Cook Handout Appendix

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Handout 8.

1: Practice with phonemes and morphemes

Please identify the number of English phonemes and morphemes for each of the words
listed below.

Word # of phonemes # of morphemes

it _______ _______

child _______ _______

shoe _______ _______

smallest _______ _______

uncool _______ _______

teacher _______ _______

Handout 8.2: Selective attention task

f 5 v i b

7 m 4 s x

e 2 1 u r

t g y o 9

3 d 8 h q

Handout 8.3: Memory and cognition concepts
Please match the following memory and cognitive development concepts with their most
accurate description.

1. _____ semantic memory A = permanent store

2. _____ knowledge base B = body’s CPU

3. _____ sensory, short-term, long-term C = recalling the square root of 81

4. _____ brain D = lack of memory for early life

5. _____ attention E = “if-then” computational model

6. _____ infantile amnesia F = initially putting item into memory

7. _____ long-term memory G = Atkinson & Shriffrin components

8. _____ production systems model H = understanding one’s own memory

9. _____ elaboration I = units & levels of activation model

10. _____ automaticity J = knows little about topic

11. _____ metamemory K = conscious focus on object or memory

12. _____ connectionist model L = memory traces vary on continuum

13. _____ interconnected nodes M = strategy of repetition

14. _____ self-regulation N = task performance with little/no effort

15. _____ novice O = information known about topic

16. _____ encoding P = recalling your last birthday party

17. _____ episodic memory Q = currently active memories

18. _____ rehearsal R = strategy of verbal association

19. _____ fuzzy trace theory S = network model component

20. _____ working memory T = process of monitoring and

adjusting your efforts

Handout 9.1: Self-esteem brochure assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to increase your awareness of the role of parents in
creating positive self-evaluations and high self-esteem in their children. This is to be
accomplished by completing the assignment described below.

The rules for the handout are as follows:

1) Handout should be written as a guide for a parent with a disabled child/adolescent.
2) Handout should be 1 page on both sides (a tri-fold would be nice).
3) Handout can include both text and graphics (if possible).
4) Handout should contain both factual information about self-esteem in children and
some specific advice on how to raise self-esteem.
5) Handout information should include material from the text, at least one website,
and at least one journal article (all of which should be referenced on the
6) Handouts should look professional (i.e., watch your spelling and grammar).

Handout 9.2: Kohlberg’s dilemmas

Joe’s dilemma
Joe is a fourteen-year-old boy who wanted to go to camp very much. His father promised
him he could go if he saved up the money for it himself. So Joe worked hard at his paper
route and saved up the forty dollars it cost to go to camp, and a little more besides. But
just before camp was going to start, his father changed his mind. Some of his friends
decided to go on a special fishing trip, and Joe’s father was short the money it would cost.
So he told Joe to give him the money he had saved from the paper route. Joe didn’t want
to give up going to camp, so he thinks of refusing to give his father the money.

Should Joe refuse to give his father the money?

Why or why not?
Does the father have the right to tell Joe to give him the money?
Why or why not?
Is the fact that Joe earned the money himself important in this situation?
Why or why not?

The two brothers’ dilemma

Two young men, who are brothers, got into serious trouble. They were secretly leaving
town in a hurry and needed money. Karl, the older brother, broke into a store and stole a
thousand dollars. Bob, the younger brother, went to a retired old man who was known to
help people in town. He told the man that he was very sick and that he needed a thousand
dollars to pay for an operation. Bob asked the old man to lend him the money and
promised that he would pay him back when he recovered. Really, Bob wasn’t sick at all,
and he had no intention of paying the man back. Although the old man didn’t know Bob
very well, he lent him the money. So Bob and Karl skipped town, each with a thousand

Which is worse, stealing like Karl or cheating like Bob?
Why is that worse?

What do you think is the worst thing about cheating the old man?
Why is that the worst thing?

Was the old man being irresponsible by lending Bob the money?
Why or why not?

Handout 9.3: Matching self, gender, and morality concepts
Please match the following terms and concepts related to self, gender, and morality

1. _____ me-self A = identity status of commitment after crisis

2. _____ heterosexual B = male or female biological characteristics

3. _____ identity achievement C = possesses both masculine and feminine traits

4. _____ sex D = attraction to opposite sex

5. _____ hedonistic orientation E = emotion that one feels about one’s self

6. _____ gender intensification F = initial ability to categorize self as boy or girl

7. _____ sympathy G = social expectations for each sex

8. _____ self-esteem H = stage of Kohlberg’s moral reasoning

9. _____ androgynous I = possesses neither masculine and feminine traits

10. _____ gender identity J = ability to control and modify own behavior

11. _____ modeling K = attraction to same sex

12. _____ empathy L = understanding another person’s emotions

13. _____ gender M = knowledge of own defining characteristics

14. _____ postconventional N = conscious awareness that you exist

15. _____ identity diffusion O = conforming more closely to gender stereotypes

16. _____ homosexual P = process of imitating others behaviors

17. _____ self-regulation Q = identity status without crisis or commitment

18. _____ undifferentiated R = level of Eisenberg’s moral reasoning

19. _____ I­self S = feeling sorry for someone, but not feeling

their current emotion
20. _____ gender roles

T = all physical, cognitive, and social traits   
characterizing people of one sex 

Handout 9.4: Spanking as a form of discipline

Please respond to the following items using the rating criteria listed below. If you are
handing these results in, do not write your name or make any other identifying marks on
this paper.

4 = strongly agree 3 = agree slightly 2 = disagree slightly 1 = strongly disagree

Spanking is an appropriate form of discipline for infants. 4 3 2 1

Spanking is an appropriate form of discipline for preschoolers. 4 3 2 1

Spanking is an appropriate form of discipline for elementary- 4 3 2 1

school children.

Spanking is an appropriate form of discipline for teenagers. 4 3 2 1

Spanking that results in a crying, but no physical harm, is 4 3 2 1


Spanking that results in a physical harm is appropriate on 4 3 2 1

some occasions.

The positives of spanking outweigh any negative impacts on 4 3 2 1

children’s development.

Violence that children see on television is more harmful than 4 3 2 1

the real violence experienced when being spanked.

Handout 10.1: Matching concepts associated with
different developmental paths
Please match the following terms and concepts related to differential development.

1. _____ comorbidity A = criteria for gifted and talented

2. _____ neglect B = percentage of children with specific condition

3. _____ coercion model C = sequence of risk factors

4. _____ early-starter D = persistent violation of other’s basic rights

5. _____ inflexibility with routines E = condition of sadness and loss of interest

6. _____ psychological abuse F = verbal threat or rejection

7. _____ astonishing achievement G = kicking, burning

8. _____ prevalence rate H = criteria for mental retardation

9. _____ depression I = quick response aimed at pleasing an adult

10. _____ risk chain J = criteria for autism

11. _____ learning disorder K = two disorders at the same time

12. _____ protective factor L = disorder of constant fear and worry

13. _____ primarily-inattentive M = failure to provide nutrition or supervision

14. _____ conduct disorder N = blocking or reducing negative outcome

15. _____ below-normal intellect O = repetitive defiance to authority

16. _____ compulsive compliance P = conduct disorder pattern at young age

17. _____ anxiety disorder Q = difficulty with math, reading, writing

18. _____ physical abuse R = type of ADHD

19. _____ ODD S = fondling, exposure to pornography

20. _____ sexual abuse T = negative interactions with family escalates 

       into cycle of aggression

Handout 11.1: Partial network for “children”

Handout 11.2: Assessing your metamemory skills

To be completed by the student: Name _________________

Please read the questions listed below and then rate yourself on each item.

Rating scale:
1 = always 2 = often 3 = sometimes 4 = rarely 5 = never

1. How often are you late because you 5 4 3 2 1

forgot an appointment?
2. How often do you forget people’s names? 5 4 3 2 1

3. How often do you misplace important items 5 4 3 2 1

(e.g., keys, money)?
4. How often do you forget directions and need 5 4 3 2 1
assistance in getting somewhere?
5. How often do people describe you as 5 4 3 2 1
6. How often does your exam performance 5 4 3 2 1
suffer because of your poor memory?

To be completed by the roommate, parent, spouse, other:

Please read the questions listed below and then rate the individual named above on each
of the items.

Rating scale:
1 = always 2 = often 3 = sometimes 4 = rarely 5 = never

1. How often is the individual late because they 5 4 3 2 1

forgot an appointment?
2. How often does the individual forget people’s 5 4 3 2 1
3. How often does the individual misplace 5 4 3 2 1
important items (e.g., keys, money)?
4. How often does the individual forget directions 5 4 3 2 1
and need assistance in getting somewhere?
5. How often would you describe the individual 5 4 3 2 1
as absent-minded?
6. How often would you expect that the 5 4 3 2 1
individual’s exam performance suffers

because of their poor memory?

Handout 11.3: Memory and cognition concepts
Please match the following memory and cognitive development concepts with their most
accurate description.

1. _____ semantic memory A = permanent store

2. _____ knowledge base B = body’s CPU

3. _____ sensory, short-term, long-term C = recalling the square root of 81

4. _____ brain D = lack of memory for early life

5. _____ attention E = “if-then” computational model

6. _____ infantile amnesia F = initially putting item into memory

7. _____ long-term memory G = Atkinson & Shriffrin components

8. _____ production systems model H = understanding one’s own memory

9. _____ elaboration I = units & levels of activation model

10. _____ automaticity J = knows little about topic

11. _____ metamemory K = conscious focus on object or memory

12. _____ connectionist model L = memory traces vary on continuum

13. _____ interconnected nodes M = strategy of repetition

14. _____ self-regulation N = task performance with little/no effort

15. _____ novice O = information known about topic

16. _____ encoding P = recalling your last birthday party

17. _____ episodic memory Q = currently active memories

18. _____ rehearsal R = strategy of verbal association

19. _____ fuzzy trace theory S = network model component

20. _____ working memory T = process of monitoring and

adjusting your efforts

Handout 12.1: Self-esteem brochure assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to increase your awareness of the role of parents in
creating positive self-evaluations and high self-esteem in their children. This is to be
accomplished by completing the assignment described below.

The rules for the handout are as follows:

1) Handout should be written as a guide for a parent with a disabled child/adolescent.
2) Handout should be 1 page on both sides (a tri-fold would be nice).
3) Handout can include both text and graphics (if possible).
4) Handout should contain both factual information about self-esteem in children and
some specific advice on how to raise self-esteem.
5) Handout information should include material from the text, at least one web site,
and at least one journal article (all of which should be referenced on the
6) Handouts should look professional (i.e., watch your spelling and grammar).

Handout 12.2: Understanding attributions

Please match the following examples with the attribution elements that best fit each
description. Please note that you need to record one element from each dimension for
each example (i.e., your answer should look something like: 1. stable, controllable,

Dimension 1: stable–unstable
Dimension 2: controllable–uncontrollable
Dimension 3: internal–external

1. A child watches a friend playing baseball catch a pop-up. The child says, “That was
pure luck!” When making an attribution about his friend’s behavior, which elements does
the child appear to be using?

2. A child passes her psychology test and says, “The fact that I am a good student and
studied hard really paid off.” Which attribution elements are best represented by this

3. A child says, “I did poorly on the exam but it was not my fault. The big problem is that
my dumb teacher always writes hard tests.” Which attribution elements best describe the
child’s attributions concerning their performance?

Handout 13.1: Matching brain and neural concepts
Please match the following terms and concepts related to neural development.

1. _____ cerebral cortex A = loss of unused synapses

2. _____ synaptogenesis B = the brain’s chemical messengers

3. _____ learning to play the piano C = connects spinal cord and brain

4. _____ dendrites D = experience-dependent example

5. _____ somatosensory area E = bottom middle lobe

6. _____ occipital lobe F = top outer covering of the brain

7. _____ axon G = branchlike structure on neuron

8. _____ synaptic pruning H = suppression of FMRP protein

9. _____ neurotransmitters I = location of the visual area

10. _____ glial cells J = nourish and support neurons

11. _____ brain stem K = contains nucleus of neuron

12. _____ fragile-X syndrome L = structure covered by myelin

13. _____ Wernicke’s area M = registers sensory input

14. _____ cell body N = structure at end of the axon

15. _____ terminal button O = expanding neuron connections

16. _____ becoming attached to a caregiver P = processes speech input

17. _____ myelination Q = experience-expectant example

18. _____ synapse R = production of fatty substance

19. _____ temporal lobe S = location of Broca’s area

20. _____ frontal lobe T = open space between terminal

button and dendrite of next

Handout 13.2: Suicide rates in United States

Handout 14.1: Ranking types of intelligence

Howard Gardner proposed the existence of numerous types of intelligences. Please rank
all of the types of intelligence on their level of personal importance (i.e., If you could be
endowed with high levels of a specific intelligence, which would you most desire?). Then
defend your #1 and #8 ranking by providing a brief rationale for your decision in the
space next to each intelligence type.

Ranking = 1 (most desirable intelligence) through 8 (least desirable intelligence)

_____ Linguistic

_____ Logical-mathematical

_____ Musical

_____ Bodily-kinesthetic

_____ Spatial

_____ Interpersonal

_____ Intrapersonal

_____ Naturalistic

Handout 14.2: Calculation and Interpretation of IQ scores

First, calculate the IQ scores for the 5 individuals listed below. Then, use the Normal
Curve IQ Distribution seen below and the rating system (also seen below) to interpret
each score.

Standard Deviation interpretation system:

scores between –4 and –2 = significantly below normal
scores between –2 and –1 = slightly below normal
scores between –1 and +1 = normal
scores between +1 and +2 = slightly above normal
scores between +2 and +4 = significantly above normal

1. 16-year-old Toni with mental age of 12: IQ score _____ Interpretation _________

2. 8-year-old Alex with mental age of 12: IQ score _____ Interpretation _________

3. 14-year-old Bobby with mental age of 7: IQ score _____ Interpretation ________

4. 10-year-old Jen with mental age of 9: IQ score _____ Interpretation _________

5. 4-year-old Oscar with mental age of 5: IQ score _____ Interpretation _________

Handout 14.3: Aspects of intelligence and academics
Please match the following terms associated with intelligence and academics with their
best description or example.

1. _____ intrapersonal intelligence A = contains performance components

2. _____ convergent thinking B = measure of capacity to work with others

3. _____ Spearman’s model C = author of Stanford-Binet test

4. _____ validity D = descriptor of test consistency

5. _____ divergent thinking E = “I = g + s”

6. _____ metacomponents F = author of intelligence tests across lifespan

7. _____ Lewis Terman G = focus on finding the 1 correct answer

8. _____ WIPPSI-R H = current intelligence test for adults

9. _____ interpersonal intelligence I = first paper-pencil test of school success

10. _____ inventive spelling J = dump in written ideas as they come in mind

11. _____ Binet-Simon Scale K = emphasis on intelligence in real-life settings

12. _____ componential subtheory L = “psychology” written as “sikolige”

13. _____ reliability M = supervises functions of other components

14. _____ knowledge-telling N = measures what it is intended to measure

15. _____ WAIS-R O = understanding and regulation of self

16. _____ Sternberg’s approach P = intelligence test for very young children

17. _____ David Wechsler Q = Triarchic theory

18. _____ Army Beta R = one of the first adult intelligence tests

19. _____ contextual subtheory S =  brings new information into the mind

20. _____ knowledge-acquisition T = generating many possible solutions


Handout 15.1: Identity formation assignment

This assignment is designed to increase your understanding of Marcia’s model of identity

formation, while also giving you some insight into your own identity.

Begin the assignment by asking yourself the following questions:

What is your current major?
How did you pick your major? 
If you have had other majors, what made you switch?
How have parents or others (e.g., teachers) affected your choice of major?
How certain are you that you will continue with this major?
What do you plan to do with your major?

Do you follow any religious practices?
If yes, how did come to decide on this religion?
If no, why have you made this decision?
How did you decide to select your religion or to not follow any religious practices?
How have parents or others (e.g., teachers) affected you choice of religion?
How certain are you that you will continue with this religious identity?

Do you consider yourself a member of a political party?
If yes, how did you come to decide on this party?
If no, why have you made this decision?
How did you decide to select your party or to not follow any party practices?
How have parents or others (e.g., teachers) affected you choice of political party?
How certain are you that you will continue with this political identity?

Using the answers to these questions please write a 3- to 4-page paper linking your
responses to Marcia’s types of identity development found on pages 518–519 of the book.
Specifically, discuss your current academic career, religious, and political identity status
(i.e., which of Marcia’s types of identity statuses best describes your current level of
identity formation). In completing the assignment, realize that it is unlikely that you will
be in a state of identity achievement in all three of these areas. In fact, it is possible that
you may not be in a state of achievement in any of the areas! This is perfectly normal and
should not be cause for alarm.

Handout 15.2: Modern cliques

Please think back to your days in middle- and high-school and use these memories to
describe 3 to 5 cliques that were found in your school. When describing these cliques,
please be as explicit as possible. This means that you should describe: 1) any
sex/race/ethnicity factors that might determine membership, 2) unique dress/clothing
worn by members, 3) unique interests of group members, 4) unique language issues, like
the use of certain words or phrases, and 5) how this group fit into the larger scheme (i.e.,
considered popular, losers). In picking your cliques, be sure to choose at least one that
might be unique to your school or geographic area.


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