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Descriptive essay

1)​Specific Topic​: Long-legged flies’ reflexes

2)​Thesis statement​: Long-legged flies have the fastest
reflex of all members of the animal kingdom.
I. Introduction
A. General statement
II. Body
A. Characteristics
B. Their reflexes
III. Conclusion
A. General statement


Faster than the Flash?

When I say “The Flash”, I believe the first reaction

you might have is to think about speed, but today I’m
going to talk about reflex speed, or more preferably, the
fastest reflex speed. The record is held by the
Dolichopodidae Family A.K.A. Long-legged flies for the
fastest reflex of all members of the animal kingdom.

Long-legged flies or Dolichopodidae is a family of

over 7,000 described species. They, like their name, have
long and slender legs. The middle upper part of their head
or the fron is wide with the eye separated from it. The
wings are often clear or in some species, are patterned in
a strong colour. The body of the flies is flat. Their
posture is often like they are standing high on their legs
with their body almost straight up. With the ability to
escape repeatedly in such very little time, long-legged
flies developed a bright color skin which is easier to be
remembered by predators so that they won’t be hunting by
memory which is an energy saving characteristic. An
experiment proceeded by the University of Florida shows
the long-legged fly’s visual startle reflex caused by the
flash of a Canon EOS camera with a shutter speed of 5
milliseconds. It is shown as a result that the long-legged
fly was startled by the flash and attempted to fly away
before the picture is taken 9 out of 10 times meaning its
reflex is faster than 5 ms, perhaps 2 ms from speculation.
This remarkable reaction time is undeniably a major factor
of the prey defence mechanism.

In this world, “extreme” is yet another choice of

nature selection. This word is applied in many species but
when it comes to reaction time, you have to give it to the
long-legged flies.

300 words

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