Geo CH 10 Human Resources

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Chapter 10 Human Resources

2 marks

1. Define Census. When was it last held in India

2. Why East Central North America is densely populated?
3. Define natural growth. How is it expressed?

3 marks

1. Why river valleys are densely populated?

River valleys are thickly populated because:-
a. Water is essential for the survival of plants, animals and humans.
b. Soil is fertile here which is important for agriculture.
c. Water is also must for many industries like iron and steel etc.
2. Distinguish between –
a. Birth Rate and Death Rate.
Birth Rate-
i. It is calculated as total number of birth per thousand of the population.
ii. When the birth rate increases, population of a country increases.
iii. High birth rate leads to increase in the burden of population on the economy
of a country.
iv. Developing and underdeveloped countries have high birth rate.

Death rate –

i. It is calculated as the total number of death per thousand of the population.

ii. When the death rate increases, population of a country decreases.
iii. High death rate may lead to disturbance in the balance of the economy.
iv. Developed countries have low birth rates and death rates.

b. Working and Dependent Population

Working population
i. It comprises of the people in the age group of 15 to 64 years.
ii. They work for their livelihood.
iii. They contribute to the present national income.

Dependent population
i. It comprises of the people between 0-14 years and above 65 years.
ii. They are mostly dependent on the working population.
iii. They have either contributed in the past or will contribute in the future
national income.
3. What does the shape of population pyramid indicates?
a. It indicates the condition of the population of that country.
b. It tells how much of total population is dependent and how much of it is working.
c. It also reflects the birth rate and death rate of the country.

5 marks

1. Discuss the physical factors that influence the distribution of the population.
a. Relief features - Concentration of the population depends upon the suitability of land for
agriculture, industries and development of roads.
b. Climatic conditions – Moderate climatic conditions are favourable for human habitation,
thus population is nil or sparse in areas with extreme climate.
c. Natural vegetation – Dense forest like those of Amazon basin are inaccessible thus do not
encourage human settlements.
d. Soils – areas with fertile soil always have attracted people as it supports agriculture.
e. Availability of water – water is not only essential for survival but also for agriculture and
industries, thus river plains are densely populated.
2. What are the economic and social factors that affect the distribution of the population?
a. Mineral resources – Regions with rich mineral deposits are important for locations of
industries thus are densely populated.
b. Industries – Development of industries provides employment opportunities and hence
attracts people.
c. Transportation – Good transportation network is important for economic activities and so
areas with developed transport facilities are densely populated.
d. Urbanization – Areas with better infrastructure is found in urban areas which are highly
populated as compared to rural areas.
e. Government Policies – Sometimes government policies also affects the density of
population of a region as people migrate to those areas where it is easier for them to get
employment or to self employ themselves.
3. Define –
a. Immigration – Movement if people into a country.
b. Emigration – Movement of people out of a country
c. Sex ratio – The number of females per thousand males in the population of a region.
d. Density of population – The number of people living in one square kilometer of an area.

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