Male Slave's Radiesthesia Answers PDF

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Male Slave’s Radiesthesia Answers

(Also applicable for feminine slaves)

As lonely slave in wait to be owned here are the rules: punish yourself when need be.
Radiesthesia will help you.

Physical punishment of the lonely or unowned slave

Physical punishments
1. Find the “butt-beating” implement that you dislike. If you hate the paddle, the cane or a particular flogger in your
collection, use it on yourself. Look no further, you have found the perfect tool of discipline. When you think you have
committed an infraction that requires punishment, bring out the paddle or cane When as submissive or slave you
commit an infraction that requires punishment, bring out the paddle or cane (or whatever implement is on a sub’s “un-
wish” list) and administer punishment to yourself. Clever “bratty” subs have been known to misbehave in order to get
a good beating, so don’t spare yourself. If you want to feel more pain, sniff poppers or the like and beat yourself even
2. For very serious infractions, severe punishment might be in order. The cane is perfect for this kind of disciplining. A
ball gag is also effective when severe punishment is called for. Judge for yourself.
3. Hair pulling for female slaves is a great way to get your point across. A good hair pulling session with a “what did I
do wrong” question and response routine is awfully effective. the hair pulling is accompanied by a swat with the
hairbrush! It is something you do to yourself, so do it well. As such, this is a lesson not soon forgotten!
4. A very popular punishment for a mouthy submissive is the age-old one of washing the mouth out with soap, and you
can do it to yourself. This has worked for the last hundred years and will probably work for a hundred more!
5. Although I will cover humiliation as a mental punishment in Part Two, there are some physical punishments that can
be humiliating. Forcing yourself to wear a baby pacifier in public can be a reinforcing experience. Being made to
display this toy in public at a BDSM play party setting can be humiliating, depending on the situation.
6. “Sensory Deprivation” is perhaps the single most “unforgettable” punishment a Master/Mistress can mete out, and
why not you as lonely slave without owner. Being tied and left alone – especially when ball gagged and even
blindfolded — for a period of time is another punishment the submissive will not soon forget! I have known someone
who just did that on his own, and was very clever on this, and cummed fantastically.
7. “Corporal Punishment” is a combination punishment – it encompasses both the physical and mental side. Corporal
punishment can be altered in many ways – but the major point is the question and response during the punishment.
For example — “Does sub/slave know why he/she is being punished?” “Yes, Sir/Ma’am. I have shamed
Master/Mistress by (reciting offense).” You can incorporate this Q and A technique to just about any physical
punishment. Here the submissive is chained to a spanking bench, which is ideal for administering corporal
punishment. There’s a lot you can achieve on your own like in the preceding paragraph. Anyway, just be inventive.
8. A variation on the sensory deprivation theme is being kept in a cage. Depending on the submissive’s fears (if it is a
hard limit, avoid this as a punishment), this can be the one thing the submissive fears most. Requiring the submissive
to eat out of the bowl is another aspect of this punishment that can be quite humiliating. Again, the objective is to
know and understand your submissive or slave. To repeat – if caging, eating out of a bowl or humiliation in general is
a hard limit, this is not a punishment you should ever use. In this way, there are many things you can do to yourself,
with or without cage. In winter find yourself in a complete dark, cold room for a rather long time. In summer, an
overheated room in an attic, etc. Be inventive to hurt yourself.
9. There is really no limit on what you can use as punishment. Sometimes play that is enjoyable can be used as
punishment when done in a disapproving manner or on another area of the body. For example, wax play on your cock
you can do easily to yourself. I’ve done it!

Mental Punishments
The true aim of all punishment is to imprint your displeasure on yourself or the sub’s mind so that you, he/she will not
repeat the offense. So ultimately all punishment has at its core a mental aspect to it.
I have had some used on myself and others have been designed by other Masters I’ve spoken with along the years. You
should not confine yourself to those listed here. The only limit is your imagination and your understanding of yourself ‘s
psyche. For example, I was once made an example of. I had to watch my least favourite movie of all time – the incredibly
boring “Room With A View”, at one sitting with no breaks. Though its effects on my behavior proved to be of shorter
duration than a session with the old cane! This adds fuel to the debate as to which is more effective – physical or mental
The most important part of any punishment is the mental part. All physical punishments should be preceded by a lecture
explaining what you did as submissive to displease the Master or Mistress, if you had one; but, here you stand on your own.
Explain yourself loudly why you are punishing yourself. Explain what you are as submissive being punished for. This is
essential. And give yourself as submissive a chance to explain to yourself the punishment is unwarranted. Most likely, this
will turn into a brief self-excuse session. But keep an open mind, and admit always your errors..
There are some Masters who use the lecture as a punishment in and of itself. Some submissives respond strongly to
disapproval. Since the object is to train the submissive, the Master should not need to use physical punishment — or more
severe mental punishment — unless necessary. My father had an expression he used whenever he severely punished me (as
a child…no jokes, my friends.) “This hurts me more than it hurts you.”
The parent/child model holds true in that many punishments mimic those used in grade school. Requiring your submissive
to hand write a given phrase – such as “I will not disrespect Master in public” — a hundred times (or more) works wonders.
That, you can impose to yourself too, and just do it. I know by hearing a Master who required his submissive to write, “I will
not answer Master’s business phone with a Hello?” five hundred times. Since he did not specify “hand written,” he used the
copy button on her computer. So make sure, it is handwritten.
Food for thought and ideas. Another old school punishment is the classic “dunce cap” routine. There are innumerable
variations on it. Standing in the corner for a given period of time – an hour or two, for example – is one version. Making the
submissive literally wear a homemade “dunce cap” (make the sub make it) is not only humiliating, it borders on the totally
devious. Use this latter one with care since humiliation is not to be used for every submissive’s discipline. If humiliation is a
hard limit, don’t do it or go there. Even for discipline.
Speaking of humiliation, punishment based on humiliation (if applicable) can be awesome. Making the submissive wear a
baby pacifier in public is a humbling experience. If the submissive has been mouthy, an entire evening without being
allowed to speak will do the trick. A very extreme humiliation – use with care – require the submissive to wear a sign stating
her offense at a BDSM play party. Or just make the slave watch and not participate (if he/she likes to play publicly) at such
a BDSM party. Yet another one – make the sub or slave eat out of a bowl on all fours like a dog. (But make sure the sub or
slave does not like this; if he/she does, use another punishment.)
What follows you can adapt to yourself. Isolation is another mental punishment. Making the submissive stay in a small room
or closet with no link to the outside world for a couple of hours can be maddening. And one a submissive might not ever
wish to repeat. But make sure the submissive cannot sleep through it. Standing up can make sleep all but impossible.
A less severe form of isolation – especially in this information age – is suspending the slave’s computer, email, telephone or
television privileges. This is one form of isolation that is quite effective as a punishment, and this you can impose to
yourself. I need my computer, my TV, so if I could not use it for one reason or another, this is dreadful.
Complete sensory deprivation for a period of time is yet another variation on this isolation theme. Ball gagged, blindfolded
in a dark room – add sleep deprivation (wake the sub/slave from time to time) and you have a totally diabolical punishment.
Use with care anyway.
If a slave is trained for housework, then punishments such as re-folding towels that were done sloppily or being made to eat
off dirty dishes that were improperly cleaned are widely used. The “let the punishment fit the crime” imperative is a wise
one to follow. This is also something you can do.
Then there are those unique punishments you devise to yourself. These are the most fun. And the most bonding – because
they are unique in your life. I was tied up in my penthouse and played electronic music extremely loud for an hour.

Just keep in mind that even mental punishments can have their dangers. To repeat, never use a hard limit as a punishment.
But if you use your imagination and maintain a sense of what is fair, the use of mental punishment to punish yourself or
train a submissive or slave can be as effective as physical ones. And when used in combination with physical ones…WOW!
Finally, no matter what punishments you are using to yourself, do not forget aftercare. A punishment session can be
exhausting for the submissive, both physically and emotionally. Thus the same procedures for post-scene aftercare apply for
mental punishment sessions as well.

Introducing a Master of Choice in Your Brain

(the God-Spot Master)

Master Metal Master Jesse Master Race Master Orlof Master Aton

Let a Master Choose you to Obey

Once chosen, concentrate on your Master, make Him your own as his property, visualise him well and mindfully. He is,
henceforth, your Master whom you must OBEY and be SUBMITTED, until you meet a physical Master.

Here they are again for your daily meditation and self-hypnosis.

Master Metal Master Jesse

Master Race Master Orlof

Whoever is your Master or
brainstormer, he is the one you must
trust and obey, today and always,
unless you find a Master in the visible
and physical world. I hope you will

You are called by following the rules

as hereunder.

Every day, you must ask for your

instruction, by using your pendulum
along the charts. Question(s) must be
clear, and sensible to obtain the correct
answer (s).

Master Aton

First Part
1. Serve and obey your Master
2. Master find me pleasing in all I do
3. Worship your Master
4. Worship your Master’s body
5. The power of you Master fills you with awe. Just the sheer thought of him or the hearing of His voice gives
you strength.
6. To receive pleasure you must earn it
7. Worship your Master’s whip
8. Trust your Master: His responsibilities, His skills, His hunger and needs, and His concern for my safety,
my emotional, psychological, social, sexual, and physical health
9. Be nothing more than an object of great value – an instrument for your Master to use you and draw out His
10.Ask your Master for permission for whatever need you have before acting on it
11.Your body and mind are the property of your Master
12.You must always give thanks to your Master for all He has given you immediately after receiving what He
has given you, for such things are gifts or privileges granted to you by Him
13.You must be both specific and explicit in your speech
14. You will not hesitate when responding to your Master. Your focus is important to your growth
15.You will thank your Master for the discipline and punishments you received, specifying what you receive
and expressing the reason as to why you were given them.
16.And you know it: I have no will of my own other than that which falls within the context of the rules I have
selected and of that which is needed to pursue the ambitions I am allowed to seek out as according to the
permissions I have received from my Master. I will report to Him my progress in such matters to receive His
favour or His guidance in making whatever steps may be required to move ahead so that I am successful.
17.So you should: “I am always in submission to my Master whether He is present or not, ready to please Him
at any time, in any place, under any circumstances, regardless of who may be present. For the opportunity to
submit and to please is by far more important and satisfying than any other pursuit. I trust my Master will
keep me safe, protecting His reputation and mine in the presence of others, as He examines my ability to
present myself to Him and to others in a subtle manner when required to protect our lifestyle from those who
may not understand, nor support, as long as our behaviour is not in any way misrepresented nor
misinterpreted by those who may be afar. I am to set, once again, a good example, ready to explain my
position to others when required to do so. my lifestyle is a part of a growing culture for which I must never
forget that I am an integral part.”
18.Say to yourself: All my choices shall be based upon whether or not they will please my Master.
19.Say to yourself: When I am not in the presence of my Master and I have choices to make – I will perform
them to the best of my abilities and within the boundaries and guidance He has allowed me.
20.Say to yourself: I shall wear the collar my Master gives me with pride for it signifies His ownership of me
and my devotion to Him.

Second Part
21.Confirm to yourself: I shall wear the chains my Master gives me as a symbol of my position in life – that of
bondage to Him. I shall wear them, as required, around my neck, my wrists, my ankles or around my waist.
22.Say to yourself: When I am ready – I shall wear His rings to signify my submission to Him – one pierced
through each nipple of my breasts and one through each labia of my cock.
23.Say to yourself: My mouth shall only be referred to as a cunt for it will often be used as if it were an ass.
24.Say to yourself: My sex shall only be referred to as a cock not penis.
25.Say to yourself: When the cock of my Master is put into my cunt and I am directed to suck it – I will do so
vigorously as long as I am required to do so. My hands shall be placed on the tops of my thighs, behind my
neck or held at the base of my back so that during the sucking I can use my whole body to display my
hunger to my Master.
26.Confirm to yourself: My Master’s cum must never go to waste – I will swallow all of it when Master cums
into my cunt (and be punished should I spill any of it from my lips), licking it up if Master cums into my
hands or into a plate I hold in front of Him to receive it, or onto the food He gives me which He may require
of me to hold just under His cock as He ejaculates over it. I will clean His cock thoroughly squeezing out
every last drop. In rare and privileged cases I may wear my Master’s cum on my body, sometimes after
massaging it into my skin. Cum is a gift from my Master and it is an honour to receive it. The eating of my
Master’s cum will be counted as one of my meals for that day.
27.Say to yourself: I worship my Master’s cock, its head and its shaft, especially when it is hard or when I am
given the opportunity to make it hard for Him.
28.Say to yourself: I will worship my Master’s ass only after a thorough washing of it. I shall do so hungrily,
being sure to lick between the cheeks for as long as Master requires me to do so. I will use my hands to
spread my Master’s cheeks apart.
29.Say to yourself: I will never look into the eyes of my Master without his permission. To do so would be
inappropriate of my position and doing so could be interpreted by Him that I am seeking His attention or
expecting Him to act – when such things are up to Him and to Him alone.
30.Say to yourself: My head must be bowed down in the presence of my Master unless I am given permission
to do so otherwise. I honour the position of my Master and it is important that I am not distracted in my
submission to Him.

31.Say to yourself: My eyes must be cast down in the presence of my Master unless I am given permission to
do so otherwise. I am to focus on my behaviour, waiting to act appropriately and without hesitation when
directed to do so by Him.
32.Say to yourself: I must always wear revealing and sexy clothing of good taste around my Master unless
given permission to do so otherwise. The clothing I wear will allow easy access to my cock , ass and breasts.
The clothing will emphasize and often exaggerate my assets. I will wear such clothing in any kind of
weather. How I present my body to Him or in front of others is more important than my discomfort and
33.Say to yourself: When others show an interest in what I am wearing I must ask them if they would like to
see more and then gladly show them what they would like to see – but only after I have received permission
from my Master – for I trust my Master’s judgment that such a display is not only reasonable but is safe to
34.Think about it: I must remove all of my clothing in the way I have been taught when Master commands of
me to do so – regardless of who may be present and despite where it is I am – I trust my Master.
35.Remember: When I remove clothing from my body it must be folded neatly and placed in a small pile in
front of me just ahead of my feet or my knees if I should be required to be in my kneeling position after
unclothing myself.
36.Remember: My basic attire in the presence of my Master shall consist of a collar and barefoot. The rings of
my submission, if I have been pierced, must also be attached to my body, as should the chains He has given
or allowed me to wear.
37. Say to yourself: My legs, underarms and private parts must be kept completely shaved smooth and clean so
that nothing of me is hidden from view.
38.Think about it. Unless otherwise given permission – my head as my whole body must be smoothly shaved
if I am a man, repeatedly every three days. About the hair on my back, I must find the solution to get it
39.Remember: Whenever I need to pick something up or receive something from someone else I must do so
wherever possible by going into a kneeling position to show that I am honoured to do so. I will perform this
motion according to how Master has taught me.
40.Remember: My cock and ass must be thoroughly washed and of a good aroma at all times, if even
perfumed, but especially before serving my Master.

Third Part
41.Remember: My “place” is on my knees before my Master, for it is a privilege and honour to be His slave.
42.Remember: When in the presence of my Master, but not in use, I will go to the place He has selected until I
am needed by Him.
43.Remember: My greatest felt satisfaction is realized when I know I have pleased my Master.
44.Confirm to yourself: There can be no greater pain or suffering I can feel then when Master is not pleased
with me. Naturally I will feel depressed, saddened, empty, and lost. I can only hope He will show His mercy
upon me and provide to me the guidance I will need to be put back on track so that I will be forgiven and
once again be allowed His eyes upon my flesh, His touch upon my soul, and His warmth and love upon my
45.Confirm to yourself: My submission is a natural inborn feeling, and at times a surging and powerful force
inside me that only a respectable and knowledgeable Master can recognize, control and manage, for a He
understands how my nature influences my behaviour and how temptations to act outside of its drive can
easily lead me astray and away from my primary focus: to please and to be found pleasing. He, too, manages
and controls His Own natural state, sharing with me through a power exchange between us, bonding me
tightly to Him, His needs with mine. my submission to such a Master allows for me to feel more aware and
alive inside and out, bringing me to a feeling I cherish: ‘at home’.
46.Know this well: I fear no other power for my Master is always with me.
47.Say to yourself: I will not hesitate in my obedience to my Master.
48.Say to yourself: Whenever Master speaks, even when I am speaking, I am to immediately become silent so
I may be able to listen intensely to what He has to say. I must never interrupt Him unless He has shown me
how to communicate with Him, if I need to. I must ask first for His permission to speak, specifying to whom
I would like to speak to, and whether or not I may be allowed to speak freely – then and only then, if
granted, may I say anything more than asking first to speak.
49.Know this well: The opportunity to please my Master is very important to me and I will take every chance
to seek out such opportunities to do so to the best of my abilities and in accordance to how I have been
taught or allowed to do so.
50.Know this well: I choose willingly to be treated as my Master’s property – as long as such treatment is safe
and legal.
51.Know this well: When Master feels I am ready and our relationship has progressed to a lifelong
commitment, I shall be specially prepared to receive His unique and permanent mark of ownership upon my
flesh, in a place of His choosing, whether it be a piercing, a tattoo or a branding. Thereafter, I shall become
His property and slave in the most strict sense – completely His for as long as the relationship continues to
be managed and controlled in the manner in which is beneficial to each of us and in accordance with our
mutually shared natures.
52.Confirm: I am my Master’s greatest treasure.
53.Say to yourself: I will learn all the positions my Master wants to teach me to the best of my abilities and
will be prepared to take such positions when required and to display myself in a manner through them that
He, and others who may be present, will find most pleasing.
54.Know this well: I must never reach orgasm and cum without explicit permission from my Master. Failure to
receive properly asked for permission and I will endure the punishment Master will put upon me without my
safeword. Such pleasure must be seen as a privilege so that I do not take advantage of it.
55.Absolutely important: The safeword given to me by my Master can be spoken at any time-even when I
have been told to be silent. If I am not able to verbalize it – I trust my Master will show me how I can
express it. Safewords are for my protection as well as His. I must be careful not to take more than I can
handle, as He will need to know when to stop from getting carried away with His own passions – so that I
may be prepared over time to endure more for Him.
56.Important to remember: My safeword, verbal or otherwise, cannot be used when I am being punished. I
must remember that punishment could never be very effective if i were able to control it – I must take it in
full measure – so that I will focus on the correction of my behaviour for the long term, for unlike discipline,
punishment is not what I will want again. I should know better. However, safewords can be used when i am
being disciplined – Master will let me know which is which when the time has come that such treatment is
necessary to correct my behaviour.

57.Important for a good SM relation: I must confess to my Master when I have been naughty so that He may
decide if such violations require me to be disciplined or to be punished. I must accept whatever decisions He
makes by thanking Him for His choice – if He allows it before or shortly thereafter, specifying as to why I
will be or have been disciplined or punished. I must focus upon how sorry I am for not behaving in the way
in which I have been taught- for I have brought defilement upon myself and to Him an unacceptable act
which is displeasing to Him.
58.This is important to you: I realize Master may own more than one slave, if He so chooses, and that I,
unless allowed by Him, may never be able to have another Master other than Him, accept by His choosing to
further my training. I trust Master will take whatever precautions are necessary to keep the slaves He
chooses to own sexually healthy and to provide whatever measures are necessary to protect us from the
eruptions and ravages of any jealously which may try to corrupt the relationships our Master has allowed
between each of us – including the one we each have with Him.
59.Remember: I must never be concerned when I feel too much of my flesh is showing, in private or in the
general public – however, I can ask my Master for permission as to how to handle my discomfort.
60.Remember: I am a male slave – of worth and value to any Master who would find me useful. my role has
been clearly brought into definition through my ability to recognize and to act accordingly with my true
nature, enhanced through the teachings of my Master, and through the continued practice of my primary
focus, and my search for every opportunity to do so.

Fourth Part

61.Follow it correctly: My Master will decide what my sexual orientation shall be. I will commit myself to His
decision and perform as such only in His presence and only with His permission. I know my performance
will be measured and corrected as He sees fit should I be required to attend to, provide myself to, perform
with, or upon another slave.
62.Inform your Master: I must tell my Master if I have had an orgasm and cummed without His permission so
that I can be properly punished for my disobedience and disrespect.
63.Pain and pleasure is yours: Pain and pleasure shall be with me always – in my thoughts and my fantasies –
for the contrast strengthens me to behave in the manner my Master expects of me. Such thoughts and
fantasies are tainted with the memories I have from the last time I was in the presence of my Master. He is
with me always.
64.You do know this: My limits do not have to be respected – I trust my Master to take me past them when He
expects that I am ready – for each side of the wall of my limitations is both pleasurable and a challenge –
one side more intense than the other. My only hope in such transferences is that Master will be able to take
me there again and again as my relationship to Him progresses through time; that He too will need it as
much as I will, and that He will not be afraid to increase the intensity while we are there.
65.Confirm again: I have much to learn in order to become a well-trained and well-behaved slave.
66.You do like this: I will endure whatever discipline or punishment my Master gives me so I can become a
better slave for Him.
67.You do know: I will work on building up my tolerances to the level my Master needs me to have, being
careful not to push myself further or faster than I am ready to endure for Him, so that I may be able to
expand my limitations and increase my value to Him.

68.You are absolutely correct: Through discipline and punishment I shall learn to behave.
69.How true you are. In bondage I am made free.
70.A rule to follow but you know: I will never touch my breast, nipples, cock or ass with my hands or sex toys
in any manner where I could experience sexual or sensual pleasure without permission from my Master
including washing them, shaving my head, face and whole body, adjusting my tits with rings, and on other
parts of my body.
71. How true you are: Only through submission can I find my true self.
72. Good slave, sound thinking: My life is empty without a Master to please – that lost feeling inside can be
real and it can grow. I may be able to step away from the hunger of my nature, but not for long, for soon it
could affect every part of my life. It is important that I seek a Master to please – but if I cannot find one or
that I shall not be found, I am not totally lost for I must always remember: I will survive – for it is my nature
to do so. My drive to please can be adapted towards the needs of others even though they may not be as
satisfying as the one I would have towards a Master. I must keep in the back of mind that there is a Master
who is looking too and that I need to be patient by redirecting my needs in other ways where I can provide
pleasure to others.
73.Never think you are weak slave, one day you may be a Master yourself. I shall never think of myself as a
weak person for it takes a strong female to commit to the drive inside me, to serve, to obey and to please a
Master. I too have responsibilities and as natural as they may seem to me it is important that i use all of my
faculties including my creative spirit to submit to a Master in a unique fashion personal to my relationship
with Him. By doing so I hope to provide a good example to those females around me who may still be
learning so they too are not led astray from their primary focus, that they are as true to their nature as I strive
to continue to be to mine. I must remember that how I well I behave enlightens and empowers me to become
even closer to who I am – a devoted slave, of good rapport to a Master who truly understands my needs in
relationship to His own.
74.Positive affirmation: I will give all that I am to my Master in order to become free.
75.Positive affirmation: I must never show disrespect towards my Master in any way – no matter where I am –
in his presence or not.
76.Healthy exercise and affirmation: Crying and the shedding of tears at any time is good and expected for it
softens my will and bonds me closer to my Master.
77.So it is: Only in complete submission to my Master shall I realize the depth of the love I have for Him.
78.Your Master young or old is for you another God: The needs of my Master must always come first
before mine own for they offer an opportunity to please Him.
79.No alternative: I must be attentive to the needs of my Master and always be ready to respond to them to the
best of my abilities and in the unique ways in which I have chosen and have developed for Him.
80.That’s the way to do it: I am allowed to suggest ways to further my training or use of me, verbally or
through my journal, as long as I address my Master properly first.

Fifth Part
81.Good boy: I must always respond fully both physically and verbally to whatever my Master does with me.
The expressions of my emotions and my physical responses are important to Him. I must never hold back
any part of their display, regardless of how intense they may be, unless restricted to do so.
82.This is what you really are: I am a sexual and sensual being.
83.You are also a whore to please: I must always remember how pleased my Master is when others delight in
my sexiness as a result of my ability to show off my assets.
84.Always remember this, whore! My behaviour must always display a sexual content however subtle.
85.Be prepared to meet every situation: The only clothing I will buy and wear will be those items which my
Master would find pleasing to Him: fitting to my figure and its assets, of good quality, of reasonable cost,
and appropriate in His eyes and taste for the occasions I am allowed to attend with or without Him. I may
ask if I may choose what to wear so I may be able take an opportunity to surprise Him to win His favour.
86.Remember you are only a toy: I may, at times, offer various parts of my body to my Master in hopes He
will take pleasure in using them in whatever ways He wishes. my only hope will be that my offering will
please Him. If not, I want Him to punish me.
87.Vital: It is important for me to eat plenty of carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins in the foods and fluids I
am permitted to choose to nourish my body and mind, and to exercise my body regularly, as permitted by
my Master, to increase my physical strength, to keep my limbs as flexible as possible, and to maintain or
improve my figure so I may be able to endure my Master’s use of me however intense and for however long
a period is required by Him. I want to be of a healthy and sound mind and body, free as possible of any
personal limitations, when pleasing my Master.
88.No end of pleasure is awaiting you: If I am required to be my Master’s toilet, into or onto which He
chooses to release the watery juices of His cock, I shall position myself to receive His personal waters by
kneeling for Him, tilting my head back, opening my mouth wide, and closing my eyes so that He will delight
in the display and offering of my body and of one of my orifices for Him choose upon which one to use. I
shall remain still as He releases Himself, swallowing what I can of the waters He allows me. I shall play
with myself during the release, as is instructed by Him, so that I am permitted to sexualize the experience as
much as possible for His pleasure, thanking Him afterwards for allowing me the opportunity to honour Him
in this most private way.
89.For female slaves only: I will not wear a pad or tampon when I am on my period without His permission –
my pussy must be available for His use at all times.
Should I be allowed to use a pad or tampon – it must be removed in His presence should He require my
vagina to be emptied – regardless of where I am and who may be present. The use of a pad or tampon is a
privilege that can be taken away from me at any time. If so, I can only hope I will be allowed to bleed for His
pleasure and to feel my blood trickling down my legs or to strain to hear it drip onto the floor or onto another
female slave he has selected to punish with my blood.
90.Menstruation blood, food for male and female slaves when available: If Master has chosen my sexual
orientation to that of being bisexual, and He requires of me to receive the watery juices or blood of a chosen
female slave’s pussy, I am to position myself, as I would for Master, to receive upon my flesh or into my
cunt the slave’s juices, and if permitted to do so, either through His command or after receiving permission
from Him to display for Him my hunger, I will cup my cunt tightly to the slave’s pussy to feed from her,
licking and sucking, if allowed to do so, as much as I can get from her remaining tightly cupped to her until
Master allows me to release myself from her. Thereafter, I am to be thankful for what I have received and
for the privilege He allowed me. Such a feeding will be counted as one of my meals for the day.
91.Household rules: If it is possible to practice my basic attire in my household I will do so. I will remove my
clothing immediately after entering my household putting my collar on first, then my rings and chains (if I
have them), and my highest heels if I am a women slave.
92.Household rules: I will always sleep nude – kneeling first before I enter my bed and kneeling first as soon
as I get out of my bed – for it is a great privilege to have a bed to sleep on.

93.Punishment rules: I must never tighten my body when it is being whipped, caned, cropped, slapped,
paddled, belted, strapped, spanked, bullwhipped, signal whipped, or anally or pumped. My Master likes it
when my flesh jiggles and He knows that when I tighten my body it hurts more and inhibits my ability to
display my expressions and emotions.
94.The Marks of the Master: I am proud to wear upon my body the marks given to me by my Master. I know
that my Master will never mark me permanently – other than the mark of His ownership He will give me at
the proper time, but I will gladly suffer for Him so he can mark me with the stripes he wishes to decorate my
body with for His viewing pleasure.
95.Trust and obey: I will always listen with a strong interest in whatever my Master has to say during my
training. I want to learn all that I can from Him so I can understand more about Him, about me, about the
bdsm scene and community, and those involved in bdsm relationships – so I may be able to better
understand the world I am apart of and be able to communicate it accurately to anyone who wishes to know
more about it.
96.Rules when taking a shower: When I take a shower I can do so the way I like to, but when I have finished
washing I must rinse my entire body with only cold water for not less than two full minutes. I am not to try
to cover my body with my arms and hands thereafter. I may use a towel to dry off, but in my Master’s house
– only His whip shall be used to dry me.
97.A standing-by call: When I walk, run, sit, stand, kneel, reach out, speak, or listen – I will do so in a sexual
manner, however subtle, and with confidence and pride hoping other males or females around me will feel
my projection upon them, that my performance is found admirable, that they would seek to emulate me
without any of their insecurities or self-conscious thoughts holding them back. I want to set the best example
of proper male/female behaviour – especially if Master or someone He has chosen is nearby to examine and
monitor it. However, my goal must be to behave as naturally and freely as is possible as if without any effort
on my part.

98.Conformity: When standing still I shall do so with my feet and legs together, my hands held behind my
back and my head bowed down. I will remain silent in the way Master has taught me.
99.Master’s kind attention to be followed: If required: the plug Master has provided me must be inserted
deeply into my arse or pussy before arriving at my Master’s house. Failure to do so and I shall feel the
punishment He will give upon my arse, or pussy as I keep the lips of it pulled apart – for the plug was
intended to provide me pleasure.
100. A slave’s privilege: I hope Master will choose to use my tongue as His towel after His shower so I may
be able to worship His body.

Sixth Part:
101. Permanent mark of the Master: Until Master has chosen it is time for me to wear a more permanent
mark of ownership upon my flesh, I shall proudly wear His temporary mark of ownership upon me wherever
He chooses to place it.
102. When sitting: When sitting I shall sit up straight with my legs together and my palms down on the top of
my thighs.
103. Speaking when authorised: I will not speak to others without my Master’s permission except to say to
them that they will have to speak to my Master first. This is especially important at play parties.
104. Whipping rules: I shall learn to the endure the whippings Master gives me by using the technique of
saying ‘YES’ through each of His strike brought down upon my flesh.
105. Furniture position: I shall gladly make my body available to my Master to be used as furniture: my
body positioned to decorate a room or a garden, a footstool to rest his weary feet and legs upon, my backside
as a His table to eat off of, the cleavage of my breasts to hold his wine glass, my palms to be used to hold a
plate of His food, or my hands to hold a book open for Him to read or a lamp to for Him to see.
106. Privacy privileges: Privacy is a privilege – even to have it when I need to use the bathroom. I must ask
for it and accept my Master’s decision even when I am denied of it.
107. Service: As a helper slave I shall assist my Master in the setting of a scene or in the training and use of
other male or female slaves.
108. Preparation for sex: As a preparer slave I shall ready other male or female slaves for my Masters use,
harden His cock for Him, or harden the cocks of others He allows me to harden.
109. I am also a cleaner slave: As a cleaner slave I shall use my tongue to clean the cum of my Master from
the body of a male or female slave He has put it upon, I shall lick it all up from male or female slave’s pussy
my Master has used for His pleasure, or to clean the cocks and bottoms. I am allowed to clean that have been

pulled out of the bottom or pussies of other slaves. For as a cleaner slave I am to lick up what semen or scat I
can find.
110. Offer your body parts: As a provider slave I shall offer parts of my body to those elected by my Master
for their pleasure. I will also offer myself to those who wish to use me for a demonstration or to experiment
111. Your life as a domestic slave: As a domestic slave I shall perform chores about my Master’s house, and
those of others He allows, acting in a sexual and enticing manner in all that I do.
112. Your life as a sex slave: As a sex slave I shall incorporate a sexual attitude and hunger in everything I
do, being eager to sexually perform at the best of my abilities for my Master and for those whom He allows
to use me. My hunger must be such that I would feel as if I could never be satiated until Master allows me to
113. Daily discipline: The beginning and the ending of a day shall always be with a full body whipping and a
cock feeding to remind me of my place or to provide myself to my Master for His first and last use.
114. Self-abuse disciplinary measures: When I have been given permission to play with myself I shall do so
in the following manner: working my cock or clit almost to an orgasm and then stopping for a few minutes,
then working it again to almost at orgasm and then stopping for a few minutes, and then finally working it
again to a full orgasm. Then and only then shall I enjoy an orgasm on my own. Should I cum before the third
tier – I will tell my Master so I may be punished. I will play with myself in this manner even in His
115. Into humiliation: Should Master ever wish to cage me for display, I will gladly crawl into it and proudly
position myself in it in ways He finds pleasing, in solitude and quiet, so that if He chooses, others may
delight in what they see without any interruption from me, seeing that I am well-behaved and humbled that I
am Master’s property and slave. I can only hope that Master would never put me into a cage to confine me
for my misbehaviour, that I could never come that close to displease Him so much that I would have to
suffer such humiliation, begging with my tears and my cries for his forgiveness, for I want the cage to be my
safe haven from my fears, a place I can crawl into of my own free will, locked into it because Master granted
my request to be locked in it.
116. Willing to be free: I am free to leave my Master at any time without the fear of permanently losing Him
as my Master.
117. Instruction around slave’s name: At the beginning of my relationship with my Master I shall present to
Him three names for Him to decide upon as to which one will be my slave name. I know that He does not
have to choose any of them and that He can choose one of His own for me to be known by, like it is done
with house animals. Thereafter, when someone asks who I am I can respond by introducing myself in the
following manner: “I am slave [slave name], property of Master …...”
118. Personal in reflexions: I will periodically examine my whole life and look for how it has changed as a
result of my relationship to my Master. I will speak to my Master about those areas where there have been
improvements and those areas where I feel uncomfortable, insecure, or unsure of what direction I should
take, how I should behave, or how I can behave in a manner that is different than how I have been behaving
in the past.
119. Enduring acceptable suffering: I want to suffer for my Master in ways that please Him and that are safe
for me to do so.
120. Actively serving the Master: I will not be passive in serving my Master. I will aggressively participate
in my exchange with Him.

Seventh Part:
121. Another Master being imposed: If I am sent to another Master to serve – I will serve that Master well,
as if He were my Master, for I want my Master to receive a good report after I have been returned to Him.

122. Attention to female slaves: Should Master wish for my breasts to be suckled by a female slave of His
choice or that legal and safe drugs be used to induce the production of milk in my breasts, I will do my best
to keep my milk up so that He and others may feed from me, that my breasts will be full, tight and extra
sensitive as much as possible, for however long Master wants my breasts to produce milk for Him.
Likewise, will assist in the inducement of milk production from the breasts of any female slave Master has
chosen for me.
123. Always being submitted and obedient: I will not date others or form a relationship with others without
permission and approval from my Master. If I should have sex with others I will have it safely and will
always tell my Master in detail what I have done so that no part of me is a secret and that I am laid bare for
his inspection and approval.
124. Handling money wisely: The money I earn, should I be allowed a career, or put to work, where I am
paid for my responsibilities, is mine to keep. However, I must ask my Master how I should spend or save it.
I may present ways to Him for His approval. I will accept the responsibilities He gives me in the handling of
my finances. It is important to my Master that I learn to handle money wisely so, if needed, I can reach my
goals or be ready for any emergency where finances may be required for resolution.
125. Instructions for female slaves: If I am wearing a dress or skirt and no panties and I am going to sit down
– I must sit on my bare skin – and do so gracefully whether I am in private or in public. If I feel that I am not
as clean as I should be, I will tell my Master, so that He can decide what should be done.
126. Instruction for female slaves: When I wear nylons I will wear them only with garters and high heels. I
will never wear panty hose – such items of clothing shall be thrown out.
127. Instruction for male and female slaves: When I am in the presence of my Master and I am free to move
about I will do so in seductive and enticing ways.
128. Instructions for the whole slave community male and female: I will give to Master my body, mind
and spirit, in faith of His knowledge of the skills, safety and first aid measures necessary to put me through
painfully ecstatic and euphoric edge play: the use of needles and pins to pierce my flesh; the use of scoring
tools to make drawings upon my body or to selectively and carefully cut my skin to make me bleed with
little or no scarring; aromatherapy where He will throw me into higher states of consciousness with the
scents of oils and incense; blood and breath control to bring me to the edge of my survival to feel the battle
for my self-preservation; guns and knife play to intensify my awareness of my existence racing parallel with
my threatened drive to live; and other such uses. Through these activities I shall learn to ride on the top edge
of my fears and the bottom edge of my perception of utter terror – for it is there i shall come to know my
greatest fear of all: that I will want to go there again and again.
129. Your confirmation (male/female): by confirmation of the ‘Contract of Voluntary Slavery’ (already
agreed), the slave becomes the Master’s property and must obey these rules. The purpose of this document
is to define the rules that Master requires, expects and demands slave to live with and abide.
130. Disciplinary measures concerning above rules: Master will enforce these rules with all the authority
over slave granted, and gifted; slave can expect to be severely punished for every breach of these rules.
Slave must report each and every breach of these rules to Master when instructed to do so, or when next
allowed to speak freely. Master may add, remove or amend any rules in this Rules of slavery document at
any time (e.g. verbally); changes take effect immediately when issued by Master.
131. Reminder slave is not free: Slave is not a free man and will therefore treat all free adults (both male and
female), aged 18 or over, with respect at all times. This includes, but is not limited to, Master’s friends and
any individuals slave may interact with such as shop assistants, bar staff, other drivers, pedestrians, people at
work, people in the street or in any bar, club or other venue.
132. The rights of the Master: Master has the right to INSPECT ALL sms texts, emails, letters and any other
correspondence, personal or otherwise, sent or received by slave.
133. Reminder for slaves: Slave MUST always (24/7) be available to serve Master and must have Master’s
permission for any activities. Master will however not cut slave off from family and friends by routinely
refusing slave permission to visit them. Master will allow slave to take one independent 2-week holiday and
a small number (2 or 3) of weekend break style holidays through the term of the contract.

134. Reminder for slaves: Master may require slave to leave its work and spend its unlimited time locked
24x7 in Master’s home with no access to the outside world and to serve as a houseboy/girl or/and in any
other way, agreed in the Contract of voluntary slavery, that Master requires. Slave has no privacy, must be
completely honest and reveal everything to Master about its actions, thoughts and feelings. Slave will not
masturbate, cum or have any sexual release without express permission from Master.
135. Reminder for slaves. Master may choose to keep slave in chastity, if necessary enforcing this with a lock
system, 24/7 chastity device, for any period of time; Master may inspect any chastity device at any time to
ensure compliance. Master will allow slave sexual release at least once every three months for the health of
the prostate of slave. Except in an emergency any chastity device may only be removed with Master’s
permission. Minor problems such as discomfort or chafing etc. are not emergencies and should be reported
to Master at the next opportunity and He will decide what action, if any, is required. Activities such as
visiting the gym, going swimming or running do not constitute acceptable reasons for slave to request
temporary removal of any device.
136. Reminder for slaves: Slave is requires to use enemas to keep itself clean for use by Master at least once
a day with several check-ups. This is absolutely essential and irrevocable, it is also called “douching”. Male
slave may be required to wear any specific clothing (e.g. rubber tight outfit with all round zip shorts or pans.
For female slave see above.
137. Master’s important restriction: Master may restrict slave’s movements through command or physically
by bondage or caging for any period of time
138. Warning: Unless the slave, Master is a free human and has right to have lovers and organize sex parties
for Him and His friends, lovers… it depends on Master’s will if the slave will be involved or not and how
(slave can be used as a sex toy by anyone at the party or just serve as an obedient houseboy/girl or can be
locked at the toilet as a toilet slut).
139. Important warning: Begging must be kept to an absolute minimum. Slave is there to service Master’s
needs and He will decide what His slave may have, or need, in order to fulfil that service to Him. Master

does accept that on rare occasions His slave may believe it needs to ask for something. In this scenario then
only when slave has completed all allocated duties/tasks/actions for Master it may kneel in front of Him with
its eyes down and ask, once, to be allowed to ask a question. If given permission it may then beg to be
granted permission for whatever it believes it wants. If not given and answer or not given permission it must
remain silently where it is until given another instruction. If given permission it must complete the request
immediately as it is now an order from Master. Slave will be punished for begging if Master decides what it
is begging for is inappropriate or insufficient time has passed since it last requested permission to beg. Slave
will be severely punished for any breach of the contract of voluntary slavery. Slave will be severely
punished for breaking any of rules of slavery defined in this document. Slave cannot stop any punishment no
matter how long or severe. In all matters relating to punishment Master’s decision is final and any attempt
by slave to influence or change that decision will result in further severe punishment. If slave cannot
immediately obey an instruction it must kneel in front of Master and state it cannot complete the instruction
and submit itself for punishment. Master will routinely severely punish slave in order to remind it of its
status as a pain slave and to continually train it to better serve Master and to be a better slave.
140. Final warnings: Slave may be severely punished purely for Master’s pleasure, and slave cannot stop the
punishment. Slave may also be severely punished by any third party authorised by Master’s purely for their
pleasure or the pleasure of any other persons present. slave cannot stop the punishment. Standard
punishment for slave for an offence it commits will be hard strokes of the punishment cane while slave is
tied down over the punishment stool. Master may alter the punishment at His discretion as He feels
appropriate. For an offence defined, by Master, as serious then slave will receive beating which will be as
long and hard, with as many implements and in as many positions as Master deems appropriate.
End of Rules and Regulations between Master and Slave
(Date and signatures required)

Another sample of contract

Sample Consensual "Slavery" Contract

(Author Unknown)
NOTE: It should go without saying that a "contract" such as this is not legally binding. Documents such as these are
intended only to provide a fantasy environment for extended role-playing.

1.0.0 Slave's Role
The slave agrees to submit completely to the master in all ways. There are no boundaries of place, time, or situation in
which the slave may wilfully refuse to obey the directive of the master without risking punishment, except in situations
where the slave's veto (see section 1.0.1) applies. The slave also agrees that, once entered into the Slavery Contract, their
body belongs to their master ,, to be used as seen fit, within the guidelines defined herein. All of the slave's possessions
likewise belong to the master , including all assets, finances, and material goods, to do with as they see fit. The slave agrees
to please the master to the best of their ability, in that they now exist solely for the pleasure of said master .
1.0.1 Slave's Veto
The slave, where appropriate, holds veto power over any command given by the master , at which time they may rightfully
refuse to obey that command. This power may only be invoked under the following circumstances, or where agreed by both
master and slave:
1. Where said command conflicts with any existing laws and may lead to fines, arrest, or prosecution of the slave .
2. Where said command may cause extreme damage to slave's life, such as losing their job, causing family stress, etc.
3. Where said command may cause permanent bodily harm (see 4.0.0) to the slave .
4. Where said command may cause psychological trauma to the slave, such as a rape scene for a slave that has been
raped in the past.
2.0.0 Master's Role
The master accepts the responsibility of the slave's body and worldly possessions, to do with as they see fit, under the
provisions determined in this contract. The master agrees to care for the slave , to arrange for the safety and well-being of
the slave , as long as they own the slave . The master also accepts the commitment to treat the slave properly, to train the
slave, punish the slave, love the slave, and use the slave as they see fit.

3.0.0 Punishment
The slave agrees to accept any punishment the master decides to inflict, whether earned or not.
3.0.1 Rules of Punishment
Punishment of the slave is subject to certain rules designed to protect the slave from intentional abuse or permanent bodily
harm (see 4.0.0). Punishment must not incur permanent bodily harm, or the following forms of abuse:

1. Blood may not be drawn at any time. Punishment must stop immediately if blood is drawn
2. Burning the body
3. Drastic loss of circulation
4. Causing internal bleeding
5. Loss of consciousness
6. Withholding of any necessary materials, such as food, water, or sunlight for extended periods of time
4.0.0 Permanent Bodily Harm
Since the body of the slave now belongs to the master , it is the master's responsibility to protect that body from permanent
bodily harm. Should the slave ever come to permanent bodily harm during the course of punishment or in any other slavery
related activity, whether by intention or accident, it will be grounds for immediate termination of this contract, should the
slave so desire. Permanent bodily harm shall be determined as:
1. Death
2. Any damage that involves loss of mobility or function, including broken bones.
3. Any permanent marks on the skin, including scars, burns, or tattoos, unless accepted by the slave .
4. Any loss of hair, unless accepted by the slave .
5. Any piercing of the flesh which leaves a permanent hole, unless accepted by the slave .
6. Any diseases that could result in any of the above results, including sexually transmitted diseases.
5.0.0 Others
The slave may not seek any other master or lover or relate to others in any sexual or submissive way without the master's
permission. To do so will be considered a breach of contract, and will result in extreme punishment. The master may accept
other slaves or lovers, but must consider the slave's emotional response to such actions and act accordingly. Under no
circumstance should the master allow such actions to unbalance the slave emotionally, or allow such actions to result in
ignoring the slave .
The master may give the slave to other masters, provided the rules of this contract are upheld. In such a situation, the master
will inform the new master of the provisions stated herein, and any breach by the new master will be considered a breach by
the master as well, subject to all rules stated in this contract.
6.0.0 Secrecy
All physical evidence of the slavery will be kept in total secrecy, except where both master and slave agree. Any violation of
this clause shall be cause to terminate this contract, should the injured party wish it. The materials and physical evidence
shall be kept under lock and key in a place acceptable to both parties.
7.0.0 Alteration of Contract
This contract may not be altered, except when both master and slave agree. If the contract is altered, the new contract shall
be printed and signed, and then the old contract must be destroyed.
8.0.0 Termination of Contract
This contract may be terminated at any time by the master , but never by the slave, except under special conditions
explained within this contract. Upon termination, all physical evidence of the slavery, including this contract, will be
destroyed, and all materials and belongings shall belong to the master , to be shared or kept as they see fit. The slave ,
owning nothing and having agreed to give up all worldly possessions and body to the master , shall once again own their
body, but nothing else, unless the master decides to give back their possessions.
9.0.0 Slave's Signature
I have read and fully understand this contract in its entirety. I agree to give everything I own to my master, and further
accept their claim of ownership over my physical body. I understand that I will be commanded and trained and punished as a
slave, and I promise to be true and to fulfil the pleasures and desires of my master to the best of my abilities. I understand
that I cannot withdraw from this contract except as stated in this contract.
9.0.1 Master's Signature
I have read and fully understand this contract in its entirety. I agree to accept this slave as my property, body and
possessions, and to care for them to the best of my ability. I shall provide for their security and well-being and command
them, train them, and punish them as a slave. I understand the responsibility implicit in this arrangement, and agree that no
harm shall come to the slave as long as they are mine. I further understand that I can withdraw from this contract at any

The whip that is used among participating slaves in farms and camps etc.

A Slave, in 21st century, is the a male human being that has, willingly, given up all its rights and exists only to serve and
please its Master, as he sees fit, for life or for a certain period of time, under strict rules, which are obligatory and brutally
enforced, depending on Masters will and needs.
© February 2017 – Satsang EBook Publications, Ghent, Belgium
Non-commercial – always free download wherever on Internet
Owner: Philippe L. De Coster, B.Th., DD (Copyright)


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