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Do Biostimulants Really Work?

where experiments have to be conducted during the pre-stress period (spring for
If there is a question you would like to in order to fine-tune the rate of applica- cool-season grasses and fall for warm-sea-
have an expert answer, there is a good tion, timing of application, tank-mix son grasses) (Figures 4 and 5). Once the
chance other members are also interested. compatibility, and synergistic responses plants undergo stress it is very difficult to
Just send your question to the Turf News with other products. Often you will observe any effects, since at that point the
editor at the TPI office via regular mail, come across products, which claim that plants are struggling to survive and gener-
fax (847/705-8347) or e-mail they contain 50 different strains of ally use up their carbohydrate reserves.
( microorganisms. These microorganisms When the bacterium is applied during
Questions need not be limited to agro- are generally spore formers and the prod- the pre-stress period, the plants tend to
nomic issues and problems. Production, ucts are formulated as a dry powder con- perform better during the stress period.
business management and safety are just a taining the spores. My question to these
few topics for consideration. companies is, "Why do you need so many
Ask the Expert continued on page 72

microorganisms?" It seems like the

Part I "Do Biostimulants Really approach is to throw in as many species
Work?" was provided by: Dr. Sowmya of microorganisms as possible and hope
(Shoumo) Mitra, assistant professor, that one of them works. A lot of these
Department of Horticulture/Plant and biostimulants contain iron or other
Soil Sciences, California State micronutrients and the sales representa-
Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA tive will show you nice pictures from
91768; smitra@csu' demonstration trials conducted at a cus-
tomer's site. Just by looking at the pic-
Part II "What Does Research Indicate tures it is almost impossible to differenti-
About Primo and Biostimulants" was ate the effect of the biostimulant from the
provided by Dr. Erik H. Ervin. response due to the nutritional compo-

nent. The observed effect is an overall
response and in order to differentiate the

What are biostimulants, and do effects separate treatments have to be
they really work? applied and the treatments have to be
replicated .
Having worked with biostimulants

The word "Biostimulants" is during the last few years my experience
• used in the turf industry to has actually been very positive. I person-
• describe any additives that stim- ally do not like the term biostimulants,
ulate turfgrasses. These include live bio- due to its non-descriptive nature and
logical organisms, plant extracts, spores of hence in this article I will refer to the
microorganisms, plant growth regulators products as live biological organisms like
and even nutritional supplements. A Azospirillum spp. or spores of microor-
number of small and large companies ganisms like mycorhizzae, or plant growth
have introduced a myriad of products, regulators like cytokinins.
which claim to not only stimulate the During the last three years I have
plants but also prevent some diseases by worked extensively with a live organism
promoting plant health. Often the claims called Azospirillum spp., which is a plant
are not supported by any research infor- growth promoting rhizobacterium
mation. Companies even state "Research (PGPR). Azospirillum colonizes the roots
was conducted by "X" professor at a "Y" of turf grasses and increases the synthesis
university." Statements like this are often of hormones mainly indole acetic acid
misleading and actually do not show any (IAA), which is an auxin. It promotes
data substantiating their claims. root development and the effects can be
Companies do not want to spend time observed in both cool and warm-season
and money to develop the products and grasses (Figures 1, 2 and 3A-B). The
end up launching products that have not most important key to success is the
been developed properly. Each product application timing. Optimum results are
has to go through a development process observed when the bacterium is applied

TPI Tuif News: January / February 2003

Ask the Expert continuedfrom page 71 these applications will be
dictated by the method of
Some of these microor-
ganisms are very specific to
their host hence the same
product might not work
for all plant species.
Micorrhizae are beneficial
fungus, which colonize the
roots of certain turf grasses Figure 4
and increases the physical Root and shoot growth and development of cool-season turfgrasses
surface area of roots. as affected by seasonal fluctuations.
There are two types of
micorrhizae, ecto and
endo-mycorrhizae. Ecto-
mycorrhizae colonize the
roots of certain trees and
endo-mycorrhizae colonize
on turf grass roots.
Vesicular arbuscular mycor-
rhizae (VAM) are a type of
endo-mycorrhizae, which
colonize the roots of both
warm and cool-season turf-
grasses. The best way to
apply the spores of mycor-
rhizae is during final land Figure 5
preparation. The spores Root and shoot growth and development of warm-season
Physiologically the plants have been can be mixed into the soil turfgrasses as affected by seasonal fluctuations.
observed to increase chlorophyll content in order to get proper contact with turf- region and split it into two halves, keep
and, as a result, photosynthetic efficiency grass roots. one portion untreated and treat the other
increases due to the application of the There are some biostimulants, which half. Observe any visual symptoms, pull
bacterium. When live biological organ- contain plant growth regulators like out root plugs and wash them to observe
isms are used proper care should be taken cytokinins and auxins. Researchers have any changes in root development. Rate
during application. These products reported that application of cytokinins the turf based on color and quality on a
should be applied during late evening or may provide some beneficial physiological visual rating scale.
early morning to avoid harmful UV rays effects when applied during stress periods. ttTP1
and high temperature desiccation of the Ask the sales representative for any
research data before you buy a product.
Info Central
organisms. These products should not be
tank-mixed with other pesticides and If possible conduct a demonstration trial
Key Words: biostimulants, growth
should be watered-in as soon as possible on a small area before you apply the
Category Codes: RS
after application. Plant responses due to product on a large area. Mark out a

What Does Research Indicate

bout Primo and Biostimulants
In my quest for profitability, two of my biggest road
By Dr. Erik H. Ervin. Ph.D., assistant
• blocks are the time it takes to establish a harvestable bluegrass or fescue sod and
professor, Turfgrass Ecology and
• poor summer shelf life. Recently I was told that Primo and some biostimulants
Physiology, Virginia Polytechnic
might provide help in these areas. Has any research been done on these topics?
Institute and State University.
If so, what has been found?

Dear reader, you are in luck, I have conducted research on these particular top-
• ics over the last six years. Specifically, I have found that multiple applications
• of Primo (trinexapac-ethyl) have increased tiller density of Kentucky bluegrass

72 TPI Turf News: January I February 2003

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