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PHYSICAL REVIEW E 72, 046304 共2005兲

Cross-property correlations and permeability estimation in sandstone

Christoph H. Arns,1 Mark A. Knackstedt,1,2 and Nicos S. Martys3

Department of Applied Mathematics, Research School of Physical Sciences and Engineering, Australian National University,
Canberra ACT 0200, Australia
School of Petroleum Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia
Materials and Construction Research Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg,
Maryland 20899-8600, USA
共Received 1 June 2005; revised manuscript received 10 August 2005; published 5 October 2005兲

We computationally investigate cross-property correlations linking fluid permeability to conductive proper-

ties in sedimentary rock for a number of pore size parameters based on three-dimensional digitized rock
images. In particular, we focus on correlations based on the pore volume-to-surface-area ratio 共V p / S兲, a critical
channel diameter ᐉc associated with mercury porosimetry measurements, length scales associated with the
nuclear magnetic resonance relaxation time T2, as well as the mean survival time 具␶典. Differences between the
length scales are discussed. All these correlations yield good agreement with our simulations, but permeability
estimates based on the critical diameter ᐉc are found to be most reliable.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.72.046304 PACS number共s兲: 47.55.⫺t, 91.60.⫺x, 61.43.⫺j

I. INTRODUCTION parameters used in the estimation of fluid permeability on the

same digitized images. In particular, we focus on the pore
A long standing and important problem in the study of
volume-to-surface-area ratio 共V p / S兲, a critical channel diam-
flow in porous media is to relate the permeability k of a
eter ᐉc associated with mercury porosimetry measurements,
material saturated with a single fluid to other physical prop-
and length scales related to restricted diffusion, namely, the
erties. In petroleum engineering and groundwater applica-
NMR relaxation time T2 as well as mean survival time 具␶典 in
tions direct measurement of permeability in boreholes is im-
practical, and correlations to measurements of other the infinite trap problem 关15兴. These length scales are used in
properties such as porosity, electrical conduction 关1兴, mer- a number of theoretical and empirical correlations to esti-
cury porosimetry 关2,3兴, and NMR response 关4–6兴 have been mate permeability. We perform a direct examination of cross-
used to estimate permeability 关7,8兴. This has led to a number property correlations on the basis of the digitized images. All
of proposed relationships between fluid permeability and correlations give good agreement but estimates based on the
other properties 关2,8,9兴. Testing of these correlations, where critical diameter ᐉc are found to be most reliable.
all necessary parameters can be calculated, have been limited The organization of the paper is as follows: In the next
to a periodic array of spheres 关10兴, model random sphere section the theoretical background to the permeability corre-
packs 关1,11兴, and stochastic reconstructions of porous mate- lations is given. In the third section we detail the numerical
rials 关12兴. In the present paper, our aim is to examine these approach and describe the geometrical and physical mea-
correlations on realistic rock morphologies derived from sures of Fontainebleau sandstone obtained in this study.
three-dimensional 共3D兲 digitized tomographic images. Comparisons of the different permeability correlations are
Permeability to fluid flow in a specified direction is given given thereafter, followed by conclusions.
by Darcy’s law
Q=− , 共1兲
␯ L A. Kozeny-Carman relation
where ⌬P = P2 − P1 is the applied pressure difference across a One of the earliest empirical equations for estimating per-
porous sample of length L with inlet pressure P1 and outlet meability is the Kozeny-Carman formula
pressure P2, Q is the macroscopic volumetric flux of the fluid
per unit area, and ␯ is the fluid viscosity. Equation 共1兲 is
analogous to Ohm’s law for the flow of electric current and k ␾共V p/S兲2
is the analog of the effective conductivity. k has the dimen- k= , 共2兲
sions of area and may be thought of as representing the
cross-sectional area of an effective channel for fluid flow
through the pore space. Accordingly, any estimate of k must where V p and S denote the volume and surface area of the
involve an estimate of the length scale relevant to flow. pore space, respectively, and the ratio V p / S provides a pore
We have previously shown that accurate numerical esti- length scale. ␣ defines the tortuosity of the flow channels,
mates of conductivity 关13兴 and permeability 关14兴 can be ob- which is usually related to the effective resistance to electri-
tained directly from simulations on 3D digitized images of cal current flow across a fluid saturated rock ␴eff divided by
sandstone. In this paper, we measure a number of pore size the conductance of the fluid ␴ f

1539-3755/2005/72共4兲/046304共12兲/$23.00 046304-1

␴eff 1 ␾ space, and ␳ the surface relaxation strength. For small pores
= = , 共3兲 or large ␳, the bulk relaxation contribution is considered neg-
␴ f F共␾兲 ␣共␾兲
ligible and
where F is commonly referred to as the formation factor.
1 S
=␳ . 共7兲
T2 Vp
B. Critical pore diameter
Ambegaokar et al. 关16兴 considered the problem of electri- Real rocks contain an assembly of interconnected pores of
cal transport in networks with very wide distributions of lo- different sizes interconnected by pore throats which restrict
cal conductances. In such systems, it was argued that the diffusion. If interpore diffusion is considered negligible, each
effective conductivity of the system was controlled by the pore can be considered distinct and the magnetization within
largest conductances which form percolating or spanning independent pores assumed to decay independently. The de-
pathways across the network. Katz and Thompson 关3兴 ex- cay can then be described as
tended this approach to a description of the permeability of
sedimentary rock, arguing that permeability can be correlated
to ᐉc, a critical pore diameter corresponding to the diameter
M共t兲 = M 0共t兲 兺 aiexp −
冋 册 t
, 共8兲

of the smallest pore of the set of largest pores that percolate

where ai is the volume fraction of a pore i decaying with
through the rock
relaxation time T2i. The multi-exponential distribution corre-
ckᐉ2c sponds to a partition of the pore space into N groups based
k= , 共4兲 on the S / V p values of the pores.
Permeability correlations are usually based on the loga-
where ck is a constant that depends on the distribution of rithmic mean T2lm of the relaxation time 关5兴
pore sizes. The value of ck derived in 关3兴 was ck ⯝ 1 / 226.
More recent work suggest that the correct value of ck should
be larger by a factor of 2-4 关7,17兴. The latter correlation was
derived for systems exhibiting a very broad distribution of
pore sizes. When considering a system with a narrow distri-
T2lm = exp − 冤 兺i ailn共T2i兲
兺 ai 冥 , 共9兲

bution, a single cylindrical pore type gives the classical which is assumed to be related to an average V p / S or pore
Washburn result ck = 1 / 32. For hyperbolic system, e.g., size. Commonly used NMR response/permeability correla-
converging-diverging pores where one of the mean curva- tions include those of the form
tures and therefore the Gaussian curvature is negative, one c⬘
observes 关18兴 ck ⯝ 1 / 20. Since the parameter ck in Katz- k = a⬘␾b⬘T2lm , 共10兲
Thompson varies only slowly across a broad range of pore with classical factors 关5,7兴 a⬘ = 1, b⬘ = 4, c⬘ = 2, and
shapes and pore size distributions, the Katz-Thompson rela-
tionship can be expected to be a fairly robust predictor of k. k = a⬘Fb⬘T2lm , 共11兲
A feature of this method is that ᐉc can be directly mea-
sured from mercury intrusion experiments. Katz and Thomp- with standard factors b⬘ = −1, c⬘ = 2. The latter equation with
son 关3兴 argue that ᐉc is given by the position of the inflection standard factors is of the same form as Eq. 共2兲 in the fast
point of the mercury intrusion curve. diffusion limit.

D. Diffusion modes to permeability correlations

C. NMR permeability correlations
In this process M 0 uniformly distributed particles are al-
The connection between NMR relaxation measurements lowed to diffuse randomly in the pore space with diffusion
and permeability stems from the strong effect that the rock constant D0 and removed as soon as they hit the pore-grain
surface has on promoting magnetic relaxation. For a single interface 关11,21兴. The signal decay can be represented by the
pore in the fast diffusion limit, the magnetic decay as a func- diffusion eigenmodes
tion of time is described by a single exponential decay ⬁
M共t兲 = M 0 兺 Ine−t/␶n, ␶1 艌 ␶2 艌 ␶3 艌 ¯, 共12兲
M共t兲 = M 0共t兲exp − 冋 册
, 共5兲

where In and ␶n are the amplitude and lifetime associated

with the nth mode. The mean survival time 具␶典 is given by
where M 0 is the initial magnetization and the transverse re-
laxation time T2 is given by 关11,15兴

⬁ ⬁
具 ␶ 典 = 兺 I n␶ n =
1 1 S
= +␳ , 共6兲 dt, 共13兲
T2 T2b Vp n=1 0 M0
with S / V p the surface-to-pore-volume ratio of the pore space, and can thus be calculated by either a sum over the diffusion
T2b the bulk relaxation time of the fluid that fills the pore eigenmodes after an inverse Laplace transform or by the area


under the normalized relaxation curve. The fluid permeabil- 共1203兲. Pore size distribution data are given on the full 4803
ity k is related to this diffusion-limited trapping problem samples.
关11,15兴 and Torquato and Kim 关15兴 proposed
␾ D 0具 ␶ 典 D 0具 ␶ 典 C. Geometrical length measures
k= = , 共14兲
␣ F From a single 3D digital image one can directly measure
a range of morphological parameters including ␾ , V p / S and
as an upper bound for permeability for a large class of struc- pore size distributions. ␾ and V p / S are evaluated by simple
tures, where D0 is the bulk diffusion constant of the fluid. counting of the numbers of voxels and faces on the image
Schwartz et al. 关11兴 further considered the correlation 关28,29兴. This counting method can overpredict the surface
␾ 2D 0具 ␶ 典 ␾ D 0具 ␶ 典 area; e.g., for a digital sphere the correction is about 1.5 关30兴
k⬀ = , 共15兲 共see also the correction factor used in the NMR simulations兲.
␣ F
which they showed to be a superior correlator to permeabil- 1. Maximal inscribed spheres
ity for sphere packs.
One technique for measuring the pore size information is
based on a classical mathematical description of the mor-
III. NUMERICAL SIMULATION phology in terms of basic geometrical quantities 关31兴. More
complete and generic descriptions of the basic concepts and
A microstructure defined by a digital image is already techniques are given elsewhere 关32,33兴. We define in particu-
discretized and lends itself immediately to numerical compu- lar the covering radius for each point in the pore phase—this
tation of various properties. In this section, we describe the corresponds to an opening size in the standard mathematical
numerical methods used to calculate the pores size param- morphology.
eters, NMR response, mean survival time, and single-phase The dilation of a pore phase domain A by a spherical
flow properties on digital images of sedimentary rock. 共circular in 2D兲 element B of radius R is the set covered by
all translations of BR centered in A
A. Image acquisition A 丣 BR = 艛r苸A,s苸BR共r + s兲. 共16兲
The digitized pore images were obtained from 4.52 mm
diameter cylindrical core samples extracted from each of The erosion is the dual operation corresponding to dilation of
four blocks of Fontainebleau sandstone with bulk porosity the complement Ac of A and corresponds to all points in A
␾ = 7.5%, 13%, 15%, and 22%. A 2.91 mm length of each not covered by a sphere BR centered out of A via
core was imaged 关22,23兴. The reconstructed images have a A 両 BR = 共Ac 丣 BR兲c . 共17兲
resolution of 5.7 ␮m resulting in 795⫻ 795⫻ 512 imaged
sections. Each grey scale image was thresholded using a The morphological opening O of a geometrical object A by a
kriging-based thresholding method 关24兴 to give a binary sphere of radius R is the domain swept out by all the trans-
pore-solid image 关25兴. From each original cylindrical plug lates of R that lie within A 关31兴
we extract a 4803 cubic subset for analysis corresponding to
OR共A兲 = 共A 両 BR兲 丣 BR . 共18兲
a volume of 共2.73 mm兲3.
OR共A兲 is the set of points in A that can be covered by a
B. Choice of representative sample size sphere of radius R contained in A. Opening filters out small
convexities and removes smaller isolated clusters. A size
When minimizing finite size errors one must ensure that rc共r兲 can be associated with any point in A, defined as the
the size of the system compared to some statistical length radius of the largest sphere contained in A that covers r. In
scale 共e.g., correlation length, mean grain size兲 is large. Er- the language of 关33兴
rors will occur if one uses too few voxels in simulating a
property. Optimally, we would choose a system size which rc共r兲 = sup关R:r 苸 OR共A兲兴; 共19兲
has an acceptable finite size error, but is still small enough to
rc共r兲 is defined as the covering radius of r. The cumulative
allow computational prediction of properties. Previous work
on Fontainebleau sandstone has shown that simulations of pore size distribution is then defined with respect to the ra-
petrophysical properties of Fontainebleau sandstone at a dius R
scale of 共700 ␮m兲3 were in reasonable agreement with pre- Vol关OR共A兲兴
dictions on larger cells 关13,14,26,27兴. This relatively small F共R兲 = , 共20兲
sample size allows one to take 64 independent 1203 samples
from each Fontainebleau image at 4803. The variation in po- where Vol denotes the volume of the argument.
rosity across the four samples as well as the subsections of Figures 1共a兲 and 1共b兲 illustrate the concept for a two di-
each sample result in a full property:porosity mensional example. Figure 1共c兲 depicts the point where cov-
共k / F / T2 / 具␶典 : ␾兲 relationship across a range of ␾ rather than ering spheres of r 艌 rc first form a connected vertical path-
a single data point. In the remainder of this paper, all cross way across the medium. In the language of mathematical
correlations between properties are based on this sample size morphology, Fig. 1共c兲 illustrates the point, where the domain


FIG. 1. Illustration of the mea-

surement of the covering radius
for the pore size distribution and
ᐉc. In 共a兲 a model complex 2D
media is shown; all simulations
reported in the paper are per-
formed in 3D. 共b兲 shows the cor-
responding field of covering radii
rc共r兲 of the white phase in 共a兲 with
the grey scale proportional to cov-
ering disk radius. 共c兲 shows the
covering radii for all r 艌 rc for
connectivity in the vertical direc-
tion. 共d兲 illustrates the covering
radii defined by ᐉc in the vertical
direction. The circles in 共c兲 and
共d兲 highlight the different critical
pathways which form within the
spanning cluster at breakthrough.

defined by 共A 両 BRc兲 丣 BRc first percolates. Figure 2共a兲 shows capillary pressure curve by considering all possible invading
the pore size distribution defined by the covering radius for sphere radii 共关32兴兲. Katz and Thompson 关3兴 argued that ᐉc
the four 4803 sandstone tomograms. can be measured from mercury intrusion measurements. The
maxima of the pore size distribution from simulated mercury
2. Capillary pressure and 艎c intrusion agree well with the values of ᐉc 关Fig. 2共b兲兴. In
ᐉc is associated with the diameter of the largest sphere Table I we review the values ᐉc and compare to the other
which can percolate across the pore system and is defined by length measures used in this paper.
the percolation threshold of a nonwetting phase penetrating
the pore space during a drainage 共e.g., mercury porosimetry兲 D. D. NMR response
experiment. To model this, one must slightly modify the al-
gorithm to measure rc and determine the diameter ᐉc of the The spin relaxation in the NMR response of a saturated
largest sphere which can pass through the porous medium porous system is simulated by using a random walk method;
关32兴. The result of this process is illustrated in Fig. 1共d兲. Note the Brownian motion of a diffusing magnetized particle is
that the connected pathway at ᐉc follows a different route to simulated. Initially, the walkers are placed randomly in the
the connected pathway defined by the maximal sphere radius 3D pore space. At each time step the walkers are moved from
Rc and that Rc ⬎ ᐉc. This subtle difference is due to spheres their initial position to a neighboring site and the clock of the
connecting across narrow throats 共see Fig. 14 of 关32兴兲; in a walker advanced by ⌬t = ⑀2 / 共6D0兲, where ⑀ is the lattice
drainage experiment the meniscus cannot pass through this spacing and D0 the bulk diffusion constant of the fluid, re-
narrow throat while the covering radius connects across the flecting Brownian dynamics. An attempt to go to a closed
throat. In the language of mathematical morphology the con- site will kill the walker with probability ␥ / 6 , 0 艋 ␥ 艋 1 关35兴.
nected cluster is defined when 共A 両 Bᐉc兲 first percolates. The The killing probability ␥ is related to the surface relaxivity ␳,
resultant domain after opening is given by 共A 両 Bᐉc兲 丣 Bᐉc a phenomenological parameter quantifying the strength of
关34兴. One can simulate a complete digital mercury intrusion surface-enhanced relaxation 关6,36兴, via


FIG. 2. Probability density functions of pore diameter 共a兲 by the FIG. 3. Probability density functions of diffusion length scales.
maximal sphere algorithm 共2rc兲 and 共b兲 derived from a drainage 共a兲 pore diameter inferred from inversion of NMR relaxation data
simulation 共Ref. 关32兴兲. The vertical bars in 共b兲 indicate the position under the assumptions of fast diffusion and spherical pores. 共b兲
of lc and coincide reasonably with the maxima of the curves 共within spectrum of eigenmodes contributing to the first passage length
voxel accuracy兲. scale 关see Eqs. 共12兲 and 共13兲兴.

A␥ =
+O 冋冉 冊 册
, 共21兲
vanced by the time step ⌬t. By repeating this procedure for a
large number of walkers, the life time distribution of random
walkers is generated. This distribution is used to calculate the
magnetization amplitude as a function of time. The relax-
关21,37,38兴. Here A is a correction factor of order 1 account- ation time distribution is obtained by fitting a multiexponen-
ing for the details of the random walk implementation; we tial decay to M共t兲, using bounded least squares 关39兴 com-
use A = 3 / 2 关38兴. If the walker survives it bounces off the bined with Tikhonov regularization 关40,41兴. The optimal
interface 共returns to the previous position兲, and time is ad- regularization parameter is chosen by the corner of the
L-curve method 关42兴 on the unconstrained problem. All rou-
TABLE I. Comparison of different length scales derived on the tines were implemented in FORTRAN95 and use the LAPACK
tomograms. dVS , drc, and dlc are morphological measures, dT2 and library where appropriate.
d␶ diffusive length scales. ᐉc is obtained in three orthogonal direc- We used ␳ = 16 ␮m / s 关36,43,44兴 and D0 = 2500 ␮m2 / s,
tions and an average reported. All values are in micrometers. resulting in ␥ = 0.0242, to simulate the NMR response. In
Fig. 3, we plot the resultant pore size distribution
␾ 7.5% 13% 15% 22% 共dT2 = 6␳T2兲 from simulation of the NMR response and an
inverse Laplace transform. The pore diameters calculated
dVS = 6V p / S 64.9 75.0 90.6 85.9
from the logarithmic mean T2lm for the four cores
drc = 2r̄c 40.7 44.7 53.4 50.1 dT2 = 6␳T2lm are slightly larger than the value of dVS 共see
dlc = ᐉ̄c 17.3 25.4 34.7 34.1 Table I兲; this implies that for the choice of ␳ on this mor-
dT2 = 6␳T2lm 73.9 84.5 103.4 97.4 phology we lie slightly outside the fast diffusion limit. Com-
d␶ = 6冑D0具␶典 68.9 74.1 87.5 83.4 paring the distributions of Figs. 2 and 3 we note that the
algorithm based on maximal inscribed spheres gives pore


FIG. 4. Length scales dVS, dT2, and ᐉc derived directly on im- FIG. 5. Comparison of the numerical prediction of the 共a兲 elec-
ages. In 共a兲 we compare dVS and ᐉc, and in 共b兲 show that the varia- trical conductivity and 共b兲 permeability simulations for the Fon-
tion in dVS versus the diffusive length scales dT2 and d␶ is minimal. tainebleau sandstone with experimental data. The lines in 共a兲 indi-
cate best fits to the experimental data 共solid line兲 and numerical data
共dotted line兲.
sizes smaller than the algorithm based on T2. This is ex-
pected since the NMR signal decay is related to a structural
length V p / S defined for all shapes of pores while the maxi- 3共b兲. Table I compares the equivalent sphere diameter de-
mal sphere gives a measure based on assumed spherical sym- rived from the first passage time to the other length scales.
metry. For example, a long cylindrical pore would have just The difference between dVS and d␶ is small. Figure 4共b兲 com-
one structural length given by r / 2, while for covering pares for the 1203 subsets the first passage length scale to the
spheres one gets r / 3. Further, dT2 is determined by the larger structural length scale dVS and the NMR relaxation length
pore volumes, while ᐉc is thought to be 关3兴 associated with scale dT2. Again, the difference between dVS and d␶ is small
the pore throats and is much smaller than dT2. Similar over the full porosity range.
trends are observed when comparing dT2, dVS, and ᐉc on all F. Electrical conductivity
256⫻ 1203 subsets of the four cores 共Fig. 4兲.
The conductivity calculation is based on a solution of the
E. Mean survival time
Laplace equation with charge conservation boundary condi-
tions. The three-dimensional voxel microstructure is first
The calculation of the mean survival time is a special case converted into a network of resistors by connecting each pair
of the NMR routines described above. The same random of adjacent voxels by a resistor. A potential gradient is ap-
walk routines are used, but with ␥ = 1, i.e., infinitely deep plied in each coordinate direction, and the system relaxed
traps resulting in the slow diffusion limit. The mean survival using a conjugate gradient technique to evaluate the field. We
time is calculated by both methods suggested in Eq. 共13兲, assign to the matrix phase of the sandstone a conductivity
namely, either a sum over the eigenvalues after an inverse ␴mineral = 0 and to the 共fluid-filled兲 pore phase a normalized
Laplace transform or as an integral over the relaxation curve. conductivity ␴fl = 1. The conductivity is scaled to continuum
The relative differences for 具␶典 between the methods are un- values by determining a scaling factor as a function of po-
der 1%. rosity by the technique detailed in 关13兴.
The spectrum of diffusion eigenmodes contributing to the The formation factor, the ratio of the measured conduc-
first passage length scale for the full samples is shown in Fig. tance of the fluid filled rock ␴eff to that of the fluid itself,


given by F = ␴fl / ␴eff, is reported. The best fit to the conduc- lattice with 19 possible momenta components兲 关45兴. The
tivity simulation for all cores gives for the formation factor implementation of the algorithm is similar to that detailed by
F = 0.432 ␾−2.29 关Fig. 5共a兲兴 and accordingly for tortuosity 关46兴. The physical boundary condition at solid-fluid inter-
␣ = 0.432 ␾−1.29. faces is the no-flow condition which in the LB methods is
most simply realized by the bounce-back rule 关47兴. The pres-
sure gradient acting on the fluid is simulated by a body force
G. Permeability simulation
关48兴. Mirror image boundary conditions 关46兴 are applied in
The permeability calculation is based on a lattice- the plane perpendicular to the flow direction and all simula-
Boltzmann method 共LB兲 using D3Q19 共three-dimensional tions were performed on a L ⫻ L ⫻ 2L system; permeability is

FIG. 6. 共Color online兲 Permeability estimators using one-parameter fits. 共a兲 Kozeny-Carman, 共b兲 NMR T2, Eq. 共10兲, 共c兲 NMR T2,
Eq. 共11兲, 共d兲 first passage time, Eq. 共14兲, 共e兲 first passage time, Eq. 共15兲, and 共f兲 critical path estimator. The right column shows associated
cross-plots 关共a⬘兲 – 共f⬘兲兴.


FIG. 6. 共Continued兲.

measured in the central 共L3兲 subset. In all cases, the LB A. Single parameter fits to classical equations
relaxation parameter ␶LB = 1 is used. All values of k are re-
Here we fit the prefactor a in Eq. 共22兲 and use the classi-
ported in milliDarcys 关mD兴 共1 Darcy= 0.98692⫻ 10−12 m2兲.
cal values for the exponents given by Eqs. 共2兲, 共4兲, 共10兲, 共11兲,
Data obtained for conductivity 关13兴 and permeability 关14兴
共14兲, and 共15兲. The results are given in Fig. 6 and Table II.
are summarized in Fig. 5共b兲 and compared to experimental
The best fit for a共=0.00394兲 in the Kozeny-Carman rela-
tionship is plotted in Figs. 6共a兲 and 6共a⬘兲 关R = 0.917,
IV. PERMEABILITY CORRELATIONS s2 = 0.0943兴. Neither the trend of the data nor the variability
is very well captured. In Figs. 6共b兲 and 6共b⬘兲 we show the
The computation of k , F , T2 , 具␶典 , V p / S , ᐉc across three or- prediction of Eq. 共10兲 共NMR T2兲 with standard factors b = 4,
ders of magnitude in permeability on 256 independent c = 0 关R = 0.85, s2 = 0.082兴. While the residual error is rela-
samples offers an opportunity to test the commonly applied tively small, the prediction does not exhibit the wide spread
permeability correlations in a controlled fashion. The corre- in k for each ␾ and the correlation coefficient is relatively
lations for k discussed in section two 关Eqs. 共2兲, 共4兲, 共10兲, poor. Figures 6共c兲 and 6共c⬘兲 show the prediction of Eq. 共11兲
共11兲, 共14兲, and 共15兲兴 can be written as a function of a length for NMR T2 with a single parameter fit 关b = 1, c = −1,
scale dlen, a porosity exponent b, and a tortuosity exponent c R = 0.95, s2 = 0.0.090兴. The residual is quite large, but the
according to correlation coefficient is improved and the variability at
similar ␾ of the permeability is better captured. Despite be-
k = a␾b␣cdlen
, 共22兲
where dlen can be dVS, dT2, d␶, or ᐉc. In all fits to the 256 TABLE II. Summary of coefficients used in the one-parameter-
independent samples the mean residual error fit permeability correlations. Each set of coefficients resulted in a
permeability estimate which is compared to the simulated perme-

s2 =
兺 关log10共kcalc兲 − log10共kemp兲兴2 . 共23兲
ability. The quality of the fit for all correlations is given.
Empirical estimate a R s2
is minimized and the correlation coefficient
k = a␾␣−1d2VS 0.00394 0.917 0.0943

兺 共kemp − kemp兲共kcalc − kcalc兲 共24兲
k = a␾4dT2
0.145 0.846 0.0818

关兺 共kemp − kemp兲2共kcalc − kcalc兲2兴1/2 k = a␾␣ dT2

−1 2
0.00302 0.951 0.0897
k = a␾␣−1d2␶ 0.00407 0.941 0.0975
calculated. Here ᐉc , ␣, and k are considered in the three co- k = a␾2␣−1d2␶ 0.0251 0.928 0.0666
ordinate axes directions, resulting in three times the number k = a␾␣−1ᐉ2c 0.0331 0.953 0.0621
of data points.


TABLE III. Summary of coefficients used in the two- and three-parameter fit permeability correlations.
Each set of coefficients resulted in a permeability estimate which is compared to the simulated permeability.
The quality of the fit for all correlations is given.

Empirical estimate a b c R s2 Fit

k = a␾b␣cd2VS 0.0664 2.55 −1 0.898 0.0624 a,b

0.0269 1 −2.21 0.942 0.0507 a,c
0.0181 0.542 −2.49 0.945 0.0502 a,b,c
k = a␾b␣cdT2
0.112 3.86 0 0.850 0.0816 a,b
0.0467 2.50 −1 0.924 0.0596 a,b
0.264 4 −.376 0.861 0.0776 a,c
0.0197 1 −2.18 0.967 0.0479 a,c
0.0127 0.491 −2.49 0.970 0.0473 a,b,c
k = a␾b␣cd2␶ 0.0839 2.66 −1 0.912 0.0608 a,b
0.0315 1 −2.29 0.961 0.0480 a,c
0.0747 2 −1.69 0.940 0.0526 a,c
0.0216 0.567 −2.55 0.964 0.0475 a,b,c
k = a␾b␣cᐉ2c 0.202 1.99 −1 0.949 0.0490 a,b
0.111 1 −1.76 0.957 0.0448 a,c
0.0936 0.806 −1.88 0.956 0.0447 a,b,c

ing almost identical to the form of the Kozeny equation, 共11兲 关a = 0.0197, b = 1, c = −2.18, R = 0.967, s2 = 0.048兴. Again,
slight deviations from the fast diffusion limit are noted and the inclusion of the tortuosity exponent leads to lower vari-
the fit is slightly better. Figures 6共d兲 and 6共d⬘兲 display per- ability of the permeability and a good trend with porosity.
meability correlations given by Eq. 共14兲 关a = 0.00407, b = 1, The quality of the two-parameter fits are consistent with co-
c = −1, R = 0.941, s2 = 0.097兴. The one-parameter fit leads to a efficients given from permeability correlations derived from
good estimate of permeability, but does not capture the per- stochastic reconstructions of Fontainebleau sandstone 关43兴.
meability trend at the low-porosity end of the curve. The Figures 7共c兲 and 7共c⬘兲 present the best two-parameter fit in-
second correlation involving d␶ 关Eq. 共15兲兴, plotted in Figs. volving the prefactor and a tortuosity exponent 关a = 0.0315,
6共e兲 and 6共e⬘兲, gives a lower residual error but poorer corre- b = 1, c = −2.29, R = 0.961, s2 = 0.0480兴 for the permeability-
lation coefficient 关a = 0.0251, b = 2, c = −1, R = 0.928, first passage time predictor. While the one-parameter fits did
s2 = 0.666兴. Previous work for a sphere pack 关11兴 showed a not capture either the permeability trend at the low-porosity
better correlation for Eq. 共15兲 versus Eq. 共14兲; here the case end of the curve or the variability, again adding a tortuosity
is not clear. In Figs. 6共f兲 and 6共f⬘兲 we show the prediction of parameter results in an excellent fit. The data in Table III
Eq. 共4兲 using the critical sphere diameter ᐉc 关R = 0.953, shows that the porosity exponent b = 1 according to Eq. 共14兲
s2 = 0.062兴 and the error in the prediction. The single param- is clearly favorable to b = 2 of Eq. 共15兲. In Figs. 7共d兲 and
eter fit matches both the permeability trend with porosity as 7共d⬘兲 we show the best match from a two-parameter fit
well as the variability of the data reasonably well. according to Eq. 共22兲 involving the critical sphere radius
ᐉc 关a = 0.111, b = 1, c = −1.76, R = 0.957, s2 = 0.0448兴. While a
B. Fits to classical equations with varying exponents one-parameter fit to the data worked reasonably well, use of
a two-parameter fit including a tortuosity parameter signifi-
The two- and three-parameter fits apply the downhill sim- cantly improved the fit, while the three-parameter fit 共see
plex method amoeba 关49兴. All two-parameter fits optimize Table III兲 leads to marginal further improvement.
the prefactor a and either the porosity exponent b or the
tortuosity exponent c. Results of all correlations involving V. CONCLUSIONS
two or three parameters are summarized in Table III and Fig.
7. Of the two-parameter fits changing the tortuosity exponent From the visual inspections of Figs. 6 and 7 and results
c gives a much better fit to the data than changing the poros- summarized in Tables II and III we make the following con-
ity exponent b. All best two-parameter fits give a good fit to clusions:
the data 共Fig. 7兲. Three-parameter fits do not significantly 1. The most appropriate length scale for the prediction of
reduce the residual or increase the correlation coefficient 共see the permeability of Fontainebleau sandstone is ᐉc. This is a
Table III兲. reflection of the fact that permeability is mainly determined
The fit to the Kozeny-Carman relationship with varying by the size of pore throats and ᐉc is associated with the
tortuosity exponent is shown in Figs. 7共a兲 and 7共a⬘兲. Now the percolation threshold of a nonwetting phase penetrating the
permeability-porosity trend of the data is captured correctly. pore space during a drainage process; this is dependent on
Figures 7共b兲 and 7共b⬘兲 show the best two-parameter fit of Eq. critical throat radii. NMR permeability correlations do not


FIG. 7. 共Color online兲 Permeability estimators

using best two-parameter fits. 共a兲 Kozeny-
Carman, 共b兲 NMR T2, 共c兲 first passage time, and
共d兲 critical path estimator and associated cross
plots 关共a⬘兲 – 共d⬘兲兴.

perform as well, but still show a remarkably good fit to the poorer fit of the data to Eq. 共10兲. We also note that the use of
data. This suggests that throat sizes are strongly correlated to F for tortuosity leads to a more representative spread of the
pore sizes in this sandstone. The results for V p / S correlate permeability data for constant ␾.
strongly to T2lm. 3. The sandstone morphology studied here is fairly ho-
2. The most appropriate tortuosity parameter is the for- mogeneous. The acquisition of tomographic data for a range
mation factor. Comparing predictions of Eq. 共10兲 to Eq. 共11兲 of lithologies is ongoing 关50–52兴—this should allow more
we see that the tortuosity defined in Eq. 共3兲, 1 / 共F␾兲, is re- rigorous testing of the correlations discussed here for general
placed by ␾3. This implies that F = ␾−4 would hold. We find lithologies.
the best fit to the ln共F兲 : ln共␾兲 relationship given by F We note that most reservoir sandstones contain significant
⬀ ␾−2.3 共see Sec. III F兲. Only at lower porosities does one clay fractions; this is true even for relatively homogeneous
observe a shift to larger exponents. This may account for the sands like Berea 关53兴. The effect of clays will strongly affect


the predictions of F and T2. It will be important to study also thanks the Australian Partnership for Advanced Comput-
correlations in the presence of clays and we intend to do so ing 共APAC兲 for its support through the expertise program
in a future study. and the Cooperative Reseach Centre 共CRC兲 for Functional
Communication Surfaces 共FCS兲, BHP-Billiton and Statoil
Research who have provided financial support for the
project. N.S.M. thanks the HYPERCON program at NIST
M.A.K. and C.H.A. acknowledge the Australian Govern- for partial financial support. We thank the A.N.U. Supercom-
ment for its support through the Australian Research Council puting Facility and APAC for very generous allocations of
共ARC兲 grant scheme 共DP0345886, DP0558185兲. M.A.K. computer time.

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