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The Author:

Historian, Author and Psychoanalyst, Dieter Duhm (PhD

Sociology) was born in 1942 in Berlin, Germany and is
the initiator of the “Plan of the Healing Biotypes”, a glo-
bal peace plan. From 1967 he engaged in the Marxist left,
including being one of the leading characters in the stu-
dents’ movement. In 1972 his well-known book “Angst
im Kapitalismus” (Fear in Capitalism) was published,
which made the link between the thoughts behind politi-
cal revolution and thoughts behind the liberation of the individual.
1975 saw a distancing from leftist dogmatism and a shift towards a more thorough
human alternative, leading to the establishment of the ‘Bauhutte’ project: a three
year social experiment with 40 participants in the Black-Forest in Germany. With
the theme of ‘founding a community in our times’ the experiment embraced the
questions of the origin, meaning and aim of human existence on planet Earth.
Arising from the experiment come outlines of a new possibility of existence with
the concepts of ‘free love’, ‘spiritual ecology’ and ‘resonance technology’.
In 1995, together with Theologian Sabine Lichtenfels and others, he founded
Tamera Peace Research Centre in Portugal, which today has more than 160 co-
Dieter Duhm has dedicated his life to creating an effective forum for a global
peace-initiative which is a match for the destructive forces of capitalistic globali-

More Books:
Dieter Duhm: Eros Unredeemed
The World Power of Sexuality. (Verlag Meiga)
Dieter Duhm: Future without War
Theory of Global Healing. (Verlag Meiga)


Monika Berghoff, Saskia Breithardt IHC – International Humanities Center,
Waldsiedlung 15, D-14806 Belzig POBox 923, Malibu, CA 90265, USA

Tel.+49 (0) 33841-30538 Pay to: IHC/IGF – School of the Future
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Email: For a Future without War

”We live in the What is there to do to stop violence

and to start a globalisation of peace?
presence of a
As to come to a well-based answer the author longing, into the outside, into the reality sur-
global massacre of includes many sources of human knowledge: rounding us and its universal structures, into
humans, animals, modern insights from science, politics and our past with the raise of a violent, patriarch
history, from chaos research, holography epoch, into the future, into an ever more con-
and nature, but we
and ecology, spirituality and healing. The re- crete vision of a possible planetary peace cul-
clearly also live in sult is a revelation. ture. Who or what will decide about whether
the presence of an Here writes a human being who is, to say it the earth will end in a planetary Holocaust Dieter Duhm
or whether we will be able to effect a turn to- The Sacred Matrix
entirely different with the words of the philosopher Karl Jas-
From the Matrix of
pers, „originally shaken”. He doesn’t spent wards the better? „The Archimedean Point“,
intact and sacred is the title of one chapter and at the same
Violence to the Matrix of
much time with the analysis of the current Life. The Foundation for
world. state: „I get along without a definition of the time the essence of this book, „is love.“ A a New Civilization.

Healing consists of evil. When I see how any civil population is humane world can only emerge from an
being bombed apart, how one throws hand opened heart. But how can love be connected
reconnecting with with the political power of realisation? How
464 pages, Pb
grenades into the last cellar caves in which ISBN 978-3-927266-19-3
this other world.” ill people or very old people could live I don’t can the relation of the forces of violence and € 24,90, US $ 34,90, £ 18,50

Dieter Duhm need a definition of the evil.“ But all the more peace be changed in a way that the set tar-
he needs and seeks a convincing answer get of a violent-free earth appears reachable?
to the question how the global madness of In precise thinking steps the mental yarns of
violence could be ended whether in Tshe- the book are picked up and composed to the
tshenia, or Palestine, in Europe or Latin “Political Theory”. A path how the seemingly
America. For this purpose he must leave be- impossible could become possible becomes
hind up-to-date way of thinking, overcome visible. What is written down here is High
the limits of normality, enter unknown men- Tech for Peace. The great dream of global
tal terrain by means of authentic experience peace could succeed today …
and look into what is really there: into the
inside, into the zones of our most intimate

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