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11HIS History Term Four

1 Miss G Eugster
Beale, Tara 11DVS 119/ 131

Above Expectation At Expectation Above Expectation Above Expectation

Excellent Excellent

Mature work ethic and ability to think critically have combined to produce commendable

Should continue to develop her ability to make more in-depth connections in her essay

Bharti, Jaiya 11MON 127/ 131

Above Expectation Above Expectation At Expectation Above Expectation

Excellent Excellent

Committed, independent and skilled student whose examination results reveal the
significant progress she has made in her formal essay writing skills and her extensive
content knowledge of both the Irish and WWI topic.

Jaiya is encouraged to consistently provide more supporting evidence and make more
generalisations and in-depth connections in her essay writing.

Bloomfield, Joel 11LAU 130/ 131

At Expectation At Expectation Improvement Improvement

Needed Needed
Inconsistent Inconsistent

Joel is a capable student whose exam result for the causes and consequences essay
demonstrates that he can achieve good results if he puts in the effort, but in order to do so
he must develop more consistency in his study habits.

With more thorough revision Joel will be able to provide more facts and examples in his
responses in his final NCEA examination.

Bryan-Rihari, Natalia 11MON 111/ 131

Improvement At Expectation At Expectation At Expectation
Good Consistent

Natalia has made an impressive effort to improve in history as demonstrated in her pleasing
exam results and the confidence she has gained in essay writing.

Thorough preparation for the final NCEA examination will ensure she is able to provide the
depth and supporting evidence required in her external achievement standards.

November 2018 8:01:40 a.m. (EUG)

KAMAR Northcote College
11HIS History Term Four

1 Miss G Eugster
Burger, Ashley 11MCL 125/ 131

At Expectation At Expectation At Expectation Above Expectation

Good Inconsistent

Ashley is a polite and personable student who has shown interest in the content of the topics
studied this year, however her practice examination results are not a true reflection of her
ability and did not match the pleasing standard achieved in her two most recent internal

Ashley needs to prepare thoroughly for the final NCEA examinations and ensure that she is
able to provide depth in her answers to the shorter questions and the essay.

Burn, Iona 11CLN 115/ 131

Improvement At Expectation At Expectation Improvement
Needed Needed
Inconsistent Consistent

Quiet, personable student whose examination results demonstrate that she can achieve good
results if she puts in the effort.

Iona needs to continue working on ensuring she is thoroughly prepared for external
examinations by memorising more factual evidence.

Czurajewski, Shay (Shayden) 11DVS 130/ 131

At Expectation At Expectation At Expectation At Expectation

Inconsistent Inconsistent

Shay shows interest in the historical content and ideas studied this year and has shown
considerable improvement in his work ethic and homework habits as reflected in his recent
examination results.

Shay should ensure he is prepared to provide more factual evidence in the final NCEA

Dobson, Sam (Samuel) 11YA 127/ 131

At Expectation At Expectation Improvement Improvement

Needed Needed
Inconsistent Consistent

Has excellent content knowledge and often makes insightful contributions to class

Sam is encouraged to work on his written responses by developing his arguments in a

logical manner, incorporating more supporting evidence and examples.

November 2018 8:01:40 a.m. (EUG)

KAMAR Northcote College
11HIS History Term Four

1 Miss G Eugster
Genn, Natalia 11MON 63/ 131

At Expectation At Expectation At Expectation At Expectation

Inconsistent Inconsistent

Has not attended the vast majority of history lessons in term 3.

Hamzah, Atikah 11LAU 117/ 131

At Expectation At Expectation At Expectation At Expectation

Good Consistent

Atikah is a quiet and self-motivated student, whose prepared essay in the recent
examination was well structured and demonstrated sound understanding of the content.

Atikah needs to ensure that, in the final NCEA examination, she is able to provide
substantial detailed evidence and examples for both achievement standards.

Hargreaves, Ben (Benedict) 11DVS 128/ 131

Above Expectation At Expectation Improvement Improvement

Needed Needed
Inconsistent Consistent

Has an excellent knowledge of the history content and is prepared to debate issues, testing
ideas in group and class discussion.

Needs to practice preparing formal paragraphs in order to improve the standard of written

Kikuchi-Joyes, Izzy (Isabelle) 11MCL 112/ 131

At Expectation At Expectation At Expectation Improvement

Good Inconsistent

Quality of both of internally assessed achievement standards was pleasing, demonstrating

understanding of the skills. Unfortunately, in the recent school examinations answers were
incomplete and lacked depth.

Improve written responses by developing arguments in a logical manner, incorporating

more supporting evidence and examples.

November 2018 8:01:40 a.m. (EUG)

KAMAR Northcote College
11HIS History Term Four

1 Miss G Eugster
Mahuika, Piper 11DVS 124/ 131

At Expectation Above Expectation Above Expectation At Expectation

Excellent Excellent

Conscientious in all aspects of her work, prepared essay in the recent examination was well
structured and demonstrated sound understanding of the content.

Needs to carefully interpret exam question and take care to follow all assessment
requirements in order to achieve to her potential.

Matheson, Kaze 11MM 123/ 131

Above Expectation Above Expectation Above Expectation Above Expectation

Excellent Excellent

Demonstrated a total commitment to studies, prepares meticulously for assessments and all
aspects of work are of a high standard.

In the final NCEA examinations Kaze needs to provide greater depth of explanation and a
wider range of factual evidence in written responses.

Morris, Kelsey 11CLN 120/ 131

At Expectation At Expectation At Expectation At Expectation

Good Consistent

A conscientious student who regularly contributes to class discussion with insightful and
knowledgeable responses.

Needs to carefully interpret exam question and provide greater depth of explanation and a
wider range of factual evidence in written responses in order to achieve to her potential.

Phipps, Chelsea 11DVS 129/ 131

Above Expectation Above Expectation At Expectation Above Expectation

Excellent Consistent

Conscientious in all aspects of her work, prepared essay in the recent examination was well
structured and demonstrated sound understanding of the content.

Needs to carefully interpret exam question and improve written responses by developing
arguments in a logical manner, incorporating more supporting evidence and examples.

November 2018 8:01:40 a.m. (EUG)

KAMAR Northcote College
11HIS History Term Four

1 Miss G Eugster
Prasad, Prashil 11MON 124/ 131

At Expectation At Expectation At Expectation At Expectation

Good Consistent

An independent and self-motivated student with mature study habits.

Needs to carefully interpret exam question and take care to follow all assessment
requirements in order to achieve to his potential.

Sines, Neave 11MM 128/ 131

Above Expectation Above Expectation Above Expectation Above Expectation

Excellent Excellent

High achieving student, diligence towards class work and homework has been exemplary.

Needs to carefully interpret exam question and take care to follow all assessment
requirements in order to achieve to her potential.

West, Madison 11CLN 123/ 131

At Expectation At Expectation Improvement At Expectation

Inconsistent Inconsistent

Quality of both of internally assessed achievement standards was pleasing, demonstrating

understanding of the skills. Unfortunately, in the recent school examinations answers were
incomplete and lacked depth.

Needs to carefully interpret exam question and take care to follow all assessment
requirements in order to achieve to her potential.

Wingfield, Amalia 11CLN 77/ 131

At Expectation At Expectation At Expectation At Expectation

Inconsistent Inconsistent

Has not attended the greater majority of history lessons in term 3.

November 2018 8:01:40 a.m. (EUG)

KAMAR Northcote College
11HIS History Term Four

1 Miss G Eugster
Wright, Harry (Harrison) 11YA 118/ 131

At Expectation At Expectation Improvement Improvement

Needed Needed
Inconsistent Limited

Shows a keen interest in the subject and internal assessment result suggests he has the
potential to achieve well. Unfortunately, in the recent school examinations answers were
incomplete or not attempted and lacked depth.

Harry needs to develop mature study habits and prepare thoroughly for the final NCEA
examination particularly the essay assessment which he did not attempt in the practice

Students 21 Males 7 Females 14

November 2018 8:01:40 a.m. (EUG)

KAMAR Northcote College

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