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Original Article

Cytogenet Genome Res Accepted: March 13, 2018

by M. Schmid
DOI: 10.1159/000490481
Published online: ■■■

Contrasting Rates of LINE-1

Amplification among New World
Primates of the Atelidae Family
Akash Sookdeo a Manuel Ruiz-García b Horacio Schneider c
Stéphane Boissinot d
a Department of Biology, New York University, New York, NY, USA; b Departamento de Biología, Facultad de
Ciencias, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia; c Universidade Federal do Pará, Campus de Bragança,
Bragança, Brazil; d New York University Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Please note also the following remarks of one of the reviewers:

It would be appropriate to cite Jurka (2011) in the last paragraph of the Discussion when discussing stochastic changes
that may result from population demography.
I found the speculation about life-spans and reproductive rate impacts as they relate to L1 accumulation to be just that,
speculative and would rather see it removed.

Keywords extent of L1 amplification in Atelidae remains overall lower

Alouatta · Ateles · Atelidae · Brachyteles · Lagothrix · LINE-1 · than in other New World monkeys. Multiple factors can af-
New World monkeys · Primates · Retrotransposon fect the amplification of L1, such as the demography of the
host and the control of transposition. These factors are dis-
cussed in the context of host life history.
Abstract © 2018 S. Karger AG, Basel
LINE-1 (L1) retrotransposons constitute the dominant cate-
gory of transposons in mammalian genomes. L1 elements
are active in the vast majority of mammals, and only a few LINE-1 (L1) retrotransposons constitute the domi-
cases of L1 extinction have been documented. The only pos- nant category of transposable elements in mammalian
sible case of extinction in primates was suggested for South genomes and have profoundly affected their size and
American spider monkeys. However, these previous studies function [Tollis and Boissinot, 2012; Warren et al., 2015].
were based on a single species. We revisited this question They have been a source of evolutionary novelties by pro-
with a larger phylogenetic sample, covering all 4 genera of viding regulatory or coding sequences that can be co-opt-
Atelidae and 3 species of spider monkeys. We used an en- ed by the host for its own benefit [Warren et al., 2015;
richment method to clone recently inserted L1 elements and Mita and Boeke, 2016]. Despite a strong cis-preference,
performed an evolutionary analysis of the sequences. We the L1 machinery can also act on other transcripts and is
were able to identify young L1 elements in all taxa, suggest- responsible for the retrotransposition of processed pseu-
ing that L1 is probably still active in all Atelidae examined. dogenes [Esnault et al., 2000] and Alu elements [Dewan-
However, we also detected considerable variations in the nieux et al., 2003], which can also be domesticated by the
proportion of recent elements indicating that the rate of L1 host [Brosius, 1999; Häsler and Strub, 2006; Marques et
amplification varies among Atelidae by a 3-fold factor. The al., 2005]. Thus, there is no doubt that L1 activity consti-

© 2018 S. Karger AG, Basel Stéphane Boissinot

New York University Abu Dhabi
Saadiyat Island
PO 129188, Abu Dhabi (UAE)
E-Mail sb5272 @

CGR490481.indd 1 19.06.2018 07:46:04

tutes one of the dominant driving forces acting on the The proposed extinction of L1 in New World monkeys
genome. It has even been proposed that the level of L1 was found in a single species of Atelidae, A. paniscus, and
activity in a lineage contributes to the adaptability of this thus requires confirmation using a larger phylogenetic
lineage by providing evolutionary novelties on which se- sampling. We decided to revisit this possible instance of
lection can act [Oliver and Greene, 2009, 2011]. However, L1 extinction in primates by analyzing L1 activity in all
L1 can also have a strong negative effect on the fitness of genera of Atelidae and in multiple Ateles species. Deter-
its host [Boissinot et al., 2001, 2006] by disrupting gene mining with certainty that L1 is extinct in a specific taxon
function [Ostertag and Kazazian, 2001; Belancio et al., is difficult because it requires high quality genomic data
2009] and by mediating chromosomal rearrangements [Gallus et al., 2016], which are not available in many spe-
through ectopic recombination [Burwinkel and Kili- cies. Instead, we used a cloning strategy designed to detect
mann, 1998; Song and Boissinot, 2007]. young L1 elements in a genome. We found evidence of
The effect L1 has on its host, negative or positive, is recent L1 activity in most taxa examined. We conclude
intrinsically dependent on the level of L1 activity. Com- that L1 is not extinct in Atelidae. However, the rate of L1
parisons among vertebrate genomes have revealed that amplification seems to differ considerably among Ateli-
the rates of L1 activity differ drastically among species dae as L1 appears far more active in the Alouattinae sub-
and through time [Pascale et al., 1990; Furano, 2000; Bois- family (the howler monkeys; genus Alouatta) than in the
sinot et al., 2004; Khan et al., 2006; Ivancevic et al., 2016]. Atelinae subfamily (spider monkeys, woolly monkeys,
For instance, the mouse genome contains about 3,000 po- and muriquis; genera Ateles, Lagothrix, and Brachyteles).
tentially active L1 copies [Goodier et al., 2001; Sookdeo et
al., 2013], whereas only 80–100 copies are potentially ac-
tive in human [Sassaman et al., 1997; Brouha et al., 2003]. Materials and Methods
This difference results in a 30-fold higher rate of L1 inser-
tion in mouse relative to human [Ostertag and Kazazian, The Atelidae family contains 2 subfamilies that diverged 16
2001]. In the human lineage, the rate of L1 amplification Mya: the Alouattinae and the Atelinae (Fig. 1) [Opazo et al., 2006;
was considerably higher at the time of the split between Wildman et al., 2009; Morales-Jimenez et al., 2015; Schneider and
Old World primates and hominoids (∼35 Mya), and the Sampaio, 2015]. The Alouattinae subfamily is represented by a sin-
reduction in L1 activity occurred only during the last 12 gle extant genus, the genus Alouatta that includes all species of
howler monkeys. We studied 2 species of Alouatta, A. belzebul
Myr of human evolution [Khan et al., 2006]. The reasons from Brazil and A. macconnelli from French Guiana. The Atelinae
why the rate of amplification differs among species and subfamily contains 3 genera: Ateles (spider monkeys), Lagothrix
through time are not well understood and might be re- (woolly monkeys), and Brachyteles (muriquis). We obtained and
lated to the rate of transposition, the control of transposi- analyzed DNA samples from 3 Ateles species, A. paniscus (ob-
tion by the host, selection against new inserts, and the tained from the Wuppertal Zoological Garden), A. fusciceps (from
the Pacific Chocó area of Colombia) and A. geoffroyi (purchased
demographic history of the host [Tollis and Boissinot, from the Coriell Institute for Medical Research), 1 Lagothrix spe-
2012]. cies, L. lagothricha (from the Colombian Amazon), and 1 Bra-
In primates, L1 activity varies among extant species chyteles species, B. arachnoides (from Brazil).
[Liu et al., 2003; Boissinot et al., 2004; Lee et al., 2007].
The largest difference, however, is found among New Experimental Approach
We amplified 2 regions of the second ORF of L1 by PCR using
World primates [Boissinot et al., 2004]. In the squirrel the primers and methods described in Boissinot et al. [2004] and
monkey Saimiri sciureus and in the cotton-top tamarin Cantrell et al. [2000]. Region A corresponds to a 355-bp fragment
Saguinus oedipus, the rate of L1 amplification is very high located near the extremity of ORF2, from position 3,326 to 3,681
and resulted in the evolution of species-specific families. of the modern human ORF2 consensus. Region A primers are lo-
In contrast, L1 appears to be extinct in the spider monkey cated in a conserved region of ORF2 and are useful for collecting
elements of different ages and consequently for analyzing the long-
Ateles paniscus as no evidence of recent amplification or term amplification of L1 elements in a species. Region A amplicons
no Ateles-specific families were found. The extinction of were cloned into the pGEM vector (Promega) and between 23 and
L1 in Ateles would be rather surprising and unique among 27 clones per species were randomly selected and sequenced. Re-
primates [Ivancevic et al., 2016]. In fact, L1 extinction has gion B corresponds to a 575-bp fragment located in the reverse
been documented with certainty in a small number of ro- transcriptase domain of ORF2, from position 2,114 to 2,688 of the
modern human ORF2 consensus. Region B was amplified by PCR
dents, bats, perissodactyls, and cetacean species [Casa- using degenerate primers. PCR products were cloned in-frame
vant et al., 2000; Grahn et al., 2005; Cantrell et al., 2008; into LacZ. Clones with intact reading frames produce L1/beta-
Platt and Ray, 2012; Ivancevic et al., 2016]. galactosidase fusion proteins yielding blue colonies. The assump-

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Fig. 1. Evolutionary relationships between the primate species used in this study. The age of the speciation events
is based on the work of Opazo et al. [2006] and Morales-Jimenez et al. [2015].

tion was that clones with interrupted reading frames (blue clones) served amino acids in region A is shown here starting at amino-
are more likely to represent young elements than clones with stop acid position 1,113 of the human ORF2 sequence, where the
codons (white clones). For each species, at least 13 blue clones and numbers in parentheses indicate the numbers of amino acids be-
13 white clones were sequenced. All region A and B clones were tween conserved residues: H(1)TP(1)R(3)I(7)CWRGC(3)GTL(1)
sequenced in both orientations by Sanger chemistry by Macrogen H(1)WW(1)C(1)L(1)QP(1)W(3)W(10)P(1)DPAI(1)LL(14)
(Seoul, Korea). The quality of the chromatograms was assessed vi- TC(3)F(1)AA(4)A(2)W(4)CP(4)W(2)K(1)W. Changes at these
sually. Reverse and forward reads were assembled into contigs that sites were determined by returning each sequence to its original
were used for downstream analyses. frame, removing insertions and filling gaps with N. Phylogenetic
analyses were performed using the neighbor-joining and maxi-
Data Analysis mum likelihood methods. The divergence of families was calcu-
Sequences were aligned and manipulated using the BioEdit lated by computing Kimura’s 2-parameter distance between each
program [Hall, 1999]. Recently inserted L1 elements are expected element and the consensus of the family [Kimura, 1980]. Distanc-
to retain the features of their progenitor more faithfully than older es and neighbor-joining trees were calculated using the MEGA 5.0
elements that have accumulated mutations since the time of their program [Tamura et al., 2011] and maximum likelihood trees were
insertion. Thus, we assessed the level of conservation of L1 se- built with the PhyML program [Guindon and Gascuel, 2003].
quences as an indicator of their age using several criteria: the pres-
ence of an intact open reading frame (ORF), the occurrence of
insertions/deletions (indels), the conservation of CpG dinucleo-
tides, and the conservation of critical amino acid residues. CpG Results
dinucleotides are considered hypermutable as the C in a CpG mu-
tates to T at a rate 10–50 times higher than a C in another context.
Thus the conservation of CpG in an L1 element is an indicator of Analysis of Region A
its young age. Region A contains 2 CpG sites that are conserved We analyzed 174 PCR-derived clones in 7 Atelidae
across all primate L1 families, at positions 3,475–3,476 and 3,583– species (Table 1). We determined the relative proportion
3,584 of the human ORF2 sequence. Region B contains 1 con- of young elements by assessing the decay of L1 sequences.
served CpG at position 2,563–2,564. The proportion of sequences
with intact CpG or intact ORF was compared among species and In each taxon, we examined the number of clones with
tested using the χ2 statistics. As L1 insertions accumulate muta- intact ORFs, the number of clones with indels, and the
tions at the neutral rate, some of these mutations should affect the conservation of CpG dinucleotides. These data were
amino acid sequence of ORF2. Thus, recently inserted elements compared with sequences from 2 Cebidae species which
should have retained a larger fraction of the amino acids critical are known to host active L1 families, S. sciureus and S.
for retrotransposition. Critical amino acids in region A and B were
inferred by comparing L1 elements across a wide range of mam- oedipus, and 2 hominoids, Homo sapiens and Pan troglo-
mals. Thirty-eight conserved amino acids in region B were previ- dytes. For all criteria examined, the proportion of young
ously described in Grahn et al. [2005]. The sequence of the con- sequences in Atelidae is much lower than in Cebidae and

L1 Activity in Atelidae Cytogenet Genome Res 3

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Table 1. Conservation of region A cloned sequences

Family Clones, Clones with Sequences Intact CpG, n (%) New World monkey-specific
Species n intact ORF, with indels, sequences, n (%)
n (%) n (%)
151 – 152 259 – 260 both sites old clade new clade all

Ateles paniscus 26 4 (15) 16 (62) 12 (46) 4 (16) 16 (31) 4 (16) 2 (8) 10 (38)
Ateles fusciceps 24 2 (8) 12 (50) 5 (21) 9 (38) 14 (29) 4 (17) 2 (8) 11 (45)
Ateles geoffroyi 27 5 (18) 13 (48) 7 (26) 12 (44) 19 (35) 4 (15) 4 (15) 14 (52)
Total Ateles 77 11 (14) 41 (53) 24 (31) 25 (32) 49 (32) 12 (16) 8 (10) 35 (45)
Lagothrix lagothricha 25 3 (12) 13 (52) 14 (56) 4 (16) 18 (36) 1 (4) 7 (28) 13 (52)
Brachyteles arachnoides 25 2 (8) 16 (64) 11 (44) 7 (28) 18 (36) 2 (8) 2 (8) 15 (60)
Total Atelinae 127 16 (13) 70 (55) 49 (39) 36 (28) 85 (33) 15 (12) 17 (13) 63 (50)
Alouatta macconnelli 23 5 (22) 13 (57) 9 (39) 13 (56) 22 (48) 0 (0) 8 (35) 11 (48)
Alouatta belzebul 24 1 (4) 14 (58) 5 (21) 3 (12) 8 (17) 2 (8) 2 (8) 8 (33)
Total Alouatta 47 6 (13) 27 (57) 14 (30) 16 (34) 30 (32) 2 (4) 10 (21) 19 (40)
Saimiri sciureus 26 7 (27) 7 (27) 13 (50) 12 (46) 25 (48) 0 (0) 16 (62) 17 (65)
Saguinus oedipus 26 10 (38) 12 (46) 12 (46) 15 (58) 27 (52) 0 (0) 18 (69) 19 (73)
Pan troglodytes 21 7 (33) 10 (48) 11 (52) 13 (62) 24 (57) NA NA NA
Homo sapiens 25 8 (32) 12 (48) 10 (40) 11 (44) 21 (42) NA NA NA
Total Hominidae 46 15 (33) 22 (48) 21 (46) 24 (52) 45 (49) NA NA NA

Hominoidae. For instance, the fraction of elements with before the split between Cebidae and Atelidae [Boissinot
intact ORF is significantly lower in Atelidae (∼13%) than et al. 2004]; (Fig. 2A, online suppl. material 3; see www.
in Cebidae (∼33%; p = 0.002) and in hominoids (∼33%; for all online sup-
p = 0.005). Similarly, only 33% of CpG dinucleotides are pl. material). These 2 lineages coexisted in ancestral
intact in Atelidae versus 50% on average in Cebidae (p = New World monkeys until L1nwm-old became extinct. The
0.001) and Hominidae (p = 0.027). The lower proportion L1nwm-modern lineage persisted and is currently the active
of recent elements in Atelidae indicates that L1 activity lineage in extant New World monkeys. Thus, the number
has been reduced in the Atelidae family relative to other of clones belonging to L1nwm-modern can also be used as a
New World primates. Among Atelidae, the proportion of proxy for the recent level of L1 activity. The proportion
young sequences is similar among species with the nota- of L1nwm-modern clones in Atelidae (16%) is significantly
ble exception of A. macconnelli. In A. macconnelli, the lower (p < 0.0001) than in the 2 Cebidae species used for
proportion of elements with intact CpG (48%) is signifi- comparison (>60%), confirming that L1 is much less ac-
cantly (p = 0.022) higher than in other Atelidae (∼31%). tive in Atelidae than in other New World primates. Be-
Similarly, the fraction of clones with intact ORF in A. cause the number of recent sequences is small in Atelidae,
macconnelli (22%) is higher than in other Atelidae (11%), the number of old sequences recovered, particularly from
but this difference is not statistically significant (p = the L1nwm-old family, is proportionally larger than in other
0.159). The higher fraction of young elements in A. mac- New World monkeys. The proportion of L1nwm-modern se-
connelli is similar to the one in S. sciureus, a species whose quences is consistently low in Atelidae species, except in
genome contains an active L1 family [Boissinot et al., A. macconnelli (35%) and in L. lagothricha (28%). The
2004], and suggests that L1 activity is higher in A. mac- higher proportion of L1nwm-modern elements in these 2
connelli than in other Atelidae. species is significantly (p = 0.004 and 0.019 for A. mac-
Sequences were then classified into families based on connelli and L. lagothricha, respectively) higher than in
the diagnostic characters defined in Boissinot et al. [2004]. other Atelidae (8–15%). This observation suggests that
New World primate genomes contain 2 L1 lineages, called L1nwm-modern could have been recently more active in
L1nwm-old and L1nwm-modern, which diverged after the sepa- A. macconnelli and L. lagothricha than in other Atelidae
ration between Old World and New World primates but species. This conclusion is supported in A. macconnelli

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Fig. 2. Phylogenetic trees of L1 elements based on region A of tering of sequences into taxon-specific clades. For clarity, the tree
ORF2. Trees were built using the neighbor-joining method based presented was built using representative sequences from each tax-
on Kimura’s 2-parameter distances. The number at a particular on, but a phylogenetic tree built using all sequences is available in
node indicates its percentage of appearance in 1000 bootstrap rep- online supplementary material 3. B Tree built using all Atelidae
licates. Only values >75% are indicated. A Tree showing the clus- L1nwm-modern elements. Note the lack of an Atelinae-specific clade.

where some of the L1nwm-modern elements show a very low L1 amplified and evolved into a species-specific family in
(<1%) level of divergence from their consensus indicating A. macconnelli. In contrast, other Atelidae sequences do
that they have not resided in the A. macconnelli genome not cluster into species-specific or genus-specific groups
long enough to accumulate neutral mutations. In con- and exhibit long terminal branches, suggestive of the ac-
trast, L1nwm-modern elements in L. lagothricha are quite di- cumulation of mutations since insertion. We then exam-
vergent from their consensus (2.1–6.6%) and do not rep- ined the average divergence of elements within each Ate-
resent recent insertions. lidae family. Consensus sequences were built for the
We searched for species-specific L1 families using a A. macconnelli-specific family, the Atelinae L1nwm-modern
phylogenetic approach. We built a tree using all the Ate- lineage (minus the Alouatta-specific family), and the
lidae sequences belonging to the L1nwm-modern lineage L1nwm-old family. The divergences from consensus were
(Fig. 2B). Within Atelidae, we detected a single well-sup- calculated for each sequence and are plotted in Figure 3.
ported monophyletic group of closely related sequences Elements belonging to the A. macconnelli-specific family
belonging to the species A. macconnelli. This suggests that are characterized by a very low divergence from consen-

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A 0.6 ଶ Alouatta sp.
ଶ L1nwm-old
0.5 ଶ L1nwm-modern





0–1 1–2 2–3 3–4 4–5 5–6 6–7 7–8 8–9 9–10 10–11 11–12
Divergence from consensus, %

B 0.6 ଶ Alouattinea sp.

ଶ Atelinae sp.





0–1 1–2 2–3 3–4 4–5 5–6 6–7 7–8 8–9 9–10 10–11 11–12
Divergence from consensus, %

Fig. 3. Frequency distribution of the divergence between members of L1 families and their respective family-
specific consensus sequences. A Region A. B Region B.

sus (0.3–1.8%). Translated into time using a New World recent element being ∼6 Myr old. The apparent lack of
monkey pseudogene rate of 0.21%/Myr, this level of di- young, low-divergent elements in Atelinae is consistent
vergence suggests that the Alouatta-specific family began with a very low level of activity or extinction of L1 in this
amplifying ∼8 Mya and is probably still active. However, group. In addition, Atelinae L1nwm-modern elements are
the age of elements needs to be taken with caution as the poorly conserved and their level of degradation is compa-
rate of neutral evolution in New World monkeys differs rable to the extinct L1nwm-old family (Fig. 3) and to the hu-
considerably between species and between genomic re- man L1PA4 family that amplified in the human genome
gions [Peng et al., 2009]. The current activity of the 18 Mya and became extinct around 14 Mya (Table 2).
Alouatta-specific family is supported by the high level of
conservation of these elements. Three out of 4 sequences Analysis of Region B
have intact ORFs, none of the conserved CpG dinucleo- The lack of recent activity in most Atelidae species was
tides are mutated, and half of the sequences have all the verified using a PCR-based strategy specifically designed
residues that are conserved across all mammals intact to collect young L1 elements [Cantrell et al., 2000]. This
(Table 2). The conservation of Alouatta-specific elements procedure uses degenerate primers located in a conserved
is reminiscent of the conservation of elements belonging region of ORF2. PCR products are cloned in-frame into
to the currently active L1 family in human (L1PA1) and LacZ, and clones with intact reading frames produce L1/
strongly suggests that L1 is indeed active in Alouatta (Ta- betagalactosidase fusion proteins yielding blue colonies.
ble 2). In contrast, L1nwm-modern elements from Atelinae For each species, ∼50% blue and ∼50% white colonies
species range in divergence from 1.2 to 9.2%, the most were collected and sequenced (Table 3). We assessed in

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Table 2. Conservation of L1 families

Region L1 families Elements, n (%) Intact CpG,

total with intact with indels with intact n (%)
ORF amino acids
A Alouatta-specific 4 3 (75) 1 (25) 2 (50) 8 (100)
L1nwm-old 17 0 (0) 10 (59) 0 (0) 12 (35)
L1nwm-modern Atelidae 17 5 (24) 3 (18) 1 (6) 19 (45)
Saimiri-specific 8 3 (37) 1 (12) 4 (50) 12 (75)
Saguinus-specific 17 10 (59) 5 (29) 6 (35) 25 (74)
L1PA1 (3.1 ± 0.8 Myr) 25 21 (84) 0 (0) 22 (88) 45 (90)
L1PA4 (18.0 ± 4.8 Myr) 25 10 (40) 6 (24) 3 (12) 27 (54)
L1PA7 (31.4 ± 8.4 Myr) 25 0 (0) 19 (76) 0 (0) 7 (14)
B Alouattinae-specific 31 22 (71) 4 (13) 19 (61) 30 (97)
Atelinae-specific 29 25 (86) 2 (7) 15 (52) 23 (79)
L1PA1 (3.1 ± 0.8 Myr) 25 22 (88) 2 (8) 20 (80) 20 (80)
L1PA4 (18.0 ± 4.8 Myr) 25 5 (20) 12 (48) 0 (0) 10 (40)
L1PA7 (31.4 ± 8.4 Myr) 25 0 (0) 24 (96) 0 (0) 4 (16)

Table 3. Conservation of region B cloned sequences

Species Clones Clones, Clones with Sequences Intact CpG, Subfamily Clones with intact
n intact ORF, with indels, n (%) specific, conserved amino
n (%) n (%) n (%) acids, n (%)

Ateles paniscus blue 13 6 (46) 5 (38) 5 (38) 3 (23) 4 (31)

all 26 6 (23) 18 (69) 8 (31) 4 (15) 4 (15)
Ateles fusciceps blue 13 5 (38) 8 (62) 6 (46) 4 (15) 2 (15)
all 26 7 (27) 19 (73) 9 (35) 6 (23) 3 (12)
Ateles geoffroyi blue 39 16 (41) 19 (49) 21 (54) 8 (21) 6 (15)
all 57 18 (32) 38 (67) 30 (53) 9 (16) 6 (11)
Total Ateles blue 65 27 (42) 32 (49) 36 (55) 15 (23) 12 (18)
all 109 31 (28) 75 (69) 39 (36) 19 (17) 13 (12)
Lagothrix lagothricha blue 15 4 (27) 9 (60) 6 (40) 4 (27) 4 (27)
all 28 4 (14) 23 (82) 6 (21) 4 (14) 4 (14)
Brachyteles arachnoides blue 14 2 (14) 10 (71) 7 (50) 1 (7) 2 (14)
all 27 3 (11) 18 (67) 14 (52) 1 (4) 2 (7)
Total Atelinae blue 94 33 (35) 51 (54) 52 (55) 20 (21) 18 (19)
all 164 38 (23) 116 (71) 59 (36) 24 (15) 19 (12)
Alouatta macconnelli blue 16 13 (81) 2 (12) 12 (75) 10 (63) 8 (50)
all 32 15 (47) 11 (34) 27 (84) 16 (50) 14 (44)
Alouatta belzebul blue 15 10 (67) 3 (20) 13 (87) 12 (80) 7 (47)
all 26 12 (46) 11 (42) 20 (77) 15 (58) 9 (35)
Total Alouatta blue 31 23 (74) 5 (16) 25 (81) 22 (71) 15 (48)
all 58 27 (47) 22 (38) 47 (81) 31 (53) 23 (40)

each species the level of conservation of L1 sequences by ements, we were surprised to find that a large fraction of
determining the number of intact ORFs, the presence of elements obtained from Atelinae species were quite de-
indels, the conservation of CpG dinucleotides, and the graded. For instance, only 23% of Atelinae sequences
conservation of amino acids believed to be critical for have intact ORFs and 36% of the CpG sites are intact (Ta-
transposition [Grahn et al., 2005]. Although the proce- ble 3). Furthermore, only 12% of the sequences retain all
dure we used was designed to enrich recently inserted el- 38 amino acid critical residues. This suggests that the vast

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Fig. 4. Phylogenetic trees of L1 elements based on region B of ORF2. Trees were built using the neighbor-joining
method based on Kimura’s 2-parameter distances. The number at a particular node indicates its percentage of
appearance in 1000 bootstrap replicates. Only values >75% are indicated. A Tree built using a selection of se-
quences from each taxon and showing the clustering of sequences into taxon-specific clades. B Tree built using
all Atelidae-specific sequences.

majority of the clones retrieved using the enrichment In Alouattinae, we found a large proportion of puta-
strategy are not recent. However, a small number (∼12%) tively young elements, confirming that L1 has recently
of elements that have the hallmarks of recent insertions been very active in this group of primates. More than half
were retrieved (Tables 2, 3). For instance, in Ateles, 13 of the sequences have intact ORFs, more than 80% of the
clones (out of 109) have an intact ORF and have retained CpG are not mutated, and 40% of the sequences retain all
all 38 critical amino acids. In addition, these elements critical amino acids. Thus, the larger proportion of recent
have very low divergence from their consensus indicating L1 elements in Alouatta indicates that L1 has been much
that they have not resided in their host genome long more active in Alouattinae than in Atelinae, as suggested
enough to accumulate mutations (Fig. 3B). Thus, we can by our analysis of region A. The difference between Ateli-
conclude that L1 elements are not extinct in Atelinae. nae and Alouattinae is not due to a bias in the sampling

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Fig. 5. Parsimony tree of region B consen-
sus sequences. The branch lengths are pro-
portional to the number of characters sup-
porting each branch.

of clones as the fraction of blue clones we sequenced is (see consensus sequences in online suppl. material 1, 2).
similar in these 2 groups (57 and 53%, respectively). In It should be noted that we failed to detect a genus-specif-
fact, the higher conservation of L1 sequences in Alouat- ic L1 family in Brachyteles. Based on our analysis of re-
tinae holds even if only blue clones are compared (Ta- gions A and B, B. arachnoides seems to be the taxon with
ble 3). the lower proportion of recent L1 copies. We recovered
Region B sequences were used in a phylogenetic anal- in this species a single clone that groups within the Ateli-
ysis to identify species- or genus-specific L1 families nae-specific group. This clone has a divergence from con-
(Fig. 4A). The tree built using region B sequences reca- sensus of 1.3% (∼6.5 Myr old). Thus, it appears that with-
pitulates the phylogenetic relationship among New in Atelinae, B. arachnoides is the species with the lowest
World monkeys. A number of Atelidae sequences form a level of L1 activity.
monophyletic group distinct from the Cebidae. Within Finally, we examined the evolution of the active L1 lin-
Atelidae, sequences cluster into Atelinae- or Alouattinae- eage in New World monkeys. We determined the consen-
specific clades, confirming that L1 amplified and evolved sus sequences (online suppl. material 1, 2) of the most
into subfamily-specific lineages in both Atelidae subfam- recently active L1 family in each species, and we recon-
ilies. A tree built using all Atelidae sequences (Fig.  4B) structed the evolutionary relationships among these se-
reveals some additional groupings, including a mono- quences (Fig. 5). The parsimony tree reveals considerable
phyletic group of Ateles sequences and a small group of differences in the rate of evolution of the active L1 lineage
Lagothrix sequences (Fig. 4B), suggesting the presence of among New World monkeys. Before the diversification
genus-specific L1 families in these 2 taxa. These groups of of Atelidae, the L1 lineage accumulated 7 mutations over
elements are not well supported by the bootstrap analysis, ∼7 Myr (1 mutation/Myr) but only 5 mutations over 16
but 2 lines of evidence suggest that they represent genus- Myr in Alouattinae (0.3 mutation/Myr). Since the split
specific L1 families. First, elements within each group are between Ateles and Lagothrix, the L1 lineage accumulated
very closely related. Ateles-specific elements are between only 3 and 2 mutations, respectively, although these 2
0.4 and 0.7% divergent from consensus, which roughly genera separated ∼12 Mya (0.17–0.25 mutations/Myr).
corresponds to 2–4 Myr of age, which is consistent with Thus the low rate of amplification of L1 in Atelidae oc-
the origin of the genus Ateles 6.7 Mya [Morales-Jimenez curred simultaneously to a reduction in the rate of evolu-
et al., 2015] and the diversification among the current tion of the active L1 lineage. By comparison with other
Ateles species, which is estimated around 3.2–3.6 Mya species, the lower rate of L1 evolution is even more appar-
[Ruiz-Garcia et al., 2016a, b]. As the genus Ateles split ent. For instance, the active L1 lineage in Saguinus has
from the Lagothrix/Brachyteles clade 12 Mya [Opazo et accumulated 31 mutations since its split from Saimiri
al., 2006], it is very likely that these elements inserted in (∼1.5 mutations/Myr). Thus, the rate of L1 evolution
Ateles genomes after this split. Similarly the 3 Lagothrix could be 5–10 times lower in Atelidae than in Cebidae.
elements diverged between 0.2 and 0.7% from their con-
sensus, which also strongly suggests these elements in-
serted in Lagothrix since its separation from Brachyteles Discussion
∼10 Mya. Second, Ateles-specific and Lagothrix-specific
elements share common characters that are not found Here, we analyzed the dynamics of amplification of L1
among other Atelidae sequences. These diagnostic char- elements in 4 genera and 7 species of Atelidae. Using an
acters are the hallmark of novel, taxon-specific families enrichment strategy, we recovered young elements sug-

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gestive of recent L1 activity in all taxa. Thus, there is no promoter sequence of the preceding family. A novel L1
reason to believe that L1 might be extinct in this group of element with a completely different promoter sequence
primates, as suggested in a previous study limited to a might not be recognized by the host’s repression machin-
single Atelidae species [Boissinot et al., 2004]. However, ery and will produce far more copies than the previously
we observed large differences in the replicative success of dominant L1 families. This process was experimentally
L1 among Atelidae. The proportion of recent elements is demonstrated in primates where an arms race between
much larger in Alouattinae than in Atelinae, suggesting with the KRAB zinc-finger genes ZNF91/93 and the 5′
that L1 is amplifying in howler monkeys at a much high- UTR drives the evolution of L1 [Jacobs et al., 2014]. Un-
er rate than in Atelinae. Based on the number of recent der this scenario, phases of vigorous L1 amplification
clones recovered for regions A and B, we estimate that the should be concomitant with the acquisition of novel pro-
rate of amplification in the Alouattinae lineage is roughly moters, as is observed in human and mouse [Khan et al.,
3 times higher than in Atelinae. However, the level of re- 2006; Sookdeo et al., 2013]. This wave of amplification
cent activity of L1 in Atelidae can be considered low in will persist until the host evolves a successful mechanism
comparison with other New World monkey species. The for the repression of the new family. We can’t confirm if
proportion of recent clones recovered from S. sciureus this scenario applies to New World monkeys until more
and S. oedipus far exceeds the proportion recovered in data on the evolution of the 5′ UTR in this group become
Atelinae and Alouattinae, and we estimate that the rate of available.
L1 amplification in Cebidae is approximately 3 times The second category of explanations focuses on a
higher than in Alouattinae and approximately 5 times larger role for demography and natural history of the
higher than in Atelinae. The large differences in the rate host as driver of L1 evolution. The number of potential-
of L1 amplification might seem considerable, yet they are ly active L1 in a genome is relatively small. For instance,
within the range observed among extinct human families the human genome contains 80–100 potentially active
[Khan et al., 2006]. Such large differences suggest that elements, a majority of which are polymorphic and at
New World monkeys present an excellent model to com- low frequency in the human population [Brouha et al.,
pare the impact L1 families with different levels of ampli- 2003; Boissinot et al., 2006]. In addition, most transposi-
fication have on their host genome. tion results from the activity of a very small (<10) num-
The low level of activity we report in Atelidae in gen- ber of “hot” elements [Brouha et al., 2003]. Thus, it is
eral and in Atelinae in particular, is consistent with the possible that drastic reduction in population sizes or
sporadic nature of L1 amplification. The alternation be- population fragmentation caused the stochastic loss of
tween periods of high and low L1 activity has frequently active copies and consequently a lower rate of transposi-
been observed [Pascale et al., 1993; Verneau et al., 1998; tion. If a severe bottleneck occurred at the origin of Ate-
Khan et al., 2006]. As all species are on their own evolu- lidae and if the genome of the ancestor to all Atelidae had
tionary trajectory, it is expected that some of them are a limited repertoire of active copies, it is plausible that
experiencing high L1 activity while others are experienc- many active elements were lost resulting in the low L1
ing low activity. However, it remains unknown why L1 activity we report here. However, Atelidae originated
amplification is sporadic and 2 non-exclusive categories about 14 Mya, and the split from Cebidae is estimated
of reasoning have been proposed. First, variations in L1 between 18.1 and 27.1 Mya using nuclear data [Perelman
amplification may reflect the antagonistic interactions et al., 2011] and between 16.3 and 22.1 Mya using mi-
between L1 and its host. Because L1 activity presents a togenomics [Ruiz-Garcia et al., 2016b]. Then, why has
genetic load to its host, mammals have evolved a number L1 activity remained so low in Atelidae relative to Cebi-
of mechanisms to repress L1 activity [Goodier, 2016], dae over such an extended period of evolutionary time?
which in turn could trigger evolutionary changes in L1 to All neotropical primates have evolved in tropical South
evade repression. Such evolutionary changes have been America for millions of years, and there is no reason to
reported in the 5′ UTR region [Adey et al., 1994; Khan et believe that Atelinae would be more prone to bottlenecks
al., 2006] and in ORF1 [Boissinot and Furano, 2001]. In than Alouattinae and Atelidae than Cebidae. The answer
particular, the unusual mode of evolution of the 5′ UTR might reside, in part, in the life history of these species.
could explain the rapid emergence of novel, replicatively Atelidae tend to have a longer generation time than Ce-
dominant L1 families. In rodents and primates, L1 fami- bidae. The age at maturity of males ranges from 5 years
lies frequently acquire completely novel promoter se- in Ateles and Brachyteles to 8 years in Lagothrix (data
quences that share no or very little homology with the obtained from It is only

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3.5 years and 1.5 years in Saimiri and Saguinus, respec- approximately 1.5 times slower rate of neutral evolution
tively. Thus, per unit of time, the number of L1 copies in Atelidae relative to Cebidae [Peng et al., 2009]. From
entering the gene pool is larger in Cebidae than in Ate- this perspective, it would be very interesting to investi-
lidae and might account for the long-term difference in gate additional groups of New World primates with dif-
the rate of L1 evolution and amplification between Ate- ferent life history, such as species in the family Pitheci-
lidae and Cebidae, the same way it could account for the dae or in the genus Aotus.

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