 19 triples, the second 37 triples, the third
2 triples, the fourth 5 triples, the fifth 4 triples, the sixth 31 triples, the seventh 5 triples, the eighth
8 triples and the ninth one triple. The reason behind of the choice of these test dates is because the
ontologies are free, the base concept is written in the same way but has different senses, so only
one ontology must match the text, and in the Online WordNet thesaurus the concept Human
resources (corresponding to the first analyzed text) is missing.
The similarity used to match triplets was a very simple string match based similarity, simply, if
an element, seen as a string was included into another (and the prefix isn’t negative), the two
elements to which the words belongs were declared to be a partial match (the stop words, as “a”,
“the”, “of”, “is” from the list (***SPW) weren’t considered, and also the word “business” which
appear in all the triplets from the ninth ontologies).

Method/Ontology first second fourth sixth

I 0/0 0/0 0/0
II 2/2 2/3 1/1 2/2
Table 1. The partially match triplets inferred from the text/belonging to the ontology

The result of the evaluation can be seen in the Table1. Because the most triples partially match
the triples from the second ontology, for both methods, the tested small business article is
identified as matching the ontology in which the business is business enterprise (the expected

In this paper were proposed two methods of converting the result of a grammatical analysis of a
natural language text into ontology triples. The first proposed method provides fewer and more
concise triples, closer to the computer, and the second one can provide more human-readable
triples. They emphasize the role which grammar can play in an ontology construction or matching.
In the following, I wish to lessen the restrictions from the first method, to refine the second
method, and to test the methods on more appropriate test data.
134 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

This work was supported by ANCS-CNMP, project number PNII – 91037/2007.

Allemang, D. and Hendler, J. (2008) Semantic Web for the Working Ontologist. Modeling in RDF, RDFS and
OWL, MA: Morgan Kaufmann, Burlington.
Bar-Haim, R., Dagan, I., Dolan, B., Ferro, L., Giampiccolo, D., Magnini, B. and Szpektor, I. (2006) The
Second PASCAL Recognising Textual Entailment Challenge, Venice.
Bennett, B. and Fellbaum C. (2006) Formal Ontology in Information Systems, IOS Press, Amsterdam.
Cimiano, P. and Voelker, J. (2005) Text2Onto - A Framework for Ontology Learning and Data-driven
Change Discovery, in Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Applications of Natural
Language to Information Systems (NLDB), Alicante, Spain.
Davies, J., Fensel, D. and van Harmelen, F. (2002) Towards the Semantic Web: Ontology-driven Knowledge
Management, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, New York.
Gruber, T. R. (1993) A translation approach to portable ontology specifications, Knowledge Acquisition 5, 2,
London, pp. 199–220.
Kawtrakul, A., Suktarachan, M. and Imsombut A. (2004) Automatic Thai Ontology Construction and
Maintenance System, Workshop on Papillon 2004, Grenoble, France,
Klein, D. and Manning, C. D. (2003) Fast Exact Inference with a Factored Model for Natural Language
Parsing, in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 15 (NIPS 2002), Cambridge, MA: MIT
Press, 3-10.
de Marneffe, M.-C. and Manning, C. D. (2008) The Stanford typed dependencies representation, in COLING
Workshop on Cross-framework and Cross-domain Parser Evaluation, Manchester, United Kingdom,
Maynard, D., Funk, A. and Peters W. (2009) Using Lexico-Syntactic Ontology Design Patterns for ontology
creation and population, in WOP 2009 – ISWC Workshop on Ontology Patterns, Washington.
Pollock, J. T. (2009) Semantic Web for Dummies, Wiley Publishing, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Segaran, T., Evans, C. and Taylor J. (2009) Programming the Semantic Web, O’Reilly Media, Sebastopol.
Toutanova, K., Klein, D., Manning, C. D. and Singer, Y. (2003) Feature-Rich Part-of-Speech Tagging with a
Cyclic Dependency Network, in Proceedings of HLT-NAACL 2003, Edmonton, Canada, 252-259.
***PST Drawing syntax trees made easy
***SPW “Probably the most widely used stopword list”
***STD de Marneffe, M.-C. and Manning, C. D., Stanford typed dependencies manual,
***STO The Stanford Natural Language Processing Group, Stanford Parser,
***STS The Stanford Natural Language Processing Group, The Stanford Parser: A statistical parser,
***WHR A Wikipedia article about Human Resources,
***WNB The definition of the noun business
***WSB A Wikipedia article about Small Business
Ontology for an E-learning model
łolea Enikö Elisabeta, Costin Aurelian Răzvan

Babes Bolyai University

Faculty of Economic Sciences and Business Administration,

This papers purpose is to debate the opportunity of creating ontology for an e-learning
system. The E-Learning system consists of a planned teaching-learning experience; it is
organized by an institution that provides material to be treated by students in their own way.
We have planned to create the architecture for this ontology and describe its structure in
detail. Ontologies are used to capture knowledge about some domains of interest and in ower
case, it is used to capture knowledge about an e-learning system.
More than a new type of distance education and training, an eLearning system is a business
solution, a successful option for institutions offering training. Thus we decided to create an
ontology to be able to describe a model for e-Learning.
Key Words: Ontology, E-Learning, Knowledge Representation, Ontology Architecture,

1. Introduction

Ontology is the clue in integrating data/knowledge base objects with distributed objects systems in
diverse integrative collaborative applications. It decreases semantic ambiguities in knowledge
sharing and reusing (Niculescu, 2002).
Ontology allows us to express the formal rules for inference. When software reads our
ontology, it should have all the information necessary to draw the same conclusions from our data
that we did. When the actions of software are consistent with the rules expressed in the ontology,
we say that the software has made an ontological commitment (Segaran et all, 2009).
This article is structured as follows:
1. In the first part: Problem content and statements, we will debate what ontology is, which
the most common definitions are and we will give some other information about
2. In the second session: Proposed Model, we will describe the architectural solution of this
model along with design and implementation details.
In order to discuss about its development we need to know which the needed requirements are.
After our research we conclude that these requirements should include:
1. Defining classes
2. Defining attributes and relationships
3. Defining some interrogations and see how the created ontology responds to them
4. An analysis of what we created and how it is functioning.
The impact of e-learning platforms is largely due to media technologies used to achieve them.
The benefits of their use are represented by consumption reduction, the possibility of adapting
programs which are customized to accommodate with rapid change and new knowledge in various
fields, expanded opportunities for interdisciplinary education and, not least, significant reduction
of educational costs.
136 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

2. Problem, Context and Statement. Related Works

Database experts are more comfortable with the notion of OWL classes as sets, but they have to
resist the temptation to normalize (as in second or third normal form) the data model using keys
and instead focus on modelling accurate object hierarchies to represent the informational model
(Rey, Pollock, 2009).
A widely accepted definition for the concept of ontology given us the first time by T. Gruber
(1993), says that ontology is "an explicit specification of a conceptualization."
He defines the term conceptualization by referring to objects, concepts and other entities,
which are presumed to exist in a particular area of interest and relationships that keeps them all
together. Note that this definition uses the traditional description of the conceptual database
scheme, but differs in at least three essential elements: objective, scope and content (Andone
E-learning requires a computer and a network to enable transfer of skills and knowledge. E-
learning refers to all forms of electronically supported learning and teaching systems, which have
a procedural character and aim to the construction of knowledge. E-Learning systems reference to
individual experience, practice and knowledge of the learner. Information and communication
systems, whether networked or not, serve as specific media to implement the learning process
(Tavangarian et all, 2004).

2.1 Definition for e-Learning

Learning using electronic systems means the acquisition of knowledge and skill using electronic
technologies such as computer- and Internet-based courseware and local and wide area networks.

2.2 What is proteje?

Protege is a free, open-source platform to construct domain models and knowledge-based
applications with ontology.
Ontology evolves from taxonomies, classifications and databases schemas to fully axiomatized
Ontology is now central part to many applications such as scientific knowledge portals,
information management and integration systems, electronic commerce and web services.
Ontology is used to capture knowledge about some domain of interest. Ontology describes the
concepts in the domain and also the relationships between those concepts. Different ontology
languages provide different facilities. The most recent development in standard ontology languages
is OWL from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) (

3. Statement

In what follows we will propose a system that manages an e-learning model. If we add this
structure to a classical learning model we offer a wider range for those who want to study. This
type of study, namely e-learning comes to fill in studies that are currently on the market (low-
frequency studies, distance learning).
We propose this e-Learning system as nowadays, the daily routine is monopolizing more time
and leaves a small space for those who want to study but have no time. Therefore this method
enables study for these people.

4. Proposed model. Design Details

We propose an e-learning model that includes the following: Users, Evaluation, Online Tests,
Personal Profile and Resources for courses. Ontology graph is described in Figure 1. It includes all
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 137

the sections mentioned above. The sections are defined as classes and all of them are subclasses of
the super class named Thing. Thing Class is a predefined Class and it is considered that all used
classes are “Things”.

Figure 1 Graph for Ontology

After defining classes we moved further and added some properties to these Classes. The first
used property between classes was the Disjoin Property. In order to ‘separate’ a group of classes
we must make them disjoint from one another. This ensures that an individual which has been
asserted to be a member of one of the classes in the group cannot be a member of any other classes
in that group (Horridge et all, 2009).
The next step was to create subclasses for the already defined classes such as for the Class
Users we have four subclasses namely: Teachers, Students, Master_Of_Science and
Phd_Candidate. This subclasses of Class Users are disjoint to each other.
Up to this point, we have created some simple named classes, some of which are subclasses of
other classes. The construction of the class hierarchy may have seemed rather intuitive so far.
However, what does it actually mean to be a subclass of something in OWL? For example, what
does it mean for Students to be a subclass of Users? In OWL subclass means necessary
implication. In other words, if Students is a subclass of Users then all instances of Students are
instances of Users, without exception — if something is a Student then this implies that it is also a
User (Horridge et all, 2004).

4.1. Implementation Details

Further on, we are going to describe more deeply over ontology. This ontology as can be seen
comprises several sections. Above in Figure 2 we added to the subclasses of the class Users some
Individuals (Persons represent users of this ontology).
138 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Figure 2 Individuals of Users Class

For PersonalProfile class we defined other properties as it can be seen in Figure 3. We defined
for Personal Profile the following subclasses: Address, FirstName, LastName, Email and
PersonalId. For each of them we defined the type of Data Properties included in this class.

Figure 3 DataProperties for Personal Profile

Each object property may have a corresponding inverse property. If some property links
individual A to individual B then its inverse property will link individual B to individual A. For
example the property hasCalification and its inverse property isCalificationOf as it can be seen in
Figure 4.
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 139

Figure 4 Object Properties – Inverse Properties

A restriction describes an anonymous class (an unnamed class). The anonymous class contains
all of the individuals that satisfy the restriction – i.e. all the individuals that have the relationships
required to be a members of the class.
Existential restrictions are by far the most common type of restrictions in OWL ontology. An
existential restriction describes a class of individuals that have at least one (some) relationship
along a specified property to an individual that is a member of a specified class Figure 5.

Figure 5 Class descriptions View

All the mentioned restrictions are just a small part of the entire project. Other restrictions and
OWL functionalities will be analysed as the project will grow. At this moment we are in the stage
of studying existing projects that are considered representative for this domain.

5. Evaluation- SWOT analysis

- developed relations between concepts; - users must define adnotation elements;

- quick responses to interogations and semnatic - users and developer always collaborate;
interfaces; - can botbe used by user on his own;
- semantic adnotations (RDFa);
- ontology is „opened world”, easy to extand.

- semantic capabilities for software; - lack of trust of organizations in knowlege

- converts relational databases in triplets; based systems;
- permits easy future development of the systems; - relationa databases direct concurent;
- unclear benefits for managers.
140 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

6. Conclusions

In the educational systems, especially in the web based educational systems, ontology is used by
different applications: multi-agent based applications, collaborative environments and web
Through eLearning students can learn at their own place, which has been shown that increases
knowledge retention factor by 50 per cent against teacher-led trainings. E-words are very modern
and more and more used by all of us. The impact of internet on our life is increasing so E-Learning
is not an invented concept but a normal developed one. Why not learn from home? Why not take
advantage of the benefits offered by Internet? These two questions have no answer. When we will
pass our traditional believes we will permit new concepts enter our live and why not e-Learning as

This work was supported by ANCS-CNMP, project number PNII – 91037/2007.


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Segaran Toby, Evans Colin (2009), and Jamie Taylor, Programming the Semantic Web, O’Reilly Media
Tavangarian D., Leypold M., Nölting K., Röser M.,(2004). Is e-learning the Solution for Individual Learning?
Journal of e-learning, 2004
E-Counselling. Study Case for Romania
Stan Emil, Eftimie Simona Georgiana, MărgăriŃoiu Alina

Petroleum – Gas University of Ploiesti, Bd. Bucuresti, n. 39,

Ploiesti, Romania

In a changing world, with a more pronounced dynamics on labour market, our society
requests new methods for the counselling relationship. In this context, our approach is part of
an effort analysis of e-counselling process in Romanian universities.

Keywords: e-counselling, online counselling, counselling centre

1. Introduction. Theoretical Review

In a changing world, with a more pronounced dynamics on labour market, our society requests
new methods for counselling relationship (psychological, vocational or career counselling).
If until now, specialists were focused on face-to-face counselling relationship, nowadays
realities (for example, overcrowding, crushing tradition, race with itself, receptivity to
indoctrination etc. described so relevant by K. Lorenz) request less traditional methods for
counselling process.
This issue represent a recent concern for specialists; we could mention here an international
Leonardo da Vinci project focused on distance counselling. It has included many European
countries (Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Liechtenstein, Hungary, Poland, Romania,
Slovakia, Switzerland) and started from a German study that revealed a significant request for
telephone counselling, e-mail counselling or other distance counselling forms (Jigău, Chiru, 2004).
The interest on distance counselling research has grown up lately: “Throughout the world,
online counselling services have been provided and expected to increase in the future.” (Tanrikulu,
Specialty literature (Jigău, Chiru, 2004) describes few forms of distance counselling:
• by phone – which allows direct contact with an expert;
• by electronic contact – the beneficiaries are allowed to access web pages in order to
discover a long range of information or the client could interact on line with the expert;
• by correspondence – the information are accessible by mail.
Our interest is focused mostly on e-counselling counselling process, described like
“asynchronous and synchronous distance interaction among counsellors and clients using e-mail,
chat, and videoconferencing features of the Internet to communicate” (National Board of Certified
Counsellors [NBCC], 2001, apud Tanrikulu, 2009).
Online counselling is described in specialty literature (Jigău, Chiru, 2004) as a particular form
of distance counselling which involve a different training for the counsellors who practice it (they
use special methods and approaches). In this situation, nonverbal communication process is
missing, so that both client and counsellor have to pay more attention to verbal communication
(more precisely in formulating requirements and responses). More, there is a very limited feed
back process and more difficult to clarify some misunderstandings.
142 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

There are also many advantages for this counselling form as the rapidity of information
transfer (as attachment, by e-mail or web site etc.), the accessibility (easy to establish contacts –
for employees, people with disabilities), saving time and money, the possibility to reflect and
review the information, the client partial anonymity, the flexibility of the communication process
(both for counsellor and client).
After the analysis of specialty literature we have identified some nuances of definition; there
are differences between online and Internet counselling. If online counselling process (by e-mail,
chat, and videoconference) implies mostly synchronous communication, Internet counselling (by
e-mail, web sites) is an asynchronous process.
Researchers’ interest was also aroused by the attitude / effects on beneficiaries of the
counsellor – client relationship’s form. For example, they have considered the influence of
personality type (Harrington, Loffredo, 2009) and their conclusion was that „a statistically
significant majority of Introverts prefer online college classes while a majority of Extraverts prefer
face-to-face college classes”.
A researching group (Chang, Yeh, Krumboltz, 2001) has also studied the implications of ethnic
identity on online counselling process; they have not identified significant posttest differences
between the online support group and control group in ethnic identity or collective self-esteem.
Another conclusion was that the group participants felt supported, comfortable and connected to
other group members, and preferred using aliases instead of their real identities (there is such a
possibility in online counselling, when the client does not feel comfortable using his real identity).

2. E-Counselling in Romania

In Romanian educational system, online counselling is developing, unfortunately, with very small
steps, so that this issue represent a challenge for all educational actors involved in this process
(both in schools, high schools or universities).
Our research has focus on analysis of Romanian universities’ offer concerning online
counselling. Known as well as cyber counselling, online therapy or internet counselling, it has a
wide area of application: anxiety disorders (Kenardy, McCafferty and Rosa, 2003), depression
(Christensen, Griffiths and Jorm, 2004), marriage and family counselling (Pollock, 2006), tobacco-
cessation program (Mallen, Blalock and Cinciripini, 2006) (apud Tanrikulu, 2009); suicidal
phenomenon (Barak, 2005), sexual dysfunctions (Vizzari et al. 2008) or career development
(Herman, 2009) (

3. Research methodology

Our invesrtigation research goal is to shape an objective representation regarding the visibility
and the accessibility of universities’ sites concerning counselling services for students in order to
improve e-counselling process in Romania and providing a theoretical and practical framework for
counselors. Subsequently, we also intend to continue our investigation by interviewing interested
persons (counsellors, students, and teachers) about their attitude towards a counselling relationship
through Internet environment.
Sample and methodology
Our sample consists in 29 universities from Romania, both state and private ones, randomly
selected. Using documents’ analysis, we have studied the information posted on investigated
universities’ sites in order to verify the existence of a psychological / career counselling centre and
the possibility to initiate and develop a counselling relationship online (by e-mail or chat or even
videoconference type).
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 143

In Romania all universities are required to create such centres, and, as we can see in table
below, many universities investigated posted on their sites information about their career guidance
or counselling centre. Although, there are still some universities about which we could not access
any information about the existence of such a centre.

Table1. Investigated universities from Romania

Nr. University / Counselling Centre Possibility to initiate online Services

Crt. contact (an email address)
1 “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Information
Iulia / Information and Career Documentation
Counselling Department Counselling
2 “Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad / doina.cheta@ There are no
Career Counselling and Professional specifications on
Guidance Department this issue.
3 “Vasile Goldis” West University of Arad There are no
/ Prognosis, Planning, Human Resources specifications on
Development and Permanent Education this issue.
4 “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacau Information –
/ Professional Counselling Department job offer
5 “George Bacovia” University of Bacau / - There are no
- specifications on
this issue.
6 “Babes Bolyai” University of Cluj / Information
Career Center Documentation

7 “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian There are no

University of Bucharest / Information, specifications on
Counselling and Career Guidance Centre this issue.
8 West University of Timisoara / Career Information
Counselling Centre Documentation
9 “Petru Maior” University of Targu - Information
Mures / Information and Professional Consulting
Counselling Centre
10 “Constantin Brancoveanu” University of Information
Targu Jiu / Centre for Information, Documentation
Counselling and Career Guidance of Consulting
Students Manpower
11 Valahia University of Targoviste / There are no
Counselling and Career Guidance Centre specifications on
this issue.
12 “Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava Information
/ Counselling and Career Guidance Documentation
Centre Consulting

13 “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu / Information

Career Guidance Department Documentation
144 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

14 “Eftimie Murgu” University of Resita / Information

Guidance and Retraining Centre Documentation
15 Petroleum – Gas University of Ploiesti / Information
Counselling and Career Guidance Centre m Documentation
16 University of Pitesti / Counselling and There are no
Professional Guidance Centre specifications on
this issue.
17 University of Petrosani / Centre for Information
Admission, Guidance and Professional Documentation
Integration of Students
18 University of Oradea / Career Centre Information Documentation
19 “Petre Andrei University” of Iasi / - There are no
Human Resources Centre specifications on
this issue.
20 “Al. I. Cuza” University of Iasi / Information
Information, Career Guidance and Documentation
Placement Centre Consulting
21 Danubius University of Galati / - There are no
Information, Counselling and Career specifications on
Guidance Centre this issue.
22 Dunarea de Jos University of Galati / - - There are no
specifications on
this issue.
23 Ovidius University of Constanta / Information
Educational and Professional Documentation
Counselling Centre Consulting
24 “Spiru Haret” University of Bucharest / - There are no
Counselling and Career Guidance Centre specifications on
this issue.
25 “Titu Maiorescu” University of Information
Bucharest / Psychological Consulting Consulting
and Career Guidance Centre
26 Politehnica University of Bucharest / Information
Counselling and Career Guidance Centre Consulting
27 Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary - Information
Medicine University of Bucharest / Consulting
Counselling and Career Guidance Centre
28 Academy of Economic Studies of - There are no
Bucharest / - specifications on
this issue.
29 Transilvania University of Brasov / Information
Information, Counselling and Career Consulting
Guidance Centre

By analysing the information about career guidance / counselling centre posted on universities’
sites we have arrived to the following findings:
• sometimes the counselling / career guidance centre is presented as part of Teacher
Training Department, another time is considered an independent department;
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 145

• sometimes is posted only this information – that there is a centre / department which has
the mission to offer counselling services (psychological, career guidance etc.); and
another times we can access useful information, contact addresses, guidelines for
employment interview, making of a resume, tests, recommendations and information
about labour market and even useful links about an updated job offer. For example, the
most informative sites concerning career guidance or counselling services offered details
about how to conceive a resume (for example, “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba
Iulia), training, useful links, manual about conceiving a resume or a letter, how to find a
job, a data base for students that are looking for a job, information about the most wanted
fields or jobs for 2010 etc. (“Constantin Brancoveanu” University of Targu Jiu / Centre
for Information) etc.
• some sites are characterised by a lack of visibility concerning the information about
contact address, mail, telephone for the counselling / career guidance centre (for example
“George Bacovia” University of Bacau, Dunarea de Jos University of Galati);
• also, we have found that some universities’ sites are difficult to use – we have to consider
that not all the potential clients are experts in informatics’ field, so that all the information
should be more accessible (for example, is difficult to believe that Academy of Economic
Studies from Bucharest does not offer career guidance / counselling services, but it was
difficult for us to discover information about the existence of such a centre);
• if online counselling could be made by e-mail, chat or videoconference, our findings
revealed that the most popular type proposed by Romanian universities’ sites imply
initiating a counsellor – client relationship first by e-mail (or telephone), followed by face
to face meeting in a specialized office.
So, we could conclude that in Romania, online counselling is mostly used to initiate a contact
between counsellor and (potential) client and often the universities’ sites only refer to services
offered inside counselling office.

3. Conclusions

So, our investigation identified a lack of visibility and accessibility in Romanian universities’ sites
concerning the possibility to receive online counselling services (psychological or career
counselling). From those 29 universities randomly selected, none explicitly proposed online
counselling relationship.
More, online counselling is mostly used as a preliminary stage to a face to face counselling
meeting. Many of the investigated centres give to potential clients only the possibility to initiate
online (by e-mail contact) a counselling relationship.
Nowadays realities characterised by the explosion of information, and by the speed with which
information became obsolete, potential clients of a real or virtual counselling centre need more
guidance. Online counselling could be a complementary service in order to develop virtual labour
market. This is why we consider absolutely necessarily that specialist to develop functional online
counselling services.
But, it is gratifying that there are still universities centres that represent a real help for their
sites’ users, offering useful information for career guidance (for example, how to make a resume, a
letter, updated lists with job offer etc.).
Yet, we have to pay attention to the possible consequences of an extended access to online
counselling: reduced demand for direct counselling or, on the contrary, a greater demand (because
the contact obstacle is removed); persons / groups which has no access to technology or has no
skills for computer (for example, people with disabilities from Romania which are not the
beneficiaries of special computer programs) could be excluded from this kind of service etc.
146 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş


Barak, A. (2007) Emotional support and suicide prevention through the Internet: A field project report,
Computers in Human Behavior, 23, 2, 971-984.
Chang, T., Yeh, C., Krumboltz, J. (2001) Process and Outcome Evaluation of an On-Line Support Group for
Asian American Male College Students, Journal of Counselling Psychology, 48, 3, 319-329.
Harrington, R., Loffredo, D.A. (2010) MBTI personality type and other factors that relate to preference for
online versus face-to-face instruction, The Internet and Higher Education, 13, 1-2, 89-95.
Herman, S. (2010) Career HOPES: An Internet-delivered career development intervention, Computers in
Human Behavior, 26, 3, 339-344.
Jigau, M., Chiru, M. (coord.) (2004). Consilierea la distanŃă. Manual, Bucureşti.
Lorenz, K. (1996) Cele opt păcate capitale ale omenirii civilizate, Bucureşti, Ed. Humanitas.
Tanrikulu, I. (2009) Counselors-in-training students’ attitudes towards online counseling, Procedia Social
and Behavioral Sciences, 1, 785–788, World Conference on Educational Sciences 2009.
Vizzari, V., Napoli, M., Garofalo, L., Simonelli, C. (2008) T08-O-22 Internet counselling: the ISC model,
Sexologies, 17, 1, S112.
Computer modeling in Physics’ experiments
Carmen – Gabriela Bostan1, Ştefan Antohe2

(1) Institute for Educational Sciences, Bucharest, Ştirbei Vodă nr. 37, 010102
(2) University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, Physics Doctoral School, 405
Atomiştilor, P.O.Box: MG-11, Măgurele-Ilfov, 077125, România

Computer has revolutionized how people find other people, and many students now look for
teachers on the Internet. Politicians at European level have recognized that education and
training are essential to the development and success of knowledge society. A
transdisciplinary vision of education requires long life education and the computer revolution
transforming learning in leisure and recreation in learning. The new interactive aids of
teaching/ learning emphasize the role of technology-enhanced environments in science
learning: such environments allow learners to observe and explore scientific phenomena
interactively on the computer. The multimedia educational resources have an important
impact on the teaching-learning process of Physics. The Computer Assisted Instruction
stimulates visual and hearing memory and transposes the students in the middle of the
Phenomena and completes their knowledge. Teaching/learning physics has evolved from
traditional transposing methods - demonstrations on the black board and laboratory
experiences - to computer modeling or e-learning platforms that facilitate a distance
teaching/learning. I propose an outline of the lesson plan and illustrate how the teacher can
by integrating multimedia educational resources on instruction at various stages of learning
units. The paper is important because it presents modern aids used in teaching/ learning
physics in class and in the laboratory - supplementing traditional teaching process with
simulations/ computer modeling, experimental data processing and graphics obtained
through specialized software.
Keywords: Virtual physics laboratory, Information Technology, Multimedia tools, teaching/
learning physics.

Physics laboratory has for a long time an important tool of school physics education process and it
must still remain in any physics curriculum at primary, secondary, high-school and academic level,
too. In addition, in last time, the informatics technologies (IT) known an explosive development
and the students at any level, are fascinated by these. Particularly, the Multimedia tools have an
important impact for the teaching – learning process of Physic, and they could be successfully
integrated as MM activities in school work, home-work and in distance learning, respectively. The
realism of dynamical pictures, the video joined with the sound and the motion, the possibility to
recreate the physical reality with digital technique make the didactics simulations the most
important teaching tools. The informative and technologies society needs important changes in
educational programs. Learning physics is difficult for many students and, by using the
Technologies of Information and Communication, introduces Physics in a modern and attractive
way. Computers are used in different ways to teach Physics and can affect drastically the way of
teaching Physics.
Multimedia tools, the computer and Internet have revolutionized the school education.
Politicians at European level have recognized that education and training are essential to the
148 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

development and success of knowledge society. National government, educational system –

universities and schools are responsible for education and training; high quality pre-primary,
primary, secondary, higher and vocational education and training are the fundament for Europe's
success. Lifelong learning must become too a reality across Europe. (European Commission,
Education & Training)
“The eLearning initiative of the European Commission seeks to mobilize the educational and
cultural communities, as well as the economic and social players in Europe, in order to speed up
changes in the education and training systems for Europe's move to a knowledge-based society.
(European Commission, Education & Training)”
According to Jan Figel, ex-commissioner for Education, Training, Culture and Multilingualism,
“Globalization, new technologies and demographic developments constitute an enormous
challenge; one of the answers to this problem is the access to lifelong learning. (European
Commission, Education and Training)”
A vital component of lifelong learning policies is learning for all, child and adult learning,
because is essential to competitiveness and employability, social inclusion, active citizenship and
personal development across Europe. (European Commission, Education & Training)
In the last years, the developing of a new technologies meet unrecorded progress, forcing us to
adapt to these challenges, whose main characteristic is complexity. To cope with continuous change
and uncertainty characteristic of market economies, students need strategic skills, such as the ability
to learn how to learn, skills to solve problems, assessment skills.
In schools, information technology and communication can be more than just a means of
education; can become a concept to make radical changes in education. Its potential to improve the
quality and standards of performance of participants in the educational process is significant.
The computer can become a tool for all those who wish to find in him a friend and the mysteries
will turn into knowledge. This tool is equally useful to student and teacher. Computer used in class
aims to develop skills related to communication, procurement, presentation and transmission of
information in forms as varied. The Yenka program allows simulation of experiments that cannot be
completed in class, completion of laboratory experiments, to realize animated graphics, contributing
in this way to develop skills to organize specific information and use it to produce new knowledge.


Theoretical Background
Basic electric circuits - Ohm’s Law and Kirchhoff’s Rules are teaching to eigth grade to the
students of 15 years.
Two resistors are connected to a battery in parallel, and results that both have common
connections. When resistors are connected in parallel to a source, the voltage drop across each
resistor is the same.
[1] U = U1 = U 2

Figure 1
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 149

[2] R= , resistance
1 1 1
[3] = ⋅ , R p is equivalent parallel resistance, is value of a single resistor that
R p R1 R2
could replace all the resistors, and maintain the same current

[4] I= , Ohm’s Law
The current through each resistor is
[5] I1 = ,
[6] I2 =
Substituting for each current, we obtain
[7] I = I1 + I 2

Experimental Background
We will be use the experimental electrical kit. The experiment is carried out on front or groups of

Computational Background
The software that will be used is Yenka, dedicated simulation software for mathematics and
sciences experiments.
The simulation will be in front, the teacher will present it on the electronic board or video
projector. If the school has a physics lab with a computer on each table, the experiment can be
practiced by each student.

Didactical Methods
Teaching methods used are: explanation, conversation, experiment, demonstration, discovery,
computer modeling.


The unit by learn: Electrokinetic

The form (gradual level): the class-8th grade (the student’s age – 15 years old)
The name of lesson: Basic electric circuits
The type of the lesson: thoroughgoing study
The didactical tools: experimental kit and after, completed with simulation on the computer
The didactical intention: to experimental study Ohm’s Law and Kirchhoff’s Rules
Instructions for teacher and the students:
- The teacher will verify the knowledge, which the students must learn.
150 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

- The teacher will make connection with the new lesson.

- The teacher starts a practical activity. Activities include electrical kit and the students must
observe, practice and draw conclusions.
- The teacher must guide the students to draw conclusions, to generalize their observations.
- The teacher starts a simulation on the computer (Figure 2).
- The teacher writes on the board the equations on the board, draw the diagrams and the
students write it in their notebooks.
- The students identify application for Ohm’s Law and Kirchhoff’s Rules.

Figure 2

[8] I1 = 736.78mA
[9] I 2= 200mA
[10] I = I1 + I 2 = 936.78mA
[11] U = U1 = U 2 = 20V is true

Figure 3
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 151

If the switch K2 is open, we can observe in figure 3 that

[12] I = I1 = 736 .78mA , because
[13] I 2 = 0mA

On computer simulation for Ohm’s Law reveals as follows:
- Working of a simple electrical circuit;
- Diagrams I = f (U ) ,
- To gain time;
- Completing and fixing the knowledge acquired through classical experiment;
- Experimental data more accurate.
- Passive participation in front simulation;
- Internet connection can be interrupted
Computer simulation of physics experiments is well come as a complement to classical
experiments on laboratory, together leading to a deep learning, for the duration.

The computer can become a tool for all those who wish to find in him a friend and the
mysteries will turn into knowledge. This tool is equally useful to student and teacher. Computer
used in class aims to develop skills related to communication, procurement, presentation and
transmission of information in forms as varied. Physics is par excellence an experimental object,
but many of the phenomena are too fast to be studied and understood fully, or it can not be done in
a laboratory school. Via computer it can be simulated and presented these phenomena so that they
can be pursued by each student. On the other hand it is known that the possibility of understanding
of material is different from one individual to another, not all students can understand it. The
computer gives everyone the opportunity to adjust the learning of new knowledge in their own
pace and the quality of learning and deep understanding of the phenomena will increase
Introduction of the computer in the didactical activities going to increase students motivation in
learning physics, offers alternative suggestions for the teaching-learning, the approach to issues of
physical phenomena, encourages creative and critical thinking, and the students will be develop
skills for processing and presenting of information. Modeling is fundamental too, in the process of
teacher development, as a language to approach, describe, interpret and analyze phenomena.
The lesson will prove to be successful if the students understand the concepts and use them in
exercises and problems. The teacher can avoid improvised or useless activities and stimulate his
students to progress gradually, by avoiding boredom and lack of interest, wasting time and effort.
The lesson must contribute to their systematic knowledge and to their maturity. The information
they learn must be used in everyday life, so that teaching and learning can connect with their life.


Jinga, I., Vlăsceanu, L., (1989), Pattern, Strategy and Performances in Education, Editure Academy.
Malinovschi, V. (2003), Didactics of Physics, E.D.P., R.A. Bucureşti.
152 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Nicola, I. (1994), Pedagogy, E.D.P., Bucureşti.

Pearson International Edition, (2007), Sixth Edition College Physics, WILSON BUFFA LOU, Pearson
Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458
Popa, M. (2005), Interdisciplinarity Evaluation, Piteşti; Editure Delta Cart EducaŃional.
Tereja, E. (1994), Teaching Physics’ Methods, Iaşi; Editure University „Al. Ioan Cuza”.
UNESCO, (1983), Interdisciplinarité et sciences humaines, UNESCO, (ouvrage collectif), vol. I.
Văideanu, G. (1985), Interdisciplinarity Promotion in the Pre-University Level, Iaşi; Editure University „Al.
Ioan Cuza”.

Journal Articles:
Almeida Barretto, S.F., Piazzalunga, R., Guimaraes Ribeiro, V., Casemiro Dalla, M.B., Leon Filho, R. M.
(2003), Combining interactivity and improved layout while creating educational software for the Web,
Computers & Education, Volume 40, Issue 3, pp. 271-284, April.
de Jong, T. (1999), Learning and Instruction with Computer Simulations, Education & Computing, 6, pp.
Esquembre, F. (2002), Computers in Physics Education, Computer Physics Communications,147, pp.13-18.
Institute Pedagogical Sciences, (1970) Interdisciplinary Research in Education.
Iskander, M. F. (2002), Technology-Based Electromagnetic Education, IEEE Transactions on Microwave
Theory and Techniques, V.50, no. 3 pp.1015-1020, March.

Internet Sources:
European Commission, Education & Training,
An Approach to Ontology
Development in Human Resources Management
Anamaria Szekely

Babes Bolyai University,

Faculty of Economic Sciences and Business Administration

The evolution from resource-based economy to knowledge-based economy has essential
implications in the Management, Marketing, Artificial Intelligence, etc. and also in the Web
field. Due to this evolution we can speak today of Semantic Web and everything that involves
this concept. In this paper, we propose to explore the benefits that may have in practice the
application of Semantic Web technologies for the systematic organization of knowledge,
which may occur in human resources domain by developing a specific ontology. This
ontology will provide support for modeling a common vocabulary for those who will share
information about human resources by defining concepts, attributes and relationships
between those concepts. The ultimate purpose of this ontology development will be the
augmentation of effectiveness in the applied field.
Keywords: Semantic Web, ontology, human resource management


Even though the web has appeared for two decades, its expansion is still overwhelming. At first,
the web was seen as a way to connect people, specifically to inform them about different things
through the published documents and the web pages. The Web offered to the people new
opportunities for learning and communication, with the click of a mouse.
Search engines continually index Web documents, so providing a few keywords, the searched
information can be provided quickly. But this information has meaning only for a human being;
computer or another software application cannot give a meaning to this information - a task that
people can ordinarily do quite well but is a tall order for computers, which cannot tell if "head"
means the leader of an organization or the thing on top of a body (Frauenfelder, 2001). The web in
its current form has very little metadata and no means to encode semantics. So the Semantic Web
idea is not only to furnish linked documents to each other but also to recognize the semantic of the
information in those documents and to provide connected data (Frauenfelder, 2001).
To model the semantic level of knowledge, which may occur in human resources management,
for an IT company which works on projects, we use an ontology, the main subject of this article.
This ontology will provide support for modeling a common vocabulary for those who will share
information about human resources, will align human resource development with company goals,
will identify and make use of employee competencies, by defining concepts, attributes and
relationships between those concepts.
Human resources constitute the main element of work within organizations; they decisively
influence the effectiveness of using the material resources, the financial resources and the
informational resources. Human resources management is a complex activity targeted by the
efficient use of personnel in the organization, aiming to achieve both, company objectives and
employee needs (Cornescu et al, 2004).
154 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

In this document in section 2 will be presented the problem context and statement, which
contains a brief introduction in semantic web field and the advantages that has in practice the use
of ontology in the human resources management. In section 3 will be introduced the design details
for the proposed ontology, followed by the presentation of implementation details. And then in the
following sections the evaluation, conclusions and future work of this paper.

Problem Context and Statement

Nowadays the organizations are focused more on the human capital for a harmonious economic
development. Human resources management refers to efficient use of human resources to enhance
organizational performance (Cornescu et al., 2004).
The Semantic Web is like a bridge between silos of disconnected standards. “The Semantic
Web isn’t just a fancy software vocabulary: It’s a foundational data language upon which any
other data language can be built”, specifically is a language for metadata - provides an accurate
way to describe and define data by using more data. In business software systems, these new
formats provide a way to more easily connect and exchange data with many systems, and the
Semantic Web also provides new ways to model complex data environments that can be more
simply maintained over time. (Pollock, 2009)
The Semantic Web idea was to provide an open infrastructure that facilitates the
communication between software agents. This infrastructure is based on formal domain
representations (ontologies) that are linked to each other on the Web. These formal representations
provide the applications with a common terminologies and understanding. The W3C has
developed the Web Ontology Language (OWL), which is a standard that allows the ontologies to
be represented on the Web (Knublauch, 2004).
Ontologies have become the cornerstone of the Semantic Web. As described in (Buraga, 2004),
the subject of ontology is the study of categories of things that exist or may exist in a particular
area of interest. The result of such a study, called ontology, is a catalog of types of things that are
assumed to exist in a domain of interest. In other words an ontology describes the concepts in the
domain and also the relationships that hold between those concepts.
A similar ontology, is presented in (Schmit and Kunzmann, 2007), where is elaborated a
reference model for ontology-based approaches to competency-oriented human resource
development. This conceptual model is one that is in the center with the idea of integrating
management competencies and offering learning opportunities for employees. Other significant
references with similar ideas can be found in (Niculescu and Trausan-Matu, 2009), (Dorn et al.,
2007) and (Gómez-Pérez et al., 2007).
A lot of research papers and books about semantic web and ontologies were found. For
example in (Berners et al., 2001) are presented and described the basic concepts,
that govern the world of semantic web.

Semantic web technologies used for adding semantics to data are eXtensible Markup Language
(XML), the Resource Description Framework (RDF) and the Web Ontology Language (OWL).
XML allows the creation of tags for everyone. These tags can then be used for different
applications, but the person who develops the application that uses the XML document must know
the meaning of each tag. ”RDF has a model framework based on the idea of a triple”. A complete
RDF triple, or statement, must have the thing the statement describes, the properties of the thing
the statement describes, the values of those properties the statement describes. OWL is build on
XML and RDF standards and extend these standards with an larger vocabulary that provide more
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 155

terms for describing the concepts, attributes and the relationships between those concepts.
(Pollock, 2009; Berners et al., 2001)
Using semantic web technologies to develop an ontology for human resources management,
several benefits appear in the applied field. This ontology will provide a common vocabulary for
specialists who deal with human resource management, will provide a common understanding of
the structure of information among people or software agents will offer the possibility to reuse the
domain knowledge and also to separate domain knowledge from operational knowledge.
An ontology representation of the Human Resource Management in the OWL would allow
developers to combine it with other OWL ontologies, and would provide the benefit of being able
to access generic reasoning tools. By describing the meaning of information about human
resources and their logic separately from the underlying data and applications they allow for the
creation of highly flexible and dynamic solutions. The knowledge contained in ontology can be
shared and reused as well as enhanced or modified anytime.

Design Details
To illustrate all the submissions made so far, it is necessary to develop a prototype for the desired
ontology; therefore we will continue to present the proposed model for an ontology that provides
facilities to cope with human resources management in an IT company, which works on projects.
For developing the application was chosen, the Protégé-OWL environment, which is one of the
most widespread today.
Protégé-OWL is based on a different logical model which makes it possible for concepts to be
defined as well as described. Complex concepts can therefore be built up in definitions out of
simpler concepts. Furthermore, the logical model allows the use of a reasoner which can check
whether or not all of the statements and definitions in the ontology are mutually consistent and can
also recognize which concepts fit under which definitions. The reasoner can therefore help to
maintain the hierarchy correctly. (Horrodge et al.,2007)
Basic ontology requirements are essentially the following: has to describe the basic concepts
used in human resources management by an IT company working on projects, has to allow the
querying of data stored in the knowledge base, and has to be able to match the right person for a
To achieve the proposed ontology, were consulted several
ontology development methodologies proposed by various
authors: (Buraga, 2004; Horrodge et al., 2007; Fernández
López, 2002). There were indicated a number of common
First was realized the ontology capture, which means that
the necessary hierarchy of concepts for the human resource
management in the IT domain was identified. It was established
that the basic classes for the ontology are: the departments of
the company, the education required for a job, the jobs
available in the company, the employees of the company, the
projects handled by the enterprise and the necessary skills for
the employees to hold a job, which are presented in Figure 1.
It is not so important the words chosen for representing the
concepts, but the concepts as such. After this first step, were
identified the relationships between concepts (synonymies,
equivalent) and was created the properties hierarchy and these
properties were linked with the relevant concepts. In OWL are Figure 1. Ontology Basic
two main types of properties: object properties and data type Classes
156 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

properties. Object properties represent relationships between individuals and data type properties
represent relationships between individuals and data values. For example we identified the
fallowing object properties for modeling the management of an employee:
• “hasEmployee”, which can be used to achieve that a department or a project;
• “hasJob”, which assign that a employee has a specific job;
• “isPartOf”, which emphasizes the relationship of belonging, of a class to another class;
• “hasEducation”, which record for a person the appropriate domain of education, etc.
A next step would be to establish property characteristics (functional, inverse, symmetric,
transitive), establish relationships between properties (Inverse Properties, Disjoint Properties etc.),
and define restrictions. These restrictions dictate which individuals get included in or excluded
from a class.
The development of an ontology is generally a cyclic one, because anytime you can add, delete
and modify concepts.
After the ontology capture was finalized the next step is to coding the ontology. This step
consist of the explicitly representation of the concepts identified previously in a formal language,
in our case OWL-DL (Web Ontology Language – Description Logic).

Implementation Details

Protégé OWL editor: enables the creation of ontologies for the Semantic Web and provides an
intuitive and friendly interface. The class hierarchy (Figure 2.) was the first created. It presents the
basic concepts that are relevant for approached domain.
OWL is built on RDF and RDFS (RDF Schema). It extends the RDF and the RDFS by adding
more vocabulary terms for describing the concepts. For example when are created the classes,
within the Classes Tab of Protégé OWL, “Functional_Job” (which is a subclass of “Job”) and its
subclass “Tester”, this are created as RDF. And accessing the RDF/XML encoding available in
Protégé OWL we can see that the classes are created as follows:

<!-- -->
<Class rdf:about="&hr;Tester">
<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="&hr;Technical_Job"/>

<!-- -->
<Class rdf:about="&hr;Technical_Job">
<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="&hr;Job"/>

The first code specifies that “Tester” is an rdf class and has the URI “”. RDFS describe the property
“subClassOf”, which is a build-in property and is specified that “Tester” is the “subClassOf” the
resource <!--
--> (i.e. the class “Technical_Job”).
In OWL the classes of individuals are defined by the relationships that those individuals
participate in. For this reason we have to define the related restrictions for each concept. For
example to describe the class “Administration_Manager”, some existential restrictions were
created (Figure 3.).
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 157

Figure 2. Class description for

Administration Manager

An existential restriction describes the class of

individuals that have at least one kind of
relationship along a specified property to an
individual that is a member of a specified class
(Horrodge et al.,2007). For our example this means
that for an individual to be an instance of the class
“Administration_Manager” it is necessary to have
interpersonal skill, technical skill and cognitive
skill. Also it is necessary to speak English at an
advanced level, to have experience more than 3
years. This instance may have more other
properties, but this are required to be part of this

Evaluation of human resource management
Figure 3 The class hierarchy ontology is a quite difficult stage. An ontology can
be evaluated against many criteria: coverage area
addressed in the ontology, complexity and granularity of that coverage area, the consistency and
completeness of the ontology and the representation language in which the ontology was modeled.
Using ontologies in practice has several benefits, due to the usage of Semantic Web
technologies for the ontology development. The prototype proposed by us has the fallowing
strengths: may represent the basis for communication between people and/or between software
agents, represents and organize the knowledge base of the company. The ontology also enables the
158 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

knowledge sharing within and between domains, provides support for searching and retrieving
data from the knowledge base, allows easier software development and knowledge maintenance,
and contributes to the semantic interoperability between applications.
Because the ontology, was developed in OWL-DL the ontology can be processed by a resoner.
The resoner has tested whether a class is a subclass of another class, and thus makes an inferential
hierarchy of classes contained in the ontology. Also, the developed ontology is consistent,
because, the reasoner verifies this automatically.
Another important strength is that the OWL ontologies, and implicit our ontology is based on
the open-word assumption. This means that we “cannot assume something does not exist until it is
explicitly stated that it does not exist”. The ontology can distinguish between data facts that are
provable and those that are satisfactory. A satisfactory query result can be useful to an application
because it tells the application that there’s some uncertainty in the answer.
Like any software development the presented ontology has some limitations. An ontology is a
good choice for solving problems having to do with the reusability, portability, and expressiveness
of data languages, but aren’t suited for solving a complete software problem. Any ontology based
on OWL has scalability limitations, so our ontology will be limited to a maximum number of
triples (300-500 million), the inferring process of data can take minutes or hours if the ontology
will be enriched with fact and implications. (Pollack, 2009)


The Semantic Web idea is to extend the web of linked documents with metadata and to enrich the
information’s with semantic for making data easier to work with.
The major objective of this paper consist in the development of a reliable ontology which will
provide support for modeling a common vocabulary for those who will share information about
human resources, will align human resource development with company goals, will identify and
make use of employee competencies, by defining concepts, attributes and relationships between
those concepts. This goal was achieved step by step by development of an human resource
management ontology for an IT company, which provides a knowledge base for the applied field,
offer possibility to query the employees implied in a project, to query the employees according to
their job, skills, etc., to select the right person for a particular job, to replace an employee of a
project with another employee that meets the needs of the project job.
This ontology is a prototype and there are several directions that can be investigated in future
• Ontology development to store knowledge about the efficiency and performance of each
employee, for a reward, more faithful to their work;
• Ontology integration with other related ontologies, such as one which offers learning
opportunities for the employees and keep track of every passed lesson tacked by the

This work was supported by ANCS-CNMP, project number PNII – 91037/2007.

(Berners et al., 2001) Berners-Lee, T., Hendler, J. and Lassila, O. (2001): Scientific American Magazine. The
Semantic Web, 17 May.
(Cornescu et al., 2004) Cornescu, V., Marinescu, P., Curteanu, D. and Toma, S. (2004): Managementul
resurselor umane. In L. Popescu (Ed): Management -de la teorie la prectică. University of Bucharest,
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 159

(Fernández López, 2002) Fernández López, M. ( 2002): Overview Of Methodologies For Building
Ontologies,available on-line at
(Frauenfelder, 2001) Frauenfelder, M. (2001): MIT Technology Review. A Smarter Web, November.
(Gómez-Pérez et al., 2007) Gómez-Pérez, A., Ramírez J. and Villazón-Terrazas B. (2007): An Ontology for
Modelling Human Resources Management based on standards. In Proceedings of The 11th
International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, Osaka
Institute of Technology and Setsuan University, Vietri Sul Mare, Italy, 534-541.
(Horrodge et al., 2007) Horridge, M., Jupp, S., Moulton, G., Rector, A., Stevens, R., Wroe, C. (2007): A
Practical Guide To Building OWL Ontologies Using Protege 4 and CO-ODE Tools, The University Of
(Knublauch, 2004) Knublauch, H.(2004): Ontology-Driven Software Development in the Context of the
Semantic Web: An Example Scenario with Protege/OWL, abailable on-line at
(Niculescu and Trausan-Matu, 2009) Niculescu, C. and Trausan-Matu, S. (2009): An Ontology-centered
Approach for Designing an Interactive Competence Management System for IT Companies. Informatica
Economică, vol. 13, no. 4/2009
(Pollock, 2009) Pollock, J. T. (2009): Semantic Web for Dummies. Wiley Publishing, Indianapolis.
(Schmit and Kunzmann, 2007) Schmidt, A. and Kunzmann, C. (2007): Sustainable Competency-Oriented
Human Resource Development with Ontology-Based Competency Catalogs Ontology-based
Competence Management for Healthcare.
(Segaran et al., 2009) Segaran, T., Evans, C. and Taylor, J. (2009): Programming the Semantic Web. O’Reilly
Media, Sebastopol.
Developing Pedagogical Competence Students Through Blended
Margarita Pehlivanova1, Zlatoeli Ducheva1

(1) Technical College of Yambol, Gr.Ignatiev str. 38, Yambol, Bulgaria,
The modern school is seen as vital space, where teachers should create optimal conditions for
the development of intellectual, social, emotional and other components of the personality of
students. It’s changing the nature of the activities of teachers, increasingly they fall in
different socio-educational situations, which require teamwork and highly developed
vocational educational and individual skills. Training in Pedagogical practice of students
carries out the connection between theoretical knowledge and the formation of an individual
pedagogic style and behavior in a real school environment. Questionnaire research with
graduates, teachers and interviews with the students indicate that blended learning as a
flexible type of training improved students e-skills, developed the communication skills and
skills in team work, reflection, critical thinking, making effective and adequate decisions in
educational process. Integrative nature of the blended learning enables an adequate
preparation of students - future teachers for- adjustment to pedagogical community and
activities to reduce stress situations.
Key words: blended learning, Pedagogical practice, e-learning for teacher’s education

1. Introduction
Studies of various authors and a review of the literature shows that since the mid 90's to present
days have observed an accelerated development of various models and forms of education –
traditionally, e-learning, blended learning. The international experience, and the results of our
research over the past five years show that lecturers and students prefer blended learning as a new
type, which expands possibilities for connection between lecturers and students, diversified school
environment, provide more choice to search for information and use of traditional and interactive
teaching methods. The most common definition of blended learning is a combination of face-to-
face instruction combined with computer-mediated instruction to facilitate interactive and
reflective higher-order learning (Dziuban, C. D., Hartman, J. L., & Moskal, P. D. 2004; Graham, 2006).
Blended learning is about a mixture of instructional modalities, delivery media, teaching
methods, and web-based technologies (Graham, 2006). Blends of instructional modalities usually
include a balanced mixture of onsite, web-based, and self-paced learning (Rossett, Douglis, &
Frazee, 2003).
We accept, that in this type of training a substantial part of the activities are moved online, and
the time, traditionally spent in-class is reduced, but not completely eliminated. The purpose of
these hybrid courses is to join the best characteristics of teaching in class with the best features of
online training for the promotion of active, self-directed learning opportunities for students with
added flexibility (Garnham & Kaleta, 2002).
Computer-based technologies can be used to selectively present case studies, development of
lessons, self-analysis of different types of lessons. The involvement of students in this type online
school activities show that changed character of the work in school from presentation format to
interactive methods of learning also (discussions, debates) (Mayer, 2003 ).
The combination of training modalities usually include balanced elements of learning in place
with self-dependent pace and web-based learning (Rossett, Douglis,& Frazee, 2003).
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 161

2. Organization and Analysis of the Research

For evaluation of the quality and importance of blended learning for the professional and
pedagogical realization of students we use questionnaire for the quality of training in the Technical
College - Yambol. Were tested 60 graduate students in 2009 and 104 graduates in 2010 regular
and extramural studies. The questionnaires were not anonymous. Respondents have sufficient
knowledge and social experience, to respond objectively. In presentation we put the accent on the
attitude and willingness to continue learning, assessment of the developing character of the
training at the College and the quality of the preparation for professional realization. We are
analyzed results for Subject Motor Transport and Agricultural Machinery (on a regular and
extramural studies), separately since all receive Pedagogical qualification and are realized and as
lecturers instructors for preparation of drivers of motor vehicles.
The school educational practice of students is integrative discipline, which carries out the
connection between theory and practice, the construction of pedagogical competencies in a real
and virtual school environment. The traditional training face to face developed oral speech, skills
for the interpretation of non-verbal expressive resources and emotions. In the process of business
and interpersonal communication in class students acquire skills not only for speech and non-
verbal communication. They used different behavioral reactions in various situations, form skills
for self-reflection, control and improvement of body postures, gestures and facial expression.
Future teachers will be implemented in centuries of information and communication
technologies, which require the construction of the e-skills. The change of the nature and character
of the teaching, in which shall be carried out learning through experience and use of social
experience required from the teacher critical thinking, empathy and communication skills. Because
training in school required and presumed focus on the individuality of each student, students must
develop management skills. They will identify the objectives, ways and means of interaction, will
comply changing conditions of the educational environment and will carry out continuous
monitoring and self-control on the training quality.
In the blended learning in Educational practice are developed modern approaches and
technologies for individualized and interactive process. We use educational situations, aimed at
certain specific needs of lifelong learning, for the assessment of the training and learning ecology
(Wenger and Ferguson, 2006; Moebs S., St. Weibelzahl, 2006).

Studying Learner Self-Navigation Practicing

Books, articles, guide Authentic tasks
References Role play
White Papers Projects
Asynchronous content Case studies
Job aids Peer discussion
Content Glossaries Discussion forums
Delivery FAQs Experience and
Focus Classroom lectures Experiences Practice Focus
Synchronous content Diagnostic labs
Demonstrations Practice labs
Reviews/discussions Mentoring/Tutoring
Videoconferencing Experiments

Teaching Guided Navigation Coaching

Figure 1. Learning Ecology Matrix (Wenger & Ferguson 2006)

For this purpose in design of the lessons in the Pedagogical practise, we use elements of
Learning Ecology Matrix. The base-teacher and the lecturer specify with students the time, the
162 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

place, the conditions and the topic from the educational content. The base-teacher inform students
via e-mail or face to face about the place of the topic, didactic purpose and tasks, the type lesson,
didactic materials and tools described in the annual distribution.
Indicate the role and importance of the topic and lessons for developing of knowledge and
skills of students and the relationship with the previous and following topics and lessons. The
lecturer provides examples of variations in the structure of lessons with the necessary scientific,
psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature. In the first independent development of
plan-conspectus, where the student has a lower level of autonomy, a lecturer submit sent ready an
indicative plan-conspectus, who also serves as an algorithm used for the work of students. In the
discussions face to face in a virtual environment the goals are operationalized, are considered
typical for the training and of the school life pedagogical situations and the model of
communication and behaviour by which they can be resolved. We use authentic pedagogical cases
and scenario of a school’s life, simulation games and work in team headed by professor. The
professional role of the University lecturer will definitely continue to enrich and change in
conditions of online and mixed school environment. It is necessary to develop skills for
instruction, numerous styles for teaching, the organization of the school environment, includes
increased the importance of teachers.
In the preliminary activities include students - and another double, which will perform the role
and functions of an observer, an analyst and controller. In this way are being developed at least
two scenarios for the implementation of the lesson. Students are formed skills for different
approaches to the same topic, an opportunity for comparison of different combinations of
activities, methods, and other pedagogical techniques.
Since the results and the quality of training in school depend on the work of pedagogical team,
we form at the students skills for partnership and cooperation. The initial development of a plan-
conspectus and scenario would be sent to the base-teacher, lecturer and the other two colleagues.
In this way training and trainees can work with its own pace, to make additional consultation on
scientific problems, pedagogic theories and to consider further in-depth its advice and
In support of a more effective and interactive training in Pedagogical practice, to improve skills
for guiding discussion, giving opinions and estimates developed on the assignments of other
participants in the group not only through e-mail, but directly - in the chat-forum. This will
facilitate the formation of skills in a team work, which implies general purpose, achieved through
the efforts of the whole group and individual assignments and responsibilities of each member.

80,00% 70,83%




40,00% 31,25%
25,96% 27,08% 25,96%
30,00% 25,96% 2009
20,00% 13,46%13,46%

l ls ki n
g rk e e d. l ls
ski hi n wo nc n. ski
na l m- era ti m.
s io i c al t t ea t ol con a ni g
f es cri
t m
p ro

Figure 2. Development of important skills through blended learning

The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 163

(opinion of graduate students)

The graduates understand new necessitis and expectations of society towards profession of
teacher. They realize that the new roles of expert, mentor and counselor, vocational adjustment
and career development require lifelong learning. There is a positive trend in the majority students
of the both graduates to acquire a higher educational degree. Is a relatively small percentage of the
Willingness in 2009 to change their specialty, and in 2010 there is no graduates, which shall be
reoriented to another profession.

2010 2009

79,80% 83,33%




20,00% 4,17%

subject another sub. no

Figure 3. Willingness of students to continue education

More active use of asynchronous and real-time discussion will enable more shy students to be
more actively involved and to overcome their discomfort. Blended learning allows students to
improve their knowledge and skills to work in a virtual environment to develop skills for critical
analysis of information and situations allowing them to formulate and take tactical and strategic
decisions in their professional activities.
The different variants of a communication reflect some of the individual characteristics of
students, associated with temperament, the level of communication skills and the willingness /
unwillingness to be included in the discussions or business, active pedagogical communication. In
discussions, part of the students expressed their preference to express their views or to discuss in
oral form, as can further refine the statements and to report non-verbal means of communication.
Others who are more worrying, they prefer communicating by e-mail as they consider better
position and its response to seek additional information and then send it to the lecturer and other
participants in the group. Other prefer to work in a small group/team, because, when express their
views it go on behalf of the group and the responsibility to the correctness is shared by all.
In addition to greater individualization, blended learning encourages increased affiliation, co-
operation and connectedness. Strong side to the blended learning is that connects partners,
activities and events. This type of training is a key tool for building of shared pedagogical
understanding on a global basis. The nature of Pedagogical practice requires jump of practical
educational activities, which prepare and carry out the inclusion in a real educational activities. In
this type of training prepare a portfolio of the Work materials of each student in the group. In this
way we developed skills for self- analysis and formation of an adequate and objective self-
assessment of educational results. The evaluation is done with the preliminary specified and
commended on such proposals criteria and indicators. The use of blended learning in Pedagogical
practice improves the main competence of students and e-skills, which are obligatory prerequisite
164 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

and condition for employment in the modern school. Appling of a combination of traditional and
e-learning improve the quality of training and developing professional and personal competence
among future teachers. Possibilities of e-training apply as a priority in the preliminary preparation
for lesson, the training in classroom in the form of role play and subsequent analysis make easier
the formation of an adequate and individual pedagogic style in a real situations.

2010 2009

0,6 55,26%

0,5 44,45%

0,4 33,33%


11,11% 11,11%

0,1 2,63%

0 0 0 0 0
no rather not definitely largely completely con`t

Figure 4. Role of the training for professional realization

(graduate students, subject Motor transport and agricultural machinery)

Observations and assessments of the current educational practice shows that students develop
better options on the plan-conspectus, increase the written culture, achieve a higher quality of the
lesson project and lead more meaningful discussions on educational content and pedagogical
We accept the opinion of Sands (2002) and Spika (2002) that in the blended learning, lecturer
integrates online and work in audience. Graduate students indicate that increased opportunities for
time management and independent choice of method and style of teaching work.
Part of the students does not have skills for the organization and distribution of the teaching
time, which makes it difficult to develop in time final version of conspectus. Others find it difficult
to work with new technologies and a third part does not take a final decision, because they are
afraid of opinion of colleagues and lecturer’s assessment.
Thus ongoing Pedagogical practice prepares students to take an active part in training, to build
skills for enhanced interaction with colleagues, lecturers and students, opportunities for continuous
improvement and work in a real and virtual educational environment. Systematic observations, the
combination of traditional and e-training, show enrichment of knowledge and development of
professional conduct of students.
In the conduct of preliminary preparation, the development of a plan-conspectus and scenarios
of the lessons we use mainly asynchronous ways of communication. After pre-reading and
analysis of the student’s proposals and specified recommendations is possible to use and
synchronous communication through ICQ or SKYPE.
In the implementation of Pedagogical practice with the students in extra-mural training we and
the students prefer blended learning, since the educational content, the aims, the place of conduct
and trained and pedagogical style are different for each student. This requires take into
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 165

consideration with the various pedagogical situations and school environment, opportunities for
interaction lecturer - students, formation of its own pedagogic style, application of new flexible
models of teaching and learning.
The video and conference links are difficult applicable at this stage because of technical and
technological problems. The data from surveys show that part of the students do not have
sufficient skills and Internet, in order to increase the proportion of synchronised communication.

3. Conclusions and Recommendations

In our activities we are witnessing, that the blended learning students easier learn and apply
pedagogic concepts, and develop their written language culture and choice of an optimal
combination of educational purposes, methods, tools and techniques.
In our future work will maintain contacts with workers as teachers for the exchange of
innovation and good practices.
Will improving teachers and students skills for e-learning and technology.
Will promoting synchronous and asynchronous communication and discussions on issues of
educational activities.
Will improving the technical and technological equip of teaching.

4. References

Dziuban C., P. Moskal, J. Hartman, Higher Education, Blended Learning and the Generations: Knowledge is
Power no More, 2004 from
Graham, C. R. (2006). Blended learning systems: Definition, current trends, and future directions. In C. J.
Bonk and C. R. Graham (Eds.), Handbook of Blended Learning: Global Perspectives, Local Designs.
San Francisco, CA: Pfeiffer Publishing.
Garnham, C., & Kaleta, R. (2002). Introduction to hybrid courses. Teaching with Technology Today, 8(6).
Retrieved October 3, 2006, from
Meyer, K.A. (2003). Face-to-face versus threaded discussions: The role of time and higher-order thinking.
Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 7(3), 55-65.
Moebs S., St. Weibelzahl Towards a Good Mix in Blended Learning for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
– Outline of a Delphi Study
Rossett, A., Douglis, F., & Frazee, R. (2003). Strategies for building blended learning. ASTD Learning
Circuits Retrieved May 5, 2008, from
Sands, P. (2002). Inside outside, upside downside: Strategies for connecting online and face-to-face
instruction in hybrid courses. Teaching with Technology Today, 8(6). Retrieved October 3, 2006, from
Spika, P. (2002). Approximately "real world" learning with the hybrid model. Teaching with Technology
Today, 8(6). Retrieved October 3, 2006, from
Vaughan Norman, Perspectives on blended learning in higher education
Wenger, M.S. & Ferguson, C. (2006). A learning ecology model for blended learning from Sun
Sounds experiments by using
Microsoft Office Live Meeting 2007

Mihaela Garabet1,2, Cristina Miron1, Florin Popescu1

(1) Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest

405, Atomistilor Street, Măgurele, Ilfov, ROMANIA
(2) Grigore Moisil High School
33, Timisoara Bvd, Bucharest, ROMANIA

The paper describes a lesson about sounds which was developed a few months ago. The
participants were teachers, engineers and network administrators, a number of 54 students
from the 11th grade of the Grigore Moisil High School from Bucharest, a police patrol, some
parents and some spectators. We have to mention that this lesson was transmitted on-line via
Moisil Live, on Our goal was to develop and conduct (from a
distance!) experiments like measuring the speed of sound in the air by using data acquisition
systems, measuring the sound level in two crossings from Drumul Taberei district of
Bucharest, investigation of the piano components and its mechanism during playing,
modelling the sound propagation with domino pieces, observing some standing waves and
making home-made musical instruments. The Physics teacher was situated with the spectators
in the school amphitheatre and the students were divided in three mobile teams and two great
groups located in the two Physics labs of our school. One mobile team of 4 students tooled
with a sound level meter, a net book with mobile Internet access and assisted by the police
patrol. They measured and transmitted the sound level in the Razoare crossing. Another team
of the same type assisted by one of the mothers (as a driver!) measured and transmitted the
sound level in the Plaza Mall crossing. The third mobile team was investigated the piano on
the school hall. The rest of the students worked in the Physics labs assisted by the lab
engineer and another teacher of Physics.
Keywords: Collaborative learning, E-learning paradigm, Personalisation of learning,
Blended learning, Virtual community


Our main goal was to synthesize the understanding of acoustics and sound in a broad sense,
including generation, transmission and propagation of sound, human sound perception, electronic
systems for measurement, processing and analysis of sound, reproduction of sound (music),
measurement of noise, audio systems etc. We have tried these learning outcomes with
videoconferencing, a powerful tool for delivering interactive learning activities to students remote
from the delivery site.
During the traditional instruction, a teacher teaches all learners in the same way, despite the
fact that he is aware that each learner is an individual. Each student shows different level of
aptitude for different subjects, different prior knowledge, different learning styles, different kind of
memory, different motivation to learning, different family backgrounds, different habits when and
how to learn etc.
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 167

New advances in communication technologies, which have already begun to have an impact on
education at schools, colleges, and universities (O'Sullivan, 2000), offer us means for study
personalisation. Collaborative learning, an increasingly utilized educational approach to teaching
and learning that builds knowledge through interaction, is supported by new and emerging
network collaboration technologies that have been promoted by many educational institutions
(McInnerney and Roberts, 2004).
On the other hand a great challenge was to break down the barrier of the classroom by using a
videoconference client Microsoft Office Live Net Meeting.

Why Microsoft Office Live Net Meeting?

Office Live Meeting is a conferencing solution that you can use to engage audiences in online
meetings, training, and events. So, you can connect with your students and colleagues and engage
them through real-time meetings, training sessions, and events, including audio, video
conferencing, uploading handouts for distribution.
This feature includes:
– Web client support for remote attendee flexibility
– Interactive application/desktop sharing and whiteboard tools
– Active speaker video switching, multi-party video, and multi-party VoIP audio
– Rich-media presentations, native video conferencing, high-fidelity recording, and Web-
cam capabilities
– Training and event management with event and class registration and virtual breakout rooms.

Why blended learning?

The method we have chosen is a blended learning one which combines face-to face instruction
with computer mediated instruction. The face to face model demonstrated its efficiency over
hundred years of education but expanding of the new technologies diversifies the possibilities of
communication and interaction.
As we can find there are many reasons why a teacher might pick blended learning over other
learning options. Were identified six reasons why one might chose to design or use a blended
learning system (Osguthorpe and Graham, 2003): (1) pedagogical richness, (2) access to
knowledge, (3) social interaction, (4) personal agency, (5) cost effectiveness, and (6) ease of
revision? In the blended learning literature, the most common reason provided is that blended
learning combines “the best of both worlds”. While there is some truth to this, it is rarely
acknowledged that a blended learning environment can also mix the least effective elements of
both worlds if it is not designed well. Beyond this general statement, Graham et al. (Graham et al,,
2005) found that overwhelmingly people chose blended learning for three reasons: (1) improved
pedagogy, (2) increased access/flexibility, and (3) increased cost effectiveness.
And why we have decided to teach and learn about Sounds by using blended-learning?
And why this included a mix of face-to-face teaching (happened before this action), web
conferencing, emailing, provision of resource materials and blogging?
The answer is that we intended to increase the interactivity of the students from different
groups. We have considered that we have passed out the phase of self-paced learning in order to
acquire background information. We have chosen to blend now face-to-face lab focused on
experiments with on-line support for transferring the learning out of the school.
The videoconference lesson happened in January 2010. It was a very cold weather. Some of
students were very ill, so they couldn’t come to school in those days. But they participated from a
distance and they accomplished some personalized tasks.
168 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

On the other hand we have tried to deal with 54 students from two different classes. So, the
principal teacher of those students was pay once instead of two hours.

About videoconferencing teaching

We know that in a teaching process is very important to see facial expressions and body language,
to make eye-contact (even indirectly!). Videoconferencing is a very effective method of meeting if
teachers and students cannot come together at the same place. It gives a degree of flexibility in
delivery with regard to place. However, participants are still constrained by time - they must all
meet at the same time.
Clark (1999) identifies some reasons for using this tool in the educational process:
– Videoconferencing is another tool which can assist you in delivering quality teaching
and learning.
– It opens up possibilities for collaborative teaching and learning, to make best use of
– It can provide “live” support for students at remote sites.
– It can give access to expertise not available within the institution.
– It can provide students from other institutions and in remote areas with access to
specialist teaching and activities.
– It can provide students with opportunities to work with their peers from other
institutions and countries. This supports group work, collaborative and international
How can we act each other in such kind of conference? If we are seeing and hearing each other
we can display a close-up of pictures, graphs, maps, and small objects or play a DVD/CD or
display a PowerPoint presentation, or other computer files or record the session or collaborate on
computer data with others in the session.
We have chosen videoconferencing in our teaching scenario, because we intended to deliver to
two classes of students with more groups of students at the same time. We intended not only save
time and energy, but allow the students to interact with each other, and broaden the scope of the
Actually the teachers can easily ask questions, get immediate feedback and have guest
presenters join from other sites. Students can ask questions to the teacher and other students and
get immediate feedback. They can make presentations and gauge their performance from visual
and aural cues.

The scenario of the lesson

A good planning is a prerequisite of any successful teaching and learning activity, so that after we
have established the objectives, we adopted the didactical strategy.
One specific problem was the adapting of the teaching strategy to the large group of implied
students. That is why we have divided them into smaller groups and we asked them to name a
spokesperson for each group. The students have to be prepared for this kind of interaction because
they need to know what is expected of them every moment. Another problem could be that
students have to be responsible for their own learning.
First of all, we designed the lesson and we established the tasks for all the groups. This was
one of the most important aspects of the project. The first four working tasks are described for the
mobile teams of maximum 4 students. They are all tooled with a net book (or a laptop) with
mobile Internet access, web cam and microphone, installed client for Microsoft Office Live
Meeting, and assisted by adults (a police patrol, a parent, the lab engineer, etc). The next working
tasks are designed for large groups of students, the rest of the two 11th grades (A and D) implied in
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 169

this lesson. The last tasks are dedicated to the students that rested at their homes in that day and
they are individualized.
Working task 1.Monitor and register the sound level in the Răzoare crossing. Report the
registered values when the cars are stopped on the red colour of the traffic lights and also when
they are starting on green lights. What happens when you are measuring the sound level right near
the street and when you are distanced from the street?
Working task 2.Monitor and register the sound level in the Plaza Mall crossing. Report the
registered values when the cars are stopped on the red colour of the traffic lights and also when
they are starting on green lights. What happens when you are measuring the sound level right in
the crossing and when you are in the Lujerului subway?
Working task 3.Investigate the school piano’s mechanism; transmit the investigation with the
mobile web cam connected with your laptop.
Show us the keyboard, the system of levers responsible for throwing the hammer at the string
when the key is depressed, the damper (if you can!) designed to silence the strings when they are
not being played and the pedals that can be activated to affect the tone of the piano.
Working task 4. Investigate the reverberation - the collection of reflected sounds from the
surfaces in an enclosure like an auditorium- of the sports hall of the school. A room's reverberation
is the result of multiple reflections between opposite boundary surfaces. The time it takes for the
reverberation to die out is considered to be the room's reverberation time or Reverberation Time.
You will measure the "dying out" like the level where the strength of the reverberation has fallen
to 60dB below the strength of the original sound. So that you will transmit us how live, how
reflective is the sports hall of the school!
Working task 5. How does the acoustic sound level decrease with increasing distance? But the
sound intensity? You will use a sound level meter, a tape measure and a powerful electric engine
in order to make noise. You will distance from the engine meter by meter and you will notice the
sound level. After this you will make a graph sound level versus distance.
Working task 6. Measure the speed of sound in the air by using the data acquisition system
from the Physics Lab 1. Because sound waves travel very fast the measuring of the speed of sound
is a technical challenge. The method you will use would be to time an echo by using a microphone
connected to a computer and placed next to the opening of a hollow tube. When you make a sound
by snapping your fingers next to the opening, the computer will begin collecting data. After the
sound reflects off the opposite end of the tube, a graph will be displayed showing the initial sound
and the echo. You will then be able to determine the round trip time and calculate the speed of
Working task 7. You have to explain us what is a sound, how the sound propagates with
domino pieces and to show us some standing waves and some home-made musical instruments.
Working task 8. What is the sound level? And sound pressure? And sound intensity? Explain
us what”decibel” stands for? What is the difference between sound and noise?
Working task 9. Can you explain us how can the owls communicate themselves to great distances
than other birds? And why the sounds are able to reach behind the closed doors?

The results

As we all know, it is no secret that most current teaching and learning practice in education is still
focused on transmissive rather than interactive strategies. Some have seen blended learning
approaches increase the level of active learning strategies, peer-to-peer learning strategies, and
learner centred strategies used (Collis, 2003; Hartman et al, 1999; Morgan, 2002; Smelser, 2002).
Such experience as projecting and conducting this kind of a lesson was very interesting. We
believe that videoconference should be an important feature of teaching in the 21st century. The
170 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

identified benefits, including the very positive feedback from students, justify the time and effort
invested. From the teacher’s point of view, we have to notice that the time we have allocated in the
schedule wasn’t enough for the all our objectives. But this activity provides an invigorating change
of pace from the day-to-day class routine.
In the students’ point of view, we have marked that they were very pleased of such teaching
and learning. After the first videoconference lesson, we have asked them verbal feed-back and
they described it to be very interesting, funny, exciting, amazing, realistic, and efficient.

Figure 1. Aspects during the activities (view from the lab and from Moisil live)

A short analyze of the accomplishment degree of the working tasks is presented in figure 2.

Figure 2. The analyze of the accomplishment degree

The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 171

The Working task 5 was cancelled from the beginning because it was -250 C outside and this
activity supposes that students work in the open air for a half an hour.
The other teams that work outside could stay in the cars and they accomplished their
Practically, the learning outcomes were reached: measuring the speed of sound in the air by
using data acquisition systems, measuring the sound level in two crossings from Drumul Taberei
district of Bucharest, investigation of the piano components and its mechanism during playing,
modelling the sound propagation, creating some standing waves and making home-made musical

O'Sullivan, P. B. (2000). Communication technologies in an educational environment: Lessons from a
historical perspective. In Issues in Web-based pedagogy: A critical primer, ed. R. A. Cole, 49-64.
Westport, CT:Greenwood Press.
McInnerney, J. M. and T. S. Roberts. (2004). Collaborative or cooperative learning? In Online collaborative
learning: Theory and practice, ed. T. S. Roberts, 203-214, Hershey, PA: Information Science
Osguthorpe, R.T., and Graham, C.R. (2003). Blended learning systems: Definitions and directions. Quarterly
Review of Distance Education, 4, 3, 227-234.
Graham, C.R., Allen, S. & Ure, D. (2005). Benefits and challenges of blended learning environments. In M.
Khosrow-Pour (Ed.), Encyclopedia of information science and technology, 253-259. Hershey, PA: Idea
Collis, B. (2003). Course redesign for blended learning: modern optics for technical professionals.
International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Lifelong Learning, 13, 1/2, 22-38.
Hartman, J. L., Dziuban, C., & Moskal, P. (1999). Faculty satisfaction in ALNs: A dependent or independent
variable? Paper presented at the Sloan Summer ALN Workshops: Learning Effectiveness and Faculty
Satisfaction, Urbana, IL.
Morgan, K. R. (2002). Blended Learning: A Strategic Action Plan for a New Campus. Seminole, FL:
University of Central Florida.
Smelser, L. M. (2002). Making Connections in Our Classrooms: Online and Off. Paper presented at the
Annual Meeting of the Conference on College Composition and Communication, Chicago, IL.
Learning from the Stream. An "M" Case Study:
M for microblogging, m(y)-conference/m(y)-event,
and micro/m(y)-learning

Gabriela Grosseck1, Carmen Holotescu2

(1) Western University of Timisoara, ROMANIA

(2) University Politehnica Timisoara, Timsoft, ROMANIA

Even at first glance there seems to be only a linguistic connection between microblogging and
m(y)-conference/m(y)-event, the recent literature registered an upward curve in the number of
papers that analyse the usage of microblogging as a community event tool. While the vast
majority of studies are investigating the use of the most popular microblogging application
Twitter for group communication, the impact on group participants, quantitative analysis of
message types, and motivational aspects, there are few research and case studies that address
the use of microblogging for learning from informal conversational flow (learning from the
stream). In this context, this paper aims to examine: "How the micro-connection to a specific
event can enhance the learning experience of students enrolled in formal university courses?"
Keywords: microblogging, stream, higher education

1 Introduction

Even at a first glance there seems to be only a linguistic connection between microblogging and
conferences / events, the recent literature registered an increased number of papers that analyse the
usage of microblogging as a community event tool. The usage may fall in one of the following
• information interfaces (Sutton, 2010; Kwak et al, 2010; Mendoza et al, 2010)
• communication before, during and after the event (Balcom, 2007; Reinhardt et al, 2009;
Ebner and Reinhardt, 2009; Ebner et al, 2010) between participants, organizers,
presenters and audience
• monitoring the event for non-participants (reporting / online coverage the event) (Ebner et
al, 2010; Saunders et al, 2009)
• presentation (Mitchell, 2009)
• collaborative keynotes (Hart, 2010)
• participation / engaging audience (Atkinson, 2009; Harry et al, 2009)
• live-blogging session / instant discussions (Ebner and Reinhardt, 2009)
• live annotations of a broadcast media event (Shamma et al, 2009)
• official / quasi-official / unofficial back-channel (Ebner and Reinhardt, 2009)
• persistent / mobile / mobilizing backchannel (McNely, 2009)
• messages transcription / twitter subtitling (Du et al, 2010)
• back-chatting (Yardi, 2006/2008; Osmond, 2009), and even
• for evaluation (Ebner et al., 2010; Shamma et al, 2010),
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 173

and may also belong to a variety of settings: professional, academical / educational, scientifical, or
for specific organisational purposes (McNely, 2009; Letierce et al, 2010).
These events use different digital / social media technologies / applications / platforms and
several formats (e.g., (un) keynotes, multi / poster sessions, workshops, roundtable discussions,
social events, etc.). Usually the participants use hashtags for the events / topics findability across
different social platforms.

1.1 Paper Contributions

While the vast majority of studies are investigating the use of Twitter for group communication,
the impact on group participants, quantitative analysis of message types, and motivational aspects,
there are few research and case studies that address the use of microblogging for learning from
informal conversational flow.
In this context, this paper aims to examine: "How the micro-connection to a specific event can
enhance the learning experience of students enrolled in formal university courses?" We will
answer this question by exploring the integration of the "PLE Conference 2010" information flow
into the microblogging platform

2 Facilities of the microblogging platform, a microblogging platform designed for education and business, was launched in the
spring of 2008, by Timsoft, a company specialized in eLearning and mobile applications, under
the coordination of the second author.
Besides the facilities of a microblogging platform, provides the following (Grosseck
and Holotescu, 2010):
• Embedding multimedia objects in notes: images, audio and (live) video clips, live-
streaming, presentations, files, google docs and forms, cognitive visualizations as
diagrams, learning designs as mindmaps etc.
• Sending and receiving messages via the web, mobile, SMS, IM (Yahoo and Jabber), e-
mail, Firefox/Chrome extensions, API, Twitter, RSS, desktop and other 3rd party
applications, etc.
• Creating public or private user groups. Collaboration groups can be created between the
participants in an event, members of a class or university year, for a course enhancement
or in order to run an entire online course. Groups have an announcements section (Group
News), where moderators can post notes and materials such as SCORM/LOM objects, for
group activities.
• Domain specification for microblogs and groups. This simplifies the search for
microblogs or groups of a certain domain, for example educational microblogs or groups
used for online courses or workshops.
• Monitoring RSS feeds for sites, blogs, social networks or search feeds.
• Tagging the content.
• Creating and conducting polls and quizzes (which can be answered online or by SMS).
• Visualizing statistics and representations of the users/groups interaction networks.
The interface is provided in Romanian, English and German, facilitating an international
collaboration, around 8% of the 15000 users being foreigners. integrates a wide range of Web2.0 applications and social networks organized around
educational resources, many of them in Top 100 Tools for Learning 2009, compiled by Jane Hart
from Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies. The platform also features in this top.
The integration of Web2.0 applications and social networks is realized in order to encourage,
organize and simplify their usage by the members (teachers, trainers, students and other learners);
174 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

we can say offers an openness to OERs (Open Educational Resources). Thus, the
multimedia objects become part of the conversation/communication flow of the platform, and of
the members' microblogs/portfolios.

3 Learning from the stream. Case study

3.1 Framework
In the 2nd semester of the academic year 2009-2010, the two authors have run the following
courses in private groups: "Computer Assisted Instruction" with freshmen of the Pedagogy
Department of West University of Timisoara, respectively "Multimedia" with college juniors of
University Ion Slavici and "New Educational Technologies", a continuous training course for
teachers at University Politehnica of Timisoara.
Social Learning and Personal Learning Environments (PLE) were common topics of the three
courses curriculum, and related materials were presented in the courses groups. Also, six students,
divided in two working teams, taking part in the "Multimedia" course, had to develop
collaborative projects related to PLE.
During the semester the first PLE Conference was planned out, and eventually took place in
Barcelona during the month of July. The two authors decided to use in their courses, for
documentation and research the conference-related content and informal interactions on different
social networks.

Figure 1. The first message in the PLE group, source:

On January 8th, 2010, when the first call of papers for the PLE Conference
( was launched, the PLE / PLE Conference in Barcelona group was
open on (Figure 1), at and will remain active until the last echo
of this event will fade away.
The members of this group facilitated by the two authors are students, and also teachers,
practitioners in education, trainers, and other persons interested in the PLE domain (Figure 2).
The aims of the group were:
• to be a source of real-time information, connections with practitioners worldwide
• to constitute a framework for learning / communication / sharing in the PLE domain for
the students in our courses, but also for other members interested in this domain
• to offer an environment for strengthening knowledge in this domain and new PLE related
experiments for the authors
• to offer access to all the group content, visualizations and statistics for future reflections
and studies.

3.2 Content for student activities

The group messages consist of:
• tweets referring to the PLE Conference, imported using the Twitter search API (the
searched terms are PLE_BCN OR "PLE Barcelona" OR "PLE Conference" OR,
• blogs posts which mention the conference, found using the Twingly search engine API,
by searching “PLE Conference Barcelona”
• multimedia notes sent by the cirip members who joined this group (Figure 3).
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 175

This way the group is a backchannel of the PLE Conference and its messages reflect the
interaction/debate on and in a worldwide community concerning PLE and conference.
The actual number of messages on twitter and blogs could be higher than the ones imported,
the difference could be explained by Twitter and Twingly APIs limitations, but also by the
specificated search terms.

Figure 2. Group statistics and Feeds related to PLE

The content of the group and its information flow on PLE were enlarged with:
• specific requirements for students' activities and materials related to PLE posted by the
facilitators in the group Announcements section;
• feeds/search feeds on PLE topic monitored by the group members using the platform
corresponding facility; they are feeds with ple, pln, ple_bcn tags, also the
feed corresponding to the collection built by the group members, using the ple_Cirip tag
(Figure 2).

3.3 Students' activities

Students' activities related to documentation and collaborative projects were organized in five
stages and were hosted online by the PLE group, and by the private spaces of the two working
teams; a few activities were also discussed face-to-face (f2f) in the laboratories. In completing
their tasks, the students used the advanced facilities of
Because the semester ended prior to when the conference was held, participation in the PLE
group during and after the conference was an optional activity, performed especially by students
interested in the fields of PLE and social learning for diploma thesis. Thus, once again, it was
proved on that learning communities continue their collaboration after the course ends.
Students' activities were grouped in five stages ((M) are specific activities for Multimedia
a. preliminary documentation – online and f2f
• preliminary documentation related to PLE and task understanding - information published
by authors in the News section of the PLE group
• familiarisation with the PLE group, understanding the stream integration
• open private groups for the two working teams (M);
b. documentation and interactions in the PLE group - online
• follow group messages (online or by SMS), identify key experts, main discussion topics,
types of messages and resources - for these activities the group sections Messages,
• Members, TagCloud, but also statistics and search facilities came in useful (Figure 4)
commenting interesting posts and resources
176 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Figure 3. Message sent by a student, embedding a slideshare presentation

• send (multimedia) messaging containing new resources

• interact with colleagues, facilitators, other group members
• track specific feeds described above - online or by SMS
• participate in a survey related to possible definitions of PLE (M) - online or SMS reply
• each team has closely followed two key actors, identifying their work, entering virtually
in their "research laboratories" (M);
c. collaborative work – online and f2f (M)
• comment a video related to PLE by sending messages in the two teams' groups; the
messages were exported as a .srt file by the specific facility of, and used to
subtitle the video published on
• final projects published as collaborative Google docs, embedded in messages; the projects
evaluated a few multimedia resources, and the work of the followed experts;
d. activities evaluation – online and f2f
• conclusions related to the value of the PLE resources discovered
• discussions on how students' own PLEs were developed and enlarged during the
interaction with the stream;
e. optional activities - online
• interactions and documentation during and after the conference.
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 177

Figure 4. Group Tagcloud and search facility

4 Conclusions
By using the platform, we proposed and facilitated a new and challenging form of social
learning, a new dimension of openness: learning from the stream, integrating a conference stream
in higher education courses. The aim of our study was to make a preliminary evaluation, our
findings can only lay the foundation for the elaboration of further and more thorough research.
However, our explorative study leaded to several positive results.
Students taking part in different courses from three different universities have interacted with
the stream, having common activities; thus this experiment is an affirmative answer to the
question "their tweets can reach other communities, in addition to their own?" (Letierce et al,
Stream integration in the PLE group allowed an uniform interaction, with the same
communication mechanisms used by the students in the course group. Continuous facilitation and
communication with our students were needed because we could not estimate a priori the
development of the ongoing stream volume, dynamics, and content.
Our students appreciated that learning from the stream proved to be a novel and efficient
method for documentation and research on PLE, meaning an openness to real-time and valuable
content, resources, and also an opportunity to follow experts and practitioners, being an
illustration of open and social learning.
The scenario of learning from the stream was presented as a mindmap in the learning design
group (Holotescu and Grosseck, 2010); the discussions with teachers, students, practitioners
revealed other educational contexts in which such stream integration can be achieved, but also
alternative and additional applications that can be used for integration.
The archived content and interactions, statistical data, and visualisations, limited here by the
paper length, can be accessed at, and used in future courses,
documentation, and studies. Therefore, the group can be considered not only a time capsule of
the worldwide practitioners' interaction concerning PLE and the PLE Conference, but also a
learning experience, important in PLE documentation. Moreover, we can speak about a learning
serendipity, which may provide substance for further research projects.

5 References

Atkinson, C. (2009). The Backchannel: How Audiences are Using Twitter and Social Media and Changing
Presentations Forever. New Riders Press.
Balcom Group. (2007).
Du, H., Rosson, M., Carroll, J. M., and Ganoe, C. 2009. I felt like a contributing member of the class:
increasing class participation with classcommons. In Proceedings of the ACM 2009 international
Conference on Supporting Group Work (Sanibel Island, Florida, USA, May 10 - 13, 2009). GROUP
'09. ACM, New York, NY, 233-242.
178 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Ebner, M., Mühlburger, H., Schaffert, S., Schiefner, M., Reinhardt, W., Wheeler, S. (2010). Getting Granular
on Twitter Tweets from a Conference and their Limited Usefulness for Non-Participants. Proceedings
of the WCC 2010 conference (track “Key Competencies in the Knowledge Society”).
Ebner, M., Reinhardt, W. (2009). Social networking in scientific conferences – Twitter as tool for strengthen
a scientific community. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Science 2.0 for TEL
Grosseck, G. & Holotescu, C. (2010). Microblogging multimedia-based teaching methods best practices with Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 2, Issue 2 2010. (pp. 2151-2155). WCES
2010 Conference: Innovation and Creativity in Education. Istanbul, 4-8 February 2010.
Harry, D., Green, J., Donath, J. (2009). Integrating Backchannels in Physical Space. CHI 2009,
April 4–9, 2009, Boston, MA, USA.
Hart, J. (2010). Using Twitter in a face-to face workshop, Retrieved from
Holotescu, C. & Grosseck, G. (2010). Learning to microblog and microblogging to learn. A case study on
learning scenarios in a microblogging context. The 6th International Scientific Conference eLearning
and Software for Education Bucharest, April 15-16. 2010.
Kwak, H., Lee, C., Park, H., Moon, S. (2010). What is Twitter, a Social Network or a News Media? WWW
2010, April 26–30, 2010, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.
Letierce, J., Passant, A., Decker, S., Breslin, J.G. (2010). Understanding how Twitter is used to spread
scientific messages, Web Science Conf. 2010, April 26-27, 2010, Raleigh, NC, USA.
McNely, B. (2009). Backchannel Persistance and Collaborative Meaning-Making. SIGDOC’09, October 5-7
2009. Bloomington Indiana, USA, ACM.
Mendoza, M., Poblete, B., Castillo, C. (2010). Twitter Under Crisis: Can we trust what we RT? In 1st
Workshop on Social Media Analytics (SOMA 10), KDD '10 Workshops, ACM, Washington, USA
(July 25, 2010).
Mitchell, Olivia, 2009, How to Present with Twitter (and other backchannels),
Reinhardt, W., Ebner, M., Beham, G., Costa, C. (2009). How People are Using Twitter during Conferences.
Published in Creativity and Innovation Competencies on the Web, Hornung-Prahauser, V., Luckmann,
M. (Ed.). Proceeding of 5 EduMedia Conference. p.145-146. Salzburg.
Saunders, N., Beltrão, P., Jensen, L., Jurczak, D., Krause, R., Kuhn, M., Wu, S. (2009). Microblogging the
ISMB: a new approach to conference reporting. PLoS Comput Biol 5(1): e1000263.
Shamma, D., Kennedy, L., Churchill, E. (2009). Tweet the Debates. Paper presented at WSM‘09 October 23,
2009, Beijing, China.
Shamma, D., Kennedy, L., Churchill, E. (2010). Twetgeist: Can the Twitter Timeline Reveal the Structure of
Broadcast Events? Paper presented at CSCW 2010, February 610, 2010, Savannah, Georgia, USA.
Sutton, J. (2010). Twittering Tennessee: Distributed Networks and Collaboration Following a Technological
Disaster. Proceedings of the 7th International ISCRAM Conference – Seattle, USA, May 2010.
Balancing Dynamic Overload in Moodle
E-Learning Servers by Virtual Means
Eduard Mihailescu1

(1) Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology,

Technical University of Iasi, 11, Carol I Str., 700506, Iasi, ROMANIA

This paper summarizes a PhD research project that has contributed towards the use of virtual
means for balancing hardware and software overloads of elearning servers (i.e., Moodle),
when coping with extended computational tasks in science simulation environments.
We provide experimental surveys and design methodologies. The theory we support is
endorsed by an elearning project, which employs Moodle LMS and in-house tailored
modules, for networking and biomedical engineering at the Department of Computer
Networks and Distributed Systems at "Gh. Asachi" Technical University of Iasi. This project
has been in progress for since 2008 and is due to be completed in the first half of 2011.
Keywords: LMS (Learning Management Systems), Moodle, Server Management, Virtual


The past twenty years have seen a marked increase in research around elearning and web-based
teaching at various levels. As described in literature, LMSs (Learning Management Systems)
provide support for the mainstream infrastructure of computer aided education. Recent
developments in broadband internet and the employment of FOS (Free and Open Source) learning
tools gain momentum and a comprehensive approach, binding teaching, learning, assessing and
student management seems to emerge. Yet, technical surveys and feedback from server
management staff emphasize drawbacks and restraints in the usage of elearning, mainly due to
data surges and circumstantial overload of the software and hardware networks, especially when
coping with simulation environments.

Theoretical perspectives

Learning Management Systems (LMS) are widely encountered in the daily activities of education
by computer means. Most of them, basically, attempt to integrate collaborative teaching, class
attendance, student project management and individual learning data from a school or university
into a single computer system that can serve all the particular needs of the ones involved. Students,
professors and staff on different organizational levels process the same information (hierarchical
clearance on a need-to-know basis is required) and can update it. When one educational
department finishes with the information, it is automatically routed via the LMS system to the next
department in the university’s chain of activities. LMSs connect with different other programs
from third-parties (virtual libraries, Ministry of Education’s network, partner universities
worldwide etc) and achieve integration of data and educational activity. Dating from midst of the
90’s “(Dougiamas and Taylor, 2003)”, LMSs have evolved out in the educational software
180 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

environment and are derived from content management tools (CMS, Content Management
Systems). Modern systems have reached to cover almost all aspects of the teaching procedures:
curricula management, class attendance management, student’s homework and projects, embedded
communication means like instant messaging, email and video conferences, various testing and
quizzing tools and others. These learning platforms typically handle the teaching, learning,
assessing and student accounting for an educational institution or even government organizations.
Sometimes, LMSs are referred as Virtual Learning Environments (VLE). For integration and
standardization purposes, some basic features that a LMS should comply to are briefly accounted
hereafter: a) administration: the learning software must allow administrators to manage user
registrations and profiles, define roles, set curricula, chart certification paths, assign tutors, author
courses, manage content; b) coherent adherence to learning standards: the LMS has to comply to
major e-learning standards like SCORM “(SCORM)” and the ones issued by IEEE LTSC
(Learning Technology Standards Committee) “(IEEE)”; c) modular architecture support: although
this is not compulsory for a LMS platform, it is desirable to have the possibility to natively
integrate modules like: an evaluation engine that enables authoring within the product and includes
assessments as part of each course, class management, embedded communications and others.
A rapidly growing force in the software world is that of Open Source Software (OSS), where
the propriety and usage of the computer program is covered by an Open Source license such as the
popular GNU Public License (GPL). Unlike typical commercial software, OSS licenses explicitly
allow anybody to freely use, modify, redistribute and even sell the software under the condition
that the open source license is maintained. In general this means that user modifications are
absorbed into the main software project, and so the software evolves to embody the values of user
community, even as that community itself evolves. This type of system has already proven very
successful in developing much of the basic software that makes the Internet possible (Linux,
Apache, Bind and Sendmail are among the most well-known examples of the thousands that exist)
“(Dougiamas and Taylor, 2003)”.
As emphasized in a previous paper “(Mihailescu, 2009)”, Moodle in on the edge of the open
source wave and leads among non-proprietary learning management systems. Is the acronym for
Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment and was first released several years ago
by Martin Dougiamas, who developed the system, and Peter C. Taylor, who built the first web site
running this LMS, both from The Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia “(Dougiamas
and Taylor, 2003)”. Nowadays, Moodle is continually being improved upon by various groups of
researchers and developers worldwide. Moodle has been conceived to be compatible, flexible and
easy to modify. It has been written using the widely accepted PHP language, which runs smoothly
on most computers with a minimum of effort. “Moodle is built in a highly modular fashion and
uses common technologies such as shared libraries, abstraction, and Cascading Style Sheets to
define the interfaces (while still working on old browser technology” “(Dougiamas and Taylor,

Project-related perspectives

At the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunication and Information Technology from the

“Gheorghe Asachi University” from Iasi there is a pilot project going on which implements
Moodle for the biomedical and networking engineering laboratories, coordinated by Prof. H.N.
Teodorescu, m.c. The engineering approach consists of a Red-Hat enabled server which runs
VMWare Virtual Server and a LAN (Local Area Network) of GUI – operated (Graphical User
Interface) workstations which access educational data from the elearning server. An instance of the
control panel of the elearning application is shown in Figure 1.
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 181

Figure 1. Basic Control Panel for Course Management

We have also developed specific interfaces for different levels of users of the elearning
platform, which basically are the following:
a. the programmer interface deals with all the technical issues of the software environment
and is not to be used by the teachers or students
b. the teacher’s interface allows each teacher to customize the course and laboratories to the
certain need of his/hers students, very user-friendly; provides assessment and class attendance
tools; does not require advanced knowledge of software engineering, thus being used also by
teacher of other specialities; not to be used by the students (Figure 2)
c. the student’s interface provides tools for individual learning, project management and
other related instruments.
The software experience that I would like to share is from the perspective of hardware and
software management of the network resources using virtual means (virtualization of computers
inside computers). In the last decade, schools and universities willing to purchase/implement an
elearning software system could not decide for certain hardware modules, due to the fact that on-
the-shelf LMSs were delivered as a core and poorly customizable. It is obvious that an engineering
learning platform requires different software tools (i.e. mathematical simulation software) in
comparison with software dedicated to the history department (i.e. databases and library blocks).
An educational entity was compelled to purchase the entire bundle of programs and the
appropriate high expensive hardware; nevertheless, many modules remained not used and put
weight on the university’s computer infrastructure. On the opposite, in certain situations, for
instance when a large number of students are using a science simulation environment (Figure 3),
there is a certain overload and a computational surge on the elearning server that hosts Moodle
LMS, which frequently leads to computer crash and loss of working instances and educational
182 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş









Figure 2. Principles of Design of the Course Management Section of Elearning Server

“(Mihailescu 2010)”

Figure 3. Science Simulation Environment Module Included In Elearning Server

Elearning server management using virtual means

To overcome this drawback, the project team has developed a non-expansive and versatile
approach, which basically consists in deploying the elearning server in a virtual environment
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 183

called “virtual server” and dynamically balance the overload of computational power through the
redistribution of hardware resources inside the virtual machine. This goal has been achieved using
the VMware Server, a widely accepted reference in computer virtualization. According to
literature “(VMware Server 2)”, it is a hosted virtualization platform, which is being installed like
a common application on the existing server hardware. It works in the manner that it partitions a
physical server into multiple virtual machines. “A virtual machine is a tightly isolated software
container that can run its own operating systems and applications as if it were a physical
computer” “(VMware Server 2)”. A thin virtualization layer partitions the physical server so one
can run multiple virtual machines simultaneously on a single server. Computing resources of the
physical server are regarded as a common bench of resources that can be allocated to virtual
machines on controlled basis. VMware Server isolates each virtual machine from its host and other
virtual machines, leaving it unaffected if another virtual machine crashes. Your data does not leak
across virtual machines and your applications can only communicate over configured network
connections. VMware Server encapsulates a virtual machine environment as a set of files, which
are easy to back-up, move and copy “(VMware Server 2)”.

Research methodology

In order to quantify the overload of data and measure the surge in computational power that occurs
when a large number of users use simulation tools in elearning serves, we have employed ab-
Apache HTTP server benchmarking tool. “ab is a tool for benchmarking your Apache Hypertext
Transfer Protocol (HTTP) server. It is designed to give you an impression of how your current
Apache installation performs. This especially shows you how many requests per second your
Apache installation is capable of serving” “(ab)”.
Our research employs an interpretive methodology that automatically provides easy-to-read
graphs and charts, as shown hereafter (Figure 3).

Figure 4. Benchmark Environment for Measuring Virtual Management of

Elearning Servers “(Mihailescu, 2010)”
184 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Visual Outcomes
For a clearer image, we hereafter present screen footage with the behaviour of the elearning server
before and after being overloaded with computational requests.

Figure 5. Benchmark Records for Memory before Virtual Elearning

Server Being Overloaded

Figure 6. Benchmark Records for Memory before Virtual Elearning

Server Being Overloaded

Figure 7. Benchmark Records for Processor Load before Virtual Elearning Server
Being Overcharged
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 185

Figure 8. Benchmark Records for Network Traffic after Virtual Elearning

Server Being Overcharged


The key aim of this paper is to present an affordable solution to manage elearning server overloads
when coping with large amounts of computational requests, consequently to the extended usage of
science and engineering simulation tools. It is not a solution – especially in these days, when
financial means are on a high stake – to employ and pay large hardware infrastructure in
educational environments just in case there will be a need someday. Our project is emphasized on
employing freeware simulation tools that allow the balancing of dynamic overload in Moodle
LMS by virtual means, thus achieving a proper management of the educational network and focus
on further educational goals.

The author would like to thank to Prof. H.N. Teodorescu m.c. and to all other colleagues involved
in the Moodle project for the coordination and the support provided.

Journal Articles
Dougiamas, M. and Taylor, P.C. (2003): Using Learning Communities to Create an Open Source Course
Management System (Moodle). National Key Center for Science and Mathematics Education, Curtin
University of Technology, Australia, EDMEDIA
Mihailescu, E. (2009): An Overview of Open Projects in Contemporary E-Learning: A Moodle Case Study,
Studies in Computational Intelligence, Volume 217/2009, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg
Conference Proceedings:
Mihailescu, E. (2010): Developments In Modular Architecture Of Learning Management Systems (LMSs), A
Moodle Case Study, The 3rd International Conference on Telecommunications, Electronics and
Informatics, Chisinau, R. Moldova

Internet Sources:
ab - Apache HTTP server benchmarking tool:
SCORM Standards:
VMware Server 2: A Risk-Free Way to Get Started with Virtualization
A method of measuring the complexity of a web application from
the point of view of cloning
Doru Anastasiu Popescu1, Catrinel Maria DănăuŃă2, Zoltan Szabo3
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Sciences
University of Piteşti, ROMANIA
School of Electronics and Computer Science
University of Southampton, United Kingdom
High School “Petru Maior”, Reghin, ROMANIA

In this paper, we will present a method of measuring the complexity of a web application by
using the comparison among the web pages. This comparison will be realised with the help of
a defined relation, named “cloning”. Experience tells that, in a web application, there are
several similar components from the point of view of the way they have been constructed. The
described method can be used for any web application which contains static web pages.
Keywords: Method, Relation, Web Application, Equivalence Classes


Lately, several scientific papers have presented approaches of measuring the complexity of the
components of a web application, for example [7.2], [7.4] and [7.5] or of measuring the
navigability in a web application, for example [7.2], [7.3] and [7.6]. The purpose of this paper is to
introduce a new measurement criterion for the complexity of a web application which, together
with the existing ones, will lead to a better measurement of the quality of the web pages. The
criterion that is to be presented in the following sections is based on defining the “cloning” relation
(used by the authors in [7.1]) between two static web pages (by considering only the tags in their
source codes). This relation is practically telling if two web pages are one cloned, in other words if
each one of them can be constructed from the other one by adding or eliminating only texts and
simple tags (which are elements of a given tags set T). In section 3, we will present an algorithm
which verifies if two pages are in the relation of “cloning” and in section 4 we will define the
degree of cloning and we will present an algorithm of determining this degree for a web

Defining the “cloning” relation

Let P = {p1, p2,..., pn} be the set of web pages in a web application and Tg be a set of unimportant
tags. For example, Tg could contain the tags <BR>, </BR>, <P>, which frequently appear in texts.
Tg can even be the empty set.
For a web page pi, let Ti be the sequence of tags from pi which are not in Tg (by sequence, we
understand that the tags are in the order they appear in pi).
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 187

For two web pages pi and pj, we say that pi and pj are in the relation of “cloning”, written pi C
pj, if Ti=Tj.

I can be easily shown that the “cloning” relation is an equivalence relation on the set of web
pages P.

Using the above note, we can obtain a partition of P with the equivalence classes, each
equivalence class containing, by definition, only the pages that are bounded by the “cloning”

Let the “cloning” degree of a web application WA be the number n-k, where n is the number of
web pages from WA and k the number of equivalence classes that the “cloning” relation generates.
We write C(WA)=n-k.

Take a web application WA formed of 8 web pages, written p1, ..., p8, with the “cloning”
relation represented in the following figure:

p1 p3

p6 p8

From the above figure, we have: C(WA)=8-3=5.

The smaller the set Tg used for defining the “cloning” relation, the more the “cloning” degree

Algorithm of verifying the “cloning” relation

We will now consider two web pages p and q of a web application and a set of unimportant
tags Tg. The algorithm we will present will go through the source codes of p and q only once,
sequentially and simultaneously. More precisely, we have:


while (not end of file p) and (not end of file q) and (found) do
Determine in variable Tp the current tag in file p, which is not in Tg
Determine in variable Tq the current tag in file q, which is not in Tg
188 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

if Tp≠Tq then
end if
end while

if (there is a tag in p’s source code that has not been verified) then
end if

if (there is a tag in q’s source code that has not been verified) then
end if
if (found) then
write ”p and q are in the relation of <<cloning>>”
write ”p and q are not in the relation of <<cloning>>”
end if

The complexity of the algorithm is O(u·v), where u is the number of characters in file p and v
the number of characters in file q, respectively.

Algorithm of determining the “cloning” degree for a web application

Let P = {p1, p2,…, pn} be the set of web pages in a web application and Tg be a set of unimportant
Using the algorithm from the previous section, we can construct a Boolean method, named
cloning, which has as parameters two web pages pi and pj (practically, we can only have as
parameters the indexes i and j) and returns true or false, depending on the result of the verification
of the “cloning” relation.

for i=1,n do
end for

for i=1,n-1 do
if class[i]=i then
for j=i+1, n do
if cloning(i,j) then
end if
end for
end if
end for

The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 189

for i=1,n do
if class[i]=i then
end if
end for

The complexity of the algorithm is O(u·n2), where u is the maximum number of characters of a
web page from web application.

Using the algorithms presented in sections 4 and 5, I have realised a Java program which, for a
folder given as a parameter and a file which contains the tags in Tg (from the definition of the
“cloning” notion), determines the degree of the web application in the given folder. The program
creates a file with the equivalence classes, the total number of files, the number of files with the
extensions .htm and .html and with the degree of the web application.

The number of The number The
Web Application (WA) total files with of the degree of
number the equivalence “cloning”
of files extension classes(k) C(WA)
in WA .htm or
.html (n) 206 60 19 41 226 22 19 3 258 87 4 83 896 165 7 158

In the last and the third line of the table, we have obtained greater values for the “cloning”
degree because the each of these web applications contain a photo gallery, where there are,
obviously, more cloned web pages.

Conclusions and future work

Generally, it is advisable to apply the “cloning” criterion to the same category of web applications,
for example: presentation, training, journal web sites etc., which have to solve problems of the
same type. If this criterion needs to be applied to a larger class of web applications, then we
consider that it should be combined with another criterion that could give information about the
components’ structure and the complexity of the links to other components (notions used in [7.2],
[7.4] and [7.6]). In the future, we intend to combine and compare several evaluation criteria for the
web applications and realise a static study on many categories of web applications.
190 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş


Conference Proceedings:
Catriniel Maria DănăuŃă, Doru Anastasiu Popescu, (2009), Method of reduction of the web pages to be
verified when validating a web site, Buletin ŞtiinŃific, Universitatea din Piteşti, Seria Matematică şi
Informatică, Nr. 15, pg 19-24.

Conference Proceedings:
Doru Anastasiu Popescu, (2009), Testing web application navigation based on component complexity,
Buletin ŞtiinŃific, Universitatea din Piteşti, Seria Matematică şi Informatică, Nr. 15, pg 107-118.

Journal Articles:
G. Sreedhar, A.A. Chari, V.V. Ramana (2010), Measuring Qualitz of Web Site Navigation, Journal of
Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol. 14, Nr. 2.

Journal Articles:
Mao Cheng-ying, Lu Yan-sheng (2006), A Method for Measuring the Structure Complexity of Web
Application, Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences, vol. 11, No. 1

Conference Proceedings:
M. H. Qureshi, M. H. Samadzadeh (2005), Determining the Complexity of XML Documents, Proceedings of
the International Conference on Information Technology: Coding and Computing (ITCC’05), New York,
IEEE Press

Journal Articles:
ZHAO Cheng-li, YI Dong-yun (2004), A Method of Eliminating Noise in Web Pages by Style Tree Model
and Its Applications, Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences, vol. 9, No. 5
Usage of the Artificial Neural Networks in the
Intelligent Tutoring System
Gabriela Moise

Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, no. 39, Blvd. Bucuresti, Ploiesti, Romania



The intelligent tutoring systems are complex adaptive systems that model the instructional
processes in order to maximize the outputs of the instructional systems, the marks of students.
There is used a blend of artificial intelligent techniques in order to obtain intelligent systems:
Bayesian networks, intelligent agents, knowledge representation techniques, artificial neural
networks, etc.
In this paper, there are presented applications of the artificial neural networks in the
instructional systems. Artificial neural networks are structures inspired by the biological
systems and they used in different domains: forms recognition, images processing, business
modelling, robotics, medicine, learning and teaching processes modelling
Keywords: artificial neural networks, e-learning, adaptive system


The main role of an Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) is to provide assistance during the
instructional process deployment to the learner. These software programmes using AI techniques
intend to assume the role of the teacher in the classroom. The first “intelligent” machine built to be
used in the teaching activities was build by Sydney Presley in 1926. The term of Intelligent
Tutoring System was specified by Sleeman and Brown who classified these learning systems as
follows: computer-based, problem-solving monitors, coaches, laboratory instructors and
consultants. (Sleeman and Brown, 1982) There were used different terms to catch the usage of AI
in computer-assisted instructions.
Wenger considers suitable the term of Knowledge Communication Systems. He presented the
evolution of the learning systems from computer-assisted instruction to intelligent tutoring
systems. (Wenger, 1987) Some researches prefer to use Adaptive Tutoring Systems or Flexible
Tutoring Systems. In fact, all these terms try to reflect the personalized tutoring that uses AI and
adapt to the instruction context. The main role of an Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) is to
provide assistance during the instructional process deployment to the learner.
In fact, all these terms try to reflect the personalized tutoring that uses AI and adapt to the
context of learning process. (Moise, 2007)
Nwana stressed the differences between computer-assisted instruction and an intelligent
“(1) ITSs provide a clear articulation of knowledge for a limited domain;
(2) ITSs have a model of student performance which is dynamically maintained and is used to
drive instruction;
(3) the ITS designer defines the knowledge and the inference rules, but not the teaching
sequence, which is derived by the program;
(4) ITSs provide detailed diagnostics of errors rather than simply drill and practice;
192 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

(5) students can pose questions to an ITS (this is the main characteristic of 'mixedinitiative
tutors').” (Nwana, 1990)
In the author’s view, the really intelligent system is the tutoring system able to learn and to
provide reasoning. It is a hard work to build a good ITS, because ITS takes the place of a human
teacher. The architecture of any ITS comprises at least four modules: student model module,
domain model module, pedagogical model module, and interface module. The challenge for
researches is the way in which a human learns in order to deliver customized instruction. Within
the present paper, we take in consideration the instruction context referred as mental context (MC),
social context (SC), technological context (TC), knowledge context (KC), emotional context (EC),
classroom context (CC). (Moise, 2007)
Artificial intelligence techniques allow the development ITS solutions: Bayesian networks,
intelligent agents, knowledge representation, etc.

Usage of Neural Networks in ITS

Neural networks are structures composed of interconnected computing units. The origins of these
networks are the networks from the human brain consisting in neurons and synapses. The main
element of a neural network is the artificial neuron. Some indexes of neural networks’
development are: Warren McCulloch and Walter Pitts proposed the model in 1943 and it has still
remained the fundamental unit of most of the neural networks. (McCulloch and Pitts, 1943) In
1958, Frank Rosenblatt added the learning abilities and developed the model of perceptron.
(Rosenblatt, 1958) In 1986, David Rumelhart, Geoffrey Hinton and Ronald Williams defined a
training algorithm for neural networks. (Rumelhart, Hinton, Williams, 1985) The diagram of a
neuron with d inputs and one output is presented in figure 1.

Figure 1. Neuron with d Inputs and one Output

Each input has associated a synaptic weight, noted with w . This weight determines the effect
of a certain input on the activation level of the neuron. The balanced sum of the inputs
Σw j i j (called net input) defines the activation of the neuron. The function f represents the
activation function and θ represents the bias.
The output ( o ) is calculated using the following formula:

 d 
[1] o = f  ∑ id wd − θ 
 j =1 
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 193

0, s ≤ 0
The activation function can have one of the following forms: step function f (s ) =  ,
1, s > 0
− 1, s ≤ 0
signum function (used by Warren McCulloch and Walter Pitts) f (s ) =  , linear
1, s > 0
function, f (s ) = s , sigmoid function f (s ) = , k > 0 , or generalized sigmoid function
1 + e − ks
f (s ) = ,b > 0 .
1 + a * e −bs
There are two fundamental structures for the neural networks (NN): feedforward NN and NN
with reaction. In the model from the current paper, we use a feedforward neural network. (figure 4)
Considering a feedforward NN with input layer (with 2 units), a hidden layer (with 4 units),
( )
output layer (with 2 units) and the activation function f net = net , the output of the NN can be
expressed as in formula 2.
[2] z1 = f (net1 ) = f (w11 ∗ i1 + w12 ∗ i2 ) = w11 ∗ i1 + w12 ∗ i2
z 2 = f (net2 ) = f (w21 ∗ i1 + w22 ∗ i2 ) = w21 ∗ i1 + w22 ∗ i2
z3 = f (net3 ) = f (w31 ∗ i1 + w32 ∗ i2 ) = w31 ∗ i1 + w32 ∗ i2
z 4 = f (net 4 ) = f (w41 ∗ i1 + w42 ∗ i2 ) = w41 ∗ i1 + w42 ∗ i2
o1 = v11 ∗ z1 + v12 ∗ z 2 + v13 ∗ z 3 + v14 ∗ z 4
o2 = v21 ∗ z1 + v22 ∗ z 2 + v23 ∗ z3 + v24 ∗ z 4
The NN are information processing adaptive systems. The most used learning algorithm is the
backpropagation algorithm and it works in the following usage: it computes the error as the
difference between the desired output and the current output. The error is delivered back to the
input of NN. The algorithm minimizes the error using the decreasing gradient method.
The weights’ set that minimizes the error is the solution to the problem. The training of the NN
can be realized till the error decreases below an acceptable value or till reaches a maxim
predefined epochs.
Mota uses the neural networks to design two types of adaptability in an e-learning system:
adaptive presentation and adaptive navigation. (
papers/35.pdf)The student model is defined considering Kolb learning styles inventory: Reflector,
Theorist, Pragmatist and Activist student. The adaptation strategy uses SCORM 1.3 learning
objects. The architecture proposed by Mota contains a Multilayer Perceptron trained with back
propagation learning algorithm. The neural network is integrated in an intelligent unit, called
CeLIP - Cesae eLearning Intelligent Player. Learners will have associated suitable learning objects
according to their learning styles, user preferences and performance.
In (Seridi-Bouchelaghem, Sari, Sellami, 2005), there are used two neural networks: the former
to select the appropriate basic units (“a basic unit is a multi-media document having intrinsically a
teaching quality, i.e. which can be used within the framework of the knowledge transmission”) for
the learner and the latter neural network is used when the learners do not pass the post-test and
select base units having reinforcing roles.
194 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

A Neural Network Based Adaptable e-learning System

The system proposed in the present paper uses a conceptual map based representation of an
electronic course and a neural network based intelligent engine to adjust the unfolding of the
learning-teaching process to the learner.
Let’s consider a conceptual map (or semantic network) with k nodes to represent an electronic
course. (figure 2) (Moise, Dumitrescu, 2003; Moise, Ionita, 2008)

Figure 2. Conceptual Map of an Electronical Course

Each node has associated more pedagogical resources (for a node i , we note the number of
pedagogical resources with npri ). There can be generated ∏ npr teaching models. The core of
i =1

the system is the neural network, which has the goal to provide for each learner the proper
teaching model. The neural network is trained, therefore an input vector involves a certain output.
The operating general schema of NN is presented in figure 4.

Figure 3. A General NN to Adaptable e-learning System

We choose the structure of the neural network consisting in an input layer, a hidden layer and
output layer and the standard connection (all neighbour layers are connected). The input layer has
a number of units equal with the number of inputs. The input vector is defined by the instruction
context (MC, SC, TC, KC, CC). Each context factor is defined by a set of parameters.
Generalizing, the input vector is defined as:
(mc1 , mc2 ,Κ , sc1 , sc2 ,Κ , tc1 , tc2 ,Κ , kc1 , kc2 ,Κ , cc1 , cc2 ,Κ )
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 195

The output layer has more units (corresponding to the teaching models which conduct to
maximal performance). The desired goal is to associate to each instruction context the proper
model teaching. The number of units from the hidden layer can be chosen using a heuristic method
or we can adjust it during the folding of the teaching process in order to increase the complexity of
the network.

For instance, if we consider an NN with d inputs and e outputs, we can select d ∗ e

hidden units.
The neural network has to resolve the following problem: the association of an instruction
context sacred to a learner with a teaching model obtained through the composition of the teaching
models of each node from the conceptual map.
Often, the architecture of the NN remains fix and the values of weights are changed.
A study case of using the NN in the instructional adaptive system is presented in figure no 5.
We suppose that there are four teaching models (TM).
1   0  0 0
       
 0 1   0 0
 0  0 1  0
       
 0  0  0 1 
  - TM no.1   - TM no. 2   -TM no. 3   - TM no. 4

The inputs have the following forms:

 i1 
  1  0
 i2     
Κ  , where ik ∈ {0,1} . For instance  0  represents the visual learning style, 1  auditory
  0  0
i     
0 
 
learning style,  0  kinesthetic learning style,
1 
 

Figure 4. The Architecture of NN to Adaptable e-learning System

196 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

The training set contains p pairs {knwon input , desired output}, hereupon we add
perturbed inputs.

 1   0   0   0  

   1       0       0     0 
  0   0    1  1     0   0   0    
                  0 
H =  0 ,   , 0 ,   , 1 ,   ,Κ ,   0 ,    
  0    0    1    0 
 Κ      Κ      Κ      Κ     
    0       0       0      1   
  0   0   0    1   

The error associated to the training set computed according to the formula:
1 4
E = ∑ (t i − oi ) , where oi is the current output and ti is the desired output. The output of

2 i =1
the NN is computed as in formula 3.

 3
  d 
[3] o1 = f 

∑v i1 ∗ zi  , where zi = f  ∑ w j1 ∗ x j  for i = 1, 2, 3 and z0 = −1 .
  
i =0  j =0 

x0 = −1 and x j are binary vectors. If d = 3 , then the number of the hidden units are 3.
To adjust the weights, we use the backpropagation algorithm to train NN presented in figure 5.


The trends in the e-learning system development are to replace the human teacher. There are deep
preoccupations in this regard, but we cannot say that this desideratum has been achieved. In this
paper we propose a model based on neural network to intelligent tutoring system. The future work
will be concentrated to develop different prototypes of ITS (based on different AI technologies)
and to compare their performances.
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 197

(N= number of iterations)

Init the weights ( w, v )

Apply the input form (the known

input H ) and compute the outputs

1 4
Compute the error E = ∑ (ti − oi )2
2 i =1



( ) ( )
Compute δ jp = t jp − o jp ∗ f j' net jp (for output layer)

Compute δ jp = f j' net jp )∑ δ n
∗ wnj (for hidden layer)

Update weights ∆p w ji = ∑δ p
j ∗ o~ip

n ← n +1

Figure 5. The Backpropagation Algorithm

198 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş


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McCulloch, W., S., Pitts, W. (1943): A logical calculus of the ideas immanent in nervous activity, Bulletin of
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Nwana, H. S. (1990): Intelligent Tutoring Systems: an overview, Artificial Intelligence Review, 4, 251-277.
Rosenblatt, F. (1958): The Perceptron: A Probabilistic Model for Information Storage and Organization in the
Brain, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Psychological Review, v65, No. 6, 386-408.
Seridi-Bouchelaghem, H., Sari, T., Sellami, M. (2005): A neural Network for Generating Adaptive Lessons,
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Wenger, E. (1987): Artificial intelligence and tutoring systems: computational and cognitive approaches to
the communication of knowledge, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc., San Francisco, CA, USA.

Conference Proceedings:
Moise, G., (2007): A Rules Based on Context Methodology to Build the Pedagogical Resources, Proceedings
of the 2nd International Conference on Virtual Learning, 97-105.
Moise, G., Dumitrescu, S., (2003): Applications of visual knowledge representation in instruction models,
Computer Based Learning in Science, 575-586.
Moise, G., IoniŃă L., (2008): Educational Semantic Networks and Their Applications, Science and
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Internet Sources:
Using Learning Styles and Neural Networks as an Approach to eLearning Content and Layout
Adaptation, Jorge Mota,
Promotion of Educational Services – Challenge or Necessity?
Viorica Scobioală1, Dorin łifrea2, Mihai Dragomir3

Technical University of Moldova1, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca2,3

E-mail: vioricascobioala@gmail.com1; dorin.tifrea@muri.utcluj.ro2

When addressing the quality of educational services not as a distant trend perspective but as
a necessity, appropriate management strategies are necessary. In order to bring the higher
education services to a competitive level, a paradigm shift in universities is required.
Furthermore, the perpetually changing environment represents another factor that implies
change. In the following, the authors present a case study on the development process of a
quality engineering masters programme, by means of modern management instruments such
as Force Field Analisys.
Keywords: educational services, development, force field analisys

1. Introduction

Higher education institutions are going through difficult times, like many other economic units
during the economical crisis. Both Republic of Moldova and Romania deal with accessibility
problems in higher education as well, facing multiple obstacles in maintaining and reconfirming
the credibility and the status through the values that are promoteed. This process is influenced by a
series of both external and internal organization factors, that need to be taken into consideration
when developing new educational programmes.

2.The Current State Regarding Educational Services Demand

The mission of the university is largely directed towards its insertion environment (social,
economic and academic), but its fulfillment is conditioned mainly by the internal potential
(institutional culture, leadership, staff capability, responsibility and involvement, financial and
infrastructure resources…)[1]. University educational services represent the educational functions
set which contribute to the orderly conduct of educational activities that will fulfill the mission.
Their aim is to facilitate personal education, adapt and generate collective and personal knowledge
that will later be used in economy and society remodeling [7]. Like any market, educational
services market is driven by demand, offer, price and competition.
The educational market trends towards diversification led to the launch of many university
programmes with resonant titles but often far from the real demands of the economy. In the actual
demographic evolution it is important to develop viable and sustainable educational programmes,
in order to provide useful competences demanded by the economic environment.
In the beginning, the main factors that influence the intake of the high school and university
graduates to higher education programmes have to be determined. As it is specified by [3], there
are eight main factors that have an impact on candidates when it comes to choose a certain
educational programme, presented in Figure 1:
200 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Figure 4 Main factors that influence the access in higher education

1. Demographic factors;
2. Social factors;
3. Economical factors;
4. Specific marketing mix factors;
5. Personal factors;
6. Cultural factors;
7. Legal and political factors;
8. Psycological factors.

From the factors presented above, the authors considered the first four to be the most important
for the undertaken analisys. The demographic trend is important because it directly influences the
input “quantity” for the higher education programmes. Also, another reason why the demographic
evolution is reckoned as a prime factor is represented by it’s negative trend observed by studies [2]
unwound over the last 15 years. Analysis of demographic factors in the birth rate indicates the
conspicuous findings for the period of 1999-2009 – the generations that are today's and tomorrow's
students of higher institutions. The situation and it’s evolution in the future is presented in Figure 2.
Another factor linked to the demographic evolution is the migration, as one of the oldest social
phenomena. Migration is expression of unbalanced social relations between the less developed
areas and developed areas of the world [7] which includes brain drain. A major migration was
noted in R. Moldova after years ‘90. Official sources show that they have size of 20% [5, 4] data
which could be more exceeded, with the likelihood that it will vary according to unofficial sources
between 30-40% of the population. Initially temporary migrants, mostly women, about 70-80%,
have looked for ways and opportunities to ensure stability of their presence in developed countries
where they went. With the legalization of their stay they started to take children with them. There
are no precise estimates that could reveal the number of children of different age groups who have
gone abroad: pre-school, primary, secondary, high-school, post high-school. Thus, the risk for the
educational institutions, including universities, not to find customers is incrasing with the negative
evolution of migration. To this, add the extension of the number of private educational institutions
that grew after 1990. In these circumstances, during recent years, a pronounced struggle is
observed inside educational institutions, and will become even more severe in next years.
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 201

20 Birth rate in Romania

18 Birth rate in Moldova


Figure 5 Evolution of birth rate in Romania and Moldova from 1985 to 2009

The social factors are referring to media – as a communication instrument – and generally
accepted trends in the professional development. This factor is considered by the authors of this
paper to be linked to the cultural factor. The economical factor represents another influence that
has to be taken into consideration when it comes to take strategic decisions in higher education.
Both Romania and Republic of Moldova have a free education system, a fact that can be, at the
same time, for and against development and change in higher education. Even if the education
system is being free, thus facilitating the access in universities, at the same time it is becoming a
source of pour financing of development strategies because of reduced cash flow in universities.
The importance of marketing mix is justified by the “4P”, adapted to educational institutions:
• Product: the educational programme;
• Price: the price that a student has to pay for the educational programme;
• Place: the infrastructure and resources needed to deliver the knowledge;
• Promotion: the marketing strategies, advertising, P.R. used for the educational
By taking into consideration the above mentioned factors, applying new measures to stimulate
demand for educational services is needed in order to ensure the interest even for graduates of less
attractive high school specialties, however necessary for national economy development.

3. Arrangements to Incentive Educational Services Demand

Stimulating demand for educational services involves undertaking specific measures by the higher
education institutions. These measures focus on the following four directions:
• Adapting/developing the educational programmes
• Marketing/promotion regarding the benefits of the programmes
• Informig/counseling the graduates (both high school and university)
• Finding alternatives to financially support students whlile attending educational
The first direction implies developing new educational programmes in order to satisfy a
dynamic labour market’s needs. At the same time, the old specializations must be adapted in order
to deliver the appropriate competences to the economic environment and, at the same time, keep
the famous specializations up to date with the latest changes in the domain. The marketing is also
important in order to assure an appropriate influx of candidates that will assure sustainability of
202 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

the adapted specializations. Also, informing the graduates about the competences they will achieve
and about the importance of higher education represents an important activity direction. Finally,
one of the best ways to encourage the youth to attend higher education programmes is to offer
them financial aid in that purpose.
In order to analyze the impact of the factors detailed in the previous chapter, the authors
propose the use of Force Field Analisys management tool. The purpose is to observe the influence
of the above mentioned factors on the main directions of change established before.

4. Case Study – a Quality Management and Engineering Masters Programme

The following case study analizes the influence of demographic evolution, social and economic
factors and the marketing mix elements on the strategies that were adopted in the development of
one of the masters programmes from by Technical University of Cluj-Napoca. The aim was to
transform a one-year advanced studies programme in quality managmenet in a international
masters programme that will deliver appropriate competences to the economic environment. In
table 1, the desired outcomes of the four strategies on the masters programme are explained.
In order to observe the implications of the factors mentioned before on these directions, a
Force Field Analisys was carried. The sores presented in the Table 2 represent the measure of the
influences that each of the factors have pro and against a certain measure that is planned to be
taken. The scale used is between 0 and 5 for the forces strength and from -5 to 5 for the final
For example, the demographic factor has a strong negative influence towards adapting and
diversifying the educational offer, because of the decreasing number of total students that will be
available for higer education programmes – thus the chance of not having enough candidates for a
programme that took a a lot of effort to be developed.

Table 1 The purpose of the four major directions of intervention

No. Direction Purpose

Reduce the gap between the competences required on the
labour market and the ones delivered to graduates;
1. Adaptation/Diversification
Increase the knowledge insertion in the economic
Atract more graduates;
2. Marketing/Promotion
Encourage competition between candidates.
Encourage the access of graduates with non-engineering
background (ie. Economists, Physicists etc.);
3. Informatio & Counseling
Deliver appropriate information about the topics that are
Ease accesss to the programme from the financial
4. Financial support

But there are also reasons for this measure to be undertaken, such as sustainability: a masters
programme that wil deliver the competences demanded by the labour market and that will deliver
highly qualified graduates to the economic environment will most probably be considered
successful on the long term. Also, the social factor represents a strong reason why the
diversification should be taken into consideration because the quality management domain
represents a modern approach in businesses all over the world. Furthermore, the programme can
be also easily accessed by students with other background than engineering. From the economic
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 203

perspective, the cost of transforming the advanced studies into an up to date masters programme is
a substantial one – more classes must be assigned to highly specialized professors. On the other
side though, the resources consumption can be regarded as a long term investment: a strong
programme will attract more and more students each year and economic benefits can emerge from
this. Also, a modern curricula will generate knowledge useful for the economic environment, and
it can generate incomes for the university from research contracts.
Regarding the marketing mix, the authors evaluated this development direction from the “4P”
factors. Obviously, the “product” improving will make the programme more desirable for the
graduates. The “price” is considered to have a negative impact, because the diversification and
adaptation costs. The “promotion” of the newly developed programme will be easier to be done –
so there is also a positive influence of the marketing mix. The the “placement” is considered to
have no influence on this direction. The Table 2 shows the entire analisys process for each four
directions considered by the authors to be important in the masters programme developing process.
In the end of this analisys, the resulting chart (Figure 3) furnishes the general perspective on the
way that the four factors influence the activities planned for the implementation of the new
masters programme.

Table 2 Force field analisys – case study

Forces Direction of Forces Final

Pro intervention Against Score
Demgraphic 1 3 -2
Social 5 Adapting/diversifying 1 4
Economic 3 the educational offer 2 1
Marketing Mix 4 1 3
Demgraphic 4 0 4
Social 4 0 4
Economic 3 3 0
Marketing Mix 4 1 3
Demgraphic 3 1 2
Social 4 1 3
Economic 1 3 -2
Marketing Mix 3 2 1
Demgraphic 3 1 2
Social 4 0 4
Financial support
Economic 4 3 1
Marketing Mix 3 3 0

As it can be observed, the biggest positive support for changing the programme is given by the
social factor, all of the forces being positive and having high values – the mean calculated value is
3.75. This can be explained by the inclination of the society towards modern educational
programmes, with a high absorbtion of their graduates by both national and international labour
204 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

markets. On the other side one can observe that the “weakest” part of the development and the
implementation process is given by the economic factor, which has a neutral score of 0. This can
be explained by the consistent financial effort thet the university has to put in the transformation
process. Surprisingly, the demographic problem is not as big as one expeted it to be: the final score
is above 0, having a mean value of 1.5 out of 5, which means that overall the demographic
evolution is also a “pro” factor regarding the improvement of the quality management educational
programme. Finally, the marketing mix represents also an encouraging force, with a score of 1.75.
From the analisys carried by the authors of this papes, several consequences derived. The first
one and the most important regardins the “weakest” point of the transformation process, namely
the economic factor. Therefore, an alternative source for financing the improvement of the
programme was found in the structural funds offered by the European Union for the development
of human resources.

Figure 6 Force Field Analisys - Results

The quantum obtained through the programme named “Development and implementation of a
Bologna master programme, with an international opening, in the Quality Management and
Engineering domain, according the labour market demands” was used to counter balance the weak
economic factor. Also, a part of the financial aid was used for both marketing and information
activities and, at the same time, another fragment of the budget was allocated to scholarships for
the students with high study performances. The programme is currently in the second year of
implementation and it is considered by now one of the most successful master programmes in the
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca. The second ”tough” point is represented by the demographic
evolution, which has both strong positive and negative forces acting upon it. But even so, the
overall direction has a final degree of 1.5 out of 5, which makes the demographic factor to act as a
”pro” for the strategies that have to to be implemented.


The educational market is represented by manifested or latent needs of pupils and students, family
and society, by youth education concomitant with endowment with skills and knowledge useful to
modern society. In pursuit of market relations are involved four environmental agents: the school,
the recipient undertaking workforce, labor owners and state [6].
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 205

In order to assure the sustainability of an educational programme, decisions that regard change
must be taken based on data analisys. At the same time, the influence of the main factors cannot be
ignored when developing and planning the change. As this paper shows, the influence of these
factors can vary for each of the strategies but, in the end, a general trend is shown, providing
information about the areas that may require intervention. The masters programme presented in
this paper as a case study is now one of the most successfull programmes in the university,
validating the analisys carried by the authors of this paper and serving as an example for other
universities from Romania and Republic of Moldova that may want to reengineer their educational


1. Popescu S., Munteanu R., Popescu D., A structured approach to academic staff evaluation, 4th
International Seminar on Quality Management in Higher Education, Sinaia, Romania, June 2006.
2. INSSE, Anuarul statistic 2010 .
3. Brătucu G., Brătucu T-O: Analiza sistemului de factoricare influineŃează comportamentul consumatorului
individual, In Management şi Marketing, 2 (2) Braşov, 2007
4. Cătoiu, I. , Teodorescu N: Comportamentul consumatorului, Teorie şi practică, Ed. Economică, Bucureşti
5. Gotişan, I, EvoluŃii, tendinŃe şi pronosticuri referitoare la piaŃa muncii din R Molodva în apropierea
acesteia de standardele europene, Raport în cadrul proiectului AsocaŃiei pentru DemocraŃie
Participativă ADEPT şi EXPER-GRUP, „Planul de acŃiuni Uniunea Europeană – R Moldova”.
6. Insitutul de Politici Publice, TendinŃe şi pronosticuri referitoare la piaŃa muncii din Republica Moldova,
Chişinău, 2009.
7. Olteanu, V. Cetină, I.: Marketingul serviciilor, Bucureşti, Editura Expert, 1994.
Learning styles in technology enhanced education:
latest trends and a case study
Elvira Popescu1

(1) University of Craiova, Software Engineering Department

13, A.I. Cuza Street, 200585 Craiova, ROMANIA

The accommodation of learning styles in technology-enhanced learning has been proven to
increase the efficiency and/or effectiveness of the educational process, as well as students'
satisfaction. Thus, in the last several years, there has been a proliferation of such learning
style-based educational systems, which aim at identifying the learning style of the students
and/or providing courses tailored accordingly. The paper has several purposes: i) provide a
synthesis of the most recent initiatives in the area of learning style-based adaptive
educational systems; ii) illustrate it with a case study of such a system developed and
experimentally validated in a Romanian university; iii) discuss the effect of learning styles on
students' acceptance of Web 2.0 tools in education, as well as some future trends in the
context of social and adaptive learning environments.
Keywords: learning style, adaptive educational system, learner model, Web 2.0


Learning style represents a distinctive and habitual manner of acquiring knowledge, skills or
attitudes through study or experience (Sadler-Smith, 1996). It includes many different preferences
related to perception modality, processing and organizing information, reasoning, social aspects,
etc.; e.g., a student may prefer the learning material to include many graphical representations as
well as a lot of practice opportunities (simulations, experiments), while another student may learn
better when hearing the course and may need time to reflect over the material before trying hands-
on experiences (Popescu, 2009).
During the past 30 years, there have been proposed a wide range of learning style models,
which differ in the learning theories they are based on, the number and the description of the
dimensions they include. During the past decade, learning styles have also started to be used in
technology-enhanced learning, with encouraging results: according to the literature, there has been
reported an increase in the efficiency and/or effectiveness of the educational process, as well as
learner's satisfaction (Popescu, 2010a).
This paper aims at providing a bird's eye view of recent educational systems that accommodate
learning styles and then go into a more detailed presentation of a particular in-house system called
WELSA (Web-based Educational system with Learning Style Adaptation). Sections 2 and 3 are
devoted to these purposes respectively.
In the past couple of years, learning styles have started to be considered in conjunction with
Web 2.0 and social tools in education. Section 4 provides a glimpse into these latest trends,
investigating the correlations found between learning styles and students' preferences towards
these emergent tools. Finally, the paper concludes with some future trends related to the use of
learning styles in the e-learning 2.0 context.
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 207

Overview of Learning Style-based Adaptive Educational Systems (LSAES)

The adaptation process in LSAES implies two stages: i) identifying the learning style of the
student (learner modeling); ii) applying the corresponding adaptation rules (adaptation
As far as the creation of the learner model is concerned, there are two possible approaches:
i) use a dedicated measuring instrument (e.g., psychological questionnaire) associated to the
learning style model. This method is called "explicit", since it requires direct input from the part of
the student, who has to explicitly specify her/his learning style by filling in the questionnaire. This
way, a static learner model is created at the beginning of the course and stored once and for all.
ii) analyze student's interaction with the system (behavioral patterns) and/or knowledge test
results to infer her/his learning style. This method is called "implicit" since it is based on already
available feedback information, without having to ask for additional effort from the part of the
students. This may also have the advantage of being more accurate, overcoming the psychometric
flaws of the traditional measuring instruments (Popescu, 2009). Additionally, a dynamic modeling
approach can be envisaged, with the learner model being continuously updated during the learning
As far as the adaptation techniques are concerned, one of the most widely used is fragment
sorting, i.e., presenting the educational resources in an order considered most suitable for each
student; so, basically, all the students are presented with the same learning resources, just ordered
differently. Alternatively, only the learning object (LO) that best suits the learning style of the
current student is included in the learning path, i.e., adaptive selection of learning objects; the
selection takes place among the set of equivalent LOs (from the point of view of the domain
concept that they explain). Other (less flexible) approaches include the customization of the
system's interface according to students' preferences or the use of conditional text and predefined
page variants to present the information in different styles.
The first attempts at accommodating learning styles in educational systems date back to 1999,
with the notable examples of CS383 course (Carver et al., 1999) and Arthur system (Gilbert and
Han, 1999). Other noteworthy systems from the beginning of the last decade include: iWeaver
(Wolf, 2002), (Bajraktarevic et al., 2003), INSPIRE (Papanikolaou et al., 2003), AES-CS
(Triantafillou et al., 2003). An important characteristic of these first generation systems is that they
focus mostly on the adaptation provisioning stage, while the learner model is generally created in
an explicit way, by means of dedicated questionnaires. The only exception is Arthur system, which
assesses student's learning style based on her/his success at knowledge tests, after following a
course fragment presented in a particular style.
In what follows, we give a short overview of the latest papers, published in the past 5 years.
While some of these systems still use explicitly created learner models (Sangineto et al., 2008;
Wang et al., 2008; Limongelli et al., 2009), most of them use implicit methods for diagnosing
students' learning style (Cha et al., 2006a; Stash, 2007; Graf et al., 2009a). Furthermore, there are
some works which are only focused on the dynamic learner modeling stage, without providing
adaptivity (Garcia et al., 2007; Stathacopoulou et al., 2007; Özpolat and Akar, 2009). Table 1
gives a summary of the implicit modeling techniques used by these systems, while Table 2 focuses
on the adaptivity methods applied.
208 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Table 1. Overview of recent trends in learning style diagnosis

Paper Learning style model Learner modeling technique

(Cha et al., Felder and Silverman Analyze student behavioral patterns using Decision Tree and
2006a) learning style model Hidden Markov Model approaches.
(FSLSM) (Felder and
Silverman, 1988)
(Garcia et FSLSM Analyze student behavioral patterns using Bayesian Networks.
al., 2007)
(Stash, 2007) Verbalizer versus A so-called "instructional meta-strategy" tracks student’s
Imager style; Global learning preferences by observing her/his behavior in the
versus Analytic style; system: repetitive patterns such as accessing particular types of
Activist versus information (e.g., textual vs. visual format) or navigation
Reflector style patterns such as breadth-first versus depth-first order of
browsing through the course. These meta-strategies are
defined by the course authors, who can therefore choose the
learning styles that are to be used.
(Stathacopou Biggs’ surface vs. deep The student diagnosis is done by means of a neural network
lou et al., student approach to implementation for a fuzzy logic-based model. The system
2007) learning and studying learns from a teacher’s diagnostic knowledge, which can be
(Biggs, 1987) available either in the form of rules or examples. The neuro-
fuzzy approach successfully manages the inherent uncertainty
of the diagnostic process, dealing with both structured and
non-structured teachers’ knowledge.
(Graf et al., FSLSM Analyze student behavioral patterns using a rule-based
2009a) approach.
(Özpolat and FSLSM The learners are clustered based on their selection of preferred
Akar, 2009) learning objects, using NBTree classification algorithm in
conjunction with Binary Relevance classifier.

Table 2. Overview of recent trends in adaptivity techniques

Paper Adaptivity technique

(Cha et al., The interface is adaptively customized: it contains 3 pairs of widget placeholders
2006b) (text/image, audio/video, Q&A board/Bulletin board), each pair consisting of a primary and
a secondary information area. The space allocated on the screen for each widget varies
according to the student’s FSLSM dimension: e.g., for a Visual learner the image data
widget is located in the primary information area, which is larger than the text data widget;
the two widgets are swapped in case of a Verbal learner.
(Stash, The system uses an XML Learning Style Adaptation Language, called LAG-XSL, which is
2007) a high level language, including adaptation actions such as: selection of different
representations of concepts (media, level of difficulty, type of activity) and sorting of
concepts. By means of these actions, authors can define their own adaptation strategies for
their own learning styles. However, there is a limitation in the types of strategies that can be
defined and consequently in the set of learning preferences that can be used (e.g. Verbalizer
versus Imager style, Global versus Analytic style and Activist versus Reflector style).
(Sangineto Each LO is manually annotated by the teacher using IMS Metadata Standard. Each of the
et al., 2008) possible "Learning Resource Type" metadata values (i.e., "Exercise", "Simulation",
"Questionnaire", "Diagram", "Figure", "Graph", "Index", "Slide", "Table", "Narrative
Text", "Exam", "Experiment", "ProblemStatement", "SelfAssesment") is classified with the
help of pedagogic experts according to the Felder and Silverman's teaching styles. First, the
system finds the set of necessary domain concepts to be taught to the current student, based
on the domain ontology and student's knowledge level. Next, for each domain concept, the
set of LOs that explain it are found; the system selects one of these LOs taking into account
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 209

the value of the attribute "Learning Resource Type" and trying to minimize the distance
between the learning style and teaching style (interpreted as Euclidian distance).
(Wang et The adaptation criteria are represented by the 4 VARK learning styles (Visual, Audio,
al., 2008) Read/write, Kinesthetic) (Flemming, 1995). The system uses an extended ant colony
optimization algorithm for recommending the optimal learning path to each student,
according to her/his learning preferences. The learning objects must be initially annotated
with the corresponding VARK style by the course authors.
(Graf et al., The adaptation criteria are represented by three FSLSM dimensions (Active/Reflective,
2009b) Sensing/Intuitive, Sequential/Global). The authors propose an add-on for Moodle Learning
Management System, which supplies the required adaptation. More specifically, it provides
an individualized sequence and number of learning objects of each type (i.e., examples,
exercises, self assessment tests, content objects).
(Limongelli Each learning object is annotated by the teacher with a set of weights corresponding to its
et al., 2009) suitability for each of the 4 FSLSM dimensions. First, the system automatically generates a
personalized learning path by means of a planner which takes into account the student's
knowledge level and her/his FSLSM score. At each step, the system can output a new
Learning Object Sequence, in case the student model has changed. For each knowledge
item on the learning path, the system selects the associated LO which is the most suited for
the learning style of the student, based on the assigned weights (i.e., having the smallest
Euclidian distance from the student's learning style).

WELSA Case Study

In what follows we give a short overview of our own in-house system (WELSA), which was
developed and tested at the University of Craiova, Romania. Please note that a detailed
presentation of WELSA can be found in (Popescu et al., 2009). WELSA uses an implicit modeling
method, combined with adaptive sorting and adaptive annotations techniques. Furthermore, it is
based not on a single learning style model (as all the systems included above), but on a complex of
features extracted from several such learning style models, called ULSM (Unified Learning Style
Model). More specifically, ULSM includes preferences related to: perceptual modality, way of
processing and organizing information, motivational and social aspects (e.g., Visual / Verbal,
Abstract / Concrete, Serial / Holistic, Active experimentation / Reflective observation, Individual
work / Team work, Intrinsic motivation / Extrinsic motivation) (Popescu, 2009).
Figure 1 provides an overall view of WELSA system, illustrating the interactions with the two
main actors (the student and the teacher), as well as the process workflow. As can be seen in the
figure, a typical scenario includes the following steps:
1. The teacher creates the course content, by means of the dedicated authoring tool (Course
Editor). The tool automatically generates the appropriate file structure, i.e., XML files describing
the course and chapter structure, LO metadata files as well as the actual LO files.
2. The students interact with the course and all their actions are monitored and recorded by
the system (learner tracking).
3. The Modeling Component preprocesses and aggregates student actions to yield
behavioral patterns (e.g., time spent on each type of learning resources, order of accessing the
resources, level of involvement with the communication tools etc.). Next, it analyses these patterns
to identify the ULSM preference for each student, based on the built-in modeling rules; the learner
model is consequently updated. It should be noted that the teacher can set certain parameters of the
modeling process (by means of a configuration option), so that it fits the particularities of their
own course.
210 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Fig. 1. WELSA overall architecture (Popescu, 2010c)

The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 211

4. The Adaptation Component queries the learner model database, in order to find the
ULSM preferences of the current student. Based on these preferences, it applies the corresponding
adaptation rules and generates the individualized (adapted) course page, by automatically
composing it from the sorted and annotated LOs. The annotation is based on a "traffic light"
technique, discriminating between recommended LOs (with a highlighted green title), standard
LOs (with a black title) and not recommended LOs (with a dimmed light grey title). Thus, the LOs
are placed in the course page in the order which is most appropriate for each learner and enhanced
with visual cues (as can be seen in the WELSA screenshot at the top of Fig. 1).
The system was validated experimentally both from the learner modeling and the adaptation
provisioning point of view, as reported in (Popescu, 2009) and (Popescu, 2010a) respectively.

Learning Styles in E-learning 2.0 Context

In the last few years, Web 2.0 tools (also known as "social software tools", e.g., blog, wiki, social
bookmarking systems, media sharing tools) gained a lot of attention and started to be used in
educational settings (Grodecka et al., 2009; Homola and Kubincova, 2009; Popescu, 2010b), with
encouraging results with respect to student satisfaction, knowledge gain and/or learning efficiency.
Grodecka et al. (2009) present practical guidelines for the use of Web 2.0 technologies to support
teaching and learning, illustrating them with actual pedagogical scenarios. Blogs, for example, can
be seen as a means for students to publish their own ideas, essays and homework and as a space
where they can reflect on their learning process (i.e., a kind of "learning diary"). Furthermore,
posting comments to blog articles represents a means of social interaction, as well as an
opportunity to provide critical and constructive feedback. Also, blogs help create a sense of
community among students with similar interests ("educational blogosphere"). A comprehensive
review of papers reporting actual applications of Web 2.0 technologies and tools in formal
learning settings can be found in (Homola and Kubincova, 2009).
In this new e-learning 2.0 context, researchers have started to investigate the connections
between learning styles and students' preferences towards these emerging tools. Saeed and Yang
(2008), for example, discovered several significant relationships: intuitive learners (who,
according to FSLSM, prefer discovering possibilities and relationships and are always ready to try
out new things), preferred blogs; visual learners preferred vodcasts (not surprisingly, taking into
account their preference towards pictures, diagrams, flow charts etc.); sequential learners preferred
podcasts (since they tend to gain understanding in linear steps and follow logical stepwise paths,
so they could run the sequence of lectures at their own pace over and over again to get a better
understanding of the course content).
The authors performed also a second study (Saeed et al., 2009), in which they investigated the
effects of cognitive style (adaptors versus innovators) (Kirton, 1976) on learner acceptance of
blogs and podcasts. The results showed that students with innovative cognitive style are more
likely to perceive blogs and podcasts as useful and easy-to-use as compared to their adaptor
counterparts. Furthermore, innovators perceive podcasts as more useful than blogs whilst blogs as
more easy-to-use than podcasts.
Another study performed by (Derntl and Graf, 2009) showed that FSLSM learning styles do
not have a broad impact on observable blogging behavior. Nevertheless, several significant
differences were observed: i) active learners tend to post more frequently to their blogs than
reflective learners; ii) reflective learners’ ratio of reading other blog postings vs. posting to their
own blogs is significantly higher than that of active learners; iii) sequential learners tend to write
longer posts than global learners.
212 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş


The paper presented a synthesis of LSAES developed in the past 5 years, followed by a more
detailed case study of WELSA platform. One limitation of all these systems is that they don't take
into consideration the social aspects of learning. The communication and collaboration means
between students are limited (mainly chat and forum). In the light of recent findings regarding the
use of Web 2.0 tools in education, steps have started to be taken for the inclusion of a social
dimension in LSAES. An example is the proposal made in (Popescu, 2010c), advocating the
introduction of social tools in WELSA, outlining the extensions that have to be performed to this
end. Another example is the use of a Kohonen network for learning style identification in a Web
2.0 collaborative learning platform, as reported in (Zatarain-Cabada et al., 2009).
These endeavors will lead to the development of social and adaptive learning environments,
following modern educational theories such as socio-constructivism; these environments will
enable students to learn in a personalized way, constructing knowledge by interacting and
collaborating with their teachers and peers.

This work was supported by the strategic grant POSDRU/89/1.5/S/61968, Project ID 61968
(2009), co-financed by the European Social Fund within the Sectorial Operational Program
Human Resources Development 2007 – 2013.


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Role of the Movie Maker program in Physics experiments
Cătălin ChiŃu1,2, Cătălin Măciucă2, Ştefan Antohe1

(1) University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, P.O.Box. MG-11, Bucharest,

(2) Energetic High School, Campina, Romania

To be considered, a physical phenomenon can be reproduced in the laboratory. This process
depends on many variables that make him the distinction in certain circumstances. Recording
the experiment with webcam, especially when it involves the existence of mechanical
movements, is important to help the analysis and interpretation of data acquired. This study
presents the role of software computer programs Media Smart Webcam and Movie Maker to
observe physical phenomena, to processing the film captures and interpretation of
experimental data respectively. It is analyzing a real oscillation phenomenon to elastic
oscillator. We appreciate the contribution made by using one computer during the training
that is beneficial to increase the quality of the experiment and correctness of the
interpretations in Physics discipline.
Keywords: Laboratory experiments, Movie Maker program, Oscillation phenomenon,
Physics discipline.


Windows Movie Maker is video creating/editing software, included in Microsoft Windows Me,
XP, and Vista. It contains features such as effects, transitions, titles/credits, audio track, timeline
narration, and Auto Movie. New effects and transitions can be made and existing ones can be
modified using XML code.
Windows Movie Maker is also a basic audio track editing program. It can apply basic effects to
audio tracks such as fade in or fade out.
The audio tracks can then be exported in the form of a sound file instead of a video file
The Windows Vista version of Windows Movie Maker support to importing video captures by
webcam (video capture device) via Media Smart Webcam software program. This program stoked
video-captures which are used to create the projects by Movie Maker program.
Software is available to allow PC-connected cameras to watch for movement and sound,
recording both when they are detected; these recordings can then be saved to the computer
After capture, any clip can be dragged and dropped anywhere on the timeline. Once on the
timeline, clips can be duplicated or split and any of the split sections deleted or copied using the
standard Windows keyboard shortcuts or clicked and dragged to another position. Right-clicking
any clip brings up the range of editing options. An Auto Movie feature offers predefined editing
styles (titles, effects and transitions) for quickly creating movies
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 215

Edit video catches obtained during the laboratory experiment is, in some cases, very necessary.
Thus, at certain times of the laboratory experiment, the evolutions of physical parameters deviate
from the theoretical model accordingly.
Therefore, to determine these parameters need to consider and analyze the parts of the
phenomenon evolution which correspond and which verify the theoretical model. Experimenter
will choose those portions of the video capture that meet these considerations. Deviations from the
theoretical model will also be monitored and analyzed, providing interpretations of the limits of
validity of that physical model.
Training using video means necessary when certain phenomena and experiments are difficult
to reproduced in laboratory conditions. Thus, after the video filming, these phenomena can be
easily observed, analyzed and interpreted. In this way the teacher will choose and will edit those
videos which are in accord with the objectives of the lesson (Malinovschi, 2003). Can be
determined, too, physical parameters which are impossible to measured in the absence of video
Considering that each student has a preferred learning style, training with video catches to
experimental activities help students to develop video skills and digital skills.
Training result in Physics discipline will be in accord with educational profile of students
(Florian, 2004; Gardner, 2005; Gardner, 2006, Miron 2008).
Training using the Movie Maker program can be completed using computer software. With
them, users have to provide graphical interfaces (GUI) for the fast calculation of indirect
experimental physical parameters. We estimate that this software is useful, too, to the evaluation
studies of the efficiency of learning process.

Theoretical contents

Using to the physics lesson of audio and video files edited with Movie Maker program, enhance
the quality of laboratory experiment.
In this article we present stages of a publish project to the experimental theme: "The
phenomenon of real oscillations”. Elastic behaviour of an oscillator is analyzed in laboratory
conditions. The article presents also the results obtained in laboratory experiment (A. V. SRL,
We made a video recording phase using a webcam, webcam with Media Smart software. Video
Catches were stored in computer memory. For processing, the video file is accessed with the
Windows Movie Maker - Vista version 6.0, using the button "IMPORT MEDIA”.
On computer screen will appear the project title and video capture imported (imported video
file). Will select this file, and by the "drag and drop" method, the file is inserted in the "Timeline”
to begin its processing.
When the video material is running, by pressing the "Split" button are cut sections of the
project. Unnecessary sections will be eliminated using „Remove" instruction.
If the recording contains background noise, it can be eliminated by selecting the "Audio
Levels" from the "Timeline". It will move the cursor to the right in this case.
The operator can attach a sound comment to the video recording using the "Start narration"
button. Also, using the "Import Media" button in the menu bar can be added to the project in
progress, music videos and other files belonging. These files will appear on the home page of the
project, and by the "drag and drop" method will attach them to the original file, in the following
sections: "Video” or "Audio / Music" of the editor (
Both the video and audio sequences can be attached to certain positions of the editing project.
216 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

After completing editing, audio video file must be saved. This is done by selecting the option
"Publish Movie" from "File". At this point the operator has several options, depending on the
chosen location to save the file created: Computers, DVD, Recordable CD, e-mail and digital
video camera.
After editing and saving the audio-video file, it can be used for educational purposes.
Also, the whole project for editing audio and video file can be saved by selecting "Save
Project" instruction from "File". Thus it will be possible to modify it later, depending on training
Analysis of oscillatory phenomenon is based on the behaviour of small oscillations in
laboratory conditions. Small oscillations phenomenon and the real oscillations phenomenon can be
thoroughly studied using video.
In the real oscillations phenomenon we have a friction force proportional and contrary to the
direction of movement of the mass m of the oscillator. The friction force has the formula (Hristev,
1984; Yavorski, 1986):
[1] Fv = − r = − ry&, r = const
The parameter “r” is called the proportionality constant of the friction force.
By introducing the parameter named damping coefficient we obtained:
[2] β =
[3] F = − 2 mβ = − 2 mβ v
This relationship shows that the amplitude of the damping oscillations decreases in time with
the attenuation coefficient β , according to the law:
[4] A(t ) = Ae − β ⋅t

Theoretically, this behaviour of the amplitude is an exponential decrease in time.

The rate of decreasing in time of the damped oscillations amplitude is given by the dimension
called logarithmic decrement of damping.
The logarithmic decrement of damping (D) is defined by the natural logarithm of the ratio
between the place at a period of time equal to the T period of elongations or the oscillation
amplitude taking these oscillations (Hristev, 1984):
y (t ) A(t )
[5] D = ln = ln = βT
y (t + T ) A(t + T )
The formula of the energy of the really oscillator is:
1 − ⋅t
[6] E= mω 2 A 2 = E 0 e − 2 β ⋅t = E 0 e m
Energy is seen to exponentially decrease in time with the attenuation coefficient 2 β = r .
Theoretically, the expression of the total energy at linear oscillator on elastic and gravitational
fields is:
k d ( n ) (∆l + A( n ) ) 2
[7] E( n) = + mg ( A0 − A( n ) )
Using the energy sum up for the damped oscillatory motion made by the elastic oscillator, the
following equation can be obtained:
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 217

[8] Ei = E f + Wdissipated
The equation of the energy sum up will be the basis for the study of the free linear elastic
In fact, in the case of the real linear oscillations the variation of the total energy of the
oscillator is equal to the mechanic work of the dissipative forces.
The elastic constant measurement of the oscillator by a dynamic method means to take out the
elastic pendulum from the equilibrium position.
In this case an arbitrary number of complete oscillations are timed several times, writing down
the paired values each time (Popescu et al., 2006).
The elastic dynamic constant of the spring is calculated for each case starting from the
oscillator period in the situation of small oscillations:
t m
[9] T= = 2π
N kd
from which the value of the elastic constant is [5]:
4π 2 mN 2
[10] kd =
With Windows Movie Maker in Windows Vista 6.0 version, we edited the video capture file of
the experiment.
The oscillations occur with high frequency which does not allow direct measurement the data.
However, analysis of video capture, sequence to sequence, made possible the extraction of
experimental data.
First, it was measured by the static method, the elastic constant of oscillator under conditions
of static equilibrium (ks). The value of this parameter is required for the initial moment of the
laboratory experiment. The dynamic elastic constant of oscillator was measured by dynamic
experimental method. Certain parameters such as: variable amplitude of oscillations, duration of
each set of oscillations, etc. are determined by the dynamics method. Consider mass m=40g. Video
analysis allows for fine measurements: the period of oscillation, recovery times, and forces of
inertia at the ends of elongations, movement speeds and accelerations (Panaiotu et al., 1972). We
determinate, using theoretical calculations, the total energies of oscillator and the dissipated
energies by friction in the external environment.
Experimental results
This study characterized some of the physical parameters to real oscillations. A capture of screen
about experimental measurement can be seeing in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Screen capture from experimental work

using edited file by Movie Maker program
218 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

The experimental data for representing the behaviours of the amplitude, the logarithmic
decrement, energies and the dynamic elastic constant of real oscillator are in the Table 1. In this
table, KS is the static elastic constant of the elastic oscillator.

Table 1. The experimental data to real oscillations from elastic oscillator

N A0
KS (N/m) A (cm) t (s)
(oscillations) (cm)
0 22,77 2,50 0,00
22 1,50 7,68
44 1,00 15,32
66 0,70 22,88
88 0,60 30,48
110 0,55 38,08
132 0,50 45,64
154 0,45 53,20
176 0,40 60,76
198 0,35 68,36
The measurement of the amplitude of the damped oscillations during teaching laboratory
experiment, as a function of numerical groups of oscillations, shows an approximately exponential
decrease of the amplitude (see Figure 2) (A. V. SRL, 2000; Origin Lab Corporation, 2002).
The evolution of the logarithmic decrement to the real elastic oscillator is presented in Figure
3. In this diagram it is applied fitting by a Boltzmann function.
The evolution of the total energy to the real elastic oscillator is presented in Figure 4. In fact,
with every oscillation, a part of the oscillator energy is dissipated outside as process energy
(Popescu et al., 2006).

Figure 2. The evolution of the Figure 3. The evolution of Figure 4. The evolution of the
amplitude of oscillations the logarithmic decrement energy of the elastic oscillator
of oscillations

In agreement with theory, the experimental graphic diagrams show a more pronounced
decrease of the total energy of the real linear oscillator in comparison with the decrease of its
amplitude during the time (Origin Lab – Corporation, 2002).
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 219

The dissipative energy can be measured using the equation of balance energy. According to
this value, the dissipative mechanic work is the result of the variation of the oscillator total energy
for the initial and final states of oscillation (see Figure 5).
In accordance with the graph from Figure 5, it can be seen that the rate of the energy dissipated
outside by the linear elastic oscillator decreases with the increase of the number of oscillations.
Decrease of the oscillator velocity correlates with the decrease in the dissipative force are
contributes to the decrease of the dissipative energy exchange with the outside environment
(Popescu et al., 2006).
The evolution of the dynamic elastic constant of the oscillator is presented in Figure 6.

Figure 5. The evolution of the Figure 6. The evolution of the

dissipative energy of the elastic dynamic elastic constant of
oscillator the elastic oscillator

The time dependent progress of the dynamic elastic constant shows its increase correlated with
the increasing of the number of small oscillations (Figure 6). As the number of oscillations
increased above 100 it is observed a slope change of dynamic elastic constant due to small plastic
deformations of the elastic spring.


In cases when physical phenomena are difficult to be reproduced in laboratory conditions, the
catches of image and sound are essential for understanding these phenomena.
Using the files edited with Movie Maker program increases the number of physical parameters
measured during teaching laboratory experiment. Are thus stimulated, knowledge transfer
processes, directing the learning partners for scientific research.
Also, training will increase efficiency, directing students learning by visual means.
We estimate that programs use video and audio editing catches lead to useful projects to
improve the quality of laboratory experiment. Students will be connected to those training
activities that cover the entire spectrum of teaching-learning-assessment styles: visual, auditory
and practical.


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products, Origin 7.0 Version. Massachusetts
Windows Movie Maker,
Windows Vista,
Yavorski, B., Detlaf, A. (1986): The Physical Dictionary. Mir Publishers, Moscow
Some aspects of the global IT learning solutions and international
certification opportunities in the Republic of Moldova
Dr. Sergiu Tutunaru, Eng. Vitalie Boico

Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova

This paper offers a number of important issues on the development of e-learning technologies
and their implementation in the education process of the Republic of Moldova and at the
Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova (AESM), by the Center for Economic
Development from Chisinau in particularly. We are analyzing our experience gained during
the training process development by using the facilities provided by the course management
system „Moodle.” This system is actively applied in the continuous education process and at
the MS IT Academy Moldova project within the AESM. Two years ago we established the
MS IT Academy Moldova, based on international well known academic curriculums which
are enriched with real-world skills. The program connects students, instructors, schools and
IT businesses in Moldova while using so named blended approach: classical and e-learning.
There are many simulations, examples and case studies from practical business situations.
These elements are usually missing in the university courses, so they were introduced in the
study process of this program. Classes are offered in Romanian-English and Russian-English
languages. The most competitive students have the opportunity to obtain an international
online certification in English. We are a part of the Pearson-VUE and Prometric, both known
as superior technology and secure test center networks. We believe that an industry-leading
certification is a proof to employers that our students have the skills for a job in various fields
of activities and helps the young specialists obtain good jobs positions.
Keywords: e-learning, distance learning, MS IT Academy, course management system.

1 Introduction
Beginning with the fall of 2003 the Republic of Moldova took several steps on the
official governmental level towards the development of information society and
e-education in the country. Thus, in 2004 the Ministry of Education with the support of
the government started the SALT project. The goal set forward was to provide all
secondary schools in the country with Internet and computer laboratories. As it was
mentioned earlier “(Tutunaru, 2004)” in the system of higher education the situation was
and is better. Considerable results have been achieved since that time. However we are
still encountering financial difficulties, lack of teachers and IT specialists in order to
achieve the goal, especially in rural community. The e-learning facilities used in these
institutions can influence the country’s e-learning development in the education and
business fields by using IT technologies.

2 The IT learning solutions

The Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova (AESM) is a leading institution of
economic education in our country. Starting 2003 year, several professors began to apply
222 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

computer technologies in the study process based on course management system

“Moodle” and some national elaborated testing systems “(Tutunaru, 2009).” This system
became attractive for us as it is based on a free platform with an open source. In addition,
it can be modified by everyone, shaped according to each one’s needs. This fact really
motivates teachers and universities. Now this system is on high demand
( In February 2010 it included more than 3,206,200 courses,
about 32,783,000 users and 1,223,349 teachers. As for April 2009 the largest report
denotes 52,558 registered validated sites, 2,799,502 courses, 30,593,828 users and
1,785,059 teachers. Today in our Academy in the Moodle system are registered more
than 90 different courses elaborated by our teaching staff.
Moodle in Moldova is promoted by enthusiastic and progressively thinking professors.
In the nearest future we plan to organise the development of this process in a more
structured way, according to the necessities of Academy’s faculties and departments.
In this context, we can certify that our university possesses all necessary equipment
and IT skilled professionals for such kind of education process. From a technical
viewpoint, there are many facilities that could help us introduce these technologies more
efficiently today. We have special technical IT department which supervises the support
for stable functionality of the computer network and computer classes and takes care of
the used software. AESM has built a powerful information system that includes more
than 1,200 computers installed in 28 classrooms, the Scientific Library, three teaching
staff rooms and student dormitories. The computer classrooms run two shifts. About
1,100 computers have Internet access. Computers are monitored by 11 servers, 28 hubs
and approximately 15,000 meters of cable which provide network links. There are 25
Multimedia slide projectors and 50 notebooks used in class and research activities. In
2005, the Academy opened the “Mediateca” multimedia centre for individual work for all
students and professors of the academy, which is open from 8 AM till 8 PM free of
charge. The existence of such a kind of structure provides new opportunities for students
in navigation of Internet resources, preparing different papers practical assignments and
performing researches.
We understand that the economy of the 21st century is driven by information
technology. Employees who possess ICT skills are better prepared to step out of low-
wage, low-skill jobs into the higher-paid jobs that require technology proficiency. That is
why when starting its activities in 2005 the Center has focused its activities in IT fields,
having organized different conferences, workshops on national and international levels.
The Center for Economic Development and Public Affairs (CDEAP) at AESM launched
Microsoft IT Academy in September 2008 (
Establishing well set connections between businesses’ needs, modern IT soft, hard
development and study process is a high priority in our days. As it was mentioned in
Microsoft instructions for IT Academies, it is not an easy task for academic institutions to
provide the relevant and engaging computing courses that students need in order to
expand their life skills and enhance their employment opportunities. Academic
institutions are centres of the skills development ecosystem, working with communities,
education stakeholders and local industries to transform learning into real-world
employment skills in a way that resonates with today’s students.
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 223

As an example of the potential efficiency of this kind of educational collaboration

provided by MS IT Academy, we will analyze the experience of the CDEAP at ASEM in
implementing e-learning based strategies. The Microsoft IT Academy Program evolved
under the guidance of educators with the core mission of establishing academic
institutions and offering world-class computer technology curriculums enriched with real-
world skills.

3 Education process

Organizing our education process in MS IT Academy Moldova as module structure

learning, we use the Microsoft Course e-learning experience based on principles:
• Learning what you want;
• Learning when you want it;
• And in the way you want to learn it.
Microsoft IT Academies are provided to craft the right course offerings, align to
industry hiring needs and deliver a dynamic learning experience to a diverse community
of students. It is all happening in the context of the most cutting-edge Microsoft
technologies in demand today. According to the Microsoft policy, only certified
instructors with solid practical experience are involved in the teaching process.
For the members of the MS IT Academy the project offers special manuals, namely
Academic Textbooks (MOAC - Microsoft Official Course) and professional courseware
(MOC – Microsoft Official Course). We provide the electronic versions for these
materials for internal use for our students.
Using facilities provided by the course management system “Moodle” and special e-
learning facilities, exclusively elaborated by Microsoft for its MS IT academies, our
certified Microsoft instructors can:
1. Provide provision for e-learning access to students;
2. Set up classrooms as “learning groups”;
3. Send group e-mails, e.g. assignment notifications;
4. Access reporting on student use and assessment scores, etc.
The study process of the IT Academy is managed by an IT Administrator. He registers
the instructors and students in e-learning process benefits having admin key to Microsoft
distance learning system.
As MS IT Academy we received subsidised learning materials from Microsoft Official
Learning Curriculum. Benefits of Academic Course Materials are:
• Personalised service from ITCert or Wiley for your course needs;
• Examples below from ITCert.
We obtained access to a selection of Microsoft’s award-winning e-learning courses,
specifically chosen for their alignment to technology courses, which are typically taught
at Microsoft IT Academies. Our benefits of Microsoft e-learning are:
• Over 260 titles of desktop, server, and developer titles, including Windows 7 and
Office 2007;
• Content is aligned with Microsoft Certification Exam objectives.
Microsoft certifications are demanded and respected endorsements in the industry,
stressing both technical knowledge and real-world experience. Therefore at the end of
224 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

each module the participants are taking an internal exam. After that they have online
examinations in special testing center placed in our Center for Economic Development at
AESM, under Prometric education testing service standards accreditations. (For more
details see please access
Benefits of Microsoft Certification: (
• Validates technical knowledge and skills;
• Provides a leading edge in the job market;
• Offers visible demonstration of commitment to the IT profession;
• Demonstrates a reliable benchmark in addition to a certificate or degree;
• Enables a career development path for ongoing advancement of Microsoft
technology skills.
The next example of the global education projects realized in Moldova is Cisco
Academy. It provides our students with opportunities to improve one’s qualification. The
main aspects of education in the Academy are the following
• Comprehensive Learning Program;
• Program Evolution;
• 21st Century Career Skills;
• Global Partnerships;
• More Than 900,000 Students Worldwide;
• Delivery Method;
• Corporate Social Responsibility.

Currently in Moldova there are six Cisco Academies:

• Association DNT (Regional Academy DNT);
• CFBC (Financial and College);
• IDSI (Institute for the Development of Information Society);
• ULIM (Free University of Moldova);
• USM (State University of Moldova);
• UTM (Technical University of Moldova).

The largest Academy is Regional Academy DNT. The following courses are held
there on a regular basis:
• Linux;
• CCNA Security;
• CCNA Exploration.

More than 20 instructors work in Cisco Academies in Moldova. By this time more
than 1,000 students have completed education within these programs. Microsoft IT
Academy in Moldova worked with four certified instructors, who had trained around 200
persons for the IT sector in a period of two years.
The quality of education acquired in MSIT and Cisco Academies is being tested in
Prometric and Pearson VUE test centers, which are the two largest internationally
recognized testing networks, with locations in Chisinau as well. Testing network
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 225

Prometric includes over 160 countries, and is available in more than 7,500 locations. The
Pearson VUE provides a full suite of services, where all package of services is included:
developing tests, delivering online exams and comprehensive data management. Test
centers are located in 165 countries.
Student can estimate the level of courses and knowledge obtained going through this
video and audio recorded examination online process. Through these trainings students
get internationally recognized certificates. They are expensive for Moldavian citizens, but
this investments is worth making, as the best students are secured with working places in
the leading companies on local and international job market, because the employers have
access to the online profiles of the participants.
The next example is referred to continuing education which includes traditional
national elaborated courses, as well as globally recognized courses mentioned above. The
new specialty “Firm Finance and Accounting” was started by the CDEAP in October
2010. In this project we have used so named blended approach facilities provided by the
distance learning technologies in higher education. The duration of study is 18 months
which includes more than 20 different subjects. All necessary theoretical materials,
lectures and practical exercises are placed on Moodle (
login/index.php). Special trainings were organized for teachers, staff and students
involved into this model of education. This project shows that we can make a significant
step to full e-learning process. During a short time period (about one year) an
infrastructure for faculty studies specifics was adopted, because the Moodle system was
used in ASEM by the professors and teachers enthusiastic only for their own courses.
Just now this process was organized on faculty requirements level. Comparison with
traditional methods of educations shows many advantages of this blended approach.
These examples show us as that in our specific economic conditions based on modern
e-learning facilities, we can provide high quality education and world known online
certification. Undoubtedly, this fact demonstrates the importance and perspectives of the
latter for our students in achieving their career goals.


Conference Proceedings:

Sergiu Tutunaru. Some aspects and peculiarities of the information society development and e-education in
the Republic of Moldova. Tendencies of the information society development. International conference,
Chisinau, December 9-10, 2004, p.124-126.
Sergiu Tutunaru. Development and opportunities of e-learning in the Academy of Economic Studies of
Moldova. The 33 Annual Congress of the American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences (ARA).
Sibiu, Romania, June 02-07. Polytechnic International Press, Montreal, Quebec, 2009, p. 358-359.

Internet Sources:
An agent-based serious game for entrepreneurship
Mario Allegra1, Giovanni Fulantelli1, Manuel Gentile1, Dario La Guardia1,
Davide Taibi1, Gianluca Zangara2

(1) Italian National Research Council

Institute for Educational Technologies
Via Ugo La Malfa 153, 90146 Palermo, ITALY
E-mail: {allegra, fulantelli, gentile, laguardia, taibi}

(2) Italian National Research Council

Institute of Biomedicine and Molecular Immunology "A. Monroy"
Via Ugo La Malfa 153, 90146 Palermo, ITALY

Serious games can create models of the real word, allowing students to enter
lifelike environments and conditions which they would otherwise be unable to access, to
gain experience of complex situations, reacting to specific and dynamic input they receive as
they are playing. In this kind of environment they can assume a role, test their abilities and
acquire new competences.
When designing a serious game, one of the first questions to ask is: “How realistic does the
model have to be?”. A high level of reality is not always the best choice for learning. To
reproduce complex situations may not be appropriate for a beginner, so it may be better to
start with a level at which the user interacts with only a few of the components, adding others
later. Besides, reality can refer to a variety of aspects: people, activities, objects, skills and
places. A simplified model can be more effective for learning, if it focuses on specific content
and/or skills at any one time. After the mastering of specific contents/skills by the user, the
model can introduce a higher level of reality and integrate several components. For these
reasons the system presented in this paper is based on a step-by-step approach which
increases in complexity, with the aim of simulating an enterprise environment that allows
students to learn business dynamics.
Keywords: Entrepreneurial mindset, Multi Agent System, Serious game


Problems related to the employment perspectives of young people have always been taken into
consideration by the leading economies. The cause of these problems is often attributed to a lack
of entrepreneurship skills among young people who, at the end of their studies, have to cope with
their first work experiences.
From this point of view, it is important to provide young people with methodologies and tools
to stimulate an entrepreneurial mindset. In particular, our project aims to help students in learning
the dynamics at the basis of enterprise environments.
Only some specialized schools include subjects related to the enterprise environment in their
curricula, but simulations or analysis of real-world contexts that can help students in practical
situations, are not often considered.
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 227

In this paper we present an agent based serious game that we are going to develop; it models an
entrepreneurship environment using intelligent software agents. The game will be integrated in a
training path involving enterprises, schools and universities.
Our system is based on a step-by-step approach which increases in complexity, with the aim of
simulating an enterprise environment that allows students to learn business dynamics.
Many studies (McDowell et al, 2006; Pannese et al, 2007) argue that this type of simulation
environment, in which students learn in contexts similar to the real world is useful and effective
for dealing with similar situations that may occur in reality.
The intelligent software agent approach is useful to model a complex environment such as that
of an enterprise. Every agent can be modelled with its own behaviour, that may differ in its
complexity and in adherence to reality. The interaction of the single agents produces the evolution
of the whole system.
We have designed two types of agents: autonomous and semi-autonomous. Autonomous agent
behaviour is established at design time and cannot be directly modified by the user, while semi-
autonomous agent behaviour can be controlled at game-time according to player choices.
The game can be accessed via a GUI integrated in Facebook as a web-browser game; it is
aimed at developing students' entrepreneurial skills and to increase awareness of their own

State of the art

The field of simulation gaming research has been studied in depth by numerous researchers in the
last few years, and special consideration has been given to the economic sector. The use of
business strategy games which aim to develop entrepreneurial skills is well documented in the
literature (Schreier and Komives, 1976) and it has led to the development of very sophisticated
systems (Faria, 2001).
The design of games and simulation environments requires careful attention to the definition of
rules and functionalities that the “decision engine” has to follow in order to generate real scenarios
according to specific learning objectives. A typical approach in the design of the “decision engine”
is to use a centralized architecture based on numerical techniques or rules systems. Using this
approach, designers have to deal with the problem of complexity management. The studies carried
out in (Cannon, 1995) affirm that complexity is a fundamental characteristic in this kind of
learning environments if it is to simulate reality and be effective.
On the other hand, high complexity involves other problems such as a lack of transparency in
the relationships of cause and effect in the actions undertaken by the players during the game
(Cannon et al, 2009). Moreover, the more complex the system is, the greater will be the delay in
obtaining feedback regarding the actions taken by a player (Dobson et al, 2004).
The result is an intrinsic difficulty for players to assess the quality of their actions, and
consequently poor support of the processes of reinforcement learning that these tools are aimed to
From a technological point of view, the evolution of artificial intelligence techniques and the
consequent development of new programming paradigms, such as agent programming, are
opening up new scenarios in the development of business strategy games.
The studies carried out (Dobson et al, 2004) state that agent technologies are suitable for the
design and development of this kind of learning environment, in order to overcome the problems
of the current platforms. First of all, this paradigm allows a designer to model the system in terms
of the entities that operate within it, providing a natural description of the system.
This bottom-up approach facilitates the design and the development of a more flexible system;
users can add new agents or tune their complexity.
228 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

For example, it is possible to construct a simulation with increasing levels of difficulty, thus
adapting the environment to a student’s abilities in accordance with the curiosity-gap theory
(Loewenstein, 1994).
Moreover, it is possible to model the system even when the level of description of agent’s
behaviours is not defined beforehand.
Finally, agent based systems capture emergent behaviours, even simple interactions between
agents can generate complex behaviour patterns.

System Architecture

The game is based on a business simulation environment, in which the main actors are enterprises,
suppliers and customers. We use the agent-based simulation (ABS) to validate the design model
and to test the automatic behaviours of the agents. In the game we identify two kinds of agents:
autonomous and semi-autonomous agents. Customers and suppliers are examples of autonomous
agents. Instead, semi-autonomous agents have some responsibilities in the management of the
company, and include: production manager purchasing manager, inventory manager.
Semi-autonomous agents play a dual role within the game. At starting levels, these agents are
autonomous; during the game, as the user gradually reaches more advanced levels, he should be
able to cope with the events that may occur in each sector; and finally they can replace the expert
agents in taking critical decisions.
At this point the semi-autonomous agents will monitor user activities, allowing assessment of
user behaviour. In fact the user can compare his decisions with the optimal behaviour "suggested"
by the agent.
The behaviour of an agent is encapsulated in the code that defines the agent, in this way
relations between different software modules are reduced. The agents can change their behaviour
without requiring radical changes in the whole system.
Agent based architecture is distributed; agents can be resident on different servers, thus
balancing hardware resources. A well defined protocol is used to manage communication between
agents “living” in different servers. In this way, agents can communicate with each other,
independently of their localization.
In the following sections the main scenarios of the game are described.

Production Management

The production department is the area of the enterprise that transforms raw materials into products.
In our model it is characterized by the number of employees and the machinery, these elements
characterize the production capacity. On the one hand, increasing the number of employees and
machinery increases the production capacity of the company; but at the same time thisentails
higher costs for maintenance and repairing machinery, and salary costs for employees.
Therefore the production manager agent has to balance these parameters, depending on the
available resources and market requests. The availability of more machinery and employees makes
it possible to diversify the number of products and increase the production level. It is necessary to
have skills in scheduling techniques to manage all these parameters in order to maximize profits
and meet the objective of obtaining the minimum delay in orders, reducing delivery delays that can
cause/ lead to loss of money. The manufacturing process should also take account of the resources
available in the inventory management, thus influencing product supply, too.
Complex dynamics also affect the employees. The employee is an autonomous entity that
evolves over time. Our environment intends to model the skills of employees, their qualifications,
productivity and training level. Employee skills increase with experience over time or through
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 229

participation in training courses, while their productivity in general varies with the age of the
The model we are designing, also takes into consideration an employee’s request for a higher
salary as he gains qualifications or experience. If the user doesn’t accept the request, the employee
can decide to accept a job offer from another company.

Purchasing materials

One of the key sectors in the management of a company is the purchasing area. This area controls
the sourcing of materials necessary for production. Management of this sector is in the hands of
the purchasing agent who is responsible for finding suppliers and managing the business
relationships with them. The purchasing agent responds to needs identified by the inventory
The search for suppliers may be carried out using the service directory facilitator (DF)
provided by the JADE agent platform (Bellifemine, and Rimassa, 2001). The DF agent does not
explore the entire market of suppliers, but rather the subset of providers who have decided to
publicize their activities through the DF.
Moreover, using this mechanism, the purchasing agent does not have any parameters for
evaluating and selecting the suppliers.
Instead, during the game the supplier selection is made using the model suggested by (Pi and
Low, 2006) that allows an assessment of the supplier on the basis of different parameters (quality,
price, on-time delivery). These parameters may be derived from personal experience or from the
information obtained by companies belonging to the same social network.
The purchasing agent implements the FIPA-Iterated Contract Net Protocol (shown in Figure 1)
to negotiate with the supplier agents.
The supplier agent may follow a policy of
customer loyalty; for example, when a supplier
agent does not receive orders from a loyal
customer, it could adopt a policy of discounts for
that company.

Customer Agent

Customer agents represent the entities that buy

the products. In our model customers can
simulate two types of behaviour related to b2c or
b2b relationships.
In the b2c scenario the agent simulates a
habitual/an ordinary customer who buys the
product in small quantities at the price fixed by
the user, instead in the b2b scenario, agents make
an order for a product which involves contracting
the price, the delivery and the quantity. In the
latter case the user can decide to accept the order
or refuse it, considering the resources available to
his enterprise. The production of a huge quantity
of products requires the employment of many
machines and workers in order to respect the pre-
Figure 1. Iterated Contract Net Protocol
established deadline. (Fipa Specification)
230 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Users should be able to balance the employment of resources with the need to obtain the
maximum profit from the order. Users can also consider sharing the order with other users. The
reasons that may lead to this solution are for example:
• The user considers the order to be favourable but he does not have the required resources
to produce that quantity of product.
• During the production phase the user realizes that he cannot deliver on time, so he
involves other users in order to meet the deadline.
As happens on the best-known sites for online transactions, at the end of the transaction the
agent gives feedback on the user. The parameters of the feedback are related to time and quantity.
The customers will take into account the feedback received by the user to place new orders. The
B2C scenario also takes different factors into consideration. In this scenario the user has to
consider investment in advertising for his products. The choice of a customer agent will be
influenced by the advertising.

In this article we have described a serious game whose purpose is to foster an entrepreneurial
mindset in young people.
A key aspect of the model presented in this paper is the creation of an environment where users
acquire competence in business dynamics and management concepts.
The approach presented in this paper focuses on modeling such a complex environment
through the definition of simple software agent behaviors. This approach has a dual aim: from a
modeling point of view to make the designed environment close to reality and from a pedagogical
point of view to provide users with the necessary feedback to improve their learning paths.

Bellifemine, F., Rimassa, G. (2001) Developing multi-agent systems with a FIPA-compliant agent
framework. Software,Practice & Experience 31(2), 103-128.
Cannon, Hugh M. (1995) Dealing with the complexity paradox in business simulation games. Developments
in Business Simulations and Experiential Exercises 22, 96-102.
Cannon, Hugh M., Daniel P. Friesen, Steven J. Lawrence, and Andrew H. Feinstein (2009) The simplicity
paradox: Another look at complexity in design of simulations and experiential exercises. Developments in
Business Simulations and Experiential Exercises 36, 243-250.
Dobson M., Hyrylov V. and Kyrylova T. (2004): Decision training using agent-based business strategy
games. In Proceedings of the 7th IASTED International Conference on Computers and Advanced
Technology in Education, Kauai, Hawaii, 66-71.
Faria, A. J. (2001) The changing nature of business simulation/gaming research: A brief history. Simulation
and Gaming 32, 97-110.
FIPA Specifications Web Site. Available from:
Jennings, N.R., Wooldridge, M. (1995) Intelligent Agents: Theory and Practice. Knowledge Engineering
Review 10(2), 115-152.
Loewenstein, G. (1994) The Psychology of curiosity: A review and reinterpretation. Psychological Bulletin
116:1, 75-98.
McDowell, P. Darken, R. Sullivan, J. Johnson E. (2006) Delta3D: A Complete Open Source Game and
Simulation Engine for Building Military Training Systems. The Journal of Defense Modeling and
Simulation: Applications, Methodology, Technology 3(143)
Pannese, Carlesi, Riente, (2007): Mettersi in gioco: Serious Games e apprendimento esperenziale per la
fomazione in azienda,
Pi, W. N., Low, C. (2006) Supplier evaluation and selection via Taguchi loss functions and an AHP, The
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 27 (5-6), 625-630.
Schreier, J., Komives, J. (1976) Assessment of entrepreneurial skills using simulations. Computer Simulation
and Learning Theory 3, 53-60.
Methodological aspects of pedagogical e-tests
Tudor Bragaru1, Ion Craciun1

(1) State University of Moldova

60 Mateevici str., Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

Types of recommended items, destinations, life cycles, characteristics differ essentially for
docimology and self-assessment tests. For docimology tests there are multiple theoretical
researches about the main characteristics, requirements and practical recommendations for
their development, there also are centers of expertise and accreditation etc. But authors test
problems are treated much less, these problems are intended for self-assessment/
autocontrol/autotrening at the endings of themes/modules, used primarily in self-learning
processes, mass developed by ordinary teachers without specialized expertise and
accreditations. But also such tests are very important in contiguous self-assessment terms
throughout the life and increase of requirements towards knowledge standardization. The
paper presents the summary of author’s experience in computerized testing of Moldova State
University students putting questions concerning methodology and technology of pedagogical

Keywords: Auto evaluation, Moodle, Computerized items and tests, Formative tests,
Docimology tests, Self-assessment tests, Characteristics, Methodology.


In 2007 by the authors was launched initiative about implementation of new forms of distance
learning, inclusive open learning in Moldova State University.
In 2008 two projects were launched to support the given initiative:
The project 08.815.08.04A "Elaboration and application of innovative methods in distance
learning", State Program "Elaboration of scientific and technological support in building the
information society in Republic of Moldova;
Master Degree Program at the distance "Network Technologies”, supported by Hewlett-
Packard Innovative Education Grant.
Within the project 08.815.08.04A (Scientific Reports, 2009) the webpage "Open Distance
Learning” was launched, and conceptual framework and the distance learning regulations were
adopted (
Within the program supported by Hewlett-Packard Innovative Education Grant computer-
based testing methodology was developed (Bragaru, 2009a), information resources development
methodology for distance learning (Bragaru, 2009b) and digital educational resources for eight
disciplines according to Master Degree program.
Two tools to prepare items in MS Word and import them into Moodle were adapted at the
Moldova State University requirements and modified by the authors:
Pattern, downloaded at the view.php?d=
13&rid=578&filter=1 and adapted for a more efficient loading in distance learning system based
on Moodle Platform (Bragaru et al, 2009c);
232 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Pattern, downloaded at the gift/, improved by the addition of the possibility to introduction of tests
categories, removal of operational errors, and product documentation (Bragaru et al 2010a).
As a result of research and experimentation of methodology elaborating/developing items,
technologies and afferent instruments their updating is required to meet new knowledge and
The main problem consists in elaboration of different methodologies and technologies for
items and formative (educational) and docimology tests.

Classification problem

There is a wide variety of forms and modification of teaching tests methodologies. To determine
the value of the tests, of items characteristics and the overall relations between the different test
methods and rules of development, we need an overview over the various teaching tests.
For example, Avanesov (2010) introduces the concepts of „traditional” test, which includes
„homogeneous”/„ heterogeneous” tests and “nontraditional” test, which includes the testing of
integrative, adaptive, multilevel and with interpretation of the criteria-oriented results.
Morev (2004) writes about „Seven classification criteria and twenty types of teaching tests”
according to: theme items (homogeneous, heterogeneous, adaptive and integrative) display
method (mixed with increasing complexity, adaptive), number of respondents (individual / group),
form of tasks presentation (standard, multimedia secret, game) ; analysis procedure of results (on
paper, computer) information security procedure of information (without variations, multivariate,
randomized), scope (evaluative, formative, verification of remaining knowledge).
Radu I. (2008), Gorbanescu M. (2010) and others define, to highlight the diametrically
opposite difference, pairs of tests such as: initial / final, objective / subjective test of knowledge /
skills, criterial / normative, formative / summative, punctuated/ integrative etc.. Often they are not
all disjoint, they do not cover all levels of classification criteria: i.e. instead of the initial / final
would be the initial / intermediate / final; the objective / subjective would be objective / semi
objective /subjective etc..
The main conclusion drawn from this study is that in specialized literature a single
classification, full of teaching tests does not exist. In fact there can neither exist in the diversity of
teaching goals. However, a synthesis of the most important classification criteria, a rigorous and
complete definition of tests types for the most important criteria, a grouping of synonymous terms
– this would more facilitate practical approach to testing methodology. Although, regarding a
significant volume, it is the subject of a separate work. Further on, we will address briefly only the
author / non-standard tests, in opposition with the standardized tests, though being the fact that the
methodology, technology of development, their qualities and usage differ essentially. For luxury
details see the sources of references.

Authoring Tests (non-standardized) and standardized Tests

According to the designing, testing can be standardized and non-standardized (authoring, in

formative basis). However this classification is based, in addition to procedure of elaboration /
development, and procedures for conducting, on processing and results analysis, which are
standards for standardized tests. According to this standardized tests may be normative when
comparing results with those of the respondent in relation to a reference group, or criterials, in
case of comparing results of respondents in relation to performance criteria established
downstream. In fact one can see how we slipped slightly from a simple classification criterion
(design mode), to a complex one: the design and processing procedures of results.
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 233

Both the authoring and the standardized tests are the knowledge tests, measure the specific
content already covered, covering knowledge, understanding, skills and abilities related to that
content. But standardized tests are based on certain norms (internal, external), respondents results
being evaluated in accordance with those of a reference group. Formative tests are mainly criterial.
Items selected for their inclusion in standardized tests should cover the most important part of
the content of exam and meet quality requirements. Items included in the formative tests usually
cover the entire matters.
Standardized tests are developed in specialized institutions, by the profile team, according to
approved technologies; they are used at various levels (institution, region, country); have superior
technical skills, being systematically certified and developed; use single procedure, standardized
test , evaluation and processing test results, are accompanied by instructions of usage.
In essence, these are docimology tests - part of standardized tests, which continue and extend
the specific assessment to the actual granting of a qualification, a final mark and which
hierarchies, classifies respondents by the obtained performances. They are used in competitions,
final exams, promotion etc.
Functionality of standardized and docimology tests depends on a number of stringent
conditions of scientific and technical nature, their quality (identity, validity, fidelity, consistency,
reliability, homogeneity, amplitude, sensitivity, standardization, calibration, useful, inexpensive)
being determined on the basis of analysis. Its detailed examination creates the subject of one
separate study. Here we only emphasize that their insurance fulfills laborious work to develop
standardized and normalized tests by cyclic attending of several phases: a) Objectives Identification
– realization of agreement between these and learning content; b) Scientific documentation –
identification and usage of sources that lead to a better understanding of the concerned issues;
c) The advancement of hypotheses by designing or selection of representative problems of entire
contents over which the checking process is realized. We must keep in mind both the verified
content, determined by the specific of each learning discipline as well as opportunities of the target
group of respondents; d) Test experimentation on representative samples to ensure the necessary
qualities; e) Statistical analysis and improving of test to ensure the necessary quality

Principles, requirements for non-standard/authorized Tests

Authoring, non-standard tests are developed individually, practically by any teacher in limited
resource conditions, including temporal, financial, technological, as a result - often have lower
technical quality, they use mostly local, often within some faculties / departments, and developed
only by personally administered groups.
Generally, authoring tests are formative tests / school progress (instructive, punctually or
integrative, continuous self-evaluation, intermediate, diagnostics) pursuing academic progress
regularly in relation to performance criteria established previously, providing necessary feedback
that teacher and those who are trained to help them prepare for docimology tests / exams.
According the administering non-standard test point of view, distinguish the following types:
pretest (initial, entry, predictive), current (formative, instructive, self-evaluation, intermediate),
used throughout the process of (self-) learning, posttest (final, summary output, graduation), often
called and docimology. But using authoring non-standardized tests as docimology tests raises the
question of inequality levels and knowledge requirements in the various faculties and institutions,
resolution that leads to normalized tests, standardized
However, formative test content refers to specific thematic objectives, and should cover all the
content destined for learning.
234 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Superior advantages of formative tests:

- allow continuous assessment throughout the all matter, not just fragmentary;
- essentially reduced teacher time and the trained necessary for evaluation;
- reduce subjectivity in evaluation;
- lead to increased integral quality the training process, and more.
In developing of authoring test should be considered several phases and stages. In (Bragaru,
2009) are proposed seven steps, grouped into four phases (1. Planning; 2. Items elaboration;
3. Test verification / approval; 4. Exploitation and Development). (Gorbanescu, 2010) names,
without describing them, eight stages of development: 1. Determining the type of test; 2. Design
specifications matrix; 3. Defining assessment objectives; 4. Items construction; 5. Developing
Grading Scheme; 6. Piloting and revision tests and grading scheme; 7. Test administration; 8.
Correction and analysis of results. Without going into details below we describe briefly some
important steps and activities.

Number planned / forms of items on theme / modules

In the developed methodology (Bragaru, 2009) is recommended quantitative minimum standards

for items depending on the number of hours allocated to the course, and unique identification of
items which allows random generation of tests monitored bank. Typically, the number of
collections meets the number of themes / modules. Collections meet all forms of items. It is very
important the total coverage of learning content according to the learning objectives. Each
objective must meet several items
Also, each item should have the following features:
- to correspond exactly to the objectives (knowledge, comprehension, application) and
- have correctly and properly defined as the score and level of complexity.
Items planning starts from the curriculum, grouped by themes / modules, under which is
extracted the list of elements content that should be tested. Typically, there are used two strategies:
a) control the whole material or b) only the most important chapters. Both are applicable, provided
storage content validity (the measure in which test covers uniform content elements items they will
be tested). It should also take into account that the most important objectives need to be covered
with several items.
Levels of items can have four values:
1) superficial identification skills, knowledge, recognition of objects;
2) reproductive abilities (from memory) of information (formulas, laws, etc.);
3) cognitive abilities– knowledge application in known condition (solving tasks according to
4) knowledge transfer skills – application in new condition, synthesis more knowledge etc.
Forms items correspond to the four canonical forms (open, closed, coordination and ordering
of elements) with variations. In Moodle are presented 10 forms, but their number can be expanded
according to the needs of discipline and control objectives. Each form has its advantages /
disadvantages and recommendations for the use (Bragaru, 2009), which can be continuously
The item score is one of its important features, but poorly treated in the specialized literature.
In vision of the authors, one approach would be welcome formalized by mathematical formulas.
For example, in the simplest case, if we take as a basic value 1 for items of type binary (B), for
which only two alternatives exists to answer Yes /No, True / False, etc., then for single response
items could be number of points determined by the formula:
M = [N/2],
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 235

Where N - the number of variants of answers, and M - the maximum number of points.
Thus, an item with selecting a single correct answer between 2-3 variants, with the probability
to guess the correct answer of ½ or 0.33could be evaluated with a point; between the four / five
variants, the probability to guess correct response could be evaluated from 0.20 to 0.25 with 2
points, etc.. Obviously, this is only for guidance, the teacher leading and informally assigned
points using some coefficients.
Similarly, should be established formulas for items with multiple responses, ordering, and
combination of elements, semi open with placing a missing word, a formula / values that are more
sophisticated and are not placed from the limitation of space.
Level of complexity may be small, medium, and large. Items of type binary (B), single
response (S) almost always will have the lowest level of complexity. Multiple-choice items (M),
with the introduction of answer (L), coordination (C) and ordering of items (O) can have any
degree of difficulty, determined by the author after necessary time, the number of needed
operations, how students also resolved items, if they had similar items in previous tests, etc… It is,
however, note that complexity does not take of form as the item content.

Unique identification of items of bank items

Because formative tests can be launched unlimited, their fixed content could be stored
mechanically. However, when tested in classrooms with many stations (computers) neighboring
students can "cooperate" in answers formulating, since many systems allow free navigation
between test items, i.e. to synchronize with another test.
To not allow such a thing, formative tests / self-assessment would be generated by random
selection of items from the bank of items (random selection from item pool). But such tests should
be equivalent generated by number, type, form items, total score, etc.
This requires developing a unique item identifier, which includes as many features of it. But, as
I seized above, any classification may not be complete. That is code-item identifier would need to
be "open" to leave place for any necessary author grouping, imposed by tradition, internal norms,
At the same time, to monitoring the random selection of needed items to the test, in the
respective software can be provided, the possibility of filtration. Authors have modified the
Moodle platform by implementing regular expression with possibility of filtering/ selection of
items collection in a test. It should be mentioned that in Moodle the collections have hierarchical
structure / inclusion. As a result, a filtering operation can be applied simultaneously on several
subordinate collections.

Tests speciffication and develop the inclusion matrix

Making of a good formative test starts with establishing its specifications. The more they are
determined more precisely, that contains several factors to be taken into consideration, the test
result can be considered best. Establish one correct specification keeps internal traditions, the most
important factors were: test type open / closed, the total number of items in the test, with/ or
without time limit (per item, per test), test duration, method of administration (nr. launches limited
or not), method of scoring and other. As a result, it aims to obtain a list specification of tests (Table
2), where as columns is containing the desired characteristics of the test values.
For composition / generate random tests of content collections is important to know the
characteristics, specifications collections of items (Table 1): number of items by forms, level of
complexity scores and any other desired characteristics of items, covering an objective, a theme/
module and inclusion matrix of items in the test according to the needs specified above (Table 3).
236 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Table 1 The structure of bank items

According to the level of …
Nr. According to the forms of the themes
Nr. Total complexity
hrs Items Binar Singular Multiple ... Low Medium High
Nr. % Nr. % Nr. % Nr. % Nr. % Nr. %
1 2 60 20 33 10 17 18 30 ...
… … .. … … … … … … …
Total 20 1200 100 12 240 20 480 40 … 360 30 50 240 20

Table 2 Characteristics specification of planned tests



Nr. goal/ Nr. Grading

Naming Test type threshold …
Dis. objective Items mode
0 Admission Admission Diagnose 15 1 1 15-20 30 Automatic …
1 Theme 1 Intermediate Formative 20 1 1 20-40 50 Automatic
… …
10 Finale Summative Evaluation 40 4 4 45-60 70 Automatic …

Table 3 Matrix for detailed specification for test.......

According to the forms According to the
Complexity Level ..
of themes objective
Nr. Naming, Total Know- Under- Appli-
Bin. Sing Mult … Without 1 2 3 … …
Dis. Test type items ledge stand cation
Nr. Nr. Nr. Nr. Nr. Nr. Nr.
Nr. % Nr./ % Nr./ % Nr./ % Nr./ % …
% % % % % % %
1 …
.... …
Total …

Answers statistics and collections of items correction

After each period, according to statistics the collections of items needs to be reviewed. Too simple
items (in which almost all respond correctly) and too complicated items (that no one answers)
must be removed or corrected.


It is reasonable to provide at least two forms: current feedback to each item, with comments of
answers and reference on the insufficient studied materials for incorrect answers, feedback on the
final test session of the full test. The first type of feedback is useful only in the formative test, the
second - for any type of test.


The problem of computer-assisted assessment is very ample; many worldwide scholars are
concerned with theory and practice of docimology tests, their statistical analysis, measuring the
characteristics of validity, reliability, differentiability etc. and items and tests quality assurance.
Providing and measurement of educational testing characteristics remain the agenda of modern
computer based testology.
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 237

Another important direction of research in the testology and docimology field keeps the
intellectualization and tests efficiency (adaptive tests, dynamic, intelligent) as well as making
processes, leading to methodological and technological boundaries to differential treatment testing
methodology and technology training and docimology.
Since the formative test do not pass expertise and accreditation, that are mass elaborated,
practically by all teachers for the various materials, for relatively small groups of respondents, and
with a short period of life - assurance of items quality and educational testing should be performed
and designed on the basis of construction. In this context there are presented some solutions of
coding, scoring and selection of items in formative and docimology tests.
It should be mentioned that methodological, teaching, technological aspects of electronic
evaluation are still ongoing debate topics in the world. More important is the development and
establishment of practical and scientific methodologies, tools and technologies to support the
development and management processes of various types of educational tests and items.


Bragaru T. and Craciun I. and Cirhana V. (2009a): Computer-assisted testing. Methodology. SUM, Chisinau.
Bragaru T. and Craciun I. and Cirhana V. (2009b): Develop information resources for distance learning.
Methodology. SUM, Chisinau.
Morev I. A. (2004): Educational Informational Technologies. Part II. Teaching changes. Manual.–
Vladivostok, Dalinevostok. univ. –174 s., available online
Radu I. T. (2008): Evaluation in didactical process. – Bucuresti, Didactics and Pedagogy Ed. – 288 p.
Scientific Reports:
08.815.08.04A project (2009): Development and application of innovative methods în distance learning.
SUM, Chisinau.
Journal Articles:
Bragaru T. et al. (2009c): Practical Guide for the authoring tests in MOODLE. University study series,
“Mathematics Informatics and Economy” 7(27), Chisinau pag. 71-75.
Bragaru T. et al. (2010a): Preparing items in MS Word and import into MOODLE. University study series,
“Mathematics Informatics and Economy” 2(32), Chisinau, pag.87-92.
Conference Proceedings:
Bragaru T. (2007): E-testing in higher education. International Conference on Microelectronics and
Computer Science, Technical University of Moldova, Chisinau, pag. 131-134.
Bragaru T. and Craciun I. (2008): Methodological and didactic aspects and practical recommendations for
assessment, in the AEL environment. CNIV-2008, Constanta, 231-237 pag.
Railean E. (2008): Psycho-pedagogical principles of computerized test development. CNIV-2008, Constanta,
Internet Sources:
Avanesov V.S. (2010): Theory and Methods of Teaching Changes, (accessed at 02.08.2010)
Gorbanescu M. (2010): Written tests. (accessed at 02.08.10)
Moodle, official documentation (2009):
Regulation of distance learning in MSU (2008):
Computer Programs:
Moodle instalation kit (2010): iew.php?d=13&rid=578&filter=1
The king is dead! Long live the king!
Elena Liliana Danciu

West University of Timisoara, Faculty of Sociology and Psychology

Department of Educational Sciences
4 Bd Vasile Parvan, 300223 Timisoara, ROMANIA

A generation „against” or an impatient generation, who knows how to ask many questions
but has no time to listen to the full answers, the students today are trying to attract energies
that can take them out of the unknown, routine and boredom without too much effort.
Therefore, as a teacher, the only way is to be close to them in order to know them, understand
them and help them in their still chaotic way to find themselves and to select the most efficient
ways, procedures and strategies that can lead them to their goals. From the point of view of
informational technologies, the e-mail, long forgotten because of the last minute novelties,
has always been at hand, and we tried to transform it into a into an efficient evaluation
instrument, of the teaching learning activities and of personal competencies. The way in
which all the methodological fields of outlining an evaluative strategy have been carried out,
the results obtained on a personal and professional level, in the communication relationship
and self-knowledge, the barriers and their way of solving things represent the subject of this
Keywords: E-Mail, Evaluative Techniques, Emotional Factors, Informational Strategies,


A generation „against” or an impatient generation, who knows how to ask many questions but has
no time to listen to the full answers, the students today are trying to attract energies that can take
them out of the unknown, routine and boredom without too much effort. Therefore, as a teacher,
the only way is to be close to them in order to know them, understand them and help them in their
still chaotic way to find themselves and to select the most efficient ways, procedures and strategies
to do that..
Because most of the time they think that they hold the absolute truth, and they have more
energy than the ones necessary for an usual activity, they cannot adapt to the classic rhythms of
teaching/forming and when they are in the position of being evaluated, they are suspicious about
the incorrectness of the appreciation of their competencies which makes them want something
completely different. This is why we tried to find an efficient evaluation way that can involve
them personally, and be modern enough to please them.
Although there is social media and the most sophisticated informational technologies like
blogs, micro-blogs, social networks and the ones of work collaboration known under the name
Web 2.0 are in trends; our students come to the university with a lower level of digital skills than
the world wide trends. The student knows to work on Yahoo Messenger, to perform simple
searches on Google, maybe work in Microsoft Word and PowerPoint.
The UNESCO and ISE statistics carried out in 2008 reveal the real situation of using ICT in
schools which gives us the possibility of finding some answers for out questions. For example,
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 239

89,7% of the teachers claim that there are enough computers for students, but only 50% of the
teachers declare that schools ensures the necessary number of computers for the activity of 50% of
the students who use the computers in the informatics lab and 28,1% of them, in class. The
individual use by the students of a personal laptop is an unrealistic situation for the socio-
economical conditions in Romania. Nevertheless, over 80% consider it necessary to provide a
laptop for each student for facilitating the use, the possibility of personalizing the working space
etc. Insufficient equipments is one of the realities of our schools, which is why we can talk with a
certain scepticism about efficient instruction within the 21st century without involving
informational technologies.
The barriers in using ICT in the didactic activity have proven to be: the lack of access to
technology (hardware) 16, 2%, the lack of available funds for buying technology 22, 1%,
resistance inside the school 25%, lack of connections (internet, broadband etc) 23, 5%, the lack of
some proper contents / software for the teachers 30,9%, the lack of IT support in school which can
be used efficiently 19, 1%.
In the first year of study, the students attended a class called “Information and Communication
Technology” which was very helpful when they needed. When asked at the beginning of the
semester about the working means they prefer in the student – teacher relationship, the students
have chosen the e-mail both for evaluation and counselling. The students haven’t chosen platforms
or group addresses because these are usually used for informal discussion about formal subjects
and e-mail involves much more confidentiality.
From the point of view of informational technologies, the e-mail, long forgotten because of the
last minute novelties, has always been at hand, and we tried to transform it into a into an efficient
evaluation instrument, of the teaching learning activities and of personal competencies. In other
words, The King is dead! Long live the King!

Methodological alternatives

Being an essential component of the curricular management, the evaluation of the professional –
scientifically performances of the students is part of the coherent and interdependent succession of
the main actions that form the projecting – teaching – learning – evaluating process and it became
part of the pedagogic evaluation system of the educational processes and structures. The results
have always been a relevant source of information for the evaluation of the curriculum, of the
pedagogic activity of the teachers, of the efficiency of the teaching – learning process, of the
functioning of the academic structures and have been made part of the procedures of collegial,
monitoring and periodic evaluation analysis of the study schedules, representing a synthetic
indicator of the learning results. (Apostol, 2003, Stoica, 2001). For us, the evaluation represented
measuring / checking the students’ acquisitions, the interpretation and appreciation of the results
based on some unitary and objective criteria, the adaptation of the educational decision of
adjustment and efficiency of the instructive –educational process. The types of results expected
• accumulated knowledge (concepts, definitions, phenomena, products, laws, principles,
• intellectual capacities (reasoning, divergent thinking, argumentation and interpretation
power, interdependence in thinking, creativity); (Manolescu, 2006),
• acting capacities, of using the knowledge (skills, abilities, competencies);
• personality features (attitudes, behaviours) (Albulescu and Albulescu, 2003) finally being
appreciated according to some performance standards or performance descriptors,
according to the aimed at goals, the level of the year, the possibilities of each student, the
existent level at the beginning of the instruction process.
240 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Through all these, the student found out about the expectations and the evaluation criteria of
the performances and as a teacher, I could adjust my didactic steps within the limits imposed by
these standards which allowed the highlight of the progress made (Meyer, 2004).
The exercise of the evaluation under this form started at the beginning of the semester at the
level of the 1st and 2nd years of the Faculty of Sociology and Psychology, the Department of
Educational Sciences. The students have been divided in micro – groups of 5 members and each
group has chosen a leader. Their formation was made:
• through counting until 5 (all the numbers 2, for example, formed the micro – group no 2,
all the numbers 4, the micro group no 4)
• according to literary preferences
• according to the year, month and date of birth
• according to famous couples and characters (for fun)
• titles of some novels and their authors
• renaissance painters and famous paintings.
The groups have changed their leaders within a three weeks term, so that each member got to
be a leader within a semester. For more special activities, the basic micro – group received another
member, so that all members could get involved better in working on stations, a very used method
within the teaching – learning process in the seminar type classes.
The formal leader has not always been the same with the informal leader but, working together,
they learned to complete each other, to help each other, to give to Cesar what belongs to Cesar.
His tasks consisted of:
• checking if the support materials, the bibliographies, the slides, the pps reach the
members of his micro-group in time and are complete
• to keep notes of the level of self evaluation of each member and of the evaluation of each
paper, essay, slide, pps, summary, reading file, docimology test etc. By each member of
the group so that the final evaluation was the sum of the self evaluations and the 5
evaluations done by each member of the group
• a permanent connection with the class holder (through email) and transmitting all the
information regarding support materials, supplementary information with text, visual or
audio – visual support and of the situations of evaluations and self –evaluations
• retransmitting all the instructions in detail regarding performing tasks, for the safety of
observing the working algorithms and avoiding methodological mistakes.
To be sure that the evaluation will not be subjective, positively or negatively, according to
friendships or antipathies, rivalries or unloyal competitions, each member of the study year
received a literary nominal symbol (Bela, Cerebel, Ronaldo, Sofia, Riga) and a graphic one which
he kept regardless of the micro-group he was part of, a symbol agreed upon together with the
teacher, and which reflected, if possible, a special characteristic of his personality. For example, at
the class of Game Psycho pedagogy, besides current evaluation, the students had to write two
thematic papers and a collection of games (only 10 games) in a special imagistic, audio, kinetic,
ergonomic and most importantly attractive presentation, interesting for the age level of the
children it was made for. The materials have been self evaluated (Stan, 2000) and sent through
email to the group leaders who also sent them to the members of their group to be evaluated
(together with the settled performance criteria), and then, to the other leaders that acted in the same
way. The results obtained and processed by the leaders were sent to the teacher who added his
grade and decided the final one. Both the self evaluation and the evaluations of the others were
accompanied by arguments according to the performance criteria previously settled. The best
paper was suggested to be presented from the Writer’s or Creator’s Chair for a public reward of
the student’s efforts.
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 241

For maintaining the interest, we also applied the technique of forecasting the results in similar


At the applied tests we evaluated:

• the completeness and correctness of the knowledge, the scientific or artistic character of the
• the logic coherence, the fluency, the expressivity, the augmenting force
• the capacity of operating with the assimilated knowledge in intellectual complex activities
• the capacity of practically applying, in different contexts, the knowledge acquired
• the capacity of analysis, personal interpretation, originality, creativity
• the degree of assimilating speciality language and the capacity of communication
• the novelty and actuality of the bibliography used
• the diversity of the used informative materials
• originality
• interpretation level.
At the performance criteria mention above we also added criteria regarding attitude and
motivation aspects of the students’ activities like: consciousness, interest for individual study,
active participation to seminars, classes frequency etc (Stoica and Mihail, 2006). As objective
items we used:
• Items with dual choice – with YES/NO, true/false, correct/incorrect answers.
• Pair type items – which requested setting correspondences/associations between elements
placed on two columns.
• Items with multiple choices – which requested the choice of a correct answer / optimal
alternative from a list of solutions / alternatives.
Among the semi objective ones, we used:
• Items with a short answer – expression, word, number, symbol etc.
• Items of filling in – incomplete sentence which involves filling in blank spaces with 1-2
words that are part of the given context.
• Structured questions – more subquestiones connected through a common element.
Among the subjective ones, we used:
• Solving problems (problem situations) which evaluated elements of convergent and
divergent thinking, complex mental operations (analysis, synthesis, evaluation, transfer).
• Items of essay type – requested the students to build a free answer according to a set of
given requirements – structured / semi structurated essay, free essay (not structured) (Chis,
2005, Radu, 2000, Stoica, 2003).


At the end of the evaluation period, after the appreciation differences between the students and
teacher decreased because of the exercise of observing the performance criteria, regardless of the
person in discussion, but, most importantly, after the students finally accepted, step by step that
they are not that invincible as far as information and competencies are concerned, the positive
effects of our intervention were soon to be noticed.
The students themselves admitted that:
• they learned to thoroughly think about things and then have an opinion
• they practiced correctly applying some evaluation algorithms and felt the responsibility of a
well done thing
242 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

• the responsibility exercise made them grow and taught them to take seriously any task as
insignificant as it may be, because it is the only way to make progress
• the presence in the „Writer’s chair”, self-appreciation and the appreciation of other
colleagues, the observance of some compulsory rules for everyone, with the online
revelation of the values of appreciation created moments of positive emotions in which
each and everyone on them felt valued
• the students understood that correctness of each of them depends on the social values of
appreciating work
• the opinion of the other about them matters a lot even if they braved for a long time that
they do not care about what other people think about them
• within these activities, they learned what it means to be fair – play, to be consequent and to
openly admit the strengths of their colleagues, by being happy about them.


The exercise of the evaluation revealed among its positive elements and the existence of some
temporary barriers: if the steps of the evaluation algorithm are not clearly settled, the method
becomes macrophage – it takes a lot of time to evaluate each paper of the group members and the
personal paper (each member of the group has to correct 5 papers with his own). The evaluation
time was reduced when we established the temporal parameters for each sample and step of the
evaluation (a settled hour for sending the email):
• of the information by the teacher;
• of the results of the evaluation and self – evaluation by the student
• of the final results obtained from the average of the grades given by the colleagues, his own
grade and the grades given by the teacher
• comments regarding the quality and originality of the products carried out
Each course/seminar ended with the well known Notes which consisted either of two questions
• What did you most like in the activity carried out within this course?
• What bothered you and what didn’t you like in the activity performed?
Or tasks like:
• Make at least one suggestion regarding the way of developing of the next course with the
theme ... (the support materials and selective bibliographies will be sent through email in
and attached file)!
• Give one to the following marks – Insufficient, Sufficient, Good, Very good, Excellent - to
the activities carried out during this course/seminar and give arguments for your choice!
• Find the appropriate word to characterize the activity carried out at this course/seminar!
• Sent a thought to the holder of this course!
The answers to each of these were sent by email, with a deadline, the day before the next
course/seminar. According to all these, we made all the necessary changes in the content,
interactive activities, organization forms, teaching – learning strategies etc. We received the most
interesting answers to this question:
• What meant for you using this type of evaluation in which electronic mail was involved?
o I think it was the most appropriate way to experience the apprenticeship of
evaluation on my own skin. Until I wasn’t correct with myself, the evaluation of
the others could not be done within the real parameters.
o I understood what it means to be impartial when you appreciate somebody else’s
work and I felt the bitter taste of the value judgements done by my colleagues
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 243

regarding my own skills. It was a cold shower for my ego but it taught me that it
is difficult to reach the truth and it is even more difficult to keep it.
o It was an excellent exercise for the future teacher in me. At the beginning I
thought it was a bit complicated, time consuming, but I grew to really enjoying
it. And I loved the discretion with which the teacher imposed something to me,
which, in the end, I considered to be the best alternative for what we did in class
at that time.
o He made from a forgotten thing, a pertinent and finally efficient evaluation
instrument that we learned easily and liked because it made us know who we
really are and use our informatics knowledge.
Considering all the arguments presented, this form of evaluation could become a method in
itself if we elucidate all its elements. Blind evaluation, the existence of performance criteria and
the structure of the interpersonal teacher – student relationships will favour positive behaviours
and self – control building step by step a sense of reality and making the need for valuing more


Albulescu, I. And Albulescu, M. (2000): Teaching and learning socio-human disciplines, Polirom Publishing
house, Iaşi.
Apostol, A. (2003): Alternative evaluation practices, Qim Publishing house, Iaşi.
Chiş, V. (2005): Contemporary pedagogy – competences pedagogy. Editura CărŃii de ŞtiinŃă Publishing
house. Cluj-Napoca.
Meyer, G. (2004): Why and how do we evaluate? Iaşi. Polirom.
Manolescu , M. (2006): School evaluation, method, techniques and instruments, Meteor Press Publishing
house, Bucharest.
Radu, I. (2000): Evaluation in the didactic process, E.D.P., Bucharest.
Stan, C. (2000): Self-evaluation and didactic evaluation, Presa Universitară Publishing house, Clujeană, Cluj-
Stoica, A. (2001): Current evaluation and exams, Prognosis Publishing house, Bucharest.
Stoica, A. (2003): The evaluation of school progress, from theory to practice, Bucharest Humanitas
Educational Publishing house.
Stoica, A. and Mihail R. (2006): Educational evaluation. Innovations and perspectives, Humanitas Publishing
house, Bucharest.
Blended Learning Environment in Vocational Education*
Mehmet Şahin

Technical Science College, Selcuk University, Turkey

Blended learning is becoming more and more prevalent and it is vital for higher education
and corporate training settings to create strategic plans and directions, focusing on
pedagogical techniques in blended learning to make use of this teaching and training model.
This is a qualitative research using interview technique with a trainer who applied blended
training model at a vocational organization. This qualitative research aims to find out
whether blended learning is effective in mechanical manufacturing training based on the
ideas of a trainer who applied blended training model at a vocational organization. The
research indicates that blended learning can play a vital role in training sessions of
vocational branches like mechanical manufacturing in the educational organizations and
workplaces. It is also not only a matter of higher education. It can be used for any vocational
training based on skill development for manufacturing and production at any level. The
implementation of blended learning model in a very specific field of vocational education like
mechanical manufacturing has shown that it can help training if it is designed well.
Keywords: Blended learning, vocational education, vocational training, mechanical

1. Introduction

It is an accepted fact that the model of blended learning is gaining widespread acceptance all over
the world but a generally accepted definition has not emerged yet. Scholars outside of education
have approached the meaning of blended learning from a scientific angle, drawing upon its title’s
connection to biology and botany. Sands (2002), for example, noted that since the word hybrid
refers to the offspring of two different genetically dissimilar parents, teaching and learning in this
framework must also involve the successful joining of opposing parts - online and face-to-face
methodology. Building upon this metaphor, Osguthorpe and Graham (2003:227) described
blended models as “pedagogies that change according to the unique needs of learners. Those who
use blended learning environments are trying to maximize the benefits of both face-to-face and
online methods - using the web for what it does best and using class time for what it does best.”
Therefore, according to the definition this study adopts, blended learning is a hybrid learning
concept integrating traditional in-class sessions and e-learning elements (Reay, 2001; Rooney,
2003) in an attempt to combine the benefits of both learning forms. Graham (2006:5) summarizes
three definitions of blended learning as the (a) combination of instructional delivery media, (b)
combination of instructional methods, and (c) combination of online and face-to-face instruction.
The combination of online and face-to-face instruction is the one according to which this research
has been designed since defining blended learning as the combination of online and face-to-face
instruction more accurately reflects “the historical emergence of blended learning systems.” The

* This is the preliminary form of a study titled “Blended Learning Model in Mechanical Manufacturing
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 245

criticism that online teaching-learning environments lack many advantages that face-to-face
environments have has led to the notion of blended learning.
Blended learning is described as “integrated learning”, “hybrid learning”, “multi-method
learning. However, "blended learning" is being used with increasing frequency in both academic
and corporate circles. For some authors, written language is the first example of “blended” as it is
the combination of language and paper. Printing press is the next stage. However, what we regard
as blended learning in this research is the definition by Flexible Learning Advisory Group (2004):
Blended learning is learning methods that combine e-learning with other forms of flexible learning
and more traditional forms of learning. Or, Blended learning (also called hybrid learning) is the
term used to describe learning or training events or activities where e-learning, in its various
forms, is combined with more traditional forms of training such as "class room" training (Stockley,
2005). Bersin, (2004) outlines the evolution of learning from the traditional classrooms of the
1950's through today's blended learning environment. The last stage is Integrated Blended
Learning: 2000-... which includes Web, Video, Audio, Simulation, ILT, and more.
Blended learning in this sense is a recent online innovation as a result of integrating
technology into education. Advances in technology and the changes in teaching and learning
approaches (from teacher centered to student centered one) facilitates the new models like blended
learning to come out. Watson (2008) suggested that blended learning involves a shift in strategy in
three areas: from teacher centered to student centered learning, from limited to high frequency
interactions between students and resources, and from intermittent to deliberate integration of
formative and summative assessments. In fact, Educators have been preoccupied with integrating
technology into the classroom for decades (Dziuban, Hartman, Moskal, 2004). The rapid change in
technology in our century has caused students and in general individuals and in special students to
change too. Technology and students are changing rapidly and individuals have the capacity for
this change, which implies that educators should be embracing “the new digital reality of the
online, computerized world” (Jukes, 2008:6). Young (2002) said: “Within five years, there will be
lots of blended models such as students going to school two days a week and working at home
three days a week. Another blended model…is where a student takes five face-to-face courses at
school and two virtual courses” (cited in Picciano & Seaman, 2009:5). In 2002, Prof. Bourne (as
cited in Young, 2002) said: “within five years, you'll see a very significant number of classes that
are available in a hybrid fashion …. somewhere in the 80-90-percent range.” Buckley et al. (2002)
and Tagg (1995) noted a paradigm shift in higher education leading to new models of teaching and
learning. Now, we are embracing rapid changes in Internet technologies that, in turn, demand that
blended learning becomes an integral component of education (King, 2002).
Blended learning may occur at different levels of instruction: (a) at the activity level, when a
learning activity contains both face-to-face and computer-mediated elements; (b) at the course
level—the most common—where both face-to-face and computer-mediated activities are included
as part of a course; (c) at the program level, when participants take both online and face-to-face
courses in a program; and (d) at the institutional level, with organizational commitment to
blending face-to-face and computer-mediated instruction (Graham, 2006). When designing a
blended learning environment, the first point to be decided is to design a part of the blended
subject matter as face-to-face and some as online. The more common blending technique is
usually half-and half. In other words, 50 percent consists of face-to-face activities in classroom
environment and the other 50 percent of activities performed in an online environment
(Osguthorpe & Graham, 2003). Rossett and Frazee (2003) suggest that instruction tools and
planning approaches are crucial components for a successful blending, and that all components of
the instruction method can be appropriately combined. A blended model usually includes certain
educational components. However, teachers have a wide range of options for blending and they
are not only limited to the applications and activities previously known and used. Education might
246 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

be a combination of formal and informal approaches, technology and human-based activities,

independent and enjoyable activities or direct and exploratory materials. Reay (2001) stresses that
blended learning is not just adding online materials to a conventional training environment; BL
must be relevant, and demand a holistic strategy leveraging the best characteristics of all learning
interventions. The selected methods/techniques should be appropriate to the subject. The
successful implementation and use of BL requires understanding of the strengths of different
mediums; how learners engage in this type of learning process; how they use information from
each different medium and how they can handle online and the traditional (face-to-face) teaching
methods in a combined form (Mortera-Gutierrez, 2006). Three major components of BL that can
be blended/mixed in FTF and online environments are learning activities, the students, and the
teacher. As reported by Osguthorpe and Graham (2003), “If balance and harmony are the qualities
that are sought for in blended environment, one must first identify precisely what is to be mixed
Garrison and Kanuka (2004:97) noted that true blended learning lessons do not involve
supplementing with the Internet two or three times a week, merely layering repetitive online
content on top of face-to-face instruction, or dressing up old content in new clothes. In their
estimation, blended learning is a “reorganization and re-conceptualization of the teaching-learning
dynamic.” Elements from e-learning or in-class sessions should not be included arbitrarily, nor
should one form of learning simply accompany the other. There is no rule of thumb determining
the percentage of online and in-class phases in the concept (Reimer, 2004). Some fields are better
suited for in-class methods, others clearly benefit from the use of the new media (Lang, 2002). The
decisive factor in developing blended learning concepts is to combine the methods of in-class
learning and e-learning in a way that is appropriate to both pedagogy and current concepts of
learning (Lang, 2002). Based on the practical question of how to blend, three categories for
blended learning systems exist:
1. “Enabling blends” focus on addressing issues of access and convenience.
2. “Enhancing blends” incorporate incremental changes to existing pedagogy such as offering
resources and supplementary materials online while in a traditional face-to-face learning
3. “Transforming blends” allow a radical transformation of the pedagogy by taking full
advantage of the capacity offered by the technology (Graham, 2006).
Zukowski (2006) emphasizes five emerging ingredients as important elements of a blended
learning process, including live events, self-paced learning, and collaboration, assessment, and
performance support materials. Painter (2006) lists eight key steps to blended learning:
1. Prepare learners with essential skills and overall understanding to ensure success.
2. Inform learners about objectives, facts, and key concepts of the skills they are going to learn
and explain the value of learning them.
3. Demonstrate procedures, principles, concepts, and processes so learners can apply the skills.
4. Provide learners with opportunities to practice newly-learned skills and build long-term
5. Evaluate learners’ application of new skills and provide feedback.
6. Assist learners’ transfer of learning.
7. Provide tacit support of peers, mentors, or experts.
8. Allow learners to work collaboratively as a community to solve problems.
Singh and Reed (2001) characterized blended learning as “optimizing achievement of learning
objectives by applying the „right” blended learning technique to match the „right” personal
learning style to transfer the „right” skills to the „right” person at the „right” time (p. 2). Each of
these workplace definitions adhered to following principles: (a) a focus on learning objectives
rather than the mode of delivery, (b) a respect for learning styles in order to reach a broad
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 247

corporate audience, (c) a desire to ease the overall competitiveness of the business organization
and build a sense of community, (d) an attempt to make work and learning inseparable operations
and (e) embed learning in all aspects of the business from hiring to sales to product development.
Although it is essential for blended learning teachers to articulate their teaching philosophies,
Kanuka (2008) argued that hybrid instructors must also be cognizant of three competing
psychological impressions of technology and their impact on the field of blended learning: user
determinism, social determinism, and technological determinism.

2. The aim and Importance of the Research

The aim of this research is to find out the opinions of trainers who train the students of mechanical
manufacturing on CNC Turning by blending face-to-face classroom environment, workshop and
an internet based virtual training environment.
Blended learning has been applied in higher education and workplace learning settings
throughout the world and may lead to improved pedagogy, increased access and flexibility, and
increased cost-effectiveness (Graham, 2006). It is a fact that mechanical manufacturing requires
use of technology and training in this field should be based on the use of educational technology.
Thus, blended learning may be used to “foster learning communities, extend training events, offer
follow-up resources in a community of practice, access guest experts, provide timely mentoring or
coaching, present online lab or simulation activities, and deliver pre-work or supplemental course
materials” (Bonk et al., 2006, p. 560). In the business world, the most important reasons for
developing blended solutions include the ability to match learning styles; to create individually
tailored solutions; to reduce class time; to improve the learning rate; and to exploit the investments
already made in re-usable training resources (Sparrow, 2003). In academia, the initial cost-saving
argument for e-learning (Gayeski, 1998; Wilson, 1999) has recently been replaced with a more
refined understanding of how to integrate technology into an overall learning strategy. This
research relates the technology used in manufacturing with the educational technology used for
training in a blended environment. In this case, the role and function of a trainer in such an
environment is of importance from that trainer’s perspective. Rather than the opinions of the
trainees (who are exposed to blended learning model), the opinions of the trainers are significant to
assess the place of blended learning model in a technical training lesson like mechanical
manufacturing on CNC turning. This model can be regarded as a novel training and learning
design. The opinions of a trainer who already sued this model can help educators to determine
what they should do more or what they should omit.

3. Material and method

This study is based on a case applied at the department of Mechanical Engineering of Technical
Science College, Selcuk University, Konya. In 2009, the college realised a LdV Development of
Innovation Project “Virtual Training Centre for CNC” ( The Virtual
Training Centre (VTC) was set up on the Internet for Computer Numerical Control (CNC) training
based on virtual aids. The author of this study was involved in that project as coordinator and
researcher. After the project was completed, the training tool developed was applied at the
department as a part of blended learning model in the class Mechanical Manufacturing on CNC
Turning by a trainer who also worked in the same project as trainer. The trainer (Ph.D) was
experienced in mechanical manufacturing training using face-to-face teaching in the class
environment and workshop. The author suggested the trainer adding the Turkish version of Virtual
Training Centre for CNC to his training session. The trainer used classroom, workshop and the
248 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

virtual training tool for two semesters in 2009-2010 educational year. The research is based on the
ideas of this trainer after applying blended learning for two semesters.
This is a qualitative research based on face-to-face in-depth interviewing. Kvale (1983:174)
defines the qualitative research interview as "an interview, whose purpose is to gather descriptions
of the life-world of the interviewee with respect to interpretation of the meaning of the described
phenomena". The data was collected with face-to-face interview. Thus, the synchronous
communication of time and place in the interview allowed the interviewer to have a lot of
possibilities to create a good interview ambience as well as to have a lot of time and cost. The
meeting room was quiet, comfortable, and free from outside distractions. The author asked a series
of open-ended questions from general to specific in order to get the interviewee’s opinions,
experiences, and suggestions. Interview was conducted by the author of the research and it was
tape-recorded with the permission of the interviewee as using a tape recorder has the advantage
that the interview report is more accurate than writing out notes. However, the interviewer took
notes while recording to check questions and answered recorded so that they could be used for
transcribing process. The information that the interview generated was coded and summarized for
analysis and discovery. The researcher read the transcript, grouped and phrased the data into

4. Findings and Discussion

The researches on blended learning are mainly on the use and advantages of blended learning from
the perspective of the students. This research poses a difference from them in that this one is based
on a blended learning case to train the students about mechanical manufacturing on CNC turning
lathe by using virtual training centre in addition to face-to-face teaching in the classroom and
practice in the workshop. In this research, the lesson is mainly based on application rather than
theoretical information. The transfer of theory to practice is important. In this context, the
categories formed from the interview are as follows:
- The aim of this lesson is to teach programming, not operation. If a student does not know
multiplication table, he can not know how a calculator works. At the first stage, the codes
to be used in CNC programming are to be learnt. The virtual environment used as a part of
blended model helped students to apply the programming commands on the simulations
and then they used these commands on the actual CNC lathe. Especially while teaching
such cycles as G00-G01 and G02-G03, the virtual environment contributed much to face-
to-face and workshop models. The students could make up a product by putting what they
learnt from the virtual environment and the theoretical information into practice on the
CNC lathe. This also increased the enjoyment of students. The professional skill of
teachers about what to blend and how to blend is crucial and the aim and approach of the
teacher who is to teach a lesson is the determinant factor. In this research, the trainer
preferred the Virtual Training Centre as an internet based virtual environment as the
trainer believed that this virtual training tool has ample amount of materials ranging from
abstract to concrete to make use of the materials presented in the blended environment.
For Graham et al. (2003), blended learning was developed for its potential advantages in
offering a more effective education, convenience, and access to teaching-learning
environments. Blended learning brings traditional physical classes with elements of virtual
education together (Finn & Bucceri, 2004). For Julian & Bone, (2001), “Blended learning
solutions deliver a comprehensive learning experience using various methods (e.g.,
instructor-led training, CD-ROM, or eLearning).” “Blended learning combines the best
attributes of electronic and traditional classroom experiences to present and reinforce
learning” (Anderson, 2001:12). For Osguthorpe and Graham (2003:227), “Blended
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 249

learning environment is used to try to maximize the benefits of both face-to-face and
online methods- using the web for what it does best, and using class time for what it does
- The trainer found out that some students were not so efficient in learning some cycles and
commands. The trainer asked them to repeat the lesson in a different time to learn
efficiently. The virtual environment helped them to repeat and felt that they learnt in this
way out of class too. Thus, all the students had the same level soon with the help of
blended learning. Blended learning takes advantage of the power of technology to deliver
training "just in time," anywhere and anytime. It helps us to provide materials to all
students even if they are physically out of class. If a student can not attend a lesson, he or
she does not miss the lesson or materials. This helps the trainer to provide students the
same materials and to present the same lessons. But, everything depends on the student
and his or her interest in lesson. In blended learning model, learning can be more focused,
delivered bite-size, anytime, anywhere and unlimited distance is reached with flexible time
(Alvarez 2005; Thorne 2003). Kibby (2007) noted that one advantage of adopting a
blended stance is the ease of course revision and speed of replacing activities that are often
problematic in the live classroom.
- Interestingly, the rate of absence was lower than before. The trainer observed that the
students were more enthusiastic about getting involved in training and learning more. The
trainer claimed that the blended learning model contributed much to this thanks to the fact
that blended learning model eliminated the boredom and encouraged the students more.
Another advantage of blended learning is pacing and attendance. In most blended learning
classrooms, there is the ability to study whenever the student chooses to do so. If a student
is absent, she/he may view some of the missed materials at the same time that the rest of
the class does, even though the student cannot be physically in the classroom. This helps
students stay on track and not fall behind, which is especially helpful for students with
prolonged sicknesses or injuries that prevent them from attending school. These “self-
study modules” also allow learners to review certain content at any time for help in
understanding a concept or to work ahead for those students who learn at a faster pace
(Alvarez, 2005). In this model, learning materials are easily accessible and distance and
time pose no problem (Alvarez 2005; Thorne 2003). Aycock et al. (2002) report student
engagement and interactivity increases in the blended format. Blended learning
environment integrates the advantages of e-learning method with some advantageous
aspects of traditional method, such as face-to-face interaction.
- The students got the chance to learn as much as they wanted. Some students came to the
classroom and workshop after they learnt the content from the virtual environment used
fort his purpose. The students who worked at the same time in an office while they were
having training benefitted much from this model. In this way, the students learnt how to
learn as a part of lifelong learning. Readiness of the students increased the motivation of
all students and trainer too. Even if some students could not be present in some training
sessions, they completed their training using the internet based learning environment as a
compensating tool. Buckley (2002) and Barr and Tagg (1995) placed emphasis on student
centered learning paradigms, new technologies like internet and personal computers, and
new theories such as brain-based learning, cooperative learning and social constructivism
to work together to form the new models. Watson (2008) suggested that blended learning
involves a shift in strategy in three areas: from teacher centered to student centered
learning, from limited to high frequency interactions between students and resources, and
from intermittent to deliberate integration of formative and summative assessments.
- The trainer observed that the students worked together and produced something based on
coloration. Learning together and producing together increased the communication
250 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

between the students and between the trainer and students. The trainer observed more
socialization during training. In this model, learners can interact with the tutor and their
peers (Alvarez 2005; Thorne 2003). According to Dziuban et al., (2004:3), “Blended
learning should be viewed as a pedagogical approach that combines the effectiveness and
socialization opportunities of the classroom with the technologically enhanced active
learning possibilities of the online environment.”
- Since the virtual environment has the necessary training tools, the trainer did not spend
time to get prepared for the lessons. Blended learning environment supported the trainer
by presenting ready materials in the classroom and workshop environment. The trainer
remarked that student learnt how to train themselves in a short time and he was pleased to
experience that he didn’t need to spend much time to control the students thanks to the
blended learning. The students were so engaged in training that the role of the trainer was
only to guide them rather than lecturing the content.
- The trainer remarked that the number of the CNC lathes was limited and this caused
students to spend more time for practice on CNC lathe. It was clear that the number of
training tools was important for a qualified learning environment.
- The trainer complained about the number of students, which were about 40. According to
him, this number was too high to apply this model. When he tried to encourage all the
students to be engaged in the same task at the same time, it took longer time to use
blended model. He agreed that the more blended a model is, the fewer students should get
involved in it.
- The trainer should find a balance in using the each blended method not to make students
bored. When the trainer used the internet based learning environment longer, he observed
that students got sleepy and bored as a sign of their boredom. The trainer should be aware
of students’ concentration duration while teaching and learning. By combining online and
face-to-face formats, educators may achieve the inherent benefits of both types of
instruction through a harmonious balance of virtual access to knowledge and physical
human interaction; such an approach has been labelled as blended learning (Osguthorpe &
Graham, 2003).

5. Conclusion

According to Brown (2003), blended learning supports all the benefits of e-learning including cost
reductions, time efficiency and location convenience for the learner as well as the essential one-
on-one personal understanding and motivation that face-to-face instructions presents. Osguthorpe
and Graham (2003) identified six reasons why institutions and faculty would see added value in
creating blended learning environments: (1) pedagogical richness, (2) access to knowledge, (3) social
interaction, (4) personal agency, (5) cost effectiveness, and (6) ease of revision. These reasons are
best understood when grounded in the benefits and challenges of blended learning environments.
Access to education is one of the key factors which ensure development of distance education
environments. Ease of access has increasingly become more important as more mature students
with different external responsibilities are increasingly in need for more additional training.
Blended education environments are regarded as a way of increasing conveniences while
maintaining and balancing personal communication at the same time (Morgan, 2002; Collis, 2003).
As indicated in the research, there are several advantages when incorporating online learning
into various forms of blended solution, such as, learning can be more focused, delivered bite-size,
anytime, anywhere; learners can interact with the tutor and their peers; learning materials are
easily accessible; different techniques can be utilized by maximizing different technologies; cost
expenses decrease; unlimited distance reached; flexible time (Alvarez 2005; Thorne 2003).
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 251

However, the blended learning is a new concept combining with e-learning, the information
is still being developed. If people are interested in blended learning, they need to know where to
get the right information. People do not know anything or not much about blended learning and
therefore, the blended learning potential is not being well-known (Thorne, 2003).
Thanks to “… blended learning becoming more and more prevalent, it is vital for higher
education and corporate training settings to create strategic plans and directions, focusing on
pedagogical techniques in blended learning” (Bonk et al., 2006). This research indicates that
blended learning can play a vital role in training sessions of vocational branches in the educational
organizations and workplaces. It is also not only a matter of higher education. It can be used for
any vocational training based on skill development at any level. The implementation of blended
learning model in a very specific field of vocational education (footwear design training) has
yielded positive results. To be sure of other vocational branches in which blended learning model
can be used, more researches should be carried out with emphasis on application and practice
rather than theoretical knowledge.

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Virtual Training Centre for CNC:
An Accomplished Cooperation Case
Prof. Dr. Süleyman Yaldiz

Technical Science College, Selcuk University, Konya, Turkey

Recently cooperation among educational organizations has been a key for the
internationalization of universities. Furthermore, one of the objectives of the innovative VET
systems is regarded as transparency and distribution of information. This function concerns
the potential and actual use of information. There may be different systems and structures of
information distribution among the various actors, and in the public. Moreover, there are
preconditions for creating transparency in the VET system. To improve quality there must be
systems for distributing information and certain mechanisms to ensure the circulated
information can be used by the various actors in the policy process. The more widespread the
distribution, the better the potential use of the data will be – and as a reversal effect, better
quality data can be expected, as the actors are able to check the information against their
experience and will provide feedback to the systems for gathering data. This article aims to
promote a cooperation of developing a training tool with the cooperation of universities in
Turkey, Greece and Romania under LdV projects. The training tool
( is a virtual environment set up to teach CNC use based on a
common curriculum developed by the partners in English, Turkish, Greek and Romanian.

Key Words: Virtual Training, CNC Training, Online Training, Vocational Education

1. Introduction

It is known that today CNC technology is being used in all types of machinery viz., Lathe, Milling
machines, EDMs, Laser machines, Welding equipment, Forming machinery etc., and CNC
machinery has become vital for all types of industries in terms of production or mass production.
Thus, using CNC is not only a subject matter of vocational or technical schools. It requires that
there should be other accessible training platforms for the general use of individuals who have
interest in it. New developments on CNC machines are providing a continuous need for updated
CNC training curriculum. In the last 3 decades, a large number of vocational training centres and
technical universities are giving priority to CNC Training. Training on CNC should follow similar
developments and in particular in their programming capabilities, automation they offer and their
technical capabilities. In addition, CNC programming is becoming more and more automated
through the use of CAD/CAM systems (Sahin et al., 2007). This requires from the programmers to
acquire CAD operation capabilities, on top of their CNC operation and programming knowledge.
Computer Numerical Control refers to the use of a computer to control and monitor the
movement of a machine. The machine could be a milling machine, lathe, router, welder, grinder,
laser or waterjet cutter, sheet metal stamping machine, robot or many other types of machines. A
CNC training course should consist of the tuition of CNC programming methods and their
application on actual conditions of processes. Its main task should be to make any trainee at any
training level capable of handling and programming CNC machine tools.
254 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Programming is the act of preparing a series of commands that tell the CNC turning centre how
to machine a work piece. It involves coming up with a machining process, selecting cutting tools,
designing a workable work holding set-up, and actually creating the CNC program. Every CNC
person must understand this form of programming in order to make modifications to the CNC
program at the machine when a job is run. Set-up is the act of preparing the CNC turning centre to
run a series of work pieces (called job or production run). Tasks involve, among other things,
making the work holding set-up, assembling and loading cutting tools, determining and entering
certain offsets, loading the program, and verifying that the program is correct. Operation involves
two things. First, the learner must be comfortable with the general manipulation of a CNC turning
centre. This involves knowing the various components on the machine, the buttons and switches
and how to perform several important procedures. Second, the learner must be able to complete a
production run once the set-up is made. Tasks needed to complete a production run involve,
among other things, work piece load and unload, cycle activation, measuring completed work
pieces and making sizing adjustments if/when necessary and dull tool replacement.
In addition, advanced computer and information network technology has revolutionized our
teaching and learning approaches and methods and this also changed the learning environment.
Thus, ICT strategy is very important and training organisations using ICT are significantly ahead
in all respects. In addition, integration of ICT and e-learning is politically important in the EU in
terms of internationalisation and globalisation of education, student demand and interest in
increasing the quality of education through ICT (Sahin et al., 2009). The online training settings
offer more opportunities for collaboration than the traditional large-enrolment lecture-based
classes. Online course trainers seem to be more willing about using active learning experiences,
such as asking questions or participating in discussions. Therefore, a well-designed training should
take the student through the whole learning cycles and be engaged in several parts of the brain
(Zull, 2002). Virtual training or online learning environment is more consistent with Knowles’
(1975) “andragogical model of learning” that emphasizes the importance of student-centered, self-
directed, problem-solving-based learning (Neville & Heavin, 2004). In online education presented
virtually, learners can interact directly with content (that they find in multiple formats) or can have
their learning sequenced, directed and evaluated with the assistance of a teacher (Woods & Baker,

2. The Aim of the Paper

This paper presents the experiences in new CNC Learning Innovations based on a Virtual Training
Centre (VTC), an Internet based e-learning facility, specifically based on Computer Numerical
Control (CNC) training, within the framework of a European Project. This centre includes a virtual
space (a CNC training portal) on the Internet, which allows the constant sharing of e-learning
based CNC teaching tool created and the further development of e-learning based CNC
educational contents. New equipment, methods, curriculum and techniques currently used for
CNC training by some European countries are observed, collected and evaluated to form a
common curriculum. It should be noted that almost every country in EU has its own training
materials and methods for CNC training; quite often this is insufficient and this brings problems
regarding the unification of workforce. Furthermore, the facilities for CNC training vary a lot and
this has had direct impact on the experience that the trainee is acquiring during his/her apprentice.
This virtual training centre aims at setting the standard CNC virtual learning in vocational training
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 255

3. VTC for CNC as a Training Tool

Figure 1: Interface of VTC for CNC (

The virtual training centre has two major stages of development. The first part is related with the
common curriculum developed in English. Each European Country has a different curriculum in
CNC training. During the first stages of the project, the equipment, methods, curriculum and
techniques currently used for CNC training by the organisations in the partner countries were
observed, collected and evaluated. The selected materials were used to create a new and common
curriculum. Five important factors that contribute to learning were taken into account in order to
prepare the a common CNC curriculum:
• Motivation
• Aptitude
• Presentation
• Repetition
• Practice with reinforcement
The approach for developing the appropriate training material was based on the following key
• Know your machine (from a programmer’s viewpoint)
• Prepare to write programs
• Understand the motion types
• Know the compensation types
• Format your programs in a safe, convenient, and efficient manner
• Know the special features of programming
• Know your machine (from an operator’s viewpoint)
• Understand the three modes of operation
• Know the procedures related to operation
• You must be able to verify programs safely
This presentation method allows the learner to organize his thoughts as the learner reads this
text. This text includes 10 Key-points (six for programming and four for set-up and operation).
Here are several benefits to this method. Any good training program should put light at the end of
the tunnel. All students want to know where they stand throughout any training course. With our
Key-points approach, the learner will always have a clear understanding of his progress throughout
the text. During each Key point, the team will first present the main idea behind the concept. As
stated earlier, the team says it is as important to understand why the learner is doing things as it is
to understand how to do them. The Key Points allow a “building block” approach and present
256 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

information in a very tutorial style. It also limits the number of new ideas the learner must
understand in order to grasp information presented within the text.

4. The content of the Virtual Training Centre (VTC)

During the first stages of the project, the equipment, methods, curriculum and techniques currently
used for CNC training by the organisations in the partner countries were observed, collected and
evaluated (Xiaoling at all, 2004; Yadong at all, 2007). The selected materials were used to create a
new and common curriculum. Five important factors that contribute to learning were taken into
account in order to prepare the CNC curriculum:
 Practice with reinforcement
The approach for developing the appropriate training material was based on the following key
 Know your machine (from a programmer’s viewpoint)
 Prepare to write programs
 Understand the motion types
 Know the compensation types
 Format your programs in a safe, convenient, and efficient manner
 Know the special features of programming
 Know your machine (from an operator’s viewpoint)
 Understand the three modes of operation
 Know the procedures related to operation
 You must be able to verify programs safely
This approach combined with the important learning factors finally led to a CNC training
curriculum including 28 sessions:

1. Machine configuration 16. The four kinds of program format

2. Speeds and feeds 17. Simple canned cycles
3. Visualizing program execution 18. Rough turning and boring multiple
4. Understanding program zero repetitive cycle
5. Measuring program zero 19. More multiple repetitive cycles
6. Assigning program zero 20. Threading multiple repetitive cycle
7. Flow of program processing 21. Sub-programming techniques
8. Introduction to programming words 22. Control model differences
9. Preparation for programming 23. Other special features of programming
10. Types of motion 24. Control model differences
11. Introduction to compensation 25. Machine panel functions
12. Dimensional (wear) tool offsets 26. Three modes of operation
13. Geometry offsets 27. The key operation procedures
14. Tool nose radius compensation 28. Verifying new programs safely
15. Program formatting
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 257

5. Samples fro VTC for CNC

Figure 2: CNC Programming

Figure 3: Simulation for G1 Command

258 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Figure 4: Simulation for G41 Command

Figure 5: Simulation for M09 Command

6. Conclusion

 Virtual Training Centre for CNC is an e-learning training material that can be regarded as
an innovation as it combines ICT use and interactive training in vocational training
organizations. The trainers and trainees can have access to this virtual environment, and
this in turn can lead to an innovative approach and methodology in the VET system in the
partner countries. Since the interactive training tool is ICT based, it can encourage ICT
use in VET organizations too.
 The trainers and other sector representatives who are interested in CNC use can get
knowledge about this new approach and method used in the training tool and thus we can
say that the tool in a way can support in training and further training activities in the
acquisition and the use of knowledge, skills and qualifications to facilitate personal
development, employability.
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 259

 The training tool can facilitate the development of innovative practices in the field of
vocational education and training other than at tertiary level, and their transfer, including
from one participating country to others.
 Because the training tool developed is based on distance learning methodology using
ICT, it can help improve the quality of VET systems and practices in VET organizations
by forcing them to improve the training system according to the methods and approach
presented here.


Knowles, M. (1975). Self-directed learning. Chicago: Follet.

Neville, K. & Heavin, C. (2004). E-learning: Academia’s approach to the CRM challenge. Retrieved May
15, 2009, from
Şahin M., Bilalis N., Yaldız S., Antoniadis A., Ünsaçar F., Maravelakis E., (2007): Revisiting CNC Training–
a Virtual Training Centre for CNC. International Conference on E-Portfolio Process in Vocational
Education-EPVET, Bucharest, Romania.
Woods, R. H. & Baker, J. D. (2004). Interaction and immediacy in online learning. International Review of
Research in Open and Distance Learning, 5(2). Retrieved May 15, 2009, from
Xiaoling, W., Peng, Z., Zhifang, W., Yan, S., Bin, L., Yangchun, L., (2004): Development an interactive VR
training for CNC machining, Proceedings VRCAI 2004 - ACM SIGGRAPH International Conference
on Virtual Reality Continuum and its Applications in Industry, pp. 131-133.
Yadong Liua, Xingui Guoa, Wei Lia, Kazuo Yamazakia, Keizo Kashiharab and Makoto Fujishimab, (2007):
An intelligent NC program processor for CNC system of machine tool. Robotics and Computer-
Integrated Manufacturing, Vol 23 (2), pp 160-169.
Zull, J. E. (2002). The art of changing the brain: Enriching the practice of teaching by exploring the biology
of learning. Sterling, VA: Stylus.


Technologies (TECH):
• Innovative Web-based Teaching and Learning
• Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) technologies
• Web, Virtual Reality/AR and mixed technologies
• Web-based Education (WBE), Web-based Training (WBT)
• New technologies for e-Learning, e-Training and e-Skills
• Educational Technology, Web-Lecturing Technology
• Mobile E-Learning, Communication Technology
• Computer Graphics and Computational Geometry
• Intelligent Virtual Environment
ABBYY recognition technologies – ideal alternative to manual
data entry. Automating processing of exam tests.
Marin Vlada1, Ivan Babiy2, Octav Ivanescu3

(1) University of Bucharest, vlada[at]

(2) ABBYY Ukraine, i.babiy[at]
(3) Star Storage, Romania, octav.ivanescu[at]

According to statistics, forms has share in 85% of all documents that are used in different
economic spheres. Through automate forms processing, company can reduce volume of
manual labor in 5 times, increase data quality and speed up documents processing, as result
increase effectiveness of company’s activity.
ABBYY [1] provides the companies with effective Data Capture solutions which can
effectively recognize data from your documents and realize concrete needs for every industry.
ABBYY FlexiCapture transfers paper documents into usable data and offers a full range of
state-of-the-art functionalities for document classification, data extraction and indexing.
This easy-to-use and to-deploy yet powerful solution provides a real alternative to manual
data entry and other traditional forms of data input.

1. Introduction

For many Romanian commercial and governmental organizations conversion from paper
document management to electronic one is the crucial issue.
Automated data capturing technologies have a relatively long history, dating back to when the
first optical reading systems were developed to recognize stylized symbols drawn according to
templates. Since that time, they have evolved to support a vast industry, utilizing a large set of
very different technologies.
The traditional forms processing technologies for fixed (or structured) forms of today are well
established. A large choice of systems capable of processing many types of fixed forms is now
Today’s advanced systems can accurately capture printed and hand-written characters and
process thousands of documents per day.
ABBYY FlexiCapture is one of the leading products in the field, capable of handling both
printed and hand-printed forms.

2. ABBYY OCR/ICR Technology

ABBYY FlexiCapture is a specialized technology based on ABBYY’s experience in recognition

and document analysis technologies spanning more than 15 years. It has been in regular use since
1997, and we could probably say that it has served as a platform for many successful projects for
13 years. In fact, since 1997.

Types of documents
Organizations and businesses in different industries have their own features in document
processing. ABBYY provides the companies with effective Data Capture solutions that realize
concrete needs for every industry.
264 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

ABBYY FlexiCapture 9.0 can process one page, multi page documents with any level of
complexity, documents with unfixed pages amount as documents with such appendixes as images
or texts.
Paper documents can be divided into 3 categories:
• structured documents (fixed forms);
• semi-structured documents;
• unstructured documents

structured documents semi- unstructured

Figure 1. Types of documents

Various questionnaires, forms, examination sheets, reports, inquiry sheets and other similar
documents which can be filled either by hand or by means of computer, belong to the structured
documents (or fixed forms).
Invoices, payment orders, bills, explanations of benefits, and receipts – semi-structured documents.
Quires, newspaper articles, information from the Internet etc belong to unstructured
Today the automation of structured documents data input is well-mastered. Nonetheless
recently the companies have shown great interest in unstructured information input automation.
Business of some organizations directly depends on data analysis quality and time and recourses
spend for those operations. For example, different educational organizations interested to have
data capture solution in order to efficiently automate its current processes. The challenges are to
minimize the manual operations associated with questionnaire processing and to leverage data
capture in order to increase overall productivity. The solution has to capture the desired data from
the questionnaires and export them into usable digital information.
Processing of structured documents (forms) - is a process whereby information entered into
data fields should be converted into electronic form:
• data are extracted from their respective fields;
• forms are digitized and saved as images.
In most cases forms processing is completed when the data from all the forms have been
extracted, verified and saved. There are only two approaches for data extracting from paper forms:
to involve many people in manual data keying in, or to start using automatic forms input system.
Manual data entry requires a lot of time, resources and is troublesome. It implies many
problems such as delays in data capture, great amount of operator's misprints, high labor costs,
equipment spending, rent-charge, etc. All these costs are avoidable with the help of a data capture
solution such as ABBYY FlexiCapture, which enables automated forms processing.
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 265

Modern documents processing systems offer comprehensive facilities for automation of these
processes and that allows customers to considerably raise overall performance.

Data input stages

Document conversion from paper to electronic type consists of several stages. At the first stage
documents are scanned or photographed (given the modern development of digital photography
the second method becomes more popular). The next stage is classification during which (for
example, incoming letters differ from newspaper articles) is performed.
After scanning (photographing) and
classification it is necessary to extract the
data and to attribute the electronic
document. Practically any document
contains data fields: the date, the name of
the author, the title, etc. As well as
classification, attributing can be performed
in the manual, semiautomatic or automatic
way, and in semiautomatic mode for
accuracy increase various rules are usually
involved, having checked with which the
system can reduce the number of errors.
ABBYY FlexiCapture interprets
machine-print (OCR), isolated handprint
(ICR), including alpha and numeric, mark
sense (OMR) and barcodes from paper
forms gathered from a scanner or a fax Figure 2. Processing stages
ABBYY FlexiCapture interprets data from paper forms many times faster and immensely more
accurately than any professional operator, enabling you to collect data in efficient and secure way.
It is noteworthy that the entire process requires only one human operator since all of the stages,
except verification, are fully automated.

3. ABBYY FlexiCapture 9.0

ABBYY FlexiCapture 9.0 is supremely intelligent, accurate and scalable data capture and
document processing system. It provides a single entry point to automatically transform the stream
of different forms and documents of any structure and complexity to usable and accessible data
ready to be exported into any business applications and databases.
Historically ABBYY Company developed three directions: document and form input, and
applied linguistics. Today in each of these categories the company offers various type products for
end users, system integrators and developers. In addition ABBYY integrated products of all listed
categories into the uniform solution - FlexiCapture which ensures processing structured and semi-
structured documents in a single space.
ABBYY FlexiCapture Software implements a number of processing technologies for checking
of the document information relevance. This circumstance has basic value for structured
documents processing as this procedure results in databasing. For correct performance of this
operation it is necessary to carry out preliminary check of each field in the document on the data
type relevance to expected result (for example, whether there is no text in the digital column),
lengths of words and other parameters.
266 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Automated paper document input systems are in demand among both governmental institutions
and commercial companies.

Figure 3. Processing different kinds of documents

Technology Background

FlexiCapture identifies the document type and assembles one and multi-page documents out of the
mix of pages using advanced ABBYY technologies, which allow automatic classification of
documents with variable layouts of any complexity including:
• Multi-page documents;
• Documents with variable number of pages;
• Documents containing multi-page tables;
• Documents with image or text attachments.
The ABBYY FlexiCapture enables the recognition system to easily find necessary fields on the
semi-structured form. Once located, the data in the fields can be captured using the
OCR/ICR/OMR and barcode recognition technology.
FlexiCapture technology is built on powerful and time-tested ABBYY technologies based on
the IPA principles (Purposefulness and Adaptability) [2] that imitate the way humans recognize
FlexiCapture accurately extracts data and text from the fields specific for each document
type using ABBYY award-winning multi-language recognition technologies. [3]
It offers:
• OCR for more than 180 languages
• ICR for hand-printed text for over 110 languages;
• Checkmark recognition for a wide spectrum of checkboxes;
• Barcode recognition for a variety of 1-d and 2-d barcodes.
Modern OCR technology allows processing a hand-written text as well under the condition of
distinct letters writing. These possibilities are in demand among the companies which face the
problem of processing of great number of forms and other similar documents filled in handwriting.

4. ABBYY processing examination sheets

Now there are only two technologies for automate processing examination sheets, making it
possible to avoid knowledge subjective evaluation. The first one is computer testing. Each entrant
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 267

or student answers the question at a separate computer. And in some minutes after completing the
test the machine calculates and gives out the result. The method is simple and efficient – however,
due to high costs it is suitable only for groups of 10-20 persons.
The second method is more popular. Examination sheets are distributed to entrants where it is
necessary to indicate the correct variant of the answer. Other notes - the examination name, a code
of the student and a place for the signature. Then works are scanned and converted into the
computer which in a minute knows who has passed the test and who has failed it.

Figure 4. Processing of examination sheets

Such technology has been utilized while carrying out “The unified examination” for school
leavers in many European Countries for some years so far. In northern countries the youth’s
knowledge is supervised by the independent testing centre at the Ministry of Education. On the
examination day the centre technologist comes to school with forms package. These people are not
acquainted with teachers and get into this or that school on a toss-up. The form with a name,
surname of the final-year student and his/her code filled in are processed separately from
examination sheet on which the person reduplicates his/her code and marks variants of the answers.
There are also mysterious black small squares or other special labels on the form, distinguishing
while scanning what examination it is and according to which variant it should be assessed.
All tests are prepared according to certain rules of a special science on questions designing –
testology. They can be direct, that is offering only a title or figure or indirect, when the answer
needs to be chosen out of four options. All is filled with ordinary pens. But very often due to
agitation or indecisiveness peoples (students) put dots instead of "ticks", underline boxes or even
fill in the word. ABBYY has developed automatic examination results processing technology,
enabling to consider such cases individually, assessing answers in different ways. After scanning
and automatic recognition the system assorts each symbol which it is not sure of. Information
check is carried out according to special rules and guidebooks, for example, according to reference
book confirming each answer.
Fast and qualitative computer check of examination sheets allows to solve three problems at
once. Firstly, overcome irregular loads. Since all entrance examinations are held once a year, they
need additional expenses on the personnel and teachers. Secondly, avoid health problems. For
example, because of a computer-visual syndrome at first eyes get tired, then the weariness goes
over the whole body, and the person works slower, his/her attention decreases. Third, and the
biggest problem is the reliability of the information. To be assured of data which are entered
manually, it is necessary to engage at least two persons and to assign the supervisor comparing
their work. It takes a lot of time and is expensive. Automation is useful because all data are
distinguished operatively. And only 5-7 percent of the total number of symbols requires the
operator’s aid.
268 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Test questions

Questions with digits


Questions with text answer

Figure 5. Recognition during processing of examination sheets

But entrance examinations are only a local system task. In fact, it has much greater
possibilities: entrants’ applications processing which can be recognized in a matter of minutes and
databased, teacher feedback forms, data acquisition for plastic ID cards and student's cards etc.
The main concern of the educational organization will be not only to find a short-term, quick
and easy solution to serve its current needs, but to further invest in a solution with the potential to
meet future needs as well. Investing time and money in a solution should give the possibility to
reuse the infrastructure for other data recognition projects and allow future in-house development,
according to any project’s needs, utilizing the acquired know-how.

5. Conclusions

The introduction of OCR technologies provides organizations with the opportunity to automate
routine structured and unstructured data input and processing. The increase of text recognition
accuracy, development of handwritten forms processing technologies considerably raises the
efficiency of interaction of governmental and commercial institutions with their clients. The
automation of these processes provides management with powerful tools to analyze large volumes
of information and contributes to taking more exact and prompt decisions, which directly effects
business efficiency.

6. References

[2] IPA Principles. ABBYY recognition technologies are built on the principles of Integrity,
Purposefulness and Adaptability (IPA). Unlike other recognition technologies, which focus on
recognizing patterns, IPA takes recognition a step further by using artificial intelligence to train the
computer to analyze documents in the same way that the human brain would analyze them.
[3] ABBYY FlexiCapture 9.0 data and document capture system has been recognized as a Trend-Setting
Product of the Year by KMWorld Magazine, the leading information provider serving the Knowledge
Management systems market. (August 2010)
MEDIAEC Platform.
Digital Television for Education and Research
Diana Chihaia1, Adrian Istrimschi1

(1) Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi,

3, Toma Cozma Street, Institute of Continuing Education, Iasi, 700554, Romania

Continuous development of educational and research technologies lead to the necessity of
implementing a television network dedicated to education and research activities. In this
respect, there are technologies like video-conference and multimedia systems which offer
accessible solutions. The present paper describes the infrastructure and the protocols for this
kind of television and possible implications of it in educational and research activities
initiated within Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania.
Keywords: Digital television, Education, Multimedia system

1 Television in Education

The necessity of information exchange, which is essential in different interest areas as education,
business, and entertainment etc., leaded to inventions that were designed to facilitate this process
and encouraged research regarding communication instruments. At the end of the 19th century
communication through electricity was a challenge and besides the phone creator, there were
inventors and scientists like Goldstein (in 1876), Bidwell (in 1881) and Nipkow (in 1884) who in
the same period were designing the first elements of what in 20th century became an industry:
television. Thus, starting with 9th of April 1927, when the first long-distance transmission of live
images and voice was held, the television turned into a resourceful instrument for communication.
Education, as one of the main interests of humanity, has been highly advantaged by these
inventions and in a very short time after their implementation, starting with first forms of
educational television broadcasting (Cambre, 1987; Saettler, 2004), the distance education through
television networks became an option for formal and non-formal education. Moreover, distance
education through video, occurring between teachers and learners who were separated by space or
time, gained popularity (Moore, 1997). Over the last decades, while the Internet services were
continuously improved, distance education through web video services started to replace distance
education through cable television (Reisslein et al., 2005, p. 25).
Despite the advantages brought by educational television, especially for distance education
services, there are researchers claiming that television might undermine the important role that
pedagogical methods (Roberts and Herrington, 2005) have in teaching, by diminishing their usage
or by totally replacing them. Yet, combined with face to face courses or other interactive activities,
educational television might be considered as a pedagogical method itself. This concern might be
also excluded, by considering the perspective of active/reactive theory (Anderson and Lorch,
1983) arguing that the learner interacts both with the information and with the viewing
environment. Technology development made possible the use of three settings for distance
education through video (Reisslein et al., 2005, p. 26):
270 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

• interactive two-way video and audio, which corresponds essentially to a video

• one-way live video and two-way audio;
• one-way delayed audio and video.
Given the advantages of visualising and hearing the course contents along with explanations
regarding them, distance education through video became widely spread in academic education. In
this respect, proper settings and a balance between video, printed and live delivered content in
education was required (Papagiannidis et al., 2006; Reisslein et al., 2005, Wiecha et al., 2003;
Jesshope and Liu, 2001).
Moreover, when discussing about settings, a very important aspect in educational television is
the cost implied in delivering all its services, starting with the equipment, infrastructure and
delivery channels. The continuous development of technology offers the opportunity of designing
infrastructures for television, which will not involve high costs and efforts. For example, a basic
television scheme for Internet television (ITv) might function very well with a powerful computer,
a server and a good Internet connection.
In the close future, the new Internet Protocol IPv6 using automatic configuration, will grant
access to Internet for more than 4 billion computers, as IPv4 offers at the moment. This will imply
no efforts for potential beneficiaries of Internet television in setting up their systems. Although this
is an obvious advantage, with the infrastructure of the Internet networks nowadays, it is not
possible yet to offer television services for millions of people at once, like in case of television
through satellite; all because of the limitation determined by hardware infrastructure
(Papagiannidis, Berry, and Li, 2006, p.516). It is not the case to be concerned by this limitation for
an in campus television with few thousands of end users.
Considering this aspect and the performant equipment of the multidisciplinary platform for
training and research MEDIAEC, we intend to implement a television for education and research
in the campus of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iai (UAIC), Romania.

2 Educational Television and Its Forms

Studies regarding television phenomenon and its influence in education have started in ‘70s and
gradually, narrowed on researching television networks specialised for distance education. From
these approaches we were interested in identifying how educational televisions and their
framework were implemented, whether they were made from scratch or redesigned based on
previous research results.
One of the well known distance education providers, Open University (OU) funded by UK
Government has as target group adults, especially those willing to get a higher degree but don’t
have enough time to enrol in a university and attend daily courses. Educational television, as a
method in distance learning used by Open University programs, was introduced in 1971 when
their first course was broadcasted. This initiative was possible by using the infrastructure -
terrestrial television - and the support of British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) which included
OU courses in their programs grid. Nowadays, OU extended its strategy for course delivery and
offers support for their students by digitalising most of its services and using Internet protocols.
Local tutors are available to offer feedback and support to the students through e-mail, telephone,
video-conferences and even face to face. An entire platform ( is dedicated for sharing
materials, discussions, online teaching and assessment sessions. Thus, the broadcasted courses are
completed by a continuous interaction facilitated by Internet, other communication instruments
and face-to-face meetings.
In America, during early ‘60s along with the increasing number of television networks, the
idea of educational television caught specialists’ high interest. Aiming to provide educational
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 271

programs across America, the Educational Television and Radio Center (ETRC) was founded in
1952. The educational programs were distributed between television stations across America, and
were actually produced by them, not by ETRC. Along with the dynamic change of its name and
status, ETRC started to distribute educational programs produced by BBC and varied the number
of covered subjects. The American educational television used in classrooms or course halls was at
its height in ‘60s, declined in ‘70s and begun to be used again in ‘80s (Saettler, 2004).
The concept of educational television was included by the concept of television itself but later,
it started to clearly delineate and address to certain target groups: children, adults or furthermore,
to primary school or secondary school children, to students or to teachers etc. For example, in
Australia, in 1992, a program for teacher’s professional development was initiated (Evans et al.,
2001). The courses within this program were provided via satellite transmission aiming to support
interactive television with one-way transmission and live telephone link or delayed fax as
interactive strategy. SOFTNet, as the system was named, consisted of equipment installed in
schools from country side, with satellite receiving dish, decoder and wiring to a room. The
responsible with these programs extended SOFTNet usage to the phase of support for curriculum
areas and for internal communication encouraged by the lowering costs in teacher’s professional
development. All because of television’s role in facilitating information transmission.
A different concept of educational television system is the one locally implemented in a
university or any other educational institution. An example of this kind of television is the one
experimentally designed to broadcast between two student campuses from Massey University,
New Zeeland (Jesshope and Liu, 2001). It consisted of an Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)
network with a bi-directional link, meaning that the professor had whether audio or video feedback
from the remote class (Jesshope and Liu, 2001, p.11). Using motion JPEG standard, the video was
compressed by hardware and transmitted through the network which had 10-20 Mbits per second
bandwidth. Although the video materials were successfully transmitted, this type of network and
the encoding procedures have proved to be inefficient for high quality presentation graphics. As a
solution to these inconveniences was the introduction of MPEG standard encoder which permitted
a high quality transmission using a small transfer rate.
These examples, briefly described above, highlighted the tendency of education providers to
focus educational television services on certain target groups and improve its strategies and
contents in order to increase the quality of education. Thus, as a strategy of improving the quality
of UAIC’s educational programs, we propose as an additional method in teaching and learning, an
educational television within UAIC campus. This television will address to all students, professors
and university’s staff, whether in campus or in any other location.

3 Digital educational television within UAIC

MEDIAEC platform was designed to develop research and educational services through
interdisciplinary, multifunctional and permanent interaction. Its main objective is to implement the
technology’s benefits in teaching and learning activities as well as in research, to stimulate the
creative potential of the academic staff and students, to support collaboration between research
networks in Europe and around the world.

3.1 MEDIAEC Infrastructure

In the section below we will describe the infrastructure and the potential MEDIAEC has, in
supporting a digital educational television in and out of UAIC campus. There are eleven fully
equipped video-conference rooms in three buildings of the university. Students or professors from
any faculty in UAIC can dispose of these rooms in order to transmit or receive live courses in
campus or worldwide, as it can be seen in Figure 7. The infrastructure of MEDIAEC platform
272 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

allows this kind of activities and supports high quality image transmission in and out UAIC’s
network, making possible interactive teaching and learning situations.
The video system from the video-conference rooms and
the content server are communicating through university’s
wide area network (WAN) using TCP/IP protocol.
The viewers connected to the system can watch live
transmissions using whether HTTP, UDP or TCP, directly
on their computers, in any location from inside or outside the
university campus. They must fulfil a minimum software
requirement: an installation of Media Player, Real Player or
Quicktime Player. Also, through MEDIAEC platform we are
able to transmit video and audio content by satellite, making
possible a worldwide broadcast. These two aspects might
represent a big advantage for the students enrolled in
UAIC’s distance learning programs, by offering them the
possibility to participate at certain courses along with other
students. In case the transmission is interrupted or the
students cannot connect to watch live transmitted courses,
Figure 7. Video Broadcasting
the recordings made, can be downloaded anytime. The video
Inside and Outside UAIC
recorder server within the video system, as represented in
Figure 8, makes possible recordings and data storage.
The recording feature can be used during discussion
sessions, tutorials, projects or research meetings, in order to make an archive which can be
consulted anytime when is needed, directly from MEDIAEC servers, without using other data
storage devices.

Figure 8. Video System Servers and Its Figure 9. Video-conference

Connections Room Structure

The functionality of a video-conference room is assured by two video-cameras, microphones, a

notebook for data and the AETHRA codec with the following video standards: H261, H263,
H263+, H263++, H264 (see Figure 9). The audio and video information from
video-cameras, microphones and a notebook are captured by AETHRA, coded using H323 or SIP
protocol, transmitted through UAIC’s WAN to MEDIAEC servers and/or to any compatible codec
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 273

outside the institution or to personal working stations with compatible specialised communication
Additionally to the system described above, MEDIAEC disposes of a mobile video-conference
system - TANBERG and a mobile video camera - which has two possibilities of connection and
transmission: through cable or directly to the satellite. Thus, the transmissions might be made from
any other location outside the UAIC campus.
As already mentioned the system supports two-way audio and video interaction, between
video-conference participants, combined with the alternative of presenting high-quality images or
live desktop captures which influences the quality of communication and decreases the barriers
that might appear in distance learning situations.

3.2 A Digital Television Project for UAIC

Considering the advantages offered by this high-technology infrastructure, the plan of initiating
and implementing a Digital Educational Television - with MEDIAEC’s support - for students and
academic staff in UAIC, is achievable.
Before implementing a full programs grid for digital educational television in our university,
an initial evaluation of students’ needs and new technologies usage within campus, is needed.
UAIC offers courses to a number of 38.000 students from 15 faculties. The communication
infrastructure already existent within university represents an advantage in the process of
implementing the digital educational television. For example, each faculty has at least one
laboratory connected to Internet and students have unlimited Internet access in the accommodation
An initial evaluation regarding academic staff needs regarding the information which might be
offered through educational television programs is also needed. Thus, when designing the full grid
of educational programs within our university, the responsible team has to consider the balance
- educational and research topics covered by the broadcasted materials
- students and academic staff needs on educational television
- each faculty’s strategy and number of students
As in other universities or training organisations, the television programs might be transmitted
live with the possibility of recording or directing and recording the material by a specialised staff
and finally, broadcasted for UAIC students and academic staff. This second option requires a
professional team for preparing and recording this kind of programs but the professional team
might be replaced with especially trained teams in each faculty, teams able to direct and prepare
materials for a certain number of programs. Although this seems to be a complicated procedure, it
might be an opportunity to actively involve students in preparing video-materials for educational
The advantage offered by an in-campus television is that students from different faculties can
watch recorded courses/programs from other faculties, without finding themselves in the situation
to skip their mandatory activities from the daily schedule, in order to assist to other courses. Also,
an educational television might be considered a real support during special events hosted by UAIC
(conferences, public presentations etc.) when the amphitheatres or conference rooms might be too
small for the audience or when parallel sessions are ongoing. For example, by transmitting live
and recording a conference activity, the organisers offer the opportunity for their target group to
“participate” to all sessions and get the information presented. The activities of “3rd International
Conference on Adult Education” - organised by UAIC - were broadcasted and recorded for further
access on MEDIAEC servers, using both video-conference systems, including the mobile one.
The two-way audio and video communication settings offered by MEDIAEC platform, allows
the system to broadcast courses held by professors from other universities/institutions from
274 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Romania or from any other country around the world. In this case, the presenters or speakers from
other institutions need to have a minimal hardware equipment and software which supports audio
and video conference (camera, microphone, Skype) or a specialised conference system.
Regarding the role of educational television in research, there are at least two ways of using
MEDIAEC platform in order to develop research strategies:
- as instrument for disseminating research results from different areas;
- as an instrument during studies regarding educational television, digital television and
its influence in teaching and learning.
An advantage which must not be omitted is that an educational television in UAIC, might be
efficient in broadcasting administrative news on monitors placed in public location, in order to
reach interested audience.
Considering all the possibilities that a digital educational television could bring, and our
objective of improving the quality of educational services, it is useful to think about it as a
complementary method for teaching and learning, not a replacement for formal courses or
tutorials. Also, it might be considered as an additional instrument for information sharing along
other new technology components.

This work was partially supported by European Social Fund in Romania, under the
responsibility of the Managing Authority for the Sectoral Operational Programme for Human
Resources Development 2007-2013 [grant POSDRU/88/1.5/S/47646].


Cambre, M.A. (1987). A reappraisal of instructional television. Syracuse, NY: ERIC Clearinghouse on
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Tensions of Educational Technology and Change. International Review of Research in Open and
Distance Learning 2(1). 1-16.
Federal Communication Commission website:
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Distance Education, 22-38.
Jesshope, C. R., & Liu, Y. Q. (2001). High-quality video delivery over local area networks with application to
teaching at a distance. International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education, 38(1), 11–25.
Open University website:
Papagiannidis, S., Berry, J., and Li, F. (2006). Well beyond streaming video IPv6 and the next generation
television. Social Change, 73, 510 - 523.
Reisslein, J., Seeling, P., & Reisslein, M. (2005). Video in distance education: ITFS vs. web-streaming:
Evaluation of student attitudes. Internet and Higher Education, 8, 25 - 44.
Roberts, J. and Herrington, J. (2005). Interactive television: Educational use in the new millennium. In
proceedings of Ascilite 2005. 577-580. Retrieved on from
Saettler, P. (2005). The Evolution of American Educational Technology. Greenwich, CT: Information Age
Wiecha, J.M., Gramling, R., Joachim, P., Vanderschmidt, H. (2003). Collaborative e-Learning using
Streaming Video and Asynchronous Discussion Boards to Teach the Cognitive Foundation of Medical
Interviewing: A Case Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research 5(2). Retrieved on July 15th 2010 from
Overcome Disadvantages of E-Learning for Training English
as Foreign Language
Veselina Nedeva, Emilia Dimova, Snejana Dineva

(1) Technical College of Yambol, Gr.Ignatiev str. 38, Yambol, Bulgaria,,,

The report presents the advantages of e-learning forms and the use of multimedia
programs and products in the “English as foreign language” education, when compared to
the traditional education. An already established and running virtual learning environment –
namely eDuTK (, based on the MOODLE software, is being used in
Technical College – Yambol. There is description of implementation of MOODLE for foreign
language training. Analyze of advantages and disadvantages of multimedia product in
e-learning education are developed. General disadvantages of e-learning on the base of other
author publications are explored. The possibilities to overcoming of e-learning disadvantages
by MOODLE activities, Hot Potatoes and other multimedia resources in the practices of
Technical College – Yambol in the paper have been presented.
Keywords: e-learning, English language training, digital technologies, advantages and
disadvantages of e-learning

1. Introduction

In foreign language learning there are many specific features to which experts that develop
educational content and e-learning modalities must adhere. E-learning is facilitated by the use of
digital tools and content. Typically, it involves some form of interactivity, which may include
online interaction between the learners and their teacher or peers. The selection of proper
multimedia technologies in foreign language learning is very important issue. It should be possible
to achieve the necessary quality of teaching materials for mastering reading skills, listening
comprehension, writing and communication skills.
Learning Management Systems (LMS) or Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) as it popularly
known is basically a software application for the administration, documentation, tracking, and
reporting of training programs, classroom and online events, e-learning programs, and training
content. It is even known as a web-based technology used to plan, implement and assess a specific
learning process. The system not only manages the training or educational records but also
distributes them. The benefits of LMS range from, managing training and maintaining educational
records, to distributing courses over the Internet with features for online collaboration. It is widely
used in corporate world to automate record-keeping and employee registration (Gaya, J. 2010).
The MOODLE is designed and developed by particular philosophy, namely "social
constructionist pedagogy". Knowledge is strengthened if the student can use it successfully in his
wider environment. Students are not just a memory bank passively absorbing information, nor can
knowledge be "transmitted" to them just by reading something or listening to someone
(Branzburg, J., 2005). Moodle can be used to integrate college courses for students, with online
activities that help them to increase their foreign language proficiency.
The goal of our investigation is to present the possibilities to overcoming of e-learning
disadvantages by MOODLE activities, Hot Potatoes and other multimedia resources in the
practices of Technical College in the discipline English as foreign language.
276 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

2. Material and Methods

The sources of information for our investigation are based on publications and practical results
from the application of e-learning. Greater attention is given to the sources that relate to teaching
language skills. The main directions of searching are:
1. Analysis of literature, both advantages and disadvantages of the e-learning and the
possible ways to overcoming them.
2. The modern digital technologies and their role in overcoming the shortcomings of the e-
learning in foreign language training.
3. Analysis of practical results for the activity of students in the VLE of TC - Yambol.
4. Requirements of the European Language Framework.
Investigations for conducted e-learning training in Technical College (TC) - Yambol are
performed by data-base from the participation of about 60 students that are included in experiment
with the prepared learning materials for training in English as foreign language. There are used as
the traditional methods of analysis and synthesis of information as well as recent report of eDuTk
students' results.

3. Results and Discussion

English language is the main subject for the student education in TC – Yambol. Creating the
digital content for teaching English in TC - Yambol is performed by different stages of the
experiment, first with one or two groups of students are involved, next stage is making analysis
and then after the amendment, where necessary, the course is introduced for application in other
groups. Furthermore, in the creation of educational materials are actively incorporated students.
Their personal involvement is taken into account in the final assessment by the teacher.

Advantages of e-learning
Some of the advantages of the use of VLE are indisputable and obvious. They stem from the
opportunities offered by this type of systems. The report examines only the benefits for students,
not for the teachers and for the training organizations.
The advantages of e-learning for foreign language training can be considered in several
aspects: general advantages of e-learning, opportunities for collective work and development of
communication skills. As the first group can be assigned the following (Definitions of e-learning,
• Student can study anywhere as long as there is access to a computer with internet connection;
• They can work at own pace;
• User can accommodate different learning styles through different activities;
• Flexibility to join discussions any hour of the day;
• E-learning is cost effective.
E-learning also offers individualized instruction, which print media, cannot provide, and
instructor-led courses allow clumsily and at great cost. In conjunction with assessing needs, e-
learning can target specific needs. And by using learning style tests, e-learning can locate and
target individual learning preferences. Additionally, synchronous e-learning is self-paced.
Advanced learners are allowed to speed through or bypass instruction that is redundant while
novices slow their own progress through content, eliminating frustration with themselves, their
fellow learners, and the course.

Disadvantages of e-learning
The disadvantages of e-learning training are represented from different aspects by the authors
(Definitions of e-learning, 2004; Burbles, N. C., 2004; Lehmann, K.J., 2004; Disadvantages of
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 277

e-Learning, 2010; Challenges and Disadvantages of E-learning and Distance Learning, 2009).
Some of them concern strategies for distance e-learning without the use of traditional forms of
lectures and practical exercises. In this aspect can be mentioned the following shortcomings
(Challenges and Disadvantages of E-learning and Distance Learning, 2009):
• Lack of personal community and connection (not for blended learning);
• Its a banking model of education (which is partially inevitable);
• Not necessary based on the best science regarding How People Learn;
• Tech, toys, and teaching over learning;
• Focus on memorization over learning core competencies;
• Better aligning of incentives of teachers and learners;
• Downtime plus mobile as well as “play” are issues to consider as well;
• Underutilized talents and facilities;
• No way to ground social networking and web 2.0 tools;
It could be argued that most of them can be overcome if the orientation is to blended e-
learning, which is the route of administration in TC - Yambol.
For the student, several disadvantages exist in the virtual classroom. According to Burbles
(2004) “hidden barriers to access” of a virtual classroom to students; there are limitations of
making an online course accessible to all. Some communication tools may not suit some students;
for example, the streaming of audio cannot be heard by a hearing impaired student and thus this
tool is not accessible to all.
Another disadvantage of the virtual classroom is that it can only be successful if the
communication tools used in the classroom are “in the student’s possession…accessible to the
student… (and) operable by the student” (Lehmann, 2004). Although synchronous communication
tools are usually perceived as an advantage because of their similarity to communication in the
traditional classroom, they can also be a disadvantage. This is because they consist of real-time,
text-based communication in which responses are often “out of sequence” as a consequence of
varying typing abilities among students (Fetterman, D., 1998). Students must have adequate typing
skills and communication skills as the majority of learning is text-based and self-paced, and if they
are used to being in a structured, scheduled environment they will be disadvantaged and most
likely get confused and fall behind (IOWA State University, 2001). Teachers are not as readily
available in the virtual classroom as they are in the traditional classroom, therefore students who
usually continual support of the teacher need may feel isolated, according to the IOWA State
University (2001).
The fact that there are technological requirements to enable full participation in the virtual
classroom is also another disadvantage to students. For example, if the student does not have a
high bandwidth and adequate computer memory needed to access the Internet and hence the
virtual classroom as well as download course material, they will be disadvantaged. Also, the
technological dependence of the virtual classroom can be a disadvantage if there is an Internet
connection failure or a similar technological problem that prevents students to complete a task. If
there is no “back up plan” in the case of a technological hindrance, students will miss out on the
learning activity that was scheduled (Colorado State University, 2005).
Difficulties with software. The disadvantage of e-learning is the managing of computer files,
software compatibility and learning new software, including e-Learning (Disadvantages of e-
Learning, 2010). For learners with beginner-level computer skills it can sometimes seem complex
to keep their computer files organized. The lesson points you to download a file which the learner
does and later cannot find the file. The file is downloaded to the folder the computer automatically
opens to rather than a folder chosen by the learner. This file may be lost or misplaced to the learner
without good computer organizational skills. In our college the students have the requisite level of
278 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

working with the computers and the software platform, which they acquire in a first course in the
discipline of Informatics. In addition to that the lectures in eDuTK are divided into disciplines, a
very good navigation menu is available and that doesn’t create difficulties of this type.
High motivation. E-Learning also requires time to complete especially those with assignments
and interactive collaborations. This means that students have to be highly motivated and
responsible because all the work they do is on their own. Learners with low motivation may not
complete modules. In TC – Yambol, as in many universities study English language is a main
subject for first year students. Students are actively involved in creating the learning material and
improvement the data-base, that keep them high motivated.
Isolation. Another disadvantage of e-learning is that students may feel isolated and
unsupported while learning. Instructions are not always available to help the learner so learners
need to have discipline to work independently without assistance. E-Learners may also become
bored with no interaction. It needs to be stressed that blended learning is not just a mixture of
strategies and technologies, but a holistic didactical method that combines “the effectiveness and
socialization opportunities of the classroom with the technologically enhanced active learning
possibilities of the online environment, rather than ratio of delivery modalities” (Dziuban,
Hartman, Moskal, 2004). Applying blended learning we overcome some proven disadvantages for
both form of education - distance e-learning and traditional class room learning.
All collaborative learning theory contends that human interaction is a vital ingredient to
learning. Consideration of this is particularly crucial when designing e-learning, realizing the
potential for the medium to isolate learners. With well-delivered synchronous distance education,
and technology like message boards, chats, e-mail, and tele-conferencing, this potential drawback
is reduced. However, e-learning detractors still argue that the magical classroom bond between
teacher and student, and among the students themselves, can not be replicated through
communications technology. The ways in which e-learning may not excel over other training
include (Kruse K., 2004):
• Technology issues of the learners are most commonly technophobia and unavailability of
required technologies.
• Portability of training has become strength of e-learning with the proliferation of network
linking points, notebook computers, PDAs, and mobile phones, but still does not rival that
of printed workbooks or reference material.
• Reduced social and cultural interaction can be a drawback. The impersonality, suppression
of communication mechanisms such as body language, and elimination of peer-to-peer
learning that are part of this potential disadvantage are lessening with advances in
communications technologies.
Overcoming the disadvantages of e-learning:
• Lack of customization to student’s interest (also length instead of modules). Overcoming
this deficiency is achieved through analysis of student results by analysis and report,
which provides eDuTK. In addition to periodic surveys, this is in particular consideration
of the interests of students to improve the quality of teaching materials in electronic
• Lack of student motivation. According to a series of studies, observations of the authors
and their experience lack of motivation is not related to the implementation of blended
learning. Opposite its implementation and opportunities encourage students. It speaks for
the fact that motivation is lower when these students in less benefited from electronic
versions of educational materials available in the VLE eDuTK.
• Not experientially based–its simulation based at best. In TC Yambol after the creation of
electronic materials they are experimenting with one or two school groups, and then make
adjustments if necessary and then offered in VLE eDuTK.
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 279

• Lack of quality assessment and feedback, which hinders learning.

Students can complete the feedback form to express an opinion on the material in each
subject. After completing the given lesson from all students, the teacher analyzes the
results obtained through in-system tools - Item analyzes. It shows which the most
common mistakes are; what percentage of students answered the questions after each
lesson; and etc. There is a pre-developed system of criteria for assessing the knowledge,
consistent with the requirements for achieving quality education and European
Framework to cover the level A1 - A2.
• Some self-directed learners are sometimes too random and have no process. The learner
has to self-analyze content without requisite knowledge or criteria (its authority 2.0).
Students are grouped in main units based on their knowledge and English proficiency.
During their study they follow the instructions of their teacher and plan-schedule.
• Time resources at a minimum. The duration of each lesson or the test after it is not
unlimited, it is determined by the teacher depending on the complexity and volume of
material included in it. Also there can be limit on the number of repetitions of each
Overcome disadvantages of e-learning for English language training is reached by specialized
technologies. Hot Potatoes (, 08.05.2010) are not part of MOODLE but VLE
possesses the necessary instruments to allow for exercises created in it to be imported and
integrated in. Hot Potatoes for Windows is an instrumental work environment which includes six
applied programs. There could be used in creating interactive exercises. They are especially
suitable for foreign language learning (multiple-choice, short-answer, jumbled-sentence,
crossword, matching/ordering and gap-fill exercises), for example Figure1.

Figure 1. Screenshot of JCloze – filling in a missing word or phrase.

The Hot Potatoes exercises could be saved in a web format and used in a web browser, printed
out, integrated and/or imported in the MOODLE using SCORM. The Hot Potatoes Set allows
creating exercises, which contain subtitles and instructions; prompts and feedback; buttons;
different appearances of the exercise texts – multiple fonts, colors, highlights of text and etc.;
timer, to limit duration of the exercises.
280 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

To develop the listening with comprehension and communication the lecturer can use Audacity
(, 08.05.2010). It is a free, easy to use and multilingual audio
editor and recorder for Windows, Mac OS X, GNU/Linux and other operating systems. Both the
student and the teacher can use Audacity to:
• Record live audio under Windows, Mac OS X, GNU/Linux operating systems;
• Convert tapes and records into digital recordings or CDs.
• Edit Ogg Vorbis, MP3, WAV or AIFF sound files (Ogg Vorbis is a completely open,
patent-free, professional audio encoding and streaming technology with all the benefits of
Open Source.).
• Cut, copy, splice or mix sounds together.
• Change the speed or pitch of a recording.
To extend the possibilities of Audacity, both lecturers and students can use the set provided
directly at The students can create assignments and exercises in team
groups for conversation, and also create dialogs and text for self-study without any additional
software on their computers. New and already learned words can be associated with a hyperlink to
the glossary of this course. In order to strengthen the consequence of application of the lessons
audio files may be include with the text of the lesson to master the skill of listening
comprehension. After hearing text, questions are followed under the form of test, on which
students must respond in order to verify their knowledge. Test can be done to check the grammar
studied material.

4. Conclusion

Documents in the context of the Bologna Process (European Union, 2000) recommend, among
other things, that European university students acquire at least two foreign languages up to a
certain level of proficiency. Technology broadens the definition of face-to-face as there can be the
use of two way video, and two way audio. Introducing these elements of participation creates a
blended e-learning experience. Blended e-learning includes elements of web interaction and in-
person interaction; it overcomes most of shortcoming of e-learning. The used technologies are the
tool for achieving the main goals of language learning. There is a version of MOODLE for
language learning, which have improved ability to integrate audio, video and enhanced
interactivity of applied learning.
Applying blended learning in the discipline English as foreign language we gain good
experience overcoming of e-learning disadvantages by MOODLE activities, Hot Potatoes and
other multimedia resources and reached good results of acquired knowledge.

5. References

Branzburg, J., Aug 15, 2005, How To: Use the Moodle Course Management System,
Burbles, N. C., 2004, “Navigating the Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Pedagogy” in
Haythornthwaite, C., and Kazmer, M. M. (eds.) Learning, Culture and Community in Online Education:
Research and Practice, New York: Peter Lang Publishing, pp. 1-17. ISBN 0820468479.
Challenges and Disadvantages of E-learning and Distance Learning, 2009
Colorado State University (2005) “Always Have a Backup Plan”, retrieved September 27, 2005, from
Definitions of e-learning, 2004,
Disadvantages of e-Learning, 2010
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 281

Dziuban, C. D., Hartman, J. L., & Moskal, P. D. (2004): Blended learning. ECAR Research Bulletin, 7.
Retrieved April 27, 2008 from
European Union (2000): The Bologna declaration on the European space for higher education: An
explanation. Retrieved October 11, 2005, from
Fetterman, D., 1998 “Virtual Classroom at Stanford University”, retrieved September 27, 2005, from
Gaya, J. 2010,–-enjoying-the-lms-advantage/, 08.05.2010, 08.05.2010, 08.05.2010
IOWA State University (2001) “Advantages and Disadvantages of E-Learning”, retrieved September 27,
2005, from
Kruse K.2004
Lehmann, K.J., 2004, “Successful Online Communication”, in K.J. Lehmann (ed.) How to be a Great Online
Teacher, USA: Scarecrow Education, pp. 9-16. ISBN 1578861128.
Ontological Library Generator for Hypermedia-Based
E-Learning System
Eugen Zaharescu1, Georgeta-Atena Zaharescu2

(1) ”Ovidius” University of Constanta, Mathematics and Informatics Faculty

124 Mamaia Blvd., Constanta 900527, Romania
(2) "DECEBAL" High School, Constanta, Romania

This paper presents an automatically approach of metadata e-library generation providing
online access to very large and organized video tutorials collections, covering the main
aspects of e-learning processes. This complex metadata digital library defines the structures
of a large hypermedia LU (Learning Units) database embedded in a hypermedia-based e-
learning system. Different methods of semantic description and hypermedia educational
contents integration are explored. Furthermore, some possibilities to build a large-scale
hypermedia objects ontology based on lexical resources generated in the context of
OWL(Web Ontology Language) systems (e.g. Protégé-OWL) are also described. Ontology-
based e-library generator is designed in the context of Semantic Web technologies using a
SOA(Service Oriented Architecture) approach. It provides e-learning management system
with large hypermedia resources repositories and enables efficient knowledge reuse and
exchange between e-universities.
Keywords: Semantic E-Learning, metadata, hypermedia, Semantic Web, Web Ontology
Language, Service Oriented Architecture.


The exploitation of new Semantic Web technologies in the context of E-learning requires a deeper
understanding of the relevant issues as long as they will be able to incorporate even perception and
pervasive or ubiquitous computing..
The ultimate objective of the Semantic Web research activities targets the improvement of the
human experience and the enrichment of the living, with better ability to use heterogeneous
content and knowledge applications.

Semantic Web Based E-learning

From the beginning, we have tried to summarize some key research themes in the convergence of
Semantic Web and E-learning as shown in figure 1. Also, a set of research priorities are revealed
here and more specifically, there are three cyclical areas that summarize the current research in
Semantic E-Learning.
In this visual description it is used a matching of key issues that have significant roles in
Semantic Web and E-learning research, respectively. They are presented as five pairs where the
first part relates to the Semantic Web key issue and the second one to the E-learning key issue:
1. ”Expression of Meaning”–“Content authoring”
2. “Policy Aware Infrastructure”–“Interoperability/Standards”
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 283

3. “Ontological Evolution”–“Adaptive Hypermedia”

4. “Web of Trust”–“Communities/Social Dimensions”
5. “Information Flow and Collaborative Life”-“Learning Context”.

Figure 1 The Semantic E-Learning research themes

”Expression of Meaning”–“Content authoring”. The obvious direct relation of Semantic Web

and E-learning combines the traditional content authoring process with the critical objective of
expression of meaning. Issues like Semantic Mark-Up, Semantic Retrieval, Personalized and
(Semi)-Structured Annotation and Content Conversion are leading a big research stream, in which
the main concern is the development of Semantic E-Learning content.
“Policy Aware Infrastructure”–“Interoperability/Standards”. The E-learning industry has
many achievements in the area of interoperability and standards and it recognizes the need to
secure a policy-aware infrastructure. The Semantic Web will only achieve its potential as an
information space for the free flow of scientific and cultural information if its infrastructure
supports a full range of fine-grained policy controls over its content. The research on types of
Control Over Content, the Compliance To Semantic and Metadata Models as well as the issues of
versioning and provenance require extensive research.
“Ontological Evolution”-“Adaptive Hypermedia”. The traditional Adaptive Hypermedia
considerations in E-learning are combined with Ontological Engineering and a lot of flexible
systems and accompanied methodologies have emerged. Issues like Ontology-Building, Ontology-
Integration, Conceptual Modelling and Semantic Conceptualisation reveal a new research agenda,
in which the specifications of conceptualisations (ontologies) promote the performance of learning
“Web of Trust”–“Communities/Social Dimensions”. In the E-learning Industry this issue is of
critical importance. The development of Virtual Learning Communities will require a Semantic
Web language of describing trust in the form of Unique Identities of Resources and Intelligent
“Information flow and collaborative Life”-“Learning Context”. As mentioned above, the
instrumentation of knowledge flows has been set as one of the priorities of the SW W3C activity.
In this area Semantic Services, (Semi) Automated Reasoning and Argumentation are critical themes
on the semantic e-learning agenda.
284 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Table 1 E-Learning requirements fulfilled by Semantic Web Agents conceptual characteristics

Semantic Web Agents conceptual characteristics
Distributed The Semantic Web will be as decentralized as possible. Distributed nature of the
Knowledge Semantic Web enables continuous improvement of learning materials and effective
co-operative content management.
Coordinated On the Semantic Web, software agents’ activities are coordinated as they may use
Interactivity commonly agreed service language and produce proactive delivery of updated learning
materials. The vision is that each user has his own personalized Semantic Web agent
that communicates with other agents to generate the answer.
Non-linear Learning materials are distributed on the Web as linked objects to agreed ontologies.
Delivery This enables construction of a user-specific course by semantic querying for topics of
Dynamic Based on personalized Semantic Web agents, the delivery of information will be
Delivery proactive, creating a dynamic learning environment. The Semantic Web enables the use
of knowledge provided in various forms by semantically annotated content.
Personalized According to his own profile, user can describe goal of learning based on previous
Access knowledge and perform semantic querying for the suitable learning material. The
ontology is the link between the user needs and the characteristics of the learning
material. Access to knowledge can be expanded by semantically defined navigation.
Integration The Semantic Web offers the potential to become an integration platform for all
learning activities in any organization.

Semantic Web Stack and Ontology Spectrum

The Semantic Web stack (proposed and gradually refined by Berners-Lee, 2003, figure 2) guides
us through the process of increasing level of semantics.
Resources are at the basis of semantics, identified via their Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).
The next semantic layer is the XML, a set of syntax rules for “creating semantically rich mark-up
languages in a particular domain” (Daconta et al., 2003) together with its NS-Namespaces (“a
simple mechanism for creating globally unique names for the elements and attributes of the mark-
up language”, to avoid vocabulary conflicts). On top of XML is the Resource Description
Framework (RDF), simply put, an XML language to describe whole resources (as opposed to only
parts of them, as with XML). RDF Schema is a language that enables the creation of RDF
vocabularies; RDF Schema is based on an object-oriented approach.

Figure 2 Semantic Web stack (Berners-Lee, 2003) – on the left side and Ontology
Spectrum (Daconta et al., 2003) – on the right side
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 285

Semantics increases from the lower levels towards the top of the stack. Ontologies are
constructed from structured vocabularies and their meanings, together with explicit, expressive
and well-defined semantics. In particular, Ontologies make knowledge reusable by featuring
classes (general things), instances (particular things), relationships between those things,
properties for those things (with their values), functions involving those things and constraints on
and rules involving those things.
Ontologies have their own spectrum of increasing semantics, as described in figure 2 (Daconta
et al., 2003). Taxonomies contain structured data, where the semantics of the relationship between
a parent and a child node is not well specified (“can be subclass of or part of”). Thesauri are
controlled vocabularies, with clearly defined equivalence, homographic (the same spelling),
hierarchical and associative relationships (e.g. WordNet). A Conceptual Model permits class-
subclass hierarchies (as in UML). Logical Local Domain theories are directly interpretable
semantically by the software, and represent the highest aspiration for ontologies.

Distributed Learning Objects Metadata

The distributed learning technologies and the learning objects standardization was developed by
three major organizations:
 Alliance of Remote Instructional Authoring and Distribution Networks for Europe (ARIADNE)
focused on metadata and learning object indexing systems;
 IMS Global Learning Consortium (IMS-GLC), developed vocabularies and metadata for
learning objects (IMS Learning Resource Metadata specification).
 Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) realised the Sharable Content Object Reference Model
(SCORM), a web-oriented data model for content aggregation focusing on the structure and
run-time environment for learning objects.
SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) is accepted as the standard for the
Educational Content Management and represents a collection of specifications for web-based E-
Learning. SCORM uses XML heavily, especially in defining Course Structure Format, a system
for representing course structures so that educational material can interoperate between platforms
and systems. It defines communications between client side content and a host system called the
run-time environment, which is commonly supported by a Learning Management System. It also
defines how content may be packaged into a transferable ZIP file called "Package Interchange
SCORM 2004 introduced a complex idea called sequencing, which is a set of rules that
specifies the order in which a learner may experience content objects. These rules constrain the
learner to a fixed set of paths through the training material, permit the learner to "bookmark" their
progress when taking breaks, and assure the acceptability of test scores achieved by the learner.
Learning Object Metadata (LOM) from IEEE LTSC represents a standard for Educational
Content Metadata Management and is a data model, usually encoded in XML, used to describe a
learning object and similar digital resources used to support learning. The purpose of Learning
Object Metadata is to support the reusability of learning objects, to aid discoverability and to
facilitate their interoperability, usually in the context of online Learning Management Systems
LOM defines a hierarchy of data elements for learning objects metadata named Base Schema.
At the top level of the hierarchy there are nine categories and for each data element, LOM specifies
a name, explanation, size, example value, data type, and other key details: 1-General, 2-Lifecycle,
3-Meta-Metadata, 4-Technical, 5-Educational, 6-Rights, 7-Relation, 8-Annotation, 9-
286 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Authoring Adaptive Educational Hypermedia

Adaptive Educational Hypermedia (AEH) is dedicated to personalization of distributed learning

materials in the open hypermedia corpus, e.g., the WWW. The most important goal is make an
easier authoring process (“authoring once, delivering many”) with to two major possible
approaches: first, a common language used by all authors of AEH, and secondly, the use of
converters between AEHs.
We can describe several approaches of Adaptive Educational Hypermedia systems:
 AHA! “Adaptive Hypermedia Architecture”, was originally developed to support on-line
courses with some user guidance through conditional (extra) explanations and conditional
hided links. AHA! has many extensions and tools that have turned the system into a
versatile adaptive hypermedia platform. AHA! can be used to add different adaptive
“features” to applications such as on-line courses, museum sites, encyclopaedias, etc.
 InterBook is a system for authoring and delivering adaptive electronic textbooks on the
WWW providing a technology for developing electronic textbooks from a plain text to a
specially annotated HTML, Adaptive Hypertext and Hypermedia. An HTTP server for
adaptive delivery of these electronic textbooks over WWW is also provided. Adaptive
navigation support techniques applied in InterBook proved to be efficient for educational
applications of hypertext and hypermedia, transforming them in an intelligent learning
support media. InterBook is used to deliver adaptive Web-based courses on “ACT-R theory
of cognitive modelling” Carnegie Mellon University, USA.
 MOT (My Online Teacher) is a general authoring system for adaptive hypermedia. MOT
can author for different adaptation engines. To achieve this, MOT is exporting to a generic
format, called CAF, which realises the static representation of the data. Together with the
adaptation strategy, written in the adaptation language, LAG, this system can provide
specifications of adaptation for various types of user-model and presentation-model related
 Claroline is an Open Source E-Learning and E-Working platform allowing teachers to
build effective online courses and to manage learning and collaborative activities on the
web. Claroline has a large worldwide users’ and developers’ community.
 WHURLE (Web-based Hierarchical Universal Reactive Learning Environment) is an
adaptive learning environment, which is pedagogically effective, suitable to learner needs
and all subjects. WHURLE is implemented using XSLT, is designed for Coccon 1.x. (Java
publishing framework) and is developed as a research tool in the Web Technology Group
of the University of Nottingham.

Semantic E-Learning Conceptual Platform Architecture

In this section, we present a conceptual Semantic E-Learning architecture which provides high-
level services for appropriate online information retrieving.
This architecture integrates semantic services like: semantic browsing, semantic search or
smart question answering and is structured on three levels: (i)-Access Interface Level, (ii)-Service
Manager Level and (iii)-Knowledge Base Level.
The very top level of this architecture is the Access Interface Level representing the integrated
interface with the User and Provider Category. Through this personalized interface the learners,
the readers as well as the authors / managers of the academic institutions can access, upload or
modify the data with particular authority.
The second level, Service Manager Level, will generate a very complex and personalized set of
services for each interacting actor (particular searches, notification service, course annotation,
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 287

Figure 3 Semantic E-Learning Conceptual Platform Architecture

Between this second level and the third/last level we can observe two key elements:
(i)-Search Engine and (ii)-Inference Engine
Search Engine provides an API with methods for querying the knowledge base. RDQL (RDF
Data Query Language) can be used as an ontology query language. Also, it integrates Ontological
Hypermedia Library Generator.
Inference Engine answers to very complex queries and is responsible for inferring new facts by
an intelligent combination of facts already have in the knowledge base.
The fundamental and core level in this Semantic E-Learning platform is Knowledge Base Level
that will manage the conceptual elements of the whole architecture. In fact, it is a repository where
ontologies, metadata, inference rules, educational resources and course descriptions, user profiles
are stored.
288 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Ontological Hypermedia Library Generator

Ontology-based e-library generator is based on a SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) design and
is integrated in the Search Engine module of the Semantic E-Learning architecture. It uses Google
Video and Image Search agents to retrieve from the WWW the hypermedia elements
corresponding to a given ontology or taxonomy generated with WordNet or other similar systems.
Finally, these hypermedia objects are stored in a large LU (Learning Units) repository.
Subsequently, it provides a complex metadata digital library that defines the structures of this large
hypermedia reusable LU database embedded in the Semantic E-Learning system. This metadata
digital library uses Learning Object Metadata (LOM) from IEEE LTSC as a standard for the
management of hypermedia e-learning objects as shown in the figure 4.

Figure 4 LOM standard representation of a hypermedia e-learning object

Figure 5 Search Engine index page and the generated hypermedia catalogue

This paper was accomplished as part of the research project no. 551/2009 granted by Romanian
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 289


Daconta, M. C, Obrst, L. J. & Smith K.T. (2003): The Semantic Web: A Guide to the Future of XML, Web
Services, and Knowledge Management, Wiley.

Journal Articles:
Brusilovsky, P. (2001) Adaptive Hypermedia, User Modelling and User-Adapted Interaction, Kluwer
academic publishers, Vol. 11, nr. 1-2, 87-110.
Cristea, A., Cristea, P. (2004a): Evaluation of Adaptive Hypermedia Authoring Patterns During a Socrates
Programme Class, Advanced Technology for Learning Journal, ACTA Press, 1(2), 115-124.

Conference Proceedings:
Berners-Lee, T. (2003): Semantic Web Status and Direction. ISWC2003 keynote, ISWC’03, 5-12.
Brusilovsky, P., Santic, T., De Bra, P. (2003): A Flexible Layout Model for a Web-Based Adaptive
Hypermedia Architecture. In Proceedings of the AH2003 Workshop, Budapest, Hungary, 77-86.
Cristea, A.I. (2004b): Adaptive Course Creation for All. In Proceedings of International Conference on
Information Technology, Las Vegas, US, 718-722,

Internet Sources:
IMS Instructional Management System,
IEEE LTTF, Learning Technology Task Force.
GiSHEO: On-line Platform for Training in Earth Observation
Dana Petcu1, Silviu Panica1, Marian Neagul1, Marc Frincu1, Daniela
Zaharie1, Dorian Gorgan2, Teodor Stefanut2, Victor Bacu2

(1) West University of Timisoara, Romania

(2) Technical University of Cluj Napoca, Romania

Current applications involving satellite data needs huge computational power and storage
capacities. Grid computing technologies from the last decade promise to make feasible for
these kinds of applications the creation of an environment which can handle hundreds of
databases, computing resources, and simultaneous users. While several Grid-based
platforms were developed recently for Earth sciences experiments and simulations, the
training activities in these fields do not follow the intensity of the research activities and there
is a clear gap between the request for specialists and the labour market offers.
In this paper we present several technical details of a Grid-based platform – that we named
GiSHEO – designed to provide high education and training facilities in Earth observation.
Tasks that are usually out of reach of desktop computers due to memory or time constraints
can be performed by using this platform. Its eLearning environment ,called eGLE, provides
templates for trainers to develop lessons for others to follow. In lesson related experiments,
trainees have access to large amounts of data and, thanks to remote processing, they can
analyze and receive results within the timeframe of the lesson. Moreover, trainees can
experiment without installing any software or transferring large amounts of data.
Keywords: Learn through experiments, Earth observation, Distributed systems


Earth observation (EO) is currently deeply involved in scientific and commercial applications for
key problems like crisis management or global warming. Huge quantity of remote sensing data is
acquired daily by several satellites with only a portion of it actually exploited. The public
availability of a considerable part of these data allows the development of new innovative
applications. Such developments are possible only with at least minimal understanding and
training in processing remote sensing images. Unfortunately, training the future Earth observation
specialists is currently addressed by only a small number of institutions and platforms, due to the
special requirements of remote sensing data management and the hardware consumption
requirements of the specialized software tools.
In this context we have recently development an on-line training platform, named GiSHEO,
for high education in Earth observation (acronym for On-demand Grid Services for High
education in Earth Observation). The platform concepts and design will be exposed in this paper.
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 discusses shortly the benefits of learning through
experiments; Section 3 points towards the special requirements of the Earth observation field that
motivates the selection of the technologies used by the platform; Section 4 exposes shortly the
functionality of the platform; Section 5 focuses on eGLE, the eLearning component of the
platform; finally, Section 6 conclude with several remarks.
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 291

Learning through hands-on experiments

Learning through experiments is performed by a process which is composed of: making a

hypothesis, planning an experiment, running the experiment, and examining the results. Hands-on
experiments are possible when all the materials are available at the trainee site. Sciences like
mathematics and computer science can profit full experimenting directly in the classroom. Others
like physics or chemistry must rely on simulations as acceptable replacements. Earth sciences, and
in particular Earth observation, are in-between: simple hands-on experiments can be performed for
basic understanding of the phenomena, but experiments for high education tasks already require
the availability of large data sets or long time processing of remote sensing data – learning from
direct experience in this case can be time consuming and expensive.
Inquiry-based constructivist learning can offer students a unique opportunity to directly explore
phenomena and gain insight into the nature of science. In particular, students engaged in a hands-
on experiment will remember easier the material due to the fact they feel a sense of
accomplishment when the task is completed. Experiments encourage questioning of the observed
events and the resulting data. When students carry out their own experiments, they become
familiar with the events and the variables involved. In addition, they will be able to transfer that
experience easier to other experiments. The trainees develop their critical thinking skills as well as
discovery capabilities. This self discovery stays with trainee throughout their lifetimes.
Activity-centered training encourages student creativity in problem solving and promotes
student independence. Therefore learning from experiments is an essential part of innovation. To
achieve a real impact, the innovation requires constant experi-mentation, rigorous analysis,
learning from experiences and then adapting accordingly.
Intensive research reported in the last two decades supports many of above claims by providing
evidence that the learning of various skills and science content are enhanced through hands-on
experiments: students in activity-based programs exhibit increases in creativity, positive attitudes
toward science, logic development, or communication skills. Benefits for students are believed to
include increased learning, motivation to learn, enjoyment of learning, skill proficiency,
independent thinking, perception, creativity, or decision making based on direct evidence and
We have mentioned and underlined here all of these known facts to motivate our approach for
an experiment-oriented on-line learning platform in contrast to the existing ones that are based
usually on exposition and quiz.

Requirements of Earth observation trainings

Earth observation is mostly referring to satellite imagery or satellite remote sensing. The result of
the remote sensing process is an image or a map. The remote sensing data represents the results of
the measurements of the reflected or emitted radiations from Earth. Remote sensing systems
include beside the collection of the data, methods and means for their processing and distributing it.
Several issues are affecting the wide scale usage of remote sensing systems. The remote
sensing data volume is continuously growing to a level that make impossible to process all the
daily acquired data using the current computing facilities of data centers. The number of users and
applications is also increasing and the data as well as resource sharing became a key issue in
remote sensing systems. EO scientists are often hindered by difficulties in locating and accessing
the data and services.
The last decade registered a shift in the design of remote sensing systems, from centralized
environments towards wide-area distributed environments that allow a scale-out in experimental
capabilities and real-time access to enormous quantities of data. Note that remote sensing data
292 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

processing is usually a computational and data consuming task and special techniques are required
for both data storage and processing in distributed environments. Examples include the migration
of the code to the data location. The underlying technologies that allow this shift are tight to the
service-oriented architecture concepts: Web, Grid or Cloud computing, storage and services
techniques are facilitating the integration of data, processing and resources.
In particular, the promise of Grid computing made to the EO community at the beginning of this
decade was to provide a shared environment for accessing a wide range of resources:
instrumentation, data, high-performace computing resources, and software tools. Realizing the
potential of the Grid computing for EO, several research projects were launched to make the Grid
usage idea a reality. We mention here the scenarios depicted by DEGREE to represent Grid usage
in Earth sciences (, the GENESI-DR catalog of remote sensing data
(, the G-POD platform – for on-demand processing of remote sensing data,
provided by ESA (, or LGP – Landsat Grid prototype provided by NASA
(ntrs.nasa. gov), or the GeoGrid – Global Earth Observation Grid provided by Japan (www. The experiments reported using these platforms are highly complex and require huge
computing capacity. Repeating them in a training event is not possible.
The rapid evolution of the remote sensing technology is not followed at the same developing
rate by the education resources in this field. Currently there are only few educational activities in
EO. The CEOS Working Group of Education, Training and Capacity Building ( is
one of the few facilities collecting an index of free EO educational materials. EduSpace
( is most known on-line environment providing EO
educational material. Earth observation is clearly a field in which the training can strongly benefit
from performing real data experiments in the classroom. But due to the huge dimensions of the
real data and the complexity of classical EO applications, both leading to memory or time
constraints unreachable with desktop computers, experimenting in the classroom is almost
impossible without using a distributed system. The typical data sets used now in EO trainings have
a size of at least of several tens of GBs. Acquiring new real data at trainee side is a time
consuming task that usually takes up to several minutes and this is not acceptable in a training
event. Furthermore, the desktop-based software tools are allowing only simple image processing
tasks. Moving the specialized software tool or the user-designed code where the data are located
could be a viable alternative. Moving the code to the data location is also the preferred solution
when data ownership raises access and usage issues. We consider that Grid technologies can
provide solutions for these legal and technical issues related to training process in the same way as
they have done for research. In this context our proof-of-the-concept platform proves that the Grid
technologies can be used beyond the research and production activities in EO, more specifically in
e-learning environments through remote experimentation.

GiSHEO’s technical set-up

GiSHEO’s architecture is a service-oriented one. The reason for this approach relies on our trust in
the potential of the small building blocks named services for the construction of complex
applications. In the particular case of Earth observation these small blocks can encapsulate the
logic of the algorithms for image processing. Complementing the application services that are
related to Earth observation tasks, the platform services are dealing with task scheduling or
workflow composition, data indexing or searching, security or discovery etc. The usage of the
Web service technologies for the application services and Grid service technologies for the
platform services is explained by our concern to offer standardized interfaces that can be latter on
used by anyone who desire to build a new client for our on-line platform.
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 293

The platform is structured on several levels including user, security, service, processing and a
data level. The user level is in charge with the access to the Web user interface (built by using
Google’s Web Toolkit framework). The security level provides security context for both users and
services. Each user must be identified by either using a username/password pair or a canonical
name provided by a digital certificate. The service level exposes internal mechanisms belonging to
the platform by using Web services technologies. EO services are processing applications
represented through Web service interfaces. The workflow service addresses the internal workflow
engine. The data indexing and discovery services offer access to the data management
mechanisms. All interfaces of these services are described at:
At processing level the GiSHEO platform proposes two models for data processing by either
using Condor HTC (standard Cluster middleware), or Globus Toolkit 4 (standard Grid
middleware). At data level the platform deals with datasets database which contains the satellite
imagery repository and processing application datasets used by applications to manipulate remote
sensing data. Currently the repository includes authorized copies of NASA publicly available
remote sensing images, photograms that are specific for the geographical region of the developers,
as well as connections with ESA’s GENESI-DR catalogue through a particular Web service.
The processing component of the platform consists of two parts, the interface exposed as a Web
service and the workload management system. The interface named G-PROC is built by using
AXIS2 Web service technology and is responsible for the interaction with other internal services
as the data index service (GDIS) in order to facilitate access to the processing platform. It receives
tasks from the workflow engine or directly from user interface, uses a task description language
(ClassAd in case of Condor HTC) for the description of a job unit, submits and checks the status
of jobs, and retrieves job logs for debugging purposes. The workload management system uses
Condor HTC facilities. A task description should contain at least the following: the EO processing
application, the arguments set by the user and an image dataset. G-PROC uses GDIS to find the
real physical location of the dataset and prepares a task to be submitted to the workload
management system which schedules it on one of the computational clusters of the platform.
When the task is finished a notification is sent back to the user interface with the task status. G-
PROC is also used by the user interface to query the task database in order to get information
about the task status.
In particular for GiSHEO, data management is essential due to its data-centric design. The data
indexing and storage service (GDIS) provides features for data storage, indexing data, finding data
by various conditions, querying external services, and for keeping track of temporary data
generated by other components. GDIS is available to other components or external parties using a
special Grid service. This service is also responsible for enforcing data access rules based on
specific Grid credentials. The storage layer is responsible for storing the data by using storage
back-ends such as local disk file systems and cluster storage, or distributed file systems.
An important requirement for the storage component is that of a unique interface exposing the
data distributed across various storage domains (local or remote). This requirement fulfillment was
achieved by implementing a front-end GridFTP service capable of interacting with the storage
domains on behalf of the clients and in a uniform way. The GridFTP service also enforces the
security restrictions provided by other specialized services and related with data access. Moreover,
the GridFTP service provides special features for manipulating the data repository.
The user interface that was built as proof-of-the-concept usage of the platform facilities is
currently a Web based one. Due to the fact that EO applications are data-intensive, the key element
in any Web portal for EO is the selection of the data and, only after it, the selection of the
processing task or workflow that will be applied to them. Therefore our user interface is also data-
centric: datasets represent the main component of the interface and each data has a list of
processing tasks associated depending on its type; these processing tasks can be launched using the
selected dataset and input parameters. The EO data selection in different EO portals range from
simple selection based on data extracted from catalogues to visual selection of the region of
294 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

interests. The user can select the images that he or she want to process using the location, type,
date and so on parameters. The data available is presented in a list form, where each entry has only
one preview form and a list of possible tasks to be applied. Figure 1 shows the results of selecting
the catalog from our platform and the geographical coordinates. In addition to this feature, the user
can specify a particular location in which he or she is interested in.
The data indexing is performed by PostGIS. The PostGIS layer indexes the metadata and
location of the geographical data available in the storage layer. The metadata usually represents
both the bounding box (or extent) and the geographical projection of the data (representing the
geo-location). The PostGIS layer provides also advanced geographical operations which allow
searching the data by using various criteria including interaction with raw shapes, interaction with
shapes representing geo-political data (like country, roads) or any other type of geographical data
which can be represented in PostGIS. Based on the advanced data indexing capabilities of the
PostGIS layer, our platform provides an advanced and highly flexible interface for quering in
platform's repositories. The search interface is built around our custom query language, named
LLQL, designed to provide fine grained access to the data in the repository and to query external
services like TerraServer or GENESI-DR. The syntax of the query language is inspired from the
syntax of the LISP language and partially by LDAP filters. The language allows querying the
repository both for raster images and also for various aggregated data or object properties. Besides
the developer oriented filters, GDIS also provides a simpler, user oriented query language usable
on the public search interfaces. This simple query filters are similar to the filters used by
mainstream search engines.

Figure 1. Snapshoot of the Web-based user interface - front page: photogram catalog

Another set of tasks handled by GDIS are represented by the interaction with external services.
In this case GDIS represents a thin middleware layer interacting with external repositories and
exposes only one unique interface (similar and possibly integrated with the internal repositories).
One example of external back-ends supported by GDIS is represented by the GENESI-DR catalog.
Remote sensing imagery could require large amount of processing steps involving different, but
rather simple, image processing transformations. This scenario requires the combination of the
processing algorithms to form a workflow either defined by the user or selected from an already
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 295

existing list. These algorithms could be located on the same or on different machines spread over
the platform. Such algorithms are exposed in our platform as services. A simplified rule-based
workflow language, named SiLK, and a workflow engine, named OSyRIS, have been proposed
and used in our platform to ensure a fast response in the treatment of workflows compared to the
classical workflow solutions.

eGLE – the eLearning component of the platform

The aim of the eGLE component is to allow the user of the platform to search and retrieve
information from distributed sources, launch large scale computations on massive data and create
lessons based on these pieces of information in a transparent manner. The interface of the eGLE is
focused on simplicity in order to be easily used by average computer users. By using the eGLE
tools the teacher has the possibility to: (a) search the available sources for existing learning objects
and material that could be added to his lesson; (b) create new teaching materials through the
implementation and execution of new workflows based on the platform's application services; (c)
create visual containers for information display and format their appearance; (d) manage the
acquired learning components and combine them using visual elements in order to create the
lesson; (e) specify the desired interactivity level for each of the lesson components. The students
can follow the lesson static description and can execute the associated experiments according to
the constraints established by the teacher. Depending on the interaction level specified, they could
also be allowed to describe and experiment new workflows or choose different input data for
existing ones.
The platform database includes conceptual and particular workflow based descriptions, teaching
materials and lesson resources, and selected remote sensing data.
The teacher is able to browse and search for information based on keywords, time intervals or
latitude-longitude defined areas. Another type of information to be included into the lesson is the
result of the computations executed on the platform resources. The eGLE component of the
platform also provides the teacher with all the functionalities needed to create the visual
appearance of the lesson through the usage of visual containers like tools, patterns and templates.
Through the visual tools included in the eGLE interface, the teacher can describe his own
workflow, and launch it in execution, monitor the execution progress and access the results. Once
the information needed for the lesson is acquired, the teacher is able to setup the lesson structure,
to organize logically the information and to define the desired display settings. As the amount of
data included into the lesson can vary or may be accessible only at runtime, the offline lesson
development using desktop applications is not an option. Figure 2 presents an example of the
visual tools usage.
The teacher is able to specify a certain student interaction level. For example, the student could
receive the right to launch computations on certain data sets. The eGLE platform aims to
implement three different lesson scenarios: static lessons, dynamic lessons, or dynamic workflow
lessons. In a static lesson the student cannot modify the displayed information; nevertheless, he or
she may be granted the ability to control slideshows, videos or multimedia content. In a dynamic
data lesson the students can launch specific application services with input data sets that are
predefined by the teacher at authoring time. All the available options will be displayed by using a
list component while the processing results are automatically included into the lesson in a specific
area chosen by the teacher. In dynamic workflow lessons, the students are granted the ability to
modify a predefined workflow. For security reasons, the elements that can be added to the graph
are chosen at authoring time by the teacher, but the student will have the ability to describe any
processing graph using the provided components. After finishing the workflow description the
students could be allowed to launch the computation on a specific data set or on several data sets.
296 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

The platform has been tested and stressed in classroom in the academic year 2009-2010 by the
master students in Geographic Information Systems from West University of Timisoara, in an
international training event dedicated to GisHEO in September 2009, and in a demo session at
European EGEE User Forum in April 2010.

Figure 2. Snapshoot of eGLE in action during a lesson construction

(see a full demo on the project‘s Web site)

Final remarks

The platform was developed in the last three years in the frame of the project PECS-98061 funded
by the European Space Agency. Different components of the platform were described in other
papers, e.g. eGLE in (Gorgan et al, 2009), OSyRIS & SiLK in (Frincu and Petcu, 2010), LLQL in
(Neagul et al, 2009), EO applications in (Petcu et al, 2009). These papers are also dealing with the
positioning of the platform vs. others platforms and its innovations at the technical level. In this
paper we intended to provide a view of the platform from a learning perspective, not approached
in previous reports. Demos, training materials, service interface descriptions, documentations, and
the link to the platform Web interface are available at project site (

Gorgan, D., Stefanut, T. and Bacu V. (2009): Grid based training environment for Earth observation. LNCS
5529, 98-109.
Frincu, M.E. and Petcu D., OSyRIS: a nature inspired workflow engine for service oriented environments,
SCPE 11 (1), 81–97.
Neagul, M., Panica, S., Petcu, D., Zaharie, D., and Gorgan D. (2009): Web and Grid services for training in
Earth observation.In Procs.of IDAACS 2009,Rende,241-246.
Petcu, D., Zaharie, D., Neagul, M., Panica, S., Frincu, M., Gorgan, D., Stefanut, T. and Bacu V. (2009):
Remote sensed image processing on Grids for training in Earth observation. In Chen Yung-Sheng (ed.),
Image Processing, In-Tech, Vienna.
Towards Educational Animation as a Service
Liviu Beldiman1, Nicolae Jascanu2

(1) AltFactor, Galati

23, Portului Street, 800025, ROMANIA
(2) University “Dunărea de Jos” Galati
AltFactor is part of an ITEA 2 project, named Guarantee, that aims to develop a decision
engine which, based on information received from the sensor system, will generate a
description of the situation. If these situations are dangerous or potentially dangerous, the
system will trigger the default alarms. In addition to these universally accepted dangerous
situations, there are many other situations that may be considered interesting by family
members. These situations should not necessarily have a negative connotation. Such
situations are difficult to be pre-programmed because they depend on family’s education and
culture. An easy way to capture the view of a family is by capturing the emotion raised by a
given situation. The platform aims to implement continuing education as a prevention
measure of potentially dangerous situations. The proposed platform could be fully integrated
into an ambient intelligence scenario: contextual animations presentation, natural integration
of animation in the flow of preferred information, capture the actual preferences of parents
and family, elements of socialization within the family, friends and relatives, communication
with psychologists and specialized institutions.
Keywords: education, emotion, learning, home safety.


Even if domestic environment offers protection, children and elders are still exposed to a large
number of accidents. According to the Austrian Road Safety Board, 6.1% of the European
population, about 28 million people, receive hospital treatment each year after a home or leisure
accident. These accidents lead to great personal grief, loss of productivity and medical cost. It is a
real challenge to combine the care for loved ones with a busy working and social life. People feel a
strong need to connect to their loved ones and to be able to provide support when needed.
Connectedness provides peace-of-mind.
Existing home safety products address only the basic needs. The introduction of software-
based home safety solutions opens up many new possibilities to bring real innovations to the
consumer. Software home safety products leverage the capabilities of existing sensor components,
connectivity, and communications infrastructure.
The Guarantee project will develop the signal processing and decision making algorithms for
specific home safety situations. Further, the project will develop the software architecture for in-
home safety systems and for commercial and community-based home safety services. User
interaction is a key element for effective home safety systems. Unlike other similar
implementations, the project will also implement a system that will allow parents, guardians or any
family members to identify situations that can lead to dangerous circumstances from their point of
view. Their experience, education and culture will be helpful to educate children and to protect the
elderly by identifying circumstances that can turn into dangerous situations.
298 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

These circumstances cannot be preprogrammed into decision engine, because they are not
universally valid. If for a child or elder a situation is dangerous, for anyone else the same situation
does not pose any problem. In the Guarantee project, there will be these types of scenarios:
• scenarios built into the system - defined a priori in the system:
o dangerous situations universally accepted
o risky situations commonly accepted
• scenarios defined and considered risky or dangerous by parents and family members
The correlation between these scenarios is shown in the Figure 1:
The Guarantee project aims not only to identify
some dangerous situations, but also to act when
such situation arises. In case of predefined
dangerous situations, the system will activate a
series of alarms that will alert and determine child
or elder to interrupt the activity.
Scenarios defined by parents have a leading
role in education. Guarantee project, will achieve
continuing education for child and elderly safety
through cartoon-based animations. These animated
sequences will be displayed on universal devices
such as TV sets or special touch-based devices that
allow interaction. Animated sequences are inserted
into the commercial breaks of normal programs or
cartoons. Thus, the educational act is done
continuously and naturally, in a non-intrusive
Figure 1. Different scenarios in the
Guarantee project
The graphics engine is able to generate
animations for both types of scenarios (Figure 2). In the case of scenarios defined by parents, the
animations are generated at runtime.

Figure 2. The graphics engine will generate animations

Platform overview
The platform aims to implement continuing education as a prevention measure of potentially
dangerous situations. The proposed platform could be fully integrated into an ambient intelligence
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 299

• contextual animations presentation

• natural integration of animations in the flow of preferred information
• ability to capture the actual preferences of parents and family
• elements of socialization within the family, friends and relatives
• communication with psychologists and specialized institutions

The platform has four main components (Figure 3):

• preferences capture module
• animation generator module
• management and configuration module
• communication and social interactions module

A simple way to capture family preferences consists in capturing the emotion triggered by a
situation. In psychology there are many theoretical models and practical tools that facilitate the
emotional knowledge capture from a person. These instruments have been used successfully over
decades in various fields, from industrial design to market research strategies. In order to capture
the emotional knowledge, we will use Russell's circumplex circle. For this will develop both a
theoretical model and a practical application, easy to use on any physical device. Preferences
capture module will allow two major types of capture:
• online capture - allows to attach an emotional marker during the progress of current
• offline capture - allows configuration of emotional markers for particular situations

Figure 3. Main components of proposed platform

Affective computing

Always have been controversial discussions about emotions. Moreover, emotional theories were
influenced greatly by the development of culture and society (Tenhouten, 2007). Emotion is a
fundamental aspect of life. This makes the theories and models developed to be issued even
influenced by the character, opinions, social condition of those who formulated them. The
phenomenon of emotion is so complex that a universal and fully accepted theory has not yet been
developed. Over decades there were developed many models more or less simplistic (DeLancey,
2002), (Plutchik, 2003).
300 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Extensive research in psychology have shown that even a random emotion, triggered by events
unrelated to decision making process, can influence the major outcome of the decision (Clore,
1992), (Schwarz, 1990). Incorporating emotions in decision-making system is necessary to solve
complex problems and to have a better understanding of taken decisions. Today, emotional
theories are a multi-disciplinary research area, which includes areas of research in cognitive
psychology, neurology, genetics etc. One of the spear tips of research in the theory of emotion is
the European project FP6 HUMAINE (Human-Machine Interaction Network on Emotion)
(Humaine, 2004) which brings together over 33 partners from 14 European countries. Emotional
research has taken such a magnitude that the W3C consortium is seeking to define a markup
emotional language EmotionML that standardizes the description of emotional knowledge. To be
integrated in a system, emotions should be taken as knowledge. This emotional knowledge is
represented through various emotional models such as discrete models, in which each response to
an action is associated with a distinct emotion, evolutionary models based on genetic algorithms,
in which the emotional system develops over time, dimensional models in which emotions are
described in two or three dimensions, where the axes represent different qualitative aspects of
emotion (Russell & Mehrabian, 1977), (Russell, 1980) (Watson & Tellegen, 1985).
Russell's circumplex model has shown over several decades that it can represent an impressive
number of distinct emotional terms (Feldman Barrett, et al., 2007). Russell's circumplex model is
the model used to extract qualitative knowledge relating family’s preferences. Circumplex model
developed by Russell is a sounding success currently being used in a variety of areas, from
customer satisfaction analysis to mobile applications and interactive games (Desmet, et al., 2005),
(Mateas, 2002) (Stahl, 2006), (Adam, 2007).
Since the early 90's, emotional theories began to be used in the field of intelligent agents.
Picard (Picard, 1997) separates the human emotion from the one of a software agent. In their case,
emotion is just a label that describes a certain state and the corresponding action. Many
psychologists have developed theories of emotion in such a way that it can be easily assimilated by
researchers in artificial intelligence (Ortony, et al., 1988). In the Oz project, Bates (Bates, 1992)
introduces the notion of credible emotional agents. The project implements a virtual world in
which virtual actors interact and express emotions depending on social context. During the last
decade numerous architectures and formalisms were developed for emotional and intelligent
agents. Emotional theories were adopted to design artificial intelligence formalisms that facilitate
the implementation of software agents (Meyer, 2006), (Ochs, et al., 2007).

Online capture system

There are many situations in which the family or one of its members is present during the event.
To facilitate knowledge capture, the system allows attaching an emotional marker for the current
window of sensory events. Via a mobile device, the user can select a particular area of the
circumplex, representing his or her emotional state in that particular situation (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Online capture system

The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 301

The graphical user interface of the application can be customized to facilitate the expression of
emotions. The user will simply touch the screen in the area representing its emotional state. This is
the only required action from the user. The selected area represents the emotional marker and it
will be associated with a set of characteristics from the decision engine. Using the emotional
marker and the set of characteristics, the animation engine will generate the appropriate animation

Offline capture system

The online system is effective as long as someone is present when the event occurs. The platform
allows configuring the emotional state before the event happens. The decision engine will produce
a number of characteristics, each one having several values. The user can choose several
characteristics to create an emotional configuration. The animation engine will use the
configuration to create animations or graphical alarms.
Let’s consider the following situation as an example: the child shall go to a birthday party. The
goal of the generated cartoon is to educate the child that before going out, when outside is cold, it
is better to stay calm for several minutes. The family chooses to configure the following
characteristics of the decision engine:
• child agitation - the child is very restless in the house
• outside temperature - very cold outside
• departure time - departure time is approaching
The system can choose different combinations of characteristic and values to create
animations. The animation is influenced by the value of cost, which is calculated for every
configuration. The cost is the extent to which the situation is pleasant or unpleasant for the family
member. The cost will decisively influence the animation story.
Deciding which value is more important is not easy. When the situation has more than two or
three characteristics, it becomes difficult for a human to explain why it prefers one combination of
values to other. Our intuition is that in the process of selecting are involved rational and emotional
components, past experiences, intuition, desires and hopes. Our work is based on the following
Proposition 1. The result of selection process is an emotional state.
Considering that the result is an emotional state, the knowledge acquisition problem is a little
bit simplified. We could use several instruments and theories about emotions from psychology in
order to capture and interpret that emotional state. We choose to use the circumplex theory, for
emotional knowledge acquisition and representation. The circumplex model of affect is a
continuous model, so the user does not need to express the emotional state explicitly by choosing a
word or a category. The parent should translate the emotional state in terms of pleasure and
arousal, which is far simpler.
Each situation has its own characteristics. For every characteristic, several key values influence
the user emotional state. After deciding what the characteristics are, the parent will mark on
circumplex the key values for each one. We will name from now on these key values as emotional
Proposition 2. When the user marks an emotional reference on the circumplex, it considers
that the other characteristics have at least good values.
The second proposition states that the parent should focus only on the value of one
characteristic. For example, it will mark on circumplex his emotional state when the time to go is
ten minutes considering that the child is not agitated and the outside temperature is good (Figure
5). It is obvious that, if the time to go is approaching, like one or five minutes, the other
characteristics should be very good for the parent to be pleased. We think that this process of
302 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

focusing just on a single characteristic at each time mimics brain mechanisms when we face a
complex decision.
Proposition 3. There is an order between emotional references from the choice’s point of view.
We will define a method that
takes such an emotional configuration
and transforms it into an algorithm
that will calculate the cost for every
configuration of values. Formalism to
define the configuration and ordering
mechanisms for determining the costs
were exposed in (Jascanu, et al.,

Animation generator module

Having the sensor values and the

emotional marker, the graphic engine
will generate an animation that will
be included in the information flow
for the child or the elderly. The
generated animation will have about
Figure 5. The configuration of three characteristics: 30 seconds.
child agitation, outside temperature and time to go The animation engine will create
the animation by composing
predefined sequences (drama beats) with sequences generated automatically based on data
received from the decision engine. Drama manager will combine various units such as the story
will reflect the parent's emotional state.
The configuration management module will allow parents to track events, animations and to
configure de engines. It will also allow configuring the information flow and inclusion of the
generated animation for children or elderly.
Communication and social interaction module allows the creation of social networks both
between family members and relatives, friends and acquaintances. The module integrates
seamlessly with the ambient intelligent home.
The act of continuous education is nonintrusive and transparent and has a real didactic and
pedagogical value.

This work is part of the ITEA 2 European Project GUARANTEE - A Guardian Angel for the
Extended Home Environment.

Adam, C. (2007): Emotions: from psychological theories to logical formalization and implementation in a
BDI agent. PhD Thesis, IRIT.
Bates, J. (1992): The nature of characters in interactive worlds and the Oz project. Technical report. Carnegie
Mellon University.
Clore, G. L. (1992): Cognitive phenomenology: Feelings and the construction of judgment. Book, Erlbaum,
DeLancey, C. (2002): Passionate Engines. What Emotions Reveal About Mind and Artificial Intelligence.
Book. Oxford University Press.
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 303

Desmet, P.M.A., Porcelijn, R. and van Dijk, M.B. (2005): How to design WOW. Introducing a layered
emotional approach. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Designing Pleasurable Products
and Interfaces, 71-89.
Feldman Barrett, L., Mesquita, B., Ochsner, K.N. and Gross, J.J. (2007): The Experience of Emotion. In
Annual Review of Psychology, 58, 373-403.
Humaine. (2004): European IST FP6,
Jascanu, N., Jascanu, V. and Bumbaru, S. (2008): Toward Emotional E-Commerce: The customer agent. In
Proceedings of Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, 202-209, KES.
Mateas, M. (2002): Interactive Drama, Art and Artificial Intelligence. PhD Thesis, Carnegie Mellon
Meyer, J.Ch. (2006): Reasoning about emotional agents. In: International Journal of Intelligent Systems. 21,
Ochs, M., Sadek, D. and Pelachaud, C. (2007): Vers un modele formel des emotions d‘un agent rationnel
dialoguant empathique. In: Conference sur les modeles formels de l’interaction.
Ortony, A., Clore, G.L. and Collins, A. (1988): The cognitive structure of emotions. Book. Cambridge
University Press.
Picard, R.W. (1997): Affective Computing. Book. MIT Press.
Plutchik, R. (2003): Emotions and life: Perspectives from psychology, biology and evolution. Book. United
Book Press.
Russell, J. and Mehrabian, A. (1977): Evidence for a three-factor theory of emotion. In: Journal of Research
in Personality, 11, 273-294.
Russell, J. (1980): A circumplex model of affect. In: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 39, 1161-
Schwartz, N. (1990): Feelings as information: Informational and motivational functions of affective states.
Book, Guilford Press, 527-561.
Stahl, A. (2006): Designing for Emotional Expressivity. PhD Thesis. Institute of Design, Umea University.
Tenhouten, W.D. (2007) A General Theory of Emotions and Social Life. Book. Routledge.
Watson, D. and Tellegen, A. (1985): Toward a consensual structure of mood. In: Psychological Bulletin, 98,
Learn about finding jobs from digital storytelling and ePortfolios
through the L@JOST project
Simona Sava1, Laura Malita2

(1) University Professor, Director of Romanian Institute for Adult Education,

32A, Calea Bogdanestilor, room 206, 300389, Timisoara, Timis, Romania
(2) University Lecturer, Department of Social Informatics, Faculty of Sociology
and Psychology, West University from Timisoara
4, Blvd. V. Parvan, 4, 300223, Timisoara, Timis, Romania

To be effective in the 21st century, citizens and workers must be able to exhibit a range of
functional and critical thinking employability skills related to information, media and
technology. Due to the global economic crisis, for the graduating students or students looking
for a job it is perhaps more hard than ever to success on the job market. They must use every
tool they know to express them and to reflect their knowledge, competences and related skills.
As digital storytelling and ePortfolio are innovative tools which could be successfully used in
teaching and learning, we have been tried to combine them and to extend their usability for a
job searching learning experience. Through the L@JOST project, by learning from ex-
students successful digital stories experiences, by employers points of view and feedback, and,
consequently, by providing some ePortfolios construction tips we hope to avoid such
situations for students going to graduate and to guide them to successfully approach the job
market, and more than that, to find a proper job, according with their competences, abilities
and skills. Through this paper, according with the target group feedback, and, consequently,
through the project outputs, we will offer some insightful inputs from Romanian perspective
and for students going to graduate and who are looking for a job.
Keywords: Digital storytelling, ePortfolios, Students, Jobs, L@jost project

Introduction into the international economic and occupational context

Like it or not, our current society is dependent on science and technology and we live in a 24/7
information based world. Digital communications services and the online environment are integral
to the great developed world economies and societies. Those communities are now using the
Internet and digitally based services on a regular basis, with the boundaries between legacy
services, digital applications and devices becoming increasingly blurred. Thus, over the past
decade, the web is undergoing a period of rapid transition from a space of presentation of
syntactically formatted information to a more open and social platform that allow users to
communicate knowledge and share resources. Consequently, nowadays we have access to more
information than we will ever need; every two days now we create as much information as we did
from the dawn of civilization up until 2003, according to Google CEO Eric Schmidt
( Most important, the technological revolution
(characterized by rapid technological changes, access to an abundance of information, the ability
to collaborate and make individual contributions on an unprecedented scale etc.) will go on, even
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 305

people are or not ready for it, according with i.e. Hajkowicz& Moody (2010), Rainie & Anderson
(2008), Lardinois (2010).
Apart from the technological revolution, starting from 2007, we are now confronting with a
major global economic crisis, which affects with a larger or greater extend both advanced
economies and the developed countries and consequently, their employment situations, as could be
seen in the following picture:

Figure 1. Unemployed rates EU, US, Japan. Source:

At the European level, unemployment started to increase in the first quarter of 2008, when it
was 6.7 per cent. Since then, unemployment has increased to reach 9.6 per cent in June 2010,
Young people searching for a job were disproportionately affected by the global financial and
economic crisis. Clearly, the global economic crisis has further exposed the fragility of youth in
the labour market highlighted in the next pictures:

Figure 2. Unemployed generally (left) and youth (right) rates in EU


According with the previous statistic, in June 2010, the youth unemployment rate (under-25s)
was 20.3% in the EU27. In June 2009 it was 19.6%. Thus, compared to the situation a year ago,
the youth unemployment rate is higher in most Member States. As a result of the strong
306 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

deterioration in their labour market situation, the unemployment rate among young people now
exceeds 30 %. in Estonia, Lithuania and Slovakia, and is now more than 40 % in Latvia and Spain.
Anyhow, youth unemployment rates are significantly higher than the total unemployment rate in
each country.
Thus, in the current context of rapid technological changes and most important , the economic
instability, young men and women today face increasing uncertainty in their hopes of making a
satisfactory labour market transition. For them it is perhaps more hard than ever to success on the
job market.

The L@JOST project context

The L@JOST (Learn a(@)bout finding JObs from digital STorytelling) it is an project financed by
European Commission under the call of the Lifelong Programmes, Transversal section, ICT KA3
subsection. It has been start on December 2008 and will end on November 2010.
Even the proposal of the project was wrote in the earlier of 2008 (at the beginning of the global
economic crisis), through this international project the partnership aimed to reunite the educational
actors in order to offer some solution for the problematic situation of the properly insertion of
young graduates into the labour market.
By bringing together youngsters who are going to graduate, with the ones graduated recently
and already employed, the project has been facilitate learning from the older colleagues’ digital
stories (available on the project website about job finding. They will also learn
from the ePortfolio podcast guide developed by partnership, who took into consideration both
employers’ expectations and students’ needs (reunited in a transnational analysis which will be
detailed later on), as well as through the practical ePortfolios examples, the online guide (which
will contain links between the stories, conclusions of the transnational analysis, the practical
examples and the ePodcast guide) developed by the partnership. As a short but comprehensive
summary of the above mentioned project products, a printed brochure will be also developed.
More than that, taking into consideration the current economic context, the main beneficiaries
of the project has been extended with ex students who graduated recently and are still in the
unpleasant situation to access on the job market and with the ones who recently become
unemployed, or with the ones who are employed but they are looking for another job. In addition
to them, even employers (and consequently the recruitment agencies) are interested to find better
and more appropriate applications. More than that, another indirect beneficiary are universities and
their alumni and students associations which offer support/career counselling as well as the entire
society who will benefit of better balanced and better prepared individuals.
Thus, “the overall objective of the project is to enforce the use of digital storytelling and
ePortfolios to enable students to collect and present multimedia artifacts to facilitate reflective
learning and other plethora of skills and, more important, to facilitate insertion into labour market
of graduates” (Malita&Martin, 2010d).

The L@JOST transnational project analysis context

During the first year (from March till September 2009) of the lifespan of the project, the
partnership has been conducted a transnational analysis. As the L@jost consortium reunites 7
organizations (Romania – Romanian Institute for Adult Education - IREA (project coordinator),
Germany - ILI-FIM (Institute for Innovation in Learning (FAU-ILI)) & UDE (University of
Duisburg-Essen), France - EIfEL (European Institute for eLearning), Denmark- DPU (The Danish
School of Education), Italy- UNIFI (UNIVERSITY OF FLORENCE) and Spain – Documenta
(European Institute for Training and Developing Studies, Association DOCUMENTA) and an
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 307

associated partner (ANOFM – The National Agency of Employment, Romania) from six
countries, the transnational analysis represents a compilation of 6 national reports.
The goal of the L@jost project regarding this important product was to support future
graduates in their process of finding a qualified job and to make them aware about the expectations
and the requirements of the job market, both on a national and on an international level. The aims
were to describe on one hand the competencies, skills, abilities which are necessary to find a job or
a suitable candidate for a vacancy and, on the other, strategies and processes that play an important
role while looking for a job or for the appropriate applicant.
Consequently, it has been planned to gather data about graduated and employed University
students, preferably from the Faculty of Educational Science, Sociology and Psychology, and
employers that mainly employ or are interested in hiring graduates from such Faculties. Thus, all
the project partners contacted graduated and employed students and employers have been
contacted and have been asked to share respectively their experiences about their own process of
finding a job or a candidate. Their responses were summarized into six national reports and they
were compared and analyzed during the transnational analysis that shows the needs, expectations
and difficulties that graduated and employed students and employers on the European level
encounter. Some of the most important insights regarding the Romanian context will be underlined
in the following sections.
This project output can be found on the restricted area of the project website.

The L@JOST transnational project analysis - Romanian insights

As it was mentioned before, initially the analysis was conducted in two different directions, to see
the points of views of:
- Ex- graduated and now employed students regarding which are the competencies,
skills and abilities to find a job. Thus, they were asked about the process of searching for
a job, the application process, the job selection process, the support, the personal work
experience, personal skills and abilities etc.
Regarding the process of searching for a job, the questioned people underlined the importance
of the networking (with ex colleagues, ex-teachers, people who work in similar position etc.). On
the other hand, vacancies are found in the internet on specialised websites and in the Official
Monitor Magazine. Romanian graduates described that they were sending only application to
explicit vacancies. Some graduates also mentioned that they send unsolicited applications. They
carried out the searching for vacancies on specialized websites because they were searching for
jobs especially in the field of higher education. The interviewed Romanian graduates mentioned
the ability to speak English, good computer skills and a good knowledge in the field as supportive
competences to find a job. They also stressed that it is important to have little luck. The asked
graduates mentioned that their families and friends as important resource in the whole process;
some graduates also named academic staff.
Regarding the application process, the Romanian graduate students send five to thirty
applications within a timeframe of three till five months and they received two to three job offers.
When they were questioned about the job selection process, they described the the following
ways to find out suitability of a job: they communicated with the academic staff, families and
friends and did a self reflection. Some also completed the Holland Questionnaires and read the job
descriptions in the job offers very carefully. It was said that economical aspects have an influence,
e.g. salary, benefits, the amount of working hours and the type of contract. The sympathy to
people they had to work with and the field of activity they had to work in were also important.
Furthermore, they stressed the prestige of the institution and possibilities to develop further, e.g.
the things could be learnt.
308 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Regarding the support the Romanian graduated students get in the job finding process, the
answers from them underlined that they did not get any support. There were also graduates who
get support by the academic staff and non-governmental organisations. Also family and friends
supported the job finding process. The graduates wished more implication and help from the
academic staff.
The graduates have been asked about their personal work experiences. Romanian graduates
also are required to do internships during their course of studies. For some graduates, these
organizations are their current employers. They found out about internships through the internet or
colleagues. Graduates from Romania also had an employment during their studies; some were
related to their course of studies, some were not.
Regarding the personal skills and abilities of the employed graduates, the Romanian
employees stated the following abilities that supported the job finding process: passionate attitude
(e.g. desire to work, ambition), perseverance, collegial attitude (e.g. empathy), professional
expertise (e.g. knowledge) and multimedia competences. The abilities which supported the
working were professional competences (e.g. knowledge), methodological working skills (e.g.
decision making abilities), communication skills (e.g. language skills), emotional competences
(e.g. patience), passionate attitude (e.g. ambition, seriously), learning skills (e.g. desire to learn),
team working skills (e.g. social skills) and multimedia competences.
Speaking about recommendations and further pieces of advice concerning finding jobs, the
Romanians mentioned the following: first of all students should make a good impression during
their studies, study hard and get good grades to find the own domain of interests and read many
books. Also as considered helpful by the Romanian graduates is voluntary work in non-
governmental organizations or students association and ask teachers and university’s departments
for support during the job finding process. Applicants should try to gain a good fluency in writing
and speaking in at least two foreign languages and try to obtain an ECDL (European Computer
Driving License) certificate. They pointed out that, within the application process, it is very
important to start searching very early, to be perseverant and to think positive.
- Employers regarding their needs, expectations and requirements when recruiting staff
with academic background who have completed their studies in the area of educational
sciences, sociology and psychology. Thus, they were questioned about the following
issues related: their strategies for recruitment, the application process, the selection
process, the candidate’s work experience, the candidate’s skills and abilities as well as
candidate’s ePortfolios and other recommendations for the graduates.
Regarding their strategies for recruitment, the Romanian employers stated the personal
determination and motivation, computer literacy and foreign language skills, the impression the
candidate has made during the interview, the attitude, the passion the candidate has for the job and
the willingness to learn more every day, the behavioural profile, the previous job experiences play
an important role. Additionally, the Romanian employers consider the ability of working
independently, the willingness to make sacrifices and to represent the interests of the employer as
relevant for the selection of new personnel with academic background. A specific knowledge of
the human resources field, psychology or other related specialisations is also welcomed.
According to the employers interviewed by the Romania partner, vacancies are published in local
newspapers and on the internet, both on the company’s site, specialized websites and business
networking sites. In Romania, some employers value the course of studies because some jobs
require specific studies and specific preparation. Others consider the work experience as being the
most important. Eight interviewed employers in Romania consider the number of semesters as not
relevant and one employer as very important. According to the Romania employers, graduates are
ambitious, self-motivated and willing to get a promotion. Staff with an academic background are
generally very dynamic, eager to find solutions to problems and energetic. In Romania, networks
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 309

are considered to be a fast and easy method to find appropriate candidates and to reduce the cost of
personnel searching. In Romania, the numbers of vacancies vary from 10 to 50 a year.
Speaking about the application process, the Romanian employers have declared they publish
vacancies within a timeframe that ranges from two weeks to three months. Candidates write 30-50
applications and go to 10-15 interviews. The timeframe is between one week and one or more
Regarding the selection process, Romanian employers use interview, skills matrix, and
expertise on the job, assessment trials, STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result). Romanian
employers evaluate personal determination, levels of computer literacy and foreign language
skills. Additionally, the impression he/she had made at the interview, attitude, recommendations,
work experience, dialogue, participation/ involvement, references of past collaborations are also
considered. In Romania, potential and availability, references, wage, location and professional
appearance, sense of responsibility and self-motivation play an important role.
Speaking about the relation of previous jobs or internships to employment, the Romanian
employers stated that internships are not very relevant. Other interviewed employers give
importance to internships and underline that this kind of experiences has a high relevance for an
interview. For Romanian employers, internships are important for understanding the strategy and
culture of the organization.
Regarding the necessary candidate’s skills and abilities, the Romanian employers stressed that
the applicant should have a solid knowledge about the field of studies, be computer literate and
have languages skills. Additionally, the candidates should be able to deal with customers, to be
willing to make sacrifices and to be able to represent interests of the employer itself. In Romania,
applicants should be ambitious and willing to get a promotion. It has also been mentioned that they
have to be very dynamic, oriented towards problem solving and willing to learn. Romanian
employers have mentioned that the applicants shall be interested, work in order to achieve results
and customer satisfaction, determined, communicative, open-minded, be oriented towards problem
solving and toward taking responsibility, be supportive, friendly and able to work in a team. The
ability to connect to local culture, ability to follow company's strategy, perseverance and
constructive communicators, have a structured thinking, interpersonal skills, empathy, have the
knowledge of at least one foreign language and some minimal information about the field he/she is
about to enter, ability to work under pressure, ability to fulfil several tasks at the same time and
have a high tolerance to frustration.
Speaking about ePortfolios of the candidates, from the Romanians employers questioned, it is
emerged that almost half of the employers are familiar with ePortfolios. Giving an easy access to
the ePortfolio reader and providing a friendly menu are two important factors. In addition,
references from previous employers and past achievements or results should be highlighted. The
layout and the style should be personalised but still user-friendly.
From the recommendations of the employers, it could be underlined the following ideas: being
conscious of the difficulties they will encounter during the work and have a very pleasant attitude
towards any person they work with. The future applicant must do his best to know himself before
applying for a job, meaning that he/she should be aware of own strengths or weaknesses.
Applicants should also prepare for every interview they go to and send as much applications as
they can to increase their chances to find a job. Furthermore, candidates should gain as much
business and life experience as possible during the university years and develop skills.
Then, the results were compared and analysed into a transnational landscape.

Brief conclusions

The above mentioned issues underlined that graduates and employers describe similar
recommendations concerning searching for a job/a candidate. They are also similar with the data
310 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

gathered in partners’ countries. Graduates and employers from almost all countries described the
importance of networking. In addition, more or less it would be more important to present oneself
and write interesting curriculum vitae, which could be integrated into an ePortfolio, because in
Romania ePortfolios are used both by some graduates and by employers, even graduates
mentioned lacking in technical skills and employers are missing a standard and comparable
Related to this, learning, innovation and creativity skills are being recognized as those that
separate students who are prepared for a more and more complex life and work environments in
the 21st century, and those who are not. More than that, it is a characteristic of labor markets that
technology can change the nature of work faster than people can change their skills. In addition,
the employers are looking for candidates who can navigate, critically evaluate, and make sense of
the wealth of information available through digital media. Therefore, a focus on creativity, critical
thinking, content knowledge, communication and collaboration is essential to prepare students
with adequate life and career skills, in order to successfully and properly access the job market.
On the other hand, recommendations from both graduates and employers stress the preparation
of significant application documents. Furthermore both emphases a good preparation on the job
interview, to know the own strengths, working stile and targets.


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Malita L, Martin C., (2010a): Digital Storytelling as Web Passport to Success in the 21st Century, WCES
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Malita L, Martin C., (2010b): Noile abilităŃi necesare angajării în secolul XXI. In Proceedings of the Third
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tendinŃe şi exemple comparative identificate în cadrul proiectului de cercetare Lajost. In Proceedings of
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Prospective Topography of Mobile Learning Solutions
Veronica Ştefan1, Ioana Stănescu2, Ion Roceanu3, Eugenia Mincă1,
Antoniu Ştefan2

(1) Valahia University of Târgovişte, E-mail:

(2) Advanced Technology Systems - ATS, Târgovişte
(3) “Carol I” National Defence University, Bucharest

The information era has changed the culture of education. The use of information
technologies has resulted in new opportunities that are rapidly growing to include mobile
learning. Mobile, wireless, and hand-held technologies are being used to re-enact approaches
and solutions to teaching and learning used in traditional and web-based formats. This paper
is based on the research framework of a knowledge-based mobile learning system developed
within the MOBNET-Learning Project by Advanced Technology Systems in partnership with
Carol I” National Defence University in Bucharest”. The authors present the development
topography of an integrated mobile learning solution that provides access to various mobile
users to knowledge databases in support of the Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere (AAA) paradigm.
The resulting mobile knowledge management system (mKMS) aims to support knowledge
acquisition and reuse and create the premises for optimising the virtual learning
environment. The paper also takes into consideration the challenges and the limitations
implied by the mobile world in terms of hand-held devices and mobile user interface design.
Keywords: mKMS, mobile interface, mobile SCORM, ASP.NET


Mobile learning is an emerging field of educational research and practice both in university and
business environments. It has started to attract the interest of practitioners in all phases of
education as well as that of researchers. However, so far there is no comprehensive theoretical and
conceptual framework to explain the complex interrelationship between the characteristics of rapid
and sometimes groundbreaking technological developments, theory potential for learning, as well
as their embeddedness in everyday lives of users.
In view of the increasing portability and functional convergence of technologies, as well as the
reduction in their cost, and the cost of services available for them, mobile devices have become
more and more central to, and at the same time invisible in the life-worlds of users. It is the
growing significance of mobile devices in learners’ everyday lives, i.e. their ubiquity and personal
ownership of them, as well as their increasing use for engaging with, and making sense of the
world that motivates our interest in them.
The developments in mobile learning have often been driven by pedagogic necessity,
technological innovation, funding opportunities, and the perceived inadequacies of conventional e-
learning. Among the most relevant characteristics of mobile learning is that it can take learning to
individuals, communities and countries that were previously too remote, socially or
geographically. The mobile learning can also contribute to the enhancement of the concept and
activity of learning, beyond earlier conceptions of learning (Sharples et al., 2005; Guy, 2009).
This paper details the research framework of a knowledge-based mobile learning system
developed within the MOBNET-Learning Project by the company Advanced Technology Systems
312 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

in partnership with the Romania ADL Partnership Lab of the Carol I National Defence University
in Bucharest. The authors present the development topography of an integrated mobile learning
solution that facilitates the access of mobile users to knowledge databases in support of the
Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere (AAA) paradigm. The resulting mobile knowledge management
system (mKMS) aims to support knowledge acquisition and reuse and create the premises for
optimising the virtual learning environment, while considering the opportunities and the
challenges of the mobile technologies (Botzer and Yerushalmy, 2007).

Education in the Context of Technological Transformations

The basic principles of mobile learning are by no means new. The concept of ‘mobility’ has been
the concern of researchers for a long time. What is new, however, is the capability and the
functionality of the technology usually associated with ‘mobile learning’, in particular the
convergence of services and functions into a single device, its ubiquity and abundance, portability
and multi-functionality; abundance in particular in the sense of a shift away from educational
institutions having to provide technological devices towards the learner doing so (Rogers et al.,
2005). What is also new, and very significant in our view, is the boundary- and context-crossing
mobile technologies and devices enable in relation to learning. Mobile learning is not only about
delivering content to mobile devices but also about the processes of coming to know and being
able to operate successfully in, and across, new and ever changing contexts and learning spaces.
And, it is about understanding and knowing how to utilise our everyday worlds as learning spaces.

Opportunities and Challenges of Mobile Learning

Mobile technologies facilitate new learning practices and they translate in a cumulus of benefits
for the learning communities. Yet, there are still significant challenges of scale, sustainability,
inclusion, and equity in all their different forms, and of context and personalization, of blending
with other established and emerging educational technologies. There is also the challenge of
developing the substantial and credible evidence-base that will justify further research. New
opportunities include:
Support ‘Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime’ paradigm: One significant difference resides in the
fact that through the use of mobile devices learners can gather, access, and process information
outside the classroom. They can encourage learning in a real-world context, and help bridge
school, afterschool, and home environments. Because of their relatively low cost and accessibility
in low-income communities, handheld devices can advance digital equity (Carliner et al.; 2008;
Guerin, 2009).
Improve twenty-first century social interactions: Mobile technologies have the power to
promote and foster collaboration and communication, which are deemed essential for twenty-first
century success. Services like Facebook Mobile have millions of users and open up a new era of
real-time interconnections.
Fit with learning environments: Mobile devices can help overcome many of the challenges
associated with larger technologies, as they fit more naturally within various learning
environments. The learners tend to use their mobile device to connect to the Internet to access
information when and where they need it and this practice complies with learning activities.
Enable a personalized learning experience: Not all learners are alike; instruction should be
adaptable to individual and diverse learners. There are significant opportunities for genuinely
supporting differentiated, autonomous, and individualized learning through mobile devices.
The mobile environment presents many challenges that need to be addressed in order to sustain
a friendly user experience.
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 313

Cognitive, social, and physical: These challenges must be surmounted when mobile devices
are incorporated into learning environments. Disadvantages include: the potential for distraction or
unethical behaviour; physical health concerns; and data privacy issues.
Cultural norms and attitudes: Though many experts believe that mobile devices have
significant potential to transform learning, teachers apparently are not yet convinced and most
teachers see cell phones as distractions and feel that they have no place in school.
No mobile theory of learning: Currently, no widely accepted learning theory for mobile
technologies has been established, hampering the effective assessment, pedagogy, and design of
new applications for learning.
Differentiated access and technology: Wide diversity among mobile technologies represents a
challenge for teachers and learners who wish to accelerate academic outcomes as well as the
producers who seek to facilitate such learning.
Limiting physical attributes: Poorly designed mobile technologies adversely affect usability
and can distract learners from learning goals. Physical aspects of mobile technologies that may
prevent an optimal learning experience include: restricted text entry, small screen size, and limited
battery life.

Knowledge Management Tools

Knowledge management covers three main knowledge activities: generation, codification, and
transfer (Rabin, 2008; Stănescu et. al, 2009). Knowledge generation include all activities which
reveal knowledge that is ‘new’, whether to the individual, to the group, or to the world. It refers to
activities such as creation, acquisition, synthesis, fusion, and adaptation. Knowledge codification
is the capture and representation of knowledge so that it can be re-used either by the individual or
by an organization. Knowledge transfer involves the movement of knowledge from one location to
another and its subsequent absorption. Generation, codification and transfer occur constantly, and
the role of knowledge management lies in allowing organizations to explicitly enable and enhance
the productivity of these activities and to leverage their value for the group as well as for the
Knowledge management tools are designed to ease the burden of work and to allow resources to
be applied efficiently to the tasks for which they are most suited (Dourish, P., 2004). They go one
step further beyond data and information management tools in an attempt to incorporate the
“know-how” along with the “know-what” and enhance the users’ ability to make intelligent
decisions. Under these premises, the development of a mobile knowledge management system is
perceived as an opportunity to capture knowledge at the moment when it is generated and also to
access it in real-time.

Mobile Access to Learning in Higher Education

Mobile contextual learning requires specific knowledge and, at the same time, generates valuable
input data, which generally is lost due to the lack of adequate input collection systems. An
important goal of the MOBNET Project is to develop a knowledge acquisition and retrieval system
that operates as a mobile learning assistant, allowing users to access mobile knowledge when they
need it (Roceanu et al., 2008). The system will help mobile learners to fulfil their tasks more
efficiently, as it exploits the learner’s context in order to filter information, which is of special
interest in a specific circumstance.

The Development Framework of the Mobile Knowledge Management System

The system presents the following main functionalities:

314 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

- Asynchronous channel
Pushed E-Mail: the users can choose to subscribe to receive individual e-mails or daily/
weekly alerts. The alerts sent via e-mail concern new documents, new polls, messages, etc.
E-mail: Users can suggest to their contacts links to articles published in the mKMS. The
System composes the message automatically and then call the e-mail client of the mobile user in
order to send it, The user can send the message to one or several contacts from his phone agenda.
- Synchronous channel
Who-is-logged-on-now: the users can choose which status they display: visible or invisible.
Messaging: the users can exchange messages in order to request information on certain
subjects or problems they are faced with, they can display their interests or other real-time
information directly by using the mKMS features or by sharing links to other public profiles (such
as Twitter/ Facebook)/ sites/ blogs/ moblogs.
- What’s new: The user can visualize the latest articles: Since Last Log In/ In the Last n
Days/ Customisation of Items Monitored
- Polling: The user can set open other answer, can only vote once or can change vote. Polls
have a pre-set closing time.
- Document Repository (Metadata Required, PDF, Word Supported, Check In/ Version
Control, Comments can be directly associated with document, Directory Structure)
- Link Store ( Metadata required, Directory Structure)
- Help: Customizable and context Sensitive
- Internal Searching: includes full text of messages and metadata on documents/ links,
full text of all files and full boolean („and”, „or”, „not”). The search can be limited by
type of file, e.g. E-mails or documents.
- External searching: the user can choose the search engine (Google, Bing) and benefits
of an automatic expansion of internal search.
- Usability (Server response; Time < 1 second)
- Security (Encrypted sessions; Cookie-based password save)
- User tracking
Total usage per individual over time
Analysis of usage by time of day
Paths taken through site
Most popular/ least popular pages analysis
Data protection compliance
The system uses a common database for both the knowledge
management system and the learning management system. This
improves the results of the search and allows an easy administration
of knowledge and learning objects and a unified access from the
users’ standpoint.
The knowledge is accessed via a mobile Graphical User Interface
that follows the above-mention recommendations. The mobile
website is developed based on the Microsoft .NET Framework using
ASP.NET and C#. For the backend, the developers have used
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 as the database engine.
These are a few of the key features of the mobile knowledge
management system that is developed by the MOBNET Project
(Stanescu I. et all., 2009). The system aims to build adaptive learning
resources reconfigurable based on the device attributes and users’
preferences and to provide mobile learners knowledge in Romanian
Figure 1. Login window language, becoming a start-up project in this domain.
of the mKMS
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 315

Main Sections of the System

The Header Section is displayed on each page of the application and it includes the following

- The „Homepage” button that allows the user to easily access the homepage no
matter where he is in the application.
- „Login” allows users to authenticate in the system, access and update the knowledge data
base, based on the user rights that have been allocated by the system administrator.

- „Help” button displays the help content in a help window, allowing users to access
the functionalities of the mKMS.

The Footer Section includes the following links:

- „Contact”: it displays the contact data that the users can access to address the system
administrator or the system developers.
- „MOBNET”: connects to the web site of the MOBNET project.
- Social network access buttons: the user can connect to his/her Twitter,
Facebook or other social network accounts to retrieve or publish information.

Search options

The mKMS provides advanced searching options: by keyword, full text search, by topic and by
similar articles, to target the preferences of a larger group of mobile users. For a better user
experience, the mobile knowledge management system allows the users to further refine search
results by applying search criteria progressively, against the current result set (i.e. a search within a
search). For example users could do a search for the term “engine” and if they are not satisfied
with the results, they could further narrow down the list by search for “boat”. This would be the
equivalent of searching “boat engine” from the very beginning and would prevent the user from
writing extra keywords. To achieve this functionality, the system temporary stores search results in
the database and performs further searches based on this list rather than on the whole database.
The results of the search are bilingual allowing the mobile users extend his/ her access to a
richer content. While reading an article, users are provided with links for terms on which the
system can provide further information. This feature is valuable especially for mobile users which
are constrained with regards to the input methods that their device provides. At the end of an
article, users are also provided with links to other related articles and information on where to
obtain further data.

Over time, users are likely to refer to the same articles multiple times. This is particularly valid
for articles that include mathematic formulae and large tables that are impractical or hard to
memorize. To speed up access for these articles, users are provided with a complete history of
previously visited articles as well as with the possibility of creating multiple article favourite lists
based on topics of interest.
The system developed also allows learners to capture new information by providing different
forms of input such as text, sketches, recording of messages or photos. To use the potential of this
data collection process, the system allows the user attach feedback to existing articles and also to
create new articles. The user also has the option to automatically attach relevant information such
316 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

as localisation, or a history of the most recently accessed articles. Articles are published in the
system, but to endure data consistency, all articles uploaded by mobile users must go through a
peer review process. This method supports knowledge creation and diversity, but also provides
knowledge certification.

Mobile SCORM: The Power of Global Collaboration

The developers of SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) aim to support
accessibility, interoperability, durability and reusability. The purpose of SCORM is to facilitate the
exchange of courses between Learning Management Systems and the reuse of content across
different courses, and to sequence content tailored to the learner.
The implementation of SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) on mobile web
applications represents a new challenge in the learning environment since mobile devices present
limitations related to screen size, availability of required technology/ software, a compatible
browser; or availability of consistent Internet connection (Stefan V. et all., 2010)
The mKMS content is SCORM compliant and the SCORM implementation method that was
used is JavaScript (JS). Mobile browsers now almost fully support JavaScript and this makes it
possible to implement SCORM using JS support. Each mobile device has different configurations
and it is always better to identify the device requesting content before rendering the HTML
Ideally, new content is launched in a new popup window, so that the content gets its own
desirable window size. Since well known mobile devices browsers do not support pop up windows
- the Blackberry is an example -, and the best practices of the World Wide Web Consortium
(W3C) do not recommend their use, the developers made changes in the SCORM implementation
to accommodate both conditions. The users of low level mobile devices browsers that do not
support either popup windows and frame structures cannot use such devices to run SCORM
content on them.
The web/ browser based solution chosen for the mKMS has a wide reach as every basic mobile
handset has a browser but it also has one drawback – it requires a continuous internet connection.
This isn’t a problem on a desktop PC as normally they have continuous internet connections. But
on a mobile device there is no guarantee of
continuous connectivity and this may lead to
issues with SCORM tracking. At the moment,
the mobile SCORM option has been integrated
only in the version of the mKMS available in
the Romanian language.


The learning environment evolves under the

strong impact of emerging information and
communication technologies, and the
education system is challenged to keep pace
with technological and social developments,
both of which include, importantly, the shape
of the media landscape.
The authors initiate approaches meant to
help people to further develop their
Figure 2. Mobile SCORM professional competences by using the
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 317

innovative powers of new media, mobile devices, and modern Internet services. They argue the
need for a purposeful engagement with mobile learning in all sectors of education, among other
things, in order to avoid a potential disconnection between the ways young people operate in their
daily lives and the ways educational institutions interact with them.
The paper presents de development framework of a mobile knowledge management system
and aims to contribute to one of the biggest challenges in our society: how to deal with the
growing complexity, the growing quantity and the permanent changes in knowledge and


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A Comparative Study of Three Speech Recognition
Systems for Romanian Language
Daniela Şchiopu1

(1) Petroleum-Gas University of Ploieşti

39, Blvd. Bucureşti, Ploieşti, ROMANIA

In recent years, there were different concerns to develop robust automatic speech recognition
(ASR) systems for Romanian language, but only a few have been implemented for Romanian
language. In this study, we present three ASR systems, implemented for Romanian language
and their results are compared. The first one is a study of vowels and digits recognition, using
artificial neural networks (ANN), developed by G. Toderean from Technical University of
Cluj-Napoca, in collaboration with M. Giurgiu and M. Costeiu. The second one was
developed by C. Dumitru from Politehnica Bucuresti University and is a system containing
three modules: digits recognition, vowels recognition and telephone numbers recognition.
These modules use statistical models - HMM (Hidden Markov Models), neural models – ANN
and hybrid models (statistical and neural models). The third system was designed by H. N.
Teodorescu, from Technical University of Iasi, and contains the recognition of the basic
sounds (vowels, consonants and specific sounds), short sentences or parts of sentences with
different emotional charge, pathological voices. The aim of this comparison is to find
differences and similarities between these systems.
Keywords: speech recognition, artificial neural networks, hidden Markov models, speech


Speech is the most used communication mean for humans. But to communicate with machines, we
still need difficult languages and methods, and the amount of information involved is only partly
analyzed with sophisticated methods comparable to the human brain.
Ideally, an ASR (Automatic Speech Recognition) system must be speaker independent and
recognize every word from certain language with high accuracy.
ASR systems have been developed for many years.
Internationally, there are concerns about ASR for many years. The first researches occurred in
50s and intended the recognition of isolated words or sounds using spectral analysis with analog
filters. The first paper was published in 1952 and described Bell Labs spoken digit recognizer
(Davis et al., 1952). Later other methods were used, such as: dynamic time warping (DTW),
vector quantization (VQ) or linear predictive coding (LPC). After 1980, speech research was
improved by statistical modeling methods – hidden Markov models (HMM) and artificial neural
network (ANN) methods. In the last years, many systems were developed, starting with those for
isolated words based on DTW (Lipeika et al., 2002), or based on HMM (Karnjanadecha, 2001)
and till continuous ASR systems, such as Sphinx (CMU, 2010), NaturallySpeaking (Nuance
Communications, Inc., 2010) or ViaVoice (IBM Corp., 2010).
During the last two decades, research in ASR for Romanian language has witnessed an
increasing progress. The researches began later, but in the last years, mainly the scientists from
different universities from the country focused their concerns on this field.
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 319

The first Romanian ASR systems are about phonemes recognition (vowels, digits), or some
words. In this paper, we make a comparative study of three of these systems, showing their
performance and presenting the results. This study is useful for comparing these results with a new
ASR, designed by the authoress.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the methods used in the three systems.
Section 3 is dedicated to the comparative analysis results and discussions. Finally, in Section 4, the
main conclusions of this paper and the future development are drawn.

Presentation of the Systems

In this section, we will present the systems chronologically.

The first system was developed by Toderean (we will call ASR_TGC) in 1995 (Toderean,
1995), the second one, developed by Dumitru (called ASRS_RL), was completed in 2009
(Dumitru, 2009) and the third system was designed by Teodorescu recently (Teodorescu, 2010).

System 1

The ASR_TGC system is developed by G. Toderean, M. Giurgiu (from Technical University of

Cluj-Napoca) and M. Costeiu. This system is a study of vowels and digit recognition pronounced
in isolation. The method used by them for recognition is ANN (MLP – Multi-Layer Perceptron).
Voice signal was recorded at 10 kHz sampling frequency and 8 bits per sample. In the study,
there were used the five vowels and digits from 0 to 9, pronounced in Romanian language by
several speakers (5 vowels x 5 utterances x 3 speakers).
The primary information is Fourier analyzed, using Hamming window and automatic
silence/speech detection, in order to extract spectral information from voice signal. The resulting
vectors are the training and testing set for the neural network.
The signal processing consists of the following steps:
- acquisition (with a module working in interruptions);
- separation of silence from signal, using the energy and the NRZ (representing the number
of zero crossings per unit of time);
- short-time Fourier analysis (256 samples) and, finally,
- obtaining the spectral vectors with 12 components.
The processing flow is shown in Figure 1.
The parameters obtained are used to generate the recognition model. Once the model is
generated in training phase, the recognition requires only one crossing through the network, to
calculate the output vector.
Acquisition Samples Silence/ FFT Vectors 1
10 KHz 256 speech 256 12 2
8 bits separation components
signal Figure 1. Processing flow

The authors used for vowels recognition a total connected, multilevel network (see Figure 2)
and for training was used back-propagation algorithm.
The network has:
- 12 nodes in input layer (from the number of components);
- only one hidden layer, for the number of nodes was determined experimentally (maximum
20, minimum 3 nodes);
320 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

- an output layer with 5 nodes (one for each vowel to recognize).

a e i o u

layer (5)



Figure 2. Total connected network for vowels recognition

The network “learns” a predefined set of input-output pairs, using a two-phase cycle, namely
“propagation-adjustment”. After a spectral vector is applied to the first level, it is propagated to
each superior level, until the output is generated. Then, the output obtained is compared with the
desired output and the error signal is computed for each output unit. These error signals are sent
back from the output level to each node from intermediate level. This process is repeated, level by
level, until each node has received an error signal that describes its relative contribution to the total
error. Next, the weights of the connexions are updated by each unit. While the network learns, the
units from intermediate levels are organized themselves, so different units learn to recognize
different features of the input total space. The training algorithm stops either when it reaches the
minimum error, or when it exceeded a certain number of epochs. In this case, the minimum error is
10%, the number of epochs is 300 and the training set consists of 75 vectors.
After the network was tested, the recognition rate was 85.4% till 97.6% (for the vectors from
test set).
According to the authors, this system opened the perspective of intense usage of ANN
(Toderean, 1995).

System 2

ASRS_RL is a system developed recently by C.-O. Dumitru from the Politehnica University of
Bucureşti, for digits recognition, vowels recognition and telephone numbers recognition and
contains three modules: the first module uses statistical models - HMM (Hidden Markov Models),
the second one uses neural models - ANN (Artificial Neural Networks) and the third uses hybrid
models (statistical and neural models) (Dumitru, 2009).
ASR system based on statistical method
The conditions for feature extraction are:
- 36 MFCCs (Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients) and first order variations (delta) and
second order variations (delta-delta);
- 12 LPC (Linear Predictive Coding) coefficients;
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 321

- 5 PLP (Perceptual Linear Prediction) coefficients.

There were considered the following situations:
- MFCC, LPC and PLP coefficients;
- triphone / monophone modeling;
- gender based training / mixed training.
Some of the results obtained are summarized in Table 1, for training with MS (male speakers)
or FS (female speakers) (GavăŃ, 2008).

Table 1. Word recognition rate for training with MS

Monophone 56.33% 30.85% 34.02%
Triphone 81.02% 49.73% 68.10%
Monophone 40.98% 23.23% 25.12%
Triphone 72.86% 47.68% 59.00%

The best results are in cepstral analysis and the worst results in LPC analysis, while in the case
of PLP, the obtained results are satisfactory.

Vowels recognition based on neural methods

The learning strategies applied are: MLP and Kohonen maps (KM). KM was tested in different
variants: 1-dimensional, 2-dimensional and toroidal.
MLP contains 3 layers organized as it follows:
- the input layer has 3 neurons, corresponding to the three formant frequencies;
- the hidden layer with 0 or 4 neurons;
- the output layer with 5 neurons, corresponding each to a processed class (the vowels a, e, i,
o, u).
KM has the following structure:
- the input layer with 3 neurons, corresponding to the three formant frequencies;
- the output layer has 25 neurons for KM-1, 4x4 neurons for KM-2 and 25 neurons for KM
The recognition rate for each vowel is presented in Table 3.

Table 2. Vowel recognition rate for MLP and KM

Vowel KM 1-dim KM 2-dim KM toroidal MLP
a 97.40% 98.80% 98.00% 100%
e 96.80% 97.60% 97.60% 97.50%
i 97.80% 98.40% 98.80% 99.00%
o 98.20% 98.80% 98.80% 99.00%
u 98.80% 97.90% 98.20% 99.00%

Digit recognition based on HMM-ANN methods

The digit parameters were extracted by cepstral analysis, in form of 12 MFCCs.
The system consists of 9 hybrid models corresponding to 9 digits, each hybrid model being
made of 5 states and each state is associated with one output node of the MLP. The MLP has one
hidden layer (100 nodes) and the input layer consists of 12 nodes.
The block scheme of recognition process for digits recognition hybrid system is presented in
Figure 3.
322 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Feature extraction MLP Estimated probabilities

signal Observations
Viterbi Algorithm

Recognized digit
Figure 3. The recognition process of hybrid system

The performance of the hybrid system is validated using different databases. The results show
the same behaviour than in case of HMM module and are presented in Table 2.

Table 3. Word recognition rate (WRR) for digit recognition

Type Feature extraction WRR
HMM MFCC 98.00%
HMM PLP 95.10%

System 3

The third system is developed by H.N. Teodorescu from Technical University of Iasi. He started
with a repository for the Romanian language, named SRoL (or “Sounds of the Romanian
language”), created together with a group from four institutions in Iasi (Teodorescu, 2010; SRoL,
2010). SRoL is a tool for understanding of spoken language process like prosody, emotional
speech and personal characteristics in voice and includes a vast annotated corpus on emotional
The author presents a mixed perceptual-technical method, to detect specific patterns in speech
and to be able to identify:
- voiced and unvoiced segments;
- vowel-type sounds and non-voiced consonants;
- segments of speech that have a high resemblance to a given segment;
- couples of segments of speech that have a high similarity.
The system detects voiced segments, fricative consonant segments and pauses with low noise.
First, the system performs an analysis in several bandwidths that are related to typical formants in
vowels, separating the signal in several channels. Then, parameters like NZC, power of the
spectral components and high-to-low frequency content are determined.
The author is interested in the most important parameter of the voice prosody and voice
production processes, namely pitch detection, because pitch is the vibration frequency of the vocal
The system accepts files with standard sampling rates, as input, which undergo a first set of
elementary processing steps, as shown in Figure 4 (Teodorescu, 2010).
Sampling frequency Re- Maximum detection, y = xLPF
detection sampling normalization

Figure 4. Basic processing steps

The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 323

Voiced segments are determined by computing weighted sums of the features values. To
determine the regions where the signal is voiced or unvoiced, the system uses a detector with
hysteresis, based on the ratio of low frequency-high frequency contents of the signal and on
decision on the previous time moment. The hysteresis operation is seen as a two-state automaton,
as is shown in Figure 5 (Teodorescu, 2010).

xLP/xHP<(a+b)/2 xLP/xHP<a xLP/xHP>a

Figure 5. Hysteresis operation

In Figure 5, a and b are two thresholds chosen empirically.

Besides the speech events detection, the system can automatically find specific patterns in a

Comparative Study

Next, we will synthesize the characteristics and the performance of these systems, showing their
similarities and differences.

Results and Discussions

The systems have the necessary steps of an ASR, starting with signal analysis, to obtain the
features and continuing with segmentation in phonetic classes, training step and till the recognition
process. The features extraction is based on perceptual cepstral coding and perceptual LPC.
In the training stage, the methods applied in these systems are: statistical methods (MMA for
the last two systems), neural methods (MLP for the first two systems, KM for the second), or
hybrid methods (MMA and MLP, in the case of ASRS_RL).
The first system can solve only simpler tasks, like recognition of isolated phonemes, while
ASRS_RL is made for continuous speech recognition. The third system improves the signal
analysis, with detection of specific patterns in speech.
For HMM module, the recognition rates are lower than for MLP, because the model training is
discriminative, while in the case of HMM the training is not discriminative, which is a
disadvantage of HMM. Because of these limitations of HMM, the combination the HMM with
MLP into a hybrid system is a good solution, as we can note from Table 2.
Comparing ASR_TGC and ASRS_RL performance in the case of using MLP for vowels
recognition, the recognition rate is presented in Table 3. We note an increasing of the system
performance, which reaches 100% for the phoneme ‘a’.

Table 4. The recognition rate for vowels recognition

Phoneme recognition rate
Min. Max.
ASR_TGC 85.4% 97.6%
ASRS_RL 97.50% 100%
324 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

The innovation brought by the third system is emotional analysis and recognition in speech.
This system includes modules for statistical analysis of voice, automatic speech pattern
identification, determination of voice pitch and statistical characterization of emotional speech.


In this paper, we presented three of the ASR systems for Romanian language, which were
developed in different times of the advancement of the ASR technologies. The system developed
in 1995 uses neural networks (MLP), followed in 2009 by an ASR system that uses a variety of
statistical, acoustical and language methods. Finally, the latest system contains recognition of
emotions in voice and perceptual processing of the voice signal. This study outlined the
characteristics of these systems and the evolution of ASRs over a few decades.
As future development, we propose an improved ASR system and comparing its results with
those of the systems presented here.


Boldea, M. (2003): ContribuŃii la recunoaşterea automată a vorbirii continue în limba română, Licentiate of
engineering thesis: Computer Science Department, Politehnica University, Timişoara.
CMU Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA (2010): Sphinx [version 4], available at .
Davis, K.H., Biddulp, R., Balashek, S. (1952): Automatic recognition of spoken digits. Journal of the
Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 24, No. 6, 637–642.
Dumitru, C.O. (2009): ASRS_RL – Sistem de recunoaştere a vorbirii pentru limba română. Politehnica Press,
GavăŃ, I., Dumitru, C.O. (2008): The ASRS_RL – A Research Platform for Spoken Language Recognition
and Understanding Experiments, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol. 5073, Part II, 1142-
Giurgiu, M. (1994): On the Use of Neural Networks for Vowel Recognition. In Proceedings of The 11th
International Conference on Process Control and Simulation, Kosice, Slovak, 80-85.
IBM Corp, New York, USA (2010): ViaVoice, available at
viavoice/ .
Karnjanadecha, M., Zahorian, S.A. (2001): Signal modeling for high-performance robust isolated word
recognition, IEEE Speech and Audio Processing, Vol. 9, No. 6, 647-654.
Lipeika, A., Lipeikiene, J., Telksnys, L. (2002): Development of Isolated Word Speech Recognition System,
Informatica, Vol. 13, No. 1, 37-46.
Nuance Communications, Inc., USA (2010): Dragon NaturallySpeaking [version 11], available at .
SRoL, Iaşi (2010): Voiced Sounds of Romanian Language,
sibm/romanian_spoken_language/index.html .
Teodorescu, H.-N. (2010): AI Tools for Speech Analysis Applied to the Romanian Language. In Proceedings
of The 4th European Computing Conference, University Politehnica, Bucureşti, 272-279.
Toderean, G., Costeiu, M., Giurgiu, M. (1995): ReŃele neuronale artificiale. Editura Albastră, Cluj-Napoca.
Intelligent CMDS Medical Agents with Learning Capacity
Barna Iantovics1, Marius Marusteri2,
Roumen Kountchev3, Constantin-Bala Zamfirescu4, Bogdan Crainicu5

Petru Maior University, Tg. Mures, RO,

(1) U. Medicine and Pharmacy, Tg. Mures, RO,
(2) Technical University, Sofia, Bulgaria,
(3) Lucian Blaga University, Sibiu, RO,
(4) Petru Maior University, Tg. Mures, RO,

Intelligent agents are appropriate for difficult problems solving in many domains, including
the medical one. Difficulties in a problem solving for a computing system may consists in
aspects, like: unknown or erroneous data in the problem description and/or solving; the
problem solving requires knowledge that cannot be detained by a single human or an
artificial computational system etc. As an example of difficult medical problem, we mention a
combination of illnesses (a patient have more illnesses, the curing of each of them requiring a
specific treatment). Intelligent medical agents are used for problem solving, such as: patients’
monitoring, healthcare, telehealth, spreads simulation of infectious disease, cooperative
diagnosis etc. In our previous work, a novel cooperative medical diagnosis multiagent system,
called CMDS (Contract Net Based Medical Diagnosis System), was proposed. In this paper
we analyze the learning capacity of the CMDS system that motivate its use for a large variety
of medical problems (tasks) solving.

Keywords: learning, medical expert system, intelligent system, medical multiagent system,
complex system, hybrid system, medical decision support


During our previous researches, a novel agent-based medical system called CMDS (Contract Net
Based Medical Diagnosis System) was proposed (Iantovics, 2007). A CMDS system can solve
randomly transmitted diagnosis problems (tasks). A problem is initially transmitted to a medical
agent member of the system; next, the system will handle autonomously the problem solving. The
intelligence of the CMDS system motivates its use for different medical problems solving (for
example intelligent cooperative finding of the answer to a medical issue by more physicians
mediated by assistant agents).
The upcoming part of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents agent-based
medical systems; in Section 3 the CMDS system is presented; Section 4 analyzes the learning
capacity of the CMDS agents; in Section 5 the conclusions of the research are presented.

Agent-based Medical Systems with Learning Capacity

The development of systems that intelligently could solve difficult (computationally hard)
problems represents an important research direction (Ferber, 1999; Pfeifer and Scheier, 1999;
Weiss, 2000; Iantovics, 2006; Iantovics et al., 2007; Iantovics, 2008; Iantovics, 2009). The
intelligence represents an important propriety for any system capable to make computations
326 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

necessary during the problems solving (Weiss, 2000; Iantovics, 2006). Many times, systems could
attain an intelligence level by learning. Such systems (some of them agent-based) are endowed at
their creation with an initial set of problem solving knowledge; the rest of the knowledge is
obtained during their life cycle by on-line or of-line learning. The motivation of the endowment of
a computational system in generally, an agent particularly with learning capacity may consist in
motivations like, some information necessary in operation are initially unknown and/or are
changing in time. As an example, we mention the medical expert systems that must be capable to
extend/adapt their knowledge-base by adding new knowledge or eliminating/changing the
unnecessary or inaccurate knowledge.
In the medical domain, there are proposed and used many medical computational systems that
operate in isolation or cooperate with each other to solve medical problems (Huang et al, 1995;
Fraser et al, 1998; Laita et al., 2001; Myritz et al., 2006; Iantovics, 2006; Iantovics, 2008;
Iantovics, 2009). Medical expert systems represent relative classical applications used for medical
diagnoses elaborations (Shortliffe, 1976; Kulikowski and Weiss, 1982; Aikins et al, 1983;
Adlassing, 1986; Huang et al, 1995; Fraser et al, 1998; Laita et al., 2001; Bravata et al, 2004). As
examples of well known medical expert systems, we mention: Casnet (Kulikowski and Weiss,
1982), Gideon (Bravata et al, 2004), Hdp (Fraser et al, 1998), Cardiag2 (Adlassing, 1986), Puff
(Aikins et al, 1983) and Mycin (Shortliffe, 1976).
Recently, there are developed agent-based medical diagnosis systems (Iantovics, 2006; Iantovics,
2008; Iantovics, 2009) that eliminate different disadvantages of the medical expert systems by
extending the expert systems with autonomous agent’s capacities, like: communication,
cooperation and autonomous learning. Such agents are occasionally called expert system agents.
Intelligent agents used in medicine may increase the accuracy of elaborated diagnostics by the
physicians (an agent may help a human medical specialist in the medical decisions elaborations;
also, he may verify medical hypothesis elaborated by the human medical specialists) and may
improve the solving of medical tasks that must be fulfilled in health-care processes. As examples
of applications of the agents for fulfilling different medical tasks, we mention: patients’
management (Lanzola et al, 1996); healthcare (Huang et al, 1995); spreads simulation of infectious
disease (Yergens et al., 2006); searches the patient databases in attempt to discover family
relationships (Swain and Kim, 2004); cooperative diagnosis (Lanzola et al., 1999); mobile agent
systems for gathering together medical data from different hospitals (Meunier, 1999) etc.

The Proposed CMDS Medical System

Hybridization of the systems represents a relatively recent research direction that seems to be very
promising for the solving of many problems with a very high complexity (Iantovics, 2006;
Iantovics et al, 2007; Iantovics, 2009). A hybrid system consists from different type of interacting
“components” that could cooperate during the problems solving, by interacting in different points
of decision. As example of components that could be integrated in a hybrid system, we mention:
software static agents, software mobile agents, robotic mobile agents, sensors that could collect
data (EEG, EKG, a patient’s temperature etc. for example) from the environment and transmit
them for following processing to other components, effectors that could execute actions in the
environment based on request (robotic arms that could execute surgical interventions on human
body for example) etc.
A special class of hybrid systems is represented by those composed from both (Iantovics, 2006;
Iantovics, 2009): humans (physicians, nurses, patients etc.) and computational components
(usually agent-based). Many of such hybrid complex systems could be considered intelligent based
on their capacity to solve problems with a very high complexity. The main considerations based on
which a system could be considered intelligent consists in how it could solve problems of a very
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 327

high difficulty. The theoretical motivation that sustains many hybrid systems’ intelligence
generally, medical intelligent complex systems particularly consists in the combination of the
humans thinking and the artificial agents processing advantages during the medical problems
solving (they could intelligently interact in different points of decision). The physicians can solve
difficult problems using their specific intelligence (intelligence that cannot be attained by the
actual computational systems). The artificial agents can solve problems verifying many conditions
that could be ignored by humans, which may have as result the elimination of some mistakes from
the humans’ decisions. For example, in the case of medical decision support systems, a physician
may forget to take into consideration information from a patient’s medical history when diagnosis
the patient’s illness (if the patient’s have known allergies to medicines for example).
In our previous researches a novel cooperative hybrid medical complex system composed from
a set of members, artificial agents and physicians specialized in different medical domains, called
CMDS (Contract Net Based Medical Diagnosis System) was proposed (Iantovics, 2007). In the
following, all the members, artificial and human of the CMDS system are called agents. We
denote with Mda={Mda1, Mda2,...,Mdan} the “medical agents” (physicians and medical expert
system agents) specialized in medical problems solving. We denote with Asa={Asa1, Asa2,...,
Asak} the assistant knowledge-based agents.
Formula [1] presents the CMDS system.
{Pr1, Pr2,..., Prq} → {Mda1, Mda2,...,Mdan}
[1] {Mda1, Mda2,...,Mdan} ↔ {Asa1, Asa2,..., Asak}
In formula [1] where used the following notations: “→” represents a problem solving statement
or a problem transmission (initially a problem is transmitted by its owner to an agent member of
the CMDS system); “↔” represents a cooperation process (based on more communications);
Pr={Pr1, Pr2,..., Prq} represents problems that must be solved by the system.
A problem solving statement describes medical information and data (the patient’s illness
symptoms and syndromes, patient’s illnesses from the past, medicines to which the patient is
allergic, an established diagnostic according to the patient’s illness etc.) denoted In={In1, In2, ...,
Ins} obtained during a medical diagnosis problem solving. To each type of medical information,
there is associated a unique identifier in the system. The identifiers allow the fast and precise
identification of the type of information by artificial agents. For example, we consider the
association of the “symptoms” with the identifier 5, which indicate to each agent that the
information represent a symptom of the diagnosed illness. Initially a problem solving statement
contains some information that describes the diagnosed illness. During the solving of the problem,
the problem solving statement is changed by adding/eliminating/changing information. The final
problem solving statement will contain the established diagnostic and the obtained whole problem
description (the syndromes of an illness were not initially known and have been added during the
problem solving for example).
The medical agents have specializations sets in medical diagnosis (for example, we mention a
specialization in Glaucoma diagnosis, or diagnosis of some dermatology related illnesses). A
medical agent is capable to processes a problem, if it has the necessary specialization (problem
processing knowledge) and computational resources to processes the problem. A problem’s
processing has as objective to obtain a more complete description of the solution. The solving of a
problem is sometimes a recursive process to which more agents can contribute. A problem’s
statement is sent from agent to agent until it is solved or will be a certitude that cannot be solved
by the system. During a problem’s solving an agent (artificial or human) from the set Mda of
agents could request the help of an assistant agent which if necessary could cooperate with other
assistant agents to fulfill the request.
Formula [2] illustrates a Prq problem’s solving process, from the problem receiving until the
Solq solution is obtained.
328 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Formula 2 - the Prq problem solving process

// the initial Prq problem transmission for solving
Owner(Prq) → Mdap
// the problem processing by the Mdap agent
Mdap(Prq) ⇒ Sta //formation of the initial problem solving statement
Mdap [Sta(Spz)]] ⇒ Stb //processing the initial problem solving statement
Mdap(Stb, Prq)→Mdaq //transmission of the problem for following processing
//the problem processing by the Mdaq agent
Mdaq[Stb(Spx)] ⇒ Stc //processing the problem solving statement
Mdaq(Stb, Prq) → Mdah //transmission of the problem for following processing
// the problem solving by the Mdar
Mdar[Sty(Spy)] ⇒ Solq //the solution obtaining
End formula 2

Formula [3] illustrates the Prq problem Solq solution transmission to the problem’s initial
sender the Owner.

Formula 3 - the Prq problem Solq solution sending to the problem’s owner
// Problem solution transmission by the Mdar agent
Mdar(Solq, Prq) →
// Problem solution transmission by the Mdaq agent
Mdaq (Solq, Prq) → Mdap.
// Problem solution transmission by the Mdap agent to the problem’s owner
Mdap (Solq, Prq) → Owner.
End formula 3

This simple transmission of a problem solution and problem description from agent to agent
could be combined with a learning process in which all the agents that contributed to the problem
solving could learn new knowledge or improve the detained problem solving knowledge accuracy.
They also could check the correctness of the obtained solution. For example, a physician who has
contributed to the problem solving having the whole problem description and the problem solution
could check the correctness of the solution. If an Mdaq agent who contributed to the problem
solving does not have all the necessary knowledge for the verification of the whole correctness of
the solution, it could make a partial checking of the correctness, for example could check in the
case of a prescribed medicine by another physician if the patients have allergy to that medicine
consulting the patient’s medical history. This process has as effect the increasing of the accuracy
of the obtained solution and minimization of the medical errors.
In formulas [2] and [3] were used the following notations: Mdap - represents the initial agent to
who the Prq problem is transmitted for solving by its Owner; Sta - represents the initial problem
solving statement formed by the agent Mdap based on the Prq problem initial description; Mdap,
Mdaq,… Mdar represents the medical agents that have contributed to the Prq problem’s solving (a
contribution may consists in adding changing information and/or data to the problem solving
description); Spz, Spx,..., Spy represent the specializations used during the Prq solving. Processing
Sta by Mdap using the Spz specialization leads to Stb (a new problem solving statement). Processing
Stb by the Mdaq agent using the Spw specialization leads to Stc. Processing Sty by the Mdar agent
using the Spy specialization leads to Stg. Solp is the Prq problem solving statement obtained after all
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 329

the realized processing; ”⇒” denotes a processing made in order to obtain a more complete
description of the problem (for example there are added relevant information from the patient
history to the problem description that will also be used in the diagnostic establishment) and
obtaining the accurate problem solution.
An important propriety of a CMDS system consists in the increased autonomy and flexibility
in the problem solving. A problem initially is transmitted (usually randomly - if there are not
known the agents specializations by the owner of the problem and/or cannot be estimated the
necessary problem solving/processing specialization and/or there is not known the whole problem
description) to an agent Mdap (Mdap∈Mda) member of the system, in the following the system
will handle autonomously the problem’s solving by transmitting it from agent to agent until the
problem is solved. Each agent who receives a problem solving statement could make some
processing that may consists in adding new data in the problem solving statement or changing data
in the problem solving statement.

The Learning Capacity of the Agents

In the following, it is analyzed the agents’ capacity to learn that motivate their use for a large
variety of medical problem solving. The learning capacities presented below could be
implemented in a CMDS system at its creation.
If an Mdar medical agent receives a Stj problem solving statement (or an initially transmitted
problem for solving) and it cannot solve the problem it will search for the best-fitted agent from
the set Mda of agents, who can make the estimated best-fitted processing on the problem solving.
For doing this it uses a task allocation protocol (Iantovics, 2007) that is based on the contract net
task allocation protocol (Ferber, 1999; Weiss, 2000). Mdar sends the announcement Anz [4] to
more agents, based on the received answers Mdar chose the best-fitted agent and transmit to it the
problem for following processing.
[4] Anz = <Mdar; Idz; Stj; Deadlinej; Eligibilityj; Emitionj >
Idz represents the Anz announcement identifier (unique identifier in the system); Stj represents
the announced problem. Emitionj numerical value specifies the moment of time when the
announcement Anz is formed. Deadlinej numerical value specifies the maximum admitted time for
the Stj solving (obtaining the final solution). Eligibilityj value specifies the eligibility criteria for
the bid acceptance. As an example of eligibility criteria we mention the specification that the
problem must be solved by a physician (the problem is too difficult to be solved by an artificial
A response Rj of an Mdai agent to the Stj problem solving statement Anz announcement have
the parameters [5].
[5] Rj = <Mdai; Idz; Stj; Ofi; Tmi; Sci; Speci; Otheri>.
Speci values specify the Mdai agent specializations. Tmi (numerical value) specifies the
estimated processing time by Mdai. Ofi value specifies the bid to Stj processing, Ofi=’acceptance’
or Ofi =’rejection’. When a medical agent receives the bids to an announcement, using the
information contained in the responses, he can improve the following decisions about what to do
with the announced problem. Sci values specify the estimated specializations by Mdai, necessary in
the Stj processing. If Mdai consider that some agents are more capable (have the necessary
specialized knowledge) for the problem following processing then Otheri will contain the list of
these agents.
The agents, members of the CMDS system, can learn during the problems announcement
transmission. When an agent receives a response to an announcement, he may learn information
that can improve the accuracy of the decisions that must make and may improve the efficiency and
flexibility of its following operation. As examples of information that an agent can learn from the
330 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

agents who have answered to an announcement, we mention: the agents specializations, who are
the agents that does not answered to the issue (in time could be obtained an image about the agents
that usually does not answer to announcements) etc. Such information could be learned based on
very simple learning techniques. Learned information may limit the number of future interactions
that could improve also the scaling possibility of the system.
In the case of a solved Prq problem, the Solq solution and the initial Prq problem description,
will contains all the necessary information in a learning process (for humans and artificial agents),
which consists in the completely obtained problem description and the established diagnostic.
Formula [3] illustrates the final problem solving statement transmission from agent to agent
(agents that have contributed at its solving). The agents (artificial agents and humans) can learn
from a final problem solving statement. As examples of information that could learn may consists
in improvement of the medical knowledge accuracy.
Another type of learning that could be implemented in the frame of the multiagent system
consists in learning new specializations. An Mdas agent if frequently needs a Spa specialization,
and it have the necessary computational resources for retaining and using the specialization (for
example, we consider the situation when the using of a specialization request a huge amounts of
computations and memory) it could request the necessary specialization from the agents members
of the system. In the searching for the specialization could use the cooperative task allocation
protocol as was described in (Iantovics, 2007). As an example, we mention the learning of a
knowledge base that could be used by a medical expert system. The knowledge base that could be
included in a single file is transmitted from agent to agent. The receiver agent of the knowledge
base could use as it is without making any modifications on the contained data (see the generality
of the expert systems related with the knowledge representation).


In previous researches, we have proposed a novel cooperative medical system called CMDS
(Contract Net Based Medical Diagnosis System) (Iantovics, 2007). The main motivation that
sustains the CMDS agents’ intelligence consists in the learning capacity. By learning, the CMDS
system could adapt in time, which have as effect more efficient, flexible and accurate solving of
the problems. Physician members of the system could solve difficult problems using their human
specific intelligence (intelligence that cannot be attained by the actual computational systems).
The artificial agents can solve problems verifying conditions that could be ignored by humans,
which may have as result the elimination of some medical errors.

The research of the authors was supported from the project entitled “Electronic Health Records for
the Next Generation Medical Decision Support in Romanian and Bulgarian National Healthcare
Systems” abbreviated as NextGenElectroMedSupport, a Bilateral Cooperation Research Project
between Romania and Bulgaria.


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On the Using of CAD Tools in Teaching
Computer Organization Courses
Abdakarim Awad1

(1) Faculty of Information Technology

Birzeit University, Palestine

Teaching of computer organization and architecture concepts is not an easy task for
instructors. Usually, Students face difficulties in grasping many (even simple) ideas. In this
paper we will present a stereotype of using Computer Aided Design CAD tools , namely,
Altera’s Quartus II simulator, in teaching Computer Organization concepts. We will build a
simple computer using verilog HDL language. We will elaborate on the Instruction Set
Architecture(ISA) concepts. In our approach we will provide students with a running simple
computer, which will make the simulation possible and easy. This way, they can trace the
execution of the simple computer that has few instructions stored in the memory. After that
students can route the program on a FPGA which is important because it will teach them
how to build their own processor. At the end, students can expand the computer in several
dimensions (e.g. more instructions , more addressing modes, cache, speculative execution,
little or big Endian,.. ).
Keywords: Simple computer, Instruction Set Architecture (ISA), Verilog HDL.


Learning an Idea is the core to understand it, nevertheless, It is known that practicing something
has high impact on the level of understanding this thing. Instructors in computer organization
course put huge effort in order to enable students to understand concepts like fetch-decode-execute
cycle. If we make it possible for students to build their own simple computer in an easy way then it
will be easy for them to understand the concepts of computer organization. Moreover they can
start extending their computer and discover many important issues in designing computers (i.e
backward compatibility).
The main topics that students should learn in a computer architecture and organization job
include the logical design of computer hardware based on current technology and applications
(Stallings, 2009). The logical design, in general, deals with designing the datapath, control unit,
memory, and input/output at the abstract level instead of the circuit level (Heuring, 2004; Patterson
and Hennessy, 2005) Therefore, it is necessary that students simulate the design with test programs
(or benchmark programs) before chip fabrication to verify whether or not the designed architecture
works properly. In addition, students should consider the performance and cost as major factors in
determining the specifications for computer hardware (Hennessy and Patterson, 2003; Heuring,
2004; Patterson, 2005; Stallings 2009)
Using simulation is common in education and industrial sectors. Using very simple simulator
can be very abstracted and hides important details. On the other side using a complicated simulator
(especially at the begging) can be very daunting for the students. So it is important to have a
flexible simulation environment. Students at the beginning need to see a running example that has
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 333

enough details. In our approach we give students a running example with few instructions then
they start to expand it and test it after each step.
There are several works have been done in this field (Cassel, 2000; Ellard, 2002, Chu 2005)
form building a very simple computer using breadboard and chips (Pilgrim, 1993), to use a
complicated simulator (Weaver et al, 2002). The work in this paper was influenced by (Daniel C.
Hyde, 1998). Nevertheless our work is different in many ways, for example we build our simple
computer using not only using simulation but also on real FPGA. (Daniel C. Hyde, 1998) have
used delay instead of clock which makes it difficult to translate it to a real implementation. In our
approach we build the states of the instruction execution. The main problem in using chips and
breadboard to build a simple computer is the limitation on expanding the project. On the other
hand using a sophisticated tool doesn’t suit the undergraduate students. Therefore we will try to
build a simple computer that can start very simple and ends as a complicated one. For this gaol we
will use a CAD tool from Altera called Quartus II. This tool can be used as a simulator as well as it
can be used to route the computer on a Field Programmable Gate Array FPGA or Complex
Programmable Logic Device CPLD.
We will use verilog HDL language in the implementation we assume that students had learned
it in a prerequisite course (i.e. digital design). If students did not learn it instructor can ask them to
learn its basics which should not be a difficult one
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Sec 2 shows the implementation of simple
computer. Afterwards the simulation results are shown in section 3. Finally Section 4 concludes
the paper

Simple Computer Implementation

In this section we will show how to implement a running simple computer. We will
use von Neumann model, shown in Figure 1, which is illustrated in (Stallings, 2009 ), we will call
this computer simcomp1. Register Transfer Language (RTL) will be used to illustrate the
Simcomp1 is a single accumulator machine; it has a
two byte-addressable memory with size of 128byte. The
memory is synchronous to the CPU, and the CPU can
read or write a word in single clock period. The memory
can only be accessed through the memory address
register (MAR) and the memory buffer register (MBR).
To read from the memory use:
MBR <= Memory [MAR];
And to write to the memory:
Memory [MA] <= MBR;
Simcomp1 is Simcomp1 has also one input
(INPORT) and one output (OUTPORT) devices we can
access these devices using only Input-Output Buffer
Register IOBR. (Notice that here we do not need Input-
Output Address Register IOAR because we have only Figure 1. Simple Computer
one input and one output). The size of INPORT, Components
OUTPORT and IOBR is one byte.
The CPU has also an accumulator (AC), a program counter (PC) and an instruction register
(IR). The size of these registers is 16 bit.
334 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Instruction Set

Simcomp1 has only five instruction-- Load, Store, Add, IN and OUT. The size of all instructions
is 16 bits; the instruction format is shown in the Figure 2. The operation code (opcode) is 4 bits
and the remaining 12 bits are used for the operand. All the instructions are single address
instructions and access a word in memory. The opcodes are listed in Table1.

opcode Instruction Meaning

0011 LOAD M (X) loads the contents of memory location X into the AC.
1011 STORE stores the contents of the AC in memory location X.
0111 ADD M(X) adds the contents of memory location X to AC.
1100 IN reads the content of INPORT into the AC.
1101 OUT writes the content of AC in OUTPORT.
Table 1: Instruction set of simcomp1

Figure 2. Instruction Format

A simple task for students is to extend the instructions, for example adding a branch instruction
(e.g. Jump) or logical instructions (e.g. AND). Other important things that can be discussed with
students include:
• Instruction format
• Number of opcodes,
• Number and type of operands,
• Addressing modes.

Verilog Code

In this section, the verilog code will be presented, at the beginning any verilog file should has a
name the same as the module as shown in Figure 3-A line (1) then we define the inputs and
outputs as shown in lines 2-12. We used clock to execute each phase of the instruction cycle. The
states represent the phases of instruction cycle.

Figure 3-A Part 1: parameters of the simple computer program

The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 335

Figure 3-B Part2: parameters of the simple computer program

The initialization part(lines 13-23) contains the program that will be executed. Moreover it
contains the data initially stored in the memory which will be used by the program. To execute the
program, we must point the Program Counter (PC) to first instruction of the program. The first
instruction is stored in location 10. The machine code for this instruction is 3020H, we commented
the corresponding assembly code in the same line (LOAD M(20H)). Notice that some numbers are
written in decimal and others are written in hexadecimal (20H=32).
The code of the instruction cycle is shown the Figure 3-C which illustrates the fetch-decode-
execute phases. As it can be seen in the code, the memory can be accessed through MBR and
MAR registers only. Furthermore the input out devices can be accessed only through IOBR. In this
implementation we did not use IOAR, needless to say that students can be asked to add more input
and output devices, this way they have to use IOAR.


In Quartus II, there are two types of simulation: Timing and Functional. If the Timing simulation
is selected, the simulation will be based on timing analysis of the selected chips, on the other side
functional simulation will display only the functionality of the system without taking care of the
timing. Figure 4 shows a timing simulation of the program listed in Figure 3. The only input that is
needed here is the clock which triggers the execution of the program. The Timing simulation mode
allows students to see the propagation delay along various paths.
336 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Figure 3-C Part3: Code of instruction cycle of the simple computer

Figure4. Simulation Results of Program stored in the memory in the Figure 3

(Timing simulation)
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 337

In figure 5 we show Functional simulation of the same program with extra Instruction in which
the results will be stored in the output device. The extra instruction stored in address 13 is:
Memory [13] = 16'hD000; //OUT
In the last portion of the execution, the result (0BH) is stored in the output device
(OUTPORT). The students can see the difference between the timing and functional simulation

Figure 5. Functional simulation results of Program stored in the memory in the Figure 3 plus
addition instruction to write in Output device

In order to give the student the feeling that he was productive, we can route the program on an
FPGA. For this purpose we used Altera’s DE1 (Figure6) kit for the demonstration. The student has
to determine the FPGA chip installed in the board which is EP2C20F484C7N then assign the pins
of OUTPORT to LEDs. Figure 6 illustrate the execution of the program which sends a 0Bhex to
the port (LEDS).


In this paper we have introduced a simple

computer design that aid students to
streamline the computer Organization and
Architecture course by using HDL and
simulation to implement a working
computer. Giving the students a working
model makes it simple to lunch simulation
and then perform different enhancements.
The simple computer gives students a
clearer understanding of the basics of
Instruction Set architecture by offering
them a point design from which to
compare and contrast other approaches. Figure 6: Altera’s DE1 Kit, simcom1 is routed on
The Instructor can ask students to extend the FPGA. The Leds points to the output (0BH)
the simple computer in several ways. For
example students can add more
instructions, use different addressing modes, implement more registers. Furthermore students can
add more hardware like cache or improve the performance by using pipelining techniques or
speculative execution.
338 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş


C. T. Weaver, E. Larson, and T. Austin (2002), "Effective support of simulation in computer architecture
instruction", Proc. Workshop Computer Architecture Education, pp. 48 - 55.
D. Ellard, D. Holland, N. Murphy, and M. Seltzer(2002), On the Design of a New CPU Architecture for
Pedagogical Purposes, in Proc. WCAE 02 – workshop on Computer Architecture Education, on 29th
International Symposium on Computer Architecture, Anchorage, AK (USA), pp.28-34.
Daniel C. Hyde(1998), Using verilog HDL to teach computer architecture concepts, Proceedings of the 1998
workshop on Computer architecture education, p.10-es,
David A. Patterson & John L. Hennessy (2005), Computer organization and design: the hardware/software
interface, 3rd edition, Morgan-Kaufmann, San Francisco, California.
John L. Hennessy & David A. Patterson (2003), Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, third
edition, Morgan- Kaufmann, San Francisco, California.
Lillian Cassel et al (2000), Distributed Expertise for Teaching Computer Organization & Architecture,
Working Group Reports in the 5th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer
Science Education, Helsinki, Finland.
Robert A. Pilgrim (1993), Design and construction of the Very Simple Computer (VSC): a laboratory project
for an undergraduate computer architecture course, ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, v.25 n.1, p.151-154.
Vincent P. Heuring and Harry F. Jordan (2004), Computer Systems Design and Architecture, second edition,
Prentice Hall, Upper saddle river, New Jersey.
William Stallings (2009), Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for Performance, 8th edition,
Prentice Hall PTR, Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA.
Yul Chu (2005): A Simple Project for Teaching Instruction Set Architecture. ICALT 2005: 69-71.
Enhanced Online Learning
with Simulations and Virtual Worlds
Ioana A. Stănescu1, Antoniu Ştefan1, Felix G. Hamza-Lup2,
Veronica Ştefan3

(1) Advanced Technology Systems - ATS, 222 Calea Domnească, Târgovişte,

(2) Armstrong Atlantic State University, Savannah, GA, USA
(3) Valahia University of Târgovişte, ROMANIA

The era of information technology has generated a cultural shift that is transforming
education and training. The new generation of learners, very different in terms of skills and
attitudes, demand radical changes. The paper presents the development settings of a
prototype of a web-based knowledge-driven decision support system designed for
implementation in clinical settings. The system developers have envisioned a framework
where teachers and students can connect, under security restrictions, to a practice-based
environment where physicians activate and thus access clinical cases and simulate real-life
decisions. The authors investigate the impact of emergent technologies to supplement
teaching and learning methods and explore the use of virtual reality training solutions in
practice-based learning and skill rehearsal in medical and clinical situations to create life
like simulations. They consider the impact of haptic technologies in education and how
educators might use haptic technology to augment the sense of presence that a student
perceive while working in virtual worlds or on a digital assignment. Multimodal
environments where visual, auditory and haptic stimuli are present convey information more
efficiently since the user manipulates and experiences the environment through multiple
sensory channels. This approach builds upon the link towards next generations of learners
that enhance their knowledge in connection to real-life situations while they operate in
mandatory safety conditions.
Keywords: knowledge management, CDSS, simulation, haptic technology


The information technology has made a significant impact in the areas of teaching and training and
has generated a cultural shift in focus, in transforming learning from passive listening to
discovery-based experiential and example-based learning; intelligence organized in easily
accessible databases; and community of practice emerging from sharing tasks involving both tacit
and explicit knowledge over a substantial period of time.
Educators who facilitate learning for students in the health professions are faced with even
more increased challenges to promote deep and applied learning required for providing patient
care in today’s complex health care settings [Kheddar, 2008; Plaisier]. Challenges come from
varied sources including professional organisations, institutions of higher education, students and
patients, all of whom call for relevant and meaningful learning experiences to prepare graduates
for safe clinical practice.
340 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Health professions educators have been challenged to prepare a health care workforce that is
able to synthesize, communicate with patients, use decision support tools, and provide safe patient
care. The challenge of guiding student learning is made more difficult by increasing bodies of
knowledge, textbooks full of rapidly out-dated information, and access to Internet-based sources
easily retrieved, but less easily critiqued [Ball et al., 2004]. While content will continue to be the
foundation of educational programs, educators now also must create opportunities for students to
develop skills in acquiring, synthesizing, and using information to make enhanced clinical
decisions for their patients [Berner and La Lande, 2006].

New Dimensions of Learning

Practice-based approaches potentiate understanding and knowledge retention in learning and

training settings. The authors analyse the premises for the implementation of a developmental and
motivating online learning environment, which values and empowers learners at all levels, and
focus on the underlying issues of teaching and learning in the health professions under the need to
engage students in active and applied learning.
The paper presents the development settings of MEDIS, a prototype of a web-based
knowledge-driven decision support system designed for implementation in clinical settings. The
system developers have envisioned a framework where teachers and students can connect, under
security restrictions, to a practice-based environment where physicians activate and thus access
clinical cases and simulate real-life decisions.
The authors approach emergent technologies to supplement teaching and learning methods and
explore the use of virtual reality training solutions in practice-based learning and skill rehearsal in
medical and clinical situations. They consider the impact of haptic technologies in education and
how educators might use haptic technology to augment the sense of presence that a student
perceive while working in virtual worlds or on a digital assignment.
Haptics is the science of merging tactile sensation with computer applications, thereby
enabling users to receive feedback they can feel (in addition to auditory and visual cues).
Multimodal environments where visual, auditory and haptic stimuli are present convey
information more efficiently since the user manipulates and experiences the environment through
multiple sensory channels [Hamza-Lup and Stănescu, 2009].

Simulation in medical education

Recent trends related both to higher education and healthcare delivery systems have created an
environment of change for medical education. Driven by the need to address patient safety
concerns and improve quality of care, increased technology with which to deliver health care,
higher patient acuity and , in some cases, less funding for clinical sites, teachers and physicians
must determine alternative and creative ways to teach future medical personnel. Educators and
administrators face a number of challenges, such as introduction of more complicated technology
with which to deliver health care, limitations on orientation times, a need to address concerns
related to patient safety and quality of care, and a need for improved interdisciplinary team
performance – all of which require new and creative solutions.
One solution to the growing concerns linked to these trends is the advent of health care
simulation in education programs and in hospitals. These simulations, which serve as adjuncts to
didactic learning, represent the closest possible technology to real patients and allow for a
repetitive “hands-on” learning in a safe environment where mistakes can be safely made. The
students who participate in simulations gain experience and confidence on their ability to male
critical clinical decisions in acute care situations, where time and skill often have critical
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 341

The practice of medicine has always relied on visualizations. These visualizations either have
been direct or have required extensive mental reconstruction, as in the microscopic examination of
serial histologic sections. The revolutionary capabilities of new three-dimensional (3D) and four-
dimensional (4D) imagining modalities underscore the vital importance of spatial visualization to
this science[Knottnerus et al., 2008].
The use of virtual reality (VR) technology opens new realms in the teaching and practice of
medicine by allowing the visualizations to be manipulated with intuitive immediacy similar to that
of real objects; by allowing the objects to be dynamic, either in response to viewer actions or to
illustrate normal or abnormal motion; and by engaging other sense, such as touch and hearing to
enrich the visualization [Kortum, 2008]. Medical application can include basic anatomy
instruction, surgical simulation for instruction, visualization for diagnosis, and surgical simulation
for treatment planning and rehearsal [Brewster, S. and Murray-Smith, 2009].
Although the greatest potential for revolutionary innovation in the teaching and practice of
medicine lies in dynamic, fully immersive, multi-sensory fusion of real and virtual information
data streams, this technology is still under development and not yet generally applicable to the
medical researcher.

Knowledge-based Decision Making

Under the premises above, the authors considered the development of an enhanced environment
for clinical practice and have built their research on the functionalities of a Clinical Decision
Support Systems (CDSS), designed to impact clinical decision making about individual patients at
the point in time when these decisions are made [Stănescu and Ştefan, 2010]. With the increased
focus on the prevention of medical errors [Berner et al, 2006], CDSS have the potential to change
the way medicine has been taught and practiced [Greenes et al; 2006; Pol et al, 2009]. CDSS have
been shown to improve both patient outcomes, as well as the cost of care [Filip, 2008], and the
developers of such systems have constantly aimed to extend their capabilities through the use of
emerging technologies.

The Development Framework of MEDIS

MEDIS is a prototype of a clinical decision support system developed to explore the potential of
computer assisted decision making in clinical environments. The system addresses the challenge
of providing real-time support and feedback [Berthold and Hand, 2007] to clinical decision-
makers and its main objectives are to support knowledge acquisition and reuse, and to foster
optimal problem-solving, decision-making and action in the clinical environment. The system can
be accessed from desktop and mobile environments to obtain real-time information and knowledge
concerning patients, diseases and treatments. It comprises treatment options, customised for each
patient based on his medical record. For example, if a doctor prescribes a treatment that includes
incompatibilities with the patient records, the systems automatically signals the problem. This
approach is extremely useful as it reduces the number of medical errors and improves the
MEDIS addresses a wide range of users, from medical personnel to patients, teachers and
students. This approach focuses on enlarging the dimension of knowledge collection and reuse, by
comprising multiple, heterogeneous sources and by providing suitable knowledge-reuse tools that
potential decision-makers can access and assimilate in their daily practice. The system was
developed with the purpose of initiating a framework for future connections and collaborations
between the practice-based clinical environments and the medical education institutions, in order
to sustain the educational process by helping students better their future performance. The students
342 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

can access a real clinical environment, based on strict security protocols and they can practice
clinical decision making in a safe environment and analyse the real decisions taken by physicians.

Figure 1. Authentication in the system

MEDIS collects knowledge generated in heterogeneous environments. The database backend is

based on Hibernate, thus the system can incorporate both relational and object-oriented data bases,
increasing accessibility and lowering costs for knowledge acquisition [Linwood et al, 2006; Inmon
et al, 2007]. As gathering knowledge does not reach its maximum efficiency unless it is paired
with powerful search options, MEDIS combines the two components with the purpose of enriching
users’ experience when interacting with the system.

Mobile Access through 2D Barcode Applications

The system can be accessed on handheld devices, such as PDAs, XDAs and smart phones. This in-
creases accessibility and provides support for decision making in ambulatory environments
[Whitten et al., 2005; Lumsden, 2008]. Thus, the system provides real-time assistance anytime,
anywhere and constitutes an innovative approach to CDSS [Stănescu et al., 2009].

Figure 2. The mobile interface of MEDIS Figure 3. 2D barcodes for quick and
secure authentication
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 343

In order to facilitate quick access for emergency situations, the system allows access to the
patient’s medical records by scanning a two dimensional barcode printed on the patient’s health
card. Because the patient’s medical records contain sensitive information, the link contained in the
2D bar code can only be accessed by users who have already been authenticated in the system. As
the number of Internet connections and especially of wireless connections increases rapidly, such a
development takes benefits of the latest access technologies.

The Role of Simulation in Medical Education

Simulations have changed the way medicine was taught by improving students’ and physicians’
performance. For example, surgical simulators and artificial environments have been developed to
simulate the procedures and model the environment involved in surgery. Through the development
of optical technologies, rapid development and use of minimally invasive surgery has become
widespread and places new demands on student education and surgical training. Traditionally
students learn new techniques in surgery by observing procedures performed by experienced
surgeons, and they have to go through an extensive and lengthy training procedure [Knottnerus et
al., 2008]. However, surgical simulators provide an environment for the future physician to
practice many times before operating on a patient. In addition, virtual reality technologies allow
the student in training to learn the details of surgery by providing both visual and tactile feedback
to the surgeon working on a computer-generated model of the organs of the human body.
Based on the development settings of MEDIS, the authors have considered the integration of
haptic technologies within the system with the purpose of extending the potential benefits the
system can bring to its users and to enhance the learning experience of students.

Research on haptic simulation

Practitioners and researchers have carried out studies to analyse the effect of haptic feedback on
collaborative task performance (Kortum, 2008; Brewster and Murray-Smith, 2009; Hamza-Lup,
Lambeth, & LaPlant, 2009; Hamza-Lup and Stănescu, 2009).
One of the concepts that the authors have analysed as a potential beneficiary of the haptic
paradigm concerned friction. The students learning about friction can be confused both by its
mathematical description and by its nature as a force. The studies conducted showed that the
traditional approach presented a few limitations concerning the consistency and the customization
of the experiment, and also the user control over a continuous (large) range of physical parameters.
Motivated by these limitations the
researchers have designed and implemented an
environment that simulates the force of friction
and the associated paradigms. Students use the
haptic device to manipulate a cube on an
inclined plane and receive force feedback from
the device (Fig. 5).
Students may apply varying amounts of force
and directly receive varying resultant forces from
the cube. They can also change the values that
affect frictional force, such as the mass of the
cube, the coefficients of static and kinetic
friction, and the slope of the plane along which Figure 4. Test results (group A – no haptic;
the cube moves. The visuo-haptic simulation group B – with haptic) (Hamza-Lup and
provides additional benefits, such as: Adams, 2008)
344 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

• Affordability. Low-cost haptic devices that are connected to the existing computers in the
school laboratories.
• Portability. The students can preview simulations online as part of a distance education tool,
or in preparation for the lab.
• Easy concept understanding. Force vectors and their attributes can be visualized as 3D
arrows. Such forces cannot be visualized in the traditional approach.
This study reveals the potential that haptic
technologies present and how haptic feedback
can enhance the learning process, opening the
way to the development of new functionalities
of MEDIS as a collaborative environment for
clinical learning and practice.


With new scalable learning techniques

education reform is possible. As simulations
are explored, educational and training
organizations will finally be able to do what
they want - and need – to do. Simulations can
directly add valuable knowledge to the
Figure 5. Users perceive the forces (direction learners’ experience. They can teach to tap so
and magnitude) while pushing the cube much more of students’ capabilities. The
transformation in experience will be as rich as dramatic as going from watching black and white
movies to watching colour movies. This paper underlines the kind of change necessary for
universities and organisations to change their view of e-learning. The authors approach the impact
of haptic technologies in education and present a case study on how the haptic paradigm can
enhance student learning.


Ball, M.J., Weaver C. and Kiel J. (2004). Healthcare Information Management Systems, Third Edition. New
York, Springer-Verlag, 463-477.
Berner, E.S. and La Lande T.J. (2006). „Overview of Clinical Decision Support Systems” din Clinical
Decision Support Systems: Theory and Practice (Health Informatics), Ed. Eta S. Berner, 3- 22, Springer.
Berthold, M. and Hand D.J., (2007). Intelligent Data Analysis, Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
Brewster, S., & Murray-Smith, R. (2009). Haptic human–computer interaction: Springer.
Greenes R. (2006). Clinical Decision Support: The Road Ahead, Academic Press.
Hamza-Lup, F. G., & Adams,M. (2008). Feel the pressure: e-Learning system with haptic feedback. The 16th
symposium on haptic interfaces for virtual environments and teleoperator systems (Haptics 2008), 445–
450, March 13–14, Reno, Nevada.
Hamza-Lup, F. G., & Stanescu, I. A., (2009), The haptic paradigm in education: Challenges and case studies,
Internet and Higher Education doi:10.1016/j.iheduc.2009.12.004
Kheddar, A., Gourishankar, V. and Evrard, P. (2008). “A PHANTOM Device with 6DOF Force FEEDBACK
and Sensing Capabilities”, 6th International Conference, EuroHaptics 2008 Madrid, Spain.
Knottnerus, J. A., Buntinx, F. and Van Weel C. (2008). „General Introduction Evaluation of Diagnostic
Procedures”. The Evidence Base of Clinical Diagnosis: Theory and Methods of Diagnostic Research
(Evidence-Based Medicine), Ed. J. Andre Knottnerus şi Frank Buntinx, 1-19, BMJ Books.
Kortum, P. (2008). HCI Beyond the GUI: Design for Haptic, Speech, Olfactory, and Other Nontraditional
Interfaces, Morgan Kaufmann.
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 345

Filip, F.G., (2008). “Decision support and control for large-scale complex systems”. Annual Reviews in
Control, 32(1), p.61-70.
Inmon W.H., O’Neil B. and Fryman L. (2007). Business Metadata: Capturing Enterprise Knowledge, San
Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann.
Linwood , J. and Minter, D. (2006). Beginning Hibernate: From Novice to Professional (Beginning: from
Novice to Professional), Apress.
Lumsden, J. (2008). “Handbook of Research on User Interface Design and Evaluation for Mobile
Technology”, Information Science Reference.
Plaisier, M.A., Bergmann Tiest, W.M. and Kappers, A.M.L. (2008). “A PHANTOM Device with 6DOF
Force FEEDBACK and Sensing Capabilities”, 6th International Conference, EuroHaptics 2008 Madrid,
Pol A.A. and Ahuja R.K. (2009). Developing Web-Enabled Decision Support Systems (Hardcover), Dynamic
Stănescu I. A., Ştefan A., Roceanu I., and Ştefan V., (2009). “Mobile Knowledge Management Toolkit”, ISI
proceedings of the 8th European Conference on eLearning –ECEL, Bari, Italy.
Stănescu I. A. and Ştefan A., (2010). “Web-Based Knowledge-Driven Decision Support Systems”, ISI
Proceedings of the 12th LSS Symposium, Large Scale Systems: Theory and Applications, Villeneuve
d’Ascq, France.
Whitten J. and Bentley L/ (2005). Systems Analysis and Design Methods, Columbus: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
Virtual Collection of Minerals
Simona Marilena Ilie1, Gheorghe C. Popescu2, Antonela Neacsu2,
Loreta Munteanu2

(1) Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest, 124 Blvd. Lacul Tei,
RO-020396, ROMANIA, E-mail:
(2) University of Bucharest, 1 Blvd. N. Balcescu, RO-010041, ROMANIA

The collection is presented in HTML (HyperText Markup Language) format, which is a subset
of SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language), the terms being archived alphabetically.
The virtual tool is to ensure the access to teaching material and also the interaction between
participants and teacher, as well as the content management and the teaching activities. The
collection has over 1000 exhibits, representing more than 300 mineral species, most of them
remarkable by the variety of forms and colors; some exhibits have been described for the first
time in Romania.
Keywords: e-Learning, Web technologies, virtual collection of minerals

1. Introduction

Is a virtual tool that provides access to teaching material is made interaction between participants
and facilitator, content management and course activities.
In literature there are several terms that refer to learning environments:
• CMS - Content Management System – a system for editing materials;
• LCMS - Learning Content Management System – a system that allows editing, but also
controlled access to the materials e-Learning;
• LMS - Learning Management System – a complex system, with features described above,
other names are encountered Knowledge Management System, Course Management System,
Academic Management Systems, Student Management Systems.

2. Multimedia Technologies

I presented some of the most interesting multimedia technologies used for communication between
users in on-line education, and some that could influence this area in the future. The definition of
multimedia incorporates text, images, audio files, video or animation, combined with a computer.
Using these elements for educational purposes can be seen in the literature as “Edutainment”.
The bandwidth available on the Internet makes multimedia is not as spread on the Internet and
on CD-ROM or DVD, limiting the quantitative and qualitative data transmitted. However the
emergence of high-speed networks, but may particularly the transmission of data flows
(streaming) makes it to gain ground. Feeds allow transmission of audio files/video large, which
can be run before being pulled completely, thereby achieving allow conference and an even
weaker connection, such as the modem. Packages sent to the customer are listed as arriving, the
disadvantage of this method is that you not make or break run and there may be packages which
does not reach because of the customer network. Reception streams audio/video is no longer a
problem, most operating systems with embedded software necessary for certain formats.
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 347

2.1 Audio Flows

There is a wide range of programs for the reception of these flows, generally each with a
proprietary format, something unpleasant for users, since they must install a program for each
format the files that they wish to receive; recently more general programs capable of running
multiple formats occurred. The main use of this format is a supplement for education on the classic
distance, in the form of recorded lessons, interviews, portions of the courses, case studies.

2.2 Video Flows

In the case of video files there are several levels to be taken into account and tablets unless the
transmission of audio streams: the files are much larger scale, imposing a compromise from the
quality point of view in order to achieve transmissions without using a bandwidth too high. The
main advantage in online education is the possibility to add visual examples from the evidence
presented in a lesson, to facilitate understanding and to adapt to the different learning styles.

2.3 Channels; PUSH technology

The channels represent personalized communications between computers, can be also “Favorites”
in Internet Explorer. Normally, to see the changes occurring on a site visit is required regular;
channels through the use of RSS site may submit a new items, which can be read using a
specialized program (RSS Reader) without needing to visit the site, the program will periodically
read channel dates and times will appear in the latest news. An interesting feature is the emergence
of an aggregator’s news which are sites that read channels at several sites, stores them and
organize them by categories, facilitating the search on the Internet.
This technology can be used to send personalized news to the different categories of involved
persons: students - important information about the courses where they are enrolled, teachers -
notice if they have received questions or themes corrected.

2.4 Chat
This type of communication allows the sending of short messages between persons working in the
network; messages are stored on a server until they are received. This service may be a like an
email, the difference is that the communication is synchronous, messages appears automatically on
the screen of the people involved. This mode of communication is useful for the conference
between two or more users, under a limited band width of. In an online course or a workshop
online chat can be used to socialize, talk about using the environment, but also to discuss some
aspects of the course/workshop.

2.5 Voicechat (VoIP)

Some programs have included chat facilities for voice communication, protocol-based VoIP.
Conversation may be affected by the interruption, since transmission is based on packages. For an
acceptable quality a quick connection to the Internet is necessary.

2.6 Web Whiteboarding

This technology represents a form of conference generally used in combination with chat through
text or VoIP simulates a blackboard, on which participants can draw simultaneously. In this way,
both facilitators and participants can manipulate information graphics that support for discussion
of the chat, content can be saved for subsequent sessions or to be used in a presentation. Using this
tools allow an emulation may the good work done in a virtual environment, allow simultaneous
participation of students to solve problems, developing the capacity of collaboration being
especially useful for brainstorming sessions.
348 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

3. Editing Systems for Creating Pages Web

Web page editors can be a viable alternative for creation pages, because:
• the process of e-learning is done in General Web technologies, as though these editors need to
achieve some parts of the system;
• is a much there larger market for these editors, which led to the creation of instruments much
more reliable, easier to use and cheaper than the specialized e-learning;
• knowledge of these instruments no longer constitutes a problem;
• the editing system can be combined with multimedia tools for the achievement tests for
obtaining the same effect as in the case of specialized programs.
The converters are instruments that allow the achievement of a rapid course of the existing
resources, such as different graphic presentations or other documents (even drawn up on computer
courses) in a format recognized by the e-Learning users. The role of these instruments is to
achieve an automatic conversion of documents from a format to another, generally being used for
the conversion of study materials in a format accessible on the Web without the need Knowledge
of programming for writing. The most popular programs as Word, PowerPoint, have included
facilities for converting files in HTML format, no longer need additional programs, which may,
however, contains features performances may.
To ensure a uniform appearance of the courses may be necessary subsequent processing of
these materials, but the availability of information on the Web is already assured.

3.1 Editors HTML

Pages are created in the same format or language called HTML - HyperText Markup Language,
which is a subset of SGML - Standard Generalized Markup Language (Fig. 1).
HTML is a markup language for hypertext which is understood by all WWW clients. It is a
continuing evolution in language and different WWW browsers can recognize different versions of
HTML. All components HTML Document Type Definition (DTD) are supervised by W3C. World
Wide Web Consortium - W3C - - is a non-profit organization that coordinates
Web developments, including the Internet Engineering Task Force, a group of specialists who
make recommendations for the introduction of new markup codes. Tim Berners-Lee, creator of the
first Web pages, is the chairman of the W3C, formed in 1994, its proposal.

Figure 1
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 349

4 The Collection of Minerals

The Mineralogy Museum of the Mineralogy Department (Faculty of Geology & Geophysics) was
organized at the beginning of the XX century. Many important Romanian geologists had been
contributed to the development of this collection: Ludovic Mrazec, Gheorghe Murgoci, Nicolae
Petrulian, Virgil Ianovici, Dan Giuşcă, Dan Rădulescu, GraŃian Cioflica, Emil Costantinescu,
Gheorghe C. Popescu, Marin Şeclăman, Nicolae Anastasiu, etc. Also samples from the Mines
Ministry exist. (Fig. 2)
There are more than 1000 exhibits, representing more than 300 mineral species. A large
diversity of morphology, colors and twinnings of minerals can be seen. Some of the exhibits are
rare minerals; others are described for the first time in Romania.
The Mineralogical Collection had been classified in respect with the oppinion of the majority
of scientists, like Ramdohr, Strunz (1967), Deer et al. (1963), Trogger (1962) etc.

Figure 2

There are 8 major divisions:

I. Native elements;
II. Sulfides and sulfo-salts;
III. Oxides and hydroxides;
IV. Halogens;
V. Carbonates, nitrates, borates and iodates;
VI. Sulfates, chromates, molybdates, wolframates;
VII. Phosphates, arsenates, vanadates;
VIII. Silicates. (Fig. 3)

The classes are divided in subclasses by chemical and structural criteria. For example the
classification of silicates is based on types of linkages of SiO4 tetrahedra, in which Si may be
partly replaced by Al: nesosilicates, cyclosilicates, inosilicates, phyllosilicates, tectosilicates.
16 glass cases with minerals are found in the collection, classified as we have just mentioned.
A glass case with 30 exhibits of native gold and another one with rare minerals also exist. In the
last one there are minerals identified and described for the first time in Romania: nagyagite,
sylvanite and semseyte. In the central part of the room the minerals are classified in respect with
the crystallography systems. Next to them an amber collection, a meteorites collection and a gems
collection can be admired.
350 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Terms are organized alphabetically. (Fig. 4)

Figure 3

Figure 4


HTML is a hypertext markup language understood by all WWW clients. It is a continuing

evolution in language and different WWW browsers can recognize different versions of HTML.
All rules component HTML Document Type Definition (DTD) are supervised by the W3C.
The World Wide Web Consortium - W3C - - is a non-profit organization that
coordinates Web developments, including the Internet Engineering Task Force, a group made
recommendations that specialists for the introduction of new markup codes.
This language allows introducing animation, images, text files, audio, video, PowerPoint.

1. Brett Spell (2000): Professional Java Programming, Wrox Press, Chicago;
2. Carmen Holotescu: Ghid eLearning, UPT, Timisoara;
3. Carmen Holotescu: Curs HTML (curs online), Timsoft, Timisoara;
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 351

4. Introduction to Programming (2004): Microsoft, U.S.A.;

5. Michael Morrison (2001): HTML & XML for Beginners, Microsoft Press, Redmond, Washington;
6. Microsoft® Security Guidance Training for Developers (2004): Microsoft, U.S.A.;
7. Walter Savitch (2001): Java : An Introduction to Computer Science & Programming, Prentice Hall,
New Jersey;
15. Simona Marilena Ilie (2007): The implementation of e-learning systems for the on-line courses
DEFENCE UNIVERSITY, – Bucharest, April 13-14, 2007, p. 451-464.
Creation of a Graphic Data Base for the Students’
Education in Clothing Technology
Magdalena Pavlova

Technical University of Sofia, College of Sliven

Sliven–8800, Str. Burgasko shose №59A, BULGARIA
E-mail: ; mpavlova@tu-sofia

A variant of creation of a graphic data base for the students’educations in Clothing
Technology is the object of the paper. The presented example is for only one clothing detail,
which is presented in 48 different variants. This work presents only graphical part from the
technological documentation of details, which is connected with the work patterns,
technological order and axonometric schemes of the prepared detail. The main aim is an
addition of lecturers’ work and a possibility for self-depend students’ work by preparation of
the variety of tasks and the knowledge keeping and enlargement.
Keywords: Еducation, Knowledge, Skills, Database, Clothing Technology

1 Introduction

The paper presents an idea for organization of the graphic data base, which is suitable for students’
education in Clothing Technology.
This subject is very important for students’ education in Apparel Production specialty. It is
connected with quick change of the fashion trends, which lead to changes in the silhouettes, forms,
the measures and the sort of decorative elements and functional details.
These changes often don’t affect the methods of their technological processing and it gives
possibility the technological documentation to be used over and over again. One of the ways for
many time using is creation of the data base.

2 Sketches of different variants of patch pockets

The patch pockets are functional and decorative details. They can be produced with or without
lining and they can be in different forms depending of the fashion trends, function and style of the
garment. Figure 1 presents a part of their variety. They can be combined with functional and
decorative details and elements: flaps, yokes, plates, gofers, buttons, bands, lace etc.
By grouping of combine pocket elements presented in figure 1 a big number of new models
can be designed. Their variety can increase many time only by change of opening stickers.
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 353

Fig. 1. Models variety of patch pockets

354 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Some variants are presented in figure 2. By this ways the numbers of variants, which are
included in the data base, will increase to thousands.

Fig. 2. Variants of opening stickers

3 Technological order of producing and attaching patch pockets

The graphic mode of the technological order for all the models, presented in figure 1, is the next
step in the creation of the data base..

3.1 Technological order for producing and attaching patch pockets without lining
Figure 3 presents the technological order in graphic mode for producing of model №7 in figure 1.

Fig. 3. Technological order for producing of model №7

The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 355

The arrangement of the graphics for every model is according to the numeration of the
corresponding details in figure 1 in this case.

Fig. 4. Technological orders for models №7 and №19

Figure 4 presents the second variant of producing of model №7 in combination with change in
opening sticker, and the producing of model №19 on the base of the model №7 with addition of
two seams.

3.2 Technological order for producing and attaching patch pockets with lining
Figure 5 presents the technological order in graphic mode for producing of model №3 in figure 1.
Figure 6 presents the second variant for producing of the same model. The appearance of the
model is the same but technological order is different and depends by the garment function, the
kind of and quality of used matters, by the technical equipment etc.
The organization and order by different variants can be structured by submenus toward the
main sign, in this case the number of the element in figure 1. When we bring in a new element, it
leads to new data in the main menu (by main sign) and correspondence positions in the submenus.
356 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Fig. 5. Technological order for producing of model №3 – first variant

Fig. 6. Technological order for producing of model №3 – second variant

The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 357

4 Axonometric schemes in section of produced elements – patch pockets

Including of the axonometric schemes of every model in the data base is the final step.

Fig. 7. Axonometric schemes in section of patch pockets without lining

Fig. 8. Axonometric schemes in section of patch pockets with lining – models №9, №15,
№21, №27 and №33 - first variant

4.1 Axonometric schemes in section of patch pockets without lining

Figure 7 presents axonometric schemes in section of models №25 and №31.

4.2 Axonometric schemes in section of patch pockets with lining

Figures 8 and 9 present axonometric schemes in section of models №9, №15, №21, №27 and №33
in two work variants.
358 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Fig. 9. Axonometric schemes in section of patch pockets with lining – models

№9, №15, №21 №27 and №33 - second variant

5 Conclusions

The creation of graphic data base for the education in Clothing Technology give possibility about
bigger volume of work for the students. It lead to improvement of their skills and growth of their
The lecturers, who use the data base, can quickly make exam test for control in particular stage
in students education. The data base gives a possibility for creation of interactive algorithms for
virtual education of students and leading of virtual courses.
The presented example is for only one clothing detail and the same way can be used for every
other detail. The data base always can be refreshed and added.

6 References

Pavlova M., (2009): Using of suitable software for students education in Clothing Technology, The 4th
International Confernce on Virtual Learning – ICVL 2009, October 30 – November 1, Bucharest,


Software Solutions (SOFT):

• New software environments for education & training
• Software and management for education
• Virtual Reality Applications in Web-based Education
• Computer Graphics, Web, VR/AR and mixed-based
applications for education & training, business,
medicine, industry and other sciences
• Multi-agent Technology Applications in WBE and WBT
• Streaming Multimedia Applications in Learning
• Scientific Web-based Laboratories and Virtual Labs
• Software Computing in Virtual Reality and Artificial
• Avatars and Intelligent Agents
Artificial Intelligence Applied in Computer-
Assisted Students Evaluation
Mihaela Oprea

University Petroleum-Gas of Ploiesti, Department of Informatics

Bd. Bucuresti Nr. 39, Ploiesti, RO-100680, ROMANIA

Students evaluation represents one of the most important module of each e-learning platform
used in a university. This step can be done either manually, by the instructor, or
automatically, by a computer-based system. Due to work overload of people involved in the
educational system, an automatically evaluation system would increase the efficiency of the
whole e-learning system. Artificial intelligence provides several techniques and methods that
can be incorporated in the existing e-learning systems. Some examples are given by expert
systems, artificial neural networks and machine learning techniques. In this paper we present
an expert system that can be used for students evaluation. As a case study we have applied the
system to the evaluation of students performances at the discipline Object oriented
programming. Some results obtained so far are also discussed in the paper.
Keywords: Students evaluation, Artificial intelligence, Expert system, e-learning systems


Some of the e-learning platforms that are currently used in universities have modules for teaching
and learning activity evaluation or can be extended with such modules. However, less of them are
fully automated or flexible, with a certain degree of adaptability, based on artificial intelligence.
Usually, students evaluation or, in general, the evaluation of teaching and learning activity for a
specific discipline is done either manually, by the instructor, or by a computer-based system. Due
to work overload of people involved in the educational system, an automatically evaluation system
would increase the efficiency of the whole e-learning system. Artificial intelligence provides
several techniques and methods that can be incorporated in the existing e-learning systems. Some
examples are given by expert systems, artificial neural networks and machine learning techniques.
In this paper we present an expert system that can be used for students evaluation. As a case study
we have applied the system to the evaluation of students performances at the discipline Object
oriented programming. Some results obtained so far are also discussed in the paper.
The paper is structured as follows. In section 2 it is discussed the use of artificial intelligence
(AI) in education, and it is presented a brief overview of some teaching and learning evaluation
systems, including those based on AI. The expert system for students evaluation that includes also
teaching and learning evaluation for a specific discipline is described in detail in section 3. The
system was implemented in VP-Expert, an expert system generator for academic use. The final
section concludes the paper.

Artificial intelligence applied in education

Artificial intelligence provides several techniques, methods, and even technologies and tools, that
can be incorporated in the existing e-learning systems. Some examples are given by expert
362 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

systems, artificial neural networks, genetic algorithms, machine learning, and intelligent agents.
Artificial intelligence can be used in the teaching, learning and evaluation/assessment activity. In
particular, the design and implementation of the pedagogical modules for teaching a specific
discipline can use AI, as for example, intelligent agents and expert systems. However, the most
efficient use of AI can be in the evaluation/assessment activity for teaching and learning activity,
as well as for students evaluation/assessment.
In this section it is presented a brief overview of some existing teaching and learning
evaluation systems.
ARCADE [1] is a distance learning platform based on international standards and
specifications in the area of e-learning, that was developed at University of Sofia in Bulgaria. This
platform has a module for automated assignment and evaluation of individual and group course
projects, and can be used by the instructor to generate the final grades, based on different students’
The SOUL e-learning platform [2] that was developed at University of Hong Kong, uses AI
personalized learning and has special modules for teaching and learning evaluation as well as
students assessment.
The system e-Xaminer [3] that was developed by the Hellenic Air Force Academy, is an
automated system used for electronic test delivery and assessment of students performances. The
system has a web-based interface, an automatically generated program that mark the answers
submitted by each student, and counter-cheating measures that were implemented.
In [4] it is described a tutoring practices analysis and evaluation system for university
education, that uses genetic algorithms in order to derive short decision trees that explain student
A methodology for providing individualized automatic feedback to students is presented in [5].
The methodology can be used for the evaluation of the individual student’s performance. The main
purpose of this methodology is to produce a fast feedback by means of a computer program for a
large number of students (e.g. hundreds of students).
In [6] it is described an evaluation tool that can be used by teachers/instructors in order to
compose exams and autoevaluation tests of different types. The system uses Java, XML, JSP and
JavaBeans as a basis for courseware generation. It provides a web-based assessment environment,
which can be integrated in the course materials in order to be delivered in the network. The system
is flexible and portable.
The importance of defining and incorporating ontologies in the knowledge management system
of an university is highlighted in [7] where it is presented an ontology for knowledge management
in universities. Such ontologies include specific ontologies for the disciplines that are teached in
the university in different programmes of studies (undergraduate, postgraduate, doctoral,
postdoctoral), and they are used in the generation of various students’ assessment tests. Moreover,
these ontologies should be used by intelligent agents and knowledge-based systems (e.g. expert
systems) that are incorporated in the e-learning platforms for teaching and learning.
In [8] it is described an application of the fuzzy logic to the personnel performance evaluation
in a higher educational setting. The proposed fuzzy logic-based model can be used with success
for students performance evaluation.

An expert system for students evaluation

We have developed an expert system, STUD_EVAL, for students performance evaluation that
provides feedback about the teaching and learning activity at a specific discipline. The system has
a general part, independent of the discipline content that is analyzed and a specific part, that is
tailored to a certain discipline. The expert system provides an overall score about the students
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 363

performance at a given discipline. We have identified some parameters that are analyzed: the
degree of student’s interest both for the course and for the laboratory of that discipline, that are
measured by the presence of the student, and the student activity at each course and laboratory,
and the student’ assessment including periodical tests and final examination. We have simplified
the student assessment parameter, which was analyzed as a function of the basic knowledge of the
discipline (that is a mandatory part in order to pass the final examination with mark 5) and the
advanced knowledge of the discipline. The specific part of the evaluation system is given by the
students evaluation tests of that discipline, with questions and exercises divided in two parts: basic
and advanced.
The block schema of the students evaluation system is presented in Figure 1. The central
module is the expert system STUD_EVAL, as the evaluation of students’ performances is done by
using it. The other modules include databases with results of the periodical tests (RPT_DB) and
results of the final examination (RFE_DB), as well as different criteria used during students
performances evaluation (e.g. course and laboratory degree of interest).
Figure 2 shows the general
analysis tree of the proposed
RPT_DB RFE_DB expert system.
The degree of interest for a
discipline is measured by the
Evaluation modules of the presence of the student during
Students Performances
discipline the whole semester, at the course
Evaluation and at the laboratory, and also by
STUD_EVAL expert system PM1
student’s activity during the
course and laboratory, meaning
Overall score … number of questions that were
for a discipline
asked or opinions that were

Students Professor/ PMn discussed at the course and the

activity during each laboratory
work in the whole semester. For
each parameter that is analyzed
Figure 1. Block schema of the students evaluation system (and included in the analysis
tree) there are defined symbolic
values that will be used by the inference engine of the expert system in order to derive the goal
variable, discipline overall score. The majority of the input data are quantitative values that are
transformed in simbolic values by a set of rules that were included in the knowledge base of the
STUD_EVAL expert system.

Overall Score

Degree of Interest Student Evaluation

Course Laboratory Basic Advanced

Presence Activity Presence Activity

Figure 2. General analysis tree for STUD_EVAL expert system

364 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

The simbolic values for the analyzed VP-Expert variables are the following:
Course Presence: Domain(CP) = {very_good, good, weak, no_presence};
Course Activity: Domain(AC)={very_active, active, less_active, no_activity};
Laboratory Presence: Domain(LP)={very_good, good, weak, no_presence};
Laboratory Activity: Domain(AL)={very_active, active, less_active, no_activity};
Basic Notions: Domain(BN)={known, not_known};
Advanced Notions: Domain(AN)={very_well_known, well_known, known, fair_known,
poor_known, very_poor_known, not_known};
Some examples of rules that were included in the knowledge base are given in Figure 3.

IF CP = very_good AND AC = very_active
THEN CDI = very_interested;

IF CP = weak AND AC = less_active
THEN CDI = less_interested;

IF LP = very_good AND AL = very_active
THEN LDI = very_interested;

IF LP = no_presence AND AL = no_activity
THEN LDI = no_interest;

IF CDI = very_interested AND LDI = very_interested
THEN DDI = very_interested;

IF CDI = no_interest AND LDI = no_interest
THEN DDI = no_interest;

IF FD = Yes AND AD = not_passed THEN ED = not_passed;

IF FD = Yes AND AD = good THEN
ED = good
DISPLAY "Mark 8";

IF DDI = interested AND ED = very_good THEN
DISPLAY "Very good teaching - Very good learning"
OS = very_good;

Figure 3. Examples of rules from the knowledge base of the STUD_EVAL expert system
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 365

We have run the expert system for the discipline Object Oriented Programming. For this
discipline the basic notions that a student must know include the notions of class, object, abstract
data type, method, constructor, destructor, encapsulation, inheritance etc. Also, the student must
know how to define a class, how to declare objects from that class, and how to call the methods.
The advanced notions include polymorphism, abstract classes, virtual classes, inline functions,
virtual functions, function overriden, function overloading, operator redefinition etc.
Figure 4 presents a screenshot of the STUD_EVAL expert system run. The trace file of the
system run which contains the trace of the expert system consultation with the rules that were
applied and the reasoning chain is shown in Figure 5 (a) – discipline degree of interest (DDI)
analysis and Figure 5 (b) – discipline students evaluation (ED).

Figure 4. A screenshot with the STUD_EVAL expert system run

Testing STUD_E~1.kbs
(= yes CNF 0 )
! Discipline
! ! (= Object oriented prog CNF 100)
! OS
! ! Testing OS1
! ! ! DDI
! ! ! ! Testing GDI1
! ! ! ! ! CDI
! ! ! ! ! ! Testing CT1
! ! ! ! ! ! ! CP
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! (= very_good CNF 100 )
! ! ! ! ! ! ! AC
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! (= very_active CNF 100 )
! ! ! ! ! ! (= very_interested CNF 100 )
! ! ! ! ! LDI
! ! ! ! ! ! Testing LT1
! ! ! ! ! ! ! LP
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! (= very_good CNF 100 )
! ! ! ! ! ! ! AL
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! (= very_active CNF 100 )
! ! ! ! ! ! (= very_interested CNF 100 )
! ! ! ! (= very_interested CNF 100 )

Figure 5. (a) Example of a trace file for the STUD_EVAL expert system consultation (part 1/2)

The expert system provides an overall score of the teaching and learning activity, as well as the
students performances score at a specific discipline. In some situations the system cannot evaluate
the teaching activity as in the case of the students that are not present at the course due to various
reasons. The output provided by the expert system is used as a feedback by the professor/instructor
366 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

of the discipline in order to adapt its pedagogical modules and teaching skills to the current needs
of the students, and also by students in order to adapt their learning skills to the discipline requests.

! ! ! ED
! ! ! ! Testing ED1
! ! ! ! ! FD
! ! ! ! ! ! Testing EDF1
! ! ! ! ! ! ! BN
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! (= known CNF 100 )
! ! ! ! ! ! (= Yes CNF 100 )
! ! ! ! Testing ED2
! ! ! ! ! AD
! ! ! ! ! ! Testing EDA1
! ! ! ! ! ! ! AN
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! (= very_well_known CNF 100 )
! ! ! ! ! ! (= excellent CNF 100 )
! ! ! ! Testing ED3
! ! ! ! Testing ED4
! ! ! ! Testing ED5
! ! ! ! Testing ED6
! ! ! ! Testing ED7
! ! ! ! Testing ED8
! ! ! ! (= excellent CNF 100 )
! ! (= excellent CNF 100 )

Figure 5. (b) Example of a trace file for the STUD_EVAL expert system consultation (part 2/2).


The paper presented an expert system for students performance evaluation that provides feedback
about teaching and learning activity at a specific discipline. The system can be incorporated in the
e-learning platform that is used for the teaching/learning activity.

[1] Bontchev, B. and Iliev, T. (2003): ARCADE-Web-based authoring and delivery platform for distance
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(SOUL) Platform in the e-Education Era. In Proceedings of the IASTED Int. Conf. on Applied
Informatics 2002, ACTA Press, 106-112.
[3] Doukas, N. and Andreatos, A. (2006): e-Xaminer: An automated system for electronic test delivery and
assessment. In Proceedings of ICVL 2006, Bucharest University Press, 247-252.
[4] Kalles, D. and Pierrakeas, C. (2006): Using Genetic Algorithms and Decision Trees for a posteriori
Analysis and Evaluation of Tutoring Practices based on Student Failure Models. In Artificial
Intelligence Applications and Innovations, Boston, Springer, 9-18.
[5] Lambiris, M. (2006): A methodology for providing individualised computer-generated feedback to
students. In Proceedings of ICVL 2006, Bucharest University Press, 121-128.
[6] Manso, V., Raga, J.M., Romero, R., Palau, C. E., Guerri, J.C., Esteve, M. (2002): An XML Approach for
assessment in Education, In Proceedings of the IASTED Int. Conf. on Applied Informatics 2002,
ACTA Press, 442-447.
[7] Oprea, M. (2009): An Ontology for Knowledge Management in Universities, In Proceedings of the 9th
International Conference on Informatics in Economy. ASE Printing House, Bucharest, 560-565.
[8] Shaout, A. and Al-Shammari, M. (1998): Fuzzy logic modeling for performance appraisal systems – A
framework for empirical evaluation. Expert Systems with Applications, 14(3), 323-328.
Online Collaborative Education Management Tool
Adrian Florea1, Arpad Gellert1, Anghel Traian1, Delilah Florea2

(1) “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Computer Science Department, Emil

Cioran Street, No. 4, 550025 Sibiu, Romania
(2) “Samuel von Brukenthal” National College of Sibiu, Informatics and
Computer Science Department, Huet Square, No. 5, 550182, Sibiu, Romania

In a multicultural society where physical boundaries have vanished, quick access to resources
is more a need than a privilege. E-Learning becomes a much wider field than electronic
learning inside a classroom, its accent moving gradually to social networks where
intercommunication becomes critical. In addition, the current tools for developing web
applications have greatly improved in the last few years, and the developers of e-Learning
platforms must make proper use of them and develop web 2.0 environments efficiently to meet
teachers’ and learners’ needs. Education Management Tool (EDM) represents our previously
started project – Testing Assistant – extended with new learning and student management
modules, developed with the purpose of optimizing the whole process of teaching / learning /
testing. EDM promotes collaboration and professional development. Through real time
collaborative programming and application development, EDM allows geographically
distributed students to contribute concurrently and collaboratively by working on the same
application: designing, programming, debugging, testing and documenting. Using general
knowledge about social networks through a collaborative programming manner, the users of
EDM will have as target not only accelerating problem resolution processes, but will
substantially improve the quality of the software applications that they build. We also extend
the interactive teaching section by including lessons about algorithms and programming
techniques. We will focus on Divide and Conquer and Greedy algorithms, presenting them
with the help of interactive Flash files as part of the lessons. Such visual presentation helps
the teacher to better explain and the student to easier understand how algorithms work.
Keywords: e-Learning, collaborative, web application, programming techniques


The modern and continuous evolution of Information Technology and Communications Systems,
the Internet’s expansion, has revolutionized the traditional learning system leading to its
reorganization. Its purpose is to provide learning opportunities for anyone who is concerned in its
long life professional evolution, irrespective of age, sex, geographic area, financial status. In
addition, the role of teachers is changing. They should inculcate the lifelong learning concept in
the formal teachings of students. Keeping students satisfied is a tough job that requires constant
improvement in the teaching / learning / testing process. This should be realized through an
attractive and interactive manner based on modern techniques and tools. Using simulators,
different software tools, multimedia technology and formative interaction in teaching act became a
368 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

real necessity. However, the research studies indicate that the elaboration and supply of
educational software are dissatisfactory for important segment of teachers, the biggest impediment
being the software acquisition cost problem. Thus, visual applications developed by teachers,
individually or through collaborative projects, with and for students, are really valuable and
welcomed (Shen and Sun, 2000). In this paper we present Education Management Tool (EDM),
our visual and interactive e-Learning solution, dedicated for teaching/learning/testing different
computer science topics. We also extend the interactive lesson section, consisting of digital logic
circuits in our previous work (Anghel et al, 2010), by including interactive lessons about
algorithms and programming techniques. We will focus on Divide and Conquer and Greedy
algorithms, presenting them with the help of interactive Flash files as part of the lessons. Such
visual presentation helps the teacher to better explain and the student to easier understand how a
certain algorithm works, avoiding thus additional descriptive explanatory effort. Our approach is
motivated since we teach algorithms and programming techniques but, more than that, we consider
this topic with a high degree of difficulty, especially in high school, requiring a more in depth
explanation of both theoretical notions and applications that accompany these notions. Besides
that, it is free and easy to use, and helps to improve quality and performance in e-Learning,
providing the following advantages: flexibility, extensibility, interactivity.
The organization of the rest of this paper is as follows. In section 2 we review the Related
Work in software educational domain. Section 3 describes the general structure of EDM tool,
whereas section 4 presents what’s new in our application. Section 5 presents how we extended the
interactive teaching section with lessons about algorithms and programming techniques. Finally,
section 6 suggests directions for future works and concludes the paper.

Related work

International e-Learning platforms such as IBM Education Assistant (http://publib.boulder., Cisco Academies (
learning/netacad/index.html) and Oracle ( besides teaching modules,
include an evaluation component based on quizzes, partial and final exams, and practice exam in
Flash. Although the important names from computer science, Intel (
education/highered/modelcurriculum.htm), Hewlett-Packard (,
beside the formerly mentioned IBM, Oracle and Cisco, provide different courses (operating
systems, microprocessors, parallel programming, business analysis, project management, database
design and programming, etc.), the cost of these courses ranges from 500 Dollars to 2000 Dollars.
Therefore, EDM – a free software tool – is dedicated for students and teachers from academia
especially belonging to “Samuel von Brukenthal” National College and “Lucian Blaga”
University, both from Sibiu, eliminating the cost impediment and providing learning opportunities
for everyone.

Education Management Tool. General Structure

The EDM project started in the autumn of 2008, first as a stand-alone application to be installed on
every PC in the laboratory with the purpose of testing students and delivering results after
examination. With time, it grew larger and became a web application that is capable of performing
the main tasks provided by more popular e-Learning platforms, having the advantage of being
accessible from anywhere and from any type of computing system device, not being restricted to
the laboratory.
Consisting of three modules, EDM is designed to meet the basic requirements of an e-Learning
environment: learning, testing and management. The learning component consists of courses,
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 369

developed by teachers in a manner similar to Google Docs and which are easily accessible by
students. The courses may contain images and flash movies. The testing module consists of exams,
customized and posted by the teacher. When he/she activates it, the students may enter the exam,
answer the questions and receive feedback after examination. The management part offers the
teacher the ability to manage student grades and presence at courses together with a
communication system for delivering messages to specific persons / groups.

What is new in EDM?

Education Management Tool is continuously developed and improved with the purpose of making
it more feasible for the everyday needs of teachers and students. New modules have been added to
extend the functionality that was already present in the system (Anghel et al, 2010). The system
now has a statistics module for delivering relevant information to administrators and teachers.
Also, we have implemented a notification and communication system and we added import and
export features. Besides that, the visual appearance has been improved together with a brand-new
homepage (

Statistics module

For a good overview of the data that is stored in any database, charts are the best solution
available. They can comprise large sets of data which otherwise would not be easily readable,
mostly for taking conclusions or viewing certain trends within the data. As for the current
development state, the system can show statistical information in form of charts where statistics
are not only a feature, but also a necessity.

Figure 1. Statistics for presence

In this way, within the presence module, the professor may see the proportions of certain
presence markers (present, absent, absent motivated, etc.) of his/her student groups. Thus, teachers
can visualize which groups of students show the most interest to their courses. Another important
statistical measurement to be implemented is presence evolution in time, displaying how student
interest increases/decreases from course to course, informing the teacher about which courses were
interesting or if a positive student interest trend could be induced to certain courses.
Although statistics are important for teachers to get a grasp about what is happening to their
courses, they are significantly more important for administrators. In future, we will develop a
platform for displaying and comparing statistics for each teacher to be visualized by the
administrative staff, statistics that can indicate student interest for the certain courses, standard
deviation of marks and other relevant information.
370 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Groups module

A new management module called Groups has been added for managing student groups and
customizing them for the needs of each university. By customizing we mean that each university
may have its own internal way of managing groups of students. In the “Lucian Blaga” University
of Sibiu, groups are managed as following: abc/d, where a is a marker for specialization, b is the
year number, c is the index of the group and d is the index of the semigroup. Each university may
have its own distinct markers for managing groups of students, requiring flexibility in defining
them. In EDM, each group is subordinated to a specialization and a year, and the name of the
group is inserted inside a text field, thus supporting any naming convention.

Communication module

For ensuring that the system supports peer-to-peer communication, we have developed a module
that contains the basic principles of an e-mail system. The users can read, write and delete
messages to any other user within the system, post attachments and view read/unread messages.
Auto-complete features are present as well, offering suggestions as the user types the name of the
receiver. With time, this will be extended with capabilities of choosing receiver groups (e.g.
sending notification messages to students that study a certain subject) and more advanced
management functionality for received/sent messages (customized folders).

Figure 2. The communication module

Notification system

The first step in transforming the application in a real-time communication and notification system
was to introduce notifications onto each user’s login. Administrators have the privilege to
add/edit/delete notifications, while all other user types can only visualize them. These notifications
are targeted to be used for general, system messages, for informing the whole network of users
who use the system. If the users need to send notifications to a subset of users, they should use the
communication module, detailed above. Thus, when students log into their Education Management
Tool account, they will be informed about new lessons introduced by professors or other
interesting, important and useful information (newsletters, news and events, conference
announcements, exam schedules, etc).


Presence management has been enhanced to be more user-friendly (in the current version, the
professor is able to edit the presence status of each student in an interactive crosstab).
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 371

Figure 3. Presence management module

Import and Export

The importing technique is very useful in any piece of software when users need to enter large sets
of data at once. It has the advantage of not being restricted to completing web forms one at a time,
but by entering data in bulk mode. In our case it is very useful for student import as an alternative
to entering students one by one. The system permits import from csv files, which can be created
and edited using any version of Microsoft Excel. The format is simple, in form of a spreadsheet,
where columns represent fields and each row represents a student. The user downloads a sample
csv file, where he/she inserts the needed students, then uploads it back to the server. The system
checks the file to make sure it corresponds to the given format and if the data inside it is valid (e.g.
no duplicate usernames were inserted for students). If everything is ok, the user is shown a
preview and has the option of accepting the inserted data, confirming that the database may be
updated with the new students.

Figure 4. Exporting to PDF

Exporting in a web application is as crucial as importing, because the user may need to store
some of the data physically on his/her computer in form of files for future reference or with the
purpose of printing. Because printing a web page will also print the menu, the title of the
application, the log out button, etc., the teacher may only want to print the data he/she needs. This
is why the system offers an “export to pdf” option when viewing exam results for a group of
students, being useful in situations where the teacher needs to take out the results from EDM and
use them for external purposes (e.g. lists of marks that are handed out to the secretaries of the
university after exam correction, the presence situation on each course / laboratory).

E-Learning tools centered on algorithms and programming techniques

In this paper we extend the lesson section, consisting of digital logic circuits (Anghel et al, 2010),
by including interactive lessons about algorithms and programming techniques. We will focus on
Divide and Conquer and Greedy algorithms, presenting them with the help of interactive Flash
files as part of the lessons. Such visual presentation helps the teacher to better explain and the
372 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

student to easier understand how a certain algorithm works, thus avoiding additional descriptive
explanatory effort.

Divide and conquer technique

The Divide-and-Conquer technique is an important concept in computer science. This algorithm

design method breaks down a problem into two or more sub-problems of the same (or related) type
which are smaller in size, easier to solve, and combines their results to give the final solution to the
original problem (Cormen et al, 2009). An important such algorithm solves the Towers of Hanoi
problem, proposed by Edouard Lucas. It consists of three rods and a number of disks of different
sizes which are initially on one of the rods in descending order. The objective is to move the disks
to another rod, obeying the following rules: (1) Only one disk, the upper one, may be moved at
one time from a rod onto another, and (2) No disk may be placed over a smaller disk.
To move n disks from A (source) to C (destination) through B (auxiliary):
• Move n-1 disks from A to B through C;
• Move one (the last) disk from A to C;
• Move n-1 disks from B to C through A.

Figure 5. Towers of Hanoi problem

The recursive algorithm is the following:

HANOI (n, A, C, B)
if n≥1 then
HANOI (n-1, A, B, C)
HANOI (n-1, B, C, A)

The algorithm can be visually followed step by step with a certain number of disks introduced
by the user (see Figure 5).

Greedy Algorithms

The Greedy algorithms make the locally optimal choice at each stage with the hope of finding the
global optimum (Cormen et al, 2009). These algorithms are usually fast and provide a good
solution, but not always the optimal one. An important Greedy algorithm is Huffman coding, very
useful for lossless data compression. Depending on file characteristics to be compressed space
saving is between 20% and 90%. The main aim of the algorithm is to use an optimal way to
represent each character as a single binary string. The idea is to use variable-length codes based on
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 373

the estimated occurrence probability of each symbol: short codes for frequent symbols and longer
codes for the rare ones. The optimal encoding, introduced by David A. Huffman, is represented
through a frequency-sorted binary tree (similar with that from Figure 7).

Figure 6. Huffman coding

The construction of the Huffman tree consists of the following steps:

(1) Start with as many leaves as symbols, having as initial weights their frequencies.
(2) Enqueue all leaf nodes into the queue.
(3) While there is more than one tree in the queue:
(3.1) Dequeue the two trees (initially leaves) with the lowest weights.
(3.2) Enqueue a new tree with the subtrees selected at step 3.1 as children and the sum of their
weights as the new weight.
(4) In the final tree the leaves are the symbols and the binary code of each symbol is the path from
the root to the corresponding leaf, representing a movement to the left child with 0 and a
movement to the right child with 1.

Figure 7. Visualization of Huffman tree

The included Flash file allows to generate the Huffman codes for a certain text and to visually
follow the corresponding Huffman tree. In this example we encoded the text “My mother goes to
the market with car.” As it can be observed, the most frequent characters, like space, have the
shortest codes, whereas the rarest characters, like dot, have the longest codes. The interactive Flash
file allows also the reverse operation: decoding binary sequences.

Conclusions and further work

Considering that the future in education will be based mainly on the freedom of choosing an
accessible way of studying according to the necessities of each person, which is to eliminate the
374 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

physical and mental borders, the development of e-Learning platform certainly becomes a priority
of the modern education. The new technologies allow the full documentation of those interested in
any studying field, without being necessary to leave their houses, by consulting virtual libraries
which have elaborated courses and electronic materials accessible remotely in any corner of the
In this paper, we present new modules added to our EDM tool that extend functionality of the
e-Learning system. We have developed modules for managing statistics and groups of students,
and extended other modules with importing and exporting capabilities. Besides that, the main page
has been enhanced to present slideshows which contain general presentations of the system,
snapshots, related articles, etc. Currently, we are developing components for supporting
collaborative assignments for students which will be interpreted and quantified by professors. In
future phases of the project, we will extend the system with new modules for more advanced
communication (RSS feeds, personal blogs, forum, wikis, podcasts and other powerful web tools
for learning). Improving the application security by approaching more sophisticated encryption
algorithms such as md5 or sha-1 are on our wish list as well, together with more rigorous
scalability testing.
The third-party lessons want to be used by students in order to assimilate the notions connected
with the programming techniques, to create some new applications which are to be integrated into
the e-Learning platform, and also to test the acquired knowledge. The didactic materials can be
further extended, so that they cover other scientific fields too. We have sought an interactive
implementation, based on visual elements in programming techniques, wanting to improve the
didactic process based on blackboard and chalk only. The dynamics of the area imposes the
planning of teaching approach adapted to the continuous evolution/formation of students,
developing their skills to work with projects in collaborative manner.


Anghel T., Florea A., Florea D. (2010): Improving Course Interaction and Management with Testing
Assistant, 6th International Conference eLSE – eLearning and Software for Education, Bucharest,
Romania, April 2010, 161-174.
Cormen T., Leiserson C., Rivest R., Stein C. (2009): Introduction to Algorithms, MIT Press, Third Edition,
Shen H., Sun C. (2000): RECIPE: a prototype for Internet-based real-time collaborative programming, 2nd
International Workshop on Collaborative Editing Systems, Philadelphia, USA, 2000, 3-4.
Sink web pages of web application
Doru Anastasiu Popescu1, Zoltan Szabo2
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Sciences
University of Piteşti, ROMANIA
High School “Petru Maior”, Reghin, ROMANIA

In this paper we define a new notion: sink web page for web application. We define a partial
order relation between the web pages of a web application, for this. With the help of this
relation, we construct a directed graph associated to a web application. In general, web
applications contain many web pages. Their verification and testing is usually performed by
using different verification mechanisms. Because many of the components of a web
application are in the partial order relation, it follows that the time for verification and
testing is considerably reduced if we verify only the sink web pages.
Keywords: Verification, Relation, Web Application, Graph, HTML, Java


The starting point in writing this paper is represented by the fact that many web applications use
their static web pages' code, as well as the codes of other web pages. It is obvious that in testing
and verifying ([6.1], [6.4] and [6.5]) such an application (which can have a large number of static
web pages, of different complexity) it is useful to find a way of reducing the number of static web
pages to be tested and verified. In this sense, we can consider that for two web pages p and q in
which p's code is included in q's code, it is enough to verify only q's code.
In section 2 of this paper, we will present a relation between the web pages of the web application,
together with an example, after which we will continue with the construction of a directed graph
(section 3) associated to this relation and a method (section 4) which determines the web pages
needed to be tested in order to verify the correctness of the web application.
The relation defined in section 2 is different from that of [6.2]. In [6.2] relation is a relation of
equivalence, and this article is a reflexive relationship, transitive but not symmetric. With this
relation the number of web pages to be verified and tested shrinks greatly. For web sites tested
with program developed based on these notions, number of web pages checked and tested
decreased by 60 percent.
In section 5, I described a Java programme, created by me, which uses the concepts from the
previous sections.
A relation among the web pages of a web application

Let P={p1, p2,…, pn} be the set of web pages in an web application and T be a set of unimportant
tags. Below, we define the relation R on the set P.

We say that p R q, when p and q are from P, if:
376 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

a) all tags in p which are not in T are in q in the same order.

b) for any tag <Tg> from p and q, which are not in T, if <\Tg> is in q, then <\Tg> is in p.

For this relation, we construct a directed graph like below:

- the vertices of the graph are the indices of the static web pages: p1, p2, …, pn.
- the edges of the graph correspond to pairs of pages for which the R relation applies, such that
edge (i,j) exists if pi R pj.

We call this graph DGR (directed graph associated to the relation R).
The DGR can have circuits of length 2, i.e. circuits of the form (i,j,i). In this case, the web
pages for i and j, meaning pi and pj, have the properties:
pi R p j
pj R p i .
Thus, pi and pj consist of the same scripts and tags.

Because it suffices to verify only one of pages pi or pj, we will fuse the vertices i and j in DGR.
The graph obtained after fusing all the pairs of nodes with the above property will be named
RDGR (reduced directed graph associated to the relation R).

Let us consider the following DGR for a web application:

1 2

3 4

Figure 1

After fusing the nodes of the DGR, we obtain the RDGR:

1 2

Figure 2

If in a web application there are no web pages involved in the relation, then the DGR and
RDGR are the same as the graph formed only of n isolated vertices.

Let a web application Let P={p1, p2,…, pn} be the set of web pages in an web application. We
say that pi is sink web page if, exterior degree for vertex i, from RDGR is 0.
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 377

Algorithm for reducing the number of components that need verification

Using the notions presented in section 2, for a web application (with a connected DGR graph)
containing web pages p1, p2,…, pn, we give the following algorithm:
Step 1
Construct the DGR of the web application.
Step 2
Fuse the vertices in DGR to obtain RDGR. Each node i, 1≤ i≤ m, of this new directed graph
will be associated with page px[i].
Step 3
Calculate the exterior degree of the ith vertex, in variable d[i], i=1,2,…,n.
Step 4
Find vertices with exterior degree 0 (sink web pages) and store them in array t.
Step 5
Test and verify the page x[t[i]], for i=1,2,…,k.

The correctness of the algorithm

The algorithm determines the static web pages associated to nodes with exterior degree 0.
These are used for testing and verifying (sink web pages). Consider that the result of testing and
verifying is positive, meaning that the pages corresponding to the vertices with exterior degree
equal to 0 are correctly built. Find a page pi which corresponds to a vertex i, not isolated, with
exterior degree different from 0. From RDGR, it follows
that there exists a path from i to j, meaning that there exists the string:

pi=q1, q2, …, qh-1, qh = pj, with q1 R q2, q2 R q3, …, qh-1 R qh.

From the way we defined the R relation, we obtain pi R pj and since pj is correct, it follows that
pi is also correct.
1. If the DGR of a web application is not a connected graph, we apply this method for each
connected component.
2. Verifying the correctness of the sink web pages can be done with different validations (for
example: [6.8], [6.9], [6.10]).


Using the results from previous sections, I have realized a Java programme which determines the
sink pages of a web application existing in a given folder.
The programme does the following:
- Creates a text file containing the names of the files with the extension .htm or .html, using a
depth first search through the folders. These files will be coded wising the numbers 1, 2, ..., n,
where n represents the number of these pages.
- Constructs the DGR graph, using a method which verifies the relationship between two
ages (the execution time is O(n2·m), where m is the maximum number of characters of a HTML
- Constructs the RDGR graph, from DGR graf.
- Determines the sink web pages and the web pages that these ones solve.

The program created the TEST.TXT file with the following information:
1) Number of files from web application
378 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

2) Number of .html and .htm files from web application

3) Web pages for verification (sink pages)
4) Web pages solve for any sink pages.

The following table present some results:

Tabel 1
web Number of .html Number of sink Percent sink web pages in Number web pages
site and .htm files from web pages (K) web application (P) solve with sink web
web application (N) pages (S)
S1 60 16 26.26 44
S2 22 20 90.90 2
S3 20 15 75.00 5
S4 87 4 4.59 83
S5 93 7 7.53 84
SumN=282 SumK=62 Average=40.86 Average=43.6

Conclusions and future work

In general, web applications contain many
80 static web pages. Their verification and
testing is usually performed by using
60 S2
different verification mechanisms.
S3 Because many of the components of a web
S4 application are in the R relation, it follows
20 S5 that the time for verification and testing is
considerably reduced if we verify only the
N K P S web pages corresponding to the vertices
with exterior degree equal to 0. In the
future, I intent to realize a more complex
application which uses the results from this article, with algorithms that have an execution time as
small as possible.

M. Alalfi, J. Cordy, T. Dean (2008), Modeling methods for web application verification and testing: State of
the art, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Conference Proceedings:
Catriniel Maria DănăuŃă, Doru Anastasiu Popescu, (2009), Method of reduction of the web pages to be
verified when validating a web site, Buletin ŞtiinŃific, Universitatea din Piteşti, Seria Matematică şi
Informatică, Nr. 15, pg 19-24.

Conference Proceedings:
Doru Anastasiu Popescu, (2009), Testing web application navigation based on component complexity,
Buletin ŞtiinŃific, Universitatea din Piteşti, Seria Matematică şi Informatică, Nr. 15, pg 107-118.

Conference Proceedings:
Kung D.C., Liu C.H., Hsia P. (2000), An Object-Oriented Web Test Model for Testing Web Applications,
Proc of the 1st Asia-Pacific Conference on Web Applications, New York, IEEE Press.
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 379

Conference Proceedings:
Lucca G, Fasolino A, Faralli F.(2002), Testing Web Applications, Proc of International Conference on
Software Maintenance (ICSM'02), New York, IEEE Press

Journal Articles:
Mao Cheng-ying, Lu Yan-sheng (2006), A Method for Measuring the Structure Complexity of Web
Application, Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences, vol. 11, No. 1

Journal Articles:
ZHAO Cheng-li, YI Dong-yun (2004), A Method of Eliminating Noise in Web Pages by Style Tree Model
and Its Applications, Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences, vol. 9, No. 5

Internet Sources:
Alpine HTML Doctor:

Internet Sources:
Validome HTML/XHTML/...

Internet Sources:
W3C Markup Validation Service:
Selecting an Optimal Compound of a University Research
Team by Using Genetic Algorithms
Florentina Alina Chircu1

(1) Department of Informatics, Petroleum–Gas University of Ploiesti,


The latest economic situation determines an increased attention to efficient and rational use
of productive resources of capital and labour. In this context, higher education institutions
are trying to encourage building convenient research teams, taking into account the fact that
research is dependent upon the individuals. The members of a research team must be chosen
considering the importance of their knowledge for the proposed project but also the
significance of the project for the individuals’ career. In this paper it is presented an
application that proposes the implementation of genetic algorithms in this area. The
application aims to identify the best compound of a research team by choosing the most
suitable individuals from different university departments in order to increase the productivity
and to minimize the cost concerning time and resources.
Keywords: Research team, Genetic algorithms, Artificial intelligence


In recent times the development of the research discipline is obviously growing. The demands of
the research organisation and the results expected are more and more complex. The latest
economic situation determines an increased attention to efficient use of productive resources of
capital and labour. To accomplish the current requirements, a method to optimally use all the
resources (financial, human and physical) needs to be identified [4].
In this context higher education institution are making significant efforts to encourage the
development of the research area. An essential fact that they take into account is represented by
the importance of building the most convenient and efficient research teams in a given situation.
The results obtained by a research team depend first on individuals and second on other factors. It
was noted that the projects with the best performances in the research activity are composed by
carefully chosen individuals, with high career motivation that are perfect for the selected job [4].
In this paper is presented the implementation of a genetic algorithm which aims to identify the
best compound of a research team by choosing the most suitable individuals from different
university departments in order to increase the productivity and to minimize the cost concerning
time and resources. The results returned by the application are represented by a proposal for the
team compound by choosing individuals which are the most appropriate for the job, considering a
set of restrictions.

Genetic Algorithms

Genetic Algorithms represent an area of the artificial intelligence that has known a great
development. They represent an evolutionary search technique used with the intention to identify
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 381

an approximate solution for optimization and search problems. Genetic Algorithms are inspired
from the evolutionary biology and they bring up techniques that simulate the natural population
evolution, such as inheritance, mutation, selection and crossover (also called recombination) [2].
Genetic Algorithms represent a computer simulation of the natural evolution. For a population
of individuals who represent abstract representation of candidate solutions to an optimization
problem is simulated an evolution following several steps in order to obtain higher quality
solutions [1].
The evolution toward better solution is guaranteed by the fact that only the strongest
individuals will be able to adapt to the virtual environment and respect all the imposed restrictions,
and so they will survive the evolution.
The components of a genetic algorithm are [2]:
• A representation of optimisation problem solutions as chromosomes;
• A method to generate initial populations of potential solutions;
• A method to evaluate each individual performance (fitness function);
• Runtime parameters (population size, crossover possibility, mutation probability and
evolution interval).
The algorithm is defined by the following steps [3]:
1. Complete or partially randomly generation of initial population of candidate solutions;
2. If the population size is higher than the default parameter, return the best solution.
3. Calculate the fitness function for each individual;
4. Apply the genetic operators and generate the new population:
• Select the individuals with the highest fitness function to become parents;
• Achieve new individuals by parents combination;
• Apply the mutation operation if necessary;
5. Repeat from Step 2.
The fitness function represents a measure of the solution quality. This function calculates the
individuals’ performance based on several criteria. Based on this fitness function, the best
individuals are selected from the current population and recombined to obtain the new individuals
which will be inserted into the new population.
The crossover operation proposes a way of obtaining the propagation of the best genetic
material in order to increase the quality of the candidate solution populations. This genetic
operator presumes the recombination of two chromosomes with the purpose of obtaining new
individuals to be included in the new population. The mutation is represented by a small
chromosome alteration applied to one or more genes.
The genetic algorithm reaches the end when the maximum number of generation members has
been reached. The individuals with the highest fitness function are selected from the current
population and are returned as solutions for the optimisation problem.
Genetic Algorithms may find their application in many fields as bioinformatics, chemistry,
mathematics, physics, engineering, computational science and others. They frequently have
application in problems as [2]:
• Classification problems;
• Tasks planning;
• Network flow problems;
• Real time optimization;
• Prediction systems (economical, geological, structural and others);
• Neural network design;
• Robots trajectories determination.
382 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Description of the Proposed Genetic Algorithm

The application described in this paper aims to help increase the university research management
by presenting a method to optimally use all the human resources available.
This application intends to identify the best compound of a research team by choosing the most
suitable individuals from different university departments in order to increase the productivity and
to minimize the cost concerning time and resources. There are considered to be available 3
departments, each department consisting in different number of members.
Each member has associated a coefficient that indicates the importance that the proposed
project has regarding the individuals’ career, but also the significance that the individuals’
knowledge has on the subject of the proposed project.
All the necessary data concerning to the number of the individuals on each department, to the
individuals’ identification number and to the coefficient that measures the importance of the
individual for the proposed project are presented in a text file named “date_in.txt” who is
reproduced in Table 1.
The matching coefficient is a number between 0 and 100.
Genetic codification of candidate solution is:
(S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10)
where Si represents a structure that codifies the individuals identification number, the department
that he’s a part of and the coefficient that identifies the importance of the individual for the
proposed project.
The implementation of this genetic codification in C++ Builder is:
typedef struct departament
int dep; //the department identification number
int id_ind; // the individual identification number
int coef; // the individual coeficient
int free; //the individuals’ availability
} d;

typedef struct cromozom

int d[12];//genetic codification of candidate solution
int fitness; //fitness function value
} ind;
Each individual’s performance is measured by the value of the fitness function. This functions
is initialised with 100 and it is modified according to a mathematical formula considering the
importance of the individual for the proposed project and the fact that he is available to participate,
to be a part of the team.
Genetic operators used in this application are: elitist selection, two-point crossover, translation
The elitist selection consist of choosing future parents from the current population, the
selection criterion is the individuals’ performance. The current population individuals are sorted
according to the fitness function value and only the best individuals are chosen to become parents.
The two-point crossover is a genetic operator that is used to combine the genetic material of
two individuals called parents with the purpose of obtaining new individuals, which will be
included in the new population.
The translation mutation is a genetic operator that consists in performing a small alteration in
the individuals’ structure. A set of genes with random length is selected and is moved back or
forward with a random number of positions.
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 383

The parameters corresponding to the genetic algorithm which can be set using the application
interface are:
• Initial population size (with values between 10 and 100);
• Maximum population size;
• Crossover probability (with values between 0.1 and 1.0);
• Mutation probability (with values between 0.01 and 0.2).
The application will return using the user interface a solution for the proposed problem
representing the individual with the highest fitness function. This solution represents a suggestion
for the research team compound, considering all the given restrictions. The detailed results will be
store in a data output text file named “out.txt”

Experimental Results

In order to test the application, it is presented a set of experimental data, which will simulate a real
situation. There are considered to be available 3 departments, each department consisting in
different number of members. The composition of each department, including the identification
number of each member and individuals’ matching coefficient are presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Department compound

Department members
Department Members number Individuals’ coefficient
identification number
101 30
102 45
1 5 103 10
104 80
105 15
201 75
202 35
203 90
204 5
205 25
2 10
206 60
207 55
208 80
209 30
210 90
301 20
302 65
303 40
304 80
3 8
305 55
306 90
307 15
308 70

In Table 2 are presented 3 sets of input parameters for the genetic algorithm. Considering the
fact that the algorithm is based on a random generation of initial individuals’ solutions, there are
repeated 30 tests for each set of parameters and identified the returned solutions.
384 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Table 2. Experimental Values Set

Values set
1 2 3
Number of tests 30 30 30
Initial population size 10 15 25
Maximum population size 80 100 120
Crossover probability 0.5 0.3 0.6
Mutation probability 0.07 0.05 0.15

The final results are synthesized in Table 3. The best performance average is calculated
considering the highest fitness function values obtained during the tests. The worst performance
average is calculate taking into account the lowest fitness function values obtained at the last
generation all through the tests.
The solution with the best performance obtained after the 90 tests is represented by the
sequence :( [3,306, 90] [1, 102, 45] [3, 302, 65] [2, 208, 80] [3, 308, 70] [1, 104, 80] [2, 201,
75] [3, 304, 80] [2, 206, 60] [2, 203, 90]) .
When the solution is decode, it is represents a proposal for the best team compound,
considering the individuals who are the most appropriate for the job and taking into account a set
of restrictions:
• Department 3, member 306, coefficient value 90;
• Department 1, member 102, coefficient value 45, and so on.

Table 3. Final Results

Final results
Best performances average at last generation 632.1
Worst performances average at last generation 251.9
Best performance 735
Number of solutions with the best performance 1
Best performance solution ([3,306, 90] [1, 102, 45] [3, 302, 65]
[2, 208, 80] [3, 308, 70] [1, 104,80]
[2, 201,75] [3, 304, 80] [2, 206, 60]
[2, 203, 90])


The latest economic situation imposes an increased attention to efficient use of productive
resources of capital and labour even if we speak about the research area.
The higher education institution are interested in the development of the research discipline
and the competition for obtaining important financial resources for research require new quality
demands regarding the results.
Since the results depends upon the individuals, it is clearly known the importance of building
the most convenient and efficient research teams in a given situation, by choosing the best
individuals for the selected job, with high career motivation and corresponding knowledge in the
proposed project theme.
This paper proposes the implementation of a genetic algorithm in this area which intends to
identify the best compound of a research team by choosing the most suitable individuals from
different university departments in order to increase the productivity and to minimize the cost
concerning time and resources.
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 385

After 90 tests, it was identified the solution with the highest fitness function. The solution
represents a proposal for the team compound by choosing individuals who are the most
appropriate for the job, considering a set of restrictions.


Russel, S., Norving, P., “Artificial intelligence: A Modern Approach”, Prentice Hall, 2002.
Oprea, M., Nicoara, S., “Artificial intelligence”, Petroleum–Gas University of Ploiesti, 2005.
Chircu, F., “Using Genetic Algorithms to Increase the Quality of University Research Management”,
Proceedings of ICVL 2009.
***, University Research Management,,3343,en_2649_35961291_35536165_1_1_1_1,00.html, accessed on
Evaluating research projects using a knowledge-based system
Florentina Alina Chircu1 Elia Georgiana Dragomir2

(1) Department of Informatics, Petroleum–Gas University of Ploiesti, Romania

(2) E-mail:

The efficiency in resource management is one of the most important issues in the context of
global economic situation. The institutions specialized in research projects focus on achieving
high performance in order that the research activity to be justified. At the end of a project, an
analysis of his results is absolutely necessary to determined several aspects: if the planned
objectives were accomplished, if the resources were used wisely and if the members of the
research team fulfilled their duties. In this paper is presented a knowledge based system that
suggests a solution for evaluating the research projects results. The results are represented by
an index that synthesizes the quality of the project results.
Keywords: Research Management, Expert Systems, Artificial intelligence


In the context of global economic situation, the importance of the efficiency level achieved by a
project is growing. The high education institutions need a software instrument that helps
identifying the research activity performance.
The development of the research disciplines and the growing number of institutions that are
interested on developing such activities are a good motive to give an amplified attention to the way
that the financial resources are used [3].
If an institution deals with research activities, than is a need to justify the way that the financial
resources were used by presenting an analysis over the project results.
The analysis over the proposed project needs to determine if a set of default aspects are
accomplish at the end of the dedicated time: if the planned objectives were accomplished, if the
resources were used wisely and if the members of the research team fulfilled their duties [3].
In this paper is presented a knowledge based system that suggests a solution for evaluating the
research projects results. A set of criterion are defined in order to helps the identification of the
project results quality.
The information returned by the expert systems are represented by an index that synthesizes
the quality of the project results. The application of the expert system in this area has the
advantages of providing a very easy to use, but powerful software instrument that helps even
inexperienced user to quickly identify the projects’ performance mark.

Expert Systems

Expert systems are chronologically speaking the first application of the artificial intelligence field.
They propose a non-algorithmic method of solving different types of problem specific to a
particular field. They return a solution by making decisions and solving the propose problem
taking into account the analytical rules defined by the experts in that field [1].
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 387

The expert systems are used to solve problems that are difficult to resolve using algorithmic
techniques and represent an alternative for the case that algorithmic approach do not offers
undoubtedly solutions or the case that this approach returns high complexity solutions which is
inefficient in the given situation [2].
The expert systems are used in many fields, such as economy, industry, geology, medicine,
human resources, and so on.
The principal benefits mentioned in the specific Artificial Intelligence literature are: reduced
dependency upon one expert, small error rate, the flexibility improvement, knowledge sharing
possibility, lowest maintenance cost [2].
Basic compound of an expert system is: the knowledge base, the inference mechanism, the
acquisition of knowledge module and the user interface [1].
The knowledge base includes all the application field knowledge which are structured as IF
THEN rules. The knowledge base is structured in the fact base (the data obtained during the
inference process) and rule base (the objective data).
The inference mechanism is the most important part of the expert system. Based on the
knowledge extracted from the knowledge based, he manages to perform a reasoning mechanism,
by concatenating rules in order to solve the propose problem [2].
Usually the expert systems are built using expert systems shells. Those are software tools that
incorporate a user interface, a method to include knowledge in the knowledge base and an
inference mechanism. VP Expert is one the most complex, but easy to use expert systems which
will be used to design the expert system presented in this paper.

The Expert System Description

The expert system developed in this paper can be used to evaluate the performance of a research
project based on some important criteria referring to the members of the project, to the financial
aspects, the exceeding of the milestones and the final deadline or to the results dissemination.
Finally, the project evaluation it is reflected in the project index.
All the necessary data are introduced by the user and the result is determined
automated by the expert system in two major steps: first, there are determined the
intermediate indexes for the four aspect analisys: team, time, financial resources and
results dissemination, then it is applied a rule of majority to find out the general project
index. The characteristics of these attributes (names, possible values) are centralized in
table 1.
Table 1. Knowledge Database Attributes
Attribute name Attribute possible value
Contract_obligations fulfilled, unfulfilled
Team_members_problems yes, no
Proper_responsabilities yes, no
Salary yes, no
Future_colaborations yes, no
Human_resources_index excellent, good, satisfactory
Budget enough, not_enough
Payment_delay yes, no
Financial_resources_index excellent, good, satisfactory
Milestones_exceeding yes, no
End_time_exceeding yes, no
Time_resources_index excellent, good, satisfactory
International_publications_results any number
388 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Awardings any number

Meeting_results_target yes, no
Results_dissemination_index excellent, good, satisfactory
Project_index excellent, good, satisfactory

The expert system is designed in VP Expert, an expert system shell that has a useful level of
power and flexibility, yet is simple enough that individuals with modest programming experience
can use an expert system built in this software.
In order to determine the value of the general index, some characteristics must be given by the
user. A possible case is illustrated in figure 1.
For this inputs there are used next rules:
• IF contract_obligations = fulfilled AND team_members_problems = no AND salary=
yes AND Proper_responsabilities = yes AND Future_colaborations = yes THEN
Human_resources_index = excellent;
• IF Budget = enough AND payment_delay = yes THEN Financial_resources_index =
• IF milestones_exceeding = yes AND End_time_exceeding = yes THEN
Time_resources_index = satisfactory;
• IF international_publications_results > 5 AND Awarding > 2 AND
meeting_results_target = yes THEN Results_dissemination_index = excellent;
• IF Human_respources_index = excellent AND Financial_resources_index= good
AND Time_resources_index = satisfactory AND Results_dissemination_index =
excellent THEN project_index = excellent.

Figure 1. The First Part Of The Input Values

Other inputs as well as the result are presented in figure 2.

Figure 2. The Second Part Of The Input Values And The Output
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 389


The development of the research discipline and the current economic situation offers a growing
motivation to determine if the research project results are important enough to justify the use of the
financial resources.
The most significant and clever way of explaining the use of economic resources is to present
an analysis over the project results, according to several criteria.
The analysis over the proposed project needs to determine if a set of default aspects are
accomplish at the end of the dedicated time: if the planned objectives were accomplished, if the
resources were used wisely and if the members of the research team fulfilled their duties.
This paper presents a knowledge based system that recommends a solution for evaluating the
research projects results. The expert system described represents a very powerful but easy to use
software tool to identify the quality of the project results taking into account all the factors that
describes the project evolution and the importance of the returned results in his application area.


Zaharie D., Năstase P., et al, Sisteme Expert, Editura Dual Tech, Bucureşti, 1999
Oprea M., Sisteme bazate pe cunoştinŃe, Editura Matrix Rom, Bucureşti, 2002
***, University Research Management,,3343,en_
2649_35961291_35536165_1_1_1_1,00.html, accessed on 1.06.2010.
Teaching Performance Evaluation Using Supervised
Machine Learning Techniques
Elia Georgiana Dragomir

University Petroleum-Gas of Ploiesti, Department of Informatics

Bd. Bucuresti Nr. 39, Ploiesti, RO-100680, ROMANIA

Teaching performance evaluation can be done using multiple sources, like students, peers and
teachers themselves. Even though only peers have the substantive expertise for a relevant
evaluation, it is generally well-known that students are qualified to assess some of the
classroom teaching aspects: clarity of the presentation, interpersonal rapport with students
etc. The core idea of this research is to study if there can be built a computational model that
uses past students evaluation in order to predict future teaching performance assessments.
There can be designed different system based on supervised machine learning techniques. In
this paper there are built several models based on two classification techniques: K-Nearest
Neighbor and Support Vector Machine with the purpose of finding a model that has the
smaller classification error of the new cases.
Keywords: Teaching performance evaluation, K-Nearest Neighbor, Support Vector Machine


The teaching performance evaluation reviews academic qualifications, relevant experience, quality
of teaching, and professional contributions. All these aspects can be assessed by the students, peers
or by the teachers themselves. In this paper, we will focus on the students’ evaluation. Aleamoni
sudgests that students are the main source of information about the learning environment,
including teachers' ability to motivate them for continued learning, rapport or degree of
communication between instructors and students. They are also the most consistent evaluators of
the quality, the effectiveness of the learning process and satisfaction with course content, method
of instruction, textbooks, homework, and student interest (Aleamoni, 1981).
The results of many evaluations performed by the Statistics Department of the University of
Wisconsin-Madison are stored in a dedicated database. This research focuses on the application of
some machine learning techniques on this data in order to develop a model that can use some past
assessment to determine a future evaluation.
This paper is structured as follows. The first section presents a brief introduction to the
supervised learning technique used to build these models, K – Nearest Neigbor (KNN) technique
and Support Vector Machine (SVM) technique, then the methodology applied in this problem and
the data available. The next section presents the results, the final discussions and conclusions are
given in the last part.

Supervised Machine Learning Techniques

It is not easy to establish the relationships between multiple features of some problem and people
are often prone to make mistake in their analysis and furthermore to find the solutions to certain
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 391

problems. In order to improve the efficiency of the systems and the designs of the machine, there
can be applied machine learning. (Maglogiannis et al, 2007).
Related to the type of the data set features recordings there can be implemented the supervised
machine learning techniques, if the instances are given with known labels (the corresponding
correct outputs) and the unsupervised machine learning techniques where the instances are not
labelled. In this paper, there are briefly described two supervised learning techniques: K-Nearest
Neighbor and Support Vector Machine in order to determine if they can be improve the teaching
performance evaluation using these methods.

K – Nearest Neigbor

Nearest Neighbor technique is one of the classification methods used in machine learning. It is
based on the idea that a new object is classified based on attributes and training samples, using a
majority of K-nearest neighbor category.
In order to apply this technique, it is necessary to have a training set and a test sample, to know
the k value (how many neighbors are used in classification) and the mathematical formula of the
distance calculated between the instances (Hart and Cover, 1967). The k nearest neighbor
classifier is commonly based on the Euclidean distance (Formula 1) between a test sample and the
specified training samples.

[1] i − yi
i =1
The general algorithm of computing the k-nearest neighbors is as follows:
o Establish the parameter k that represents the nearest neighbors number;
o Calculate the Euclidian distance between the query-instance and all the training samples;
o Sort the distances for all the training samples and determine the nearest neighbor based on
the k-th minimum distance;
o Use the majority of nearest neighbors as the prediction value.

Support Vector Machine

The basic idea of Support Vector Machines is to map the original data X into a feature space F
with high dimensionality through a non linear mapping function and construct an optimal
hyperplan in new space. SVM can be applied to both classification and regression. In the case of
classification, an optimal hyperplan is found that separates the data into two classes. Whereas in
the case of regression a hyperplan is to be constructed that lies close to as many points as possible
(Burges, 1998).
SVMs revolve around the notion of a “margin”—either side of a hyperplan that separates two
data classes. Maximizing the margin and thereby creating the largest possible distance between the
separating hyperplan and the instances on either side of it has been proven to reduce an upper
bound on the expected generalization error (Cristianini, 2001).
SVM has yielded excellent generalization performance on a wide range of problems including
bioinformatics (Zien et al, 2000), text categorization (Joachims, 1998), image detection (Osuna et
al., 1997), forecasting of the air quality parameters (Radhika and Shashi, 2009) etc.

Case Study

The experiment presented in this paper focuses on the utility of the past cases in order to predict
some new evaluations. For that, it is necessary to design some models based on the past
392 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

assessment. In order to find a model that has the smaller classification error of the new cases there
are used two supervised machine learning techniques: K-Nearest Neighbor and Support Vector

Data set

The set of data used in this experiment is provided by the Statistics Department of the University
of Wisconsin-Madison. It consists of evaluations of teaching performance over three regular
semesters and two summer semesters of 151 teaching assistant assignments in this Department. It
contains 151 instances with 6 attributes. The characteristics of these attributes as their names, type
and possible values are centralized in table 1.

Table 1. Database Attributes Used In This Experiment

Attribute name Attribute type Attribute possible value
English_speaker Binary 1=English speaker
2=non-English speaker
course_instructor Categorical 25 categories
course Categorical 26 categories
regular_semester Binary 1=Summer semester
2=Regular semester
class_size Real
class_attribute 1=Low
The data was processed in order to be used by Weka, a data mining software tool developed at
the University of Waikato. It contains a collection of visualization tools and algorithms for data
analysis and predictive modelling, together with graphical user interfaces for easy access to this

Experimental Results and Discussions

In the first experiment there is built a model based on the KNN technique in order to determine if a
new case can be correctly classified. The results are written in the second column of the Table 2.
The statistical results of the second model based on the SVM method are presented in the third
column or the same table.
Both models are analysed according with their values for some accuracy measures, such as the
correctly or incorrectly classified instances errors, Kappa statistic, mean absolute error that is a
quantity used to measure how close forecasts or predictions are to the eventual outcomes, root
mean squared error, which constitutes a good measure of the model’s accuracy, root relative
squared error (the average of the actual values), and relative absolute error that is similar to the
relative squared error.
Table 2. The Experimental Results
KNN Technique SVM Technique
Correctly Classified Instances 96.6667 % 67.3333 %
Incorrectly Classified Instances 3.3333 % 32.6667 %
Kappa statistic 0.95 0.5096
Mean absolute error 0.0222 0.317
Root mean squared error 0.1491 0.4098
Relative absolute error 5.0007 % 71.3427 %
Root relative squared error 31.6249 % 86.9285 %
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 393

The comparative study of these results reveals that, using the same dataset, a model bases on
the KNN technique is a better classifier for the new instances, having only a 3.3333% incorrectly
classified instances percentage. This accuracy measure is 32.6667% for the SVM based model.
The mean absolute error is only 0.0222 for the KNN model comparative to the value of 0.317 of
the same statistics measure for the SVM model.

Table 3. Confusion Matrix for KNN Technique

a b c <-- classified as
46 2 1 | a = 1
0 48 2 | b = 2
0 0 51 | c = 3

The confusion matrix for each technique reflects the incorrectly classified instances. Thus, in
Table 3, it can be seen that for class a=1 there were correctly classified 46 instances from the total
of 49, the other three being classified as class b=2 and c=3. In the same manner there can be found
that for class c=3 there are no incorrectly classified instances, all 51 cases are correctly classified
as class c=3.

Table 4. Confusion Matrix for SVM Technique

a b c <-- classified as
33 4 12 | a = 1
9 30 11 | b = 2
7 6 38 | c = 3

Table 4 contains the confusion matrix for the SVM model. The incorrectly classified error is
reflected in the number of misclassified cases. There are only 33 from 49 instances are classified
correctly for class a=1, 30 from 50 for class b=2 and 38 from 51 for class c=3.
Therefore, for all the classes the KNN technique performs better than the SVM method in
order to assess the teaching performance. It worth be mentioned that the results are closed related
to the data set used to design these models and that if the data set is changed it is most possible
that the model turns out to be different.


The teaching performance evaluation can be done using supervised machine learning techniques,
such as K-Nearest Neighbor or Support Vector Machine. The models are built using some past
assessments stored in a database in order to automated classify new cases. From this experiment,
we can conclude that, in the conditions described in this paper, the KNN technique classifies better
a new teaching performance evaluation case than a model based on SVM technique.


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Burges, C.(1998): A Tutorial on Support Vector Machines for Pattern Recognition, Data Mining and
Knowledge Discovery, vol 2 , Issue 2, June 1998, pg 121 - 167
Cortes, C. and Vapnik, V.(1995): Support vector networks, Machine Learning, vol 20, pp. 273–297
Cristianini, N. and Shawe-Taylor, J. (2000): An Introduction to Support Vector Machines, Cambridge
University Press
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Hart, P., E. and Cover, T., M.(1967): Nearest neighbor pattern classification. IEEE Transactions on
Information Theory, IT-13
Hastie, T. and Tibshirani, R.(1996): Discriminant adaptive nearest neighbor classification, IEEE Trans.
Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 18(6), 607–616
Joachims, T. (1998): Text Categorization with Support Vector Machines: Learning with Many Relevant
Features, Proceedings of the European Conference on Machine Learning, Springer.
Maglogiannis, I., et al (2007), Emerging Artificial Intelligence Applications In Computer Engineering, Ios
Press, Pp 14
Radhika, Z. and Shashi, M.(2009): Atmospheric Temperature Prediction using Support Vector Machines,
International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 1, April 2009, 1793-8201
Osuna, E., Freund, R., Girosi, F. (1997) Training support vector machines: an application to face detection,
Proceedings of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 130–136.
Zien, A., et al (2000): Engineering support vector machine kernels that recognize translation initiation sites,
Oxford University Press, Bioinformatics Vol. 16 no. 9 2000, Pages 799-807
Efficient Management of Medical Image Databases,
Based on Inverse Pyramid Decomposition
Roumen Kountchev1, Barna Iantovics2, Roumiana Kountcheva3

(1) Technical University – Sofia, Bul. Kl. Ohridsky, 8;Sofia 1000, Bulgaria
(2) Petru Maior University Tg. Mures, Romania, E-mail:
(3) T&K Engineering, Sofia, Bulgaria E-mail:

In the paper is presented one new approach for efficient and flexible management of medical
databases with multi-layer access, based on the Inverse Pyramid Decomposition (IPD). The
IPD offers various tools for multi-layer transfer of the processed visual information with
consecutively quality improvement, together with reliable content protection ensured by
resistant and fragile watermarks and data hiding. The proposed approach permits the
insertion of multiple watermarks in same file. Besides, for some access levels part of the
visual information is hidden (for example, some specific regions of interest in the medical
images) and could be revealed by authorized users only. The general part of the database
information could be used for various applications: students learning, disease description,
disease history and treatment, statistics information, etc.
Keywords: Medical image databases, Management of image databases, Image content

1 Introduction

Large multimedia databases (MD) are increasingly important part of computer and information
sciences. One of the most important contemporary implementations is the development of
Electronic medical health records (EMHR), which contain wide variety of multimedia objects
(images, electronic documents, video, audio, etc.). The management of such databases should
satisfy contradictory requirements: easy and reliable access, content protection, and many others.
Additional important requirements arose concerning the feature extraction, quality level, and
information filtering. In spite of the already performed work in image and audio processing, image
analysis and pattern recognition are still not adequately addressed. The usual approach in the
contemporary practice is to use Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM)
standard [Camapum et al, 2009]: the images are compressed and stored and their accessibility and
content protection depends on the MD management. In medicine to date, virtually all picture
archive and communication systems (PACS) retrieve images simply by indices based on patient
name, technique, or some observer-coded text of diagnostic findings [Huang,1991; Alsen et al,
2003]. There are a number of uses for medical image databases, each of which would make
different requirements on database organization. Classification of images into named or coded
diagnostic categories may suffice for retrieving groups of images for teaching purposes. One of the
most powerful contemporary tools for image archiving is the JPEG2000 image-compression
standard, which offers many features that support interactive access to large images [Taubman and
Marcellin, 2002; JPEG2000 standard, 2003] (high-efficiency compression, resolution scalability,
quality scalability, and spatial random access). The main disadvantage is that JPEG2000 does not
offer tools for layered content protection and access.
396 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

In the paper is presented one new approach for flexible management of medical image
databases with multi-layer access, based on the Inverse Pyramid Decomposition (IPD), which
offers various tools for layered transfer of the processed visual information with consecutively
quality improvement, together with reliable content protection with resistant and fragile
watermarks. Besides, for some access levels part of the information is hidden, such as: personal
patients’ data, some specific regions of interest (ROI) in the corresponding medical images, etc.,
and could be revealed by authorized users only. The IPD decomposition offers lower
computational complexity than the JPEG 2000 standard, together with instant ROI accessibility
and image content protection.
The paper is arranged as follows: In Section 2 is presented the main idea of the IPD
decomposition; in Section 3 is described the method for multi-layer watermarking and data hiding;
in Section 4 is presented the approach for the database management, and Section 5 contains the

2 Basic Principles of the IPD Decomposition

The 2D matrix [B], which corresponds to a digital image, could be represented using the Inverse
Pyramid Decomposition (IPD) (Kountchev and Kountcheva, 2008). For this, the matrix is first
divided into blocks of size 2n×2n. The corresponding sub-matrix for each block [B(2n)] is then
decomposed in accordance with the relation:
~ ~
[1] [ B( 2 n )] = [ B0 ( 2 n )] + ∑ [ E p −1( 2 n )] + [ R( 2 n )] , for r < n-1,
p =1

where the number of decomposition components is (r+2). Here [ R( 2 n )] is a residual component,

which is equal to zero for r = n - 1. Each component in Eq. [1] is a matrix of size 2n×2n,
corresponding to the decomposition layer р.
The First decomposition component, [ B0 ( 2 n )] calculated for the layer p = 0, is a coarse
approximation of the block [B(2n)]. It is obtained through 2D inverse orthogonal transform (OT) of
the block [ S0′ ( 2 n )] in correspondence with the relation:
~ ~
[2] [ B0 ( 2 n )] = [ T0 ( 2 n )] −1 [ S0′ ( 2 n )][ T0 ( 2 n )] −1 ,
where [ T0 ( 2 n )] −1 is the matrix of the 2D OT, [ S0′ ( 2 n )] , of size 2n×2n;
~ ~
[3] [ S0′ ( 2 n )] = FQ0−1{[ S0 ( 2 n )]} = FQ0−1{ FQ0 {[ S0 ( 2 n )]}} .
FQ0 { • } and FQ0−1{ • } are correspondingly the operators for filtration and quantization of
[ S0 ( 2 n )] and for dequantization of [ S0 ( 2 n )] in the decomposition layer р = 0. In result of the
operation, performed by FQ0 { • } , are selected and quantized the pre-selected high-energy
coefficients in the matrix [ S0 ( 2 n )] , which define [ S0′ ( 2 n )] . In result of the performance of
the inverse operator FQ0−1{ • } and after the inverse operation, represented in Eq. [2], is calculated
the component [ B0 ( 2 n )] . The term [ S0 ( 2 n )] in Eq. [3] is calculated after direct 2D OT of the
matrix [B(2n)], i.e.:
[4] [ S0 ( 2 n )] = [ T0 ( 2 n )][ B( 2 n )][ T0 ( 2 n )] .
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 397

Here [ T0 ( 2 n )] is the matrix for 2D OT, of size 2n×2n, which could be of any kind: (DFT,
DCT, KLT, etc.), and whose inverse matrix is [ T0 ( 2 n )] −1 .
The remaining decomposition components from Eq. [1] are the approximating matrices
[ E p ( 2 n − p )] for decomposition levels p = 1, 2,.., r. These matrices comprise the sub-matrices
[ E p p ( 2 n − p )] , of size 2n-p×2n-p for kp=1,2,…,4p, obtained as a result of the quad-tree division of
[ E p ( 2 n − p )] . Each sub-matrix [ E p p ( 2 n − p )] is defined as:

~k ~k
[5] [ E p −p 1( 2 n − p )] = [ T p( 2 n − p )] −1[ S p′ p ( 2 n − p )][ T p( 2 n − p )] −1 for kp=1,2,..,4p,
where 4p is the number of the quad-treeе branches in the decomposition level p;
[ T p( 2 n − p )] −1 is a matrix of size 2n-p×2n-p in the decomposition level p, used for the
inverse 2D OT;
~k ~k
[ S p′ p ( 2 n − p )] = FQ −p 1 {[ S p p ( 2 n − p )]} = FQ −p 1{ FQ p {[ S p p ( 2 n − p )]}} ;

FQ p { • } and FQ −p1{ • } are correspondingly the operators for filtration and

quantization of [ S p p ( 2 n − p )] and for dequantization of [ S0 ( 2 n )] in the layer р.

Each transform is defined by the equation:

[ S p p ( 2 n − p )] = [ T p ( 2 n − p )][ E p −p 1 ( 2 n )][ T p ( 2 n − p )] , where

[ T p( 2 n − p )] is a matrix of size 2n-p×2n-p in the level p for each block [ E p p ( 2 n − p )]


when kp=1,2,…,4p in the difference matrix, defined by the relation:

 [ B( 2 n )] - [B ~ n
n− p 0 (2 )] for p = 1;
[8] [ E p − 1( 2 )] =  n− p ~ n- p
[ E p − 2 ( 2 )] − [ E p − 2 (2 )] - for p = 2,3,.., r.
In result of the decomposition (Eq. [1]) for each block [B(2n)] are defined the following
spectrum coefficients:
- from the level p = 0 - all non-zero coefficients in [ S0′ ( 2 n )] ;
- from levels p = 1, 2, . . , r - all non-zero coefficients [ S p′ p ( 2 n − p )] for kp=1,2,..,4p.
The spectrum coefficients of same spatial frequency from all image sub-blocks are arranged in
common massifs in accordance with the decomposition level, p and losslessly coded.

3 Resistant Watermarking, Based on 2D-CHT

The watermark data is inserted in the phases of selected spectrum coefficients, obtained with 2D
Complex Hadamard Transform (2D-CHT) with “arranged” complex Hadamard matrix for the
image matrix [B(N)] (Kountchev et al, 2010).

3.1 Watermark Embedding

The image matrix [B(2n)] of size N×N (N=2n) is first processed with direct 2D-CHT:
398 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

[9] [ S ( 2 n )] = [ CH ( 2 n )][ B( 2 n )][ CH ( 2 n )] .

Here [ S ( 2 n )] is the matrix of the discrete image spectrum; [ CH ( 2 n )] - arranged matrix,
defined by the natural complex Hadamard matrix [ CH 0 ( 2 n )] with elements:
[10] ch0 ( t , q ) = j tq h0 ( t , q ) for t, q = 0,1,..,2n -1,
 1 for n = 2;
 n  t  q 
h0 (t, q) =  ∑  
( −1 )r = 3  2 r −1   2 r − 1  for n = 3,4,..

The arranged matrix [ CH ( 2 n )] is obtained from the natural one, [ CH 0 ( 2 n )] after
rearranging its rows in such a way, that the number of sign changes for the elements in the row q to
be increased by one in the next row, (q+1). The coefficients of the matrix [ S0 ( 2 n )] , are:
2 n −1 2 n −1 − j π (ui+ vk)
[11] s0 (u,v) = ∑ ∑ B(i,k)e 2 h0 (u,i)h0 (v,k) for u, v = 0,1,..,2n-1,
i =0 k =0
where B(i,k) is the element of the original image [B(2n)]. For the calculation of coefficients
s( u ,v ) , obtained using the matrix [ CH ( 2 n )] , is necessary to rearrange coefficients s0 ( u ,v ) .
Each complex coefficient s0 ( u ,v ) is then represented as:

[12] s0 ( u ,v ) = s0 ,Re( u ,v ) − js0 ,Im( u ,v ) = M 0 ( u ,v )e − jϕ0 ( u ,v ), where:

2 n −1 2 n −1
[13] s0 ,Re ( u ,v ) = ∑ ∑ B( i , k )h0 ( u ,i )h0 ( v,k ) cos[ π2 ( ui + vk )],
i =0 k =0
2 −1 2 m −1

[14] s0 ,Im ( u ,v ) = ∑ ∑ B( i, k )h0 ( u ,i )h0 ( v, k ) sin[ π2 ( ui + vk )] .

i =0 k =0
From all spectrum coefficients are chosen the complex-conjugated couples s( u ,v ) and

s ( u ,v ) (with phases ϕ ( u ,v ) = −ϕ ∗( u ,v ) and modules M (u ,v ) = M ∗(u ,v ) ). Every consecutive

bit wr(р) of the watermark data р is inserted in the phases of coefficients s( u , v ) and s∗( u , v )
only, in correspondence with the relation:
ϕ ( u ,v ) + ∆ , if wr ( р ) = 1 ;
[15] ϕ wr ( p )( u ,v ) = −ϕ w∗ r ( p )( u ,v ) = 
ϕ ( u ,v ) − ∆ , if wr ( р ) = 0.

Here ϕ w ( p )( u ,v ) and ϕ w ( u ,v ) are the phases of the watermarked coefficients
r r( p )

swr ( p )( u ,v ) and sw r( p )
( u ,v ) . The watermark data is represented by the binary sequence wr(р) for
r = 1,2,..,R (R is the number of the watermark binary elements). The parameter ∆ is the angle,
which defines the watermark “depth”, “transparency” and the resistance against pirates’ attacks.
The sequence of bits wr(р) is obtained after performing operation “XOR” both for each bit of the
watermark and the corresponding bit from a pseudorandom sequence, which represents a secret
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 399

(private) or public key, used for the watermark encryption. In this case the autocorrelation function
of the sequence wr(р) is chosen to be of the kind “delta-pulse”. This ensures high accuracy for the
watermark detection and extraction. In case that the currently processed complex spectrum
coefficient, which should be watermarked, has zero amplitude, the corresponding binary value of
the watermark is omitted and the binary symbol from the pseudorandom sequence only remains,
because “XOR” is not applied. In result, the errors in the extracted watermark elements are
reduced, because the spectrum coefficients of zero amplitude have zero phases as well, and they are
practically not suitable for watermark elements extraction.
The coefficients of the rearranged spectrum matrix [ S w ( 2 n )] are:
− jϕ ( u ,v )
[16] swr ( p )( u .v ) = M ( u , v ) e wr ( p )
The matrix [ S w ( 2 n )] is processed with inverse 2D-CHT and as a result is obtained:
[17] [ Bw ( 2 n )] = 4 − n [ CH ( 2 n )] ∗ [ S w ( 2 n )][ CH ( 2 n )] ∗ ,
where [ CH ( 2 n )] ∗ = 2 n [ CH ( 2 n )] −1 .
The pixels of the watermarked image are defined by the relation:
2 n −1 2 n − 1 j π (ui + vk)
[18] Bw ( i , k ) = ∑ ∑ sw ( u ,v )e 2 h0 (u,i)h0 (v,k) for i, k = 0,1,..,2n-1.
u =0 v =0

3.2 Fragile watermark insertion

The IPD decomposition permits insertion of information in the processed image, which is an
additional decomposition layer. This could be any image, overlaid on the processed decomposition
level, which prevents the visualization for the corresponding approximation. The removal of the
fragile “hiding” watermark is carried out using a password.

3.3 Watermark Detection

For the watermark detection in unknown image are performed Eqs. [11-14], presented above.
First, should be checked whether in the image had been inserted the watermark р, which is one of
the known D possible signs. For this is evaluated the mutual correlation Cm , p between the mth and
рth watermark, the first of which is one of the D possible, and the second is used for watermarking
of the complex-conjugated coefficients s( u , v ) and s∗ ( u , v ) of the unknown image:
[19] Cm , p = ∑ [ ϕ( u ,v ) + ∆r ( p )] ∆r ( m ) = A( m ) + B( p , m ) for p, m =1,2,..,D,
r =1
where D is the number of searched watermarks; [ ϕ( u ,v ) + ∆r ( p )] = ϕ wr ( p )( u ,v ) is the phase of

the marked spectrum coefficient swr ( p )( u ,v ) of the matrix [ S w ( 2 n )] , which contains the рth
watermark data;
+ ∆ if wr ( p ) = 1;
∆r ( p )= ( − 1 )wr ( p )∆ = 
− ∆ if wr ( p ) = 0 ,
[20] R Rp
A( m ) = ϕ ( u ,v )∑ ∆r ( p ) ≈ 0 for R >> 1, B( p, m ) = ∑ ∆r ( p ) ∆r ( m ).
r =1 r =1
400 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

In case that spectrum coefficients are not marked, ∆r ( р ) = 0 and Cm ,b ≈ 0 ; else:

 R
∑ 2 2
 [∆r (m)] = R∆ if m = p;

[21] C m, p ≈  r =R1

∑ r
∆ (m)∆r (p) ≈ 0 if m ≠ p.
 r =1
The decision for the detection of the watermark data р is:
Yes, if [ Cm , p / R∆2 )] ≥ θ ;
[22] p= for m, p = 1, 2,…, D,
 No, - in other cases.
where θ is a pre-defined threshold in the range 0 < θ < 1.
The so described watermark detection is “blind”, i.e. it does not need the original image. For
the watermark extraction is needed the original image. It is supposed, that the owner is the
person, authorized to do this. After the phase spectrums of the original and the watermarked
images had been calculated, the phases of the corresponding coefficients are subtracted and is
defined the sequence, obtained after applying the “XOR” function on the watermark and the
pseudorandom sequence, which is the encryption key. The watermark is obtained after performing
“XOR” for the phase differences sequences and the key.

4 Database Management Based on the IPD Decomposition

The layered approach for image archiving, based on the IPD decomposition, permits to develop
flexible software tools for image database management. The main idea is that any image in the
database is visualized layer by layer with increasing resolution. The visualization starts with the
coarse approximation of the archived image, which corresponds to the low decomposition layer.
The next approximation (of higher quality) is visualized only in case that the user has a password.
Together with the better quality, the system reveals on request (and if password is available)
additional personal information. In case, that the image (or a part of it, containing certain ROI) is
hidden under a fragile watermark, it is visualized together with the watermark, which could be
removed only if the password for the corresponding decomposition level is provided.
The image preparation for image database with layered access is shown on Fig. 1. The image
is archived layer by layer and the watermarks are inserted together with the image processing. The
ROI (if there is one in the image) is processed in such a way, that to permit direct access for
authorized users (separate pyramid is developed for the ROI representation). The structure of the
hierarchical access to the image database contents is shown on Fig. 2.

5 Conclusions

The proposed method for creation of medical databases and image content protection, based on the
IPD, offers various tools for image processing and archiving. The general part of the database
information could be used for various applications: students learning, disease description, disease
history and treatment, statistics, information exchange, etc. The main advantages of the new
method are:
 It permits flexible layered access to the archived information, depending on the user
 It offers reliable content protection with multiple resistant and fragile watermarks,
inserted in the consecutive decomposition levels;
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 401

 The layered approach for image processing permits the creation of general models for
object description and representation. In the case, when RST-invariant transformations are used
(for example, the 2D Mellin-Fourier transform) the objects representation is RST-invariant as
 The method modification permits the description to be contrast-invariant as well
(Kountchev et al, 2010);
 The proposed database management corresponds to the contemporary methods for
content- and context-based data search;
 The method permits layered object search in image databases, similar with human way
for object recognition (starting from slight similarity and continuing up to higher similarity and
sure identification).
 The proposed method has big potential for future investigations in the area of invariant
object representation and efficient search in large image databases.

representation ROI
of ROI

Best ROI
representation of Personal data
Watermark for
the basic image reveal
security level

access level

Hiding watermark
ROI access

Second Watermark needed
approximation for middle High
ROI access level
(good visual layer inserted
quality) ROI - higher Image
quality. visualization in
lower quality; Image
No access to Database
private data and

Middle needed
Watermarks for access level
First (coarse) lowest layer
image ROI
approximation ROI selected Access to basic
visual information
and metadata only

Original digital Hirerarchical

image Representation of database image
No password access levels
(ROIs are represented with higher
quality) than the remaining part of needed
the image access level

Fig. 1. Multi-layer image archiving Fig. 2. Hierarchical DB access

and content protection

This work was supported by the National Fund for Scientific Research of the Bulgarian Ministry
of Education and Science, Contract VU-I 305, and the Joint Research Project Bulgaria-Romania
(2010-2012): “Electronic Health Records for the Next Generation Medical Decision Support in
Romanian and Bulgarian National Healthcare Systems”.
402 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

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Taubman D., Marcellin M. (2002) JPEG2000: Image Compression Fundamentals, Standards and Practice,
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Visual Basic Applications to Physics Teaching
Catalin Chitu1,2, Razvan Constantin Impuscatu2, Marilena Viziru3

(1) University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, P.O.Box. MG-11, Bucharest,

(2) Energetic High School, Campina, Romania
(3) Stefan Odobleja High School Bucharest, Romania

Derived from Basic language, Visual Basic (VB) is a programming language focused on the
video interface component. With graphics and functional components implemented, the
programmer is able to bring and use their components to achieve in a relatively short time,
the desired application. Language V.B. is a useful tool Physics Teaching by creating
educational programs with him. This study aims to exemplify the applications made by using
VB programming language, applications used during training in physics. Increase efficiency
of teaching and learning, teaching and assessment strategies involve the use of diverse
teaching methods. Also, differential treatment of students during the training process should
take into account both their educational profile, and the quality and level of language which
are interpreted and presented curricular content. In this sense, this study presents the
evaluation matrix of student learning styles and that computer programs for rapid
determination of physical parameters. Advantages of using programs made with Visual Basic
is that it shortens the time and develop interactive training component during phases of study
and assessment of physical phenomena.
Keywords: Physics teaching, Educational profile, Computer programs


The main objective of training is directed to form human personalities with operational skills
required in various fields of activity. Teacher's role is to achieve target with maximum efficiency.
For this, he must take into account the human component which interact, but also the adjacent
materials component to the training environment.
On the human component, we must regard many typologies of individual students and
educators involved in teaching-learning-assessment process (Cucos, 2006).
A genuine process of training will be initiated through a diagnostic test, highlighting the factors
involved in education, educational profile of the sample of students and that individual profile of
each student. The results of these investigations will be indicators to consider using teaching
strategies and most effective teaching methods (Malinovschi, 2003).
We consider that assessment of student learning styles is one of the starting points for
identifying the skills and multiple intelligences of students (Gardner, 2006).
Data obtained from the application of tests and questionnaires with diagnostic role can be
processed acceptable in terms of rigor, by introducing relatively simple mathematical models. The
result of theoretical modeling is to develop a matrix for assessing students' preferred learning
styles, matrix with diagnostic and analytical role.
The right software evaluation matrix is created in the programming language Visual Basic
(VB) and corresponding interface is easy to use by the teacher.
404 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

When investigating a relatively small group of subjects, such as a class of students can apply
the results of determinations made in the assumptions category. There is here an element rescuer
for the correct application of statistics, namely the number of response items fall in the statistical
sample. Learning styles assessment practice has the advantage that is relatively independent of the
nature of the discipline considered (Bostrom et al., 1990). Proposed analytical methods can be a
useful in this regard.
Training as a teaching process should consider diversifying teaching and learning methods,
assessment, both the cognitive level and the action level. Framework of teaching laboratory
experiment mix in a balance way theoretical and experimental content. A differentiated instruction
process is found in ordinary physics lesson, and continues the themes of deepening and extending
the concepts. Pedagogical strategies, to the gradual increase in degree of difficulty in physics
lessons may include alternative approaches as a means of differentiated training (Florian, 2004).
To the groups of students interested in the study of physics can be grouped and arranged some
physics experiments. In this regard, to determine the same physical parameters, experimental
methods can diversify. Recall here the alternative methods for measuring dynamic and static
physical parameters, kinematics and energy alternatives methods, or alternative methods that refer
to extreme conditions that occur during the conduct of certain physical phenomena studied in
Developing educational software requires continuous collaboration with pedagogical
competence skills. Building a training environment based on computer requires pedagogical
design and implementation of computer software and running into a concrete framework for
learning, under controlled conditions (Miron, 2008).
Using the computer in classic laboratory experiment improve the quality of training physical
discipline. In this sense it can be made useful educational software for calculating certain
experimental physical parameters. Using the Visual Basic, this software determine in a short time
values of physical parameters and give to users information on the conditions imposed by the
experiment in progress.
From programs which diagnose the cognitive acquisition or the student's educational profile,
continuing with programs for calculating the physical parameters and ending with programs to
assessment knowledge and practical skills, all of them are particularly useful for a quality and
interactive learning process.
We estimate that feedback training help partners in choosing teaching methods for which they
have shown special skills. Physical discipline differentiated instruction causes feelings of
involvement, engaging student’s motivation to compete for personal and collective goals.

Theoretical notions

Computer-aided analysis of a phenomenon simplify mathematical calculations, graphics

development easier, reduces work time allowing students to focus on physical phenomena studied.
Visual Basic (VB) is a programming language produced by Microsoft, derived from BASIC. It
is widely popular because this program has the graphical interface that is available to the user.
This interface is relatively simple to done. Using Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition can
perform standard Windows-based interfaces such as windows, buttons, lists etc
Visual Basic has also a library of visual components: lists, calendars, menus, etc. that have
already graphics and functional parts implemented.
But the programmer is able to enter and use its components.
Visual Basic can be used to make simple educational software but and to achieve more
complex applications such as computer games.
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 405

Application (Project) is made up of (

1. Forms - Windows that you create for user interface.
2. Controls - Graphical features drawn on forms to allow user interaction (text boxes, labels,
scroll bars, command buttons, etc.); (Forms and Controls are objects).
3. Properties - Every characteristic of a form or control is specified by a property. Example
properties include names, captions, size, position, and contents. Visual Basic applies default
properties. You can change properties at design time or run time.
4. Methods - Built-in procedure that can be invoked to impart some action to a particular
5. Event Procedures - Code related to some object. This is the code that is executed when a
certain event occurs.
6. General Procedures - Code not related to objects. This code must be invoked by the
7. Modules - Collection of general procedures, variable declarations, and constant definitions
used by application.
There are three primary steps involved in building a Visual Basic application:
1. Draw the user interface.
2. Assign properties to controls.
3. Attach code to controls.
After realized the software program, it can improve or modify both working on the interface
but also inside the main program.
Thus, you can make text changes to the interface program, by opening solution file (. Sln) and
acting on properties that correspond to appropriate forms in the project.
Also you can reposition the values associated of the text and font used in their writing.
To change into programs line, opens again solution file (. Sln) and used the instruction "View
Code". After the appearance of programs lines, we shall realize their corresponding modification
and we act the "Start Debugging" button from VB menu to check the program run. Finally, the
project must be saved by acting on the buttons "Save All" and "Build" respectively, which are
located in the menu bar from the Visual Basic program. This study aims to present several
programs conducted by platform Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition, programs that are
used during laboratory training in physics lessons (;

The Assessment Matrix of learning styles

Based on a mathematical model were performed quantitative analyses to identify preferred

learning styles of students in physical discipline.
The theoretical model defines measurable parameters that verify certain invariance equations
(Kudryavtsev et al., 1981; Nastasescu et al., 2002).
Thus, all parameters are introduced:
-Index of competence in relation to a particular learning style (visual, auditory, practical)
nv na np
[1] i N (v ) = , iN (a ) = , i A( p ) =
nv + na + n p nv + na + n p nv + na + n p
-Multiplication-index of learning styles in the selected sample
nv + na + n p
[2] mN =
- Multiplication-index specific to a particular learning style
406 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

[3] nv na np
s N (v ) = , s N (a ) = , sN ( p ) =
Analysis of preferred styles of learning and learning conditions to increase efficiency is by
introducing an matrix of assessment.
Corresponding software evaluation matrix was developed with Visual Basic 2008 Express
Edition program.
Using the interface created, the user assigns values to variables and the corresponding matrix
displays as soon as the parameters of interest.
Further processing of these parameters lead to interpretation of results and conclusions
For a good functionality, Graphic User Interface (GUI) contains buttons with roles: RESET,
To assign new values to variables of program will act on RESET button and to save the
"image" matrix in an Excel file will act on the SAVE button. If the data entered by the user are
incorrect, the program displays warning messages like: "IMPOSSIBLE TO CALCULATE

The Limit Angle Method and the Minimum Deviation Method for determinate the refractive
index of a optical prism

Keeping differentiated instruction method of students, the teacher may propose alternative
experimental methods for determining the same physical parameter.
Thus, in order to determine the refractive index of glass can be chosen line the limit the angle
method to total reflection phenomenon of light (see Figure 2) and the minimum deviation method
of light across the optical prism to refraction phenomenon (see Figure 3).
Mathematical relation for calculating the refractive index for an homogeneous optical medium
to the total reflection of light phenomenon is:
[4] n glass =
sin l
and to the minimum deviation of light phenomenon is:
δ min + A
[5] nsticla = 2
Using Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition Program has made software corresponding to these
experiments. Values of the refractive index are calculated and these values are displayed via
graphical interface.
Also programs run on constrained input variables, displaying warning messages if the
experimental measurement errors exceed a certain threshold value.
These messages can be for example: "THE LIMIT ANGLE, l, FOR THE GLASS-AIR
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 407

Experimental results

Interactive educational software use during the training process to physics discipline (Miron,
Software interfaces have been used successfully by students and teachers. Theoretical contents
are complemented by experimental results.

The experimental results obtained to The Assessment Matrix of learning stiles

Figure 1 shows the image of assessment matrix interface. This includes parameters such as:
"Number of Subjects, "Visual competences number", "auditory competences number" and
"Practical competences number" variable belonging two subgroups A and B that form N samples

Figure 1. The image capture of graphical interface to the assessment matrix of

students learning styles

Each button belongs Graphic User Interface (GUI) is implemented by logic programming; the
user is not interested in lines of code that are "behind" the interface.
Depending on the values calculated for the indicators introduced by the mathematical model,
the user can deliver value judgments on the diagnosis and evolution of student behavior on
preferred learning styles (Fritzsche, 1976).

The experimental results obtained to The Limit Angle Method and The Minimum Deviation
Method for determinate the refractive index of a optical prism

Images obtained during alternatives experiment for determining the refractive index of optical
prisms are shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3.
The image described by Figure 2 show that the incident laser beam is directed so as to produce
the phenomenon of total reflection of light. Also, the image that correspond to Figure 3 show that
the incident laser beam is passing through the optical prism by parallel direction with base of the
prism. In Figure 4 and Figure 5 respectively are examples images of graphical interfaces
corresponding to programs made in Visual Basic ( These images are obtained
during alternatives experiments for determining the refractive index of optical prisms.
408 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Figure 2. The experimental device in total Figure 3. The experimental device in

reflection phenomenon of light minimum deviation phenomenon of light

Figure 4. Image capture of GUI to total reflection of light phenomenon

Figure 5. Image capture of GUI to minimum deviation of light phenomenon

The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 409

Use graphical interfaces (GUI) on the laboratory scientific experiment offers students
information on values and that the order of magnitude of physical parameters measured.


In order to obtain a good correlation between objective - items - performance indicators, it can
develop educational software that can be based on teaching scenarios. The goal is to identify the
essentials contents of each lesson time, emphasizing appropriate learning items, which implements
the operational objectives of the lesson.
In order to achieve an operational objective, appropriate learning items are considered those
- cover specific learning difficulties that occur when material is taught traditionally;
- provides an understanding of physical meanings and terminology;
- raises and maintain student’s interest;
Introduction of educational software can increase student’s interest in the visual style of
learning and therefore increase the efficiency of the teaching-learning-assessment. Also, the
consequences of using educational software are the developing of the digital skills and practical
Whatever the methods used by means of learning strategies used, the school performances can
be improved by employing a differentiated or individualized treatment to the themes of study and
to units of learning.


Bostrom, R. P., Olfman, L., and Sein, M. K. (1990): The importance of learning style in end-user training.
MIS Quarterly, 14(1), 101-119.
Cucos, C. (2006): Pedagogy. Polirom, Iasi
Florian, G. (2004): Differential treatment of students in physical. Else Publisher, Craiova
Fritzsche, D. J. (1976): On the relationships of learning style, perceived learning, and performance. Paper
presented at the Third International ABSEL Conference, Knoxville, TN
Gardner, H. (2006): Multiple intelligences. Sigma Publishing, Bucharest
Kudryavtsev, V.A. and Demidovich, B. P. (1981): Mathematics Enhancement Course. Mir Publishing,
Malinovschi, V. (2003): Teaching Physics. Didactic and Pedagogic Publishing RA., Bucharest
Microsoft Development Centre,
Miron, C, (2008): Teaching physics. Bucharest University Publishing House, Bucharest
Nastasescu, C., Nita, C., Andrei, G., Radutu, M., Vornicescu, F., Vornicescu, N.
(2002): Math - 9th grade manual for paths of M1 and M2. Didactic and Pedagogic Publishing House,
Web hosting: (Visual Basic 6.1- tutorial)
Webmaster Scripts & Tutorial Directory,
The Optimal Refactoring Selection Problem –
A Multi-Objective Evolutionary Approach
Camelia ChisăliŃă-CreŃu1

(1) Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science,

Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca
1, Mihail Kogălniceanu Street, RO-400084 Romania

Refactoring is a commonly accepted technique to improve the structure of object-oriented
software. The Optimal Refactoring Selection Problem (ORSP) is the general identification
problem of the optimal refactorings that may be applied to software entities, such that the
internal structure is kept or improved in order to meet the requested demands.
ORSP is an example of a Feature Transformation Subset Selection (FTSS) search problem in
the Search-Based Software Engineering (SBSE) field. The paper states a special case of
ORSP, the Multi-Objective Single Refactoring Selection Problem (MOSgRSP), that treats the
refactoring cost and refactoring impact as conflicting selection criteria. MOSgRSP is based
on the general form of the Single Refactoring Selection Problem (SgRSP). A weighted
objective genetic algorithm is proposed. Different weight-based experiments on a didactic
case study are presented and compared.
Keywords: Refactoring, Object-oriented programming, Search-based engineering, Multi-
objective optimization

Software systems continually change as they evolve to reflect new requirements, but their internal
structure tends to decay. Refactoring is a commonly accepted technique to improve the structure of
object oriented software (Fowler, 1999). ORSP is the identification problem of the optimal
refactorings that may be applied on software entities, such that several objectives are kept or
ORSP is an example of a Feature Transformation Subset Selection (FTSS) search problem in
SBSE field. The paper presents the formal definition of the MOSgRSP which is based on SgRSP
and performs a proposed weighted objective genetic algorithm on an experimental didactic case
study. Obtained results for our case study are presented and compared.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 shortly reminds the general form of the
Multi-Objective Optimization Problem (MOOP), while Section 3 presents the formal definition of
the investigated MOSgRSP. Local Area Network (LAN) Simulation source code was used in order
to validate our approach, being refered by Section 4. Section 5 unfolds the discussed evolutionary
approach with several details related to the genetic operators of the proposed genetic algorithm.
Different weight-based experiments on the LAN Simulation case study are presented and
compared in Section 6. The paper ends with conclusions and future work.
MOOP Model
MOOP is defined in (Zitzler et al., 2001) as the problem of finding a decision vector
→ →
x = ( x1 ,Κ , xn ) , which optimizes a vector of M objective functions f i ( x ) where
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 411

1 ≤ i ≤ M , that are subject to inequality constraints g j ( x ) ≥ 0 , 1 ≤ j ≤ J and equality

constraints hk ( x ) = 0 , 1 ≤ k ≤ K . A MOOP may be defined as:
→ → →
[1] maximize{F ( x )} = maximize{ f1 ( x ),Κ , f M ( x )},
→ → →
with g j ( x ) ≥ 0,1 ≤ j ≤ J and hk ( x ) = 0,1 ≤ k ≤ K where x is vector of decision variables and
→ → →
f i ( x ) is the i -th objective function; and g ( x ) and h( x ) are constraint vectors.
There are several ways to deal with a multi-objective optimization problem. In this paper the
weighted sum method (Kim and deWeck, 2005) is used.
Let us consider the objective functions f1 , f 2 ,..., f M . This method takes each objective
function and multiplies it by a fraction of one, the ''weighting coefficient'' which is represented by
wi ,1 ≤ i ≤ M . The modified functions are then added together to obtain a single fitness
function, which can easily be solved using any method which can be applied for single objective
Mathematically, the new mapping may be written as:
→ M → M
[2] F ( x ) = ∑wi ⋅ f i ( x ), 0 ≤ wi ≤ 1, ∑wi = 1.
i =1 i =1

MOSgRSP Definition

The complete definition for the SgRSP is presented in (ChisăliŃă-CreŃu and Vescan, 2009). In
order to understand the problem a brief summary is given here. Let SE = {e1 ,Κ , em } be a set of
software entities, e.g., a class, an attribute from a class, a method from a class, a formal parameter
from a method or a local variable declared in the implementation of a method. The weight
associated with each software entity ei ,1≤ i ≤ m is kept by the set Weight= {w1 , Κ , wm } , where
wi ∈[0,1] and ∑
i =1 i
w = 1 . A set of possible relevant chosen refactorings (Fowler, 1999) that may
be applied to different types of software entities of SE is gathered up through SR = {r1 ,Κ , rt }.
There are various dependencies between such transformations when they are applied to the same
software entity, a mapping emphasizing them being defined by:
rd : SR × SR × SE → {Before, After , AlwaysBefore, AlwaysAfter , Never, Whenever} .
The effort involved by each transformation is converted to cost, described by the function
rc : SR × SE → N . Changes made to each software entity ei , i = 1,m by applying the refactoring
rl ,1≤ l ≤ t are stated and a mapping is defined: effect: SR × SE → Z . The overall effect of applying
a refactoring rl ,1 ≤ l ≤ t to each software entity ei , i = 1,m is defined by the mapping
res : SR → Z .
The MOSgRSP is the identification problem of a refactoring that may be applied to a software
entity such that the proposed objectives are kept or improved. This is to find a refactoring
412 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

rl ,1 ≤ l ≤ t for each software entity ei ∈ SE, i = 1, m such that the cost objective is minimized and
the overall effect objective is maximized.
Multi-objective optimization often means compromising conflicting goals. For our MOSgRSP
formulation there are two objectives taken into consideration in order to maximize refactorings
effect upon software entities. The first objective function minimizes the total cost. In order to have
a maximized objective, it was subtracted from MAX , the biggest possible total cost, as:
 →  m t
 →
[3] maximize  f 1 ( r )  = maximize  MAX − ∑ ∑rc ( rl , ei ) , r = ( r1 ,..., rm )
   i =1 l =1 
The second objective function maximizes the total effect of applying refactorings upon
software entities, considering the weight of the software entities in the overall system, like:

[4] maximize 

  m t  →
 f 2 ( r )  = maximize  ∑ ∑ w i ⋅ effect ( rl , e i ) , r = ( r1 ,..., rm )
   i =1 l =1 
The goal is to identify those solutions that compromise the refactorings costs and the overall
impact on transformed entities. The final fitness function for MOSgRSP is defined by aggregating
the two objectives and may be written as:
→ → →
[5] F ( r ) = α ⋅ f1 ( r ) + (1− α ) ⋅ f2 ( r ), 0 ≤ α ≤ 1.
Case Study: LAN Simulation

The algorithm proposed was applied to a simplified version of the LAN Simulation source code
that was presented in (Demeyer et al, 2002). Figure 1 shows the class diagram of the studied
source code. It contains 5 classes with 5 attributes and 13 methods, constructors included.

Figure 1. Class Diagram for LAN Simulation

The current version of the source code lacks of hiding information for attributes since they are
directly accessed by clients. The abstraction level and clarity may be increased by creating a new
superclass for PrintServer and FileServer classes, and populate it by moving up methods
in the class hierarchy.
Thus, for the studied problem the software entity set is defined as: SE = {c1 , ..., c5 , a1 , ..., a5 ,
m1 , ..., m13} . The chosen refactorings that may be applied are: renameMethod, extractSuperClass,
pullUpMethod, moveMethod, encapsulateField, addParameter, denoted by the set SR = {r1 , Κ , r6 }
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 413

in the following. The dependency relationship between refactorings is defined in what follows:
{( r1 , r3 ) = B , ( r1 , r6 ) = AA , ( r2 , r3 ) = B , ( r3 , r1 ) = A, ( r6 , r1 ) = AB , ( r3 , r2 ) = A,
( r1 , r1 ) = N , ( r2 , r2 ) = N , ( r3 , r3 ) = N , ( r4 , r4 ) = N , ( r5 , r5 ) = N , ( r6 , r6 ) = N }. The values of
the final effect were computed for each refactoring, but using the weight for each existing and
possible affected software entity, as it was defined in Section 3. Therefore, the values of the res
function for each refactoring are: 0.4 , 0.49 , 0.63 , 0.56 , 0.8 , 0.2.
Here, the cost mapping rc is computed as the number of the needed transformations, so
related entities may have different costs for the same refactoring. Each software entity has a

weight within the entire system, but w = 1 . For the effect mapping, values were
i =1 i
considered to be numerical data, denoting estimated impact of a refactoring applying. Due to the
space limitation, intermediate data for these mappings was not included. An acceptable solution
denotes lower costs and higher effects on transformed entities both objectives being satisfied.

Proposed Approach Description

The goal is to identify those solutions that compromise the refactoring costs and the overall impact

on transformed entities. The decision vector r = (r1 ,Κ , rm ) , ri ∈ SR,1 ≤ i ≤ m determines the
refactorings that may by applied in order to transform the considered set of software entities SE .
The item ri on the i -th position of the solution vector represents the refactoring that may be
applied to the i -th software entity from SE , where ei ∈ SEr ,1 ≤ i ≤ m . The proposed genetic
algorithm that approaches an entity-based solution representation for the studied problem, is
denoted by SgRSGAEnt in the following.

Genetic Operators

The genetic operators used are crossover and mutation. Each of them is presented below.
Crossover Operator. A simple one point crossover scheme is used. A crossover point is
randomly chosen. All data beyond that point in either parent string is swapped between the two
For example, if the two parents are: parent1 = [ ga gb gc gd ge gf ] and
parent 2 = [ g1 g 2 g 3 g 4 g 5 g 6] and the cutting point is 3, the two resulting offspring are:
offsprg1 = [ ga gb gc g 4 g5 g 6] and offsprg2 = [ g1 g 2 g 3 gd ge gf ].
Mutation Operator. The operator used here consists of simply exchanging the value of a gene
with another value from the allowed set. In other words, mutation of i − th gene consists in
allocating a different refactoring to be applied to the entity i . Half chromosome number genes
mutation was used here.
For instance, if we have the chromosome parent1 = [ ga gb gc gd ge gf ] and we chose
to mutate fifth gene, then a possible offspring can be offspring1 = [ ga gb gc gd gnew gf ].

Data Normalization
414 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Normalization is the procedure used in order to compare data having different domain values. It is
necessary to make sure that the data being compared is actually comparable. Normalization will
always make data look increasingly similar. An attribute is normalized by scaling its values so
they fall within a small-specified range, e.g., 0.0 to 1.0.
As we have stated above we would like to obtain a subset of refactorings to be applied to a
software entity from the given set of entities, such that we obtain a minimum cost and a maximum
effect. The refactoring applying cost to an entity for the LAN Simulation case study is between 0
and 100. At each step of the selection the res function is considered. We must normalize the cost
of applying the refactoring, i.e., rc mapping, and the value of the res function too. Two methods
to normalize the data: decimal scaling for the rc mapping and min-max normalization for the
value of the res function have been used here.

Obtained Results by the Evolutionary Approach

The SgRSGAEnt algorithm was run 100 times and the best, worse and average fitness values were
recorded. The parameters used by the evolutionary approach were: mutation probability 0.7 and
crossover probability 0.7. The experiments include runs for 10, 50, 100, 200 number of
generations with 20, 50, 100, 200 as number of individuals.
The following subsection shortly presents the raw results and emphasize the impact on the
class diagram when the two objective have the equal weight within the fitness function, i.e.,
α = 0.5 . Different weight has been given to the refactoring cost and refactoring impact within
other run experiments, where α = 0.3 α = 0.7 and their results are reminded in subsection 6.2.

Equal Weights ( α = 0. 5 )
The results for the run experiments that proposes equal weights, are presented by Figure 2 and
Figure 3. In Figure 2 the 200 generations evolution of the fitness function (best, worse and
average) for 20 chromosomes populations is presented, while the 200 chromosomes populations
with 50 generations evolution is depicted by Figure 3.

Figure 2. The Experiment with 200

generations and 20 individuals
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 415

Figure 3. The Experiment with 50 generations and 200 individuals

In the 50 generations experiments for 50 chromosomes populations the greatest value of the
fitness function was 0.3455 ( 38 individuals with the fitness > 0.33 ) while in the 200
evolutions experiments for 20 individuals populations the best fitness value was 0.3562 ( 96
individuals having the fitness > 0.33 ), which is the best fitness value within the run
The worst chromosome in all runs was recorded for a 200 individuals population for 50
generations evolution with a fitness value of 0.27005 ( 87 chromosomes having the fitness
< 0.283 ), while in the 20 chromosomes population with 200 gengerations evolution the worst
individual had the fitness value 0.2772 ( 11 individuals with the fitness value < 0.283 only).

Figure 4: The evolution of the number of chromosomes with fitness better

than 0.33 for the 20, 50, 100 and 200 individual populations, with α = 0.5

The number of chromosomes with fitness value better than 0.33 for the studied populations
and generations is captured by Figure 4. It shows that smaller populations with poor diversity
among chromosomes involve a harder competition within them and more, the number of eligible
chromosomes increases quicker for smaller populations than for the larger ones.

Impact on the LAN Simulation source code

The best individual obtained by this solution representation allowed to improve the structure of the
class hierarchy. Thus, for PrintServer and FileServer classes, a new base class Server
is added. Moreover, the signature of the print method from the PrintServer class is changed
in order to allow the accept method to be pulled up to the new base class. The save method
signature from the FileServer class should be changed and then renamed too. Next, accept
method should be pulled up to the Server class. But the studied best individual genes does not
suggest the mentioned refactorings. The correct access to the class fields is accomplished by
encapsulating them within their classes.
The current solution representation does not allow to apply more than one refactoring to each
software entity, i.e., the print method from PrintServer class may be transformed by only
one refactoring, e.g., addParameter or renameMethod. Figure 5 presents the LAN Simulation
class diagram after the obtained solution is applied to. The refactoring cost impact on software
entity have been treated with the same importance within the refactoring process ( α = 0.5 ).
416 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Figure 5. The LAN Simulation class diagram after refactoring with the solution
obtained by the α = 0.5 experiment

Summary of the Obtained Results

The results of the proposed approach in Section 5 for three different value for the α parameter,
i.e., 0.3, 0.5,0.7 , are summarized and discussed by the current section. A best chromosome list
of the obtained results for all experiments is given below:
• α = 0.3, bestFitness = 0.25272 for 100 chromosomes and 200 generations
- bestChrom = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3,2, 3, 5, 3, 2, 0, 2, 3] ;
• α = 0.5, bestFitnes s = 0.3562 for 20 chromosomes and 200 generations
- bestChrom = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4,4, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2,2, 2,3, 2, 5, 2, 2, 0, 3, 2] ;
• α = 0.7, bestFitnes s = 0.45757 for 50 chromosomes and 50 generations
- bestChrom = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 2, 3, 2, 2,3, 3, 5, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3] .
The data shows similar results for the structure of the best chromosome. A major difference is
represented by the possible refactoring that may be applied to the save method from
FileServer and accept method from PrintServer and FileServer classes. The
suggested solutions by α = 0.3 and α = 0.5 experiments recommend a second refactoring that
may be applied to the save method, i.e., the renameMethod refactoring, while for α = 0.7 the
suggested refactoring is not appropriate, i.e., the moveMethod refactoring. Figure 5 reflects the
changes on the class hierarchy for the α = 0.5 .
The experiments for 20 chromosomes populations have good results in each of the three runs
with different values for the α parameter, bringing a better solution quality for the eligible
individuals (see Figure 4).
This means in small populations (with few individuals) the reduced diversity among
chromosomes may induce a harsher competition compared to large populations (with many
chromosomes) where the diversity breeds weaker and closer individuals as fitness quality. As the
run experiments revealed it, after several generations smaller populations produce better
individuals (as number and quality) than larger ones, due to the poor populations diversity itself
(see Figure 4).
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 417

Conclusions and Future Work

The paper defines the MOSgRSP by treating the cost constraint as an objective and combining it
with the effect objective. The results of a proposed weighted objective genetic algorithm on an
experimental didactic case study are presented and compared.
Current paper discusses the weighted multi-objective optimization, but the Pareto approach is a
further step in current research since it proves to be more suitable when it is difficult to combine
several objectives into a single aggregated fitness function. Moreover, the cost may be interpreted
as a constraint, with the further consequences.

ChisăliŃă-CreŃu, C. and Vescan, A. (2009): The Multi-objective Refactoring Selection Problem, Studia
Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Series Informatica, Special Issue KEPT-2009: Knowledge Engineering:
Principles and Techniques, July 2009, 249-253.
Demeyer, S., Janssens, D. and Mens, T. (2002): Simulation of a LAN, Electronic Notes in Theoretical
Computer Science, 72, 34-56.
Fowler, M. (1999): Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Software, Addison Wesley.
Kim, Y. and deWeck, O.L. (2005): Adaptive weighted-sum method for bi-objective optimization: Pareto
front generation, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, MIT Strategic Engineering Publications,
29, 2, 149-158.
Zitzler, E., Laumanss, M. and Thiele, L. (2001): SPEA2: Improving the Strength Pareto Evolutionary
Algorithm, Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory, Technical Report, 103, 5-30.
The Refactoring Plan Configuration. A Formal Model
Camelia ChisăliŃă-CreŃu1

(1) Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science,

Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca
1, Mihail Kogălniceanu Street, RO-400084 ROMANIA

In order to improve the internal structure of object-oriented software, refactoring has proved
to be a feasible technique. Scheduling a refactoring process for a complex software system is
not an easy task to. Multiple refactoring aspects of different parts of a heavy working system
need increased attention when planning the refactoring order. Refactorings may be organized
and prioritized based on goals established by the project management leadership. The
Refactoring Plan Configuration Problem (RPCP) is defined based on the Refactoring Set
Selection Problem (RSSP) and the Refactoring Sequence Selection Problem (RSqSP).
Keywords: Refactoring, Object-oriented programming, Multi-objective optimization


Software systems are subject of the evolution determined by new requirements addition, new
working environments adaptation or errors removal. In order to improve the internal structure of
object-oriented software, refactoring has proved to be a feasible technique. Its aim is to reverse the
decaying process of software quality by applying a series of small and behaviour-preserving
transformations, each of them improving a certain aspect of the system. While some useful
refactorings can be easily identified, it is difficult to determine those refactorings that really
improve the internal structure of the program. Many useful refactorings, whilst improving one
aspect of the software, make undesirable another one. Refactorings applying is available for
almost all object-oriented languages and programming environments. Though, there are still a
number of problems to address in order to raise the refactoring automation level.
Refactorings may be organized and prioritized based on goals established by the project
management leadership. The RPCP definition is based on RSSP (ChisăliŃă-CreŃu, 2009a) and
RSqSP (ChisăliŃă-CreŃu, 2009b). New specific terms of the RPCP are defined, as: refactoring-
entity pair, refactoring sequence, refactoring-entity pair junction point, refactoring plan.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 reminds some close related work on
refactoring selection in SBSE. The motivation and a working scenario for the addressed problem
are presented in Section 3. Useful formal notations, borrowed from RSSP and RSqSP are
reminded in Section 4. Section 5 introduces the RPCP formal definition together with the
corresponding multi-objective approach. Section 6 discusses several immediate difficulties and
limitations of the tackled problem. The paper ends with conclusions and future work.

Related Work

Previous work on searched based refactoring problems (ChisăliŃă-CreŃu and Vescan, 2009;
ChisăliŃă-CreŃu, 2009a; 2009b) in SBSE has been concerned with single objective formulations of
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 419

the problem. Previous work generalizes the Optimal Refactoring Selection Problem (ORSP) to the
Multi-Objective RSSP (MORSSP) in (ChisăliŃă-CreŃu, 2009a) and the Multi-Objective RSqSP
(MORSqSP) in (ChisăliŃă-CreŃu, 2009b). Much of the other existing work on SBSE has tended to
consider software engineering problems as single objective optimization problems too. Our
approach particularity is the heterogenity of the weighted fitness functions that are combined
together. Thus, we gather up different objectives like the refactoring cost and refactoring effect
aspect within a single fitness function.
Previous work on search-based refactoring problems (O'Keefe and O'Cinneide, 2006; Bowman
et al., 2007; Harman and Tratt, 2007; Zhang et al., 2007), in SBSE has been concerned with single
objective formulations of the problem only. Much the existing work on SBSE has tended to
consider software engineering problems as single objective optimization problems, recent
researches showing that multi-objective approach trend.

General Context

A refactoring management process for a complex software system has proved to be not an easy
task to do (Fowler, 1999). Multiple refactoring aspects of different parts of an heavy working
system need increased attention when planning the order to refactor. Moreover, within a complex
system there is a large number of software developers, each of them perceiving the refactoring
process in his own different manner.
A refactoring strategy allows to fit each transformation performed on the software system
within a general refactoring plan, following a criteria set that unifies particular transformation
requests into a homogenous single and desired development trend.

Working Scenario
The working scenario for the RPCP is similar with the one for the RSSP and RSqSP. A tool (Mens
et al, 2007) is used to identify refactoring opportunities for each established bounded piece of the
software system, i.e, class hierarchies, software components. Each software programmer involved
in the development process may advance his own refactoring sequence that improves the internal
structure of the software piece that he is operating on.
Thereafter, a consistent number of refactoring sequences is handed to the project management
leadership, witch has to decide the appropriate refactoring plan, based on the already known
targets. The set of refactoring sequences is combined together into a larger refactoring sequence,
that contain transformations suggested by the particular ones.
The project management leadership faces several problems that rise up within the considered
context. These problems are related to different aspects of the refactoring process, as:
• a large number of refactorings within a sequence;
• a large number of distinct refactoring sequences;
• different types of dependencies among the affected software entities, e.g., an inherited
method from a base class is called within another method of a derived class;
• different types of dependencies among refactorings to be satisfied when combining the
transformation sequences, i.e., applying a suggested refactoring may cancel the application of
another refactorings that have been already selected by the developer, but not applied yet;
• specific refactoring priority set to each software entity;
• specific priority set to each refactoring sequence;
• clear note about the neccessity to include a transformation within the final refactoring plan.
420 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Additional Formal Notations

The ra , ed and rd mappings are formally described in (ChisăliŃă-CreŃu and Vescan, 2009).
Definition 1. (refactoring-entity pair): A refactoring-entity pair is a tuple rl ei = (rl , ei )
consisting of a refactoring rl , 1 ≤ l ≤ t applied to a software entity ei , 1 ≤ i ≤ m .
Definition 2. (refactoring sequence): A refactoring sequence is a chain of refactoring-entity
pairs rs = ( r1 e1 , r2 e2 , Κ , rs es ) , where ru ∈ SR, eu ∈ SE, 1 ≤ u ≤ s . The following
constraints are met:
1. ra ( ru , eu ) = T , ∀ ru e u , 1 ≤ u ≤ s ;
2. ed (eu , eu +1 ) ∈ SED , ∀ ru e u , ru +1 e u +1 , ru , ru +1 ∈ SR , e u , e u +1 ∈ SE , 1 ≤ u ≤ s −1 ;
3. rd ( ru , ru +1 ) ∈ SRD , ∀ ru e u , ru +1 e u +1 , ru , ru +1 ∈ SR , e u , e u +1 ∈ SE , 1 ≤ u ≤ s − 1 ;
4.rd ( rl , rk ) ∈ SRD , ∀ rl e i , rk e i , rl , rk ∈ SR , e i ∈ SE , 1 ≤ l < k ≤ t .
A sequence of refactorings applied to a software entity ei , 1 ≤ i ≤ m , denoted by rse , is
described as:
[1] rse = (r1 , r2 ,Κ , rs ), ei ∈ SE, 1 ≤ i ≤ m, ru ∈ SR, 1 ≤ u ≤ s, s ∈N* .

The set of all refactoring sequences that may be applied to the software entities ei , i = 1, m
using the refactorings rl , l = 1, t is defined as:
[2] SSR = {rs = ( r1 e1 , r2 e 2 , Κ , rs e s ) | rs is a refactorin g sequence , s ∈ N * } .
The set of all refactoring sequences that may be applied to a software entity ei , 1 ≤ i ≤ m is
defined as:
[3] SSRei = {rs e = ( r1 , r2 , Κ , rs ) | rs ei is a refactorin g sequence on ei , 1 ≤ i ≤ m, s ∈ N }

where the SSRe ⊆ SSR, ei ∈ SE , 1 ≤ i ≤ m .

The set of distinct refactorings that compose a refactoring sequence
rs = ( r1 e1 , r2 e 2 , Κ , rs e s ), s ∈ N is denoted by:
SR rs = { r | ∀ i , j , 1 ≤ i , j ≤ s , ri e i , r j e j in rs , ri = r j = r , e i = e j , e i , e j ∈ SE , r , ri , r j ∈ SR }
The set of refactoring-entity pairs that compose a refactoring sequence
rs = ( r1 e1 , r2 e 2 , Κ , rs e s ), s ∈ N is denoted by:
[5] SEPrs = {ru eu | ∃ ru eu in rs, eu ∈ SE , ru ∈ SR, u = 1, s} .
Definition 3. (refactoring-entity pair junction point): Let rs = (r1 e1, r2 e2,Κ , rs es ) ,
rs ∈ SSR be a refactoring sequence, ru eu , ru +1 eu +1 two consecutive refactoring-entity pairs
within rs , where 1 ≤ u ≤ s − 1 and r e, e ∈ SE , r ∈ SR, ra ( r , e) = T a refactoring-entity
pair, where r e is not in rs . Then:
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 421

1. the refactoring-entity pair ru e u , 1 ≤ u ≤ s has a before junction point, denoted by

b ( ru e u ) , if the refactoring-entity pair r e may be inserted before ru e u within the refactoring

sequence rs , rs ′ = (Κ , r e, ru e u , ru +1 e u +1 , Κ ) and the followings hold:
(a) ed (e, eu ), ed (e, eu +1 ) ∈ SED , where e, eu , eu +1 ∈ SE , 1 ≤ u ≤ s − 1 ;
(b) rd ( r , ru ), rd ( ru , ru +1 ) ∈ {W , B, AB} ⊆ SRD , where r, ru , ru+1 ∈SR, 1 ≤ u ≤ s −1.
2. the two refactoring-entity pairs ru e u and ru +1 e u +1 , 1 ≤ u ≤ s − 1 have a middle
junction point, denoted by ( ru e u ) m ( ru +1 e u +1 ) , if the refactoring-entity pair r e may be
inserted between ru e u and ru +1 e u +1 within the refactoring sequence
rs, rs ′ = (Κ , ru eu , r e, ru +1 eu +1 , Κ ) and the followings hold:
(a) ed (eu , e), ed (e, eu +1 ) ∈ SED , where eu , e, eu +1 ∈ SE , 1 ≤ u ≤ s − 1 ;
(b) rd ( ru , r ), rd ( r , ru +1 ) ∈ {W , B, AB} ⊆ SRD , where ru , r, ru+1 ∈ SR, u =1, s −1.
3. the refactoring-entity pair ru +1 e u +1 , 1 ≤ u ≤ s − 1 has an after junction point, denoted by

( ru +1 e u +1 ) a , if the refactoring-entity pair r e may be added after ru +1 e u +1 within the

refactoring sequence rs , r s ′ = (Κ , ru e u , ru +1 e u +1 , r e , Κ ) and the followings hold:
(a) ed (eu +1 , e) ∈ SED , where eu +1 , e ∈ SE , 1 ≤ u ≤ s − 1 ;
(b) rd ( ru +1 , r ) ∈ {W , B, AB} ⊆ SRD , where ru +1 , r ∈ SR, 1 ≤ u ≤ s −1 .
A refactoring-entity pair junction points set for a refactoring sequence

rs = ( r1 e1 , r2 e2 , Κ , rs e s ), s ∈ N is defined as:
[6] REP rsjp = { b ( ru e u ) | r e may be inserted before ru e u , 1 ≤ u ≤ s} ∪
{( ru eu ) m ( ru +1 e u +1 ) | r e may be inserted between ru eu and ru +1 eu +1 , 1 ≤ u ≤ s − 1} ∪
{( ru e u ) a | r e may be inserted after ru e u , 1 ≤ u ≤ s}, 1 ≤ u ≤ s .
Definition 4. (refactoring plan): Let SSRrp = {rs1 , Κ , rsq } be a set of refactoring

sequences, REPrsjp , REPrsjp ,Κ , REPrsjp the corresponding joint points sets for the refactoring
1 2 q

sequences rsk , 1 ≤ k ≤ q , where SSR rp ⊆ SSR ,

rs k = ( r1 e1 , r2 e 2 , Κ , rsrs k e srs k ), k = 1, q , e u ∈ SE , ru ∈ SR , 1 ≤ u ≤ s rs k , s rsk , q ∈ N . A
refactoring plan is a refactoring sequence rp = ( r1 e1 , r2 e 2 , Κ , rs e s ) formed by
rp rp

navigating among the refactoring-entity pairs ru e u , 1 ≤ u ≤ s rs k , k = 1, q , s rs k , q ∈ N of the

composing refactoring sequences of set SSRrp . Then,

∀ ru eu , 1 ≤ u ≤ s rp in rp ∃ jp ∈ REPrsjp , 1 ≤ k ≤ q such that jp is the refactoring-entity


pair junction point that introduced r e within the refactoring sequence rp .

422 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

RPCP Definition
The RPCP definition borrows several input data notations from ORSP. Subsequently, additional
terms are reminded to completely state the tackled problem.
Input Data
Let SE = {e1 , Κ , em } be a set of software entities as it was defined in (ChisăliŃă-CreŃu and
Vescan, 2009). The software entity set SE together with different types of dependencies SED
and a dependency mapping ed among its items form a software system named SS .
A set of signifying chosen refactorings that may be applied to the software entities of SE is
gathered up through SR = {r1 , Κ , rt } . A mapping ra that sets the applicability for the chosen
set of refactorings SR on the set of software entities SE is defined too.
The set of refactoring dependencies SRD together with the mapping rd that highlight the
dependencies among different refactorings when applied to the same software entity are defined in
(ChisăliŃă-CreŃu and Vescan, 2009) as well.
Definition 1 and Definition 2 introduce the refactoring-entity pair and the refactoring sequence
terms, respectively. The set of all refactoring sequences that may be applied to the software
entities ei , i = 1, m using the refactorings rl , l = 1, t , denoted by SSR , as it is defined by the
formula [2].
Each refactoring sequence rs k , 1 ≤ k ≤ p has a building weight within the overall set of
refactoring sequences SSR , that suggests the refactoring sequence priorities when combining
each other, being expressed by the set SSRWeight = {rsw1 , Κ , rsw p } , where rswk ∈ 0,1 [ ]

k =1
rswk = 1 .
Each refactoring-entity pair ru e u , u = 1, s from the participating refactoring sequences

rsk = (r1 e1, r2 e2 ,Κ , rsrs esrs ), rsk ∈ SSR, k = 1, p, srsk ∈N∗ within the plan building
k k

process, has an associated integration status. This is attached to the corresponding refactoring-
entity pair at its construction time.
The two possible refactoring-entity pair statuses within a refactoring sequence composition
form the set RStatus = {Mandatory , Optional } . A mapping that links the status to a
refactoring-entity pair is defined as:
rstatus rs : SEPrs → RStatus ,
M ,if r e is mandatory in the plan bulding
[7] rstatusrs (r e) =  ,
O, otherwise
where the r e ∈ SEP rs .
Output Data
RPCP is the refactoring sequence-based plan building problem that combines multiple
refactoring sequences together into a single refactoring sequence. The resulting refactoring plan
rp = (r1 e1 , r2 e2 ,Κ , rsrp esrp ), s rp ∈ N from the refactoring sequence set SSRrp is a
refactoring sequence that contains connection (junction) points between refactoring-entity pairs,
inside and outside the same or different refactoring sequences, as a fingerprint of its configuration.
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 423

Within the refactoring plan building process for the solution

rp = (r1 e1 , r2 e2 ,Κ , rsrp esrp ), s rp ∈N it may ∃ rs ∈ SSRrp ,
rs k = ( r1 e1 , r2 e 2 , Κ , rs rs k e s rs k ), rs k ∈ SSR , k = 1, p , s rs k ∈ N ∗ such that

∀ ru e u in rp , ru eu not in rs , ru ∈ SR , eu ∈ SE , 1 ≤ u ≤ s rp . This means some proposed

refactoring sequences may not be used at all by the refactoring sequence plan configuration

Multi-Objective Optimization Problem Formulation

The MORPCP is the multi-objective RPCP of finding a refactoring plan

rp = (r1 e1 , r2 e2 ,Κ , rsrp esrp ), s rp ∈ N from a refactoring sequence set SSRrp , such that:
• the following objectives are to be met:
- the overlall refactoring cost is to be minimized;
- the overlall refactoring impact on software entities is to be maximized;
• refactoring dependencies constraints defined by the rd mapping are satisfied.
For the MORPCP the multi-objective function has two objectives to be optimized, as: cost
minimization and refactoring impact maximization upon the software entities, being described by:
→ → →
[8] maximize{F (rp )} = maximize{ f 1 ( rp ), f 2 ( rp )},
where rp = (r1 e1 , r2 e2 ,Κ , rsrp esrp ), s rp ∈ N to be maximized, which is similarly described
as in (ChisăliŃă-CreŃu and Vescan, 2009).
The problem decision space is DS = SSR while the decision vector is
rp = (r1 e1 , r2 e2 ,Κ , rsrp esrp ), s rp ∈ N contains the refactoring sequence obtained by cross-
navigating the set of proposed refactoring sequences SSRrp , SSRrp ⊆ SSR . The solution may
reveal in special cases an empty refactoring plan ( rp = (), srp = 0 ), as the search in the decision
space may not satisfy the requested constraints.

Approach Difficulties and Limitations

Current refactoring plan building approach is applicable to complex system with different
development teams working on separate software system requirements. One of the aspects that
may result in a difficulty is the strategy adopted by the project management leadership. This
strategy drives the success of identifying a refactoring plan configuration for the investigated
software system.
Another difficulty that may be often converted to a severe limitation is the high data volume
that needs to be collected from the inquired software system. Larger sets of software entities and
proposed refactorings may slow the refactoring plan building process, while the refactoring
management process may require significant experience within this area. Another hindrance
results from the need to use software metrics before configuring the refactoring plan in order to
assess the effect mapping values.
424 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Conclusions and Further Work

In order to improve the internal structure of object-oriented software, refactoring may be used in
complex software management development processes to achieve several enforced targets.
Multiple refactoring aspects of different parts of a heavy working system need increased attention
when planning the refactoring order. Refactorings may be organized and prioritized based on goals
established by the project management leadership.
Current paper states the RPCP based on RSSP (ChisăliŃă-CreŃu, 2009a) and RSqSP (ChisăliŃă-
CreŃu, 2009b). New specific terms of the RPCP were defined, as: refactoring-entity pair,
refactoring sequence, refactoring-entity pair junction point, refactoring plan. Te MORPCP is
defined with two objectives: the refactoring cost is to be minimized and the refactoring impact is
to be maximized.
The RPCP form presented here allows building sequential refactoring plan. Further research
will approach the case of parallel refactoring plan building. In order to achieve that new notations
are to be defined, e.g., the multi-junction points that provide multi-connection points with different
refactoring sequences, which may result in parallel refactoring selection.

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Principles and Techniques, July 2-4, 249-253.
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Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on the Applications of Digital Information and Web
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12-13, Târgu Mureş, 303–308.
Fowler, M. (1999): Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Software, Addison Wesley.
Harman, M. and Tratt, L. (2007): Pareto optimal search based refactoring at the design level, In Proceedings
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Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, ACM Press, 2007, 1129-1136.
Second game - the spirit of adventure
(Joc secund aventură a spiritului)

Coman Florin Alexandru – CN „Ştefan cel Mare” Suceava,
Avădănei Andrei – CN „Mihai Eminescu” Botoşani,
Adoamnei Andrei – CN „Mihai Eminescu” Suceava,
Giorgie Vlad Daniel – Colegiul NaŃional "Ştefan cel Mare" Suceava, România
Costineanu Raluca – Colegiul NaŃional "Ştefan cel Mare" Suceava, România
Chira Liliana – Colegiul NaŃional "Mihai Eminescu" Botoşani, România
Carmen Popa – Colegiul NaŃional "Mihai Eminescu" Suceava, România

Joc Secund – aventură a spiritului is an educational software which supports students and
teachers at the same time. The application is intended to be a very flexible and very easy to
use. Besides ease of use, the software draws all users by way of ergonomic and very elegant
presentation. It is intended that by using this software learning process, verification and
assimilation of new information to be as attractive and effective. The application is multi-user
(with multiple users) to be easily used, for example, at classes from school. Is divided into
several applications („Soft Platform”, “Web platform”, “Administration platforms” and a
„Literary volume”), so it can be accessed from anywhere and those can more easily
centralize all data, to subsequently make various statistics. To make this software accessible
to all, is structured so that users can interact with it intuitively, with no special train need .

1. Introduction

Joc Secund – aventură a spiritului is a virtual educational platform, which aims to bring
Romanian education in a new era. One certainty is that students understand a subject better if they
have the opportunity to interact with it. But this is not possible in all schools, because many of the
features of our schools are not always best.
From this premise we started the idea. We want to develop a platform on PC`s witch is running
smoothly and more modest, and its configuration can be done by anyone. Such a platform can
design the virtual many lessons taught in the classroom by the teacher. The advantage is that each
student can change, interact with that lesson, which with a teacher would be impossible.

2. General features

Because this software is open to all students and teachers we had to combine some elements. It
was an adventure to create a software simple to use, intuitive, yet very complex and malleable. We
want our users to perform all duties which they propose in the most pleasant time possible, so
navigating the virtual environment we provide is a pleasure and not a nuisance.
The application is intended as an aid for teachers and students. Professors are not the only to
structure and the material that wants to teach the best way, or to use the lessons offered by our
team, then watching the students results and their frequent mistakes should strenght passages that
students have not understood in the virtual incursions. Apart from the aid it receives to educate and
426 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

evaluate students, the teacher has acces to a special catalog, which helps him to see several
elements of the development of a class or a particular student. For students, our offers both
interactive and appealing ways of acquiring new information but also for verification. Since the
application has a branch itself, the student will learn more easily through the discovery and
especially through interaction with the lesson. Unlike a teacher who has to explain a subject at
least 20 students and can not pay attention to each student, student software give its full attention.
Besides lessons, interactive application also provides a verification system of knoledge, several
levels of complexity, and after the quiz, the application offers him the opportunity to see where
and how he did wrong and how it was right. But the most important thing is that the student
receives feedback on each question, if the answer is wrong the application explains why, if the
correct answer is given a bonus information the student recive that will help in solving other tests.
Up here our application is placed in a well-known pattern, that of applications already
available. But the team was`t satisfied by doing something that has already been done, by
reinventing the wheel, but we tried to add as many new innovative features that will help learning.
We'll talk about them in the chapters that follow.

3. Educational platform

So far we have seen what looks like our application. As I said above, that any educational
application is designed to be used by students in the classroom or at home, the application must be
made up of several common elements in all such applications.
A system of accounts, which allow multiple users access to the facilities of our application
while at the same time differentiating their different levels of access.
When you open the application you will see a page of introduction, which requires data related
VAP database connection.
When you encounter this page to choose whether you want to
use a limited connection (local language) witch gives you access
to test content (intended for a person himself) or complete the
form for access to the global total access to the application.
For access to the global you need to fill with (database name,
server address, usually port 3306, user name, password and driver
version that uses the application, but can be installed is 5.1 and
another version).
Once you have connected to the database, will appear on the
screen page for authentication. You have three possibilities:
• Login

For authentication we need a username and password. This

information you receive via email after registration.
If you still do not have an account, or if you no longer remember
your password, you can access the other two branches available for
authentication, presnt in the bottom of the page („Register”, „Forgot
password „)

Image 2. Register
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 427

• Recover password

To recover your password you need to enter personal information

and your email address of the account you created. If the data is correct
and email address is valid, the user will soon receive an email message
with the password

Image 4. Recover
• New account.

First step is to create an account in the application. To enjoy all the

benefits of the application you must have an account. To create an
account you must use the form "Registration". Once you fill out all
fields with your personal data, an account will be created.
You will receive notification by email when your account has been
validated and can be used.
Once we logged in the application is branching. There are three
classes of users within the application:
• Student
• Teacher
Image 5. New account • Administrator
Account with the most responsible duties is the administrator, so
we’ll start with it.
As we said in previous chapters the application is a malleable application that allows
adaptation to many factors . The administrator is can change most of these factors.
Many other applications got preblems to adapt to a new language, so that our application tried
to overcome the problem.
After logging in as administrator in the left side of the screen will appear some icons.
As can be seen in the image on the right application administrator can
customize the application.
The first option made available by
the application to administrator is
administration of content (and options
held by the teacher). The administrator
and teacher throught this section can
„Add content”, to „Edit content of
the application”, to „Import” or
„Export” content.

After he added a lesson, it can be

improved by using the "Edit lesson"
from the menu at the top of the page
"content management". Image 6. Add lesson
428 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

He has the possibility to „Add”, “Delete”, „Modify”:

• Pages
• Menus
• Testing
• General informations
• Tipes of exercices
• Animations
After he managed the content and added educational
material, he can edit existing accounts within the
Image 7. Edit lesson application.
Administrator and teacher can :
• Validate new accounts
• Edit unvalidate accounts
• Edit validate accounts
• Reject accounts
• Atribute to an student a teacher
Besides common tasks with the teacher the
administrator can:
• To edit privilegies (can provide to a simple
user administrator privilege or teacher also, or
can revocate privilege of an administrator or

• To restrict access (administrator can restrict

access to the application or revoke restricted
access to a specific user)

Image 8. Administrating content

After modifiing accounts accounts the

administrator can edit the language that will be
shown in the application. It may define a new
language to modify the existing one, or import or
explorte a language module.
Adimnistration language pannel is very easy
to use it to poses no problems.
The administrator can then translate the
software in any language he ever want.
So we removed the language barrier existing
in the educational applications.

Image 9. Language administration

Now we have defined a new language to provide a facility of many of this system for
multilingualism, the application provides the ability to edit regions where students came from.
Like adding language regions also can import or export or he can create a list of new areas for
another country.
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 429

Large this are the privileges held by the administrator .

The second rank about which I spoke is is the teacher. The
teacher has some privileges which are hold also by the
admnistrator (they were mentioned above), plus catalog.
Through this he can see at any time what are his students.
That being said, I finished with privileged accounts, we
will talk a little talk about the student. The student also has
an amount of intruments meant to facilitate his work.
He has acces to classic intruments (which we won`t talk
too much):
• Notices Image 10. Regions
• Book notes administration
• Chat
• Private messages
• Photo galleries and video galleries
We do not want to put emphasis on those facilities that are
found in other applications. Our application comes back with
an active learning system, offering the student an amount of
interactive lessons, accompanied by materials that are meant
to facilitate the work, plus a highly effective test system.
Each lesson created by our team contains a very high
degree of interactivity to captivate students and help them
learn new information more easily.
In addition to a well-structured lessons and application has
a very complex system of testing and auto verification. To
Image 11. Catalog
check the new information gotten the application comes with
a test on several levels of complexity. Questions for each level and types of exercises that the
student must resolve are changing. Questions are arranged in three weights (one-hard, 2 medium,
3-light), four types of exercise (exercise with multiple items, exercise with pair items, questions
with multiple values and response type exercises true / false). Based on these test application can
generate the following degrees of complexity: "Low" "Medium" "High" and "Maxim".

In addition to random testing (with questions drawn randomly) different degrees of complexity,
to help them learn, after each test, the student has the opportunity to view stats (what was wrong
and after shown what was correct) and ge will receive for each question who responded a feedback
(via feedback for wrong answers and explains why his answer is wrong, and for correct answers
and bonus information is provided to broaden its scope of knowledge).
430 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

We believe that a constructive feedback system is equally important lesson in itself, so I put
emphasis on this section. Therefore the test after the student is given a page where can view the
statistics generated from solving test solutions accompanied by suggestions and feedbacks.
This are the facilities offered by the application. Besides the educational platform and there are
two content management platform that provides the opportunity to view lessons, tests and modules
offered by other teachers.
In addition the application also holds a volume of online poems.

4. Inovations

Probably far more options and features that we have presented above, you have met in other
educational softwares. We reserved this chapter only for specific elements of this project.
Like I said and at start our team tried to create a very flexible software, so many of our
software items can be personalized.
Our platform can become in a less one day a very well planned. First there is only one account,
the "Super Administrator" it can create the users ranks can edit the existing (standard ranks are
"administrator", "Teacher", "Student"). After the ranks added, the administrator can add new users
usually create accounts for "Teachers" and „Administrators", but can create and student accounts.
After adding basic accounts the "Super Administrator" job is finished and will start its work
"Teachers" and "Administrators". They need to add questions to test the database and to add
lessons. What platform comes with a series of lectures and reading tests implemented, to make
their work considerably easier.
After entering these data, it remains just the students to create their accounts, which are then
validated by Administrators and then opening the new virtual schools.
Since then the application will take care so all things go well. In other words, the
implementation of this platform, we wanted to "learn" it to adapt as much as possible to users
requirements. Thus it should not receive a large number of parameters of the receivers, making it
very easy to configure, and based on that information and based on information included in its
code will handle it smoothly. The test system can not be fooled, it helps the teacher and student.
Thus it is stimulated to learn because you know that fraud can not exist.
All forms and administration pages are very orderly and airy designed not to cause confusion
and be difficult to set up and operate.
Besides these options, each word of the applicatin can be translated, the default platform
currently has only two languages: English and Romanian. The administrator has an administration
panel of language, so it may change at any time or may add a new language.
We believe that malleability, very easy configuration and that is accessible to everyone are the
major advantages of our work.

5. Bibliography

[1] Manualul de informatică intensiv, clasa aXIa, varianta C++ de Mariana Miloşescu, Editura Didactică şi
Online Visual PHP IDE
Coman Florin Alexandru – CN „Ştefan cel Mare” Suceava,
Avădănei Andrei – CN „Mihai Eminescu” Botoşani,
Adoamnei Andrei – CN „Mihai Eminescu” Suceava,
Giorgie Vlad Daniel – Colegiul NaŃional "Ştefan cel Mare" Suceava, România
Costineanu Raluca – Colegiul NaŃional "Ştefan cel Mare" Suceava, România
Chira Liliana – Colegiul NaŃional "Mihai Eminescu" Botoşani, România
Carmen Popa – Colegiul NaŃional "Mihai Eminescu" Suceava, România

Online Visual PHP IDE is a WYSIWYG type web platform that attempts to improve and
simplify productivity of web developers. The application comes with an organized system
based on MVC (application revolves around a framework which use as design pattern the
MVC format) interface that provides developers a range of objects, called controllers, that
perform various functions. The entire application can be created using the mouse and writing
few lines of code. All new applications will be created under the same programming pattern -

1 Introduction

The application combines server-side programming - PHP & MySQL with client side technologies
like HTML, CSS 3, JavaScript and jQuery, giving the user a pleasant and quick navigation.
Interface, created with the most powerful technologies available today, is divided into three main
columns, having already established structure of other visual editors such as Microsoft - Visual
Studio. Thus, we guarantee that the developer will live the most pleasant experience, in a
simplified manner.
The project is remarkable because it is the only online application that deals with the subject -
development of web applications in a visual and interactive way, using objects from the toolbox
that have PHP / MySQL code. The application aims to become the main software for developers to
be used by beginners in the field to create complex and powerfull web applications, in a short
period of time. Thus, developers can focus on innovation, a subject that requires time and
dedication, giving up the development of things that already commonplace and eating time.

2 The problem solved by Online Visual PHP

The problem that gave birth to this application is formulated as follows:

Analyzing the projects developed by me in my spare time, I realized that many things do get
boring, but they eating time. I noticed that sometimes I use different functions / classes that have
already implemented in other projects, obviously with some modifications.
I studied this problem because I was not only wasting time, but I was writing bad code - code
that was not reusable. I went to study different design patterns of programming, including most
adaptable seemed MVC. Okay, but followed another question. If I have this problem, it might be
encountered by more like me. Is not nice to make a framework with most classes I develop?
432 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

It is time for the question that gave life to project - but still, how everyone will understand my
core framework? What could be simpler than a thing that will be moved with the mouse? After all,
why is so popular Visual Studio? It's simple - it uses some simplified objects within, keeping still
possible to develop powerful applications in a short time. But the web? There is not anything.
Although Visual Studio provides an option to develop web applications, objects made available to
offer more features related to client side problems. I also had to choose between a software and a
web application. The project was made using web technologies since large companies tend to go

3 General features

Online Visual PHP IDE

Platform revolves around a simplistic interface, which tries to offer the most pleasant experience
and also the most efficient and productive web development environment. The interface is created
from scratch using client side technologies - jQuery, Javascript, CSS and HTML, communicating
with "behind scenes" using an extensible API which deals transactions using Ajax calls.
 creating a new project
 preview project
 delete project
 save project
 download project (with or without framework)
 dinmaic resources loading
 client logger
 ajax communications
 profile personalization
 visual editor
 classic editor
The heart of the application is obvious the
framework. Since the development of a
framework may take a long time, the
framework of the Visual PHP IDE always
accepts feedback. Until now, the core
framework has basic classes, with various
helpers that are useful within the project or
heart of the project – the framework.
• organization in MVC format
• caching system
• file based caching
• helper for file management (all file operations ar
• helper for directory management
• helper for library control – helpers, classes, controllers
• helper for directory tree management
• helper for management of XML objects, parsing and working
with dinamic objects
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 433

• controllers for server side events (events.php), php controllers (phpcontroller.php ) and so on
• abstract class of a model
• supports MySQL, based on abstract class of the model
• basic rendering system
• logging errors system
• multiple application support
• helper for zip compression
• helper for handling all informations for client side

Classic Editor
Projects can be developed using two of the Online Visual PHP IDE facilities. One of these is the
classic editor.

Supports :

 sintax highlighting
 multiple file handling
 saving files using the combination of CTRL+S
 tabbing system for a simple navigation through opened files
 change order of files
 it supports hot keys like CTRL+C, CTRL+V, CTRL+X for copy, paste and cut
 all file queries are made using asyncronious requests - Ajax
 directory tree viewer
 client file caching

Visual Editor
Visual editor is one of the most important components of the application. This feature escape web
developer boredom and worries that it constitutes at a time when developing routine applications.
Thus, he is offered the opportunity to work on components which worth more attention and know
434 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

 resize work space
 dinamic enviroment which can interact with objects (controllers from toolbox)
 the form supports unlimited objects
 toolbox organized on categories
 the posibility of building others controllers
 drag & drop management
 multi selection

Below we have a template of a website where we have PHP code within the page, and an
object from the toolbox - Search.

Toolbox & Controllers

Toolbox is the virtual library of Online Visual PHP IDE platform. Here all controllers are
available to developer and are organized in folders for easier viewing.
All these controllers (widgets) can be "pulled" into the document
visually, starting the development of the project, controllers beeing the
most important aspect of it. Other features are almost useless without
these small energetic pulses giving life to the new website. To set up
efficient, they have various options to set the auxiliary variables in the
rendering (creating output), and the processing of dynamic in the
serverside. The application also has an event system (events) that
trigger at certain critical moments such as load controller, rendering it
or removing it from the web plate. Besides server-side events, a
controller supports client-side events - JavaScript.

Supports :

• multiple properties manager

• multiple events manager
• multiple jsevents manager
• dinamic events creator
• automatic update of properties
• automatic update of configurable files (interface / control)
• extensibility
• server side events (for example onLoad)
• client side events (like onClick, onChange, onLoad in Javascript)
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 435

• all information which are sended from server side to client side and reverse are made
using asyncronious ajax requests

4 Website created in Online Visual PHP IDE

Below, we have a project created in Online Visual PHP IDE. I used a free template for interface
and later I added a simple controller - Search. It adapts to any type of table, easy to comply with
some conditions which are necessary - support the "title", "content", "description" and optional
"tags", "author" and so on. After that, I wrote 15-20 lines of code to display items (results) after
they were given by controller. They were written in an event that triggers controller. Below are
some pictures to the website created in Online Visual PHP IDE.

Other features
• Open project
If we want to open another project developed by us, we simply select the desired project.
• Download project
When I finished working on the project, we'll probably want to unload the project and put it
on our site. For this, we will export it. If we want to do this without Visual PHP IDE core
framework, we will uncheck the box for this thing.
• Preview project
Online Visual PHP IDE has an
important function - can see a preview of
your project. Thus, no need to already
have a server to test projects developed.
• Upload files
If you work on your computer faster
or you have something you worked on
another PC without Internet access, you
436 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

can upload files as soon as you finish them. The only supported format is *. zip archive files are
organized in a certain way.
• Profile
Another feature minimalist is profile - here you can change some basic settings of your

In the feature
The project is not and will not be abandoned. Soon will enter in a new stage of intensive
development, following the improved platform stability, and render API standardization of
communication and code analyzer. The platform also will suffer a lot of improvements including:
• Code inspector
• Debugging (watch, break, analyze, stiva samd)
• Subversioning
• Project Management
• code interpretor
• view generator
• the posibility of using FTP for storing files
• improved platform stability
• create more controllers
• team project management
• build controllers directly from Online Visual PHP IDE
• build framework classes
• create a community around this project
• create documentation for every class/function

5 Conclusion

Through this project I want to bring more innovations in the field of web programming as a
programming language in visual enviroment that allows the user to use classes, without
programming knowledge needed to create these complex objects .
Online Visual PHP IDE is the only online tool of its kind that works online. The user will
be able to create a more complex work in an easier manner. Thus, it will not lose precious time to
create those functions commonly used but time will focus attention only on new things. No need to
reinvent the wheel, but using tools provided by the IDE can create complex applications with a
low Human Resources. In the future, such programming languages Visual Basic, C #, Delphi and
so on, the user can take their ideas to reality.
Following a market analysis done by my me, I have concluded that many people want to
create a powerful website. Just as they face a very strong barrier, the barrier of needing a strong
knowledge in the field. Thus, instead of learning lots of languages that require more time and
resources, the user can dedicate their time learning one language, deriving from PHP – Online
Visual PHP which could be achieved much more easily a site complex than if we make a site with
all the knowledge gained in each language.
How Visual C#, Visual Basic, Java or Delphi have revolutionized the way that software
applications are created, so Online Visual PHP IDE can revolutionize how web applications will
be created.
Web Security Platform (W.S.P)

Coman Florin Alexandru – CN „Ştefan cel Mare” Suceava,
Avădănei Andrei – CN „Mihai Eminescu” Botoşani,
Adoamnei Andrei – CN „Mihai Eminescu” Suceava,
Giorgie Vlad Daniel – Colegiul NaŃional "Ştefan cel Mare" Suceava, România
Costineanu Raluca – Colegiul NaŃional "Ştefan cel Mare" Suceava, România
Chira Liliana – Colegiul NaŃional "Mihai Eminescu" Botoşani, România
Carmen Popa – Colegiul NaŃional "Mihai Eminescu" Suceava, România

Web Security Platform is a web platform that aims to improve and reduce the risks that a
malicious person could compromise the private information. The Platform has an
administrator control panel which comes to aid the administrator.Control panel provides a
range of statistics, functions and extensions that try to reduce the risks of security penetration.
The platform is based on a frame that sets into motion a series of mini-applications, known
generic as plugins.These are using different information provided by the frame to determine if
we are dealing with web attacks. One of WSP plugins successfully detects attacks like Cross
Side Scripting (XSS), Remote File Inclusion (RFI), Local File Inclusion (LFI), SQL Injection
(SQLI), File Path Disclosure (FPD), Cross Site Request Forgery ( CSRF) and Remote Code
Execution (RCE). Another plugin takes care of blocking a large amount of Distributed Denial
of Service (DDOS) attacks, which tries to bring a website to a very large load. Two other
plugins analyze files and content, track changes, additions or disappearance of files (WSP
File Monitor) or the presence of viruses and malware (WSP Antivirus).

1 Install and configure WSP platform

Web Security Platform needs user and password

setup to access the administration panel and the
connection to a MySQL database. These can be
configured before the installation in
wspConfig.php file. If we want to add more
people with administrator permissions than you
need to put in a way that is similar to the picture
below, which represents the configuration of 3
To set up the connection to MySQL server you should edit wspConfig.php file as shown
below. Under these basic settings, we can set the prefix name and their table names.
After these you should run the install.php file to complete the installation of the WSP.

2 Installation of Protection System

Manual Installation – consists in editing PHP files that are intended to be protected. This
installation requires the inclusion of some files in each page that will be protected by WSP:
438 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

1. Add these lines before opening any HTML tag or any PHP code :
2. Add these lines immediately after closing all HTML tags and any type of PHP snippets:

Automatic Installation (not ready yet- ) – consists in the generation of a management directory
that will help us understanding which files may benefit an automatic installation of the platform.
This method is not recommended when we are not sure where it starts/ends a file or which are the
dependencies of a file. If a file doesn't have write permission (CHMOD) then you have to do a
manual installation of WSP to that page.
Alerts received by end-user
Alerts that will be displayed to the end-users are few and aim only
to deter the fearlessness of hackers to continue the attacks. If one of the
security systems detects attempts of privacy violation, the page will
generate an image on the right side with the message "Web Security
Platform”, which once pressed will display an alert to user. These pages
alerts can be triggered or not, depending by administrator. This setting
can be done in the Administrator Control Panel (ACP) → Left Menu →
Settings → General Settings → Show Attack Alert.
The message received by hacker will be similar with the image
bellow :

Home and menu

Home page contains a range of statistics near the latest logs

of the WSP managers. The left side has the main menu,
which will link together all WSP constituent parts beside the
extensions installed or next to be installed.
Home page will show sometimes alert messages like
Automatic Updates or File changes and Malware detection. On the top right side we have links
that make connection with home and log out page.
Stats – Return to home page.
Administrator Logs – the page that keeps us up to date with the administration actions that
were made in WSP ACP.In this way we can check regular WSP managers to see if one of them is
trying to sabotage the platform.
Internal Logs – here we see and manage all errors encountered during platform runtime on end-
user level. Any error is masked by a special class of treatment errors. All errors are stored in the
file: path_to_WSP/wspLogs/error.logs.php .This file is protected by a system against direct access.
Protected Pages – this page contains a list with all files that are protected by Web Security
Platform together with a range of basic statistics : number of detected attacks, views number, page
status(Cached – page has not been accesed during last 30 days or Active).
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 439

Manage – it provides all plugins that are having a good structure with their states (activated,
deactivated, not installed).

Add new – This option helps us to install new Plugins from a local driver. The new plugin
must a valid structure to be accepted by installation system. You can see the pattern of an already
made plugin.
General Settings – represents the main settings regarding the state of the platform (activated /
deactivated) or alerts.
Manage ban list – This is the restriction system which is provided by WSP. We can ban an IP
or a class of IPs (it supports only IP v4).We can decide the period of an IP restriction along with a
message that explains why was the decision taken.WSP provides the ability to add IPs on a White
List, when we want to have IPs with God rights.(that sounds great…sorry for this comment but
the God word struck me..:P)
File access Restriction – another extremely useful feature of the platform is File Access
Restriction. Let’s imagine that we logged in a very important section of our website and we are in
a public place. We want to take a rest but we do not want to log out from that section. WSP
platform offers the possibility to block access to a page and activate it just by entering a single
password. This system can also work as an authentication system for different locations of our
Update Core – the only self installed tool helps
us to stay up to date with the platform. If a new WSP
version it`s released, we can automatic upgrade here.
When the upgrade is done, the logs look like in
the above picture, only that it is only a part of them.

3 The presentation of the extensions– Web

Security Platform

Everything which was presented so far are all the facilities provided by the generic name of the
platform: the skeleton. The platform has a structure which is very dynamic; it can be developed by
anyone with some knowledge of the platform structure and web development. In fact, all system
sections are loaded by two ways: default, in header.php from the acp/cache directory or dynamic,
with Plugins help .The main core which puts all Plugins and functions in motion it is based on
some actions that inform applications connected to alert that it is their time.
In the following lines 4 Plugins will be presented in a random order. These Plugins make what
is WSP known as a very strong and useful platform.


Description and presentation :
This plugin is the main protection system against DDOS attacks. The plugin counts the number
of requests in a short range of time specified in WSP Anti DDOS settings. If this range is
440 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

exceeded, the IP is banned instantly in .htaccess file (if we have write permission) or by die()
function otherwise.WSP Anti DDOS uses iplog for storing the users information, helping to
determine whether a visitor is a threat or not.In the „init” action the plugins load his information,
next „pre_start_platform” where all magic things happen and finally in „post_end_platform”
action the plugin override HTML content forced.

WSP Attacker Cache

Description and presentation :
This plugin is an extension of a plugin that
will be presented later (WSP Global Attacks
Protection) and it is triggered when that plugin
detects an web attack.WSP Attacker Cache
react to the plugin that depends , activating the
tracking system of an attacker.
Actually , the plugin creates logs for every person which was considered suspect by WSP
GAP.Thus we have the guarantee that once a suspicious person is detected, it can not reorganize in
any way his attacks to give him a change to bypass the WSP protection system because all his
future actions will be stored anyway.
For a larger site we must have in mind the risk that database may over flow with large amount
of data.
In Tools , plugin injects a menu item which offers us the possibility to analyze attackers cache
for any kind of global variables ( GET,POST,SERVER,COOKIE,SESSION) which are declared in
every logs.
The Plugins injects the settings in Menu → Settings → Cache System Settings and the both
management systems in Tools → Manage Cache, where we have the ability to search for an IP
logs and Tools → Manage Attackers which it is also an injection of the WSP GAP.
We may say that our plugin makes an injection to another injection. In the main core of the
protection system, it performs the log operations in “pre_start_platform” action and the register of
a new suspect shortly after WSP GAP trigger “wsp_attack” action. These are the reasons that force
us to say that WSP Attacks Cache is a plugin that depends by other one.

WSP Global Attacks Protection

Description and presentation :
WSP Global Attacks Protection is one of the most complex WSP platform extensions so far.
This plugin is the heart of the system which takes care of almost every web browser attack. It
detects successfully Cross Side Scripting(XSS), Remote File Inclusion(RFI), Local File Inclusion
(LFI),SQL Injection (SQLI), File Path Disclosure (FPD) , Cross Site Request Forgery(CSRF)[not
ready yet] and Remote Code Execution(RCE) attacks.
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 441

It explores the global variables (like GET, POST, COOKIE, SESSION, SERVER), searching
for traces of suspicious content. If suspicious are found, depending on the type of attack , they are
patched, making end-user friendly and reducing risks to obtain private information from
malformed messages.

The plugin uses different patterns (Perl regular expression), with different share, helping plugin
to determine which pattern will be taken first. We can make custom patterns for easier
management. These settings can be done from Settings → [GAP] Pattern Settings.

Every attack type has its own patterns list, which can be updated and ordered by share.

Because this system could throw many false-positive results, plugin has exceptions support. In
this way, you can decide how variables are scanned. Let’s say that we expect in variable
$_POST[email] a valid e-mail.Selecting a pattern email for that variable and the desired page. This
will create a new exception that will ignore any other pattern when plugin search for altered
messages and will focus only on the pattern added.
Once the system detects something suspicious, it will notify the attacker that was recorded by a
subtly message and the system will continue doing his job: blocking or clearing a variable that
has malware, adding logs that can be viewed from Tools → Manage Attacks and Tools →
Manage attackers.

WSP File Monitor

Description and presentation :
WSP File Monitor is the extension that takes care
of the files integrity. It is useless to use various
security systems that concern web-based attacks if we
take a virus that uploads from FTP various malware,
overwrite and edit files.
This plugin will follow regularly these changes,
depending on the scanning range. For directories and
files that require regular (and often) changes would be useless to be followed (eg cache,
sitemap.xml and so on) because each scan will generate alerts that would be tiring for
administrators. The plugin has support for E-mail alert (not ready yet) informing the manager
about the changes.
The plugin injects “something” on the main page that will trigger alerts when are file changes.
442 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

WSP Antivirus

Description and presentation :

WSP Antivirus is a plugin which completes the WSP File Monitor idea. This will take care of
the malicious code files injections. The interface and settings are very similar with WSP File
Monitor. If there are malware alerts, the plugin rises a message on the main page similar to what
does WSP File Monitor. The plugin has the potential to add signatures that are considered
malicious along with suspicious sites domains. Also, if false-positive results occur, you can add
any lines which are ok from your point of view to the exception system .Lines added will be
ignored until the md5 hash line is changed.
Also, WSP Antivirus can inject itself in the HTML code, analyzing it and seeking for iframe,
JavaScript injections or any other suspicious code that not meet safety standards (not ready yet).
Both signatures and fields can be updated by users and by future updates of the plugin.
In the example below we have the results returned by WSP Antivirus with a simple signature
suggestively named "test".

We reached at the end of the road, so I think it would be appropriate to draw some conclusions.
Internet and Web sites of any kind presents different levels of credibility, but this is only apparent
because the higher the credibility is ,the greater the risks are, due to high number of visitors who
are likely to suffer from the desire to assert .We must keep in mind that our sites have a credibility
that can be broken in several seconds. The impact could be dramatic and can lead to the
"destruction" of the project. One of the alternatives the most suitable for this kind of action is Web
Security Platform, the platform that includes many small and efficient systems, forming an All in
One application which is ready for almost any kind of unpleasant surprises.
New Database Manipulation Tools
in the Easy Learning on-line Platform

Radu Rădescu, Andrei Davidescu

Polytechnic University of Bucharest,

Applied Electronics and Information Engineering Dept.
1-3, Iuliu Maniu Blvd., Sector 6, ROMANIA

The present paper deals with the new Object-Relational Mapping tool introduced in the Easy
Learning platform. Propel 1.5 is the latest version of Propel, one of the ORMs fully
compatible with the Symfony Framework, and, in comparison with the older versions, it has
drastically improved the way the Easy Learning platform can manipulate it’s database. Being
a complex platform, the database behind it is complex as well and can contain a large
number of entries that can increase the time required to load pages, slowing down the whole
application. Propel 1.5 provides queries which are minimized and optimized, written and
executed faster and the speed of retrieving information from the database is also improved.
Besides these aspects, Propel 1.5 comes with new behavior that provide a robust database,
reducing the risk of losing references between tables and allowing the administrators of the
Easy Learning platform to temporarily delete objects, giving the possibility of restoring them
in case they are needed once more. Another feature is the admin15 theme provided to the
Symfony admin-generator files, making them easy to manage, edit and improve. Using this
tool has three purposes: speeding up the platform, providing a robust database and giving the
platform the ability to be maintained more easily.

1 Introduction: Object-Relational Mapping tool

An Object-Relational Mapping is a programming technique used at converting data between

incompatible type systems in object-oriented programming languages. The result is a “virtual
object database” that can be used from within the programming language. Many popular database
products such as structured query language database management systems can only store and
manipulate scalar values such as integers and strings organized within normalized tables. These
object values can either be converted into groups of simpler values for storage in the database or
only use simple scalar values within the program.
Object-relational mapping is can be used to implement the first approach. The main problem is
translating those objects to forms that can be stored in the database for easy retrieval, while
preserving the properties of the objects and their relationships; these objects are then said to be
Databases are relational. PHP and Symfony are object-oriented. In order to access the database
in an object-oriented way, an interface translating the object logic to the relational logic is
required. This interface is called an object-relational mapping, or ORM.
An ORM is made up of objects that give access to data and keep business rules within
themselves. One benefit of an object/relational abstraction layer is that it prevents from using a
syntax that is specific to a given database. It automatically translates calls to the model objects to
SQL queries optimized for the current database.
444 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

An abstraction layer encapsulates the data logic. The rest of the application does not need to
know about the SQL queries, and the SQL that accesses the database is easy to find. Using objects
instead of records, and classes instead of tables, has another benefit: there can be added new
accessory to tables. For instance, if there is a table called Student with two fields, FirstName
and LastName, it might be needed to retrieve just a Name. In an object-oriented world, this is as
easy as adding a new accessory method to the Student class, like this:

Fig. 1. New accessory method to the Student class

2 Easy Learning, Symfony 1.4 and Propel 1.5

The latest version of the Easy Learning platform is developed with the aid of Symfony 1.4, one of
the most powerful open-source PHP5 frameworks. Symfony is a full-stack MVC framework that
helps at developing websites faster. It also establishes a set of best practices that will help at to
developing maintainable and secure websites.
Symfony is a complete framework designed to optimize the development of web applications
by way of several key features. For starters, it separates a web application's business rules, server
logic, and presentation views. It contains numerous tools and classes aimed at shortening the
development time of a complex web application. Additionally, it automates common tasks so that
the developer can focus entirely on the specifics of an application. The end result of these
advantages means there is no need to reinvent the wheel every time a new web application is built!

Fig. 2 Symfony and Propel relationship

The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 445

Symfony is written entirely in PHP. It has been thoroughly tested in various real-world
projects, and is actually in use for high-demand e-business websites. It is compatible with most of
the available databases engines, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server.
This version of the framework is significantly better than the 1.0 version of Symfony used on
the former Easy Learning platform. It provides a new default mailer based on SwiftMailer 4.1,
new widgets, validations, a new and versatile form sub-framework, autoloaders, support for more
powerful plug-ins, and last but not least, support for the new Propel 1.5 ORM. Propel 1.5 is an
open-source Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) for PHP5. It allows access to the database using a
set of objects, providing a simple API for storing and retrieving data. It uses PDO as an abstraction
layer, and code generation to remove the burden of runtime introspection therefore it is a fast
Propel 1.5 implements all the key concepts of mature ORM layers: the ActiveRecord pattern,
validations, behaviors, table inheritance, reverse engineering an existing database, nested sets,
nested transactions, lazy loading and LOB.

3 Query API

Along Model and Peer classes, Propel 1.5 generates one Query class for each table of the Easy
Learning database. These query classes inherit from Criteria, but have additional abilities since the
Propel generator has a deep knowledge of the defined schema. That means that Propel 1.5
recommends the usage of ModelQueries instead of raw Criteria.
Model queries have smart filter methods for each column and termination methods on their
own. That means that the following code:

Fig. 3 Old Student Criteria Query

can be replaced by this one:

Fig. 4. New Student ModelQuery

In addition, each Model Query class benefits from a factory method called create(), which
returns a new instance of the query class. And the filter methods return the current query object.
So it's even easier to write the previous query as follows:

Fig. 5. Short Student ModelQuery

446 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

These commands are transformed into minimized and optimized database queries which are
executed faster, resulting in a faster information retrieval. This is a very important aspect in the
Easy Learning platform considering the large number of entries in the database and that the users,
administrators, teachers or students need specific information form it. This unique Propel 1.5
feature makes the Easy Learning platform faster and easier to use, administer and manage.
Propel 1.5 eases the way of finding objects related to a model object that is already know. The
developer has the advantage of the generated filterByXXX() methods in the query objects, where
XXX is a relation name:

Fig. 6. Retrieving related objects

There is no need to specify that the serie_id column of the “Grupa” object should match the id
column of the “Serie” object. Since it has been already defined the foreign key mapping in the
schema, Propel knows enough to figure it out.

4 The soft_delete Behavior

Behaviors are a great way to package model extensions for reusability. They are the powerful,
versatile, fast, and help at organizing the code in a better way. The soft_delete behavior
overrides the deletion methods of a model object to make them hide the deleted rows but keep
them in the database. Deleted objects still don't show up on select queries, but they can be
retrieved or undeleted when necessary.
This feature is used on specific tables from the database, mainly the tables which provide
foreign keys to other objects. In the Easy Learning platform, the student, teacher, course, test and
poll tables have soft_delete behaviors implemented. For each of these tables, Propel automatically
creates a deleted_at column having by default a NULL value and automatically updates the query

Fig. 7. Restoring a deleted student

When an object of that type is deleted, its deleted_at property is set with the date and time of
the action. The query classes are set to ignore the objects which don’t have the deleted_at column
NULL. This way, even though these object exist in the database, they are hidden so that they
appear as deleted and can be revealed at any time by using the undelete method.
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 447

In the previous version of the Easy Learning platform, when an important object such as a
student which has information in related tables, for example grades, was deleted, the reference to
those grades were lost, resulting in a bad organized database. The soft_delete behavior allows the
administrator and the teacher to restore the objects deleted by mistake.

5 Admin15 Generator Theme

Propel 1.5 comes bundled with a new admin generator theme named 'admin15'. This theme
provides additional features to the Easy Learning platform, based on the new Propel 1.5 query
objects, and is backwards compatible with sfPropelPlugin's admin generator theme.
The admin15 theme doesn't use the Peer classes anymore; therefore settings referencing the
Peer classes are ignored in this theme. This includes peer_method, and peer_count_method. The
new theme provides a simple alternative for these settings, called “with”. There can be added each
of the objects to hydrate together with the main object in the “with” setting list. Hydrating the
objects is a faster way to retrieve large amounts of information from related tables in the database
in only one query.
The new theme provides an easy way to make virtual columns and foreign key columns
sortable in the list view. Just declare the corresponding fields with is_sortable to true, and the
generated module will look for an orderByXXX() method in the generated query. For instance, to
allow a groups list to be sortable on the series name:

6 Conclusions

The new Propel 1.5 is a very important tool for the new version of
the Easy Learning platform. The ORM speeds up the platform by
using the new Model Query, provides a more robust database by
implementing the soft_delete behavior and makes the platform
more user-friendly by using the new admin15 generator theme.

Fig. 8. Sortable related

7 References series column in the
1. Nagy, A. (2005): E-Content: Technologies and Perspectives for the groups list view
European Market, in The Impact of E-Learning, Berlin, 79-96.
2. Bååth, J. A. (1982): Distance Students' Learning – Empirical Findings and Theoretical Deliberations,
Stockholm, 30-32.
3. Scott W. A. (2000): Mapping Objects to Relational Databases: O/R Mapping in Detail, Practice Leader,
Agile Development, IBM, Software Group.
4. Rădescu R., Urse C. (2007): Graphic Tools in the Easy-Learning Platform. In The Symposium TEPE
„Educational Technologies on Electronic Platforms in Engineering High Education”, Technical
University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest, Bucharest. ISSN 1843-2263.
5. Rădescu R., Urse C. (2007): Advanced Testing Methods in the Easy-Learning Platform. In The 8-th
European Conference E-COMM-LINE, SIV-26e/1…6, Bucharest.
6. Rădescu R., Bojin M. (2006): Function generators in the Easy-Learning Platform. In The National
Conference of Virtual Education “Virtual Learning – Virtual Reality”, Educational Software &
Management, 4th Edition, University of Bucharest, Mathematics and Informatics Faculty, Bucharest,
7. Rădescu R., Iovan R. (2005): Generating the class register in the Easy-Learning platform. In The
National Conference of Virtual Education “Virtual Learning – Virtual Reality”, Educational Software &
Management, 3rd Edition, University of Bucharest, Mathematics and Informatics Faculty, Bucharest,
448 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

8. Rădescu R., Iovan R. (2005): Creating and using tests in the Easy-Learning platform. In The National
Conference of Virtual Education “Virtual Learning – Virtual Reality”, Educational Software &
Management, 3rd Edition, University of Bucharest, Mathematics and Informatics Faculty, Bucharest,
9. Rădescu R.: E-learning: concepts, implementation and applications, IT&C Market Watch, Fin Watch, 50
(no. 30/2004), 61 (no 31/2004), 50 (no. 33/2004), Bucharest.
10. Rădescu R., Iovan R. (2004): Improvements to the Easy-Learning E-learning Platform. In The 5-th
European Conference E-COMM-LINE, Bucharest, 275-278.
11. Rădescu R., Iovan R. (2005): New Facilities of the Easy-Learning Platform, in Proceedings of the
Symposium “Educational Technologies on Electronic Platforms in Engineering Higher Education”
(TEPE 2005), Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest, 27-28 May 2005, Bucharest, 219-
12. Rădescu R., Mărescu R. (2005): External Use of the Easy-Learning Platform: a Web-Based Application.
In Proceedings of the Symposium “Educational Technologies on Electronic Platforms in Engineering
Higher Education” (TEPE 2005), Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest, 27-28 May
2005, Bucharest, 227-234.
13. Rădescu R. (2008): Class register optimization in the Easy-Learning platform. In The National
Conference of Virtual Education “Virtual Learning – Virtual Reality”, Modern methods in Education
and Research, 6th Edition, University of Bucharest and „Ovidius” University of ConstanŃa, Oct. 31 –
Nov. 2nd, Bucharest, B-7-55/1...4.
14. Rădescu R. (2008): Multiple tests in the Easy-Learning platform. In The National Conference of Virtual
Education “Virtual Learning – Virtual Reality”, Modern methods in Education and Research, 6th
Edition, University of Bucharest and „Ovidius” University of ConstanŃa, Oct. 31 – Nov. 2nd, Bucharest,
15. Rădescu R. (2007): Test user interface in the Easy-Learning platform, The National Conference of
Virtual Education “Virtual Learning – Virtual Reality”, Modern methods in Education and Research, 5th
Edition, University of Bucharest and „Ovidius” University of ConstanŃa, Oct. 26-28, 2007, Bucharest,
16. Rădescu R. (2007): Test management interface in the Easy-Learning platform, The National Conference
of Virtual Education “Virtual Learning – Virtual Reality”, Modern methods in Education and Research,
5th Edition, University of Bucharest and „Ovidius” University of ConstanŃa, Oct. 26-28, 2007, Bucharest,
Security and Confidentiality
in the Easy Learning on-line Platform

Radu Rădescu, Andrei Davidescu

Polytechnic University of Bucharest,

Applied Electronics and Information Engineering Dept.
1-3, Iuliu Maniu Blvd., Sector 6, ROMANIA

The present paper deals with the implementation of the security and confidentiality concepts
in the Easy Learning platform. Being a complex application, with a large number of users
that can be either visitors, students, tutors or administrators who can access different
information regarding one another, in the context of eLearning it is necessary to define a
standard of confidentiality. This aspect can only be accomplished by implementing a login
system and by drawing a strong line between each registered user and user groups. So,
whenever a student is added to the database, the system automatically creates a user and a
password which he can use in order to log in. Doing so, he has access only to the information
which regards him directly and can’t see, for example, the grades of his colleagues. The same
system is implemented in the tutor modules. For example, the tutors can manage only the
students that study their subjects. The modules that provide confidential information along
with the ones dedicated to tutors and administrators are secure and can be accessed only by
providing a valid user and password. By implementing these concepts, the platform is being
protected and the confidential information are kept private to each individual registered user.

1. Introduction
Being an eLearning platform used in a university, the Easy Learning platform can have many users
of the following types:
• visitors – simple users that access the platform
• students – student users which can log in using their personal username and password
• tutors – teacher users who can manage tests, polls and grades
• administrators – special users who can manage series, groups, students and administrative
Each user type has a special interface and can access specific information related to it in order
to keep those information confidential.

2. The sfGuardPlugin
The Easy Learning platform is developed using one of the most powerful PHP5 frameworks,
Symfony 1.4. One of its features is represented by the support for useful plug-ins such as
The sfGuardPlugin is a Symfony plug-in that provides authentication and authorization features
above the standard security feature of Symfony. It provides the model (user, group and permission
objects) and the modules (backend and frontend) to secure this aspect of the Easy Learning
application in a minute in a configurable plug-in. This plug-in has been configured to suit the
450 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

specific Easy Learning needs by creating three user groups and three types of permissions for the
following user types: student, tutor and administrator.
The users can be managed by the administrators by accessing the dedicated user’s module in
the “administrator” interface.

Fig. 1. The user list view

Each user has a username, a password, can be part of one or more user groups and can be
managed by the administrators.

3. Security
The Easy Learning platform has three different interfaces dedicated to the three main types of
users. Each interface is secured by denying access to the users which does not have authentication
Each user group has its own permission associated allowing users from those groups to access
the interface dedicated to them.
The administrator and teacher interfaces have been
protected because at that level are managed very important
information and if an unwanted person gains access to these
tools, he can do irreversible damage to the structure of the
As for the student interface, it has been secured to preserve
the confidentiality of each student.

4. Generating Users
Fig. 2. The administrator
interface login form The users belonging to the student, tutor and administrator
groups can be created and managed by the administrators who
have access to the “Useri” module.
The student’s users though can also be created automatically when the
students are inserted in the database. At the moment a student is created,
its user is created automatically and its username and password have the
following format: “lastname_firstname1_firstname2”.
This way of defining the student’s user has been created due to the
large number of students which may be managed in the Easy Learning
platform. Before implementing this solution the administrators had to
manually define users for each student in the database, a simple task, but
due to the large number of students, it could raise problems in terms of Fig. 3. User creation
the time spent on completing it. form
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 451

5. Confidentiality
Each user type can have many users associated with it. The users belonging to the student and
tutor user groups have specific information which regard them directly or indirectly such as for
example grades, classes they attend to, created or solved tests. It is very important that this
information are clearly delimited between each user of the same type.
This problem has been solved with the usage of the sfGuardPlugin and implementing it on the
modules belonging to the two interfaces. After logging in, the tutor can access the modules which
can be used to access and manage the information strictly dedicated to him. This way, the interface
is more clear and easy to use, and the registered tutor cannot view or manage information
belonging to their colleagues, keeping them safe.

Fig. 4. The Tests list view of the tutor interface

In figure 4, the registered tutor user can access and manage only the tests he created. This way,
the registered tutor cannot interfere with the work of his colleagues. This implementation is made
possible by the relationship between the tutor, classes, series and students defined at the database
level of the Easy Learning platform.
The students can access the documents, catalogue, tests, and poll and tutor modules only by
logging in. The information displayed are strictly the ones concerning the authenticated user, this
way the confidentiality is maintained.
In the above picture are presented the tests an
authenticated student can solve. They are available
to him based on the series or group associated to the
tests and the series or group the student belongs to.
This way, he cannot access the tests which are not
dedicated to him.

6. Conclusion
Fig. 5. List of tests an authenticated The security and confidentiality standards are very
student can solve important in the modern eLearning platforms and
implementing them in Easy Learning brings the project composure and security. Besides, the
platform becomes clearer and the work of each user is protected and kept confidential.

7. References
Nagy, A. (2005): E-Content: Technologies and Perspectives for the European Market, in The Impact of E-
Learning, Berlin, 79-96.
Bååth, J. A. (1982): Distance Students' Learning – Empirical Findings and Theoretical Deliberations,
Stockholm, 30-32.
Scott W. A. (2000): Mapping Objects to Relational Databases: O/R Mapping in Detail, Practice Leader, Agile
Development, IBM, Software Group.
Rădescu R., Urse C. (2007): Advanced Testing Methods in the Easy-Learning Platform. In The 8-th
European Conference E-COMM-LINE, SIV-26e/1…6, Bucharest.
452 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Rădescu R., Bojin M. (2006): Function generators in the Easy-Learning Platform. In The National
Conference of Virtual Education “Virtual Learning – Virtual Reality”, Educational Software &
Management, 4th Edition, University of Bucharest, Mathematics and Informatics Faculty, Bucharest,
Rădescu R., Iovan R. (2005): Generating the class register in the Easy-Learning platform. In The National
Conference of Virtual Education “Virtual Learning – Virtual Reality”, Educational Software &
Management, 3rd Edition, University of Bucharest, Mathematics and Informatics Faculty, Bucharest,
Rădescu R., Iovan R. (2005): Creating and using tests in the Easy-Learning platform. In The National
Conference of Virtual Education “Virtual Learning – Virtual Reality”, Educational Software &
Management, 3rd Edition, University of Bucharest, Mathematics and Informatics Faculty, Bucharest,
Rădescu R.: E-learning: concepts, implementation and applications, IT&C Market Watch, Fin Watch, 50 (no.
30/2004), 61 (no 31/2004), 50 (no. 33/2004), Bucharest.
Rădescu R., Iovan R. (2004): Improvements to the Easy-Learning E-learning Platform. In The 5-th European
Conference E-COMM-LINE, Bucharest, 275-278.
Rădescu R., Iovan R. (2005): New Facilities of the Easy-Learning Platform, in Proceedings of the Symposium
“Educational Technologies on Electronic Platforms in Engineering Higher Education” (TEPE 2005),
Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest, 27-28 May 2005, Bucharest, 219-226.
Rădescu R., Mărescu R. (2005): External Use of the Easy-Learning Platform: a Web-Based Application. In
Proceedings of the Symposium “Educational Technologies on Electronic Platforms in Engineering
Higher Education” (TEPE 2005), Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest, 27-28 May
2005, Bucharest, 227-234.
Rădescu R. (2008): Class register optimization in the Easy-Learning platform. In The National Conference of
Virtual Education “Virtual Learning – Virtual Reality”, Modern methods in Education and Research, 6th
Edition, University of Bucharest and „Ovidius” University of ConstanŃa, Oct. 31 – Nov. 2nd, Bucharest,
Rădescu R. (2008): Multiple tests in the Easy-Learning platform. In The National Conference of Virtual
Education “Virtual Learning – Virtual Reality”, Modern methods in Education and Research, 6th
Edition, University of Bucharest and „Ovidius” University of ConstanŃa, Oct. 31 – Nov. 2nd, Bucharest,
Rădescu R. (2007): Test user interface in the Easy-Learning platform, The National Conference of Virtual
Education “Virtual Learning – Virtual Reality”, Modern methods in Education and Research, 5th
Edition, University of Bucharest and „Ovidius” University of ConstanŃa, Oct. 26-28, 2007, Bucharest, 85-92.
Rădescu R. (2007): Test management interface in the Easy-Learning platform, The National Conference of
Virtual Education “Virtual Learning – Virtual Reality”, Modern methods in Education and Research, 5th
Edition, University of Bucharest and „Ovidius” University of ConstanŃa, Oct. 26-28, 2007, Bucharest, 75-84.

Innovation in Education and Research

21st Century challenges (IntelEDU):

• Digital Curriculum, collaborative rich-media
applications, student software, teacher software
• Improved Learning Methods, interactive and
collaborative methods to help teachers incorporate
technology into their lesson plans and enable
students to learn anytime, anywhere
• Professional Development, readily available training
to help teachers acquire the necessary ICT skills
• Connectivity and Technology, group projects and
improve communication among teachers, students,
parents and administrators
Using statistical software and Web Technologies in analyzing
information on detection and monitoring of somatic and psycho-
behavioural deficiencies in children and adolescents

Marin Vlada1, Adriana Sarah Nica2

(1) University of Bucharest, Department of Mathematics and

Computer Science, Romania, E-Mail: vlada[at]
(2) University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila", Bucharest,
Romania, E-Mail: adisarahnica[at]

The paper addresses the project objectives CEEX Research and Development (financed by
NASR-National Authority for Scientific Research) DEMODEF (detection and monitoring of
somatic and psycho-behavioural deficiencies in children and adolescents) as envisages research
and pilot study results will provide a clear, concrete, on physical development and physical and
psycho-behavioural shortcomings of youth. Investigations means used to generate project
information grouped by several categories of parameters. This information is analyzed using
databases and statistical analysis provided by EpiInfo software (EpiInfo is a trademark of the
Centres for Disease Control and Prevention-CDC) and SPSS.
Keywords: Statistical Software, Web Technologies, Analyzing Information

1 Introduction and Motivation

DEMODEF is a project of Research and Development CEEX financed by NASR (National

Authority for Scientific Research of Romania) witch has as main objective “Detection and
monitoring of psycho-behavioural deficiencies in children and adolescents (aged 10-18 years) to
realize a pilot study to change perceptions and establish accountability for all involved in the
complex process of spring growth and development of children and adolescents” Vlada and Nica
[1, 8]. Proposed study is a dynamic study over two years. Growth period in which this study shall
be made as early detection and swift implementation of remedial treatment there are an optimal
time , proposed to obtain notable improvements. This is also why the reason for choosing as age
10-14-18 years, period in witch physical deficiencies appears and aggravates. After the initial
investigation there will be proposed corrective programs, witch efficiency could be evidenced in
the next investigations.

1.1 Research and investigations

The project will investigate, in dynamics, school population in the growth period, period in witch
anthropometrical values of the individual changes in close relation with age and found
deficiencies. There will be studied significant elements close to growth and locomotor’s
development and psycho-behavioral to identify functional disorders and deficiencies. Thus, the
locomotors system will track the most important weakness: the spine, chest, hip, knee and foot.
From psycho-medical point of view groups will investigate the following parameters: cognitive,
emotional, behavioral, pathological and social climate: level of cognitive processes (attention,
memory, intelligence) affective disorders (anxiety, depression, emotional liability) personality
456 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

changes, behavioral changes. The data obtained from this study will allow the elaboration of some
programs; both with prophylactic and therapeutic character, applicable on a large scale at this
group of population, fro the optimization of the health status and to provide a harmonious growth
of children and adolescents. The project is realized by six partners (universities, institutes, and
research centers) scientific coordinated by Prof. Dr. A. Nica. Novelty of the project is trying to
group a series of psycho-behavioral parameters of child development in a related study correlated
with the interrelation of these children with main representatives of the family and school
(teachers, peers). Data obtained from these assessments are organized in a database that will allow
a detailed statistical analysis which will determine the variation of each parameter taken in study
and the possible correlation between analyzed deficiencies. Also, from previous research on this
subject, trial is conducted on a sample of approximately 1000 subjects. Internally, in 2001 an
investigation was done (INMF and CCEFS) on a sample of 600 students (14-18 years), and
internationally in 2005 an investigation was done (Zwaannswjk et al.) on a sample of 2449
children and adolescents (14-17 years). More recently, the U.S. has conducted an investigation on
a sample of 9878 students, it is incomplete because only uses the parents answers for some
statistical data, in SDQ questionnaire [2, 3].

2 Create questioners and data entry

According to research and plan implementation stages of the project are defined the following
• functional model of clinical investigation, anthropometric and psychosocial behavior in
children and adolescents (aged 10-18 years)
• sample clinical assessment of functional, psycho-behavioral and anthropometrical
deficiencies in children and adolescents (aged 10-18 years)
If psycho-behavioral investigations using reference: Goodman R, Renfrew D, Mullick M
(2000) Predicting type of psychiatric disorder from Strengths and difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ)
scores in child mental health clinics in London and Dhaka. European Child and Adolescent
Psychiatry, 9, 129-134. Algorithm calculates and questionnaire scores for SDQ: Emotional
symptoms (emotional disorders); Conduct Problems (conduct problems), hyperactivity scales
(hyperactivity), Peer Problems scales (relationship problems), prosaically scales (prosaically
behavior), and the total difficulties score (score total difficulties) impact scores (scores of impact -
assess the impacts of social malfunctioning and the difficulties suffered by children in general)
Goodman, Renfrew, and Mullick [2, 3].
SDQ analyze the student responses, teacher and parent corresponding to the same set of
questions. The answers to these questions have led a number of 25 variables, with values taken
from them. SDQ predictive algorithm offers the calculation of scores generated using data from
student responses, teacher and parent. Difficulties are analyzed following categories: behavioral
problems, emotional problems, hyperactivity problems, psychiatric difficulties.

2.1 The utilization of statistical software Epi Info

Responses from questionnaires were retrieved via file type questionnaire (view) designed to aid
data entry with the program Epi Info. This is a program specific for statistical processing, initially
utilized for epidemiology by CDC. The files created with this program are compatible with
Microsoft Access, SQL, ODBC databases, HTML. ”With Epi Info™ and a personal computer,
epidemiologists and other public health and medical professionals can rapidly develop a
questionnaire or form, customize the data entry process, and enter and analyze data. Epidemiologic
statistics, tables, graphs, and maps are produced with simple commands such as READ, FREQ,
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 457

LIST, TABLES, GRAPH, and MAP. Epi Map displays geographic maps with data from Epi
Info™.” [4, 7].
Epi Info is a software package for processing data organized and systematic form of
questionnaire results of studies to be included in communications and reports. Designed primarily
for applications in epidemiology, Epi Info can be successfully used in medical and data processing
from outside its package of features including data management and statistical programs such as
those offered by SAS, SPSS [5,6] In an facilities included one system whose main advantage is
that it is permitted free copying and distribution [7]. Details and instructions for use can be found
in paper [7]. The main controls parts of the program Epi Info are:
• Make View, which is a text editor used to define the fields used in entering data on one or
more pages of a questionnaire (View)
• Enter date, built with polls showing View Make controls the input settings using the
codes specified in Make View, has records and search capabilities;
• Analyze Data, which is used to analyze the recorded data files created not only with Epi
Info, and with dBase, FoxPro, Excel, etc. These files can contain lists, frequencies, tables,
charts, specific epidemiological data;
• Create maps, which is an epidemiological tool used to create maps;
• Create Reports, which is used to generate reports.

To create a file-questionnaire will be used Make View. It will use the commands: File → New
→ File name (database name: nume_EPI) Name → Open the view ("Chest1" the name given to
the questionnaire). In the left-hand page are three options concerning the management page of the
questionnaire (Add Page - add a new page at the end of the existing Insert Page - adding a new
page between two existing Delete Page - eliminating the current page) and programming control
program that enables the verification of certain operations, thereby avoiding errors that can occur
in data input [7].
Placing fields on the current page of the questionnaire, as indicated shown, is made with a click
right mouse button from his position in that field is desired appearance (for determining the grid
position is useful). As a result, you'll see Field Definition dialog box to be placed in field
characteristics: name, type, size, limitations of values, codes, laws, and values.

Figure 1. A file-questionnaire and Field Definition dialog box

458 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Entering can be done directly from the File menu, ordering Enter date. Other possibilities, after
leaving the Make View module of Epi Info main page or choose the Enter Data module directly, or
to order Enter Data Programs menu. In this case opens the questionnaire developed, choosing the
project and the corresponding views. Initially be placed at least four entries.

Figure 2. A file-questionnaire for Enter data

To perform statistical analysis of primary data using Analyze Data module. In this way using
several commands that you can choose the window controls on the left. Command execution
results are shown in the top right (called Output Analysis). In the lower right window (entitled
Programme Editor) will show orders / sets of commands that were previously performed, also may
introduce new commands in command line mode. We can choose commands are grouped in the
left window, in some groups.

Figure 3. Excel spreadsheets corresponding SDQ algorithm

Distinguish such work orders data (grouped into "Date"), operating on the variables (obviously
grouped in "Variables"), selection commands (grouped in the "Select / if"), the primary statistical
analysis commands (grouped into "Statistics"). Read (import) is the command used to start any
work sessions Analysis module. It is used to retrieve data from a file, data will be used for further
processing (up to a new Read command). Epi default data format is 2000, but it can be changed so
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 459

that it is possible to take data from other file types (e.g. various versions of Excel, various versions
of FoxPro, Paradox or hypertext documents). Epi Info program is accompanied by several
"projects" for example and self-learning, of which the simplest is Sample.mdb. For analysis and
statistical calculations on data in files using the group "Statistics" which provides commands List,
frequencies, means, Graph. Graph command in Group "Statistics", is used to make graphical
representations of variables from a data file. The project DEMODEF for SDQ questionnaire was
developed three questionnaires-file according to student feedback, teacher, parent respectively (in
total for each questionnaire were created 915 records). These information files were used for
statistical calculations performed with the software Epi Info, SAS, SPSS and Excel. If SDQ
questionnaire was needed to convert database files to Excel. Responses from students, teacher, and
parents that was stored in separate databases, namely the corresponding spreadsheet information.

3 The Utilization of SDQ Algorithm

Algorithm was used "Strengths and difficulties Questionnaire" SDQ scores. Analyzed these
categories of difficulties:
• behavioural difficulties;
• emotional difficulties;
• hyperactivity difficulties;
• psychiatric difficulties.
Algorithm was used on 101 subjects in England and Bangladesh on 89. Level prediction
correlation between SDQ and an independent clinical diagnosis in these cases was significant:
Kendall parameter between 0.49 and 0.73 and p <0.0001 probabilities that the prediction on this
method to be fair is 81-91%. It is rather false positive than false negative [3].
The algorithm is sufficiently robust to be used in practice to determine the mental health of

3.1 SDQ: Generating scores in SAS

The scoring algorithm is based on the 25 variables plus impact items for each questionnaire. The
algorithm expects to find these variables with specific names: the first letter of each variable name
is 'p' for the parent SDQ, 's' for the self-report SDQ and 't' for the teacher SDQ. After this first
letter, the variable names are as follows:

consider = Item 1 : considerate

restless = Item 2 : restless
somatic = Item 3 : somatic symptoms
shares = Item 4 : shares readily
tantrum = Item 5 : tempers
loner = Item 6 : solitary
obeys = Item 7 : obedient
worries = Item 8 : worries
caring = Item 9 : helpful if someone hurt
fidgety = Item 10 : fidgety
friend = Item 11 : has good friend
fights = Item 12 : fights or bullies
unhappy = Item 13 : unhappy
popular = Item 14 : generally liked
460 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

distract = Item 15 : easily distracted

clingy = Item 16 : nervous in new situations
kind = Item 17 : kind to younger children
lies = Item 18 : lies or cheats
bullied = Item 19 : picked on or bullied
help out = Item 20 : often volunteers
reflect = Item 21 : thinks before acting
steals = Item 22 : steals
oldbest = Item 23 : better with adults than with children
afraid = Item 24 : many fears
attends = Item 25 : good attention
ebddiff = Impact question: oveall difficulties in at least one area
distress = Impact question: upset or distressed
imphome = Impact question: interferes with home life
impfrie = Impact question: interferes with friendships
impclas = Impact question: interferes with learning
implies = Impact question: interferes with leisure

For each of these items, if the first response category (not true, no, not at all) has been selected,
this is coded as zero, the next response category (somewhat true, yes-minor, just a little) is coded
as one and so on. For each informant, the algorithm generates six scores. The first letter of each
derived variable is 'p' for parent-based scores, 's' for self-report-based scores and 't' for teacher-
based scores. After this first letter, the names of the scores are as follows:
emotion = emotional symptoms
conduct = conduct problems
hyper = hyperactivity/inattention
peer = peer problems
prosoc = prosocial
ebdtot = total difficulties
impact = impact

Figure 4. Excel spreadsheets corresponding SDQ algorithm

The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 461

3.2 SDQ: Predictive Algorithm in SAS

A computerized algorithm predicts child psychiatric diagnoses from the symptom and impact
scores derived from Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaires (SDQs) completed by parents,
teachers and young people. The predictive algorithm generates "unlikely", "possible" or
"probable" ratings for four broad categories of disorder, namely conduct disorders, emotional
disorders, hyperactivity disorders, and any psychiatric disorder. The predictive algorithm is based
on up to twelve input variables:

phyper = SDQ hyperactivity score from parent SDQ

thyper = SDQ hyperactivity score from teacher SDQ
shyper = SDQ hyperactivity score from self-report SDQ
pconduct = SDQ conduct problems score from parent SDQ
tconduct = SDQ conduct problems score from teacher SDQ
sconduct = SDQ conduct problems score from self-report SDQ
pemotion = SDQ emotional symptoms score from parent SDQ
temotion = SDQ emotional symptoms score from teacher SDQ
semotion = SDQ emotional symptoms score from self-report SDQ
pimpact = SDQ impact score from parent SDQ
timpact = SDQ impact score from teacher SDQ
simpact = SDQ impact score from self-report SDQ
"." = value for relevant score missing

The algorithm generates four output variables:

sdqed = prediction of an emotional disorder
(0 = unlikely, 1 = possible, 2 = probable)
sdqcd = prediction of a conduct disorder
(0 = unlikely, 1 = possible, 2 = probable)
sdqhk = prediction of a hyperactivity disorder
(0 = unlikely, 1 = possible, 2 = probable)
anydiag = prediction of any psychiatric disorder
(0 = unlikely, 1 = possible, 2 = probable)

Figure 5. Excel spreadsheets corresponding

predictive algorithm
462 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

4 Results and Analysis Investigations

Based on responses from valour stored in databases, according to the algorithm SDQ scores were
generated corresponding to the seven parameters investigated: Total difficulties; Emotional
symptoms; Conduct problems; Hyperactivity-inattention; Peer problems; Prosocial behaviour;
Impact. The results of these calculations are presented in the following tables.

Table 1. Answers of Children

Total Emotional Conduct Peer Prosocial
y- Impact
difficulties symptoms problems problems behavior
Normal 758 795 723 788 761 719 503
To limit 108 55 97 67 121 61 55
Abnormal 49 65 95 60 33 135 357

Table 2. Answers of Parents

Total Emotional Conduct Hyperactivit Peer Prosocial Impact
difficulties symptoms problems y- problems behavior
Normal 716 680 724 798 656 504 713
To limit 75 79 57 68 82 53 64
Abnormal 124 156 134 49 177 358 138
Children 915 915 915 915 915 915 915

Table 3. Answers of Teachers

Total Emotional Conduct Hyperactivit Peer Prosocial Impact
difficulties symptoms problems y- problems behavior
Normal 652 784 718 793 704 407 771
To limit 140 70 56 60 95 142 39
Abnormal 123 61 141 62 116 366 105

Total difficulties

Abnormal; 49; 5%
To limit; 108; 12%

Normal; 758; 83%

Normal La limita Anormal

Figure 6. The scores for “Total difficulties”

The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 463

Total difficulties









Normal To limit Abnormal

Youngs Parents Teachers

Figure 7. Comparative result Children - Parents- Teachers

4.1 Predictive calculation

A computerised algorithm predicts child psychiatric diagnoses from the symptom and impact
scores derived from Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaires (SDQs) completed by parents,
teachers and young people. The predictive algorithm generates "unlikely", "possible" or
"probable" ratings for four broad categories of disorder, namely conduct disorders, emotional
disorders, hyperactivity disorders, and any psychiatric disorder.
Based on scores obtained from responses to student, teacher and parent have been implemented
in Excel and calculating SDQ predictive algorithm given and calculated values for the four
categories of difficulties: behavior difficulties, emotional difficulties, hyperactivity difficulties,
psychiatric difficulties.
Formulas to calculate these values are:
• behaviour difficulties
• emotional difficulties
• hyperactivity difficulties
• psychiatric difficulties
464 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Com paration of re s ults

Hyp. D. Conduc t D. Emot. D. Ps y. D.

Unli kel y Pos s ible Probabl e

Figure 8. Comparation of results

Behavior difficulties




Unlikely Possible Probable

Figure 9. Behaviour difficulties

Em otional disorder



Unlikely Possible Probable

Figure 10. Emotional difficulties

The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 465

Hyperactivity disordery




Unlikely Possible Probable

Figure 11. Hyperactivity difficulties

Psychiatric desorder


Possible Unlikely
37% 55%

Unlikely Possible Probable

Figure 12. Psychiatric difficulties

5 Conclusions

The proposed issue is interesting to better understand the changes that individuals must assume the
lifestyle and type of food to eliminate / improve somatic deficiencies. Research also needs
knowledge of health information necessary for parents of their children. There is evidence the
number of affected subjects, the degree of damage and no better identification of high risk
population in this respect. The results of this first detection and monitoring in children and
adolescents in Bucharest would be a prerequisite for socio-economic policies, education and health
to promote and encourage healthy and harmonious development of future adults. Also the results
of this research can be the starting point for similar investigations across the country.
466 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

6 References
[1] DEMODEF Project:, access July 2010.
[2] Goodman R., Renfrew D., Mullick M. (2000): Predicting type of psychiatric disorder from Strengths and
Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) scores in child mental health clinics in London and Dhaka. European
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 9, 129-134.
[3] SDQ (Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire):, access July 2010.
[4] Epi Info – CDC,, access July 2010.
[5] SAS - Predictive analytics software,, access July 2010.
[6] SPSS - Statistical Package for the Social Sciences,, access July 2010.
[7] Tiberiu Spircu (2006): Medical Informatics and Biostatistics, Publishing House "Carol Davila",
[8] M. Vlada and A. Sarah Nica (2007): Analysis and results of project DEMODEF CNIV-2007, National
[9] Virtual Learning Conference, Educational Software, 5th Edition, 27-29 October 2007, pp. 149-156, ISSS
1842-4708 (in Romanian), Publishing House of the University of Bucharest.
Increasing teachers’ creativity through Game-Based Learning
Bogdan Logofatu1, Anisoara Dumitrache1, Mihaela Gheorghe1
(1) University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania

This paper will present the activity conducted by ODL Department of University of Bucharest
as part of the PROACTIVE: Fostering Teachers' Creativity through Game-Based Learning
project in order to have a rich picture about GBL in educational scenarios. For this step
there were organized three focus groups with participants from Romanian universities
(professors and associate professors).
Keywords: ICT, Game based learning, creativity, EU Project


PROACTIVE project will expand educators’ awareness on the potential of being flexible in
approaching learning by adding experiential learning, critical thinking and creativity through ICT.
Game-based learning addresses the transversal competences needed in the information age: self-
regulation, information skills, networked co-operation, problem-solving strategies and critical
thinking, and provide rich opportunities for knowledge construction and enhance creativity.
Traditionally, teachers and trainers used in their practice one sole dominant learning paradigm,
thus limiting their creative potential. Recent studies instead show that in natural situations learners
combine simultaneously 5 metaphors for learning: Imitation, Participation, Acquisition,
Exercising, and Discovery. Also, game-based learning (GBL) supports creativity and inquiry-
based learning processes. PROACTIVE claims that if it is true that we teach how we were taught
we can claim that we also learn as we were taught.
Within training workshops, teachers will use 2 game editors: a free of charge 3D virtual
environment allowing collaborative interaction of the learners; and an Open Source framework for
implementing 2D user-centred adaptable scenarios.
This paper will present the PROACTIVE focus groups conducted by University of Bucharest,
ODL Department as part of the research on GBL in educational scenarios.
There were three focus groups organized with participants from Romanian universities
(professors and associate professors).
The aim of focus groups was to explore participants’ employment of ICT tools in their teaching
approach, and their interest in using editors in teaching approach.
The paper will also present the action undertaken by University of Bucharest starting with
selection of participants, stages of carrying out the focus groups, and results and comments,
information about participants, their background, and experience with ICT in education and their
view about the introducing games in educational scenarios. Some of the participants use games in
their classes; others have only the intention to introduce this innovative tool in teaching in order to
increase creativity.

Romanian focus groups

Into PROACTIVE project teachers are our target group: they will use two platforms in order to
create their own games and to develop creativity in learning process. The focus groups were
468 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

organized in order to identify user needs; the two platforms will be adapted based on the results
obtained in this activity.
University of Bucharest as partner in this project conducted three focus groups with professors
from different universities.

Organization of focus groups

Information about focus group and focus group objectives were sent through the email. Attached
to the emails were sent invitation for participation and the people were asked to fill in a form with:
 Name and surname,
 Field of activity,
 Experience with computers and ICT,
 Experience with GBL
Based on the information received we tried to group the participants by university, mixed with
those who use ICT and games with those who don’t. Finally we had 16 participants, separated into
3 different groups.
All the participants have a great experience in teaching at the university and also in the pre-
university. Two groups from the focus group were more technically oriented than the other group.
As the distribution by age in each group were mixed persons with a larger experience in teaching
were put toghether with those at the beginning of teaching career.


In each focus group the discussions had as main purpose to identify professors’ availability to use
new technologies and to introduce game based learning as a way of learning.
In the agenda of each meeting were included: presentation of the participants, short description
of the PROACTIVE objectives and activities, focus group objectives, discussions on the five
metaphors, participant’s experience with ICT and relation between computers and creativity in
learning and conclusions.
Discussions about the five metaphors: most of the participants recognized the five metaphors in
their current teaching/learning process, admitting that some of the metaphors are used more than
others depending on the student’s characteristics, discipline, type of lessons (course, laboratory,
seminar, experiments), context factors (number of students, place). Also they have to switch
between different metaphors during a course, depending on addressed theme.
Very interesting discussions took place in the first focus group when analyzing the Acquisition
metaphor: some of the participants have advanced the idea that this metaphor it should not be
included in the discussions because it is included in the learning process. One example was given
by a professor: “you can accumulate information just walking the street”.
On the other hand others participant noticed that in formal learning, the acquisition metaphor it
is used very often in university lecture because this is the easiest way to transmit information.
Students will accumulate more information, outside the school if they are motivated, and professor
can stimulate student’s curiosity in a specific matter. Unfortunately the current constrains
regarding the curricula and the number of disciplines and small amount of hours per discipline
does not allow implementing a modern conception about learning.
Learning through discovery is applicable especially in sciences and with visible results in other
fields such as: math, history, literature, business.
Learning through imitation it depends by the measure in which the subject is directly
stimulated to produce imitative reactions. In university this learning metaphor is applicable only in
a very short area because students already created their own learning type.
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 469

Acquisition metaphor is used in:

 Transmitting conceptual information
 Definitions, theories, ideas, conceptions
 Learning sessions
Imitation metaphor:
 Is used when the student must follow specific indications and actions
 Presenting best practices
 Is less used in adult education
 Questions and answers exercises
 Group discussions
 Case studies
 Developing abilities
 Repetitive actions
 Exploration through simulation
 Giving sense and signification
All the participants use the learning metaphors in a different measure that depends on: lesson
type, discipline, students, professor’s experience, and evaluation type. After a short analyze on the
learning metaphors the most used learning metaphors are: acquisition, participation, and discovery.
Discussions about ICT in learning: as professors’ experience in using new technologies,
nowadays we can talk about creativity in using ICT. Participants from the focus groups have an
experience in using computers; some of them, depending on the subject are introducing computers
in lessons. Starting from the first focus group in which the computer was used only as a Power
Point presentation tool, in the second and third focus group the use of ICT is much more present.
We had professors which developed their own tool for teaching/learning, presenting application in
order to sustain the theoretical concepts. Some of the professors are still searching for the best
way of using computers in teaching/learning. Most of them tried to use the computer in student
advantage, especially in technological subjects. “Virtual classrooms” is already a very well known
concept, already applicable for students and teachers. There are many examples with online
platforms in which students are enrolled and administrated by the professors. Students use the
resources offered by this platforms (Moodle, Dokeos, UniBUC portal): communication tools,
online interactive courses, online evaluation.
Discussions about GBL: game based learning is a new concept but applied in the universities
but still less than in the pre-university. Professors’ are interested in using this concept in order to
create a friendly environment for teaching. But there are some obstacles related to: absence of
adequate games for their subjects, the fear that the game does not serve the purpose of learning and
the lack of skills and resources in order to develop such games, very dense curricula which
determine professors to be focused on giving the information to the students than using their
creativity in teaching the subject.
Discussions about creativity in learning through games: the role of the teacher is to design the
learning scenario, accomplish the lesson’s objectives and add value to the knowledge transmitted
to the student. Moreover the teacher must identify the suitable game in order to obtain interest,
curiosity in finding results, involvement from the student side.
There is a relation between learning types and type of games. Another problem is to have a
balance between learning and games.
470 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Discussions about the two platforms (game editors): professors have shown interest on the two
platforms, finding similarities between their own games or simulations and these tools. The idea of
creating their own games is attractive but there are some obstacles related to: time, relevance,
abilities, training, current initiatives. The idea of creating a game is workable but they stated that
the part of creating a complex scenario is difficult; maybe it will be more efficient if they could
work in teams. Knowing the fact that usually students experienced different type of games, with
high level of difficulty they will have expectation regarding new experiences.
2D game editor (e-Adventure) it could be successful used in different subjects: chemistry,
physics, biology, logical themes, mathematical models.
3 D platform (Eutopia) can help in creating games about: counseling, conflict mediation,
communication, personal development, foreign languages.
In the end of the discussions each participant proposes some adaptation of the both tools in
order to be attractive and easy to use.

Focus groups conclusions

This focus groups allowed us to explore more deeply a subject that it is new (as concept) in
universities. Giving the specificity of the university programs some of the results were as we
anticipated, some were new. It is a strong relation between learning tradition, participant’s age,
field of study and their openness to new.
Because of reducing the number of years for study (through Bologna process) the number of
disciplines remained unchanged this having the main effect in reducing the number of hours per
Most of the participants are familiar with the learning metaphors and GBL, even if they have
not thought about this in terms of concepts. They stated that they are interested to learn more about
GBL from other discussion partners and not from the literature.
People that use GBL in their current practices are very enthusiastic in sharing their experience
and use their creativity for new scenarios. But all are agreeing that if they will be in the position of
creating new games it will be easier to work in teams and not individual and specific trainings are
needed, in order to be creative through different game scenarios.


This project will facilitate integration of new technologies in learning process; will support
participants’ activities in order to create their own games and stimulate students’ involvement in
Every participant will be able to create games scenarios, to integrate them in teaching, learning
and evaluation and multiply the results developing different types of games.
This new approach will introduce innovative ICT-based experiences in teaching and training
practice, adapting and enhancing the game editors, integrating five learning metaphors and
validate the proposed approach as a means of learning and evaluate its impact on teachers’
creativity and students’ outcomes.


Potolea Dan, Reshoping the teaching profession in an ICT – enriched society in Learning and teaching in the
communication society, Council of Europe Publishing, Strasbourg, 2003.
Michaela Logofatu, Computer Aided Instruction, Ministry of Education and Research, Project for Rural
Education, 2008.
The Physics Laboratory between Modernity and Tradition:
Virtual Experiments and Modern Methods of Acquiring Data
Ioana Stoica1,2, Silvia Moraru1,2, Florin Popescu1

(1) Physics Faculty, Bucharest University

RO-077125, Bucharest-Magurele, Romania,
(2) Tudor Vianu National High School of Computer Science
RO-011392, Bucharest, Romania,

The main aim of the authors is to describe an unconventional teaching way, an alternative for
the classical teaching process: conferring new meanings to the traditional experiments as an
add-on to the classical laboratory. We make our point by appealing to a number of specific
educational software and a NASA experiment (Butterflies in Space), as well as to a number of
projects developed under prestigious European Research Institutes – INFN, Italy, LIP and
FCUL, Portugal, and by using a number of virtual experiments. We focus upon the manner in
which this kind of new usage of the experiments can be implemented in the science curriculum
and the ways they can improve it. We study the impact that this kind of experiments have upon
the progress achieved by students, and in this paper we analyze the manner in which this
unconventional teaching way can provide outstanding results in the teaching process.
Keywords: Simulations, Virtual Labs, Remote Labs, NASA Project


The laboratory experiment and the data acquisition are prominent activities that require set-up and
take-down time, so they would obviously benefit from longer and fewer divisions of time (AAAS,
The inquiry based strategies and interactive methods supported by information and
communication technologies used in the physics classroom activities and in the laboratory
practice, are a requirement for a modern teaching and assessment process. In most of the cases
information and communication technologies are used in presenting the students with physical
phenomena that are difficult to reproduce in the laboratory, or very rare and difficult to observe in
the environment, due to the short of long time of occurrence (Redish, 1996).
As the market demand for people with advanced computer skills continues to grow, the use of
technology in the classroom has become an imperative worldwide. Research over the past 30 years
has shown that students fail to evidence deep understanding of science contents and processes
when subjected to conventional instruction of lecture and demonstrations (Karplus, 1977; Reif and
Larkin, 1991; Redish, 1994).
Synergistic research by cognitive and physics scientists in the past several decades have given
rise to successful efforts in challenging the solipsistic way in which students are being taught.
Physics education research has shown that highly interactive engagement of physics students
based on pedagogy that has an element of careful guidance is critical for deep learning of physics
(Hake, 1994; McDermott, 2001).
472 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Transmission of information, no matter how skilfully or artfully presented, does little more that
convince students that a memorization of facts and equations is the sine qua non of science in
general and of physics in particular.
Furthermore, we now know that carefully crafted lectures, including (passive) visuals, whether in
situ or in a virtual space, will lead the student to a better understanding of the physics phenomena.
According to Ulrich Harms, a computer simulation which enables essential functions of
laboratory experiments to be carried out on a computer is called a virtual laboratory.
The term virtual laboratory is used for very different sorts of simulations:
• classical simulations which contain certain elements of laboratory experiments and are
available locally (simulations);
• classical simulations which contain certain elements of laboratory experiments and are
accessible online on the Web, as JAVA applets or with plug-ins (Cyber Labs);
• simulations which attempt to represent laboratory experiments as closely as possible (Virtual
• simulations of lab experiments using virtual reality techniques (VR Labs);
• real experiments which are controlled via network / Internet (Remote Labs).
Two major conceptions of this idea can be differentiated.
In the first category, an experiment is replaced by a computer model. The experiment therefore
takes place in the form of a simulation. We will illustrate this trend with a couple of software
developed by the authors in Tudor Vianu National High School of Computer Science: Mechanical
Oscillation and Science of Music.
On the other hand, laboratory experiments can be described as virtual when the experiments
are controlled not by direct manipulation of laboratory equipment, but by means of a computer,
which is linked up to the actual laboratory equipment via a network (for instance, via the WWW).
Here we will present a NASA experiment, Butterflies in Space, and a number of projects
developed under the guidance of prestigious European Research Institutes – INFN, Italy, LIP and
FCUL, Portugal.

Virtual Labs: educational software

Generally speaking, virtual laboratories, like simulations, are intended to transfer con-ceptual and
procedural knowledge. Since this knowledge refers to the preparation, the performance and the
assessment of laboratory experiments, it is necessary to impart both background knowledge and
knowledge referring to actually carrying out the experiment.
As with simulations in general, virtual labs also facilitate a range of different, learning
processes: solution of (complex) problems, discovery of new content and new assessment of
already known information by means of discovery learning, construction of general principles
from experimental work, and comparison of individual pheno-mena (inductive learning).
Such simulations can be found in the educational software Mechanical Oscillation and Science
of Music.

Mechanical Oscillations
The Mechanical Oscillations software conveys information on harmonic oscillatory motion,
including phasor diagrams, energy, the superposition of parallel oscillations having the same or
different frequency, the superposition of perpendicular oscillation having the same or different
frequency, and examples of oscillatory motion, chosen from all the fields of classical physics:
optics, electricity, mechanics, and thermo-dynamics. This educational software is entirely
interactive (Stoica, 2008).
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 473

Its main plus is the quality of simulations, which includes the actual oscillator which accurately
moves according to the parameters specified by the student. Beside the oscillator there is a real-
time graph illustrating the physical quantities which characterize the motion. For a better
understanding of the phenomenon, the simulation can be paused at any moment (Stoica, 2004).
The student can easily correlate between physical parameters, having the liberty to compose
his or her own representation, thus involving him or her into the learning process, an optimal
possibility for the student to learn while playing, by varying parameters in a rigorous,
mathematical way (Stoica et al, 2010).
Using this educational software, the student can superposition any kind of oscillations, and
even to obtain Lissajoux figures.

Figure 1. A Screenshot from the Oscillations Educational Software

Science of Music
Science of Music is an educational software which offers a journey in the world of music guided
by the laws of physics, thus managing to observe the regularities that appear. It is structured so
that the user fully understands the mathematical laws and practical applications of physics in
music (Stoica et al, 2010). It is divided in six sections: theory, piano, guitar, other instruments,
game and test. The Theory section is divided in two types of lessons: a „classical lesson” which
consists of mathematical demonstrations and physical laws, and an „unconventional lesson” which
presents the link between physics and music in a funny way (Moraru et al, 2007).
The students can use the virtual laboratory to study the beats phenomenon, using two virtual
The software contains a virtual piano and a virtual guitar. It enables the user to interact with
this kind of musical instruments. He or she can see how the musical notes are distributed on the
piano, hear them while playing the piano and understand the science behind both the physics and
the music.
474 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Figure 2. A Screenshot from the Science of Music Educational Software

Remote Labs: real experiments controlled via network / Internet

Real experiments controlled via network / Internet are called remote labs. With the help of a
worksheet the participants have to conduct their own experiments. We have studied the impact of
the real experiments on the students, using a number of projects developed in Tudor Vianu
National High School of Computer Science.

FCUL, Lisbon: the muon lifetime

This experiment was made in the context of the CRESCERE project, using the experimental set-up
available at the University of Lisbon, based on a stack of scintillation plate detectors, a
photomultiplier and the associated electronics to process the signals. The objective was to measure
the lifetime of cosmic muons. The analysed data are presented in the graph below. The result was
very close to the actual value known to
1000 scientists: τ = 2.09 ± 0.04 µs (

800 LIP, Lisbon: cosmic rays energy

N [events]

600 In this experiment, the Cosmic Ray
Telescope provided by the University of
400 Lisbon has been used. The Lisbon Cosmic
Ray Telescope (LCRT) is an array of
200 detectors designed to measure Extensive
Air Showers initiated in the atmosphere by
0 Primary Cosmic Rays (
For the measurement of the flux of
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
cosmic rays, the students counted the
Time [µsec] number of detected hits on a scintillator
Figure 3. Experimental fitting curve for the during the acquisition time, knowing the
average lifetime of cosmic muons surface of the detector. The students have
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 475

collected three files of data, and they analyzed them in turn, then they calculated the flux
corresponding to each one. The mean energies found were E = 2.64 MeV, E = 3.2 MeV, and E =
2.85 MeV respectively (

LNF, Frascati, Italy: cosmic rays velocity

The aim of the INFN Experiment was to determine the speed of charged elementary particles
(mostly electrons and miuons) that result from atmospheric collisions between highly energetic
cosmic rays (mostly protons) and the atoms of the atmosphere (
The experimental setup consisted of two detectors (scintillators and photo-multipliers) placed
on the same vertical at a variable distance D between them. The analogical signal from the
detectors was converted into a digital signal with the help of a discriminator and a computer
recorded the transit time of each charged particle from one detector to the other. In order to make
sure that all the detected particles had passed through both detectors, a coincidence unit was
employed. A TDC (Time to Digital Converter) was used as a clock, and both the analogical and
digital signals were monitored on the screen of an oscilloscope.
The value found for the velocity of the cosmic rays was tremendously close to the speed of
light: v = (2.890 ± 0.112)·10 8 m/s (

Figure 4. Experimental fitting curve for the velocity of cosmic rays.

The Butterflies in Space NASA Project

The Butterflies in Space NASA Project uses “life in space” as a theme to engage the students in
conducting their own open-ended scientific investigation. The project combines the excitement of
an authentic real-time experiment on the International Space Station with hands-on exploration
and data collection by students in classes around the world (
The goal of this research project was to study the behavior of monarch butterflies (Vanessa
Cardui) in a laboratory environment, at constant pressure and temperature, and to compare the
results with the data offered by NASA regarding the life of butterflies in microgravity.
Microgravity is a mystery we all wish to unravel – and this can only be done with experiments and
careful observations. We and our students came up with a term of endearment for our butterflies,
naming them Vianuessa Cardui, because the name of our school is Tudor Vianu.
476 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

The project was structured in several parts. First, in order to choose their research questions,
the students studied the effects gravity has on living organisms and on those aspects they were able
to monitor by photos and videos. Then, they made some suppositions on how butterflies would
behave under the effect of microgravity and how would the lack of gravitational force affect their
biological processes. Also, they compared the actual experimental data collected with the data
offered by NASA. Finally, the students stated the conclusions of their research and suggested
several enhancements and future studies. The graph in Figure 5 illustrates a comparison between
the sizes of the larvae on Earth and those on the ISS (











Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6

Figure 5. Daily sizes of the larvae on Earth and on the ISS


A modern teaching process must give the students many quality and modern resources, including
virtual laboratories. We have always had the desire to offer more than a classical laboratory can
offer us, to go beyond what one studies at school in some subjects. These applications gave us this
opportunity! These virtual laboratories can be used very well in classes, to improve the lessons and
find new modern methods of acquiring data.
The main advantages of the virtual laboratories are the fact that the students:
• can plan and conduct simple or complex investigation;
• can use appropriate tools and techniques to gather data and extend their senses, and analyze
and interpret data;
• can use data to construct a reasonable explanation;
• will think critically and logically of the relationship between evidence and ex-planations;
• will use mathematics in all the aspects of the scientific inquiry;
• will develop a body of knowledge about materials, devices and techniques;
• will develop more experience involving manual skills and critical observation, interpretation
and assessment.
This sort of experiments takes the students to direct contact with researchers and their emotions
( After we developed these activities in our school, many of our students
discovered the scientist inside their self and chose to become scientists not for only a day, but for a
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 477


AAAS (1993): Benchmarks for Science Literacy. Oxford University Press, New York.

Journal Articles:
Karplus, R. (1977) Science Teaching and the Development of Reasoning. Journal of Research in Science
Teaching 14, 7.
Reif, F. and Larkin, J. H. (1991) Cognition in scientific and everyday domains: comparison and learning
implications. Journal of Research in Science Teaching 28, 28.
Redish, E. (1994) Implications of Cognitive Studies for Teaching Physics. American Journal of Physics 62, 8.
McDermott, L. (2001) Physics Education Research - The Key to Student Learning. American Journal of
Physics 69, 1127-1137.

Conference Proceedings:
Redish, E. F. (1996): New Models of Physics Instruction Based on Physics Education Research. In Deustchen
Physikalischen Gesellschaft Jena Conference, Jena.
Hake, R. (1994): Survey of Test Data for Introductory Mechanics Courses. In AAPT Summer Meeting, Notre
Dame University, 55.
Stoica, I. (2008): Modern Techniques of Evaluation of the Learning Excellence. In The 7th Congress of the
UES, Lisbon, 21.
Stoica, I. (2004): Mechanics: Oscillations. In 1st International Conference on Hands on Science, Ljubljana,
Stoica, I., Moraru, S., and Miron, C. (2010): An argument for a paradigm shift in the science teaching process
by means of educational software. In Second World Conference on Educational Sciences (WCES 2010),
Istanbul, 4407-4411.
Moraru, S., Cherciu R., Stoica, I. Susnea, A., and Carlanaru, M. (2007): Science of Music. In 1st
International Conference on Hands on Science, Ponta Delgada, 188-189.

Internet Sources: Guide
Aspects Related to Learning Content Management Systems
Iuliana Dobre1

(1) Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti

B-dul Bucuresti 39, 100680, PO BOX 52, ROMANIA

Interactive online education is one of the newer areas of research in computer science. The
general idea of interactive online learning is to feed the human senses with information
similar to the one accessed during our daily life. The efficiency of such educational systems is
a very important target to be achieved and this is possible by surrounding the users (students)
with realism, a realism which can be realized using information & communication
technologies, multimedia tools, e-learning techniques and collaborative tools in an interactive
environment. A new paradigm has appeared on the horizon and request specialists’ attention
this paradigm being the creation and development of a knowledge-based society. In this
context, this article presents an overview of the most important aspects specific to online
learning methodologies, tools, techniques as well as a case of study referring to the use of
Learning Content Management Systems.
Keywords: collaborative tools, e-assessment, e-learning, learning content management
systems, online education


The education has changed and will change in the future in a fundamentally way. The use of the
information technology, communications technology, multimedia tools for educational materials
distribution, computer-assisted instruction and e-learning techniques have as result the
improvement of teaching, learning as well as student’s knowledge assimilation and skills
The above mentioned processes major changes have as main support the development of the
Internet at global level, this providing new features to education such us: accessibility,
globalization, flexibility. The new environment created by the emergence of the Internet and
supported by revolutions in communications products, improved video technologies has
determinate the development of new forms of training. Lewis Perelman says that need to improve
education and schools through implementing the hyper-training, which is not only a new form of
instruction, issued by any constraint, but also a world liberated from the constraints of education.
Nations that choose education system using the latest technologies will be the most powerful
nations economically in the 21st century. This new form of learning will extend beyond school,
beyond the static roles of teacher and student and beyond school years.
Intelligent training environments, interactive hypermedia systems, biomedical technologies
and intelligent communications infrastructure enabling access to knowledge at anytime and
anywhere are key components of hyper-training technology (L.J. Perelman, 1992). Collaboration
tools have as well a very important role. Such tools help teachers and students working and
learning together without being dependent on the distance separating them. They let the e-learning
process participants share their ideas and even their sighs and smiles. They are essential for
collaborative e-learning and knowledge management initiatives. The collaboration tools represent
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 479

a category of a wide range of tools, from simple text-based e-mail clients to complex online
meeting tools. Providing a complete collaborative environment may require to combine several
separate tools and technologies (I. Dobre, 2006).

Collaborative Tools for E-learning

The majority and the most popular of the collaboration tools work the same way. Typically,
someone creates a message in a collaboration tool called a client. The message then goes to a
collaboration server that relays the message to other clients. The content can be almost anything –
a simple e-mail composed in Microsoft Outlook, a reply to a chat message, a drawing on a
whiteboard, a statement made in audio conferencing or a frame of video in video conferencing.
Regardless of its form, the message is sent to the server, which relays it to each of the client
tools that should receive it. The client tools then display or play the message for their users. The
collaboration process involves a client-server relationship, the most popular client-server
relationship being shown schematic in Figure 1.

Create Offer Access

Course Process


Page Collaboration Collaboration

server client

Figure 1. Example of the most common client-server relationship

Collaboration tools typically require communication between two kinds of software to enable a
dialog among participants. First there is a collaboration server. It runs on a Web server on the
Internet, an intranet or a LAN. Its function is to coordinate the flow of messages among
participants. The second type of collaboration software runs on each participant’s system. It is
called a collaboration client and it enables the participant to receive and send messages to other
participants by way of the server. E-mail software is a simple example of this client-server
relationship. Centralized e-mail servers route and dispatch messages that are then opened, read and
answered using e-mail clients. The e-mail server may be a specialized software package, such as
Microsoft Exchange Server or it may be built-in part of a standard Web server.
This built-in server component is typically called a SMTP server, which stands for Simple Mail
Transfer Protocol. The client part is the e-mail reader, such as Microsoft Outlook. Some
collaboration servers and clients provide multiple collaboration tools, whereas others specialize in
one particular tool. A number of servers and clients are designed as matched sets where a specific
brand of server requires the same brand of client. Of course this is not mandatory. The above
presented client-server relationship is the most popular. But the specific market can provide
variations of this client-server theme. For example, some collaboration servers work only with
corresponding client tools.
Other collaboration servers, especially ones for textual media, require no specific client and
can be accessed with a Web browser. To display other media, these servers use a media player.
Such a setup is called thin client architecture because most of the software is in the server and little
is in the client. Another variation omits the server altogether and enables collaboration clients to
480 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

communicate directly with each other. Tools like those called peer-to-peer (P2P) collaboration
tools allow the communication to go directly from a client to another without passing through a
server. Anyhow a server may still be used to register the address of potential collaborators so they
can find each other. Collaboration tools can also be categorized based on whether they enable
synchronous or asynchronous collaboration.
Collaboration tools make possible for all participants to communicate freely and to work
together on common tasks (L. Border et al, 1992). In the Figure 2 is presented a short overview of
these tools together with a general scheme referring how they are used in e-learning. The simplest
tool is e-mail between the teacher and student. Often e-mail messages are broadcast, typically from
the teacher to all students to announce a change or an event. Students and teachers can also post
messages on online discussion forum. Others can then read and reply to these messages.
Several collaboration tools provide real-time exchanges among the teacher and students. For
example, participants can use chat or instant messaging to exchange text messages. The teacher
may also use a polling tool to encourage voting on issues and other types of choices. Another
group of tools help distant students share a common experience. A whiteboard lets students share a
graphic and take turns marking it up.
The teacher may conduct a Web tour to take all participants to the same Web sites. Through
application sharing, the teacher lets students see and interact with a computer program, a window
or a document. When network speed allows, learners can use audio conferencing much as they
would a telephone conference call to talk with the instructor and each other. Those with very fast
networks can use video conferencing to see the instructor or to swap video images of each other.
Online collaboration tools may require learners to download and install a corresponding piece of
software called a collaboration client. Clients for collaboration tools are components that run on
the students’ computers to enable them to interact. They are the students interface to the online
meeting tool. Clients communicate with one another by way of a collaboration server, which takes
care of routing messages among all participants in a collaboration activity. For most e-learning
applications, collaboration clients are usually paired with a particular collaboration server or
online meeting tool.
Notable exceptions include e-mail readers, newsgroup readers and online discussions that
appear directly in a browser window.

Figure 2. Example of the most common client-server relationship

The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 481

Learning Content Management Systems

Online learning technology together with collaborative tools may be used for almost anything. It’s
a business and a solution for educational process, by teaming the knowledge in the organization (I.
Dobre, 2000). Online learning uses interactive and multimedia technology to illuminate lesson
content. It allows users to navigate through material, respond to questions, listen to sounds, watch
a video, view special graphics, and explore hyperlinks to related topics. Also, online learning
allows teachers to confirm that students understand and retain the knowledge deliver it. But online
learning is not only an engaging way to present information but as well is a cost-effective solution
that enhances and, in some cases, replaces traditional teacher-led and print-based training. In
addition, by adopting online learning in an organization, that organization will join thousands of
other organizations that are also reaping great benefits.
In this context the progress recorded in the past decades brought in the specialists’ attention
new learning systems available today in a large number from various companies. Called Learning
Content Management Systems (LCMS), were created with the purpose to simplify the task of
creating, managing, and reusing learning content (i.e.: the media, pages, tests, lessons etc.).
Usually the LCMS’s manage learning content by maintaining items of content in a central
repository. From this data base the teachers can organize, assemble, approve, publish and deliver
courses and other learning events. On the market is available a quite impressive list of LCMS’s
and is including tools with a wide range of capabilities, some of which go beyond the bounds of a
pure LCMS. Vendors like Click2learn WBT Systems, PeopleSoft, Asymetrix etc. have been
developed with different grade of success products with LCMS capabilities.
However, the cost of such products is also a very important aspect which needs to be carefully
evaluated. The author had the opportunity to work with one Asymetrix company product, called
Asymetrix ToolBook II Assistant. Asymetrix offers online learning solution for both, teachers
and students, the most popular being the Asymetrix ToolBook II Instructor and Asymetrix
ToolBook II Assistant. Asymetrix ToolBook Assistant is an authoring tool that is specially
designed for easy use. Its intuitive interface is ideal for those who want to create interactive
learning applications quickly but don’t need the OpenScript programming capabilities available
with Asymetrix ToolBook II Instructor. A catalogue of pre-programmed interactive objects
makes drag-and-drop authoring fast and easy to use for everyone. Using the Asymetrix ToolBook
II Assistant the author has developed an online course, the Informatics Basis course. The course
has been developed in thirteen lessons, all delivered through University Informatics Laboratory
network. Each lesson has been finalised with a quiz to test the knowledge level achieved by
students. At the end of the course a final test has been used to graduate the course.

Learning Content Management System Evaluation – Case Study

A case study was carried out by the author regarding the impact on students, based on students’
feedback. The course has been delivered to number 34 students during the first semester. At the
end of the final assessment was delivered to each participant a feedback form in order to collect
their feedback (I. Dobre, 2000).
Feedback Questionnaire
The questionnaire was designed and built taking into consideration the multiple possibilities to use
the feedback coming from students such as: to improve the course presentation, assessment quiz,
to catch the reaction of the students facing a new learning & assessment method, to measure the
efficacy of the online learning & assessment method etc. The author split the questionnaire in
several parts as follows:
• Student identification data – the aim is to cover the possibility to obtain pedagogical and
social statistics related to the participants (students);
482 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

• Navigation issues – this part of the questionnaire was connected to the accessibility
capabilities of the software;
• Interface issues – this part of the questionnaire was dedicated to the interface accessibility
and used methodology;
• Interaction issues – the interaction of the student with the software package is one of the
main issues what should be taken into consideration;
• Acceptability issues – the level of understanding and personal opinion of each student is
the opportunity that the educator can use to develop further the software itself, the
methodology and technology used to implement it.
Navigation, interface and interaction parts were covered with four questions each. The student
had the possibility to rate each question with a score starting from 1 (very poor) to 5 (excellent).
The last part of the questionnaire dedicated to the acceptance issues was covered through six
questions and the student was asked to answer by yes / no / I don’t know. All results were analysed
by simple statistical techniques and transformed in percentages. The author would like to focus on
the interaction and acceptability parts of the questionnaire by presenting below the results

Student Interaction

Since the beginning the author would like to highlight the fact that very few students didn’t answer
to all questions from the questionnaire. But, taken into consideration the number of the students
and the number of the questions remained without a response the author considers this fact as
negligible. As the author said previously the student interaction level was covered through four
questions (see Table 1) and the results obtained after the author did the analysis can be find
enclosed in the table below.

Table 1. Students Interaction Analysis Based on Their Feedback.

Rating score
5 4 3 2 1
It is the software presentation interesting? 18 11 4 – –
It is the software content at the same level with your
– 22 4 4 –
level of knowledge?
How do you appreciate the capability of the software to
provide you with an effective feedback that you can 4 15 15 – –
use in stimulating your personal development?
How do you appreciate the capability of the software to
12 12 11 – –
evaluate correctly your performances?
Total 34 60 34 4 0
% from Total 25.8 45.4 25.8 3.0 0.0

The author emphasis that the interaction recorded at the first use was appreciated by 71.2%
from the students as a positive one.
The satisfactory level was considered by 25.8% from the students and only 3% disagree with
the capabilities of the software to improve the assessment process by using an online
In Figure 3 the author presents the overall distribution of the students appreciations related to
the interaction issues. If we look at little bit closer to the results some conclusions can be drawn
there. The software package in general was positively appreciated by the students but still there
exists a negative reaction from them when we are talking about their responsibilities related to the
educational process. About 56% from the students answered positively to question three regarding
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 483

the use of the software for personal improvement. It is true also that no students answered directly
with a negative appreciation to this question but still there is a percentage of 46% from students
who have doubts.


25,8% 25,8%

Very Good

Figure 3. Answers percentage overall distribution for students interaction level

Also, around 31% from the students are still no confident in the capability of the software
package to perform a correct evaluation.

Student Acceptability
This part of the questionnaire focused on trying to identify future directions for improvement of
the online course also taking the opportunity to better understand the students’ point of view
related to the use of such tools. The author provided the students with six questions as shown in
table 2. Also, the author analyses the feedback by calculating the percentages from the total
answers received and these are enclosed in the graph from Figure 4.




Figure 4. Answers percentage overall distribution for the

students acceptance level

If we look to the statistics some conclusions could be drawn. The students involved in this
study replied in a majority, 87.5% that the software can be used to correct some deficiencies at a
personal level. Also, the level of trust is quite high, 66.7% compared with negativistic opinions,
12.1% to which we can add another 21.2% who are not yet sure. The same results as above were
recorded when the students were requested to provide their opinion about the possibility to attach
the assessment module to the traditional classroom laboratories/seminaries. 66.7% considered it as
positive attempt. Of course, this involves the students’ efforts. Such action will lead to a regular
evaluation of what they succeed to achieve during each learning courses. But, in any case, such
percentage encourages future efforts.
The question coming is the one referring to whether the students are prepared or not to face
such type of online evaluation. This is for sure another matter. The majority of the students know
484 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

to use the computer at least at a minimum level. However, the author believes that any
improvement in computer culture could come only from the student’s side. The educator can add
the spark but only the student is responsible for his own future development. In this case, 76.4%
from all students answering to this question are right. The software is a challenge for them.
Like any other software package there is always room for improvement. Even the author
believes that at this stage the software package is at its very beginning developing level and of
course, in the future new improvements will be added.


Whenever we are talking about evaluations we have to take into consideration the subjective
But, regarding the subject in discussion, the author considers these trends as normal taken into
consideration that all students faced for the very first time an online learning & assessment course.
It always takes some time until the new is coming usual and the users of the new become familiar
with this. The author is convinced that after a while, working with such types of online learning
courses the level of appreciations will increase and the “discredit” will disappear for the majority
of the students.
For sure the teachers, working together in teams, are able to build up a viable educational
system. But the responsibility for this task does not belong only to them but also to the students.
Of course, this paper will not be able to solve the challenges of the educational process as well as
the author believes that a true value assessment of the students begins always with the educational
values. The teachers, students, specialists who are acting in the educational process shall pay the
right attention to the outcomes but also and equally to the experiences that lead to those outcomes
(T. Bender, 2003).
The students’ opinion is always welcomed. New gates can be opened based on their feedback.
As more and more institutions from higher education area incorporate online courses in their
curriculum, the educators need to determine and implement better methodology for the
performances evaluation. The advantage that the technology provides is simple and clear.
Traditional forms of teaching, learning and assessing are limited and can provide only a partial
“picture” of students’ performances. But the e-learning means more than this. It means an
interactive environment in which knowledge is created and shared between all participants. The
evaluations lead to improvement only when all parties involved in the educational process are
active participants.

Perelman, L.J. (1992): School’s Out: Hyperlearning. The New Technology and the End of Education. William
Morrow and Co., New York.
Border, L. and Chism, N. (1992): Teaching for diversity: New directions for teaching and learning. Jossey-
Bass Prentice Hall, San Francisco.
Horton, W. and Horton, K. (2003): E-learning Tools and Technologies. Willey Publishing Inc., Indianapolis.
Bender, T. (2003): Discussion – Based Online Teaching To Enhance Student Learning. Stylus Publishing
LLC., Virginia.
Journal Articles:
Dobre, I. (2000) The Future Now – Interactive Online Learning. Mathematics – Informatics – Physics Series,
Bulletin Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, vol. LII, no. 1/2000, Ed. Petroleum-Gas University of
Ploiesti, 135-140.
Dobre, I. (2006) Aspects of Collaboration Tools in E-Learning. Mathematics – Informatics – Physics Series,
Bulletin Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, vol. LVIII, no. 1/2006, Ed. Petroleum-Gas University of
Ploiesti, 51-56.
PyAlg: An Algorithm Learning Platform
Radu Drăguşin, Paula Petcu

Department of Computer Science

University of Copenhagen, Denmark, E-mail:

The course on algorithms and data structures is a fundamental course for those studying
computer science. Thus, a huge amount of teaching material covering this topic has been
developed over the years: from books on algorithms and data structures and articles on
algorithm learning, to algorithm libraries and algorithm visualization. However, our study of
previous work shows the lack of a unitary solution that covers essential aspects of algorithm
learning: algorithm libraries, algorithm visualization, and algorithm benchmarking. The aim
of this project was to develop a unified interface covering those aspects. The developed tool,
named PyAlg, is a learning platform that can be used in studying, teaching, and analysing
algorithms. It was originally designed for the students following the undergraduate course on
algorithms and data structures from the Department of Computer Science at the University of
Copenhagen, where it was used in one of the programming assignments. The target audience
for the latest version of the developed product is wider, though the objective remains the
same: helping students in the process of understanding, learning, and analysing algorithms.

Keywords: Algorithms and data structures, Algorithm benchmarking, Algorithm libraries,

Python, Programming language


The undergraduate course Algorithms and Data Structures in the Department of Computer Science
at the University of Copenhagen is a nine-weeks course given for first year students studying
computer science or mathematics. In the previous iterations of the course it was observed that the
students had two types of difficulties in understanding the course material. The students from the
computer-science department had problems with understanding the proofs of the correctness and
performance of algorithms, and often skip formulas and text, and just read the pseudo-code. On the
other hand, the students with a mathematical background had problems with seeing the connection
between the pseudo-code and real programs run on computers.
Starting from 2010, the purpose of the course was to cover the whole algorithm-engineering
cycle (Sanders, 2009): design, analysis, implementation, and experimentation.
However, many of the students enrolled have never programmed before. Based on the
instructors’ previous experience, the Python programming language was chosen for the
programming assignment for this course. The literature on teaching algorithms supports their
choice (Stajano, 2000; Chou, 2002; Miller and Ranum, 2005). Python is an easy-to-learn
programming language, with clear syntax and an extensive library. Moreover, using Python can
prove to be much more productive compared to other programming languages.

Project Overview
The aim of our project was to facilitate the learning of algorithms by creating a playground for the
first-year students enrolled in the course on algorithms and data structures. The final output was an
486 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

application, named PyAlg, which can be used as a learning platform supporting the lectures or
self-study. It was originally designed for the students following the undergraduate course in the
Department of Computer Science at the University of Copenhagen, but could be used in other
institutions as well.
The lectures and exercise classes provided by the instructors usually cover only the design and
analysis parts of the algorithm-engineering process (DFG, 2007). The aim of this project was to
provide a learning platform, which supports the implementation and experimentation parts of the
Although the current main features of the application are developing, organizing, and
benchmarking algorithms, the underlying target of the application is to give students a good start
in understanding, analysing and extracting relevant information pertaining to algorithms. The
application could also be used as a tool supporting algorithm research.

State of the Art

In the Department of Computer Science at the University of Copenhagen, the widely-used
Introduction to Algorithms textbook (Cormen et al, 2009) has been used since the mid 90s. The
book is used both as reading material and as a source of assignments for the students. However,
for the hands-on programming exercises that should cover the implementation and
experimentation part of the algorithm-engineering process, new material was needed.
The CPH STL (, developed and maintained by the Performance Engineering
Laboratory from the same department, is a library of generic algorithms and data structures
implemented in C++; this library provides alternative/enhanced versions of the individual C++
standard library components using standard algorithmic and performance-engineering techniques
(Katajainen and Yde, 2000). LEDA (Library of Efficient Data types and Algorithms) also comprises of
an extensive collection of data structures implemented in C++ (Mehlhorn and Näher, 1999).
The AlgoViz Wiki project (Shaffer, 2009) provides information to support users and
developers of algorithm visualizations, and includes a catalogue of publicly available algorithm
visualizations. However, they only provide links to different sources of algorithm visualizations,
rather than actually hosting interconnected visualizations. On the other hand, the algorithm
animator, developed by Massimo Di Pierro in conjunction with the course Design and Analysis of
Algorithms at DePaul University, seems to capture the visualization of most of the algorithms
studied in a basic course on algorithms and data structures. It is a “Python application that
implements and animates interactively those algorithms that are normally covered in an
undergraduate course on the topic” (Di Pierro, 2008). For most algorithms, the source code
actually follows the pseudo-code from the textbook Introduction to Algorithms.
Another type of application that contributes to the experimental part of algorithm-engineering
is a benchmarking tool. For example, Benchrun (Johansson, 2010) is a Python script for defining
and running performance benchmarks for different versions of some code for different values of an
input parameter.
Although several sources of teaching and study material are available, we did not find a
complete application that includes all three components our project focuses on: algorithm library,
algorithm visualization, and algorithm benchmarking.

Software Solution

The features offered by our application are algorithm benchmarking, execution-time and line-
count comparisons, control-flow visualization, and algorithm-library management. The name of
the application, PyAlg, comes from the concept of providing an algorithms playground in Python.
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 487

In what follows, we will provide a general overview of the application. Detailed information
on usage can be found on the project’s website (Drăguşin and Petcu, 2010).

Figure 1: PyAlg interface on Ubuntu 10.04

The main functionalities of the application can be observed in Figure 1, illustrating the
interface of the application. As previously mentioned, our project focuses on two specific key
aspects: a library of algorithms and a benchmarking tool. Another team developed an algorithm
visualization tool (Juncher and Mathiasen, 2010), which is not integrated in the current version of
the project.

1. Algorithm Library
The leftmost area of the interface includes a list of algorithm names that have been previously
introduced. In our examples, the application has initially two sorting algorithms, but the user can
easily add more algorithms to the library and group them under custom sections.
The central area of the main window renders a dynamically-created HTML file with embedded
JavaScript. The user can run an implementation of the algorithm from the library on randomly
generated values or on user given values. The selection of the values for input arguments is done
through the input area from the bottom-left corner, as depicted in Figure 1. An HTML file
corresponding to the selection is generated each time the user runs the program through this
The generated HTML file provides a simple analysis of the used resources and control flow
and can be saved through the interface for further use. The file contains the Python source code
with syntax highlighting, the associated line numbers and line counts (both numerically and
graphically), and the highlighted control flow of the algorithm (which can be controlled through
buttons). However, for more complex analysis and comparisons, the user can use the
benchmarking tool.

2. Benchmarking Tool
The benchmarking tool allows the user to compare and visualize the time needed for an operation
to be executed by different algorithms. Moreover, the computational cost of these operations can
be observed over a range of input parameters. The students can also use the benchmarking tool to
establish which is the most computationally expensive operation in an algorithm.
488 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

The user must follow three steps: select one or more algorithms, select one or more lines from
each algorithm, and provide values for the arguments of the algorithms. An example output is
shown in the Figure 2.

Figure 2: Benchmarking using PyAlg

(A) The image is the result of benchmarking Insertion Sort (blue) and Quick Sort (green) on 90 lists of
increasing length (ranging from 10 to 100 elements – x-axis). The y-axis represents the number of
comparison performed to sort each list. (B) The image adds one more range element – the maximum size of
the elements of the list, on the x-axis – besides the length of the list on the y-axis. The number of comparisons
is represented through colour. A student could easily observe that once the length of a list increases, the
number of comparisons in Insertion Sort grows considerably faster than in Quick Sort (A and B) and that the
maximum size of the elements of the list does not influence the number of comparisons (B).

Teaching and Learning Using PyAlg

The software has the goal of facilitating teaching, learning, and experimenting with algorithms in
class and at home.
Through the use of PyAlg, the teacher can conceive, design and then generate support
materials for use in class. The teacher can supplement the lecture with graphical representations
produced by the application. This can be of use in a number of occasions, for example, when
comparing algorithms, or in establishing their computational complexity.
One of the first features we designed was to allow users to add new algorithms through the
interface. We wanted to make this feature as flexible as we could so that the user can add any
Python code. The source code does not need to contain an algorithm usually taught at algorithmics
courses; it can be any Python code. Moreover, in order to benchmark an algorithm or analyse it, no
further modifications to the source code are needed. Thus, the students can use the application to
experiment on their own code and test the performance of their algorithms.
We chose to produce the output for the algorithm analysis in the form of an HTML file. This
file can be viewed in the interface, as well as be saved and used outside the scope of the
application. The corresponding image for line counts is saved in the scalable vector graphics
(SVG) format. The output images of the benchmarking tool are also saved in the SVG format.
Also, when saving these images, the raw data on which the programs run during benchmarking is
also saved in a comma-separated values (CSV) file, facilitating further data processing. Moreover,
this feature allows students and teachers to easily integrate benchmarks into their presentations,
lectures, or reports.
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 489

We also chose to facilitate the interaction with all of the provided functionalities through an
easy-to-use graphical interface rather than through command-line instructions. This decision was
based on the consideration that the target audience is formed of computer-science students as well
as students from other fields.
We felt that it was important to allow students to work on the operating system they are
familiar with, so our application works on all major operating systems (Linux, Windows, Mac OS
X and FreeBSD).
The application is almost entirely written in Python, the exception being the JavaScript file that
is responsible for highlighting the control flow of an algorithm in the produced HTML file. The
project is open-source, being licensed under GNU GPL v.2. Thus, it can be used or further
extended by other institutions or individuals that have an interest in it.

PyAlg in Class
The instructors saw the project assignment as a link in the algorithm-engineering cycle, covering
the implementation and experimenting phases, as illustrated in Figure 3.
The students had two weeks to solve the project,
which consisted of the tasks of implementing a
specified data structure and algorithm, writing a test
suite for verifying the functionalities of the written
code, benchmarking the performance of their code and
some competing code using PyAlg, and finally
visualizing how the data structure or algorithm behaves.
Prior to the assignment, the students were offered
the opportunity to attend a Quick Start to Python two-
hours class. The overall content and purpose for these
classes was to introduce the Python programming
language and get the students to start programming.

Conclusions and Future Work Figure 3: The cycle of algorithm-

engineering: design, analysis,
implementation, and experimental
Conclusions evaluation of algorithms. While the lectures
The main objective of our project was to help students covered design and analysis, the project
in the process of understanding, learning, and analysing covers implementation and experimentation.
algorithms. Together with the visualization toolbox The illustration is based on (DFG, 2007).
VisPy (Juncher and Mathiasen, 2010), we developed a
complete product that includes all the three components our project initially intended to focus on:
an algorithm library, an algorithm visualization tool, and an algorithm benchmarking tool.
The target audience of the developed product is wide and the existing framework should be
able to be successfully operated as it is in its current version by any individual with a little
experience in Python programming.
The development of PyAlg was part of an integrated effort to help students in learning
algorithms and to motivate them for this goal. Our own experience as graduates of the West
University of Timisoara is that the desire to make algorithm courses more appealing to first-year
students is not limited to the University of Copenhagen. Indeed, there are numerous reports
indicating that other educational institutions seek to improve their algorithm teaching practices too
(McCracken et al, 2001; Denning and McGettrick, 2005).
Our study of previous work shows the lack of a unitary solution that covers all the aspects of
algorithm engineering. With this project we showed that it is possible to develop a unified
interface that covers all the above-mentioned aspects.
490 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Future Work
Although the project can be successfully used in its current form, there is always room for
improvement. On the webpage of the project, we collect information on the usage of the tool and
any reported problems. However, besides any issues that might be discovered in the close future,
we already have some ideas for improving and expanding our application.
The first major enhancement would be to integrate a visualization toolbox inside the
application as opposed to a separate package. This would allow students to analyse and visualize
their algorithms in a unitary interface. Another enhancement would be the development of a web
service for algorithm benchmarking that would use the core of PyAlg as a back-end. An on-line
service could prove to be practical when benchmarking algorithms with large input data. This idea
could be easily implemented as a consequence of PyAlg's use of web standards for output.
In the future, we plan to advertise PyAlg in the academic as well as open-source circles as a
useful tool to teach, learn, and analyse algorithms.

We are thankful to Jyrki Katajainen for his assistance in the project and his help in revising the
paper. We would also like to thank the students from the University of Copenhagen for providing
us with their valuable input.

Chou, H. P. (2002): Algorithm education in Python. In Proceedings of the 10th International Python
Conference, pp.177-185.
Cormen, T. H., Leiserson, C. E., Rivest, R. L., and Stein, C. (2009): Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd Edition.
The MIT Press.
Denning, P. J. and McGettrick, A. (2005): Recentering computer science. In Commun. ACM 48(11), 15–19.
DFG - Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (2007): DFG Priority Programme 1307: Algorithm Engineering.
Retrieved June 5, 2010 from
Di Pierro, M. (2008): Algorithm animator source code and download page. Retrieved June 5, 2010 from
Drăguşin, R. and Petcu, P. (2010): PyAlg project hosted on Google Code. Downloads List. Retrieved June 6,
2010, from
Johansson, F. (2010): Benchrun: Python benchmarking utility. Retrieved June 5, 2010, from
Juncher, K. L. and Mathiasen, B. S. (2010): VisPy project hosted on Google Code. Vispy: tool for visualizing
data structures. Retrieved June 6, 2010 from
Katajainen, J. and Yde, L. (2000): Project proposal: The Copenhagen STL. Technical Report: CPH STL
Report 2000-1, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen.
McCracken, M., Almstrum, V., Diaz, D., Guzdial, M., Hagan, D., Kolikant, Y. B.-D., Laxer, C., Thomas, L.,
Utting, I., and Wilusz, T. (2001): A multi-national, multi-institutional study of assessment of
programming skills of first-year computer science students. SIGCSE Bull, 33(4), 125–180.
Mehlhorn, K., Näher, S. (1999): LEDA: a platform for combinatorial and geometric computing, Cambridge
University Press.
Miller, B. N. and Ranum D. L. (2005): Teaching an introductory computer science sequence with Python. In
Proceedings of the Midwest Instructional Computing Symposium.
Sanders, P. (2009): Algorithm engineering – an attempt at a definition. In Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, Volume 5760, Springer.
Shaffer, C. (2009): Data structure and algorithm visualization for computer science education,
Stajano, F. (2000): Python in education: Raising a generation of native speakers. In Proceedings of the 8th
International Python Conference, pp. 24-27.
The use of e-learning platforms, the way to increase quality
and efficiency in studying Physics

Luminita Dinescu1, Maria Dinica1, Cristina Miron1, Emil Barna1

(1) University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics

405, Magurele Str. Atomistilor, 77125, ROMANIA

Reality shows that everywhere in the world education and the educable have changed,
unconditionally surrounding to the new technologies of information and communication. This
is the reason why the teacher has to assume new roles according to the new evolution. This
fact imposes a new way of thinking and acting in order to renew the pedagogical instruments.
It has been noticed in the last decade a tendency of decreasing the weight that Physics has
within the curricula both at the gymnasium and high school level. In this context, if it is
desired that the student should acquire knowledge, competences, behavior and attitudes
according to the proposed objectives, it is becoming absolutely necessary to find some
methods and complementary means that should facilitate the achievement of all those. We aim
to prove through this paper that the use of an e-learning platform within the teaching-
learning-assessing process, the Caroline Platform, can lead to a significant increase in the
efficiency of studying Physics. This platform was used in order to offer support for teaching,
learning and assessing. It can be used whether for a teacher-conducted study or for an
individual study, giving the students the possibility to acquire knowledge and skills, according
to their own possibilities and rhythm.

Keywords: E-learning, Knowledge, Efficiency of learning


The dynamic of the scientific knowledge, the fulminatory development of information and the
rapidity of its spreading everywhere confer a new position to the science and technique, dominated
by the incontestable growth of people’s knowledge needs.
Since we belong to a society of knowledge, it is natural that the educational system should
manifest a wide opening to the progress of science and technique. It is expected that a society that
will be more and more based on knowledge should become more and more dependent on the
learning process, become a society of study, of training and eventually an extreme educated
society (Cerghit, 2008). From this point of view the partners in the educational process, both
teachers and students, should define new roles according to the new evolutions. The educators
must find and implement such methods that give access to an easier learning. Several studies show
that information and communication technologies (ICT), if properly used, contribute to the quality
of education and training and to Europe’s move to a knowledge-based society
ICT facilitate the access to information and its processing. Learning and assessing the
knowledge by using the computer at school or at home is very attractive and significantly increase
the effects of the teaching process (Dobrzański and Honysz 2007). Also, e-learning can be a
solution: Opening up education and training systems and working to make these systems more
492 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

attractive, and even adapting them to meet the needs of the various groups concerned, can play an
important part in promoting active citizenship, equal opportunities and lasting social cohesion
E-learning offers new opportunities for both educators and learners to enrich their teaching and
learning experiences, through virtual environments that support not just the delivery but also the
exploration and application of information and the promotion of new knowledge (Holmes and
Gardner 2006). Compared to the traditional teaching-learning-assessing methods, e-Learning
differentiates through several elements (Cucos, 2006):

Traditional formation E-learning

Time management
The formation ways are established and imposed to The student himself organizes his formation during
everybody, beyond the working time the working time
The organization of pedagogical path
Linear and predefined progression Progression adaptable to each individual, according
to the situation
Connection with operational activities
With no immediate connection Integrated to the operational activities
Punctual activity having a precise place, and Continuous activity
imposed beginning and ending data
The content is the same for everybody and it has to The content takes account of the individual needs
satisfy as many as possible and of the interactions between participants and
It is described through curricula, in a centralized tutor.
way. The content changes continuously, through the
It takes account of the changes only too late. users, the experiences appeared and inedited
Table 1. Comparison traditional formation versus e-Learning

E-learning platforms are software that organize and automate many of the activities associated
with e-learning.
E-learning platforms are applications used for delivery of learning content and facilitation of
learning process (Sife et al, 2007).
E-learning platforms offer users a structure that can be easily adapted to multiple uses from
augmentation of “brick and mortar” education to stand-alone training exercises (FIG, 2010).
The use of e-Learning platform offers benefits
For students: a number of comprehensive tools and learning resources help students track their
progress, improve their performance, and enjoy their learning experience; students can access their
learning material and textbooks - personalized and in rich media format - from any computer,
anytime and anywhere; students can interact with their teachers and with each other through
multiple communication and collaboration tools such as e-mail, discussion forums and group
study-sessions; they can also perform online tests and access their homework assignments, grades
and school calendar at all times.
For the teachers: it helps teachers to better manage and utilize their time, and increase
efficiency in the classroom allowing more room for innovation and creativity; teachers are able to
quickly author and publish customized learning content to suit their students’ specific needs, and
communicate complex ideas and concepts; teachers are able to measure individual student
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 493

performance and progress; they can design and conduct online tests, assign homework and issue
students’ grades automatically
The benefits being obvious for both students and teachers, the use of e-learning under its varied
aspects becomes opportune and necessary within the teaching-learning-assessing process.

The use of Claroline e-learning platform within the teaching-learning – assessing process at

It has been noticed in the last decade a tendency of decrease the weight that Physics has in the
curricula for secondary and high school.
A particularity of the teaching-learning-assessing Physics consists in the fact that during this
activity the basic thinking operations (analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison and logical
materialization) are formed and developed on a wider scale than at other subjects. The same
happens with the types of thinking (algorithmic and heuristic, deductive and analogical, divergent
and convergent, reproductive, productive and critical) (Malinovschi, 2003). In this context, if it is
desired that the student should acquire knowledge, competences, behaviour and attitudes
accordingly to the objectives, it becomes absolutely necessary to find some complementary
methods and means that could facilitate his acquisition. The term “complementary” points out the
fact that these modern methods and means, accessible due to the fulminatory evolution of
technology, do not replace “the traditional”, but it completes it, in a mutual interrelation. The way
we have chosen to compensate the insufficient number of hours allocated to Physics was through a
site ( This does not substitute the traditional class, but it helps students to
fathom, systematize and set their knowledge and competences outside classes, in their own time
and rhythm.
We have decided on this solution because it ensures an increased autonomy, the content of the
materials being in accord with the target students’ level, study profile and interests.
The site was accessed during the school year 2009-2010 by the 11th grade students. At this
level, the content of the curriculum related to the number of hours allocated to this subject is over
dimensioned. The students’ access on the web site was based on a username and a password.
The home page contains the argument for the creation of the site, the description of the
software support, online courses, the description of the target group and a guide for using it, as it is
shown in Fig. 1.

Figure 1.Home page site

494 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

The accessing of the educational content can be done through the Claroline e-learning
platform, due to some considerations: it is easy to install and administrate; it can be used whether
for the teacher-conducted or the individual study. The Claroline platform is organized around the
concept of spaces related to a course or a pedagogical activity. Each space provides a list of tools
that enable to create learning contents, manage training activities and interact with the students
(, as it is shown in Fig. 2.

Figure 2.Claroline Platform Tools

The use of this platform allows us:

a) to manage documents and links (publishing documents and files accessible to the users,
creating directories and sub-directories to gather files, creating hyperlinks and building your own
HTML pages). There were placed at the students’ disposal certain documents containing the
synthesis of the theoretical notions taught in class, links to sites where virtual experiments can be
done if the laboratory equipment does not permit to carry them out, as it is shown in Fig. 3.

Figure 3. Documents and links

b) create online exercises (elaborating different types of questions, tracking the results of the
users). There were created evaluation and self-evaluation tests, with different items: multiple
choice, dual items, replacing items. More than that, students were also given the marking scheme
of the tests, as it is shown in Fig. 4.
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 495

Figure 4. Online test

c) develop learning path (creating complete sequences of learning activities, stimulating the
students to read documents). Students can benefit from worksheets for the laboratory activity, so
that they could study them before the running of the experiment. Thus, during the class they can
concentrate on the practical activity, completing and processing the data in the existent files, as it
is shown in Fig. 5.

Figure 5. Laboratory activity

d) coordinate group work

e) produce: assignments and wiki (posting files that can interest other course members,
submitting an assignment to the course manager)
496 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

f) organize: agenda and announcements(adding events in the course calendar, attaching to an

event a link to other tools of the course or to an existing resource)
g) supervise: users and statistics (following the access to the platform, supervising the
progression of the users).
At the end of the programme we made a succinct evaluation of it, because we have to pay
attention to the students’ satisfaction, to the impact of the technologies used and to the conditions
required in order to maintain students’ interest for these methods.
In order to have a clear image over the success or failure of an e-Learning programme we must
compare the performances obtained by the students within the two forms of instruction (traditional
and e-learning). We must also identify the pedagogical factors that contribute to the success of an
e-learning programme and the ways in which these programmes can be improved.
To receive a feedback for the developed activities we applied a questionnaire to the 72 students
involved. It uses a 5-point scale and aims the students’ attitude towards the main components of
the programme: course materials, the time allocated to a unit, tutorial support.
Regarding the course materials the answers were: very much 72%, much 26%, a little 2%, very
little 0%, not at all 0%.
Regarding the time allocated to a unit the answers were: very much 37%, much 31%, a little
18%, very little 10%, not at all 4%.
Regarding the tutoring support the answers were: very much 45%, much 43%, a little 10%,
very little 2%, not at all 0%.
Analyzing the students’ answers it becomes obvious that there are aspects which can and
should be improved.
The students’ involvement in evaluating each aspect of an e-learning programme can prove to
be useful for the right development of the entire process and for its following evolution.
Most of the aspects related to the quality of the teaching-learning-assessing process cannot be
taken into account without supervising it all along and without a global evaluation of the system
applied. This approach implies the idea of the key role that assessment has in the continuous
improvement of the tutoring activities for students and in the development of the e-learning system.

The accessing of the educational content by the use of the e-Learning platform presented, confirms
that e-learning method enables the introduction of the new education formula, which may include
advantages of traditional teaching and distance education.
Students consider this form of learning far more interesting and accessible since it facilitates
the learning in their own rhythm, according to their learning style and it ensures the access to the
materials exactly when and where it is necessary.
Secondly, the results of the evaluations were significantly improved and it was noticed a
decrease of the number of students who presented a school failure risk. This can be explained by
the fact that the students benefit ever since the beginning of each unit from an evaluation matrix
which specified when and how they would be assessed. The good results were also influenced by
the fact that the students looked through the evaluation and self-evaluation tests before the final
A large amount of practical applications (problems and exercises), impossible to be carried out
during the classes and realized under the form of homework, allowed the instruction to be
differentiated into process and product.
However, besides the many advantages that e-Learning has, there are several disadvantages.
Firstly, it requires that teachers should have experience in planning their own didactic materials
and making them accessible to the students, and the latter should also be experienced in accessing
and using those materials.
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 497

Secondly, the use of an e-Learning system implies costs that might be very high and teachers
or schools cannot always afford them.
Finally, planning the materials and the tutoring with everything that it involves are great time-
consuming activities for the teachers.
The quality of teaching and the efficiency of learning are not automatically improved by the
use of computer and Internet. However, the development and use of methodological and didactical
e-learning concepts or a meaningful integration of multimedia learning modules in existing
learning environments can certainly lead to the expected progress (Bruhn-Suhr, 2004).

Bruhn-Suhr, M., (2004) Success Factors for efficient e-Learning Development and Implementation, Best
practice example at Hamburg University: OLIM – Management for Executives, Online
Cerghit, I. (2008): Sisteme de instruire alternative şi complementare. Editura Polirom, Iasi.
Cucos, C. (2006): Informatizarea în EducaŃie. Editura Polirom, Iaşi.
Dobrzański, L.A., Honysz, R., (2007) Materials science virtual laboratory as an example of the computer aid
in materials engineering, Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering 24, 2,
FIG (2010): Enhancing Surveying Education through e-Learning, Published by The International Federation
of Surveyors (FIG), Copenhagen.
Holmes, B. and Gardner, J. (2006): E-Learning: Concepts and Practice. London: SAGE Publications,
Malinovschi, V. (2003) Didactica fizicii. Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, Bucureşti.
Sife, A. S., Lwoga, E.T. and Sanga, C. (2007) New technologies for teaching and learning: Challenges for
higher learning institutions in developing countries. International Journal of Education and Development
using Information and Communication Technology (IJEDICT), 3, 2, 57-67.
The promotion of active and creative learning within the context
of using information technology
Maria Dinica1, Luminita Dinescu1, Cristina Miron1, Emil Barna1

(1) University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics

405, Magurele Str. Atomistilor, 77125, ROMANIA

The information technology has changed the way of understanding the notion of intelligence
needed for functioning in nowadays world, through the wide geographical and social spread
of the use of personal computers, mobile gadgets and Internet. Specialty researches
frequently analyze two aspects of the use of computers: as a means of acquiring new
knowledge and skills, and as a way to apply these knowledge and skills in concrete situations.
The information environment allows active and efficient learning through an advanced
shaping of the knowledge into some mental schemes. The creation of these mental schemes
implies free and hazardous associations that valorize the infinite potential of the brain. The
promotion of active learning leads to the encouragement of the partnerships in learning. The
true studying permits the transfer of the acquisitions in new contexts and the modern
technology offers varied and attractive possibilities of communication and cooperation. We
shall present in this paper the way in which the use of group conceptual maps in studying
Physics leads to active learning, increases the motivation, stimulates both the individual and
team creativity and capitalizes the students’ information abilities.

Keywords: information technology, active learning, conceptual maps


It is well known that the present objectives of school are favoured by the wide introduction of new
technologies in education. Therefore it results a reconfiguration of the learning process, by
establishing the priorities and the resources. It is recommended that the school space be permissive
and prepared to reconvert what is valuable for the formation, be open and predisposed to self
organization (Cucos, 2006).
Democratic and cooperative educational practices can equilibrate the individualism and the
competition promoted in the Romanian classes, as they stimulate students’ participation and the
improvement of the school results (Popa, 2009).

Creative learning

The work environment change because of the new technologies and so do the abilities we need in
order to navigate through the information-saturated environment (Wood, 2004). Information
technology (from the personal computer to the mobile gadgets and Internet) fundamentally
transforms the way in which it is understood the notion of intelligence necessary to function in a
modern world (Marhan, 2007).
The instruction environments based on Informatics can carry out the interaction between the
student and the material to be learnt and the adjustment of the instruction according to several
parameters such as work rhythm, level of knowledge and intellectual abilities (Miron, 2008).
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 499

Motivation is a necessary component in the stage of preparing for learning. Gagne identifies
two types of reasons that have a great significance in the learning process: a social one which
includes the affiliation needs and another one which consists in controlling and accomplishing the
task, the motivation being stimulated by the student’s successful experiences in achieving the
specific objectives of the learning tasks (Gagne, 1975).
The problem of creating and developing the creative motivation within a group claims the
existence of a motivational climate pointed out by the high degree of concordance between the
group members’ motivational particularities (Roco, 1979).
Amabile adds up to the interest, considered to be the most important sign of inner motivation,
the competence. She sustains that children will look for those activities which offer them the
feeling of controlling things (Amabile, 1997).
Many authors consider the team a way of stimulating creativity which contributes to the
activation of the individual creative potential. In most situations the group creativity proves to be
superior to the individual one, regarding the stimulation of the creative potential, since it permits
within the group the shaping of the system of relations and conditions proper to creativity, the
most efficient assimilation of the creative methods of thinking and imagining (Garboveanu et al,
Michalko considers that the secret of creativity is collaboration, insisting on the fact that
creativity depends on the way in which the participants combine their talent and effort, keeping
their personal note at the same time (Michalko, 2008).

Collaborative learning

Cucos arguments that the information environment of learning predisposes to a collaborative

studying by multiplying the bonds between the educated, by developing some cognitive activities
that imply continuous assemblies or additions of the knowledge values. Even though the online
learning presupposes a physical separation of the trainees, from the point of view of the cognitive
exchange there is a permanent dynamism of the inter and multi personal relations (Cucos, 2006).
Sanders noticed that collective creativity can be very powerful and can lead to more culturally
relevant results than individual creativity does. This is what happens with really good
collaboration based on teamwork (Sanders, 2001).
The teamwork implies a didactic side consisting in a certain organization of the students and in
an appropriate assignment of the tasks to be accomplished, and also a psychosocial side consisting
in a network of relations established between students. This method fosters cooperation, getting
the student face some different opinions and obliging him to organize his own operations
accordingly, in order to avoid some inherent contradictions that might appear in his relations with
the others (Nicola, 2003).
Adascalitei considers that collaborative learning can be done by using ICT as a didactic
instrument for the group activities, communication and collaboration. The students cooperate with
each other and become part of heterogeneous teams whose members differentiate through cultures,
abilities, economical status, knowledge and age. Each student has his own role but all of them
collaborate in order to achieve a common goal or project and the learning results from the
interaction with others (Adascalitei, 2007).
Stoica proposes the orientation of the didactic groups towards the heterogeneous ones in which
the students of an intermediate level, the majority in any class, join whether their superior or
inferior colleagues, ensuring a closeness of individual rhythms and a good function of the group
(Stoica, 1983).

Conceptual maps
Nowak gives the following definition: A concept map is a schematic device for representing a set
of concept meanings embedded in a framework of propositions (Nowak and Gowin, 1984).
500 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Oprea defines the concept maps as a diagrammatic way of expression, playing the role of the
teaching, learning, researching and assessing instrument at all levels and for all subjects.
Moreover, cognitive maps are a technique of visual representation of the information structure that
describes the way in which the concepts from a certain domain interferes (Oprea, 2009).
The concept maps combat the educational system based exclusively on memorizing and simple
reproduction of some definitions or of some algorithms for solving problems and promote the
conception according to which the student must be aware of the way in which concepts are linked
(Chang et al, 2002; Oprea, 2009).
In the context of promoting an active and creative learning, the group concept maps form an
efficient method to accomplish this desideratum. Using the modern didactic technology and
valorizing their competences in this field, the students can structure and ensure a deep
understanding of the studied notions by creating, within workshops, these concept maps at almost
any subject (Hughes and Hay, 2001). The information environment permits a complex, attractive
and dynamic approach of notions, the quality of these products being influenced by the
information knowledge and the members’ creativity (Cicognani, 2000; Ruiz-Primo et al, 2001).

In this paper we aimed to answer the following questions:
1. Does the digital achievement of the concept maps lead to an increase of students’
2. Does the students’ performance increase significantly by achieving group digital concept
maps compared to the individual achievement?
3. Are the students’ creative capacities more valorized by using the group concept maps than
by the individual achievement?


233 students (aged 15-17) from the inferior level of high school, technological profile took part in
this study developed during the school year 2009-2010 in Bucharest.
Four 9th-grade classes (118 students) and four 10th-grade classes (115 students) were used for
the experiment.
The research was done at Physics.
At the 9th grade, an initial test was given within the unit “Mechanical energy” in order to
establish the equivalence of the teams (experimental and control).
At the 10th grade, the same procedure was followed for the chapter “Production and use of
alternating current”.
Ever since the beginning of the chapter the students were told that after the study of the unit,
the revision and systematization of the knowledge would be made with the help of digital concept
maps created by them. The concepts that were to be presented would be pointed out by the teacher
all along the chapter. They were recommended to use hyperlinks for explanations, examples and
demonstrations, in order not to affect the structure of the map. For a dynamic and attractive
approach the students were also suggested to use images and videos, preferably created by
themselves. In the control classes the students made those maps individually, while in the
experimental classes they are made in groups of 4 or 5 (usually the same as during the laboratory
The students knew the way of making a concept map and they had already made such maps,
individually and of a reduced complexity, on sheets of paper, during some previous units of
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 501

All the products elaborated by students were analyzed and evaluated by the teacher, but the
materials for the revision were chosen from the best ones, complete and with the most attractive
design. The students themselves participated to this selection. The relation between the concepts
chained in the map were established in the class, with all students’ help, this offering the
opportunity to evaluate and self-evaluate.
At the end of this chapter an evaluation test was given (post-test) in order to establish to what
extent the objectives that had been established and communicated to the students at the beginning
of the unit were achieved.
For the statistical analysis there were used: the average mark obtained at pre-test and post-test
and the standard deviation. For the comparison of the average marks the –t test in SPSS
programme was used, the accepted significance threshold being 0,05.

Results and discussions

Consequently to the application of the pre-test to the experimental and control classes, for each
level of study, the following results were obtained:

Group n Average SD t p
control 60 6.22 1.35
0.310 0.757
experimental 58 6.14 1.40
Table 1. The results of the –t test while comparing pre-test control/experimental
group – 9th grade

Group n Average SD t p
control 57 5.98 1.31
0.218 0.828
experimental 58 5.93 1.21
Table 2. The results of –t test while comparing pre-test control/experimental
group – 10th grade

By analyzing the data from tables 1 and 2 it can be noticed that the difference of the averages
between the pairs of experimental and control groups is not significant (p > 0.05), and the groups
can be therefore considered equivalent.
After applying the post-test the following results were obtained:

Group n Average SD t p
control 60 7.12 1.35
-0.227 0.821
experimental 58 7.17 1.31
Table 3. The results of the –t test while comparing post-test control group/experimental
group – 9th grade

Group n Average SD t p
control 60 7.04 1.40
-0.619 0.537
experimental 58 7.19 1.27
Table 4. The results of the –t test while comparing post-test control group/experimental
group – 10th grade

By analyzing the data from tables 3 and 4 we can notice that the difference of the averages
between the pairs of experimental and control groups is not significant (p > 0.05).
This can be interpreted as following: regardless of the way in which the concept maps are
made (individually or in a group), the school performance is within close parameters.
502 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

The utility of integrating the concept maps in order to obtain school performance comes out
from the comparison of the pre-test results to the post-test ones for each group. At the 9th grade it
is noticed an increase of the average both for the control group (from 6.22 to 7.12), and also for the
experimental group (from 6.14 to 7.12). There is an increase of the average at the 10th grade, too,
for the control group (from 5.98 to 7.17) and for the experimental group (from 5.93 to 7.19). In all
the four situations the statistical analysis showed a significant growth of the school performance.
In order to establish which of the two modalities of organization (individual and group) favours
the stimulation of the students’ creativity, there were aimed the identification of the creative
capacities (originality, fluency, flexibility) and of the creative attitudes (receptivity to new,
attraction for difficult problems, ability to argue own ideas, team spirit), which were used by the
students during making the concept maps.
The analysis of the group concept maps made by students pointed out the fact that the 10th
grade-students were capable of making more complex maps and the more advanced computer
knowledge allowed them to make more creative presentations.
By comparing the group maps to the individual ones, both at the 9th and 10th grade, it has been
noticed a complete, original approach, with a variety of examples (given as hyperlinks to other
documents, images and videos), in the case of experimental groups. On the other hand, the
members of the control groups generally had incomplete products which they motivated by the
insufficient time allocated to a task like that. This seemed to have inhibited the students’ creativity
and they focused more on the selection of information than on the way to approach and present it.


Following up this pedagogical experiment we have come to these conclusions:

1. The digital achievement of the concept maps leads to an increase of the school performance,
the students being actively involved in the study of the taught notions, of the connections between
them and being motivated to look for new connections or particularizations of these notions.
2. The school performance does not increase significantly by making digital group concept
maps compared to the individual ones, as no matter what the modality of achievement is, the
concept map represents a good method of solid and conscious learning. The analysis of these maps
in the class and the assignation of the correspondences between notions make these notions more
accessible, regardless their complexity. A well-made map compensates the long time required for
its achievement with the short time needed to learn the notions and especially with the long time
those notions will be remembered.
3. By using the group concept maps the students’ creative capacities are better valorized
compared to the situation in which these maps are made individually, as this activity inhibits
through its complexity. Due to this reason, within a group, each student brings his own cognitive
and also creative share since he benefits from working in a team and exchanging ideas.
The digital making of these maps permits the creation of “deep” connections, especially when
studying subjects like Physics, where the notions are introduced both experimentally and
theoretically, and the real phenomena or the virtual shaping increase the level of understanding.
Unfortunately, both sciences and information technology are slightly represented within the
curricula for the technological profile. Students do not have the possibility to fathom these subjects
except for some studies outside school. Teachers have the mission to motivate them through
proposed themes that should require an interdisciplinary and extracurricular approach, and should
take into consideration the realities of the present world.
Through its organizing system, based on collectivities, the school represents an optimal frame
for practising group creativity, for educating students systematically so that they should acquire
this work style that they will need as future members of certain social groups (Garboveanu et al, 1981).
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 503

Figure 1. Group conceptual map – 9th grade

Figure 2. Group conceptual map – 10th grade

Adascalitei, A. (2007): Computer assisted instruction: teaching computer. Polirom, Iasi.
Amabile, T. (1997): Growing up creative. Science & Technology, Bucharest.
504 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Chang, K.E., Sung, Y.T. , Chen, I.D. (2002) The effect of concept mapping to enhance text comprehension
and summarization. The Journal of Experimental Education 71, 1, 5-23.
Cicognani, A. (2000) Concept Mapping as a Collaborative Tool for Enhanced Online Learning. Educational
Technology & Society 3, 3, 150-158.
Cucos, C. (2006): Computerization in education: aspects of computerized training. Polirom, Iasi.
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Garboveanu, M., Negoescu, V., Nicola, Gr., Roco, M., Surdu, Al. (1981): Stimulate students' creative
learning process. Didactic and Pedagogical Publishing House, Bucharest.
Hughes, G. and Hay, D. (2001) Use of concept mapping to integrate the different perspectives of designers
and other stakeholders in the development of e-learning materials. British Journal of Educational
Technology 32, 5, 557-569.
Marhan, A. M. (2007): Psychology use new technologies. European Institute, Iasi.
Michalko, M. (2008): Cracking Creativity: The secrets of creative genius. Amaltea, Bucharest.
Miron, C. (2008): Teaching physics. Bucharest University Publishing House, Bucharest.
Nicola, I. (2003): Treaty of school pedagogy. Aramis, Bucharest.
Nowak, J. and Gowin, D. B. (1984): Learning how to learn. Cambridge University Press.
Oprea, C. L. (2009): Interactive teaching strategies. Didactic and Pedagogical Publishing House, Bucharest.
Popa, C. M. (2009): A student-oriented school: student, active partner in their learning process. Aramis,
Roco, M. (1979): Individual and group creativity. Romanian Academy Publishing, Bucharest.
Ruiz-Primo, M.A., Shavelson, R.J., Li, M., Schultz, S.E. (2001) On the Validity of Cognitive Interpretations
of Scores From Alternative Concept-Mapping Techniques. Educational Assessment 7, 2, 99-141.
Sanders, E.B.-N. (2001) Collective Creativity, LOOP: AIGA Journal of Interaction Design Education, 3
Stoica, A. (1983): Students' creativity: knowledge and education opportunities. Didactic and Pedagogical
Publishing House, Bucharest.
Wood, W. (2004). Changing the Way We Teach Science, Conference Proceedings, Nov. 18-19, Integrating
Research into Undergraduate Education: The Value Added. National Science Foundation and Woodrow
Wilson National Fellowship Foundation.
Advantages of using the software facilities in the study
of design - based engineering courses
Raluca Maria Aileni1, Mioara Cretu2

(1) Technical University “Gh. Asachi”, 29 Dimitrie Mangeron Str., Iasi, Romania,
(2) Technical University “Gh. Asachi”, 29 Dimitrie Mangeron Str., Iasi, Romania,

For specialists in engineering areas training, a variety of subjects appeal to a description of
projects, processes, etc.. by using their graphical visualization. Since classical way of
teaching is difficult to understand and reproduce for students, it requires the use of modern
means of teaching and learning (Adascalitei, 2007). Currently, the software allows the
development of interactive course supports in virtual environment. The virtual course
supports, involve a number of software programs that can transmit new information easier,
pleasant, fast and elegant, resulting in obtaining a positive feedback from students.This paper
illustrates the creation of a virtual training software package for design-based Masters
courses, by using the modern possibilities of eLearning.
Keywords: software, virtual image,design, eLearning


Due to new technologies development, the internet, have developed tools for transmission and
reception of information floe, but also tools that reveals how to transmit and receive the
The development of e-learning, masters or postgraduate courses at whatever level, requires the
internet usage and the electronic media courses. The statistics show that the need for such courses
has exploded in recent years due to the attractuveness exercised by visual and interactive way of
these courses.
To make material selection for virtual course is an important step in achieving a computer-
based training course.
In virtual course design, the teacher must use the illustrative exemples, must select the
information and achieve interesting analogies aimed awakening and maintaining a lively interest
from the student for the course. The teacher should encourage student understanding and retention
of knowledge transmitted by computer.
As science and technology is progressing rapidly and some examples of books can be
considered trivial, uninteresting by static mode are transmitted, it must add new information that
captures attention.
Information material collected should be organized in logical sequence in accordance with the
requirements and teacher intuition and understanding process requirements and the student’s
To develop software for the virtual course to suit his composition in mind :
- study curriculum of the course;
- adapting curriculum requirements to prepare;
506 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

- achieving a graph of knowledge transmission order;

- software implementation model;
- achievement information screen reveals.

Virtual course – costume design

During the current composition of the costume is predominantly based on image, involving visual
attention. Starting from these considerations was developed the software "Composition Costume"
to help students come from both professional courses and teachers of this discipline(figure1). The
application contains interfaces - user through key buttons: Start, Next, Back, Exit the program user

Figure 1 : First interface - costume composition course

Contained interface is structured in chapters containing textual information and image. Carry
out an illustration for the subject “line - element of composition “ in relation with the silhouette of
the clothing products (Cretu, 2009). For A and B types the figures present the basic figure and
figures derived from it.
The students are gradually being introduced to composition course that have a content page, a
help page and a back button or exit for the end of the application (figure 2).

Figure 2 : Descriptive interface – Figure 3 : Content course

composition course

The course content is divided into chapters, alternating with sections of text graphics (figure 3).
Starting from the base (figure 4) can be seen the silhouettes diversification by altering the
decorative or design lines of shapes, just clicking button next. By choosing the silhoutte A or B
(figure 4) it can diversificate the A or B base type(figure 5).
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 507

Figure 4: Interface – base type Figure 5 : Silhoutte diversification –

of silhouettes starting from base type

After the students have completed the entire course, there can test knowledge gained from the
course, using an electronic test (figure 6). For each answer choice is set to a score, the answer to a
question can be given a time limit. After attending the test score obtained is displayed, the number
of questions which were answered correctly and the time to answer all the questions in the test.

Figure 6 : Course knowledge test

The knowledge assessment test can be done by university laboratories and from home by
accessing the online test

Using a virtual teaching tool - the virtual composition following advantages:
- Information with strong visual character is easily transmitted;
- Capture the attention of student with the unusual presentation;
- The information is structured;
- Reduce the course time exposure ;
- The students can view the course, can do the test in a college computer or home;
- Positive feedback from the students.
Making the virtual course is based on collecting, selecting and organizing educational material.
For a virtual course to achieve its purpose, must take into account the level of information that you
must have the student :
- Issues that the student might know;
- Issues that the students need to know;
- Issues on which the student is required to know.

AdascaliŃei Adrian (2007) : Instruire asistată de calculator, Didactica Informatică, Ed. Polirom.
CreŃu Mioara (2009-2010) : CompoziŃia costumului, Note de curs, an universitar 2009-2010, Iasi.
3D shape recognition software used for classification
of the human bodies
Aileni Raluca Maria1, Ciocoiu Mihai2

(1) Technical University “Gh. Asachi”, 29 Dimitrie Mangeron Str., Iasi,

Romania, E-mail:
(2) Technical University “Gh. Asachi, 29 Dimitrie Mangeron Str., Iasi,

The paper present a software application used body shape recognition.The 3D human body
scanned can be used for avatars or parameterized models. The parametrized manequins can
be useful for garment mass customization.It can make 3D avatars that can be used in the
video games industry. The classification method is based on clustering algorithm for body
shape recognition. The traditional 3D scan data processing software improve the optimizing
polygon mesh models and generate high quality nurbs surfaces from 3D scan data. The
human body captured from the Vitus 3D body scanner is not the perfect object one – it is just
an opened mesh, because the scanning process areas can occur "noises" which are actually
areas where cameras can not take picture because of barriers (arms, legs, hair, etc.). To have
a validated body for use in the shape classification is necessary to use the body surface
retriangulation process of filling holes that appear in the body mesh surface. It can be use the
global remesh to retriangulate the faces and improve the quality of human body object
faces.This validated body can offer numerous anthropometric indicators that can be used as
parameters in the classification of body shape.
Keywords: classification, clustering algorithm, parametric model, mesh, 3D body, shape,
scanner, rapidform.

The objective is to obtain the methodology for human morphology types classification.
The goal is to create the algorithm for classification/clustering of the available database. It is
necessary to have the parameters that are determinant of the shape of a human body form. The
second goal is to identify the shape of the morphology type and to analyze with a simple
geometrical method. If each point belonging to each cluster, obtained by the clustering method,
characterizes a real human body and every shape of these clusters characterize a morphotype
(Thomassey, 2009). Some morphological types have been proposed by many anthropologists.
Different body shapes are prevalent in the human population like normal shape, rectangle,
pyramid, inverse-pyramid. The defining of boundaries for the morphotype depend on human
population diversity, different proportions by races, there are different standards of classification.
Start from generic research in a sample of 50 persons, we propose a classification of the
population sample by using the different shape that can be generate by different parameters. For
that it is necessary the identification of the parameters those are significant for the classification,
the usage of valid algorithm, the analyse and interpretation of the result.

The body shape redesign

For obtaining a virtual body validated for use in simulation of clothing is necessary to use the body
surface retriangulation process (Touma, 1998) of filling holes that appear in the body mesh surface
(figure 1, figure 2).
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 509

Figure 1 : Front view human body capture from scanner – holes

From scanner we get from view from cameras and back view. By composing images from
cameras it can obtain full 3D image of the human body (figure 3), that still present different holes.

Figure 2 : Back view – human body

To achieve a perfect body shape is required to fill the holes, the 3D body redesign (figure 4).
It can be use the global remesh to retriangulate the faces and improve the quality of human
body object faces (Chow, 1997).

Figure 3 : Complete 3D body

shape – from scanner

Figure 4 : Body shape redesign

510 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

First it must edit the boundary and add the bridges to fill the holes and after the “noises” must
be removed and optimized mesh data by using the retriangulation or the decimate process (Bar –
Yehuda, 1996). By using rapidform solution it is possible to go from 3D scan data to a fully
parametric CAD model.

The body shape classification

The goal of classification is to divide the customers into fewer classes of morphology. This
classification is important for mass customization development based on morphotypes.
For shape classification we made a software application that recognize body shape like
pyramide, inverse pyramide shape, rectangle reported in a normal body shape.
By using the compared parameters (figure 5) like bust circumference, waist circumference and
hip circumference is chosen by the algorithm the nearest shape of the body given by parameters.

Figure 5 : Body shape parameters

After comparing the three parameters, bust, waist and hips, are evaluated and displayed as the
result – the shape which belongs to the body (figure 6). To identify the body shape it will take
account of the relationship waist / hip, bust / waist, torso / hip.

Figure 6 : Body shape identification

The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 511

Each body scan comes with a number of parameters measured. For each body from file loaded
.xml evaluation are selected parameters corresponding values bust, waist, hip (figure 7).

Figure 7 : Various body shape


For mass customization production, for e-shop, is important to have the classification of human
bodies in order to choose quickly morfotypes whose corresponds to a body. Also by knowing the
mophotype it can choose the perfect garment for online buyer. If ten thousand bodies can be
classified into several morphotypes in a short time, then may be reduced and the time allocated for
the production of clothing for each type. Such classification is useful for virtual e-shop mass
cutomization .

1 Bar – Yehuda, R. , and Gotsman, C.(1996) : Time/space tradeoffs for polygon mesh rendering, ACM
Transactions and Graphics .
2 Chow, M. (1997): Optimized geometry compression for real-time rendering, Visualisation ’97 Proceedings,
3 Touma, C., and Gotman, C. (1998) : Triangle mesh compression, Proceedings of Graphics Interface ’98.
4 S. Thomassey, P. Bruniaux (2009) : Identification of typical morphotypes in a sample of population,
Proceedings of International Conference ITMC.
Supervised Learning Techniques for Virtual Military Training
Elena Şuşnea1

(1) National Defence University "Carol I"

Sos. Panduri nr.68-72, sector 5, Romania,E-mail:

Development of some applications that would provide the officer-students and the teachers
with a real time feedback based on the existing data from the virtual training system is
imposed in order to realise a student-centred training. In this regard, we will use supervised
training techniques so as to identify the patterns/ models from the data sets of the system.
According to them, we can generate, organize and disseminate the knowledge necessary for a
good training of the future officers. The conclusions presented at the end can be successfully
used to develop an intelligent tutoring system that would allow monitoring and predicting the
students’ performances.
Keywords: Supervised Learning, Decision Tree, Neural Networks

Development and expansion of e-learning systems, the progress regarding the processing power,
the capacity of data storage and the diversity of the digital formats that present the educational
contents have all had an important impact upon the military educational system.
The advantages offered by the e-learning technologies are by default admitted, as it can be
noticed in the present tendency regarding the officer-student training using on-line courses. These
advantages (GAO, 2004) include: better facilitation of student and faculty interaction, increased
flexibility in modifying course material; reductions in time required to complete programs, better
leveraging of resources for administrative support, and establishment of learning management
systems that monitor student progress and produce management reports.
By using e-learning systems for officer-student training, the tendency is to move from a
classroom-centric delivery of instruction to a learner-centric model, in which the officer-students
assume greater responsibility for learning facts, procedures, and complex skills as well as
teamwork skills.
The process of implementing and using the modern military technologies will have major
consequences not only for the military ”concepts and doctrines but also for the military training
and education, which implies full consistence of the educational programs with those from NATO
and EU countries” (
Therefore, it is compulsory that higher military education redefine its functions, development
strategies, managing system, also its general and specific functioning principles. Reorganizing the
military training system, restructuring the educational programs, restating the educational
objectives and including the new technologies in the educational processes are all key elements
that will provide the military personnel with the possibility of training the skills and capacities
necessary not only to fulfil the military profession but also to be able to integrate within the
civilian life.
These changes have important consequences also upon the e-learning system leading to a big
collection of digital data. By diversifying the digital formats of presenting the educational contents
and by increasing the number of enlisted students it is more and more difficult to exploit the data
stored in an e-learning system using the traditional methods. This is the reason that the data
analyse using certain automatic techniques assisted by the computer is required.
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 513

Supervised learning techniques such as decision trees and artificial neural networks are used
more and more frequently in analysing the data collected by the educational system(unea,
2009a) as they allow creating new explicit models and can be validated, modified, learned from,
or used for training novices in a given domain(Krzysztof et al, 2007).
In this context our goal is to use the data representing the students’ preferences regarding the
most relevant traits of the e-learning environment so as to generate models that would be the
fundamental base for developing an intelligent system for officer-student training.

Background and Literature

As we gain more experience regarding e-learning system, we can notice that essential is not only
accessing the content regardless the time or space, but also the quick accessing of the relevant,
focused and directly usable content.
In the recent years we can notice an increased interest regarding the use of techniques from the
artificial intelligence domain in processing the data specific to the educational area mainly e-
learning. Models as components can generate intelligent information that would support the
students’ training activity, although using the computational models within the training processes
may turn out to be more important for teachers rather than for learners (Baker, 2000).
Supervised learning techniques have been successfully used by higher educational institutions
in all academic processes.
An important and long-term objective of each higher educational institution is represented by
student retention, due to the inferences that it has upon the students, the teachers and the
administrative personnel. Therefore, a series of models has been developed by using the decisional
trees and the artificial neural networks so as to identify the relevant factors for student retention
(Herzog, 2006, Delen, 2010).
Also the predictable mechanisms have been developed which analyse the students’
failure/success according to certain factors such as family, social status, financial status
(Pinninghoff Junemann et al., 2007).
Within the e-learning educational systems, a special attention has been given to developing
some models for an intelligent tutoring system that would adapt contents to students’profile (Hall
and Ko, 2008). Certain researches have been conducted so as to analyse the way in which the
educational resources are used with different learning characteristics(Kelly and Tangney, 2006).
Neural networks have been used in order to develop certain agents (Wang et Mitrovic, 2002) that
would allow predicting the scores achieved by the students and choosing certain items appropriate
to the knowledge level. A special attention has been given to data analyzing and predicting student
graduation outcomes (Herzog, 2004; Karamouzis and Vrettos, 2008; Lykourentzou, 2009,).
Supervised learning techniques have been useful in solving those tasks that recurrently appear
when designing systems to support teaching-learning processes (Salcedo et al, 2009).

Supervised Learning Techniques for Virtual Military Training

The use of e-learning platforms in training the military has many advantages. Besides the facilities
offered to resident/ on-resident students regarding the flexibility of choosing the place and moment
for learning, we can add the advantages obtained by the educational institution such as decreasing
the number of instructors, re-use of the educational contents and use of several forms of media.
The formats used to present the educational contents influence directly the achievement of the
performance objectives specific to military training. This is why we have conducted a research
based on which we have identified the students’ preferences for the most relevant e-learning
characteristics. The answers representing the students’ personal choices have been stored in a
dataset. The fields that are important for our research can be visualised in Table 1. The dataset
consists of 140 recordings.
514 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Table 1. Dataset description

Field Description
Changes The students’ perception regarding the effects of using e-learning technologies upon
the military training.
Browsing The most efficient way the students can cover the studying (training) materials as far
as the learning guidance process is concerned.
Multimedia The multimedia format of presenting the educational contents which helps develop
certain relevant skills necessary for future activity.
Communication The most efficient communication means used to send the information.
Organization The organizing form that maximizes the efficiency of the e-learning training process.
Feedback The useful role of the feedback provided by the e-learning platform regarding the
scores on the tests.
Interaction Existence of a strong influence of the interaction factor upon knowledge gaining.
Mark The score achieved by each student at the end of the course.

We will use decision trees to predict the belonging of the instances to certain distinct classes
defined by dependent variable Changes, starting from categorical variables Browsing, Multimedia,
Communication, Organization, Feedback, and Interaction. This technique is often used due to the
advantage provided by the decision tree that allows a very suggestive visual point of the classes.
The objective is to discover certain relations between class variable and the attribute variable.
The decision tree has been induced based on the CART algorithm. To achieve an optimal level,
the k-fold technique has been used for k-10. This can be visualised in Figure 1. As it can be
noticed, 62,14% of the students consider that e-learning technologies have brought positive
changes to specific military training. About 60% of them consider that the use of simulating
programs, the text and video formats in the training activity and an increased degree of interaction
are all essential elements that help achieve the specific objectives of the military training.

Figure 1. Decision tree for predicting the student’s preferences

with regard to the most important e-learning characteristics
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 515

32% of the students are not decided regarding the changes provoked by e-learning
technologies, as they are interested in the learning materials presented as simulations, video and
textual, a high degree of interaction and a positive feedback provided by the platform.
Next, we will use artificial neural networks (ANN) to create a model based on which we can
predict the scores achieved by the students at the end of the course according to the preferences
that they have regarding e-learning. We have used ANNs, the type Multilayer Perceptron (MLP),
Radial Basis Function (RBF) and Linear for which we have calculated the performances and the
errors recorded by each network. The networks can be visualised in Table 2.

Table 2. Details regarding configuration, performances and errors recorded by each ANN type
Type Performance of ANN Error of ANN Numbers Numbers
ANN of input of hidden
Train Select Test Train Select Test
variables neurons
MLP 0,900 0,343 0,429 0,423 3,909 3,206 6 10
Linear 0,486 0,229 0,314 0,453 0,519 0,487 5 0
Linear 0,471 0,314 0,429 0,461 0,509 0,496 4 0
RBF 0,543 0,343 0,429 0,430 0,495 0,483 6 6
RBF 0,514 0,371 0,486 0,449 0,484 0,470 6 3

It can be noticed that the best values have been achieved for RBF network which has 6 input
variables, 3 hidden neurons, and 1 output variable (Mark).

The e-learning characteristics have a powerful impact upon the military training. In this regard, we
have studied the preferences of the student-officers for the most relevant characteristics of the e-
learning environment. For the analyse we have used decision trees and ANNs, types MLP, RBF
and Linear.
To induce the decision tree we have used the CART algorithm. Taking into account the big
percentage of students considering that including the e-learning technologies in the training
process has brought positive changes to the specific military training, we conclude by stating that
they occurred due to a synchronic communication and to the use of simulations and video
materials. Next, we have developed the ANNs models to predict the students’ scores having as
entry variables the e-learning characteristics.
For projecting an intelligent system of training, the use of decision trees allows identifying the
student classes with the same preferences regarding the characteristics of the e-learning
environment, and ANN RBF type will allow predicting their performances.


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About virtual interactions with real objects
Mihaela Garabet1,2, Ion Neacşu1

(1) Theoretical High School “Grigore Moisil”

33, Timişoara Bvd, Bucharest, Romania
(2) University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics

The paper describes some interactions via with real objects. In this
case, a real object means an object able to sustain itself from the energetic point of view. In
our case one real object will be a rover driven from a distance like Spirit on Mars. Our rover
use solar energy and is driven with virtual instrumentation. Another object handled from a
distance is a radio transmission, an audio transceiver with laser. We will try to use, from a
distance, a system for monitoring a terrarium which consist of a web cam, a ventilation
cooler and a shaking recipient for nourishing our turtles. Our lab has also o soil moisturizer
system for our green plants which works with solar energy.

Keywords: Project-based learning, real object, virtual interaction, virtual extraterrestrial



The major goal of our project is to bring our students closer to the real world, to give them a
chance to apply their theoretical knowledge in practice in an integrated manner and from a
different point of view comparing to the outcomes of the curricular standards.
On the other way we find it is a good way to develop the general competences prefigured in the
Romanian curricular standards like: understanding and explain natural phenomenon and
technological processes in everyday life, applying of the scientific investigation in Physics and the
environmental protection.
We hope our students will learn a lot in this project because the manner of developing the
activities is very different from the classic lessons, they can integrate their knowledge and they can
act like the adults in the real life.
We started with the idea that the real intrinsic motivation is based on challenge, self discover
and test the problem. So we light the fire in the class of Physics and we let it become a torch, like
Sofocle said once, when he was referring to the children head.
Technology is progressing. Science enhances its development. The information is growing
exponentially. Questions like the following are very natural today: Will humans one day live
somewhere besides Earth? Are we on the brink of a new era in construction? With commercial
space travel finally within our reach, will we see space colonies within our lifetime? And with
Earth’s resources running low, will we soon be forced to move into previously uninhabitable areas
of the planet? We envisioned some parts of an extraterrestrial colony. In our imagination Mars is
the right place to make it.
That is why envisioning must be a continuous process to ensure that there is excellent
alignment between the core aims, the educational philosophy and new innovative practice.
518 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

About Project-based method

We have applied project-based method on Physics subjects in order to make a research on the
opportunities in which teams of learners collaborate about real life projects.
The challenge was to make some real objects like rovers, monitoring systems, radio
transceivers, which are using solar energy and to handle them from a distance. We have chosen
this activity because we are trying to familiarize the students with solving tasks like the adults in
the real life.
We intended to value the students’ experiences, in their attitude toward the final product, in the
promoting of the new informational and communicational technologies, to enhance the
cooperation capacity and to discover themselves through communication.
The project method, is define as “a pedagogical method which allows the pupil to imply
himself into the building of his knowledge interrelating with the colleagues and with the
environment, the role of the teacher being of pedagogical mediator, privileged by pupils and
knowledge that must be studied” (Arpin and Capra, 2001).
The project method plays an important role in the educational activity through the fact that it
offers the pupils the possibility of realizing themselves, no matter their capacities and character.
Coming from the dynamism of the actual time which imposes the learning of innovative type
which is characterized through its anticipative, creative, and participative character, the teacher has
the role of organizing educational activities to facilitate the efficient learning, using dynamic
methods and techniques, one of them being the project group work (Garabet and Miron, 2010).
The team of students, teachers and engineers project and develop the objects we will describe
and the interaction with them.

The real objects

The real objects have the role to enhance the learning of the basic electronics: transistors, chips,
amplifiers, stepper motors, servomotors, etc.
We have to notice that is a long journey from the first probe of an object to the final design and
the interaction with it from a distance. All the objects we have made are using solar energy
because we are considering that the students must be familiarized with devices that use green
energy, in order to use them in their future life.
The audio transceiver is a device that allows us to
take any sound source, and to transmit it over a laser
beam. We have used a laser for the transceiver and a
photovoltaic cell for the receiver. It contains a Laser
Pointer supplied with 4.5 to 6 volts, a sound source with
an output jack and an earphone jack to fit the sound
source (a radio in our case). The sound source will turn
the audio into an electrical current to be transmitted over
the jack, wire, and the transformer. This will vary the
amount of resistance on the other side between the
batteries and laser pointer, making the intensity of the
light directly affected by the intensity of the audio
(amplitude modulation).
The receiver, a photovoltaic cell, works the opposite
way, varying the amount of current depending on the
intensity of the light it receives. And so, we can make
Figure 1. The first version of the
long distance radio transmissions.
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 519

The rovers had many versions. They are using stepper motors powered by solar panels. The
first one was driven through wires as it can see in the figure 1. Now we are working at the wireless
version. We intend to tool it with sensors for light, temperature and proximity in order to explore
the surroundings, like Spirit and Opportunity on Mars.

The virtual interaction

The interaction with real object from a distance is happening by remote connection and Moisil
live, one of the facilities of our school portal
The team uses virtual instrumentation LavVIEW for driving the rover from a distance. They
have studied many schemes of using integrated circuits in order to communicate with the rovers-
figure 2.

Figure 2. The command circuits of the rover

Another real system develop for distance use is made for monitoring a terrarium which consist
of a web cam, a ventilation cooler and a shaking recipient for nourishing our turtles. Our lab has
also o soil moisturizer system for our green plants which works with solar energy.

The work in this approach invigorate our learning environment, energizing the curriculum with a
real-world relevance and sparking students' desire to explore, investigate and understand their
We have noticed that students are more likely to retain the knowledge gained through this
approach far more readily than through traditional textbook-centred learning. In addition, students
develop confidence and self-direction as they move through both team-based and independent
work. They have developed better communication with their peers and adults, and often work
within their community while seeing the positive effect of their work.
The increasing interest of our students for the space colony problems is the best feed back for
us. They are able to talk free about this subject. They are able to give scientific arguments. They
are asking what happens if… And more important they are able to link the theories they have
already studied at Physics, Chemistry, Biology, for construct on a solid base their knowledge.

Arpin, L., Capra, L., (2001). L’apprentissage par projets. Montréal, Chenelière Didactique.
Garabet, M., Miron, C.,(2010). Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 2, Issue 2, 2010, Pages
Modern Perspectives in using LMS

Radu Cătălin

„Carol I” National Defence University, Bucharest, Romania,

Sos. Panduri nr.68-72, sector 5, E-mail:

The Lately there have been a series of discussions regarding the existence of the Management
Systems of Learning, as a secondary factor for the future of the learning process. The
argument was that business people are interested only in the final effect of the results of the
educational process, not in the number of people that have been educated. Are the
Management Systems of Learning an outdated concept? Is it time to use different models to
present the educational content?

Keywords: LMS, Virtual Labs, Educational platform

1. Introduction

Everybody wants to know if there are other viable alternatives brought about by computer assisted
education. Moreover, the social need asks more and more for other alternatives. We think we have
surpassed the stage in which each teacher, regardless of level, needed to supervise the initiatives of
the pupils, the progress in learning initiation. We must not forget that the teacher had to keep a
close eye on how much knowledge presented in school books was absorbed.
Some distinctions are really needed from the very beginning. We must not take the
management Systems of Learning (LMS) for „online education”. We consider that LMS systems
keep developing both at didactic and technical level, and that a set of instruments is needed both
for the formal and for the informal learning systems. There is no doubt that LMS will continue to
be relevant, as well as the learning center, but they do not represent the whole online education.
We have learned from the didactic experiences that even the most formal learning techniques do
not always work. Around 15% of what is taught in a traditional system of education can be
recollected after the end of the class. And this percentage rapidly decreases two or three weeks
after the event. The consequences of this fact are represented by errors of understanding. The
students, the ones that want to understand, to check the information, usually use the simplest
source. The information they need in that precise moment, is, usually from within a LMS, Intranet,
a book or offered by a teacher.
Social learning must be integrated as a work instrument because it is a need expressed by the
educated; it is the easiest way to follow. We life in a world where we have easy and quick access to
information. If we have a question we Google it. At home, at school, at out work place. We ask a
friend and the information we get is based upon the knowledge obtained by my friend. By doing
this, I disturb my friend and besides information i get communication as well. It is important to
mention that for each and every of us there is a series of instruments of social learning. In the
future there may be an alternative, a special software that may identify who you are, what are your
problems and what measures you need to take to finalize a certain activity. Think of a GPS for
your car. It can identify where you are, and the route we need to take in order to reach our
destination. And we will get all of this by just pressing a button.
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 521

2. Realities

The reality of the effectiveness/success of the classical educational process is hard to measure.
This happens because, in general, we deal with absolute figures: how many students have started
the education process, what were the graduation grades, how many students have not completed
the education cycle. and so on. It is clear that this figures, interpretable or not, do not reflect the
percentage of students that have understood what they were taught, or the level of understanding
of each individual. We need to remind you that it counts if you are able 15% of a lesson. Einstein
once said that „Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school.”
It is very important for a student to re-acquire this percentage of 15% by re-learning.
A modern LMS needs to answer to new requests, more important than the ones which a
traditional teacher has to face. The teacher has to transmit a series of knowledge to a limited
number of students, who accept to the letter as fundamental truth the information provided by a
school book because of lack of information. His relative lack of effectiveness is compensated by
the social dialogue, which prepared the educated to obtain a job of responsibility after an long term
institutionalized evolution. In other words, he got the knowledge he needed at his work place or at
school, by using theoretical general knowledge.
A short succesion of problems connected to LMS effectiveeness may be the following:
• Because the general functions are common, the part of social communication is not
underlined. Moreover, the great majority of the educated is to a bigger or a smaller extent
the Chat and the forum of the educational platform, compared to non-formal instruments
of communication, like Skype, Yahoo Messenger, and so on. Twitter is rarely used during
• Another deficiency general aspect is the search within the online course. The modern
student does not want to spend two hours in order to find the useful information. Most of
the time the modern students do not use the course as working material, but as a reference
instrument. The frequency with witch they return to an already read page id extremely
• Not all LMS allow the using of video materials, and this is a problem for the teachers that
want this thing. It has been demonstrated that the process of retaining an information is
better if video images are used.
• The institutions are not interested in the implementation of web 2.0 facilities because they
do not know how to use them in the every day education process. Here we deal with
mentality problems. The principle is the same: all organizations want to be able to plan
education, to know the number of people that have got the right to be instructed have
indeed got the allocated resources; the organizations are also interested in how well the
students have understood at the end of the course what has been taught. The rest of the
results are not considered relevant.
• A modern LMS is chosen by the institution in charge with education based on the report
effectiveness/cost. These systems are NOT adapted to the needs of that particular

3. Challenges on online aducation

The problem of the relevance of courses in online format is being transformed into an obsession.
Five or six years ago, the reports drawn at the end of the of each education stage referred to how
many students have graduated the course and how content they were about the new knowledge.
The present day methods of reporting that may be found over Internet, talk more and more about
how the current errors have been reduced, and how low the costs have been. This is just another
522 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

proof of the business like aspect that influences education. The first aspects were relevant for the
teachers that prepared the course, in order to improve it form a didactic point of view. The present
day reports have a meaning for the company that is in charge with the training of a certain number
of persons, but the figures hide a completely different reality. The companies want and are willing
to pay to train their personnel as part of a applied training. The general training is one of their least
requirements. The fact that the report is focused on the money the company saves by diminishing
the possible errors tells us a lot. The solution for the traditional courses is to offer then in a formal
way and to keep track of the activity during the course. Thus we get an effectiveness report that
offers less data. This method agrees with the teacher and the training institution. We need LMS to
combine these perspectives.
A second feature of the problem is linked to the way we use the means to offer the content of
the courses, other than LMS [1]. The teachers want to use LMS but the educated currently use
other means of getting the content. This happens because the means of social communication have
improved faster than LMS. We will mention here Google, and its instruments, Linked in,
Facebook and twitter as means of communication.

4. Possible evolutions

The need usually leads to discovering new solutions. Because the business environment is the one
that needs the labor it is clear that the things will develop to a wider opening of LMS towards the
needs of the students. We also have to mention the fact that information that has no context is
useless. All education institutions will adopt LMS as part of management and planning, because
they were created to fill the needs in this domain.
If the students have no results at the end of the courses, this means that the courses and LMS
have an effectiveness problem regarding their internal performances, as well as those of the
teacher that manages them. It is clear that in the future there will continue to be a difference
between the need to have an education focused on student vs, the supervision of course
effectiveness. From this point of view it is clear to us that the supervision of course effectiveness
will improve the course, but, at the same time, will reduce the possibilities to personalize the
content of the course to suit each student. This is a trap that can be avoided by using a standardized
content, SCORM.
It is clear that LMS will not vanish from the educational field for a long period, because the
planning and management benefices are important and it is obvious we cannot do without the data
offered by them. \it is likely that the new LMS systems required by the market will allow a better
use of non- standard resources, especially for individual study and social learning [2]. These type
of resources are less probable to be tracked in a distant future. Even at present they are not present
in most LMS, because it is useless to find out from a forum if and employee has read a good book
or if he has taught his co-workers how to solve an accounting or an administrative situation.
We are also convinced that, at a certain moment in time, the institutions will call for other LMS
in order to have more facilities. Here is a concrete LMS example. We will call it Moodle. It has
developed for four years Second Life module. It is possible that new improvements to be called
for, and 3D interaction makes it special. There are over 100 developed modules linked to images,
sound, text editing and testing. It is possible to integrate it in different games and case studies.
What is really ESSENTIAL is the fact that its development is based on a LMS.
More and more communication interfaces between simulators and LMS have appeared. This
helps training, because there will be more practical applications.
A special aspect refers to the fact that , in the future, LMS will be either the center of learning
or an instrument at the border of elearning. The answer resides in how much it will focus on results
that have to be produced by a LMS. The international reports [3] clearly state: “The majority of the
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 523

leaders (82%) do not trust that their education and development strategy is in tune with the
operational strategy of the company; 50% of them considers that that the company deals in an
unsatisfactory way with the need of training.”

LMS will continue to exist, but only to the extent in which it will be capable to develop at the
same time with elearning. Romania has already developed a new LMS system for mobile phones,
a system created by Siveco and „Carol I” National Defence University, for Mlearning projects.


Mobile Learning: A 21st Century Approach to Education

Radu Cătălin – Universitatea NaŃională de Apărare „Carol I”,
Stănescu Ioana – Advanced Technology Systems,

Mobile learning implies learner’s mobility, in the sense that learners should be able to
engage in educational activities without the constraints of a tightly delimited physical
location. Mobile technologies impact on teaching, learning, and on the connections between
formal and informal learning, work and leisure. Developers and educators consider them as
an alternative due to the low cost of many of the mobile devices relative to desktop computers
and the spontaneous and personal access they give to the vast educational resources of the
Internet. When combined with wireless connectivity, learning activities can be monitored and
coordinated between locations. However, the task of designing such activities and
appropriate learner support is complex and challenging. The authors analyse the learning
environment under the impact of mobile technologies and of the new requirements of the 21st
century education.

1. Introduction

For thousands of years, human beings have come together to learn and share knowledge. Until
now, we have had to come together at the same time and place. But today, the technologies of the
Internet have eliminated that requirement, allowing people to learn anything, anywhere at any
time. This perspective opens up new opportunities and also new challenges that education has to
deal with.
Along time, education has faced many technology related challenged and has evolved to
integrate different type of media that have transformed teaching and learning (Mason & Rennie,
 Television and videoconferencing that facilitated access to outstanding lectures to
every student, with resulting cost savings;
 Computer-based training that allowed learners to work at their own pace, practicing as
often as necessary and receiving programmed feedback;
 Artificial intelligence that provided a truly responsive ‘tutor’ who would ‘understand’
the student’s misunderstandings and respond appropriately;
 Asynchronous computer conferencing that supported global education in which
students from different time zones around the world could take courses from
prestigious universities without having to leave home or work.
The list can be completed with many other items and this proves that education has a long
history of jumping on the latest technology as the means of making education better, cheaper,
more available or more responsive [Mason & Rennie]. Is mobile learning going to be different?
There are many voices that argue in favour of mobile learning, and probably just as many
arguing against it. The premise of this paper is to analyse the impact that mobile learning has on
the educational environment, in terms of opportunities, challenges and innovative approaches.
Ignoring technological trends is not the answer. Chasing after every new movement because it
is new is not the solution. If a university were to issue each student with a slate and chalk it would
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 525

be ludicrous, but equally, to expect all students on all courses to gain the same benefits from their
mobile device is not a sensible way forward either. What the authors are advocating in this paper is
an open mind to the possibility that using some form of mobile technology could be beneficial in
most courses.

2. Emergent mobile technologies

The information era in which we currently live is changing the culture of education. The
implementation of information technology has resulted in new opportunities that are rapidly
growing to include mobile learning. Definitions for this form of education in terms of technologies
and learners experiences can be resumed to a learning environment inclusive of course content and
materials, student support services, Internet, and communication. Mobile, wireless, and handheld
technologies are being used to re-enact approaches and solutions to teaching and learning used in
traditional and web-based formats.
Mobile learning can take learning to individuals, communities and countries that were
previously too remote, socially or geographically, for other types of educational initiative [Tribal
Education Limited] and can enhance and enrich the concept and activity of learning, beyond
earlier conceptions of learning [MOBIlearn Consortium].
To implement mobile learning, we need to consider the mobile standards that cover topics such
as display resolutions, storage, memory and processor capacities of digital mobile devices, and
outline what could be considered default specifications for hardware and software for mobile
devices and supporting technologies.
The evolution of the mobile world in recent years has included second-generation systems like
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) that were originally designed for efficient
delivery of voice services, the Universal Mobile Telecommunication Services (UMTS) networks
designed from the beginning for flexible delivery of any type of service, where each new service
does not require particular network optimisation. In addition to the flexibility, and the Wideband
Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA)/High-Speed Packet Access (HSPA) radio solution
brings advanced capabilities that enable new services.
According to Nokia experts [Holma & Toskala], the UMTS services, for example, are divided
into person-to-person services, content-to-person services and business connectivity. Person-to-
person refers to a peer-to-peer or intermediate server-based connection between two persons or a
group of persons. These services refer mainly to:
- person-to person packet switched services, such as wideband AMR, for better voice quality,
video telephony, multimedia architecture for circuit-switched connections, video codec,
messaging, audio messaging, instant messaging, mobile email, video sharing, push-to talk over
cellular, voice over IP, or multiplayer games.
Other possible data services are, for example:
 Video conferencing. Point-to-point or multipoint session between mobiles or with
office video conferencing systems.
 Video streaming. Mobile TV with multiple live TV channels, video-on-demand for
content such as news and movies.
 Multimedia multiparty gaming. Playing in real time with other remote users.
The mobile environment has extended to support new and more complex functionalities that
can improve learners’ performance. The authors consider the integration of knowledge
management and mobile technologies as an innovative approach to education.
526 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

3. Knowledge Management & Education

Technology-enabled education facilitates the development and the implementation of knowledge-

based approaches that can help learners improve their overall performance in school and their
success in their future work life.
Knowledge Management (KM) is not a new concept. As individuals, we have been building on
knowledge we have learned along our lives. As a world community, we turn to history books for
knowledge about the past so we do not have to keep repeating mistakes or reinventing the same
implements and programs. After people have started to gather knowledge, they have begun to
manage it to make the best use of what they do know and to identify what they do not know.
KM is not dependent on a software system. Technology can make it easier to manage
knowledge, but it is not a prerequisite for starting to think of ways to capture and build on the
expertise in an organization.
KM is not a one-time event. It is an on-going process that requires continual maintenance if it
is not to become obsolete.
Under these premises, knowledge management can be defined as the process of identifying
useful knowledge that exists in an organization or community and making it available to others to
use or build on. This approach creates the meeting point for knowledge management and mobile
technologies, as mobile development can facilitate the improvement of the learners’ performance
through timely access to relevant knowledge.
Even as internet services are booming, it is important to keep in mind that a knowledge
process requires intense exchange of information between the members of a knowledge-driven
community, and in order to reach the desired outcome members need more than a simple exchange
of messages or documents. They need to be able to operate interactively in a shared context. This
requires both a change of mentality and a willingness to share knowledge via technology tools.
Collaboration is a key element of today’s world, where distributed organizations require people
to collaborate across distances. Without doubt, internet services provide support for collaboration,
yet these services are still limited and they need to be adapted to changing practice
[Hawryszkiewycz]. Education plays a significant role in preparing a new generation of students
that can operate successfully in a collaborative environment.
A successful collaboration requires the combination of the following dimensions: the social
culture, the ways to manage organizational knowledge and technology. The social environment is
where people develop relationships, educational and work practices, which prove mandatory for
sharing and creating knowledge in mutually acceptable ways for all the participating actors.
Knowledge management provides support for interpreting information in its context and for
distributing these interpretations.

4. 21st Century Education

Mobile technologies have impacted greatly upon the learning environment in terms of access to
information and knowledge. They constitute a source of change in abilities, behaviours, attitudes,
values and social dimensions, as well as an opportunity for the 21st century learners to improve
their overall performance in a lifelong learning environment.
As learning escaped the formal settings and knowledge has gained ground for development,
this article explores the dimensions of building mobile knowledge-based systems. Extended access
to autonomous knowledge sources will provide better resources for building optimal blends of
learning components and aims to become a significant contribution to the implementation of
mobile knowledge management in mobile learning environment.
The 5th International Conference on Virtual Learning ICVL 2010 527

The development of mobile knowledge management systems is still at an early stage. There are
many challenges ahead, both at technological level and at user level. A prototype of a mobile
knowledge management system has been developed by Advanced Technology Systems (Romania)
within the MOBNET research project and it will be implemented by teachers and students within
“Carol I” National Defence University in Bucharest to supplement and improve formal or informal
learning activities. The system represents an innovative practice-driven approach in the Romanian
research area.


[1] Hawryszkiewycz, I.T. (2005) 'A metamodel for collaborative systems', Journal of Computer Information
Systems, Spring, pp. 131-146.
[2] Holma, H. and Toskala, A. (2007). WCDMA for UMTS – HSPA evolution and LTE, Wiley
[3] Kelsev, T. (2010). Social Networking Spaces: From Facebook to Twitter and Everything In Between,
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Authors Index

Adoamnei Andrei, 425, 431, 437 Giorgie Vlad Daniel, 425, 431, 437
Adriana Sarah Nica, 455 Gorgan Dorian, 290
Aileni Raluca Maria, 505, 508 Grosseck Gabriela, 172
Albeanu Grigore, 38 Guardia Dario La, 226
Alessandro de Gloria, 44 Hamza-Lup Felix G., 339
Allegra Mario, 226 Holotescu Carmen, 172
Allison Colin, 114 Iantovics Barna, 325, 395
Andrei Davidescu, 443, 449 Ilie Simona Marilena, 346
Anisoara Dumitrache, 467 Impuscatu Razvan Constantin, 403
Antohe Stefan, 95, 147, 214 Iofciu Florentina, 95
Avădănei Andrei, 425, 431, 437 Ion Neacşu, 517
Awad Abdakarim, 332 Istrimschi Adrian, 269
Babiy Ivan, 263 Iuliana Dobre, 478
Bacu Victor, 290 Ivanescu Octav, 263
Beldiman Liviu, 297 Jascanu Nicolae, 297
Bogdan Logofatu, 467 Kitagaki Ikuo, 107
Boico Vitalie, 221 Kountchev Roumen, 325, 395
Bostan Carmen – Gabriela, 147 Kountcheva Roumiana, 395
Bragaru Tudor, 231 Luminita Dinescu, 491, 498
Carmen Popa, 425, 431, 437 Măciucă Cătălin, 214
Chihaia Diana, 269 Malita Laura, 304
Chira Liliana, 425, 431, 437 MărgăriŃoiu Alina, 141
Chircu Florentina Alina, 380, 386 Maria Dinica, 491, 498
ChisăliŃă-CreŃu Camelia, 410, 418 Marusteri Marius, 325
ChiŃu Cătălin, 214, 403 Mihaela Garabet, 166, 517
Ciocoiu Mihai, 508 Mihaela Gheorghe, 467
Coman Florin Alexandru, 425, 431, 437 Mihailescu Eduard, 179
Costin Aurelian Răzvan, 135 Mihiş Andreea-Diana, 128
Costineanu Raluca, 425, 431, 437 Miller Alan, 114
Craciun Ion, 231 Mincă Eugenia, 311, 339
Crainicu Bogdan, 325 Mioara Cretu, 505
DănăuŃă Catrinel Maria, 186 Miron Cristina, 90, 95, 166, 491, 498
Danciu Elena Liliana, 238 Moise Gabriela, 191
Dimova Emilia, 72, 275 Moraru Silvia, 90,471
Dineva Snejana, 72, 79, 275 Muntean Doina, 51
Dragomir Elia Georgiana, 386, 390 Munteanu Loreta, 346
Dragomir Mihai, 199 Neacsu Antonela, 346
Drăguşin Radu, 485 Neagul Marian, 290
Ducheva Zlatoeli, 72 Nedeva Veselina, 79, 275
Eftimie Simona Georgiana, 141 Oprea Mihaela, 361
Elena Şuşnea, 511 Panica Silviu, 290
Emil Barna, 491, 498 Paula Petcu, 485
Enache Roxana, 59, 65 Pavlova Magdalena, 352
Făt Silvia, 101 Pehlivanova Margarita, 72, 161
Florea Adrian, 367 Perera Indika, 114
Florea Delilah, 367 Petcu Dana, 290
Frincu Marc, 290 Popescu Doru Anastasiu, 186, 375
Fulantelli Giovanni, 226 Popescu Elvira, 206
Gellert Arpad, 367 Popescu Florin, 166, 417
Gentile Manuel, 226 Popescu Gheorghe C., 346
530 University of Bucharest and University of Medicine and Pharmacy Târgu-Mureş

Popescu Maria-Magdalena, 54 Szabo Zoltan, 186, 375

Rădescu Radu, 443, 449 Szekely Anamaria, 153
Radu Cătălin, 520, 524 Taibi Davide, 226
Railean Elena, 121 łifrea Dorin, 199
Roceanu Ion, 44,311 łolea Enikö Elisabeta, 135
Şahin Mehmet, 244 Traian Anghel, 367
Sava Simona, 304 Tutunaru Sergiu, 221
Şchiopu Daniela, 318 Viziru Marilena, 403
Scobioală Viorica, 199 Vlada Marin, 27, 38, 263, 455
Stan Emil, 141 Yaldiz Süleyman, 253
Stănescu Ioana A., 339 Zaharescu Eugen, 282
Stănescu Ioana, 311, 524 Zaharescu Georgeta-Atena, 282
Ştefan Antoniu, 311, 339 Zaharie Daniela, 290
Ştefan Veronica, 311, 339 Zamfirescu Constantin-Bala, 325
Ştefănescu Valeriu, 85 Zangara Gianluca, 226
Stefanut Teodor, 290 Zlatoeli Ducheva, 72, 161
Stoica Ioana, 90, 471
Tiparul s-a executat sub c-da nr. 2689/2010
la Tipografia Editurii UniversităŃii din Bucureşti

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